The Dream or Lucian's Career  

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 +The Dream contains no hint that a lecture is to follow it,
 +but its brevity, its structure—a parable followed by its
 +application—and the intimacy of its tone show that it is an
 +introduction similar to Dionysus and Amber. Read certainly
 +in Syria, and almost certainly in Lucian’s native city of
 +Samosata, it would seem to have been composed on his first
 +return to Syria, after the visit to Gaul that made him rich
 +and famous ; probably not long after it, for his return home
 +is quite likely to have come soon after his departure from
 +Gaul. It reads, too, as if it were written in the first flush
 +of success, before his fortieth year.
 +Since it gives us a glimpse of his early history, and pro¬
 +fesses to tell us how he chose his career, it makes a good
 +introduction to his works. For that reason it was put first
 +in the early editions, and has found a place in a great many
 +school readers, so that none of his writings is better known.
 +The amount of autobiography in it is not great. Lucian
 +names no names, which might have given us valuable inform¬
 +ation as to his race, and he says nothing about his father
 +except that he was not well off in the world. That his
 +mother’s father and brothers were sculptors, that he evinced
 +his inheritance of the gift by his cleverness in modelling, and
 +that he was therefore apprenticed to his uncle to learn the
 +trade—all this is inherently probable, and interesting
 +because it accounts for the seeing eye that made his pen-
 +pictures so realistic. As to the dream, and his deliberate
 +choice of a literary career on account of it, that is surely
 +fiction. From what he does not say here, from what Oratory
 +lets drop in the Double Indictment —that she found him
 +wandering up and down Ionia, all but wearing native garb—
 +we may guess that distaste for the sculptor’s trade led
 +him to run away from home without any very definite
 +notion where he was going or what he should do, and that
 +the dream, plainly inspired less by a thrashing than by the
 +famous allegory of the sophist Prodicus, Heracles at the
 +Crossways (Xenophon, Memorabilia 2, 1, 21), came to him in
 +later years, while he meditated what he should say to those
 +at home upon his return to them.
 +1 *ApTi fiev e7T€7ravfir]v et? ra 8i8aatea\eca <f)oiT(ov
 +r]8r] ttjv rjXitclav 7 Tpoarjfio? wv, 6 fie Trarrjp iateo -
 +7T61TO pL€Ta TO)V <f>L\(0V 0 TL teal SlSd^CUTO fl €.
 +Tot? rnrXelaTois o5z> efio£e v irat8eLa piev teal irovov
 +7 toWov teal xpovov piaicpov teal 8a r rrdvrp ? ou puitepd^
 +teal tvxHS 8eia0cu XapLirpas, rd fi ’ 77 pieTepa putepa
 +T€ elvai teal ra^eiav Tiva ttjv iiriKOvplav dirairelv
 +el fie Tiva Te^yyv t&v ftavavaeov tovtiov itepcdOoipa,
 +to piev TrpwTov evOvs av uvt o? e%eti> tcl aptcovvTa
 +irapci t?)? Te’xyV^ p^l^kr olteoaiTO 9 elvai ttj\i -
 +kovtos &v, ovtc els piatepav fie /cat top iraTepa
 +€v<ppaveiv anro^epcov del to yiyvopievov.
 +2 Aeirreyoa? o5z> ateeyjre a>9 TrpovTeOrj, t t?
 +apl&Trj to) v T€)(yd)v teal paaTrj itcpbadelv teal dv 8 pl
 +eXevOepcp irpeirovaa teal 7 Tpoyeipov e^ovaa ttjv
 +X oprjylav teal 8 iapter) top iropov . a\\ou toLvvv
 +aWrjv eiraivovvTO^t a>9 ewao'TO? 71x0/4779 fj ipmei-
 +plas etyev, 6 iraTtjp ek tqv delov a 7 ri 8 d)v,—irapfjv
 +yap 6 717709 pbr)Tpo<; 0etO9, apierTos eppu)y\v<f)o<;
 +elvai 8 ote 5 )v 1 —“Oo depus” ehrev, “ aWrjv T&xvyp
 +Available in photographs : rNZ.
 +1 MSS. add koI (not in 7) A ido£6os iv rois fid\i<rra fblSoKlfiois :
 +excised by Schmieder. Cf. 7.
No sooner had I left off school, being then well No sooner had I left off school, being then well
Line 33: Line 120:
offered an income that was sufficient. Each praised offered an income that was sufficient. Each praised
a different trade, according to his own judgement or a different trade, according to his own judgement or
-experience ; but my father looked at my uncle (for +experience; but my father looked at my uncle (for
-among the company was my uncle on my mother's +among the company was my uncle on my mother’s
side, who had the reputation of being an excellent side, who had the reputation of being an excellent
-sculptor) and said : " It isn't right that any other +sculptor) and said: " It isn’t right that any other
- +
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-y Google  
 +eTTUcparelv aov irapovTos, dXXd tovtov aye”—
 +Bellas ipie—“ BLBaaKe TrapaXaftiov Xl 0 oov ipyarrjv
 +dya 0 ov elvai /cal avvappioaTrjv /cal eppioyXv^ea 9
 +Svvarat yap /cal tovto, <\>vaed)^ ye, g>9 olaOa, eyoov
 +he^um” ire/cpbaipero Be rats e/c rov /crjpov irai-
 +Bials* 07T0T6 y(ip d<f>€ 0 eLrjv vn to tSov BiBaaKaXoov,
 +drro^ecov av rov /crjpov rj fioas fj %inrov<; rj /cal vrj
 +Ai dv 0 p<loitov<; dverrXaTTov, et/cora?, 1 <*>9 iSo/covv
 +tg) Trarpr i<f >* 0I9 rrapa p,ev toov BiBaaKaXoov
 +irXrjya^ eXapifiavov, Tore Be enraivo 9 eU rfjv
 +ev<f>vLav /cal ravra fjv, /cal %pr}aT(i<; eiypv err
 +epbol ra? iXTrlBa? a>9 ev /Spa^el pbaOrjaopiai t rjv
 +re^yrjv, dir i/ceLvrjs ye rrjs TrXaam/crji
 +3 'Apia re ovv eTTiTrjheios iSo/cei rjpiepa Te'xyrjs
 +evapyeG0ai, Kay in rrapeBeBopirjv too 0ei<p pud top
 +AC ov acjyoBpa rip rrpdypLaTi d*)(0bp£vo<i, dXXa poi
 +Kal rraiBidv rtva ovk drepTrrj eBoKei eyew Kal
 +7T/J09 tou9 rjXiKL(loTa<; irriBei^iv, el <f>aivoipirjv 0eov$
 +T€ yXvcf>oov Kal dyaXpbdjia puKpd Tiva KaraaKeva-
 +%oov ipuavrip T€ KaKeLvois 0I9 rrporjpovpbrjv . Kal
 +to ye 7r pooTov eKelvo Kal avvrj0e<; rofc dpypp,evoi 9
 +iytyvero. iyKOirea yap t iva p,oi Bov 9 6 0elo<;
 +eKeXeuaev rjpepba Ka0iKea0ai irXaKo 9 ev pieaop
 +Keipieviis, eireirriov to kolvov “ dp^tj Be tol rjpuav
 +iravro 9 .” (TKXrjpoTepov Be KaTeveyK 0 VT 0 <$ inr drrei-
 +pia<; KaTedyrj piev rj irXa f, 6 Be ayavaKTrjaas
 +aKVTaXrjv Tiva rrXrjaiov Keipievrjv Xafioov ov rrpaoo 9
 +Ol/Be TTpOTpeTTTLKW pLOV KaTrjp^aTO, &<TTe BaKpva
 +pool ra rrpoolpua t ?}9 Te^yrj 9 .
-THE WORKS OF LUCIAN +4 ’ ArroBpa 9 ovv eKeWev irrl ttjv oiKiav d<f)iKVovpLai
 +avve^e? dvaXv^oov Kal BaKpvoov rou9 6<j)0aXpu)v 9
-eiriKpareiv aov Trapovro*;, dXkd rovrov aye" — +1 *Ik6tcls Naber : uk6to)$ MSS.
-hei%a<; ifie — " hihavKe irapaXa^wv \ida>v ipydrrjv +
-dyadbv elvai teal avvapfioaTrjv koX epfioykvtyea* +
-hvvarac yap koX tovto, <j>vaeax; ye, a>? olada, e%(ov +
-Seftaj?." ereKfiaipero he rah etc rov /erjpov irai- +
-hvah* birore yap dfyeOelrjv virb r&v hihacr/cdXcov, +
-dnro^ecov av rbv terjpbv fj fioa<; fj Xttttov*; fj icaX vrj +
-At' dv6pd>itov<; dveTrXarrov, el/coras, 1 d><; ehoKovv +
-T<p irarpr e<£' oh irapd /nev t&v hihaaKaXcov +
-7r\rjya<; iXd/xfiavov, rore Be eirawo*; eh rfjv +
-ev<f>viav koX ravra fjv, teal %pr)aTa<; e\)(pv eir +
-i/jLol Ta? iXTriha*; &>? ev /3pa%el fiaOtfaofiai rrjv +
-reyvrfv, air i/eelvr)*; ye rrj<; irXaariKrj^. +
-3 ' A/xa re ovv iiriTrjheio*; iSo/cei fjfiepa reyyr)*;  
-evdpyevdai, tcdyob irapehehofirjv rq> 6ei<p fid rbv  
-AC ov anf>6hpa t$ irpdy/jLari dyOopLevos, dXXd pot  
-teal iraihidv Tiva ovk drep7rrj e&otcei c^ew teal  
-irpbs tovs rjXiKMOTas eiriheL^iv, el (fraivolfirjv 0eov<;  
-re yXv<pcov Kal dyaXfiaTia fiitcpd Tiva Karaaicevd-  
-%o)v ifiavrq) T€ tcdteelvoi*; oh 7rpor}pov/jLrjv. Kal  
-to ye irpSiTov iteeivo teal avvrjOe? roh dp^ofievo^  
-eyiyvero. eyicoiria yap rivd fioi Sou? 6 0eio<;  
-iteeXevaev rjpefia tcadi/eeaOai 7r\a/co9 ev fiearp  
-K€l/JL€Pt)^ t €7T€l7rcbV TO KOLVOV " dpyr) he TOl fjflKTV  
-Travros" <TK\r}p6repov he KareveyKovro*; vir direi-  
-pia? Karedyrj fiev f) irXdj;, 6 he dyavateri]aa<;  
-a/cvrdXriv rivd TrXrjaiov /eeifievrjv XafHtov ov irpdco*;  
-oihe irporpeirriKW /jlov KaTrfp^aro, ware hd/epvd  
-fioi rd irpooipua t?}9 re^vy*;.  
-4 'Kirohpd*; ovv etceldev eirl rrjv ol/clav d<j>iKVovfiai  
-awe^es dvaXv^cov Kal haKpvcov rov? 6<p@aX/jU)v<;  
-1 tUSras Naber : uk6to»s MSS.  
216 216
trade should have the preference while you are by. trade should have the preference while you are by.
-Come, take this lad in hand" — with a gesture +Come, take this lad in hand”—with a gesture
-toward me — "and teach him to be a good stone- +toward me —“ and teach him to be a good stone¬
cutter, mason, and sculptor, for he is capable of it, cutter, mason, and sculptor, for he is capable of it,
-since, as you know, he has a natural gift for it." +since, as you know, he has a natural gift for it.
He drew this inference from the way in which I He drew this inference from the way in which I
-had played with wax ; for whenever my teachers +had played with wax; for whenever my teachers
dismissed me I would scrape the wax from my dismissed me I would scrape the wax from my
tablets and model cattle or horses or even men, and tablets and model cattle or horses or even men, and
Line 123: Line 202:
the usual experience of beginners. My uncle gave the usual experience of beginners. My uncle gave
me a chisel and told me to strike a light blow on a me a chisel and told me to strike a light blow on a
-slab that lay at hand, adding the trite quotation : +slab that lay at hand, adding the trite quotation:
-"Well begun, half done/' But in my inexperience +" Well begun, half done.” But in my inexperience
-I struck too hard ; the slab broke, and in a gust of +I struck too hard; the slab broke, and in a gust of
anger he seized a stick that lay close by and put me anger he seized a stick that lay close by and put me
through an initiation of no gentle or encouraging through an initiation of no gentle or encouraging
-sort, so that tears were the overture to my ap- +sort, so that tears were the overture to my ap¬
prenticeship. prenticeship.
Line 135: Line 214:
217 217
-y Google  
-inroTrXe&s, zeal hvqyovfiai rijv c/evrdXrjv kcu tov$  
-ficoXcoTra? iheitcvvov, teal /earrjyopovv rroXXrjv riva  
-dtfjLOTTjTa, Trpo<rde\<; in inro <f>06vov ravra eSpaa-e,  
-fit) aifrbv irrrepfiaXcofiat, /caret rrjv rkyyr\v. dva-  
