General Collection of Voyages and Travels  

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{{Template}} General Collection of Voyages and Travels (1808–1814) by John Pinkerton.

A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World

G. Vasi , Itinerario instruttivo , diviso in tre giornate , & c . (Instructive Itinerary , divided into three days , for finding with ease all the ancient ...

Full text (shortened)

A GENERAL COLLECTION OF THE BEST AND MOST INTERESTING VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ; MANY OF WHICH ARE NOW FIRST TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. DIGESTED ON A NEW PLAN . BY JOHN PINKERTON, AUTHOR OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, & c . & c . ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES, VOLUME THE SEVENTEENTH . " LONDON : PRINTED FOR LONGMAN , HURST, REES , ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER -ROW ; AND CADELL AND DAVIES , IN THE STRAND. 1814. 1 Strahap and Preſton , Printers - Street, London, RETROSPECT ca OF THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY, Br SEA AND LAND, IN ANCIENT, MODERN , AND THE MOST RECENT TIMES. N the early period of human hiſtory, when voyages and travels were not undertaken from the view of amuſement or inſtruction, or from political or commercial mo tives, the diſcovery of adjacent countries was chiefly effected by war , and of diſtant regions by commerce. The wars of the Egyptians with the Scythians, mentioned in the priſtine pages of hiſtory, muſt have opened faint ſources of information concerning the circumjacent tribes. The Aſſyrian and Perſian empires could not have been conſolidated , without an increaſe of this knowledge ; but which, like that acquired by the Perſian con queſts, which ſeem to have embraced the northern part of Hindoſtan , is buried in profound darkneſs from the want of literary monuments. Under the Grecian empire of Alexander and his ſucceſſors, the progreſs of diſcovery by war is firſt marked on the page of hiſtory ; and ſcience began to attend the banners of vi& ory. The opulence of nature was now to be diſcloſed ; and Greece was aſtoniſhed at the miracles of India. The Romans not only inherited the Grecian knowledge, but, ex tending their arms to the North and Weſt, accumulated diſcoveries upon regions dimly deſcried by the Greeks, through the obſcurity in which the Phenicians enveloped their commercial advantages. Spain was unveiled by the Punic wars ; and the eagles of the firſt Ceſar were ſeen in the extremities of Gaul, and in the ſouthern parts of Britain . The weſtern regions of Germany afforded farther ſcenes of enterpriſe, and the fleets of Rome viſited the Baltic. On the ſouth the Egyptians had diſcloſed a portion of Africa, and maintained their ancient commercial relations with Hindoſtan ; which, with its fine linens, diamonds, { pices, and perfumes, has always been the very centre and focus of extenſive com The rudeneſs of the natives of weſtern Africa led to the eſtabliſhment of colonies 1946-8 merce. VOL. XVII. a 1003 .724 21 ' ^ ii RETROSPECT OF THE Africa may colonies and conqueſts ; amongſt which Carthage reared her proud head , rivalling Rome, the future empreſs of the world, and holding in ſubjection tributary monarchies of Africa. But the deſerts of that country forbad the progreſs of armies : and Nature ſeemed to have ſet bounds to ambition. Africa is the only continent which never was conquered ; and Alexander needed not to have fighed for other worlds. Hence it is alſo the moſt favage of all the continents, and being unknown in war, is alſo unknown in peace. Oceans of fand which permit no navigation, and where the ſhip of the deſert, as the camel has been called, faintly plods his way in the ſcanty and weary caravan, are impaſſable to armies with their neceſſary waggons and proviſions; expoſed beſides, from their very numbers, to the hurricanes of ſand, affording in an inſtant death and a grave. A portion of the army of Cambyſes, on their attempting a paffage to one of the Oaſes, or fertile iſles, that emerge from the fandy ſea, was devoured by this new tempeſt ; and only a moment interpoſed between the appearance of a pompous army, and that of a hill of land , which covered for ever the joyous and victorious battalions. Africa thus for ages continue unknown, unconquered, uncivilized, may continue her ſale of ſlaves with the Mahometans, if not with the Christians ; which affords however, as human life is only the choice of evils, fome alleviation to the former horrors of internal warfare, in which the captive was reſerved as the favourite food of the conqueror ; and the unborn infant was the turtle and veniſon of the Jaga. Even in China, in the ninth century, appears from the Mahometan travellers that human fleſh was ſold in the markets ; while we find no trace of ſuch barbariſm among the nations mentioned in the Scripture, the moſt ancient of written records ; which ,with many other circumſtances, leads to an inference that civiliſation irradiated from the centre of Aſia ; and that it would be vain to ſeek for its commencement in China, or even Hindoftan, eſpecially as the latter country was divided into ſmall kingdoms, ſo late as the age of Alexander, and ſeems to have imbibed its ſmall portion of the ſciences from its intercourſe with Egypt on the the ſouth , from the Perſian conqueſts on the north, which may even have imparted the Sanſcrit, a ſacred and claſſical language, like the Latin in Europe, and which late en quiries seem to evince to be a branch of the ancient Perſian or Gothic. The Grecian king dom of Bactria may alſo have diffuſed ſome rays of ſcience among the Hindoos ; while their ancient Bramins and Gymnoſophiſts reſembled the Magi of the Perſians, or pre tended prieſts and magicians, common among all barbarous nations, who ſupply the want of knowledge by artifice, or operate delufions by ſome ſkill in what is called natural magic. Having thus attempted to eſtabliſh the progreſs and centre of diſcovery by conqueſt, which led to the moſt certain and permanent effects ; it will be proper to affume with more detail the progreſs of ancient diſcovery by commerce, which led to a faint view of the it 6 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. 111 the countries, which conqueſt was afterwards completely to inveſtigate. The chart was deſigned by the ſhip , but the map was drawn by the ſword. The reports of merchants led Alexander to India, and Ceſar to Gaul and Britain . The peculiar products of Hin doſtan, the diamonds, ſpikenard, and ſpices, the tin of Cornwall, the amber of Pruſſia, were all known to the Greeks for ages before Alexander encountered Porus. An ancient author informs us that Ceſar was tempted to the conqueſt of Britain by the fight of the pearls, which he probably received from the merchants of Gaul. At this day a little commerce ariſes from the pearls found in the mya , or what is called the horſe muffel, not uncommon in the rivers of the north of Scotland, particularly the Erne, the South Elk , and the Ythan ; and we are not to wonder that the Gallic merchants traded ſo far, when we find that even after the fall of the Roman empire, veſſels from Gaul viſited the weſt ern iſlands of Scotland, and brought tidings of an earthquake in Italy. * Thus avarice led the way to ambition ; and the extenſion of commerce attracted the extenſion of war. It is well known that two nations of antiquity contend for the palm of early com merce, the Egyptians and Phenicians, who ſhine in the firſt fragments of recorded know . ledge. But Egypt was ſo fertile a country that its external relations ſeem always to have yielded to thoſe of the narrow and barren province of Phenicia, where the merchants of Tyre and Sidon rivalled the princes of the Eaſt. In modern times we have ſeen a marſh , interfected with ditches, and defended by ſtrong embankments, from a boiſterous and fuperior ſea, riſe to a high rank among European ſtates ; and with no native produce, except butter and cheeſe from its rich paſtures, ( for even its linen is from Sileſia ), diffuſe its commerce and colonies through every quarter of the globe, and diſpute even with England the empire of the ocean . Such ſeem to have been the Phenicians of antiquity ; of whoſe commerce we find extenſive and laſting traces in Europe and Africa , while concerning that of the Egyptians few evidences appear. It ſeems to have been chiefly confined to Hindoftan , and perhaps Eaſtern Africa. The learned Huet, biſhop of Av . ranches, has, with great care and erudition , compiled a hiſtory of ancient commerce at the deſire of the celebrated Colbert, miniſter of the finances of France, a moſt able and enlightened ſtateſman, who exerted every nerve to extend the commerce of his country. This great work, which is little known except to the learned, will be our chief guide in a view of ancient commerce, which forms the beſt and ſureſt foundation for that of ancient diſcovery, and as he is of remarkable accuracy , the learned reader is referred to him for the original ſources, as the nature of this eſſay attending a popular work, neither admits nor requires the conſtant quotations, neceſſary in a learned diſſertation , for the uſe of a few critical enquirers. * In the fixth century . Vita Columba apud Vit. Sand . Scot. p. 78. In the twelfth, Engliſh, Flemiſh and French ſhips came to filh near the Ifle of May in the Firth of Forth. Ib. Vita Kentegerni. a 2 Our iy RETROSPECT OF THE Our profound author, beginning with the firſt traces of man upon the globe, obſerves that Cain, as an agricultor, muſt have exchanged with Abel, who was a herdſman , corn againſt meat and ſkins for clothing : and thus, perhaps the firſt murder aroſe from a quarrel originating in commercial intercourſe. He then proceeds to ſtate, that Tubal Cain, the firſt artificer of braſs and iron, muſt have exchanged the products of his labour for other articles ; and that navigation muſt have been at a very low ebb before the flood , elſe ſhips of any ſize might have ſaved great numbers of mankind. Theſe ſpeculations ſhall be left to the learned biſhop, who ſeems to have reſolved , according to the Spaniſh proverb , “ to leave nothing in the inkhorn .” But he ſoon aſſumes the exuberance of his learning, and the ſplendour of his talents, to diſcuſs a moſt variegated theme with great erudition and preciſion. “ The Holy Scripture does not furniſh a more ancient example of commerce than that of the caravan of Iſmaelites and Madianites, to whom Joſeph was ſold by his bre . thren . They returned from Galaad bringing their camels laden with ſpices, and other precious merchandiſes of that country, to be imported into Egypt, where there was a great fale, on account of embalming the bodies after death. The purchaſe which they made of Joſeph, and the ſale which they made of him in Egypt, to Potophar, the chief of the houſehold of Pharaoh, ſhews that their traffic was not confined to thoſe mer chandiſes of Galaad. Their country was ſituated between Galaad and Egypt, regions abounding in peculiar products, which they exchanged from the one to the other, by con ſtant journies, and aſſiduous labour. It muſt, nevertheleſs be remarked , that when Jacob , for the ſecond time, fent his fons to buy corn in Egypt, he ordered them to take the moſt precious articles to preſent to Joſeph, ſo as to procure his favour ; and that thoſemerchan diſes were almoſt the ſame that the Iſmaelites and Madianites had brought from Galaad, Joſoph himſelf undertook a commerce of far greater importance; when , having divined from the dreams of Pharaoh , the ſeven years of famine, which were to affli & Egypt and Canaan, and even all the earth , he ſkilfully profited by the ſeven years of plenty, which were to precede them, and amaſſed a greater quantity of corn in the royal granaries than was ſufficient to extract all the ſilver and all the cattle of Egypt ; and to turn all the funds of the country to the profit of the King, and thus furniſh ſupplies to adjacent countries.” The reader will hence perceive, that the exquiſite hiſtory of Joſeph includes, not only the firſt formal mention of commerce, but the ſlave trade, the bribery of a miniſter, the dreams of a monarch, the corn laws, the property tax, and the principles of monopoly. But when our learned author argues from the ſilver which Joſeph puts into the coffers of his brethren , that money was then known, he forgets that no Egyptian coin has ever been found prior to the Ptolemies ; and, as it is probable, that rupees were equally unknown ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. unknown in Hindoſtan at that period, the filver muſt have been in bars, which were cut, as in China, according to the value wanted. It would ſeera that the Egyptians chiefly enjoyed the commerce of the Eaſt by the Red Sea ; and the Phenicians that of the Weſt, by the Mediterranean , although the latter were not wholly eſtranged from the commerce of the Eaſt, being in poſſeſſion of a port at the extremity of the Red Sea ; as the Egyptians often availed themſelves of the mouths of the Nile, to trade to the ports of the Weſt, ſo that one of the ports of Tyre was called the Egyptian haven. Strabo has obſerved , that the firſt kings of Egypt, contented with the opulence of their country , interdicted foreign commerce ; but this obſervation ſeems to apply to the trade by the Mediterranean, which might have be come dangerous to Egypt from the eaſy acceſs to the whole kingdom , by the mouths of the Nile, and the navigable courſe of that river for the ſmall veſſels of that time ; ſo that it became a matter of ſtate policy, not to open this defect to the eyes of ſtrangers. But the trade with Hindoftan was very anciently known, both to the Egyptians and Pheni cians ; and Ptolemy Philadelphus only re -opened and improved this branch of commerce. Perhaps in the foundation of Alexandria, at a diſtance from the mouths of the Nile, one motive was to have a port which would not expoſe that ſacred and pervading river to the eyes of foreigners. The enmity of Alexander to Tyre, and her daughter Carthage, might alſo induce him to ſelect this ſituation between them ; a ſituation which attracted a prodigious commerce for more than eighteen centuries, till the trade of the Eaſt was opened by the Cape of Good Hope, communicating by canals and the Red Sea, with the whole oriental world, and with eaſtern Africa ; and, by the Mediterranean , with part of Aſia, Europe, and Africa. But the early commerce of Egypt by the Red Sea was impeded by the Idumeans, who only permitted them to uſe one fhip in the inter courſe with Hindoftan . The pretended conqueſts of the ancient kings of Egypt, Oſiris and Seſoſtris, in Hindoſtan , only indicate, according to our learned author, the origins of a great trade with that country, eſtabliſhing an influence ſimilar to conqueſts, of which examples are not wanting in modern times. The chronological plan , purſued by Huet, has many inconveniences, while it would have been a ſuperior arrrangement to have exhibited in one view the commercial hiſtory of each country. Under the article India, he reſumes this Egyptian intercourſe ; and obſerves, that when Cambyſes conquered Egypt, many Egyptians ſought refuge in Hin doſtan. As the Perſians then had, and ſtill retain, a moſt ſingular and rooted averſion to ſea voyages, founded on the unconquerable ideas of their ancient religion, the Perſian conqueſt fuper -induced the ruin of Egyptian commerce, till it was revived by Ptolemy Philadelphus. Much information on this ſubject may be derived from Arrian's Periplus of Red Sea, who inſtructs us, at the ſame time, that the ancient route was chiefly along vi RETROSPECT OF THE along the ſhores of Arabia, and ſouthern Perſia , to the Indus, the pilot Hippalus hav ing been the firſt who traverſed the wide ſea. The Egyptians alſo traded with Ethiopia, by means of the Nile ; having portable boats when they came to the cataracts . It is alſo probable that they viſited the eaſtern coaſt of Africa, following the ſhores as uſual in the early navigations. It is even likely that the name Aphrica, as impoſed by the Greeks, is only a flight alteration of the oriental word Ophir, a commercial name celebrated in Scripture for gold and other products, ſtill abundantly found in Sofala and other parts of eaſtern Africa ; not more diſtant from the Egyptian ports on the Red Sea, than Tarſhiſh or Tarteſſus, the iſle of Gades or Cadiz, in Spain, from Tyre or Sidon. Such are the obſcure notices concerning the ancient commerce of Egypt, which would require, indeed, a ſpecial diſſertation , to collect and collate the different authorities, and to weigh them in the ſcales of deliberate criticiſm . But the commerce of the Phenicians having been directed to the North and Weſt, is more intereſting to the European reader, and ſhall therefore be reſumed . The commerce of the Phenicians has been celebrated ſince the earlieſt dawn of Grecian hiſtory. Herodotus informs us that they were even the carriers of the trade of Egypt and Aſſyria ; as if they were the very inventors, not only of navigation and commerce, but of aſtronomy ; the obſervation of the ſtars having been indiſpenſable to mariners before the compaſs was invented in the twelfth century, for it is mentioned by a French poet about the year 1200. This ineſtimable diſcovery had probably paſſed to the Weſt during the Cruſades, and exiſtence of the kingdom of Jeruſalem , for it had been long known to the Chineſe ; and the obfcurity of the invention is probably owing to its having been gradually adopted by a few veſſels that viſited the ports of the Chriſtian kingdom of Jeruſalem . But before this improvement ſome knowledge of the ſtars was indiſpenſable to navigators, whence their various appearances are carefully noted in the ancient calendars or almanacs. Pliny, whoſe work is a Cyclopædia of ancient knowledge, and whoſe reading few ancient authors had eſcaped , regards the Phenicians as the inventors of commerce. Not contented with the wide expanſe of the Mediter ranean , they entered the Ocean by the Streights of Gibraltar, and extended their trade to the North and South, nearly a thouſand years before the Chriſtian epoch. In the time of Solomon they were ſo famous that in emulation he ordered fleets, to follow their track to Tarſhiſh and Ophir. For the more commodious intercourſe with the Red Sea , that Prince founded a town as an intermediate mart ; but this could not be Palmyra, which is in a very different direction, with temples dedicated to falſe gods ; and the oriental tradition is of no avail, as it is well known, even from the Arabian Tales, that every remarkable monument is aſcribed to Solomon . In return for the advantages of trade, ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. vii trade, Solomon aſſigned to the Tyrians, under the name of Hiram their king or chief magiſtrate, twenty townſhips, as an additional territory. But ancient Tyre, which was ruined by Nebuchadnezzar, and ſtood on the continent, muſt not be confounded with the more modern , taken by Alexander, which was raiſed upon a little iſle. The ancient commerce of Tyre has been illuſtrated by the Prophet Ezekiel. Among the moſt curious articles , were ivory from the iſles of Chittiin ; fine linen and embroidered work from Egypt ; blue and purple from the iſles of Eliſhah ; ſilver, iron, tin, and lead from Tarſhiſh (all which metals are ſtill found in Spain) ; flaves and veſſels of braſs from Javan, Tubal , and Melhech ; horſes and mules from Togarmah ; ivory and ebony from Dedan ; bright or poliſhed iron , caſſia, and calamus, from Dan and Javan ; ſpices, precious ſtones, and gold, from Sheba and Raamah. Many of theſe countries might be illuſtrated from their products, but this would require a learned commentary ; and the reader is meanwhile referred to the commentators. But it muſt not be forgotten that, both in ancient and modern times, the intermediate mart has often been confounded with the original country, eſpecially if very diſtant ; thus Mocoa ſtones have been underſtood to be a product of Mocoa in Arabia , while they paſſed thither from weſtern India ; and that fine fabric called muſlin , derives its name muſolino, from the town of Moſul on the Tigris, where it was brought by caravans from India . Carthage was the daughter of Tyre, and ſucceeded to the ſplendours of the Phenician name in commerce and diſcovery. Situated at a great diſtance to the Weſt, her dif coveries became more intereſting to the inhabitants of Europe. Her conqueſts in Africa and Sicily impreſs us with leſs attention , than thoſe in Spain , and her viſits to other portions of weſtern Europe. The tin , which Tyre had brought from Spain , Carthage, by a more remote progreſs, diſcovered in the ſouth of England ; and the ancient empreſs of the ſeas unknowingly viſited the modern . The manufactures of Carthage ſeem to have been few , conſiſting chiefly of cabinet work, and of that pre pared and ornamented leather of which they left the art in Africa, whence we ſtill derive our morocco. At the beginning of the third Punic war , which cauſed her ruin, Carthage counted ſeven hundred thouſand inhabitants ; and in Africa alone not leſs than three hundred towns and villages obeyed her fway. The Carthaginian territory not only included all the coaſt which extends from the greater Syrtis to the columns of Hercules , -a ſpace of more than three thouſand miles , —but an extent from the ſame columns towards the ſouth , where Hanno built ſo many towns, and eſtabliſhed ſo many colonies. In Spain , almoſt entirely conquered, Aſdrubal founded the celebrated city of Carthagena, deſcribed in ſuch glowing colours by Polybius. Such was the Carthaginian empire, founded by trade, and matured by arms ; the firſt empire which irradiated Europe, and infuſed ſome civilization in the Weſt. But the vüri RETROSPECT OF THE the neglect of literature, the want of the ſacred torch of ſcience, have left her glories in darkneſs. It has been well obſerved that the chief celebrity of any nation ariſes from her authors, who can alone perpetuate fame; and never was the ſuper-eminence of the pen over the ſword more completely diſplayed , than in the oblivion which has buried the tranſitory fame of Carthage, for ſeven centuries the empreſs of the Weſt. The Ca naries or Fortunate Illes, and the coaſt of Africa, as far as the ſtill remarkable pro montory called the Chariot of the Gods, near the modern Cape Blanco, were viſited by Carthaginian navigators : and in the diſtant ifle to the weſt, mentioned by Diodorus Siculus and another ancient, you may trace Madeira with its pompous foreſts. But the natives of Africa ſhrunk from the northern cold , and the new regions of ſnow , a phe. nomenon which ſeems to have ſtrangely impreſſed their fancy, and led to fabulous re ports concerning the denſity of the northern air . The voyage of Hanno towards the fouth has been preſerved, yet of doubtful authenticity : that of Himilco along the weſt ern coaſts of Europe, which would have been of ſingular curioſity, is utterly loſt, though quoted by Feſtus Avienus. * Such is the real progreſs of the Carthaginians, as delineated by ancient authors. Imagi nary writers, who miſtake their fancy for their memory, and aſcend in their literary balloons to build caſtles in the air, may dream of Phenician colonies and monuments in Great Britain and Ireland ; but they do not ſeem even to have eſtabliſhed a factory in ſo northern a climate, foreign to their African habits and conſtitutions, and among warlike and jealous tribes. But, remarkable for their frugality of life and religious zeal, they ſeem to have imparted the worſhip of Baal or Belus, human facrifices ; and the myſterious rites practiſed in the groves by a peculiar prieſthood, the noted Druids of the ancients, a ſyſtem which Ceſar informs us had recently riſen in Britain, and thence ſpread toto Gaul.. But its atro. cious cruelty occaſioned its abolition in Gaul by Tiberius ; and a ſimilar effect muſt have followed the firſt conqueſt of England by Claudius, ſo that in poſterior times we only find Druideſſes mentioned , an ill.chofen name for the witches or female magicians. But ſuch is the perverſion of poetry, that the fanguinary rites, the human facrifices are for gotten ; and the Druids are mentioned with veneration , while the ſacrifices to Baal, recorded in the Scripture, are objects of horror and deteſtation . So jealous were the Carthaginians of the profitable trade in tin , that one of their pilots, perceiving his ſhip followed by a Roman veſſel, ran it among the rocks of Scilly, that the other might alſo periſh ; which happened, and the pilot was recompenſed by his country. But tin , of which the mention is as ancient as Homer, was not the only traffic of * Pytheas of Marſeilles, who lived in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, ſeems to have followed the tract of Himilco. His account of Thule is quoted by Strabo. 8 England, ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. ix England. Strabo adds not only lead and iron, but filver and gold. Both the latter metals are ſtill found in Cornwall, but remain unwrought and concealed, on account of one of the moſt unwiſe laws in the Engliſh code, which aſſigns theſe precious metals to the monarch , inſtead of a tenth , as in Spain and other countries. But the gold and fil ver may at that time have been confined to the north ; for Cicero repeatedly mentions in his letters that theſe metals do not exiſt in Britain , as he learned from his correſpondence with his brother Quintus and with Ceſar himſelf, both then in the INand . In like manner the exiſtence of pearls had been denied, till Agricola diſcovered them in the north, as recorded by Tacitus. But Strabo, who lived in the time of Auguſtus and Tiberius, and whoſe de ſcription is curious, as having preceded the firſt conqueſt by Claudius, ( for Julius had only made a deſultory invaſion ,) ſpecially mentions the precious metals as already ſtated ; and adds hides and leather, and hunting dogs. Theſe Britiſh dogs, ſo celebrated by the ancients, appear to have been the ſleuth or ſlough hounds, or blood hounds of the middle ages, having been uſed in war by the Gauls, a purpoſe for which that dog alone could have been ſelected. They continued even in the ſixteenth century to be uſed in tracing and ſeizing rob bers, eſpecially in the border inroads, but are now extremely rare, and perhaps only found in the environs of Neidwood Foreſt in Staffordſhire ; whence one came that was ſhewn to the author. He ſtood higher than a large grey-hound, of a far thicker make, and ſtronger limbs ; the back of a browniſh -black , the belly reddiſh , paſſing into white in the middle line ; of great ferocity, and conſtantly chained, Two of theſe dogs might probably ſtruggle with a Caledonian boar or bear ; but they alſo ſeem to have been uſed as guards at the Roman villas, near the gates of which CAVE CANEM, “ Beware of the dog ,” cautioned the viſitors againſt their ferocity. Among the products of England, Strabo alſo enumerates corn, for agriculture had been introduced by the Belgic ſettlers, and the fertility of the country ſupplied ſome for exportation . The chief imports were falt, pottery , and works in copper, ivory, and amber : for the copper even of Cornwall ſeems to have eſcaped the rude natives, but would not long have been hid from Carthaginian avarice, if allowed to have founded even a factory, or to have employed their own people, ſuch proficients in all the arts of the times. The conqueſts and commerce of the Romans fucceeded thoſe of the Carthaginians ; but an anterior and intereſting topic ariſes in the intercourſe between Britain and Gaul, which was naturally frequent in the moſt ancient times. The great trade of Marſeilles and Narbonne was ſometimes, though rarely, extended to Britain : but the Veneti, or people of Vannes, on the weſtern coaſt, ſeem to have been the maſters of this trade. The idea given of their power by Ceſar himſelf, ſurpriſes us in a Belgic tribe. When that great General conquered the Belgæ, he demanded hoſtages from the Veneti ; but YOL . XVII, b as х RETROSPECT OF THE as their trade with Britain was very lucrative, and they underſtood his deſign of invading that country, they attempted to divert him from his purpoſe, by exciting commotions in Gaul. Ceſar deſcribes them as the moſt powerful tribe in that region, by the number and ſtrength of the veſſels they equipped , chiefly for the Engliſh trade ; by the ſkill and experience of their ſeamen ; by ſeveral ſmaller ports which were ſubject to them ; and by the tribute which they raiſed on all the ſhips that navigated that ſea. Ceſar in formed of this revolt, or rather noble attempt to reclaim their liberty and property, gave orders that ſhips ſhould be built in the Loire, and in the confluent rivers, adapted to that rough ocean, and very different from thoſe uſed by the Romans in the Medi terranean. The ſhips of the Veneti themſelves were choſen as models, being broader and flatter at the bottom, and higher both in poop and prow ; conſtructed of more folid materials, bearing fails of leather to reſiſt the force of the winds, and anchors attached to chains of iron ; beſides being carefully ſeamed with ſea -weed , to prevent the planks from parting when dry. This ſingular picture of art, joined with rudeneſs, is one of the moſt curious in the whole hiſtory of navigation. The Britons, their allies, ſent a fleet to their aſſiſtance, ſo that they oppoſed to Ceſar not leſs than two hun dred and twenty ſhips, well ſtored with all kinds of maritime ammunition , and proviſion. Meanwhile Ceſar had ordered all the ſkilful pilots that could be found to be aſſembled, with a great number of rowers, to man ſhips from the weſt and ſouth of Gaul, even from the Me. diterranean . But Ceſar's fleet would certainly have been defeated, if he had not uſed a ſtratagem , by fixing ſcythes at the end of long poles, ſo as to cut the cordage which ſup ported their ſails, ſo that their ſhips remained a prey to the Romans, and thoſe gallant mer chants ſubmitted to the yoke of Rome. But as the power of the Veneti is imputed to their commerce with Britain , it is evident that this trade muſt have been of conſiderable conſequence. The exports from Gaul to Britain remain rather obſcure ; but the cul ture of the vine and the olive were known to the Greek colonies in the fouth ; and as woollen clothes, and linen, and various works in iron , ſteel, and braſs, were known at the great fairs of Lyons, when fixty nations or tribes are ſaid to have aſſembled for trade ; and as Diodorus informs us, that the tin of Britain was carried on horſes through Gaul to Marſeilles and Narbonne, it might be that it was landed at Vannes, and that the exports to Britain were not only maritime, but collected by inland trade from all parts of Gaul, including even jet from the bottom of the Pyrenees, of which ſo many ornaments, and even entire and folid bracelets, are found in the tombs of Britiſh chieftains and ladies, even in the fartheſt north ; for the Caledonians, though naked and tattooed, muſt have been covered with foreign ornaments, as the indigenes of America, and exchanged their pearls, a native and deſpiſed product, for the foreign and rare jet, which contraſted more with their white ſkins and yellow hair. Combs of 2 ivory, ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xi + ivory, mirrors of poliſhed metal, formed the toilette of the Caledonian nymphs who bounded over the mountains, or pierced through the foreſts, like the Dryades of antiquity. For any commercial intercourſe between Britain and thoſe regions now called the Netherlands, and the weſtern parts of Germany, there is no evidence till a far later period. Even in the time of Caligula, the Germans ſeem to have known nothing of the ſea, or of commerce ; advantages gradually imparted by the Roman conqueſts. Even in later times, the Caledonians derived their few arts from their ſouthern neigh bours, the German ocean preſenting a formidable barrier, conquerable by fearleſs and invading warriors, but not by timid and cautious merchants. The diſcoveries of the Carthaginians in the north, were ſucceeded by thoſe of the Romans, chiefly conducted by conqueſt. But before proceeding to the latter, it may be proper briefly to conſider the ſtate of commerce among ſome other nations of anti quity. The Greeks of Marſeilles and her colonies maintained an extenſive trade, their veſſels having viſited the weſtern coaſt of Africa ; and Pytheas, one of their navigators, having performed a celebrated voyage towards the northern extremities of Europe. But the accounts are imperfect ; the Greeks having conceived that incredulity concern ing thoſe diſtant regions, was a mark of judgment and talent. Yet it might, perhaps, be found as veracious as that of Hanno along the weſtern coaſt of Africa ; and the wonders might eaſily have been explained by natural phenomena, rather magnified and miſrepreſented, than falfified or invented . His Thule, at the diſtance of fix days fail from Britain , might, perhaps, be Iceland or Scandinavia. The commerce of the ancient Perſians was conducted in Phenician ſhips, that great nation having a religious averfion to the ſea. The diſcoveries of the Perſians were by land ; and they carried their arms to the north and eaſt, and conquered a portion of Hindoftan . India and China, rather the objects of trade than ſeats of external traffick , were themſelves chief points of diſcovery by more enterpriſing nations. China, in fact, remained unknown till the time of Marco Polo, in the thirteenth century, and is reſerved for the account of modern diſcoveries. But the precious articles brought from Hindoftan , either by ſea to Egypt, or by land to Perſia , excited attention and curioſity long before the age of Alexander, whoſe arms expoſed to enlightened Greece the real ſtate of that prodigious country. The voyage of Nearchus extended from the Indus to the Euphrates; and has recently been illuſtrated with care and ability. Ptolemy Philadelphus, King of Egypt, having reſtored the ancient inter courſe , and founded the town of Berenice, on the Red Sea, to facilitate the trade with India, the ſhores of that extenſive region, with the Ife of Taprobane or Ceylon, and a part beyond the Ganges, as far as Pegu, the Golden Cherſoneſe of the ancients, b 2 were xii RETROSPECT OF THE were explored by Egyptian and Roman navigators. Large rivers, by affording en . trance to veſſels, alſo gave ſome inſight into the interior country, which is conſequently laid down, with ſome reſemblance, by Ptolemy the Geographer, in the ſecond cen tury, and in the maps which accompany his work , ſaid to have been drawn in the fifth by Agathodemon. As to the Peutingerian Tables, which pretend to give itine raries of India in a moſt diſtorted and unintelligible form , it has been ſhewn in another place, that they are a work of the thirteenth century, copied , without accuracy, from ſome more ancient drawings. Such were at length the limits of ancient diſcovery in the Eaſt, which of courſe ex tended much farther by ſea than by land ; the weſtern Alps of Tibet, and the vaſt de fert of Cobi, having remained unexplored, and aſſigned for many ages an impenetrable boundary. The ſame work of Ptolemy, if accurately examined and collated with the collections of charts called African Pilots, and with other ſure guides, will intimate the utmoſt extent of ancient diſcovery in Africa to have been Cape Blanco, and the gulf to the ſouth of that promontory ; while on the eaſt it extended to the Illand of Pembo. Returning to the diſcoveries in the weſt, Julius Ceſar having conquered, as already men tioned, the Veneti, who carried on ſuch an extenſive trade with Britain , was led to at tempt the conqueſt of this Iſand. But the difficulties which he encountered, and its extent, ſuperior to what he had imagined, induced him ſpeedily to abandon an enterpriſe, which would have required many campaigns, and would have prevented thoſe political deſigns which required his proximity to Rome. Yet as Gaul was now wholly Roman, the Britiſh princes in the ſouth found it expedient, for the ſake of their commerce with that country, to court the amity of its victors by marks of attachment. Auguſtus and Tiberius wiſely reſtricted the boundaries of an empire, as large as ambition could with or judgment hope to rule. Caligula, profligate to a degree of inſanity, com manded a fantaſtic expedition to the Batavian ſhores, and returned with ſhells, his only trophies of the Britiſh ſea. The ſober Britons ſeem to have been diſguſted with the mad neſs of the maſter of the world ; and their contempt excited Claudius (the diſciple of Livy the hiſtorian ) to the permanent conqueſt of the ſouthern half of the country. But the ſtate of Britain, when it was firſt laid open to ſcience by the invaſion of Julius, deſerves more eſpecial conſideration . From Strabo it would ſeem that Craſſus, Lieutenant of Ceſar againſt the Veneti, viſited the weſtern part of Britain, and per haps Ireland. Diodorus informs us that commerce had rendered the inhabitants of Cornwall leſs ferocious to ſtrangers ; and from Tacitus we learn, that the ports of Ire land were more known and frequented by traders in his time than thoſe of Britain ; pro bably becauſe the ſouth of England having been planted with Roman colonies, many I articles ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xiii articles formerly imported were manufactured at home ; while the demand was con tinued in Ireland, which had no ſuch advantage. Nay even a rude coinage was uſed in Britain before it was invaded by Ceſar, in imitation of that of Gaul, where the Greek colonies introduced this commodious art : but it muſt have been confined to the Belgæ who were agricultors ; yet this coinage is a ſingularity in their then barbarous ſtate, when their hovels were rudely conſtructed of wood , and no veſtige of architec ture remains, except thoſe monuments idly called Druidical circles; the moſt remarkable of which is Stonehenge, near the capital of the Belgæ , and which ſeems to have been the place of the national aſſembly, as among the other Gothic nations. It is not a little remarkable, that not far from the city of Vannes, at Carnac, there is a grand Belgic monument of the ſame kind, and worthy of the greateſt commercial people among the Gauls. It conſiſts of not leſs than four thouſand ſtones, many as high as eighteen or twenty feet, diſpoſed in quinquuncial order, and in eleven rows * . In theſe erections the numbers of men employed muſt have ſupplied the defect of mechanics, as Ceſar men tions a trench of great depth and compaſs, ſo as to incloſe an inimical army, and finiſhed in a very ſhort ſpace by numbers and continued labour f. The uſe of levers and mounds might have raiſed theſe large ſtones ; but the intention of the prodigious collection at Carnac ſeems inexplicable. Among ſuch rude arts, the management of the tin muſt have been chiefly imparted by the Phenicians ; but we do not poſitively learn whether it was exported in the ore, or in the metal. In the trade of the Egyptians with Hindoftan, it is not improbable that the tin of Banca may have been known, and an iſle called Caſſitera, from its tin , is marked in the ancient maps of the Indian ſeas. But the Greeks and Romans drew their tin from the Carthaginian commerce with Britain . It is a common error among antiquaries and travellers to dwell on a ſingularity, rather than univerſal practices, which eſcape obſervation . Thus the little boats of the Britons, covered with leather , have been ſuppoſed to have formed the ſole navy of the future miſtreſs of the ſeas ; while in the conflict with the Veneti, already deſcribed, the Britiſh * See the Plates in Cambry's Monumens Celtiques, 8vo. + The enemy, being about fixty thouſand men, formed a circle, facing to the centre , quite round the Roman intrenchment ; and the more effectually to cut off all communication of ſupplies or intelligence from without , effected a line of circumvallation , conſiſting of a ditch fifteen feet wide, and a breaft -work eleven feet high, extending over a circumference of fifteen miles . In this work , being unprovided with intrenching tools, they were obliged, as Ceſar reports, to cut the turf with their ſwords, and fetch earth in their cloaks. But having broke ground at once on every point of a circumference which their number was ſufficient to cover, the whole was accompliſhed in no more than three hours. - Ferguſon's Roman Rep. III . 133, from Cæſ. v. 41 . veffels xiv RETROSPECT OF THE veſſels muſt have been nearly equal in ſize and ſtrength to thoſe of their allies , as boats would have been of no avail in ſuch an action . It is alſo remarkable that, on the coins of Claudius, Britannia is repreſented with the prow of a veſſel at her feet, implying her national fymbol, like the lion of Africa, the crocodile of Egypt, and other adjuncts on the Roman coins. The complete developement of the Britiſh iſlands was accompliſhed by the progreſs of the Roman armies and fleets in the north, and by the trade of the Britiſh and Gallic merchants with Ireland , which important iſland is delineated by Ptolemy with confider able accuracy. Roman fleets alſo viſited the Baltic, and the ancient maps include the ſouthern part of Scandinavia , with a fragment of the preſent Ruſſian empire in Eu rope. Roman colonies were planted in the weſtern parts of Germany, and gradual minute diſcoveries were added till the fall of the Roman empire in the weſt. The glory of the Roman name feebly ſurvived in Conſtantinople till the middle of the fifteenth century ; and the ſituation of that grand city rendered it a choſen ſeat of commerce. But maritime expeditions were little an object with the indolent and ſuper ſtitious Greeks : and the range of ancient diſcovery ſhall now be cloſed with ſome ob fervations on an important object, the various Routes to Hindoftan , a country which has always attracted the commerce of the world . One of the chief routes was that by Samarcand, and the river Oxus, which ran in its vicinity, and by which ſmall veſſels could paſs into the Caſpian Sea ; and, remount ing the Volga, diffuſe commodities in the north - eaſt of Europe. A land carriage of no great length might tranſport goods to the Euxine, eſpecially as the river Cyrus favoured the tranſport. Samarcand ſeems to have been a conſiderable mart even in ancient times, the goods being brought from India by caravans of dromedaries or camels of Bactria. But the camel ſeems then little uſed in Hindoftan, being only adapted to fandy regions, and the elephant requires too much food to be uſeful on commercial journies. The horſe is a native of Aſiatic Ruſſia ; and the ſmall horſes of Tibet may have been uſeful in the mountainous parts. Ammianus Marcellinus * ſpeaks confuſedly of a route by the country of the Arians ; but he ſeems to have proceeded upon a vague report, inconſiſtent with geography. He alſo indicates another route from the country of the Seres, and paſſing through that of the Sacæ, a ferocious people, without towns. The name of ſerica is well known to have been derived from the Seres, or the people ofLittle Bucharia, and has been underſtood to be filk , but was probably cotton , eſpecially as Marco Polo mentions a fine gloſſy cot ton as a ſpecial and abundant product of Little Bucharia. When an ancient poet + xxiii , 6. ſpeaks ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. XV ſpeaks of the fleeces of the Seres growing upon trees, he undoubtedly means cotton . The tranſparent dreſſes of the Roman ladies, mentioned by other poets, were probably fine muſlin or gauze. In the time of Juſtinian , however, filk was well known, and filk -worms brought from the Eaſt. Having mentioned the Seres, who formed one boundary of ancient diſcovery, it may not be unneceſſary to add that the Sinæ, who form another extreme people, have been recently demonſtrated by Goffellin to have inhabited the weſtern part of Siam , their capital having been Tanaſerim . Dr. Robertſon has obſerved , from the Ayeen Akbery, that Cheen was the ancient name given by the Hindoos to Pegu, whence, perhaps, the Roman Sinæ. Coſmas alſo informs us that Taprobane, or Ceylon, was nearly at an equal diſtance between the Perſians and the Sinæ, which is juſt with regard to Siam , but by no means with regard to the neareſt port of the Chineſe ſhore, removed to double the diſtance, eſpecially in the coaſting voyages of antiquity. The route of Cabul was convenient, becauſe a neighbouring river fell into the Indus, near the mouth of which was a great mart of Hindoo trade. But the chief route ſeems to have been that of Candahar, by which the Indian pro ducts paſſed into Perſia. This mart alſo attracted merchants from Europe, as well as different parts of Perſia and the Eaſt. Even in modern times of the Perſian monarchy, the caravans of Iſpahan and Agra met at Candahar with thoſe from the coaſts of the Caſpian. In proceeding to the diſcoveries of the middle and modern ages, there are two objects which ought to be impreſſed upon the reader, becauſe they have hitherto eſcaped the notice which their importance required . The firſt of theſe is the duration of the empire of Conſtantinople ; and the other the foundation and progreſs of the Hanſeatic League. The ſituation of Conſtantinople may be ſaid to command the trade of the ancient world, and the attention paid to commerce may be perceived from the code of Juſtinian ; and though the Saracens in the ſouth, and the Turks in the eaſt, greatly reſtricted the bounds of the empire, yet the Jew Benjamin, who flouriſhed towards the end of the twelfth century , compares Conſtantinople with Bagdad , for the confluence of merchants from Europe and Aſia, while thoſe of Egypt brought the products of Hindoſtan. For a long period the only gold coins known in Europe were called befants, from Byzantium or Conſtantinople, whence they paffed into the weſtern currency, in the purchaſe of mercan tile commodities. Many of the arts alſo flouriſhed in this capital , when they were extinct in moſt parts of Europe. If a Calif of Spain wiſhed to build a ſplendid moſque, he ap plied to the Grecian Emperor, who ſent architects, and even columns of marble. Sculp ture declined , becauſe the Greeks did not allow of images ; but painting ſtill delineated favourite ſaints, ſtill more perpetuated by Moſaic. Even painting in oil , idly ſuppoſed a modern хуі RETROSPECT OF THE modern invention , was familiar to the Byzantine Greeks ; nor was it unknown to the Romans, as appears from the doors and windows of Herculaneum * . The art of engrav ing on ſtones and metals was alſo retained ; and ſome beautiful ſeals ſeem the work of Byzantine artiſts. Our architecture was improved, or diverſified , from the ſame ſource ; and the church and palace of St. Mark at Venice are ſpecimens of the Grecian art in the middle ages. Mr. Gibbon's work may be conſulted for the ſtate of the commerce ; but as no diſcovery of importance was achieved , it is unneceſſary here to enter into a detail. The Hanſeatic League, one of the moſt remarkable phenomena in the hiſtory of Eu rope, was the firſt maritime power for three centuries, ruling paramount in the Baltic and German ſeas, driving the kings of Denmark and Sweden from their thrones, and reducing Norway to complete ſubjection. This perpetual alliance, to defend the freedom of trade againſt the tyranny and extortion of rude princes and potentates, was founded in 1241 ; and not leſs than fixty towns on the Rhine, with Bremen, Lubec, Hamburg, were foon united on this formidable alliance . The eaſtern commodities were chiefly brought from Venice, by an inland route to the Rhine. But even at a prior period the ſouthern ſhores of the Baltic began to be enlightened with commercial intercourſe ; and Julin, a city of great extent and commerce, on the right bank of the Oder in Pome rania, was deſtroyed by Waldomar I. King of Denmark . The diſcoveries of Marco Polo, in the thirteenth century, were far more important than thoſe of Colon, or Columbus ; yet had not that ſtriking novelty which aroſe from the boldneſs of the enterpriſe. But before proceeding to this prodigious acceſſion to geography, it is proper to ſtate the intermediate progreſs of diſcovery. In the ninth century two Arabian travellers explored the countries as far as China ; and their work, publiſhed by Renaudot, is not a little curious. The Arabian geogra phers began gradually to acquire more knowledge concerning Aſia and Africa ; but their works remained unknown to Europeans, obliged to be ſatisfied with the information ob tained from Ptolemy. In the ſame century, Alfred, King of England, not only preſerved the voyage of Ohter, but ſent Suithelm, Biſhop of Shireburn, with a preſent to the ſhrine of St. Thomas in India, near Madras, on the coaſt of Coromandel. That great monarch ſeems rather to have been impreſſed by political than ſuperſtitious views ; for, as it was neceſſary for his meſſenger to paſs by Ceylon, then a great mart of eaſtern trade, it is natural to conceive, that information on this ſubject was expected and required. The Cruſades, which began in the eleventh century, and the eſtabliſhment of the * See Raſpe on the Invention of Oil Painting. kingdom ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xyii kingdom of Jeruſalem , contributed not a little to diffuſe a new light over the page of European knowledge. The centers of trade, with Conſtantinople and Alexandria, were Venice, Piſa, and Genoa ; but theſe cities, only intent on commercial ſpeculation , were ſtrangers to the paths of ſcience and diſcovery. The importation of the compaſs during the cruſades of the twelfth century, ſcarcely prevented the timidity of coaſting voyages, except in the Mediterranean , as in the paſſage from Genoa to Alexandria, till Colon ſet the example of daring the open ocean . Unexpectedly, therefore, the new diſcoveries were by land. The prodigious conqueſts of Zingis, Emperor of the Mongols, had ſhaken the whole continent of Aſia, and vibrated even to Europe. His powerful ſucceſſors might either cruſh the feeble kingdom of Jeruſalem ; or might, by a powerful diverfion, deliver it from the Saracens. A convocation was held at Lyons, in 1245, by Pope Innocent IV ., and two humble friars were diſpatched to the conquerors of the Eaſt, whoſe power now inſured a paſſage through barbarous countries : and the meſſengers, travelling by the north of the Caſpian, arrived , after a laborious journey, at Karakum , the ſeat of the Mongol Emperors, in the centre of Eaſtern Aſia , probably ſituated on the river Orchon, which flows into the Selinga. Theſe humble friars firſt reported the exiſtence of the prodigious empire of Cathay or China, embracing a third part of the human race. Within a few years St. Louis, the pious King of France, ſent a meſſenger, called William of Ruyſbroek , to Karakum , probably with an intention to excite the Mongols to aſſiſt the Chriſtians againſt the Saracens. The accounts of theſe three meſſengers are preſerved ; but are brief, feeble, and obſcure, when compared with the travels of Marco Polo ; and they are confined to a ſmall portion of his diſcoveries. It is to Marco Polo that we are indebted for the diſcovery of one-half of Aſia. This noble Venetian ſeems to have been born in 1251 , when his father and uncle were abſent in the Eaſt. They returned in 1269 , having met with fuch ſucceſs, that they were not only induced to repeat their journey, but to aſſume the young Marco as a companion. They ſet out on this memorable journey in 1271 or 1272 ; and returned in 1297, after an abſence of twenty -fix years, during ſeventeen of which Marco had been in the ſervice of the Mongol Emperor. The travels of Marco Polo appear to have been dictated by him to one Ruſtigielo of Piſa, in the year 1299, in the priſon of Genoa ; where that great traveller was then confined , probably in conſequence of the terrible defeat of the Venetian fleet, on the 8th of September 1298 , in which the Genoeſe took eighty - five ſhips, and 7400 priſoners, among whom were the Admiral and many perſons of diſtinction . Peace was re- eſtabliſhed, and the priſoners reſtored , towards the end of the year 1299. It was natural to ſuppoſe that Marco Polo ſhould di & tate his travels in his native tongue, the Venetian dialect of the Italian . There was, accordingly, not only a manuſcript in that dialect preſerved in the family of Soranzo, but an edition at Venice YOL . XVII . с 1496, xviii -RETROSPECT OF THE 1496, and another at Trevigi 1590, in the poſſeſſion of the author of this Introduction . Meanwhile theſe important travels have only been known even to the learned by a moſt inaccurate and mutilated tranſlation into Latin , by one Pepuri, an ignorant Dominicar friar, towards the end of the fifteenth century ; and which even Ramuſio has been contented with tranſlating into Italian, in his celebrated collection of voyages and travels. That this compiler, living in Venice, ſhould have been a ſtranger to the original work, and fo negligent of the fame of his country and countrymen , is ſufficient of itſelf to injure the credit of his collection , which muſt ever be conſidered , in this and many other inſtances, as more remarkable for elegance than fidelity. It is to be regretted that the Venetians, remarkable at all times for commerce and intrigue, have never produced one poet, and ſcarcely an author of any name, except Polo : and it is to be hoped that, if genuine learning were to dawn among them , their firſt care would be to publiſh a ſplendid edition , compared with all the manuſcripts of the original work of this great traveller. Theſe particulars being premiſed , as eſſential to the due conſideration of the ſubject, a general view ſhall now be given of the diſcoveries of Polo . The firſt eight chapters of the original work are not ill employed by Polo , in authenticating the ſources and credit due to ſuch new and various information as he had to communicate ; and which, if abruptly entered upon, might have induced the reader to reject the whole as a romance. He ſtates, therefore, that his father and uncle, Nicolas and Matthew, having long reſided at the Mongol court, were deſired by the Emperor to conduct an envoy whom he ſent to the Chriſtian Pontiff. having died on the route, his father and uncle continued their journey to Italy ; whence they determined to return with their kinſman Marco, but were three years and a half on their journey, on account of the wide rivers, mountains, and ſtormy climates. The young Marco ſoon learned the four chief languages ſpoken in the Mongol dominions ; and by this proficiency, and other aſſiduities, became ſo highly favoured, that he was ſent upon an embaſſy which laſted fourteen months. This embaſſy, and other employments in the ſervice of the Chan, during ſeventeen years, enabled him to collect accounts concerning many Eaſtern countries, eſpecially as the monarch was himſelf very inquiſitive on theſe ſubjects; and Marco thought it his duty to take notes of every thing curious, to pleaſe his royal maſter. At length the travellers are permitted to paſs from China to India by ſea, as ſervants of the Chan, obtaining an eſcort by land from Hindoſtan to Trebezond ; whence they paſs, by Conſtantinople and Negropont, to Venice, arriving in 1297. Polo then adds, that this introduction is premiſed , in order to certify the reader of the authenticity of theſe travels. He then begins his intereſting deſcription with ſome account of Little Armenia, and of Trebezond , near which he ſaw flocks of partridges tamed like poultry. Turcomania and the Greater Armenia follow , and the neighbouring province of Georgia, But this envoy OI ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xix Georgia, called Gruzia by the Orientals, is alſo deſcribed . But now proceeding to the South , he mentions - Moſul, a noted mart in his time for the fine Indian cottons, thence called muſlins, and ſpices, probably brought by ſea through the gulf of Ormuz, or by land through Candahar. There are curious details, omitted by the ignorant friar, concerning the manufactures and commerce of Bagdad, eſpecially that with India by Baflora. Next follows an account of Tauris or Tebriz, and of Perſia. His town of Cormos, with a port rich in Indian traffic, is probably Ormuz. But, thus arrived in the ſouth of Perſia, he defers a deſcription of India till another part of his work ; and returns to the north - eaſt of Perſia, deſcribing Badacſhan and the precious Balay rubies. Thence paſſing the mountains of Belur, he arrives at Caſhgar, or the country of Cotin , which abounding in fine cotton , probably gave name to the article. Polo now unknowingly enters upon ground totally loſt to the ancients, by an ac count of the great deſart of Cobi. The province of Tangut is followed by the city Etzina, at the beginning of a ſandy deſart, ſpreading towards the north, and requiring proviſion for forty days. This is ſucceeded by the town of Karakum, and an intereſting account of the manners of the Mongols. After inſerting ſome miſcellaneous information concerning the towns and diſtricts of Tangut, a ſtriking deſcription is given of the magnificent Pekin , called by the Mongols Cambalu or the city of the Chan. This deſcription ſurpaſſed the belief of the Europeans of his time, but is now found to have been veracious. While his obſervations are even directed to the coal uſed in the north of China, it has been accounted ſurpriſing that he makes no mention of the great wall. The romantic and inaccurate Prevoſt, partly tranſlator from the Engliſh , and partly author of the Hiſtoire Generale des Voyages, hence argues, that Marco Polo never was in China ; while we know , from his own accounts, that he was governor of a city there for three years. It would ſeem that that enormous monument, the freſhneſs of which is remarked by travellers, was of comparatively modern erection . It is unknown to any Arabian geographer of a remoter date than four centuries ; and Mr. Bell, in his judicious travels, ſays, that the wall was built about 600 years before his time, to defend the country againſt the incurſions of the Mongols. It is therefore very probable, that it was built after the Mongol power be gan to decline ; and of courſe after the departure of Polo. Having proceeded upon an embaſſy of fourteen months, as before -mentioned, he deſcribes ſeveral provinces of China, to the ſouth and weſt, probably as far as the pre fent Birman empire. The city of Nangui having been taken by the induſtry of the three Venetian travellers, who conſtructed machines for throwing ſtones, the Chan aſſigned the government over to Marco Polo , who retained it for three years. The remainder of his deſcription of China diſplays that progreſs of civilization , and that po pulation, which has always ſurpaſſed the belief of Europeans. The account of Japan ſo C 2 much XX RETROSPECT OF THE much excited the attention of Colon, that it was one motive of his expedition ; eſpe. cially the great number of iſlands in the Pacific and Indian oceans, as he imagined that ſome of theſe iſlands muſt approach to the weſtern coaſt of Europe, the erroneous longitudes of Ptolemy having extended his Aſia one-third more to the eaſt than modern obſervation has aſcertained . It includes alſo the extreme boundary of our great tra veller's diſcoveries; and for theſe reaſons ſhall be here extracted entire from the origi nal Venetian copy. “ But I will now be ſilent concerning theſe countries, and proceed to ſpeak of India, in which I , Marco, remained for a long time ; adding at the ſame time the wonderful things of this globe. I will firſt begin with the iſland of Cimpagu ( Japan ), which is in the ocean towards the eaſt, diſtant about fifteen hundred miles from the continent; being a large land, inhabited by well-made and handſome people, who adore idols. They have a king, who pays tribute to no other ; and ſpeak a peculiar language. Here is found abundance of gold, but it is not permitted to be carried out of the iſland, whence few ſhips and little merchandiſe arrive there. The ſovereign of the country has a palace of wonderful magnificence, being all covered with thick plates of fine gold, and the frames of the windows are of the ſame metal. This iſland alſo abounds with precious ſtones, and vaſt riches. The great Chan, learning the opulence of this iſland, ſent two of his barons to conquer it, with a prodigious number of ſhips laden with cavalry and infantry, and an abundant ſupply of proviſions. One of theſe generals was called Abatan, and the other Vonſaincini. They left the port of Caicon and Gunſai, and proceeded to Cimpagu, where they landed and ravaged the plains : but envy and jealouſy ariſing between the two leaders, ſo that what the one wiſhed , the other oppoſed, they took no city, and only one caſtle, of which the garriſon, which would not yield, was cut to pieces, except eight men , who could not be hurt with ſteel, becauſe each had a precious ſtone of enchantment fixed in his arm, between the ſkin and the fleſh . This being reported to the generals, they were killed with clubs of wood ; and the precious ſtones brought to theſe officers. One day it happened that a violent northerly wind aroſe, ſo that from fear that the fleet ſhould be wrecked, all re turned to the ſhips, and failed to an iſland at the diſtance of about ten miles ; but the wind became ſo tempeſtuous that many of the thips were wrecked, and the men eſcaped to land ; while the other ſhips returned home. Thoſe who had eſcaped to the land were about thirty thouſand , who were all ſuppoſed to be loſt. When the ſea had become calm , the king of the iſland went with many ſhips to ſeize theſe invaders ; but , having landed with all his people, the Tatars made an unexpected turn , and ſeized the ſhips of the king, who was left in the iſland with his people. Proceeding to Cimpagu, the Tatars landed, diſplaying the royal banners they had found in the ſhips, and ap proaching a city, the gates were immediately opened . The Tatars entering, ſacked the whole, and even the women were ſerved as at Verona. Immediately the king armed ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxi armed ſhips, and raiſed a new army to beſiege the city. The Tatars receiving no ſuc cour, after a defence of ſeven months yielded on terms. This happened in the year 1269. “ In this iſland are idols, ſome with the head of a wolf, others of a hog, a ram, or a dog. Some have one head with four faces ; others three heads on one neck ; others the head under the ſhoulders ; or one upon another ; ſome having four arms and others ten. That idol is reputed the handſomeſt which has the moſt arms : and if aſked why they make theſe idols in ſuch diſtorted and different forms, their anſwer is, the cuſtom was handed down by their anceſtors. When theſe iſlanders capture any man or woman who is not of their nation, if they have not money to ranſom themſelves, they are Nain, their blood is drank, and the body afterwards eaten. This iſland, as already mentioned , is in the great ocean . And according to the report of ſkilful pilots and ma riners who frequent theſe ſeas, there are ſeven thouſand four hundred and forty-ſeven iſles, of which the greater number is inhabited. And on all theſe iſlands there is no tree which is not odoriferous, does not bear fruit, or is not uſeful in other reſpects. There is alſo produced abundance of white pepper : and a year is required to fail from the province of Mangi, the reaſon being that there reign two continual winds, the one during the winter, the other during the ſummer.” The remaining deſcriptions refer, ſo far as can be conjectured, to regions on the ſouth - weſt of China, as Siampa, and the large iſland of Borneo, and ſeveral other iſlands in that direction, ſuch as Java and Sumatra. Ceylon is afterwards mentioned ; and he foon proceeds to deſcribe the vaſt country of Hindoftan. Not contented with theſe important diſcoveries in Aſia, he draws the veil from a por tion of Africa ; and Madagaſcar riſes to view for the firſt time, with a ſmall portion of the neighbouring continent. But he ſoon returns to the information he had received concerning the north of Aſia ; -and mentions the new kingdom eſtabliſhed by the Mon gols in Siberia. The ermines, and other products of the remote north, and even the fledges drawn by dogs, do not eſcape his notice ; and beyond , he juſtly ſays, that all is ice in the winter, and all is mud in the ſummer. Such were the ſurpriſing diſcoveries of Marco Polo , adding about one-half to the then known world ! Amid ſcenes of ſuch novelty, amid ſuch treaſures of nature and art, and amid the ignorance and barbarity of Europe, it is no wonder that our traveller, eſpecially in the fervour of youth , was dazzled with ſuch a prodigality of ſplendour, and has mag nified ſome objects beyond their real number, value, or magnificence. Philoſophical tra vellers did not appear till a recent period ; but even theſe have been amazed with the civilization and population of China ; and the European reader believes, but is not con vinced. The candid will therefore make allowances for ſome calculations, not reconcile able with the ſtrictneſs ofmodern arithmetic ; and for the ainplification of ſome objects, particularly thoſe of which the author could only hear by report, the hyperboles of the oriental Il xxii RETROSPECT OF THE oriental ſtile having impoſed even on moſt enlightened travellers at the moſt enlightened periods. Thus Sir George Staunton has, from the Chineſe documents, eſtimated the popu lation of China at three hundred and thirty- three millions ; forgetting the attachment of the Chineſe to the number three : and from the beſt authorities, carefully compared with each other , it may be reduced to two hundred and thirty millions ; ſtill more than a third part of the human race. Some exaggerations, therefore, will never injure the honeſt fame of Polo , nor detra &t from the merit of the general maſs of information, which, though unhap pily reſtricted to leſs than a hundred ſmall pages, is prodigious and wonderful. The accounts of Polo excited the curioſity, or the zeal, of a Franciſcan friar called Odorico . Embarking in a Venetian veffel, he arrived at Trebezond in 1317, and ſpent thirteen years in diftant eaſtern countries ; but his accounts are chiefly copied or diſtorted from thoſe of Polo. This charge ſtill more ſtrongly affects the noted Engliſh traveller, Sir John Mandeville, who ſeems never to have proceeded beyond the Holy Land, where he gathered ſome very ridiculous tales ; and upon his return in 1355, ſupplied his own deficiency of adventure and information from the rich pages of Polo , being as bold a plagiariſt, as he was a timid traveller. He has even ſtolen from Pliny the names and fables of ancient geography. His fictions are not mere exaggerations of realities, but inventions of an imprudent and erring imagination, ſuch as giants of fifty feet in height, and a thouſand other tales ſurpaſſing even childiſh credulity. It is no wonder, therefore, that his work has met with univerſal and deſerved contempt ; but might be laughable if printed in its due place, — among the imaginary voyages and travels . About the year 1335, Pegoletti, an Italian , compoſed a ſyſtem of commercial geo graphy of conſiderable curioſity and importance. The title is, “ Of the Diviſion of Countries, and of Meaſures, and Merchandiſes, and other Things neceſſary for Merchants to know in the different Parts of the World. ” He preſents the route to Cathay or China by Azof, Aftracan, Urgentz, Otrar, &c. partly performed by camels, partly with aſſes, and afterwards with horſes. He confirms the curious diſcovery of the paper-money uſed in China, as mentioned by Polo. The work of Pegoletti is only to be found in a rare publication, intituled , Della Decima e delle Altre Gravezze, which bears to have been printed at Liſbon and Lucca, 4to. in 1776, and the following years ; but ſeems to have been really printed at Florence, the documents concerning the Florentine trade being of ſuch ſingular curioſity and importance, that without the perufal of this work, no juſt ideas can be formed concerning the hiſtory of commerce in the middle ages. The production extends to three volumes ; but the third, which contains the work of Pegoletti, is often wanting The great Portugueſe diſcoveries by ſea being about to open upon us, in the fifteenth century, it is unneceſſary to dwell on minute travels. The great empire of Ruſſia muſt be added to the other important diſcoveries of Polo, but a fuller account was given by Barbaro ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. Barbaro in 1436. This great country ſeems to have been reſerved for the commercial advantages imparted by the Engliſh, who had failed in any former little attempt at dif covery. Chancelor, who went with Sir Hugh Willoughby in the following century, on the imaginary north -eaſt paffage to the opulent regions of Eaſtern Aſia, unknowingly diſcovered an object of equal conſequence. For, entering the White Sea, he found himſelf in the empire of Ruſſia ; and travelling to the court at Moſcow , he opened a trade which has continued of radical importance to both countries. But to reſume the chronological progreſs, by the diſcoveries of the Portugueſe in Africa. It has already been ſeen , that the knowledge of the ancients did not extend beyond Cape Blanco ; the chariot of the gods ſeeming to be the Montagne Ronde, in the map of La Crenne's voyage, 1775. The Arabs had made confiderable diſcoveries in Africa ; but, from ignorance of their language, they were loſt to Europeans. In the beginning of the fifteenth century the Fortunate Iſles, or Canaries, were refound, and ſettled by a French adventurer . Madeira was diſcovered in 1418 ; but was probably that beautiful iſland in the Weſt to which a Phenician ſhip was driven by a gale, and reported to be of ſuch exquiſite climate and fertility, that the Carthaginians, jealous of their ſcanty population, promulgated a law againſt emigrations : yet the tradition ſeems to have paſſed on for many centuries, for we find ſome of the old Iriſh faints ſeek ing after a beautiful iſland in the Weſt, which they underſtood to be ſo ſituated with regard to their own country. The dangerous currents on the African ſhore, which induce modern navigators to ſeek the open ocean, oppoſed a formidable barrier to the firſt diſcoverers, who retained the ancient plan of failing along the coaſts. At length, in 1433 , Cape Bojador was ſur mounted ; and the impulſe was ſuch, that other diſcoveries followed in ſucceſſion . The iſles of Cape Verd were diſcovered in 1446 ; and, in 1449, the Azores, which , from the rela tive poſition , properly belong to Europe. The equator was paſſed in 1471 ; and in 1486 the Cape of Good Hope was firſt ſeen by Diaz ; but that great navigator, encoun tering a tempeſt , returned without attempting to double that famous promontory ; an enterpriſe which was reſerved for Vaſco de Gama, who, in the end of the year 1497 and beginning of 1498, not only paſſed the Cape of Good Hope, but explored a part of the eaſtern coaſts of Africa, whence he paſſed to India, and arrived at Calicut, on the weſtern or Malabar coaſt; a voyage deſervedly celebrated as of great boldneſs and extent. But, fix years before, the iſlands of America had been diſcloſed by the celebrated voyage of Colon , or Columbus ; and we muſt return to view the progreſs of diſcovery in that great continent. Some northern extremities had been explored, at an early period, by the bold navigators of Scandinavia . Greenland , now univerſally allowed to form a part of that continent, was diſcloſed in the year 982 ; and Vinland in 1003 ; a country ſo called from its wild grape or currant, and which ſeems to have been a part of Newfoundland. The colony planted in Vinland by that hardy people was ſoon de ſtroyed xxiv. RETROSPECT OF THE ſtroyed by inteſtine diviſions; but that in Greenland continued till navigation was im peded by the encroachment of the Arctic ice. That it was on the eaſtern coaſt, is evinced from the ancient accounts publiſhed by Torfæus, particularly as we are told , that in the middle of the paffage two mountains were diſcernible, the one in Iceland, and the other in Greenland . Torfæus has even given a map of the ſettlement ; and the Daniſh mo narchs repeatedly ſent veſſels to penetrate, if poſſible, to this unhappy colony, left to perilh between mountains of ice on the one hand, and ſeas of ice on the other. A Ger man writer has thought proper to argue, in oppoſition to all the ancient facts and authorities, that it was on the weſtern ſhore, a part ſtill open and well known ; as an. other German author has argued, that the pyramids are merely ſolid rocks reduced to form : but a general reader will eaſily diſcern a peculiar caſt of mind in many writers of that country, which leads them to ſtrange paradoxes and a kind of fanatical enthuſiaſm , in treating even of ſubje & s where cold truth alone is valuable ; and which they idly ſuppoſe to be proofs of talent and philoſophy, while they only evince imbecility and want of ſcience. The Spaniſh fable concerning thoſe who fled from the conqueſt oftheMoors, A.D.714 , ſeems to have ariſen from a faint tradition of the Carthaginian diſcovery of Madeira above -mentioned. The ſtill more ridiculous Welſh tale of Madoc probably aroſe from the ſame cauſe, modified by the fabulous voyage of St. Brandan , an Iriſh devotee, whoſe imaginary voyage to a beautiful iſland in the Weſt is not uncommon among the manu fcripts of the middle ages. Theſe diſcoveries of the Norwegians were probably unknown to Colon, but he may have ſeen the voyage of the Venetian brothers Zeni, in the fourteenth century, which , though full of fabulous circumſtances, indicates the exiſtence of iſlands far to the north weſt. However this be, the