Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America  

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Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America is a book written by James Davison Hunter and published in 1991.

It concerns the idea of a struggle to define American public life between two cultures: the progressives and the orthodox. The book illustrates its framework of historical analysis through several of the contemporary issues of the time: abortion rights, school prayer, gay rights, and more.

Progressive and orthodox views are primarily systems of moral understanding. He identifies orthodoxy as a viewpoint through which moral truth is static, universal, and sanctioned through divine powers; contrasting progressivism, which sees moral truth as evolving and contextual. These two groups are locked in an everlasting "culture war" to assert dominion over the various institutional and systemic entities influenced by contemporary cultural praxis, most visibly the governing branches of America.


ABC (American Broadcasting Company, 144, 227 . Abington Township School District v. Schnnpp, 267 Abortion issues, 4, 19, 44, 49-50, 90- 92, 170, 226, 305; and accusations of totalitarianism, 150, 152; and Catholicism, 12, 18, 93-94, 130, 145, 162, 254, 277, 284-85; claims regarding, and public opinion data, 146-4 7; and denominational loyalties, 88; and direct mail appeals, 167; and education, 204, 212; and electoral politics, 275, 277; and the family, 194-95; and morality, 119, 127, 129; ·and motherhood, con~pt of, 186-87; and the new ecumenism, 99, 100; and Operation Rescue, 18, 49, 299, 316; and pluralism, 42, 114, 115, 309, 312; and public discourse, 159, 161; and Roe v. Wade, 13, 19, 162, 218, 253, 322; and Websterv. Re- . productive Health Services, 271, 285, 297 Accommodationism, 263-65, 269 Accuracy in Academia (AIA), 214-15 Accuracy in Media (AIM), 228 ACLU (Ameri~ Civil Liberties Union), 48, 99, 144-45, 147; 148, 150, 151, 162-64, 167, 197, 206, 210, 242, 252, 253, 261, 268, 271, 279,280,310 Act for Better Child Care, 98, 188 Adams.John, 109, 114 Adolescent Family Life Act, 268 Affirmative action, 42, 217-18 Agudath Israel, 95, 98, 100, 103, 202, 209 AIDS, 8, 194, 316 Ailen, Albert, 38 "Alabama Textbook Case," 261 Alger, Horatio, 38 America, 20, 61, 108; definition of, 11, 49-51, 61, 177; and democratic ideals of pluralism, 26; and freedom, concept of, 24; and national purpose, 32; and public culture, 61-64; role of, iii the world, 62, 116-17, 288-90 INDEX American Council of Christian Churches, 98, 139, 188 American Family Association, 100, 163, 228, 231, 232, 235, 236, 242, 245,303 American Mind, The (Commanger), 113 Americanism, 11, 83-84 Americans for Democratic Action, 144, 147-48, 150, 151, I63 Anglicans, 68 Annapolis Naval Academy, I92 Anti-Catholicism, 35-39, 69, 7 I, 87, 102 Anti-Semitism, 37-38, 70, 87, 102 Art, 28-29, 42, 51, 174, 225-49, 322 Asia, 73,289 Asian Americans, 218, 276 Asimov, Isaac, 154 Atkinson, George, 224 Authority: and the family, I82-86; moral, l17-28 Autonomy, 76, I86, I87, 3I4, 323 Baas, Jacquelynn, 238 Bakker, Jim, 295 Ball,. William B., 188 Balsiger, David, I46 Bandow,Doug,231-32 Baptism, 68, 88, 262; and education, I99-200, 207, 223; and gay activists, 9 I; and liberal views of the Scripture, I38; and the ordination of women, I85; struggle between fundamentalists and moderates and, 93; and women's rights, 100 Bellah, Robert, 3I9, 345nI Bennett, William J., 219, 300 ·.!Jernardin, Joseph, 93 Bible, 6, 45, 71-72, I20, 244, ~67, 270; and abortion, 4, I8, 20-2I, I29; and America, mission of, I09-IO; and education, I99, 200, 2I2; and fundamentalism vs. modernism, I43; and homosexuality, I89; inerrancy of, IO, I23; King James, 37, 69, I99; and morality, 103, 104; and the sciences, 79, 83; and theocratic models of governance, 262; and the work ethic, I 11 Bill of Rights, 49, 50, 