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Her cheeke, her chinne, her neck , her nose ;
This was a lillye, that was a rose ;
Her havde so white as whale's bone,
Her finger tipt with cassidone,
Her bosome sleeke as Paris plaster,
Held upp twoo bowles of alabaster

--Partheniades (1579) by George Puttenham

"blazon foorth the Brytton mayden Queene."--The Arte of English Poesie (1811) by Joseph Haslewood

Partheniades (1579) is a poem cycle by George Puttenham dedicated to Elizabeth I. The part on the whiteness of is featured in many texts on whiteness and is mentioned in Ethnic Notions (1987), over a painting attributed to William Scrots. The excerpt is also cited in White over Black (1968).

Full text from Ancient Critical Essays Upon English Poets and Poësy (1811) by Joseph Haslewood


The Principall Addresse in nature of a New Yeares Gifte ; seeminge therebye the Author intended not to have his Name knowne.


Gracious Princesse, where Princes are in place, To geue you gold, and plate, and perles of price It seemeth this day, saue your royall advice Paper presentes should haue but little grace ; But sithe the tyme so aptly serues the case, And as some thinke , youre Highnes takes delighte Oft to pervse the styles of other men, And oft youre self, wth. Ladye Sapphoe's pen , In sweet measures of poesye tendite The rare affectes of your hevenly sprighte ; Well hopes my Muse to skape all manner blame, Vttringe your honours to byde her owner's name. The Author choosinge by his Verse to honour the Queenes Matie. of England , Ladye ELIZABETH, bodily * přferreth his Choise, & the Excellencye of the Subiect before all others of anye Poet auncient or moderne. PARTHE : 2 . CLIO. GREEKE Achilles , and his peeres did enioye Greate Homer's troompe for theyr high valiaunce : And Maro woulde in stately stile advaunce ; Æneas and that noble reste of Troye In martial moodes, Lucane did singe the chaunce, End, and pursute, of that lamented warre ; Of proude allyes , whose envy spredd so farre, As exilde Roome, all egall governaunce.

  • Sic, i . e. boldly.

