Record guide  

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"From Underground Moderne to Nova Classics, from BBE Records to Strut Records and Soul Jazz, the period from 1990 to 2010 was the golden age of the cd compilation and connoisseur liner notes."--Sholem Stein

"In 1978, Greil Marcus asked twenty writers on rock-including Dave Marsh, Lester Bangs, Nick Tosches, Ellen Willis and Robert Christgau-a question: What one rock-and-roll album would you take to a desert island? The resulting essays were collected in Stranded, twenty passionate declarations to such albums as The Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet, the Ramones' Rocket to Russia, Something Else by the Kinks, and more. Universally revered as the ur-text of rock journalism, Stranded is an indispensable classic." blurb to Stranded: Rock and Roll for a Desert Island (1979) by Greil Marcus.

"The Nurse with Wound list (1979) and 100 Records that Set the World on Fire (While No One Was Listening) (1998) are the best guide to 'cult music' (as analogous to cult fiction and cult films)."--Sholem Stein

Related e



A record guide is a consumer guide to buy recordings from the album era.




Soul music

1980s nightclub music

Hip hop originals


Record buying guides from the album era

See also

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