55, I IO, I47, 24I, 259; anti-, movement, I50; and the Founding Fathers, I I3-I4. See also Constitution Black, Hugo, 262 Black Muslims, 73 Blacks, I I5, I95, 244, 276, 28I-82; and education, 22, 2 I 7; and segregation, I91. See also Race Blair, Bea, I7-2I, 32-34, 45, 47, 49, 100, I 14-I5, 322; as a "knowledge worker," 60; and progressivist appeals for authority, I23 Bloom, Allan, 220, 3I5 Bolles, Frank, 99 Bork, Robert, 98, 99, 252, 297 Bowen v. Kendrick, 268, 270 Bowers v. Hardwick, I9I Brave New World (Huxley), I52 Brennan, William, 252 Brewer, David, 257 Bright, Bill, I II, 112, I5I, 203, 234, 24I Britain, 36 Brokaw, Tom, 225 Brown v. Board of Education, 22 Brustein, Robert, 242 Bryan, William Jennings, 142, 282 Buchanan.John, I46 Buddhism, 73-74, 256, 259, 3ll Bush, George, 48, 74, 252, 276, 278- 79, 280, 300 INDEX 405 Campbell, Luther, 232-33, 241 Campus Crusade for Christ, 111, 203, 234 Capitalism, 78, 111-12 Carter, jimmy, 179, 251, 274-76, 280 Catholicism, 10, 83-84, 108-11, 302, · 304; and abortion, 12, 18, 93-94, 130, 145, 162, 254, 277, 284-85; and church_-state relations, 264-65, 279; and cultural alignment, 93-97; and the definition of religion, 256; and denominational loyalties, 86-88; and the "DuPage Declaration," 93; and ecumenism, 99, 101, 103-4; and education, 23, 26, 101, 198-211, 218, 221-24; and electoral politics, 277, 280, 281; and the family, 179, 181; fissures within, 74, 77, 78, 79, 86; and freedom, definitions of, 111; and gay rights, 10-11, 93-94, 153, 192-94; and immigration, 69-70, 71; and "infidelity," 137-38; and intermarriage, 87; and intolerance, 155, 156; and the media, 228, 229, 234, 244, 245; modernist tradition of, 80; and the ordination of ~omen, 185-86; and orthodox Judaism, 100; and pluralism, 77, 104-5; and the "pro-family" movement, 179, 181; and progressivist initiatives, 4 7, 78,79,80-85,93-97, 123,124,145, 153; and the proposition of "comparable worth," 127; and Protestantism, 35-39, 131-32; and public philosophy and national priority, . 116-17; Romanist traditions, 80; and sex education, 205, 222; and special agenda organizations, 89, 93-95, 99; and theological modernism, 95; and women's rights, 100 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 227, 228, 247 Ceaser, James, 284 Censorship, 239-47. See also Freedom, of speech Central America, 99, 163, 227, 280, 297 Central Conference of American Rabbis, 80, 99 Chicago Tribune, 36, 151 China, 156-57 Christ, 4, 11, 132, 224, 281; authority of, 185; language about, and progressivism, 184; and martyrs, 299; and modernism, 139; and philosophy of education, 23; resurrection of, 81; in The Last Temptation of Christ, 233-34, 237; and the work ethic, 111 Christian Century, 142 Christianity and Crisis, 115 Christianity Today, 242-43 Christianization, 145 Chronicles, 244-45 Church and state, 146, 163, 204, 207- 8, 261-62, 263, 265-71, 277 ,Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 257 Citizen, 98, 188 Citizens for Educational Freedom, 21, 47, 101,202,207 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 192 Civil Rights Amendment Act, 192 Civil Rights Restoration Act, 98, 223 Civil War, 50, 61, 213 Class, 52, 64, 118, 127, 180-82, 189, 210-11 CLeaR-TV, 228, 236, 303 Clergy and Laity Concerned, 102, 115 Closing of the American Mind, The . (Bloom), 220 Cockran, Bourke, 282 Colonies, 68, 151, 161. See also Puritans INDEX Columbia University, 216, 219-20 Columbus, Christopher, 48, 109 Commanger, Henry S., 113 Common Cause, 164, 252 Communism, 24, 88, 111, 128, 150, 152, 203, 278, 290 Concerned Women of America,·91, 98, i02, 145, 149, 167, 188, 203, 234- 37, 242, 270 Congress, 25, 167, 252, 254; and abortion, 14, 299; "American Families: Trends and Pressures" hearings, 178; and church-state relations, 264; and el~toral politics, 273, 274, 283, 285; and gay rights, 190-91; and the Hate Crime Statistics Act, 191; and the Supreme Court