c 2 XX Partheniades . Horace, honour'd August, the high'st of wames, And yet his harte from Mecene neuer swerude ; Ovid helde trayne in Venus courte, and serude Cheife secretarye to all those noble dames, Martyres of loue who so broylde in his flames , As both theyr trauth & penance well deserude All in fine gold to have theyr image kerude, For cleere recorde of theyr most woorthy fames . By the brighte beames of Cynthia the sheene Cupide kendled the fyres of Properse, Tibullus teares bayned Neæra's herse ; And ladye Laura her graces that grow greene ; By Dan Petrarche of Tuskan poets prince, Anacreon sange all in his wanton spleene : But proude Pindare he spilde the praises cleene Of all Liricques that were before or since. I singe noe bloodd nor battayles in my verse, Amorous odes, or elegies in teene, Churlishe satire as Juvenall and Perse : But in chast style am borne, as I weene, To blazon foorthe the Briton mayden Queene , Whose woorthes surmount them all that they reherse. That her Matie. ( twoo things except) hath all the partes that iustly make to be sayd a most Happy Creature in this World. PARTHE: 3. ERATO. YoutufuLL bewtye, in body well disposed, Louelye fauoure , that age cannot deface ; A noble harte where nature hath inclosed The fruitfull seedes of all vertue and grace, Regall estate, coucht in the treble crowne, Ancestrell all , by linage and by right. Store of treasures, honour, and iust renowne, In quiet raigne, a sure redouted migt : Fast frindes, foes few or faint , or overthrowen , The stranger toonges, and the harts of her owne, See p. 151. Partheniades . xxi Breife both Nature and Nourriture haue doone, With Fortune's helpe, what in their cuning is To yelde the erthe, a Princelye Paragon . But had shee, oh ! the two ioys shee doth misse, A Cæsar to her husband , a Kinge to her soone, What lackt her Highnes then to all erthly blisse ? That her Matie. surmounteth all the Princesses of our tyme in Wisedome, Bewtye, and Magnanimitye; and ys a Thinge verye admirable in nature . PARTHE : 4. THALIA. WHOME princes serve, and realmes obey, And greatest of Bryton kinges begott, Shee came abroade even yesterday, When such as saw her knew her not * : For one woold ween that stoode a - farre, Shee were as uther weemen arre. Iu trauthe it fares much otherwise ; For whilest they thinke they see a Queene, It comes to passe, ye can devise No stranger sight for to bee seene ; Suche erroure falls in feble eye, That cannot view her stedfastlye. How so ? alas ! forsooth it is Nature that seldome workes amis ; In woman's brest by passinge arte, Hath harbourd safe the lyon's harte ; And featlye fixt, with all good grace, To serpente's hedd and angell's face. • P. 161 . xxii Partheniades. That Wisedome in a Princesse is to be preferred before Bewtye, Riches, Ilonour, or Puissaunce : but, where all the Partes con cure in one pson , as they doe moste evidently in hir Matie. the same is not to be reputed an humane, but rather a diuine pfection . PARTHE : 5. MELPOMENE . The Phrigian youth, full ill advised, To iudge betweene Goddesses three ; All worldly wealth and witt despised , And gaue the price to cleere beawtee. His meede therfore was to win grace Of Venus, and hir louinge race . The wand'ring prince and knightes of Troye, Who first broughte bale to Tyrian towne, Coulde never finde comforte or ioye While Juno did vppon them frowne : Hir wrathe appeased, they purchaste reste, And Lavine lande theire owne beheste. I am not rapte in Junoe's spheare, Norwith dame Venus louelye hewe ; But here one earthe I serue and feare , O mayde Minerue, thine ydoll true, Wose power preuayles in warr and peace, So as thy raigne can no tyme cease . The Addresse. Princesse , yee haue the doome that I can giue, But seldome sitts the iudge that may not erre : Whence, to be sure , I have vowed while I live, T'addore all three godheads in your owne starre. Partheniades . xxiii That Vertue ys alwayes subiect to Envy , and many times to Perill : and yf her Maties, most notable Prosperities haue ever beene maligned , the same hath beene for her only Vertues sake. PARTHE: 6 . MELPOMENE. FAYRE Britton maye, Wary and wise, in all thy wayes, Never seekinge nor finding peere , When ere thy happe shalbe to heere, My mouth be muet in thy prayse, But one whole daye, Sweare by thine head, And thy three crownes it must needes bee, Whilest I admire thy rare bewtye, I am forspoke in spite of thee, By some disdaynefull curst feyrye, Or sicke , or dead, But while thy mighte Can keepe my harte queavinge or quicke, Trust me my lippes shall neuer lenne To power thye prayses to my penne, Till all thy foes be sorrowe sicke, Or dead out-right. They saye not soothe , Of grace and goodnes that mainetayne Them to be kinges