Decadence: a chronology  

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See [[Decadent movement]] See [[Decadent movement]]
-This list by [[Jeffery Howe]] is the curator of Fernand Khnopff: Inner Visions and Landscapes, on view at Boston College's McMullen Museum of Art through December 5, 2004, and is the author of The Symbolist Art of Fernand Khnopff (Michigan, 1982).+This list was edited by [[Jeffery Howe]].
*1776-88 *1776-88
-**[[Edward Gibbon]], The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; history.+**[[Edward Gibbon]], [[The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]]; history.
*1789 *1789
**[[French Revolution]]. **[[French Revolution]].
*1804 *1804
-*First usage of term "[[art for art's sake]]" (in France). check!+*First usage of term "[[art for art's sake]]" ([[L'art pour l'art, sans but, car tout but dénature l'art]], [[Benjamin Constant]], 1804)
*1827 *1827
-*E. [[Delacroix]], The Death of Sardanapalus; painting+*E. [[Delacroix]], [[The Death of Sardanapalus]]; painting
*1835 *1835
-*[[Théophile Gautier]], ''[[Mademoiselle de Maupin]]''; novel.+*[[Théophile Gautier]], ''[[Mademoiselle de Maupin (novel)|Mademoiselle de Maupin]]''; novel.
*1847 *1847
-*[[Thomas Couture]], The Romans of the Decadence; painting.+*[[Thomas Couture]], ''[[The Romans of the Decadence]]''; painting.
*1857 *1857
*[[Charles Baudelaire]], [[Les Fleurs du Mal]]; poetry. *[[Charles Baudelaire]], [[Les Fleurs du Mal]]; poetry.
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*C. [[Darwin]], [[The Origin of Species]]; science. *C. [[Darwin]], [[The Origin of Species]]; science.
*1862 *1862
-*Gustave Flaubert, [[Salammbo]]; novel.+*Gustave Flaubert, [[Salammbô (novel)|Salammbo]]; novel.
*1863 *1863
-*[[Cesare Lombroso]], The Man of Genius; psychology.+*[[Cesare Lombroso]], [[The Man of Genius]]; psychology.
-*Edouard Manet, [[Olympia]]; painting.+*Edouard Manet, [[Olympia (Manet)|Olympia]]; painting.
-*D.G. [[Rossetti]], Beata Beatrix; painting.+*D.G. [[Rossetti]], [[Beata Beatrix]]; painting.
*1864 *1864
-*[[Gustave Moreau]], Oedipus and the Sphinx; painting.+*[[Gustave Moreau]], [[Oedipus and the Sphinx (Moreau)|Oedipus and the Sphinx]]; painting.
-*[[Stéphane Mallarmé]] begins "Herodiade;" and ''[[Afternoon of a Faun (poem)|Afternoon of a Faun]]''; poetry.+*[[Stéphane Mallarmé]] begins "[[Hérodiade (Stéphane Mallarmé)|Herodiade]] (dans « ''Poésies'' », 1887 );" and ''[[L'après-midi d'un faune (poem)|Afternoon of a Faun]]''; poetry.
*1868-70 *1868-70
*C. [[Baudelaire]], Complete Works (including translations of Edgar Allan Poe). *C. [[Baudelaire]], Complete Works (including translations of Edgar Allan Poe).
*1869 *1869
-*Comte de Lautreamont (Isidore Ducasse), [[Chants de Maldoror]]; novel.+*Comte de Lautreamont (Isidore Ducasse), ''[[Les Chants de Maldoror]]''; novel.
*1871 *1871
*[[Franco-Prussian war]]. *[[Franco-Prussian war]].
*Mallarme, "[[Herodiade]]" (fragment) published; poetry. *Mallarme, "[[Herodiade]]" (fragment) published; poetry.
*1873 *1873
-*July; [[Paul Verlaine]] shoots Arthur Rimbaud in Brussels.+*July; [[Paul Verlaine shoots Arthur Rimbaud]] in Brussels.
*1874 *1874
*[[Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly]], [[Les Diaboliques]]; short stories. Later illustrated by F. [[Rops]]. *[[Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly]], [[Les Diaboliques]]; short stories. Later illustrated by F. [[Rops]].
*1876 *1876
-*Gustave Moreau, [[Salome]]; painting.+*Gustave Moreau, [[Salomé dansant devant Hérode]]; painting.
*S. Mallarme, ''[[Afternoon of a Faun (poem)|Afternoon of a Faun]]'' published; also translation of Poe's "[[The Raven]]." *S. Mallarme, ''[[Afternoon of a Faun (poem)|Afternoon of a Faun]]'' published; also translation of Poe's "[[The Raven]]."
*1879 *1879
-*[[Emile Zola]], [[Nana]]; novel.+*[[Emile Zola]], [[Nana (novel)|Nana]]; novel.
*1881 *1881
-*[[George Beard]] introduces the concept of [[neuresthenia]] (nervous exhaustion) in American Nervousness.+*[[George Beard]] introduces the concept of [[neuresthenia]] (nervous exhaustion) in ''[[American Nervousness]]''.
*1882 *1882
-*[[Odilon Redon]], "[[A E.A. Poe]]," series of lithographs.+*[[Odilon Redon]], "[[À Edgar Poe]]," series of lithographs.