diſcovery of the Azores, in 1469, was an intermediate ſtep to farther enterpriſes in that direction ; and conſpired , with other motives, to conduct Colon to a path of the greateſt glory *. It is unneceſſary to detail theſe celebrated voyages, the firſt of which was in 1492 , and the fourth and laſt in 1502, four years before his death . His diſcoveries were chiefly reſtricted to the iſlands moſt improperly called the Weſt Indies ; and he viſited but few parts of the continent, the coaſt now called Paria, and the land about Porto Bello. In 1513, Balboa deſcried from the mountains the great ocean , idly and falſely called the Pacific ; and it was now aſcertained , that America did not form a part of India. Mexico was conquered in 1521 , and Peru in 1540. The extent of South America was now generally known ; but many diſcoveries remain to be made ; and even the prodigious courſe of the river Maranon , or of Amazons, was not diſcloſed till the year 1800. But the more recent diſcoveries in this and the other regions, are reſerved for the cloſe of this enquiry. * Colon was of Ferrara, as appears from a document produced in a proceſs concerning his dukedom of Veragua. See the Viagerg Univerſal, In ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. XXV In North America the diſcoveries were more ſlow , if we except New Spain or Mexico, which belongs to that portion of the world . But in 1497, Cabot, equipped by the Engliſh monarch, Henry VII., diſcovered Newfoundland, and a part of the American coaſt. As, however, the intention of his expedition was to diſcover a nearer paſſage to India, his diſcoveries were neglected . The gold, diamonds, and ſpices of the Eaſt were, at that time, the ſole objects ; and the very idea of colonies had not yet preſented itſelf. The firſt colonies in the northern parts were attempted by the French ; but Canada was not a firm and laſting ſettlement till about 1620. In 1576 Frobilher, attempting a north -weſt paſſage, diſcovered the ſtreights which ob tained his name. But, if we except the voyage of Chancelor to Ruſſia , abovementioned , little was done by the Engliſh till 1607, when the great bay of Cheſapeak was diſcovered , and the firſt laſting ſettlement was formed at Jameſtown in modern Virginia : for this name had before been given to little ſettlements ſoon abandoned ; and which had been moſt unwiſely ſelected on the ſide of the great marſh called the Diſmal Swamp, in North Carolina. The hiſtory of our American colonies is well known to every reader, and we ſhall return to objects more immediately connected with the preſent deſign. In 1585 Davis viſited the weſtern coaſt of Greenland, and explored the narrow ſea abſurdly called Davis's Streight. He ſeems to have proceeded as far as Sanderſon's Hope, lat. 72°, when he was impeded by the ice, as the celebrated Cook was, at the ſame latitude, in the paſſage between Aſia and America. In 1610 Hudſon diſcovered the ſtreights which bear his name, and the inland ſea abſurdly called Hudſon's Bay. In general, the appellations given by the ignorant Engliſh ſeamen to their diſcoveries have been the moſt abſurd that could be conceived ; while the Spaniards, with their Saints, did not at leaſt give inaccurate or erroneous impreſſions. The objections ſtarted by the author to the exiſtence of Baffin's Bay, have been ſtated in a former work , but may here be repeated. “ In 1616, ſome public ſpirited gentlemen ſent Captain Bilot to attempt a north -weſt paffage. William Baffin failed with him as pilot : and this voyage is one of the moſt ſingular in the whole circle of geography. Far exceeding the utmoſt ſtretch of Da vis, they diſcovered Horn Sound, Cape Dudley Diggs, Hakluyt Illand, Sir Thomas Smith's Sound, Cary's Iſlands, Alderman Jones's Sound, and Sir James Lancaſter's Sound : all of them totally unknown to any preceding or ſucceeding navigator. Baffin thus pretended that he had, in an inland and narrow ſea, (which, to encreaſe the ab ſurdity, is laid down in our maps with all its ſhores, a matter never before attempted from a firſt and imperfect viſit) proceeded to the latitude of more than 78°, while Cap tain Cook, the moſt ſkilful of modern navigators, could not exceed 72° in the open arctic ocean , and Davis himſelf was ſtopped at 72 ° in this very ſea, ſuppoſed to be in land , while it is probably only part of that ocean. It is further remarkable, that this voyage is very imperfe &tly known from Baffin's relation , publiſhed by Purchas; and VOL, XVII. d all xxvi RETROSPECT OF THE 66 all the charts and maps of this pretended bay, have been merely laid down from the obfervations contained in his journal; for if Baffin made any chart, it was not publiſhed by Purchas. It is , perhaps, equally remarkable, that no doubt ſeems yet to have been entertained concerning the exiſtence of Baffin's Bay ; while it is not improbable that he is merely a bold impoſtor who wiſhed to recommend himſelf to his employers, by the pretence of having impoſed their names on grand and important features of nature ; and by his numerous Sounds to have laid a ſcheme for drawing more money from his pro tectors, for the inveſtigation of a north -weſt paſſage. Yet it would ſeem that ſtrong doubts prevailed even at the time ; for theſe ſuppoſed diſcoveries were entirely neg lected . Suppoſing that Baffin's Bay were diſmiſſed from our maps, it is probable that Green land is a continuation of the continent, and ſpreads to the weſt about lat. 75º ; or it may be detached land, ( like New Holland, ) extending towards the pole. The general line of the arctic ſea in this quarter, as ſeen by Mr. Hearne, 1772, and Mr. M‘Kenzie, 1789, is about lat. 70 ° ; and it is not improbable that, at a little higher latitude, it co aleſces with what is called Baffin's Bay ; in which caſe Greenland is a detached land, and the country on the north of Hudſon's Bay confills of ſeveral large iſlands in the arctic ocean ." The weſtern coaſts of North America were faintly explored by Sir Francis Drake, who bequeathed his name to a haven, a conſiderable way to the north of California. The Spaniſh policy watched with anxious care over the ſhores of New Spain ; and a minute detail of their diſcoveries, either here, or on the weſtern coaſts of South America, would be attended with no ſmall difficulty and diſcuſſion, and after all prove little in tereſting at the preſent time. The recent diſcoveries in this direction are reſerved for a ſubſequent part of this reſearch . The more extenſive diſcoveries of the Portugueſe in Africa, and of the Spaniards and other nations in America, having been thus unfolded ; it remains to return to the progreſs of diſcovery in Aſia, after the Portugueſe had paſſed to Hindoftan , by the Cape of Good Hope. It has already been ſeen, that very few regions of that valt continent had eſcaped the ſurpriſing reſearches ofMarco Polo ; but his work is ſo ſuccinct that he left much to be wiſhed . The Portugueſe diſcoveries had not been neglected ; and in 1540 they had reached Japan. The Moluccas or Spice Iſlands had been diſcovered in 1511 , and poſſeſſed in 1512. Theſe iſlands were ſo important, and had been ſo much celebrated in all ages, that this poſſeſſion was warmly conteſted by the Spaniards. The famous line of demar cation, eſtabliſhed by a papal bull , was one hundred leagues to the Weſt of the Azores, all the countries to the Eaſt of this line being aſſigned to the Portugueſe ; on the Weſt to Spain : but the queſtion was, where the limits were to meet on the other half of the globe, which ought to have been at 145° Eaſt longitude. The Spice Iſlands are about 1280 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. XIV 128 ° E. L. from Greenwich, and Ferro being 17° 45 ' W. L. there will be about 145º for the longitude of the Spice Iſlands, to which muſt be added the extent of 100 leagues to the Weſt of the Azores, equal to 5 °, leaving 16° to be added ; ſo that the whole being 171 °, the Spice Iſlands certainly belonged to the Portugueſe. This conteſt be tween the two countries for iſlands on the oppoſite half of the globe, at the diſtance of about 11,000 miles, ſcarcely intereſts us ſo much , amidſt the vaſt progreſs of naviga tion , as the Greek conflicts for little iſles in the Egean Sea. In 1529 , the diſpute was amicably terminated, a large ſum of money having been paid by the Portugueſe mo narch, upon condition that the Spaniſh trade with the Moluccas ſhould be diſcontinued . The Portugueſe were to be conſidered as the lords of Aſia, or the Eaſtern hemiſphere; while the Spaniards held the Weſt. Yet the Portugueſe ſettlement in Braſil was con nived at, or paſſed in ſilence, (the Spaniſh conqueſts in Mexico and Peru having fuffici ently occupied their attention, ) and being indeed at that time of very little conſequence. The Spaniſh deſign upon the Spice Iſlands had, however, led to the famous voyage of Magalhaens, or Magellan, who paſſed to the grand ocean by the ſouthern extremity of America. About the time that Japan was explored by European ſhips in 1540, the Portugueſe and Spaniſh diſcoveries, ſeem not only to have pervaded moſt of the ſouthern ſhores of Aſia, and the Aſiatic INands, but to have extended to Auſtralaſia. The eaſtern coaſts of the vaſt iſland, abſurdly called New Holland, are delineated on a large chart on vellum , drawn in 1542 , and in three French Atlaſes, the moſt modern 1555 ; that of 1547 having even part of the weſtern ſhore. M. Barbié du Bocage, an ingenious French geographer, argues that this region was diſcovered by a Portugueſe veſſel which failed from Ternat to obtain gold at Celebez, and being driven to the South by a tem peſt, reached an iſland 30 leagues in circumference, where the people were of a But the inhabitants of Auſtralaſia, and the adjacent ifles, are of a black complexion. The fact is , that the Portugueſe diſcoveries around the precious Spice Iſlands were guarded with the ſtricteſt ſecrecy, as much as the Spaniſh territories in New Spain , the ſpices and cochineal being ſpecial objects of commercial avarice and ſpecula tion : but it is moſt probable, that the Portugueſe, in their extenſive traffic with the Aſi. atic Inands had, either by voluntary exertion , or conſtrained by tempeſts, explored a conſiderable portion of Auſtralaſia, about the year 1530. Their trade with China had of courſe preceded that with Japan ; and that prodigious empire was now viſited on the ſouth. The other Portugueſe diſcoveries in ſouthern Aſia being trivially known, it is unneceffary to enter into unintereſting details. But the porthern parts of that vaſt continent afford another important topic of inveſtigation The northern parts of Europe had been laid open in a great degree by the voyage of Ohter in the 9th century, preſerved by King Alfred in his tranſlation of Orofius; by the Norwegian ſettlement in Iceland , and by the work of Adam of Bremen in the 11th d2 century : copper colour. xxviii RETROSPECT OF THE century : and the Scandinavian writers were acquainted with the White Sea, and the northern part of Ruſſia , to be further diſcloſed by the voyage of Chancelor above men . tioned. But the extenſive frozen ſhores of Aſiatic Ruſſia could not be explored except by land from the South, and were reſerved for very modern times. Siberia was firſt known by inland conqueſt. In 1242 the Monguls eſtabliſhed a principality in the weſtern part, around Tobolſk and the river Tura ; ſo that in the end of that century Siberia became known to Marco Polo . Some hints may be derived from the Engliſh travelling mer. chants, who were induced by the commercial alliance with Ruſſia, in the 16th century , to endeavour to open, through that country, an inland trade with Perſia and Hindoſtan , one of the wideſt ſyſtems of inland traffic ever undertaken by Europeans, and rivalling the oriental caravans. Still little was known concerning Siberia, till the reign of Peter the Great introduced Ruſſia into European policy and civilization . Till this reign, even the Caſpian Sea had been falſely repreſented by all geographers, as extending from weſt to eaſt, while its greateſt length is from north to ſouth ; an error rectified by the maps taken by his command. Strahlenberg, a Swediſh officer, taken priſoner at Pultava, amuſed his leiſure in Siberia, by collecting materials for an ample account and a map of that country , which appeared in an Engliſh tranſlation in 1737. This important map firſt diſplayed the real ſeats of the Huns, the ' Tatars, the Monguls, nations which had repeatedly influenced the deſtinies of the Eaſt, and even of part of Europe, and which had not been ſo diſtinctly aſcertained by the famous work of De Witt, the Dutch am baſſador in Ruſſia , publiſhed in Dutch, and called “ Eaſt and Weſt Tartary." By theſe authors the prodigious extent of Siberia , the courſes of the great rivers Ob, Yeniſei, and Lena, and the mountainous chains which pervade central Aſia, began to be introduced into geography. The Uralian mountains began to be aſſumed , as the grand natural boundary between Aſia and Europe. Not long after Bering explored the ſtreight which divides Aſia from America ; and our immortal Cook imparted more accuracy to the diſ coveries of the Ruſſians, who are unſkilled in the delicate obſervation of the longitude. The mention of this great name leads us to the laſt object of this enquiry, the recent diſcoveries within the laſt half century , which have not only been important in them ſelves, but have thrown a more ſevere accuracy , and a more ſteady light upon nume rous regions, formerly only dimly deſcried . The numerous voyages and travels that have appeared within the laſt fifty years, have improved our knowledge to ſuch a degree, that in a collection of this nature the accounts preceding that period are rather to be regarded as curious, than uſeful. A work of this kind ſhould rather be intended as an ample ſyſtem of geography, ſupplying at the ſame time the place of the books called “ the Preſent State of all Nations,” than as an unintereſting catalogue of the moſt uſeleſs, obſcure, and erroneous volumes of voyages and travels, arranged in a kind of hiſtorical narrative, which , being in the third perſon, deſtroys the dramatic intereſt of the original account, and often even its veracity. The ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxix The voyages of Cook may therefore be regarded as forming an illuſtrious epoch ; the obſervations being ſo candidly and carefully ſtated, as to excite the emulation of ſuc ceeding writers, who have conſpired to introduce into the accounts of all countries a ſuperior diſcernment, and more important topics, than had been formerly traced . Few countries can be named that have not, within the laſt fifty years, been deſcribed in a manner ſo ſuperior to the former weak narratives, that very few of them retain any other intereſt, than that of amuſement. The old catalogues of pictures and ſtatues, with trifling adventures by ſea and land, which were called books of travels, have ſunk into obſcurity before the new and important works, which illuſtrate the phenomena of na ture, and diſplay the politics and ethics, the agriculture and commerce , the ſtate of the arts and ſciences. For theſe reaſons, this brief view of recent diſcoveries ſhall com mence with the immortal exertions of Cook. Among the new and important objects accompliſhed by this celebrated navigator, there are three which deſerve particular attention , as of the greateſt conſequence to geography, navigation , and commerce : 1. The voyage towards the South pole : 2. That towards the North, to explore the weſtern coaſt of America, with regard to the probability either of a North -weſt, or a North -eaſt paſſage from Europe to the opulent oriental regions : 3. The diſcovery of many important iſlands in the Great Ocean , abſurdly called the Pacific or the South Seas. The reader has only to inſpect the common maps and globes, publiſhed before the time of Cook , to diſcover that a grand imaginary feature has diſappeared, namely, the Terra Auſtralis Incognita, a vaſt continent ſuppoſed to exiſt in the ſouthern hemiſphere. This idea partly aroſe from various fractions, and detached ſhores, of large and ſmall illands, having accidentally been obſerved by navigators ; and probably from ſome tra ditions that might exiſt of the Portugueſe, and the certainty of the Dutch diſcoveries in Auſtralaſia ; but was chiefly founded on what was regarded as a mathematical truth, that a continent was indiſpenſable in that quarter, in order to maintain the equilibrium of the globe. So vain is theory, ſo great is nature, ſo little is man , that this ratiocina tion proved as erroneous as that of the ancients, when they thought it infallible that the torrid zone could not be inhabited, on account of the extreme heat, being igno rant that mountains there are covered with perpetual ſnow , becauſe of their ſuperior altitude ; and that, ſuch is the exuberance of the rivers, and periodical rains, that hu midity rather than heat is the characteriſtic of thoſe portions of the earth, idly called by the ancients the Torrid Zone. Cook, boldly penetrating, in various directions, towards the ſouthern pole, diſſipated this illuſion of an imaginary continent, diſcovering nothing but ice , or land as barren as ice. Auſtralaſia , far from approaching the ſouthern pole, terminated in the latitude of Chili ; and the ocean was found to conſtitute two thirds of the globe. The next important object accompliſhed by Cook led to aſcertain that there was no paſſage XXX RETROSPECT OF THE paſſage on the weſtern coaſt of North America, which could lead to the Atlantic, a dif covery which was followed up and completed by Vancouver, who found many large iſlands near the land , like thoſe on the coaſt of Norway, but no inlet interfecting the continent. Another moſt important branch of the ſame expedition was the diſcovery, that equally vain was the expectation of a north -eaſt paſſage, the fea to the north of Aſia being even at 72° fettered in perpetual ice. The paffage, which nature denies, might have been accompliſhed by art, and probably at a leſs expence than the Caledo. nian canal ; the ſouthern iſthmus of North America being of little breadth : and per haps the genius and enterpriſe of England, exiſting in her deſcendants of the United States, may, at no very diſtant period , accompliſh this ſublime object, ſo important to the commerce of Europe and Africa, with Aſia , and the weſtern coaſts of America. The third great department of Cook's diſcoveries is , the having aſcertained the po ſition and extent of many iſlands, large and ſmall, in the Great Ocean, now conſtituting the two grand maritime diviſions of the globe, called Auſtralaſia and Polyneſia. The diſcoveries of the Portugueſe, Spaniſh, Dutch, and Engliſh navigators in thoſe parts of the world, have been ſo ably detailed by the Preſident de Broſſes, in two quarto volumes dedicated to this ſubject, and which have been tranſlated into Engliſh by Mr. Callender, that it is unneceſſary to enter into a topic, which, by the minuteneſs of dates, details, and diſcuſſions, would little intereſt the general reader. Among the moſt cele brated names muſt be placed that of Dampier, a worthy precurſor of Cook in this wide field of diſcovery, as the reader will perceive , from ſome intereſting extracts in this col lection ; but the whole voyages are ſtill worthy of a choſen place in the library, as full of important information ; and it is to be regretted that a new edition is not given ,with a ſuperior arrangement, the parts being put together with no little confufion. The moſt ſavage ſtate of ſociety yet explored is that of the natives of Auſtralaſia ; and the forked animal of Shakſpere here appears in all his nakedneſs, wretchedneſs, and filth . An emi nent anatomiſt once obſerved that Nature is a naſty jade ; and certainly theſe children of nature little remind us of the golden age : but Rouſſeau, and other admirers of ſavages, abſtain from entering into the entomology, and the other diſguſting realities, which render life fo different from roinance. Theſe manners, however, were ſingu larly and happily contraſted by thoſe of Otaheite, where Europeans were ſurpriſed to find ignorance and innocence walking hand in hand with vice and crime. This race , ſeemingly of Malay origin, enjoyed all the beauty and fertility of nature, and were vicious or virtuous without knowledge of either vice or virtue ; but amidſt their enjoy ments were expoſed to ferocious wars with the neighbouring iflanders, and thus paid the uſual tax of humanity to pain and miſery. The ſtate of fociety diſcovered in ſeveral other iſlands alſo intereſted thoſe who delight in ſtudying the hiſtory of man, an animal intended for labour, danger, and perhaps even war ; for his life ſeems tedious if not occupied and agitated. A ſingular ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxxi A ſingular novelty has lately appeared in the iſland where Cook unfortunately fell, the ſovereign of Owhyee having now a maritime force , to the ſurpriſe of the ſailors of Europe and America. The voyages of Cook were not only followed by many others in this direction , ſuch as thoſe of Vancouver, Bligh, that of the miſſionaries ſent to convert the Polyneſians, (and it would be uncandid to omit La Perouſe, La Billardiere, and Peron ; ) but an Engliſh colony was ſent to Auſtralaſia, which will infallibly diffuſe illumination over that remote quarter of the world, ſo intereſting by the novelty of its aſpect and products. The ſtyle, manner , and topics of the books of voyages and travels began alſo to be greatly improved. A new and important ſcience, that of mineralogy, had ariſen in Europe ſince 1782, when Bergman firſt erected an edifice of ſcience from disjointed fragments of imperfect knowledge. To this was added geology, or the ſtudy of the formation of the cruſt of the earth, which led men of general ſcience and information to travel, inſtead of ignorant jewellers , pilgrims and adventurers, or men who only travelled to ſee fights and deſcribe trifles. Thoſe who contended that the world was formed by water, and thoſe who maintained the ſuperior effect of fire, ſtrongly main tain their ſyſtems by actual obſervation , and often impart uſeful facts, while the laughing reader did not care whether the earth was roaſted or boiled . The ſtudy of political economy, and the modern ſcience called Statiſtics, particularly the views of agriculture and commerce, not only led to folid inſtruction , but to great practical improvements in many countries. Even the pruning knife of Johnſon helped to plant Scotland with trees : and the travels of Young in France, having become a claſſical book with the French farmers and country gentlemen , have contributed greatly to national improvement. Alike fpirit has pervaded diſtant regions, but not always with equal ſucceſs. The bread tree has been introduced into the Weſt-Indies, but the negroes ſeem juſtly to prefer their former favourite food, the banian. The ſugar -cane of Otaheite or Bourbon, has ſupplanted the ancient creole ; but though ſu perior in the quantity of juice, and of courſe more profitable to the planter, our ſugar and rum are of much inferior quality ; and the honeſt coloniſt begins to reſume the creole ſtem . Having thus diſcuſſed the important voyages of Cook, and ſome advantages that followed in this department of ſcience, it is now proper to return to the current of recent diſcovery, beginning with Aſia, the moſt important continent, and making a circuit by America and Africa, to Europe. The voyage of Thunberg to Japan added a great number of important articles of in formation to the former accounts of that fingular country, while that of La Perouſe threw more light upon the adjacent ſeas. The Engliſh embaſſy to China gave a more ſtable form to many, floating notions concerning that empire, though drawn up in a ſtyle full of proſe and pretenſions, the leaves far exceeding the fruit. The French 8 miſſionaries xxxii RETROSPECT OF THE miſſionaries have ſomewhat illuſtrated Tonquin and Siam, while the Birman empire has been viſited by an Engliſh traveller. The geographical labours of Rennell, the firſt Engliſh writer who claims the applauſe of a geographer, have exceeded all former deſcriptions of Hindoftan ; but much re mains to be done, particularly towards the Indus. The ſources of the Ganges have been explored by an Engliſh excurſion, narrated in the Calcutta Tranſactions, and found amidſt glaciers on the ſouthern ſide of Himala : but of the intereſting country of Tibet we only know a ſmall part ; and ſtill leſs of Little Bucharia, regions which re main for future enterpriſe. They are ſubject to the Chineſe empire, which our con queſts in Hindoftan have rendered extremely jealous and vigilant, but perhaps a Frank might penetrate, either in the diſguiſe of a Hindoo pilgrim, or of that of a gylong or travelling merchant; but the danger of detection cannot be unfelt or diſguiſed. The recent travels in Perſia having unhappily been confined to the weſtern borders of that wide kingdom , the geography of the eaſtern parts, and of Great Bucharia, re main not a little obſcure. A route is wanted from Iſpahan to Samarcand ; and from Teheran, the modern capital, to the Indus. Few travels could preſent topics more intereſting, both to ancient and modern hiſtory. Mr. Browne, who has deſervedly gained great applauſe by his Travels in Africa, has, at the ſuggeſtion of the author, attempted this enterpriſe, with what ſucceſs muſt be left for time to determine ; but in courage, prudence, love of ſcience, and intimate acquaintance with the eaſtern lan guages and manners, he can never be exceeded ; and it is hoped , will command reſpect even among the ferocious Uſbeks. May this tribute to his merit be ſeen by him on his ſafe return ! The Travels of Niebuhr in Arabia, and thoſe of Volney and Browne in Syria, leave us little to wiſh concerning theſe countries ; yet the center of Arabia continues little known ; the ſandy deſerts impeding the intercourſe. Aſia Minor, a claſſical country, remains obſcure, though it has been pervaded by different travellers in various direc tions. The celebrated quarries of Phrygian marble, compared by the ancients to roſes ſprinkled on ſnow , and which is, perhaps, the peach -bloſſom of modern Rome, con tinue unexplored ; with many cities recorded in Greek and Roman times. In the north of Aſia the Ruſſian travellers and navigators have left little to be wiſhed. Gmelin, Pallas, and many other names are diſtinguiſhed in this department. The utmoſt extremities have been illuſtrated by the maſterly hand of Cook ; and Kam chatka has not only been deſcribed by Ruſſian, but by French and Engliſh navigators. The chain of iſlands, reaching from the eaſt of Aſia to the weſtern extremity of North America, has been carefully examined ; and that extremity of the new continent af fords another diſplay of the accurate labours of Cook. Vancouver may be ſaid to have completed our knowledge of the ſhores ; while the journies of Hearne and Mackenzie enter into intereſting details in that direction , and diſcloſe ſeats of future colonies from the ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxxii the United States, which may open a direct and ſpeedy trade with all the opulent re gions of the Eaſt. In the South -weſt, the geography of New Spain and New Mexico, has, within theſe three years, been placed in an entirely new light, by the travels of Humboldt and Pike. The extenſive courſe of the Red river has been found to lead from the Miſſiſippi, or rather Miſſouri, to the mountains of New Mexico, and proxi mity of Sante Fé. The ſituation and intereſting environs of the city of Mexico, and many other points indiſpenſable to the geography and hiſtory of the opulent province of New Spain , have been eſtabliſhed by Humboldt, a multifarious traveller, who pre tends to all kinds of knowledge, but whoſe very miſtakes may lead, in time, to uſeful corrections and obſervations. With ſuch jealouſy had Spain watched over this moſt important province, for three entire centuries, that theſe deſcriptions may juſtly be claſſed among the greateſt diſcoveries of recent times. In contemplating ſuch grand objects, it would be beneath the dignity of the ſubject to mention the more minute paths that have been explored. While we paſs, therefore, to South America, we ſhall immediately affume the great diſcoveries to the Eaſt of the Andes, where the Spaniſh miſſionaries have diſcloſed as it were a new empire, between the years 1790 and 1800, partly covered with prodigious foreſts, and partly inhabited by native tribes, affording new phenomena of man and manners. Two of thoſe tribes, ſituated about 8 ° ſouth latitude, in their colour and beard reſemble Flemings, ſo white is their ſkin , ſo fair their complexions ; while it is wellknown that the other indigenes are of a copper colour, with little or no beard . This moſt fingular circumſtance unites with the black tribes on the frozen mountains of Tibet, to convince us that climate has little influence on the various races of mankind. While the women of theſe tribes are of unrivalled beauty, and equal to the Georgians and Circaſſians, they wander naked among their foreſts, and eat human fleſh ! Their harſh language is guttural, and reſembles the barking of dogs ; and they never ſpeak without geſticulation, ſtriking their thighs with great force. Such are theſe tribes, ſurmounting Europeans in external appearance and perſonal advantages ; and ſo much does man depend upon circumſtances. Another tribe, otherwiſe remarkable for humanity, dreſs and devour their dead rela tions, as the greateſt mark of affection they can beſtow . Theſe wide regions, clothed with perpetual foreſts, are alſo abundant in the ſpices, frankincenſe, and other precious gums. The warmth and humidity produce crowds of inſects ; and the reptiles are of a moſt enormous ſize ; ſo that ſerpents are men. tioned forty yards in length and four in circumference, thus ſurpalling the Boas of Africa or Hindoſtan. At a period when theoretical writers, of more zeal than knowledge, are providing againſt the dangers to ariſe from exceſſive popu lation , a greater knowledge of geography would lead them to conſider half the earth as uninhabited . This prodigious new empire, of ſuperabundant fertility, with the fertile iſland of Papua or New Guinea, might receive a population equal to that of Europe ; while they are now only loaded with uſeleſs foreſts, inhabited by a few ſcat VOL. XVII. e tered xxxiv RETROSPECT OF THE an tered ſavages, who might live with more comfort in a little iſle of thirty miles ſquare. Theſe grand diſcoveries have been ridiculouſly called by the Miſſionaries Pampas del Sacramento, or the Plains of the Holy Sacrament ; while the author, in regard to the memory of Colon, the great diſcoverer of America, has propoſed to call this vaſt country Colonna. Theſe moſt important diſcoveries having remained buried in ſcarce Spaniſh books, were only developed in the latter editions of the author's geography ; and he may be permitted to make an extract or two, as neceſſary to the preſent deſign. The manners of theſe new tribes ſhall form the firſt topic. “ The Indians in general were found to be tall and robuſt, and the Conibos would vie with the Europeans in fairneſs, if they did not diſcolour themſelves, and ſuffer moreover from the ſtings of the muſquitos. They bind their children with bandages of fax, that they may grow strait ; abſurdity thus found not to be peculiar to civilized nations. The forehead is alſo flattened in infancy, by boards faſtened before and behind , as in their idea a wiſe head ſhould reſemble a full moon. They are, however, in conſequence of this practice, almoſt utterly without memory. The girls go intirely naked ; while the married women wear a ſlight cincture ; but among many other tribes complete nakedness is univerſal. They are painted and tattooed ; do not marry within certain degrees ; and the cazics alone uſe polygamy ; but the men and women are free to quit each other. They ſeem to believe in one God, of a human form , who retired to heaven after making the earth ; but do not venture to offer their humble adorations, except during earthquakes, which they believe to proceed from the footſteps of their God, who viſits the earth , in order to judge by their voices how many men exiſt. Hence, on the ſmalleſt earthquakes they run from their hovels, caper and ſtamp on the ground , crying out “ here we are ! here we are!" They alſo believe in an evil ſpirit, of whom the noſt ſagacious, for the ſake of emolument, have dared to declare themſelves the prieſts, and regulate in his name amours, intrigues, health and ſickneſs, and the little campaigns They have alſo many charms and amulets, yet ſometimes their ſkill in medical herbs is far from being contemptible. They alſo believe in another life , but imagine that thunders are the battles of that diſtant world, and that the milky way is a beautiful foreſt for their diverſion. Some believe in tranſmigration , and ſuppoſe that the ſouls of their chiefs and nobles animate tigers and monkies. The dead are diſinterred after a certain period, and the bones waſhed and preſerved ; but fome tribes eat the fleſh , that nothing may be loſt. Beſides the chace and fiſhing, they cultivate a few herds, particularly the yuca, with which they make the muzato, their only drink and conſolation. The water is generally bad, owing to the heat and numerous marſhes which taint the rivers. In order to cultivate the yuca, they cut down the trees with great patience, uſing axes of ſtone; and Girval brought from Manoa one made of the ſtone called by the Spaniards ala de moſca, or fly's wing, men tioned of war. ORIGIN AND PROGRESS Or DISCOVERY. XXXV tioned in the deſcription of Peru ; but they have alſo axes of copper, the firſt metal uſed by ſavages, being often found native, and eaſily beaten into form , while iron is obdurate, and requires the ſkill of a more advanced ſociety. The ground is fightly moved with a wooden ſpade, and the yuca being interred , the labour is finiſhed. They alſo gather cotton , which ſerves for their little cinctures. Such are their agriculture and manufactures. Their darts and arrows are often tinctured with active poiſon, drawn from noxious plants. So great is their confidence in its power, that they will awake the fury, and await the attack of the ſtrongeſt and fierceſt jaguar. They laugh when he prepares to ſpring : the arrow flies and he is dead. But they never employ poiſoned weapons in their conflicts, not ſo much from liberality of ſentiment, as from the fear of a retort. Large fiſh are killed with arrows aimed at their heads ; the ſmall are taken in ſnares, or with hooks of bone. From the age of five years, boys and girls manage the canoes : one ſtands on the prow, to guard againſt the ſhoals formed by the large trees, which oppreſs the rivers, while the other, at the poop , uſes an oar as an helm to guide the tiny navigation . But the ruling paſſion is war, the buſineſs of the entire tribe preſided by the cazic, or intended general. The tobacco tubes are lighted, the jars of muzato paſs around : and as ſoon as drunkenneſs begins, this important ſubject is deliberated ; the firſt and folemn queſtion before the rude parliament being “ With what nation ſhall we go to war?” while the next is, “ What ſhall be the cauſe of quar rel ?” The cauſes generally are ſome petty robbery or offence ; or becauſe the tribe has been injured by another with whom they dare not go to war, the weakeſt being generally choſen , as being the moſt convenient enemy. The expedition being reſolved upon , the moans, or prieſts of the evil ſpirit, take charge of their chiefs, ' and treat them with ſuch abſtinence and artificial horrors, that at the end of ſome days they come forth rather dead than alive. With a more clear and rational judgment, theſe favages impute all ſucceſs in war to the evil ſpirit ; and care fully conceal from their deity their proceedings on ſuch an occaſion . Hence the moans are held reſponſible for the reſult of the expedition , and if it be adverſe, they receive a thouſand maledictions, and are beaten almoſt to death, becauſe their prayers to the evil ſpirit had not been acceptable. The petty warfares being inceſſant, the villages, or rather large houſes before mentioned, are prepared for defence. In the form of a creſcent, with the convex part towards the wood, there is one door towards ſome hill, and ano . ther to a plain. When the enemy attack at one door, a party oppoſes; while the other turns the wings of the houſe, and attack the foe on the flanks." But the moſt extraordinary and important feature in theſe new diſcoveries is the ex tenſive courſe of the Maranon or river of Amazons, which opens ſuch an inlet to the center of South America , as to offer the advantages of a Mediterranean ſea. As this diſcovery is of the utmoſt importance to a commercial nation, it is hoped that the deſire to make it more known will excuſe the repetition . e 2 46 General Xxxvi RETROSPECT OF THE hundred g. “ General View of the Maranon , and its confluent Streams, from the Diſcoveries 1790-1800. “ Among the grand rivers which water the globe, and diffuſe fertility and commerce along their ſhores, the Maranon will ever maintain the preference. Condamine had already computed its navigation at a thouſand maritime leagues, or three thouſand miles ; to which, from the recent diſcoveries, may be added, at leaſt four or five hun dred leagues, ſo that if the countries were poſſeſſed by induſtrious and populous na tions, a ſhip of four or five hundred tons might aſcend this wonderful river to the extent of four thouſand five hundred miles of navigation ! A frigate of ſome force might awaken, with its artillery, the echoes of the ſtupendous Andes ! Computed in a general geographical view, as the courſe of the Maranon , for more than one- third of its progreſs is from S. to N. it conſiderably exceeds the whole breadth of South America ; but taken on the ſame ſcale with the other rivers, that is , in a line nearly direct, the length on a map will be found to be about two thouſand five miles. The Kian of China, eſtimated in the ſame manner, has been found to reach two thouſand miles ; and the Ob of Siberia nineteen hundred . The Miſſouri of North America may probably attain two thouſand miles. The pre-eminence of the Maranon, far from being loft, is greatly increaſed by the recent diſcoveries. This prodigious river, this torrent ſea, is not only ſuperior in the length , but in the breadth and depth of its majeſtic courſe ; and receives, on all ſides, as tributaries, rivers of ſuch power that any one would enrich the deſarts of Africa, and might ſpread fer tility, trade, and civilization throughout a wide empire. It has been ſeen that where the Beni joins the Maranon, it is half a league in breadth . The Tunguragua from the Weſt ; the Llavari or Madera from the S.; the Negro from the N., are all rivers of this ſurpriſing deſcription. In ſhort, through more than one-half of the great con . tinent of South America , almoſt every advantage of a maritime ſhore might be dif fuſed by the Maranon and its confluent ſtreams. “ The recent diſcoveries having been buried in the Spaniſh language, and in volu . minous works of very difficult acquiſition , it is no wonder that they have eſcaped even an enlightened age. But as they lead to new ideas concerning the wonderful diverſity and majeſty of the works of nature, they deſerve great attention ; while, at the fame time, they throw a new and important light on the ſcience of geography. The diſcovery of the ſources of the Miſſouri, and of the Nile, the complete ſource of the Niger, have been eſteemed objects of fupreme importance ; and when the courſe of the mighty river Burrampooter, and its grand confluence with the Ganges, were diſcloſed by an excellent modern geographer, no ſmall admiration was excited ; but even theſe objects greatly diminiſh , when compared with the fublimity of the Maranon . « The ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxxvi “ The diſcuſſion concerning the ſources of the Maranon, and the removal of the ridiculous diſtortions of the Jeſuits, were indiſpenſable in the general view of the rivers of South America, the firſt object of ſcience being to diſpel error ; and the preceding details concerning the country and tribes on the Maranon, neceſſarily accompanied the relation of the recent diſcoveries, as the reader might thereby perceive that they are not theoretic nor imaginary, but founded on actual enterprize. But an abſtract of the whole may be ſatisfactory to the reader, and uſeful to the geographer, eſpecially as the original writers have ſcarcely obſerved any arrangement. “ 1. The MARANON. Near its ſource this river is called the Apurimac, which riſes to the ſouth of the mineral mountains of Cailloma, perhaps in the lake of Vilque, as laid down by La Cruz, fouth latitude 16° 10' ; but probably ſtill more to the ſouth ; perhaps even 17º, for, after being joined by the Monigote in Cailloma, it is ſo deep when it enters the province of Canes and Canches that a bridge is already neceſſary. On the weſt of Cuzco it is a powerful river. “ The chief rivers which join the Maranon are as follow : “ 2. The river of Pampas, or Charcas, from the weſt, at 13° 10 '. 3. The Vilcamayo, a great river, nearly equal to the Apurimac, or Maranon , at 12° 15'. The Vilcamayo, like the others, has ſeveral names according to the provinces it paſſes, as the river of Quillabamba, Urubamba, &c.; a circumſtance which has often proved a great impediment to geographical knowledge. The Mantaro, or river of Jauja, ſo called from the province it pervades, joins the Maranon at 12° 6' , and ſeems to propel the chief river towards the north - eaſt, the courſe having formerly been towards the north -weſt. The Mantaro has been ridiculouſly called the ancient Maranon, by La Cruz. great river Paucartambo, far from joining the Vilcamayo, as laid down by La Cruz, joins the Maranon at 10° 45' , being, in fact, the river ſtyled by La Cruz, Ynam bari, a name which Bueno had learned from ſome ſavage tribe on its banks. The Perene has already joined the Maranon, on the oppoſite ſide, or weſt, at 11 ° 18 '. The Perene riſes about two leagues from Tarma, runs through that town, and receives many ſtreams from the heights of Bombom and Paſco. From the confluence of the Perene to that with the beautiful river Pachitea, at 8° 26', that is a ſpace of 2° 52' , or one hundred and ſeventy -two g. miles, though by numerous windings, probably increaſed to five hundred , the Maranon receives no leſs than forty copious rivers ; but above all , two of prodigious power, the Paucartambo above mentioned, and the Beni. “ 6. Three leagues beneath the junction of the Paucartambo, the Maranon is joined by a river, about two Britiſh miles, or half a Spaniſh league in breadth, of ſuch power and force, that the courſe of the Maranon is changed for a ſpace, and bent towards the chain of the Andes. But ſuch is the amazing grandeur of theſe ſtreams, that this river of two miles in breadth is only a branch of the grand river Bent, which, at 13 ° , has ſent off another large branch into the lake of Rogagado, whence ifſuing in three powerful 7 ſtreams, 4 . 5. The xxviii RETROSPECT OF THE ſtreams, the Yutay, the Tefi, and the Coari , the Beni pays a ſecond prodigious tribute to the Maranon ! Nature defies all the theories of man ; and it would be difficult to pronounce whether the BenI or the APURIMAC be the principal ſtream , a queſtion at preſent diſcuſſed by Spaniſh geographers, while the Tunguragua, or jeſuitic Maranon, is entirely ſet aſide. The reader will reflect, that from the watery eruptions of the vol canos, and other circumſtances, it may be judged that there are vaſt ſubterraneous lakes and rivers under the ſtupendous table- land of the Andes, whence the ſubterraneous noiſes and winds, and other phenomena already deſcribed . The ſize and power of the rivers, even near their ſources, do not therefore, in this view, excite much ſurpriſe. The ſource of the BENI near Sicaſica is about 2° 30' further to the S. than that of the APURIMAC, but as its courſe is far more direct, the actual length of the navigation bears no compariſon with that of the Maranon, which at this junction acquires the name of the Grand Para. The navigation of the Beni might conduct the adventurer to the mines of Potoſi, and that of the Apurimac to Cuzco and Lima ! “ 7. At 8° 26 ' the Pachitea joins the Maranon. The Pachitea is eſteemed the moſt beautiful of all theſe tributary ſtreams. It riſes in 10° 46' , firſt running E. then N., and in the early part of its progreſs is called the Pozuzu, eſpecially at its confluence with the Mayro, where it forms a noted haven , whence there is an open navigation to the Maranon . The next remarkable ſtream that joins the Pachitea is the Piachiz. The courſe of the Maranon here varies from due N. to N.E.; and the map of La Cruz muſt be erroneous in the great weſterly inflection of its courſe, thereby approaching the Gualaga too nearly by one half. “ 8. The Aguaytia alſo joins the Maranon from the W. at 7° 35' ; the Manoa or Cuxniabatay at 7° ; the Saraicu at 6° 45 ' ; the Tapichi, or Canopocati, oppoſite to San Regis, at 5°. This laſt river ſeems alſo to communicate with , the Tunguragua. The Tunguragua, Lauricocha, or jeſuitic Maranon, falls into the Maranon at 4 ° 45 ' , where the latter is divided into three branches, the chief of which is not leſs than fifty- five fathoms in depth . The courſe of the Maranon now turns to the eaſt ; and has been ſufficiently explored. “ It has been ſeen that the navigation of the Maranon had, by the laſt account of the miſſionaries, been only explored as far as the confluence of the Pachitea ; but it may well be ſuppoſed that it has now been explored to its utmoſt ſtretch , and it is to be hoped that the new map of South America, about to be publiſhed at Madrid by Bauza, will diffuſe a ſteady light over theſe new and important diſcoveries.” Having ſtated this great diſcovery, which has hitherto been little known, our pro greſs now leads us to Africa, of all the continents the leaſt explored. Some progreſs has been made from the Cape of Good Hope towards the north- eaſt ; but in ſpite of our amity with Portugal we have not inveſtigated her ſettlements in Sofala and the circumjacent regions. The alliance with the Portugueſe might alſo have been of ſervice in penetrating by the ſhorteſt route to the centre of Africa, from their iſlands in the Gulf of 9. ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. xxxix of Guinea. In this, and other diſcoveries to be made among Mahometans, where Europeans are expoſed to the greateſt danger, it would ſeem preferable to employ ſome of our Mahometant ſubjects in Hindoftan , ſo as to form a little unſuſpected caravan , who might travel without riſk. Numbers might be found ſufficiently intelligent for an expedition of this kind ; and the climate would moreover agree better with the con ftitutions of people under a ſimilar parallel. Within this recent period, however, many important diſcoveries have been made. Mr. Browne, a man of fortune, travelling for the pure love of ſcience, has explored the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter Ammon, and has penetrated as far as Darfur, ſpending three years in a country formerly un viſited by any European. - His account of this and the adjacent regions forms a grand acceſſion to African geography. The African Society, who have ſpared no exertion to obtain more preciſe ideas con cerning this continent, except the expedient above ſuggeſted, of employing Mahometan travellers, has ſent ſeveral inveſtigators, with little ſucceſs, except in the caſe of Mr. Park , who determined the courſe of the Niger to be from Weſt to Eaſt, agreeably to the ideas of Ptolemy. As to Tombuctoo, ſo much an object of reſearch , it is probably only a collection of mud hovels, magnified by the uſual oriental exaggeration. The fandy deſarts of Africa would be far better explored by a little caravan of Mahometans, as above mentioned , than by Chriſtian adventurers, always expoſed to ſuſpicion and danger. Returning from Africa to Europe, the diſcoveries on our part of the continent can not be expected to be of much importance. But great progreſs has been made in rec tifying the geography of many countries by trigonometrical maps, and aſtronomical obſervations. In the latter however, there unaccountably remain great deficiences in Great Britain and Ireland. The ſuppoſed certainty of our knowledge has led to the neglect of producing accurate evidences ; and, while we continue ignorant of our igno rance , it is no wonder that little progreſs is made in this eſſential department. Having thus given a brief, but it is hoped a complete review of the progreſs of dif covery by ſea and land, both in ancient and modern times, and cloſed it with the re. cent gigantic ſteps ſince the epoch of Cook's voyages, this compilation is now diſmiſſed, in the hope that it will be found a faithful and accurate collection of ſome of the curi ous, and all the beſt voyages and travels that have yet appeared. In ſo large a plan there may be ſome omiſſions which can eaſily be ſupplied by a ſupplemental volume or two ; but upon the whole, it will be found to unite, with the advantages of a library of voyages, thoſe of what have been called “ Modern States of all Countries. ” CATALOGUE 1 11 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 1. Travels through Great Britain and Ireland, through England in its whole Extent, or a large portion of it. LELAND'S Itinerary of Great Britain , publiſhed by Thomas Hearne, London, 1710, 1712 , 9 vol. 8vo . P. Jovii Deſcriptio Britanniæ , Scotiæ , Hiberniæ , et Orcadum. Baſil, 1546, 4to. Leonis L. B. de Rofmital et Blatna, Commentarius brevis itineris anno 1565, 1566, per Germaniam , Belgium , Angliam , Hiſpaniam , et Italiam facti ; ex Bohemica in linguam Latinam tranſlatus. Olmutz, 1577, 8vo. Jacob Rathgeben , Kurze und wahrhafte Reiſe Beſchreibung der Badefahrt, welche Herzog Friedrich von Wirtemberg im Jahr 1592 von Mümpelgard aus in England und durch die Niederlande zurück verrichtet hat. (Short and authentic Account of the Journey of Frederick Dukeof Wirtemberg from Montbelliard to England , and back through the Netherlands in the year 1592.) Tubingen, 1602, 4to . Jacob Rathgeben undSchickhard von Hohenberg, Beſchreibung zweier Reiſen Herzog Friedrichs zu Wirtemberg durch Deutſchland, Dænnemarck, und Italien, und nachher in England. ( Deſcription of the two Journeys of Duke Frederick of Wirtemberg through Germany, Denmark, and Italy , and afterwards in England. ) Tubingen , 1604, 4to. , with wood- cuts. J.J. Graſſeri, Volkommene Italiæniſche, Franzoſiſche und Engliſche Schatzkammer. ( Complete Italian , French, and Engliſh Treaſury.) Baſil, 1609, 9 vol. 8vo. P. Hentzneri Itinerarium Germaniæ, Galliæ, Angliæ , et Italiæ. Baſil, 1611 , 12mo. Beſchreibung der Reiſe, Vollbringung der Heirath , und Heimführung des Churfürſten Fridrich von der Pfaltz . (Deſcription of the Journey, and Accompliſhment of the Marriage of Frederick Elector Palatine.) 1613 , 4to. C. Ens, Deliciæ Magnæ Britanniæ . Cologne, 1613, 8vo . Petri Eiſenbergii Itinerarium Galliæ et Angliæ . ( In German . ) Leipfic, 1614, 1623, 12mo. VOL XVIJ. B T. Sagit CATALOGUE OF BOOKS T. Sagittarii Ulyſſes Saxonicus, ſeu Iter Erneſti ducis Saxoniæ in Germaniam , Galliam , Angliam , et Belgium . Breſlau , 1621 , 4to. G. Neumayr, Beſchreibung der Reiſe welche Herzog Johann Ernſt von Sachſen Weimar in Frankreich , England, und den Niederlanden hinterlegt. (Deſcription of the Journey of Duke John Erneſtus of Saxe- Weimar younger, in France, England, and the Netherlands.) Leipfic, 1620. Jena, 1744, 4to. Martin Zeilleri in Angliam , Hiſpaniamque Itinerarium . Nuremberg, 1637, 8vo. Itinerarium Magnæ Britanniæ, oder Reiſe - Beſchreibung durch Engel-Schott und Irland. (Journey through England, Scotland, and Ireland .) Straſburgh, 1647 ; Ib. 1674, 8vo . Duc de Rohan , Voyage fait en 1600 en Italie, Allemagne, Païs- Bas, Angleterre et Ecoſſe. Amſterdam , 1646, 12mo. Payen, Voyages, avec une deſcription de l'Angleterre, de la Flandre, et du Brabant. Paris, 1663 , 1668, 12no. Fidèle Conducteur pour le Voyage d'Angleterre, par Louis Coulon. Paris, 1654, 8vo. Voyage en Angleterre, par Samuel Sorbière. Paris, 1664. Cologne, 1666 , 1669, 12mo. Obſervations ſur le Voyage de Sorbière. Paris, 1665, 8vo. Reponſe aux faufſetés et invectives de la relation de M. Sorbière. Amſter dam, 1675, 12mo. Thomas Spratt's Obſervations onM. Sorbière's Voyage into England. London, 1668, 12mo. The fame, with a tranſlation of the original work. London, 1709, 8vo. Reiſe-Beſchreibung nach Spanien und England. ( Journey to Spain and England. ) Tranſlated from French into German by T. Mackel. Frankfort, 1667 , 12mo. Rutgeri Hermanida Britannia Magna. Amſterdam , 1661, 12mo. Charles Patin , Relations hiſtoriques et curieuſes des voyages en Allemagne, Bohème, Angleterre, Hollande, et Suiſſe. Straſburgh, 1670. Baſil, 1673. Amſterdam , 1695, Ferdinand Albrecht Herzog von Braunſchweig Bevern des Wunderlichen Wunderliche Begebenheiten und Reiſe -Beſchreibung durch Deutſchland, Italien, Malta , Frankreich , und England. ( Singular Adventures and Travels of Ferdinand Albrecht Duke of Brunſwick Bevern the Singular, in Germany, Italy, Malta, France, and England .) Bevern, 1678 , 1682 , 2 vol. 4to. J. C. Kirchmaier, de Anglici regni genio, moribus, ac dotibus. Wittemberg, 1682 , 4to. Lettres curieuſes de voyage écrites d'Angleterre, d'Italie, d'Hongrie et d'Allemagne. Paris, 1691 , 8vo. Roger's Hiſtorical Account of Three Years' Travels over England and Wales. London, A. Å. Hochſtetter, Oratio de utilitate peregrinationis Anglicanæ. Tubingen, 1697 , 4to. P. Coronelli, Viaggi nell'Inghilterra. ( Travels in England .) Venice, 1697, 8vo. H. Milon , Mémoires et Obſervations faites par un voyageur en Angleterre, avec planches. Hague, 1698 , 8vo. Memoirs and Obſervations in his Travels over England, and ſome Account of England and Ireland . London, 1719, 8vo. Gedenkwaardige Aantekeningen gedaan door en reiſiger van gegen England , Schott land, ent Irland. (Remarkable recollections of a traveller in England, Scotland, and Ireland, in 1698-1699.) Utrecht, 1698 , 8vo. In French, fame place and year . A Voyage into England. London, 1709 , 8vo. C. H. I 2mo. 1694, 8vo. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 3 C. H. Erndel de itinere fuo Anglicano et Batavo facto relatio ad Amicum, quâ variæ ad anatomiam , chirurgiam , botanicam , et materiam medicam obſervationes fiftuntur. Amſterdam , 1711 , 8vo. Antonini Iter Britannicum , commentariis illuſtratam a Thoma Gale. London, 1709. Amſterdam , 1735 , 4to. Relation der Reiſe Kænigs Georg I. von Hannover nach London. ( Relation of King George the Firſt's journey from Hanover to London. ) Hamburgh, 1714, 8vo. J. H. Lochneri Obſervationes Anglicæ . Bremen , 1714, 4to. Deichſel, Aufenthalt in England. ( Reſidence in England in 1717–1719. ) In Bernoulli's Archives of Modern Hiſtory , vol. viii. Norden Speculi Britanniæ pars. London , 1723 , 4to. Muralt, Lettres ſur les Anglais et les François. 1725, 1728, 8vo. J. B. Küchelbecker, Der nach England reiſende curiæſe Paſſagier. ( The inquiſitive traveller to England.) Hanover, 1726, 8vo. J. Beverell, Delices de la Grande Bretagne, et d'Irlande. Leyden , 1707 ; Ib . 1727 , 8 vol. 12mo. Hiſtoire d'un voyage literaire fait dans l'année 1732 , en France, en Angleterre et en Hollande, par la Croze. Hague, 1732 , 12mo. Hiſtoire d'un voyage literaire de l'an 1733 , en France, en Angleterre, et en Hollande, par C. E. Jourdan. Hague, 1735 , 12mo. A Tour through the whole Iſland of Great Britain , divided into circuits or journies. London, 1738, 3 vol. 12mo.; 1743 , 1755, 1769, 1778, 4 vol. 12mo. Le Guide d'Angleterre, ou Relation curieuſe d'un voyage de M. Brazey, avec une deſcription de Londres, de Tunbridge, et d’Epſom . Amſterdam , 1744, 8vo. Journey through England along with the army. 1747 , 8vo. Briefe betreffend den allerneueſten Zuſtand der Religion und Wiſſenſchaften in Groſs Britannien (Letters on the moſt modern State of Religion and Science in Great Bri tain ), by G. Alberti. Hanover, 1752, 1754, 4 vol. 8vo. Above two- thirds of this work are occupied by a deſcription of the country. 2. C. von Uffenbach, Merkwürdige Reiſen durch Niederſachſen, Holland und England . (Remarkable Travels through Lower Saxony, Holland , and England .) Frankfort and Leipfic, 1753 , 3 vol. 8vo . Batiſta Angeloni, Letters on the Engliſh nation, tranſlated from the Italian. London, 1756, 2 vol. 8vo. Sur le genie, les mæurs, et le gouvernement des Anglois, et des François, par l'Abbé le Blanc. Lyon, 1758 , 3 vol. 8vo. Kort Journal eller Reiſebeſkrivelſe til England. (Short Journal of a tour in England .) By Chriſten Gran. Chriſtiania, 1760, 4to . Londres ( par Groſley). Paris, 1768. Lauſanne, 1770 , 3 vol . 8vo. — An improved edition with notes, by an Engliſhman , Ib . 1774, 4 vol. Paris, 1788, 4 vol. 12mo. Groſley's Tour to London, tranſlated by Nugent. London, 1772 , 2 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels are much eſteemed on the continent, and are not confined to London, but contain a deſcription of the ſurrounding country , with diſqui. ſitions on the manners, the character, the ſtate of literature, &c. of England in general. Mad. de Boccage, Lettres concernant ſes Voyages en France, en Angleterre, en Hollande, et en Italie . Dreſden , 1771 , 8vo. B 2 Character CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1771 , 8vo . 1774, 8vo. Character of the Engliſh Nation by a French pen, tranſlated by Richard. London, F. W. von Taube, Abſchilderung der Engliſchen Manufacturen, Handlung, Schiff fahrt, und Kolonien, nachihrer jetzigenBeſchaffenheit. ( Sketch of the preſent con dition of the Engliſh Manufačtures, Trade, Shipping , and Colonies.) Vienna , Itinerarium Curioſum ; or an Account of the Antiquities and Curioſities in Nature and Art, obſerved in Travels through Great Britain , by W. Stukeley. London, 1774, fol. J. F. C. Grim , Bemerkungen eines Reiſenden durch Deutſchland, Frankreich , Engel land, und Holland. ( Remarks of atraveller in Germany, France, England, and Hol land .) Altenburgh, 1775, 3 vol. 8vo. A Tour through the Iſland of Great Britain. London, 1778, 4 vol. izmo. Nouvelles Obſervations ſur l'Angleterre, par l'Abbé Coyer. Paris, 1779, 8vo. The modern univerſal Britiſh Traveller. London, 1779, fol. H. Nivel, Voyage forcé, ou manière de tirer avantage de circonſtances, tiré des me. moires d'un homme des lettres, qui a fait un long ſejour en Angleterre, et en a ob ſervé les moeurs et les uſages. Paris, 1779, 12mo. Angelo Gaulandri, Lettere odoporiche di Francia, Inghilterra, &c. (Letters on France, England, & c.) Venice, 1789. Die Flucht eines Franzoſen nach England, oder Bemerkungen über den Character und die Gebrauche der Engliſchen Nation. (Excurſion of a Frenchman to England, or Remarks on the Character and Cuſtoms of the Engliſh Nation .) Frankfort, 1780, 8vo. Jabr. Jars, Voyages metallurgiques, ou recherches et obſervations ſur les mines et forges de fer, la fabrication d'acier, celle du fer blanc, et pluſieurs mines de charbon de terre, les mines d'or et d'argent, celles de plomb, de cuivre, de bif muth, de cobalt, et de mercure ; les fabriques d'azure, de ceruſe, du blanc de plomb, et du minium ; ſur les mines de calamine d'êtain; les mines et fabriques d'alum, de ſoufre, de vitriol, &c. faites depuis 1757 juſqu'à 1769 en Allemagne, Suède, Norvege, Angleterre, Ecofle, &c. Lyon, 1774, 4to. tom. i. Paris, 1780, 1781 , tom. ii. iii. 4to. Reiſe durch England , vorzüglich in Abſicht auf Kunſt-Sammlungen , Naturgeſchichte, Oeconomie, Manufakturen, &c. ( Journey through England , chiefly relative to col lections of the works of art, natural hiſtory, economy, manufactures, &c. ) By J.J. Volkmann. Leipfic, 1781 , 1782 , 4 vol. 8vo. J. L. Oeder, Beytræge zur Oeconomie, Cameral, und Polizey-Wiſſenſchaft, aus deſſen Berichten auf ſeinen Reiſen nach der Schweiz, Holland, Frankreich , und England. ( Contributions to the knowledge of economy, finances, and police, from the collec tions made during his travels to Switzerland, Holland, France, and England in 1759 and 1763.) Deſſau, 1782, 8vo. J. R. Forſter, Tableau d'Angleterre l'annee 1780, continué juſqu'à 1783 , in German. Deſſau, 1784, 8vo. F. J. von Guenderoda, Beſchreibung einer Reiſe durch einige Theile von Frankreich , England , und Deutſchland. (Travels through parts of France, England, and Ger many. ) Breſlau, 1783, 2 vol. 8vo. C. P. Moritz, Reiſe eines Deutſchen in England im Jahr 1782. Berlin , 1783 , 8vo. Travels in England, by C. P. Moritz . London , 1784, 8vo. 16 C. P. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 5. C. P. Moritz Anmerkungen und Erinnererungen über Moritz Briefe aus England, &c. ( Remarks and warnings reſpecting Moritz's Travels in England, by a German who has alſo been in England. ) Gottingen, 1785, 8vo . Neue Reiſe eines Deutſchen nach England. (New Travels of a German in England. ) By Büſchel. Berlin, 1784, 8vo. Reiſe -Bemerkungen über einen Theil von Italien, Frankreich und England, nebſt einern Anhang über Algier. (Obſervations of a Traveller on parts of Italy, France, and England, with an appendix reſpecting Algiers. ) By C. F. H. L. Celle, 1784, 8vo. The new Britiſh Traveller, or a complete, modern, univerſal diſplay of Great Britain and Ireland, publiſhed by A. Walpole. London, 1784, fol. Reiſen und Begebenheiten in Frankreich, Italien , Deutſchland, und Engelland, eines Cavaliers im Dienſt Guſtav Adolphs König in Schweden, und Karl I. Konig in Eng land . ( Travels and adventures of a Cavalier in the ſervice of King Guſtavus Adol phus of Sweden, and Charles I. of England, in France, Italy, Germany, and Eng land. ) Publiſhed by D. Deſſe. Leipfic, 1785, 2 vol . 8vo . Lettres ſur la France, l'Angleterre, et l'Italie , par le Comte F. de H. Genève, 1785, 8vo. Intereſſante Briefe über Frankreich, England, und Italien . ( Intereſting Letters on France, England, and Italy. ) By F. Countde Hartig. Eiſenach, 1786, 8vo. J.G. Büſch, Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch die Vereinigten Niederlande und England. (Remarks during a Journey through the United Provinces and England .) Hamburgh, 1786, 8vo. England und Italien. ( England and Italy.) By J. W. von Archenholtz . Leipfic, 1785; 1b. 1787 , 2 vol. 8vo . -In French, Paris, 1788 , 3 vol. 12mo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch Holland, England, und Nord -Weſt von Deutſch land. ( Remarks in a Journey through Holland, England, and the North -Weſt of Germany.) By G. H. C. Mayer. - In Fabri's New Geographical Magazine, vol. ii . Briefe zur Characteriſtik von England gehörig. ( Letters intended to characteriſe Eng land, written during a tour in 1784.) By H. Watzdorf. Leipfic, 1786, 8vo. Voyage philoſophique d’Angleterre fait en 1783 et 1784. Londres et Paris, 1787 ; Ib. 1791, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage en Angleterre, par Cambri. Paris, 1787, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch England. (Remarks in a tour through England. ) By Poorten . In the Geographical Journal, 1788 , Nº X. Ulrich von Verdun, Reiſe durch Frankreich, Engelland, Dannemark , und Schweden . ( Travels in France, England, Denmark , and Sweden from 1670–1677. ) -In Bernoulli's Archives of Modern Hiſtory, vol. vi. Tagebuch einer Reiſe durch Holland und England. (Journal of travels in Holland and England.) By Sophie la Roche. Offenbach , 1788, 8vo. Shaw's Tour through the Weſt of England. London, 1789, 8vo. Tournée faite en 1788 dans la Grande-Bretagne par un Français parlant la langue Anglaiſe._Paris , 1790 , 8vo. Briefe aus England. (Letters from England. ) By W. von Heſſel. Hanover, 1792 , 8vo, Beiträge zur Kenntniſs vorzüglich des Innern von ' England und ſeiner Einwohner, in Briefen. (Contributions to the knowledge of England, particularly the interior, and its inhabitants, in letters.) By Kültner. Leipfic, 1791, 1795, 13 numbers. Voyage 6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS latter country . Voyage dans les trois royeumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecofle, et d'Irlande, fait en 1788 et 1789; ouvrage où l'on trouve tout ce qu'il y a deplus intéreſſant dans le mæurs des habitans de la Grande- Bretagne, leur population, leurs opinions religieuſes, leurs préjugés, leurs uſages, leur conſtitution politique, leurs'forces de terre et de mer, les progrés qu'ils ont faits dans les arts et dans les ſciences, avec des anecdotes auſſi piquantes que phi loſophiques ; par le cit . Chantreaul, avec trois cartes et dix gravures. Paris, 1792 2 vol . 8vo. Briefe auf einer Reiſe durch Frankreich, England , Holland , und Italien. (Letters during a tour in France, England , Holland, and Italy. ) By J. C. G. Schæffer. Ratiſbon , 1794, 2 vol . 8vo. F. Snedorf, Samlede Skrifter. (Collection of Works.) Copenhagen , 1794, 4 vol. 8vo. " The firſt volume contains Letters written during a journey in Germany, France, Switzerland, and England, replete with curious and able obſerva tions. The traveller was killed by the indiſcretion of a coachman in the Kleine Reiſen durch einen Theil von Italien , Frankreich , und England. (Short travels through parts of Italy, France, and England. ) Halberſtadt, 1795, 8vo. Anſichten vom Nieder-Rhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland , England, und Frank reich . ( Views of the Lower Rhine, Brabant, Flanders, Holland, England, and France), by George Foſter. Berlin, 1794, 1796, 3 vol. 8vo. -- In French, Paris, 1800, 3 vol. 8vo . L'Ami des Etrangers que voyagent en Angleterre, par Dutens. Paris, 12mo. Souvenir de mes Voyages en Angleterre ( par I. H. Meiſter). Zurich, 1795, 8vo. Britiſh Touriſt, or Traveller's Pocket Companion, by Mavor. London , 1798, 5 vol. 12mo. Tableau de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, et des poſſeſſions Anglaiſes dans les quartre parties du monde (par A. Baert). Paris, an viii.- 1800, 4 vol . 8vo. This work, the fruit of a long reſidence in, and manyjournies through the king dom , is very highly eſteemed in France. Voyage en Angleterre, en Ruffie, et en Suède, par D. Leſcalier , en 1773. Paris, 1800, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer im Sommer 1799 von Hamburg nach England geſchehenen Reiſe von P. A. Nemnich. (Deſcription of a Journey from Hamburgh through England in the year 1799, by P. A. Nemnich .) Tubingen, 1801 , 8vo. The preſent journey was chiefly undertaken with a view to inveſtigate the ſtate of manufacturesin Englandwhich , of courſeform the chief ſubject of it. Briefe während meinem Aufenthalt in England und Portugal an einen Freund (Letters to a friend during my reſidence in England and Portugal), by Madame E. Bernard . Hamburgh, 1802 , 8vo. vol. i . Gleanings in England, by Pratt. London, 1802 , 6 vol . 8vo. Voyage de trois mois en Angleterre, en Ecoſſe, et en Irlande, pendant l'été de l'an ix. Par M. A. Pietet. Genève, 1802 , 8vo. Londres et les Anglais, par 1. L. Ferri de Saint Conſtant. Paris, an . xii . – 1804, 4 vol. 8vo . Notwithſtanding the author is often led away by the prejudices of his nation, and ſometimes miſinformed on very material points, the preſent work is one of the beſt of the kind publiſhed on the continent, and as exhibiting the point in which a well -informed Frenchman fees many objects among us, it is even intereſting to an Engliſh reader. 15 Reifen OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 7 Reiſen durch England , von C. G. Küttner. (Travels through England, by Küttner.) Leipfic, 1804 , 2 vol. 8vo. A Family Tour through the Britiſh Empire, by Priſcilla Wakefield. London, 1804, 12mo. England, Wales, Schottland, und Irland, von C. Gæde. Dreſden, 2d edit. 1806, 3 vol . 8vo. Sketches of Nature and Art in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, tranſ lated from the German of C. Gade, by Horne. London, 1807 , 3 vol . 12mo. This tranſlation is conſiderably abridged, as the originalis pretty liberally infected with the extravagancies of German philoſophy, though the author often ſhows himſelf an accurate obſerver. Viaggi del anno 1806 dall'Italià fino all Inghilterra , da Salvo. London, 1807 , 8vo . A Dane's Excurſions in Great Britain, by Anderſon. Edinburgh , 1809 , 2 vol . 8vo. Obſervations and Remarks during four different Excurſions made tovarious parts of Great Britain in the years 1810 and 1811 , by Daniel Carleſs Webb. London, 1812, 8vo. II. Travels through Parts of England. A Journey from Cheſter to London, by Pennant. London, 1782 , 12mo. J. C. Fabricius, Briefe von 1782 , aus London. (Letters from London in 1782. ) Deſſau and Leipfic, 1784, 8vo. Voyage de J. M.Phelippon, femme de Roland, miniſtre de l'interieur en 1784, à Londres et dans ſes environs. ( Tome III. de ſes Oeuvres. ) Le Pariſien à Londres, par Decremps. Paris, 1790, 12mo. Briefe aus London, von J. W. von Schütz. ( Letters from London, by F. W. de Schütz. ) Hamburg, 1792 , 8vo. Pictureſque and topographical View of the great road from London to Bath and Briſtol, by Archibald Robert. London, 1798 , 2 vol. 8vo . Deſcription de Londres, par Landan, planches. Paris, 1811 , 8vo. Gardiner's Excurſion from London to Dover, containing ſome account of the manu factures, natural and artificial curiofities, hiſtory and antiquities of the towns and villages. London , 2 vol. izmo. Perambulation of Kent, by Lambarde. London, 1596, 4to. A Journey through England, by John Macky. London, 1732 , 3 vol. 8vo. Six Weeks Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales, by Arthur Young. London, 1769, 8vo. Six Months Tour through the North of England, containing an account of the preſent ſtate of agriculture, manufactures, and population, by Arthur Young. London, 1769, 4 vol . 8vo . The Farmer's Tour through the Eaſt of England, by Arthur Young. London , 1771 , 4 vol . 8vo. A Journey through England, in familiar letters from a Gentleman here to his friend abroad . London, 1772, 3 vol. 8vo. Verſuch einer Oryktographie von Derbyſhire in England auf einer Reiſe dahin. (Efſay towards an Oryctography of Derbyſhire in England, during a journey thither. ) By J. J. Ferber. Mittau, 1776, 8vo. View 8 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS View of the Iſland of Wight, by John Sturch . London, 1778, 8vo. Hiſtory of the Iſland of Wight, by Worſley. London , 1778, 8vo. A Tour to the Caves in the environs of Ingleborough . London, 1780, 8vo. Sketch of a Tour into Derbyfhire and Yorkſhire. London, 1777 ; Ib. 1785, 8vo. Tour through Monmouthſhire and Wales, by Lord Littleton. London, 1781 , fol. Tour through Monmouthſhire, by Henry Penruddock Windham . London, 1781 , 8vo . Lettres ſur un voyage fait dans quelques provinces meridionales d’Angleterre par le Baron de R - Dreſde, 1786, 8vo. A Tour in ſeveral Parts of England, particularly in the mountains and lakes of Cum berland and Weſtmorland , by William Gilpin. London, 1788 , 2 vol. 8vo. Haſſell's Tour in the Iſle of Wigḥt. London, 1790, 2 vol. 4to. Reiſe durch einige Weſtliche und Südliche Provinzen Englands, von G. Wendeborn. ( Journey through ſome of the weſtern and ſouthern parts of England, by G. Wen . deborn . ) Hamburg, 1795 , 8vo. Journal of a Tour through Wales and Shropſhire, with obſervations on mineralogy and other branches of natural hiſtory, by Arthur Aikin. London, 1796, 8vo. Pictureſque Tours of the Lakes of Weſtmorland, Lancaſhire, and Cumberland, by J. Rudworth. London, 1796, 8vo. Tour to the Lakes of Weſtmorland, by Walker. London , 1796, 8vo. Tour to the Lakes of Cumberland, by Houſeman. London, 1796, 8vo. Excurſion to the Lakes in Cumberland and Weſtmoreland, by W.Hutchinſon. Lon don, 1796, 8vo. Tour to the Lakes of Cumberland and Weſtmorland , by Mrs. Radcliffe. London, 8vo . A Tour to the Iſle of Wight, with eighty Views, by C. Tomkins. London, 1796, fol. Journey from London to the Iſle of Wight. London, 1800, 8vo. A Journey into Cornwall through the counties of Southampton, Wilts, Dorſet, Somerſet, and Devon, by Lipſcombe. London, 1800, 8vo. A Tour in the County of Middleſex, by Lyſons. London, 1801 , 4to. Hiſtorical Tour in Monmouthſhire, by W.Coxe. London , 1802, 2 vol. 4to. Tour in the Weſtof England, by Gilpin. London, 8vo. A Walk through ſome of the Weſtern Counties of England, by R. Warner . London, 1801 , 8vo. Journey into South Wales through the counties of Oxford, Warwick, Hereford, Salop, Stafford , Buckingham , and Hertford, in the year 1799, by Lipſcomb. Lon don, 1802 , 8vo . A Tour through the northern counties of England and the borders of Scotland, by Robert Warner. London, 1802, 2 vol. 8vo . Tour in the North of Devon, by T. H. Williams. ' London, 1804, 8vo. An Excurſion from Sidmouth to Cheſter in the Summer of 1803 , in a Series of Letters to a Lady, by the Rev. E.Butcher. London, 1805, 2 vol. 12mo. Letters on England, by Don Manuel de Eſpriella. London, 3 vol . 12mo. Theſe letters were written by an Engliſh author in the diſguiſe of a Spaniſh traveller. A Tour through Cornwall in the Autumn of 1808 , by R. Warner. London , 1809, 8vo. Jollie's Cumberland Guide and Directory, containing a deſcriptive Tour through that County. London, 1811 , 8vo. Summer Excurſions through parts of England and Wales, by Elizabeth Spence. London , 1809, 2 vol. 12mo. Wales. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 9 . Wales. The Itinerary of Archbiſhop Baldwin through Wales, by Giraldus de Barri, tranſlated into Engliſh , and illuſtrated with views, annotations, and a life of Giraldus, by Sir R. C. Hoare. London, 1806 , 2 vol . 