so safe, so louelye; I see nothinge vnder the skie Abide suche daunger and disdaine As virtue doothe. Then if theyr bee Any so canckred harte to grutche At your gloryes, my Queene, in vayne ; Repininge at your fatall raigne, It is for that they feele to muche Of youre bountee * . . P. 181. xxiv Partheniades . A Ryddle of the Princesse Paragon. PARTHE: 7. EUTERPE. I saw marche in a meadowe greene, A fayrer wight then feirye queene ; And as I woulde approche her deere, Her head ys * shone like christall cleere ; Of silver was her forehead hye, Her browes twoo bowes of Henebye ; Her tresses troust were to beholde, Frizeld and fine as frenge of goldet ; Her eyes, God wott what stuffe they arre, I durst be sworne eche ys a starre : As cleere and brighte as to guide The pilot in his winter tide . Twoo lippes wroughte out of rubye rocke, Like leaues to shutt, and to vnlocke ; As portall doore in princes' chamber ; A golden toonge in mouth of ambers ; That oft ys hard, but none yt seethe Whout a garde of yvorye teethe, Even arrayed and richelye all , In skarlett or in fine corrall : Her cheeke, her chinne, her neck , her nose ; This was a lillye , that was a rose ; Her hande so white as whales bone, Her finger tipt with Cassidone ; Her bosome, sleeke as Paris plaster, Held vpp twoo bowles of alabaster : Ech byas was a little cherrye ; Or, as I thinke, a strawberryell . A slender greve swifter then roe, A pretye foote to trippe and goe ; But of a solemne pace perdye, And marchinge wth. a maiestye: Her body shapte as strayghte as shafte, Disclosed eche limbe wthouten craft ; Sic, read yt. * P. 204. # P. 205. P. 204. || P. 205 . Partheniades . XXV Saue shadowed all , as I could gesse, Vnder a vayle of silke cypresse. From toppe to toe yee mighte her see, Timber'd and tall as cedar tree ; Whose statelye turfe exceedeth farre All that in frithe and forrest arre. This markt I well : but loe, anone, Methought all like a lumpe of stone ; The stone that doth the steele enchaunte , The dreadfull rocke of adamante. And woorkes the shippe as authors speake, In salt sea manye a wofull wreake. Her hart was hidd none might yt see ; Marble or flinte folke weene yt bee ! Not flint, I trowe, I am a lyer ; But syderite that feeles noe fier * . Now reed aright, and do not mis What iolly dame this ladye is . The Assoile . This fleshe and bloode, this head, members, and harte , These lively lookes, graces, and bewty sheene, Make but one masse, by nature and by arte ; Rare to the earth , rathe to the worlde seene : Would yee faine knowe her name, and see your parte, Hye and beholde awhile the Mayden Queene. The Assoile at large moralized , in three Dizaynes. PARTHE: 8. A HED harbroughe of all counsayle & witt, Where Science dwells, makinge a liuely sprighte , And dame Discourse, as in her castell sitt, Scanninge causes by minde, and by forsighte; A cheer where Looue and Maiestye doe raigne, Both mild and sternet , havinge some secret mighte 'Twixte hope and dreede in woe, and wch. delighte Man's harte in holde, and eye for to detayne ; Feedinge the one weh. sighte in sweete desyre, Dauntinge th' other by daunger to aspire, . P. 180. + P. 214. d THALIA. xxvi Partheniades . Affable grace , speeche eloquent, and wise ; Stately præsence, suche as becometh one Whoe seemes to rule realmes by her lookes alone ; And hathe what ells dame Nature coolde devise To frame a face, and corsage paragon , Suche as these blessed sprightes of paradise Are woonte to assume, or suche as lovers weene They see sometimes in sleepe and dainty dreame, In femall forme a Goddesse, and noe Queene ; Fitter to rule a worlde then a realme. A constante mynde, a courage chaste and colde, Where loue lodget not, nor loue hathe any powres ; Not Venus brandes nor Cupide can take holde, Nor speeche prevayle, teares , plainte, purple, or golde ; Honoure n'empire, nor youthe in all his flowers ; This wott ye all full well yf I do lye, Kinges, and kinges peeres, who haue soughte farre and nye , But all in vayne , to bee her paramoures. Since twoo Capetts, three Cezaimes assayde, And bidd repulse of the great Britton Mayde. A verye strange and rufull Vision presented to the Authoure, the Interpretation wherof was left to her Matie. till by the Purpose discovered . [ PARTHE : 9. ] In fruitfull soyle beholde a flower sproonge, Distaypinge golde, rubyes, and yvorye ; Three buddes yt bare, three stal kes tender and younge, One meare middle earthe, one toppe that touche the skye. Vnder the leaues one branches brade and hye, Millions of birds sange shrowded in the shade : I came anone, and saw wth. weepinge eye, Two blossoms falne , the thirde began to fade. So as wthin the compas of an houre Sore withered was this noble deintye flowre, Partheniades. xxvii