ruling on flag burning, 28 Cons~itution, 31, 55, 146, 151-53; and abortion, 49, 130; First Amendment to, 5, 102, 130, 151, 230, 234, 241, 242,243,254-55,257,259-60,261, 269-70, 298, 308-1 O; and flag burning, 31; Fourteenth Amendment to, 254; framers of, i 13-14, 147, 259, 283; 1.aHaye and Whitehead on, 110; Mulhauser on, 152-53; and religion in public schools, 24; and vol- . untary prayer, 91. See also Bill of Rights; ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Conway, Flo, 146 COR (Coalition on Revival), 296-97 Coryell, J. R., 38 Cousins, Norman, 150 Cranston, Alan, 167 CreationiSm, 94, 137-39, 153-54, 197, 271. See also Evolution; Scopes trial Culbertson, Rosamond, 36 Cultural Literacy (Hirsch), 220 Cuomo, Mario, 277 Dannemeyer, William, 189 Darwin, Charles, 79, 83, 85 Declaration of Independence, 11, 12, 55, 110 Dees, Morris, 165 Democracy, 56, 80, 83, 119-20, 147, 278, 318-25; America as a model of, 62; and electoral politics, 285-86, 287; and pluralism, 26, 27-:28, 307- 17; and moral language, 129-30; and public discourse, 60; and rationality, 114 Democracy in America (de Tocqueville), 161 Democratic National Committee, 164 Democratic party, 14, 97, 150, 274-81, 282 Depression, 102 Desegregation, 86-87 Dewey, John, 24 Direct mail, 152, 163-68, 191-92, 227, 323 Disciples of Christ, 92, 185, 193, 309 Dobson, James, 64, 98, 188 Domestic ·partners legislation, 3-8, 9, 190-91 Douglas, Stephen, 281-82 Duggan, Mae, 21-25, 27, 28, 32-34, 44,47,49,55,58, 101,209,28l;as a "knowledge worker," 60; and the orthodox appeal to authority, 121; on paren~· rights, 207-8; on Washington,. 23, 55, 110 Dukakis, Michael, 278-80 DuPage Declaration, 93 Durkheim, Emile, 131 Dwight, Timothy, 109 Eastern Europe, 69, 71, 72 Ecumenism, 97-102 INDEX 407 Education, 21-28, 38, 77, 187, 197- 225; and academic freedom, 141, 213-14, 215, 220; as an appendage of the state, 301; higher, 63; 76, 211-24; home schooling, 208-9, 301; and morality, 58, 127; and prayer, 198, 203-4, 264-65, 267, 268, 277, 324; and the separation of church and state, 264-65, 267, 268; sex, 56, 202, 204, 235, 310; and the "School Question," 198-211; as strategic in cultural wars, 174; and the struggle to define America, 50-51; and taxation, 94, 99, 207, 209-10, 267-68; and values clarification, 205; and vouchers, 22, 209-10 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 163, 251 Electoral politics, 175, 272-87, 296 Elites, 38, 96, 143, 207 Engel v. Vitale, 267 England, 19, 69. See also Britain Enlightenment, 115, 124, 125, 132 Episcopalians, 18-21, 68, 73, 92-93; and common Protestantism, 68-69; and gay rights, 193; and male-specific pronouns, 185; and women's rights, 100 ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), 27, 91, 96, 115, 127, 181-83, 204, 218, 275,297,304 Ethics, 21, 75, 81, 115. See also Morality Evangelical Protestants, 47-48, 85, 96, 130; and ecumenism, 101; and education, 202-3, 208, 209; and the family, 179, 181; and orthodoxy, 109, 121; religious individualism of, 128; and special agenda organizations, 91. See also Evangelicals Evangelicals, 12, 26, 32, 78-79, 92, 105, 108, 185, 224, 275, 302, 304; attacks on, 144; and church-state relations, 262, 264-65; and the conspiracy of the Illuminati, 137; and the definition of religion, 260; and definitions of freedom, 111, 112; and education, 221, 222, 224; and elector~ politics, 275, 276, 280-81; and the media, 229-30, 234, 244; political strategies of, 296-97; and progressivism, 152, 153, 154; and public philosophy and national priority, 117; and secular humanism, 145. See also Evangelical Protestants Everson v. Board of Education, 262, 266- 67 Evolution, 138, 153-54. See also Creationism; Scopes trial Exceptionalism, 62, 112 Fairness in Media (FIM), 227-28 Falwell,Jerry, 111, 113, 146, 151, 163, 167,222,234,276 Family, 27, 58, 95, 96, 126, 176-96, 305; and abortion, 19-'20; and authority, 182-86; definition of, 177- 80; and denominational loyalties, 87; and divorce law, liberalization of, 188; and electoral politics, 274, 275-. 