-KTTi<ra/j4vTi$ Se T7/9 fitfrpb^ teal iroXXa t£ d8eX(f)(p  
-XoiSoprjaafievijs, eVel vv% eirrjXffev teareSapOov en  
-evSatepv? teal rrjv crtevrdXrjv l evvo&v.  
-Me)(pi fiev Srj rovrtov yeXdaifia teal fiecpa/cKoSrj  
-ra elprffieva* ra fierd ravra Se ov/ceri evtcara-  
-<f>povi]Ta, & avSpes, dtcovaeade, dXXd koX izdvv  
-(friXrjKocov dtcpoar&v Beofieva* iva yap icaff "Ofirjpov  
-Belos fwi ivvirviov rjXQev oveipo? +irrrbrrXecos, teal Bvqyovfiai ttjv <rtemaXr)v teal roirs
-dfi/3poairfv Sid vvtcra, +ficoXcoiras eBeitevvov, teal tearrfyopovv iroXXrjv riva
 +iofiorrfra, irpoadels ore inro <f>0ovov ravra eBpacre,
 +fit) avrov inrepfiaXcofuu teard rrjv rexyrjv. ava-
 +tcTr)<Tafievr)$ Be rrjs firjrpos teal iroWa rq> dBeXcfrcp
 +XoiBoprjaafievrjs, iirel vvl; i7rrjX0ev teareBap0ov en
 +evBatepvs teal rrjv crtevrdXrjv 1 evvo&v.
-ivapyrj<; ovrco? &crre firjSev diroXelrreaOai ri)<; +5 M €XP l tovtcdv yeXderifia teal fieipateidoBrj
-dXrfOeia^, en yovv teal fierd roerovrov ypovov rd +
-re erxqfiard fioi r&v cfravevrcw ev rols o<f>0aXfioi$ +
-rrapafievei teal rj cjxovtj rcov a/cover evrcov evavXo?* +
-ovreo cra<f>rj irdvra fjv. +
-Avo yvvaitces Xa/SSfievai ralv X € P°^ V ^IXkov fie +rd elprjfieva * rd fiera ravra Be ovtceri evtcara-
-7rpo<; eavrrjv etcarepa fidXa ftiaico? koI tcaprep&r +< ppovrjra , & avBpes, ateovaeade, aXXd teal iraw
-fiitcpov yovv fie Siecnrdcravro rrpb<; aXXyXas <f>iXo- +cftiXrjtcoayv atcpoarcbv Beofieva* tva ydp tcaff "Ofirjpov
-rifiovfievar teal ydp teal dprc fikv &v r) erepa +
-erretcpdrei teal irapd fit tc pop oXov eZ^e fie, dpri 8' +
-&v a\)di<t inro rf)<; erepa? elyofirfv. ifiocov Be irpb? +
-dWijXas etearipa, rj fiev a>9 airfjs ovra fie tee- +
-tcrfjadai ftovXoiro, fj Sh a>? fidrrjv r&v dXXo- +
-rpieov avrirroiolro, ffv 8k rj fiev ipyantcrf teal +
-dvSpi/cij teal avyfirjpd rrjv teofirjv, ra> X € W € +
-rvXtov avdrrXea)^, oie^caa/ievrf rrjv iaffrjra, rirdvov +
-1 VKvrlKqv Steigerthal ; vixra fayy MSS, +eiTTCO,
-*i8 +Oelos pun evvrrviov rjXdev oveipos
 +dfi^pocrLrjv Bid vvtcra,
 +ivapyrjs ovreo 9 ware firjBev aTroXeiireaOai rrjs
 +dXrjOeias. en yovv teal fierd roaovrov yjyovov rd
 +re axypuird pun rcbv cpavevrcov ev rots o<pdaXfiol 9
 +7 rapafievei teal rj epeovrj rcbv atcovaOevrcov evavXos*
 +ovreo <ra$r\ iravra TfV.
 +6 At jo yvvaltce 9 Xa/3ofievai ralv %epolv elXtcov fie
 +irpos eavrrjv etcarepa fidXa fiiaicos teal tea prepay;*
 +putepov yovv fie Biecnraaavro 7 rpos dXXrjXas cpiXo-
 +rifiovfievar teal yap teal apn filv &v rj erepa
 +iiretcparei teal it a pa putepov oXov eZ%€ fie, apn 8*
 +&v aide? inro rfjs erepas eiypfirfv . efiocov Be 7 rpos
 +dXXqXas etcarepa , 17 fiev a >9 avrrjs ovra fie tee -
 +tcrrjadai fiovXoiro, f) 81 do 9 fiarrjv rcbv aXXo-
 +rpLcov avnrroioiro. fjv SI rj fiev epyanterf teal
 +avSpiKTj teal avyfirjpd rrjv tcofirjv , rdo X € W €
 +rvXcov dvarrXecos , Bie^coa fievrj rfjv iaOrfra, nrdvQV
-y Google +1 <TKtnd\riv Steigerthal; vvtcra &\t]v MSS,
Line 205: Line 276:
words of Homer, words of Homer,
-" a god-sent vision appeared unto me in my slumber +a god-sent vision appeared unto me in my slumber
-Out of immortal night," * +Out of immortal night," 1
so vivid as not to fall short of reality in any way. so vivid as not to fall short of reality in any way.
Line 220: Line 291:
I would be in the hands of the other. They I would be in the hands of the other. They
shouted at each other, too, one of them saying, shouted at each other, too, one of them saying,
-" He is mine, and you want to get him ! " and the +He is mine, and you want to get him! and the
-other : " It is no good your claiming what belongs +other: It is no good your claiming what belongs
-to someone else." One was like a workman, mas- + 
 +to someone else.One was like a workman, mas¬
culine, with unkempt hair, hands full of callous culine, with unkempt hair, hands full of callous
places, clothing tucked up, and a heavy layer of places, clothing tucked up, and a heavy layer of
-. l Eiad 2, 56. +* 1 Iliad 2, 56.
219 219
-y Google  
 +fcaraye/iovaa , otos rjv 6 0etos 6 tt6t€ £eot to vs
 +Xl0ovs * rj €T epa Be fid\a evirpoacoiros teal to
 +(T^rjfxd evir peiTTjs teal teoapuos ttjv avaftoXrjv .
 +TeXo? S’ ovv icfriaai puoi Bi/ca^eiv oirorepa fiov-
 +XolpLTjv (jvvelvai avr<ov. irporepa 84 tj ar/eXTjpd
 +eteelvrj teal dvBpcoBrjs eXe^ev
-THE WORKS OF LUCIAN +7 “ ’E yd), (fyiXe iral , 'EtppboyXvejyi/CTj Teyyr\ elpbl, fjv
- +%0€9 VP% W pavOaveiv, oitcela re <tol teal crvyyevTjs
-/carayi/novaa, olo? r)v 6 Oeios furore giot tov$ +ottcodev 1 o re yap irainros crov ”—elirovaa tov-
-\L6ov<; m r) ere pa he fidXa evirpo a cotton teal to +vofia tov pwjTpoir olt opos—" Xi0o%oos fjv teal red
-o^XXifia evTrpeirrj*; /cat /coc/mo? ttjv ava^oXrjv. +0elco dpuporepco teal pudXa evBoteipueiTov 81 Tjpuas.
- +el S’ eOeXeis Xrjpeov puev teal (^XrjvdefHov t&v tt apd
-TeXo? 8 ovv i<j>iaai /jloi hi/ed£eiv oirorepa fiov- +ravrrjs aTrexearOai /* —Beifjaaa ttjv erepav eire-
-Xolfirjv avvecvai avr&v. irporepa he* r) a/cXrjpa +a0ai Be /ecu avvoi/ceiv epLol, irptora puev 0peyfrTj
-i/celvrj zeal dvhpcbhr)? eXegev +yevin/eeds teal tovs &pbovs egeis tcaprepovs, <f) 0 ovov
- +Be iravros dXXorpios carp teal oxnrore anrei eirl ttjv
-7 " 'Ryci), <f>i\e 7rai, 'EpptOyXvfa/cr) rex^V slp&% V v +dXXoBaTrrjv , ttjv iraTplBa teal tovs ol/eelovs tcaTa-
-%#e? rjpgco p>av0dveiv, ol/cela re cot /cal avyyevr)*; +Xittcov , ovBe cttX Xoyois • • . 2 eTraiveerovTal ae
-ot/coOev x 6 re yap irainros aov " — elirovaa rov- +
-vofia tov firjTpo7rdTopo<; — "XiOogoo*; r)v /cal to> +
-Oeico apsfrorepct) /cal pAXa evho/cifieirov hi fjfias. +
-el h* eOeXei? Xijpcov fiev /cal <j)Xr)vd<f>(ov t&v irapa +
-ravTi]<; airexeaOai? — hei^aaa ttjv eTepav " eire- +
-adai he /cat, avvoi/celv ifiol, irpwra p,ev dpe^t) +
-yevvi/c&<; /cal tou? &p,ov$ ef;ei<; /caprepovs, <f>06vov +
-he TravTos aWorpio*; ear)* /cal oxnroTe airei eirl ttjv +
-d\\oha7T7]v t ttjv irarptha /cal tov<; ol/celovs Kara- +
-Xnrwv, ovhe eirl Xoyoi? . . . 2 eiraivea-ovral ae +
iravTes. iravTes.
-8 "M^ jiva , a')(Pfj$ he tov ax>]fiaTo<; s to evTeXe? +8 “ Mtj pLvaaxjdfj? Se tov axvp aT °S 3 4 to evTeXes
-fiTjhe Tr)f; eaOrJTOs to irivapov diro yap toiovtwv +piTjBe ttjs icr0rjTOs to irivapov 9 diro yap t oiovTtov
-6p/jLcofi€vo<; /cal <&eihl,a<; i/ceivos eheilje tov Ala /cal +oppLcopbevos teal QeiBlas i/celvos eSeifje tov Ala teal
-TloXv/cXeiTOs ttjv "Hpav eipydaaTO /cal Mvpcov +IIoXo/cXeiTO? ttjv "Hpav eipydaaTO teal M.vpeov
-eirrjveOt] /cal TlpajjiTeXr)*; edavpbdaOrj* irpoa/cv- +eiTTjve0Tj teal HpafjiTeXTjs i0avpLa<r0rj. irpoaicv-
-vovPTai yovv ovtol pueTa t&v de&v. el hi) tovtcov +vovvTac yovv ovtol p&Ta t&v 0ea>v. el Btj tovttov
-eh yevoiOy 7rct>9 p>ev oi /cXeivb? avTO<; irapa iraaiv +els yevoio, irtds pdev ov teXeivos avTos it apd iraaiv
-dvOpdoTrow eo-r)* grjXcoTov he /cal tov iraTepa +dv0pd)TTOLS 4arj y ^ f tjXcotov Be teal tov iraTepa
-1 fjL7iTp6$€v Fritzsche, as in Toxar. 51. +1 firiTp60*v Fritzsche, as in Toxar. 51.
-1 Lacuna noted by Bourdelot. At least &AA.' iw' Zpyois is +* Lacuna noted by Bourdelot. At least k\\' iir* ipyois is
necessary. necessary.
-8 ffxhparos Bekker : ffdfiaros MSS. +8 Bekker: cu/mitos MSS.
-4 itrri Dindorf : yivoio MSS. +
-220 +4 t(np Dindorf: 7 ivoio MSS.
-y Google  
-marble- dust upon her, just as my uncle looked when +marble-dust upon her, just as my uncle looked when
he cut stone. The other, however, was very fair of he cut stone. The other, however, was very fair of
face, dignified in her appearance, and nice in her face, dignified in her appearance, and nice in her
Line 296: Line 364:
case was the hard-favoured, masculine one. case was the hard-favoured, masculine one.
-" Dear boy, I am the trade of Sculpture which +Dear boy, I am the trade of Sculpture which
you began to learn yesterday, of kin to you and you began to learn yesterday, of kin to you and
-related by descent ; for your grandfather "- — and she +related by descent; for your grandfather ”*—and she
-gave the name of my mother's father — "was a +gave the name of my mother’s father—"was a
sculptor, and so are both your uncles, who are very sculptor, and so are both your uncles, who are very
famous through me. If you are willing to keep famous through me. If you are willing to keep
-clear of this woman's silly nonsense" — with a gesture +clear of this woman’s silly nonsense”—with a gesture
-toward the other — " and to come and live with me, +toward the other —■“ and to come and live with me,
you will be generously kept and will have powerful you will be generously kept and will have powerful
shoulders, and you will be a stranger to jealousy of shoulders, and you will be a stranger to jealousy of
-any sort ; besides you will never go abroad, leaving +any sort; besides you will never go abroad, leaving
your native country and your kinsfolk, and it will your native country and your kinsfolk, and it will
not be for mere words, either, that everyone will not be for mere words, either, that everyone will
Line 319: Line 387:
become one of them, will you not yourself be become one of them, will you not yourself be
famous in the sight of all mankind, make your famous in the sight of all mankind, make your
221 221
-y Google  
-aTroSeLEeis, irepl/SXeTTTov Se airofbavei*; real ttjv +aTroZeL^eis, ’irepifikeinov Se cmo&a.vei’} /cal tijv
irarpioa; irarpioa;
-TavTa teal cti tovtcov irXeiova Sta7rraiov<ra +Tavra /cal It i tovtcov irXeiova SiarTTaiovaa
-Kal fiapftapL&vaa irdpiroXXa eXizev rj Te^vrj, +/cal ftapftapl^ovaa irdpiroXXa ehrev rj Te^vy,
-fiaXa Si) awovSrj avveipovaa Kal ireideiv fie +paXa Sy (rirovSfj avveipovaa /cal irelOecv pe
-7T€ipa)fi€vr)' aW' ov/ceri pepvrjpar ret irXelaTa +ireipcopevy aU’ ov/cen pepvypar tcl irXelaTa
-yap rjSrj pov ttjv p,vr)pr\v Sie<f>vyev. +yap ySy pov t yv pvypyv Si€<j>vyev,
-E7rel S* ovv iiravaaro, apxerat r) erepa &Se +\ ^ » / V ft/ ♦£/