4to. In Latin. London, 1806, 4to . Rowland's Mona Antiqua. Dublin, 1723, 4to. Tour through North Wales, by Evans. London, 1762 , 8vo. Tour in South Wales, by W. Gilpin. London, 8vo. Tour through the ſouthern counties of England and Wales. London, 1768., 8vo. A Tour through Wales, by R. Warner. London, 8vo . Letters deſcriptive of a Tour through the northern counties of Wales, with the manners and cuſtoms of the Inhabitants. London, 1770, 8vo. A Tour in Wales, by Thomas Pennant. London, 1778 , 1783 , 2 vol. 4to . A Tour in Wales, by Cattagerville. London, 8vo. Hiſtory of the Iſland of Angleſey. London, 1775, 4to. Account of ſome of the moſt romantic parts of North Wales. London, 1777 , 8vo. Tour through Monmouthſhire and Wales, by Wyndham . London, 1781, 4to. Gleanings through Wales, Holland, and Weſtphalia, by Pratt. London, 1794, 8vo. A Pedeſtrian Tour through North Wales, by J. Huck. London, 1795, 12mo. A Tour round North Wales, performed during the ſummer of 1798 , by W. Bingley. London, 1800, 2 vol. 8vo. A Second Tour through Wales, by R. Warner. London, 1800, 8vo. Remarks on a Tour in North and South Wales, by Wigſtead. London, 1800, 8vo. Tour through part of North Wales in the year 1798, and at other times ; principally undertaken with a view to botanical reſearches in that Alpine country, interſperſed with obſervations on its ſcenery, agriculture, manufactures, cuſtoms, hiſtory, and antiquities , by John Evans. London, 1800, 8vo . Voyage pittoreſque dans le midi et le nord du pays de Galles, ou ſuite de vues, avec des détails deſcriptifs qui forment le texte, par Amelie Choiſeab Suffren. Paris, 1802, 4to. , cahier i . A Tour through South Wales, by J.T. Barber. London, 1802, 8vo . Letters written during a Tour through South Wales, by John Evans. London, 1805, 8vo. The Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography of South Wales, collected in two journeys made in the year 1803, by B. H. Malkin . London, 1805 , 4to . An Hiſtorical Tour through Pembrokeſhire, by Richard Fenton. London , 1811 , 4to . Ipes of Man and Jerſey. A Tour through the Iſle of Man, by David Richardſon. London, 1794, 8vo. A Tour through the Idle of Man in 1797 and 1798, compriſing ſketches of its ancient and modern hiſtory , by John Seltham . London, 1801 , 8vo. . Hiſtory of the Iſle of Man, by Rolt. London, 1773, 8vo. An Account of the paſt and preſent State of the Idle of Man ; including a ſketch of the mineralogy, and outline of its laws, with the privileges enjoyed by ſtrangers, and a hiſtory of the Iſland. By George Woods. London, 1811, 8vo. VOL. XVII. с A Sketch 10 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A Sketch of the Hiſtory and preſent State of the Iſland of Jerſey, by Thomas Lyte. London, 1808 , 8vo. III . Travels in England and Scotland. Travels in England , Scotland, and Wales, by James Brome. London, 1700 ; Ib. 1707 , 8vo. A Journey through England and Scotland . London, 1714 ; Ib. 1772, 3 vol. 8vo. Itinerarium ſeptentrionale, or a Journey through moſt of the counties of Scotland , and thoſe of the North of England, by Alexander Gordon. London, 1726, fol. ; Ib. with augmentations, 1736, fol. A Journey through part of England and Scotland. London 1746, 8vo. The modern univerſal Traveller, or a complete and accurate Tour through England , Wales, Scotland, and the neighbouring Iſlands. London, 1799, fol. Obſervations made during a Tour through parts of England, Scotland, and Wales, in a Series of Letters. London, 1779, 4to. Tour through parts of England, Scotland, and Wales, in the year 1778 , by J. R. Sulli van . London, 1780 ; Ib. 1784, 2 vol. 8vo. Mineralogiſche und technologiſche Bemerkungenauf einer Reiſe durch verſchiedene Provinzen in England und Schottland, von J. C. Fabricius, mit Anmerkungen und Zulagen von J. J. Ferber. (Mineralogical and technological obſervations made during a journey through ſeveral parts of England and Scotland, by J. C. Fabricius, with notes and an appendix by J.J. Ferber .) Deſſau and Leipſic, 1784, 8vo. Travels through the North of England and Scotland, by Skrine. London, 3 vol. 8vo. Proſpects and obſervations, natural, commercial, and literary, on a Tour in England and Scotland , by Thos. Newte. London , 1791 , 4to. Voyage en Angleterre et aux îles Hebrides, ayant pour objet les ſciences, les arts, l'hiſtorie naturelle et les meurs, avec la deſcription mineralogique du pays de New Caſtle, des environs d’Edimbourg, de Glaſgow, de Perth, de Saint Andrews, du duché d'Inverary, et de la grotte de Fingal; par B. Faujas de Saint Fond, avec planches. Paris, 1797, 2 vol. 8vo. There are both Engliſh and German tranſlations of theſe ſcientific travels. A Tour through the whole iſland of Great Britain, divided into journeys, by C. Crut. well. London, 1802 , 6 vol. 8vo. Obſervations made upon a Tour through almoſt the wholeof England and a confider able part of Scotland , by Dibdin . London, 1802 , 2 vol . 4to . Reiſe nach Paris, London, und einen groſſen Theil von England und Schottland. ( Jour ney to Paris, London , and a great part of England and Scotland, to aſcertain the ſtate of hoſpitals, priſons, poor-houſes, and clinical inſtitutions.) By Dr. Frank. Vienna, 1804 , 2 vol . 8vo. The greater portion of this work refers to England and Scotland. IV. Travels to Scotland . . Monroe's Deſcription of the Weſtern Illes of Scotland, in 1549. Edinburgh, 1774, Navigation 12mo, 10 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . II 1700, 8vo. Navigation du roi d'Ecoffe (Jaques I. ) autour de ſon royaume, îles Hebrides, et Orcades, par Nicolaï d'Orfeuille, avec planches. Paris, 1582. Londres, 1700, 8vo. Account of the Illands of Orkney, by James Wallace. Edinburgh, 1693. London, Late Voyage to St. Kilda , the remoteſt of all the Hebrides. London, 1698 , 2 vol. 8vo. Deſcription of the Weſtern Iſlands of Scotland , to which is added a brief delinea tion of the Iſlands of Orkney and Shetland , by Martin . London, 1704 ; Ib . 1716, 8vo. A Journey through Scotland. London, 1723 , 3 vol . 8vo. A Voyage to Shetland , Orkney, and the Weſtern Iſles of Scotland. London, 1751 , 8vo. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his friend in London. London , 1756, 2 vol . 8vo . J. Ray's Select Remains. London , 1760 , 8vo. A Tour to Scotland and the Hebrides, by Thomas Pennant. London, 1776, 2 vol. 4to. Journey in the Weſtern Iſlands of Scotland , by Dr. Johnſon . London , 1775, 8vo. Remarks on Dr. Johnſon's Journey to the Hebrides, by Mac Nicol. London, 1776, 8vo. Journey to the INands of Scotland, with occaſional remarks on Dr. Johnſon's Tour, by a Lady. London, 1775 ; Ib. 1779, 8vo. Antiquities and Sceneries of Scotland,by Charles Cordiner. London , 1780, 12 mo. Letters from Edinburgh, written in 1774 and 1775, by E. Topham. London, 1776. 8vo . A Tour in Scotland. Cheſter, 1785. A Tour in Scotland, by W. Gilpin. London, 2 vol. 8vo . An Account of the preſent State of the Hebrides and Weſtern Coaſts of Scotland, by James Anderſon . Edinburgh, 1785, 4to. A Tour in the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebrides, by John Knox . London, 1788 , 2 vol . 8vo. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Samuel Johnſon , by T. Boſwell. London , 1786, 8vo. A Journey through the Weſtern Counties of Scotland , by Robert Heron . London, Travels in the Weſtern Hebrides, from 1782 to 1790, by Buchanan. London , 1793 , 8vo. A Tour in Scotland in 1792 , by James Lettice . London, 1794, 8vo. Obſervations on a Tour through the Highlands and parts of the Weſtern iſles of Scot land, by John Garnett. London , 1800, 2 vol. 4to. Remarks on the local Scenery and Manners of Scotland, made during a journey in the years 1799 and 1800, by John Stoddart. London, 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. A Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain, by Alexander Campbell. Edinburgh, 1802, 2 vol. 4to. Hiſtory of the Orkney Illands : in which is comprehended an account of their preſent as well as their ancient State ; maps and plates ; by the Rev. George Barry. Edinburgh , 1805, 4to. A ſecond edition is degraded by ignorant notes. An Excurſion to the Highlands of Scotland and the Engliſh Lakes, by Mawman . I.ondon, 1805, 8vo, A Tour 1793, 8vo. 12 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A Tour through ſome of the Iſlands of Orkney and Shetland ; with a view chiefly to objects of natural hiſtory ; but including alſo occaſional remarks on the ſtate of the inhabitants, their huſbandry, and fiſheries, by Patrick Neill. Edinburgh , 1806, 8vo. Travels in Scotland by an unuſual route ; with a Trip to the Orkneys and Hebrides, by the Rev. James Hall. London, 1806, 8vo. Calédonian Sketches, or a Tour through Scotland in 1807 , by Sir John Carr. Lon don, 1809, 4to. A View of the ancient and preſent State of the Zetland Iſlands, including their civil, political, and natural hiſtory, antiquities, and an account of their agriculture, fiſheries,.commerce, and the ſtate of ſociety and manners, by A. Edmonſton. Edin burgh, 1809, 2 vol. 8vo . Sketches of the preſent Manners, Cuſtoms, and Scenery of Scotland , by E. J. Spence. London, 1807, 2 vol. 12mo. An Economical Hiſtory of the Hebrides and Highlands of Scotland , by T. Walker. London, 1812, 2 vol. 8vo. 1793, 8vo. V. Travels to different parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland . A Month's Tour in North Wales to Dublin and its Environs. London , 1781 ; Ib . A Journey in Scotland and Ireland in the years 1769 and 1772. Cheſter, 1774 , 2 vol. 4to. A Tour in Scotland and Ireland . 1775 , 8vo. Neuſte Reiſen durch Schottland und İrland. ( New Travels through Scotland and Ireland , chiefly relative to natural hiſtory, economy, manufactures, &c. ) By J. J. Volkmann. Leipfic , 1784, 8vo. VI. Travels in Ireland. 4to. Ireland's Natural Hiſtory, by Samuel Hartlib. London, 1652 , 8vo . Ireland's Natural Hiſtory, by Gerh. Boate. London, 1652, 8vo. Dublin, 1753 , 4to. 3 parts . Thom. Care, De Origine, Moribus, Ritibusque Gentis Hiberniæ. Sulzbach, 1666, A Tour in Ireland in 1715. London, 1736, 8vo. A New Tour in Ireland, in ſeveral entertaining Letters. London, 1748, 8vo. Ancient and preſent State ofthe County of Waterford, by C. Smith. Dublin, 1746, 4to. Account of the preſent State of the County of Cork . Dublin, 1750, 8vo. Hibernia Curioſa: giving a general view of the manners, obſervations on the ſtate of trade and agriculture, its natural curioſities, &c. collected in a tour through Ireland in 1764-1769, by Buſhe. Dublin, 4to . Letters on the Northern coaſt of Antrim in Ireland , by Hamilton . London, 1764 ; Ib. 1786, 8vo. A Tour in Ireland , by Richard Twiſs. London, 1776, 8vo. 13 A Philo . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 13 A Philoſophical Survey of the South of Ireland , in a Series of Letters, by Campbell. London, 1777 , 8vo. A Tour in Ireland, with general obſervations on the preſent ſtate of that kingdom, by Arthur Young ; made in the years 1776 , 1777 , 1778, and brought down to the end of 1779 ; ſecond edition. London, 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. Briefe über Irland ( Letters on Ireland ), by Küttner. Leipfic, 1785, 8vo. Sketches of ſome of the Southern Counties of Ireland , by G.Holmes. London , 1797, 8vo. Promenades d'un Français ( La Tocnaie ) en Irlande. London, 1797 , Svo. -An Eng liſh tranſlation, ib. 1799, 8vo. Letters on the Iriſh Nation, written during a viſit in that kingdom, by G. Cooper. Lon don, 1800, 8vo. The Stranger in Ireland, by John Carr. London, 1806, 4to. Illuſtration of the Scenery of Killarney, the ſurrounding Country, and a conſiderable part of the Southern Coaſt of Ireland, by Iſaac Weld . Dublin , 1807, 4to . A View of the Natural, Political, and Commercial State of Ireland, by Thomas Newen ham. London, 1808 , 4to. Account of Ireland, Statiſtical and Political, by Edward Wakefield. London, 1812, 4to. FRANCE. I. Travels through France in general. ANDREA Navagero, Viaggio in Spagna e in Francia nei anni 1524 e 1528. ( Journey in Spain and France in 1524 and 1528.) Venice, 1563, 4to. A. Ortelii et Jo Viviant, Itinerarium pernonnullas Galliæ et Belgiæ partes. Antwerp , 1584, 8vo. Leyden, 1660, 1667, 12mo. A. Ortelii Itinerarium Gallo -Brabanticum . Leyden , 1630, 1647, 12mo. Matthæi Quadt Deliciæ Galliæ, feu Itinerarium per univerſam Galliam . Frankfurt, 1603, fol. Lutzenkirchen, Deliciæ apodemicæ per Galliam et Hiſpaniam . Cologne, 1609, 8vo. Deliciæ Galliæ, ſeu Itinerarium in univerſam Galliam ab urbe Lutetia, à G. Ens. Cologne, 1609 , 8vo. S. Schambergii Deliciæ Galliæ. Frankfurt, 1616 , 24to. J. J. Stobelberger Galliæ politico- medica Deſcriptio, de qualitatibus, regni Gallici, academiis, urbibus, Aluviis, aquis medicatis, aëre, plantis, mineralibus differens. Jena, 1621 , 12mo. Ludovici XIII. Itinerarium ab Oceano Neuſtrico ad montes Pyrenæos à 7 quintilis ad 7 Novembris 1620, ex quotidianis itionibus, ftativis, et caſtrametationibus, Rodol phus Botereius, colligit. Paris, 1621, 12mo. Claudii Rutilii Itinerarium ſive de Reditu ſuo ex Italia, in Galliam, lib. ii. Frankfort, 1623. Amſterdam , 1687. Brandenburg, 1760, 8vo. Abr. Gelnitzii Ulyſſes Belgico -Gallicus, ſeu fidus Dux et Achates per Belgium Hil panicum , Galliam, Sabaudiam , Taurinumque uſque. Leyden, 1631. Turin, 1655, 12mo. Obſervazioni del Viaggio fatto dal fig. Giorgi, ambaſciatore Veneto in Ollanda e Francia. ( Obſervations in the journey of Sign. Georgi, Venetian ambaſſador through Holland and France .) Publiſhed by his ſecretary Belli. Venice, 1632, 4to. Jo. Merckerii 14 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Jo. Merckerii apodemica , in itinere potiffimum Gallico nata et curſorie confignata. Erfurt, 1634, 12mo. Du Verdier, Voyage de France, dreſſé pour l'inſtruction tant des François, que des étrangers. Paris, 1639, 1685, 12mo. Louis Coulon , Voyage de France, de Flandres, et de Savoye. Paris, 1643 , 8vo. Fidèle Conducteurpour le Voyage de France. Paris, 1654, 8vo . Le Voyage de France, dreſſé pour l'inſtruction et la commodité des éſtrangers. Rouen, 1647, 12mo. J. Zinzerlingii, Itinerarium Galliæ, cum appendice de Burdigalia. Amſterdam , 1649, 12mo. Duvivier, le Voyage de France pour l'inſtruction des François . Paris, 1657, 1687, 8vo. Journal du Voyage d'un Gentilhomme François en France et en Italie, en 1660 et 1661 . Paris, 1667, 1679, 8vo. Sigiſmund von Birken , Brandenburg iſcher Ulyſſes, d. i . Reiſen , Markgraf Chriſtian Erneſt von Brandenburg in Deutſchland, Frankreich, Italien , und die Niederlande. (The Ulyſſes of Brandenburgh ; or Travels of Chriſtian Erneſtas, Margrave of Brandenburgh, in Germany, France, Italy, and the Low Countries.) Bareuth, 1668 , 4to . Journal d'un Voyage de France et d'Italie, fait par un GentilhommeFrançois l'année 1661, avec la deſcription de ce qu'il y a vu de plus remarquable en ces pays. Paris, 1670, 8vo. M. Zeiller, Itinerarium Galliæ, oder Reiſebeſchreibung durch Frankreich. ( Itinerar, or journey through France ) Straſburg and Frankfurt, 1674, 8vo. Voyage de Tour de la France par François Savinien d'Alquier , avec planches. Amſter . dam , 1670 , 12mo. John Ray's Obſervations made in a journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France. London, 1673 , 2 vol. 8vo. The ſame, with an account of Francis Willoughby's Travels through Spain . London , 1738 , 2 vol. 8vo. The Voyage of France, or a complete Journal of France, with the character of the people, and the deſcription of the principal cities, fortreſſes, churches, monaſ, teries, univerſities, palaces, and antiquities, by Peter Helyn. London, 1679, 8vo. Voyages de M. Dumont en France, en Italie, en Allemagne, à Malte, en Turquie, en 1689 et annees ſuivantes, contenant les obſervations qu'il a faites en tous ces pays tant ſur les meurs, et les coutumes des peuples, les gouvernement, et la religion , que ſur l'hiſtoire ancienne et moderne, la philoſophie, et les monumens authentiques. Hague, 1699, 4 vol. 12mo. Voyages faits en divers tems en Eſpagne, Portugal, Allemagne, et France, par M. Amſterdam , 1690, 1700, 12mo. Voyage des Ambaſſadeur de Siam en France, par Devizer. 1686, 8vo. J. Lemhard, Journal du voyage d’Anne Marie, reine d'Eſpagne, dépuis Neubourg par la France juſqu'à Madrid. Bruſſels, 1691, 8vo. Voyage deParis et de Genes, par Miravelt. Paris, 1698, 8vo. E. Veryards Account ofchoice Remarks in a Journey through the Low Countries, France, Italy, part of Spain, Sicily, and Malta, as alſo the Levant. London , Henry de Rouviere, Voyage du Tour de la France. Paris, 1712, 8vo . Recueil 1701 , fol. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 15 2 vol. Recueil hiſtorique d'un voyage de l'ambaſſadeur de Perſe en France, par Lefevre. Paris, 1713 , 8vo. A new Journey to France, with ſeveral diverting Tranſactions. London, 1715, 8vo . Niccolo Madrifio, Viaggi in Italia, Francia, ed Alemania. ( Travels in Italy, France, and Germany. ) Venice, 1717, 2 vol . 8vo. Voyage litéraire en la France dans les Pays-Bas et l'Allemagne, par deux Benedictines ( D.D. Marterre et Durand), avec planches. Paris, 1717 ; Ib . 1730, 3 vol.4to. The chief objects of theſe travels are inſcriptions and monuments ofantiquity. Relation d'un Voyage nouvellement fait par la France. London, 1717, 8vo. Voyage liturgique de la France, ou Recherches faites ſur les diverſes villes du royaume, contenant pluſieurs particularités touchant les uſages des egliſes, avec des décou vertes ſur l'antiquité, eccléſiaſtique, et paienne, par Lebrun -Deſmarettes de Moléon. Paris, 1718 , 8vo. Voyage en France, par Dumas, avec planches. Paris, 1720, 12mo. M. L. R. Nouveau Voyage, en France, géographique, hiſtorique, et curieux. Paris, 1720 ; Ib . 1730 ; Ib . 1738 , 12mo. J. Beval's Remarks on ſeveral parts of Europe, relating chiefly to the hiſtory, antiqui. ties, and geography of France, the Low Countries, Lorrain , Germany, Savoy, Tyrol, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain . London, 1726, 2 vol. fol. Nouveau Voyage en France, avec un itinérare et des cartes. Paris, 1728 ; Ib. 1742 , 2 vol. 12mo. Robert Boyle's Voyages et Aventures en France, en Suiſſe, et en Italie, traduits de l'Anglais. Amiterdam , 1730, 2 vol. 12mo. — In German, Halberſtadt, 1735, Some Obſervations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c. London, 1730, 2 vol. 4to . Thomas Frank's Tour through France, Flanders, and Germany. London, 1735. 8vo. Edward Brown's Travels and Adventures in France, Italy, Malta, &c. London , 1739; 8vo. R. Poole's Journey from London to France and Holland, London, 1742 , 8vo. E. F. Hempel, Reiſender Deutſcher in Deutchland, Italien , Frankreich, Niederland. ( Travelling German in Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands ; a weekly publication .) Halle, 1745, 1745, 4 vol. 8vo. Charles Thomſon's Travels, containing his Obſervations on France. London, 1748 , 3 vol. 8vo. A Sicilian Gentleman's Letters on the French Nation . London, 1749, 8vo. Deſcription hiſtorique de la France, par Piganiol de la Force, avec planches. Paris, 1753, 15 vol. 12mo. Voyage de la France, par P. D. L. F. Paris, 1756 ; Ib. 1780, 12mo. This is an abridgment of the former work . Notwithſtanding many inaccuracies, theſe volumes contain an intereſting account of the ſtate of France at that time. Relation de l'Ambaffade de Mehemet Effendi a la cour de France, in 1921. Paris, 17 57, 12mo. Travels in France, Italy, and the Archipelagus in 1750, by Matthews. London, 4 vol. 8vo. -In French , Paris, 1763, 4 vol. 12mo. Singlade, Memoires et Voyages en Corſe, Naples, Rome, Allemagne, Flanders, et France. Paris, 1765, 2 vol. 8vo. Tobias 16 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 3 Tobias Smollet's Travels in France and Italy, containing obſervations on character , religion, government, police, commerce, arts, and antiquities, with a particular deſcription of the town, territory, and climate of Nice. London, 1766 , 2 vol. 8vo. Journey through France, by Talbot. Amſterdam , 1768. Poullin de Lumina, Mæurs et Coûtumes de Français. Lyon , 1768 , 2 vol. 12mo. Reiſen durch Frankreich und Italien , als ein Verſuch über die menſehliche Natur. ( Travels through France and Italy as an Eſſay on Human Nature. ) Brunſwick , 1769, 8vo. A Journey through France and a part of Spain , by Philip Thickneſſe. London, 1769 , 2 vol. 8vo. Remarks on the Character and Manners of the French , in a ſeries of letters written during a reſidence of twelve months in Paris, and its environs. London, 1769 ; Ib. 1770, 2 vol. 8vo. J. L. Wilkinſon's Excurſions in France. London, 1770 ; 1b. 1775, 2 vol.8vo. Voyage de France, d'Eſpagne,de Portugal, et d'Italie, par S. Paris , 1770, 4 vol. Lancelot Temple's Short Ramble through ſome parts of France and Italy. London, 1771 , 12mo. The Tour of Holland through Brabant, the Auſtrian Netherlands, and part of France ; to which is added a deſcription of Paris and its environs. London, 1772 , 12mo. A Tour through the Weſtern , Southern, and Interior Provinces of France, by N. W. Wraxall. London, 1772 ; Ib . 1784, 8vo. Wraxall is almoſt the only modern foreign traveller who has viſited any large portion of France, except Young ; but his obfervations are generally too much confined to the hiſtory of the parts he viſited . Marſhall's Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany,Denmark, Sweden, Lapland , Ruſſia, Ukraine, Poland, & c . London , 1772 , 3 vol. 8vo. Hill and Marſhall's Travels through France and Spain . London , 1773 , 8vo. Palmer's Four Months' Tour through France. London, 1776. 8vo. Du Coudray, Anecdotes intéreſſantes et hiſtoriques de l'illuſtre Voyageur Joſeph II. pendant ſon ſejour à Paris. Paris, 1777, 8vo. ; Ib . 1778 , 12mo. Journal et anecdotes intéreſſantes de M. le Comte de Falkenſtein ( Joſeph II.) en France, par l'Abbe Duval- Pyrau. Paris, 1777, 8vo. Mayer, Le Comte de Falkenſtein, ou Voyages de l'Empereur Jofeph II. en Italie, en Bohême, et en France. Rome, 1777. Paris, 1777 , 8vo. Authentiſche Breſchreibung der Reiſe des Grafen von Falkenſtein nach Frankreich. ( Authentic Account of the Journey of Count Falkenſtein ( Joſeph II . ] to France. ) Schwabach , 1777, 8vo. In French, Paris, 1777, 2 vol. 12mo. Reiſe Joſeph II. Kaiſers der Deutſchen , unter dem Namen eines Grafen von Falkenſtein in Ruſsland, den Niederlanden, und Frankreich. ( Travels of Joſeph II. Emperor of the Germans, under the name of Count Falkenſtein in Ruſſia, the Netherlands, and Germany, in the years 1780 and 1781.) By A. F. Geiſsler. Halle, 1781 , 8vo. Travels for the Heart, written in France, by Melmoth . London, 1777, 2 vol . I 2mo. Travels in France. by Fourmont. London, 1777, 8vo. C. A. de Pilati, Voyages en differenspays de l'Europe en 1774, 1775, 1776, ou lettres écrites de l'Allemagne, de la Suiſſe, de l'Italie , de la Sicile, et de Paris. Hague, 1777, 2 vol. 8vo. J. Bernouilli, OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 17 T. Bernoulli, Lettres ſur differens Sujets, écrites pendant le cours d'un Voyage par l'Allemagne, la Suiſſe, la France meridionale, et l'Italie, en 1707 , 1779. 3 vol. 8vo. Lettersof an Engliſh Traveller(Sherlock ), written from Berlin , Dreſden, Vienna, Rome, Naples, and France, in 1766 and 1777. London, 1979, 8vo. Journal over en Reiſe igiennem Frankerige og Tyſkland. ( Journal of Travels in Ger many and France. ) By T. D. Preiſsler. Copenhagen , 1780, 8yo. View of the Cuſtoms and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, with anecdotes relating to fome eminent characters, by John Moore. London , 1779 ; Ib. 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. F. R. Salzmann, Brieftaſche auf einer Reiſe durch Deutchland, Frankreich, Helvetien , und Italien . ( Journal during a Tour in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy . ) Frankfurt, 1780, 8vo. Voyage de Genève et de la Touraine (par Vanderberg ). Orleans, 1779, 12mo. Reiſen der Pobíte nach Frankreich, Deutſchland, und Italien. ( Journeys of the Popes to France, Germany, and Italy .) By T. M. 1782, 8vo . J.Hunczowſky, Mediziniſch -chirurgiſche Bemerkungen auf ſeinen Reiſen durch Elſaſs, und den Weſtlichen und Südlichen Theil von Frankreich. (Medical and ſurgical Remarks during Travels through the Alſace, and the Weſtern and Southern Parts of France, particularly on the condition of hoſpitals .) Vienna, 1783, 8vo . Voyage minéralogique et phyſique de Bruxelles à Lauſanne, par une portion de Luxembourg, dela Lorraine, de la Champagne, et de la Franche- Comté, faite en 1782, par le Comte Gregoire de Ol... Lauſanne, 1783, 8vo. Travels through France and Italy, by Dr. Burney. London, 1783, 8vo. H.Sander , Beſchreibung ſeiner Reiſen durch Frankreich, Niederland, Holland, Deutſchland, und Italien , &c. ( Travels through France, the Netherlands, Holland, Germany, and Italy, chiefly relative to the knowledge of mankind, induſtry, ļite rature, and natural hiſtory .) Leipfic, 1783 , 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage du Comte de Hagen (Guftavus III. Roi de Suède ) en Italie et en France, par Coudſay. Paris, 1784, 8vo. John Andrews, Letters to a young Gentleman on his ſetting out for France. London , 1784, 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque de la France, avec la deſcription des toutes les provinces. Paris, 1784, 1785 ; 31 livraiſons, fol. A deſcriptive Journey through the interior parts of Germany and France, including Paris, by a young Engliſh Peer. London, 1786, 8vo . C. Marcell, Voyage en France, Italie, et les Pays-Bas.. Paris. -In German, Berlin , 1787, 4 vol. 8vo. Nueſte Reiſe durch Frankreich in abſicht auf natur-geſchichte, æconomie , manu facturen, und werke der kunſt. (New Travels in France, relative to natural hiſtory, economy, manufactures, and works of art.) By J. J.Volkmann. _Leipfic, 1787 , 8vo. Journal einer Reiſe durch Frankreich . ( Journal of a Tour in France.) By Sophie La -Roche. Altenburg, 1787, 8vo. Skizzen, Scenen, und Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch Frankreich . (Sketches, Situations, and Remarks in a Tour through France .) By H.Storch , Heidelberg, 1787 ; Ib. 1790, 8yo. Intereſſante Bemerkungen eines Reiſenden in Frankreich und Italien. ( Intereſting Remarks of a Traveller in France and Italy .) Leipfic, 1788, 8vo . Udtog af en Dagbog holden i aarene 1777-1780 paa en Reiſe igiepnern Tyſkland, Italien , Frankerige, og Holland. (Extracts of a Journal kept during Travels from VOL 1777 . XVII. D 2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Reiſen in das Südliche Frankreich. ( Journey into the South of France.) ByC. A. Fifeber. Leipfic, 1806, 2 vol. 8vo. Travels after the Peace of Amiens, through parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, by J. G. Lemaiſtre. London , 1806, 3 vol. 8vo. The Belgian Traveller, or a Tour through Holland, France, and Switzerland, in 1804 and 1805, in a ſeries of letters from a nobleman to a miniſter of ſtate. London, 1806, 4 vol. 12mo. Travels in the South of France , and in the interior of Provence, Languedoc, and Limoſin ; made by permiſſion of the French Government, in 1807 and 1808, by Lieutenant- Colonel Pinckey, of the North American Native Rangers. 1809, 4to. Continental Excurſions, or Tours into France, Switzerland, and Germany, in 1782 , 1787 , and 1789, by the Rev. Thomas Pennington. London, 1809, 2 vol. 8vo. Sketches of the preſent internal State of France, from the German of M. Faber. Lon don , 1810, 8vo. Voyage dans les Departemens du Midi de la France, par Millin. Paris, 1808, 1812 , 4 vol. 8vo ., and 3 atlaſes 4to . [See the Travels of Roſmital, Graſſeri, Hentzner, Eiſenberg, Sagittarius, Neumayr, Duke of Brunſwick -Bevern, Muralt, La Croze, Tourdan, Le Blanc, Grim , Gau landris, Oeder, Guenderoda, C.F.H.L., Deſſe, Hartig , Verdun, Schaeffer, Sne dorf, Forſter ; Sect. Great Britain . ] 1 II. Travels into different Parts of France. Voyage au mont Pilat dans le Lyonnais, ſuivi du Catalogue raiſonnédes plantes qui y croiſſent, par Latourette. Avignon, 1771, 8vo. Reiſe von Marſeille über Avignon nach Lyon im Jahr 1791. ( Journey from Marſeilles, by Avignon, to Lyons, in the year 1791.) By Frederika Brın. ' In the German Magazine, 1794. Voyage pittoreſque, et Navigation exécutés ſur une partie du Rhôneréputéenon navi gable : moyens de rendre ce projet utile au commerce. Par T.C. G. Boifel. Avec leize planches. Paris, an iii. 1795, 4to. This hazardous voyage on the Rhone was chiefly undertaken to aſcertain the practicability of rendering that river navigable, for the purpoſe of floating down timber for the French fleet at Toulon, and for commerce in general. Relation d'un Voyage fait en Provence, contenant les antiquités les plus curieuſes de chaque ville, par de Preheat. Berlin , 1683, 12mo. Recueil des pluſieurs Voyages faits à la Sainte - Beaume et autres lieux de la Provence, par le P. Laval. Avec cartes. Paris, 1727 , 4to. Reiſe nach den Hieriſchen Inſeln. ( Voyage to the Iſles d’Hieres. ) By Sulzer. 8vo. Les Soirées provençales, ou Lettres écrites pendant ſes voyages dans ſa patrie, par Berenger. Paris, 1786, 3 vol. 12mo. Voyage en Provence, par Berenger. Marſeilles and Orleans, 1783, 12mo. Voyage en Provence, contenant tout ce qui peut donner une idée de l'état ancien et moderne des villes, des curioſités qu'elles renferment, et de la poſition des anciens peuples ; des anecdotes liréraires, d'autres qui régardent les hommes célèbres ; l'hiſ toire naturelle, les plantes, le climat, &c.; cinq lettres ſur les Trouvères et les Trou 9 badours , 1 1 1 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. badours, et la Vie de cinq Troubadours ; par M. l'Abbé Papon. Paris, 1787 2 vol.- 12mo. This is the beſt edition of theſe travels, which chiefly refer to the hiſtory and literature of Provence. Durlac, Hiſtoire naturelle de la Provence. Avignon and Marſeilles, 1783, 2 vol. 8vo. Naturhiſtoriſche und economiſche Reiſe nach Taraſcon und Arles. ( Travels reſpecting Natural Hiſtory and Economy, to Taraſcon and Arles. ) Inſerted in the Journal der Fabriquen , 1793 Voyage dansle Département des Alpes maritima, avec la deſcription de la ville et du territoire de Nice, de Meutan, de Monaco, &c. par S. Papon. Paris, 1804, 8vo. Jean Aſtruc, Mémoires pour l'Hiſtoire naturelle du Languedoc. Paris, 1740, 3vol.4to. Faujas de St. Fond , Recherches ſur les Volcans êteints du Vivarais, et du Velai en Languedoc. Grenoble and Paris, 1779, fol. Greſane, Hiſtoire naturelle de Languedoc. Montpellier, 1776, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage en Savoye et dans le Midi de la France, en 1804 et 1805. Paris, 1807, 8vo. Voyage à Genève et dans la Vallée de Chamouny,en Savoie, ayant pour objet les ſciences, les arts, l'hiſtoire, &c. par Leſchevin. Paris, 1812, 8vo. Itinerarium Galliæ Narbonenſis, cui acceffit gloffarium linguæ Gallorum veteris. Autore Joanne Pontano. Lugdun. 1666, 12mo. Briefe über die Südlichen Provinzen von Frankreich, auf einer Reife durchs Delpninar, Languedoc, Rouergue , Provence, und das comitat Venaiffin. (Letters on the Southern Provinces of France, written during a journey through Dauphiné, Lan guedoc, Rouergue, Provence, and the county of Venaiflin, in the years 1786 to 1788.) By J.J. Fiſch. Zurich , 1790, 2 vol. 8vo . Kleine Reifen durch die Merkwürdigſten Gegenden im Südlichen Frankreich. ( Short Journeys through the moſt intereſting parts of Southern France, with obfervations on the economiſts, the provincial ſtates, courts of juſtice, &c.) Magdeburg , 1790 , 8vo . Maleriſche Wanderungen durch einen Theil des Südlichen Frankreichs. ( Pi& ureſque Journey through part of the South of France.) , Leipfic, 1792, 8vo. Reiſe durch die Südlichen Provinzen Frankreichs. ( Travels through the South of France .) By Thümmel, Leipfic, 10 vol. 8vo, This is rather a ſatirical account of French manners, than a journey for the purpofe of deſcribing the country. Ifaac Pontani, Itinerarium Galliæ Narbonenſis, cum duplici appendice et gloffario priſco Gallico, feu de Gallorum veteri diſſertatione. Leyden, 1606, izmo. Obſervations faites dans les Pyrenées, pour ſervir de fuite aux Obſervations ſur les Alpes, inſérées dans la traduction des Lettres ſur la Suiſſe, par le Cit. Ramondi Paris, 1789, 8vo. This is a very intereſting account of the North of the Pyrenees, with a deſcrip tion of the manners of the people. Voyage dans les Pyrénées Françaiſes, dirigé principalement vers la Bigorre et la Vallée, fuivi de quelques véritès importantes ſur les eaux de Bagnières et de Barrège. Paris, 1789, 8vo . Fragmens d'un Voyage ſentimental et pittoreſque dans les Pyrénées, par Saint - Amand . Metz et Paris, 1789, 8vo. Voyage à Barrège et dans les hautes Pyrénées, fait en 1788, par Duffault. Paris, 1796, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyages 22 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ra Voyages phyſiques dans les Pyrénées, en 1788 et 1789 ; hiſtoire naturelle d'unepartie deces montagnes, particulièrement des environs de Barrège, Bagnières et Governie, avec cartes géographiques, par F. Pazums. Paris, an v. -1797, 8vo. Theſe three authors travelled in company ; the work of the firſt relates chiefly to botany ; that of the ſecond is principally a deſcription of the ſcenery, and and is altogether ſentimental; the object of the third is ſcientifical. Voyage au Mont-Perdu et dans les parties adjacentes de hautes Pyrenées, par L. Ra mond. Paris, an ix . - 1801, 8vo . This is a deſcription of a journey to the higheſt of the Pyrenees, which the author, like all his predeceſſors, at firſt found inacceſlible ; but ſince the publication of this work, he ſucceeded , by aſcending up a cleft on the Spaniſh ſide. Bergreifen durch die Pyreneen. ( Travels through the Pyrenees.) Publiſhed by C. A. Fiſcher. Leipfic, 1804, vol. i. , 8vo. Itinerarium Burdigalenſe, 1588 , 12mo. Voyage à Bourdeaux et dans les Landes, ou font déſcrits les moeurs , les uſages, et les coutumes du pays. Avec planches. Paris, 1798, 8vo . Voyage en Finiſterre, ou etat de ce département en 1794 et 1795. ( Par le Cit. Cambri.) Avec planches. Paris, an X.- 1802, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage fait en 1787 et 1788 dans la ci-devant haute et Baſſe.Auvergne, aujour d'hui departemens du Puy de Dome, et de Cantal, et partie de celui de la Haute-Loire, ouvrage ou l'on traite de ce qui regarde la nature du ſol, les revolutions qu'il a éprouvées, des productions, climat, météores, produits de volcaniſations, mines, carrières, lacs, eaux minérales, moeurs des habitans, conſtitution phyſique, popula tion, arts, commerce, manufactures, induſtrie, & c. par le Cit. " Legrand d'Auſly. Paris, an iii.- 1795, 3 vol. 8vo. This isone of the beſt accounts of any ſingle past of France. Voyage agronomique en Auvergne, précedé d'obſervations générales ſur la culture de quelques départemens du centre de la France. (Par l'Abbéde Prudt.) Paris, an xi. 1803, 8vo . Nouveau Voyage au Mont d'Or, par l'auteur du voyage de Conſtantinople par l'Alle magne. Paris, an viïi.- 1799, 8vo. Martin Liſter's Journey to Paris in the year 1698. London, 1699, 4to . Voyage pittoreſque à Paris, par d'Argenville. Avec planches. Paris, 1752. Antonini, Memorial de Paris et de ſes Environs. Paris, 1742, 12mo. Des Lord's *** iſte und 2de Reiſe nach Paris. (Firſt and Second Tour of Lord * * * to Paris .) Berlin, 1780, 1781 , 2 vol. 8vo. M. D. Voyage pittoreſque de Paris, ou deſcription des maiſons royales. Paris, 1762, izmo. Luſtiges Urtheil über Paris und die Franzoſen , von einem Sicilianer ( Jocular Judgment on Paris and the French, by a Sicilian ). Leipſic, 1732 ; Ib . 1746, 8vo . — Tranſ lated into Engliſh, London , 1749, 8vo. Beobacktungen auf einer Reiſe nach Paris durch Flandern. ( Obſervations during a Jour ney to Paris through Flanders.) Leipfic, 1776, 1778 , 8vo . Meine Flucht nach Paris, in winter 1790 (My Excurſion to Paris, in the winter of 1790.) By Kotzebue. Leiplíc, 1790, 8vo. Journal d'un voyage fait de Genève à Paris, par lá Diligence, en 1791. Genève, 1792, 12mo. 2 Reife OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 23 Reiſe von Braunſchweig nach Paris, im Jahr 1789. ( Journey from Brunſwick to Paris, in the year 1789.) By J. H. Campe. Brunſwick , 1793, 8vo. Trip to Paris, in July 1792, by Twiſs. London, 1793, 8vo. Souvenir de mon Voyage à Paris. (Par J. H. Meiſter.) Zurich, 1797, 12mo. Reiſe nach Paris und Ruckkehr durch die Schweitz. ( Journey to Paris and Return through Switzerland.) By Heinzman. Bern, 1800, 8vo. Manuel du Voyageur à Paris. Paris, 1800, 8vo. Thomas Bugge, Reiſe til Paris i aarene 1798, 1799. ( Journey to Paris in the years 1798, 1799.) Copenhagen , 1800, 8vo. The author was ſent as a commiſſioner to Paris from Denmark, on the propoſal of the national inſtitute for a general unity of weights and meaſures. The chief objects of his journey are the literary and ſcientific inſtitutions of France, and particularly public education, in which, with the exception of the poly technic ſchool, he found little to commend. Journal of a Party of Pleaſure to Paris, with thirty views from nature , by S. Hill. London, 1802, 8vo. A rough Sketch of modern Paris, or letters on the ſociety , manners, curiofities, and amuſements of that capital. London, 1802, 8vo. The French themſelves praiſe the impartiality of this account. Paris as it was, and as it is ; in a ſeries of letters written by an Engliſh traveller, during the years 1801 and 1802. London, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo . Vertraute Briefe au Paris geſchrieben. ( Familiar Letters from Paris, written in 1802 and 1803.) By J. Fr. Reichard. Hamburg, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. The ſtate of muſic and the opera are the chief objects of this journey ; but ſome political obſervations induced the author, a compoſer of eminence, to quit Halle, his place of reſidence, when the French entered it in 1806. The Stranger in France, or a journey from Devonſhire to Paris, by John Carr. Lon . don , 1804, 4to. Miroir de l'ancien et nouveau Paris, avec treize Voyages velocifères dans ſes environs, par L. Prudhomme. Paris, 1804, 8vo. Obſervations made during the Peace at Paris, and on the road from London to Paris through Picardy and Normandy, by Jof. Eyre. London, 1804, 8vo. Erinnerungen au Paris in 1-804, von Auguſt von Kotzebue. ( Recollections from Paris, by Kotzebue.) Berlin, 180 ;, 2 vol. 12mo. - Tranſlated into Engliſh and French. Auch ich war in Paris. (I was alſo in Paris.) Winterthur, 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. This, which is allowed to be a juſt and impartial account of Paris, was written by M. Hagner, a member of the Swiſs deputation , in 1802 . Briefe geſchrieben auf einer Reiſe nach Paris. (Letters written during a Journey to Paris, in 1804. ) By Benzenberg . Dortmund, 1806, 2 vol. 8vo. Recollections from Paris in the years 1801-1804, by John Pinkerton. London, 1806, 2 vol. 8vo . Paris dans le dix -neuvième Siècle, ou réflexions d'un obſervateur ſur les inſtitutions, l'eſprit, le théatre, la literature, & c. par Touhaud. Paris, 1809, 8vo. Voyage de Fontainebleau , par de Prehear. Paris, 1678, 12mo. Voyage pittoreſque des Environs de Paris. _ (Par d'Argenville.) Paris, 1752 , 12mo. Efai fur la Geographie minéralogique des Environs deParis, par G. Cuvier et A. Brogo niart . ' Paris , 1811 , 8vo. A Tour to Ermenonville ; containing beſides, an account of the palace, gardens, and curiofities of Chantilly ; a particular deſcription of the tomb of Rouſſeau. London, 1789, 8vo. The gardens of Chantilly were entirely deſtroyed during the Revolution . D. Ducare 24 ' CATALOGUE OF BOOKS . 1775, 8vo. Brie. 4to . D. Ducare, Anglo-Norman Antiquities conſidered , in a tour through part of Normandy. London, 1767, 8vo. Faujas de St. Fond, Hiſtoire naturelle de la Province de Dauphiné. Grenoble et Paris, 1781 , 4to. tom . i . La Franche Comté ancienne et moderne, par F. J. Romain. Paris, 1779, 12mo. Bequillet, Deſcription générale et particulière du Duché de Bourgogne. Dijon, Mon Voyage, ou Lettres ſur la Normandie, par G. L. Cadet -Gaficourt. Paris, 1798, 2 vol. 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage dans le Département de l'Orne, par J. B.Biot, Paris, 1803 , 4to . Journal du Voyage du Roi Louis XV. à Rheims. Hague, 1723, 12mo. Recueil et Diſcours des Voyages du Roy Charles IX . , des provinces de Champagne et de Voyage aux Grottes d'Arcy, ( dans le département de l'Yonne, ) par A. de Villers. Paris, 1802, 12mo. Voyage au Mont Pilat, ſur les bords du Lignon , et dans une partie de la ci-devant Bourgogne. Paris, 1800, 12mo. Voyage agronomique dans la Sénatorerie de Dijon, par N. François ( de Neufchateau ). Paris, 1801 , 8vo. Voyage dansle Jura. (Par le Cit. Lequinio.) Paris, an ix. -1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. Streifereyen durch den Franzoeſiſchen Jura. ( Excurſions through the French part of Mount-Jura.) By A. de Salis-Marſchling . Winterthur, 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage minéralogique et phyſique de Bruxelles à Lauſanne, par une partie de Luxem bourg, de la Lorraine, Champagne, et Franche Comté, fait en 1782, par Comte Gregoire de R. Lauſanne and Bern, 1783, 8vo. Beſchreinbung von Lathringen und Savoien. ( Deſcription of Lorraine and Savoy.) Nuremberg, 12mo. Durival, Deſcription de la Lorraine et du Barrois. Nancy, 1779, 3 Vues pittoreſques d'Alſace, par M. Walter ; accompagné d'un text, par M. l'Abbé Grandidier . Straſburgh, 1785, fol. Relation du Voyage de Mademoiſelle de Clermont, depuis Paris juſqu'à Straſbourg, par le Chevalier Daudet. Châlons, 1727, 12mo. Voyage de Paris à Straſbourg, et principalement dans le département du Bas-Rhin , " L. G. F. ( Dugere.) Paris, an x. '1802 , 8vo. Briefe über das Elfas in Hinſicht der wiſſentſchaftligen cultur, der religioſen aufklaerung, und des patriotiſmus. ( Letters on Alſace, reſpecting the ſtate of ſcience, religion and patriotiſm .) , 1792, 8vo . Voyage dansles Voſges, par M. Grégoire. In the Memoirs of the Inſtitute. Voyage du Roi Henri IV .à Metz, par Abraham Tabert. Avec planches. Paris, 1600, fol. Voyage dans les Départemens nouvellement réunis et dans les Départemens du Bas Rhin , du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme, à la fin de l'an 8., par A. G. Camus. Paris, an xi.- 1803, i vol. 18mo. vol . 4to . par III. Travels in the Netherlands, annexed to France. Viage del principe Don Felipe, hijo del emperador Carlos V., deſde Eſpaña a ſus tierras de la Baſſa- Alemania, con ladeſcripcion de los dos eſtados de Brabantey Flandria. ( Voyage of Prince Don Philip , ſon of the Emperor Charles Vi, from Spain to Lower Germany, with a deſcription of the two provinces of Brabant and Flanders.) By Juan Chriſtoval Calvete de Eſtralez. Amberes, 1552, fol. Voyage 11. ' OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 25 Voyage du Roi Henri II. aux Pays -Bas de l'Empereur. Lyon, 1554, fol. Rouen, 1555. Paris, 1556, 4to. Commentario de Alfonſo de Ulloa , comprehendendo la Viage del Duque de Alba en Flandria (Commentary of Alfonſo de Ulloa, containing the Journey of the Duke of Alva in Flanders). Amberes, 1570, 8vo. Excurſion through Flanders, by Adam Walker. London, 8vo. Le Voyage de Malines. (No date.) J. B.Grammaye, Peregrinatio Belgica . Cologne, 1633 , 8vo. Abrahami Ortelii Itinerarium Gallico-Brabanticum . Lyon, 1630 ; Ib . 1647, 24mo. Relation d'un Voyage fait en Flandre, Hainault, Artois, Cambrefis en 1661 , par Saint Martin . Caen, 1667, 12mo. Voyage du Cardinal de Baden, et ſon Séjour à Liége, en 1674. et 1675. Amſterdam , 1676, 4to . A Journey through the Auſtrian Netherlands in the year 1724, with an account of the moſt memorable fieges, and an introduction to the hiſtory of the whole ſeventeen provinces. London, 1725 ; Ib . 1732, 8vo. De Caſtillon, Delices de Brabant et de ſes Campagnes. Amſterdam , 1758, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque de Flandre et du Brabant, par Deſcamps. Avec planches. Paris, 1769, 8vo. Beobachtungen aufeiner Reiſe nach Paris durch Flandern. (Obſervations in a Tour to Paris through Flanders, in 1776.) Leipfic, 1778, 8vo. Voyage de Spa á Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1782 ; Ib. 1784, 8vo . Le Voyageur dans les Pays- Bas Autrichiens, ou lettres ſur l'état actuel de ce pays. Amſterdam , 1782 ; Ib. 1784, 12mo. Voyage dans la ci-devant Belgique et ſur la rive gauche du Rhin, orné de treize carles et de trete-puit eſtampes, et accompagné denotes curieuſes et inſtructives ſur l'état actuelde ce pays; par J. B. J. Breton, pour lapartie dutexte ; Brion (père) pour la partie géographique ; et Brion ( fils) pour celle du deſſin . Paris, an x .- 1802, 2 vol. 8vo. [ See the travels in Holland and the Netherlands jointly ; thoſe of Roſmital, Rath . geben , Neumayr, Sagittarius, Duc de Rohan , Payen; Sect. ENGLAND. -Ortelius, Gælnitz, Coulon, Frank , Tour of Holland, Marſhall, Ireland, Muirhead; Sect. FRANCE.] RUSSIA IN EUROPE: General Travels into both European and Afiatic Ruffa. PAUL JOVIUS, Beſchreibung der Geſandſchaft des Ruſſiſchen Fürſten Bafilii M. an denPabſt Clemens VII. (Deſcription of the Embaffy of the Ruſſian Prince, Bafilius, to Pope Clement VII. ) Baſil, 1537, fol. In Latin , ib. 1551 , fol. Sigiſmund de Herberſtein, Commentarius de Rebus Moſcoviticis. Bafil, 1556 ; ib. 1571, fol. Antwerp, 1557, 8vo. - In German , Bafil, 1563. Frankfurt , 1979, fol. - In Italian, Venice, 1558, 4to. Alex. Guagnino, Sarmatiæ Europez Deſcriptio, five Polonia , Lithuania, Ruſſia , Pruſſia , Pomerania, et Livonia. Cracow , 1578 ; Spiræ , 1581, fol. VOL. XVII. E Antonii 26 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Antonii Poljevini, Mofcovia et alia Opera ; accedit Bronovii de Riedfea Deſcriptio Tartariæ ; item Georgii Reicherſdorf Tranſylvaniæ, Moldaviæ , aliarumque Regi onum Deferiptio ; præterea Georgii Vernier demirandis Hungariæ Aquis Hypom nematiori, additâ tabulâ lacus admirabilis de Circknitz, cumtabulis geographicis. Cologne, 1595, fol. Dantzic, 1670, 4to. Rerum Moſcoviticum Auctores varii, ex collectione Freberi. Frankfurt, 1600, fol. Wahrhafte Relation der Reuſſiſchen und Moſcovitiſchen Reiſe Herzog Johanſes des jungern, vonSchleſwig -Holſtein . ( True Relation of the Journey of Duke John, the younger, of Sleſwic- Holſtein , to Ruſſia and Moſcovy.). Magdeburgh, 1604, 4to . Salom . NeugebaueriMoſcovia, h. e. de origine, fitu , regionibus, religione, ac republica Moſcoviæ . Gedani, 1612, 1613, 4to. Pehr Petrejus, Regni Moſcovitici Deſcriptio. Stockholm , 1615 , 4to . Michalonis Fragmenta de Moribus Tartarorum , Lithuanorum , et Moſcorum . Bafil, 1615, 4to . Ant. Goetceri's Journal der Legatie gedaen in de jaaren 1615, 1616, van wegen Haare Hoogmogendeaan de Koninghen van Swedenende Denmark, ende den Keyſer van Ruſchland. (Journal of the Embaſſy in 1615 and 1616, from the States-General to the Kings of Sweden and Denmark, and the Emperor of Ruſſia, executed by Rheynhard de Brederode.) Hague, 1619, 4to . Equitis Dani Jacobi Ulfeldii Legatio Moſcovitica, ſive Hodæporicon Ruthenicum , in quo de Rufforum , Mofchorum , et Tartarorum , regionibus, moribus, religione, gubernatione, et aula imperatoria quæ potuit compendio et eleganter exſequitur. Francfurt, 1808 ; Ib . 1622, 4to . This author's deſcription of Tartarian manners accurately coincides with that given in the eighteenth century by Pallas, which proves that no change had taken place during ſo long a period . W. Burrough's Voyage to Narve in Livonia. In Hackluyt. Ruffia, fen Moſcovia, itemque Tartaria commentario topographico atque politico illuſ trata. Leyden, 1630, 16mo. Geſantſchap der Staeten -General naer Sweden, Danemarcken, Moſcovien. ( Embaſſy of the States-General to Sweden , Denmark, and Muſcovy .) 1639, 4to . Adam Olearius. Muſkowitiſche oft begehrte Beſchreibung der neuen orientaliſchen Reiſe an den Kønig von Perfien : item , ein Schreiben des J. A. Mandelſo, worinn eineOſtindianiſche Reiſe über den Oceanum enthalten. ( The long-deſired Moſcowitic Deſcription of the new oriental Journey to the King of Perſia ; alſo a letter from J. A. Mandelſlo , containing an Eaſt Indian Voyageacroſs the Ocean. ) Sleſwick, 1647, fol. - An augmented edition, Ib. 1656 ; 16. 1663 ; Ib. 1669 ; Ib. 1671 , fol. Adam Olearius colligirte und vermehrte Reiſebeſchreibung, beſtehend, a. in der nach Moſkau , und Perſien ; b . Mandelſo Morgenlændiſchen ; e. Jacob Anderſen, und Wolfgang Iverſen Orientaliſchen ; d. Martin Martinii Geſchichte von dem Tarta riſchen Einfall in Sina enthalten , & c. (Olearius' collated and augmented Travels, conſiſting of that to Moſcow and Perſia , MandelNo's to the EaſtIndies, J. Anderſen and W. Yverſen to the Eaſt, and M. Martinii Hiſtory of the Tartarian invaſion of China ). Hamburgh, 1690, fol. -- An Engliſh tranſlation, 1662, fol. -In Dutch , 1691, 4to.— In French , Paris ,1659, 4to .; and a very magnificent edition by Wiquefort, Amſterdam , 1726, fol. Viaggi di Moſcovia negli anni 1633 , 1634, 1635, 1636 ; libri tre, cavati del Tudeſco . ( Travels in Moſcovy in the years 1633 , 1634 1635, 1636 ; three books, tranſlated from the German . ) Viterbo, 1658, 4to. JO Aug OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 27 Aug. de Mayerberg, Deſcriptio Itineris, ſui, et Horat. Guil. Calvuccii, ab imperatore Leopoldo ad Czarum Alexium Michaelowitz ablegatorum in Moſcoviam ; cum ſtatutis Moſcowiticis, ex Ruffo in Latinum idioma ab ipfo tranſlatis. Cologne, 1663, fol . - In French , Leyden , 1688, 12mo. Gedenkwaerdige Reiſen door Italie, Griekenland , Livland, Moſcovien, Tartarie, Medien, Perſien, Turkien, Japan , en Ooſtindien. (Memorable Travels through Italy, Greece, Livonia, Muſcovy, Tartary, Media, Perlia, Turkey, Japan, and the Eaſt Indies.) By Jans Struys. Amſterdam , 1670, 4to. - In German, by Muller, lb. 1678 , 4to. - In French, with notes, by Glanius, with maps and plates, Ib. 1681 , 4to .; Ib. 1718, 3 vol. 12mo. Rouen , 1730, 3 vol. 12mo. . The Earl of Carliſle's Relation of three Embaſſies from His Majeſty Charles II. to the Duke of Muſcovy, the King of Sweden , and the King of Denmark, in 1663 and 1664. London , 1669, 12mo. Paul Potocki, Moſcovia, ſive narratio de moribus magnæ Rufforum monarchiæ, &c . 1670, 4to. Adolph Lyſeck, Relatio eorum , quæ circa S. Cæs. Majeſt. ad Magnum Mofchorum Czarum legatos Annib . Franc. de Bottoni et Johannem Terlingerum , anno 1675, geſta ſunt. Saltzburg, 1676. Mentz, 1679, 1680, 8vo. Carol. Wickhart's Moſcowitiſche Reiſe und Geſandſchaft nach Moſkau. (C. Wickharte's Travels in Muſcovy, and Embaſſy to Moſcow .) Vienna, 1675, 12mo. Hiſtoriſch Verhael ofBeſchrgving van deVoyage gedaen onder de fuite van den heeren Konraad van Klenk, Ambaſſadeur van H. H. Heeren Staaten -General aan zyn Czaarſche Majeſteyt. (Hiſtorical Relation of a Journey in the ſuite of M. Conrade de Klenk, Envoy of the States-General to His Majeſty the Czar.) Amſterdam , 1677, 4to. D. A. Herfer's Schiffreiſe nach Ruſsland im Jahr 1677. (D. A. Herfer's Voyage by Sea to Ruſſia in the year 1677. ) Nuremberg , 1678, 8vo. Relation de la Ruſſie, par un Anglais qui a été neuf ans a la cour du grand Czar, par Antoine Deſbarres. Avec figures. Paris, 1679, 12mo.; Ib. 1699,4to. Daniel Printz Baronis de Buchau, bis Legati Maximiliani II. et Rodolphi II. ad Joannem Bafilidem , Moſcoviæ ortus et progreſſus. Guben, 1679, 1681, izmo. Jacob . de Reutenſils, de Rebus Moſchoviticis ad Coſmum III . Etruriæ Ducem. Padova , 1680, 8vo. Leopoldi Franciſci Tanneri Legatio Polonico - Lithuaniana in Moſcoviam , 1678 fuſcepta. Nuremberg, 1689, 4to . Voyages en différens endroits d'Europe et d'Aſie, entrepris pour découvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine, contenant pluſieurs remarques curieuſes de phyſique, de géo graphie, d'hydrographie, et d'hiſtoire, avec une deſcription de la grande Tartarie, et des peuples qui l'habitent; par le P.Avril. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1692. Utretcht, 1693, 4to. This miſſionary, after paſſing through Syria to Aſtracan, Tartary, and Siberia, was ſtopped from proceeding to China by the Ruſſians, and forced to return to Poland, of which he gives a curious account. N. Neuſtad, Reiſebeſchryving van Polen na Moſcovien. ( Journey from Poland to Mul covy in 1689.) Tyel, 1699, 8vo. Relation nouvelle et curieuſe de la Moſcovie, contenant l'état preſent de cet empire, les expeditions des Moſcovites en Crimée dans l'année 1689, les cauſes des derniers revolutions, les moeurs , et la religion des Moſcovites, et le récit d'un voyage de Spartarus, par terre, à la Chine, par Balt. Hezeneil de la Neuville. Paris, 1698. Hague, 1699, iamo. 5 2 Account 28 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1714 , fol. Account of a Voyage fromArchangel in 1697by, Alliſon. London , 1699 , 8vo. Itinerarium Mofcoviæ perilluſtris et magnifici Domini Ignacii Chriſtophori de Guarient, Sac. Kom . Imperii et Regni Hungariæ equitis, et Sac. Cæfareæ Majeftatis Confiliarii Aulico -bellici, ab auguſto imperatore Leopoldo I. ad fereniffimum ac potentiſſimum Tzarumet magnum Moſcoviæ ducem Petrum Alexiowicium , anno 1698, ablegati extraordinarii, deſcriptum a Joanne Georgio Korbio. Acceſſit reditus Suæ Tzareæ Majeſtatis a provinciis Europæis ad proprios limites, periculofæ rebellionis Streliziorum et latæ in eofdem fententiæ , cum fubfecutâ fanguineâ executione ; nec non præci puarum Moſcoviæ rerum compendioſa et accurata deſcriptio ; cum figuris æneis. Vienna, 1700, fol. This work , which is peculiarly valuable for the anecdotes of the Ruſſian court it contains, was ſuppreſſed at the deſire of Peter I. , which has rendered it very ſcarce. Among other relations of the rebellion of the Strelitzes, we learn that the Czar beheaded eleven of the rebels in ten days with his own hand. J. A. von Brand, Reifen durch Brandenburg, Preuſſen , Curland, Liefland, Pleſcovien , Gros Naugarden , Tivarien , und Moſcovien, nebit A. Dobbin's Beſchreibung von Siberien, mit H. C. von Hennin's Anmerkungen . ( Travels through Brandenburgh, Pruſſia , Courland, Pleſcow , Great Nowgorod, Tivaria and Muſcovy ; with A. Dob bin's account of Siberia, and notes by Hennin .) Weſel, 1702, 8vo. Reiſen over Moſcovien door Perſien en Ooſt-Indien. ( Travels acroſs Muſcovy through Perſia to the Eaſt Indies .) By Cornelius van Bruyn. Amſterdam , 1711. Delft, Voyage de Corneille de Brun, par la Moſcovie , en Perſe, et aux Indes Orientales ; ouvrage enrichi de plus de 320 tailles-douces. Amſterdam , 1718 , 2 vol. fol. — Avec des notes de l'Abbé Banier , et beaucoup de planches, Rouen , 1725, 4 vol. 4to. Le Bruyn , Voyage to the Levant and Travels into Moſcovy, Perſia, and the Eaſt Indies. With a great number of finecuts. London , 1720, 3 vol . fol. The excellences of theſe travels have been long and very generally acknow ledge, and in moſt caſes his deſcriptions have been recogniſed as exact by the very lateſt travellers into the famecountries. Deſcription de la Livonie, du duché de Courlande, et de Semi-Gatte, et la province de Pittend. Avec le voyage de l'auteur en Hollande, et quelques remarques ſur la Pruffe, le Brandebourg, l'Hanovre, la Helle, et pluſieurs cours d'Allemagne. Wrecht, 1705, 8vo. Reiſe von T.A. von Bram in Brandenburg, Preuſſen , Holland, Liefland, Moſkau , Pleſ. kow , und Nowgorod,von C.von Hennin. (J. A. de Bram's Travels in Brandenburgh, Pruſſia, Holland, Livonia, Muſcovy, Pleškow , and Nowgorod, by C. de Hennin .) Weſel, 1712, 8vo. G. Wartis, Relazione dell' Imperio de Moſcovia. (Account of the Empire of Muſcovy.) Milan , 1713, 12mo. State of Ruſſia, by Captain Perry. London, 1716 , 8vo. One of the earlieſt correct deſcriptions of the country. Aubry de la Motraye, Travels through Europe, Aſia, &c. containing a great variety of geographical, topographical, and political obſervations, eſpecially on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Crim , Noghai-Tartary, Circaſſia, Sweden, and Lapland. London, 1723, 2 vol. fol. Travels in ſeveral provinces of dụcal and royal Pruſſia, Ruſſia, and Poland . Hague, London, and Dublin, 1732, fol. Voyage 12 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 29 1742, 8vo. Voyage de Moſcovie, par Deſchizeaux. Paris, 1727, 8vo. Deſcription d'un Voyage à Saint-Peterſbourg, par le meme. Paris, 1728 , 8vo. C. F. von Wreech , Umitandlicke Geſchichte von der Schwediſchen Geſandſchaft in Ruſsland und Siberien. (Particular Account of the Swediſh Embaſſy in Ruſſia and Siberia. ) Sorau, 1728, 8vo. J. W. Bardili, Reiſen und Campagnen ( von 1703 bis 1709) Maximilian Emanuels Prinzen von Würtemberg , durch Deutſchland, Polen , Litthauen, Roth und Weiſs Ruſsland, Volhynien, Severien, und Ukraine ; nebſt einer Reiſebeſchreibung von Pultawa nach Bender. ( Travels and Campaigns, from 1703 to 1709, of Maximilian Emanuel Prince of Wurtemberg, in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Red and White Ruſſia, Volhynia, Seweria, andthe Ukraine ; with a Journey from Poltawa to Ben der.) Stutgard, 1730, 8vo. P.J. von Strahlenberg ,Nordund Oſttheil vonEuropaund Afia, inſoweit ſolchesdas ganze Ruſſiſche Reich mit Siberien undder Groffen Tartarey en ſich begreifet. ( The north and eaſt parts of Europe and Aſia , in as far as it includes the whole of the Ruſſian Empire, Siberia, and Great Tartary .) Stockholm ( Leipfic ), 1730, 4to. -In French, Paris, 1757, 2 voli 12mo. - In Engliſh , London, 1738, 4to . Hiſtorical Account of the Britiſh Trade on the Caſpian Sea, with a Journal of Travels fromLondon through Ruſſia into Perſia, and back again through Ruſſia, Germany and Holland ; to which are added , the revolutions of Perſia during the preſent century, by James Hanway. London , 1753. Dublin, 1754, 2 vol. 4to. A Journey through Ruſſia into Perſia, by two Engliſh Gentlemen. London , Juſtice's Voyage to Ruſſia. York, 1739, 8vo. Reiſe til Rulland, ved Peter Haven. ( Travels to Ruſſia, by P. Haven. ) Copenhagen , 1744 ; Ib. enlarged , 1747 , 2 vol. 8vo. -A German tranſlation, Ib . 1744. 8vo. J.G. Georgi, Beſchreibung aller Nationen des Ruſſiſchen Reichs. (Deſcription of all the Nations of the Ruſſian Empire.) Peterſburgh, four editions, 1760, 1780. Leipfic, 1782 , 2 vol. 4to. — In French , Ib. 1776, 4 vol. 4to. The author was one of the academicians deputed to travel in Ruſſia. P.H. Bruce, Memoirs, containing an account of his travels in Germany, Ruſſia, Tartary , &c. London, 1772, 8vo . Algarotti, Lettere fopra la Ruſſia. Niccolaja Rytſchkowa Zſchurnal, ili drewn' üja zapiſki puteſcheſtwija porazn' üm' pro vintziam ' Roſſijſkagho Ghöſudarſtwa 1769 i 1770 ghodit. (Journal of Travels through different Provinces of Ruſſia in the years 1769 and 1770.) By N.Rytſchkow. Peterſburgh, 1770, 1771 ; Ib . 1772, 4to.- A German tranſlation , by C. H. Hafe. Riga, 1774, 8vo. S. G.Gmelin Reiſen durch Ruſsland zur Unterſuchung der drey Naturreiche. (Travels through Ruſſia for the purpoſe of inveſtigating the three kingdoms of Nature. ) Peterſburgh, 1770, 1774, 3 vol. 4to. This is oneof the learned travels undertaken by the academicians, by command of the Empreſs Catherine II . Cook's Voyage and Travels through the Ruſſian Empire, in 1739, 1750. Edinburgh, Curſory Remarks in a Tour thrqugh ſome of the Northern Parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Peterſburgh, by Nathan Wraxall. London , 1775, 8vo. A number of inaccuracies diminiſh the value of theſe travels. P.S. I 2mo. 1770, 8vo. 30 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS P. S. Pallas Reiſen durch verſchiedene Provinzen des Ruſſiſchen Reichs in den Jahren 1768 bis 1773. ( Travels through different Provinces of the Ruſſian Empire, in the years 1768-1773.) Peterſburgh, 1771 , 1773, 1776 , 3 vol. 4to . For folid information, both as to the manners of the different people of Ruſſia, and natural hiſtory, there are few works equal to that of Profeffor Pallas. A A German abridgment appeared at Leipfic 1776–78, 3 vol. 8vo. The entire work was tranſlated into French by Gautheir de la Peyronie. Paris, 1788, 5 vol. 4to.; and publiſhed again with notes, by Langlés and Lamarck, Ib. 1794, 8 vol. 8vo. A great ſhare of the merit of the travels ofGeorgi, Gmelin, and Lepechin is alſo to be attributed to Pallas, under whoſe directions they travelled , and who reviſed and corrected their manuſcripts. Malhaut, Efſai ſur le Commerce de Ruſſie, avec l'hiſtoire de ſes découvertes. Amfter dam, 1777, 8vo. T. Williams, Rife, Progreſs, and State of the Northern Governments, viz . the United Provinces, Denmark , Sweden , Ruſſia, and Poland . London , 1777, 2 vol. 4to. Bericht einer phyſikaliſchen Reiſe, durch einige nordiſche Statthalter-ſchaften de Ruf fiſchen Reichs. ( Relation of a Journey through ſome ofthe Northern Provinces of Ruſſia .) By Erich Laxmann. In Pallas's New Miſcellanies of the North , Vol. III . J. G. Georgi, Bemerkungen aux einer Reiſe im Ruſſiſchen Reich von 1772 bis 1774. ( Remarks made during a Journey in the Ruſſian Empire from 1772 to 1774.) Peterſburgh, 1775, 2 vol. 4to . Letters from a Lady who reſided ſome years in Ruſſia . London, 1775, 8vo. Allgemeine Geſchichte der neueſten Entdeckungen , welche von verſchiedenen gelehrten Reiſenden in vielen Gegenden des Raſſiſchen Reichs und Perſien in der Hiſtorie, Landweithſchaft und Naturgeſchichte ſend gemacht worden. (General Hiſtory of the neweſt Diſcoveries, made by ſeveral learned Travellers in various parts of Ruſſia and Perfia, relative to hiſtory, economy, and natural hiſtory .) Berne, 1777, 1782, 5 vol. 8vo. -In French , Hague, 1779, 2 vol. 4to . ; Ib . 6 vol. 8vo. This is a very uſeful and compendious extract from the highly valuable but ſomewhatponderous travelsof Pallas, Gmelin , Gueldenſtadt, and Lepechin. Briefe eines jungen Reifen der durch Curland, Liefland, und Deutſchland . (Letters of a young Traveller through Courland, Livonia, and Germany.) By Mayer. Er langen, 1777, 2 vol . 8vo. J. Bernoulli,Reiſen durch Brandenburg, Pommern , Preufſen , Curland, Ruſsland, und Pohlen . ( Travels through Brandenburg, Pomerania, Pruſſia, Courland, and Poland .) Leipfic, 1779, 1780, 6 vol. 8yo. Topografichelkijaprimijtſchanü na znantnieſchija Mjeſta puteſcheſtwija Eja Imperator fkagho Welitſcheſtwa. ( Topographical Obſervations on the principal Places of the Journey of Catherine II. into the Provinces of White-Rullia.) Peterſburgh, 1780, 12mo. Iwana Lepechina, Dnewn'ja Zapiſki puteſcheſtwija po raſn'om'provintzijam ' Roſlijſka gho Ghofudartſwa 1768 i 1769, ghodu. ( Journal of Travels through different Pro vinces of the Ruſſian Empire in the years 1768 to 1771 , with plates.) Peterſburgh, 1771 ; Ib . 1781 , 40. — A German tranſlation by C. H. Hafe ; Altenburg, 1774, 3 vol. 4to. Ueber Ruſsland . (On Ruſſia.) Breſlau, 1781 , 8vo. A Tour from London to Peterſburgh and Moſcow , and Return to London by the way of Curland, Poland, Germany, and Holland , by John Richard, London, 1780, 8vo . Obſervations 1 1 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 31 Obſervations on the preſent State of Denmark, Ruſſia , and Switzerland, by Randolph. London, 1784, 8vo. Leveſque, Hiſtoire des differens Peuples foumis à la domination de Ruſſie. Paris, 1783 , 2 vol. 8vo. D.von Wenzel, Gegenwertiger Staat von Ruſsland. (Preſent State of Ruſſia.) Peterf burgh and Leipfic, 1783 , 8vo. —In French, ſame place and year. Travels in Poland , Ruſſia , Sweden , and Denmark , by William Coxe. London , 1784. 2 vol. 4to. The high value of this work is well known , and has been fully appreciated by numerous tranſlations abroad. Obſervations d'un Voyageur ſur la Ruffie, la Finlande, la Livonie, la Courlande, et la Pruffe, par Abel Burja, avec un ſupplement à l'état de la Ruſſie , par Wenzel. Berlin , 1785. Paris, an ix.-1801 , 8vo . B. F. Hermann , Beytrage, & c. ( Contributions to the Phyſics, Economy, Mineralogy, Chemiſtry, Technology, and Statiſtics, chiefly of Ruſſia, and the countries bordering on it. ) Berlin , 1786 , 8vo. Briefe über Rufsland. ( Letters on Ruſſia .) By T. H. C. Meyer. Gottingen, 1778, 1779, 2 vol. 8vo. Anecdotes of the Ruſſian Empire, in aſeries of letters written from St. Peterſburgh, by William Richardſon. London, 1784, 8vo. Reife von Volhynien nach Cherſon in Ruſsland, in jahr 1787. ( Journey from Volhynia to Cherſon in Ruſſia, in the year 1787.) By J.G. Mæller. Hamburgh, 1787, 8vo. Tagebuch des Reife eines Deutſchen von Lübeck nach Peterſburgh. (Journal of a Ger man Traveller from Lubeck to Peterſburgh .) By Buſſe. Langenſalza, 1787, 8vo. Bemerkungen über Ruſsland in ruckſicht auf Wiffenſchaft, Kunſt, und Religion. ( Re marks on Ruſſia, relative to Science, Art, and Religion .) By Bellermann. Erfurt, 1788, 8vo. Puteſtſcheſtwie eja Imperatorſkao welitſcheſtwapa raznim kraïem Roſſi , predprimare 1787 ghoda. ( Travels through the Ruffian Empire, in 1787.) Peterſburgh, 1788, 8vo. J. B. Cataner, Reiſe durch Deutſchland und Ruſsland . ( Travels through Germany and Ruffia .) Ulm , 1788, 8vo. Mineralogiſch -geographiſch, und andere vermiſchte nachrichten von den Altaiſchen gebirgen Ruffilch-kaiſerlichen Antheils. (Mineralogic and geographic Details, with others of a miſcellaneous nature, on the Altaic mountains, as far as they belong to Ruſia. ) By H. M. Renovanz. Freyberg, 1789, 4to . Beſchreibung feiner Reiſe von Peterſburg nach Cherſon , in den jahren 1781 and 1782, von Wafiliew Szujew . ( Deſcription of a Journey from Peterſburgh to Cherſon, in the years 1781 and 1782.) Dreſden and Leipfic, vol. i . , 8vo. En Svenſk Officerares Samlingar über de viſtande i Ryſland. ( A Swediſh Officer's Collec tions on the State of Ruſha.) Stockholm , 1789, 8vo. En Svenſk Officerares Dag -bok hallen afwer en Refa genom Swerige, Ryſland, Polen , och Preuſſen . (A Swediſh Officer's Journalduring his Travels in Sweden, Ruſſia, Po land , and Pruſſia, in 1788.) Stockholm , 1789, 8vo. Travels in Norway, Denmark, and Ruſſia, by Andrew Swinton , in the year 1788. London, 1791 , 8vo. Reiſe nach Peterſburg . ( Journey to Peterſburgh .) By Leberecht. Vienna, 1790, 8vo. Skizzen über Ruſsland . (Sketches reſpecting Ruſſia .) By J.T. Bellermann . Straſburgh, 1 1792, 8vo . Enter 32 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1794, 8vo. Paris, 1794, Enter chertwis po oſerano Ladorch komp i onech komun , oſeretzkowſtyago. ( Travels through Ruſſia, & c.) Peterſburgh, 1792 , 8vo. Reſſouvenirs de la Ruſſie. 1792, 8vo. Bemerkungen über Eſthland, Liefland, &c. während eines achtjährigen Aufenthalts. ( Remarks on Eſthonia, Livonia, &c. during a reſidence there of eight years .) Prague, 1792, 8vo. Reiſe nach dem Eiſmeer. ( Voyage to the Icy Ocean .) By Tſchitchagof. Peterſburgh, Gemaelde von Peterſburg. ( Picture of Peterſburgh .) By H. Storch . Riga, 1794 , 2 vol. 8vo . Phyfiſche, ekonomiſche und ſtatiſtiſche Bemerkungen von Lief und Eſthland. ( Phyſical, economical, and ſtatiſtical Remarks on Livonia and Eſthonia.) By, W.C. Friebe. Riga, 1794, 8vo. Amalie von Liemann, Reiſen durch einige Ruſſiſche Lander. ( Travels through ſome Provinces of Ruſſia .) Gottingen , 1794, 8vo. Bemerkungen über Ruſsland auf einer Reiſe in den Jahren 1792 und 1793. ( Remarks on Ruſia during a Journey in 1792 and 1793.) By Jof . Count de Sternberg. Ra tiſbon , 1794, 8vo. Voyage philoſophique, politique, et littéraire fait in Ruſſie dans les années 1788 et 1789 : ouvrage dans lequel on trouve avec beaucoup d'anecdotes, tout ce qu' il y a de plus intéreſſant, et de vrai ſur les moeurs des Ruſſes, leur population, leurs opinions religieuſes, leurs prejugés, leurs uſages, leurs inſtitutions politiques, leurs forces de terre et de mer, et le progrès qu'ils ont faits dans les ſciences :traduit du Hollandais par Chantreau, avec des augmentations conſiderables. 2 vol. 8vo. —An Engliſh tranſlation, London, 8vo. A great part of this pretended tranſlation from the Dutch is merely copied from Coxe. Letters from Ruſſia, by M. M. Vigor. London, 1795, 12mo. Hiſtoriſch -ſtatiſtiſches Gemohlde von Ruſsland. (Hiſtoric and ſtatiſtic View of Ruſſia .) By H. Storch . Leipfic, 1796, 1799, 8vo. This is one of the beſt works of the kind, and exceeds the ſimilar one of Tooke. The general arrangement, the foundneſs of the obſervations, and thegreat quantity of additional information, render the production very in tereſting. " It is divided into four parts : the origin and diſtribution of the different nations which inhabit the empire ; the phyſical, the civil, and the moral ſtate of Ruſſia . P.S. Pallas Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe in die Südlichen Stafhalterſchaften de Ruſſi fchen Reichs. ( Remarks on a Journey into the Southern Government of the Ruſſian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794.) Peterſburgh, 1796 , 1799, 2 vol. 4to . , with coloured plates. Tranſlated into Engliſh, and twice into French. Theſe travels of Profeſſor Pallas into theCrimea and to the Caucaſus, are leſs confined to ſcientific objects, and , therefore, more generally intereſting than his former work . Lettres de deux Français en Allemagne, en Danemarck, en Suède, en Ruſſie, et en Pologne, en 1790 et 1791. (Par A.Fortia de Piles.) Paris, 1796, 5 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels are peculiarly valuable for the accounts of the different govern ments , public inſtitutions, commerce, roads, and manufactures contained in them . View of the Ruſſian Empire, by W. Tooke. London , 1800, 1802, 3 vol. 8vo. Geographiche OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 33 Geographiſche, phyſicaliſche, und natur-hiſtoriſche Beſchreibung des Ruſſiſchen Reiches. ( Deſcription ofthe Geography, phyſical State , and NaturalHiſtory of the Ruſſian Èmpire .) By J.G.Georgi. " Kænigſberg, 1799, 1801, 3 vol. 4to . The moſt minute account of the objects mentioned in the title is to be found in theſe volumes, written by one of the travellers appointed by Catherine II. Tableau général de la Ruſſie moderne, et ſituation politique de cet empire au com mencement du dix - huitième ſiècle, par V. C. (Victor Comeyras). Paris, 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo . Schilderung von Moſkwa. ( Pi& ure of Moſcow.) By Richter. 1801, 8vo. This is a very accurate account of this city, and its inhabitants, public inſtitu tions, &c. Voyage à Péterſbourg, ou nouveaux mémoires ſur la Ruſſie , par M. de la Muſſeliere : précedés du tableau hiſtorique de cet empire, par V. D. Muſſet- Pathay. Paris, 1802 , 8vo. Puteſcheſtwie w polu dennuja Roffiu w'piſmach, iſdannich Wladimirom Iſmailowum . ( Travels into Southern Ruſſia, in the form of letters, by Wladimir Iſmailow .) Mof COW , 1803, 8vo . An intereſting account of many Ruſſian provinces but little known hitherto, containing many ſingular anecdotes of manners and ſuperſtitions. Taſchenbuch auf einer Reiſe von Peterſburg bis Moſcow. (Guide for a Journey from Peterſburgh to Moſcow ; with an Appendix , containing an account of the manner of travelling in that country, and the neceſſary expences. Tranflated from the Ruſſian , with fix plates .) Leipſic, 1804, 8vo. Ruſland beſchouwd, & c. (Ruſſia conſidered as to its Geography and Natural Hiſtory; with remarks on the population, the character of the inhabitants, the ſtate of the court, the form of the government, the military, the finances, induſtry, manufac tures, commerce, and political relations.) Harlem , 1803 , 8vo. The author, who refided in Ruſſia ten years, has ſhewn a conſiderable talent for obſervation , and for drawing correct reſults from his materials. A Northern Summer, or Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark , Sweden , Ruſſia, Pruſſia, and part of Germany, by John Carr. London, 1805, 4to. Travels in the year 1806 from Italy to England, through the Tyrol, Styria, Bohemia, Gallicia, Poland, and Ruſſia ; containing the particulars of the liberation of Mrs. Spencer Smith, and of her ſubſequent flight through the countries above -mentioned ; effected, and written by the Marquis de Salvo. London, 1807, 8vo. Travelling Sketches in Ruflia and Sweden, during the years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 , by Robert Ker Porter. London , 1809, 2 vol. 4to. Etat politique, civil, et militaire de l'Empire de Ruſſie ; ſuivi de lettres ſur le gouverne ment, les colonies, et les etabliſſements académiques de la Ruſſie ; par J. B. Leroy de Flagis. Paris, 8vo. Travels in various Countries of Europe, Aſia, and Africa, by Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Vol. I. Ruſſia, Tartary, and Turkey ; Part II. Greece, the Holy Land, Syria , and Egypt. Cambridge, 1810, 1811 , 2 vol. 4to . Letters from theContinent, deſcribing the manners and cuſtoms of Germany, Poland, Ruſſia , and Switzerland , in the years 1790, 1791 , and 1792. London , 1812 , 8vo. [ See the travels of Leſcaliers, Sect. ENGLAND. -Marſhall, Joſeph II., Sherlock , Sect. FRANCE ; Pietro della Valle, Sect. TURKEY. ] VOL . XVII. Voyages 34 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Voyages to Spitzbergen, Nova- Zembla, the Samoyedes, the Icy - Sea, and towards the North - Pole. Periplus Otheri et Wulfftani, ab Alfredo rege Angliæ defcriptus, curâ A. Buffæi. Copenhagen , 1744, 8vo. Of theſe very ancient Scandinavian voyagers, the former viſited the White Sea , the latter the Baltic. Hieronymi Megiſſeri Septentrio novantiquus, oder die Neue Nord -Welt (or the New Northern World ). Leipfic, 1613 , 8vo .; Ib. 1653, 12mo . This work contains the celebrated voyages ofthe two brothers Zeni, ofVenice, to the Feroë Iſles, Greenland, and Eſtotiland, perhaps the American Vinland of the Norwegians. Their map, preſerved at Venice, is engraved for a Daniſh diſſertation by Eggers. The fame volume contains the voyage and ſhipwreck of Quirini,a noble Venetian , on the coaſts of Norwayand Sweden. Wæragtige Beſchryving van William Barents drie Seylagien by Noorden, Nooveghen, Moſcovia, en deTartaria na de Konyngryken van Cathay an de China, door Gerrit de Veer . Amſterdam , 1599 ; ib. 1605, 4to . - Tranſlated into French with this title : “ Vraie Deſcription des trois Voyages de mer très- admirables faits en trois ans, à chacun un an , par les Natives d'Hollande et Zelande, au Nord par derriere Norwège et Tartarie vers les Royaume de Chine et Cathai : enſemble les découvertes de Waigats, Nova-Zembla , et du pays fitué ſous la hauteur de 80 degrés, &c. Par Gérard de Veer." Amſterdam , 1600, fol. Another edition of this voyage appeared at Paris, 1610 ; a Latin tranſlation at Amſterdam , 1598, fol. , and another in Italian , at Venice, 1599. Voyagie de Schipvaert vanNoorden, omlanges Norwegen , de Noord -Cap, Lapland , Vinland, Ruſsland, de Witte-Zee, & c. (Voyage to the North along Norway, the North -Cape, Lapland, Vinland , Ruſſia , the White Sea, &c. through the Straits of Naſſau to the river Oby, in the years 1594 and 1595.) By J. H. Linſchoten. Franke naer, 1601 , fol. - Tranſlated into Engliſh , fol. H. Ræſſin, Mitternachtige Schiffahrt von den Herren Staaten in den Niederlanden ver gebliehvorgenommen. ( Voyage to the North, undertaken without ſucceſs by the States-General.) Oppenheim , 1611, 8vo. La Navigation de Spitzberg ,de Jacob Lemaire.. Amſterdam , 1612, 4to . Deſcriptio geographica Directionis Freti in Chinam ducturi (Waygat’s Straits) ; cum deſcriptione terrarum Samoyedarum . Amſterdam , 1613, 4to. Hiſtoire du Pays nommé Spitzberg, ou l'Ile de Terre Neuve, avec le naturel des habitans, et des animaux, qu'on y trouve. Amſterdam , 1613, 4to . Hiſtoire du Pays nommé Spitzberg , par H.G. A. Ib. 1620, 4to. Dan. Schemerlingii Nova-Zembla, five deſcriptio contracta navigationum trium admi randarum a Belgis per Mare Hyperboreum in Chinam et Indiam Orientalem, iter affectantibus, annis fupra fefqui mille 94, 95 , 96, irrito connatu tentatarum . Hiſ fingen , 1631 , 4to . Erſte Schipvaert der Hollanders naer Ooſt- Indien door de Straet van Waigats. (Firſt Voyageof the Dutch to the Eaſt Indies, through the Straits of Waigats, by the North of Norway, Ruſſia, and Tartary .) Amſterdam , 1648 ; Ib . 