76; and gay rights, 9, 180, 181, 190- 91; and humanistic ideals, 32-33; ideals regarding, and intolerance, 148; as an important symbolic territory, 173-74, 175; and obligation, 186-88; and "pro-family" movements, 179, 195-96; and the struggle to define America, 50-5 i; as a symbol of legitimacy, 14 7; traditional, fate of, 180-82 Family Protection Act, 179, 218 Fascism, 57, 150 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 50 INDEX FCC (Federal Communications Com- . mission), 236 Feminism, 21, 151, 160, 214, 253, 286. See also NOW (National Organization for Women) Ferraro, Geraldine, 276 Fidelity, 94, 202 Film, 174, 229, 235, 245. See also Last Temptation of Christ, The (film) Finney, Charles, 68 Flag: burning, 28, 31; as a symbol of legitimacy, 14 7 Focus on the Family, 64, 98, 188, 234, · 235 Freedom, 24, 62, 110-16, 151; academic, 141, 213-14, 215, 220; definition of, 110-12, 115-16; and secularists, 76; of speech, 86-87, 226, 230, 241, 242, 246-49, 250, 269-70. See also Rights Fundamentalism, 85, 139, 166-67, 183; and education, 25, 197-98, 223; and intolerance, 154-55; and the media, 240, 242; and modernism, 139-42, 144-45; and modern science, 137; and secular humanism, 146; and secularists, 75; and views of government and Christianity, 8. See also Fundamentalist Protestants Fundamentalist Protestants, 16, 48, 85; and education, 202-3; and "infidelity," 137-38; and the orthodox appeal to authority, 121. See also Fundamentalism Gabler, Mel, 205 Gabler, Norma, 205 Gallup surveys, 74, 87, 147 Gantry, Elmer, 140 Gay rights, 3-12, 42, 91-95, 127, 153; and education, 212, 217, 218; and the family, 183, 184, 188-95; and Judaism, 16; and the media, 247; and the new ecumenism, 100-10 I; and pluralism, 114, 306, 309-10; and Proposition S, 3-8, 9 Germany, 24, 36, 69-72, 80. See also Nazism Giamatti, A. Bartlett, 148 Gilder, George, 112 Glock, Charles, 87 God,201,248,276,278,279-81,311; and abortion, 13, 15, 19, 20, 129; and America, mission of, 110; belief in, declaration of, and the Supreme Court, 258-59; and conscience, 19; and conversion, IO; covenant with, 37; and education, 22, 23, 203, 222; and the essence of religion, 257; existence of, questions about, 119; and the family, 181, 182, 187; and hierarchy of authority, 27; and homosexuality, 130, 193, 212; and progressiviim, 123, 124, 184-85; and Protestant Fundamentalism, 153; and secular humanism, 25, 145; will of, 72 Good News (Forum for Scriptural Christianity), 92 Gore, Tipper, 243-44 Graham, Billy, 229 Gramsci, Antonio, 61, 62, 63, 64, 304, 306,330n6,33In7,389nl6 Greek Orthodox Church, 100, 270 Haberman, Joshua 0., 104 Habits of the Heart (Bellah), 319 Hadden,Jeffrey,299 Harlan, John M., 246 Hecker, Isaac, 79 Hegemony,57,61,69,202 Heilman, Samuel, 94 . INDEX Helms, Jesse, 164, 167, 227, 231 Henry, Patrick, 109 Herberg, Will, 70 Hinduism, 73.:..74, 256 Hirsch, E. D., 220 Hispanics, 22, 115, 217, 276 Hitchcock, James, 202 Hitler, Adolf, 150, 152 Hobbes, Thomas, 125 Homosexuality, 4, 126, 127; and natural order, 122, 126, 189; progressivist view of, 130. See also Gay rights Hook, Sidney, 121 Hoover, Herbert, 282 Hughes, John, 36-37, 199 Human Rights Act, 223 Humanism, 18, 25, 122, 124, 146. See also Secular humanism Huxley, Aldous, 152 Huxley, Thomas, 79 Hyde, Henry, 239 Iannone, Carol, 237 Ideology, 57, 105, 106, 157, 278; history as, 108-16; "legal," 263-64 Illuminati, conspiracy of, 137 Immigration, 69-70, 71, 77, 80, 198 Infidelity, 137-40 Ingersoll, Robert, 140 Ingraham, Prentiss, 38 Internal Revenue Service, 223 Ireland, 71, 79, 151, 218 Islam, 57, 73, 74, 81, 151, 256 Israel, 34, 81,, 128, 151 Jackson, Jesse, 146, 273, 278, 285 Jefferson, Thomas, 110, 232, 241, 262, 283,307 Jerusalem, 61, 94 Jim Crow laws, 191 Johnson, Gregory, 28 Johnson, Lyndon