That noe soyle bredd, nor lande shall loose the like : Ne no seazon , or soone or sokinge showre, Can reare agayne, for prayer ne for meede. Woe, and alas ! the people crye and skrike, Why fades this flower, and leaues nee fruit nor seede. Another Vision happned to the same Authoure, as comfortable & recreatyve as the former was dolorous. PARTHE : 10. CALLIOPE. A ROYALL shippe I sawe by tyde and by winde, Single and sayle in sea as sweet as milke ; Her cedar keele, her mast of gold refined , Her takle and sayles as silver and silke ; Her fraughte more woorthe then all the wates of Inde ; Cleere was the coaste, the waues were smooth and still ; The skyes all calme, Phæbus so brighte he shined ; Æolus in poope gaue her wether atwill ; Dan Neptune stered while Proteus playde his sporte ; And Neræus' deinty dauters sange full shrill , To slise her sayles, that they mighte swell theyr fill ; Jove from aboue his pleasant showers powrde ; Her flagge it beares the lowers of man's comforte : None but a kinge, or more , maye her abourde : O gallant peece, well will the lillye afoorde Thow strike mizzen, and anker in his porte. That her Maties. most woorthye Renowne cannot perishe while the Worlde shall laste ; wth. certayne Philosophicall Opinions touchinge the beginninge and durabilitye of the Worlde. PARTHE : 11 , VRANIA. O MIGHTYE Muse, The mignionst mayde of mounte Parnasse, Ever verdurde wth. flowre and grasse, Of sundrye hews. • i. e. sun . d2 xxviii Partheniades . Saye, and not misse , How long agone , and whence yt was , The fayre roundé worlde first came to passe , As yt now ys ? There be that saye , How yt was never otherwise Than as wee see it wth our eyes This very daye . There bee agayne , A secte of men , somewhat precise , Beleeue a Godd did yt devise

