John Payne (poet)  

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"He was, in all probability, intended for the Church ; but his Bohemian disposition and dissolute habits prevented him from following this career and early hurried him into disreputable associations, which proved the ruin of his life."--The poems of Master Francis Villon of Paris : now first done into English verse in the original forms, by John Payne (1878) by John Payne

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John Payne (1842 - 1916) was an English poet and translator, from Devon. Initially he pursued a legal career, and associated with Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Later he became involved with limited edition publishing, and the Villon Society.

He is best known for his translation of the Diwan Hafez and praises Hafez as the greatest poet of the world. He has also known for his translation of Boccaccio's Decameron and The Arabian Nights.


  • The Masque of Shadows and other poems (1870)
  • Intaglios; sonnets (1871)
  • Songs of Life and Death. (1872)
  • Lautrec: A Poem (1878)
  • The Poems of Francois Villon.(1878)
  • New Poems (1880)
  • The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (1882) translation in nine volumes
  • Tales from the Arabic (1884)
  • The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (1886) translation in three volumes
  • Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein Ul Asnam and The King of the Jinn: (1889) editor and translator
  • The Persian Letters of Montesquieu (1897) translator
  • The Quatrains of Omar Kheyyam of Nisahpour (1898)
  • Poems of Master Francois Villon of Paris (1900)
  • The Poems of Hafiz (1901)
  • Oriental Tales: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night [and other tales]. (1901) verse and prose translation in 15 volumes, edited by Leonard C. Montesquieu Smithers
  • The Descent of the Dove and other poems (1902)
  • Poetical Works (1902) two volumes
  • Stories of Boccaccio (1903)
  • Vigil and Vision: New Sonnets (1903)
  • Hamid the Luckless and other tales in verse (1904)
  • Songs of Consolation: New Poems (1904)
  • Sir Winfrith and other poems (1905)
  • Selections from the Poetry of John Payne (1906) selected by Tracy and Lucy Robinson
  • Flowers of France: Romantic Period (1906)
  • Flowers of France, The Renaissance Period 1907
  • Flowers of France: the Latter Days (1913)
  • Flowers of France: The Classic Period (1914)
  • The Way of the Winepress (1920)
  • The Autobiography of John Payne of Villon Society Fame, Poet and Scholar (1926)

Linking in in 2024

Aladdin, Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, Hassan of Basra, John Payne, Kyrielle, List of translators into English, Matteo Bandello, New Arabian Nights, One Thousand and One Nights, Oxford period poetry anthologies, Sālhā del talab-ē jām-e Jam az mā mīkard, Sestina, Summary of Decameron tales, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, The Decameron, The Ebony Horse, Theo Marzials, Thomas Cromwell, Thorgerda, Translations of One Thousand and One Nights, Villanelle, Virelai

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