B., 195, 251 Judaism, 24, 29, 37-38; and abortion, 44, 94, 95, 121, 130; and biblical theism, 70-72; and church-state relations, 263-64, 265, 266, 268; conservative movement in, 84-86, 94; and cultural progressivism, 47-48; · and cultural realignment, 94-95, 96-97; and the definition of religion, 256; and denominational loyalties, 86-88; and ecumenism, 100, 101, 103-4; and education, 101, 202, 209, 210, 217, 218, 221; and electoral politics, 274; fissures within, 77, 78; and gay activists, 95, 193-94; and immigration, 61, 69- 70, 72, 80; and· intolerance, 155, 156; and marriage, 87; and the media, 229; and monogamy, 308, 309; and Nazism, 156; negative portrayals of, 37-39; and the orthodox appeal to authority, 121; and People forthe American Way, 146; and pluralism, 104-5; and political liberalism, 94; and progressivist initiatives, 78, 80-85, 96, 97, 123, 124; and Protestant fundamentalists, 153; and the Protestant Reformation, 131- 32; and public philosophy and national priority, 116-17; Reform, 26- 27, 71, 80-81, 84, 85, 86, 94, 99, 130; and special agenda organizations, 89, 99; and theological modernism, 95; and women's rights, 100. See also Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox, 13-17, 32, 44-45, 72, 85-86, 108-9, 302, 304-5;and abortion, 94, 95, 130; and Agudath Israel, 95, 98, 100, 103, 202, 209; and cultural realignment, 94-95, 410 INDEX 96; and the Enlightenment, 132; and progressivist initiatives, 82 Juliette (de Sade), 313-14 Justice, 110, 112, 114-16, 160, 259 Kauten, Mathias, 258 Kazantzakis •. Nikos, 233 Kennedy, D. James, 229 Kennedy, Edward M., 164, 167, 277 Kennedy, John F., 251 Kennedy, Morehead, 155 Kenrick, Francis, 199 Kilpatrick, James, 179 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 17 "Knowledge workers," 60-61, 64, 118 Korea, 61, 74 Kramer, Hilton, 238-39 LaHaye, Tim, 103, 109, 110, 112, 146, 147, 148, 227, 296 LaRouche, Lyndon, 150 Last Temptation of Christ, The (film), 233-34,237,240-41,248,297,303 Late Great Planet Earth (Lindsey), 244 Laxalt, Paul, 179 Lear, Norman, -114, 167 Legitimacy, 147-48, 156 Leo XIII (pope), 83 Levin, Yehuda, 13-18, 20, 32-34, 44, 49, 274; and education, 209; and gay rights, 189; as a "knowledge ·worker," 60; and the orthodox appeal to authority, 121; and progressivist appeals for authority, 123; and Stephen Solarz, 94-95; on tolerance, 154-55 Lewis, Sinclair, 140 Light and the Glory (Marshall and Marvel), 109 Lincoln, Abraham, 281-83 Lindsey, Hal, 244 Lippard, Lucy, 237 Lippmann, Walter, 322 · Lobbying, 163-68, 194, 285, 309 Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 138, 233 Los Angeles Times, 162, 233 Loyalties, ·denominational, 86-88, 280- 81 Luker, Kristin, 186-87 Lutherans, 68, 69, 71, 88, 93; andeducation, 26, 221, 222; and gay activists, 91, 193; and male-specific pronouns, 185; and special agenda organizations, 92-93; and women's rights, 100 Lynch v. Donnelly, 270 McCarthy, Eugene, lO McCarthy, Joseph, 139 Macleans, 154 McCollum v. Board of Education, 267 McGovern, George, 165 Mcllhenny, Chuck, 3-8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 32, 33, 44, 45, 49, 58, 109, 316; and education, 209; and gay rights, 189, 190; as a "knowledge worker," 60; and progressivist appeals for authority, 123-24 Mcllhenny, Donna, 7 Macintyre, Alasdair, 130, 315, 319 Macintyre, Carl, 139, 142 McKinley, William, 282 Madison, James, 110, 114 Madsen, Richard, 315 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 29, 231, 238, 247,248 Marriage, 19, 54, 87, 88; and morality, 58; and polygamy, 72; progressivist view of, 126; rights, 190-91 Marxism, 52, 57, 64, 203, 214, 256 INDEX 411 Media, 33, 51, 64, 120, 143, 225-49, 270, 300-301; and censorship, 239- 47; and electoral politics, 283-84; and family issues, 179-80; and the nature of public discourse, 34; news, 170, 225, 227, 228, 230; of public discourse, 159-70; as strategic _in cultural wars, 174; and the Supreme Court, 252. See also specific publications Mein Kampf (Hider), 152 Mencken, H. L., 141-42 Mennonites, 71, 185 Merelman, Richard, 119-20, 126 Methodism, 78, 93, 185; and abortion, 92, 129, 152; and common Protestantism, 68-69; and education, 199; and women's rights, 100 Military, 64, 192, 268, 288-90 Modernism, 80, 83-84, 86, 95, 138- . 