1650, 4to . Rudolph Capel, Norden , oder zu Waſſer und Lande zuwegegebrachte Erfahrung und Vorſtallung vom Norden, &c. ( The North , or Experience and Illuſtration of the 5 North , OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 35 1720, 8vo . North , produced by voyages and travels ; with an Appendix, concerning the com mencement and progreſs of navigation till this time; from the Dutch. ) Hamburgh, 1675, 1678, 4to. Nouveau Voyage des Pays Septentrionaux, où l'on voit les meurs des Lapons, Sa moïedes, Zembliens, et INandais, (par Bruzen de la Martiniere,) en 1653. Paris, 1672 ; Ib. 1686. Amſterdam , 1708, 12mo. Fr. Marten's Spitzbergiſche und Groenlandiſche Reiſebeſchreibung, im jahr 1671. (Voyage to Spitzberg and Greenland. ) Hamburgh, 1675, 400.- In Engliſh , London, 1694, 12mo. Otto Sperlingii, Boreas ejuſque Laudes. Copenhagen, 1696 , 8vo. Bilberg's Voyage of thelate King of Sweden, and another of the Mathematicians, into the Northern Parts. London , 1698, 8vo. J. B. Mueller, Leben und Gewohnpeiten der unter dem Polo Arctico wohnenden Oſtiaken . ( Life and Manners of the Oſtiaks dwelling at the North Pole, with Re marks on the Kingdom of Siberia, and the Straits of Naſſau or Waigats.) Berlin , Neu endeckter Norden, oder Reiſebeſchreibung in die Mitternächtigen, und Nordwärt gelegenen Länder. ( New -diſcovered North , or Travels into the Countries ſituated in the North. ) By F. M. Frankfort, 1727, 8vo. J. M. Kuehn, Reiſebeſchreibung nach Grænland , Spitzbergen der Straſſe Davis, &c. (Voyage to Greenland , Spitzbergen , Davies' Straits, & c.) Gotha, 1741 , 8vo. Journale d’un Voyage au Nord en 1736 et 1737, par Outhier. Cartes et figures. Paris, 1744 , 4to.; Amſterdam , 1746, 12mo. Collection de differens Morceaux ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle et civile des Pays du Nord , traduits de l'Allemand, du Suedois, et du Latin ; avec des notes de Keralis. Paris, 1763 , 12mo. Mémoires ſur les Samoïedes, et les Lapons, par Kling ſted . Kænigſberg, 1762. Co penhagen, 1766, 8vo. P. L. le Řog, Relation des Avantures arrivées à quatre Matelots Rufliens, jetées dur une île deſerte prés d'Oft. Spitzbergue, 1766.— In German, Riga, 1768, 8vo. J. C. Adelung, Geſchichte der Schiffarhen und Verſuche zur Entdeckudg des Nordoſt lichen Weges nach Japan und China. (Hiſtory of the Navigations and Endeavours to diſcover the north -eaſt Paſſage to Japan and China. ) Halle, 1768, 4to . Die zwei neueſten von Cap. Tſchitſchagow unternommenen Reiſen im Eiſmeer. ( The two lateſt Voyages in the Frozen Ocean, by Capt. Tchitſchagow , in 1765 and 1766.) By G. F. Mueller. Peterſburgh , 1773, 8vo. C. J. Phipp's ( Lord Mulgrave) Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by His Majeſty's command, in the year 1773. London, 1774, 4to . Barrington's Probability of reaching the North Pole. London, 1775, 4to. Relation d'un Voyage dans le mer du Nord, aus côtes d'Iſlande, de Grænlande, de Fero, de Scotland, des Orcades, et de la Norwège, fait en 1767 et 1768, par Kerguelen - Tremarec . Avec cartes et figures. Paris , 1777 , 4to. Neve Geſchichte der Polar - Lænder. (New Hiſtory of the Countries near the Pole .) Berlin , 1777, 3 vol. 8vo. Samuel Engel, Mémoires ſur la Navigation dans la mer du Nord depuis le 63 degré de latitude, enallant vers le Pole. Bern , 1779, 4to . R. Pickerſgill, Account of Voyages for the Diſcovery of a North -weſt Paſſage. London , 1782, 8vo. Nouveau Recueil des Voyages au Nord de l'Europe. Paris, 1785, 2 yol. Syo. F 2 The 36 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1794, 8vo. The Arctic World ; Introduction to the Arctic Zoology, by Thomas Pennant. London , 1785 , 4to. J. R. Forſter, Geſchichte der Entdeckungen und Schiffarten im Norden . Frankfort, 1785 , 2 vol. 8vo . Voyages and Diſcoveries in the North, by J. R. Forſter. London, 1787, 2 vol.8vo. Reiſe nach dem Eiſmeer. (Voyage to the Icy Sea.) By Tſchitſchagof. Peterſburgh , John Bacſtrom's Account of a Voyage to Spitzbergen , in 1780. London, 1800, 8vo. Hiſtoire des Peches, des Découvertes, et des Etabliſſemens des Hollandais dans les Mers du Nord , ouvrage traduit du Hollandais par le ſoin du Gouvernement, enrichi des notes , et orné des cartes , &c. Par le Bernard de Reſte. Paris, an ix . - 1801 , 3 vol. 8vo . Voyage au Spitſberg et à la Nouvelle-Zemble, enterpris en 1796, par J. Himkof, dans le deffein de trouver une paſſage aux Indes Orientales, et ſuivi des Avantures ſur prenantes de quatre matelots Ruſſes ſur la côte du Spitzberg : traduit de l'Allemand de Campe. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1801 , 18mo. Greenland und Spitzberg, mit den Merkwürdigkeiten der Natur und Menſchenwelt um den Nordpol. (Greenland and Spitzbergen, with the Curioſities of Nature and the Inhabitants, ſelected from Egeden, Anderſon, Crantz, Fabricius, de Pagès, and others.) Leipſic, 1803, 2 vol. 4to. Travels in Crimea , or Taurida. Reiſe nach Conſtantinopel und der Tartarey. ( Travels to Conſtantinople and Tartary.) Nuremberg, 1571 , 4to. Reiſe von Wien über Belgrad bis Kilianowa, durch die Butſchiak Tartarey, über Kauſchan, Bender, durch die Nogay Tartarey in die Krimm , dann von Kaffa nach Conſtantinopel. ( Journey from Vienna, by Belgrad,to Kilianowa, through Budgiak Tartary, by Kauſchan and Bender, through Nogay Tartary into Crimea , and from Kaffa to Conſtantinople, in 1768, 1769, and 1770.) By Nicholas Erneſt Kleeman. Vienna, 1771. Leipfic, 1773. Prague, 1780. Svo.– AFrench tranſlation. Neuf chatel, 1780, 8vo. This work contains an intereſting account of the court of the Khan of Crimea, and of the ſtate of the country, and the manners of the Tartarian inhabitants, many of whom have emigrated ſince the Ruſſian conqueft. One of the beſt accounts of the country and its inhabitants is that of Thaumann, inſerted in the ſeventh edition of Büſching's Geography. Hamburgh, 1777, 8vo. Vol. II. Walkins' Travels to Conſtantinople, and in Crimea. London, 2 vol. 8vo. Mémoires du Baron de Tott ſur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amſterdam , 1984, 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1785, 2 vol. 4to . -Tranſlated into Engliſh. London, 1785, 2 vol. 8vo. Eton aſſerts Baron Tott's Account of Turkey, and of its inhabitants, to be the beſt and moſtexact extant. There are, however, ſeveral exaggerations and inaccuracies in the work , asmay be eaſily conceived from the character of the author. The deſcription of the Crimea, and its inhabitants, is, perhaps, the moſt intereſting part. Lettres OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 37 Lettres de M.Peyſſonel à M. le Marquis de ** contenant quelques obfervations relatives aux Mémoires qui ont paru ſous le nom de M. le Baron de Tott. Paris, 1785, 8vo. Strićtures on the Memoirs of Tott, by Peyſſonel ; tranſlated from the French, London, 1786, 8vo. Traité ſur le Commerce de la mer Noire, par M. de Peyſonel. Paris, 1783, 2 vol. 8vo. The former of theſe works is a defence of the Turks againſt Baron Tott ; the latter contains an intereſting account of Crimea and its inhabitants. Deſcription phyſique de la Tauride, relativement aux trois règnes de la Nature, pour ſervir de ſuite à l'hiſtoire des découvertes faits par divers ſavans voyageurs , dans pluſieurs endroits de la Ruſſie et de la Perſe ; traduite du Ruſſe. "Hague, 8vo . Paris, 1802, 8vo. Lady Craven's Travels in Crimea, and to Conſtantinople, in 1786. London , 1788, 4to . Reiſe eines jungen Ruſſen in die Krimm . ( Journey of a young Ruſſian into Crimea.) Gotha, 1801, 8vo. Reiſe der Ruffiſch kaiſerlichen Geſandſchaft an die Ottomanniſche Pforte in 1793, von Reimers. Peterſburgh, 1803, 3 vol. 4to. Hiſtory of the Ruſſian Embaffy to Conſtantinople, by Reimers, Secretary to the Embaſſy. London , 1804, 3 vol. 4to. Voyage en Crimée, ſuivi de la relation de l'ambaſſade envoyée de Peterſbourg á Conſtantinople en 1793, publié par un jeune Ruſſe attaché à cette ambaſſade; traduit de l'Allemand, par L. H. de Lamarre. Paris, an x. - 1802, 8vo. This embaſſy.was quite in the ſtyle of Afiatic pomp ; it conſiſted of fix hundred and fifty perſons, was accompanied by cavalry and infantry, and employed fix months to proceed from Peterſburgh to Conſtantinople. Sumarokow , Reiſe durch die Krimm und Beſſarabien . ( Travels through Crimea and Beffarabia.) Leipſic, 1801 , 8vo. A Tour performed in the years 1795 and 1796, through Taurida or Crimea, and all the other countries on the North ſhore of the Euxine, ceded to Ruſſia by the Peace of Kaidnarga and Jaffy, by Mary Guthrie ; with a map and other engravings. Lon don, 1800, 2 vol. 4to. Voyage en Crimée et ſur les bords de la Mer Noire pendant l'anneé1803, ſuivi d'un mémoire ſur le commerce de cette mer, et de notes ſur les principaux ports com merçans, par J. Reuilly. Paris, 1806 , 8vo. [ See the travels of Olearius, Neuville, and Pallas, in the years 1793. and 1794, Sect. Russia . ] POLAND. BLAISE DE VIGENERE, Deſcription du Royaume de Pologne. Paris, 1573, 4to. Thoma Carve, Itinerarium ex Hibernia per Poloniam , Germaniam , et Bohemiam . Mentz, 1640 ; Ib. 1641 , 12mo. Journal van het Geſandſchapt op den vredehandel tuxhen Pohlen ende Sweden. ( Journal of the Embaſſy for concluding a Peace between Poland and Sweden 1627.) 1639, 4to. M. Zeiller's Beſchreibung von Pohlen und Litthauen. (Deſcription of Poland and Lithuania.) Ulm, 1647, 1652 , 8vo. Caroli 4 38 CATALOGUE OF BOOK6 Caroli OgeriiEphemerides, five Iter Danicum , Suecicum , Polonicum , cum eſſet in comitatu Illuftriff. Claudï Memmii Comitis Avauxi, ad feptentrionis reges extra ordinarii legati, quædam Nicolai Borbonii ad eundem legatum epiſtolæ, hactenus ineditæ . Paris, 1656, 8vo. This work contains ſome curious particulars relative to theſe countries, the manners of the inhabitants, and the chief living characters at the time. Courte Deſcription d'un Voyage fait en 1665, 1666, 1667, en Allemagne, en Pologne, et en Pruſſe. Leyden, 1697, 4to. Mémoires de Beaujeu, contenant ſes diverſesvoyages en Pologne, Allemagne, et en Hongrie, depuis 1679 juſqu'en 1698. Amſterdam , 1700, 12mo. Warſavia, phyſice illuſtrata. Dreſden, 1720, 4to. 'Aubery de Maurier, Memoires de Hambourg de Lubek, de Holſtein, de Danemark , de Suède, et de Pologne. Hague, 1737 , 8vo. Voyage en Allemagne et en Pologne, commencé en 1776, par M. de L.P.M.A.S.D.P. Paris, 1783, 12mo. Giornale delviaggio dell'abate Roggiero Giuſeppe Boſcowich de Conſtantinopla in Pologna, con relazione della rovina di Troja. (Journal of Travels from Conſtanti nople into Poland, with an account of the ruins of Troy, by Boſcowich .) Baſſano, 1784, 8vo. Reiſe durch verſchiedene Provinzen Pohlens, mineralogiſchen und andern inhalts. ( Journey throughſeveral Provinces of Poland, relative to mineralogy and other objects.) By J. Th. Carof. Leipſic, 1781, 8vo. Bemerkungen über einige Landſtriche und Städte in Polen . (Remarks on ſome tracks of Country and Townsin Poland.) In the Polniſche Bibliothek, No. 3. Briefe über Pohlen und Preuſſen, &c. (Letters on Poland and Pruſſia, written in ſummer 1791 , from Thorn .) In the Berlin Journal, 1792 . Briefe über Dantzig. ( Letters on Dantzic. ) Berlin, 1794, 8vo . - In French, ſame year and place. Koſmopolitiſche Wanderungen durch Preuſſen , Liefland, Curland, Litthauen , Podolien , Gallicien , und Schleſien . ( Coſmopolitic Wanderings through Pruſſia , Livonia, Cur land, Lithuania, Podolia , Gallicia , and Sileſia , in 1795-1797. ) Dantzic , 1800, 3 vol. 8vo . Nachrichten über Polen (Notices relative to Poland), by J.T. Kauſch. Salzburg, J. T. Ferber, Relation der ihm aufgetragenen mineralogiſchen Reiſe durch einige Provinzen Polens. ( Relation of the mineralogical Journey made through ſome Provinces of Poland according to appointment, by Ferber, and publiſhed after his death by C. G. Voigt.) Armſtadt, 1804, 8vo. Theſe travels were undertaken by order of the laſt King of Poland, and relate chicfly to the ſalt and other mines in ancient Poland . View of the preſent State of Poland, by George Burnet. London , 1807 , 8vo. Tableau de la Pologne, ancienne et moderne, par Malte- Brun. Paris, 1807 , 8vo. Lettres écrites en Allemagne, en Pruſſe, et en Pologne, en 1806, 1807, 1808 , par Graffenauer. Paris, 1809, 8vo. L'Obſervateur en Pologne, par Vautrin . Paris, 1807, 8vo. 1793, 8vo. [See the travels of Marſhall, Sect .FRANCE. -Guagnino, Michalon , Avril, Bardili, la Mottiaye, Williams, Bernoulli, Richard,Coxe, Svenſk Officerares dagbog, Mæller, Fortia de Piles, Marquis de Salvo, Letters from the Continent, Sect. Russia .] AUS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 39 AUSTRIA. JOACH. EDELINGII Hodæporicon Bohemicum , Auſtriacum , Hungaricum . Rof tock, 1571 , 8vo. Werneri, Tabella Lacus mirabilis ad Czirknitz. Cologne, 1595, fol. Hiſtoire et Relation du Voyage de la Reine de Pologne, et du retour dela Maréchal de Guebriant, par la Hongrie, la Carinthie, la Styrie, le Frioal, et l'Italie, par de Laboureur. Paris, 1647 ; ib. 1647, 4to . J. Joſten, Reiſebeſchreibung durch die Türkey ,Ungarn, Oeſterreich . ( Travels through Turkey, Hungary, and Auſtria.) Lubeck , 1652, 4to . Lud. Henr. Comitis Lomenii Itinerarium Hollandiæ , Daniæ , Auſtriæ , annis 1652, 1655, peractum . Paris, 1662, 8vo. Martin Puel, Reiſen und Seefahrten von der Stadt Steyr aus durch Teutſch und Ungerland. ( Travels and Voyages from the Town of Skyr, through Germany, Hungary, and other Countries.) Nuremberg, 1666, 4to. Churelicz Narratio Itineris in Stiriam , Carinthiam , et Carniolam , Leopoldi I. Vienna, 1666, 8vo. Reiſen in Ungern , Siebenbürgen, Moldau, und Croatien . ( Travels in Hungary, Tranſylvania , Moldavia, and Croatia. ) Straſburg, 1686, 12mo. Beſchreibung des Kønigreichs Ungern und Morea. ( Deſcription of Hungary and Morea .) Frankfurt, 1688, 12mo. Eberhard Guer Happeli, Theſaurus Exoticorum , nebſt einer beſchreibung von Ungarn. ( Catalogue of Exotics, with a deſcription of Hungary.) Hamburgh, 1688, fol. A brief Account of ſome Travels in divers Parts of Europe, viz. Hungary, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Theffaly, Auſtria , Styria, Carinthia, and Trioul, through a great part of Germany and the Low -Countries, through Marca Treviſana, and Lombardy, on both ſides of the Po; with ſome obſervations on the gold, ſilver, copper, quickſilver mines, and the baths and mineral waters in thoſe parts ; by Edward Browne, M.D. London, 1673 ; with many additions, Ib. 1685, fol. Theſe are travels of excellence for the time: beſides objects of natural hiſ tory, the author pays attention to antiquities, and to the manners of the inhabitants. M. Zeiller, Beſchreibung des Königreichs Ungarn, vermehrt durch Beza. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of Hungary, augmented by Beza.) Leipfic, 1690, 8vo. Jacobi Tollii, Epiſtolæ Itinerariæ VI . poſthumæ; iter Berolinenſe, Ep. I. et II. ; iter Vindobonenſe, Ep. III . et IV.; iter Hungaricum ,Ep.V .; et iterGræciæ , Ep. VI.; additis annotationibus edente H. Henninius. Amſterdam , 1700 ; Ib. 1714, 4to . Remarques hiſtorique et critiques, concernant les Meurs de la Carinthe, de l'Au triche, de la Bohême, &c. Cologne, 1705, 2 vol. 8vo. Aloyf. T. Comitis Marſigli, Danubius Pannonico-Myfius Obſervationibus geographicis , aſtronomicis, hydrographicis, hiſtoricis, phyſicis perluſtratus. Amſterdam , 1726, 5 vol. fol. Lettres ſur les Hongrois. Amſterdam , 1748 , 8vo. J. G. Keyſler, Reiſe durch Deutſchland, Boehmen, Hungarn, die Schweitz, und Lothringen . ( Travels in Germany, Bohemia, Hungary , Switzerland , Italy, and Lorrain .) Hanover, 1740 ; Ib. 1751; Ib . 1776, 2 vol. 4to . — Abridged, Ib . 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. -Tranflated into Engliſh , London, 1757 , 2 vol. 4to. Epiſtolarum 40 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Epiſtolarum Itinerarum (ediario in itinere per Germaniam et Hungariam ex parte deſumptarum ) Centuria I. II . III ., auctore Stephan. Bruekmann. Wolfenbüttel, 1749, 1751, 1753, 3 vol. 4to . C. G.Grundig, Beſchreibung ſeiner 1751 ins Carlſbad gethanen Reiſe. (Deſcription of his Journey to Carlſbad in 1751. ) . Schneeberg, 1754, 4to. F. A. von Steinberg, Gründliche Nachricht von dem im innern Crain liegenden Czirknitzer See. ( Authentic Account of the Lake of Czirknitz, ſituated in Inner Carniola. ) 35 plates. Glatz, 1761, 4to. C. von Wallſdorf, Reiſe durch Ungarn, Thracien , und Egypten. ( Travels in Hungary, Thrace, and Egypt.) 1764, 4to. Reiſe nach dem Carlſbad. ( Journey to Carlſbad.) By D.G.Schreber. Leipfic, 1771,8vo, Joſeph Walcher, Nachrichten von den Eiſbergen im Tirol. ( Account of the Glaciers in the Tyrol. ) Vienna, Frankfurt, and Leipfic, 1773 , 8vo. Ignatz von Born, Briefe über Mineralogiſche gegenſtände, auf einer Reiſe durch das Temeſwarer Bannat, Siebenbürgen, Oberund Nieder Ungarn, herauſgegeben von Johann Jacob Ferber. (Letters on Objects of Mineralogy, during a Journey through the Bannat of Temelwar, Tranſylvania, Upper and Lower Hungary, pub liſhed by J. J. Ferber .) Frankfort and Leipfic (Dreſden ), 1774, 8vo. The chief object of theſe letters is metallurgy, and the ſtate of mines in Hun gary and the other countries mentioned inthe title. The moſt curious part, in a geographical point of view , is the deſcription of the Temeſwar Bannat, a diſtrič taken from the Turks by Prince Eugene and inhabited by Ger mans, Wallachians , and Reitzes. The latter are Sclavonians; the Walla chians denominate themſelves Romans, from which and from the termina tions of their words the author conjectures them to have been a Roman colony. Schreiben an H. von Born über verſchiedene, auf einer Reiſe nach Semlin geſammelte Beobachtungen. (Letter to M. de Born on ſeveral Obſervations collected in a Journey to Semlin .) By B. Hacquet. -In the Memoirs of a Private Society in Bohemia, Vol. II. Oryktographia Carniolica , auctore B. Hacquet. Leipfic, 1776, 1783 , 3 vol. 4to. Tranſylvania, five magnus Tranſylvaniæ principatus, olim Dacia mediterrana dictus, auctore Jof . Botekæe. Viennæ, 1771, 2 vol. 8vo. J.J. Ferber, Beiträge zur mineral Geſchichte von Behmen. (Contributions to the mineral Hiſtory of Bohemia.) Berlin , 1774, 8vo. Fumencza Peſtyera, feu antri Fumencza dićti, hiſtorico -phyſica relatio, Alex. Nedeſky. Viennæ , 1774, 8vo. ( In Hungarian .) Travels through the Bannat of Temeſwar, Tranſylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1777, tranſlated from the German, by Rappe. London, 1777, 8vo. Reiſe eines auſtwertigen Arztes von Prag nach Carlſbad. ( Journey of a foreign Phy fician (G. C. Würtz) from Prague to Carlſbad . ) Leipfic, 1778, 8vo. Refchreibung des Herzogthums Steryermarck. ( Deſcription of the Dutchy of Styria .) By A. G. Cæfar. 1778, 2 vol. 8vo. Franc. Griſellini Lettere odoporiche di Venetia, Trieſte, Carinthia, Carniola, eTemeſ war, ove i ſuoi Viaggi e di lui oſſervazioni ſpettante all iſtoria naturale e coſtumi di vari popoli, &c. (Letters from Venice, Trieſte, Carinthia, Carniola, and Temeſwar , containing travels and obſervations relative to natural hiſtory and the cuſtoms of various nations.) Milan , 1780, 4to . Nachrichten OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 41 Nachrichten einer Carlſbader Brunnen Reiſe. ( Account of a Journey to the Wells at Carlſbad .) By Willebrand. Leipfic, 1781 , 8vo. J. Gruber, Briefe hydrographiſchen und phyſicaliſchen Inhalts aus Krain. ( Hydrogra phical and phyſical Letters from Carniola .) Vienna, 1781 , 8vo. J. J. Ferber's phyſikaliſch -metallurgiſche Abhandlungen über die Gebürge und Berg werke in Ungarn, durcheine Reiſedahin veranlaſſet. ( Phyſical and metallurgic Diſ ſertation on the Mountains and Mines of Hungary, occaſioned by a journey into that kingdom. ) Berlin, 1780, 8vo. Beſchreibung der Stadt Gratz . ( Deſcription of the City of Gratz in Styria .) By A.G. Cæfar. : Saltzburgh, 1782, 8vo. Nicolai Grafja de Formeafo, Notizie iftoriche de la Provinzia della Carnia. ( Hiſtorical Notices of the Province of Carinthia. ) Udine, 1782, 8vo. Reiſe in @ ſterreich, Kærnthen, &c. ( Journey to Auſtria, Carniola, &c. ) By Hermann. Vienna, 1782, 1783 , 3 vol. 8vo. B. F. Hermann, Abriſs der phyſicaliſchen Reſchaffenheit der Efterreichiſchen Staaten , & c. (Sketch of the phyſical Conſtitution of the Auſtrian Dominions, and of the preſent ſtate of agriculture, trades, manufactures, and commerce.) St. Peterſburgh and Leipfic, 1782 , 8vo. Phyſikaliſch politiſche Reifen aus den Dinariſchen durch the Jüliſchen , Corntiſchen und Rhætiſchen in die Noriſchen Alpen. ( Phyſical and political Travels from the Dinaric, through the Julian, Carinthian , and Rhætian, into the Noric Alps, in the years 1781 and 1783. ) By B. Hacquet. Leipfic, 1784, 8vo. B. F. Hermann, Reiſen durch Oeſterreich , Steyermarck, Kærnthen , Krain, Italien , Tyrol, Salzburg, undBayern. ( Travels through Auftria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Italy, the Tyrol, Salzburgh, and Bavaria, in the year 1780.) Vienna, 1781 , 1783, 3 vol. 8vo. F.J. Sulzer, Altes und Neues : oder deffen litterariſche Reiſe durch Siebenbürgen , das Temefwarer Bannat, Ungarn, Schwaben , Bayern , die Schweitz. (Old and New : or Literary Travels through Tranſylvania, the Bannat of Temeſwar, Hungary, Swabia, Bavaria, and Switzerland .) 1782, 8vo. J. Friedel, Briefe aus Wien ueber die Erziehung, Charakter, undStaatſkunſtJoſeph II. und Reiſe nach Preſburgh und dem Luſtfchlofs des Fürſten Efterhazy. (Letters on the Education, Character, and art of governing of Joſeph II ., with a Journey to Preſburgh, and the Country-ſeat of Prince Eſterhazy.) Leipſic ( Vienna ), 1783, 8vo. Poſeganam , Sclavoniæ Provinciam , menfibus Junio et Julio 1782 ſuſceptum , à Mathia Piller et Ludovico Mitterpacher. Buda, 1783, 4to . Leitfaden zur Kenntniſs der Grafschaft Tyrol. ( Introduction to the Knowledge of the Tyrol.) By Hancks. Inſpruck , 1784, 8vo. Balthafar Hacquet, Reiſe von dem Berge Terglou in Krain , an den Berg Glockner im Tyrol. (Mineralogical and botanical Journey from the Mountain Terglou in Carniola to the Glockner Mountain in the Tyrol, in the years 1779 and 1781.) By B. Hac quet. Vienna, 1784, 8vo. Ueber die Tyroler. (On the Tyroleſe. ). Vienna, 1784, 8vo . A. Parizek , Rurzgefaſste Naturgeſchichte Boehmens. (Short Natural Hiſtory of Bo hemia. ) Prague, 1784, 4to . Johann Lehmann, Reiſe von Preſburg nach Hermanſtadt. ( Journey from Preſburgh to Hermanſtadt in Tranſylvania .) Leipfic, 1785, 8vo. Relation Iter per VOL. XVII. 42 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Relation des Kayſers JoſephII. überſeine Reiſen in ſeine Erblande.. (Account by the Emperor Joſeph II. reſpecting his Journey into his hereditary Dominions.) -Inſerted in Poffelt's Archives of ancient and modern Hiſtory, vol. i. Journal zweier Reiſenden , oder Nachrichten aus dem Oeſterreichiſchen . ( Journal of two Travellers, or Communications relative to Auſtria.) -Inſerted in Bernoulli's ſhort Travels, vol. xvi. Beobachtungen in und über Prag, von einem Reiſenden Auflænder. ( Obſervations on Prague by a foreign Traveller .) Prague, 1787, 2 vol. 8vo. Mineralogiſche Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe nach Carlſbad. (Mineralogical Remarks during a Tour to Carlſbad ), by F. H. Bruckman. Brunſwick, 1785, 8vo. Franz von Paula - Shrank, und Moll, Naturhiſtoriſche Briefe über Oeſterreich, Salz burg, & c. (Letters reſpecting Natural Hiſtory, in Auſtria, Salzburg, &c. ) Saltz burg and Leipfic,1785, 8vo. Reiſe nach Mariazell in Steyermarck. ( Journey to Mariazell in Styria .) By Arnold . Leipfick , 1785, 1786, 2 vol. 8vo. Briefe über den jetzigen Zuſtand von Gallizien. ( Letters on the preſent State of Gallitzia.) By Fr. Kratter. Leipfic, 1786, 2 vol. 8vo. Dreyflig Briefe über Gallizien, oder Beobachtungen eines unpartheyligen. ( Thirty Letters on Gallitzia, by an impartial Obſerver.) By A. H. Traunpaur, Knt. Vienna, 1787, 8vo. Garosl Schaller, Topographie von Boehmen. ( Topography of Bohemia .) Prague and Vienna, 1787, 8vo . Briefe eines wandernden Hypochondriften in Mæhren, Boehmen , Oeſterreich, und Ungarn. (Letters of a roving Hypochondriac in Moravia, Bohemia, Auſtria, and Hungary ). ByFr.Schulz. In theGerman Muſeum , 1787, No. 6. Briefe auf einer Reiſe durch Tyrol, in 1790 geſchrieben. ( Letters written during a Tour through the Tyrol in 1790.) In the German Journal, No. 9. 11. and 12. Reiſe durch die Noriſchen Alpen. ( Journey through the Noric Alps.) By Balthafar Hacquet. Leipfic, 1791 , 8vo. Luftreiſen durch Bayern, Würtemberg, Pfaltz , Sachſen, Brandenburg, Oeſtreich , Mæhren , Boehmen , und Ungarn . ( Journeys of Pleaſure through Bavaria, Wurtem bergh , the Palatinate, Saxony , Brandenburgh , Auſtria, Moravia , Bohemia, and Hungary, from 1784 to 1791.) By Baron de Ratenſtein. Leipfic, 1792-1793, 3 vol. 8vo. Briefe von Venedig über Trieſt, Krain, Kärnthen, Steyermarck, und Salzburg. (Let ters from Venice reſpecting Trieſt, Carniola , Carinthia, Styria, and Salzburg.) Frankfort, 1793, 8vo. Briefe über das Bannat. ( Letters on the Bannat of Temeſwar.) By J. H. Steube. Vol. I. Eiſenach , 1793, 8vo. Neueſte phyſicaliſch -politiſche Reiſe in den jahren 1788 bis 1795, durch die Daciſchen und Sarmatiſchen oder Nærdlichen Carpathen. (New phyſical and political Travels, in the years 1788 to 1795, through the Dacian and Sarmatic or Northern Carpa tian Mountains.) ByB.Hacquet. Nuremberg, 1796, 4 vol. 8vo. Reiſen von Preſburg ,durch Mohren, beide Schleſien , und Ungarn , nach Sieben bürgen , und von Zürich nach Preſburg. ( Travels from Preſburgh, through Mo ravia, Sileſia, and Hungary, to Tranſylvania ; and from Zuric to Preſburgh .) Preſburgh, 1794, 8vo. Travels in Hungary, with a ſhort account of Vienna, by Robert Townfor. London , 1777 ; Ib . 1796, 4to . This OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 43 This is the beſt Engliſh work reſpecting Hungary. It has been tranflated both into French and German. Beſchreibung einer mineralogiſchen Reiſe nach Ungarn und Siebenburgen. ( Relation of a mineralogical Journey to Hungary and Tranſylvania .) By Jens Eſmarck. Freiberg, 1798, 8vo . Reiſe des Gratenvon Hofmannſegg durchUngarn bis an die Grenzeder Turkey. ( Tra vels of Count Hotmannſegg through Hungary to the Frontiers of Turkey.) Gerlitz , 1800 , 8vo. This German nobleman is author of ſeveral travels into various countries, for the purpoſe chiefly of natural hiſtory . In the preſent work , his attention is accordingly directed principally to the gold , ſilver, and copper mines, in Lower-Hungary, as well as to zoology. Briefe eines Franzoeſiſchen Officiers, geſchriefen im jahr 1800, aus Heyermark, Kærn then, Italien , der Schweitz, Bayern, und Salzburg. (Letters of a French Officer, written in 1800, from Styria , Carinthia, Italy, Switzerland , Bavaria, and Saltz burgh. ) Leipfic, 1800, 8vo. Ausflüge nach dem Schneeberg in Unter-Oeſtreich . ( Excurſions to the Schneeberg in Lower-Auſtria.) Vienna, 1798, 8vo. This is a very intereſting account of the mineralogy, botany, zoology, and economical ſtate of this province. Reiſe durch Oeſterreichiſche und Steyriſche Gebirgs-gegenden . ( Journey through the mountainous Parts of Auſtria and Styria.) By J. C.Unger. Vienna, 1800, 8vo. A Night and unſatisfactory work . Streitzüge durch Inner-Oeſtreich , nach Trieſt, Venedig, &c. (Excurſions through Inner- Auſtria, to Trieſt, Venice, and part of the Terra- Firma.) Vienna, 1800, 8vo . Lettres familieres ſur la Carinthie et laStirie, adreſſées à M. de Bianchi de Bologne par un Officier - Général Français, priſonnier de guerre en Autriche, en l'an 1799. Paris, an ix .- 1801, 8vo. A very ſuperficial account of theſe countries. Hiſtoriſch -maleriſche Reiſe durch Oeſterreich. (Hiſtorical and pictureſque Journey through Auſtria .) By J. A. S. Schultes. With fix plates. Vienna, 1804, 8vo. Wanderung nach Guttenſtein in Oeſterreich, jenſeits der Ens. (Wanderings to Gutten ſtein in Auſtria beyond the Ens. ) By John Chr. Wagner, Vienna, 1804, 8vo. Reiſe auf den Glockner. (Journey to the Glockner, a mountain ſituated on the frontiers of Carinthia, Saltzburgh, and the Tyrol.) By J. A. S. Schultes. Vienna, 1804, 8vo . Reiſe durch Oeſterreich und Italien ." ( Journey through Auſtria and Italy.) By J. F. Gerning. Frankfurt, 1803, 8vo. Reiſe durch Oeſterreich, Ungarn, Steyermark, Venedig, Boehmen , und Mæhren. ( Jour ney through Auſtria, Hungary, Styria, Venice, Bohemia, and Moravia, in theyears 1801 and 1802.) By J.W.Fiſcher . Vienna, 1803, 3 vol. 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von der Tuerkiſchen Grenze, & c. ( Remarks ina Journey from the Turkiſh Frontiers, by the Buckovina, Gallicia, Sileſia , and Moravia, to Vienna.) By J. Rohrer. Vienna, 1804, 8vo. Deſcription of ſeveral Travels through Hungary, followed by others in Sclavonia and Croatia . ( In Hungarian.) Vienna, 1796.- A German tranſlation with this title : “ Reiſen durch Ungarn und einige angrenzende Lænder, von Graf Tekeli von Szek ; überſetzt aus dem Ungriſchen durch L. von Nemeth . ( Travels through Hungary and ſome countries bordering upon it, by Count Tekeli de Szek ; tranſlated from the Hungarian by L. de Nemeth .) ” Peſt, 1805, 8vo. This work' contains four ſeveral journeys: 1. Through Upper-Hungary ; 2. Through part of Tranſylvania ; 3. Through the South of Hungary and the 44 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS the Bannat ; 4. Through the South -Weſt of Hungary, Sclavonia, Croatia, and the Coaſt of the Adriatic. Voyage dans le Tyrol aux Salines de Salzbourg et de Reichenbach , par De Pray. Paris, 1808 , 12mo. Tableau géographique et politique de Royaumes de Hongrie, d’Eſclavonie, de Croatie , et de Tranſylvanie, par Demian. Paris, 1809, 2 vol . 8vo . [See the travels of Rathgeben , Patin, Lettres curieuſes ; Sect. GREAT BRITAIN .- Breval, Joſeph II . , Sherlock, Hunter ; Sect. France. Poſſevin, De Salvo ; Sect. RUSSIA. - Kleemann ; Sect. CRIMEA. Carve, Beaujeu ; Sect. Poland. ] Vienna . Ausführliche Geſchichte der Reiſe des Pabſt Pius VI. ,von Rom nach Wien , und von Wien nach Rom . ( Detailed Account ofthe Journey of Pope Pius VI. from Rome to Vienna, and from Vienna to Rome.) Vienna, 1782, 1783 , 3 vol. 8vo, Beſchreibung von Wien. ( Deſcription of Vienna.) By Von Lucas. 1785, 8vo. Abriſs von Wien. ( Picture of Vienna.) By Bezzel. 1790 , 8vo. Vert raute Briefe zur Characteriſtik von Wien. (Familiar Letters intended to charac teriſe Vienna.) Goerlitz, 1793, 2 vol. 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Copenhagen nach Wien. (Obſervations made during a Journey from Copenhagen to Vienna.) By E. Bozenhard. Hamburgh, 1795, 8vo. Wanderungen und Spazierfahrten in die Gegenden umWien. (Wanderings and Excur fions of Pleaſure into the Environs of Vienna.) Vienna, 1801, 1804, 5 vol. 8vo, A work containing not merely an account of parties of pleaſure, but valuable notices of mineralogy, manufactures, agriculture, canals, and the appearance of the country . Neueſtes Sittengemchlde von Wien. (Modern State of Manners in Vienna.) Vienna, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. Rather a minute and accurate deſcription of the city than what the title promiſes. Bemerkungen eines jungen Bayern über Wien , &c. ( Remarks of a young Bavarian on Vienna, written during a journey in Germany. ) Leipfic, 1805, 8vo. Coup-d'oeil ſur Vienne ; ſuivi de la Lettre d'un Officier ſuperieure de la Grande Armée, conténant un précis des operations militaires qui ont fait tombre cette capitale au pouvoir des Français. Paris, 1805, 8vo. PRUSSIAN DOMINIONS. THEODOR . LEPNER, Preuſſiſcher Lithauer, & c. ( Pruffian Lithuanian , or Illuſtration of the Cuſtoms, Language, &c. of the Lithuanians, in 1690.) Dantzic, 1744, 8vo. Iter Sabothicum ; d. i . Beſchreibung einer 1733, auf den Zotenberg gethanen Reiſe. (Deſcription of a Tour to the Zotenberg in Sileſia , in the year 1733.) By Jottlob Henry Burghart. · With plates. Breſlau , 1736, 8vo. Reifen auf das Schleſiſche Rieſengebürge, von 1696 bis 1737. (Journeys to the Suderic Mountains of Sileſia, from 1696 to 1737-) Hirſchberg , 1737, 8vo. Reſe-beſkrifning afwer Pommern och Brandenburg. ( Travels through Pomerania and Brandenburgh .) By Jonas Apelblad. Stockholm , 1757, 8vo. Die OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 45 Die wunderbare Schneekoppe, oder Beſchreibung des Rieſengebürges. ( The wonderful Schneekoppe, or Deſcription of the Sudetic Mountains.) Leipfic, 1746 , 8vo. Reiſe von Berlin über Potſdam nach Rekahn. (Journey from Berlin by Potſdam to Rekahn .) ByAntony Frederick Büſching. Berlin, 1775 ; Ib . 1780, 8vo. Ausführliche Beſchreibung der Reiſe des Grosfurſten Paul Petrowitſch von Peterſburg nach Berlin . ( Detailed Account of the Journey of the Grand Duke Paul Petrowitſh from Peterſburg to Berlin .) Berlin, 1776, 8vo. J.J.Volkmar, Reiſen nach dem Rieſengebirg. ( Journey to the Sudetic Mountains . ) Bunzlau, 1777 ; lb. 1782 , 8vo. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Berlin nach Kyritz in der Priegnitz. ( Deſcription of a Tour from Berlin to Kyritz.) By A. F. Buſching. With plates. Leipſic, 1780, 8vo. Bemerkungen eines Reiſenden durch die Preuſſiſchen Staaten. ( Obſervations of a Tra veller through the Pruſſian Dominions. ) By John Henry Ulrich. Altenburg, 1781 , 8vo. Reiſebeſchreibung durch einen Theil der Schleſiſchen Gebürge. (Travels through part of the Sileſian Mountains, in letters.) By E. F. Buquoi. Bunzlau, 1783, 8vo. Fortſetzung der Briefe über einen Theil der Schlefiſchen Gebuerge. (Continuation of Letters on part of theSilehian Mountains. ) By E. F. Buquoi. Bunzlau, 1784, 8vo. Reiſe von Berlin nach dem Schleſiſchen Gebuerge. ( Journey from Berlin to the Moun tains of Sileſia in the year 1783.) By Jacob Elias Troſchel. Berlin , 1784, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Berlin nach Bromberg in Weſt-Preuſſen . (Remarks during a Journey from Berlin to Bromberg in Weſt -Pruffia .) By C. H.O. Berlin, 1784, 8vo. Reiſe im Sommer 1780 nach Pyrmont, Braunſchweig, Berlin , &c. ( Journey in Summer 1780 to Pyrmont, Brunſwick, Berlin , &c. ) Hanover, 1784, 8vo. J. A. E. Goetze, Kleine Reiſebeſchreibung, & c. (Short Journey from Magdeburgh to Rekahn.) Leipſic, 1784 , 8vo. Luftreiſenach Schwedt. (Tour to Schwedt.) By Bernoulli. In his Short Travels, vol.ii. Von Schleſien vor und nach dem jahr 1740. ( Sileſia before and after 1740. ) Freyburg , 1785, 8vo. Reiſe nach dem Zakelfalle im jahr 1785. ( Journey to the Zakel.cataract in the year 1785.) By E. F. Buquoi. Bunzlau , 1785, 8vo. Kleine ceconomiſche und ſtatiſtiſche Reiſein die Neue und Mittel Mark . (Shortagricul tural and ſtatiſtic Journey into the New and Middle March. ) By C. Frederick Benckendorf. Zullichau , 1785, 2 vol. 18mo. Beſchreibung von Berlin und Potſdam . (Deſcription of Berlin and Potſdam . ). Berlin , 1786, 8vo. Friedrich Wilhelm II. Reiſe von Berlin zur Huldigung Schleſiensnach Breſlau. ( Journey of Frederick William II . from Berlin to Breſlaw to receive the homage of Sileſia.) . Oels, 1786, 8vo. Fragment aus dem Tagebuch eines Reiſenden von Berlin nach Memel. ( Fragment from the Journal of a Traveller from Berlin to Memel. ) In Fabri's New Geogr. Mag ., vol. iv. Reiſe durch Ober- Schleſien in die Ukraine. ( Journey through Upper- Sileſia into the Ukraine.) By C. F. E. Hammermann Gotha , 1787 , 8vo. Verſuch einer Wirthſchaflichen Natur-geſchichte des Kænigreichs Oſt und Weſt Preuſſen. ( Effay towards an æconomical Natural Hiſtory of the Kingdom of Eaſt and Weſt Pruſhìa .) By Fr. Sam. Bok. Deſſau, 1782 , 1787, 5 vol. 8vo. Briefe . 46 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Briefe eines Reiſenden aus Berlin . (Letters of a Traveller from Berlin .) In the German Mercury, 1787. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Kænigſberg in das Amt Fiſchhauſen. ( Journey from Kænigſberg into the Vaillwich Fiſchhauſen .) In the Berlin Journal, 1791, No. 6. Briefe eines Feldpredigers, geſchrieben auf dem Marſch nach und in Schleſien. (Letters of a Chaplain , written on the March to and in Sileſia in the year 1790. ) By C. F. Wagener. Stendal, 1791 , 8vo. Reiſe durch Schleſien im Julius und Auguſt 1791. ( Travels through Sileſia in July and Auguſt 1791.) By J.G.Schummel. Breſlau, 1791, 8vo. Gemæhlde von Berlin , Potſdam , und Sans-Souci, politiſch, moraliſch , und charac teriſtiſch entworfen . ( Picture of Berlin, Potſdam , and Sans-Souci, in a political, moral, and characteriſtic point of view .) By J. K. Mueller, 1792, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reife durch einen Theil der Schleſiſchen Gebuerge und der Grafschaft Glatz. (Remarks duringa Journey through part of the Sileſian Mountains and the County of Glatz .) Breſlau, 1793, 8vo. Briefe ueber Schleſien , Krakau, Wieliczka, und die Grafschaft Glatz auf einer Reiſe im jahr 1791 geſchrieben. ( Letters on Sileſia , Cracovia, Wieliczka, and the County of Glatz, in the year 1791.) By J. L. Zællner. Berlin , 1793 , 2 vol. 8vo. This is one of the beſt of the numerous books of travels in Sileſia ,certainly by far the moſt intereſting part of the Pruſſian dominions to a traveller. Berichten van de Pruiſiſche en Sicilianiſche Monarchien benevens fommiche daaraen grenzende ſtaaten. (Relation reſpecting the Pruſſian and Sicilian Monarchies, with ſome countries bordering upon them .) By J. Mærman Baron of Dalem . Hague, 1793, 1794, 3 vol. 8vo . Beſchreibung des Herzogthums Pommern. ( Deſcription of the Duchy of Pomerania.) By Bruggemann. Stettin , 1794, 3 vol. 4to. Hiſtoriſch-geographiſch-ſtatiſtiſche Beſchreibung von Pommern. (Hiſtorical, geo graphical, and ſtatiſtical Deſcription of Pomerania .) By Watſtrack. Stettin , 1794 , 8vo . Portefeuille für Reiſende durch Schlefien .(Directions for Travellers through Sileſia, with maps, by Count Lehndorf- Bandels.) Berlin, 1794, 8vo. Beitroege zur Beſchreibung von Schleſien. (Contributions towards a Deſcription of Sileſia.) By Zimmermann. Breſlau , 1795, 8vo . Denkwuerdigkeiten in der Mark Brandenburg. (RemarkableObjects in the March Brandenburgh .) By Fiſchbach, Kofman , and Heinſius. Berlin , 1796, Svo. Notice ſur la Prufſe, par Gervius. Kænigſberg, 1796, 8vo. Preufſen , oder Bemerkungen eines Reiſenden über einen Theil Preuſſens. (Pruſſia, or a Traveller's Remarks on a part of Pruſſia .) Berlin , 1798, 8vo. Süd -Preuſſen und New Oft- Preuſſen, mit Dantzig , Thorn , &c. (South- Pruſſia, New Eaſtern -Pruſſia, with Dantzic, Thorn, &c. ) By Fr.Hertzberg. Berlin , 1798, 8vo. Reiſen in die Sudetiſchen Gebuerge, ein geologiſcher verſuch. ( Travels into the Sudetic Mountains, a geological eſſay .) By Hafmann. Leipfic, 1798 , 8vo. Reiſe durch einen Theil Preuflens. ( Travels through part of Pruſſia .) Hamburgh and Altona , 1801 , 8vo. This work was written by two travellers, Louis de Baczko, whoſe object was principally ſtatiſtics ; and Nanke, who on a pedeſtrian tour collected obſerva tions on objects of natural hiſtory. Cofmo- politiſche Reiſen durch Preuſſen , Kurland, Litthauen , Podolien, Gallitzien , und Schleſien. (Coſmo-politic Travels through Pruſia, Courland,Litthuania, Podo lia, Gallicia, and Sileſia in the years 1795 to 1797.) Dantzic, 1802 , 3 vol. 8vo. 12 Bemer ON VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 47 Bemerkungenauf einer Reiſe durch einen Theil Preuſſens. (Remarks made during a Journey through part of Pruſſia .) Konigſberg, 1803, 2 vol. 8vo . Letters on Sileſia, written during a journey into that country in the years 1802 and 1803, by John Adams, formerly ambaſſador at Berlin from the United States. Philadelphia, i803, 3 vol. 8vo. Blick auf Sued.Preuffen . ( Short View of Southern- Pruffia .) By Struenſee. Berlin , 1803, 8vo . Von Charpentier's Beitrag zur geognoſtiſchen Kenntniſs des Reiſengebuerges Schleſif chen Antheils. ( Contributions to the Geognoſtics of the Sileſian Sudetic Mountains.) Leipfic, 1804, 4to . Briefe eines reiſenden Spaniers an ſeinen Bruderin Madrid, &c. (Letters of a travelling Spaniard to his Brother in Madrid, on the ſtate of Pruſlia and his native country .) Berlin , 1804, 8vo. Theſe letters are actually written by a Pruſſian ; and the comparative ſtate of the two monarchies, entirely to the advantage of Pruſſia, is founded on Bourgoing, Randel, and Krug. [ See the travels of Sherlock ; Sect. FRANCE. - Guagnino, Brand, Deſcription de la Livonie, Bram , La Mottraye, Bernoulli, Richard, Coxe, Svenſk Officerar, Mæller, Fortia de Piles, De Salvo, Letters from the Continent ; Sect. Russia. — Tollius, Ratenſtein , Reiſen von Preſburg, Rohrer ; Sect. AUSTRIA. - Alſo the Travels in Germany.] SPAIN. I. Travels in Spain and Portugal. DELICIÆ Lufitaniæ et Hiſpaniæ , in quibus continetur de magnitudine Hiſpaniæ Re latio : reperiuntur in operibus Lud. Andreæ Refandü. Cologne, 1613, 8vo. Martin Zeiller's Itinerarium Hifpaniæ , oder Reiſebeſchreibung durch Spanien und Por tugal. ( Itinerary, or Travels through Spain and Portugal.) Ulm, 1631 , 8vo. Amſter dam , 1650, 12mo. -Tranſlated into Latin , Amſterdam , 1656, 12mo. Voyages faits en divers lieux, en Eſpagne, en Portugal, et en France, par M *** . Avec figures. Paris, 1699 ; Ib. 1700, 12mo. Emmanuel Sinceri's Beſchreibung von Spanien und Portugal. (Deſcription of Spain and Portugal.) Nuremburg, 1700, 8vo. Der Schauplatz von Spanien und Portugal. ( Theatre of War in Spain and Portugal. ) Amſterdam , 1704, 12mo. Nieuve hiſtorikal en geographiſke Reiſbeſchryving van Spanien en Portugal. (New hiſ torical and geographical Travels in Spain and Portugal.) By William van den Burge. Hague, 1705, 2 vol. 4to . Les Délices de l'Eſpagne et duPortugal, ou l'on voit une defcription exacte des pro vinces, des montagnes, des villes , des rivières, des ports de mer, des fortereſſes, égliſes, académies, bains, & c .; de la religion, des meurs des habitans, et généralement de tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable : le tout enrichi de cartes geographiques très exactes, et de figures en taille -douce deſſinées ſur les lieux mêmes , par Don Juan Alvares de Colmenar. Leyden , 1707, 5 vol. 12mo. Les 48 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS -Les mêmes, nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, et de beaucoup augmentée. Ib. 1715, 6 vol. 12mo. The laſt edition is much ſuperior to the firſt. The work is far preferable to moſt of thoſe deſcriptions publiſhed about the time under the title of Délices. It is in general exact, and contains ſome curious and valuable reſearches. Travels through Portugal, Spain , and Italy , by James Brome. London , 1713, 8vo. Account of the moſt remarkable Places and Curioſities in Spain and Portugal, by Udal ap-Rhys ( Price ). London , 1749, 8vo. Relation d'un Voyage de Paris en Eſpagne, en Portugal, et en Italie, ( du 22 Août 1729 au 6 Février 1771 , ) par M. ( Silhouette .) Paris, 1770, 4 vol. 12mo. A Journey from London to Genoa through England, Portugal, Spain , and France, by Joſeph Baretti. London , 1770, 2 vol. 4to . The greater part of theſe travels relate to the peninſula ; that which refers to England and France is very flight and ſuperficial. Travels through Portugal and Spain , in the years 1772 and 1773; with an Appendix, containing a ſummary of the hiſtory of Spain and Portugal, a catalogue of books giving an accountof theſe countries, and a view of Portugueze literature, by Richard Twiſs. London , 4to. A ſecond edition , Ib. 1775, 4to. Travels through Spain and Portugal in 1774, with aſhort account of the Spaniſh expe dition againſt Algiers in 1775, by Major William Dalrymple. Dublin , 1777, 410 . Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Germany, in the years 1759 to 1761 , by Chriſ topher Hervey. London, 1785, 3 vol. 8vo. Letters written during a reſidence in Spain and Portugal, by Robert Southey. London, 1797 , 8vo. Travels through ſeveral Provinces of Spain and Portugal, by Richard Cooke. London, 1799, 8vo . Travels through Spain , and Portugal recently performed by an Engliſh Gentleman ; containing accurate delineations of the manners and domeſtic condition of that country, with anecdotes of the Prince of Peace, &c. ; eſtimates of the power and re ſources of the Spaniſh monarchy, and other intereſting and authentic particulars. London , 1808, 8vo. Itinéraire d'Eſpagne et de Portugal. Paris, 1808, 12mo. A Narrative of the principal Events of the Campaigns of 1809 , 1810, and 1811 , in Spain and Portugal ; interſperſed with remarks on local ſcenery, and manners, by Capt. William Stotbert. London, 1812, 8vq. II . Travels in Spain. Deſcripcion de Eſpaña, de Xarif Aledris Coneido; con traducione y notas de Don Joſeph Antonio Conde, de orden ſuperior en la imprenta real por Pedro Pereyra, impenſis de la Camera S. M. ( Deſcription of Spain, by Xarif Aled is Coneido, generally called the Geographer of Nubia ; with a tranſlation and notes by Don Joſeph Antonio Conde ; printed by ſupreme command in the Royal printing -office, at the expence of His Majeſty's Chamber.). Madrid, 1799, 410. This is the moſt ancient account of Spain under the dominion of the Moors. In the notes the preſent ſtate of the country is compared with that deſcribed by the original author. 8 Deſcripcion OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 49 Deſcripcion delReyno de Galicia, y de las coſas notables del. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of Galicia, and of its remarkable Objects .) By Molina. Valladolid, 1550, 4to .; Ib . 1609, 4to . Damiani a Goes, de Rebus Ethiopicis, Indicis, et Hiſpanicis Opuſcula. Cologne, 1574, 8vo. ) Cypriani Echhofii Deliciæ Hifpaniæ , feu Index viatorius ab urbe Toledo ad omnes in Hiſpaniâ civitates et oppida. Verſel, 1604, 4to . Deliciæ apodemicæ , feu Index viatorius Hiſpanicus ab urbe Toledo, per Caſparum Ens. Cologne, 1609, 8vo. Inventaire des plus curieuſes Recherches ſur le Royaume d'Eſpagne, par Salazar ; traduit de l'Eſpagnol par lui-même. Paris, 1609 ; 1b. 1612 ; Ib. 1615, 8vo . Jo. Laet, Hiſpania. Leyden, 1629, 16mo. Hier. Maſcarenhas, Viaje de la Reyna Donna Anna de Auſtria en Eſpaña. ( Journey of Queen Anne of Auſtria into Spain .) Madrid, 1650, 4to. Relation d'un Voyage d'Eſpagne, où ſont Décrits la Cour et le Gouvernement. Paris, 1664 ; Cologne, 1667, 12mo. Voyage fait en Eſpagne dans l'année, 1665;, par Deferre . Paris, 1665 , 12mo. Relation de l’Eſpagne : traduit de l'Italien de Thomas Contarini. Montbelliard , 1665, 8vo. Voyaged'Eſpagne, hiſtorique et politique. Paris, 1665,12mo. Relation de Madrid, ou Remarques ſur les Mours de ſes Habitans. Cologne, 1665; Ib. 1667, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage fait en Eſpagne dans l'anne 1659, par Briſel. Paris, 1665 ; Ib. 1669 ; Ib. 1722, 12mo. Voyage d'Eſpagne, par Saint-Maurice. Cologne, 1666, 12mo. P **, Voyage d'Eſpagne curieux , hiſtorique, et politique, fait en 1658. Paris, 1666, 12mo. Voyage d'Eſpagne, contenant pluſieurs particularités de ce royaume très-curieuſes ſur les affaires des proteſtans d'Angleterre, de la Reine de Suède, du Duc de Lorraine, avec une relation particulière de Madrid. Cologne, 1666 ; 1b, 1667, 12mo. Viage del Rey N. S. D. Philippo IV. à la Frontera de Francia para el deſpoſorio della ſereniſſima Infanta de Eſpaña y ſolenne Juramento de la Paz , por Pedro Fernandez del Campo. (Journey of Philip IV. to the Frontiers of France for the Mar. riage of the Infanta of Spain ,and the ſolemn Signature of Peace.) Madrid, 1667 ; Ib. 1670, 8vo. Journal d'un Voyage d'Eſpagne fait en 1650, contenant une deſcription de ce royaume, et de ſes principales villes , avec l'état du gouvernement, et pluſieurs traités touchant la regence, l'aſſemblées des états, et l'hiſtoire de la nobleſſe, par le Sieur Bertaut. Paris, 1669, 4to. This journey contains fome curious remarks on antiquities. Reiſebeſchreibung nach Spanien. ( Journey to Spain .) Frankfurt, 1676, 8vo. La Cataluña iluſtrada. (Catalonia illuſtrated , containing the deſcription of that country, & c.) By Eſtevan de Cubero. Naples, 1678, fol. Voyage de la Reined'Eſpagne (Marie-Louiſe) de Paris à Madrid, par Prechar. Relation d'un Voyage d'Eſpagne, Paris, 1691 , 3 vol. 12mo. A Relation of a journey to Spain . London , 1692, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage en Eſpagne. Hague, 1693; Ib. 1695, 12mo. Voyage en Eſpagne et en Hollande, par la Comteſſe d'Aulnoi. Paris, 1699; Hague, 1712 ; London and Paris, 1774 , 4 vol. 12mo. - In Engliſh, if edition, Lon don , 1697 VOL . XVII. H J. A. Boſi 50 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS J. A. Bofii Hiſpaniæ ,Ducatus Mediolanenſis, et Regni Neapolitani Notitia, ex muſeo H. Schmidii. Helmſtadt. 1702, 4to . Guia dos caminos para ir por todas las Provincias de Eſpaña, Francia, Italia , y Alemaña. ( Guide for travelling through all the Provinces of Spain , France, Italy, and Germany.) Madrid , 1705, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage d'Eſpagne, contenant une deſcription exacte du pays, des meurs, et des coutumes des habitans, &c. Hague, 1715, 12mo. Etat préſent d'Eſpagne, l'Origine des Grands, avec un Voyage en Angleterre. Ville franche, 1717, 12mo. Etat préſent d'Eſpagne, par l'Abbé de Veyrac. Amſterdam , 1717, 4 vol. 12mo. The author's principal object is a defence of the Spaniards againſt Madame d'Aulnoi, and an endeavour to prove that her work is an intermixture of truth and fable. Voyage d'Eſpagne hiſtorique et politique, fait en l'an 1655, (par Argens de Som merdyk ,) publié par Sarcy. Paris, 1720, 12mo. Theauthor of theſe travels complains in a manuſcript preſerved inthe library of the Arſenal at Paris, that the work had been publiſhed againſt his inten tion : perhaps the reaſon is , the long account of Spaniſh courtezans. How ever, thechapter on the grandeesis curious, as well as the deſcription of old Spaniſh manners, ſo different from that in our own days. The accounts of the theatre and other public diverſions are alſo valuable, and have been made uſe of by Spaniſh authors ofour own days. Lettres écrites de Madrid en 1727, ſur l'état préſent de la monarchie d'Eſpagne. Béziers, 12mo. Voyage en Eſpagne et en Italie, par le P. Labat, dans les années 1705 et 1707. Amſterdam , 1731, 8 vol. 12mo. Obſervations on the epidemical Diſeaſes in Minorca, in the years 1744 and 1749 ; to which is prefixed , a ſhort account of the climate, productions, inhabitants, and en demical diſtempers of the iſland, by George Cleghorn. London, 1751, 8vo. Réflexions générales ſur l'iſle de Minorque, ſon climat, la manière de vivre de ſes habitans, et les maladies qui y regnent, par Claude Paſſerat. Paris, 12mo. Hiſtory of the Iſland of Minorca, by T. Armſtrong London, 1752, 8vo. Deſcripcion de Valencia . ( Deſcription of Valencia .) By Paſcal de Gillo. Madrid, Fidéle Conducteur pour le Voyaged'Eſpagne, par Louis Coulon . Paris, 1750, 8vo . Deſcripcion del Eſcurial. (Deſcription of the Eſcurial.) By F. Andrea Ximenes. Madrid, 1750; 16. 1764, fol. Lettres ſur le Voyage d'Eſpagne, par le Comte d'Arnebat. Paris, 1756, 12mo. Cartas en un Viage de Eſpaña, ò cartas fu las coſtumbres de los Eſpañoles, por un Viagero. (Letters during a Journey in Spain , or letters on the manners and cuſtoms of the Spaniards, by a Traveller. (M. Coſte.) Pampluna, 1756, 1 2mo. Petri Læflingii Iter Hiſpanicum : eller reſa til Spanſka lænderna uti Europa och Amerika, forretad ifran 1751 til 1756, med beſkrifningar och ræn æfwar de merkwærdigaſte wextar. ( Travels in the Spaniſh Dominions in Europe and Ame rica, in 1751 to 1756 ; with a deſcription of the moſt remarkable plants. Stockholm, 1758 , 8vo. - In German, by C. von Linn , Berlin, 1766 ; 1b. 1776, 8vo. Theſe travels, like moſt of thoſe undertaken by the Swedes about the middle of the eighteenth century, relate chiefly to natural hiſtory. 4 Beſondere 1738, 8vo. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 51 Beſondere Denkwürdigkeiten des heutigen Zuſtandes der Spaniſchen Monarchie. ( Peculiar Memorabilia of the preſent State of the Spaniſh Monarchy. ) Frankfurt, 1767, 8vo. Lettres de Madame de Villars, Ambaſſadrice en Eſpagne. Amſterdam (Paris ), 1759 , 18mo ; Ib. 1760, 8vo. Deſcription of the Royal Palace and Monaſtery of St. Laurence, called the Eſcurial, and ofthe Chapel-Royal of the Pantheon : tranſlated from the Spaniſh of Franciſco de los Santos, chaplain to His Majeſty King Philip , by George Thompſon. London, 1760, 4to . Beſchreibung der Inſel und Stadt Cadix und der Feſtung undStadt Gibraltar. (De ſcription of the Iſle and Town of Cadiz ; and the Fortreſs, the Town and Straits of Gibraltar.) By S. L. A.Hærſchelmann. Frankfurt, 1763, 4to. Letters concerning the Spaniſh Nation, by Edward Clarke, chaplain to Lord Briſtol. London , 1763, 4to. Antiquities and literature are the chief objects of attention in theſe travels. An hiſtorical introduction is prefixed, and a curious catalogue of manu ſcripts in the Eſcurial added in the Appendix. Deſcripcion deMadrid. (Deſcription of Madrid.) ByThomas Lopez. Madrid, 1763, 8vo. Lettere d'un Vago Italiano al fuo Amico. (Letters of an Italian Traveller to his Friend.) By F. Norbert Caymo. Pitburgo, 1759, 1767, 2 vol. 8vo. Hiſtory of the Herculean Straits, ſince called the Straits of Gibraltar; with a deſcription and plans of the Ports of Spain and Barbary, by Thomas James. London, 1775, 4to. Ancient and modern Hiſtory of the Balearick Illands, or of the Kingdom of Majorca, which comprehends the Inands of Majorca, Minorca, Yviza, Formentera, and others, with their geographical and natural hiſtory : tranſlated from the original Spaniſh, by Campbell. London , 1776, 8vo. Tagebuch eines Predigers, enthaltend die Seereiſe der Hanoverſchen Truppen nach Minorka. (Journal of a Chaplain , containing the Voyage of the Hanoverian troops to Minorca. ) Hanover, 1776, 8vo. Introduccion ála Hiſtoria natural y Geographia fiſica del Reyno de Eſpaña. ( Intro duction to the natural Hiſtory and phyſical Geography of Spain.) By Don G. Bowles, Madrid, 1776, 8vo. This very excellent publication received additional value in the ſecond edition , by notes from the pen of the learned Chevalier d'Azara. D. Antonio Ponz, Viage de España, en que ſe da noticia de las coſas mas appreciables y dignas de ſaberſe , que hay en ella. (Travels in Spain, containing an account of the moſt remarkable things, and deſerving inveſtigation in that country.) Madrid, 1776, and the following years, 18 vol. 8vo. This production is tedious to a foreigner, but very valuable as a minute account of the ſeveral provinces of Spain , the towns, roads, and above all , the objects belonging to the arts. According to Swinburne, it had already in his time produced good effects by having pointed out uſeful public works, and by reforming the bad taſte in architecture prevalent in Spain, Carl Chriſtian Pluer, Reifin durch Spanien. ( Travels in Spain, by C. D. Pluer, pub liſhed from his manuſcripts, by C. C. Ebeling.) Leipfic, 1777 ,8vo. Travels through Spain in the years 1775 and 1776, in which ſeveral monuments of Roman and Mooriſh architecture are illuſtrated, by Henry Swinburne. London, 1779, 4to. H 2 With 1 52 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS With regard to the kingdom of Granada, and particularly Catalonia, which has been viſited by few travellers, this work is ſuperior to moſt others. Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga,by F. Carter. London, 1777 ; Ib . 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. Travels through Spain , by John Talbot Dillon , in a ſeries of letters. London, 1778 ; Ib . 1782, 4to . Lettres concernantes la deſcription d'un voyage fait en 1779 de Minorque à Rome. Frankfurt, 1779, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe, welche nach der Sierra-Morena aus dem Elfas unternommen worden. ( Deſcription of a Journey from Alface to the Sierra -Morena, in 1769.) Leipfic, 1780, 8vo. Letters from an Engliſh Traveller in Spain , in the year 1778 , on the origin and progreſs of poetry in that kingdom . London, 1781 , 8vo. Tableau de l'île de Minorque, ou deſcription générale et particulière de cette île, avec un précis ſur les meurset les uſages de ſes habitans, la nature de ſon ſol, ſes produce tions, ſon commerce, ſes antiquités, ſon hiſtoire civile et naturelle , enſemble une notice détaillée ſur la ville et le port de Mahon , le fort St. Philippe, Citadelle, &c. Paris, 1781 , 8vo. Kurtze doch zuverlæſſige Beſchreibung der Inſel Minorca, des Forts St.Philip, und der Feſtung Gibraltar. ( Short but authentic accountof Minorca, Fort St.Philip, and the Fortreſs of Gibraltar.) Leipfic, 1782, 8vo. Zulætze zur Beſchreibung der Feſtung Gibraltar. ( Additions to the Deſcription of Gibraltar. ) Leipfic, 1783, 8vo. Nouveau Voyage en Eſpagne, où l'on traite des moeurs, du caractère des habitans, de monumens ancienset modernes, du commerce, des théatres, de la légiſlation, des tribunaux particuliers du royaume, et de l'Inquiſition. (Par Peyron. ) Paris, 1782, 2 vol. 8vo. This, though in many reſpects a very judicious and impartial book of travels, has been almoſt entirely ſuperſeded by that of Bourgoing. Obſervations de M. l'Abbé Cavanilles ſur l'article Eſpagne de la Nouvelle Encyclo pédie. Paris, 1784, 8vo. An anſwer to a very inconſiderate attack on Spain by Maſſon ; containing very judicious remarks on the phyſical, moral, political, and literary ſtate of Spain . Neueſte Reiſe durch Spanien, vorzüglich in Anſehung der Künſte, des Handels, der Economie, und Manufa& uren. (New Travels in Spain, chiefly relative to the Arts, Commerce, Economy, and Manufactures.) By J. J. Volkmann. Leipfic, 1785, 2 vol. 8vo. Reiſe eines ungenannten durch Spanien. ( Journey of an anonymous Traveller through Spain , in the year 1755.) Kempten, 1786, 8vo. Geographiſche und Statilhiſche Beſchreibung der Inſel Minorka. ( Geographic and ſtatiſtic Deſcription of the Idle of Minorca , written during a long reſidence there. ) By C. H. F. Lindemann. Leipfic, 1786 , 8vo. Deſcrizione de las Iſlas Pythiuſas y Baleares. ( Deſcription of the Pythiuſic and Ba learic Iſles.) Madrid, 1787, 4to . Tableau de l'Eſpagne Moderne, par J. F. Bourgoing , Envoyé Extraordinaire de la Re publique Françaiſe en Suède, ci -devant Miniſtre Plénipotentiaire à la Cour de Ma drid, Affocie correſpondant de l'Inſtitut National. Quatrième edition, Paris, 1807, 3 vol. 8vo ., with an atlas in 4to. 2 Modern OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 53 atlas 4to . 1792 , 8vo. Modern State of Spain , by J.Fr. Bourgoing ; to which are added, Eſſays on Spain , by M.Peyron, and the Book of Poſt- Roads. London , 1808 , 4 vol. 8vo. , and an This, which is undoubtedly the moſt fatisfactory of all travels in Spain, firſt appeared in 1788, and in Engliſh the following year. Other editions were publiſhed in 1797 and 1803, at Paris. Obſervations de Phyſique et de Medicine faites en differens lieux in l’Eſpagne : on y a joint des conſiderations ſur la lèpre, la petite -verole, et la maladie venerienne, par M. Thierry. Paris, 1791, 2 vol. 8vo. Theſe obſervations are not confined to the objects ſtated in the title, but extend to the geology and temperature of Spain , and the diet of the inhabitants. They are the reſult of ajourney and long reſidence in Spain. An account of the quickſilver minesat Almadaver, by Lopez de Arebalo, is added. Relation d'un Voyage à Madrid , fait en 1789, par Mlle. de Pons. Only twelve copiesof this journey, written by a young lady of lixteen, and containing ſeveral curious obſervations, were thrown off ; but it was inſerted in the Petit Magaſin des Dames, vol. iv. Reiſe von Wien nach Madrid . ( Journey from Vienna to Madrid , in 1790.) Berlin , Reile durch einen Theil Spaniens. ( Travels through part of Spain.) By.F. G. Baum gartner. Leipfic, 1793, 8vo. Briefe über Spanien. (Letters on Spain .) By Groffe. Halle, 1793, 1794, 2 vol. 8vo. A Journey through Spain, in the years 1786 and1787, by J. Townſhend. London, 1793 , 3 vol. 8vo. Bourgoing reproaches this traveller with judging occaſionally with too inuch precipitation, and making large demands onthe credulity of his readers. Deſcrizione odeporica della Spagna, in cui ſpezialmente ſi dà notizia delle coſe ſpettanti alle belle arti , degne dell'attenzione del curioſo viaggiatore, di Don Antonio Conca ( Deſcription of Spain , in which a particular account is given of all the works of art worthy the attention of the curious traveller) . Parma, 1793, 1795, 1797, 4 vol . 8vo. This work, which is one of the moſt beautiful ſpecimens of the Bodino preſs, is chiefly directed, as the title -page infers, to every thing belonging to the fine arts, but the author occaſionally introduces ſeveral judicious obſervations on the ſtate of the country. Obſervaciones ſobre la Hiſtoria natural, Geografia, Agricultura, Poblacion, Frutos del Reyno de Valencia. (Obſervations on the Natural Hiſtory, Geography, Agricul. ture , Population , and Productions of the Kingdom of Valencia.) By Don Antonio Joſef de Cavanilles. Madrid, 1795, 1797, 11 vol. fol. Lettres écrites de Barcelone ; ouvrage dans lequel on donne des détails ſur l'état dans lequel ſe trouvent les frontiers d'Eſpagne en Mars 1792 , & c . et ſur les émigrés, & c. auxquelles on a joint quelques reflexions philoſophiques ſur les moeurs,uſages, et opinions des Eſpagnols, par M.Ch** (Chantreau ), Citozen Français. Paris, nou velle edition, 1796, 8vo. Journal, Correſpondance,et Voyages en Italie et Eſpagne, dans les années 1758 et 1768, par M. Clément, alors tréſorier de l'egliſe d'Auxerre, et depuis évêque de Verſailles. Paris, an x.- 1802, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage en Eſpagne, par le Marquis de Langles. Sixieme edition, avec cartes et planches. Paris, 1805, 8vo. Theſe I 54 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Theſe travels firſt appeared in 1785 with the title, Voyage de Figaro en Eſpagne, and were burnt at Paris in 1786, which of courſe increaſed the popularity of the work . The ſeverity of this treatment was occaſioned by the boldneſs of ſome remarks, on religion particularly. An Engliſh verſion appeared with this title : - “ The Marquis of Langles' Sentimental Journey through Spain. " London, 2 vol. 8vo. Le Priſonnier en Eſpagne, ou coup d'oeil philoſophique et ſentimental ſur les provinces de Catalogne et Grenade, par M. Maſjias. Paris, an . vi. - 1798, 8vo. Reiſe nach Spanien . ( Travels in Spain.) By C. A. Fiſcher. Leipfic, 1798 , 8vo. Thework of Fiſcher contains a very amuſing account of the manners ofthe inhabitants, the national character, and the public diverſions. It was ſoon tranſlated into Engliſh , as well as French . Gemæhlde von Valentia. (Pi& ureofValencia.) By C. A. Fiſcher. Leipfic, 1803 , 8vo. Alſo tranſlated into Engliſh and French, and poſſeſſing the ſame merit as the previous work . Nouveau Voyage en Eſpagne. Paris, 1805, 8vo. The principal object of this book is an attack on the travels of the Marquis de Langles, and Bourgoing. Voyages dans les îles Baléares et Pithieuſes. Paris, 1807, 8vo. A pičtureſque Tour in Spain, embelliſhed with 22 plates, by Swinblurne. London , 1806, fol. Obſervations on a Journey , through Spain and Italy, to Naples; and thence to Smyrna and Conſtantinople, by R. Semple. London, 1807, 2 vol. 8vo. A Picture of Madrid : tranſlated from the German of C. A. Fiſcher. London, 1808, 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque et hiſtorique de l'Eſpagne , par Alexandre de la Borde, et une Société de Gensde Lettres, et d'Artiſtes de Madrid . Paris, 4 vol. fol. 1808, & feq. Itinéraire deſcriptif de l'Efpagne, par A. de la Borde. Paris, 1809, 5 vol. 8vo. and atlas. -Tranſlated into Engliſh under the following title : “ A View of Spain, com prizing a deſcriptive itinerary of each province, and a general ſtatiſtical account of the country. By A. de la Borde. ” London, 1809, 5 vol. 8vo. A ſecond Journey in Spain, in the Spring of 1809, from Liſbon, through the weſtern ſkirts of the Sierra Morena, to Sevilla, Cordova, Granava, Malaga, and Gibraltar ; and thence to Tetuan and Tangiers, by Robert Semple. London, 1809, 8vo. Lettres ſur l’Eſpagne ; ou eſſais ſur les meurs, les uſages, et la litterature de ce royaume, par Beauharnais. Paris, 1810, 2 vol. 8vo. Travels in the South of Spain in 1809 and 1810, by William Jacob. London , 1811 , 4to . Deſcriptive Travels in the Southern and Eaſtern Parts of Spain , and the Balearic Illes, in the year 1809, by Sir John Carr. London, 1811 , 4to. [ See the travels of Roſmital, Zeiller, Mackel; Sect. Great Britain. - Navagero, Lutzenkirchen , Ray, and Willoughby, Voyage par M **, Lemhard, Vergard, Breval, Thickneſſe, Voyage par S **, Hill, and Marſhall ; Sect. France. - . Mær men , Briefe eines Spaniers ; Sec . Prussia .] TUR OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 55 TURKEY IN EUROPE. vol. 4to. 1. Travels in the Turkiſh Empire in general ; to Conſtantinople ; and through the whole of . European Turkey. TRACTATUS de Turcis. Norimberg, 1481 , 4to. Tractatus de Ritu ac Moribus Turcarum . Leipfic, 1488 , 4to . Tractatus de Moribus et Inſtitutis fpurciſſimis Turcarum, & c. 1514, 4to . Turken Chronicke, Glaube, Geſetze,und Sitten, von einem Siebenbürger. (Chronicle, Faith, Laws, and Manners of the Turks, by a Tranſylvanian.) Zwickau , 1530, 4to. Libellus de Ritu et Moribus Turcarum, ante LXX annos editus : cum præfatione M. Lutheri. Wittemberg, 1530, 8vo . Voyage à Conſtantinople, en Perfe, en Egypte, dans l'anneé 1546, et les années ſui. vantes, par Gabriel Lues d’Aramon, Ambaſſadeur de France à Conſtantinople. (In ſerted in “ Le Recueil de Piéces fugitives pour ſervir à l'Hiſtoire de la France. " Paris, 1759, 3 Les quatre premiers livres des Navigations et Pérégrinations orientales de Nicolas Nicolai, avec les figures au naturel, tant d'hommes que des femmes ſelon la diver fité des nations. Lyons, 1567 , fol. Anvers, 1576, fol.; 16. 1576, 8vo. - In Italian , Venice, 1560, fol. Antwerp, 1576, 4to. -In German , Nuremberg , 1572 , fol. Theſe travels, commenced in 1552 , extend to Turkey and other parts of Europe, Aſia, and Africa. The Antwerp editions are in high requeſt, be cauſe they contain wood -cuts from deſigns by Titian. Nicolai Clenardi Epiſtolæ de Rebus Mahometicis, in itinere ſcriptis. Louvain , 1561 . Hanover, 1606, 8vo. Theod . Standigini, Origine e Coſtumi de' Turchi. (Origin and Cuſtoms of the Turks.) Florence, 1551 , 8vo. Giovanni Antonio Menari, I Coſtumi della vita di Turki, con una profetia, e altre coſe Turcheſe : tradotte per Lodovico Domenichi. ( The Cuſtoms of the Turks, with a prophecy, and other things relative to that nation : tranſlated by L. Domenichi.) Florence, 1551 , 8vo. B.G. Peregrini, De Turcarum Moribus Epitome. Leyden , 1552, 12mo. Benedicti Rembert, Iter Conſtantinopolitanum . Venice, N. D.4to . De la Republique des Turcs, où l'on trouvera les loix et mæurs de tous Micham mediſtes, avec la tierce partie des orientales hiſtoires, par Guillaume Poſtel. Poitiers, 1560, 4to . Petrus Gyllius, De Boſphoro Thracico. Leyden, Elzevir, 1561 , 4to . This traveller is praiſed by Dallaway for his accuracy and the extent of his learning. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe nach Conſtantinopel. ( Deſcription of a Journey to Conſtan tinople.) Nuremberg, 1571 , 4to . M. Befoltvon Lichtenſtein, Reiſen nach Conſtantinopel. ( Journey to Conſtantinople .) 1584, fol. Giuſeppe Rofaccio, Viaggio de Venezia a Conſtantinopoli per mare e per terra. (Jour ney from Venice to Conſtantinople by ſea and land.) ' Venice, 1598, 4to. Flori, 56 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Flori, Navigazioni e Viaggi nella Turquia. (Voyages and Travels in Turkey.) Ant werp, 1576, 4to. Aulæ Turcicæ Othomannicique Imperii Deſcriptio. Baſil, 1573 , 8vo. Beſchreibung der Reiſe eines Polniſchen Herrn Bothſchafters gen Conſtantinopel, und in die 'Tartarey. (Deſcription of the Journey of a Poliſh Ambaſſador to Conſtantinople and into Tartary.) Nuremberg, 1574, 4to. Epiſtolæ Baronis de Buſbeck. Antwerp, 1581, 1592. Amſterdam , 1634, 24mo. Bufbeck's Travels into Turkey. London, 1694 ; Tb. 1741, 8vo. The Latin work contains the Baron's account of his embaſſy to France, as well as to Turkey. Hugonis Favolii, Hodæporicon Byzantinum . Louvain , 1577, 4to. Henrici Porſi Itineris Byzantini Deſcriptio. Frankfort, 1583, 8vo. Melchior Heinrich von Lichtenſtein, Reiſe nach Conſtantinopel. ( Journey to Conſtan tinople .) 1584, fol. Il Viaggio di Giovanni Chriſtophoro Tayfel fatto di Conſtantinopoli verſo Levante. ( Journey by G. C. Tayfel from Conſtantinople to the Levant.) Vienna, 1598, 4to. Georgii Douzác, De Itinere fuo Conſtantinopolitano Epiſtolæ . Antwerp, 1599, fol. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe nach Conſtantinopel und Jeruſalem . ( Journey toConftanti nople and Jeruſalem .) By Salomon Schweigger. Nuremberg, 1608, 1614, 1619, 1639, 1664, 4to . H. J. Bruining von und zu Bouchenbach, Orientaliſche Reisebeſchreibung in die Tuerkey, ſowohl in Europa als Aſia. (Oriental Travels into Turkey in Europe and Aſia, namely, into Greece, Egypt, Arabia, Paleſtine, and Syria ; in different Voyages.) Strafburg , 1612 , fol. Relation journalière du Voyage du Levant, fait et decrit par haut et puiſſant ſeigneur Henri de Bauveau, baron du dit lieu et de Manonville, &c. Revu, augmenté, et enrichi par l'autheur de pourtraits des lieux les plus remarquables. Nancy, 1615 , 410 .; Paris, 1619, 12mo. The firſt oftheſe editions is ſcarce, and in great requeſt. The travels, begun in 1605, extend to Turkey, Paleſtine, and Egypt. George Sandys.Travels, containing an hiſtory of the origin and preſent ſtate of the Turkiſh empire, their laws, government, policy, military force, courts of juſtice, and commerce. London, 1615 ; Ib. 1621 ; Ib. 1673, fol. There are three other editions of theſe travels in Engliſh. In Flemiſh they appeared in 1669, and in German in the ſame year ; but it is ſingular that they were never tranſlated into French . A general Hiſtory of the Ottoman Empire, illuſtrated with uſeful notes and obſerva tions, after the manner of Meſſrs. Sandys and Addiſon ; with copper- plates. Lon don, 4to . Rather a general view of theempire, than a hiſtory , Adam Wenner's Reiſe der Legation Mathias II. an den Türkiſchen Keyſer Achmet I. von Prag bis Conftantinopel. ( Travels of the Embaſſy of Matthew II . to the Turkiſh Emperor Achmet I., from Prague to Conftantinople.) Nuremberg, 1622; Ib. 1665 , 410. Trattato de Turquia , con deſcrittione di Conſtantinopla. ( Treatiſe on Turkey, with a deſcription of Conſtantinople.) By Sapienza . Madrid, 1622 , 4to . Neue Reiſebeſchreibung eines gefangenen Criſten, von 1604 bis 1611, von Ungarn nach Conſtantinopel, Cairo, und Arabien. (New Travels of a Chriſtian Captive from Hungary to Conſtantinople, Cairo, and Arabia ). By J. Wilden . Nuremberg, 1623 , 4to. W. Muntzet . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 57 W. Muntzer von Babenberg, Reiſe von Venedig nach Jeruſalem , Damaſcus, und Con ſtantinopel. (Journey from Venice to Jeruſalem , Damaſcus, and Conſtantinople.) Nuremberg, 1624, 4to . Voyage au Levant ( dans la Turquie Europienne), fait par le commandement du Roi, en l'an 1621 , par D. C. Avec planches. Paris, 1624 ; Ib. 1629 ; Ib . 1632 ; ib. 1664, 4to. One of the firſt good accounts of the Turkiſh empire, which, notwithſtanding the number of editions, is become very ſcarce. Relation des Voyages de M. de Breves tant en Grèce, Terre-Sainte, Egypte, qu'aux Royaumesde Tunis et d’Alger; enſemble un traité fait en 1604 entre le Roi Henri le Grand, et l'Empereur des Turcs, et trois Diſcours du dit Sieur de Breves ; le tout re cueilli par S. D. C. ( Du Caſtel.) Paris, 1628, 4to . This is a very initructive work, by an author who was two and twenty years ambaſſador in Turkey. The account of Tunis and Algiers is peculiarly valuable, as thoſe ſtates have been ſo little viſited . De Turcarum Moribus Epitome, à Barthol. Georgeviz. Geneva, 1629, 16mo. Edwin Sandys' Travels into Turkey, Egypt, Paleſtine, and Italy, begun in the year 1610. London, 1621 , 1627, 1630, 1632 , 1658 , fol. —In Latin , London, 1635, 4to. Paul Straſburgii Relatio de Byzantino Itinere, ac Negotiis in Ottomanica Aula peractis. 1633 , 4to. PetriGyllii de Conſtantinopoleos Topographiâ Libri IV. Leyden, 1632 , 24mo. Hiſtoire du Sérail et de la Cour du Grand -Seigneur, par Baudier. Avec figures. Paris, 1631 , 4to . Turcici Imperii Status. Leyden, and Elzevir, 1634, 12mo. N. Schmid, Beſckreibung einer fuenf-jæhrigon Gefangenſchaft unter den Türken . (De ſcription of a five-years' Captivity among the Turks.) Dreſden, 1634, 12mo. Lettres envoyées du Levant. (Turquie Europienne.) Par le P. Louis le Grangier. Paris, 1635, 4to. J.B. Montalbanus, De Moribus Turcarum . Rome, 1636, 8vo. Moyfe Almodino, Hebreo , Extremos y Qualdeza de Conſtantinopla : tradotto por Jacobo Canſmo. vofaulu ue sa Maeſta Catolica, interprete ſuyo, y linguiſta en la plaza de Oran . (Extent and Grandeur of Conſtantinople, bythe Jew Mofes Almodino: tranf lated by J. Canſmo, fubje & of His Catholic Majeſty, and his interpreter in Oran .) Madrid , 1638, 4to . Voyage au Levant. (Turquie Europienne. ) Par Deſhayes. 