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"Heroin is nothing but a chemical. They take the juice of the poppy and they refine it into opium and then they refine it to morphine and finally to heroin. Sugar is nothing but a chemical. They take the juice of the cane or the beet and then refine it to molasses and then they refine it to brown sugar and finally to strange white crystals." --Sugar Blues (1975) by William Dufty, page 22

"Upton Sinclair attacked the U.S. meat packing industry in his muckraking novel The Jungle (1906)" --Sholem Stein

Related e



  1. One who reports a problem or violation to the authorities; especially, an employee or former employee who reports a violation by an employer.
    We owe it to a small group of brave whistle-blowers that we know about the infractions at all.

See also

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