39, 143 Mondale, Walter, 274, 276-78, 280 Montagu, Ashley, 154 Moody Bible Institute, 4, 82, 139 Moon, Sun Myung, 74, 99, 120, 266 Morality, 32, 91, 92, 129-31, 135, 290, 324; and abortion, 15, 18, 19, 312; and America's mission, 55, 116, 117; and the Bible, 7-8, 103, 104; and cultural conftict, definition of, 42, 43; and the definition of religion, 257; and education, 21, 23, 24, 200, 205, 209, 211; and electoral politics, 273, 278; and gay rights, 4, 189; and images of extremism, 145; and intolerance, 149; and Judaism, 16-17; andjustice, 112; and marriage, 58; and the media, 228-29, 234-36, 243-45; moral authority, 117-28, 156; moral parochialism, 155, 156; and pluralism, 75-77, 207, 295- 317; and pornography, 96; and the positive and negative faces of moral conftict, 136; and progressivism, 44- 4§; and the realignment of public culture, 96, 117-28; and secularists, 75-76. See also Ethics Morality in Media, 228, 234, 236, 243- 44 Moral Majority, 48, 90, 100, 113, 147, 151, 164,252,266,295,304;attacks on, 148, 149; and direct mail, 167 Mormons, 39, 72-73, 100, 130, 145, 181, 257; and education, 208; and The Fundamentals, 83; and gay activists, 105; and pluralism, 308-9; and women's rights, 100 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 178 Mourt v. Hawkins County School Board,. 270 Ms., 98, 188 Mulhauser, Karen, 152 Multiculturalism, 42, 215-20 Music, 174, 232-33, 237 Nabokov, Vladimir, 238 NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), 19, 98, 146, 150, 152, 154, 162, 187,270 National Association of Christian Educators, 197, 201-2 National Association of Evangelicals, 98,209 National Council of Churches, 146, 184,233 National Endowment for the Arts, 226, 231,241,242 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 98, 100, 189, 190-91,310 Native Americans, 37, 217 Nazism, 16, 24, 150, 151, 152, 156, 202,242 NBC (National Broadcasting Company), 227 412 INDEX NEA (National Education Association), 113, 143, 145, 200, 204, 206, 207,210,216,224,252 Neuhaus, Richard, 268 New Republic, 162, 180, 242, 295 Newsweek, 179-80, 248 Newton, Isaac, 110 New York Review, 80, 84 Neµ1 York Times, 150, 162, 232, 234, 244 Nixon, Richard M., 163 Novak, Michael, 111 NOW (National Organization for Women), 48, 64, 98, 147, 151, 160, 164, 167, 181, 188, 252, 253, 285 O'Connor, John Cardinal, 93, 153, 277,284 Obligation, 186-88 Operation Rescue, 18, 49, 299, 316 Paine, Thomas, 114, 140 Parents' Music Resource Center, 228, 240,243, 303 Pascen(ii Dominici Gregis (Pius X), 84 Pentecostals, 4, 91, 105, 185 Penthouse, 242, 245 People for the American Way, 48, I 0 I, 102, 114, 143-51, 163-65, 167,204, 240, 241, 251-53, 261,268 Pepsi, 236, 242, 243 Persian Gulf War, 61, 217, 289, 290 Phillips, Howard, 227 . Pittsburgh Platform, 81-,82, 84 Pius X (pope), 84 Planned Parenthood, 18-19, 118, 149, 162, 167, 252, 316 Playboy,240,242,245 Pluralism, 26-28, 113, 114, 131-32, 175, 295-317, 325; and education, 207-8, 210, 211; expansion of, 67- 77; and the family, 182; and realignment, 67, 76-77, 90-104 Podesta, Anthony, 147-48, 151 Politics, electoral, 51, 175, 272-87, 296 Polygamy, 72, 308-9 Pornography, 7, 28-29, 50, 90-91, 94-96, 130,228,247,310 Postman, Neil, 168 Powell, Lewis, 252, 268 Power,57-58, 157, 179,225-26,262, 319-20 Prayer, 91, 198, 203-4, 264-65, 267, 268,277, 324 Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., 73, 92- 93, 139, 185, 303 Presbyterianism, 4-,8, 71, 78, 92; and common Protestantism, 68-69; and the "DuPage Declaration," 93; and education, 199, 223; and gay