3meedit. Paris, 1645, 4to. 5. Kuſzewicz,Narratio Legationis Fbaraſky in Imperium Ottomanorum , in 1622. Dreſden , 1645, 12mo. ; 1653 , 4to. C. Furer ,Conſtantinopolitaniſche Reiſe. (Journey to Conſtantinople.) Nuremberg, 1646, 4to . Itinerario de lasMyffiones orientales. (Journeys of the Urntal Miſſions.) Bý P.Manrique. Rouen , 1647 , fol. Viaggi de Pietro della Valle il Pellegrino , deſcritti da luimedeſimo, Here familiari al ſuoamico Mario Schipano, & c. ( The Travels ofPietro della Valle, the alt deſcribed by himſelf, in familiar letters to his friend M. Schipano ; written in the years 1614 to 1626; divided into three parts, viz. Turkey, Ruſſia, and India .) Rome, 1650, 1658, 1663. Venice, 1671 , 4 vol. 4to. - In Engliſh ; Landon, 16657 fol. -In French ; Paris, 1664, 4 vol. 4to. Rouen, 1665, fol. I Zee -en VOL. XVII. 58 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 Zee -en Landreyſe naer de Levante. ( Voyages and Travels into the Levant; viz. Italy, Candia, Cyprus, Rhodes, the Archipelagus, Turkey, Hungary, and Germany.) By Jan Sommer. Amſterdam , 1647, 1661 , 4to. Le Voyage du Sieur Duloir, enſemble ce qui s'eſt paſſé à la mort du Sultan Murat dans le Sérail, les cérémonies de ſes funérailles, et celles de l'avénement à l'empire de Sultan Ibrahim ; avec la relation du ſiége de Babylone, fait en 1639 par le Sultan Murat. Paris , 1654, 4to. The traveller, from 1639 to 1641, traverſed European Turkey and Aſia Minor, and his work contains much information relative to antiquities and the Maho metan religion. Verſchey de Vogagien gedaen na Conſtantinopel. (Travels to Conſtantinople.) By Jovis van der Daes. 1652, 12mo. Voyage de Quillet a Conſtantinople, par terre, en 1657. Paris, 1660 ; Ib. 1664 ; Ib . 1668 , 12mo. Voyage en Turquie en 1658, 1659, et 1660, par Tiſanier . Paris, 1663, 8vo. Voyage de M. Deſhayes en Danemarck, et ceux de M. Quillet à Conſtantinople, en 1659 ; avec des annotations. Paris, 1964; Ib. 1667, 12mo. PaulRycaut, Hiſtory of the preſent State of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1666, 1668 ; Ib. 1670 , fol.; Ib . 1675 ; Ib. 1682 ; Ib. 1686 ; Ib. 1689, 8vo. This work contains one of thebeſt accounts publiſhed at the time, of the religious and military ſtate of Turkey . Among the French verſions, that of Beſpier, printed in 1677 at Rouen , is valued for his excellent notes. Pauli Taffernii, Cæſarea Legatio, quam mandante imperatore Leopoldo I. ad Portam Ottomanam ſuſcepit perfecitque Walterus S. R. J. Comes de Lellie. Vienna, 1668 ; Ib. 1672 , 8vo. Jurgen Anderſen und Volquart Elverſen Orientaliſche Reiſebeſchreibung, mit Erklæ rungen von Gottfried Olearius. ( Anderſen and Elverſen's Travels into the Eaſt, with Explanations by G. Olearius.) Sleſwick, 1669, fol. A Voyage in the Levant, being a brief relation ofa journey from England to Great Cairo , through Venice, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia , Boſnia, Hungary, Macedonia, Theffaly , Thrace, the Iſle of Rhodes, and Egypt : with obſervations on the preſent ſtate of the Turks, and other ſubjects of that Empire. by Ilurvey Blount. London, 1634 ; Ib . 1669 ; Ib . 1699, 12mo. J. von Rantzow ,Beſkrifning om en Reiſe nar Jeruſalem , Cairo, og Conſtantinopel. ( Journey to Jeruſalem , Cairo, and Conſtantinople .) Copenhagen, 1669 , 4to. —In German ; Ib . 1669. Hamburgh, 1704, 8vo. A. G. von Stammer, Morgenlændiſche Reiſebeſchreibung nach Conſtantinopel, Egyp ten , und Jeruſalem . (Oriental Travels to Conſtantinople, Egypt, and Jeruſalem .) Gera, 1675. Jena, 1691 , 12mo. LesMémoires du Voyage de M. leMarquis de Ville au Levant, ou l'on trouve l'hiſtoire curieuſe delfiége de Candi-, contenant, en trois parties, tout ce qui s'eſt paſſé, &c.; letout tiré des Mér wies de J. B.Rortagne, &c. et des pluſieurs autres très- fidèles et très.... mies, par F. S. d'Alquié. Amſterdam , 1670 et 1671, 2 vol. 16mo. aceation nouvelle du Levant, par Louis Moroy. Lyons, 1671, 8vo. Relation nouvelle du Levant, par le P. Chinon. Paris, 1671 , 12mo. Journal du Voyage de Juſtin Collier, réſident à la Porte pour les Etats -Généraux : traduit du Flainand par Vincent Vital. Paris, 1672, 12mo. La Cour Otomane, où l'Interprète de la Porte, Paris, 1673, 12mo, Stephan OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 59 Stephan Gerlach, Tagebuch der von Maximilian II. und Rudolph II. an die Ottoma niſche Pforte abgefertigten, und durch Herrn David Ungnad, Freyherrn zu Sennegk und Preyburgh gluecklich vollbrachten Geſandſchaft. (Stephen Gerlach's Journal of the Embaſſy ſent by Maximilian II. and Rodolphus II. to the Porte, executed by D. Ungnad, Baron of Sennegk and Preyburgh, in 1673 and 1674.) Frankfort, 1674, fol. Thoma Smithii Epiſtolæ de Moribus et Inſtitutis Turcarum ; acceſſit brevis Conftanti. nopoleos notitia. Oxon. 1674, 8vo. Heinrich von Poſer Lebens und Todeſgeſchichte, worinnen das Tagebuch ſeiner Reiſe von Conſtantinopel durch Bulgarien , Armenien , Perſien , und Indien, von 1621 bis 16224 enthalten. ( Life and Death of Henry de Poſer ; containing the Journal of his Travels from Conſtantinople through Bulgaria, Armenia, Perſia, and India, from 1621 to 1624.) Jena, 1675, 4to. Etat préſent de la Turquie. Paris, 1675, 8vo. Théatre de la Turquie, par Michel Lefebvre ; avec reflexions et objections. Paris, 1675 ; Ib . 1682 , 4to . Le Miroir Ottoman ; avec un récit de ce qui s'eſt paſſé pendant la guerre des Turcs en Pologne, par le C. de la Magdeleine. Bafle, 1677, 8vo. Conſtantinopoliſke Refæ , 1657 och 1658. ( Journey to Conſtantinople in 1657 and 1658.) By Clas Balam . Stockholm , 1679 , 4to . Reiſeund Bothſchaft. des Reichſgrafen von Leſliean die Ottomanniſche Pforte. ( Journey and Embaſſy of Count Leſlie to the Ottoman Porte .) Breſlau , 1680, 12mo. Relation de l'Interieur du Sérail , par J. B. Tavernier. Paris, 1680, 12mo. Relation nouvelle d'un Voyage de Conſtantinople, enrichie de plans levés ſur les lieux , et des figures de tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable en cette ville, par Grelot. Paris, 1680, 4to. ; Ib . 12mo. Voyage to Conſtantinople, by Grelot. London , 1683, 4to . According to Dallaway, this is an excellent deſcription of this city , free from the exaggerations of Procopius and other writers. Luigi Ferd. Conte di Marſigli, Obſervazioni intorno al Bosforo Tracio, ovvero Canal de Conſtantinopoli. ( Obſervations on the Thracian Bofphorus, or Channel of Conſtan tinople.) Rome, 1680, 4to. Ed. Melton, Zee en Land reiſen door Egypten , Weſt- Indien , Perſien , Turkeien , Ooſt Indien. (Voyages and Travels to Egypt, the Weſt-Indies, Perſia , Turkey, the Eaſt Indies, in 1660 to 1667.) Amſterdam , 1681 , 4to. Hiſtoire critique de la Créance et des Coûtumes des Nations du Levant, publiée par le Sieur de Mont. Frankfurt, 1684, 12mo. Mémoires du Sieur Petit de la Croix , ci-devant ſécretaire d'ambaſſade à Conſtantinople, contenant diverſes relations de l'empire Ottoman. Paris, 1684, 2 vol. 12mo. Giovanni Benaglia, Relatione del Viaggio fatto à Conſtantinopoli, e ritorno in regione Tudeſca, del ConteAlberto Caprara,gentiluomo de camera dell' Imperatore, e da eſſo mandato como internunzio ſtraordinario e plenipotenziario, per trattare la continua. zione de la tregua. ( Relation of a Journey to Conſtantinople, and Return to Germany, by Count A. Caprara, as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambaſſador from the Emperor, to treat reſpecting a continuation of the truce.) Rome, 1684. Milan, 1684. Bologna, 1684. Venice, 1688, 12mo. Viaggio per la Turchia. ( Travels through Turkey, in 1672 and 1673. ) By Cornelio Magni. Bologna, 1685 , 12mo. I 2 Ber 60 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Beſchreibung der Türkey. ( Deſcription of Turkey.) Hamburgh, 1685, fol. Ambaſſades du Comte de Guilleragues et de M. Girardin, auprès du Grand Seigneur, Paris, 1687, 12mo. Viaggi a Conſtantinopoli, di Giovambatiſta Donato, ſpedito baylo à la Porta Oitomana ; colla raccolta delle più curioſe notitie dal Dottor Antonio Beneditti; e dati in luce da Dottor Maria Pezgaglia . ( Travels to Conſtantinople, of G. B. Donato, ſent thither as bailly to the Ottoman Porte, with a collection of the moſt curious notices, by Dr. A. Beneditti ; publiſhed by Dr. Maria Pezgagli.) Venice, 1688 , 12mo. Beſchryving der eylanden in de Archipel. ( Deſcription of the iſlands in the Archipe lago, Cyprus, Candia, Rhodes, Negropont, Pathmos .) By Olivier Dapper. Amſter dam , 1688, fol. Beſchryving van Morea en de eylanden in de Adriatiſche Zee. ( Deſcription of the Morea, and the Iſles in the Adriatic, or Gulf of Venice, Corfu, Cephalonia, Sta.-Maura, Zante.) By Olivier Dapper. Amſterdam , 1688, fol. Both theſe works were publiſhed in French, in 1703 , fol. at Amſterdam . Voyage de Mehemet-Bey, aujour d'hui nommé Michel de Cigala, Prince du Sangue Imperiale, baſſa, et fangiac de Chypre et de Trebyfonde. Paris, 1688 , 12mo. Viaggio di Levante, con deſcrizione di Conftantinopoli, e d'ogni altri accidenti. ( Journey to the Levant, with a deſcription of Conſtantinople, & c.) By Michael Benevenga. Bologna, 1688. Venice, 1688 , 12mo. Conſtantinopolis Chriſtiana ; five deſcriptio urbis Conſtantinopolitanæ qualis extitit ſub Imperatoribus, a variis ſcriptoribus excerpta, autore D. Ducange. Paris, 1688 , fol. Etat général de l'Empire Ottoman , dépuis ſa fondation juſqu'à préſent, et l’Abrégé de la Vie des Empereurs, par un Solitaire Turc : traduits de M. Petis de la Croix, avec une inſtruction, et recueil des mots et noms Turcs, trés -utiles aux voyageurs. Paris, 1695, 3 vol. 12mo. Simperti Diarium , oder Reiſebeſchreibung Wolfgang Grafen zee Oettingen Kayſerlichen Ġroſsbotſchafters nach Conſtantinopel. ( Travels of W. Count of Oettingen, Imperial ambaſſador to Conſtantinople, from 1699 to 1701. ) Augſburg, 1701 , 8vo. Antonii Bandari Imperium Orientale. Paris, 1711 , 8vo. F. Seydel, Denkwuerdige Geſandſchaft andie Ottomaniſche Pforte , aud Kayſer Ro dolph II . befehl, von Fr. von Kreckwitz verrichtet. ( Remarkable Embaſſy to the Porte executed by Fr. de Kreckwitz, at the command of the Emperor Rodolphus II . , by Fr. Seydel ; with Obſervations by S. Hauſdorf.) Gorlitx, 1711. Leipfic, 1758 ; Ib. 1773, 8vo. Voyage d'Eſpagne à Bender , contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable à Conſtanti nople et dans les autres parties de l'empire Ottoman , par le Chevalier de Bellerixe. Paris, 1713 , 12mo. Recueil de cent Eſtampes repreſentant les différentes Modes des Nations du Levant, deſſinées par ordre de M. de Feriol, ambaſſadeur de la cour de France, auprès du Grand -Seigneur ; avec des explications hiſtoriques. Paris, 1715, fol. When complete , this will form a very valuable and ſcarce work. Des Cönigs in Schweden Carl XII. Reiſebeſchreibung, worrinner was ſich nach der Pultaviſchen Schlacht, aut der gefährlichen Reiſe nach Bender begeben hat, au frichtig beſchrieben wird. ( Journey of Charles XII. King of Sweden, containing a true Account of what happened on his perilous Journey to Bender, after the Battle of Pultawa .) Stralſund , 1716, 8vo. Relation d'un Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi, contenant l'hiſtoire ancienne et moderne des OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 61 des pluſieurs îles de l'Archipel, de Conſtantinople, des côtes de la Mer.Noire, de l’Ar menie, de la Géorgie , des frontières de Perſe, et de l'Aſie-Mineure, avec les plans villes et des lieux conſiderables ; le génie, les mæurs, le commerce, et la religion dif férens peuples qui les habitent, et l'explication des medailles et des monumens eux, par Joſeph Tournefort, enrichie des deſcriptions et des figures d'un grande nombre des plantes rares, et de pluſieurs obſervations ſur l'hiſtoire naturelle. Paris, 7 , 2 vol. 4to. En Hollande, 2 vol. 4to. Lyons, 1718, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage to the Levant, &c. by Tournefort. Tranſlated into Engliſh , London, 3 vol. 8vo. The excellence of theſe travels has been long univerſally acknowledged, and the author diſplays a prodigious extent of erudition. Gerardi Cornelii Van den Drieſch, Hiſtoria magnæLegationis quam Caroli VI. Impe ratoris juſſu ſuſcepit Comes Damianus Hugo Virmondius ad Portam Ottomanam . Vienna, 1721 , 8vo.- A German tranſlation , Hamburgh, 1722, 8vo. Deſcription de Conſtantinople ; et relation du voyage de l'ambaſſadeur de la Porte Ottomane, et ſon ſejour à la cour de France. Paris. 1721, 12mo. Voyage de M. ( Jean Thevenot) en Europe, Aſie, Afrique, où, entr'autres choſes, il eſt ſoigneuſement haite des etats ſujets au Grand Seigneur, des mours, religion , ſectes, gouvernemens politiques, langues et coutumes des habitans de ce grand empire, et où ſe trouvent auſſi diverſes particularites de l'Archipel, Conſtantinople, Terre-Sainte, Egypte, pyramides, mumies, deſerts d’Arabie, de Mecque, et pluſieurs autres lieux de l'Aſie et de l'Afrique, remarques depuis peu, et non encore decrit juſqu'à preſent. Avec figures ; troiſieme edition . Amſterdam , 1729, 5 vol. 12mo. —Two previous editions in 3 vol . 4to. , are very ſcarce. Travels of Thevenot into Turkey, Perſia, and India ; with his portrait. London, This traveller, who is ſaid to have firſt introduced coffee in France, began his journey 1655. The ſtyle is bad , but the deſcription of the Turkiſh govern ment, military force, manners, and cuſtoms, the firſt accurate one bliſhed . His accounts of other countries are very unſatisfactory. Porter, in his obſer vations on the Turks, has miſtakingly impeached the credit of theſe travels, in conſequence of having confounded the traveller with his relative Mel chiſedech Thevenot, who publiſhed a collection of travels, but never any of Voyage d'un Miſſionare de Jeſus en Turquie. Paris, 1730. Joſephi Geraſii de RebusConſtantinopolitanis Libri. Venice, 1733, fol. Juſt Account of the preſent State of the Ottoman Empire, in all the branches of the Government, Police, Religion, Cuſtoms, and way of living of the Turks in general ; faithfully related from ſerious obſervations taken in many years travels in thoſe countries. By Aaron Hill. London, 1733, fol. Tollat, Voyage fait au Levant, contenant deſcription d'Algers, Tunis, Tripoli, Alex. andrie, Paleſtine, Conſtantinople. Paris, 1742, 12mo. The Negociations of Thomas Roe, in an Embaſſy to the Ottoman Porte, from 1621 to 1628. London, 1740, fol. C. Perry, A View of the Levant, particularly of Conſtantinople, Syria , Egypt, and Greece. London, 1743, fol. ; Ib. 1770, 3 vol. 4to. L'Etat de la Romanie. Cologne, 1745 , 8vo. Mæurs et Uſages des Turcs, leur Religion, leur Gouvernement civile et militaire ; enrichi de beaucoup des figures. Par Guer. Paris, 1746, 2 vol. 4to. 1687, fol. his own. 3 Tra 62 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Travels in Turkey, and Return back to England. By Chiſhull. London, 1747, fol. Voyage en Turquie et en Perſe, avec une Relation des Expeditions de Thamas-Kouli can , par M. Otter. Avec des cartes geographiques. Paris, 1748, 2 vol. 12mo. This work is valuable, in a geographical point of view, and becauſe the author has varied his route from that uſually purſued by travellers. De la Roque, Memoires, contenant ſes Voyages en Turquie. Hague, 1749 , 12mo.; Ib. 1754, 2 vol . 8vo. Voyage d'un Miſſionaire en Turquie, en Perſe, et en Armenie. Paris, 1750, 12mo. Reyſen door en Gedeelde van Europa, Klein Aſia, verſcheyde eylande van Archipel, Syrien, Paleſtinen, Egypten, & c. (Travels through part of Europe, Afia -Minor, different iſles in the Archipelagus, Syria, Paleſtine, Egypt, &c. ) By Egmont van der Nyenborg. Leyden, 1757, 1758, 4to . Tableau de l'Empire Ottoman .. Frankfort, 1757, 12mo. Herman Chriſtoph. Paul, Reiſe in die Morgenlænder. ( Travels into the Eaſt .) Altona , 1755, 4to. Lady Mary Wortley Montague's Letters, written during her Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa. London, 1763 , 1767, 12mo; with numerous other editions. Of theſe celebrated travels, there are tranſlations into moſt European languages ; in French , no leſs than five. Tour to the Eaſt , in 1763 and 1764, with Remarks on the City of Conſtantinople and Turkey. By Lord Baltimore. London, 1767, 8vo. Obſervations on the Religion, Laws, Government, and Manners of the Turks. By Porter . London, 1768 , 2 vol. 12mo. Ch.W.Luedecke's Beſchreibung des Turkiſchen Reichs. ( Deſcription of the Turkiſh Empire .) Leipfic, 1770, 8vo.; Ib. 1771, 1781 , 3 vol. 8vo. One of the moſt exact works of the kind. Demetri Kantemir, Hiſtoreſch - geograpiſche und politiſche Beſchreibung de Moldau. (Hiſtoric, geographic, and politic Deſcription ofMoldavia .) Frankfort and Leipſic, 1771, 8vo . Neueſte Reiſebeſchreibung durch die vornehmſten Provinzen der Ottomanniſchen Reichs. ( Journey through the chief Provinces of the Ottoman Empire. ) Hamburgh, 1773, 8vo. Conſtantinople, ancient and modern ; with an account of the Iſlands of the Archipe lagus and of Troy. By James Dallaway. London, 1776, 4to. This very excellent and circumſtantial account of Conſtantinople has been reproached with a want of arrangement approaching to confuſion . A great ſhare of the work refers to Aſiatic Turkey. P. Buſaniello, Hiſtoriſche Nachrichten von der Regierungs, Art, den Sitten, und Gewohnheiten der Ottomanniſchen Monarchie. ( Hiſtorical Account of the Govern ment, the Manners, and Cuſtoms of the Ottoman Monarchy. ) Leipfic, 1778, 8vo. Ceiſe in die Levante. (Journey to the Levant. ) " By Konnefriet. November, 1776, 1777, 2 vol. 8vo. Hiſtoire de la Moldavie et de la Vallachie, avec l'état actuel de ces provinces, par Carra . Paris, 1778 , 12mo. Memoires du Levant, par l'Abbé Brottier. Paris, 1780, 8vo. Lettre ſcritte della Sicilia e della Turkia. ( Letters from Sicily and Turkey.) By the Abbé Dominico Seſtini. 1780, 3 vol. 8vo. - In French , 1789, 3 vol. 8vo. Nor OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 63 Norberg, Briefeaus Italien und Conſtantinople. (Letters from Italy and Conſtantinople .) Leipfic and Roſtock , 1783 , 8vo. Franz Joſeph Sulzer, Geſchichte des Tranſalpiniſchen Daciens. (Hiſtory of the Tranſalpinian Dacia, viz. Wallachia, Moldavia, and Beſſarabia.) Vienna, 1781 , 8vo. Preſent State of the Ottoman Empire, by Elias Habeſci : tranſlated from the French manuſcript. London , 1784, 8vo. The real name of the author who aſſumed the title of Count, was , according to Major Taylor, Gica . Viage à Conſtantinopla en el año 1784. (Journey to Conſtantinople in 1784, publiſhed by order of Government.) By Morena. Madrid, 1784, 4to. Morena accompanied a ſquadron ſent from Spain with preſents for the Porte. Both the printing and the engravings are very magnificent. Another Another voyage to Cyprus and the coaſts of Syria is added. Deſcrizione del Littorale del Canale di Conſtantinopoli. (Deſcription of the Shores of the Boſphorus.) By Seſtini. In his Opuſcoli, Florence, 1785, 12mo. Baron vonWratiſlaw , Merkwürdige Geſandſchafts-Reiſe von Wiennach Conſtantinopel. ( Journey of an Embaſſy from Vienna to Conſtantinople.) Leipfic, 1786, 8vo. Mickoczy, Obſerwacie polityſzne Panſtwa Turckiego. ( Travels in Turkey, or obſer vations on the conſtitution, religion, and manners of the Turks. ) Warſaw , 1787 , 2 vol. 8vo. - A German tranſlation , by Linde, Leipfic, 1793, 2 vol. 8vo. Oſſervazioni ſtoriche, naturali, politiche, intorno la Valachia e Moldavia . (Hiſto rical , natural , and political Obſervations on Wallachia and Moldavia. ) Naples, 1788, 12mo. Tableau général de l'Empire Ottoman, diviſé en deux parties, dont l'une comprend la religion Mahometane; l'autre, l'hiſtoire de l'empire Ottoman ;par M. de Mou radgea d'Ouſſon, ſecretaire du Roi de Suède, et chargé de ſes affaires à Conſtan tinople. Avec planches. Paris, 1787, 2 vol. fol.; Ib. 1788 , 5 vol. The author was born at Conſtantinople ; and, as far as this work has been yet publiſhed , it exhibits one of the moſt authentic accounts of Turkey. The deſcriptions are of ſingular minuteneſs and authenticity, and the Mahometan manners has never been illuſtrated with more care and preciſion . The religious inſtitutions, the pictures of domeſtic life, the ſtate of the arts and ſciences, and many other topics, are treated in great detail, and receive much new light. In the practice of the moral virtues, and an eſtrangement from groſs vices and crimes, our author eſteems the Turks to be ſuperior to moſt Eu. ropean nations. This work well deſerves an Engliſh tranſlation, if not from the folio edition, at leaſt from the reduced octavo copy. Beſchreibung des Bannats, der Wallachey, Moldau, und der Königreiche Servien , und Boſnien. ( Deſcription of the Bannat, Moldavia, Servia, and Boſnia ). Leipfic, Erzoehlung einer Reiſe von Neapel nach verſchiedenen Hoefer der Levant. (An Ac count of a Voyage from Naples to different countries of the Levant. ) Inſerted in a German Journal, 1791 . Viaggio di Conſtantinopoli a Bukareſti. ( Journey from Conſtantinople to Buchareſt.) Rome, 1794, 8vo. Vew of the Turkiſh Empire, by Eton. London, 1798 , 2 vol. 8vo. 8 The 1790, 8vo. 64 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS The author, though his accounts are authentic, is much too unfavourable to his ſubject. Lettres ſur Conſtantinople, par l'Abbé Sevin, écrits pendant ſon ſejour en cette ville au Comte de Caylus. Paris, an X.- 1801 , 8vo. Theſe letters contain little new reſpecting that city, but in the Appendix ſome curious remarks on the cuſtoms of the Mainottes, by Stephanopholi, occur. Idea del Imperio Ottomano : parte hiſtorica del diario de navigacion que en ſu viage à Conſtantinopla, el año 1787 hizo el capiten de fregate D. Joſeph Solano Ortyz de Rofas, en qual per via de appendice ſe da razon de otro viage que executò à Con ftantinopla, el anterio año de 1786, y de qual poſteriormente hizo à Napole, yLi vorna, en el añno 1789 à 1793. (Sketch of the Ottoman Empire ; being the hiſto rical part of the log -book of D.Joſeph Solano, in his voyage to Conſtantinople in 1787; with an Appendix, of his voyage to Conſtantinople in the previous year 1786, and that which he ſubſequently performed to Naples and Leghorn, 1789 to 1793. ) Madrid, 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque de Conſtantinople et des rives de Boſphore d'apres les deſſins de M. Melling, deſſinateur et architecte de Hadidge- Sultane, fæur du Grand -Seigneur. Avec planches. Paris, 1807 , 1812 , fol. This magnificent work continues to be publiſhed. Voyages and Travels in the years 1809, 1810 , and 1811; containing ſtatiſtical, com mercial, and miſcellaneousobſervations on Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Cerigo, and Turkey. By John Galt. London, 1812, 4to. Mæurs, Uſages, Coutume des Ottomans, et Abrégé de leur Hiſtoire, avec des eclair ciſſement tirés des ouvrages orientaux , communiqué par Langles, par Caſtellan. Planches. Paris, 1812, 6 vol. 12mo. II. Travels into Greece, Albania, Macedonia , Turkiſh Illyria, the Morea, and the Archipelago. Paufania Deſcriptio accurata Græciæ ,Græce et Lat. , ex interpretatione Jac. Kuhnii, cum notis G. Xylandri, F. Sylburgii (et editoris). Leipfic, 1620, fol. This is the beſt edition of theſe travels of antiquity. Pierre Belons du Mans, Obſervations des pluſieurs Singularités, et Choſes memorable trouvés en Grèce, Aſie , &c. Paris, 1588 , 40. — In Latin , Antwerp ; 1589, 4to. Jean Palerne, Peregrinations en Egypte, Arabie, Terre-Sainte, Syrie, Natolie, Grèce, et les Iſles. Lyons, 1606 , 12mo. Deſcrizione delle Provincie che formano la tanto decantata peninſula della Morea. (De fcription of the Provinces which form the peninſula of the Morea. ) By Antonius Pacifico. Venice, 1636 ; Ib . 1686, 12mo. Viaggio tutto di Candia, delineato e intagliato da Marco Boſchini. ( Journey through the whole of Candia, deſcribed and engraved by M.Boſchini.) Venice, 1651, fol. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé de plus remarquable à Santorini, depuis l'établiſſement des Jéſuites, avec la deſcription defarts et de la créance des Turcs, et les feux ſouterrains qui ſortirent de la mer en 1650. Paris, 1657, 8vo. L'Archipelago, con tutte le iſole, ſeogli, ſecche, ebaſſi fondi. (The Archipelagus, with its iſlands, rocks, ſandbanks, &c. ) By Marco Boſchini. Venice, 1658 , 4to. Viaggi OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 65 Viaggi del Marcheſe Ghiron, Franciſco Villa, in Dalmazia, ed al Levante. ( Travels of Franciſco Villa, Marquis of Ghiron , to Dalmatia and in the Levant.) Turin, 1668, 4to . Pertinente Beſchryvinge der Gelegenheit van het Eyland Candia. (Exact Deſcription of the Situation of the Ife of Candia.) By A. de Haes. Amſterdam , 1670, 12mo. Le Voyage de Candie, fait par l'armée des Français, en 1659, par Reaux de la Richar. dière. Paris, 1671 , 8vo. Breve Deſcrizione dell'Archipelago, con un ragguaglio di antichità. ( Brief Deſcription of the Archipelagus, with an account of its antiquities .) By Count Paſcal de Krienen. Leghorn, 1673, 8vo. Athène ancien et moderne, et l'Etat préſent de l'Empire Turc, par de la Guilletière. Paris, 1675, 12mo. Deſcription of the State of Samos, Nicaria, Pathmos, and Mount Athos, by Georgineres, Archbiſhop of Samos, now living in London : tranſlated from the vulgar Greek. London, 1678 , 12mo. Etat de l'Archipel. Cologne, 1678 , 12mo. Voyage à Athènes, par le P.Balbée. This work is mentioned by Spon, but it has not been aſcertained where or when it appeared. Voyage de Dalmatie, du Grèce, et du Levant, fait aux années 1675 et 1676, par Jacob Spon et George Wheeler ; avec le portrait de l'Auteur, et pluſieurs plans, gravures, et médailles. Lyons, 1678 , 2 vol. 12mo.; Amſterdam , 1679, 2 vol. 16mo. Hague, 1724, 2 vol. 12mo. Journey into Greece, by Wheeler and Spon. London, 1681, fol. Avery valuable production , chiefly for antiquaries and artiſts. Reponſe à la Critique de Guillet ſur le Voyage de Spon . Lyons, 1679, 12mo. Memorie hiſtorico-geografiche de' regni della Moreae Negreponte . (Hiſtoricand geographical Memoirs relative to the Morea and Negreponte.) By Vincente Coro nelli. Venice, 1683 ; Ib. 1688, 8vo. — In French, Amſterdam , 1686, 8vo. Paris, 1687 , fol. Copies of this work, containing all the forty- two maps and engravings, are ſcarce and valuable. Viaggio e Navigazione di Sebaſtiano Fr. Giuſeppo, in diverſi luoghi di Grecia. ( Travels and Voyages into different parts of Greece , by S. F. Giuſeppo .) Rome, 1687, 4to . Deſcrizione del Regno e Iſola di Negreponte antico e moderno, di P.A.Pacifico ; Hiſto. riographia dell'iſola di Scio, del medeſimo; Notizia del Ducato d’Athene. ( Defcrip . tion of the Kingdom and Iſle of Negrepont, by P. A. Pacifico ; Hiſtoriography of the Iſle of Scio, by the ſame ; Account of the Dutchy of Athens. ) Venice, 3 vol. in Iſole di Grecia e del Arcipelago. (Ifles of Greece and the Archipelagus.) By P. M. Coronelli, edited by Periſotto. Venice, 1688 , 2 vol. 8vo. V. Coronelli, Iſola di Rodi, geografica, ſtorica, antica, e moderna, & c. ( The Illand of Rhodes deſcribed geographically and hiſtorically, in its ancient and modern ſtate .) Venice, 1688, 8vo. F. Placenza, Egeo redivivo, o fia chorografia dell'Archipelago. (Revived Egeus, or the chorography of the Archipelago.) Modena, 1688. Journey into Greece , by George Wheeler. With plates. London, 1688, fol. This journey was made in company with Spon, but Wheeler continued his tra VOL. XVII. vels one, 8vo. K 66 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 vels after the former had left him, and directed his attention to other objects beſides antiquities, which his companion chiefly attended to . Lacédémone ancienne et nouvelle, par de la Guilletière. Paris, 1689, 12mo. Paul Lucas, Second Voyage, l'an 1704, 1708 , dans la Grèce. Paris, 1710. Amſter dam , 1714 , 2 vol. 8vo. Athene in Attica, deſcritta da ſuo principio all' anno 1687, &c. e ſtato preſente della ſua antichità rinomata. ( Athens in Attica, deſcribed from its origin to the year 1687, & c. and preſent ſtate of its renowned antiquities .) By Fr. Fanelli. Venice, 1907, 4to . Relation du Voyage du Sieur Pellegrin dans la Morèe. Marſeilles, 1722 , 12mo. Voyage hiſtorique dela Gréce. Amſterdam , 1733 , 4 vol. 8vo. Deſcription of Mount Athos, by John Commenius. ( In modern Greek ). Venice, 1745, 8vo. Les Ruines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grèce, conſidérées du côté de l'Hiſtoire et du côté de l'Architecture, par M. Le Roi. Avec cartes , plans, et deſſins. Paris, 1758 ; Ib. 1770 , fol. Beſides the profeſſed object of theſe travels, they contain ſeveral particulars relative to the journey of the author. x Ruins of Athens, by Robert Sayer. London, 1759, fol. X The Antiquities of Athens, meaſured and delineated, by James Stuart. London , 1761 , & c. 3 vol. fol. Remarques d’un Voyageur moderne (le Baron de Riedeſal) au Levant. Zurich , 1773, 12mo. Travels in Greece, by Richard Chandler. London, 1776, 4to . This is a very minute and accurate work . In the French tranſlation of this and the other travels of the author in Afia -Minor, publiſhed at Paris in 1806, 3 vol. 8vo. , valuable notes are added by MM. Servais and Barbié de Bocage. Voyage pittoreſque de la Grèce ( par M. de Choiſeul-Gouffier ); enrichi des cartes, des plans, des vues, des figures, et des culs-de-lampes. Paris, 1778,&c. fol. This magnificent work was interrupted by the Revolution . De Bauer, Mémoires hiſtoriques et géographiques de la Wallachie. Frankfurt, 1778, 8vo. Carra, Hiſtoire de la Moldavie et de la Valachie, avec une differtation ſur l'état actuel de ces provinces. Paris, 1778, 8vo. vol. i. Demetrius Kantemir, Hiſtoriſche, geographiſche, und politiſche Beſchreibung der Moldau. ( Hiſtorical, geographical, and political Deſcription of Moldavia, with a life of the author.) Frankfurt and Leipfic, 1778, 8vo. Voyage litteraire de la Grèce, ou Lettres ſur les Grecs anciennes et modernes, avec un parallèle de leurs meurs, par M. Guys. Paris , 1783, 2 vol. 12mo. The preſent edition, which is the third, ſuperſeded the others by being much augmented and corrected . The firſt appeared in 1771 . Lettres ſur la Grèce, par Savary. Paris, 1788, 8vo. Savary's work, of which an Engliſh tranſlation appeared, contains the beſt ac count extant of Candia and Rhodes. Beſchreibung, hiſtoriſch und geograthiſch, des Archipels. ( Hiſtorical and geogra phical Account of the Archipelagus.) By Frieſemann. By . Neuwied, 1789, 5 vol, in 2 , 8vo. Beſchryving van den Archipel. (Deſcription of the Archipelagus.) By R. van Kinf bergen. Amſterdam , 8vo. -In German, Ib. 1792, 8vo. IO Reiſe OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 1 Reiſe durch die Inſeln des Archipelagus, mit neuen Anmerkungen. ( Travels through the Iſles of the Archipelagus, with new Obfervations.) Peterſburg , 1793, 8vo. Tableau du Commerce de la Grèce, formée d'après une année moyenne, depuis 1787 juſqu'en 1797, par Félix Beaujour. Paris, 1800, 2 vol. 8vo. This work is entitled to a place in this catalogue as containing the beſt account of Macedonia in its preſent ſtate. Mémoire ſur l'Etat de la Civiliſation dans la Grèce ; Notices ſur les Grecs modernes, ſur la langue, et ſur quelques ouvrages écrits dans cet idiôme, par M. Coray. Paris, 1801, 8vo. Voyageen Grèce et en Turquie, fait par ordre de Louis XVI., et avec l'autoriſation de la Cour Ottomane, par C.S. P. Sonnini. Paris, an ix . - 1801, 4to ., with an atlas ; Ib. 2 vol. 8yo. and atlas in 4to. ' Travels in Greece and Turkey, by Sonnini. London, 2 vol. 4to. and atlas. The Sporades and Cyclades are particularly deſcribed in this work . Voyage de Dixo et Nicolo Stephanopoli en Grèce, pendant les années 1797 et 1798 , d'après deux miſſions, dont l'une du gouvernement Français, et l'autre du Général. en -chef Bonaparte, rédigé par un des profefſeurs du Prytanée. Avec figures, plans, et vues levés ſur les lieux. Londres, 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. The illes of Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, and Cerigo, and particularly the country of Maina, anciently Laconia, are the chief objects of this work . Voyage en Grèce de Xavier Scrofani, Sicilien , fait en 1794 et 1795 : traduit de l'Italien parJ. F. Blanvilain. Paris, 1801, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage en Morée, à Conftantinople, en Albanie, et dans pluſieurs autres contrées de l'Empire Ottoman , pendant les années 1798, 1801 ; contenant la deſcription de ces pays, leurs productions, les meurs, les ufages, les maladies, et le commerce de leurs habitans; avec des rapprochemens entre l'état actuel de la Grèce, et ce qu'elle fut dans l'antiquité, par F.C. H. L. Pouqueville ; enrichi d'un précis hiſtorique et géographique de l'ancienne Epire, et de cartes dreſſéos, par M. Barbié du Bocage ; accompagné des pièces juſtificatives, et orné de figures et de vues . Paris, 1805, 3 vol. 8vo . The travels of this learned phyſician are peculiarly valuable for containing the beſt account we have of the Morea and of Albania, with much additional in formation reſpecting Conſtantinople . Bruchſtücke zur Kenntniſs des heutigen Griechenlands. (Fragments towards a Knowledge of modern Greece, collected during a journey in 1803 and 1804.) By S. Bartholdi. Berlin , 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. -In French , Paris, 1807, 2 vol. 8vo. Lettres ſur la Morée, et les Iles de Cerigo, Hydra, et Zante, par Caſtellan. Planches. Paris, 1808, 8vo . HOLLAND. I. Travels in Holland and the Netherlands. DESCRIZIONE di Ludovico Guicciardini di tutti Paefi.Bafli, altrimenti detti Germania . Inferiore. (Deſcription of the whole Netherlands, otherwiſe called Lower -Germany, with geographical maps and a natural delineation of the principal places, by L. Guicciardini. Reviſed anew , and amplified by more than one half, by the ſame author.) 68 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS " author.) Antwerp, 1581, fol. --- In Latin, Amſterdam , 1670, 2 vol . 18mo. —In French , tranſlated by Belleforeſt, 1576 , 16mo. -In Dutch , Amſterdam , 1672 , fol. The author, a nephew of the celebrated hiſtorian , travelled into the Netherlands to collect materials for this work. Joannis de Laet, Reſpublica Belgica. Leyden, 1633, 24to. Gothofredi Hagenetii in Friſiam Hollandicam Itinerarium , et Abrahami Oſtelii Itinerarium Gallo - Brabantinum . Leyden, 1635 , i amo. Deſcription de tous les Pays -Bas, autrement appelés la Germanie-Inférieure, ou la Baſſe-Allemagne, par Jean Verbiſt. Antwerp, 1638 . Sir William Temple's Obſervations upon the United Provinces and the Netherlands. London, 1673 , 8vo. Book of Travels in the United Provinces and the Netherlands. (In Dutch. ) Amſter dam , 1689, 8vo. Relation hiſtorique et théologique d'un Voyage de Hollande et d'autres Voyages des Pays- Bas, parGuillot de Marcilly. Paris, 1719, 12mo. Hiſtoire générale des Pays-Bas, contenant la Deſcription des dix-ſept Provinces. Nou velle edition, avec planches. Bruxelles, 1720, 4 vol. Hague, 1766 , 5 vol.; Ib . 1785, 7 vol. 12mo. Travels through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark ; containing an account of what is moſt remarkable in thoſe countries, particularly adeſcription of the fortified towns in Flanders and Holland , with exact draughts of Dunkirk, Maeſ tricht, Charleroi, Gent, and Ath ; together with neceſſary inſtructions for travellers. Fifth edition, much enlarged. Written by an Engliſh Gentleman, who reſided many years in Holland in a publick capacity. London, 1725, 8vo. Pičtureſque Tour in Holland , Brabant, and French -Flanders, by S. Ireland . London, 1778, 2 vol. 4to . Le Voyageur bienfaiſant, ou Anecdotes du Voyage de Joſeph II. dans les Pays -Bas et la Hollande. Liége, 1781. Paris, 1781, 12mo. Travels through the Low - Countries, Holland and Germany, by Dr. Burney. London, 1783, 8vo. The ſtate of muſic is the chief object of theſe travels, as well as thoſe of the ſame author in France and Italy. Travels through Holland and Brabant, by Pekham . London, 1788 , 12mo. Travels in Flanders and Holland, in 1781, by Sir Joſhua Reynolds. Inſerted in his works. A Tour through Flanders, Germany, and Holland. London, 1791 , 8vo . Journey in the year 1793 through Flanders, Brabant, and Germany, to Switzerland. By Efte. London, 1794 ; Ib . 1800, 8vo. [ See the travelsof Roſmital, Rathgeben , Neumayr, Duc de Rohan, Büſch, Forſter ; Sect. Great BRITAIN. -Birken , Veryard, Joſeph II . , Sander, Marcell, Heſs ; Sect. FRANCE . - Browne ; Sect. AUSTRIA. II. Travels in the United Provinces. Z. Boxhornii Epiſtola ad Gabrielum Oxenſtiernium de Peregrinatione ejus Batavica . Leyden , 1639 , 4to. Matt. Schokii Belgium Foederatum , ſeu diſtincta Deſcriptio Reipublicæ Federati Belgii. Amſterdam , 1652, 12mo. 4 Relation OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 69 Relation of the Voyage and Reſidence which King Charles II. made in Holland .With plates, and a portrait of the King. London, 1660, fol. -In French, Hague, 1660, fol. Account of Travels in Holland and Germany, by William Penn. London , 1695, 8vo. Remarques hiſtoriques et critiques, faites dans un Voyage en Italie et en Hollande, & c. Cologne, 1705, 12mo. 7. W. Vogel, Journal ſeiner Reiſe nachHolland und Oſt- Indien. (Journal of his Travels to Holland and the Eaſt Indies. ) Leipfic, 1690, 12mo. Les Delices de la Hollande ; avec un Traité du Gouvernement, &c. Leyden , 1660, I 2mo. Amſterdam , 1738, 2 vol. 12mo. One of the beſt works publiſhed under the title of Delices. Komſte van zyn MajeſtetWillemIII . , Koning van Groot-Britannien , in Holland. ( Arrival of King William III.from England in Holland.) Hague, 1691 , fol. - In French, Hague, 1692, fol. La Guide d'Amſterdam , enſeignant aux voyageurs et aux négociants fa ſplendeur, fon commerce, et la deſcription de ſes édifices, & c. Amſterdam , 1709, 12mo. Les Delices de la Campagne à l’Entour de la Ville de Leyde, contenant un abrégé de l'hiſtoire des anciens Bataves, de leurs moeurs, coutumes, &c . Avec planches. Par Gérard Goris. Leyden , 1712, 8vo . Aufenthalt in Holland von dem jahr 1717 biſt 1719. (Reſidence in Holland from 1717-1719.) By Deiſchel. In Bernoulli's Archives of Hiſtory. Voyage de Romeà Amſterdam , parJoſeph Pignata. Cologne, 1725, 8vo. Etat de la Republique des Provinces-Unies, par Janiçon. Hague, 1725, 2 vol. 12mo. Journal du Voyage en Hollande, de M. de la Papeliniére. Paris, 1730, 4to. Les Hollandais, ou Lettres ſur la Hollande ancienne et moderne, par A. de la Barre de Beaumarchais. Frankfort, 1738 , 8vo. Les Amuſemens de la Hollande, avec des remarques nouvelles et particuliers ſur la génie, les meurs, et le caractère de la nation. Hague, 1739, 8vo. Deſcription of Holland and the United Provinces. London, 1743, 8vo. Lettres Hollandaiſes, ou les moeurs , les uſages, et les coutumes des Hollandais. Amſter dam, 1747 ; 1b. 1750, 2 vol. 8vo. Reiſe von Hamburg nach Holland. ( Journey from Hamburgh to Holland, in 1753.) By C. Mylius. În Bernoulli's Archives, vol. vi. Reiſe durch Holland. (Travels through Holland .) By Count Lynar. In the ſame, vol. i . Nieuwe geographiſche Nederlandſche Reiſe ; en zee-atlas, mitſgaders eene beknoopte algemeene geographie dezer provintzen. (New geographic Travels in the Nether lands; with an atlas of charts, and a ſhort general geography of theſe provinces .) Amſterdam , 1773, 8vo. Voyage d'Italie et de Hollande, par l'Abbé Coyer. Paris, 1775 ; Ib. 1788, 2 vol. izmo. La Hollande au dix -huitième Siècle ; ou nouvelles lettres, contenant des remarques et des obſervations ſur les principales villes, ſur la réligion, le gouvernement, le com merce, la navigation, les arts, les ſciences, les coutumes, les uſages, les moeurs des habitans de cette province. Hague, 1779, 12mo. Lettres ſur la Hollande, écrites en 1777, 1778, et 1779. ( Par Pilati.) Hague, 1780, 2'vol. 12mo. This is perhaps the beſt account of the country and its inhabitants hitherto publiſhed. Geogra. yo CATALOGUE OP BOOKS Geographike, phyſike, naturlike,civile Hiſtorie van Holland. (Geographic, phyſical, natural, and civil Hiſtory of Holland.) By Franc. Berkhey . Amſterdam , 1769, 3 vol. 8vo. —In French, Bouillon, 1782 , 4 vol. 12mo. LeGuidedes Voyageurs en Hollande. Hague, 1781 , 8vo. Itinéraire hiſtorique, politique, géographique des ſept Provinces des Pays -Bays, par Febure Baron de St. Ildephont Guille. Hague , 1782, 2 vol. 8vo, Neueſte Reiſen durch the Sieben Vereinigten Provinzender der Niederlande. (New Travels through the Seven United States of the Netherlands, relative chiefly to the collections of the arts, natural hiſtory, economy, and manufactures.) By F.J. Volkmann. With plates. Leipfic, 1783, 8vo. One of the beſt works of the kind . Itinéraire de la Hollande, par Febære. Amſterdam , 1784, 12mo. A Trip to Holland ; containing a ſketch of the character of the people. London , 1786, 2 vol. 12mo. Vermiſchte Nachrichten eines Schottiſchen Brigadiers aus Holland. (Miſcellaneous Accounts from Holland, by a Scottiſh Brigadier.) Frankfurt, 1786, 8vo. Statiſtiſche und politiſche Bemerkungen bey Gelegenheit einer neuen Reiſe durch die Vereinigten Niederlande. ( Statiſtical and political Remarks made in a Tour through the United Netherlands.) By Barkhauſen. Leipfic, 1788, 8vo. Beſchryving van Amſterdam . (Deſcription of Amſterdam .) By Wagenaer. Amſter dam , 1790, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe nach Holland. (Remarks in a Tour to Holland.) Olden burg, 1790 , 8vo . Beitroege zur Kenntniſs des gegenwertigen Zuſtandes von Holland. ( Contributions towards a Knowledge of the preſent State of Holland , in letters from K.G. Küttner, during his journeys through Holland, in 1787, 1790, and 1791.) Leipfic, Briefe über die Vereinigten Niederlande. (Letters on the United Netherlands.) By J. Grabner. Gotha, 1792 , 8vo . Republikaniſke Reize van Vrankryk naar Holland. ( Republican Journey from France to Holland .) By Gerrit Paape. Amſterdam , 1795, 8vo. Letters from Holland during the laſt part of the year 1800, - by R. Fell. London , 1801 , 8vo. Voyage en Hollande, par la Rochefoucault-Surgère. (In his works, Paris, 1802, 8vo.) Statiſtique de la Batavie, par Eſtienne. Paris, an xi.- 1803, 8vo. A deſcriptive and pictureſque Account of the Idlands of Walcheren , Beveland, Schowen , and Cadſand. London, 1809, 8vo. 1792, 8vo . [ See the travels of Patin, Erndel, la Croze, Uffenbach , Grim , Heſs, Oeder, la Roche, Mayer ; Sect. ENGLAND. —Pratt; Sect. WALES. -Giorgi, Poole, Tour of Holland, Marſhall, Sander, Hwüd, Ireland , Owen , Droyſen, Rudolphi, Holcroft, Belgian Traveller ; Sect. FRANCE. -Deſcription de la Livonie, Bram , Hanway, Williams, Richard ; Sect. Russia. - Lomenie ; Sect. AUSTRIA . -D'Aulnoy ; Set. Spain .] DOMINIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 71 i DOMINIONS OF DENMARK AND SWEDEN. 1. Travels through both theſe Countries. OLAI MAGNI Hiſtoria de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, earum diverfis Moribus, Super ſtitionibus, Diſciplinis, Rebus memorabilibus. Rome, 1555. Bafil, 1567, fol. - Tranſlated into Engliſh , fol. Nicolai Wimman , Deſcriptio Navigationis Maris Arcti feu Baltici, et Sinus Codani. Baſel, 1573 , 8vo . Jacobi Ziegleri Scondia , ſeu Deſcriptio Grænlandiæ , Handiæ , Sueciæ , et Norvegiæ . 1579, 8yo. Adamus Bremenfis, De Situ Daniæ Regnorum ſeptentrionalium aliorumque. (In Hiſtoria Eccleſiaſtica ejuſdem autoris.) Leyden, 1595, 4to. This prelate viſited Scandinavia in the eleventh century. In the life of St. An ſcharius or Anſgar, by St. Rambert, printed in Langebek's “ Scriptores Rerum Danicarum , tom i.," his miſſion to Denmark and Sweden , which terminated in 830, is related . It forms a valuable document of the ſtate of the North of Europe at that very early period. Reiſe en Sweden, &c. ( Travels in Sweden, Denmark, &c. ) By Ant. Grætterie. Hague, 1619, 2 vol. 12mo. Verſuch einer Beſchreibung deffen was bei der 1670 von Herzog Albert, von Sachſen Gotha nach Holſtein , Dannemark, und Schweden , gethanen Reiſe vorgefallen , von Hieronymus Bruknar. ( Efſay towards a Deſcription of what happened in the Journey of Duke Albert, of Saxe-Gotha, to Holſtein, Denmark, and Sweden , in 1670.) In Fabri's Geographical Magazine, vol. ii. ii. iv. An Account of Denmark and Sweden , by Lord Moleſworth. London, 1697, 8vo. This book fo much exaſperated the Daniſh ſovereign, that he demanded the puniſhment of the author, who had been ambaſſador at his court. On being told that it could not be inflicted according to the Engliſh laws, he faid ,as we are informed by Count Suhm , that if ſuch a work had been publiſhed againſt England, in his own dominions, the author ſhould have been executed for it. Reiſe nach dem Norden mit den vornehmſten Nordiſchen Curioſitäten . (Travels to the North, with the chief Northern Curioſities.) Leipſic, 1706 ; Ib. 1710, 12mo. Beſkrifning om Sverige, Danmark, och Norige. (Deſcription of Sweden, Denmark , and Norway .) By Melchifedech Adam. Stockholm , 1738, 8vo . Almindeligt Udkaſt af Krigens Skueplads, eller geographiſk, topographikk, og hif toriſk Beſkrivelſe over Kongerigerne Danmark, Norge, og Sverige. (Account of the Seat of the Northern War, or a geographical, topographical,and hiſtorical De ſcription of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden .) By Henr. Otto Scheel, publiſhed by T. Thaarup. Copenhagen , 1785, 4to . A number of new and accurate local deſcriptions render this production very uſeful. Geogra. 72 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Geographiſches Taſchenbuch auf Nordiſchen Reiſen . (Geographical Pocket- Book, kept during Travels through the North.) By A. G. Preuſchen. Frankfort, 1792 , 8vo. Travels in Denmark and Sweden , by Joſeph Marſhall, in 1768. London, 8vo. Letters written on a Tour through Denmark, Norway, and Sweden , by Mary Wol ſtonecroft. London , 1798, 8vo. Reiſen durch Deutſchland, Dannemark, Schweden, Norwegen, und Italien . ( Travels through Germany, Denmark , Sweden , Norway, and Italy, in 1797, 1799.) By M. Küttner. With maps, plans, and figures. Leipfic, 1800, 4 vol. 8vo. Meine Fuſs- Reiſe durch Schweden , Norwegen, und die Herzogthümer Schleſwig und Holſtein. (My pedeſtrian Tour through Sweden , Norway, Sleſwic, and Holſtein .) By la Tocnaye. — Tranſlated from the Swediſh (into German ), Hamburgh, 1801. Leipfic, 1803, 8vo. A Tour through Denmark and Sweden, written during the laſt winter and ſpring, by Lieut. -Col. Macdonald . London , 1809, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage II. Travels in Denmark and Norway. Norriges og omliggende vers Beſkrivelſe. ( Deſcription of Norway and the ſurround ing Ilands.) By Peder Clauſen. Copenhagen , 1632 ; Ib . 1637, 4to . Norige, Iſlands, og Grænlands Beſkrivelſe. (Deſcription of Norway, Iceland, and Greenland .) By Jens Wolf Copenhagen, 1651, 4to. Martin Zeiller, Beſchreibung der Kænigreiche Dænnemark, und Norwegen. (De ſcription of the Kingdomsof Denmark and Norway.) Ulm, 1648 ; Ib . 1658 , 8vo. -In Latin , with augmentations, Amſterdam , 1655, 12mo. Arnold Bernhard , Danemarkes og Norges frugtbareHerlighed. (Denmark and Nor way's fruitful Glory.) Copenhagen , 1656 , 4to. of King Chriſtian IV. , in 1659, to Norway and to Wardehuus in Finmark, deſcribed by Jonas Chariſius, in Daniſh, and tranſlated into German, in Schlegel's Hiſtorical Collections. L. H. Lomenie de Brienne Comitis, Itinerarium in Germaniam , Daniam , &c. Paris, 1660 ; Ib. 1662, 8vo. Voyage enDanemarck, par Deſhayes de Courmelin , enrichi d'annotations par le Sieur P. L. M. 1664, 12mo. Voyage to the Illands of Gothland, Orkney, to Denmark , and Norway, by Malgo. ( In Hackluyt.) Voyage to the Sound of Denmark . (In the ſame.) Walſton's Navigation into the Soundof Denmark . (In the ſame.) Rutgeri Hermanida, Deſcriptio Daniæ et Norwegiæ . Amſterdam , 1670, 2 vol. 12mo. Feroa reſerata, eller Beſkrivelſe over diſſe æer , &c. ved Lucas Debes. Copenhaguen, 1673 , 8vo. Feroë, or Færoa reſerata. This is a deſcription of the iſlands and inhabitants of Ferroë, being ſeventeen iſlands ſubject to the King of Denmark ; wherein ſeveral ſecrets of nature are brought to light ; and ſome antiquities, hitherto kept in dark neſs, diſcovered ; with maps. 1676, 12mo. Travels through Denmark and ſomeParts of Germany: tranſlated from a manuſcript in French. London , 1697 , 8vo. De OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 73 De la Honta, Suite du Voyage, &c. avec les Voyages en Portugal, et en Danemarc. Amſterdam , 1704, 12mo. Relation en forme de Voyage, fait en Danemarck à la ſuite d'un Envoyé d'Angleterre, avec pluſieurs extraits des loix de Danemarck , accompagné des quelques réflexions. Avec une carte. Rotterdam, 1706, 12mo. Norriges Beſkrivelſe. (Norway deſcribed .) By Jens Ramus. Copenhaguen, 1735, 4to . ErichPontoppidan, Theatrum Daniæ veteris et modernæ ; oder Schaubühne des alten und jetzigen Dænnemarks. Bremen , 1730, 4to. Beſchreibung des Kænigreichs Dannemark , nach ſeinen politiſchen und phyſicaliſchen beſchaffenheiten. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of Denmark, in its political and phyſical ſtate.) Copenhagen and Hamburgh, 1765, 1767, 2 vol. 4to . Denemark, mit einer ausfuehrlichen Beſchreibung. (Denmark , with a detailed Ac count.) 281 maps. Copenhagen , 1746, 3 vol. fol. Deſcription circonſtanciée de la Réſidence royale et Capitale de Copenhague, &c. par Laurent de Thura. (In French, Daniſh , and German .) With plates. Copenhagen and Berlin , 1748, 4to . Forſøg paa Norriges Natural Hiſtorie, af E. Pontoppidan. Copenhaguen , 1752, 1753, 2 vol. 4to. , with 30 plates. Pontoppidan's Natural Hiſtory of Norway. London, 1755, 2 vol. fol. Notwithſtanding Pontoppidan is occaſionally betrayed into error by his cre dulity, his account of the country and its natural hiſtory is very valuable, and in general correct. Roger, et Reverdil, Lettres ſur le Danemarc. Geneva, 1757, 1765, 2 vol. 8vo. Lettres ſur le Danemarck, par Mallet. Genève, 1757, 2 vol. 8vo. Danemark og Norges geiſtliche en politiſche Tilſtand. (Denmark and Norway's eccleſiaſtical and political State. ) By Louis Holberg. Copenhagen, 1762, 8vo. DetKongerige Norge fremſtillet, efter naturlig og borgerlig tilſtand. ( The Kingdom of Norway diſplayed in its natural and civil ſtate ..)) By E. F. Jeſen . Copenhagen , 1763, 4to. Lettres ſur le Danemarck , par George Roger, augmentées par Reverdil. Genève, 1769, 8vo. Peder Daſs, Beſkrivelſe over Nordlands Amt. (Deſcription of the Bailiwick of Nord land in Norway .) Copenhagen, 1763, 8vo. Chorographiſk Beſkrivelſe over Kongeriget Norge, ſamt Foræer, Iſland, og Grænland. ( Chorographic Deſcription of Norway, withthe Faroes, Iceland, andGreenland.) By N. Jonge. Copenhagen, 1770, 4to. Anecdoten eines Reiſenden Ruffen überdie Staatſverfaffung, Sitten , und Gebræuche der Dænen. ( Anecdotes of a Ruſſian Traveller, reſpecting the government, man ners , and cuſtoms of the Danes.) 2d edit. Lubeck , 1771, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe nach Feroë und Stevenſklint. (Journey to the Feroë Iſles, and Stevenſklint.) By J. J. Chemnitz. In the Memoirs of the Berlin Phyſical Society. Letters from an Engliſh Gentleman , during his Travels through Denmark . London , 1773, 8vo. Forſæg til en Indenlande Reiſe. ( Journey into the Interior of Denmark .) By Dyfel. Copenhagen, 1774, 4to. Dæniſche Reiſe -Beſchreibungen. ( Travels in Denmark .) By J. H. Schlegel. Copen . hagen, 1776, 8vo. A. Schytte, VOL. XVII. L 74 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A. Schytte, Danemarcks ogNorges naturlige og politiſke Toeſatning. ( Denmark and Norway's natural and political Conſtitution .) Copenhagen, 1777, 8vo. vol. i. Reiſe igiennera Tillemarken og tilbage. ( Journey in Tillemarken, and Return back .) By Mueller. Copenhagen , 1778, 8vo . J. C. Fabricius, Reiſe nach Norwegen , mit Bemerkungenaus der Natur-Hiſtorie und Oeconomie. (Journey to Norway , with Remarks on its natural Hiſtory and Eco nomy.) Hamburgh, 1779, 8vo. A French tranſlation , Paris, 1803, 8vo. This is one of the beſt books of travels hitherto publiſhed reſpecting Norway. Auguſt Hennings, Oeconomiſche und ſtatiſtiſche Betrachtungen auf einer im jahr 1979, auf Befehl unternommenen Reiſe nach Jütland. ( Economical and ſtatiſtical Re flections during a Tour through Jutland, undertaken by command, in the year 1779.) Copenhagen, 1786, 8vo . Fr. von Buchwald, Udtog af en Reiſendes Dag -bog i Mecklenborg, Pommern, og Holſtein . ( Extract of a travelling Journał kept in Mecklenburg, Pommerania, and Holſtein .) Copenhagen, 1784, 8vo. - In German, Ib. 1786, 8vo. Beretning om en Reife foretalet efter allernaadigſt befaling i aarene 1782 og 1783 , med fregaten Proeven , for at underſæge de i Danemark forfærdigede Sæe-Uhre. ( Account of a Voyage made by ſupreme command in 1782 and 1783, in the frigate Præven, to try the marine Time-keeper, invented in Denmark .) By P. de Lovenærn. Copenhagen, 1787, 8vo. Reiſe in die Marſchlænder an der Nordſee. (Journey into the marſhy Countries on the German Ocean .) By N. Tetens. Leipſic, 1788, 8vo . vol. i . This is all that has appeared of this work, which relates to the weſtern coaſts of Holſtein, Sleſwic , and Tutland. Tagebuch einer nach dem ſüdlichen Theil von Norwegen im ſommer 1788 gemachten Reiſe. ( Journal of a Tour in the ſummer of 1788 to the ſouth of Norway .) By J. Munſen. Hamburgh, 1789, 8vo . Reiſe Jagtagelſer in nogle af de Nordiſke Lande , med henſigt til folkenes og landenes kundſkab. (Journalof Travels through part of the North , relative to the knowledge of the people and of the country .) By J. N. Wilfe. Copenhagen, 1790, 1793 , 3 vol . 8vo. Studien zur Kenntniſs der Schænen Natur, der Schænen Kuenſte, der Sitten , und der Staatſverfaffung auf einer Reiſe nach Dænnemarck. ( Studies towards a Knowledge of the Beauties of Nature, the Arts, the Belles letters, the Manners and Government, during a Journey in Denmark .) By F. W. von Ramdohr. Hanover, 1792 , 8vo. vol. i . Kurze Nachrichten von der Inſel Sylt. (Short Account of the Iſle of Sylt. ) By E. Ambrofius. Copenhagen, 1798, 8vo . Beſkrivelſe over Kongeriget Norge, öerne Iſland, og Færoërne, ſamt Grænland, efter ældre og nyerne, trykte og haandſkrevne, geographiſke, chorographiſke, og ſta tiſtiſke ſkrifter, afhandlinger og efterretninger, ſaavelſom ved brevvexlinger, &c. ( Deſcription of Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Iflands, and Greenland , froni ancient and modern, printed and manuſcript, geographic, chorographic, and ſtatiſtic works and diſſertations, as well as from correſpondence, &c. ) By Lars Hefs Bing. Copenhagen, 1796, 8vo. Kopenhagen im jahr 1798. (Copenhagen in 1798.) Copenhagen, 1798 , 8vo. Kiæbenhavnernes Caracteriſtic. (Character of the Inhabitants of Copenhagen. ) Ib . Den Nordfiellanſke Landalmues Carakter, Skikke, Meninger og Sprog. ( Character, Manners, and Language of the Peaſants of the North of Sealand.) lb. 1798 , 8vo. Topographiſk 1798, 8vo. то OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 75 Topographiſk Journal for Norge. ( Topographic Journal of Norway.) Eighteen num bers. “ Chriſtiania, 1798. A number of ſhort and intereſting tours in Norway occur in this journal. Wille, Reiſe i Norge. ( Journey in Norway.) Copenhagen, 1798 , five parts. A very judicious work, pointing out the improvements neceſſary in Norway. Beſkrivelſe over Bornholm . ( Deſcription of Bornholm .) By Skongaard. Ib.1804, 8vo. Beſkrivelſe over Færæërne. ( Deſcription of the Faroe Ines.) By J. Landt. Ib . 1800, 8vo . This very accurate deſcription of the Faroe Iles has been tranſlated into Engliſh , 1809, 8vo. Tableau des Etats Danois, enviſagés du mécaniſme ſocial, par J. P. Catteau . Paris, an X. - 1800, 3 vol. 8vo. - Tranſlated into Engliſh . A good work as far as it goes, relating chiefly to ſtatiſtics, compiled from Thaarup and other Daniſh authors. Reiſe über den Sund. (Voyage acroſs the Sound . ) Tubingen , 8vo. Kiæbenhavns Beſkrivelſe. ( Deſcription of Copenhagen .) By Raſmus Nyrup. Copen hagen, 1800, 8vo. Beſkrivelſe over Loffee. (Deſcription of the Iſle of Læſſøe.) By L. H. Bing. 1800, 8vo. [ See the travels of Rathgeben, Jars ; Sect. Great Britain .-- Marſhall, Lentz ; Sect. FRANCE . - Goetceri, Embaſſy of the States-General, Carliſle, Wraxall, Wil. liams, Randolph, Coxe, Swinton, Carr; Sect . Russia . — Megiſſer, de Veer, Linf hoten, Kerguelen -Tremarec; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERGEN, & c.-Ogerius, Mau rier ; Sect. POLAND. - Deſhayes ; Sect. Turkey.] III. Travels in Iceland . Jona ( Arngrimi) brevis Commentarius de Iſlandia ; quo ſcriptorum de hac inſulâ ( Adami Bremenfis, Olai Magni, Munfteri, Friſii) errores deteguntur et extraneorum , ex. gr. Georgii Peerſe , conviciis et calumniis quibus Illandis liberius inſultare folent, occur ritur . Halle, 1592. Hanau , 1593, 8vo. Jona ( Arngrimi) Crymogea; ſeu Rerum Iflandicarum Libri III. Hamburgh, 1606 ; Ib. 1610 ; Ib. 1614 ; Ib. 1618 ; Ib. 1630, 8vo. Beſchryving der twee Eylander Iſland ende Groenland. (Deſcription of the two Illes of Iceland and Greenland .) By Dithmar Blefkenius. Groningen , 1608, 8vo . Dithmari Blefkenii Iſlandia, five populorum acmirabilium , quæ in eâ inſulâ reperiuntur deſcriptio ; cui deGroenlandia quædam juncta ſunt. Leyden, 1609, 12mo. Danielis Fabricii Iſlandia et Groenlandia. Roſtock, 1616, 4to . Theod. Thorlacii Diſſertatio chorographico-hiſtorico de Illandia. Wittemberg, 1661 , 4to. Deſcription de l'Iſlande, par Iſaac la Peyrere. Paris, 1663, 8vo. Dithmar Blefkenius, Hiſtorie van Lap- en Finland ; hier eſt by gevoegt de Beſchryving van Is- en Groenland. (Hiſtory of Lapland and Finland ; to which is added , the Deſcription of Iceland and Greenland.) Leuwarden, 1716, 8vo. Egidius Strauch, De Ifandiâ. Wittemberg, 1670, 4to . Johann Anderſon, Nachricht von Iſland , Grænland, und der Straſſe Davis. ( Accounts of Iceland, Greenland, and Davis's Straits.) Hamburgh, 1746. Frankfurt and Leipfic, 1747, 8vo. - In French , Paris, 1750, 2 vol. 12mo. L 2 This 76 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS This work was collected from Icelanders who viſited Hamburgh, where Ander ſon was firſt magiſtrate, and, notwithſtanding ſome errors, contains much curious information . Olav. Eggerhard, Enarrationes hiſtoricæ de Iſlandiæ Natura et Conſtitutione. Copen hagen, 1749, 8vo. Tilforladelige efterretninger om Iſand, ved Nils Horrebow . Copenhagen, 1750, 8vo. The Natural Hiſtory of Iceland, by M. Horrebow . London, 1758, fol. Reiſe igiennem Iſland. (Voyage to Iceland .) By E. Olafsen, and B.Povelſon . Sorve, 1772, 2 vol. 4to. --- In German , Copenhagen , 1774, 1775, 2 vol . 4to. Dreſden , 1787, 2 vol. 4to. — In French, Paris, 1801, 5 vol. 8vo ., and an atlas. Bref roerande en Reſa til Iſland af Uno Troil in aaren 1772. Upſala, 1777, 8vo. Letters fromIceland, containing obſervations on the civil , literary, eccleſiaſtical, and natural hiſtory, the antiquities,volcanoes, hot-ſprings, the cuſtoms and manners of the inhabitants. By Banks, Solander, and Von Troil. London , 1780, 8vo. The moſt valuable copy of theſe letters is the French tranſlation by Lindholm ( Paris, 1781 , 8vo.), for which the Swediſh original was reviſed by Troil, and which is illuſtrated by notes from the Engliſh and German editions. Oeconomiſk Reiſe igienem de nord -weſtlige, nordlige, og nord -oftlige kanter af INand. ( Economic Travels in the north -weſt, north , andnorth -eaſt of Iceland .) By E. Ola vius. Copenhagen, 1783 , 4to . — In German , with maps and plates , Leipfic, 1787, 4to. C. Ú . Eggers, Phyſiſche und ſtatiſtiſche Beſchreibung von Iſland. ( Phyſical and ſtatiſ tical Account of Iceland .) Copenhagen, 1786, 8vo. vol. i . N. Mohr, Forfæg til en INandik natur Hiſtorie, &c. ( Effay towards a natural Hiſtory of Iceland, with economic and other Remarks.) Copenhagen , 1786, 8vo. Philoſophiſche Schilderung der gegenwertigen Verfaffung von Iſland, nebſt Stephenſens Beſchreibung des Erdbrandes im jahr 1783. ( Philoſophical Deſcription of Iceland in its preſent ſtate, with Stephenſen's Deſcription of the ſubterranean Fire in 1783.) Altona and Leipfic, 1786, 8vo. Forſæg til en Illandſk Naturhiſtorie, med adfillige Oekonomiſke, ſamt andre anmerk ningar. (Efſay towards a Natural Hiſtory ofIceland, with economical and other Remarks.) By N. Mohr. Copenhagen, 1786 , 8vo. J. S. Plums Reiſe ingtagelſer i Ingials, Hools, og Froder ſogne i Ifand. ( Travels through the Pariſhes of Ingial, Hool, and Froder in Iceland, in 1798 and 1799.) Ib. 1800, 8vo. Sven Paulſen, Udtog af hans Dag-bog . ( Extracts of S. Paulſen's Journal of his Travels in Iceland.) In the Memoirs of the Copenhagen Natural Hiſtory Society, vol. ii. and iii.) Travels in the Iſland of Iceland, during the ſummer of the year 1810, by Sir George Steuart Mackenzie. Edinburgh, 1811, 4to . Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the ſummer of 1809, by W. J. Hooker. London, 1811 , 8vo. [ See the voyages of Martinière, Kerguelen - Tremarec ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERG . -Ziegler ; Sect. DENMARK and SWEDEN. —Wolfe, Jonge, Heſs-Bing ; Sect. DeN. MARK . ] - 4 IV . Tra OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 77 1 IV. Travels in Lapland. Canuti Leemii de Laponibus Finnmarckii, eorumque lingua, vita, religione priſtina, unà cum J. E. Gunneri notis ; Erici Jo. Jeffen de Finnorum Lapponunique Norwe gicorum , religione pagana tractatus fingularis, unà cum delineatione tympani runici. (Latin and Daniſh .) Copenhagen, 1767, with 100 plates, 2 vol. 4to. — Tranſlated into German, Leipſic, 1770, 8vo. The work of Leem, who wrote alſo ſeveral others on the language of Lap land , has been liberally made uſe of by modern travellers without acknow ledgment. Joanni Schefferi Laponia, id eft, Laponum et gentis deſcriptio. Upſala, 1670 ; Frank fort, 1673, 4to. — In French (with notes , and 25 plates, by le P. Lubin ), Paris, 1678 , 4to. Engliſh, Oxford, 1674, fol. This is the firſt good account of this country, though ſeveral errors have been pointed out by ſubſequent authors. Olaf Rudbeck, Norro Smoland, eller uplyſte Lapland ; et Rudbecki filii ( Olai) Lap ponia illuſtrata, etiter per Uplandiam , Angermanniam , Bothniam , item Finlandiam , Alandiam , &c. Upſala, 1701 , 4to. Franciſci Negri Laponia, data in luce da Cinelli Calvoli. Venice, 1705 , 8vo . Nic. Oern , Beſchreibung Laplands. ( Deſcription of Lapland.) Bremen, 1707, 12mo. J.G. Scheller, Reiſebeſchreibung von Lapland und Bothnien. (Travels in Lapland and Bothnia.) Jena , 1713 ;Ib. 17.32 ; Ib. 1748, 8vo. Beſkrifning afwer de til Svenſka Kronan lydande Lapmarker. ( Deſcription of the Provinces of Lapland, belonging to the Swediſh Crown. ) By P. Hogſtroem . Stock holm , 1747, 8vo. -In German , Leipfic, 1748, 8vo. — In French, tranſlated by Ke ralio de Gourlay, 4to. This work contains a new and accurate account of Lapland. Relation d'unVoyage fait dans la Laponie feptentrionale, pour trouver un ancien monu ment, par Maupertuis. · (In his works, Berlin , 1753.) P. Kalm , De Economia et Moribus Incolarum Lapponia Kimienſis. Abo, 1754, 4to. Knud Leem , Beſkrivelſe afwer Finmarkens Lapper. ( Deſcription of the Laplanders of Finmark .) Copenhagen , 1767 , 470. - In German , Leipfic, 1767, 4to. Lacheſis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland ; now firſt publiſhed from the original manuſcript of the celebrated Linnæus, by T. E. Smith, M.D. London, 1801, 2 vol. 8vo. [See the travels of Marſhall; Sect. France. — La Mottraye ; Sect. Russia . — Linſchoo ten , Martinière, Klingſted ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERGEN. — Blefkenius ; Sect. ICELAND. ] Several modern accounts of Lapland occur in the Memoirs of the Academy of Science at Stockholm ; in thoſe of the Society of Sciences of Drontheim ; of the Natural Hiſtory Society at Copenhagen, and in other Swediſh and Daniſh periodical publications. A manuſcript journey through the moun tains of Lapland, in 1749, by Lars Martin, is in the Library of Sir Joſeph Banks ; and another, relative to Finnmark or Daniſh Lapland, by Collet, in 1757 , in the Royal Library at Copenhagen. From the latter, Thaarup has given extracts in his ſtatiſtical work on Denmark . V. Sweden 78 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS V. Sweden and Finland. Journal van het Geſantſchap op den vrede handel tuſchen Polen en Schweden, in de jaare 1627 à 1632. ( Journal of the Embaſſy for negociating a Peace between Po land and Sweden, from 1627 to 1632. ) N. D. , 410 . Journal van het Geſantſchap i 1617, door van der Homart, Bicker, ent Baumont. ( Journal of the Embaſſy in 1617, executed by Homart, Bicker, and Baumont, in order to eſtabliſh a free commerce between Poland and Sweden. ) Amſterdam , 1631 , 4to . M.Zeilleri Deſcriptio Regnorum Sueciæ , Gothiæ, magni Ducatuſque Finlandiæ, ut et Livoniæ , Bremenſis Ducatus, et Pomerania. Amſterdam , 1632 ; Ib. 1655 , 12mo. Mich. Owerionii Epitome Deſcriptionis Sueciæ, Gothiæ, Finningiæ, et ſubjectarum provinciarum . Abo, 1650, 8vo. Ruggeri Hermanida peninſulare Regnum Sueciæ , five hiſtorica et geographica de ſcriptio illarum Sueciarum quæ Baltico à Germaniâ feparantur. Amſterdam , 1671 , 12mo. An Account of Sweden . London , 1694, 8vo. Journey of the late King of Sweden , by Spilberg ; and of the Mathematicians into other Parts of the North. London, 1698 , 8vo. Ruggeri Hermanida Deliciæ , five amænitates Sueciæ , Gothiæ, et magni ducatus Finn landiæ . Leyden , 1705, 2 vol. 12mo. F. Neri, Viaggio in Suecia. (Journey in Sweden .) Padua, 1706. 8vo. J. F. Leopold , Relatio epiſtolica de Itinere fuo Suecico 1707 facto, ad J. Woodward . London, 1720, 8vo. Beſkrifaing æfver Sverige och Opland. ( Deſcription of Sweden Proper, and Upland.) Stockholm, 1741 , 8vo. Oelanſka och Gothlanſka Refa. (Journeyin Oeland and Gothland .) By C. Linnæus. Stockholm , 1745, 8vo. -In German , Halle, 1764, 8vo. Chorography of Bahus, in a Journey, by J. Oedmann. (In Swediſh .) Stockholm, 1746, 8vo. Weſtgotha og Bahus Lænſka Reſa. ( Journey in Weſt -Gothia and Bahus. ) By P. Kalm . Stockholm, 1746, 8vo. Weſt -Gotha Reſa. ( Journey in Weſt-Gothia . ) By C. Linnæus. Ib. 1749, 8vo. —In German , Halle, 1765. Jemtlanda Refa. (Journey in Jemtland .) By Gad. Hægſtrom . Ib . 1749, 8vo. Skoenſka Reſa, færrated i 1749. (Journey in Sconia, in 1749.) By C. Linnæus. Ib. 1751.- In German, Ib. 1756. This and the preceding journeys are chiefly valuable to botaniſts. Jemtelands Economiſke Beſkrifning po en Reſa. (Economic Account of Jemtland, written during a journey .) By J. Otto Hogſtroem . Ib. 1751, 8vo. Dagbok æfver en ifran Stokholm igenom atſkillige Landſkaper, gjord Reſa. (Journal of Travels from Stockholm into ſeveral Provinces of Sweden .) By C. Haerleman. Ib. 1751 , 8vo . Nils Giſler, Fal om Medelpad och Angermanlands naturlige Beſkaffenheit. (On the natural Conſtitution of Medelpad and Angermanland. ) Stockholm, 1751 , 8vo. C. Linnæus, Reiſen durch das Königreich Schweden. ( Travels through the Kingdom of Sweden : tranſlated , with Remarks, by Klein . ) Leipfic, 1756, 8vo. Dagbok OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 79 Dagbok æfwer en reſa igenom de under Stora Kopperburg hæfdingedomme lydende læn och dalerne. (Journal of a Tour to the Diſtrict of Kopperburg. ) By G. Huelfer. Weſheruus, 1763, 8vo . Mémoires pour ſervir à la Connoiſſance des Affaires économiques et politiques de la Suède, par Canzler. Dreſden , 1776, 4to. A valuable work, but ſuperſeded by later publications on the ſubject. J.G. Büſch. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch einen Theil Schwedens. ' ( Remarks in a Tour through a Part of Sweden, in 1780. ) Hamburgh, 1783 , 8vo. Reiſe eines Engliſchen Geiitlichen durch Schweden. ( Journey of an Engliſh Clergy man in Sweden. ) Berlin , 1785 , 8vo. Voyage en Suède ; contenant un état de ſa population, de ſon commerce, des ces finances, avec quelques particularités concernant l'hiſtoire du Danemarck , par un Officier Hollandais. Hague, 1789, 8vo. Journey through Sweden ; with ſome particulars relating to the hiſtory of Denmark, and to the life of Count Struenſee : written in French by a Dutch Officer, and tranſlated by W. Radcliffe. London, 1790, 8vo. Theſe travels contain an accurate and intereſting account of Sweden. Voyage en Suède, et Hiſtoire abrégé de ce royaume, depuis 1583 , juſqu'en 1786. Hague, 1789, 8vo. Beſkrifning æfwer Stockholm . (Deſcription of Stockholm . ) By Elers. Stockholm , 4 vol. 8vo. -- Abridged in Gerinan, by Gerken. 8vo. Swed- rikes Stats Kunſkap. ( Account of the Swediſh State. ) By Sven Lagerbring. 3d edition. Stockholm , 1790, 8vo. Tableau général de la Suède, par J. P. Catteau. Lauſanne, 1790, 2 vol . 8vo. Reiſe nach den Kullen in Schonen . ( journey to the Kullen in Sconia, from the Journal of a Lady. ) Inſerted in the German Magazine , 1791,No. 1 . Erinnerungen aus einer Reiſe nach Stockholm . (Recollections of a Journey to Stock holm , in 1794. ) In the ſame, 1795 , No. 1 and 2 . Bref under en Refa i Sverige. ( Letters during a Tour in Sweden. ) With plates. Stock holm, 1799, 4to. Journey through Sweden. London, 1800, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch einen Theil Schwedens. (Remarks in a Journey through Part of Sweden .) By J. G. Eck. Leipſic, 1800, 8vo. Reiſe durch einige Schwediſche Provinzen. (Journey through ſome Swediſh Provinces .) By C.G. Gilberg. Hoffman , 1801 , 8vo. Voyages pittoreſques au Cap-Nord, par A. Skialdebrand. Text and plates. Stock holm and Paris, 4to. Skiældebrand's work conſiſts of views and deſcriptions. Travels through Sweden, Finland , and Lapland, to the North- Cape, by Joſeph Acerbi. London, 1801 , 2 vol. 4to. The accounts of Finland , which has been little viſited by travellers, and the additional information reſpecting Lapland contained in this work, beſtow a great value on it. : Briefe über Schweden und Schwedens neue Verhæltniſſe. ( Letters on Sweden , and its preſent Condition ; written on the occaſion of Acerbi's Travels.) By F. Ricks ; tranſlated from the Swedilh manuſcript. Halle, 1804, 8vo. Pi&tureſque Journey through Scandinavia. With 25 plates. London, 1802, 4to . This firſt number contains views in Lapland. Natural 80 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Natural-hiſtoriſche Reiſe durch Schweden . ( Journey through Sweden , relative to Natural Hiſtory.) By F. Wheeler and J. Mohr. Gottingen , 8vo. Voyage en Allemagne et en Suède, par Catteau. Paris, 1810, 3 vol. 8vo. Travels in Sweden , in the autumn of 1812 , by Thomas Thomſon. With a variety of plates, ma,, and mineralogical charts. Edinburgh , 1813 , 4to . [ See the travels of Jars, Leſcaliers ; Sect. Great Britain. — Marſhall, Lentz ; Sect. FRANCE. Goetceri, Embaſſy of the States -General, Carliſle, Wraxall, Williams, Coxe, Svenſk Officerar, la Mottraye, Fortia de Piles, Carr, Kerr Porter ; Sect. RUSSIA. Megiffer ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERGEN . Ogerius, Maurier; Sect. Poland. ] PORTUGAL . DE Antiquitatibus Luſitaniæ Libri IV. , à Lucio Reſendio olim inchoati, et à Jacobo Me naetio Vaſconcello recogniti, atque abſoluti : acceſſit LiberV. de antiquitate municipii Eboracenſis, ab eodem Vaſconcello conſcriptus. Evora, 1593 , fol. A volume of great ſcarcity and value. Monarquia Luſitana, compoſta por Frey Bernardo Brito, Franceſco Brandao, Frey Antonio Brandao, et Frey Raphael de Jeſus. (The Luſitanian Monarchy, compoſed by Father Bernardo Brito, Franceſco Brandao, Antonio Brandao, and Father Raphael de Jeſus.) Liſbon , printed in the Monaſtery of Alcobaço, 1597, and the following years ; 7 vol. fol. Deſcripçao do Reyno de Portugal. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of Portugal.) By Duarte Nunez de Leao. Liſbon, 1610, 4to . Do Sitio deLiſboa , Dialogo. (Dialogue on the Scite of Liſbon .) By Luis Mendez de Vaſconcellos. Liſbon , 1608 , 8vo. Varias Antiguedades de Portugal. (Various Antiquities of Portugal.) By Gaſpar Eſtaço. Liſbon , 1625, fol. Manuel Faria ySouſa, Europa Portugueſa. ( Portugueſe Europe.) 2d edit. Liſbon , 1678, 3 vol. fol. This work , with the author's Portugueſe Aſia and Africa, forms a collection of ſeven volumes, complete ſets of which are hardly ever to be met with. He did not live to finiſh and publiſh his ſimilar work on America. Relation de la Cour de Portugal ſous le Regne de Pierre II . Paris, 1702, 12mo. Natural and political Hiſtory of Portugal, by C. Brockwell. London, 1726, 8vo. Deſcription de la Ville de Liſbonne. Paris, 1730 , 12mo. In as far as this is the beſt account of Liſbon, before the great earthquake, it is curious. Severin Faria , Noticias de Portugal. ( Notices reſpecting Portugal.) Liſbon, 1740, fol. Corografia Portugueſa. (Portugueſe Chorography.) By Carvalho. Liſbon, 3 vol. fol. Deſcripçao de Portugal. ( Deſcription of Portugal.) By Dom Franciſco Nipho. Liſbon, 1762, 12mo. Deſcripçao geografico do Reyno de Portugal. (Geographical Deſcription of Portugal, and its Routes.) By Dom Pedro Campomanes. Liſbon, 1763 , 8vo. Journal of a Voyage to Liſbon, by Henry Fielding. London, 1765, 8vo. Etat preſent du Royaume de Portugal, par Dumourier. Lauſanne, 1775, 12mo. Nouvelle OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 81 Nouvelle edition, révue, corrigée, et augmentée conſiderablement. Hamburgh, 1797, 4to. Neuer Zuſtand desKænigreichs Portugal. (New State of the Kingdom of Portugal.) By Schmaus . Halle, 1759, 8vo. Deſcripçao do Biſpado de Elvas. (Deſcription of the Biſhoprick of Elvas. ) By Novaes. Liſbon , fol. Deſcripçao da Cidade da Porto, e ſeu Biſpado. (Deſcription of the City and Biſhoprick of Oporto .) Liſbon, 8vo. Merkwürdigkeiten von Portugal, oder kurzgefaſſte Nachrichten von derBeſchaffenheit des Landes. (Remarkable Objects in Portugal, or conciſe Account of the Condition of the Country.) Frankfurt and Leipfic, 1779, 8vo. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lord Charington ; containing a genuinedeſcription of thegovernment and mannersof the preſent Portugueſe. London, 1782, 8vo. Travels in Portugal, through the Provinces of Entre Douro e Minho, Beira, Eſtre madura, and Alentejo , by James Murphy. London, 1791, 1798, 2 vol. 8vo. A general View of the State of Portugal, illuſtrated with a map , and fifteen other engravings, by James Murphy. London, 1798, 4to. Tableau de Liſbonne en 1796, ſuivi de Lettres écrites en Portugal, ſur l'état ancien et actuel de ce royaume. Paris, an v . - 1797, 8vo. Voyage du ci -devant Duc du Châtelet en Portugal ( en 1777) ; revu , corrigé ſur le manuſcrit, et augmenté de notes, par J. F. Bourgoing. Paris, 1798, 2 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels were actually written by M. Cormartin, ſubſequently one of the leaders of the Chouans in the Vendée. The work is a curious one, and contains much information relative to the celebrated Pombal. Voyage en Portugal, particulièrement à Liſbonne, en l'année 1794. Paris, 1798, 8vo. Tagebucheiner Reiſein Briefen durch dasAlentejo, eine Provinz von Portugal, &c. ( Journal of a Tour through Alentejo, a Province of Portugal, in 1797, in letters; with a deſcription of the Bull-fights.) Hildeſheim , 1799, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch Frankreich, Spanien , und vorzüglich Portugal. (Remarks in a Tour through France, Spain , and particularly Portugal). By H. F. Linck. This is the beſt account of Portugal hitherto publiſhed. Lettres ſur le Portugal, écrites à l'occaſion de la guerre actuelle, par un Français établi à Liſbonne ; avec des obſervations ſur le voyage du Duc du Châtelet, et des détails ſur les finances de ce royaume, publiées par H. Rangue . Paris, an x . - 1802, 8vo. Letters on the Government, Manners, and Cuſtoms of Portugal, by Coſtigan. Lon don , 8vo. Voyage en Portugal, par M. le Comte de Hofmannſegg, rédigé par M. Linck, et faiſant fuite a ſon voyage dans le même pays. Paris and Straſburg, 1805, 8vo. Portugiſiſk Reſa, i brefen . ( Travels in Portugal, in letters). By C. J. Ruders. Stockholm , 1805, vol. i . , 8vo . [ See the travels in Spain and Portugal ; thoſe of Mad. Bernard ; Seat. ENGLAND. - Voyage par M ** , Voyage par S ** ; Sect. FRANCE.- Hontan ; Sect. DENMARK. ] VOL . XVII. M SWIT 82 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS SWITZERLAND . A JOURNEY on Mont- Pilate. (In the work entitled, “ Commentarius J. Vadianus de Walt in III . Lib. Pomponii Melæ de Situ Orbis. ” ) Vienna, 1518 , 4to . Egidii Tſchudi Deſcriptio Rhætiæ Alpinæ. Balle, 1538, 4to. Reiſe auf den Stockhorn, in 1536. ( Journey to the top of the Stockhorn .) By Bel licanus. Zurich , 1555, 4to. Reprinted, as well as the next, in Scheuchzer's Natural Hiſtory of Switzerland. The name of Bellicanus is derived from the village of Bellikon , in the can ton of Zurich . The real name of the traveller was Mueller. Conradi Geſneri Deſcriptio Montis Pilati. 1555, 4to . B. Aretius, Deſcriptio Montis Nieſen, et Montis Stockhorn. Straſburg , 1561, 4to . Deſcriptio Helvetiæ , autore Marſo, legato Imperatoris et Regis Hifpaniæ , 1555, 1559, 4to . Joſia Simleri Valeſiæ Deſcriptio Libri II. , et de Alpibus Commentarius ; et Cellini Liber de Thermis et Fontibus medicatis Valeſianorum . Turgau, 1574, 8vo. Leyden, 1633, 24to. This remains to the preſent day, the moſt minute account of the Valais we have. De Helvetiorum Republicâ , autore Joſia Simlero. Leyden , 1624, 24to. This is the beſt edition of this work, which underwent ſeveral previous edi. tions. A ſecond French tranſlation appeared at Paris, 1578, 8vo. Tableau de la Suiſſe, par Leſcarbot. Paris, 1618, 4to. Frid . Sprecheri Rhætia. Leyden , 1633, 24to . Helvetia Profana et Sacra, autore Ranucio Scotti. Macerata, 1642, 4to . Relation du Voyage de Henri II. d'Orléans-Longueville, dans ſa Principauté de Neu châtel et Valengin, en 1657. ( In the Journal Helvetique, 1782, and in l’Eſprit des Journaux, fame year. ) Beſchreibung des Lucerner, oder Vier -Waldſtetter -fees. (Deſcription of the Lake of Lucern. ) By J. L. Cyfatus. Lucern, 1661, 4to. Auſzug aus der Bruknerſchen Reiſebeſchreibung nach Genf. ( Extract from the Traveis of Brukner to Geneva, in 1668.) In Fabri's Geographical Magazine, 3 vol. 8vo. H.Pfender, Gründliche Beſchreibung der hohen Berge, Fruchtbarkeit, wilden Thieren, Natur, und andern Wunderdingen des Landes Glaris. (Deſcription of the High Mountains, Fertility, ſavage Beaſts, Nature, and other wonders of the country of Glaris. ) Bafil, 1670, 12mo . J.J. Wagneri Hiſtoria naturalis Helvetiæ curioſa. Zurich, 1680, 12mo. Reboulet et La Brun , Voyage de Suiſſe en 12 letters. Hague, 1686, 2 vol. 16mo. Beſchreibung des Zuercher- fees. ( Deſcription of the Lake of Zurich .) By T. E.Eſcher. Zurich, 1692 , 8vo. J. Scheuchzeri Hiftoriæ naturalis Helvetiæ Prolegomena. Zurich , 1700, 4to . Naturgeſchichfe der Schweitz. (Natural Hiſtory of Switzerland.) Zurich, 1748 , 2 vol. 4to. -An enlargement of the former work. Mercurius Helveticus, fürſtellend die denk und ſchauwuerdigſten Sachen und Selten heiten der Eidgenoſſenſchaff. (Helvetic Mercury, deſcribing the moſt remarkable and curious things and curioſities in the Confederation .) By J. J.Wagner. Zurich, 1701 , 12mo. Arminio OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 83 Arminio Donnebuchi, Relatione del paeſe de'Suizzeri e loro alliati . (Account of the Country of the Swiſs and their Allies.) Venice, 1708 , 8vo. L'Etat et les Délices de la Suiſſe, en forme de relation critique, par pluſieurs auteurs célèbres (Stanian, Keyſer, et Ruchat de Lauſanne ); enrichi de figures en taille- douce, deſſinées, lur les lieux mêmes, et des cartes. Amſterdam , 1714 ; Ib . 1730 ; Ib . 1740 . Balle, 1760, 4 vol. 12mo . - Conſiderably augınented, Neuchatel, 1765 , 2 vol. 4to. Notwithſtanding ſome inaccuracies, this continues a valuable work , and contains deſcriptions of ſeveral objects which have not been noticed , or but ſlightly, by other travellers. Joannis Scheuchzer per Helvetiæ Alpinæ Regionis Itinerarium . Leyden, 1523 , 2vol. 4to . Haller, Iter Helveticum, anno 1738; et Iter Hercynium , anno 1739 . Gottingen, 1740. Leipfic, 1740, 8vo. J.G.Sulzer, Beſchreibung der Merkwuerdigkeiten, die er in einer 1742,gemachten Reiſe durch einige Oerter des Schweitzerlandes beobachtet hat. (Deſcription of remark able Objects obſerved during a Journey through ſome Parts of Switzerland, in 1742.) Zurich, 1743, 4to. E. D. Bruckner, Verſuch einer Beſchreibung hiſtoriſcher und natürlicher Merkwürdig keiten der Landſchaft Baſel. ( Efſay towards a Deſcription of the hiſtorical and na tural Curioſities of the Canton of Bafil.) 1748 , 1763, 23 numbers. Verſuch einer hiſtoriſchen und phyſikaliſchen Beſchreibung der Helvetiſchen Eiſberge. ( Eflay towards an hiſtorical and phyſical Deſcription of the Swiſs Glaciers, on the occaſion of a journey thither. ) By J.G.Altmann .' Zurich, 1751 ; Ib. 1753 , 8vo. Beſchreibung verſchiedener merkwuerdiger Gegenſtande im Simmenthal. (Deſcription of various remarkable Objects in the Valley of Simmen, in the Canton of Bern. ) By D.Langhans. Zurich , 1753, 8vo . F. M. Nerini, Iter Subalpinum , curâ J. C. Fiſcher editum. Franfort and Leipſic, Reiſe nach der Birſquelle. ( Journey to the Source of the Birſe, in the abbacy of Balle.) By A. J. Buxtorf. Geneva, 1756, 8vo. Account of Switzerland, written in the year 1714, by Abraham Stanian. Edinburgh , 1756, 8vo. Plantini Helvetia antiqua et novas . Bern, 1756, 8vo. Effai d'une Deſcription des Curioſités hiſtoriques et naturelles du Pays de Bâle ; avec un Voyage à la Source de Birſe.) Bafle, 1759, 8vo . Eiſberge des Schweitzerlandes. ( TheGlaciers of Switzerland.) By G. S. Gruner. 1760, 3 vol. 8vo. Hiſtoire naturelle des Glaciers de Suiſſe: traduction libre de l'Allemand de M. Gruner, par M. de Keralio. Paris, 1770, 4to . This was conſidered the beſt work on the ſubject previous to thoſe of Sauſſure and Bourit. A ſhort Accout of the ancient Hiſtory, preſent Government, and Laws of the Republic of Geneva, by G. Keate. London, 1761, 8vo. Naturgeſchichte Helvetiens in der alten Welt, von G. S. Gruner. Berne, 1764, 8vo . Hiſtoire naturelle de la Suiſſe dans l'ancien Monde : traduite en Françaiſe. Neuchatel, 1776, 8vo. J. E. Bertrand, Deſcription des Montagnes et des Valais qui font une partie de la Principauté de Neuchâtel et Valengin. Neuchâtel, 1764. — Augmented by F. Oſter. wald , Ib . 1766, 8vo . Deſcription 1753, 8vo. M 2 84 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Deſcription des Montagnes de Neuchâtel. 1766, 8vo. (By the two Poliſh Counts Mniſzek .) Hiſtorical and political State of Switzerland, deſcribing its ſituation, ancient and pre ſent ſtate, its diviſion into cantons, &c. London, 8vo. Antonii Capellarii Hiſtoria Montis Pilati. Bafle, 1767 , 4to. Briefe über die vornehmſten Merkwürdigkeiten der Shweitz. ( Letters on the chief Curioſities of Switzerland. ) Leipfic, 1769, 8vo.; Ib. 1776, 1785, 2 vol. 12mo. Lettres ſur la Suiffe, par Boufflers. Paris, 1772, 8vo. Reiſe durch die Waet. ( Journey through the Pays-de-Vaud, in 1774.) In the Hel. vetic Muſeum , 2nd year, No. 8 . Reiſe auf den Verliberg. (Journey up Mount Verli.) By S. Schinz. Zurich, 1775 , 8vo. C. C. L. Hirſchfeld, Briefe die Schweitz betreffend . (Letters on Switzerland .) Leipſic, 1776, 8vo. Neue Briefe über die Schweitz. (New letters on Switzerland. ) Kiel, 1785, 8vo. Dictionnaire de la Suiſſe, par J. Renard. Paris, 1775, 2 vol. 8vo. A well-executedalphabetical deſcription of the country , Beſchreibung einer Reiſe, die im jahr 1776, durch einen Theil der Berniſchen Alpen gemacht worden. ( Deſcription of a Tour in 1776 through part of the Alps of Bern .) By J.J. Coggenbach. Bern, 1776 , fol. Briefe aus der Schweitz. (Letters from Switzerland to Hanover in 1763. With 16 plates.) By Andrea. Zurich and Wintherthur, 1776, 4to. De Luc, Relation de différens Voyages dans les Alpes Faucigny. Maeſtricht 1776, 12mo. Lettres ſur les Montagnes de la Suiſſe . Hague, 1778 , 8vo. Lettres ſur la Suiſſe, par L. M. L. C. Altona, 1777, 2 vol. 8vo. Efſai ſur les Montagnes Salifères du Gouvernement d’Aigle, ſituées ſur les Confins de Beval, par F. S. Wild, capitaine des mines de l'état de Berne. Avec cartes et planches. Geneva, 1778, 4to. Vues remarquables des Montagnes de la Suiſſe, avec leur deſcription , enrichie de beau coup des planches; première partie. Revel, 1778 , fol. Voyages dans les Alpes, précéde d'un Efſai ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle des Environs de Genève, par Horace Benedict de Sauſure. Enrichi de beaucoup de gravures. Neu châtel, 1778, 1796, 4 vol. 4to . Geneva, 1787, 1796, 8 vol. 8vo. Kleine Reiſen durch einige Schweitzer Cantone. (Short Journeys through ſome of the Swiſs Cantons. ) By Leonard Meiſter. Bafle, 1780, 8vo. Tableaux topographiques, pittoreſques , hiſtoriques, moraux, politiques, et littéraires, publiées par La Borde. 278 plates. Paris, 1780, 4 vol. fol.; Ib. 400 plates, 12 vol. 4to ; Ib. without plates, 6 vol. 4to. The text was written by Baron Zurlauben. Voyage hiſtorique et littéraire de la Suiffe occidentale. (Par J. R. Sinner.) Neuchâtel, 1781 , 2 vol. 8vo. Fragment aus dem Tagebuch einer Reiſe von Nürnberg bis Conſtanz. ( Fragment from the Journal of a Tour from Nuremberg to Conſtance, in 1781.) In the German Muſeum , 1786, No. X. Sketch of the natural, civil and political State of Switzerland, in a ſeries of letters, by William Coxe, to W. Melmoth. London , 1780, 8vo. Though this work is merely a ſhort ſketch of the travels afterwards publiſhed by Coxe, it becomes valuable by the very excellent additions in the French tranſ lation OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 85 lation of Ramond. ( Paris, 1782, 2 vol. 8vo.) And with the addition of theſe it was reprinted . ( London, 1803 , 2 vol . 8vo .) Travels through the Rhetian Alps, by Albanis Beaumont. Plates. London , 1782, fol; Ib . 1792, 4to . Briefe über eine lændliche Gegend in der Schweitz. (Letters on a rural Part of Swit zerland . ) By Bonſtetten. Baſle, 1782. Zurich, 1792, 8vo. The letters contain an intereſting account of the romantic valley of Sanen, in the canton of Freiburg. S. Schinz, Diſſertationes II . phyſicæ de Itineribus per Helvetiam cum fructu faciendis. Zurich, 1783, 4to . Beſchreibung des Fürſtenthums Welſch-Neuenburg und Valengin. ( Deſcription of Neuchateland Valengin .) The iſt vol. of Bernoulli's ſupplementary Short Journey, Berlin , 1783, 8vo. Beſchreibung einiger Berge im Entlibucher Thal. (Deſcription of ſome Mountains in the Valley of Entlibuch .) By Schnyder. Lucern, 1783, 12mo. Beſchreibung des Bodenſees, nach ſeinen verſchiedenen umítanden in alten und neuen Zeiten . ( Deſcription of the Lake of Conſtance, according to its various circum ſtances in ancient and modern times. ) Ulm , 1783, 8vo. Reiſe in einige Gegenden der Schweiz . ( Journey into fome Parts of Switzerland .) By Bernoulli. Berlin , 1783, 8vo. Lettres ſur la Suiſſe, adrefies a Madamede ***, par un Voyageur Français (LaBorde ), en 1781 ; on y a joint une carte générale de la Suiſſe et des glaciers de Faucigny, la plus exacte quieſt encore paru, ainſi qu'un plande Verſoy, et un plan des ſouterrains des falines de Bavieux. Geneva and Paris, 1783 , 8vo. Voyage minéralogique en Suiſſe, par le Comte G. de Razoumowſky. Lauſanne, 1783, 1784, 8vo. Voyage minéralogique dans le Gouvernement de l'Aigle et une partie du Valais, ſuivi d'une excurſion ſur le Lac de Lucerne, par Behoumwiſky. Plates. Lauſanne, 1783,8vo. Reiſe durch die merkwuerdigſten Schweitzer Gebirge. ( Travels through the moſt remarkable Mountains of Switzerland.) By Wyttenbach. Bern, 1783, 8vo. Reiſe durch einige Cantone der Eidgenoſſenſchaft von Ulm nach St. Gallen, Appenzel, Glarus, Uri, Schwitz, Zug, und Zürch bis Coſtnitz, in Briefen . (Journey through fome Cantons of Switzerland, in letters from Ulm to St. Gall, Appenzel, Clarus, Uri, Schwitz, Zug, and Zurich, as far as Conſtance .) By J. M. Afsprung. Leipfic, 1784, 8vo. Briefe über die Schweitz. (Letters on Switzerland. ) By C. Meiners. Berlin , 1784, " 1785, 2 vol . 8vo .; Ib . 1739, 1790, 4 vol. 8vo. Beitrage zur næhern Kenntniſs des Schweizerlandes. (Contributions to a more accurate Knowledge of Switzerland . ) By J. R. Schinz. Zurich , 1784,1787, 8vo. This work contains the moſt accurate account of the Valtellin, and other Swiſs diſtricts lately added to Italy. Nouvelle Deſcription générale des Glacières, Vallées de Glaces, et Glaciers, qui forment la grande chaîne des Alpes de la Suiſſe, de l'Italie , et de la Savoie, par M. Bourrit. New edition , plates. Geneva, 1785, 3 vol. 8vo. This publication extends almoſt excluſively to the Valais and Savoy. Lettres ſur quelques Parties de la Suiſſe , adreſſées a la Reine de la Grande- Bretagne, par J. A. de Luc. Paris, 1785 , 8vo. Briefe eines Suchlen ( Küttner) aus der Schweitz, an ſeinen Freund in Leipzig. (Letters of a Saxon from Switzerland to his friend in Leipfic.) Leipfic , 1785, 1786 , 3 vol. 8vo. 4 Theſe 86 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Theſe letters of the ingenious traveller, Küttner, contain a very accurate deſcrip tion of the Canton of Bafle, and the Pays-de -Vaud. Alpen -Reiſe in jahr 1781. ( Journey among the Alps, in 1781. ) Plates. By G.C.C. Storr. Leipfic, 1785, 2 vol. 4to. Valuable for the mineralogical notices, and thoſe on the manners of the Alpine people it contains. Bruchſtück einer Reiſe durch Graubünden . (Fragment of a Tour through the Griſons.) In the German Muſeum , 1786, No. 11. Reiſe durch das Graubünderland. (Journey through the Griſons in 1784.) In the Swiſs Muſeum , 2d year, No. VII. Bruchſtücke einer Reiſe über den Julienberg in Bündten. ( Fragment of a Journey acroſs Mount Julien in the Griſons.) By H. L. Lehmann. Ibid ., 3d year, No. IX . Manuel pour les ſavans et les curieux qui voyagent en Suiſſe, par Beſon, augmenté par J. S. Wyttenbach. Berne, 1786, 2 vol. 8vo. — Augmented , Zurich, 1799, 8vo . Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Straſburg nach Schafhauſen . (Remarks on a Tour from Straſburgh to Schafhauſen .) In the German Muſeum , 1786, No. XI. Voyage de M.Mayer en Suiſſe, en 1784, ou Tableau hiſtorique, civil, politique, et phyſique de la Suiſſe. Amſterdam (Paris), 1786, 2 vol. 8vo. Briefe einer Dame (Mad. de Krok ), auf einer Reiſe in die Schweiz. (Letters of a Lady, during a Journey in Switzerland.) Frankfort and Leipfic, 1786, 8vo. Tagebuch einer Reiſe durch die Schweitz . ( Journal of a Tour through Switzerland.) By Sophie la Roche. Altenburg, 1787, 8vo. Excurſion dans les Mines du Haut-Faucigny, par L. P. Berthoud van Berchem . Lau ſanne, 1787 , 8vo. Reiſe von Zürich nach Pfeffers. (Journey from Zurich to Pfeffers.) By H. C. Hirzel. In the Helvetic Magazine for Natural Hiſtory, vol . iii. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe über den Rigiberg, und durchdie vier Waldſteedte. (De ſcription of a Tour acroſs Mount Rigi, and through Uri, Unterwalden , Zug, and Schweitz .) In the Swiſs Muſeum , vol. iii., No. 12. Einige iſolirte Bemerkungen auf einer Sweitzer - Reiſe geſammelt. (A few iſolated Remarks collected in a Swiſs Tour.) In Poſſelt's Scientific Magazine. Fragment einer Schweizer -reiſe. (Fragment of a Swiſs Journey.) Ibid . Briefe aus der Schweitz. (Letters from Switzerland. ) In the Literary and Philoſo phical Journal, 1787, vol. i . Voyage de J. M. (Phelippon ) Roland, fait en Suiſſe, dans l'année 1787. ( In her works, Paris, 1800, 3 vol. 8vo .) Vertrauliche Erzchlungen einer Schweizer -reiſe. ( Familiar Relation of a Swiſs Journey, in 1786. ) By W. G. Plouquet. Tubingen , 1787 , 8vo. Ueber einige Gegenſtände in der Schweiz. ( On ſome Objects’in Swiſſerland .) ſame. Ibid . 1789, 8vo. Travels through the Pennine Alps, by Albanis Beaumont. Geneva, 1788, fol. Travels in Switzerland and the Country of the Griſons, in a ſeries of letters, by William Coxe. London, 1788, 3 vol. 8vo. Algemeine Bemerkungen eines Reiſenden über die Schweiz . (General Remarks of a Traveller on Switzerland.) In the Gottingen Magazine, vol. vii . , No. 3. Voyage dans les treize Cantons Suiſſes, les Griſons, le Valais, et autres pays et états alliées de la Suiſſe, par Robert. Paris, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo. Courſe de Bâle à Bienne, par les Vallées du Jura, par Bridel. Baſle , 1789, 8vo . Hiſtoire By the Ιο OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 87 1790 , 8vo . Hiſtoire naturelle de Jorat et de ſes Environs, et celle des trois Lacs de Neuchâtel, Morat, et Bienne, précédées d'un eſſai ſur le climat, les productions, le commerce, les animaux de la partie du Pays-de- Vaud, et de la Suiſſe romande, qui entre dans le plan de l'ouvrage, par M. le Comte de Razoumowſky. Six planches. Lauſanne, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo. A ſcientific and valuable account of one of the moſt intereſting parts of the country. Reiſe durch einige Canton der Schweitz. ( Journey through ſome Swiſs Cantons.) By C. Spazier. Gotha, 1790 , 8vo. Kleine Schweitz Reiſe. (Short Swiſs Journey in 1789.) By R *** Zurich , Tableau pittoreſque de la Suiſſe, par le Marquis de Langles. Paris and Liège, 1790, 12mo. —In Engliſh , London , 1791, 8vo. Itinéraire de la Vallée de Chamouny, d'une Partie du Valais, et des Montagnes avoiſi nantes , par J. P. Berthout van Berchem . Map and a view. Lauſanne, 1790, 12mo. Itinéraire de Genève, Lauſanne, et Chamouny, par Bourrit. Genève, 1791, izmo. Fragment aus dem Tagebuch meiner Reiſe nach der Schweitz. (Fragment of the Journal of my Swiſs Tour.) By Count Moltke. In the German Magazine, vol. iv . , 1791, Die Schweitz . (Swiſſerland.) By Groſſe. Halle, 1792, 4 vol. 8vo. Nachrichten eines Reiſenden von Ġenf.” (Notices of a Traveller from Geneva , 1792, 1793.) In the Brunn Magazine, vol. ii. Promenade durch die Schweitz . ( Pedeſtrian Tour in Switzerland.) By Braunſchweiger. Hamburgh, 1793, 8vo. Reiſe von Lauſanne. ( Tour from Lauſanne, by Yverdun and Neuchâtel, to Bern.) In the German Magazine, 1793 , vol. vi. Blik in die Schweiz . (Excurſion into Switzerland.) By A.W. Ifland. Leipfic, Erinnerungen aus meiner dritten Schweizerreiſe. (Recollections of my third Swiſs Tour.) BySophie la Roche. Offenbach, 1793, 8vo . Maleriſche Reiſe durch die Italianiſche Sweitz. (Pictureſque Tour in Italian Switzer land .) By J. H. Mayer. Zurich, 1793, 8vo . Meine Wanderungen durch die Romaniſche Schweitz , Unterwallis, und Savoyen . ( My Wanderings through the Griſons, the Lower Valais, and Savoy, in 1791.) Ìubingen , 1793, 8vo. Reiſe von Genf nach Bern, & c. (Journey from Geneva to Bern , Chamouny, Mei ringen, Lucern , Zurich, Heriſau, St. Gall, and Conſtance.) By Friderika Brun . In the German Magazine, 1793 , 1795. Reiſe von Lyons nach Genf. ( Journey from Lyons to Geneva. ) By the ſame. Ueber Genf und ſeine Umgebungen. (On Geneva and its Environs.) By Fiſcher. Berlin , 1794, 8vo. Briefe über Graubündten. ( Letters on the Grifons.) By J. H. Hegelin. Stutgard , Kleine Reiſen im Schweitzerlande. (Short Tours in Switzerland.) By H. P. Maurer. Zurich , 1794, 8vo . Fr. Bouterwek, Schweitzer Briefe an Sicilien . ( Swiſs Letters to Cecilia .) Berlin , Lang, 1793, 8vo. Ib. 1794 1795, 8vo. 1795, 8vo. 88 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1795, 8vo . Lang, Ueber die Schweitz und die Schweitzer. ( On Switzerland and the Swiſs.) Berlin , 1795, 8vo. Ueber die Schweitz und ihre Einwohner. (On Switzerland, and its Inhabitants .) Berlin, 1795, 2 vol. 8vo . J.C. Eſcher, Profil einer Reiſe von Zürch auf den St. Gotthard. ( Outline of a Jour ney from Zurich up Mount St. Gothard. ) In the Helvetic Library of Profeſſor Faeſy. 1796 . Itinéraire du ś. Gothard , d'une Partie du Valais, et des Contrées de la Suiſſe, qu'on traverſe ordinairement pour ſe rendre au Mont S. Gothard, par C. de Mechel. Balle, Lettres ſur la Suiſſe, par P. L. C. ( Curti.) Altona, 1797, 4to . , vol. i . Karl von Bonſtetten, Reiſe, &c. (Letters during ſeveral Journeys in Switzerland. ) In Eggers' German Magazine. Maleriſche Reiſe von Baſel nach Bien , &c. ( Pictureſque Tour from Bafil to Bienne, through the Valley of Mottier. Plates by Birmann ; text by Bridel.) Baſil, fol., in numbers. New Travels in Switzerland, containing a Picture of the Country, the Manners, and the actual Government, by Helen Maria Williams. London, 1796, 2 vol. 8vo. Travels through the Lepontine Alps, by Albanis Beaumont. London, 1800, fol. Account of the Republic of Geneva. London, 1800, 12mo. Le Mont S. Bernard. Paris, 1801 , 12mo. Tagebuch einer Reiſe, &c. ( Journal of a Tour in Eaſtern, Southern , and Italian Switzerland, in 1798, 1799.) By Frederika Brun. Copenhagen, 1801, 8vo. J. G. Ebel, Schilderung der Schweizeriſchen Bergbewohner. ( Picture of the Swiſs Mountaineers.) Leipſic, 1798, 1802, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage d'une Françaiſe en Suiffe et en Franche- Comté. Paris, 1802, 8vo. Ambruſter und Furtmann, Archiv kleiner zerſtreuter Reiſebeſchreibungen durch merk würdige Gegenden der Schweiz. (Archive of ſhort diſperſed Travels through remarkable Parts of Switzerland.) St. Gall, 1802, 1804, 3 vol. 8vo. Deſcription des Cols ou Paſſages des Alpes, par Bourrit. Planches. Geneva, 1803, 2 vol. 8vo . Journal du dernier Voyage de Dolomieu dans les Alpes, par T.C. Bruyn- Neergaard. Paris, 1803, 8vo. This is an account of Dolomieu's journey to Mount Simplon , whither he was ſent by the French Government, written by a young Dane, who accompa nied him. His own papers have never been diſcovered ſince his death. Itinéraire d'un Voyage fait en Suiſſe, en 1803, par P. Gerard. Bruffells, 1804, 12mọ. Meine Reiſe über den Gotthard nach den Borromnæiſchen Inſeln und Mailand, &c. (My Journey acroſs the St. Gothard tothe Borromean Ifles and Milan, and Return by the Vale of Formazza, the Grimſel, and the Upper-Land of Bern .) Stutgard, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. Kleine Fuſs-Reiſen durch die Schweitz. (Short pedeſtrian Travels in Switzerland .) By the brothers Bridel. Zurich, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. Manuel du Voyageur en Suiſſe, ouvrageoù l'on trouve les directions néceſſaires pour recuellir tout le fruit et toutes les jouiſſances que peut ſe promettre un étranger qui parcourt ce pays-là ; par M.T. G.Ebel. Avec figures ; traduit pour la ſeconde fois de l'Allemand, ſur la ſecond edition , entièrement refondue et conſiderablement augmenté par l'auteur. Zurich, 4 vol. 8vo . This very excellent work appeared in German , firſt in 1795, and again in 1804 , 4 vol. 8vo . Voyage c OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 89 Voyage d'un Obſervateur de la Nature et de l'Homme dans les Montagnes de Fribourg, et dans diverſes parties du Pays-de- Vaud, en 1793, par L. M.P. de Lauverne. Paris, 1804, 8vo. A Journal of a ſhort Excurſion into Switzerland, in the ſummer of 1794, containing a deſcription of the pictureſque beauties, and of the manners of the inhabitants .. London, 1805 , 12mo. Schweizer-Reiſe. (Tour in Switzerland . ) By J. H. Torlitz. Copenhagen , 1805, 8vo. Maleriſche Reiſen durch einen groſſen Theil der Schweiz . (Pictureſque Travels through a large part of Switzerland, before and ſince the Revolution .) Publiſhed by Reichard . Plates. Jena, 8vo. Lettres ſur le Valais, et les Mæurs de ſes Habitans; avec tableaux pittoreſques de ce pays, et une notice des productions naturelles les plus remarquables, par M. Eſchaf feriaux. Paris, 1806, 8vo. An excellent account of an intereſting track of country not often viſited by travellers. Baltard, Lettres, ou Voyages pittoreſques dans les Alpes ; ſuivis d'un recueil des vues des monumens antiques de Rome, deſſinés et gravés d'apres nature. Paris, 1806, 4to. Vernes, Voyages dans les Glacières des Alpes. Paris, 1808, 12mo. Deſcription de la Ville de Berne, par Kænig. Plates. Berne, 1810, 8vo . Helvetiſcher Almanach. (Helvetian Almanack .) Zurich , V. Y., 16mo. This has been annually publiſhed for above twenty years, with plates and maps, and a deſcription in each volume of a diſtrict of Switzerland. [ See the travels of Patin , Oeder, Snedorf ; Sect. GREAT BRITAIN . - Boyle, Pilati, Bernoulli, Moore, Salzmann, Halem , Steinbrenner, Baggeſen, Owen , Brun, Muir head, Guibert, Belgian Traveller, Lemaiſtre, Pennington ; Sect. FRANCE . - Letters from the Continent ;Sect. Russia: -Keyſler, Sulzer, Reiſen von Preſburg, Let ters of a French Officer ; Sect. AUSTRIA. - Efte ; Sect. HOLLAND and the NE THERLANDS.] Travels common to Switzerland, Germany, and Italy, or to any Two of theſe Countries. Hans Heyſt, Philippi II . , Kænigsin Spanien, Reiſe aus Spanien nach Genua, und dann ferner durch Italien und Teutſchland ins Wulland, und von dannen herauf in die Stadt Augſpurg, von anno 1549 bis 1551. ( Journey and Voyage of Philip II., from Spain to Genoa, and then further through Italy and Germany into Wallonia, and from thence into the city of Augſburgh.) Augſburgh, 1571 , 4to. Journal du Voyage de Montagne en Italy, par la Suiſſe et l'Allemagne, en 1580 et 1581 ; avec notes par M. deQuerlon. Enrichi du portrait de l'auteur. Paris, 1774, 4to. This journal, which was a long time announced for publication, proved by no means an increaſe to the reputation of theauthor of the celebrated eſſays. S. Kufelii ItinerariumGermaniæ , Italiæ , Siciliæ , vicinarumque Inſularum , Peregrina tiones continens. Erfurt, 1617 , 8vo. G. Conturbio, Deſcrizione delle Alpi che dividono l'Italia dalla Germania e dalla Francia, & c. ( Deſcription of the Alps which divide Italy from Germany and France ; with the paſſes through which armies may be conducted .) Milan, 1620, 4to. J.J. Graſſeri, Itinerarium hiſtorico -politicum ex Francofurto urbe per celebriores Hel. vetiæ et Arelatenfis regni urbis in univerfam Italiam . Baſil, 1624, 8vo. VOL. XVII. N Travels 90 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 Travels in Switzerland, Italy, and ſome parts of Germany and France, in 1685 and 1686, by Dr. Burnet. London , 1688 , 12mo. J. B. Klauté, Diarium Italicum , oder Beſchreibung derReiſe welche der Landgraf von Heſſen-Kaffel Carl, 1699, nach Italien und durch die Schweitz gethan. (Deſcrip tion of the Journey of Charles Landgrave of Heffe.Caffel, in 1699, to Italy, and through Switzerland.) Caſſel, 1722, fol. Voyage hiſtorique et politique dela Suiſſe, de l'Italie , et de l'Allemagne. Frankfurt, 1735, 3 vol. 8vo . Abbatis Gerbert, Iter Allemamanicum , accedit Gallicum et Italicum , anno 1760. St. Blaſius, 1773 , 8vo . Tagebuch einer Reiſe im jahr 1775in die Schweitz, nach Hières, und Nizza. (Jour nal of a Tour to Switzerland , Hières, and Nice.) By T. G. Salzer. 1779, 8vo. Beobachtungen auf einer 1775 und 1776 gethanen Reiſe aus Deutſchland nach der Schweitz und Ober Italien , und überden Gothard zurück nach Deutſchland . (Obſervations and Reflections during a Tour in 1775 and 1776, from Germany to Switzerland and Upper-Italy, and acroſs the St.Gotthard back to Germany.) ' By J. G. Sulzer . Berne, 1780, 8vo. Voyages en différens Pays de l'Europe, en 1774 , 1775, 1976, ou lettres écrites de l'Allemagne, de la Suiſſe, de l'Italie, et de Paris, par Pilati. En Suiſſe, 1779, 2 vol. 8vo . Lettres écrites de Suiſſe, d'Italie, et de Malte, par M *** ( Roland de la Platière ), à Mlle. *** (Phelippon ), en 1776, 1777, 1778. Amſterdam , 1780, 6 vol. 12mo. G.W. Zapf, Ueber die Abſichtmeiner literariſchen Reiſe in einige Klæſter Schwabens und der Schweiz. (On the Intention of my literary Journey to ſome Monaſteries of Swabia and Switzerland.) Augſburg , 1781 , 8vo. Ueber meine vollbrachte literariſche Reiſe in einige Klæſter Schwabens, und in der Schweiz . ( Account of my literary Travels to ſome Monaſteries of Swabia and Switzerland.) By G.W.Zapf. Nuremberg, 1782, 8vo. Litterariſche Reiſen durch einen Theil von Bayern , Franken , Schwaben, und der Schweiz. (Literary Travels through part of Bavaria, Franconia, Swabia, and Swit zerland, in 1780, 1782.) By G.W.Zapf. Augſburgh, 1782, 8vo. P.C. Baumann, Benutzte Reiſe durch Teutſchland und Welſchland, mit angehængten haufwirthſchaftlichen Bemerkungen. (Travels through Germany and lialy ; with obſervations on domeſtic economy.) Augſburgh, 1782, 8vo. Voyage d'un Amateur des Arts en Hollande, en France, en Savoie, en Italie, en Suiſſe , dans les années 1775, 1778 ; dans lequel on indique les monumens anciens et mo dernes, les collections de peinture, de ſculpture, d'hiſtoire naturelle, les biblio theques, &c.; avec une deſcription des vallées de Faucigny et de Berne. Liège, 1782, 4 vol. 12mo. F. Nicolai, Beſchreibung einer Reiſe durch Deutſchland und die Schweitz im jahr 1781 ; nebſt bemerkungen über gelehrſamkeit, religion , und fitten. ( Travels through Germany and Switzerland, in 1781 ; with remarks on learning, religion , and manners.) Berlin , 1783, 12 vol. 8vo. Theſe volumes are very tedious ; and the author's prejudices againſt the Ca. tholics have led him into many miſrepreſentations of the ſouthern parts of Germany. Otherwiſe they contain much folid information . S. G. Buirde, Geſellſchaftliche Reiſe durch einen Theil der Schweiz , und des Obern Italiens. ( Travels in Company through part of Switzerland and Upper-Italy.). Breſlau, 1785. Halberſtadt, 1786 , 8vo. Reiſen eines 'ošiciers durchdie Schweiz undItalien, ( Travels of an Officer through Switzerland and Italy. ) Hanover, 1786, 8vo. Fragment OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 91 1 Fragment einer Reiſe von Frankfurt am Main bis Schafhauſen. (Fragment of a Jour ney from Frankfort to Schafhaufen, in 1784.) By H.A.A.Reichard. (In the Literary Ephemerides, 49th number.) Italien und Deutſchland in Rückſicht auf Sitten , Gebræuche, Litteratur, und Kunſt. (Italy and Germany, relative to Manners, Cuſtoms, Literature, and the Arts .) By C. P. Moritz . Berlin , 1789, 1790, 3 numbers. Reiſe eines Englænders durch einen Theil von Schwaben und einige unbekanntere ge genden der Schweitz. ( Travels of an Engliſhman through a part of Swabia and fome Diſtricts of Switzerland little known.) By Z.A.F. de B. Amſterdam and Leipfic, 1789, 8vo. Reiſen des Grafen Von Stolberg , in Deutſchland, Italien, und Sicilien . Koenigſberg, 1794, 4 vol. 8vo . Travels in Germany, Italy, and Sicily, by Count Stolberg. London , 1794, 2 vol. 4to. Letters during a journey through Germany, Switzerland , and Italy, by R. Gray. London , 1794, 8vo. Reiſe von Warſchau über Wien nach der Hauptſtadt von Sicilien. ( Journey from Warſaw , by Vienna, to the Capital of Sicily. ) Breſlau , 1795, 8vo. Letters written from various parts of the Continent (Germany, Switzerland, the South of France, &c. ) : tranſlated from the German of F. Mathiſon, by A. Plump tree. London , 1799, 8vo . Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch das Südliche Deutſchland, Elſaſs, und dieSchweiz . (Remarks in a Journey through the South of Germany, Alface, and Switzerland, in 1798 and 1799.) By U.D. von Eggers. Copenhagen, 1800, 4 vol. 8vo. Voyage en Suiſſe et en Italie, fait par l'Armée de Reſerve, par V.T. Paris, an viii. 1800, 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque en Suiſſe et en Italie, parle C. Cambri. Paris, an ix . - 18018vo , . Reiſe von Glogau nach Sorrent. (Journey from Glogau to Sorrento, by Ulm , Trieſte, Venice, Bologna , Florence, Rome, and Naples. ) By C. F. Benkowitsi Berlin , 1803, 8vo. Reiſe durch einen Theil von Deutſchland, Helvetien , und Ober-Italien . (Journey through part of Germany, Switzerland , and Upper-Italy, in 1803.) By Menú. Berlin , 1804, 8vo . Les Charmes du Wurtemberg , et de pluſieurs belles Contrées de la Souabe et de la Suiſſe, par l'Abbé Mozin. Stutgard, 1805, 8vo . GERMAN STATES. 1. Travels through the Whole or great Part of Germany. AENEE SYLVII, de Ritu, Situ , Moribus, et Conditione Teutoniæ Deſcriptio. Leipfic, 1496 , 4to . Sinceri Germ . a Lapide Mercurius Germanicus, ſeu itinerarium Germaniæ politicum , modernam principuarum aularum imperü faciem repreſentans. Coſmopoli, 12mo. Judicium de Sinceri Germanici Itinerario politico. 1669, 12mo. Nicolai Mammerani Iter Caroli V. Cæſaris, anno 1545, ex Germania Inferiore uſque ad Auguſtam . Augſburg, 1547, 8vo . Deliciæ Germaniæ , autore Matheo Quad. Cologne, 1600, 4to. Cypriani 2 92 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Cypriani Eichovii Deliciarum Germaniæ tam Superioris quam Inferioris Index, indicans itinera ex Auguſta Vindelicorum ad omnes civitates, et oppida tam Superioris quam Inferioris Germaniæ . Urſel, 1604, 4to. Deliciæ Germaniæ tam Superioris quam Inferioris, autore Caſp.Ens. Cologne, 1607, 8vo. Martini Zeilleri Itinerarium Germaniæ nov.-antiquæ. Straſburg, 1632 , 4to. - With a Continuation, 1640 ; Ib. 1670, fol. Fidèle Conducteur pour les Voyages d'Allemagne , par Louis Coulon. Paris, 1654, 8vo . Lettres Latines de Bongars, réſident pour le Roi Henri IV. , en différentes cours d’Al lemagne. Texte et traduction Français. ( Par Brianville.) Hague, 1681; 16. 1695, 12mo. Theſe letters ſhew the author a better negociator than obſerver of manners and cuſtoms. Iſtoria del Viaggio d'Alemagna del gran Duque de Tofcana Ferdinando II. ( Journey to Germany, by Ferdinand II . Duke of Tuſcany.) By M. Coſta. Venice, 1670, 4to. L'Allemagne Proteſtante, ou relation d'un voyage fait aux cours des Electeurs et des Princes proteſtans de l'empire, en1669, par Chapuzeau . Geneva, 1671, 4to. D. Mabillon, Iter Germanicum . Hamburgh, 1717, 8vo. ; This is an entirely literary work. Reiſe durch Deutſchland. ( Journey through Germany.) By Riffer. Leipſic, 1740, 4to . Hiſtoriſche Berichte und praktiſche Anmerkungen auf Reiſen in Deutſchland und andern Lændern. (Hiſtorical and practical Remarks in Travels in Germany and other Countries.) Hamburgh, 1758.-With additions, Leipfic, 1769, 8vo. Relation de deux Voyages faits en 1761 et 1762 , par Caſini de Thury, en Allemagne, pour determiner la grandeur des degrés de longitude, par rapport à la géographie et à l'aſtronomie. Paris, 1763, 4to. Travels through Germany ; with a particular account of the court of Mecklenburgh, by Nugent. London, 1768, 2 vol. 8vo. Reifen durch Deutſchland. ( Travels through Germany.) By J. T. Schummel. Wit temberg, 1770, 1771, 3 vol. 8vo. Briefe eines aufmerkſamen Reiſenden die Muſik betreffend. (Letters of an attentive Traveller in Germany, relative to Muſic . ). By J. P. Reichard. Frankfort and Leipfic, 1774, 1776, 2 vol. 12mo. Reiſe durch Deutſchland. (Travels through Germany. ) By Grimm and Ulrich. 1775, .. 6 vol. 8vo. Relation d'un autre Voyage en Allemagne, qui comprend les operations relatives à la figure de la terre, età la géographie particulière du Palatinat, par Caſſini de Thury. Paris, 1777, 4to. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch Deutſchland. ( Remarks in a Tour through Ger. many.) By J. G. Bætticher ., Halle, 1778, 8vo. F. A. Vitale, Épiſtola ad F. Elepantinum de ſuo in Germaniam Itinere. Florence, 1780, 8vo. Lord Rivers, Briefe von und an denſelben während ſeines zweiten Aufenthalts in Deutſchland, &c. ( Letters from and to Lord Rivers , during his ſecond Refidence in Germany : tranſlated from his original papers. ) Leipfic, 1782, 8vo. : Neue Reiſebemerkungen in und über Deutſchland. ( New Obſervations during Travels in Germany. ) Halle, 1782, 3 vol. 8vo. Geographiſche Reiſe durch Deutſchland. (New geographical Journey in Germany.) By.G. C. Bætticher. Leipſic, 1783, 8vo . Beſbachachtungen und Anmerkungen auf Reiſen durch Deutſchland. (Obſervations and Remarks in Travels through Germany.) Leipfic, 1784, 8vo . 9 Briefe 5 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 93 Briefe eines reifenden Franzoſen durch Deutſchland. (Letters of a travelling French man through Germany.) By Baron Riſbeck. * Zúrich , 1784, 2 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels, amongſt the beſt which have appeared refpecting Germany, and which have been tranſlated into French and Engliſh, were written by Baron Rilbeck , a Swiſs, who diſguiſed himſelf in the title- page as a Frenchman, perhaps on account of his frequent cauſtic remarks on the German courts. Kleine Wanderungen durch Deutſchland. (Short Excurſions in Germany. ) By Fr. Şchalz . Berlin, 1786, 8vo. Reiſe durch Schwaben , Bayern, die angrenzende Schweiz, Franken, und die Rhei niſchen Provinzen . ( Journey through Swabia, Bavaria, the adjacent parts of Swit zerland, Franconia, and the Provinces on the Rhine, in 1779, 1783.) By P.W.Gercken. Stendal, 1786, 3 vol. 8vo. Reiſe in Deutſchland. ( Travels in Germany.) By P.W.Gercken. 1788, 4 vol. 8vo. Ungedruckte Briefe auf einer Reiſe durch Deutſchland. ( Inedited Letters in a Tour through Germany. ) In the Hiſtorical Portefeuille, No. 315. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe in Deutſchland. (Remarks during a Tour in Germany.) By J. L. von Heſs. ( In the New Journal for the Knowledge of Literature and the People, 1789, No. 12. ) Briefe einer Curlænderin auf einer Reiſe durch Deutſchland. ( Letters of a Courland Lady ( Sophie Schwarz ) in a Tour through Germany.). Berlin , 1791, 2vol. 8vo.' Briefe auf einer Reiſe durch Deutſchland, im jahr 1791, in beziehung auf manufacturen und oekonomiſche gegenſtande. (Letters during Travels, in 1791, through Ger many, relative to manufactures and objects of economy.) By K. M. Plumike. Liegnitz, 1793, 2 vol . 8vo. Reifen von J.Gæſchen in Deutſchland. ( Travels of J. Gæſchen in Germany.) Leipfic, K. Heun, Vaterlændiſche Reiſen . ( Travels in his native Country, Germany .) Leipfic, 1793, 8vo. 1793, 8vo. Tour through Germany, by Render. London, 1800, 3 vol. 8vo. Neue Reiſen in Deutſchland. ( New Travels in Germany.) Leipfic and Munſter, 1798, 1800, 3 vol. Svo Kleine Reiſe durch Deutſchland . ( Short Excurſion in Germany.) By F. H.Weber. Gotha, 1802, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Stutgard nach Straſburg. (Deſcription of a Tour from Stutgard to Straſburg, in autumn 1801. ) Gottingen , 1802 , 8vo . Meine Reiſen durch Deutſchland , in den jahren 1792 bis 1797. (My Travels in Ger many, from 1792 to 1797. ) Riga, 1805, 12mo. A Tour through Holland, along the right and left bank of the Rhine to the South of Germany, in the ſummer and autumn of 1806, by Sir John Carr. London, 1807, 4to. [ See thetravels of Roſmital, Rathgeben, Hentzner, Sagittarius, Duc de Rohan, Patin , Duke of Brunſwick Bevern, Lettres Curieuſes, Uffenbach , Grim, Jars, Guen deroda, Deſſe, Mayer, Snedorf, Kleine Reiſen ; Sect. ENGLAND. -Birken , Dumont, Voyage de M **,Madrifio , Martenne et Durand, Breval, Frank, Hempel, Marſhall, Pilati, Bernoulli, Preyſler, Moore, Salzmann , Travels of the Popes, Sander, Hwüd, Piozzi, Harlem , Steinbrenner, Baggeſen , Heſſe, Owen, Princeſſe de Gonzague, Arnot, Lombard, Rudolphi, Holcroft, Lemailtre, Pennington ; Sect. FRANCE. - Deſcription de Livonie, Bardili, Hanway, Richard, Randolph , Cataneo, Fortia de Piles, 94 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Piles, Carr, Letters from the Continent ; Sect. Russia . Carve, Courte Deſcrip tion d'un Voyage, Beaujeu , L.D. M , A. S. D.P., Graffenauers; Sett . POLAND. Puel, Browne, Brükman, Sulzer, Ratenſtein , Letters of a French Officer ; Sect. AUSTRIA. —Reiſe im Sommer 1780 ; Sect. PRUSSIA. —Travels through Flanders, &c. , Burney ; Sect. HOLLAND and NETHERLANDS. —Penn ; Sect. HOLLAND. Küttner ; Sect. Denmark and SWEDEN. -Lomenie, Travels through Denmark in 1697, Buchwald ; Sect. DENMARK. –Zeiller, Catteau ; Sect. Sweden.-Hervey; Sect. SPAIN . —Haller ; Sect. SWITZERLAND ; and the travels in Switzerland , Ger many, and Italy.] II. Travels in different Parts ofGermany. Caſp. Bruchii, Beſchreibung des Fichtelbergs. (Deſcription of the Fichtelberg.) Wit tenberg, 1612, 4to . -Augmented by Theobaldus, Nuremburg, 1683, 4to . J. Willins, Deutſches Paradies, im vortrefflichen Fichtelberg, & c. (German Paradiſe, in the excellent Fichtelberg, its ſtreams, mines, uſeful and curious objects.) Frankfurt, fol. Beſchreibung der Reife Leopold I. von Wien nach Frankfurt über Prag . (Deſcription of the Journey of the Emperor Leopold I. from Vienna to Frankfort.) Frankfurt, 1663, 4to . Voyages faits à Munſter en Weſtphalie, et autres lieux voiſins, en 1646 et 1647, par Joly. Amſterdam , Paris, 1671, 12mo. Obſervations concerning the preſent State of Religion in the Romiſh Church, with fome Reflections upon it; made in a journey through ſome provinces of Germany, in the year 1698, by C. Dorington. London, 1699, 8vo. G. H. Behren, Hercynia curioſa . Nordhauſem , 1703 , 4to. J.C. Pachetuel von Gehog, Ausfuhrliche Beſchreibung des Fichtelbergs im Nordgau liegend. ( Minute Account of the Fichtelberg , ſituated in the Nordgau .) Leipfic, 1716, 4to . Reiſebeſchreibung des Androphilus in Franken, Sachſen , und Schleſien. (Curious Travels of Androphilus in Franconia, Saxony, and Sileſia .) Leipfic, 1735 ; Ib. 1775, 12mo. The German Spy ; or familiar letters from a gentleman in his travels through Lower. Germany, and his ſeveral years reſidence at Hamburgh, by T. Ledyard. London, A. Řitteri Relatio hiſtorica curioſa de iterato Itinere in Hercyniæ Montem curiofifli. mum Bructerum . Helmſtadt, 1740, 4to . J. F. Zuckert, Naturgeſchichte und Bergwerkſverfaſſung des Ober Harzes. (Natural Hiſtory and Conſtitution of the Mines of Upper-Hercynia.) Berlin, 1762, 8vo. Naturgeſchichte einiger Provintzen des Unter Harzes. (Natural Hiſ tory of ſome Provinces of Lower-Hercynia.) Berlin , 1763, 8vo. Giovanni Bianconi, Lettere al Marcheſe Hercolani ſopra alcune particolarità della Baviera, e altri Paeſi della Germania. ( Letters to the Marquis of Hercolani on ſome Particulars reſpecting Bavaria, and other Countries of Germany.) Lucca, 1763 ; 1b. 1769, 8vo . Geographiſche und hiſtoriſche Merkwürdigkeiten des Ober - Harzes. (Geographical and hiſtorical Curioſities of the Upper Hercynian Foreſt .) By J. B. von Robr. Frankfurt, 1741, 8vo. Die 1740, 8vo. ! OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 95 a Die Donau -Reiſe, das iſt, Kurzgefaffte Nachricht von den Stromen welche der Donau zugebracht werden . ( Voyageon the Danube, i. e. Short Notice of the Streams which fall into the Danube.) By F. G.F. Ratiſbon, 1760, 8vo. E. A.W. Zimmermann, Beobachtungen auf einer Harz.Reiſe, &c. ( Obſervations in a Tour through Hercynia ; with an eſſay to aſcertain the height of the Brocken .) Brunſ wick , 1775, 8vo. G. Will, Bemerkungen über einige gegenden des Katholiſchen Deutſchlands, auf einer kleinen gelehrten Reiſe gemacht. ( Remarks on ſome portions of Catholic Germany, made during a ſhort ſcientific tour.) Nuremberg, 1779, 8vo . Wekherlin , unter dem namen Rabiofus Anſelmus, Reiſe durch Ober-Deutſchland, Oeſterreich, Nieder Bayern , Ober Schwaben , Wirtemberg ,Baden. (Journeythrough Upper-Germany, Auſtria, Lower-Bavaria, Upper- Swabia, Wirtemberg, and Baden, by Wekherlin, under the name of Rabiofus Anſelmus.) Saltzburgand Leipfic, 1778, 8vo. Stroedda Anmerkninger ſamlede under en Reſa igenom Tyſka orter. (Scattered Rea marks, collected during a Journey to various places in Germany.) By J. Apelblad. Stockholm , 1778, 8vo. Beſchreibung ſeiner Reiſe durch Ober und Nieder Sachſen und Heffen. ( Journey through Upper and Lower Saxony and Heſſia, by J. Apelblad : tranſlated from the Swediſh , with remarks, by J. Bernoulli. Berlin , 1785, 8vo. Geſchichte meiner Reiſe nach Pyrmont. ( Account ofniy Tour to Pyrmont.) 1778, 8vo. Reiſe durch das Heſſiſche Gebiet, und angrenzende Lænder. ( Journey through the Heffian Dominions, and the Countries bordering upon them .) Freyſtadt, 1780, 8vo. Briefe eines Reiſenden wæhrend ſeines Aufenthalts in München. ( Letters ofa Travel ler during his Reſidence in Munich .) 1780, 8vo. Briefe eines Reiſenden über den gegenwertigen Zuſtland von Caſſel. (Letters of a Traveller on the preſent State of Caffel. ) By H.F. Guenderode. Frankfurt and Leipfic, 1781 , 8vo. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe durch einen kleinen Theildes Schwarzwaldes . (Deſcription of a Journey through a ſmall part of the Black Foreſt.) By F. T. Baron of Guen derode. Frankfurt, 1781 , 8vo. Mineralogiſche Reiſen durch das Herzogthum Weimarund Eiſenach . (Mineralogical Tour through the Dutchy of Weimar and Eiſenach .) By J.C.W. Voigt. Deſſau, 1781, 8vo . Bemerkungen über verſchiedene Gegenſtonde, auf einer Reiſe durch einige Deutſche Provinzen. ( Remarks on various Objects in a Journey through ſome German Provinces, reſpecting chiefly Architecture and Mechanics.) By Hollenberg. Plates. Stendal, 1782, 8vo. Briefe eines Reiſenden von Pyrmont, & c. nach Caffel, Marburg, Würzburg , und Wilhelmſbad. (Letters from a Traveller from Pyrmont to Caffel, Marburg, Wurtz burg, and Wilhelmſbad.) Frankfurt, 1783, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer phyſikaliſchen Reiſe im jahr 1765, in einige gegenden von Franken und die Ober-Pfalz. (Deſcription of aphyticalJourney in 1765 to ſome parts of Franconia and the Upper-Palatinate. By F. J. Bayer. ( In the Hamburgh Magazine, No. 58. ) Beſchreibung der natürlichen Beſchaffenheit der Markgrafschaft Hochberg . (De ſcription of the phyſical Conſtitution of the Margravate of Hochberg .) By W. L. Willius. Nuremberg, 1783, 8vo. Reiſe durch den Bayerſchen Kreis. ( Journey through the Circle of Bavaria .) By Pezzel. Saltzburg, 1784, 8vo . 5 Eine 1 96 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS $ Eine Wanderung an der Elbe. ( Excurſion along the Elbe.) In the German Muſeum , 1788, No. 3 : Reiſe von Berlin nach Hamburg. ( Journey from Berlin to Hamburgh, in 1753.) By C. Mylius. ( In Bernoulli's Archives of Modern Hiſtory, vol. v. ) Auſzug aus den Briefen eines Reiſenden durch die Gegenden des Rheines. (Extracts from the Letters of a Traveller through the Rheniih Circles , by Frankfurt, Offen bach and Darmſtadt.) 'In the Hiſtorical and Geograpical Journal , 1788 , No.7. Reiſen eines Curlænders durch Schwaben . (Travels of a Courlander through Swabia.) Ulm , 1784, 8vo. Die Harzgegend, kleine Reiſen . (Short Journeys through Hercynia. ) By T. A. E. Goetze . Leipfic , 1785,1788 , 6 vol. 8vo. Journal einer Reiſe nach Barby. ( Journal of a Tour to Barby.) In Bernoulli's Short Travels, vol. xvi. Bemerkungen eines Preuſſiſchen Werboffiziers. ( Remarks of a Pruſſian recruiting - Officer on ſome of the free imperial Cities of Germany.). In the German Journal, 1785 , No. 5. Vom Schwarzwalde und einigen angrenzenden Gegenden. (On the Black Foreſt, and ſome Countries bordering on it .) By H. Sander. (In Bernoulli's Short Journeys, vol. ii.) Beſchreibung des Herzogthums Hohenzollern Hechingen. ( Deſcription of the Dutchy of Hohenzollern Hechingen .) In the German Journal, 1785 , No. 5. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe in das Bareuthiſche Voigtland. (Remarks in a Tour through the Voigtland of Baireuth .). In the Library for Men of Taſte, vol. iv. Kleine Reiſe nach Augſburg. ( Short Journey to Augſburg .) By Junker. (In Ber noulli's Archives. ) Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Frankfurt am Mein nach Homburg an der Hæhe. ( Journey fromFrankfort to Homburgh on the Height.). In the fame, vol. viii. Reiſe nach dem Oberharz. ( Journey to theUpper Hercynian Foreſt.) By J.G.Sulzer . ( In Bernoulli's Short Travels, vol. ii. ) Abgekürztes Tagebuch einer Reiſe von Aachen über Frankfurt am Main und viele Deutſche Hæfe. (AbridgedJournal of a Tour from Aix -la-Chapelle, by Frankfort and ſeveral of the German Courts, to Thuringia. ) Ibid . vol. xvi. Reiſe durch Ober. Deutſchland. (Journey through Upper- Germany. ) By Count Lynar. ( Ibid . vol. ii.) Reiſe durch Hohenlohe. ( Tour through Hohenlohe.) In Hirſching's Knowledge of Countries and People, vol. i . Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe nach Lauchſtadt. ( Remarks in a Tour to Lauchſtadt; with an accountof the baths there. ) In the German Journal , 1788 , No. 3 . Reiſe von Zürich nach Manheim . ( Tour from Zurich to Manheim .) Ib . vol. xi. and xii. 1786. Briefe eines Reiſenden über Celle. ( Letters of a Traveller on Celle. ) Ib. 1788, No. x. Einige Reiſe-Bemerkungen über das Südliche Deutſchland. (Remarks in a Tour in the South of Germany). By Münter. ( Ib . 1788, No. 1. ) Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Jena, &c. ( Remarks in a Tour from Jena to Alten burg, Dreſden, Kænigſtein , and Meiſſen .) Ib. 1793 , No. 4 . Briefe eines Reifenden über Weſtphalen, &c. ( Lettersof a Traveller through Weſt. phalia , by Bückeburg, Minden, Ravenſberg, & c.) In Weddigen's Magazine for Weſtphalia, No. 5. Bemerkungen bei einer Reiſe durchs Paderbornſche. (Remarks in a Tour through Paderborn .) Ib . No. 15. Einige or voyages AND TRAVELS. 97 No. 5. Einige Bemerkungen auf einer kleinen Thüringiſchen Luſtreiſe. ( Some Remarks in a ſhort Tour through Thuringia .) In the Ephemerides of Literature and the Theatre, F. L. von Burgsdorf, Bemerkungen auf ſeiner Reiſe nach dem Unterharz . (Remarks in his Tour through the Lower Hercynian Foreſt.) In the Berlin Phyſical Collec tion , vol. v. Freie Bemerkungen über Berlin, Leipzig, und Prag. (Free Remarks on Berlin , Leipfic, and Prague.) 1785, 8vo. Maleriſche Reiſe am Niederrhein, oder Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Natur und Kunſt ausden Gegenden des Niederrheins. ( Pictureſque Journey onthe Lower- Rhine, or Curiofities of Nature and Art in the Countries on the Lower-Rhine. ) By J.W.A. Baron Von Hüpfch. Cologne, 1784, 1785, 8vo. Abhandlung vom Brocken und den übrigen Alpiniſchen Gebürgen des Harzes. ( Diſ ſertation on the Brocken and the other AlpineMountains of Hercynia.) By C.G. J. Gatterer. Gottingen, 1785, 1786 , 8vo. Tagebuch einer Reiſe von der Weſtphæliſchen Grenze über Arolzen , Caffel, Gotha, Weimar, und Leipzig. ( Journal ofa Tour from the Weſtphalian Frontiers to Arolzen , Caſſel, Gotha, Weimar, and Leipfic .) By C. A.S. Leipfic, 1786 , 8vo. Reiſe von Wien, über Prag, Dreſden , und einen theil der Lauſnitz, nach Berlin und Potſdam . ( Tour from Vienna, by Prague, Dreſden , and part of Luſatia, to Ber. lin and Potłdam .) Leipfic, 1786, 8vo . Geſammelte Aufzüge zurphyſiſchen und politiſchen Kenntniſs von Bayern, der Ober pfaltz, Neuburg, und Sultzbach. (Collection of Extracts towards a phyſical and political Knowledge of Bavaria, the Upper Palatinate, Neuburg, and Sultzbach .) Frankfurt, 1786, 8vo. Reiſe nach dem Brocken . ( Journey to the Brocken , in 1786.) Brunſwick, 1786, 8vo. Fragmente aus dem Journal eines Reiſenden , der Thüringen und Franken durchreiſte. ( Fragments from the Journal of a Traveller through Thuringia and Franconia .) In the German Muſeum , No. 8. Meine Reiſe nach Carlſruhe und Stutgard. ( My Tour to Carlſruhe and Stutgard.) Leipfic, 1786, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe nach Erfurt, &c. ( Remarks in a Tour to Erfurt, Gotha, Weimar, Jena, Naumburg, Weiſſenfels, Lauchſtadt, Halle, and Leipfic .) By Schmieder. Halle, 1786, 8vo. Bayerſche Reiſe. ( Journey in Bavaria.) By Fran. von Paula -Schrank. Munich, 1786,8vo. Reiſe nach dem Brocken. (Journey to the Brocken , in 1986.) By K. B. Preuſs. Brunſwik , 1786, 8vo. Tagebuch oder Erfahrungen und Bemerkungen eines Hoffmeiſters auf einer Reiſe durch den Frænkiſchen kreis nach Carlſbad, und durch Bayern und Paſſau nach Lintz. (Journal or Obſervations of a Tutor in a Journey through Franconia to Carlſbad , and through Bavaria and Paflau to Lintz.) Erlargen, 1787, 8vo. Beſchreibung von Oft-Frieſland. (Deſcription of Eaſt-Friſia .) By Bertrand, 1787, 8vo. Briefe auf einer Reiſe durch das Oeſtliche Deutſchland. (Letters in a Journey through Eaſtern Germany.) By Poorten. (In the Geographical and Hiſtorical Journal, No. 2. ) Briefe eines Handlungs- Bedienten über Leipzig, Hamburg, und Lübeck . ( Letters of a mercantile Traveller on Leipfic, Hamburgh, and Lubeck .) Neuſthal, 1788, 8vo. Reiſe eines Englænders durch Manheim , Bayern, und Oeſterreich nach Wien . (Letters of an Engliſhman during a Journey through Manheim , Bavaria, and Auſtria, to Vienna ; publiſhed by his German friend Von B.) Amſterdam , 1790, 8vo. VOL. XYII. 0 Bemer. 98 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1791 , 8vo. 1793, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch die Kurbrandenburgiſche und Sæchſiſche Lande bis an die Frænkiſche Grenze. ( Remarks in a Journey through Brandenburgh and Saxony to the Frontiers of Franconia .) By J.C. G. Dreſſel. Berlin, 1791 , 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Gotha nach Mainz, &c. ( Remarks in a Journey from Gotha to Mentz, on the occaſion of Leopold II.'s Coronation .) Frankfurt, 1791, 2 vol. 8vo. Bemerkungen über Menſchen und Sitten auf einer Reiſe durch Franken , Schwaben, Bayern , und Oeſterreich. ( Remarks on Men and Manners in a Journey through Franconia, Swabia, Bavaria, and Auſtria, in 1790.) Zurich , 1791, 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe auf den Peterſberg in Saalkreis. (Remarks in a Tour up Peter's Mountain on the Saale. ) Dreſden, 1791 , 8vo. Etwas über Frankfurt aus der Brieftaſche eines Reiſenden. (On Frankfort, extracted from the Pocket- book of a Traveller. ) 1791 , 8vo. Briefe über Manheim. ( Letters on Manheim .) By Sophie la Roche. Zurich, Koſmopolitiſche Wanderungen durch einen theil Deutſchlands. ( Coſmopolitic Excur ſions through part of Germany.) By A.G. F. Rebmann. Leipſic, 1793 , 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe von Straſburg bis an die Offee. _ (Remarks in a Journey from Straſburgh to the Baltic, in the ſummer of 1791.) By E. W. Schreiber. Leipfic, Freimuthige Bemerkungen über Hamburg, & c. ( Liberal Remarks on Hamburgh, Berlin, Potſdam , Vienna, Sonderhauſen, and Gotha. ) 1793 , 8vo Reiſe eines Englænders durch einen theil vom Elſaſs und Nieder Schwaben. (Tour of an Engliſhman through part of Alſace and Lower Swabia ; publiſhed by his German friend .) Amſterdam , 1793 , 8vo. Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch Weſtphalen nach Bremen. (Remarks in a Journey through Weſtphalia to Bremen , in ſummer 1791.) In the German Mercury, Ausfahrt nach Carlſruhe. ( Excurſion to Carlſruhe.) Riga, 1794 , 8vo. Bemerkungen über Düſſeldorf und Elberfeld , auf einer Reiſe von Cæln nach Hanau. (Remarks on Daffeldorp and Elberfeld, in a journey from Cologne to Hanau. ) Elberfeld , 1794, 8vo. Briefe über Hamburg. (Letters on Hamburgh .) Leipſic, 1794, 8vo. Reiſe eines Englænders durch einen theil von Ober und Neider Schwaben . (Journey of an Engliſhman through Upper and Lower Swabia ; publiſhed by his German friend .) Amſterdam , 1794, 8vo. Reiſe durch einige gegenden von Franken und Schwaben. ( Journey through ſome parts of Franconia and Swabia. ) Frankfurt, 1794, 8vo. Snedorf's Samlede Skrifter. ( Works. ) Copenhagen, 1794, 8vo. , vol. i . ( Contains his letters from Gottingen, Erfurt, and Leipfic, in 1783, 1786 ; and his letters during a journey through Germany, in 1791 , 1792.) Briefe eines Reiſenden über das Innviertel und Paſſau. (Letters of a Traveller on the Inn - quarter and Paſſau. In Fabri's Magazine for Geography and Hiſtory, vol. i. , No. 2. Briefe überdie beiden Fürſtenthümer Anſpach und Bareuth. ( Letters on the Princi. palities of Anſpach and Bareuth , during a journey in 1792 and 1793.) By J.G. Kæppel. Erlangen, 1794, 8vo. Beſchreibung einer hiſtoriſchen und ſtatiſtiſchen Reiſe durch die Fürſtenthümer Anſpach und Bareuth. ( Deſcription of a hiſtorical and ſtatiſtical Journey through the Principalities of Anſpach and Bareuth . ) By J. G. Kappel. Erlangen , 1795 , 8vo. Kleine 1794, No. 2. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 99 Kleine Wanderungen durch Sachſen und Brandenburg. (Short Excurſions in Saxony and Brandenburg .) Dantzic, 1795, 8vo. Geographiſche-politiſche Bruchſtücke auf einer Reiſe durch verſchiedene gegenden des Ober Rheiniſchen Kreiſes. ( Geographical and political Fragments on various parts of the Circle of the Upper- Rhine ; collected during a journey at the time of the ſecond irruption of the French into Germany. ) 1795, 8vo. Wanderungen und Kreuzzüge durch einen theil Deutſchlands. ( Excurſions through part of Germany.) By Anſelmus Rabioſus (A. G. F.Rebman ). Altona, 1795, 8vo. Streifereien durch einige Gegenden Deutſchlands. (Excurſions through ſome parts of Germany.) By A.W.Schreiber. Leipfic, 1795, 8vo . Reiſe durch verſchiedene gegenden Deutſchland . ( Journey through various parts of Germany.) By C. A. Baader. Augſburg, 1795 , 8vo . Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe durch einen theil des Nieder und Ober Sachfichen , Weſtphaliſchen, und Ober Rheiniſchen Kreiſes. (Remarks during a Journey through part of the Circles of Lower and Upper Saxony, Weſtphalia, andthe Upper Rhine.) Berlin, 1795 , 8vo. Reiſe durch Thüringen , den Ober und Nieder Rheiniſchen Kreis. (Journey through Thuringia, and the Circles of the Upper and Lower Rhine. ) Leiplic, 1795, 8vo. Wanderungen durch einen theil von Franken und Thüringen . (Excurſions through part of Franconia and Thuringia .) By E.W. Martrai. Erlangen, 1795, 8vo . Meine Frühlings-Reiſe aus der Priegnitz durch die Altmark , & c. (My Journey in Spring fromthe Priegnitz through the Old-March, Magdeburg, Halberſtadt, &c. ) By H. Müller. Neuruppin, 1795 , 8vo. Reiſe eines Lieflænders von Riga nach Warſchau, &c. ( Travels of a Livonian from Riga to Warſaw , through South Pruſſia, by Breſlau, Dreſden, Carlſbad, Dareuth , Munich, Vienna, Clagenfurt, to Botzen in the Tyrol. ) By J. C. Schulz. Berlin , 1795, 3 vol. 8vo. Reiſe in Sachſen und Schleſien . (Journey in Saxony and Sileſia.) By C. Weiſs. Leipſic, 1796, 1797, 8vo. Reiſe auf den Hartz und nach Heſſen, &c. ( Journey through Hercynia and Heſſia ; chiefly undertaken to obſerve the beauties of nature, the riches of agriculture, and the monuments of antiquity . ) Brunſwick, 1797 , 8vo. Maleriſche Reiſe durch Weſtfalen . ( Pictureſque Tour in Weſtphalia .) Hanover, 1801 , 4to . Meine Walfarth zur Ruhe und Hoffnung, &c. (My Pilgrimage to Repoſe and Hope, or Picture of the moral and civil State of Weltphalia at the end of the Eighteenth Century.) By J. Grumer. Frankfurt, 1802, 2 vol. 8vo . Wanderungen durch einen groſſen theil des Hartzes und einen theil der Grafschaften Hohenſtein und Mansfeld. ( Excurſions through a large part of the Hercynian Mountains, and part of the Counties of Hohenſtein and Mansfeld .) Magdeburg, 1802, 8vo. Donau - Reiſe von Regenſburg bis Wien. ( Excurſion on the Danube from Ratiſbon to Vienna.) 1802 , 8vo. Erinnerungen aus Hamburg : Briefe eines Reiſenden aus Oberſachſen ſeinen freund. (Recollections from Hamburgh : Letters from a Traveller in Upper- Saxony to his friend .) Leipfic, 1802, 8vo. Journal d'un Voyage en Allemagne, fait en 1773, par M.Guibert: ouvrage poſthume, précédé d'une notice ſur la vie de l'auteur, par F. E. Toulongeon. Paris, 1802, 2 vol. 8vo. O 2 Bemer 100 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Bemerkungen auf einer Reiſe, &c. ( Remarks in a Journey undertaken for the purpoſe of aſcertaining the State of rural Economy in Swabia, the Two Rheniſh Circles, and thoſe of Upper and Lower Saxony.) By C. Crantz . Leipſic, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. A Tour through Germany, particularly along the Rhine, the Main , into part of the Palatinate, &c. By Dr. Render. London, 1804, 2 vol. 4to. Mineralogiſche, Berg und Hüttenmäenniſche Reiſe -Bemerkungen , & c. ( Travelling Remarkson Mineralogy, Mining, and Melting of Metals; made in a journey in Heſſia, Thuringia, along the Rhine, and in Sayn - Altenkirchen .) By J. Jordan. Gottingen, 1805, 8vo. Voyage en Hanovre, fait dans les années 1803 et 1804 ; contenant la deſcription de ce pays ſous ſes rapports politique, religieux, agricole, commercial, minéralogique, &c.; le tableau des meurs et uſages de les habitans ; le detail ſur la chaîne du Hartz, et les anciennes divinités Saxonnes, rédigé par Leibnitz, et préſenté a Louis XIV .; et des événemens de la guerre de ſept ans ; par M.A.B. Mangourit. Paris, 1805, 8vo . Reiſe nach Rügen. ( Journey to the Iſland of Rugen.) By Zælner. Berlin , C. Nernſt, Wanderungen durch Rügen. (Excurſions through Rugen .) Duſſeldorp , 1801 , 8vo . Streifzüge durch das Rügenland. (Excurſions in Rugen. ) Altona, 1805, 8vo. 1797, 8vo. 1757, 8vo. vol. i.) III. Travels in Saxony. Reiſebeſkrifning æfwer Saxen . ( Journey in Saxony.) By J. Apelblad . Stockholm , Kindleben, unter dem nahmen Hartenſtein, Reiſe von Berlin über Roſtock nach Dreſden. ( Journey from Berlin by Roſtock to Dreſden, by Kindleben, under the name of Hartenſtein .) Halle, 1780, 8vo. Luftreiſe in die Ober-Lauſitz. (Journey into Upper- Lufatia .) By Count Lynar. (In Bernoulli's Short Travels, vol. i . ) Luitreiſe in die Nieder - Lauſitz . (Journey into Lower -Luſatia ). By J. Bernoulli. ( Ib. Kleine Reiſen in Ober undNieder Lauſitz. ( Short Journeys in Upper and Lower Lu . ſatia .) By the ſame. ( Ib. vol. vi. ) Eine Frühlings Reiſe über Halle, Leipfig, und Altenburg nach Dreſden. ( Tour through Halle, Leipfic, and Altenburg, to Dreſden , in ſpring 1784.) In the Ger man Muſeum , 1785. Reiſe durch Sachen in Rückſicht der Natur-Geſchichte und Economie. ( Journey in Saxony, relative to Natural Hiſtory and Economy. ) By N.G. Leſke. Forty -eight plates. Leipfic, 1785, 4to. Briefe über eine Reiſe nach Sachſen . (Letters in a Tour to Saxony.) By G.A.Will. Altdorf, 1785, 8vo. Fragmente einer Bergmanniſchen Reiſe nach Freyberg im Erzgebürge. ( Fragment of a metallurgic Tourto Freyberg in the Ore Mountains of Saxony.) Leipfic and Flenſburg , 1785, 8vo. Reiſen der Salzmänniſchen Zæglinge in Ober und Nieder Sachſen. ( Tours of the Pupils of Salzmann in Upper and Lower Saxony.) By C. G. Salzmann. Leipfic, 1784, 1786, 4 vol. 8vo. 9 . Maleriſche OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 101 Maleriſche Reiſe durch Sachſen. ( Pictureſque Journey through Saxony.) Leipfic, 1786, fol. No. 1. , Tour along the Saale , 11 plates. Briefe über Sachſen . (Letters on Saxony, by a Traveller .) Berlin, 1786, 8vo . Briefe über Herrnhuth , und andere Oerter der Ober-Lauſitz. ( Letters on Herrnhuth, and other places in Upper- Luſatia .) By C. G. Schmidt. Winterthur, 1787 , 8vo. Reiſe durch Ober und Nieder Sachſen . (Tour through Upper and Lower Saxony.) By J. B. Gleim . Halle, 1787, 8vo. Beobachtungen über Natur undMenſehen, beſonders über mineralogiſche Gegenſtande in verſchiedenen Orten in Sachſen . ( Obſervations on Nature and Man , and par ticularly on objects of Mineralogy in various parts of Saxony .) By F. E. Lieberoth. Frankfurt, 1791 , 8vo. Briefe auf einer Reiſe aus Lothringen nach Nieder Sachen. ( Letters in a Tour from Lorraine to Lower- Saxony. ) By Baron Von Knigge. Hanover, 1793, 8vo. Reiſe durch Kur- Sachſen. ( Journey through Electoral Saxony.) By K. Wertheim . Leipfic, 1793, 2 vol. 8vo. Maleriſche Wanderungen durch Sachſen . ( Pictureſque Tour in Saxony .) By Enge thardt and Veith. Leipfic, 1794, 1795, 2 Nos. fol. Voyagedans quelques parties de la Baſſe-Saxe , pour la recherche des antiquités Slaves ou Wendes,fait en 1794, par le Comte J. Potocky. Hamburgh, 1795, 4to . Maleriſche Reiſe in Sachſen. ( Pictureſque Tour in Saxony.) Publiſhed by Grukner and Günther. Leipfic, 1800, 1803 , 3 vol. 8vo. Economiſche und ſtatiſtiſche Reiſendurch Chur-Sachſen , & c . (Economic and ſta tiſtical Journey in Saxony and the neighbouring Countries .) By H. Engel. Leipfic, 1803, 8vo. [See the travels of Sherlock ; Sect. France. — Ratenſtein ; Sect. Austria. ] IV. Travels along the Rhine. Journal d'un Voyage dans le Cercles du Rhin, contenant des obſervations minéralo giques, par Collini. Manheim, 1776. Paris, 1777, 8vo. Fragment einer Reiſe aus dem Thüringer-Walde in die Gegenden des Rhein -ſtroms. ( Fragment of a Tour from the Thuringian Foreſt to the Countries on the Rhine.) In the German Journal, 1785. Reiſe auf dem Rhein von Mainz bis Andernach. (Voyage on the Rhine from Mentz to Andernach .) Frankfurt, 1789, 8vo. Reiſe auf dem Rhein . (Voyage on the Rhein.) Coblentz, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage ſur le Rhin, depuis Mayence juſqu'à Duſſeldorf. 19 plates. Neuwied, 1791 , 2 vol. 8vo . An accurate work, containing an account of the banks of the Rhine, and the growth of Rheniſh wine. Luſtreiſe in die Rhein -Gegenden. ( Tour into the Countries on the Rhine.) Leipfic, Pictureſque Tour by Manheim , Mentz , Aix - la -Chapelle, Bruſſels, &c. by Gardnor. Plates. London , 4to. Reiſe eines Franzoeſiſchen Emigranten durch die Rhein-gegenden. (Journey of a French Emigrant in the Countries on the Rhine .) Published by E. J. Koch. Berlin, 1791, 8vo. 1793, 8vo. Reife 102 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Reiſe in die Rheinlænder. (Journey into the Countries on the Rhine, in the ſpring of 1793. ) By H. von Knoblauch. (In the Minerva , 1793, No. 7. ) Reiſe des Grünen Mannes nach Mainz, nach dem es von den (Franzoſen verlaſſen wor den. (Journey of the Green Man to Mentz, after its evacuation by the French. ) By C. F. Drevlig. Halle, 1793, 12mo. Reiſe nach Mainz zur zeit des Bombardements. ' ( Journey to Mentz at the time of the Bombardment. ) By A. Count Moltke. Altona, 1794, 2 vol. 8vo. Rhein Reiſe. ( Voyage on the Rhine.) By A. J. von Wakerbert. Halbertſtadt, 1794, 8vo. Reiſe von Mainz nach Kæln. (Tour from Mentz to Cologne, in ſpring 1794. ) Co logne, 1794, 8vo. A Journey from Utrecht to Frankfort, chiefly along the Banks of the Rhine, by Tho mas Cogan. London, 1794, 2 vol. 8vo. P. Bertolo, Viaggio ſul Reno, e ne' ſuoi contorni. (Voyage on the Rhine, and among its Environs.) Rimini, 1795, 8vo. Reiſe auf dem Rhein durch die Deutſchen Rheinlænder, & c. ( Voyage on the Rhine, through the German Countries on its Banks, and the Departments of Mont- Ton nerre, Rhin, and Moſelle, from July to December 1780.) By A. Klebe. Frank furt, 1802, 2 vol . 8vo. • Anſichten des Rheins. ( Views on the Rhine. ) By Nicolas Vogt. Bremen, 1805, 8vo ., vol. i. - The ſame in French, by the Abbé Libert, Paris, 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. ITALY. 1 I. Travels through the whole of Italy, or throughſeveral of its Subdiviſions. MATHÆI, Cardinalis St. Angeli, Epiſcopi Gurcenſis, Odæporicon, i. e. Itinerarium Italiæ. Vienna, 1515 , 4to . Ambrofii Abbatis Camaldulenſis, Hodæporicon , feu defcriptio itineris juſſu Eugenii Papæ per Italiam , 1431 ſuſcepti. Florence, 1678. Lucca, 1681, 4to . J. LeandroAlberti, Deſcrizione di tutta Italia, e Iſole pertinentiad eſſa. (Deſcriptionof all Italy, and the INands appertaining to it. ). Bologna, 1550. Venice, 1561 , 1568 , 1577, 1581 , 1596, 4to. Deſcriptio totius Italiæ. Cologne, 1567, fol. This is the work of a learned Dominican, and contains ſeveral curious obſerva tions ; but the author did not ſteer clear of the credulity of his age. Les Obſervations antiques du Seigneur Symeon, Florentin, en ſon dernier Voyage d'Italie, l'an 1557 : enrichies des monumens, des médaillons, et d'inſcriptions. Lyons, 1558 , 4to. A very ſcarce work , replete with curious details relative to antiquities, and valuable for containing delineations of ſome monuments ſince deſtroyed . Steph. Vinandi Pighi, Hercules prod. ſeu principis juventutis Caroli Friderici, Principis Juliaci, Cliviæ, &c. 1575 , Romæ mortui, vita et peregrinatio in Italiam. Antwerp , 1587. Straſburgh, 1609, 8vo. J. Pakénii, Hercules prod . ſeu Carolus Juliæ , Cliviæ , Montium Princeps, Italiam pro fectus, in Johanne Wilhelmo Comite Palatino nepote poſt fæculum Italiam itidem, 1674, 1676, proficiſciente, redivivus. Cologne, 1695, 4to. Delicia Italia . Leipfic , 1599. Frankfort, 1609, 8vo. Itinerarium 10 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 103 Itinerarium totius Italiæ, A. D. 1589. Cologne, 1602. M. Zapullo, Iſtoria delle quattro principali città del mondo, cioè Jeruſalemme, Roma, Napoli, e Venetia. (Hiſtory of the four chief Cities in the World , viz. Jeruſalem , Rome, Naples, and Venice.) Vicenza, 1603 , 4to . Itinera fex a diverſis Saxonicis Ducibus et Autoribus, diverſis temporibus, in Italiam, Palæſtinam , et Terram Sanctam , ftudio Balthaſaris Mincii. Wittemberg, 1612, I 2mo. F. Scotto, Nuovo Itinerario, overo nuova Deſcrizione di Viaggi principali in Italia. ( New Itinerary, or new Deſcription of the chief Travels in Italy.) Vicenza, 1615 ; Ib. 1638. Rome, 1637, 1650. Padua, 1659, 1670, 1675, 1680. Venice, 1615, 1655 , 1675, 8vo . — Augmented Augment and reviſed, Rome, 1761, 8vo. , with plans of the chief cities. — In Latin , Amſterdam , 1655 , 3 vol. 12mo. C. Ens, Deliciæ Italiæ, et Index viatorius ab urbe Româ ad omnes Italiæ urbes et oppida. Cologne, 1619, 8vo. Gio. Antonio Magini, Italia. Bologna, 1620, fol. Voyage du Prince de Condé en Italie , en 1612. Paris , 1634, 1635 , 1666, 12mo. Martin Zeiller, Itinerarium Italiæ nov. - antiquæ, oder Reiſe- Beſchreibung durch Italien. ( Journey through Italy. ) Frankfort, 1640, fol. Jo. Bapt. de Fabris, Itinerarium philofophicum . Venice, 1632, 4to . Voyage fait en Italie par le Marquis de Fontenay-Mareuil, ambaſſadeur du Roi de France vers le Pape, en 1641 , recueilli par Valtelge de Fontenay. Paris, 1643 , 12mo. Itinerary ; containing a journey made through Italy, in the years 1646 and 1647, by John Raymund. London, 1648 , 12mo. Deſcriptio Italiæ brevis et accurata. Utrecht, 1650, 12mo. Le Voyage et Obſervations de pluſieurs choſes qui ſe peuvent remarquer en Italie, tant de ce qui eſt naturel aux hommes et au pays, comme des coûtumes et façons, et de choſes qui y ſont rares ; enrichis de figures ; par le Sieur Audebert. Paris, 1656, 8vo. This traveller ſhews himſelf a found obſerver of the manners and cuſtoms then prevalent in Italy, as well as of the objects of natural hiſtory. Voyage et Deſcription d'Italie, en 1644, par Pierre Duval. Troyes, 1656, 8vo. Paradiſus Deliciarum Italiæ. Wurtzburg, 1657, 8vo. Italy in its original Glory, Ruin , and Revival; being an exact ſurvey of the whole geography and hiſtory of that famous country, with the adjacent iſlands of Sicily, Malta, & c. by Edmund Warup. London, 1660, fol. Abridgment of a Journey in Italy. ( In Dutch . ) 1664, 4to . Le Voyage d'Italie, tant par mer que par terre, fait par MM. les Cardinaux de Ven . dôme et de Retz, par Barbier de Mereurot. Paris, 1671 , 12mo. Voyage d'Italie : traduit de l'Anglais. Paris, 1671 , 2 vol. 12mo. J. C. S., Ausführliche Reiſebeſchreibung durch Italien. (Detailed Account of Travels in Italy.) Frankfort, 1671 , 12mo. Giacomo Barri, Viaggio pittoreſco d'Italia. ( Pictureſque Travels in Italy. ) Venice, 1671 , 8vo . Les Beautés de l'Italie, et Relation d'un Voyage fait à Rome, par le Duc de Bouillon . Paris, 1678, 8vo. G. A. Sabelli, Il Guida ſicuro del Viaggio d'Italia . (The ſecure Guide for Travels in Italy. ) Geneva, 1680, 12mo. Voyage d'Italie curieux et nouveau, contenant la liſte des toutes les curioſités de Rome. Avec planches. Lyons, 1681 , 12mo. Huguetan, Voyage d'Italie, augmenté par Spon. Lyons, 1981 , 12mo. D.D. 104 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS D. D. Mabillon et Germain, Iter Italicum . ( Contained in their Muſeum Italicum , Paris , 1687, 1689, 2 vol . 4to .) Trois Lettres touchant l'état de l'Italie, écrites en 1687. Cologne, 1688 , 12mo. Nouveau Voyage en Italie ; avec un Mémoire, contenant des avis utiles à ceux qui voudront faire le même Voyage. Avec figures. (Par Maximilien Miſſon .) Hague, 1691 ; Ib. 1694 ; Ib. 1702 ; Ib. 1717 , 3 vol. 12mo. Utrecht, 1772, 4 vol . 12mo. M. Miſon's New Voyage to Italy. London, 1704, 4 vol. 8vo. At the time theſe travels appeared, they were in great requeſt, and indeed they were the firſt which gave an account of the whole of Italy. They are, however, out of date at preſent, beſides being replete with the grofleft mif repreſentations of the religious ſtate of Italy. Jacobi Tollii Inſignia Itinerarii Italici, quibus continentur antiquitates ſacræ , curâ H.C. Henninii. Utrecht, 1696, 4to. Like the work of Mabillon , inſerted above, this applies excluſively to literature. Tegenwoordige toeſtand van het Pawellike Hof, nevens alle andere Hoven, Repub lyken , en vornaamſte Staten van Italien . ( Preſent State of the Court of the Pope, with the other Courts, Republics , and chief States of Italy, in the years 1690, 1692. ) By Hinrik van Huyſen. Utrecht, 1696, 4to. F. de Seine, Nouveau Voyage d'Italie ,avecles routes et chemins publics pour y par venir, l'origine et fondation des villes, les rarités, treſors, et bibliotheques, qui s'y trouvent. Lyons, 1699 , 12mo. Curiceſe und volſtoendige Reiſe- Beſchreibung von ganz Italien, worinnen der gegen wertige Zuſtand nicht nur des Peepſtlichen Hofes, ſondern auch anderer Hæfen , Republiken, und Städten beſchrieben wird . ( Curious and complete Journey of the whole of Italy, in which is deſcribed the preſent ſtate, not only of the court of the Pope, but of other courts, republics, and cities, in the years 1698 and 1699.) Freiburg, 1701 , 3 vol. 8vo. Le Voyage d'Italie, par Don Bernard de Montfaucon. Avec planches. Paris, 1702 , 4to. Theſe travels are purely literary. Delices de l'Italie, qui contiennent une deſcription exacte des pays et des raretes qui s'y trouvent, par Rogiſart et H ***, Amſterdam , 1700, 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1707 4 vol. 12mo. - Augmented by J. de la Faye, Leyden , 1709, 6 vol. 12mo. Amſter dam , 1743, 4 vol. 12mo. A compilation of no merit whatever. Journal d'un Voyage de Philippe V. en Italie , par Ant. Bulifon. Paris, 1702, 12mo. Promenade de deux Pariſiens dans l'Italie, en 165 jours. Paris, 1704, 2 vol. 12mo. Remarks on ſeveral Parts of Italy, by Joſeph Addiſon. London, 1705, 8vo. J. P. Breynii Epiſtola varias Obſervationes continens in itinere per Italiam ſuſcepto anno 1703. (In the Philoſophical Tranſactions, vol. xxvii.) T. Robinſon, Miſcellaneous Obſervations made about Rome, Naples, and ſome other Countries, in the years 1683 and 1684. (In the fame, vol. xxix .) Nouveaux Memoires de Naudet, ou obſervations qu'il a faites pendant ſon voyage en Italie . Avec planches. Amſterdam , 1706, 2 vol . 