-9 " 'Eya> Se, a> T€KVov, HaiSela elpX r)Sr) cwtjOt)*; +third o ovv eiravaaTO, ap%€Tai y erepa code
-aot, Kal yvwpipr), el Kal pr)Se7r(o els T€\o? pov +7JW
-ireireipaaai* rfk&Ka pev ovv ret dyaOd iropty +
-XiOofjoo? yevopevo?, avrrj irpoelprjKev ovSlv yap +
-on pr) epydrris ear) r<p a (opart ttov&v kolv tovtw +
-ttjv airaaav eXwiSa tov filov TeOeipevos, d<f>avr)s +
-piev avTos &v, oklya Kal dyevvrj Xap,/3dva>v, +
-raireivo? ri)v yvcoprjv, evTeXrjs Se tt)v irpooSov, +
-ovre <f>iXoi$ iiriSi/cdcripos ovre e^Opoh <j>o/3epb<; +
-owe TOt9 iro\lrai<; ^rfKxoTos, dXX* avrb povov +
-ipydrr)^ Kal t&v ex tov 7roXXov SrfpLOV eh, del +
-jbv irpov'XpvTa vTroirrrja-a-oDv Kal tov Xeyetv Svvd- +
-pevov Bepairevcov, Xaya> fiilov tfiiv Kal tov KpeiT- +
-tovo? tppaiov &v el Be Kal QeiSias fj HoXv- +
-kXsitos yevoio koi iroXXa davpaard if-epydaaio, +
-t^v pev Teyvriv air aires eiraweaovTai, ovk eaTi +
-Se ocjta? t&v ISovtcov, el vovv evoi, evjfaiT av a ol +
-opoios yeveaOat* 0Z09 yap av 179, /Sdvavao? Kal +
-Xeip&val; Kal drro'xeipoPicoTos vopiaOrjar). +
-10 t( *Hv S' ipbol 1 7T€L07J, ITp&TOV p&V 001 TTOXXa +9 “ ’Eyw Se, & Te/cvov, YlaiSela elpl ySy <rvvy 0 y<;
 +croc /cal yvcopLpy, el /cal pySeirca el 9 Te\o9 pov
 +ireireipaaav . yXl/ca pev ovv ret dyaOa iropif)
 +Xi 0 o%oo<; yevopevos, avTy irpoeLpy/cev ovSev yap
 +otl py ipydrr 79 cay t$ acopan irovcbv /cav tov t©
 +t yv airaarav iXirtSa tov ftlov reOeipevos, difyavys
 +pev airo9 civ, oXiya /cal dyevvy Xapfiavcov,
 +Taireivos rrjv yvboprjv, €vre\r)<; Se rrjv irpooSov,
 +ovre (jyiXocs emSi/cdo-ipos ovre e^pol? <po@epo<;
 +ovre t 049 iroXiTai 9 ^yXcoTO^, dXX* avro povov
 +ipyaTys /cal rw v e/c tov ttoXXov Sypov eh, del
 +tov nrpovyovTa viroirTyaacov /cal tov Xeyeiv Svva-
 +pevov depairevcov, Xayob fiiov £&v /cal tov /cpeiT-
 +tovos ippauov &v el Bk /cal tpeiSias y IIo\i 5 -
 +/cXeiTOS yevoLo /cal iroXXa davpaaTa e^epydaaio,
 +ttjv pev Te%vyv airavre 9 eiraivecrovTai, ov/c eaTi
 +Se 0 <TT 49 T&V ISoVTCDV, el VOVV €^01, €V^aiT CLV (Tol
 +opoio<; yeveaOar 0I09 yap av $9, jiidvavaos /cal
 +Xeip&vaf; /cal dTro^eipo^lcoTo^ vopurOyay.
-eiriSei^co iraXai&v dvSp&v epya Kal irpd%ei<; 0av- +10 S’ epol 1 ireiOrj, irp&TOV pev aoc 7 roWa
 +emSeij;(o iraXai&v dvSp&v epya /cal irpd^ec^ 0av-
-1 5* ifiol Lehmann : 8c fxoi MSS. +1 8* ifiol Lehmann : 84 not MSS.
-222 +
-y Google  
father envied, and cause your native land to be father envied, and cause your native land to be
-admired ? " +admired?
Sculpture said all this, and even more than this, Sculpture said all this, and even more than this,
Line 388: Line 450:
When she stopped, the other began after this When she stopped, the other began after this
-fashion : +fashion:
-" My child, I am Education, with whom you are +My child, I am Education, with whom you are
already acquainted and familiar, even if you have already acquainted and familiar, even if you have
not yet completed your experience of me. What not yet completed your experience of me. What
it shall profit you to become a sculptor, this it shall profit you to become a sculptor, this
-woman has told you ; you will be nothing but +woman has told you; you will be nothing but
a labourer, toiling with your body and putting in it a labourer, toiling with your body and putting in it
-your entire hope of a livelihood, personally incon- +your entire hope of a livelihood, personally incon¬
spicuous, getting meagre and illiberal returns, spicuous, getting meagre and illiberal returns,
humble-witted, an insignificant figure in public, humble-witted, an insignificant figure in public,
neither sought by your friends nor feared by your neither sought by your friends nor feared by your
-enemies nor envied by your fellow-citizens — nothing +enemies nor envied by your fellow-citizens—nothing
but just a labourer, one of the swarming rabble, ever but just a labourer, one of the swarming rabble, ever
cringing to the man above you and courting the man cringing to the man above you and courting the man
Line 416: Line 478:
" If you follow my advice, first of all I shall show " If you follow my advice, first of all I shall show
you many works of men of old, tell you their you many works of men of old, tell you their
223 223
-y Google  
 +paards /cal Xoyovs avrd>v anrayyeXS), /cal iravTcov
 +ax; ehrelv epireipov diroffravd), /cal ttjv yfrv^v,
 +oirep aoi /cvpicbrarov earl, /cara/coapqaa) nroXXoh
 +/cal ayadoh /coaprjpaai — aaxf>poavvr) f Bi/caioavvr),
 +evaefieLa , irpqoT'qri, ernei/ceca, avveaec, /caprepia ,
 +T<p rcov /caXd>v epcDTi, rrj irpos ra aepvorara
 +bpprj 9 ravra yap eanv 6 yjrv^r)? d/crfparos
 +d)<? dXrj0d)<; /coapos. Xqaei Be ae ovre nraXaiov
 +ovBev ovre vvv yeveaOai B4ov, dXX<i /caX rd peX-
 +Xovra Trpooyfrei per ipov, /cal oXa>? aTtavra oiroaa
 +earl, rd re 0ela ra r dvOpcoiriva, ov/c eh pa/cpdv
 +ae SiBagopai.
 +11 “ Kai 6 vvv irevrp; 6 rov Beivos, 6 /3ovXevadpevo <?
 +tl 7 Tepl dyevvovs ovTd) reyvrjs, per oXtyov airaai
 +f rjXcoro 9 /cal iirlfyOovos cay, npcopevos /cal eTrat-
 +vovpevos /cal iirl roh apLaroi ? evBo/cipd)v /cal biro
 +r&v yevei /cat irXovrcp TTpov^ovrcov dno^Xeiro-
 +pevo?, eaOrjra pev TOiavrrjv dpirexopevo *;,”—
 +BeL^aaa ttjv eavTrj 9 * 7 Taw Be Xapirpav i<f>opei —
 +“ dpxv 9 Be /cal irpoeBpias a%iovpevo<;. kolv ttov
 +a 7 roor)pr)<; f ovo em 7*779 aXXooa'irrjt; ayvax; ovo
 +dcfiaviearj 9 roiavra aoi irepiOrjao) ra yvoopia-
 +para ware r&v opcbvrayv e/caaro<; rov irXrjaiov
 +/avrjaas BeL^ec ae T<p Ba/crvXcp , * Ovr 09 e/celvo<; ’
-THE WORKS OF LUCIAN +12 Xeycov. dv Be t 1 airovBrj 9 afyov fj tovs <f>iXov 9 r \
-fiaarhs teal Xoyovs avrwv dirayyeXA, teal tt&vtwv +/cal ttjv iroXiv oXrjv /caraXapftavrj, eh ab irdvres
-<J>9 elirelv epuireipov diro^avta, zeal ttjv yfrv)(7]v t +a7ro/3XeyfrovTar /cav ttov t 1 Xeycov tvxv*>> Ke X^~
-oirep aoi Kvpicorarov ian, /caraKoafitfaa) iroXXoi*; +vot€$ oi iroXXol d/covaovrai , 0avpd%ovre<? /cal
-tcaX dyadol? Koafitfjiaai — aaxf>poavvt}, SiKaioavvp, +evBaipovL^ovrh ae rr)<; Bvvapeax; r&v Xoycov /cal
-evaefieiq, TrpaorrjTi, eirieiKeiq, avveaet,, fcaprepca, +rov irarepa 7-779 evirorpia 9. 1 0 Bb Xiyovaiv, ax?
-rq> rdv KaX&v epooTi, rrj irpbs ret aefivorara +
-opfifj* ravra yap eariv 6 t?}? ^1^779 cucrjpaTO*; +
-a>9 akrjffw /coafios. Xijaei Se ae ovre iraXaibv +
-ov&ev ovre vvv yeveaOac Biov, aXXa Kal ra fieX- +
-\ovra irpooyfrei fier ifiov, /cat o\o>9 airavra birbaa +
-iari, rd re 9ela rd r dvOpcoiriva, ovk els fia/cpdv +
-<T€ SlSdjjOfUll. +a pa /cal adavaroi yiy vovrai rive? i(j dvffpdircov,
-11 " Kal 6 vvv Treves 6 tov Selvos, 6 f3ovXevadi*ev6<; +1 efaraiStaf y 8 (conjectural?) and Hemsterhuys.
-tl irepl dyevvovs ovrca reyvv?* A 667 "' o\lyov airaai +
-f^XftjTO? Kal iirl^Oovo^ ear), Tificbfievo*; Kal iirac- +
-vovjievos Kal inl rocs dplaTOis evSoKi/n&v Kal biro +
-t&v yevei Kal irXovrfp irpovypvTtdv diro^XeTTO- +
-fievo<;, icOrjra puev TOiavTqv a/i7r€^o/i€^o?," — +
-Seigaaa ttjv iavrrj^* irdvv Be Xafiirpdv i<f>6p€i — +
-" <*PXV$ &* KCLl TrpoeSplas d^iovjievo^. kolv ttov +
-a7roorfp,fj^ t ovS' iirl rrj<; dXXoSairfj*; dyvebs ouS $ +
-d<f>avi)<f €<ry rocavrd aoi irepiOrjata rd yvcopia- +
-fiara &are t&v opcovrcov eKaaro^ rbv irXrjaiov +
-Kivr\aa<$ hei^ei ae rq> SaKTvXtp, ' Outo? etcelvos ' +
-12 Xeywv. av Be ri airovhrj^ ajjiov fj tov9 <f>iXov<; fj  
-Kal ttjv ttoXiv oXrjv KaraXapi^dvrj, eh ah irdvres  
-diroftXetyovTar kclv irov ri \eyG>i> tvXW*> K€ XV"  
-1/0T69 ol iroXXol d/covaovTai, 0av/j,d%ovT€<; Kal  
-evhaifiovityvres ae rrj*; Bvvd/Meax; t&v Xoytov Kal  
-tov iraTepa t?/? eviroT/jLias. 1 b Bh Xiyovaiv, a>9  
-apa Kal dddvaToi yiyvovTal Tive: ef dvOpwircov,  
-1 cfaratSfas "V 8 (conjectural ?) and Hemsterhuys.  
224 224
wondrous deeds* and words, and make you conversant wondrous deeds* and words, and make you conversant
with almost all knowledge, and I shall ornament your with almost all knowledge, and I shall ornament your
soul, which concerns you most, with many noble soul, which concerns you most, with many noble
-adornments — temperance, justice, piety, kindliness, +adornments—temperance, justice, piety, kindliness,
reasonableness, understanding, steadfastness, love of reasonableness, understanding, steadfastness, love of
-all that is beautiful, ardour towards all that is sublime ; +all that is beautiful, ardour towards all that is sublime;
for these are the truly flawless jewels of the soul. for these are the truly flawless jewels of the soul.
Nothing that came to pass of old will escape you, Nothing that came to pass of old will escape you,
-and nbthing that must now come to pass ; nay, you +and nothing that must now come to pass; nay, you
will even foresee the future with me. In a word, will even foresee the future with me. In a word,
I shall speedily teach you everything that there is, I shall speedily teach you everything that there is,
-whether it pertains to the gods or to man. +whether it pertains to the gods or to irian.
" You who are now the beggarly son of a nobody, " You who are now the beggarly son of a nobody,
Line 492: Line 551:
will be held in great esteem for the highest qualities will be held in great esteem for the highest qualities
and admired by men preeminent in lineage and in and admired by men preeminent in lineage and in
-wealth, you will wear clothing such as this " — she +wealth, you will wear clothing such as this ”—she
pointed to her own, and she was very splendidly pointed to her own, and she was very splendidly
-dressed — " and will be deemed worthy of office and +dressed —“ and will be deemed worthy of office and
precedence. If ever you go abroad, even on foreign precedence. If ever you go abroad, even on foreign
soil you will not be unknown or inconspicuous, for 1 soil you will not be unknown or inconspicuous, for 1
will attach to you such marks of identification that will attach to you such marks of identification that
everyone who sees you will nudge his neighbour and everyone who sees you will nudge his neighbour and