And not in vayne. Nor long agone , Onely to serve Adam's linage Some little while, as for a stage To playe vpon : And by despighte , One daye agayne will , in his rage , Crushe it all as a kicson cage , And spill it quite. Some weene it must Come by recourse of praty moates , Far finer then the smallest groates Of sand or dust That swarme in sonne

Clingioge as faste as little clotes , Or burres vppon younge childrens' cotes, That slise and runne . Other suppose , A yoūs approcht , and by reason Broughte it to shape and to season From a chaos . But some tech us , By playne proofes , whye yt were begone, Nor never more shalbe undone, But byde even thus . 1 Partheniades . Whoorlinge his whott, And endlesse roundell wth. a throwe, Swifter than shaft out of a bowe, Or cannon shott : O bootlesse carke Of mortall men, searchinge to knowe Or this or that, since he must rowe The dolefull barke Which Charon guy des. Fraught full of shadows colde and starke, That ferrye to the coontryes darke, Tendinge theyr tydes ; Since stoute nor stronge, Metall por moulde of worldlye warke, Nor writt of any cunninge clarke, Can last soe longe To outlast the skye ; Honour, empire, nor erthly name, Saue my Princesse most woorthye fame, Which cannot dye ! PURPOSE. Howe twoo principall Exploytes of her Matie. since shee came to the Crowne, to weete, Establishment of Religion and Peace, doe assuredly promise her in this life a most prosperous raigne ; and, after her death, a woorthye and longe lastinge name, What Causes mooved so many Forreinge Princes to bee Sutours to her Matie. for Mariage ; and what, by coniecture, hath hitherto mooved her to refuse them all . PARTHE: 12. VRANIA. Not youre bewty , most gratious Soveraigne, Nor maydenly lookes, mayntaynde wth. maiestye, Your stately porte, wcho dothe not matche but stayne, For your Pallas, your presence, and your tray ne ; All Princes courtes, myne eye coulde ever see, • XXX Partheniades . Not your quicke witts, your sober governance , Your cleer forsighte, your faytfull memory , So sweete features, in soe stayed countenance, Nor languages , wth . plenteous vtterance, So able to discourse and entertayne. Not poble race, farre beyonde Cesar's raigne, Runne in right line , and bloode of noynted kinges ; Not large empire, armyes, treasures domayne, Lustye liu’ries of Fortune's deerst derlings ; Not all the skills fitt for a princely dame, Your lerned Muse wth. youth and studye bringes ; Not true honoure, ne that imortall fame Of mayden raigne, your onely owne renowne ; And noe Queene's ells , yet suche as yeeldes youre name, Greater glorye than dooth your treble crowne. Not any one of all these honourde partes, Youre princely happs and habites that doe move ; Or as yt were enpcell all the hartes Of Christen Kinges to quarrell for your love, But to possesse at once, and all the goode Arte and engyn , and every starre above, Fortune or kinde, coolde farce in fleshe and bloode Was force ynoughe to make so many strive Foryour person, who in our worlde stoode, By all consents, the mignonst mayde to wiue. But now, ( saye they) , what crueltye coold dryue By such repulse, your harte harder then stone, So many hopes of Princes to deprive ; Forsoothe, what guyftes God from his regall throne Was woont to deale, by righte distributyue Share meale to eche, not all to any one, O peerles yow, or ells no one alive ; Your pride serves you to seize them all alone. Not pride, Madame, but prayse of your lyon ; To conquer all, an be conquer'd by none *. • P. 180 . Partheníades. xxxi PURPOSE. Conteininge a resolution politique , touchinge thefeminyne goverment in monarchye ; wth. a defensive of her Maties. honoure and constancye, for not enclininge her courage (after the example of other ordinarye weemen) not yet to the appetite of most great greate Princes, eyther in the affayre of her mariage, or of her manner of regyment, What Thinges in Nature, Comon Reason and Cyvill Pollicye goe so faste linked together, as they maye not easílye be soonedred wthout Piudice to the Politike Bodye, whatsoever Evill or Absurditye seeme in them . PARTHE : 13. THALIA. PRINCESSE, my Muse thought not amys, To enforme your noble mynde of this. Sythens yee see all wordlye men, How they runo ryott now and then ; By mistakinge and want of sence, In thinges of little consequence ; Truly discerned as they maye bee , By one of royall Maiestee. And deepe discourse and earnest zeale, As yours is for all our weale ; Or ells it maye full oft befall, For thinges of no moment at all. Discorde maye grow by braule and iarre ; Thence faction ; thence cyvile warre : Which when the popular brayn is woodd, Coold not be stauncht wth.outen bloodd . And now betymes ye may prevente, By this humble advertisemente ; Shewinge the soome and points in cheefe That wholly make and marre this greefe : Remove misterye from religion ; From godly feare all superstition ; Idolatrye from deepe devotion ; Vulgare woorshippe from worldes promotion ; xxxii Partheniades. Take me from hallows ceremonye, From sects errours, from sayntes hyppocrisye, Orders and habites from graduates and clerkes, Penaunce from sinne, and merite from goode werkes; Pull people and theyr Prince asoonder ; From games to gaze at, and miracle to woonder : Forbidde