12mo. J. B. Klaute, Diarium Italicum. Caffel, 1722, fol. Jufti Lipſii Epiſtolæ de Peregrinatione Italicâ . 1721 , 8vo. J. C.Nemeitz, Nachleſe beſonderer Nachrichten von Italien , &c. (Additional Account of Italy , as a Supplement to Miffon, Burnet, and Addiſon .) Leipfic, 1726, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. IOS Voyage en Italie, par Gabriel d'Emiliane. Rotterdam , 1727, 2 vol. 12mo. -Aug mented by Govin, London, 1727, 3 vol. 12mo. Beſchreibung einer zwælf-jæhrigen Reiſe in Italien. ( Deſcription of Twelve Years? Travels in Italy. ) By Citriles. Frankfort and Leipfic, 1728, 4to . Voyage hiſtorique d'Italie, contenant des recherches exactes ſur les gouvernemens, les mæurs, les fêtes, les ſpectacles, et les fingularités des villes où l'auteur a paffé, par Merville. Hague, 1729, 2 vol. 12mo. A. T. Barbaro, Pellegrino da Napoli fino a Venezia. ( The Pilgrim from Naples to Venice .) Venice, 1738, 12mo. A ſhort Account of a late Journey to Tuſcany, Rome, and other parts of Italy. London, 1741 , 8vo . Voyage d'Italie, ou recueil de notes ſur les ouvrages de peinture et de ſculpture qu'on voit dans les principales villes d'Italie, par Cochin . Paris, 1751 , 3 vol. 12mo. F. A. Zucharia Excurſus litterarii per Italiam, ab anno 1742 ad annum 1752, &c. Venice, 1754, 4to. Iter litterarium per Italiam , ab anno 1753 ad annum 1757. Venice, 1762 , 4to . Letters from Italy, by Lady Mary Wortley Montague, from 1748-1760. ( Inſerted in her works.) Nouveaux Mémoires ſur l'Italie et les Italiens, par deux gentilſhommes Suedois (Groſley ) : traduits du Suédois. London ( Paris ), 1764, 3 vol. 12mo . Amſterdam , 1774, 4 vol. 12mo. Groſley's Obſervations on Italy. London, 1769, 2 vol. 8vo. Since the publication of Miffon , this work met with great ſucceſs, till it was ſuperſeded by thoſe of Lalande and Richard. Voyage de La Candamine en Italie. This journey was quoted as already publiſhed by M. de Liſle, in his diſcourſe before the French Academy ; but it has not been ſeen by the compiler of the French Bibliothèque des Voyages. Travels through Italy. by John Northal. London , 1766, 8vo. Voyage en Italie, par le Preſident d'Orbeſſan. (In his works, Paris, 1768, 4 vol. 8vo.) Deſcription hiſtorique et critique de l'Italie, ou nouveaux mémoires ſur l'état actuel de ſon gouvernement, des ſciences, des arts, du commerce, de la population, et de l'hiſtoire naturelle, par M. l'Abbé Richard. Paris, 2d edit. 1768, 6 vol. 12mo. — In Italian , Florence, 1784, 6 vol. 8vo . — In Engliſh, London, 1781, 8vo . Theſe travels were performed about the year 1764, and the firſt edition ap peared in 1766 , bat they were much enlarged in that of 1768. Notwith ſtanding ſeveral omiſſions, and ſome ill-judged deſcriptions of works of art, they met with great ſucceſs. Voyage en Italie ; contenant l'hiſtoire et les anecdotes les plus fingulières de l'Italie, et fa deſcription ; les uſages, le gouvernement, le commerce, la littérature, les arts, l'hiſtoire naturelle, et les antiquités ; avec des jugemens ſur les ouvrages de pein ture, ſculpture, et architecture : par M. de Lalande. Paris, 1768, 6 vol. 12mo. ; Ib . enlarged, 1769, 8 vol. 8vo. and atlas 4to. - Reviſed, corrected , and augmented by an anonymous writer, Geneva, 1790, 7 vol . 8vo. This is generally conſidered as the moſt compleat work on the ſubject, and as fully adequate to the promiſes in the title-page. Baretti beſtows a high eulogy upon it . The hiſtorical account of St. Peter's is peculiarly intereſting, By ſome, however, the preceding work of Richard is preferred. VOL . XVII . P Sharp's 106 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1773, 8vo . Sharp's Letters from Italy ; deſcribing the cuſtoms and manners of that country in 1765. London, 1768, 8vo. Account of the Manners and Cuſtoms of Italy, with obſervations on the miſtakes of fome travellers, with regard to that country, by Joſeph Baretti. London, 1770, 2 vol. 8vo . A defence of Italy againſt the former traveller. Baretti is however occaſionally betrayed into the oppoſite extreme, by exaggerating the good qualities of his countrymen . Recueil de divers Monumens anciens répandus dans pluſieurs endroits de l'Italie, deſſinés par feu M. Barbault, et gravés en 28 planches, avec leur explication ; pour ſervir de ſuite aux monumens de Rome ancienne. Rome, 1770, fol. J. J. Volkmann, Hiſtoriſch -kritiſche Nachrichten von Italien , welche eine genaue Bef chreibung dieſes Landes,der Sitten ,und Gebrouche,der Regierungs form , Handlung, undEkonomie, des Zuſtandes der Wiſſenſchaften, und inſonderheit der Werke der Kunſt enthalten. (Hiſtorical and critical Account of Italy ; containing an exact deſcription of that country, the manners and cuſtoms, form of government, com merce, and economy, the ſtate of ſcience, and particularly the works of art. ) Leipfic, 1770 ; Ib. 1777, 1778, 3 vol. 8vo . C. Parker, Skizzen von Italien , und Bemerkungen über einige theile dieſes Landes. ( Sketches of Italy, and Remarks on ſome parts of it .) 1770, 8vo. Ceſare Orlandi, Delle città d'Italia, e ſue Iſole adjacenti, compendiofa Notizia. (Com pendious Account of the Cities and adjacent Ides of Italy .) Perugia, 1771, 8vo. J. J. Ferber, Briefe aus Welſchland über die natürlichen Merkwürdigkeiten dieſes Landes. (Letters from Italy on the natural Curioſities of that Country.) Prague, Travels through Italy in the years 1771 and 1772, by Ferber : tranſlated from the German , with notes, by R. E. Raſpe. London, 1776, Svo. Letters from Italy, in the years 1754, 1755, by John Earl of Gork and Orrery. Lon don , 1773, 8vo. Letters from Italy ; deſcribing the manners, cuſtoms, antiquities, and paintings in that country, in theyears 1770 and 1771 , by Mrs. Miller. London, 1776, 3 vol. 8vo. Briefe über Italien . (Letters on Italy.) By C. J. Jagemann. Weimar, 1778, 3 vol. 8vo. View of Society and Manners in Italy, by John Moore. London, 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. J. Bernoulli, Zufætze zu den neueſten Reiſe-Beſchreibungen von Italien . ( Additions to the moſt modern Travels in Italy.) Leipſic, 1777, 1782, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque d'Italie et de Sicile, par de Laborde. Paris, 1779, 1781 , 3 vol. fol. J. W. Baron de Rieſch, Obſervations faites pendant un Voyage en Italie. Dreſden, 1781 , 2 vol. 8vo. Auſzüge aus dem ungedruckten Tagebuch eines Reiſenden in Italien. (Extracts from the unpubliſhed Journal of a Traveller in Italy, in 1784 and 1785.) In the German Mercury for 1788 and 1789. Italianiſche Anecdoten aus dem Reiſe- Journal eines Deutſchen Gelehrten vom vorigen Jahrhundert. ( Italian Anecdotes from the travelling Journal of a German literary Man of the laſt Century.) Leipſic, 1782, 8vo. T. Martyn, The Gentleman's Guide through Italy. London, 1787, 12mo. Lettres écrites en 1785 ( par Dupaty). Paris, 1788 , 2 vol. 8vo. ; Ib. 1796, 2 vol. 18mo ; lb. 1800, 3 vol. 18mo. Dupaty's Sentimental Letters on Italy. London, 2 vol. 12mo. 6. F. Krebel, Die vornehmſten Reiſen durch Italien . ( The principal Travels in Italy. ) Hamburgh, 1789, 8vo. A.G. Preuſchen , OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 107 A. G. Preufchen, Geographiſches Tagebuch auf Italiæniſchen Reiſen , & c. (Geogra phical Journal during Italian Travels; with a theory of earthquakes, for the more accurate inveſtigation ofvolcanic ſituations and phenomena.) Heidelberg, 1782, 8vo. Bemerkungen über den Character und Sitten der Italiæner ; nebſt einer Rurzen Beſchreibung meiner Reiſe von Mahon nach Neapel. (Remarks on the Character and Manners of the Italians; with a ſhort Account of my Voyage from Mahon to Naples.) Gottingen, 1790, 8vo. UeberRom und Neapel. (On Rome and Naples .) By H. Count Reuſs. (In Ber noulli's Short Travels, vol. i . ) • W . R.Janſen, Brieven over Italien , vornamelyk den tegenwoordigen ſtaat der Geneſ kunde en Naturlyke Hiſtorie betreffende. (Letters on Italy, chiefly relative to the preſent ſtate of Medicine and Natural Hiſtory.) Hague, 1790 ; Ib. 1793, 8vo. Lettres de Madame la Princeſſe de Gonzague, écrites à ſes amis pendant le cours de ſes voyages de l'Italie, en 1779 et années ſuivantes. Paris, 1790, 8vo. NewObſervations on Italy , byNugent. London, 1791, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyaged'Italie, ou Conſidérations ſur l'Italie, parfeu M.Duclos. Paris, 1791, 8vo. Theſe travels, performed in 1766 and 1767 , contain very ſevere ſtrictures on the tyranny of the Italian governments. Darſtellungen aus Italien , von F. J. L. Meyer. Berlin, 1792, 8vo. Voyage en Italie, par F.J. L. Meyer. Paris, 1800, 8vo. An intereſting work, though occaſionally favouring of the exceſs of enthuſi afm peculiar to the Germans. The account ofthe Tyroleſe mountains is however in a great meaſure free from this defect. Janitſch, Reiſen von Ihren Sicilianiſchen Majeſtæten nach Venedig und Florentz. (Journeyof Their Sicilian Majeſties to Venice and Florence.) Leipfic, 1792,3 vol. 8vo. Journey in Italy,by Dr. Smith. London, 1793, 3 vol. 8vo. Reifen des Grafen Eglofftein durch Italien . ( Travels of Count Eglofftein in Italy. ) In Fabri'sGeographicalMemoirs,vol. i. Reifen eines Deutfchen in Italien. ( Travels of a German in Italy, from 1786 to 1788.) Berlin , 1792, 1793 , 3 vol. 8vo. Fragmente, Skizzen , und Situationen auf einer Reiſe durch Italien. ( Fragments, Sketches, and Situations in a Tour through Italy.) By K. M. Plumike . Gærlitz , 1793, 8vo. Mémoires ſecrets et critiques desCours, du Gouvernemens, et des Meurs des princi paux Etats d'Italie, par Joſeph Gorani, citoyen Français. Paris, 1793, 3 vol. 8vo. Travels in Italy, during the year 1789, by Arthur Young, London, 8vo. Journey from Naples into Tuſcany, before the French Invaſion of Italy, by Brooke. London, 8vo. Lettres hiſtoriques et critiques de Charles Debroles ; avec des notes ſur la ſituation actuelle de l'Italie. Paris, 1799, 3 vol. 8vo. From the contents of this volume, the author ſeems to have travelled about the middle of the laſt century. The publication ,probably on account of ſome free paſſages, was proteſted againſt by the family . Letters from Italy between the years 1792 and 1798 , by Mariann Clarke. London, 1800, 2 vol . 8vo. Voyage en Italie de M. l'Abbé Barthelemi, imprimé ſur les lettres originales au Comte de Caylus ; avec un appendice, où ſe trouvent des morceaux inédits de Winkelmann, du P. Jacquier, de l'Abbé Zurillo, et d'autres ſavans ; publié par A. Seryeis. Paris, 1802, 8vo. Theſe letters of the excellent Barthelemi were written in 1756 and 1757, and relate almoſt excluſively to antiquities. P 2 Briefe 108 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 2 Briefe über Italien . ( Letters from Italy in the years 1798 to 1799. ) Leipſie, 1802, 1803 , 3 vol . 8vo . Reiſe, & c . ( Journey in ſpite of myſelf, or Picture of modern Italy .) Gottingen, 1803 , 8vo. J. Heymann, Streifzüge durch die ganze Lombardey, & c. ( Excurſions through the whole of Lombardy, relative to hiſtory, natural hiſtory, ſtatiſtics, arts, and com merce. ) Groetz, 1804, 8vo. E. Pini, Viaggio geologico par diverſi parti meridionali dell'Italia . (Geological Travels in the South ofItaly, in letters.) Milan, 1804, 8vo. Voyage en Italie et en Sicile, fait en 1801 et 1802, par M. Creuſé de Leller. Paris, 1806, 8vo. Travels in Italy during the cloſe of the year 1804, and the beginning of 1805, contain ing a view of the preſent ſtate of the country : tranſlated from the German of Kotzebue. London, 1805, 4 vol. 12mo. Eſſai ſur les Traces anciennes du Caractère de Italiens modernes, des Siciliens, des Sardes, et des Corſes. Paris, 1807, 8vo. Neergard, Voyage pittoreſque du Nord de l'Italie . Figures. Paris, 1812 , fol. No. 1 . and 2 . [See the travels of Roſmital, Rathgeben , Hentzner, Duc de Rohan, Duke of Brunf wick- Bevern , Lettres Curieuſts, C. F. H. L. , Deſſe, Hartig, Archenholtz, Kleine Reiſen ; Sect. Great Britain. —Journal des Voyages en 1660, Birken, Voyage par M., Dumont, Veryard, Madriſio , Breval, Boyle, Brown, Frank , Hempel, Mathews, Smollet, Travels through France and Italy in 1769, Voyage par S., Temple, Pilati, Bernoulli, Salzmann, Travels of thePopes, Burney, Sander, Guſ tavus III., Marcell, Intereſting Remarks of a Traveller, Hwüd, Piozzi, Owen, Princeſſe de Gonzague, Arnot, Lemaiſtre ; Sect. France. - Struys; Sect. Russia . - Laboureur, Browne, Keyſler, Letters of a French Officer, Gerning ; Sect. AUSTRIA. Brome, Baretti, Labat ; Sect. SPAIN and PORTUGAL. - Clément, Semple ; Sect. SPAIN . -Sandys, Voyage to Conſtantinople in 1794 ; Sect. TURKEY. - Remarques Hiſtoriques 1794, Coyer ; Sect. HOLLAND ; and the Travels in Switzerland, Germany , and Italy , collectively .] II. Travels in the North of Italy. PIEDMONT. Ph. Pengoni, Auguſta Taurinorum . Turin, 1587, fol. Relazione dello ſtato preſente del Piemonte. ( Account of the preſent ſtate of Pie. mont.) By F. A. della Chieſa. Turin , 1635, 4to . Campeggiamenti del Piemonte. ( Encampments of Piemont.) By Count Don Emanuel Teſauro. 1640, fol. Campeggiamenti, ovvero Iſtoria del Piemonte. ( Encampments, or Hiſtory of Piemont .) By the fame. Bologna, 1643, 4to. Auguſta Taurinorum , by the ſame; continued by G. P. Giraldi. Turin , 1679, fol. Theatre du Piémont et de la Savoie : traduit du Latin en Français, par Jacques Bernard. Hague, 1700, 2 vol. fol. Nouveau Théatre du Piemont et de la Savoie, ou deſcription des villes, palais, edifices, &c. de ces provinces. Hague, 1725, 4 vol. fol. Guida OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 109 Guida de' Foreſtieri per la real Città di Torino. ( The Stranger's Guide through the Royal City of Turin .) Turin , 1753 , 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque du Comte de Nice . Avec planches. Geneva, 1787 , 8vo. Travels through the Maritime Alps, by Albanis Beaumont. Plates. London, 1794. fol. Voyage en Piemont; contenant la deſcription topographique et pittoreſque, la ſtatiſtique, et l'hiſtoire des fix départemens réunis à la France, par J. B. L. Breton. Avec cartes et planches. Paris, an xi. - 1802 , 2 vol. 8vo. This work was ſeverely cenſured in the Bibliothèque Italienne, as a mere com pilation from antiquated and often doubtful authority. The author has too frequently introduced etymological conjectures. His production, however, furniſhes much information on the hiſtory, agriculture, induſtry, and religion . of the country [See the travels of Gælnitz, and Beaumont ; Sect. FRANCE .] GENOA. Genuæ celeberrimi totius Italiæ Emporii Deſcriptio. 1634, fol. Deſcription des Beautés de Gênes et de ſes Environs, ornée de différentes vues et du plan topographique de cette ville. Genoa, 1773 , 8vo. [See the travels of Miravelt ; Sect. FRANCE.] MILAN , MANTUA, MODENA , AND PARMA. Hiſtoria della Nobiltà e degne Qualità di Lago Maggiore, & c. ( Hiſtory of the Excellence and the valuable Qualities of the Lago Maggiore, in which the ſource and origin of the river Teſſino , and the adjacent countries and towns, are deſcribed .) Collected by R. P.Paulo Morigia. Milan, 1603, 12mo. Summario delle Coſe mirabili della Città di Milano. ( Summary of the remarkable Ob jects in the City of Milan .) By the ſame. Milan, 1609, 12mo. Il Ritratto di Milano, diviſo in tre libri, colorito di Carlo Torre, &c. ( The Picture of Milan, divided in three books, delineated by Carlo Torre ; in which all ancient and modern objects are deſcribed, &c.; with different hiſtorical details. ) Milan , 1674, 4to . Deſcrizione di Milano, ornata di molti diſegni in rama delle fabriche più conſpicue che ſi trovano in queſta metropoli. (Deſcription of Milan, with many deſigns of the moſt conſpicuous edifices in that capital.) Collected and arranged by Serviliano Latuada. Milan, 1738, 5 vol. 8vo. Voyages aux Iſles Borromées, par deux amis (Louis Damien ). Milan, 1798, 8vo. C. Amoretti, Viaggio da Milano ai tre Laghi, Maggiore, di Lugano, e di Como. ( Journey from Milan to the three Lakes of Maggiore, of Lugano , and of Como. ) Milan, 1803, 4to. A very intereſting deſcription of a romantic country , ſeldom viſited . F. Calceolari, Viaggio a Montebaldo. (Journey to Montebaldo .) Venice, 1566, 4to . Giovanni Pona, Montebaldo deſcritto. (Deſcription ofMontebaldo .) Venice, 1617, 4to. Stephano Breventano, Iſtoria della Antichità e delle coſe notabili della Città di Pavia. (Hiſtory of the Antiquity and the moſt memorable Objects in the City of Pavia .) Pavia, 1570, 4to. B. Ofanna, I10 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS B. Oſanna, Dell' Iſtoria di Mantova Libri cinque. (Hiſtory of Mantua, in five books.) Mantua, 1617, 4to . G.B. Perſico, Deſcrizione della Città di Maffa. (Deſcription of the City of Maffa .) Naples, 1646, 12mo. Iſtoria di Modena. (Hiſtory of Modena.) Modena, 1666, 4to. Viaggio per i Monti di Modena, &c. ( Travels through the Mountains of Modena, by Antonio Valliſneri, in which many new phyſical and hiſtorical notices, not yet pub lilhed , occur.) In his Opere Fiſico-Mediche, Venice, 1732, 3 vol. fol. Viaggio al Monte Ventaffo, &c. ( Journey to Mount Ventaffo , and to the different Sources of the Mineral Waters in the Territory of Reggio .) By Philip Count de Re. Parma, 1802, 8vo. Della Deſcrizione della Parma e dell' Iſtoria della Città di Parma, libri otto. (Deſcrip tion of the Territory and City of Parma, in eight books.) By Bonaventura Angeli. Parma, 1590 , 4to . VENICE . Delle Coſe notabili che ſono in Venetia. (The moſt remarkable Objects in Venice.) By Franceſco Sanſovino. Venice, 1561, 12mo. Trattato delle Coſe notabili che ſono in Venetia, & c. ( Treatiſe of the moſt notable Things in Venice, in which are truly and faithfully deſcribed the ancient uſages, the habits and dreſſes, the edifices and palaces, &c. ) Venice, 1583, 8vo. G. Bardi, Delle Coſe piu notabili della Città di Venetia, &c. ( The moſt remarkable Objects in the City of Venice.) Venice, 1587, 8vo. Venezia deſcritta. ( Venice deſcribed .) Venice, 1604, 4to . J. Donati, De Republicâ Venetâ Dialogi. Leyden, 1631, 12mo. Dominico Martinelli, Ritratto di Venetia. (Picture of Venice, in two parts.) Venice , 1684, 8vo. Nouvelle Relation de la République de Veniſe, diviſée en trois parties. Utrecht, 1709, 8vo . Sertorio Orato, Iſtoria di Padova. ( Hiſtory of Padua. ) Padua, 1678 , 12mo. Girolamo Mazari, Iſtoria di Vicenza. (Hiſtory of Vicenza .) Vicenza, 1614, 4to . De gli Amphiteatri, e ſingolarmente del Veroneſe, & c. (On the Amphitheatres, par ticularlythat of Verona, twobooks; in which an account is given both of its hiſtory and its architecture.) Venice, 1728, 12mo. I Foreſtiere inſtrutto nelle coſe piu rare diArchitettura e di alcune Pitture della Città di Vicenza. (The Stranger inſtructed in the moſt rare Monuments of Architecture, and ſome Pi& ures, in the City of Vicenza.) With 36 plates. Vicenza , 1780, 8vo. La Iſtoria di Crema, raccolta per Allemany, fine degli Annali di M.Petro Terni. (Hiſ tory of Crema, collected by Allemany, atthe end ofthe Annals of P.Terni. ) Venice, 1666, 4to . Iſtoria Breſciana. (Hiſtory of Breſciana.) By M. Elia Coriolo. Breſcia, 1585, 4to . Chriſtoforo Pilati, Saggio di Iſtoria naturale del Breſciano. ( Effay on the natural Hif tory of the Territory of Breſcia.) Breſcia, 1769, 4to . Girolamo Bertondelli, iſtoria della Città di Feltre. (Hiſtory of the City of Feltre .) Venice, 1673 , 4to. Deſcription de Veniſe , lec Vues de fes Palais, Bâtimens célèbres, répreſentées en cent quinze figures gravées en taille -douce. Leyden, 1762, fol. Bergamo, fue Origine, notabili Coſe ; raccolte da gravi autori. (Bergamo, its Origin and remarkable Objects; collected from good authors.) Bergamo, 1763 , 4.10 . Pirks, II OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 111 Pirks, Itinerarium per DitionemVenetorum . 8vo. J. C. Meyer, Beſchreibung von Venedig. (Deſcription of Venice.) Leipfic, 1789 ; Ib. 1795, 2 vol. 8vo . Tableau von Venedig, oder Bemerkungen über den Luxus und die Moden in Venedig. (Picture of Venice, or Remarks on the Luxury and Faſhions of Venice. ) Inſerted in the Journal of Luxury and Faſhions, vol.iii. Beſchreibung von Venedig. (Deſcription Deſcription of Venice.. ) Leipfic, 1791 , 3 vol. 8vo. [See the travelsof Griſellini, Letters from Venice, Excurſions through Inner Auſtria, Fiſcher ; Sect. AUSTRIA.- Blount; Sect. TURKEY. ] TUSCANY. Franceſco Boſchi, Le Bellezze della Città di Florenza. ( Beauties of Florence. ) Florence, 1592 ; Ib ., augmented by G.Ginelli, 1677, 12mo. Il Ritratto di Florenza. ( The Picture of Florence.) Plates. Florence , 1733, 12mo. J. Nardini, Iſtoria della Città di Florenza. ( Hiſtory of the City of Florence.) Fol. Guill. Poftellii de Etruriæ Regionis Ignibus, Inſtitutis, Religione, et Moribus. Florence, 1651. Leyden , 1634, fol. G. F.Targioni Tozetti , Relazioni d'alcuni Viaggi fatti in diverſi Parti della Toſcana, per oſſervare le produzioni naturali, e gli antichi Monumenti di effa. ( Account of ſome Travels intovarious Parts of Tuſcany, to inveſtigate the productions of nature and the monuments of antiquity. ) Florence, 1751, 1754 ; Ib ., Augmented, 1768 , 1779, 12 vol. 8vo. — Tranſlated partly in French, Paris, 1792, 2 vol. 8vo. This extenſive work occaſionally exhibits hiſtorical inaccuracies, and the part rela tive to geology and natural hiſtory has become ſomewhat antiquated. In other reſpects it is a very uſeful production. -Prodromus della Chorografia e della Topografia fiſica della Toſcana . (Short Account of the Chorography and phyſical Topography of Tuſcany :) Florence, 1754, 8vo. Ritrattodelle Coſe piu notabili della Città di Florenza. (Account of the moſt remark able Objects in Florence.) Florence, 1767, 12mo. Fragmente aus dem Tagebuch eines jungen Schweizers auf ſeiner Reiſe nach Florenz. (Fragments from theJournal of a young Swiſs, in his Journey to Florence in ſpring 1788.) In the Swiſs Muſeum , 1788, No. XI. Kæftlin , Briefe über die Naturgeſchichte der Inſel Elba. (Letters on the Natural Hif tory of the Ife of Elba. ) Vienna, 1780, 8vo. Morazzi, Raggionamento iſtorico dello ſtato antico e moderno del Fiume Arno. (Hiſto rical Diſcourſe on the ancient and modern ſtate of the River Arno.) 1790, 8vo. Corſini, Raggionamento iſtorico ſopra la Valle di Chiano. (Hiſtorical Diſcourſe on the Valley of Chiano.) 1791 , 8vo. G. Santi, Viaggi per le due Provincie Sienneſi e Piſa. ( Travels through the two Pro vinces of Sienna and Piſa.) 1796, 2 vol. 8vo. — In French , Lyon, 1802 , 8vo . Theſe travels, which are chiefly mineralogical, were promiſed to be extended to other parts of Tuſcany, but little viſited hitherto. Mariti, Itinerario per le Colline Píſane. (Tour through the Hills of Piſa. ) Florence, 1796, 8vo. Viaggio pittorico della Toſcana. ( Pictureſque Travels in Tuſcany.) Plates, and text. Florence, 1801 , 1803, 3 vol. foì. [ See the travels of Muirhead ; Sect. FRANCE. ] THE 112 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS THE POPE'S DOMINIONS. Stanica Itinerarium ab Hiſpania uſque ad Romam . Rome, 1521, 4to. Guido Gualtieri, Relazionedella Venuta degli Ambaſciatori Giaponenſi a Roma, ſino alla partita di Liſbona, & c. ( Account of the Journey of the Japaneſe Ambaſſadors to Rome, after their Arrival at Liſbon ; with a deſcription oftheir country and cuſtoms, and their reception by the Chriſtian princes where they paſſed .) Venice, 1586, 8vo. De trium Japonicorum Legatis, qui Romam profecti, Gregorio XIII., Obedientiam pub licam præſtiterunt. Antwerp , 1593 , 8vo. Relazione della folenne entrata fatta in Roma da ( Fil. Franc.) Faxicuri, Ambaſciatore del Idate Maſamune, re di Voxu nel Giapone, alla ſantità di N. S. Papa Paolo V. ( Relation of the ſolemn Entry of Faxicuri, Ambaſſador of Idate Maſamune, King of Voxu, in Japan, to His Holineſs Pope Paul V.) Rome, 1615, 4to. —In Spaniſh, Mexico, 1626, 8vo.- Tranſlated from the Japaneſe into Latin, by Eduardo de Sandê. Macao, 1690, 4to. L'Antichità di Roma, di Andrea Fulvio, &c. ( The Antiquities of Rome, by Andrea Fulvio, corrected and enlarged anew, with engravings of the ancient and modern edifices; with the additions and annotations of Girolami Ferruci, &c. ) Venice, 1588, Svo. Franciſci Schotti Itinerarii Romanorumque Rerum Libri III. , ex antiquis noviſque ſcriptis ab iis editi qui Romano anno Jubilæi ſacra viſerunt . Antwerp, 1600, 1625, 12mo. Deſcrizione di Roma antica e moderna, & c. ( Deſcription of ancient and modern Rome; in which are contained the churches, monaſteries, hoſpitals, fraternities, colleges, ſeminaries , temples, theatres, amphitheatres, naumachias, ſquares, forums, tribunals, palaces, libraries, muſeums, ſculptures, pictures, &c. ) Rome, 1644, 1653 , 8vo . Gregorio Leti, Itinerario della Corta di Roma, ovvero Teatro della Sede apoſtolica, Dateria, e Cancellaria Romana. ( Itinerary of the Court of Rome, or Theatre of the Apoſtolic See, the Dateria, and the Roman Chancery.) Valencia, 1675, 3 vol. De Sebaſtiani, Viaggio curioſo di Roma ſacra e profana. ( Curious Journey through ſacred and profane Rome. ) Rome, 1683 , 12mo. Roma antica e moderna, & c. ( Ancient and modern Rome; or deſcription of the modern city of Rome, and of all the remarkable edifices which are there, and of the moſt celebrated things which were in ancient Rome, &c. With above 200 engravings, &c. ) Rome, 1690, 2 vol. 8vo. —Increaſed with a third volume, Ib . I 2ino. 1745, 8vo. This deſcription of Rome is highly eſteemed in Italy for exactneſs and hiſtorical truth. Antonio Bafani, Viaggio à Roma della Sacra RealeMaeſtà di Maria Caſimira, Regina di Polonia , Vedova ,& c. ( Journeyto Rome of Her Sacred and Royal MajeſtyMaria Caſimira, Dowager Queen of Poland, in conſequence of her vow to viſit the holy places and the ſupreme paſtor of the church, Innocent XII. ) Rome, 1700, 4to. The Travels of an Engliſh Gentleman to Rome. London, 1706, 12mo. L'Ancienne Rome, la Principale des Villes d'Europe, avec toutes ſes magnificences et ſes delices, par François de Seine. Planches. Leyden, 1713, 4 vol. 8vo. The ſame, with a Deſcription of the Government and State of Rome. Ib . 1714, 4 vol. 8vo. 5 Roma OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 113 Roma antica e moderna, &c. ( Ancient and modern Rome, or New Deſcription of all its ancient edifices, &c. ) Rome, 1750, 3 vol. 12mo. Les plus beaux Monumens de Rome ancienne, ou recueil des plus beaux morceaux de l'antiquité Romaine, deſſinées par M. Barbault, et gravé en 128 planches, avec leur explication. Rome, 1761 , fol. Il Mercurio errante delle Grandezze di Roma, tanto antiche che moderne, &c. (The Wandering Mercury of the Grandeur of Rome, both ancient and modern, by Pietro Rofini, antiquarian : divided into two parts ; the firſt containing palaces and churches ; the ſecond, villas, gardens, baths, theatres, ſquares, triumphal arches, obeliks, ſepulchres, and other antiquities and curioſities of Rome. ) Eighth edition, augmented , Rome, 1761 , 12mo. R. Venuti, Accurata Deſcrizione topografica e iſtorica di Roma moderna, &c. (Accu rate topographicaland hiſtorical Deſcription of modern Rome; a poſthumouswork , enlarged , & c.) Rome, 1766, 4to. Voyage géographique et aſtronomique, entrepris par ordre de Benoît XIV ., dans les années 1750 etſuivantes, pour meſurer desdegrés de méridien, et corriger les cartes de l'Etat Eccleſiaſtique, par les PP . Maire et Boſcovich. Paris, 1770, 4to. Les plus beaux Edifices de Rome moderne, ou recueil des plus belles vues, des prin cipales égliſes, places, palais, fontaines, &c. qui ſont dans Rome, deſſinées par Jean Barbault, et gravées en 44 grandes planches, et pluſieurs vignettes, avec la deſcription hiſtorique de chaque edifice. Rome, 1773 , fol. G.Vaſi ,Itinerario inſtruttivo, diviſo in tre giornate, & c. ( Inſtructive Itinerary, divided into three days, for finding with eaſe all the ancient and modern magnificence of Rome, viz. all the works of painting, ſculpture, and architecture, compiled in a new manner.) Third edition, enlarged. Rome, 1777, 12mo. Lettres concernant le Journal d'un Voyage fait à Rome en 1773. ( Par Guidi.) Geneva, 1783 , 2 vol. 12mo. R.Venuti, Efatiſſima e ſuccinta Deſcrizione di Roma moderna. ( Exact and ſuccinct Deſcription of Rome in its modern ſtate.) Rome, 1786, 4to. J. Adler, Reiſebemerkungen auf einer Reiſe nach Rom. ( Remarks in a Journey to Rome.) Altona, 1784, 8vo. Maleriſche Reiſe eines Deutſchen Künſtlers nach Rom. ( Pictureſque Tour to Rome, by a German Artiſt.) Vienna, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo. Neueſte ſtatiſtiſche und moraliſche Ueberſicht des Kirchenſtaats. (New ſtatiſtic and moral Survey of the Eccleſiaſtical Dominions. ) Lubeck , 1793, 8vo. Tableau de Rome, par Olivier Pola : traduit de l'Italien . Paris , 1800, 8vo. A Hiſtorical Deſcription of ancient and modern Rome ; alſo of the works of art , par ticularly in architecture, ſculpture, and painting : to which is added, a Tour through the Cities and Towns in the Environs of that Metropolis, and an Account of the Antiquities found at Gabia. By J. Salmon. London, 1800, 8vo. Voyage ſur la Scène des ſix derniers Livres de l’Enéïde, ſuivi des Obſervations ſur le Latium , par Charles Victor de Bonſtetten. Geneva, an xiii. - 1805, 8vo. A work of taſte and much information , particularly reſpecting the ſtate of agriculture and the cauſes of depopulation in the Campagna di Roma. Tomaſo Peſaro, Iſtoria di Ravenna. (Hiſtory of Ravenna.) 1574, fol. . Gaſpardo Sardi, Iſtoria Ferrareſe . ( Hiſtory of Ferrara .) Ferrara, 1586, 4to. Ferrara d'oro imbrunita, dell'Abbate Libaroni. ( The Riches of Ferrara, in three books, by the Abbé Libaroni. ) Ferrara, 1665, 1667, 1674, 3 vol. fol, VOL. XVII. A. Strizzi, 114 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A. Strizzi, Guida del Foreſtiere per la Città di Ferrara. (The Stranger's Guide through Ferrara .) Ferrara, 1787, 18mo. Vincenzio Maria Cimarelli, Iſtoria dello ſtato d'Urbino. ( Hiſtory of the Territory of Urbino . ) Breſcia, 1642, 4to . Deſcriptio Civitatis Bononiæ antiquæ et hodiernæ . Leyden , 1696, fol. Deſcrizione della Città e altre coſe notabili di Bologna. (Deſcription of the City and other memorable Objects of Bologna.) Bologna, 1602 , 4to. PaoloMaſini, Bologna perilluſtrata. ( Bologna delineated .) Bologna, 1650, 12mo.; 3d edition enlarged, 1666, 2 vol. 4to. P. Schmitt, Informazione delle coſe più notabili in Bologna. (Account of the moſt remarkable Objects in Bologna.) Bologna, 32mo. [ See the travels of Singlade; Sect. France .] NAPLES. Hieronimi Turler, de Peregrinatione et Agro Napolitano, Libri II. Straſburg, 1574, 8vo. B. Falco, Deſcrizione di luoghi antiqui di Napoli. ( Deſcription of the Antiquities of Naples.) Naples, 1580, 4to. Scipione Mazello, Deſcrizione del Regno di Napoli. ( Deſcription of the Kingdom of Naples.) Naples, 1586, 4to . Sito e Antichità della Città di Pozzuolo, &c. (Situation and Antiquity of the Town of Pozzuolo , with a Deſcription of the adjacent Places.) Naples, 1606 , 12mo. Girolamo Marafiori, Corniche e Antiquità di Calabria. ( Ornaments and Antiquities of Calabria .) Padua, 1611 , 4to . Hieron. Megiſſeri Deliciæ Neapolitanæ . Leipfic, 1605, 1610, 8vo. Enrico Bacco, Regno di Napoli, diviſo in duodeci Provincie. (The Kingdom of Naples, divided into twelve Provinces.) Naples, 1618, 8vo.- Augmented by C. E. Carac cioli ; Ib. 1622 ; Ib . 1626 ; Ib. 1671, 4to . Juan de Quinones de Monte Veſuvio. Madrid, 1632, 4to. Girolamo Nicolini, Hiſtoria delle Città e delle Chieſe metropoli della Provincia d'Abruzzo, & c. (Hiſtory of the Towns and metropolitan Churches of the Province of Abruzzo, in three books ; with a Notice of its Antiquities.) Naples, 1657, fol. Giuſeppe Marmille, Deſcrizione della Città di Napoli. " (Deſcription of the City of Naples. ) Naples, 1670, 8vo. Henrici Baſci, Defcriptio Regni Neapolitani, correcta et amplificata per Ceſar Engenio. Leyden , 1678 , fol. P. Sarnelli, Guida de' Foreſtieri di vedere e intendere le coſe piu notabili della regal Città di Napoli. ( The Stranger's Guide to ſee and examine the moſt remarkable Objects in the royal City of Naples. With plates.) Naples, 8vo. -Conſiderably augmented, and extended to the reſt of the kingdom , Ib . 1682 , 8vo. Antonio Bulifon, Compendio hiſtorico del Monte Veſuvio. (Hiſtorical Account of Mount Veſuvius.) Naples, 1698; 8vo . Giovambattiſta Pacichelli, Il Regno diNapoli inProſpettiva, diviſo in duodeci Provincie, &c. ( The Kingdom of Naples in Perſpective , divided into twelve Provinces, in which are deſcribed its moſt faithful city the metropolis of Naples, &c. and its 184 cities ; and all thoſe territories of which accounts have been obtained, &c. ) Plates. Naples, 1703, 3 vol. 4to. This is the moſt minute account of the kingdom extant. Gaſparo OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 115 Gaſparo Panagaglio, Iſtoria naturale del Monte Veſuvio . (Natural Hiſtory of Mount Veſuvius.) Naples, 1705, 4to. J. Sorretini, Iſtoria del Monte Veſuvio . ( Hiſtory of Mount Veſuvius.) Rome, 1734, 8vo. Hiſtoire du Mont Véſuve : traduite des Mémoires Italiens de l'Academie de Naples, par Duperron -Caſtera. Paris, 1741 , 8vo. A. Parrino, NuovoGuida de' Foreſtieri per l'Antichità curioſiſſime di Pozzuoli, dell' Iſole adjacenti d'Iſchia, Procida, Nicida, Capri, & c. (New Stranger's Guide to the moſt curious Antiquities of Pozzuoli, the adjacent Ines of Iſchia, Procida, Nicida, Capri, the Hills, Countries, Villas, and Towns on both ſides of Naples. With 30 engravings.) Naples, 1725 ; Ib., much augmented , 1751, 12mo. Giovanni Maria de la Torre, Iſtoria e Fenomeni delVeſuvio. (Hiſtory and Phenomena of Veſuvius.) Naples, 1755 ; Ib. 1768, 4to. --- In French , by the Abbé Peyton, Paris, 1751 , 12mo. The author, a prieſt and phyſician, paſſed almoſt his whole life on this moun tain, andwas conſequently enabled to give a veryminute account of it. Giuſeppe Maria Mecatti, Racconto iſtorico-filofophico del Veſuvio. (Hiſtorical and philoſophical Accountof Veſuvius.) Naples, 1754, 8vo. The Ruins of Pæftum . Four plates. London, 1767, fol. - In French, with additions, by Th. Major, Ib . 1768.-Again by Dumont, with his additions, and other plates of Herculaneum , and other antiquities of the kingdom of Naples ; in all 18 plates. Paris 1769, fol. Les Ruines de Pæſtum ou Poſſidonia , ancienne Ville de la Grande- Grèce ; levées, meſurées, et deſſinées ſur les lieux en l'an ii., par de la Gardette. Paris, an vii . - This work is ſuperior to the former in point of accuracy of meaſurement, pro portions, and deſcription. Prodromus Veſuvianus, &c. (Guide to Veſuvius, & c. inwhich , beſides thename, origin , antiquity , and the firſt eruptions of this mountain , the cautions requiſite at the time of its burning are pointed out.) Naples, 1780, 8vo. F. Munter, Ueberden Zuſtand Calabriens nach dem Erdbeben von 1783. (On the State of Calabria after the Earthquake in 1783. ) In the German Magazine, No. 1. Eines Englænders neue Beſchreibung der InſelIſchia. ( New Account of the Iſle of Iſchia, by an Engliſhman .) In Bernoulli's Short Travels, vol. i. H. M. Marcard, Reiſe nach der Inſel Iſchia. ( Journey to the Iſle of Iſchia.) In the Journal of Berlin, 1787 , No. 5. and 6. Phyſikaliſche Briefe über den Veſuv, und die Gegend von Neapolis. ( Phyſical Letters on Veſuvius and the Environs of Naples.) Leipfic, 1785, 8vo. Account of a Journey into the Province of Abruzzio, and a Voyage to the Iſland of Ponza, by Sir William Hamilton. (In the Philoſophical Tranſactions, vol. Ixxvi.) Ulyſſes Salis-Marſchlins, Reiſen in verſchiedene Provinzen des Kænigreichs Neapel. ( Travels into various Parts of the Kingdom of Naples.) Zurich , 1793, 8vo. Voyages phyſiques et lithologiques dans la Campanie ; fuivis d'un mémoire ſur la conſtitution phyſique de Rome, avec la carte générale de la Campanie d'après Zannoni, celles des cratères éteints entre Naples et Cannes, et celle du Véſuve, par Scipion Breiſlack : traduit du manuſcrit Italien, par le Général Pommereuil. Paris, 1800, 2 vol. 8vo. , plates. This valuable work contains much ſcientific information on the ſoil and forma tion of the environs of Naples and Rome, and concludes with the moſt accurate account of the Lazzaroni yet publiſhed. An edition had previouſly appeared 1799, fol. Q 2 116 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS appeared at Florence in Italian , but in the abſence of the author; who made many valuable additions in his MS. , from which the French copy was tranſlated , which has beſides the advantage of many learned notes by the tranſlator. [ See the travels of Singlade; Sect. FRANCE . - Bofius ; SPAIN . --Solano ; TURKEY. ] Travels common to Naples and Sicily. Reiſe durch Sicilien und Groſs -Griechenland. ( Travels in Sicily and Great- Greece. ) By Baron de Riedeſel. Zurich, 1771 , 8vo . - In French , Paris, 1773, 8vo. Theſe travels are deſcribed in letters to the celebrated Winkelmann, whoſe taſte and antiquarian knowledge theauthor rivalled. Nor are the manners and cuſtoms of the inhabitants neglected. Campi Phlegræi, or Obſervations onthe Volcanoes of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily , by Sir William Hamilton. Plates. Naples, 1776, 2 vol. fol. Obſervations on Mount Veſuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanoes, in a ſeries of letters, by the fame. London, 1772, 8vo. Voyage pittoreſque, ou Deſcription des Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile ; (par Saint Non ;) ornés de cartes, plans, vues, figures, vignettes, et culs-de-lampes. Paris, 1781 , 1785, 5 vol. fol. - In Engliſh , London, 1789, 8vo. The French edition of this work, when compleat and containing the 14 plates of the medals of the ancient Sicilian cities, is worth 600 francs and upwards. A copy ofgreat magnificence was even fold for 1650 francs. The traveller viſited theſe kingdoms in 1777, accompanied by ſeveral artiſts, and engaged others refident in them. Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Rom nach Sicilien , Malta , und Neapel. (Voyage from Rome to Sicily , Malta, and Naples.) In the German Mercury, 1785 , No. 11. and 12. Travels in the Two Sicilies, by Henry Swinburne. London, 1782 ; Ib.1790 , 3 vol. 8vo. -In French, followed by a journey in Sicily and Malta, by Denon, Paris , 1785, 5 vol. 8vo. The latter was tranſlated into Engliſh with the following title : " Denon's Tra vels in Sicily and Malta ," London , 8vo. F. Munter, Efterretninger von begge Sicilien, ſamlede paa en Reiſe i deſſe lande. (Memoirs on the Two Sicilies , collected in travels through thoſe countries in 1785 and 1786.) Copenhagen, 1789, 1790, 2 vol. 8vo. A work of great excellence and ſome ſcarcity. J. H. Bartels, Briefe über Calabrien und Sicilien. (Letters on Calabria and Sicily. ) Gottingen, 1789, 1792 , 3 vol. 8vo. The beſt account of Calabria hitherto publiſhed is contained in theſe travels. Ulyſes Salis-Marſchlins, Beytræge zur Kenntniſs beider Sicilien. ( Contributions to the Knowledge of both the Sicilies.) Zurich, 1790, 2 vol. 8vo. Obſervations and Remarks in a Journey through Sicily and Calabria in the year 1791 , by Brian Hills. London , 1792, 8vo. Voyage dans les Deux-Siciles, et dans quelques parties des Apennins, par L. Spallan zani, avec une deſcription du Mont Véſuve, du Juin 1794. Avec figures. Bern , 1795, 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1799, 6 vol, 8vo . For naturaliſts and phyſicians the name of the author is a ſufficient recommen dation SICILY. 1 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 117 SICILY. Th. Facelli, De Rebus Siculis Decades II. Palermo, 1558. Frankfort, 1579, fol. Antonii Philothei de Homodeis, Ætnæ Topographia, Incendiorumque Ætneorum Hif toria ; ex editione Nic. Oddi. Venice, 1591,400. - In Italian , Palermo, 1611 , 4to. Giuſeppe Camavalo, Iſtoria e Deſcrizione del Regno di Sicilia. (Hiſtory and Deſcrip tion of the Kingdom of Sicily. ) Naples, 1591, 4to. Filippo Peruti, La Sicilia deſcritta con Medaglie. (Sicily deſcribed by Medals.) Palermo, 1607. Rouen , 1649. Lyon, 1697, fol. Though the two laſt editions are augmented, the firſt is in moſt requeſt. P. Cluverii Sicilia antiqua, cum inſulis adjacentibus, item Sardinia et Corſica ; opus tabulis geographicis illuſtratum . Leyden, 1630, 4to . Siciliæ Deſcriptio et Delineatio , Placido Caraffo autore. Palermo, 1653, 4to. Bernardino Maſel, Deſcrizione di Sicilia. ( Deſcription of Sicily. ) Palermo, 1694, fol. Deſcription de la Sicile ,par le P. Alleyro. Amſterdam , 1734, 8vo. , plates. Deſcription de l'Ile de Sicile, de ſes Côtes maritimes, avec le Plan de toutes ſes For tereſſes, par Pierre Collejo y Angulo ; avec un mémoire de l'état politique de la Sicile, par le Baron Agatin Apart, d'après un manuſcrit authentique. Cartes et plans. Amſterdam , 1734, 8vo. Ant. Mongitore, La Sicilia ricercata nelle Cofe le piu memorabili. (Sicily deſcribed, with its moſtremarkable Objects .) Palermo, 1742 , 2 vol. Ignacio Paterni Principe de Biſcari, Viaggio per tutta Antichità della Sicilia. ( Journey to all the Antiquities of Sicily.) Naples, 1781 , 4to. The character of the author is placed in a moſt favourable light by Brydone and Riedeſel. Giuf. MariaGalanti, Nuova Deſcrizione iſtorica egeograficadelle Sicilie. (New hiſ torical and geographical Deſcription of the Sicilies.) Naples, 1786 , 2 vol. 8vo. Petri Bembi de Etna ad Gabrielem Liber. Venice, 1495 ; 1b . 1530. Lyons, 1552 , 4to . Pietro Carrera, Il Mongibello. ( Mount Etna.) Catanea, 1636 , 4to. Vincenzo Mirabella, Le antiche Syracuſe. ( Ancient Syracufe.) Palermo, 1717, fol. Giacomo Bonarni, Della anticha Syracuſa, illuſtrata libri duo. ( Ancient. Syracuſe, il luſtrated in two books.) Meſſina, 1684, 4to . G. Buonfiglio, Meſſina deſcritta. ( Deſcription of Meſſina, in eight books. ) Venice, 1606, 4to. Agoſtino Inveges, Palermoantico. ( Ancient Palermo.) Palermo, 1649, 1651 , 3 vol. fol. F. Manfredi, Palermo glorioſo. ( Palermo the glorious.) Palermo, 1726, 4to. Voyage aux Ifles Lipari, fait en 1781 , ou notice ſur les illes Eoliennes, pour ſervir à l'hiſtoire des volcans, ſuivi d'un mémoire ſur une eſpèce de volcan d'air, et d'un autre ſur la temperature de Malte, par le Commandeur Deodat Dolomieu. Paris, Memoire ſur les Iles Ponce, &c. par Dolomieu, pour ſervir de ſuite à ſon voyage aux îles Lipari. Paris, 1788 , 8vo. Gemohlde von Palermo, von Dr. Hager. Berlin , 1799, 8vo. Hager's Picture of Palermo : tranſlated by Mrs. Robinſon . London, 1800, 8vo. P. Carrera, Memorie iſtoriche della Città di Catanea, dell'antico origine e ſito di eſſa. (Hiſtorical Memoirs of the City of Catanea, its ancient Origin and Situation.) Ca tanea, 1639, 1641 , 2 vol. fol. 1778, 8vo. Giovan 118 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Giovan Batiſta Guarnery, Relazione iſtoriche di Catanea. (Hiſtorical Account of Catanea. ) Catanea, 1651, 4to . A View of the preſent ſtate of Sicily, its rural Economy, Population, Produce, &c. from a ſurveyof the Profeſſor of Agriculture in the Royal Academy, Palermo ; by F.W.Vaughan. London, 1811 , 4to. [ See the travels of Veryard, Pilati ; Sect. FRANCE. —Seſtini, Galt ; Sect. Turkey.] Travels common to Sicily and Malta . Dryden's Voyage to Sicily and Malta in 1701 and 1702. London, 1716, 8vo. Brydone's Travels in Sicily and Malta. London, 1776 , 2 vol. 8vo. The account of Mount Etna contained in theſe volumes is the moſt intereſting we have. Lettres ſur la Sicile et ſur Malte, de M. le Comte de Borch, écrites en 1777. Turin, 1782 , 2 vol. 8vo. and an atlas 4to. Theſe travels were undertaken in conſequence of thoſe of Brydone, to which they were intended as a ſupplement, chiefly reſpecting natural hiſtory, which that traveller had neglected. Voyage pittoreſque des Iles deSicile, de Malte, et de Lipari, par Houel. Planches et cartes. Paris, 1782, 4 vol. fol. Bemerkungen über Sicilien und Malta, & c. (Remarks on Sicily and Malta : tranſlated from the Ruſſian, with remarks, by H. L * *** . ) Riga, 1793 , 8vo. MALTA. Fontanus, De Bello Rhodio Libri tres , quibus adjuncta eſt inſulæ Maltæ deſcriptio. Fol. - In Italian, Venice, 1516, 4to . J. A. Seinerii Deſcriptio Melitæ : traducta è lingua Italiana. Leyden, fol. Inſulæ Maltæ Deſcriptio, F. L. Quentini. Lyons, 1536, 4to . J. F. Breithaupt, Beſchreibung der Chriſtlichen Helden -Inſel Malta. ( Deſcription of the Chriſtian Iſland of Heroes, Malta. ) Frankfort, 1632 , 4to . Frugio Franciſco Abela, Deſcrizione di Malta. (Deſcription of Malta. ) Malta, 1647, fol. J. F. Niederſtadt, Malta vetus et nova. Helmſtadt, 1660, 12mo. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyageur, et Deſcription exact de la Ville de Malte, dans l'état d'où elle eſt à préſent, et que les auteurs qui en ont ci-devant écrit, n'ont jamais obſervé ; avec des particularités du Levant ; par un Gentilhomme Français. Paris, 1679, 12mo. J. J. Herberſtein, Scaletari Franceſco Condutta navale, e Relazione del Viaggio di Carl ſtadt a Malta. ( Naval Conduct of Scaletari Franceſco, and Account of a Voyage from Carlſtadt to Malta. ) 1688, 8vo . Relaçam da eſtado preſente da Ilha de Malta. (Account of the preſent ſtate of the Iſle of Malta. ) By Sylva and Manoel Thomas Balio de Leſca. Liſbon , 1751 , 4to. Malte, par un Voyageur Français. Paris, 1791 , 8vo . Curaj, The Order of Malta unveiled , or Voyage to Malta. ( In Italian .) 1791 , 2 vol. Beſchreibung I 2mo. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . I19 Beſchreibung der Inſeln Malta, &c. (Deſcription of the Iſles of Malta, Gozo, and Comino.) Hanau, 1798 , 8vo. Nuremberg, 1799, 4to. Keiſer, Neueſtes Gemeehlde von Malta. ( New Pi& ure of Malta .) 1799, 2 vol. I 2mo. Malte ancienne et moderne ; contenant la deſcription de cette île, ſon hiſtoire naturelle, celle de ſes différens gouvernemens, la deſcription de ſes monumens antiques, un traité complet des finances de l'ordre, l'hiſtoire des chevaliers de St. Jean de Jéruſa lem, depuis les temps les plus reculées juſqu'à l'an 1800 ; et la relation des événe mens qui ont accompagnél'entrée des Français dans Malte, et ſa conquête par les Anglais ; par Louis de Boiſgelin, Chevalier of Malte. Edition Françaiſe, publié par A. Fortia ( de Piles ). Marſeilles and Paris, 1805, 3 vol.8vo. The moſt modern and complete deſcription of the iſland. [ See the travels of the Duke of Brunſwick.Bevern ; Sect. Great BRITAIN. Du. mont, Veryard, Browne ; Sect. FrancE. ] SARDINIA , Franceſco de Vico, Hiſtoria de la Iſla e Regno de Cerdeña. (Hiſtory of the Iland and Kingdom of Sardinia. ) Barcelona, 1639, 2 vol. fol. Raimondi Arguer Sardiniæ Deſcriptio. 4to . Cerillo, Relacion del Reyno de Cerdeña. ( Account of the Kingdom of Sardinia .) 4to. Deſcription géographique, hiſtorique, et politique du Royaume de Sardaigne. Cologne, 1718. Hague, 1725, 12mo. Gemelli, Rifiorimento della Sardegna. (The Delights of Sardinia .) Saſſari, 2 vol. 4to. Cetti, Quadrupedi, Amfibj, Ocelli di Sardegna, ( Quadrupeds, Amphibii, and Birds of Sardinia. ) Saſſari, 1776, 3 vol. 12mo. Fueſs, Nachrichten aus Sardinien, von der gegenwertigen verfaſſung dieſer Inſel.) (Accounts from Sardinia on the preſent ſtate of that Ifand. ) Leipſic, 1780, 8vo. Della Città Cagliari, della Città Saffari, Notizie compendioſe ſacre e profane. ( Com . pendious, facred,and profane Notices reſpecting Cagliari and Saffari.) By the Che valier Coffu . Cagliari, 1780. Saſſari, 1783, 2 vol.8vo. Efai ſur l'Hiſtoire géographique, politique, et morale de la Sardaigne, par Azumi. 1798, 8vo. Hiſtoire géographique, politique, et naturelle de la Sardaigne, par Dominique Albert Azumi. Avec cartes et planches. Paris and Straſburgh, an. x. -1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. This is an augmentation of the preceding ſketch, and contains the moſt accu . rate account of the iſland publiſhed hitherto. [See the travels of Galt ; -Sect. TURKEY. Cluverius ; Sicily.] CORSICA . Johann Vogt, Beſchreibung der Inſel Corſica. (Deſcription of the Ife of Corſica . ) Nuremberg and Altdorf, 1735, 4to. Deſcription de la Corſe ; avec la relation de la dernière guerre. 1743, 12mo. Hiſtoire de l'Ile de Corſe. (Par M. S. D.) Nanci, 1749, 8vo. Memoires hiſtorique ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle de la Corſe, par Taufin. Lauſanne,1758, 8vo. Deſcription 120 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS I 2mo. Deſcription de la Corſe, des Meurs et Coutumes de ſes Habitans, &c. Paris, 1768, Bellin, Deſcription géographique et hiſtorique de l'Ille de la Corſe. Avec 32 cartes. Paris, 1769, 4to . Hier. And . Merten, Beſchreibung von Corſica. ( Deſcription of Corſica.) Augſburg, 1769, 8vo. Offervationi di un Viaggiatore Ingleſe ſopra l'Iſola de Corſica, ſcritte in Ingleſe ſul luogo, e tradotte in Italiano. ( An Engliſh Traveller's Obſervations on Corſica, writ ten in Engliſh on the ſpot, and tranſlated into Italian .) London, 1768, 8vo. Account of Corſica ; with the journal of a tour to the iſland, and memoirs of Paſcal Paoli, by James Boſwell. Glaſgow , 1768, 2d edit. London, 1768 , 8vo. Strataneo Griſalvi, Iſtoria naturale dell'Iſola di Corſica. (Natural Hiſtory of Corſica .) Florence, 1774, 8vo. Hafenæhrl, Iſtoria naturale dell'Iſola di Corſica. (Natural Hiſtory of Corſica. ). Flo rence, 1774, 8vo . Efrai chronologique, hiſtorique ( phyſique ), et politique de Corſe, par Ferrand de Puy. Paris, 1777 , 12mo. Mémoire ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle des Corſes, par Barral. London ( Paris), 1783 , 12mo. Voyage en Corſe, par l'Abbé Gandin . Paris, 1787, 8vo. Deſcription de l'Ile de Corſe, par Perny-Villeneuve. (In the Eſprit de Journaux, 1791.) Mæurs et Coutumes des Corſes ; mémoire tiré en partie d'un grande ouvrage ſur la politique, la légiſlation , et la morale des diverſes nations de l'Europe, par G. Faydel. Avec figures. Paris, 1798 , 8vo. This is the beſt work we have on Corfica, not only on the objects mentioned in the title -page, but on the phyſical ſtate of the iſland. Deſcription of Corſica ; with an account of its union to the crown of Great Britain , including the life of General Paoli, and the memorial preſented to the National Aſſembly of France, upon the foreſts, &c. Illuſtrated with a map of Corſica. By Frederick, Colonel of the late Theodore, King of Corſica, London, 1795 , 8vo. Voyage de Licomède ( Arrighi) en Corſe, et ſa Relation hiſtorique et politique ſur les Mæurs anciennes et actuelles des Corſes, à l'un de ſes amis. (In Italian and French .) Paris, 1806, 2 vol. 8vo. [ See the travels of Singlade ; Sect. France. — Cluverius; Sect. Sicily.] Voyages in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic. Caſp. Ens, Deliciæ tranſmarinæ ; i.e. Inſignium aliquot maris Mediterranei inſularum , portuum, ac maritimorum oppidorum deſcriptio. Cologne, 1610, 8vo. Voyage in the Mediterranean , by Lord Sandwich. London, 1738, 4to. A Voyage in the Mediterranean in His Majeſty's ſhip the Swiftſure ; with a deſcription of the battle of the Nile, by William Cooper. 45 plates._London , 1800, 4to. Hiſtory of the Navigations of A. J. Stromberg to Alicante, Tripoli, Bengaſı, &c. With plates. (Swediſh and Latin .) Stockholm , 1776, 8vo. Voyage entrepris par Ordre de Louis XV. , en 1771 et 1772, pour éclaircir la navi gation de différens pays (de l'Europe et de l'Afriques .) Paris, 1778, 2 vol. 4to. Reife OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 121 Reiſe naar de Middellandſche zee en door den Archipel naar Conſtantinoplen, & c. ( Voyage to the Mediterranean and through theArchipelago to Conſtantinople, dur. ing the years 1785 and 1786, in the ſhip North -Holland ; containing an exact de ſcription of ſeveral towns and ports in Spain , France, Italy , and Turkey.) By N. 4. de Reineveld, lieutenant ofthe veſſel. With charts and plates. Amſterdam , 1803, 2 vol. 8vo. Donati, Saggio della Iſtoria marina dell' Adriatico. ( Efſay towards a marine Hiſtory of the Adriatic. ) Venice, 1750, 4to . Fortis, Saggio d'Oſſervazioni ſopra l'Iſola di Cherſo ed Oſero . (Obſervations on the Iles of Cherſo and Ofero . ) Venice, 1777, 4to . Spallanzani, Lettre al Marcheſe Luccheſini diſuo Viaggio attorno le Coſte dell'Adri atico. (Letters to the Marquis of Luccheſini on his Voyage along the shores of the Adriatic .) Pavia, 1783, 4 vol. 4to . Republic of the Seven Ifes. 4. Moroſini, Corſi diPenna e Catena di Materia ſopra l'Iſole di Cefalonia . (Hafty Sketches and Reſults on the Iſles of Cefalonia .) Venice, 1628, 4to. Iſtoria di Corfu, deſcritta da Andrea Marmora, nobile Corcyrenſe. (Hiſtory of Corfu , deſcribed by A. Marmora, a nobleman of Corfu.) Venice, 1672, 4to . Primordia Corcyræ, autore Cardinale Quirini. 4to . Mémoire ſur les trois Départemens, Corcyre, Ithaque, Cephalonie, par les Frères d'Arbois. Paris, 1798, 8vo. Eſſai ſur les Iles de Zante ,de Cerigo, de Cerigotto , et des Strophades, compoſant le Départment de la Mer Egée, par Rulhière. Paris, 1799, 8vo. Voyage hiſtorique, littéraire, et pittoreſque dans les Iles et Poffefſions Vénitiennes du Levant; ſavoir, Corfou, Pexo, Bucintro, Parga, Prevoza, Venizza, Sainte-Maure, Thiaqui, Cephalonie, Zante, Strophades, Cerigo, et Cerigote, par André Graſſet Saint-Sauveur. Paris, 1800, 3 vol. 8vo., and an atlas 4to. [ See the travels of Dapper, Galt, Stephanopholi, Caſtellan ; Sect. TURKEY.] Iria and Dalmatia. Pi& ureſque Journey in Iſtria and Dalmatia, by Adams, architect. London , 1764, fol. Viaggio in Dalmatia dell' Abate Fortis . (Travels in Dalmatia by the Abbé Fortis.) Venice, 1774, 2 vol. 8vo . In French , Berne, 1778, 2 vol. 8vo. Lourich, Offervationi ſopra diverſi pezzi del Viaggio in Dalmatia dell' Abate Fortis. (Obſervations on ſome parts of the Abbé Fortis.) Venice, 1776, 4to. Fortis, Lettera al Sig. Gior. Lourich. ( Letter to Sig. Lourich .) Breſcia , 1777, 4to. Pietro Nutrizio Chryſogono, Notizia per fervire alla Iſtoria naturale della Dalmatia, & c. (Notices towards a natural Hiſtory of Dalmatia ; with a compendium of its civil hiſtory, by S. G. Roſignoli.). Treviſo, 1780, 4to. Nachrichten von der Landſchaft Iſtrien , und dem Biſthum zu Capo d'Iſtria, &c, (Account of the Country of Iſtria , and the Biſhopric of Capo d'Iſtria, from a ſcarce work of Naldini, extracted by Jagemann .) In the Kiel Journal, vol. i. Einige Betrachtungenüber die Koenigreiche Kroatien und Dalmatien, aus ihrer Lage, Verfaſſung, und offentlichen Aemtern abgeleitet. ( Some Obſervationson the King doms of Croatia and Dalmatia, deduced from their Situation, Conſtitution , and pub . lic Offices.) In the Library of Men of Taſte, vol. iii. VOL. XVII . Voyage R 122 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Voyage pittoreſque et hiſtorique de l'Iftrie et de la Dalmatie, rédigé d'aprés l'Itinéraire de L. F. Caffas, Peintre, par Jean Lavallée. Cartes, plans, & c . Paris, 1802. fol. Reiſe des Grafen Bathiany im Ungriſchen Dalmatien. ( Journey of Count Bathiany in Hungarian Dalmatia.) Vienna, 1805, 8vo . TRAVELS THROUGH THE WHOLE, OR THROUGH SEVERAL COUNTRIES, OF EUROPE. VARIORUM in Europa Itinerum Deliciæ collectæ ab Athanaſio Clyt @ o. Bremen, 1594 ; Ib . 1599 ; Ib. 1605 , 8vo. Thomas Coryat's Crudities, or Travels in Europe. London , 1612, 4to. Nouveau Voyage au Levant, par le Sieur de M * * * ; contenant ce qu'il a vu de plus remarquable en Allemagne, en France, en Italie, à Malte, en Turquie, &c. Hague, 1604 , 8vo. Jacob Beyrlin, Reiſe durch Deutſchland, Pohlen , Spanien, &c. ( Travels in Germany, Poland, Spain, &c. ) Straſburgh, 1606, 4to . Cornelius van der Myle, Reiſe enVrankryk, &c. ( Travels in France, Italy, &c. as ambaſſador.) 1609, 2 vol. fol. Michael Heberer von Bretten, Ægyptiaca Servitus, d. i. WahrhaftigeBeſchreibung ſeiner dreijæhrigen Dienſtbarkeit, und nachherigen Reiſen , &c. ( True Relation of his three Years' Captivity, and ſubſequent Travels in Bohemia, Poland, Sweden, Den . mark , &c. ) Heidelberg, 1610, 4to. Fynes Moryſon's Itinerary, or Travels through Europe. London, 1619, 4to. Salom . Kütneri Itinerarium Germaniæ , Italiæ, Siciliæ , vicinarumque Inſularum Pere grinationes continens. Erfurt, 1617 , 8vo. Itinerary through the twelve Dominions ofGermany, Bohemia, Pruſſia, Sweden, Den mark, the Low -Countries , Turkey, France, Holland, England, Scotland, and Ireland. London , 1617, fol. Le Voyage du Prince Fernando en Europe, par Chiflet. Antwerp , 1623, 4to. Voyages faits en divers temps en Eſpagne, Portugal, Allemagne, et France. Amſter dam, 1659 ; Ib. 1688 , 12mo. Lettres galantes et de Voyages, dans leſquelles on décrit les mæurs, les coutumes, et les intérêts de l'Italie, de la Hongrie, de l'Allemagne, de la Suiſſe, de la Hollande, de la Flandre, de l'Eſpagne, et de l’Angleterre. Paris, 1670 , 12mo. A Review of the Characters of the principal Nations of Europe. London , 1670, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyages de Chriſtine, Reine de Suède, et pièces relatives à cette Princeſſe. Cologne, 1672, 12mo. U. von Verdum , Reiſen durch Ober und Nieder Deutſchland, &c. ( Travels through Upper and Lower Gerinany, Pruſſia, France, England, Denmark, and Sweden, from 1670-1677. ) In Bernoulli's Archives, vol. iv., vii., and viïi . Voyages de Regnard en Flandre, en Hollande, en Danemarck , en Suède, en Pologne, en Allemagne, et en Siléſie , commencé en 1681. ( Inſerted in his works ; the laſt edition , Paris, 1790, 5 vol . 8vo. vol. i . ) The moſt curious part of theſe travels is that which relates to Lapland, which he viſited by deſire of the Swediſh monarch. 5 Le OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 123 .. Le Voyageur d'Europe en Allemagne, en Pologne, en Danemarck , en Angleterre, et en Suède. Paris, 1685 , 12mo. Viaggi d'un Huomo qualificato, fatti in Inghilterra , Flandra, Ollanda, Dannemarck, Svezia, Polonia, Venezia, ed el Piemonte , con un indrizzo delle ſtrade e commodità che ſi trovano : tradotti del Franceſe diLaurenti. ( Travels of an inſtructed Man in England, Flanders, Holland, Denmark, Sweden , Poland, Venice, and Piemont ; with an account of the roads and commodities : tranſlated from the French of G. C. Laurent.) Turin, 1685, 12mo. Memorie de Viaggi per l'Europa Chriſtiana, dell' Abbate G. B. Perichetto. (Memoirs of Travels in Chriſtian Europe, by the Abbé G. B. Perichetto .) Naples, 1685, 5 vol. 12mo. Von Roden denkwürdigeReiſen Johann Limberg's durch Deutſchland, &c. ( Remark . able Travels of John Limberg, in Germany, Italy, Spain , Portugal, France, England, and Switzerland. ) Leipfic, 1690, 8vo. Voyages hiſtoriques en Europe, par Jourdans. Hague, 1691 , 1692. Paris, 1695, 1721 , 8 vol. 1 2mo. This work became popular at the time it was publiſhed, by the numerous anecdotes, often of very ſuſpicious authority, related in it. Nouvelles Lettres galantes et hiſtoriques ſur divers Sujets de Voyages qu'un Gentil. homme Français a faits dans pluſieurs pays étrangers ( d'Europe) , par de la Hoguat. Paris, 1691 , 8vo. Le Voyageur politique en Europe ; avec continuation. Frankfort, 1692 ; Ib. 1695, 3 vol. 8vo Reiſe in Frankreich , &c. ( Travels in France, Italy , Germany, and Switzerland, by a Roman Prieſt.) Hague, 1700, 12mo. Collection of ſeveral Travels in France, Spain, Italy, England, Holland, and Mufcovy. With plates. ( In Dutch .) Amſterdam , 1700, 2 vol. 4to. Several Years' Travels through Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Pruſſia , Swederi, Denmark, and the United Provinces , by a Gentleman . London , 1702, 8vo. Topographical Deſcription, with hiſtorico-political and medico-phyfical Obfervations, made during two ſeveral voyages through moſt parts of Europe, by Joſeph Nortleigh. London, 1702, 8vo. Voyages hiſtoriques de l'Europe, ou Recueil des Délices de cette partie du monde, par b . B. F. Bruxelles (Rouen), 1704, 6 vol. 12mo.- Augmented , Hague, 1719, 8 vol. 12mo. Michael Schubert, Reiſe durch verſchiedene Londer von Europa. ( Travels in various Countries of Europe.) Coburg, 1708, fol. New Journey over Europe, with Obſervations, by A. Chancel. London , 1717, 8vo. Sammlungen, &c. (Collections and Accounts of divers Travels in Europe. ) Leipfic, 1721 , 2 vol. 8vo . Aulus Apronius ( Adam Ebert), Reiſebeſchreibung von Villa -Franca durch Teutſchland , & c. ( Travels from Frankfort through Germany, Holland, France, Spain , and Italy.) Villa-Franca (Frankfort on the Oder), 1723.- Augmented, lib. 1724, 8vo . Relation d'un Voyageur ſurla Hollande, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, l'Eſpagne, le Portugal, et quelques Illes de la Méditerranée. Hague, 1728, 12mo. Voyages et Avantures de Nogué en Europe. Hague, 1728, 12mo. Sammlung von Reiſen in Europa. (Collection of ſeveral Travels in Europe.) Ham . burgh , 1729 ; lb. 1753, 2 vol. 12mo. R 2 Letters 124 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1739, 8vo . Letters on different Parts of Europe, in the year 1730 ; containing obſervations on the productions of natural hiſtory, the monuments of art, and the manners of the inha bitants. London , 1738, 3 vol. 12mo. Grand Tour through Europe, by Nugent. London, 1739, 4 vol. 12mo. Georg vonFurſt curioſe Reiſe durchEuropa. (Curious Travels in Europe.) Sorau, Lettres et Mémoires du Baron de Pælnitz ; contenant les obſervations qu'ils a faites dans fes voyages , et le caractère des perſonnes qui compoſent les principales cours de l'Europe. Troiſième edition ,Amſterdam , 6 vol. 12mo. London , 1741, 3 vol. 8vo. This work , which is chiefly political, extends to the principal German and Italian courts ; to France, Poland, and Holland. Voyages remarquables en Europe, par l'Allemagne, la France, l'Italie, la Hollande, l'Angleterre, l'Allemagne, et la Suède. Hamburgh, 1745, 12mo. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland , and eſpecially Italy,& c. by de Blain ville: tranſated from the author's own manuſcript by Dr. Thurebull and others. London , 1749, 3 vol. 4to . Voyages dans les Cours de l'Europe. London, 1752, 3 vol. 8vo . Collection of the Travels of J. Āpelblad in different parts of Europe. (In Swediſh. Stockholm , 1762, 8vo. Oſſervazioni fatte da un Viaggiatore in alcuni Paeſi d'Europa. (Obſervations of a Traveller in ſome Countries of Europe.) Lucca, 1767, 8vo. Sketches and Obſervations taken in a Tour through a part of the South of Europe in 1757 , by John Wolf. London, 1768 ; Ib. 1803, 4to . H. Holk, Kong Chriſtian den VII. Reiſe til fremede Lande. ( Journey of Chriſtian VII. to foreign Countries.) Copenhagen, 1768, 8vo. Voyage en différens Pays de l'Europe, de 1774 à 1777, par Leno de Châtel. Hague, 1777, 12mo . Juan Andres, Cartas familiares a ſu hermano D. Carlos; con la Noticia del Viage a varias Ciudades de Europa. (Letters from the Abbé J. Andres to his brother Don Carlos; with an Account of his Travels in 1777 to various Cities of Europe.) Madrid, 1794, 6 vol. 4to . Nouvelle Deſcription de toutes les Villes de l'Europe, et des Choſes les plus remar quables qu'il y a à voir en chaque Ville, par Banalar. Avignon, 1780, 8vo. J.G. Sulzer , Tagebuch einer von Berlin nach den mittogigen Ländern von Europa gethanen Reiſe. ( Journal of a Tour to the South of Europe in 1775 and 1776.) Leipfic , 1780, 8vo. Gottlieb Krebel, Vermehrte Europäiſche Reiſen . ( Travels in Europe augmented .) Hamburgh, 1783, 8vo. The American Wanderer through various Parts of Europe, in a ſeries of letters to a lady ; interſperſed with a variety of intereſting anecdotes on Virginia. London, 1783, 8vo. Itinéraire des Routes les plus fréquentées, ou Journal de pluſieurs Voyages depuis 1768 juſqu'en 1783 , par M.L.Dutens. 4me edition. Paris, 1783, 12mo. D. Antonio Ponz, Viage fuera de Eſpaña. ( Travels out of Spain .) Madrid, 1785, 2 vol. 12mo. Jacob Jonas Bjærnſtahl, Reiſe til Frankreich, Italien, Schweits, Tyſkland, England, Turkiet, och Grekland. ( Travels to France, Italy , Switzerland, Germany, Enga land , Turkey, and Greece'; publiſhed aſter his death by K. C. Gicerwell.) Stock holm , 1784, 6 vol. 8vo. —AGerman tranſlation publiſhed at Roſtock. II The OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 125 The chief object of theſe travels are public libraries, manuſcripts, and ſcarce books, with the biography of learned men. The traveller loſt his life in Macedonia. Guide des Voyageurs en Europe, par M. Reichardt. Weimar, 1793 ; 1b. 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1805, 3 vol. 8vo. This work was publiſhed both in French and German , and is perhaps the beſt compilation of the kind. Briefe eines reiſenden Ruſſen. (Letters of a travelling Ruſſian ( Karamſin ): tranſlated by Richter.) Riga , 1800, 6 vol. 8vo . An Engliſh tranſlation of theſe letters has appeared ; they are disfigured with a falſe ſentimentality little to be expected from a Ruſſian. Les deux Voyageurs, ou Lettres ſur la Belgique, la Hollande, l'Allemagne, la Pologne, la Pruffe, l'Italie, la Sicile, et Malte, écrites ſelon l'ordre des temps, par P. N. Anot et E. Malfilatre. Rheims and Paris, 1802 , 2 vol. 12mo. TRAVELS IN EUROPE AND ASIA. VOYAGE de Jéruſalem , Veniſe, Rhodes, Rome, et Notre- Dame-de-Lorrette, par Jacques Lefeige. Cambrai, 8vo. , black letter. Hieronymus Scheidt, Reiſe von Erfurt nach dem Gelobten Land, auch Spanien , Frankreich, Holland, und England. ( Travels from Erfurt to Paleſtine, Spain , France, Holland, and England .) Erfurt, 1615 ; Ib. 1617. Helmſtadt, 1674 ; Ib . 1679, 4to . Verſcheyde Voyagien, gedaan door Jorys van der Door na Conſtantinopolen; Adrian van Vlaming na Hieruſalem ; Nic. Clenard na Turkien, als mede door't Koninkryk van Siam , Moſcovien, Illand, og Grænland. (Different Voyages ofJ. van der Doer to Conſtantinople ; A. van Vlaming to Jeruſalem ; N. Clenard to Turkey, Siam , Muſcovy, Iceland, and Greenland. ) Dordrecht, 1652, 12mo. Nouvelles Relations du Levant, qui contiennent diverſes remarquesfort curieuſes, non encore obſervées, touchant la religion , les meurs, et la politique de pluſieurs peuples, avec une exacte deſcription de l'empire Turc en Europe, &c.; première partie des Voyages du Sieur Poullet. -Nouvelle Relation du Levant, & c.; avec une deſcription de l'Aſie -Mineure ou Natolie , des deux Arménies, du Curdiſtan , de Diarbeck, et autres provinces Méditerranées de l'Aſie, du royaume de Perſe, &c.; ſeconde partie des voyages du Sieur Poullet. Paris, 1668 , 2 vol. 12mo. This ſcarce work contains a very good account for the time it was publiſhed,of the Turkiſh empire, particularly in Afia, as well as of Georgia and Perſia, where the author's obſervations are generally confirmed by his ſucceſſor, Chardin. Reiſbeſchryving door Vrankryk, Spanien , Italien, Deutſchland, England, Holland , Moſcovien, Mitſgaders de Indien . ( Travels in France, Spain , Italy, Germany, England, Holland, Muſcovy, and India. ) Leyden, 1700, 4to. Travels from St. Peterſburgh in Ruſſia to ſeveral parts of Aſia, by John Bell, of Auch termony .) Glaſgow , 1763, 4to . The author travelled with Ruſſian embaſſies to China and twice to Perſia , and again with the Ruſſian army to Derbent in the latter country. A deſcription of Siberia is added . Memoirs 126 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Memoirs of H. P. Bruce, containing an Account of his Travels in Germany, Rullia, Tartary, Turkey, and the Eaſt Indies. London, 1782, 4to . The Route to India through France, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Natolia, Syria, and the Deſert of Arabia , by Mathew Jenner. London, 1791 , 4to. A Journey from India to England in the year 1797, by a route commonly called over-land, through countries not much frequented and many of them hitherto unknown to Europeans, particularly thoſe between the Euphrates and the Tigris, Curdiſtan, Diarbekir, Armenia, and Natolia, in Aſia ; and Romelia, Bulgaria, and Tranſylvania in Europe; by John Jackſon . London, 1799, 8vo. Travels in Europe, Aſia-Minor, and Arabia , by J. Griffiths. London , 1805, 4to. TRAVELS IN EUROPE, ASIA, AND AFRICA. D. BENJAMINI TUDELENSIS Itinerarium ex verſione Montani. Antwerp , 1575, 8vo. Itinerarium D. Benjaminis, cum verſioneet notis Conſtantini Lempereur ab Oppyck S.T. D. et S.L.P. in academiâ Lugd. Batavorum . Leyden , Elzevir, 1633, 32do.; 1666, 1683, 12mo. Both theſe tranſlations, of which the ſecond is ſuperior, alſo exhibit the original Hebrew text. Travels of Benjamin , ſon of Jonas of Tudela, through Europe, Aſia , and Africa, from the ancient kingdomof Navarre to the ancient frontiers ofChina; faithfully tranſlated from the original Hebrew , and illuſtrated with a diſſertation , and notes critical, hiſtorical, and geographical, in which the true character of the author and his inten. tion are impartially conſidered , by B. Gerrans. London, 1783 , 12mo. The traveller departed from Saragoſſa in 1173. He very ſhortly gives an account of ſeveral cities in Europe, Greece, Afia-Minor, Upper- Áſia, Egypt, and other countries in Africa. Some obſervations on the manners and commerce of the nations viſited by him occur, but the political ſituation of the Jews, his countrymen , is his chief object. It has been ſuppoſed that he only col lected reports from the latter, and his work is full of abſurdity and falſehood. The beſt French verſion, by J.P. Barathier, appeared at Amſterdam in 1784, in 2 vol. 12mo.; the more ancientone was reprinted in the following collec tion of ancient travels - Voyages faits principalement dans les XII., XIII., XIV ., et XV. ſiècles, par Benjamin de Tudelle, Jean Duplin Carpin, N. Ancellin, Guillaume de Rubruquis , Marc- Paul, Vénetien ; Haiton, Jean de Mandeville, et Ambroſe Contarini ; publiés par Pierre Bergeron. Avec des cartes géographiques. Hague, 1735, 2 vol. 4to . Of theſe, Giovanni Plano Carpini travelled in 1146, by the north of the Caſpian , to the court of the Emperor of the Mongols, to the north of China. The fame courſe was taken the year following by Ancellin , and both were fent by the Pope to convert that monarch. William of Ruyſbræk, whoſe name has been corrupted by the French and Italians to Rubruquis, was ſent for the ſame purpoſe by Louis IX . in !253, who travelled by Conſtantinople and the Crimea to the Volga and Yaik , and from thence by the north of Tur keſtan, and the lake of Balkalh. He alſo produces accounts of Tangut, Thibet, and China. Haiton was an Armenian, who travelled in Tartary. Marco Polo and Mandeville will occur in the ſequel. Travels OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 127 Travels of Mofes Petachia, Rabbi. (In Hebrew .) Prague, 1535, 4tó. The Hebrew text, with a Latin tranſlation , occurs in the collection of Wagenſeil; and is entitled, Exercitatio quarta repræfentans Petachia Itinerarium . He travelled in the twelfth century. Les Obſervations de pluſieurs Singularités et Chofes mémorables trouvés en Grèce, en Afie, Inde, Arabie, Egypte, et autres pays étrangers, redigées en trois livres, par Pierre Belon du Mans. Avec figures. Paris, 1550, 1555, 1585. Antwerp , 1555, 1558 , 1585, 4to. Belonwas an accurate obſerver, and his remarks on the manners, the govern ment, and particularly the natural hiſtory of the countries he viſited, have been found generally exact by ſubſequent travellers. Les Voyages et Conquêtes des Rois de Portugal ès Indes d'Orient, en Ethiopie, en Mauritanie, Afrique, et Europe ; avec une deſcription du pays, recueillie des Mémoires de Joachim de Centellas. Paris, 1578 , 8vo. Les Voyages du Seigneur de Villamont, chevalier de l'ordre de St. Jean de Jeruſalem ( en Europe, Aſie , et Afrique) ; diviſés en trois livres. Arras, 1598. Paris, 1600, 1605, 8vo . William Lithgow , The whole Diſcourſe of the rare Adventures and painful Peregrinations of nineteen years' Travels from Scotland to the molt famous Kingdoms of Europe, Aſia, and Africa. London, 1611 ; Ib . 1646, 4to. Edinburgh, 1770, 8vo . Odyſſée, ou Diverſité d'Avantures rencontrées ès Voyages en Europe, Afrique, et Aſie, par Duchâtelet (Dubois ). La Flèche, 1645, 4to. Obſeryations de Jean -Claude Flachat, ſur le Commerce, les Arts, les Métiers, l'Economie, et les Finances, faites pendant ſes voyages en Europe, Aſie, et Afrique. Lyons, 1646, 2 vol. 12mo. Hieronimus Welfchen, Reiſebeſchreibung durch Deutſchland, Italien, Sicilien, Sardinien , Corſica, & c. ( Travels in Germany, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corfica, the Iſles in the Mediterranean , Barbary , Egypt, Arabia, and the Promiſed Land ; as well as in Spain , France, and the Netherlands : with an account of all the antiquities to be found in theſe countries, and the moſt remarkable objects obſerved in theſe travels both by land and fea.) Stutgard, 1648, 1658. Berlin, 1658, 4to. Les Voyages et Obſervations du Sieur Laboulaye-de-Goux, gentilhomme Angevin, où font deſcrits les religion, gouvernement,et ſituation des Etats et Royaumes d'Italie, Grèce, Natolie, Syrie, Perſe, Paleſtine, Caramanie, Kaldée, Affyrie , Grand -Mogol, Bizapour, Indes-Orientals des Portugais, Arabie, Afrique, Hollande, Grande Bretagne, Danemarck , Pologne, îles et autres lieux d’Europe, Aſie, et Afrique. Avec figures. Paris, 1657, 4to . The exactitude and faithfulneſs of theſe travels have been acknowledged. The religion of India , Perfia, &c. forms one of the principal objects of the traveller. Le Voyage d'Italie et du Levant, de MM . Fermanel, Fauvel, Baudouin , de Launay, et Stokove, contenant la deſcription des royaumes, &c. vie, mæurs, et actions, tant des Italiens que des Turcs, Grecs, Arabes, Arméniens, Mores, Nègres, et autres nations, &c. Rouen, 1665, 4to .; Ib . 