-point you out with his finger, saying, ' There he is ! ' +point you out with his finger, saying, ( There he is ! *
If anything of grave import befalls your friends or If anything of grave import befalls your friends or
even the entire city, all will turn their eyes upon even the entire city, all will turn their eyes upon
-you ; and if at any time you chance to make a +you; and if at any time you chance to make a
-speech, the crowd will listen open-mouthed, marvel- +speech, the crowd will listen open-mouthed, marvel¬
ling and felicitating you upon your eloquence and ling and felicitating you upon your eloquence and
your father upon his good fortune. They say that your father upon his good fortune. They say that
some men become immortal. I shall bring this to pass some men become immortal. I shall bring this to pass
225 225
-vol. hi. y  
 +tovto aoi nepmoiyaw xal yap fjv ai/Tos itc tov
 +y 9 tov dneXOys, ovnoTe navarj avvoov Tots nen rat-
 +SevpAvots /cal npoaoptX&v tols apiaro 49. o/>a 9
-THE WORKS OF LUClAN +top &rjpLO<T 0 evr)v i/eeivop, tlvos vlov ovra iyd>
 +ifki/cov inotrjaa. opas tov Alaxtvrjv, cos Tvp-
 +navtaTptas vlos f)V, dXX* opcos 1 avrov St ipe
 +<PtXnmos iQepanevev. 6 Si Hco/cpaTT )9 /cal avro 9
 +U 7 TO 'E/D/ACPyXu^tif/ raoriy t packets, inetSij
 +raxiara auvfj/cev tov KpetTTovos /cal SpaneTevaa 9
 +7 ra/>* avTrjs rjvTopoXrjaev cos e/Lte, aKOveis ©9 napa
 +ndvTcov aSeTai.
-tovto croc irepnrovqaw /cal yap f\v avTO? i/c tov +13 “ * A<fiels Si at/ tovs ttjXckovtovs /cal toiovtov 9
-fttov aTrekOrjs, oinrore iravarj avvoav Tofc Treirai- +
-Bevfiepot? teal irpoaofitX&v Tofc dpiaToi?, 6 pas +
-top Arj/ioaOivyv ifcelvov, tIpos vlov ovra iya> +
-ifhJi/cop iiroi'qaa. 6 pas top Al&xlprjp, d>9 rvfir +
-irapiarpias vlbs ty, aXV ofuas 1 avrbv oV ipue +
-<PCknrrro<; idepdirevep. 6 Bk Ico/cpaTrj? /cat avrbs +
-vtto ttj 'Fip/AoyXvcpiKy ravrrj rpafak, iireiBrj +
-Taxiara avvrj/cev rod Kpeirrovos zeal Spairerevaas +
-Trap 9 avT7/9 rjvTojioXrjaep a>9 e/ne, a/cov€i$ a>9 irapa +
-irdvTCDV aherai. +
-13 " ' A<f>els Bk ah tovs rrfkiKovrovs /cal toiovtov? +avSpa 9 *al npa^ets Xapnpa 9 X0701/9 aepvov 9
-apBpa? /cal irpd^et,? \apnrpa* /cal \070v9 aefipovs +
-/cal o"xfip4i evTrpeTres /cal rifirfv /cal Sogap /cal +
-erraipop /cal rrpoeBpias teal Bvvap.iv teal dp^a? teal +
-to iirl \6yow evSo/cijieip /cal to iirl avpiaei +
-€v8aifiopl%€<r0ai, xiTtopiop ti ircvapbv ipBvarj teal +
-axVM^ 1 BovXoirpeire? apaXrjyjrrj /cal po^fda teal +
-yXwpela /cal /coirea? /cal KoXairrrjpas ip raw +
-Xepolp ef€i9 kwtw P€P€v/ca>$ €19 to epyop, ^a/Lux*- +
-7T€T^9 /cal xapaityiXo** /cal iravra Tpoirop Tairei- +
-V09, apa/cvTTT&p Bk ovSeiroTe oiBe dpBp&Bes ovBe +
-i\.€v0€pop ovBkp iinpotav, aXka ra fiev epya 07r&>9 +
-€vpv@/xa /cal €vaxv/ JLOVa Sarai aot irpopo&p, Sir cos +
-Be avT09 €vpv0/j,6<? re /cal /coa/nio? earj, rftciara +
-ire<l>p0PTi/cw, d\\' arcfiorepov iroi&p aeavrbv +
-\10Q)P." +*ai G'xfjpa evn penes /cal Tiprjv /cal So^av /cal
 +enatvov /cal npoeSptas /cal Svvap.iv /cal ap^as /cal
 +to ini Xoyots evSoKipetv /cal to ini avveaei
 +evSatpovt^eaOat, ytToovtov tl ntvapov ivSvarj /cal
 +axiP& So vXonpenes dvaXtfyfrj) /ecu poxXta Kal
 +7X1 Kpela Kal Koneas /cal KoXanTrjpas iv Talv
 +•yepolv e^eis kcltco vevevKoos els to epyov, xapeu-
 +neTfjs /cal xapaLZrfXo 9 navTa Tponov Tanet-
-14 TavTa en \eyovarjs avrrjs ov irepifielpa? iya> +1/09, avaKvnrcov oe ovbenoTe ovoe avbpcobe 9 oooe
-to T€\o9 t&p \oycov dpaaTa? direibrjpdfirjv, ical +eXevOepov ovSiv intvocov, aXXa tA /iev e/07a oncos
-rrjp dfwp<t>ov i/celvrjp xal ipyari/crjp diroXnrcop +evpvOpa Kal evaxvpova ecrTai aoi npovoSov , 07 tq )9
 +$€ avT 09 evpvOpos tc Kal Koapios ear ), fjKiaTa
 +ne<f>povTiK(os, aXX aTtpoTepov noi&v aeavTov
-1 S/*«j N marg., $-, vulg.: 8w«s MSS. +14 TaOra er* Xeyovarjs avTrjs ov nepipelvas iyo>
-226 +to TeXos t&v Xoycov avaaTcts dne<^r)vapr)v, Kal
 +Trjv apop<f>ov iK€ivr)v Kal ipyaTiKrjv dnoXtnebv
 +1 8/i«s N marg., 5-, vulg.: 8w»y MSS.
-y Google  
-with you ; for though you yourself depart from life, you +with you; for though you yourself depart from life, you
will never cease associating with men of education and will never cease associating with men of education and
conversing with men of eminence. You know whose conversing with men of eminence. You know whose
son Demosthenes was, and how great I made him. son Demosthenes was, and how great I made him.
-You know that Aeschines was the son of a tam- +You know that Aeschines was the son of a tam¬
bourine girl, but for all that, Philip paid court to him bourine girl, but for all that, Philip paid court to him
-for my sake. And Socrates himself was brought up +for my sake. And Socrates himself was brought up
under the tutelage of our friend Sculpture, but as under the tutelage of our friend Sculpture, but as
soon as he understood what was better he ran away soon as he understood what was better he ran away
Line 578: Line 639:
how his praises are sung by everyone. how his praises are sung by everyone.
-« On the other hand, if you turn your back upon +On the other hand, if you turn your back upon
these men so great and noble, upon glorious deeds these men so great and noble, upon glorious deeds
and sublime words, upon a dignified appearance, and sublime words, upon a dignified appearance,
Line 586: Line 647:
servile appearance, and hold bars and gravers and servile appearance, and hold bars and gravers and
sledges and chisels in your hands, with your back bent sledges and chisels in your hands, with your back bent
-over your work ; you will be a groundling, with ground- +over your work; you will be a groundling, with ground¬
ling ambitions, altogether humble ; you will never lift ling ambitions, altogether humble ; you will never lift
your head, or conceive a single manly or liberal your head, or conceive a single manly or liberal
Line 593: Line 654:
show any concern to make yourself well-balanced and show any concern to make yourself well-balanced and
sightly ; on the contrary, you will make yourself a sightly ; on the contrary, you will make yourself a
-thing of less value than a block of stone." +thing of less value than a block of stone.
While these words were still on her lips, without While these words were still on her lips, without
Line 600: Line 661:
227 227
-Q 2  
- +0 2
- +
-y Google +
Line 610: Line 668:
-fiereftaivov 7r/?09 ttjv Tlaihelav fid\a yeyrjddx:, teal  
-fidXiara eirel fioi teal eh vovv ffXdev r) aKVTakrj  
-koX oti irXrjyeis evffvs x ovk 6\lya$ dp'xpfievtp fioi  
-%0€? iverpiyfraro. rj he diroXeuftOeicra to fiev  
-wp&TOv r)yavdicTei teal tg> %€?/>€ cvve/epoTei koX  
-tov? oSovras avveirpie* reXo? hi, wairep rr)p  
-Nioftrjv d/covofiev, eireirrfye^ teal eh TdOov fiere-  
-j3i/3krjTO. el he irapdho^a eirade, fii) dircaTT)-  
-ar)T€* OavfiaTOTTOiol yhp oi oveipoi.  
-15 C H eripa he wpo<; fie dirihovaa, " Toiyapovv +perefiaipov irpo? ttjp ThuheLav pdXa yeyrj0<b<;, /cal
-afieiyfrofiai ere," e<f>7), " rr)ahe rrjs hi/ecuoavvrj*}, on +paKiara iirei poi /cal 649 vovv fj\0ev rj (TKVjaXrj
-fca\&<: rfjv hl/crjv ihUaaa<f, fcal i\0k rfhrj, eiri^rjOi +/cal on irXrjycis ev0v 9 1 ov/c okxyas apxopevtp poi
-tovtov rov o^/lwito?," — hei^aad ri offlfia viro- +^#6? ipeTpiyjraTO. fi he airoXeuj/Oelaa to pep
-TTTepayv tinrcov tlv&v t$> Hrjydcrtp eoucorwv — +Trp&TOP 7]yapaKTei /cal tod yelpe avve/cporei /cal
-"otto)? elhfjs ola feat r)\iKa firj a/eo\ov07]aa<; ifiol +T 009 oSovTa? avveirpte • T€Xo9 hi, &<nrep t rjp
-ayvorjaeiv efieWes" inel hk dvrjXffov, r) fiev +N io/3rjp d/covopep, iireirriyei /cal €49 \l0op pere-
-fjkavve teal v<f>rjvi6)(€i, dp0eh he eh t/^o? eya> +{H/SXtjto. el he irapdhofja eirade, prj dmaTrj-
-eirea-KOiTOvv dirb t^? Ig> dpgdfievos &%pi> tt/oo? to, +arjre* 0 av pxLTOiroiol yhp ol oveipoi .
-eairepia 2 iro\ei$ xa\ eOvr\ real hijfiovs, /eaddirep 6 +
-TpiTTToXefio? diroaireiptov ri eh ttjv yr)v. ov/c£ti +
-fievroi fiefiprjfuu o ri to aireipofievov i/ceivo r)v, +
-ttXtjv tovto fiovov oti, tcdrwOev a<f>op&VT€$ avdpto- +
-iroi eirrfvovv koX fier ev<f>r)fila<; /caff* 0&9 yevolfirjv +
-rfj irrfjaei irapemefitrov. +
-1 6 Aelgaaa he fwi ra roaavra ted fie toi? iiraivov- +15 f H eripa he 777909 pe amhovaa, (t Toiyapovv
-aiv €/c€lvoi$ eiravrjyayev avOis, ov/eeri ttjv avrrjv +
-eaOryra e/celvrjv evhehvieora r)v efyov d<f>nrTdfievo<;, +
-dXkd fioi iho/eovv ev7rdpv(f>6<; t*? iiravrjieeiv . +
-tcaraXaftovaa o\)v /ecu rov irarepa ecrrAra iea\ +
 +dpeL^ropai <T€,” ecf/rj, “ rrjcrhe tt /9 hi/caioavprjs, on
 +fca\co 9 T fjv hl/crjp ihiKacras, /cal i\0i fjhrj, i'rrL/3r]0i
 +rovrov rov oxypaTos,” — hel^aad n oxvP a hi to-
 +TTTepcop iinrcop tiv&p rep Tlrjydatp eoi/coT(ov —
 +“ 07 Tft )9 648*79 ola /cal fjXi/ca prj a/co\ov0rjaa<; ipol
 +ayvorjaeiv epeWe 9 .” eirel hi dvrj\0ov, rj pep
 +rjkavve /cal v^rjviox^i, dp0el<$ he €49 0^09 iy(o
 +iirea/coTTOVP airo rr \9 &> dpgapepo 9 a%/H 717909 ra
 +eairipia 2 ttoX649 /cal e0vrj /cal hijpovs, /caOairep 6
 +TpnrToXepo? dirotnreipcop n €49 t tjp yrjp. ov/cin
 +pivroi pepprjpai 0 ti to aireipopevov e/celvo rjv>
 +ir\rjv tovto povov on /cdrovOep dcf/opcovre^ ap0p(o-
 +7 ro 4 eirrjpovp /cal pe t ev<j>rjpia 9 0&9 yepoiprjp
 +rfj TTTrjaei irapemepirop.
-1 & duos Hemsterhuys. +16 A ei^aaa he pot ra roaavra /cape T049 eiraivov-
- +aiv €/c€lpoi$ eTravrjyayev av0i 9, ov/cen ttjp avrrjv
-2 rb Imrtpia Gronovius : rhs icnttpias MSS. +e<T0rjTa e/celvrjp ivhehv/cora fjv elx ov d^nrrdpepos,
 +aXXa poi ehotcovv evTrdpv(f>6<; T49 iiravrjKeiv .
 +/cara\a/3ov<ra ox/p /cal top iraripa ear&Ta /cal
 +1 6 0€ios Hemsterhuys.
 +2 ri i<r* 4 pia Gronovius : t&j itnttplas MSS.
228 228
-y Google  
-working- woman, I went over to Education with a +working-woman, I went over to Education with a
right good will, especially when the stick entered right good will, especially when the stick entered