activists, 91; and male-specific pronouns, 185; and women's rights, 100 Private property, 111, 112 Progress, ideals of, 71-72 Progressivism, 43-48, 59, 78-82, 144- 45, 302-3, 329nl6; and appeals for authority, 122-27; and church-state relations, 263; Cousins on, 150; cultural, 44-48; and denominational loyalties, 88; and education, 220; and electoral politics, 284; and the family, 275; and images of extremism, 144-45, 152; and intolerance, 153-54; and language about God, 184-85; and the media, 227, 237, 239-42; and obligation, 187; and pluralism, 311, 314; and public culture, 63 Proposition S, 3-8, 9 Protestant, Catholic, Jew (Herberg), 70 INDEX 413 Protestantism, 29, 32, 39, 42, 43, 302-4; and abortion, 18, 99; and biblical theism, 70-72; and Catholicism, 35- 39; and church-state relations, 262, 264, 265; and the colonies, 68; "com- .mon," 68-69; and cultural realignment, 96-97; and the definition of religion, 260, 261; and denominational loyalties, 86-88; domination of, in the nineteenth century, 56-57; and ecumenism, 103-4; and education, 79, 101, 198-211,221,224; and evolution, 85; fissures within, 77-79, 85, 94; and gay rights, 193- 94; and "infidelity," 137-38; and intermarriage, 87; and intolerance, 155; and the language of public debate, 76; liberal, 139; and the media, 228; and the millennial hope for America, 61; and the new ecumenism, 97; and New vs. Old, 48; and the ordination of women, 185; and orthodoxy, 44, 100; and pluralism, 77, 104-5; in the postwar period, 74; and progressivist initiatives, 78, 79, 80, 82, 96, 97, 123; and public philosophy and national priority, 116- 17; and religion and capitalism, 128; and sex education, 205; and the social gospel movement, 71-72; and special agenda· organizations, 89, 90-92, 98, 99; and theological modernism, 95. See also Evangelical Protestants Public culture: in contemporary America, 61-64; and elites, 59-61; and faith, 57-59; and private culture, 53-64, 174; realignment of, 96- 104, 107-8, 135 Public discourse, technology of, 159- 70 Publisher's Weekly, 64 Puritans,37,61, 141-42, 156, 195;and biblical theism, 71; and education, 219 Quakers, 68, 91, 100 Quine, Willard van, 125 . Quotas, 38, 42 Race, 88, 191-92; and education, 215- 16, 217-18, 220 Rather,Dan,225,227 Reagan, Ronald, 48, 167, 251, 274-78, 280,296,299,300 Realignment: in the electorate, 280- 81; ofpublic culture, 96-104, 107- 8, 135 Reformation,35,68, 131-32, 139 Relativism, 31, 113, 246 "Religion and Tradition Values in Public School Textbooks" (Vitz), 204-5 Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, 18, 19, 47, 114, 1~9, 129, 309 Religious Roundtable, 48, 90, 110 Republican party, 14, 28, 37, 95, 150, H!9, 275-81 Revolutionary War, 61 Reynolds, George, 308-9 RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act, 245, 250 Rights, 11-12, 130; and education, 207-8; reproductive, 17-18, 19, 181, 187; women's, 147, .189. See also Abortion issues; Freedom; Gay rights; Women, role of Robertson, Pat, 111-13, 147, 167, 202, 204, 222, 270, 273, 278, 285, 295, 296 Roe v. Wade, 13, 19, 162, 218, 253, 322 Rooney, Andy, 247 414 INDEX Roosevelt, Eleanor, 19 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 251, 281 Rorty, Richard, 125, 132 Rushdoony, R. J., 112 Russell, Bertrand, 23 Russia, 24, 71. See also Soviet Union Rutherford Institute, 246, 270 Sabato, Larry, 168 Sade, Marquis de, 313-14 Sanger, Margaret, 18-19 Sassy, 234-35, 237,240 Schaeffer, Francis, 103,244 Schlafly, Phyllis, 196 . Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 113 Science,77,95,125,126,130,301;and moral debates, 136; and progressivism, 79. See also Creationism; Scopes trial Scientology, 7 5 Scopes trial, 85, 138, 141, 142, 197, 268. See also Creationism; Evolution Sectarianism, 57, 71 Secular humanism, 113, 161, 202-3, 206; and education, 19, 20, 24-28, 32; and morality, 8 Secularists, 45-46, 75-76, 121-22, 130, 140 Secularization, 221-22 Segregation, 81, 191 Selective Service Act of 1948, 259 Separationism, 263, 265, 267 Serrano, Andres, 231, 247 Sexism, 215, 216 Sexuality, 50, 93, 95, 96, 173, 295, 305; and censorship, 246-47; sex education, 56, 202, 204, 235, 310; and television, 236. See alSo Gay rights; Homosexuality Shipley, Maynard, 141 Six Months in a Convent (Reed), 36 Smith, Al, 282 Smith, Joseph, 39 Smith, Timothy, 71 Smith v. Board of School Commissioners, 261 Sobieszek, Robert, 238 "Social Creed of the Churches, The," 78 Sojourners! 115 Solarz, Stephen, 14, 94-95 Souter, David,.252, 297 South Africa, 97, 115, 163, 218, 244, 266 Soviet Union, Ill, 116, 202, 227, 304. See also Russia Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, The (Novak), 111 Stalin, Joseph, 144, 150 Stanford University, 215-16, 219, 220 Stark, Rodney, 87 Stealing of America, The (Whitehead), 152 Steinmetz, Andrew, 36 Stonewall Democrats, 60 Stout, Jeffrey, 315 Strauss, Jacob, 121 Sunday, Billy, 139 Supreme Court, 153, 300; and education, 223; on flag burning, 28; and the nature of religion, 257-60; nominees, 98, 99, 204, 251-53, 297; and polygamy, 308-9; and prayer in schools, 203; and the Roman Catholic Church, 253-54. See also specific ~ases Swaggart, Jimmy, 113, 144, 151, 203, 244,295 Taxation, 22, 94, 99, Ill, 207, 209- 10, 265-68 Taylor, Charles, 110, 114 INDEX 415 Television, 168-69, 170, 174, 225, 229-30, 235-37, 283-84, 303. See also Media Ten Commandments, .4, 15, 268 Testimony of an Escaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph (Bunkley), 36 Theocracy, 140-43, 151 Thomas, Cal, 149, 244 Thomas, Cla,rence, 297 Tillich, Paul, 259 Time, 232, 244 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 161 Tolerance, 27-28, 39-40, 148-50, 155-56; 269, 3H "' Torah, 44, 248; and feticide, ,13; inviolability of, 95; and the orthodox appeal to authority, 120; traditiOnal

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·Torcaso v. Watkins,' 258-59 Traditionalism, 24, 137, 150-52, 156, 159,212,221,227 Tribe, Lawrence, 260 Trinity, 112, 184 Truman, Harry S, 251 Truth, The, 83 Tse-tung, Mao, 156-57 2 Live Crew, 232-33, 241, 247 Unification Church, 74, 99, 120 Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 80, 84, 98, 99, 102, 151, 188 Unitarianism, 68, 91, 100, 140 United States v. Macintosh, 257-58 USA Today, 233 Vatican, 83-84, 85 Vietnam War, 61, 216, 289, 290 Viguerie, Richard, 164-65, 167 Vitz, Paul, 204-5 Walz v. Tax Commission, 268 Wanderer, The, 94, 202 War of 1812;61 War on Modem Science, The (Shipley), 141 Washington, George, 23, 55, 110, 114, 283,307 Watchman, 83, 199-200 Wattleton, Faye, 49, 50, 118 Waymark in.the W.ildemess, 83 Webster v. Reproductive Health SerVices, 27 i, 285, 297 . Whealon,John; 281 White Ho1,1se Conference on Families, 178-80: 196 l.' • ,. White Witch, The (Aiken), 38 ' ' . Whitehead, John, 110, 149, 152 Wildmon, Donald, 228, 236, 240, 243 Will, George F., 239 Williams, Roger, 114 Wills, Garry, 113, 322 Wilson, Woodrow, 283, 285 Winrod, Gerald B., 139. Wisconsin v. Yoder, 268 Wolfe, Tom, 248 Women, role of, 50, 81, 122, 130, 305, 323; and education, 217-18; and the family, 181, 183-86; ordination of, 93, 185-86. See also ERA (Equal Rights Amendment); NOW (National Organization for Women) Woods, Harriet, 25-28, 32, 33, 34, 45, 49, 58, 114; on conservatives, 121; as a "knowledge worker," 60; and progressivist appeals for authority, 123 World War I, 61, 219-20 "" INDEX World War II, 57, 61, 85, 209, 267, 300; formation of special agenda organizations after, 89, 90-95; plural- . ism after, 72-77 Wuthnow, Rohen, 89, 329nl9, 3331117, 333nl9 YAF (Young Americans for Freedom). 212 Yard, Molly, 151 Young, Richmond, 9-12, 32, 33, 34, 49,.114, 190, 192-93; as a "knowledge worker," 60; and progressivist appeals for authority, 123 Zappa, Frank, 240 Zorach v. Clawon, 268

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