Mood (psychology)  

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Der Abend (1820) by Caspar David Friedrich
Der Abend (1820) by Caspar David Friedrich

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A mood is a relatively lasting emotional or affective state. Moods differ from emotions in that they are less specific, often less intense, less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event, and longer lasting. Moods generally have either a positive or negative valence. In other words, people often speak of being in a good or bad mood. Unlike acute, emotional feelings like fear and surprise, moods generally last for hours or days. Mood also differs from temperament or personality traits which are even more general and long lasting. However, personality traits (e.g. Optimism, Neuroticism) tend to predispose certain types of moods. Mood is an internal, subjective state, but it often can be inferred from posture and other observable behaviors.


Mood disorders

Mood disorders are mental illnesses where the normal functioning of mood is disrupted. The most common mood disorders are clinical depression and bipolar disorder. It also seems likely the anxiety disorders are related to mood disorders. Drug therapies for these disorders appear to target neurotransmitter functioning within the brain.

Another mood disorder is seasonal affective disorder, which is caused by seasonal changes relating to the length of the day, and the amount of exposure one has to sunlight. You may have different emotions if you have been disfigured in a way it may showin different ways exscpecially through facial emotions.


From Middle English mood, mode, mod, from Old English mōd (“mind,” in poetry also “heart, spirit, courage”), from Proto-West Germanic *mōd, from Proto-Germanic *mōdaz (“sense, courage, zeal, anger”), from Proto-Indo-European *moh₁-, *meh₁- (“endeavour, will, temper”). Cognate with Scots mude, muid (“mood, courage, spirit, temper, disposition”), Saterland Frisian Moud (“courage”), West Frisian moed (“mind, spirit, courage, will, intention”), Dutch moed (“courage, bravery, heart, valor”), German Low German Mood (“mind, heart, courage”), German Mut (“courage, braveness, heart, spirit”), Danish mod (“courage, heart, bravery”), Swedish mod (“courage, heart, bravery”), Icelandic móður (“wrath, grief, moodiness”), Latin mōs (“will, humour, wont, inclination, mood”), Russian сметь (smetʹ, “to dare, venture”).


Mood may refer to:

See also

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