my mind and the fact that it had laid many a blow my mind and the fact that it had laid many a blow
Line 671: Line 724:
miracles. miracles.
-The other fixed her eyes upon me and said : " I +The other fixed her eyes upon me and said: I
will therefore repay you for the justice that you have will therefore repay you for the justice that you have
-done in judging this issue rightly : come at once and +done in judging this issue rightly: come at once and
-mount this car" — pointing to a car with winged +mount this car”—pointing to a car with winged
-horses resembling Pegasus' — " in order that you may +horses resembling Pegasus *—“ in order that you may
know what you would have missed if you had not know what you would have missed if you had not
-come with me." When I had mounted she plied whip +come with me.When I had mounted she plied whip
and reins, and I was carried up into the heights and and reins, and I was carried up into the heights and
went from the East to the very West, surveying went from the East to the very West, surveying
Line 690: Line 743:
men who applauded, she brought me back again, no men who applauded, she brought me back again, no
longer dressed in the same clothing that I wore when longer dressed in the same clothing that I wore when
-I began the flight ; I dreamed that I came back in +I began the flight; I dreamed that I came back in
princely purple. Finding my father standing and princely purple. Finding my father standing and
waiting, she pointed him out my clothing and the waiting, she pointed him out my clothing and the
Line 698: Line 751:
 +jrepifiivovTa ebeiKvvev avreo irceLvrj 1 rrjv iadrjra
 +tea fie , olos f)K0ifii , teal r i Kal vTrepvrjaev ola
 +fiucpov belv 7 repl ipov iftovXevaavro.
-THE WORKS OF LUCIAN +T avra pepvrjpiu Ibeov dvrirrais en &v 9 epol
- +boKelv eKrapaxOcls nrpos rov r&v irXrjy&v <f>o/3ov.
-TT€pifl€VOVTa €&€l/CPV€V CLVT(p €tC€lVT) * TfJV €(T07JTa +
-Ka/J,€y oto$ fjKOlfll, KdC TL KCU V1T€flVrj(T€V old +
- +
-fwcpov Seiv irepl ifiov ifiovXeveravTO. +
-TavTa fiifivrjjiai ISeov avTlirais €Ti civ, i/xol +17 be Xeyovros, "'H pdxXeis,” e<f>rj ns*
-hofcelv e/CTapaxQeU wpbs top t&v ir\rjy&v <f>6/3ov. +“ gk fiarcpov to evinrviov real biKaviKovelr
 +a\\o9 vrreKpovae , “Xeipepivos oveipos, ore 2 /*?;-
 +Kicrral eitriv ai vvktcs, fj Ta%a irov rpiearrepos,
 +&<nr€p 6 f H pateXrjs, teal avros eari. ri S’ ovv
 +errrjXOev avrep Xrjprjaai ravra rrpos fjpas teal
 +pvrjaOrjvai 7 Taibircrjs wtcros teal oveipeov rraXaiebv
 +teal yeyrjpatcorcov; eeoXos ybp rj yJrvj(poXoyia. firj
 +oveipeov rivas virotepiras fjpas vrreiXrjepevovtc,
 +t oyaOe • ovbe yap 6 3evo<f)ebv 7 Tore birjyovpevos to
 +evviTviov, cos eSotcei avreS tcepavvos epireercov tcaleiv
 +rrjv irarpeoav olteiav 3 teal t a aXXa,—tare yap —
 +ov% virotcpunv rrjv oyfriv ovb' a>s <f>Xvapelv eyveo-
 +teebs avra bie^rjei, teal ravra ev rroXepep teal
 +a7royv(b(T€i irpaypareov, TTepieerrebreov nroXepieov ,
 +<l\\a t i teal ^prjerifwv etyev fj birjyrjais*
-17 Mera^y Be Xeyovros, "'HpdteXei?" e<f>rj res, +18 Kai roivvv Kayo) rovrov rov oveipov vpiv
-" cos fiatcpbv to ivvirviov teal Sitcavitcov." elr +birjyrjadprjv eKelvov evexa, o7reos oi veoi irpos ra
-a\\o? viretepova-e, " Xeifiepivbs oveipos, ore 2 p,r)- +fteXrico rperreovrai teal iraibeias e^eovrai, Kal
-Kiarai elviv ai vvtCTes, fj raya nov TpiiairepoSy +
-&airep 6 'Hpatc\r}$ 9 teal airo? iari. tL S* ovv +
-iirrjXOev avrqt Xrjprjcai ravra irpbs rjfias teal +
-fjLvrfo-Orjvai iraiSiterj^ vvkto<; teal oveipaov iraXai&v +
-teal yeyrjpatcoTaov; eiwXo? yap rj ^v^poXoyia. fiij +
-bveiptov Ttvas virotcpiTas rjfias vireikq^ev ;" ovtc, +
-&ya0e* ov&€ yap 6 Sevo<f>&v irore Sirjyovfievos to +
-ivvirviov, c!>9 iSoteei avr<5 /cepavvbs ipmeerebv tealeiv +
-Tt)v varpwav olteiav z real to, aXka, — fore yap — +
-ov% vir6tcpio~iv rrjv oyfriv oifS* &$ <f>\vap€iv iyvco- +
-#a>9 avja Siegyei, teal ravra iv iroXe/Jitp teal +
-airoyvcoaei irpayfiaTcov, irepieaTtoTeov woXe/uoov, +
-aXkd ti teal %prjo~ifiov etyev r/ hirjyqai^. +
-18 Kai Toivvv Kayto tovtov top oveipov itfiiv +1 bcclvrj Allinson : iKclvyv MSS.
-Sirjyrjadfirjv iteeivov evetca, 07tg>s oi veoi irpbs tcl +
-#e\Tta> TpkirtoVTai teal iraihelas €X<ovTai, teal +
-1 bc*ivi\ $-, Alliiison : iKflvrjv MSS. +* 6t€ Graevius (Z l ?): 5rt MSS.
-8 8t€ Graevias (Z l ?) : 8ti MSS. +
-1 < Ktpavvhs ifiir€<ri»v > KttUiv r^v irarpyap olnlav A. M. H. : ko. \ +* < Ktpavvbs ipiTtaraov > Kale tv r^v irarptpav oik lav A. M. H.: tea l
-iv rg varpyy otW? MSS. +tv rrj rarpyef. obciq, MSS.
230 230
Line 743: Line 793:
- +
- +
- +
guise in which I had returned, and even reminded guise in which I had returned, and even reminded
Line 754: Line 800:
That 'is the dream which I remember having had That 'is the dream which I remember having had
-when I was a slip of a lad ; it was due, I suppose, to +when I was a slip of a lad; it was due, I suppose, to
my agitation on account of the fear inspired by the my agitation on account of the fear inspired by the
thrashing. thrashing.
-Even as I was speaking, " Heracles ! " someone +Even as I was speaking, Heracles! someone
-said, " what a long and tiresome dream ! " Then +said, what a long and tiresome dream! Then
-someone else broke in : " A winter dream, when the +someone else broke in : “A winter dream, when the
-nights are longest ; or perhaps it is itself a product +nights are longest; or perhaps it is itself a product
of three nights, like Heracles ! 1 What got into him of three nights, like Heracles ! 1 What got into him
to tell us this idle tale and to speak of a night of his to tell us this idle tale and to speak of a night of his
-childhood and dreams that are ancient and super- +childhood and dreams that are ancient and super¬
annuated ? It is flat to spin pointless yarns. Surely annuated ? It is flat to spin pointless yarns. Surely
-he doesn't take us for interpreters of dreams ? " No, +he doesn’t take us for interpreters of dreams ? No,
-my friend ; and Xenophorf, too, when he told one +my friend; and Xenophoif, too, when he told one
time how he dreamed that a bolt of lightning, time how he dreamed that a bolt of lightning,
-striking his father's house, set it afire, and all the +striking his father’s house, set it afire, and all the
-rest of it — you know it — did not do so because he +rest of it—you know it—did not do so because he
wanted the dream interpreted, nor yet because he wanted the dream interpreted, nor yet because he
had made up his mind to talk nonsense, particularly had made up his mind to talk nonsense, particularly
in time of war and in a desperate state of affairs, in time of war and in a desperate state of affairs,
with the enemy on every side ; no, the story had a with the enemy on every side ; no, the story had a
-certain usefulness. 8 +certain usefulness. 3
So it was with me, and I told you this dream in So it was with me, and I told you this dream in
Line 781: Line 827:
direction and cleave to education, above all if poverty direction and cleave to education, above all if poverty
-1 The Alexandrian* called Heracles " him of the three +1 The Alexandrians called Heracles him of the three
-nights," because Zeus tripled the length of the night which +nights,because Zeus tripled the length of the night which
-he spent with Alcmene. See Dial, of the Gods 14 (vulg. 10). +he spent with Alcmene. See Dial . of the Gods 14 (vulg. 10).
-' Anabasis 3, 1, 11. Lucian, perhaps confusing this with +* Anabasis 3, 1, 11. Lucian, perhaps confusing this with
a later dream (4, 3, 7), evidently thinks that it was told to a later dream (4, 3, 7), evidently thinks that it was told to
-the soldiers to hearten them, but this is not the case. Xeno- +the soldiers to hearten them, but this is not the case. Xeno¬
phon was unable to interpret it until after the event, and did phon was unable to interpret it until after the event, and did
not tell it to anyone until he put it into his book. not tell it to anyone until he put it into his book.
-331 +* 3 *
- +
- +
- +
-y Google +
- +
-H<i\i<rTa et t*5 avT<ov viro rrevias eOeXofcafeei real  
-Trpos rrjv ffTT(o aTTorcXlvei, <f>v<riv ovtc dyevvrj  
-&ta<f>0€ipc0V. iirippoxTOrjaeTaL ev oZ&' oti /ea/ceivos  
-aKOV<ra$ rou fivOov, itcavov eavrm 7rapdSeiyfia  
-€/jl^ irpoaTtjvdfievos, evvo&v olo? p,ev &v 7T/oo? ra  
-KiiXKidra wpfirjaa xal iraihela? iiredv/jbrjcra, fjLtjSev  
-dTro8€i\id<ra<; 7r/?o9 ttjv ireviav ttjv Tore, 0I09 Be  
-7rp6<; vfia? iiraveKrfKvda, el real firjBev aWo,  
-ovBcvbs yovv tcov XiOoyXvcfxov dBogorepo?.  
 +p<i\ 4 (TTa €i t *9 avTcov viro irevLas iOeXotccucei /cal
 +vrpb<; rrjv tjtto) airo/cXivei , <\>v<jiv ov/c dyevvfj
 +bia<f> 0 €ip<ov. iinpp( 0 (T 0 rj<T€Tai ev olb' on /ca/ceivos
 +aKovaas tov pvdov, l/cavov kavrtp TrapdSeiypa
 +epk 7 r pO(TTtj(Tdp,€vos f ivvo&v o?09 pev &v 7T/909 ra
 +fcdWicrra (opprjaa /cal iraiSela 9 iiredvprjaa, prjbev
 +diroSeiXidfra? 737)09 t rjv ireviav rfjv Tore , 0Z09 Se
 +7 r ^)09 vpa<; iTraveXrjXvOa , eZ prjbev aXXo ,
 +ouSevos yovv rtov Xi 0 oyXv(f)(ov dbogorepo?.
-2 3*  
-itized by GoOgk  
-is making any one of them faint-hearted and inclin- +is making any one of them faint-hearted and inclin¬
ing him toward the worse, to the detriment of a ing him toward the worse, to the detriment of a
noble nature. He will be strengthened*, I am very noble nature. He will be strengthened*, I am very
Line 831: Line 867:
education, showing no weakness in the face of my education, showing no weakness in the face of my
poverty at that time, and what I am now, on my poverty at that time, and what I am now, on my
-return to you — if nothing more, at least quite as +return to you—if nothing more, at least quite as
highly thought of as any sculptor. highly thought of as any sculptor.
- +2 33
-*33 +
- +
- +
- +
-itized by GoOgk +
- +
- +
- +
-itized by GoOgle +
- +
- +
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Revision as of 14:00, 5 April 2020