pesauntes theys countrye sporte ; Preache all trothe to the raskall sorte : Pull prophane powles out of all yoke ; Let popular preachers beare a stroke : Remoue rigour from humane laws ; Credulitye from prophetts' saws : Let reason range beyonde his creede ; Man's faythe languishe, nor conscience bleede : Make from olde reliques reverence ; From publique shews magnificence : Take solemne vows from Princes' leagues ; From sanctuary privileage : Take me from publique testimonye, Booke oathe by trouthe or periurye : Take pompe from prelates, and maiestee from kinges; Solemne circumstance from all these worldly thinges : We walke awrye, and wander wth.out lighte, Confoundinge all to make a chaos quite, PURPOSE. Conteinynge an invective agaynste the Puritants, wth. ' singular com . endacion of her Maties. consyderate iudgment & manner of proceedinge in the cause of religion . The daunger of innovations in a comonwelth , the poison of sectaryes, and perillous yt ys to shake religion at ý roote by licentious disputes and doctrines. Partheníades. xxxiji That amonge Men, many Thinges be allowed of Necessitye, many for Ornam' , wch. canot be misliked nor well spared wthout blemishe to the Cyvile Life. PARTHE : 14. CALLIOPE . Deny honoure to dignity, And triumphe to iust victorye : Pull puisance frö soverayntee, And creditt from authoritee : Set magistrate fro counenāce ; Part veritye and false semblāce : Wronge and force from invasion , Fayned speeches from persuasion : Take hartye love from ielosye , And fraude from cyvile pollicye ; Moorninge and doles from buryalls, And obsequies from funeralls ; From holy-dayes, and fro weddinges, Minstrells, and feasts, and robes, and ringes : Take fro kinges courtes, intertaynmentes ; From ladyes riche habillimentes : From cour[t] ly girles gorgious geare ; From banquetts mirthe and wanton cheare : Pull out of clothe and comelye weede, The nakt carcas of Adames seede ; From worldlye thinges take vanitee ; Sleit, semblant, course order and degree : Princesse, yt ys as if one take away , Greene wooddes from forrests, and sunne-shine fro the daye. PURPOSE . Agaynste the same Puritantes, a desire of courtiers, and all auncyent courtly vsages, devised as well for the publique intertaynements as for other private solaces and disportes , not scandalously evill or vicious . xxxiv Partheníades. That her Matie. is the onlye Paragon of Princes in this oure age. [ PARTHE: 15.] BUILDE me of bowghes a little bower, And sett it by a statelye tower ; Set me a new robe by an olde, And course coppar by duckate golde ; An ape vnto an elephante, Bruckle byrall to diamante : Set Naples courser to an asse, Fine emerawde vnto greene glasse : Set rich rubye to redd emayle, The raven's plume to peacocke's tayle : Laye me the larke's to the lysarde's eye, The duskye clowde to azure skye ; Sett shallowe brookes to surginge seas, An orient pearl to a white pease * ; Matche camell's hayre to satten silke, And alloes wth. almounde milke ; Compare perrye to Nectar wyne, Juniper bush to lofty pine : There shall no less an oddes be seene, In myne from everye other Queenet ! PURPOSE. By the generall comendacon of her Matie. in the hihest degree of prayse, the author sheweth the vertue and envyous nature of a Para. gon ; and how Excellencye cannot appeere but by comparison . A Comparison shewinge her Maties Super-Excellencye in all Regall Vertues. PARTHE: 16. EUTERPE . As faulcon fares to bussarde's flight, As egles eyes to owlatts sighte , • P. 196. + Ib . Partheniades . XXXV As fierc saker to kowarde kighte, As britest noone to darkest nighte , As amerike is farre from easte, As lyon's lookes fears everye beaste, As soommer soonne exceedeth farre The moone, and everye other starre , So farre my Prince's prayse doth passe The famoust Queene that ever was * ! PURPOSE. All prayse by resemblance ys voyde of offence that by comparison odious be in the superlative ( be it never soe true), it savoureth a certayne grosse adulation, wch. being to her Maties naturall modestye nothinge agreeable , the authoure seeketh to salve the sore of her opinion, and his suspected sentence, by tempringe the excesse wth. a pretye difference made betweene a bare resenıblance and a coparison drawne out of the prin . ciples of iustice ; as yf one should saye, the prayse that ys justlye given ys well given , and ought not to be misliked thoughe yt surmounte the comon credite and opinion. An hymn or divine prayse, vnder the title of the goddesse Pallas, settinge foorthe hir Matie comendcon for bir wisedome & glorious government in the single lief. O PALLAS, Goddesse soverayne, Bredd out of great Jupiter's brayne ; That thoughe thou be no man mervells, All honoure and witt, and nothinge ells, Thow, that ner was widowe ne wife, But a true virgin all thy life ; Be it for some rare psidente, Of all feminyne govermente ; Or that thow trowe no godd above Was ever woorthye of thye love ; Thou that rangest battayles in fielde, And bearest harnesse, speare, and shielde; And in thine Vniversitye , The peacefull branche of olyve tree ; • P. 196. e 2 XXXvi Partheniades . 2. Lendinge out of thyne endlesse store, All mortall men both law and lore , Goddesse , as we poore pilgrimes weenie , Of spinsters , & of poets queene