-*[[Paul Bourget]], Essais de Psychologie contemporaine; essay.+*[[Paul Bourget]], [[Essais de psychologie contemporaine]] ; series of essays.
*1884 *1884
*Joris-Karl Huysmans, [[A Rebours]]; novel. *Joris-Karl Huysmans, [[A Rebours]]; novel.
*[[Josephin Peladan]], ''[[Le Vice suprème]]''; novel. *[[Josephin Peladan]], ''[[Le Vice suprème]]''; novel.
*1885 *1885
-*[[Jules Laforgue]], [[Complaintes]]; poetry.+*[[Jules Laforgue]], [[Les Complaintes]]; poetry.
-*Odilon Redon, "[[Hommage a Goya]];" lithographs.+*Odilon Redon, "[[Hommage à Goya]];" lithographs.
*1886 *1886
*[[Jean Moreas]], "[[Symbolist Manifesto]]" published in Le Figaro. *[[Jean Moreas]], "[[Symbolist Manifesto]]" published in Le Figaro.
*[[Felicien Rops]], illustrations to Barbey d'Aurevilly's [[Les Diaboliques]] published. *[[Felicien Rops]], illustrations to Barbey d'Aurevilly's [[Les Diaboliques]] published.
*International labor [[strike]]s, riots. *International labor [[strike]]s, riots.
-*Le Decadent litteraire et artistique founded in Paris; [[Anatole Baju]], ed. (continued publication to 1889 as [[Le Decadent]]); journal.+*[[Le Décadent littéraire et artistique]] founded in Paris; [[Anatole Baju]], ed. (continued publication to 1889 as [[Le Decadent]]); journal.
-*Richard Krafft-Ebbing, [[Psychopathia sexualis]]; psychology.+*Richard Krafft-Ebbing, [[Psychopathia Sexualis]]; psychology.
*1889 *1889
-*Rachilde, [[Monsieur Venus]]; novel of androgyny.+*[[Rachilde]], [[Monsieur Venus]]; novel of [[androgyny]].
*Odilon Redon, [[Temptation of St. Anthony]], illustrations to G. Flaubert, 2nd series (1st 1888, 3rd in 1896). *Odilon Redon, [[Temptation of St. Anthony]], illustrations to G. Flaubert, 2nd series (1st 1888, 3rd in 1896).
*1891 *1891
*Oscar Wilde, [[The Picture of Dorian Gray]]; novel. *Oscar Wilde, [[The Picture of Dorian Gray]]; novel.
-*J.K. Huysmans, La Bas; novel.+*J.K. Huysmans, [[La Bas]]; novel.
*[[Paul Gauguin]] leaves for [[Tahiti]]. *[[Paul Gauguin]] leaves for [[Tahiti]].
*1892 *1892
-*[[Max Nordau]], [[Degeneration]]; literary, artistic and social criticism.+*[[Max Nordau]], ''[[Degeneration (Max Nordau)|Degeneration]]''; literary, artistic and social criticism.
*[[Georges Rodenbach]], [[Bruges-la-Morte]]; novel. *[[Georges Rodenbach]], [[Bruges-la-Morte]]; novel.
*1893 *1893
*[[Arthur Symons]], "[[The Decadent Movement in Literature]]," Harper`s New Monthly Magazine; expanded in 1899 as The Symbolist Movement in Literature; criticism. *[[Arthur Symons]], "[[The Decadent Movement in Literature]]," Harper`s New Monthly Magazine; expanded in 1899 as The Symbolist Movement in Literature; criticism.
*[[Franz von Stuck]], [[Sin]]; painting (1st of 18 versions). *[[Franz von Stuck]], [[Sin]]; painting (1st of 18 versions).
-*[[Jean Delville]], Orpheus; painting.+*[[Jean Delville]], ''[[Orpheus (Jean Delville)|Orpheus]]''; painting.
*1894 *1894
*[[Salome]], written by Oscar Wilde; illustrations by [[Aubrey Beardsley]]. *[[Salome]], written by Oscar Wilde; illustrations by [[Aubrey Beardsley]].
-*The Yellow Book founded in London; journal.+*[[The Yellow Book]] founded in London; journal.
*1895 *1895
-*Oscar Wilde trial.+*[[Oscar Wilde trial]].
*[[Josef Breuer]] and Sigmund Freud, [[Studies on Hysteria]]; psychology. *[[Josef Breuer]] and Sigmund Freud, [[Studies on Hysteria]]; psychology.
*1896 *1896
*[[Fernand Khnopff]], [[The Caresses]]; painting. *[[Fernand Khnopff]], [[The Caresses]]; painting.
*1900 *1900
-*Fernand Khnopff constructs his house in Brussels.+*Fernand Khnopff constructs his house, Villa Khnopff, 41 Avenue des Courses, Brussels.
*1901 *1901
*Gustav Klimt, [[Judith I]]; painting. *Gustav Klimt, [[Judith I]]; painting.
*1902 *1902
-**[[Klimt's murals]] rejected by the University of Vienna.+*[[Klimt University of Vienna Ceiling Paintings]] rejected by the University of Vienna.
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See Decadent movement

This list was edited by Jeffery Howe.

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Decadence: a chronology" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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