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"The Dream or Lucian's Career" (Περὶ τοῦ Ἐνυπνίου ἤτοι Βίος Λουκιανοῦ, Somnium sive Vita Luciani) is an incomplete autobiographical sketch by Lucian.

Lucian tells how a vision inspired him to abandon a career in sculpture for one in literature.

Full text


The Dream contains no hint that a lecture is to follow it, but its brevity, its structure—a parable followed by its application—and the intimacy of its tone show that it is an introduction similar to Dionysus and Amber. Read certainly in Syria, and almost certainly in Lucian’s native city of Samosata, it would seem to have been composed on his first return to Syria, after the visit to Gaul that made him rich and famous ; probably not long after it, for his return home is quite likely to have come soon after his departure from Gaul. It reads, too, as if it were written in the first flush of success, before his fortieth year.

Since it gives us a glimpse of his early history, and pro¬ fesses to tell us how he chose his career, it makes a good introduction to his works. For that reason it was put first in the early editions, and has found a place in a great many school readers, so that none of his writings is better known.

The amount of autobiography in it is not great. Lucian names no names, which might have given us valuable inform¬ ation as to his race, and he says nothing about his father except that he was not well off in the world. That his mother’s father and brothers were sculptors, that he evinced his inheritance of the gift by his cleverness in modelling, and that he was therefore apprenticed to his uncle to learn the trade—all this is inherently probable, and interesting because it accounts for the seeing eye that made his pen- pictures so realistic. As to the dream, and his deliberate choice of a literary career on account of it, that is surely fiction. From what he does not say here, from what Oratory lets drop in the Double Indictment —that she found him wandering up and down Ionia, all but wearing native garb— we may guess that distaste for the sculptor’s trade led him to run away from home without any very definite notion where he was going or what he should do, and that the dream, plainly inspired less by a thrashing than by the famous allegory of the sophist Prodicus, Heracles at the Crossways (Xenophon, Memorabilia 2, 1, 21), came to him in later years, while he meditated what he should say to those at home upon his return to them.



1 *ApTi fiev e7T€7ravfir]v et? ra 8i8aatea\eca <f)oiT(ov r]8r] ttjv rjXitclav 7 Tpoarjfio? wv, 6 fie Trarrjp iateo - 7T61TO pL€Ta TO)V <f>L\(0V 0 TL teal SlSd^CUTO fl €. Tot? rnrXelaTois o5z> efio£e v irat8eLa piev teal irovov 7 toWov teal xpovov piaicpov teal 8a r rrdvrp ? ou puitepd^ teal tvxHS 8eia0cu XapLirpas, rd fi ’ 77 pieTepa putepa T€ elvai teal ra^eiav Tiva ttjv iiriKOvplav dirairelv el fie Tiva Te^yyv t&v ftavavaeov tovtiov itepcdOoipa, to piev TrpwTov evOvs av uvt o? e%eti> tcl aptcovvTa irapci t?)? Te’xyV^ p^l^kr olteoaiTO 9 elvai ttj\i - kovtos &v, ovtc els piatepav fie /cat top iraTepa €v<ppaveiv anro^epcov del to yiyvopievov.

2 Aeirreyoa? o5z> ateeyjre a>9 TrpovTeOrj, t t?

apl&Trj to) v T€)(yd)v teal paaTrj itcpbadelv teal dv 8 pl eXevOepcp irpeirovaa teal 7 Tpoyeipov e^ovaa ttjv X oprjylav teal 8 iapter) top iropov . a\\ou toLvvv aWrjv eiraivovvTO^t a>9 ewao'TO? 71x0/4779 fj ipmei- plas etyev, 6 iraTtjp ek tqv delov a 7 ri 8 d)v,—irapfjv yap 6 717709 pbr)Tpo<; 0etO9, apierTos eppu)y\v<f)o<; elvai 8 ote 5 )v 1 —“Oo depus” ehrev, “ aWrjv T&xvyp

Available in photographs : rNZ.

1 MSS. add koI (not in 7) A ido£6os iv rois fid\i<rra fblSoKlfiois : excised by Schmieder. Cf. 7.




No sooner had I left off school, being then well on in my teens, than my father, and his friends began to discuss what he should have me taught next. Most of them thought that higher education required great labour, much time, considerable expense, and conspicuous social position, while our circumstances were but moderate and demanded speedy relief; but that if I were to learn one of the handicrafts, in the first place I myself would immediately receive my support from the trade instead of continuing to share the family table at my age ; besides, at no distant day I would delight my father by bringing home my earnings regularly.

The next topic for discussion was opened by raising the question, which of the trades was best, easiest to learn, suitable for a man of free birth, required an outfit that was easy to come by, and offered an income that was sufficient. Each praised a different trade, according to his own judgement or experience; but my father looked at my uncle (for among the company was my uncle on my mother’s side, who had the reputation of being an excellent sculptor) and said: " It isn’t right that any other



eTTUcparelv aov irapovTos, dXXd tovtov aye”— Bellas ipie—“ BLBaaKe TrapaXaftiov Xl 0 oov ipyarrjv dya 0 ov elvai /cal avvappioaTrjv /cal eppioyXv^ea 9 Svvarat yap /cal tovto, <\>vaed)^ ye, g>9 olaOa, eyoov he^um” ire/cpbaipero Be rats e/c rov /crjpov irai- Bials* 07T0T6 y(ip d<f>€ 0 eLrjv vn to tSov BiBaaKaXoov, drro^ecov av rov /crjpov rj fioas fj %inrov<; rj /cal vrj Ai dv 0 p<loitov<; dverrXaTTov, et/cora?, 1 <*>9 iSo/covv tg) Trarpr i<f >* 0I9 rrapa p,ev toov BiBaaKaXoov irXrjya^ eXapifiavov, Tore Be enraivo 9 eU rfjv ev<f>vLav /cal ravra fjv, /cal %pr}aT(i<; eiypv err epbol ra? iXTrlBa? a>9 ev /Spa^el pbaOrjaopiai t rjv re^yrjv, dir i/ceLvrjs ye rrjs TrXaam/crji

3 'Apia re ovv eTTiTrjheios iSo/cei rjpiepa Te'xyrjs evapyeG0ai, Kay in rrapeBeBopirjv too 0ei<p pud top AC ov acjyoBpa rip rrpdypLaTi d*)(0bp£vo<i, dXXa poi Kal rraiBidv rtva ovk drepTrrj eBoKei eyew Kal 7T/J09 tou9 rjXiKL(loTa<; irriBei^iv, el <f>aivoipirjv 0eov$ T€ yXvcf>oov Kal dyaXpbdjia puKpd Tiva KaraaKeva- %oov ipuavrip T€ KaKeLvois 0I9 rrporjpovpbrjv . Kal to ye 7r pooTov eKelvo Kal avvrj0e<; rofc dpypp,evoi 9 iytyvero. iyKOirea yap t iva p,oi Bov 9 6 0elo<; eKeXeuaev rjpepba Ka0iKea0ai irXaKo 9 ev pieaop Keipieviis, eireirriov to kolvov “ dp^tj Be tol rjpuav iravro 9 .” (TKXrjpoTepov Be KaTeveyK 0 VT 0 <$ inr drrei- pia<; KaTedyrj piev rj irXa f, 6 Be ayavaKTrjaas aKVTaXrjv Tiva rrXrjaiov Keipievrjv Xafioov ov rrpaoo 9 Ol/Be TTpOTpeTTTLKW pLOV KaTrjp^aTO, &<TTe BaKpva pool ra rrpoolpua t ?}9 Te^yrj 9 .

4 ’ ArroBpa 9 ovv eKeWev irrl ttjv oiKiav d<f)iKVovpLai avve^e? dvaXv^oov Kal BaKpvoov rou9 6<j)0aXpu)v 9

1 *Ik6tcls Naber : uk6to)$ MSS.



trade should have the preference while you are by. Come, take this lad in hand”—with a gesture toward me —“ and teach him to be a good stone¬ cutter, mason, and sculptor, for he is capable of it, since, as you know, he has a natural gift for it.” He drew this inference from the way in which I had played with wax; for whenever my teachers dismissed me I would scrape the wax from my tablets and model cattle or horses or even men, and they were true to life, my father thought. I used to get thrashings from my teachers on account of them, but at that time they brought me praise for my cleverness, and good hopes were entertained of me, on the ground that I would soon learn the trade, to judge from that modelling.

So, as soon as it seemed to be a suitable day to begin a trade, I was turned over to my uncle, and I was not greatly displeased with the arrangement, I assure you ; on the contrary, I thought it involved interesting play of a sort, and a chance to show off to my schoolmates if I should turn out to be carving gods and fashioning little figures for myself and for those I liked best. Then came the first step and the usual experience of beginners. My uncle gave me a chisel and told me to strike a light blow on a slab that lay at hand, adding the trite quotation: " Well begun, half done.” But in my inexperience I struck too hard; the slab broke, and in a gust of anger he seized a stick that lay close by and put me through an initiation of no gentle or encouraging sort, so that tears were the overture to my ap¬ prenticeship.

I ran away from the place and came home sobbing continuously, with my eyes abrim with tears. I told



irrrbrrXecos, teal Bvqyovfiai ttjv <rtemaXr)v teal roirs ficoXcoiras eBeitevvov, teal tearrfyopovv iroXXrjv riva iofiorrfra, irpoadels ore inro <f>0ovov ravra eBpacre, fit) avrov inrepfiaXcofuu teard rrjv rexyrjv. ava- tcTr)<Tafievr)$ Be rrjs firjrpos teal iroWa rq> dBeXcfrcp XoiBoprjaafievrjs, iirel vvl; i7rrjX0ev teareBap0ov en evBatepvs teal rrjv crtevrdXrjv 1 evvo&v.

5 M €XP l tovtcdv yeXderifia teal fieipateidoBrj

rd elprjfieva * rd fiera ravra Be ovtceri evtcara- < ppovrjra , & avBpes, ateovaeade, aXXd teal iraw cftiXrjtcoayv atcpoarcbv Beofieva* tva ydp tcaff "Ofirjpov


Oelos pun evvrrviov rjXdev oveipos dfi^pocrLrjv Bid vvtcra,

ivapyrjs ovreo 9 ware firjBev aTroXeiireaOai rrjs dXrjOeias. en yovv teal fierd roaovrov yjyovov rd re axypuird pun rcbv cpavevrcov ev rots o<pdaXfiol 9 7 rapafievei teal rj epeovrj rcbv atcovaOevrcov evavXos* ovreo <ra$r\ iravra TfV.

