Richard Muther (art historian)  

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"Geschichte der Malerei [...] treats the entire development of European painting from the downfall of the antique world to the early nineteenth century [...] [and interprets] the great styles of painting from the psychology of the age in which they originated."--The History of Painting: From the Fourth to the Early Nineteenth Century (1893/94) by Richard Muther

"William Bouguereau, who industriously learnt all that can be assimilated by a man destitute of artistic feeling but possessing a cultured taste, reveals even more clearly, in his feeble mawkishness, the fatal decline of the old schools of convention. He has been compared to Octave Feuillet, who also never extricated himself from the scented atmosphere of distinguished society; but the comparison is unjust to Feuillet." --The History of Modern Painting (1893/94) Richard Muther

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Richard Muther (1860–1909) was a German art critic and historian of art.

He wrote Geschichte der Malerei (five volumes, 1899–1900) which appeared in English as The History of Painting: From the Fourth to the Early Nineteenth Century (2 volumes, 1907).

His Geschichte der Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert (1893/94, three volumes) was twice published in English, both times as The History of Modern Painting.

He studied at Heidelberg and at Leipzig, where he took his doctor's degree. In 1895 he became professor of art history at the University of Breslau.

He was one of the more prominent German art historians of his time, although he has been described as more popular with the general public than with the art fraternity of his day. The Russian artist Alexandre Benois wrote of Muther's appeal by saying that his ideas, "became common property and permeated the society so much that even the most conservative people started using 'Muther's parlance'".

He was also the author of books on Leonardo da Vinci (1900), Lucas Cranach (1903), Rembrandt (1904), Francisco Goya (1904), Diego Velázquez (1907), Jean-François Millet (1907) and Gustave Courbet (1908). He also wrote Die deutsche Bücherillustration der Gothik und Frührenaissance.

Publications (selection)

  • Anton Graff. Der Porträtmaler unsrer Klassiker, Leipzig 1881.
  • Die ältesten deutschen Bilderbibeln: bibliographisch und kunstgeschichtlich, München 1883.
  • Die deutsche Bücherillustration der Gotik und Frührenaissance (1460-1530), München 1884.
  • mit Georg Hirth (Hrsg.): Meisterholzschnitte aus vier Jahrhunderten, München 1888–1893.
  • Der Cicerone in der Münchner Alten Pinakothek, München 1888.
  • Der Cicerone in der kgl. Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, München 1889.
  • Geschichte der Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert, 3 Bände, München 1893/1894.
  • Die Muther-Hetze. Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie des Neides und der Verleumdung, München/Leipzig 1896.
  • Geschichte der Malerei, 5 Bände, Leipzig 1899–1902.
  • Studien und Kritiken, 2 Bände, Wien 1901/1902.
  • Ein Jahrhundert französischer Malerei, Berlin 1901.
  • Geschichte der englischen Malerei, Berlin 1903.
  • Die belgische Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert, Berlin 1904.
  • Rembrandt, ein Künstlerleben, Berlin 1904.
  • mit Ernst Wilhelm Bredt: München als Kunststadt. Marquardt, Berlin 1907.
  • Die Kunst. Sammlung illustrierter Monographien

Linking in as of 2022

Charles Keene (artist), Curt Herrmann, Elisaveta Konsulova-Vazova, Erik Bodom, George Kriehn, Gustave Courbet, Hans Seger, Hippolyte Boulenger, Ivana Kobilca, Le ruisseau noir, List of art reference books, Muther, Nils Forsberg, The Raft of the Medusa, Under the Window, William-Adolphe Bouguereau

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