And therfore hast , in solempne wise , Thy temples and thy sacrifise

Thyne himnes , thy vowes , thy noones , thy clerks , And all that longes to holye werks

The whole wide worlde for them to dwell , And Athens for thye chief chappell

But 0 , now twentye yeare agon , Forsakinge Greece for Albion , Where thow alone doost rule and raygne , Empresse and Queene of Great Brittrayne

Leavinge thye lande thye Bellsire wan Too the barbarous Ottoman

And for grief chaunged thy holy hawnte Of Mount Parnasse to Troynovaunte ; All Atticke showres for Tems to sydes

Tems easy for hys easye tydes

Built all alonge w mannours riche , Quinborow salt sea , brackish Greenewīh

Then that where Britton raygne begone , The Tower of louely Londone, Westminster old and new Pallace , Richemounte not great but gorgias

Kinge Hampton -court , y hath no peere For stately roomes and turretts cleere

Save Windsor set on Barocks border , That temple of thye noble order , The garter of a lovely dame gave ye first device and name

O Ladye , hence to hethennesse , Only vmpire of warre and peace

When cityes , states , countryes , and kinges , Creepe to the covert of thye winges

Thow canst dawnt thye forren foes, To ridde thye realme of warre and woes

th . Wch. Parthenſades. Xxxvii Purchasing peace wthout battayle ; So firme an one as cannot fayle ; Thy tyme not yet in tyme to bee, By any signe that man may see : Thow, that besydes forreyne affayres, Capst tend to make yerely repayres ; By somer progresse & by sporte, To shire and towne, citye and porte, To view and compasse all thye lande, And take the bills wth. thine owne hande, Of clowne and carle, of knight and swayne, Who list to thee, for right complayne, And therin dost such iustice yeelde, As in thye sexe folke see but seelde ; And thus to doe arte lesse afrayde, Wth. houshould trayne a syllye mayde, Then thyne auncetours, one of tenne, Durst do we troopes of armed men : Thow, that canst tende to reade and write, Dispute, declame, argewe, endyte, In Schoole and Vniversitye, In prose, and eke in poesye ; In Greek, Latine, & fine Tuscan , In Frenche, and in Castillian : So kindlye and quicke, as old and younge May doubte wchi ys the mother tounge. O thow, the lovely Mayde above, Who hast conquer'd the God of Love, And skapte his mother’ suttle gynne ; Triumphed one him and all his kinne. Yf thou be all ys sayde afore , Or yf thou be a great deale more, Then I can ytter any wayes, Not schiphringe thee of thye iust prayse, How longe ys ytere we forgett Thyne erthly name ELIZABET, xxxviii Partheniades . And dresse the as thou dost deserve, The titles of Britton Minerve ? In skye why stall we not thye starre , Fast by the syde of great Cesar ? Or ells apoynt thy plannett where Shines Berenice's golden heare ? For we suppose thou hast forswore To matche wt. man for evermore . Whye build we not thye temples hye, Steples and towers to touch the skye ; Bestrewe thine altars wth. flowers thicke, Sente them w. odours Arrabicque : Perfuminge all the revestryes, W * muske, cyvett, and ambergries ? In thy feast dayes to singe and dawnce, W lively lepsand countenance ; And twise stoope downe at everye leape, To kisse the shadowe of thy foot stepe ? Thy lyvinge ymage to adore, Yealding the all eartly honour. Not earthlye, no, but all divyne, Takinge for one thys hymne of myne !

See also

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