6 At jo yvvaltce 9 Xa/3ofievai ralv %epolv elXtcov fie irpos eavrrjv etcarepa fidXa fiiaicos teal tea prepay;* putepov yovv fie Biecnraaavro 7 rpos dXXrjXas cpiXo- rifiovfievar teal yap teal apn filv &v rj erepa iiretcparei teal it a pa putepov oXov eZ%€ fie, apn 8* &v aide? inro rfjs erepas eiypfirfv . efiocov Be 7 rpos dXXqXas etcarepa , 17 fiev a >9 avrrjs ovra fie tee - tcrrjadai fiovXoiro, f) 81 do 9 fiarrjv rcbv aXXo- rpLcov avnrroioiro. fjv SI rj fiev epyanterf teal avSpiKTj teal avyfirjpd rrjv tcofirjv , rdo X € W € rvXcov dvarrXecos , Bie^coa fievrj rfjv iaOrfra, nrdvQV

1 <TKtnd\riv Steigerthal; vvtcra &\t]v MSS,



about the stick, showed the welts and charged my uncle with great cruelty, adding that he did it out of jealousy, for fear that I should get ahead of him in his trade. My mother comforted me and roundly abused her brother, but when night came on, I fell asleep, still tearful and thinking of the stick.

Up to this point my story has been humorous and childish, but what you shall hear next, gentlemen, is not to be made light of; it deserves a very receptive audience. The fact is that, to use the words of Homer,

“ a god-sent vision appeared unto me in my slumber Out of immortal night," 1

so vivid as not to fall short of reality in any way. Indeed, even after all this time, the figures that I saw continue to abide in my eyes and the words that I heard in my ears, so plain was it all.

Two women, taking me by the hands, were each trying to drag me toward herself with might and main ; in fact, they nearly pulled me to pieces in their rivalry. Now one of them would get the better of it and almost have me altogether, and now I would be in the hands of the other. They shouted at each other, too, one of them saying, “ He is mine, and you want to get him! ” and the other: “ It is no good your claiming what belongs

to someone else.” One was like a workman, mas¬ culine, with unkempt hair, hands full of callous places, clothing tucked up, and a heavy layer of

  • 1 Iliad 2, 56.



fcaraye/iovaa , otos rjv 6 0etos 6 tt6t€ £eot to vs Xl0ovs * rj €T epa Be fid\a evirpoacoiros teal to (T^rjfxd evir peiTTjs teal teoapuos ttjv avaftoXrjv .

TeXo? S’ ovv icfriaai puoi Bi/ca^eiv oirorepa fiov- XolpLTjv (jvvelvai avr<ov. irporepa 84 tj ar/eXTjpd eteelvrj teal dvBpcoBrjs eXe^ev

7 “ ’E yd), (fyiXe iral , 'EtppboyXvejyi/CTj Teyyr\ elpbl, fjv %0€9 VP% W pavOaveiv, oitcela re <tol teal crvyyevTjs ottcodev 1 o re yap irainros crov ”—elirovaa tov- vofia tov pwjTpoir olt opos—" Xi0o%oos fjv teal red 0elco dpuporepco teal pudXa evBoteipueiTov 81 Tjpuas. el S’ eOeXeis Xrjpeov puev teal (^XrjvdefHov t&v tt apd ravrrjs aTrexearOai /* —Beifjaaa ttjv erepav — “ eire- a0ai Be /ecu avvoi/ceiv epLol, irptora puev 0peyfrTj yevin/eeds teal tovs &pbovs egeis tcaprepovs, <f) 0 ovov Be iravros dXXorpios carp teal oxnrore anrei eirl ttjv dXXoBaTrrjv , ttjv iraTplBa teal tovs ol/eelovs tcaTa- Xittcov , ovBe cttX Xoyois • • . 2 eTraiveerovTal ae iravTes.

8 “ Mtj pLvaaxjdfj? Se tov axvp aT °S 3 4 to evTeXes piTjBe ttjs icr0rjTOs to irivapov 9 diro yap t oiovTtov oppLcopbevos teal QeiBlas i/celvos eSeifje tov Ala teal IIoXo/cXeiTO? ttjv "Hpav eipydaaTO teal M.vpeov eiTTjve0Tj teal HpafjiTeXTjs i0avpLa<r0rj. irpoaicv- vovvTac yovv ovtol p&Ta t&v 0ea>v. el Btj tovttov els yevoio, irtds pdev ov teXeivos avTos it apd iraaiv dv0pd)TTOLS 4arj y ^ f tjXcotov Be teal tov iraTepa

1 firiTp60*v Fritzsche, as in Toxar. 51.

  • Lacuna noted by Bourdelot. At least k\\' iir* ipyois is


8 Bekker: cu/mitos MSS.

4 t(np Dindorf: 7 ivoio MSS.



marble-dust upon her, just as my uncle looked when he cut stone. The other, however, was very fair of face, dignified in her appearance, and nice in her dress.

At length they allowed me to decide which of them I wanted to be with. The first to state her case was the hard-favoured, masculine one.

“ Dear boy, I am the trade of Sculpture which you began to learn yesterday, of kin to you and related by descent; for your grandfather ”*—and she gave the name of my mother’s father—"was a sculptor, and so are both your uncles, who are very famous through me. If you are willing to keep clear of this woman’s silly nonsense”—with a gesture toward the other —■“ and to come and live with me, you will be generously kept and will have powerful shoulders, and you will be a stranger to jealousy of any sort; besides you will never go abroad, leaving your native country and your kinsfolk, and it will not be for mere words, either, that everyone will praise you.

" Do not be disgusted at my humble figure and my soiled clothing, for this is the way in which Phidias began, who revealed Zeus, and Polycleitus, who made Hera, Myron, whom men praise, and Praxiteles, at whom they marvel. Indeed, these men receive homage second only to the gods. If you become one of them, will you not yourself be famous in the sight of all mankind, make your



aTroZeL^eis, ’irepifikeinov Se cmo&a.vei’} /cal tijv irarpioa;

Tavra /cal It i tovtcov irXeiova SiarTTaiovaa /cal ftapftapl^ovaa irdpiroXXa ehrev rj Te^vy, paXa Sy (rirovSfj avveipovaa /cal irelOecv pe ireipcopevy aU’ ov/cen pepvypar tcl irXelaTa yap ySy pov t yv pvypyv Si€<j>vyev,

\ ^ » / V ft/ ♦£/

third o ovv eiravaaTO, ap%€Tai y erepa code 7JW

9 “ ’Eyw Se, & Te/cvov, YlaiSela elpl ySy <rvvy 0 y<; croc /cal yvcopLpy, el /cal pySeirca el 9 Te\o9 pov ireireipaaav . yXl/ca pev ovv ret dyaOa iropif) Xi 0 o%oo<; yevopevos, avTy irpoeLpy/cev ovSev yap otl py ipydrr 79 cay t$ acopan irovcbv /cav tov t© t yv airaarav iXirtSa tov ftlov reOeipevos, difyavys pev airo9 civ, oXiya /cal dyevvy Xapfiavcov, Taireivos rrjv yvboprjv, €vre\r)<; Se rrjv irpooSov, ovre (jyiXocs emSi/cdo-ipos ovre e^pol? <po@epo<; ovre t 049 iroXiTai 9 ^yXcoTO^, dXX* avro povov ipyaTys /cal rw v e/c tov ttoXXov Sypov eh, del tov nrpovyovTa viroirTyaacov /cal tov Xeyeiv Svva- pevov depairevcov, Xayob fiiov £&v /cal tov /cpeiT- tovos ippauov &v el Bk /cal tpeiSias y IIo\i 5 - /cXeiTOS yevoLo /cal iroXXa davpaaTa e^epydaaio, ttjv pev Te%vyv airavre 9 eiraivecrovTai, ov/c eaTi Se 0 <TT 49 T&V ISoVTCDV, el VOVV €^01, €V^aiT CLV (Tol opoio<; yeveaOar 0I09 yap av $9, jiidvavaos /cal Xeip&vaf; /cal dTro^eipo^lcoTo^ vopurOyay.

10 S’ epol 1 ireiOrj, irp&TOV pev aoc 7 roWa emSeij;(o iraXai&v dvSp&v epya /cal irpd^ec^ 0av-

1 8* ifiol Lehmann : 84 not MSS.



father envied, and cause your native land to be admired? ”

Sculpture said all this, and even more than this, with a great deal of stumbling and bad grammar, talking very hurriedly and trying to convince me : I do not remember it all, however, for most of it has escaped my memory by this time.

When she stopped, the other began after this fashion:

“ My child, I am Education, with whom you are already acquainted and familiar, even if you have not yet completed your experience of me. What it shall profit you to become a sculptor, this woman has told you; you will be nothing but a labourer, toiling with your body and putting in it your entire hope of a livelihood, personally incon¬ spicuous, getting meagre and illiberal returns, humble-witted, an insignificant figure in public, neither sought by your friends nor feared by your enemies nor envied by your fellow-citizens—nothing but just a labourer, one of the swarming rabble, ever cringing to the man above you and courting the man who can use his tongue, leading a hare's life, and counting as a godsend to anyone stronger. Even if you should become a Phidias or a Polycleitus and should create many marvellous works, everyone would praise your craftsmanship, to be sure, but none of those who saw .you, if he were sensible, would pray to be like you ; for no matter what you might be, you would be considered a mechanic, a man who has naught but his hands, a man who lives by his hands.

" If you follow my advice, first of all I shall show you many works of men of old, tell you their



paards /cal Xoyovs avrd>v anrayyeXS), /cal iravTcov ax; ehrelv epireipov diroffravd), /cal ttjv yfrv^v, oirep aoi /cvpicbrarov earl, /cara/coapqaa) nroXXoh /cal ayadoh /coaprjpaai — aaxf>poavvr) f Bi/caioavvr), evaefieLa , irpqoT'qri, ernei/ceca, avveaec, /caprepia ,


v epcDTi, rrj irpos ra aepvorara bpprj 9 ravra yap eanv 6 yjrv^r)? d/crfparos d)<? dXrj0d)<; /coapos. Xqaei Be ae ovre nraXaiov ovBev ovre vvv yeveaOai B4ov, dXX? aTtavra oiroaa earl, rd re 0ela ra r dvOpcoiriva, ov/c eh pa/cpdv ae SiBagopai. 11 “ Kai 6 vvv irevrp; 6 rov Beivos, 6 /3ovXevadpevo <? tl 7 Tepl dyevvovs ovTd) reyvrjs, per oXtyov airaai f rjXcoro 9 /cal iirlfyOovos cay, npcopevos /cal eTrat- vovpevos /cal iirl roh apLaroi ? evBo/cipd)v /cal biro r&v yevei /cat irXovrcp TTpov^ovrcov dno^Xeiro- pevo?, eaOrjra pev TOiavrrjv dpirexopevo *;,”— BeL^aaa ttjv eavTrj 9 * 7 Taw Be Xapirpav i<f>opei — “ dpxv 9 Be /cal irpoeBpias a%iovpevo<;. kolv ttov a 7 roor)pr)<; f ovo em 7*779 aXXooa'irrjt; ayvax; ovo dcfiaviearj 9 roiavra aoi irepiOrjao) ra yvoopia- para ware r&v opcbvrayv e/caaro<; rov irXrjaiov /avrjaas BeL^ec ae T<p Ba/crvXcp , * Ovr 09 e/celvo<; ’ 12 Xeycov. dv Be t 1 airovBrj 9 afyov fj tovs <f>iXov 9 r \ /cal ttjv iroXiv oXrjv /caraXapftavrj, eh ab irdvres a7ro/3XeyfrovTar /cav ttov t 1 Xeycov tvxv*>> Ke X^~ vot€$ oi iroXXol d/covaovrai , 0avpd%ovre<? /cal evBaipovL^ovrh ae rr)<; Bvvapeax; r&v Xoycov /cal rov irarepa 7-779 evirorpia 9. 1 0 Bb Xiyovaiv, ax? a pa /cal adavaroi yiy vovrai rive? i(j dvffpdircov, 1 efaraiStaf y 8 (conjectural?) and Hemsterhuys. 224 THE DREAM, OR LUCIAN’S CAREER wondrous deeds* and words, and make you conversant with almost all knowledge, and I shall ornament your soul, which concerns you most, with many noble adornments—temperance, justice, piety, kindliness, reasonableness, understanding, steadfastness, love of all that is beautiful, ardour towards all that is sublime; for these are the truly flawless jewels of the soul. Nothing that came to pass of old will escape you, and nothing that must now come to pass; nay, you will even foresee the future with me. In a word, I shall speedily teach you everything that there is, whether it pertains to the gods or to irian. " You who are now the beggarly son of a nobody, who have entertained some thought of so illiberal a trade, will after a little inspire envy and jealousy in all men, for you will be honoured and lauded, you will be held in great esteem for the highest qualities and admired by men preeminent in lineage and in wealth, you will wear clothing such as this ”—she pointed to her own, and she was very splendidly dressed —“ and will be deemed worthy of office and precedence. If ever you go abroad, even on foreign soil you will not be unknown or inconspicuous, for 1 will attach to you such marks of identification that everyone who sees you will nudge his neighbour and point you out with his finger, saying, ( There he is ! * If anything of grave import befalls your friends or even the entire city, all will turn their eyes upon you; and if at any time you chance to make a speech, the crowd will listen open-mouthed, marvel¬ ling and felicitating you upon your eloquence and your father upon his good fortune. They say that some men become immortal. I shall bring this to pass Q VOL. III. 225 THE WORKS OF LUCIAN tovto aoi nepmoiyaw xal yap fjv ai/Tos itc tov y 9 tov dneXOys, ovnoTe navarj avvoov Tots nen rat- SevpAvots /cal npoaoptX&v tols apiaro 49. o/>a 9 top &rjpLO<T 0 evr)v i/eeivop, tlvos vlov ovra iyd> ifki/cov inotrjaa. opas tov Alaxtvrjv, cos Tvp- navtaTptas vlos f)V, dXX* opcos 1 avrov St ipe <PtXnmos iQepanevev. 6 Si Hco/cpaTT )9 /cal avro 9 U 7 TO 'E/D/ACPyXu^tif/ raoriy t packets, inetSij raxiara auvfj/cev tov KpetTTovos /cal SpaneTevaa 9 7 ra/>* avTrjs rjvTopoXrjaev cos e/Lte, aKOveis ©9 napa ndvTcov aSeTai. 13 “ * A<fiels Si at/ tovs ttjXckovtovs /cal toiovtov 9 avSpa 9 *al npa^ets Xapnpa 9 X0701/9 aepvov 9

