Symphonie diagonale  

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Diagonale Symphonie (French title: Symphonie Diagonale ) is a 1924 German film by Viking Eggeling and Hans Richter. This animated avant-garde abstract film has a duration of 7 minutes and premiered privately on November 5, 1924 in Germany. On May 3, 1925 it was presented to the public in Germany; sixteen days later Eggeling died in Berlin.

The film is a series of art decoish stop motion cut-outs animated as 'visual music'.

In Diagonal Symphony, the emphasis is on objectively analyzed movement rather than expressiveness on the surface patterning of lines into clearly defined movements, controlled by a mechanical, almost metronomic tempo. The spatial complexities and ambiguities of Richter’s film are almost non-existent here .... Above all, a sober quality of rhythm articulation remains the most pronounced quality of the film .... – Standish Lawder, "Structuralism and Movement in Experimental Film and Modern Art, l896-192l", doctoral dissertation.

See also

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