Mon dernier soupir  

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"I've often fantasized my ideal scenario, which would begin at a perfectly banal moment-for example, a beggar crossing a street. He sees a hand emerge from the open door of a luxurious car and toss a half-smoked Havana into the street. The beggar stops short to pick up the cigar, another car strikes him, and he dies instantly. From this one accident comes an infinite series of questions: What was the beggar doing in the street at that hour? Why did the man smoking the cigar throw it away at that precise moment? The answers to questions like these provoke other questions, just as we so often find ourselves at complicated crossroads which lead to other crossroads, to ever more fantastic labyrinths."--Mon dernier soupir (1982) Luis Buñuel

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Mon Dernier soupir (1982, translated in the U.S. as My Last Sigh, 1983, and in the UK as My Last Breath, 1984) is Luis Buñuel's autobiography.

In it, Buñuel wrote that, at the request of director Robert Florey, he submitted a treatment of a scene about a disembodied hand, which was later included in the movie The Beast with Five Fingers (1946), starring Peter Lorre, without acknowledgement of Buñuel's contribution or payment of any compensation.

However, Brian Taves, film scholar and archivist with the Library of Congress, has challenged the truth of this claim.

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Mon dernier soupir" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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