  • ai G'xfjpa evn penes /cal Tiprjv /cal So^av /cal
enatvov /cal npoeSptas /cal Svvap.iv /cal ap^as /cal to ini Xoyots evSoKipetv /cal to ini avveaei evSatpovt^eaOat, ytToovtov tl ntvapov ivSvarj /cal axiP& So vXonpenes dvaXtfyfrj) /ecu poxXta Kal 7X1 Kpela Kal Koneas /cal KoXanTrjpas iv Talv •yepolv e^eis kcltco vevevKoos els to epyov, xapeu- neTfjs /cal xapaLZrfXo 9 navTa Tponov Tanet- 1/09, avaKvnrcov oe ovbenoTe ovoe avbpcobe 9 oooe eXevOepov ovSiv intvocov, aXXa tA /iev e/07a oncos evpvOpa Kal evaxvpova ecrTai aoi npovoSov , 07 tq )9 $€ avT 09 evpvOpos tc Kal Koapios ear ), fjKiaTa ne<f>povTiK(os, aXX aTtpoTepov noi&v aeavTov XiOcov.” 14 TaOra er* Xeyovarjs avTrjs ov nepipelvas iyo> to TeXos t&v Xoycov avaaTcts dne<^r)vapr)v, Kal Trjv apop<f>ov iK€ivr)v Kal ipyaTiKrjv dnoXtnebv 1 8/i«s N marg., 5-, vulg.: 8w»y MSS. 226 THE DREAM, OR LUCIAN’S CAREER with you; for though you yourself depart from life, you will never cease associating with men of education and conversing with men of eminence. You know whose son Demosthenes was, and how great I made him. You know that Aeschines was the son of a tam¬ bourine girl, but for all that, Philip paid court to him • for my sake. And Socrates himself was brought up under the tutelage of our friend Sculpture, but as soon as he understood what was better he ran away from her and joined my colours ; and you have heard how his praises are sung by everyone. “ On the other hand, if you turn your back upon these men so great and noble, upon glorious deeds and sublime words, upon a dignified appearance, upon honour, esteem, praise, precedence, power and offices, upon fame for eloquence and felicitations for wit, then you will put on a filthy tunic, assume a servile appearance, and hold bars and gravers and sledges and chisels in your hands, with your back bent over your work; you will be a groundling, with ground¬ ling ambitions, altogether humble ; you will never lift your head, or conceive a single manly or liberal thought, and although you will plan to make your works well-balanced and well-shapen, you will not show any concern to make yourself well-balanced and sightly ; on the contrary, you will make yourself a thing of less value than a block of stone.” While these words were still on her lips, without waiting for her to finish what she was saying, I stood up and declared myself. Abandoning the ugly 227 0 2 THE WORKS OF LUCIAN perefiaipov irpo? ttjp ThuheLav pdXa yeyrj0<b<;, /cal paKiara iirei poi /cal 649 vovv fj\0ev rj (TKVjaXrj /cal on irXrjycis ev0v 9 1 ov/c okxyas apxopevtp poi ^#6? ipeTpiyjraTO. fi he airoXeuj/Oelaa to pep Trp&TOP 7]yapaKTei /cal tod yelpe avve/cporei /cal T 009 oSovTa? avveirpte • T€Xo9 hi, &<nrep t rjp N io/3rjp d/covopep, iireirriyei /cal €49 \l0op pere- {H/SXtjto. el he irapdhofja eirade, prj dmaTrj- arjre* 0 av pxLTOiroiol yhp ol oveipoi . 15 f H eripa he 777909 pe amhovaa, (t Toiyapovv dpeL^ropai <T€,” ecf/rj, “ rrjcrhe tt /9 hi/caioavprjs, on fca\co 9 T fjv hl/crjp ihiKacras, /cal i\0i fjhrj, i'rrL/3r]0i rovrov rov oxypaTos,” — hel^aad n oxvP a hi to- TTTepcop iinrcop tiv&p rep Tlrjydatp eoi/coT(ov — “ 07 Tft )9 648*79 ola /cal fjXi/ca prj a/co\ov0rjaa<; ipol ayvorjaeiv epeWe 9 .” eirel hi dvrj\0ov, rj pep rjkavve /cal v^rjviox^i, dp0el<$ he €49 0^09 iy(o iirea/coTTOVP airo rr \9 &> dpgapepo 9 a%/H 717909 ra eairipia 2 ttoX649 /cal e0vrj /cal hijpovs, /caOairep 6 TpnrToXepo? dirotnreipcop n €49 t tjp yrjp. ov/cin pivroi pepprjpai 0 ti to aireipopevov e/celvo rjv> ir\rjv tovto povov on /cdrovOep dcf/opcovre^ ap0p(o- 7 ro 4 eirrjpovp /cal pe t ev<j>rjpia 9 0&9 yepoiprjp rfj TTTrjaei irapemepirop. 16 A ei^aaa he pot ra roaavra /cape T049 eiraivov- aiv €/c€lpoi$ eTravrjyayev av0i 9, ov/cen ttjp avrrjv e<T0rjTa e/celvrjp ivhehv/cora fjv elx ov d^nrrdpepos, aXXa poi ehotcovv evTrdpv(f>6<; T49 iiravrjKeiv . /cara\a/3ov<ra ox/p /cal top iraripa ear&Ta /cal 1 6 0€ios Hemsterhuys. 2 ri i<r* 4 pia Gronovius : t&j itnttplas MSS. 228 THE DREAM, OR LUCIANS CAREER working-woman, I went over to Education with a right good will, especially when the stick entered my mind and the fact that it had laid many a blow upon me at the very outset the day before. When I abandoned Sculpture, at first she was indignant and struck her hands together and ground her teeth ; but at length, like Niobe in the story, she grew rigid and turned to stone. Her fate was strange, but do not be incredulous, for dreams work miracles. The other fixed her eyes upon me and said: “ I will therefore repay you for the justice that you have done in judging this issue rightly: come at once and mount this car”—pointing to a car with winged horses resembling Pegasus *—“ in order that you may know what you would have missed if you had not come with me.” When I had mounted she plied whip and reins, and I was carried up into the heights and went from the East to the very West, surveying cities and nations and peoples, sowing something broadcast over the earth like Triptolemus. I do not now remember what it was that I sowed ; only that men, looking up from below, applauded, and all those above whom I passed in my flight sped me on my way with words of praise. After all this had been shown to me and I to the men who applauded, she brought me back again, no longer dressed in the same clothing that I wore when I began the flight; I dreamed that I came back in princely purple. Finding my father standing and waiting, she pointed him out my clothing and the 229 THE WORKS OF LUCIAN jrepifiivovTa ebeiKvvev avreo irceLvrj 1 rrjv iadrjra tea fie , olos f)K0ifii , teal r i Kal vTrepvrjaev ola fiucpov belv 7 repl ipov iftovXevaavro. T avra pepvrjpiu Ibeov dvrirrais en &v 9 epol boKelv eKrapaxOcls nrpos rov r&v irXrjy&v <f>o/3ov. 17 be Xeyovros, "'H pdxXeis,” e<f>rj ns* “ gk fiarcpov to evinrviov real biKaviKovelr a\\o9 vrreKpovae , “Xeipepivos oveipos, ore 2 /*?;- Kicrral eitriv ai vvktcs, fj Ta%a irov rpiearrepos, &<nr€p 6 f H pateXrjs, teal avros eari. ri S’ ovv errrjXOev avrep Xrjprjaai ravra rrpos fjpas teal pvrjaOrjvai 7 Taibircrjs wtcros teal oveipeov rraXaiebv teal yeyrjpatcorcov; eeoXos ybp rj yJrvj(poXoyia. firj oveipeov rivas virotepiras fjpas vrreiXrjepevovtc, t oyaOe • ovbe yap 6 3evo<f)ebv 7 Tore birjyovpevos to evviTviov, cos eSotcei avreS tcepavvos epireercov tcaleiv rrjv irarpeoav olteiav 3 teal t a aXXa,—tare yap — ov% virotcpunv rrjv oyfriv ovb' a>s <f>Xvapelv eyveo- teebs avra bie^rjei, teal ravra ev rroXepep teal a7royv(b(T€i irpaypareov, TTepieerrebreov nroXepieov , <l\\a t i teal ^prjerifwv etyev fj birjyrjais* 18 Kai roivvv Kayo) rovrov rov oveipov vpiv birjyrjadprjv eKelvov evexa, o7reos oi veoi irpos ra fteXrico rperreovrai teal iraibeias e^eovrai, Kal 1 bcclvrj Allinson : iKclvyv MSS.
  • 6t€ Graevius (Z l ?): 5rt MSS.
  • < Ktpavvbs ipiTtaraov > Kale tv r^v irarptpav oik lav A. M. H.: tea l
tv rrj rarpyef. obciq, MSS. 230 THE DREAM, OR LUCIAN’S CAREER guise in which I had returned, and even reminded him gently of the plans that they had narrowly escaped making for me. That 'is the dream which I remember having had when I was a slip of a lad; it was due, I suppose, to my agitation on account of the fear inspired by the thrashing. Even as I was speaking, “ Heracles! ” someone said, “ what a long and tiresome dream! ” Then someone else broke in : “A winter dream, when the nights are longest; or perhaps it is itself a product of three nights, like Heracles ! 1 What got into him to tell us this idle tale and to speak of a night of his childhood and dreams that are ancient and super¬ annuated ? It is flat to spin pointless yarns. Surely he doesn’t take us for interpreters of dreams ? ” No, my friend; and Xenophoif, too, when he told one time how he dreamed that a bolt of lightning, striking his father’s house, set it afire, and all the rest of it—you know it—did not do so because he wanted the dream interpreted, nor yet because he had made up his mind to talk nonsense, particularly in time of war and in a desperate state of affairs, with the enemy on every side ; no, the story had a certain usefulness. 3 So it was with me, and I told you this dream in order that those who are young may take the better direction and cleave to education, above all if poverty 1 The Alexandrians called Heracles “ him of the three nights,” because Zeus tripled the length of the night which he spent with Alcmene. See Dial . of the Gods 14 (vulg. 10).
  • Anabasis 3, 1, 11. Lucian, perhaps confusing this with
a later dream (4, 3, 7), evidently thinks that it was told to the soldiers to hearten them, but this is not the case. Xeno¬ phon was unable to interpret it until after the event, and did not tell it to anyone until he put it into his book.
  • 3 *
THE WORKS OF LUCIAN p<i\ 4 (TTa €i t *9 avTcov viro irevLas iOeXotccucei /cal vrpb<; rrjv tjtto) airo/cXivei , <\>v<jiv ov/c dyevvfj bia<f> 0 €ip<ov. iinpp( 0 (T 0 rj<T€Tai ev olb' on /ca/ceivos aKovaas tov pvdov, l/cavov kavrtp TrapdSeiypa epk 7 r pO(TTtj(Tdp,€vos f ivvo&v o?09 pev &v 7T/909 ra fcdWicrra (opprjaa /cal iraiSela 9 iiredvprjaa, prjbev diroSeiXidfra? 737)09 t rjv ireviav rfjv Tore , 0Z09 Se 7 r ^)09 vpa<; iTraveXrjXvOa , eZ prjbev aXXo , ouSevos yovv rtov Xi 0 oyXv(f)(ov dbogorepo?. THE DREAM, OR LUCIAN'S CAREER is making any one of them faint-hearted and inclin¬ ing him toward the worse, to the detriment of a noble nature. He will be strengthened*, I am very sure, by hearing the tale, if he takes me as an adequate example, reflecting what I was when I aspired to all that is finest and set my heart on education, showing no weakness in the face of my poverty at that time, and what I am now, on my return to you—if nothing more, at least quite as highly thought of as any sculptor. 2 33

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