1687, 12mo. Three editions of theſe travels, which contain an account of theſe nations very exad for the time, appeared previouſly at Bruſſels. —The following Obſer vations, extending to above 800 pages, and disfigured by much injudicious erudition , are extracted from thejournal of one of the five travellers : Obſervations ſur le Voyage de MM. Fermanel, &c. Rouen , 1668, 4to. Reitomits, I 28 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Reitomits, Reifen in Europa, Aſien , und Afrika. ( Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa.) Nuremberg, 1674, 4to . J. B. de Burgo, Viaggi fatti di cinque anni in Aſia, Africa, ed Europa. ( Five years" Travels in Aſia, Africa, and Europe.) Milan, 1686, 2 vol. 12mo. Le Bouclier de l'Europe, ou la Guerre-Sainte, ou Voyage d’Europe, d'Egypte, de Barbarie, Phénicie, et de la Terre-Sainte, par J. Cappin. Avec figures. Lyons, 1686, 4to . Journal du Voyage de M. de Monconys, en Portugal, en Provence, en Italie, en Egypte, en Syrie, à Conſtantinople, en Natolie, en Angleterre, dans les Pays- Bays, en Allemagne, en Eſpagne, où les ſavans trouveront un nombre infini de nouveautés en machines de mathématiques, experience de phyſique, curioſités de chimie ; outre la deſcription des divers animaux et des plantes rares ; les ouvrages des peintres fameux, les coutumes et mours des nations, &c. Enrichi de figures, et publié par le Sieur de Lignières, ſon fils. Lyon, 1665 et 1666, 3 vol. 4to .; Paris (Hollande), 1699, 5 vol. 12mo. The extent of theſe travels, commenced in 1645, are not exaggerated in the title. Their chief objects are rather the ſciences and arts than the deſcription of the countries and nations viſited . The travels in the Eaſt are ſaid to have been undertaken for the purpoſe of tracing the remains of the philoſophy of Mercurius Triſmegiſtus and Zoroaſter. J. C. von Neitzſchütz, Siebenjährige Weltbeſchauung durch Europa, Aſia, und Africa. (Seven years' Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa ; publiſhed by Chr. Jæger.) Bautzen , 1666. Nuremberg, 1673. Magdeburg, 1753, 4to. Voyage to Egypt, the Holy- Land, Mount Libanon , Conſtantinople, and the Shores of the Levant. (In Portugueſe.) Liſbon, 1702, 12mo. Voyage de Paul Lucas au Levant. Avec figures. ( Comprenant l’Europe, l'Aſie, et l'Afrique.) Paris, 1702, 2 vol. 12mo. Voyage de Paul Lucas, fait par l'ordre du Roi, dans la Grèce, l’Afie -Mineure, la Macé. doine, et l’Affrique. Avec figures. Paris, 1712, 2 vol. 12mo. The labours of this traveller, partly on account of the extraordinary objects he firſt deſcribed , and partly perhaps on accountof his inflated diction, were fuf pected, when they firſt appeared, of exaggeration , but have been in general confirmed by ſubſequent travellers. Nouveau Voyage de Grèce, d'Afrique, de Paleſtine, d'Italie, de Suiſſe, d'Alſace, et des Pays-Bas, fait depuis 1721 juſqu'en 1729, par C. D. S. Hague, 1724, 12mo. Vincent Briamlé, Pilgerfarth durch Europa, Aſia, und Africa. ( Pilgrimage through Europe, Aſia, and Africa.) Munich, 1727, 4to. Voyage d'un Miſſionaire de la Compagnie de Jeſus en Turquie, en Perſe, dans l’Ar. ménie, en Arabie, et en Barbarie. Paris, 1730, 4to . Myller, Reiſe nach Jeruſalem und verſchiedenen Theilen von Europa, Aſien, und Africa. ( Journey to Jeruſalem , and various parts of Europe, Aſia, and Africa .) Nuremberg, 1735, 4to., plates. Mémoires du Chevalierd’Arvieux ; contenant ſes voyages à Conſtantinople, à l'Aſie, la Paleſtine, l’Egypte, la Barbarie, &c.; la deſcription deces pays, la religion , les mœurs, les coutumes , le négoce de ces peuples et leur gouvernement, l'hiſtoire naturelle, et les événemens les plus conſidérables recueillis de ſes mémoires, et mis en ordre par le P. Labat. Paris, 1735, 6 vol. 12mo. At OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 129 At the commencement of theſe travels , in 1653 , M. d'Arvieux was not more than eighteen years of age. He was ſubſequently charged with miſſions to the Porte, and as conſul to Aleppo, Tripoli, and other places in the Eaſt. His reſidence in Barbary, and among the Bedouin Arabs, renders that part of his work peculiarly valuable. Lettres critiques de Hodes-Mehemet- Effendi au ſujet des Mémoires du Chevalier d'Her vieux, avec des éclairciſſemens ſur les meurs, les uſages, la religion, et les differentes formes du gouvernmens des Orientaux : traduites du Grec en Français, par Hamet Franguy ( rénégat Flamand ſuivant Petis -de -la-Croix ). Paris , 1735, 12mo. Thom. Stan. Wolſki Peregrinatio Hierofolymitana, latius producta per tres inſigniores mundi partes, Europam, Afiam , et Africam . Leopold, 1737 ; Ib. 1739, 8vo . Edward Browne's Travels and Adventures in France, Italy, Malta, the Orient, Egypt, and Abyſſinia. London, 1739 , 8vo. Nouveau Voyage fait au Levant en 1731 et 1732 ; contenant la deſcription d'Alger, de Tunis, de Tripoli, de la Barbarie, d'Alexandrie, de la Terre-Sainte, de Conſtanti. nople, &c. par le Sieur Tollot. Paris, 1742, 12mo. A Deſcription of the Eaſt, and ſome other countries ; with an Itinerary of Europe, by Dr. Richard Pococke. London, 1743 , 1745, 1748, 3 vol. fol. The high value of theſe travels, with reſpect to antiquities and ſcience, is uni verſally acknowledged. Macdonald's Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa. London, 8vo. Travels through Part of Europe, Aſia -Minor, the Iſands of the Archipelagus,Syria, and Egypt, by G. van Egmont and J. Heyman : tranſlated from the Low - Dutch . London, 1759; Ib. 1772, 2 vol. 8vo. Stephan Schultz, Reiſen durch Europa, Aſien, und Africa. ( Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa.) Halle, 1771 , 1775, 5 vol . 8vo. Wafilii Grigorowitſch, Putaſcheſtwie k’Swiatim mjeſtam , w'Europje, Azie, i Afrikje, nachodjaſchimja prad prijatoe w 1723 i okonſchannoe w' 1747 ghoda. ( Travels in Europe, Aſia , and Africa, to viſit the holy Places in Greece, Paleſtine, to Mount Athos, &c. from 1723 to 1747. ) Peterſburgh , 1778, 4to. Some Obſervations and Remarks on the late Publication, entitled, “ Travels in Eu. rope, Aſia, and Africa,” by Joſeph Price. London , 1782 , 8vo. Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa , from 1777 to 1781 , by MʻIntoſh. London, 8vo. Philoſophical Rhapſodies, or Fragments, containing obſervations on the laws, manners, cuſtoms, and religion of ſundry Aſiatic, African, and European nations, by R. J. Sullivan. London , 1784, 1785, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage par l'Italie, en Egypte, au Mont Liban, et en Paleſtine ou Terre-Sainte, par M. l'Abbé Binos. Paris, 1787, 2 vol. 12mo. Kurze Beſchreibung einer Reiſe von Arcot in Oſtindien nach dem Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung, & c. (Short Account of Travels from Arcot, in the Eaſt Indies, to the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence through France and England to Ger many, by a Hanoverian Officer.) Hamburgh, 1788, 8vo. Voyage au Pays de Bambouk, ſuivi de notions intéreſſantes ſur les caſtes Indiennes, ſur l’Angleterre, et ſur la Hollande. Paris, 1789, 8vo. C. Biſani, Lettere ſu diverſi Paeſi de la Europa, Afia, ed Africa, &c. (Letters on various Countries of Europe, Aſia, and Africa, written during his travels in ' 1788 and 1789.) Rome, 1790, 8vo. Pictureſque Tour in Europe, Aſia, and Africa. London, 1793, 4to . VOL . XVII. S Voyage » go CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Voyage de Conftantinople à Baſſora , en 1781 , par le Tigre et l’Euphrate ; et Retour à Conſtantinople, en 1782, par le Déſert et Alexandrie : traduit de l'Italien de l'Abbé Seftini. Paris, an vi.- 1798, 8vo . Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan ( commonly called the Perſian Prince), in Aſia, Africa, and Europe, during the years 1799, 1800, 1801 , and 1802 ; written by himſelf in the Perſian language, and tranſated by Charles Stewart. London, 1810, 2 vol. 8vo. TRAVELS IN EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AND AMERICA. tres . ITINERARIUM Portugalenſium e Lufitaniâ in Indiam, et inde in Occidentem, et de mum in Aquilonem , ab Archangelo Madrignan, monachio Ciſter. Ex Luſit. Latinê tranſlatum . 1508, fol. Recentes Novi Orbis Hiſtoriæ , hoc eſt, imo. Inquiſitio navigationis Septentrionalis, an et quomodo ea feliciter perfici poffit, eaque figuris æneis demonſtrata. 2do. Relatio ſuper detectionetranfitus ad terras Americanas in Chinam atque Japonem ducturi. 3tio. Memorabilis libellus Sereniſſimo Hiſpaniarum Regi oblatus ſuper detectione quartæ orbis terrarum partis, cui nomen Auſtralis incognitæ , ejuſque opibus immenſis et fertilitate. 4to. Rerum ab Hiſpanis in India occidentali hactenus geſtarum libri 5to. Infularum Canariarum deſcriptio. 6to. Gallorum in Florida expeditio. Cologne, 1612, 8vo . Amſterdam , 1613, 4to . John Smith's Travels in Europe, Aſia , Africa, and America ; with a Continuation of the Hiſtory of Virginia. London , 1630, fol . — The ſecond edition bears this title: “ The true Travels, Adventures, and Obſervations of John Smith, in Europe, Aſia , Africa, and America, from the year 1593 to 1629; the accidents which happened to him in the Straits of Gibraltar ; his ſervices and ſtratagems in Hungary , & c.; how he was made priſoner by the Turks, ſold as a flave, and ſent to Tartary ; his deſcrip tion of the Tartars, andof their ſtrange cuſtoms and religious creeds.” London, 1664, fol. Les Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Martin de Hoyerſabal, habitant de Cabiburu ; contenant les règles néceſſaires à la bonne et ſure navigation. Rouen, 1631. Bour deaux, 1633, fol. Jacob Joften, Reiſebeſchreibung durch die Türkey, Ungern, Polen , Boehmen , Oeſter reich , Teutſchland, Spanien, Frankreich , dem Gelobten Land, Neue Jeruſalem , Oft und Weſt Indien . " ( Travels in Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Germany, Spain, France, the Promiſed Land, New Jeruſalem , the Eaſt and Weſt Indies.) Lubeck, 1652, 4to. Don Pedro Ordonez Zevallos, Hiſtoria y Viage del Mondo en los cinco partes, de la Europa, Africa , Aſia, America, y Magellanica. (Hiſtory and Voyage of the World in its five parts, Europe, Africa, Aſia, America , and Magellanica.) Madrid , 1614 ; Ib. 1691 , 4to . Nicolas Graaf, Reiſen naer Aſia, Africa, America, en Europa. (Travels in Aſia, Africa , America, and Europe.) Amſterdam , 1686, 8vo. Remarques d'un Voyageur ſur la Hollande, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, l’Eſpagne, le Por tugal, l'Afrique, les Iles de la Méditerranée, etle Breſil. Hague, 1728, 8vo. A.G.Volkard, Reiſen und Schiffahrten durch Niederſachſen nach Hamburg und Am. ſterdam , von da nach Cadix , Gibraltar, Neapolis, Smyrna, weiter in norden bis Archangel, OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 131 Archangel, und endlich in Weſt-Indien . ( Travels and Voyages through Lower Saxony to Hamburgh and Amſterdam , from thence to Cadiz, Gibraltar, Naples, Smyrna, farther north to Archangel, and finally in the Weſt Indies, from 1712 to 1723.) Bautzen , 1735, 8vo. Charles Thompſon's Travels ; containing his obſervations on France, Italy, Turkey, the Holy- Land , Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world : publiſhed from the author's originalmanuſcript, interſperſed with the remarks of ſeveral other travellers, and illuſtrated with hiſtorical and miſcellaneous notes by the editor. Dublin , 1744. London, 1748, 3 vol. 8vo. Maximilian Sudert, Reiſen in Europa und nach den Auſtraliſchen Ländern. ( Tra vels in Europe and to the Auſtralian Countries.) Frankfort, 1754, 12mo. J. Brelin, Travels in various parts of Europe, Africa, and America. (In Swediſh .) Upſala, 1758, 8vo. Letters by a Sailor, written during his third Voyage, and Travels in Europe, Aſia, and America, from 1754 to 1759. London, 1766, 2 vol. 12mo. Voyages en différentes parties de l'Europe, de l'Afrique, et de l'Amerique, pour éprouver différentes horloges et montres marines, parVerdun , Pingré, et Borda, dans les années 1755, 1756, et 1757. Paris, 1778, 2 vol. 4to . J. C. C. Spoerl, Vermiſchte Briefe, zum Theil Reiſebeſchreibungen , auch Nachrichten von Holland, Surinam , Spanien , Algier, & c. (Miſcellaneous Letters, containing Travels, and Accounts of Holland, Surinam , Spain, Algiers, &c. ) Langenſalze, 1786 , 2 vol. 8vo . Wanderungen eines philoſophiſchen Menſchenfreundes in America und England. (Ex curſions of a philoſophical Philanthropiſt in America.) Luneburg, 1786, 8vo. Jenne, Reiſen von Peterſburg bis Malta ; und von der Donau bis den Quadalquivir, durch einen Theil von Afien, und einige Stoedte von America. ( I'ravels from Peterſburgh to Malta, and from the Danube to the Guadalquivir, through part of Afia, and ſomeTowns of America.) Erfurt (Vienna ), 1790, 3 vol. 8vo . 1 S8 ASIA. 132 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A S I A. TURKEY IN ASIA . I. Travels in Afia -Minor. OLIVER DAPPER, Beſchryving van Afia, behelfende de Geweſten van Meſopo tamie, Babylonie, Affyrie, Anatolie of Klein Aſia ; beneffens eene volkomme Beſchryving van genſch Arabia. ( Deſcription of Aſia , or of the Countries of Meſo potamia, Babylonia, Affyria, Natolia or Aſia-Minor ; with a Deſcription of all Arabia. ) Amſterdam , 1680, fol. C. Bruyn, Reyſen door den Levant en de vermaardeſte deelen van Klein - Aſien , Scio, Rhodes, Cyprus, Ægypten , Syrien , en Paleſtina. ( Travels in the principal parts of Aſia-Minor, Scio, Rhodes, Cyprus, Egypt, Syria, and Paleſtine.) Delft, 1699, fol. Le Bruyn, Voyage to the Levant. Cuts. London, 1702, fol. Theſe travels were commenced in 1674, and are equally valuable with thoſe in Ruſſia and Perſia by the ſame author. Ionian Antiquities: publiſhed by order of the Society of Dilettanti. London, 1769, fol. Travels in Afia-Minor, or an Account of a Tour made at the expence of the Society of Dilettanti, by Richard Chandler. Oxford, 1775 , 4to. A Journal of the Paſſage from India, by a route partly unfrequented, through Armenia and Anatolia or Aſia-Minor, by Thomas Howel. London , 8vo. Voyage to Smyrna. London, 1789, 8vo. A Series of Letters, containingaJourney from England to Smyrna, Conſtantinople, &c., by Luſignan. London , 1788 , 8vo. D. Seſtini, Lettere odoporiche per la Peninſula de Cyzico, per Bruſſe e Nicea. ( Tra vels through the Peninſula of Cyfico, by Bruffa and Nicea.) Leghorn, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo. - In French , Paris, 1789, 8vo. Antiquities , and particularly botany, are the objects of theſe volumes. Remarks and Obſervations on the Plain of Troy, during a Tour in June 1799. Lon don, 1800, 4to. Voyage dans le Troade, ou Tableau de la Plaine de Troie dans ſon Etat actuel, par Le Chevalier. Seconde edition , enrichie d'une carte et de pluſieurs planches. Paris, an vii.– 1799, 8vo. - Troiſièmeedition, augmented, Paris, an x .- 1802, 3 vol. 8vo. Deſcription of the Plain of Troy, by Chevalier: tranſlated from the French . London, 1791, 4to.-In German, with notes by Heyne, Leipfic, 1792 , 8vo. Voyage dansla Propontide et le Pont-Euxin ; avec la carte generale de ces deux mers ; la deſcription topographique de leurs rivages ; le tableau des meurs, des uſages, et du commerce des peuples qui les habitent ; la carte particulière de la plaine de Bruffe en Bithynie, celle du Boſphore de Thrace, et celle de Conſtantinople, &c. par le Cit . Le Chevalier. Paris, an viii.- 1800, 8vo. The OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 133 TheHiſtory of Ilium orTroy, including the adjacent Country, and the oppoſite Coaſt of the Cherſoneſus of Thrace, by the author of “ Travels in Aſia -Minor and Thrace" ( Richard Chandler ). London, 1802, 4to. The Topography of Troy, illuſtrated and explained by drawings and deſcriptions, by William Gell. London, 1804, fol. A Journey through Perſia, Armenia, and Aſia - Minor, in the years 1808 and 1809, by J.Morier . London, 1811 , 4to. , plates. [ See the travels of Clarke ; Sect. Russia. — Boſcowich ; Sect. POLAND. —Semple ; Sect. SPAIN . — Buchenbach,Duloir, Tournefort, Nyenborg, Dallaway, Wittman, Griffiths ; Sect. TURKEY IN EUROPE. -Palerne ; Sečt. GREECE. -Poullet, Jenner, Jackſon , Griffiths, Laboulaye-de-Goux, Monconys, Lucas, d’Arvieux, Egmont and Heymann ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia . ] II. Travels in Armenia and Georgia. The Travels of Bertrandon de la Brocquière to Paleſtine, and his Return over- land to France, during the years 1432 and 1433 , from a MS. in the National Library at Paris : tranſlated by Thomas Johnes, Eſq. With a map of Tartary. Haford, 1807, 8vo . Bredenbach, Liber de Armeniorum Ritibus, Moribus, et Erroribus. Baſil, 1577, 8 0. P. Archangelo Lamberti, Relazione della Colchida, e della Mingrelia ; nella quale fi tratta dell'origine, coſtumi, e coſe naturali di quei paëfi. ( Account of Colchis and Mingrelia; with notices reſpecting the origin, cuſtoms, and natural objects of thoſe countries.) Rome, 1653. Naples, 1654 , 4to. Relation nouvelle du Levant, avec une Deſcription de l'Armenie, de la Perſe, & c. Paris, 1669, 12mo. Relations nouvelles du Levant ; contenant des traités ſur la religion, le gouvernement, et les coutumes des anciens Perſes, des Arméniens, et des Gaures ; compoſées par le P. G. D. C. ( le P. Gabriel de Chinon ), et données au public par le Sieur L. M. ( Louis Morery.) Lyons, 1671 ; Ib . 1691, 12mo. Oliver Dapper, Beſchryving van Perſia en Georgia. (Deſcription of Perſia and Georgia. ) Amſterdam , 1672, fol. Etat préſent de l'Arménie ; avec une deſcription du pays et des mæurs de ceux qui l'habitent. Paris, 1694, 12mo. Einige Nachrichten über Armenien und den Berg Ararat. (Some Notices relative to Armenia and Mount Ararat.) By Ch. Meiners. (In the Gottingen Magazine, vol. iii. ) [See the travels of Pallas, Georgi, Gmelin , Clarke ; Sect. RUSSIA .-Pofer, Tournefort, Voyage des Miſſionaires, 1750 ; Sect. TURKEY in EUROPE. -Poullet, Jackſon, Fer . manel, Voyage d'un Miſſionaire ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia. —Howel ; Sect. Asia MINOR. ] III. Travels in Paleſtine. Hans Tuchor, Reiſebeſchreibung zum Heiligen Grabe. ( Journey to the Holy -Sepul chre. ) Augſburg 1483 , fol . Frankfort, 1561 , 4to . 1 2 De 134 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS De Terrâ -Sanctâ, et Itinere Hierofolymitano, autore Ludolpho. No date, b . l. fol. This journey ſeems to have been undertaken in 1313. Bernhard de Breydenbach, Opus tranſmarinæ Peregrinationis ad Sepulcrum Dominicnm in Hieruſalem . 1483 ; fol. - In French, 1484 ; b. l. fol. - Another tranſlation by P. Jean de Herfan , b . l. 1489, 1517, fol. Paris, 1522 , 4to. Sanctarum Peregrinationum in Montem Sinaï, ad venerandum Chriſti Sepulcrum , atque in Montem Sinai ad divam Virginem et Martyrem Catharinam ; opuſculum Bernhardi de Breydenbach. Mentz, 1486, b ... Spire, 150202.. Mentz,1541, fol. Les ſaintes Pérégrinations de Jéruſalem , et des Lieux prochains du Mont Sinaï, avec les Portraits des pluſieurs Villes, par le P.Nicole Huen . Lyons, 1488. Paris, 1557, 4to. Peregrinationes Civitatis fan &tæ Jeruſalem et totius Terræ -Sanctæ , cum Peregrinatio nibus totius Romæ Urbis. Angers, 1493, b. l. 12mo. Des ſaintes Pérégrinations de Jéruſalem , et des Environs des Lieux prochains du Mont Sinaï ; contenant du tout la deſcription, ainſi que Dieu a voulu les donner à con noitre. Lyons, 1498, fol. Frederici de Hefe Iter Hierofolymitanum . Deventer, 1505, 4to . Giuſeppe Roſacio , Viaggi di Venetia a Conſtantinopoli, e per mare e per terra, inſieme quella della Terra Santa. ( Journey, toth by Sea and Land, to Conſtantinople and the Holy-Land .) Venice, 1508 ; Ib . 1598 , 4to . Le grand Voyage de Jéruſalem . Avec planches. Paris , 1522 , 4to. Liber hiſtoricum Partium Orientis, five Paſſagium Terræ -Sanctæ , autore Heyton. Hagenau, 1529, 12mo . Deſcription du Voyage à Jéruſalem , fait en 1490, par Jean deCachermois. Lyons, 1530, 4to. Le Voyage de la Terre-Sainte et de ſes Villes, par Denis Gaſot, achevé parPhilippe Sieur de Campermoy. Paris, 1536, 4to. Jacobi Ziegleri Terræ - San &tæ , Syriæ , Arabiæ , Ægypti, et Scondiæ Deſcriptio : Et Weiſſemburgii (Wolfgang)Terræ - Sanctæ Deſcriptio juxta Ordinem Alphabeti. Straf burg, 1536 , fol. Totius Terræ -Sanctæ Urbiumque Deſcriptio, autore MartinoBrioneyo. Paris, 1540, 8vo. Deſcription de la Terre- Sainte, par Guillaume Poſtel. Paris, 1553, 8vo. Felix Fabri, Eigentliche Beſchreibung der Hinund Wiederfahrten zu dem Heil.- Lande und Jeruſalem . (Deſcription of the Journey to and Return from the Holy-Land and Jeruſalem .) 1556, 1557, 4to . Joos van Ghieſtale, Voyage naart Heiliglant. ( Voyage to the Holy -Land , in 1485 : publiſhed by Ambroſe Zerbent.) Gent, 1557, 1572 , 4to . Stephan Gumpenberg und anderer wahrhaftige Beſchreibung der Meerfarth ins Heilige Land. ( True Account of the Voyage to the Holy-Land, by S. Gumpenberg and others.) Frankfort, 1561, 4to . AdamReizner, Beſchreibung von Jeruſalem und Judea. ( Deſcription of Jeruſalem and Judea. ) 1565, fol. La Pérégrination ſpirituelle vers la Terre-Sainte, comme en Jéruſalem , Bethléem , &c. compoſée en langue Thyoiſe, par Jean Pafcha, et tranſlatée par M. de Leuze. Lou vain , 1566, 4to ; Ib. 1576, 8vo. Auſzüge aus einer ungedruckten Reiſe- Beſchreibung in den Orient, &c. (Extracts from the unpubliſhed Journal during Travels by Reuter, who in 1567 viſited the Holy-Sepulchre.) In the Orientaliſche Bibliothek, by Haffe. Diſcours du Voyage d'outre mer au Saint-Sépulcre de Jéruſalem , et autres Lieux de la Terre-Sainte, en 1548, par Antoine Renaud . Lyons, 1573, 4to . Diſcours OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 135 Diſcours d'un Voyage d'outre merau Saint-Sépulcre de Jéruſalem et autres Lieux, par GabrielGiraudet,Marchand du Puy-en - Velais. Lyons, 1575, 8vo. Paris, 1585, fol. J. H. Helffrich , Reiſe nach Hierufalem , Egypten, auf den Berg Sinaï, nach Alcaïr und Alexandria. (Travels to Jeruſalem , Egypt, up Mount Sinai, to Alcaïr and Alexandria .) Leipfic, 1579 ; Ib. 1589, 4to. Judocii Madgen Peregrinatio Hieroſolymitana facta anno 1542. Dillingen , 1580, 8vo. Daniel Eklin, Reiſe von Arau gen Jéruſalem zum Heiligen-Grabe. (Journey from Arau to Jeruſalem to the Holy -Sepulchre.) Cologne, 1580, 8vo. Melchior von Seydlig, Walfahrt nach dem Heiligen-Lande, von 1556 bis 1559, nebſt Vermeldung der jæmmerlichen und langwierigen Gefængniſs derlelben Geſellſchaft. (Pilgrimage to the Holy -Sepulchre, from 1556 to 1559 ; with an Account of the lamentable and tedious Captivity of himſelf and his Companions. ) Gærlitz , 1580 , 1584, 1591. Leipfic, 1581 , 4to. Leonhard Rauwolf's Aigentliche Beſchreibung der Raiſs, fo er vor dieſer Zeit gegen Aufgang in die Morgenlænder, fürnemlich Syriam, Judæam , Arabiam , Meſopo tamiam , Babyloniam , Affyriam vollbracht. (Exact Account of his Journey into the Eaſt, particularly to Syria, Judæa, Arabia, Meſopotamia, Babylonia, and Affyria ; effected ſome time ſince.) Augſburgh, 1581 , 4to. Frankfort, 1582, 3 vol. 4to. Lauingen , 1583 , 4 vol. 4to ., with wood -cuts. Voyage au Saint-Sépulchre. Cologne, 1582, 8vo. Reiſbuch oder Wahrhafte und Eigentliche Reiſe-Beſchreibung, & c. ( Itinerary, or true and exact Account of the Journey to the Holy -Land, and other Countries.) Frankfort, 1584 ; Ib. 1602 ; Ib . 1629, 2 vol. fol. Tratado y Deſcricion de la Tierra Santa. ( Treatiſe and Deſcription of the Holy- Land.) By Rodrigo de Yepes. Madrid, 1585, 4to. Reiſe nach Jeruſalem . ( Journey to Jeruſalem .) Frankfort, 1587, 8vo. Burchardi, Monachi Germani, Deſcriptio Terræ -San &tæ et Regionum finitimarum , item Bartholomæi de Solignano Itinerarium , edit. per Reineccium . Magdeburg, 1587, 4to . Devotiſſimo Viaggio di Jeruſalem , fatto e deſcritto da Giovani Zuallardo l'anno 1586, &c. (The moſt devout Journey to Jeruſalem , executed and deſcribed by G. Žual lardo, in the year 1586 ; with engravings of various places in the Holy-Land, by N. Bonifacio .) Rome, 1587 ; Ib . 1595, 8vo.- In French , Antwerp , 1618, 4to. De l’Antiquitè, Fondation , Nomination, Splendeur, Ruine e de Etat preſent dela Ville de Jéruſalem , par Albert Paduleau, Sieur de Launay. Nantes, 1635, 4to. Fr. Nsë, Viaggio di Venetia al Santo -Sepolcro e al Monte Sinai, &c. (Journey from Venice to the Holy -Sepulchre and Mount Sinaï, that is , a deſcription of the cities, caſtles, towns, churches, monaſteries, illes, ports, and rivers there to be found .) Venice, 1638 ; Ib. 1676. Baſſana, 1685 , 8vo . Itinerarium de Locis Terræ -Sanctæ quos perambulavit Antonius de Plaiſance, edente Claudio Menard. 1640, 4to. Franciſco Guerrero, ElViage de Jeruſalem . (Journey to Jeruſalem .) Madrid, 1641 , 8vo. Vincenzo Bordini, Iltoria dell'antica e moderna Paleſtina. (Hiſtory of ancient and modern Paleſtine.) Venice, 1642, 4to. Chriſtophori Hedman Paleſtina five Terra - Sancta. Wolfenbuttel, 1655. Hanover, 1689, 4to. Antonio de Caſtilla, El devoto Peregrino : Viage de Tierra- Santa. ( The devout Pilgrim : a Journey to the Holy Land. ) Madrid, 1656, 4to. LeVoyagede la Terre-Sainte, en 1052, par M. J. D. P. Paris, 1657, 4to. Voyage de la Terre-Sainte ; contenant une véritable deſcription des lieux les plus conſidérables que Notre-Seigneur a fanctifics de la preſence, prédications, morale, II et 136 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS et ſouffrances ; l'état de la ville de Jéruſalem , tant ancienne que moderne, &c. où il eſt traité du fleuve de Jourdain, de la Mer Morte, de la quarantaine, du Mont Thabor, et autres places célèbres ; plus, une légère deſcription de quelques villes d'Italie : par M. J. Doubdan. Seconde edition, enrichie de figures, Paris, 1661 , 4to. This is one of the moſt exact and minute deſcriptions of the holy places ; and the plates are very neat. La Terre-Sainte ; ou deſcription topographique très -particulière des faints lieux et de la terre de promiſfion : avec un traité de quatorze nations de différentes religions qui l'habitent, leurs mæurs, croyance, cérémonies, et police, &c. Par F. Eugène Roger, Miſſionaire de Barbarie. Paris, 1664, 4to. The account of the various nations in Paleſtine, particularly of the Maronites and Druſes, is curious, though at preſent ſuperſeded by that of Volney. The plates are eſteemed , and were executed by Claude Mellon. Le pieux Pélerin , ou Voyage de Jeruſalem , par le P.Surius. Avec planches. Bruſſels, 1666, 4to. Le Voyage de Galilée, fait en la compagnie du Sieur de Bonnecorſe, conſul à Seyde, donné au public par S. A. Paris, 1670, 12mo. Relation du Voyage d'Anne Chéron, âgée de quatre-vingt ans, à Jéruſalem . Paris, 1671 , 12mo. A ſtrange inſtance of female weakneſs and ſuperſtition . Voyage de la Terre-Sainte, par Jacques Goujon. Lyons, 1671 , 4to. Goyatis, Reiſe nach Jeruſalem . (Journey to Jeruſalem .) 1672 , 4to. D. Gonzalez, Reiſen nach Jeruſalem . ( Travels to Jeruſalem .) Antwerp, 1673, 2 vol. 4to . Gabriella Bremond, Viaggi fatti dell' Egypto Superioree Inferiore nel Monte Sinaï, &c. (Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, to Mount Sinai, and the moſt conſpicuous Places in thoſe parts, to Jeruſalem , Judea, Galilee, Samaria, Paleſtine, M Libanon , and other Provinces of Syria ; with the Deſcription of Mecca and the Tab of Mahomet : tranſlated from the French. ) Rome, 1673, 4to . Fr. Ferd. Troilo, Reiſe nach Jeruſalem , den Berg Sinaï und Egypten . ( Travels to Jeru . ſalem , Mount Sinai, and Egypt. ) Dreſden, 1676, 4to. Leipfic, 1717. Dreſden and Leipfic, 1734, 8vo. Kæpken's och Carlſon's Reſbeſkrifwning ifran Cypern, til Aſien , Jeruſalem , & c. ( Voyage from Cyprus to Aſia , Jeruſalem , & c. by Kæpken and Carlſſon .) Stock holm, 1678, 8vo. J.J. Amman, Reiſe in das Gelobte- Land. (Journey into the Promiſed- Land.) Zurich, 1678, 8vo. Der Weitverſuchte Cavalier, oder Reiſen in das Heilige-Land. ( The far -experienced Gentleman , or Travels in the Holy-Land .) Nuremberg, 1678, 8vo. Voyage à la Terre Sainte. Paris, 1679, 12mo . Voyage nouveau de la Terre-Sainte, par le P : Nau, Jéſuite. Paris, 1679, 12mo. ol.Dapper, Naauwkerige Beſchryving van Aſien, vekelfende de geweſten Syrien , en Paleſtina end Heligelant. (Exact Deſcription of Afia, particularly Syria, Paleſtine, and the Holy Land.) Amſterdam , 1680, 12mo. Vier ehrlicher Stadt Zürich Verbürgerter Reiſebeſchreibung in das Gelobte - Land, nach Jamaica, den Caraibiſchen Inſeln und Fetu . ( Travels of Four Citizens of Zurich to the Promiſed -Land, to Jamaica, the Caribbean Ifands, and Fetu.) Zurich, 1678, 8vo. Le t OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 137 gen Jeruſalem . 1599, 8vo. Chriſtiani Adrichimii Theatrum Terræ -Sanctæ et Bibliarum Hiſtoriarum. Cologne, 1590, 1593, 1600, 1612, 1628 , 1682, fol. Melchior Lully, Reiſbuch ( Itinerary to Jeruſalem .) Freiburg, 1590, 4to. Joh . Dubiuli (Minoritæ Belgi ) Hierofolymitanæ Peregrinationis Hodeporicon. Cologne, Voyage de la ſainte Cité de Jéruſalem, avec les cérémonies des Turcs, par Georgiowitz. Liege, 1600, 4to. Deſcription de la Terre- Sainte, par Jérôme Bignon. Paris, 1600, 12mo. Franciſco Pontabio Daveyro, Itinerario de Terra- Santa, y todas ſus Particularidades. (Iti nerary of the Holy -Land, and of all its Particularities.) Liſbon, 1600, 4to. Hanſen von Mergenthal's, Herrn Albrechts, Herzog zu Sachſen, Reiſe und Meerfarth in das Heyligeland,& c. ( Travels and Voyage of Albrecht, Duke of Saxony, to the Holy -Land, to Jeruſalem ; with Extractsfrom the Pilgrimage of Henry Duke of Sax ony to the Promiſed -Land in 1476. ) Leyden , 1602, 4to . Peregrinatione de Terra -Santa e d'altre Provincie, inſtituita nell'anno 1598, dal Don Aquilante Rochetta, Cavalliere del Santo Sepulcro . (Pilgrimage to the Holy-Land and other Provinces, undertaken in 1598 by Don A. Rochetta, Knight of the Holy- Sepul. chre. With plates of various places.) Palermo, 1602 , 4to. Le ſaintVoyage de Jéruſalem et du Mont Sinai, fait en 1600 , par le P. Henri Caſtela. Paris, 1603, 1613, 4to. L. Tſchudi von Glarus, Reiſe und Pilgerfahrt zum Heyligen Grab, anno 1519. ( Jour ney and Pilgrimage in 1519 to the Holy -Sepulchre, by Louis Tſchudi of Glarus.) Rothenbach , 1606, 4to. Le très-dévot Voyage deJéruſalem ; avec les figures des lieux faints et pluſieurs autres tirèes au naturel, par J. Quelant. Antwerp , 1606, 2 vol. Reiſe nach dem Heyligen Land, &c. ( Journey to the Holy-Land, or Deſcription of the holy Places.) Frankfort, 1609, 2 vol. fol. Juan Caverio de Vera, Viage de la Tierra-Santa , y Deſcripcion de Jeruſalen y del ſanto Monte - Libanon. ( Travels to the Holy-Land, and Deſcription of Jeruſalem and the holy Mount- Libanon . ) Pampeluna, 1613, 8vo. Nicolai Radzivil, Hierofolymitana Peregrinatio. Antwerp, 1614, fol. Gio. Pool Peſanti,Peregrinatio diGieruſalemme. Bergamo, 1615, 4to. Le Pélerin véritable à la Terre-Sainte, auquel, ſous le diſcours figuré de la Jéruſalem terreſtre, eſt enſeigné le chemin de la céleſte. Paris, 1615, 4to . Le Voyagede la ſainte Cité de Jéruſalem ; avec la deſcription des lieux, ports, villes, cités, et autres paffages, fait l'an 1480. Paris, 1616 , 4to . Franciſco Stephano Mantegazza, Relazione tripartita del Viaggio di Gierufalemme. (Account of the Journey to Jeruſalem , in three parts. ) Milan , 1616, 4to. Itinerarium Hierofolymitanum et Syriacum , a Joanne Cotovico. Antwerp, 1619, 4to. Jacob Divexa, Journey to the Holy-Land. ( In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1620, 8vo. P. Bernardino, Trattato delle Piante e Imagini de' ſacri Edifizii di Terra-Santa. ( Trea tiſe on the Plans and Figures of the holy Edifices of the Holy-Land.) Florence, 1620, fol. Le Voyage de Jéruſalem et autres Lieux de la Terre-Sainte, par le Sieur Renarp, Pari ſien ; enſemble fon Retour par l'Italie, l'Allemagne, la Hollande, et la Flandre. Paris, 1621 , 8vo. Journal d'un Voyage fait á Jéruſalem , et autres Lieux de la Terre-Sainte et de l ' Egypte, fait en 1585, par Simon de Salperluche, Baron des Anglures. Troyes, 1621 , 12mo. VOL. XVII. T Martin 138 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Martin Baumgarten, Peregrinatio in Ægyptum , Arabiam , Palæſtinam , et Syriam , &c. ſtudio et opere Chriſtophori Donateri. Nuremburg, 1621 ; Ib. 1673 , 4to . Chriſtophori Fureri ab Hermandorf Itinerarium Ægypti, Arabiæ, Paleſtinæ , Syriæ , aliarumque Regionum Orientalium . Nuremberg, 1621, 4to. Journey to Jeruſalem , by Father John Van der Straeten. (In Flemiſh .) Bruges, 1622 , 4to . Bonaventura Brocard, Palæſtina, five Deſcriptio Terræ -Sanctæ . Cologne, 1624, 8vo . Rodolphi Suchen, Liber de Terrâ- Sancta, et Itinera Hierofolymitana. Venice, 1630, 4to . Wolf Weiſenburg , Beſchreibung von Paleſtina . (Deſcription of Paleſtine.) Straſburg, 1630, fol. Relation du Voyage de Perſe, avec une Deſcription de la Terre- Sainte, par le P. Pacifique. Paris, 1631, 4to . Le Voyageur de l'Europe, où eſt le Voyage de Turquie, qui comprend la Terre Sainte, et l’Egypte, par Jouvin. Paris, 1684, 12mo. Relation nouvelle et exacte de la Terre- Sainte, et de l'Etat préſent des faints Lieux. Paris, 1688 , 8vo. Le Bouquet facré, ou le Voyage de la Terre -Sainte, compoſé des roſes du Calvaire, des lis de Bethléem , des hyacinthes du Mont Rivées, et de pluſieurs autres penſées de la Terre-Sainte, par le P. Boucher, frère-mineur-obſervantin . Rouen, 1698. Lyons, N.D., 12mo. One of the moſt abſurd ſpecimens of extravagant and indiſcreet zeal -dedicated to the Son of God and the Virgin Mary, Relation nouvelle et très-fidelle de la Terre-Sainte, dans laquelle on voit ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, par Félix Beaugran. Paris, 1700, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage fait au Mont Sinaï et Jeruſalem. On trouvera dans cette rela tion un détail exact de ce que l'auteur a vu de plus remarquable en Italie, en Egypte, et en Arabie, dans les principales villes de la Terre-Sainte, ſur les côtes de Syrie et de Phénicie, dans les îles de la Méditerranée et de l'Archipel, dans l'Aſie -Mineure et dans la Thrace, fur les côtes de Negrepont, du territoire d'Athènes, de la Morée, et de la Barbarie, &c.; par le Sieur Moriſon ; diviſée en trois parties. Toul, 1704, 4to. The two firſt parts contain a deſcription of Paleſtine, more judicious than moſt of the preceding ; the third, a very ſlight account of the other countries enumerated in the title. Dominico Laffi, Viaggio in Levante al Santo -Sepolcro e altri Luoghi di Terra-Santa. ( Journal in the Levant to the Holy Sepulchre, and other Places in the Holy -Land.) Bologna, 1708 , 12mo. Conradi HietlingiiPeregrinus per Terram -Sanctam et Jeruſalem , conductus ſub auſpiciis Dom. G. F. Comitis de Falkenhaupt. 1713 , fol. Voyage à la Terre-Sainte, en 1707 ; contenant la deſcription de Jeruſalem , avec lec mæurs des Turcs, par Marcel Ladoire. Paris , 12mo. Hadriani Relandi Palæſtina ex Monumentis veteribus illuſtrata . Utrecht, 4to. Dord recht, 1714, 2 vol. 4to. An exact and erudite work. H. Myricke, Reiſe nach Jeruſalem und dem Lande Canaan, & c. (Journey to Jeruſalem and the Land of Canaan , in 1684: publiſhed and illuſtrated with notes, by J.H. Reitz. ) Oſnaburg, 1714. Augſburg, 1789 , 8vo. Voyage fait à la Terre-Sainte en 1719 ; comprenant la deſcription de la ville de Jeru falem , tant ancienne que moderne, avec les meurs et les coutumes des Turcs. Paris, 1720, 12mo. Voyage II OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 139. 1728, fol. Voyage fait en la Ville de Jéruſalem en l'année 1719, par F. Michel Laduire, Vicaire de la Terre-Sainte. Paris, 1720, 12mo. Chryſantis Hiſtoria et Deſcriptio Terræ - Sanctæ Urbiſque Hieruſalem . Venice, Angelo Maria Müller, Reiſe nach Jeruſalem . ( Journey to Jeruſalem .). 1735, 4to. Curieuſe Reiſe - Beſchreibung in das Gelobte -Land. ( Curious Travels in the Promiſed . Land .) Dreſden , 1738, 8vo . H.Venzow , Reiſe nach Jeruſalem , Cairo, & c . ( Journey to Jeruſalem , Cairo , &c. ) Hamburg, 1740, 8vo. Voyage nouveau de la Terre-Sainte, par le P.Marc, Jéſuite. Paris, 1744 , 8vo. Jonas Korte, Reiſe nach dem Gelobten -Land. ( Journey to the Promiſed-Land, in 1737.) Altona, 1741 . Witha ſupplement and plates, Halle, 1751, 8vo. Paleſtina, overo primo Viaggio di F. Leonardo di Santa -Cecilia, Carmelitano ſcalzo , in Oriente. (Paleſtine , orthe firſt Journey ofF. Leonardo of St. Cecilia, barefoot Carmelite, to the Eaſt ; written by himſelf.) Rome, 1753 , 4to. Relation fidelle d'un Voyage à la Terre-Sainte, par un Religieux obſervantin. Paris, 1754 , 12mo. Fr.Haſſelquiſt , Iter Palæſtinenſe, &c. forroettad ifran 1749 til 1752. ( Travels in Paleſtine from 1749 to 1752.) Stockholm , 1757, 8vo . — In German, Roſtock , 1762 , 2 vol. 8vo . - In French, Paris, 1769, 2 vol. in 1 , 12mo. The work of Haſſelquiſt, almoſt the only one which embraces the natural hiſtory of Paleſtine, as well as ſome parts of Aſia Minor, Arabia, and Egypt, is yetvery defective. He died during his travels at Smyrna. Travels in Egypt, Turkey , Syria, and the Holy -Land, by an Engliſh Merchant ; with notes, by a Gentleman of Oxford. London, 1758, 8vo. Bachiene, Hiſtoriſch -geographiſche Beſchreibung von Paleſtina. ( Hiſtorical and geogra phical Deſcription of Paleſtine.) Leipfic, 1766, 1775 , two parts, in 7 vol. 8vo., Voyage par l'Italie en Egypte, au Mont-Liban, et en Paleſtine, fait en 1779 et années ſuivantes, avec figures, par B ** Paris, 1780, 2 vol. 12mo. R.P.G.Steinhardt,Reiſe-Beſchreibung in und aus dem Heiligen -Lande. ( Travels in , and Return from , the Holy- Land.) Raſtadt, 1785, 8vo. Deſcription of the holy Places of Jeruſalem , and the Objects viſited by Pilgrims in Judea and Galilee, by the reverend Fathers of the Latin Convent at Jeruſalem : tranſlated from the Latin by W.Witman. London, 8vo. Voldrich, Certaz Brah do Benakt o odfud potom po mori az do Paleſtiny to geſt. ( Journey from Prague to Paleſtine.) Prague, 1787. Hiſtory of the holy and great City of God, that is, Jeruſalem , and of the holy Places frequented by our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, by John Hanne, co- operator of St. James of Jeruſalem . (In Armenian.) Conſtantinople, 1782 , 4to. Deſcription of the holy Places in Jeruſalem . ( In modern Greek. ) Venice, 1793, 8vo. Gradus Bſcheider, Das Heilige-Land nach ſeinem gegenwertigen Zuſtand geſchildert. ( The Holy -Land diſplayed in its preſent State.) Augſburg , 1793, 8vo . Reiſe door Paleſtina, & c. ( Travels in Paleſtine, in letters.) 1798 , 8vo. Joſeph Schræter, See und Landreiſe nach Oſtindien und Egypten, auf den Berg Sinaï und Oreb, &c. (Travels, by Land and Sea, to the Eaſt Indies and Egypt, up Mount Sinaï and Mount Horeb, to Gaza, Rama, Sidon, Tire, Jeruſalem , &c. during the years 1795, 1797, 1798, and 1799.) Leipfic , 1800, 8vo. This is the workof a Saxon artiſan, who accompanied the troops ſent againſt Tippoo Saib from England, and who returned by Egypt. Though his pro with maps. T 2 140 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1804, fol. production cannot of courſe be compared with thoſe of more ſcientific tra vellers, he yer diſplays conſiderable powers of obſervation and deſcription. Views in Paleſtineand Caramania, from the original drawings ofLuigi Mayer, executed during the embaſſy of Sir Robert Ainſlie at Conſtantinople, with a pictureſque account, and the deſcription of the country and principal places. London, Voyage pittoreſque dela Syrie, de la Phénicie, de la Paleſtine, et de la Baſſe- Egypte ; avec undiſcours préliminaire par le C. Volney, le texte rédigé par les CC. Laporte-du Theil, Legrand d'Auſy, et Langlés. Les planches deſſinées par le C. Caffas. Pub . liſhed in numbers, containing 6 plates each, large fol. Itinéraire de Paris à Jéruſalem , et de Jéruſalem à Paris, en allant par la Grèce, par Chateaubriand. Paris, 1811 , 3 vol. 8vo. Travels in Greece, Paleſtine, Egypt, and Barbary , during the years 1806 and 1807 , by Chateaubriand : tranſlated by Schoberſ. London, 1811 , 2 vol. 8vo. [See the travels of Clarke ; Sect. Russia . -Schweigger, Buchenbach , Beauveau, Babenberg, Breves, Sandys, Rantzow , Stammer, Thevenot, Nyenborg ; Sect. TURKEY IN EUROPE . -Palerne ; Sect. GREECE. —Zapullo , Mincius ; Sect . ITALY. Benjamin of Tudela, Leſeige, Scheidt, Van Vlaming, Poullet ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia. —Laboulaye-de-Goux, Cappin, Voyage to Egypt, C.D.S., Myller, d'Arvieux , Tollot, Grigorowitſch, Binos ; Sect. EUROPE, Asia , and AFRICA. — Joſten , Thomp ſon ; Sect. EUROPE, Asia, AFRICA, and AMERICA. -- Le Bruyn ; Sea . Asia -Minor.] IV. Travels in Syria. Itinerario de Ludovico Verthema in Egypto, Syria , Arabia Deſerta e Felice, &c. ( Itine rary ofLouis Verthemain Egypt, Syria, Arabia the Deſert and the Happy, Perſia, India, Ethiopia, &c. ) Venice, 1520, 12mo. Ludovici, Patricii Romæ, novum Itinerarium Æthiopiæ , Ægypti, utriuſque Arabiæ , Perſiæ , Syriæ , et Indiæ citrà ultràque Gangem. No date, fol. The fare. Milan , 1511 , fol. Ludovico Barthema , Itinerario, &c.: tranſlated into Spaniſh by Chriſtoval de Arcos. Seville, 1576, fol. The ſurnameof the traveller is only mentioned in the Italian and Spanilh copies. There are others in German and Dutch. The work is curious, as monu. ments, now deſtroyed or damaged, are deſcribed, as well as the manners and cuſtoms of different people now intermingled with each other. The Italian is no doubt the driginal, though the Latin ſeems to have been printed earlier, as the latter profeſſes to be a tranſlation . In the Bibliothèque des Voyages, the author conjectures this, but does not ſuſpect that he afterwards regiſters the Italian original in the ſame volume. ( Vol.i. p. 239, 264.) Syriæ Deſcriptio, per Guillelmum Poſtel. 1548 , 8vo. P.J. Dandini, Miſfioné apoſtolica al Patriarca e Maroniti del Monte Libano. ( Apof. tolic Miſſion to the Patriarch and the Maronites of Mount Libanon. ) 1656, 12mo. -In French , Paris, 1675. Holland, 1685, 12mo. - In Engliſh, London, 1698, 8vo. The account of the Maronites, to whom the author was ſent as a nuncio from Pope Clement VIII., in 1586, is the only valuable portion of this work. Magri, Breve Racconto del Viaggio al Monte Libano. (Short Account of a Journey to Mount Libanon. ) Rome, 1655, 4to . Soria Santa, overo Racconto breve di varii Avvenimenti accaduti in Soria , & c. (Holy Syria, or ſhort Account of various Events that happened in Syria, eſpecially in Aleppo, 4 Damaſcus, OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 141 Damaſcus, Tripoli, and Mount- Libanon , by Father Joſeph Beffon : tranſlated from the French , by Father Jof. Antovini. ) Rome, 1662, fol. Deſcription abrégée de la ſainte Montagne du Libanon. Paris, 1671 , fol. L'illuſtre Pélerin , ou Remarques ſur les divers Voyages, en Syrie, Arabie, Perſe, &c. Lyons, 1673 , 2 vol . 12mo. Abraham Seller's Antiquities of Palmyra ; containing the hiſtory of the city and its emperors, from its foundation to the preſent time; with an Appendix, of critical obſervations on the manners, religion , and government of the country, and a com mentary on the inſcriptions lately found there. London, 1696, 8vo. Hiſtoire des Druſes, par Pagès de Saint- Pierre. Paris, 1680, 12mo. The Natural Hiſtory of Aleppo, and Parts adjacent; containing a deſcription of the city and the principal natural productions in its neighbourhood, by Ruffèl. London, 1756 ; Ib . 1794, 4to. This is not only the beſt deſcription of Aleppo, but one of the moſt complete pictures of Eaſtern manners extant. Hiſtoire des Druſes, Peuple du Liban . Paris , 1763, 12mo, plates. Voyage de Syrie et du Mont Liban ; contenant la deſcription de tout le pays compris ſous le nom de Liban et d’Anti- Liban, Keſrovan, &c. et ce qui concerne la créance et les mæurs des peuples qui habitent ce pays, la deſcription des ruines d'Héliopolis, aujourd'hui Balbek , & c. par la Roque. Paris, 1722, 2 vol. 12mo. , plates. Travels to Tadmor ( Palmyra ), by William Halifax . London, 1705, 8vo. The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwiſe called Tadmor, with 57 plates. (By Wood and Daw kins. ) London, 1753 , large fol. The Ruins of Balbek , otherwiſe called Heliopolis, with 46 plates. (By the ſame.) London, 1757, large fol. Journal from Calcutta in Bengal, by Sea, to Baſſora, from thence through the Great Deſert to Aleppo, by Bartholomew Plaiſted . London, 1758, 4to. Vincent Fara, Auſzug aus ſeiner handſchriftlichen Beſchreibung der Reife, &c. (Ex tract from his MS. Account of a Journey to Alexandria and Cairo, Damaſcus and Aleppo . ) In Bernoulli's Short Travels, vol. xvi. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798 , by W. G. Browne. London , 1799, 4to. This is well known to be one of the moſt valuable of modern books of travels. Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les années 1783, 1784, et 1785, par le Cit. Volney. Paris, 3d edition , an viii.- 1800, 2 vol. 8vo. — In Engliſh, London , 2 vol. 8vo. To this third edition the author added extracts from two Arabic MSS. relative to Egypt, a table of the commerce between Marſeilles and the Levant, and remarks on the Turkiſh and Ruſſian war ; firſt publiſhed in 1781 , with ſeveral additional plates. Syria is the principal object of theſe travels. [See the travels of Avril, Clarke, Buchenbach, Babenberg, Nyenborg, Morena ; Sect. Russia. —Palerne ; Sect. TURKEY in EUROPE. —Jenner ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia . Laboulaye de- Goux, Pococke, Egmont and Heymann, Seſtini; Sect. EUROPE, Asia, and AFRICA. — Dapper, Le Bruyn ; Sect. Asia- Minor. —Ziegler, Rauwolf, Cotovico , Baumgarten, Hermandorf, Bremond, Dapper, Moriſon, B ***, Schræter ; Sect. PalestiNE .] V. Travels common to Syria, Paleſtine, and other Countries and Iſles of Aſiatic Turkey. [See the travels of Baldwin, Richard , Guillelnius Peregrinus, Walter, Robert, Rai nulf, Edwards, Turneham, Roderic, Lak , Alderſey, Elfred , in Hackluyt, vol. ii.] Delle 142 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 Delle Maraviglie del Mundo vedute da Marco Paolo ; o Viaggi, &c. ( The Wonders of the World ſeen by Marco Paoli ; or Travels, &c. ) Venice, 1496 ; Ib . 1508, fol.; Ib. 1597 , 8vo. Trevigi, 1590, in the Venetian dialect. Marci Pauli de Regionibus Orientalibus Libri tres. Cologne, 1675, 4to . A German verſion , Nuremberg, 1471. Hamburgh, 1481. Leipfic, 1611 , fol. In Spaniſh , with a treatiſe on the countries viſited by Marco Polo. Se ville, 1520, fol. In Engliſh, 1579, fol. —In French , Paris, 1556, 4to . Marci Pauli, Veneti, de Regionibus Orientalibus Libri tres,cum manuſcripto collati, et notis illuſtrati ; accedit Haytonis, Armeni, Hiſtoria orientalis quæ et de Tartaria inſcri bitur And. Muller de Chataya, Diſquiſitio et Præfatio in Paulum , Cologne, 1671 , 4to. Of the Italian copies, that of Trevigi, in all probability, contains the original text. The travels were begun in 1271 or 1272, and concluded in 1297. They extend to Turkey in Aſia, Perſia, Tartary, India, China, Japan, the Aſiatic Ifles, Siberia, and parts of Africa, derived either from perſonal ob ſervation or report. De Mirabilibus Mundi, auctore Oderico de Portenon. ( In the Acts of Bolandus, under the date of 1318.) An edition, Venice, 1761. This traveller, from 1317 to 1330, viſited Armenia, Turkeſtan , the Eaſt-Indies, the Ifle of Java , and China. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. London, 1725, 8vo. Ce livre eſt appellé Mandeville, et fut fait et compoſé par Jehan de Mandeville, Chevalier, natif d'Angleterre, de la ville de St.Alain, et parle de terre de promiſſion, c'eſt à ſçavoir, de Jéruſalem , et de pluſieurs autres illes de la mer ; et les diverſes et étranges choſes qui ſont ès dites illes. Lyons, 1480. Paris, N.D., 4to. , b.l. In Italian, Venice, 1497 ; Ib. 1537, 4to. This traveller is ſaid to have ſet out in 1322, and after viſiting Egypt, Paleſtine, Tartary, India, the Indian Iſles, & c. returned to Europe in 1355. He died His work abounds in abſurdities ; and much of it ſeems to have been ſubſequently inſerted from Marco Polo . Relation du Voyage de Monf. l'Evêque de Beryte , Vicaire-apoſtolique du Royaume de Cochinchine, par la Turquie, la Perſe, les Indes, & c. juſq'au Royaume de Siam , par Bourges, Prêtre, Millionaire apoſtolique . Paris, 1666, Svo. Collection of Travels in Tartary, Afiatic Turkey, Perſia, Japan , by Jan Stranſſens. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1678, fol. Zee en Land Reiſen door Egypten, Weſt-Indien, Perſien, Turkeien, Ooſt- Indien , &c. ( Travels, by Sea and Land, in Egypt, the Weſt-Indies, Perfia, Turkey, the Eaſt In dies, from 1660 to 1667, by Edward Melton : tranſlated from Engliſh into Dutch . ) Amſterdam , 1681, 4to. , plates. Joſeph Georgierenes, Beſchreibung des gegenwertigen zuſtandes der Inſeln Samos, Ni caria, Pathmos, wie auch des Bergs Athos. (Account of the preſent ſtate of the Iſles of Samos, Nicaria, Pathmos, as alſo of Mount Athos : from the Greek. ) 1689, 12mo. Journey from Aleppo to Jeruſalem , at Eaſter 1697 ; with an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of the Euphrates, and the Country of Meſopotamia, by H. Maundrell. Oxford, 1699, 8vo. Journey in 1371: OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 143 > Journey from Aleppo to Damaſcus ; to which is added, an Account of the Maronites inhabiting Mount- Libanon. London, 1736, 8vo. Meſopotamia, overo terzo Viaggio di F. Leandro di Santa -Cecilia, & c. (Meſopotamia, or third Journey of F. Leandro di Santa-Cecilia in the Eaſt.) Rome, 1757, 4to. Obſervations hiſtoriques et géographiques ſur les Peuples barbares qui ont habité le Bords du Danube, et du Pont-Euxin, par M. de Peyſſonel ; avec une lettre du même auteur à Meſſieurs de l'Académie, contenant une relation de ſon voyage à Magnéſie, à Sardes, et à Thyatire. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1760, 4to . A Journal of Travels from Baflora to Bagdad, through the Little-Deſert, to Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Zante, Corfu , and Otrante. London, 1784, 8vo. C. Neibuhr, Bemerkungen zu Haleb undauf der Reiſe von dieſer Stadt nach Cypern. (Remarks at Aleppo, and during the Voyage from thence to Cyprus. ) In the Ger man Muſeum , 1787 . Deſcription de l'Ile de Chio, par Juſtiniani. Avec planches. Paris, 1506, fol. Relation de l'Ile de Chio, par Galland, faiſant partie d'un recueil de pièces traduits de l'Arabe par le même. Paris, 1754, 12mo. Vicenzo Coronelli, Iſola di Rodigeografica, iſtorica, antica e moderna, &c. (Hiſtorical and geographical Account of ancient and modern Rhodes, with the other Iſles for merly poffeſſed by the Knights of St. John of Jeruſalem .) Venice, 1688, 8vo. Deſcription de toute l'Ile de Chypre, avec l'Hiſtoire des Princes qui y ont commande, par le P. Etienne Luſignan : tranſlatée de l'Italien au Français. Paris, 1519, fol ., plates. Travels through different Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and ſeveral parts of Aſia, by Alexander Drummond. London, 1754 , fol. Cyprus is the chief object of this work , as well as of the following Viaggio del Abbate Mariti per la Iſola di Cypro, per la Soria y la Paleſtina, &c. ( Travels of the Abbé Mariti through Cyprus, Syria, and Paleſtine, from 1760 to 1768. ) Turin, 1769. Lucca, 1769. Florence, 1769 , 1770, 5 vol. 8vo. Mariti's Travels in Cyprus, Syria, and Paleſtine. London , 3 vol. 8vo. Tagebuch einer Reiſe, &c. (Journal of the Travels of Grigori Pleſchtſchjew , from the Iſle of Paros to Syria and Paleſtine ; with a ſketch of the hiſtory of Aly-Bey : tranſlated from the Ruſſian .) Riga, 1774, 8vo. Deſcription du Pachalik de Bagdad. Paris, 1809, 8vo. Gardanne, Journal d'un Voyage dans la Turquie d'Aſie et la Perſe, en 1807 et 1808. Paris, 1809, 8vo. . ASIATIC RUSSIA . I. Siberia and Afiatic Ruſſia in general. EIGENTLICHE Beſchreibung des Kænigreichs Siberien, &c. (Accurate Deſcription of the Kingdom of Siberia , as it came under the Dominion of Iwan Waſiliowitſch, Czar of Ruſſia : tranſlated from a Slavonic manuſcript in the library at Berlin , into German, by E. G. Bergen .) In the Magazine of Büſching , vol. xviii. p . 83-110. Noord en Ooſt Tartarye, &c. ( North and Eaſt Tartary, or detailed deſcription of the countries and nations hitherto known there, with that of the different countries and nations hitherto unknown, and ſituated in the northern and eaſtern parts of 'Aſia and Europe, as well between the rivers of Tanais and Oby, as near the Black , the Caſpian , 144 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Caſpian, and the Indian Seas, with the countries ſubjectto Her Majeſty the Czareſs: illuſtrated with maps and plates. ) By Nicolas Witſen. Amſterdam , 1692 ; Ib. 1701 , 2 vol. fol. J. R. Forſter, in his Hiſtory of Diſcoveries, & c. calls this an excellent work. Les Mæurs et Uſages des Oſtyaques, et la manière dont ils furent convertis en 1712 à la religion Chrétienne du rite Grec, avec pluſieurs remarques curieuſes ſur le roy aume de Sibérie et le détroit de Waigatz ou de Naſſau, par Jean Bernard Muller, Capitaine de Dragons au ſervice de la Suède, pendant fa captivité en Sibérie. ( In the Recueil des Voyages au Nord , vol. viii . ) Relation d'un nouveau Voyage en Sibérie, par Brand. Utrecht, 1713, 12mo. Relation de la Grande-Tartarie Aſiatique, dreſſées ſur les Mémoires des Priſonniers Suédois en Tartarie. Amſterdam , 1737, 8vo. J.G. Gmelin, Reiſen durch Siberien . ( Travels in Siberia, from 1733 to 1743.) Got tingen, 1751 , 1752 , 4 vol. 8vo. , plates. — Abridged in French , by Keralio, Paris, 1767, 2 vol. 12mo. The objects of this traveller, who was uncle to the coadjutor of Pallas, are chiefly mines and founderies ; but he has not neglected the manners, character, and religion of the inhabitants. Samuel Muller, Voyage from Aſia to America, to complete the Diſcoveries of the North -weſt Coaſt of America ; to which is prefixed, a Summary of the Voyages of the Ruſſians on the Frozen -Sea : tranſlated from the German, London, 1761 ; Ib . 1774, 8vo . J.C. Adelung, Geſchichte der Schiffahrten und Verſuche zur Entdeckung des nord æſtlichen Wegs nach Japan und China. (Hiſtory of the Voyages and Endeavours for the Diſcovery of the North -eaſt Paſſage to Japan and China.) Halle, 1768, 4to . Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du Roi, en 1761 , contenant les meurs, les uſages des Ruſſes, et l'état actuel de cette puiſſance, la deſcription géographique et le nivellement de la route de Paris à Tobolſk , l'hiſtoire naturelle de la même route, des obſervations aſtronomiques, et des expériences ſur l'hiſtoire naturelle, &c. par M. l'Abbé Chappe d'Auteroche. Paris, 1768, 3 vol. 4to. and atlas fol. A tranſlation of Kraſcheninikof's deſcription of Kamtſchatka is fubjoined. Voyage (en abregée) de Chappe en Sibérie. Amſterdam , 1769, 2 vol . 8vo. Journey into Siberia, by the Abbé Chappe d'Auteroche. London, 1770, 4to. Lettre d'un ſtyle franc et loyal à l’Auteur du Journal Encyclopédique ( critique du voyage de Chappe). Paris, 1771 , 12mo. Antidote, ou Examen d'un mauvais Livre intitulé, Voyage en Sibérie, & c.” Amſterdam , 1771 , 2 vol. 8vo. -The ſame, tranflated into Engliſh by a Lady, London, 1772, 8vo. This tranſlation was made by a Lady at St. Peterſburgh, and dedicated to the Empreſs Catherine, who was generally reported to have taken an active ſhare in the original “ Antidote.” Erich Laxmann's Briefe: herauſgegeben von Schlætzer. (Letters of E. Laxmann : pub liſhed by Schlætzer. ) Gottingen, 1769, 8vo. Relation ou Journal d'un Officier Français ( Therby de Belcourt) au ſervice de la con fédération en Pologne, pris par les Ruſſes, et relégué en Sibérie. Amſterdam, 1776, 8vo. Nachrichten von den neuendeckten Inſeln in der fee zwiſchen Aſien und Amerika. ( Account of the new -diſcovered Illes in the Ocean between Aſia and America.) By J. L. S. Hamburgh and Leipfic, 1776, 8vo . Beſchreibung OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 145 Beſchreibung der Altaiſchen Gebürge. (Deſcription of the Altaic Mountains.) " By Renovanz. 8vo. Severs, Briefe über Siberien . (Letters on Siberia . ) In Pallas's New Memoirs of the North , vol. vii . P. J. Schangin, Beſchreibung einer Reiſe, &c. ( Account of a Journey on the higheſt Altaic Mountains.) Ib. vol. vi. P.S. Pallas, Nachricht von den Inſeln Laechof, & c. (Account of the Iſles of Laechof, ſituated oppoſite the Swætoi-Nos on the Frozen -Ocean .) Ib . vol. vii . Lindenthal, Reiſebeſchreibung in den Bergen von Keiſnatze. ( Journey into the Moun tains of Keiſnatze.) In the Phyſical Memoirs of Ruſſia, vol. iii. P.S. Pallas, Sammlung hiſtoriſcher Nachrichten über die MongoliſchenVælkerſchaften . ( Collection of hiſtorical Notices reſpecting the Mongol Tribes.) Peterſburgh, 1776, 4to ., plates. A work of equal merit with the others of the ſame author. J. A. Güldenſtædt, Von den Hæfen am Caſpiſchen Meer. ( On the Ports ofthe Caſpian Sea.) In the Peterſburgh Journal, April 1777 ; and in the German Muſeum , 1777. Travels through the Ruſſian Empire, Tartary, and Parts of the Kingdom of Perſia , by John Cook. Edinburgh , 1778, 2 vol. 4to. Hiſtoire des Découvertes, par divers Voyageurs, dans pluſieurs Endroits de la Ruſſie ( Aſiatique) et de la Perſe. Avec planches. Bern, 1779, 1787, 6 vol. 8vo. ; Ib. 2 vol. 4to . Account of the Ruflian Diſcoveries between Aſia and America , by William Coxe. Lon don, 1780, 4to. Relation d'un Voyage aux Monts d'Altaï en Sibérie, pendant l'année 1781 , par Patrin . Peterſburgh , 1783, 8vo. AnAccountof a geographical and aſtronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Ruſſia, by Commodore Jof. Billings, during the years 1785, 1794 : publiſhed from his manuſcripts, by M. Sauer. London, 1800, 4to. Puteſcheſtwie fota Kapitana Sarytſchewa po ſewerowoſtot ſchnoi tſchaſti Siwiri, ledo witomu moru i woltotſchnomu Okeanu, & c. (Voyage of Captain Sarytſchew , in the north part of Siberia, in the Frozen - Sea and Eaſtern -Ocean, during eight years ; on occaſion of the geographical and aſtronomical expedition of Commodore Billings, from 1785 to 1793.) Peterſburgh, 2 vol. 4to . and an atlas in fol. of plates. This is a more complete account of this expedition than that of Sauer, and was publiſhed by order of the Emperor Alexander. The journal of Billings him ſelf is to be printed ; and the papers of the naturaliſt , Merk, who died ſince his return, were ſent to the celebrated Pallas to be prepared for publication. Recherches hiſtoriques ſur les principales Nations établies en Sibérie et dans les Pays adjacens : ouvrage traduit du Ruſſe (de M. Fiſcher ), par M. Stollenwerck . Paris, an ix . - 1801 , 8vo. This tranſlation is abridged from the original Ruſſian, and is full of curious information , particularly relative to the European colonization of the remoter parts of Siberia. B. Bergmann, Nomadiſche Streifereien unter den Kalmuken , & c. ( Nomadic Excurſions among the Calmucks, during the years 1802 and 1803 ; with ſome leaves of Cal. muck writing.) Riga, 1805, 1806, vol . i. and ii. , 4 vol. 8vo . A veryintereſting work , the reſult of a long reſidence among the Kalmucks. The firſt volume contains letters written during his excurſions in the Stepps, maps and VOL, XVII, U the 146 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS the hiſtory of the flight of the Calmucks in 1771 out of Ruſſia, and ſome of the Mongol tales, called by them Siddi-Kur. The ſecond volume is chiefly occupied by an account of their manners, followed by a memoir on their ſciences, and a collection of anecdotes. The third is to contain an account of their religion. Thefourth is to begin with a kind of heroic poem , entitled, “ Goh Schekita,” and the continuation of his travels is to follow . [See the travels of Brand, Wreech, Strahlenberg ; Sect. Russia in Europe. -De Veer, Müller ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERG , & c. — Bell ; Sect. Europe and Asia. Ruyſbroek , in the collection of Bergeron ; Sect. Europe, Asia , and AFRICA. Marco Polo ; Sect. TURKEY IN Asia. ] II. Kamtſchatka. Lettre de M. d'Anville au P. Caſtel, ſur le Kamtſchatka, et Réponſe. Paris, 1737, I 2mo. H. Kraſcheninnikof, Opiſanie zemli Kamtſchatki ſotſchenennoja. Peterſburgh, 1754, 2 vol. 4to . The Hiſtory of Kamtſchatka and the Kurilſky Iſlands, with the Countries adjacent; illuſtrated with maps: publiſhed at St. Peterſburgh by order of His Imperial Majeſty; and tranſlated into Engliſh, by James Grew. Gloceſter, 1764, 4to. Jacob von Stæhelin's von den Rufſen, in den Jahren 1765, 1766, und 1767, entdecktes Inſelmeer. (The Archipelago diſcovered in 1765, 1767, by the Ruſſians, between Kamtſchatka and America.) Stutgard, 1774, 8vo. Georg. Wilh. Steller, Beſchreibung von dem Lande Kamtſchatka ; deſſen Einwohnern, deren Sitten , Namen, Lebenſart, &c. (Deſcription of Kamtſchatka, its Inhabitants, their Manners, Names, Cuſtoms, & c.) Frankfort and Leipfic, 1774, 8vo. Tagebuch einer Seereiſe, & c. ( Journal of a Voyage from the Port of St. Peter and Paul in Kamtſchatka, to the Weſtern Coaſts of America. ) In Pallas's New Memoirs of the North, vol . v. and vi. - Fortſetzung von Steller's Reiſe, darinn Bering's Tod, &c. ( Continuation of Steller's Voyage, in which Bering's Death and the Fate of the others is related, till their Arrival in Kamtſchatka.) By P. S. Pallas. ( Ibid . vol. i. andii.) Topographiſch undphyſikaliſche Beſchreibung der Bering's Inſel.) ( Topo graphical and phyſical Deſcription of Bering's Iſle.) Ibid. vol. ii. P. S. Pallas, Beſchreibung der ſogenannten Kupfer-Inſeln im Kamtſchadaliſchen Meer. ( Deſcription of the Copper-Ines in the Sea of Kamſchatka.) Ibid . S. Dedmann, Beſchreibung von Kamtſchatka, deffen Einwohnern und phyſikaliſchen Merkwürdigkeiten. ( Deſcription of Kamtſchatka, its inhabitants, and phyſical Curiofities.) Upſala, 1787, 8vo. Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Auguftus Count de Benjouſky; containing his mili tary operations in Poland, his exile into Kamtſchatka, his eſcape and voyage from that peninſula through the Northern Pacific Ocean , his touching at Japan and For mofa, to Canton in China ; with an account of the French ſettlement in the iſland of Madagaſcar : written by himſelf, and tranſlated from the original MS. London , 1794, 2 vol . 4to . Some portions of the journal of this adventurer are of very doubtful authority. III. Travels OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 147 III. Travels in other Parts of Aſiatic Rufia. Neueſter Staat von Caſan, Aſtracan , Georgien , und vielen andern dem Czaaren, Sultan, und Schah, zinſbaren und underthanen Tattarn , Landſchaften , und Provinzen. ( Preſent State of Caſan , Aſtracan , Georgia, and many other Tartars, Countries, and Provinces tributary to the Czar, the Sultan , and the Shah .) Nuremberg, 1723 , 8vo. Pet. Rytſchkowa, Topographia Orenburgſkai. (Topography of Orenburgh .) Peterſ burgh , 1762, 2 vol. 8vo. - In German, Riga, 1772, 2 vol. 8vo. Reiſin durch Ruſsland und im Caucafiſchen Gebürge, &c. ( Travels in Ruſſia and the Caucaſian Mountains. ) By J. A.Güldenſtedt. Peterſburg, 1787 , 1791 , 2 vol. 4to. Pallas edited this work , the author having periſhed in his travels. J. A.Güldenftædt, Auſzüge aus etlichen Briefen zu ſeiner Reiſe nach den Caucaſiſchen Gebürgen und Georgien gehærig. ( Extracts of Letters relative to his Journey to the Caucaſian Mountains and Georgia .) In the Memoirs of the Berlin Phyſical Society, vol. iii . Journal hiſtorique du Voyage de M. Leſſeps, Conſul de France, employé dans l’Expe dition de M. de la Peyrouſe en qualité d'Interprète du Roi, dépuis l'inſtant où il a quitté les frégates Françaiſes au Port Saint Pierre et Saint Paul en Kamtſchatka. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1790, 2 vol. 8vo. - Tranſlated into Engliſh , London , 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage hiſtorique et géographique dans les Pays ſituées entre la Mer Noire et la Mer Caſpienne; contenantdes détails nouveaux ſur les peuples qui les habitent, des obſer . vations rélatives à la topographie ancienne et modernede cette contrée, un vocabu laire des dialectes du Caucaſe, et deux grandes cartes géographiques ; ſuivies d'un mémoire ſur le cours de l'Araxe et du Cyrus, de l'analyſe de la carte de ce cours, d'éclairciſſement ſur le cours des Pyles Caucaſiennes et Caſpiennes, d'un voyage en Crimée et dans les parties méridionales de l'empire de Ruffè. Paris, 1798 , 4to . CHINESE EMPIRE. 1. Travels in China . ANCIENNES Relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux Voyageurs Mahometans qui у allerent dans le neuvième ſiècle : traduites de l'Arabe, avec de remarques ſur les principaux endroits de ces relations. Paris, 1718, 8vo. Ancient Account of India and China, from the French of E. Renaudot. London , 1733, 8vo. Doubts have been expreſſed of the authenticity of theſe travels ; but M. de Guignes has diſcovered the original Arabic MS. in the Imperial Library. They contain many abſurdities, but much of what relates to China was con firmed by Marco Polo, and by more modern travellers. Avviſamento del Viaggio di Gathai per il camino della Tanna ad andare e tornare con Mercatanzia . ( Indication of the Route that may be taken from Tana ( Azof) to Gattay ( the North of China) , and Return with Merchandize.) Liſbon and Lucca, 1755 The author of this work , Franciſco Balducci Pergoletti, wrote in 1335. U 2 Ambaſſade 148 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Ambaffades réciproques des Rois des Indes et de la Chine, en 1412 : traduites du Per fan ; avec la vie de ces deux ſouverains, et des notes. Paris, 1788, 8vo. Ambaſſade de Scharok, Fils de Tamerlan, et d'autres Princes ſes Voiſins, à l'Empereur de Khatai, l'an 1419, 822 de la Hégire. ( In the Collection of M. Thévenot, vol. iv .) Relatio Ablegationis quam Czarea Majeſtas ad Catayenſem Chamum Bodgi, deſtinavit, anno 1553. ( Ibid .) Juan Gonzalez deMendoza, Hiſtoria de las Coſas mas notables, Ritos, y Coſtumbres del gran Reyno de la China ; con un Itinerario del Nuevo -Mundo. (Hiſtory of the moſt remarkable Things, Rites, and Cuſtoms of the great Kingdom of China, with an Itinerary of the New World. ) Rome, 1585. Venice, 1588, 8vo. In Latin , tranſlated by Joachim Brullius, Frankfort, 1589 ; Antwerp, 1655 , 4to. -In French , by Luc de Laporte, Paris, 1589, 8vo. This is the firſt extenſive account of China, and accordingly every thing is ſeen in a romantic and exaggerated light. Avviſi del Giappone degli anni 1582, 1583, e 1584, con altri della China degli anni 1583 e 1584: cavati della Lettere della Compagnia di Jeſu . (News from Japan of the years 1582, 1583, and 1584 ; with others from China of the years 1583 and 1584 : extracted from the Letters of the Company of Jeſus.) Rome, 1586, 8vo. Avertiſſement des Royaumes de Chine et du Giapon ; avec le Retour des Princes Gia ponaiſes aux Indes. Lyons, 1588, 8vo. Beſchreibung des Kønigreichs China, und deſſen Fruchtbarkeit, Reichthum, &c. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of China, its Fruitfulneſs, Riches, &c. ) Frankfort, 1589, 4to . Lettere del Giapone e della China degli anni 1589 e 1590 ; ſcritte al R. P. Generale della Compania de Jeſu. (Letters from Japan and China of the years 1589 and 1590 ; written to the Rev.Father-General of the Inquiſition .) Rome, 1591. Ve nice, 1592, 8vo. Math. Dreſſer, Hiſtorie und Bericht von dem Königreiche China, deſgleichen von Virginia. ( Account of the Kingdom of China, as well as of Virginia .) Leipſic, 1597, 4to . Luis Guzman, Hiſtoria de las Miſſiones que han hecho los Religiofos de la Compañia de Jeſu, para predicarelſanto Evangelio en la India-Orientale, y en los Reynos de la Chyna y Japon. (Hiſtory of the Miſſions of the Religious of the Company of Jeſus, to preach the holy Goſpel, in the Eaſt - Indies, and in the Kingdoms of China and Japan. ) Alcala, 1601, 2 vol. fol. Beſides the hiſtory of the miſſions, theſe volumes alſo contain the deſcriptions of many places, ſuch as Salſette, Goa, Cochin, Coulan, Travancore, Cali cut, Pegu, Ormuz, Malmo, Calolas, with many parts of Hindoftan, China, and Japan particularly. The ſame applies to the following work — Neue Hiſtoriſche, &c. (New Hiſtorical Account of the Embaſſy of the Jeſuits to dif ferent powerful Princes in the Eaſt- Indies, to China, and to Japan. ) Dillingen, 1601 , 8vo. Marcello de Ribadeneyra, Hiſtoria de las Iſlas del Archipelago, y Reynos de la gran China, Tartaria, Cochin -China, Malacca, Siam , Camboya, Japon ; de lo ſucedido en ellos a los Religioſos deſcalzos de la orden de S. Franciſco. ( Hiſtory of the Ifles of the ( Indian ) Archipelago, and the Kingdoms of Great-China, Tartary, Cochin. China, Malacca, Siam , Camboya, Japan ; with what happened in them to the Reli gious of the barefooted friars of the order of St. Francis.) Barcelona, 1601 , 4to. Advis et Lettres de la Chine, du Japon, et de l'Etat du Roi de Mogor. Paris, 1604, 12mo. 12 Fernam OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 149 Fernam Mendez Pinto, Peregrinaçam , em que da conta de muytas y muyto eſtranhas choſas, que vio e ovvio no reyno da China, no da Tartaria, no da Sornam , que vulgarmente ſe chama Siam , no da Calaminham, no de Pegu, no de Martavan, e em outros muytos reynos e ſenhorios das partes orientales. (Pilgrimage; in which he relates many ſtrange things which he ſaw and heard in the kingdoms of China, Tartaria, Sornam, vulgarly named Siam , Calaminha, Pegu, Martavan, and in many other kingdoms and lordſhips in the Eaſt. Liſbon, 1614. -- In Spaniſh, by Franciſco de Herrera Maldonado, Madrid, 1627. Valencia, 1645, fol. - Amſterdam , 1653 , 4to. — In German,Ib. 1671 , 4to . — In French, Paris, 1645, 4to . The fabulous nature of the greater part of theſe travels is very generally allowed now, and many inaccuracies have been proved. Hiſtoire de l'Expédition Chrétienne au Royaume de la Chine, entreprinſe par les Pères de la Compagnie de Jéſus, comprinſe en cinq livres, ès quels eſt traité fort exacte ment et fidèlement des mæurs, loix, et coutumes du pays , des commencemens très difficiles de l'Egliſe naiſſante en ce royaume, tirée des mémoires du R. P. Matthieu Ricci, par le R.P.Nicolas Trigault Douyfen : traduits en Français par le Sieur D. T. de Riquebourg Trigault. Lille, 1617 , 4to. The fame, under the title, “ Voyages des PP. Jeſuites en Chine. ” Paris, 1617 , 8vo. This is the moſt ſatisfactory of the accounts hitherto publiſhed by the Jeſuits of China. Father Ricci being well- ſkilled both in the language and in the mathematics, was ordered to make a general geographical map of the world for the Emperor, of which he managed to make China the centre. Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Etat de la Chine, par Louis Legrand. Cologne, 1623, 8vo. Relazione delle coſe piu notabili della China : ſcritta negli anni 1619, 1620, 1621 . (Account of the moſt remarkable Things in China : written in the years 1619, 1621. ) Rome, 1624, 8vo. Jerome d'Angelis, Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſé aux Royaumesde la Chine et du Japon, tirée des Lettres écrites ès années 1019, 102161 : traduite de l'Italien par Pierre Morin. Paris, 1625, 12mo. Avis certain d'une plus ample Découverte de la Chine, et Particularités ſur la Côte de la Cochin - Chine. Paris , 1628 , 12mo. Ordonez de Cavallos , Relaciones verdaderas de los Reynos de la China, Cochin - China, y Camboja. (True Accounts of the Kingdoms of China , Cochin - China, and Cam boya .) Jaen , 1628, 410 . Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſé aux Royaume d'Ethiopie, de Thibet, et de la Chine, ès années 1624, 1625, et 1626, écrite par le PP. Jéſuites. Paris, 1628, 8vo. Lettere dell' Ethiopia dell'anno 1626 fineal Marzo 1627, e della Cina dell'anno 1625 al Febrero 1626 ; con una breve Relatione del Viaggio al Regno del Tunquin. ( Let ters from Ethiopia from 1626 to March 1627, and from China from 1625 to February 1626 ; with a brief Account of a Journey to Tonquin , ſent to Muzio Vitelleſchi, General of the Company of Jeſus.) Rome, 1629, 12mo. Voyage fait par Terre dépuis Paris juſqu'à la Chine, par le Sieur Feynes ; avec ſon Retour par Mer. Paris, 1630, 8vo. , plates. Regni Chinenſis Deſcriptio. Leyden, 1639, 24to. Alvarez Semedo, Relazione della grande Monarchia della China, &c. Rome, 1643, 4to. The Hiſtory of that great and renowned Monarchy of China, wherein the particular provinces are accura: ely deſcribed, as alſo the diſpoſitions, manners, learning, laws, militia, government, and religion of that country, by Fr. Alvarez Samedo, a Portugueſe, of late reſident twenty -two years at the court and other famous cities of the kingdom . Illuſtrated by maps and figures. London , 1655 ; Ib. 1670, fol. Route 150 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Route du Voyage des Hollandais à Pekin . ( In M. Thevenot's Collection , Part III . ) Deſcription géographique de l’Empire de la Chine, par le P. Martin Martinius. ( Ibid. Part III . ) Voyage des Ambaſſadeurs de la Compagnie Hollandaiſe des Indes -Orientales, envoyés l'an 1656 en la Chine : traduit d'un manuſcrit Hollandais. ( Ibid. Part III . ) J. A. Mandelſo, Morgenlændiſche Reiſe- Beſchreibung ; mit Adam Olearius Anmer kungen. (Travels in the Eaſt ; with Remarks by Olearius.) Sleſwick, 1647 ; Ib. 1668, fol. Voyages célèbres et remarquables faits de Perſe aux Indes- Orientales, par le sieur Jean Albert Mandelſo, contenant une deſcription très - curieuſe de l'Indoftan, de l'empire du Grand-Mogol, des îles et preſque-île de l'Orient, des royaumes de Siam, du Japon, de la Chine, &c. mis en ordre par Olearius : traduits par Wicquefort. Amſterdam , 1727 , 2 vol. fol. in 1 ; maps, plans and views. Les Voyages et Miſſions du P. Alexandre de Rhodes, en la Chine et autres Royaumes d'Orient; avec ſon Retour en Europe par la Perſe en l’Armenie. Paris, 1653 ; Ib . 1656 ; Ib . 1682, 4to. Theſe travels include, beſides China, Goa, Salſette, Malacca, Cochin- China, Tonquin , Macaſſar, Perſia, and Armenia. They ſeem once to have been popular, but are now entirely ſuperſeded by others. Jan Nieuhof Geſandſhap der Neederlandiſche Ooſt-Indiſche Compagnie aen den grooten Tartariſchen Cham, den Keyzer von China. (Embaſſy of the Dutch Eaſt India Companyto the great Tartaric Chan, the Emperor of China. ) Amſterdam , 1665, fol. - In French, tranſlated by Jean le Charpentier, Leyden, 1665, fol.,plates. This is of high value both for the text and for the plates, which are well executed. Athanaſii KircheriChina, Monumentis facris et profanis, nec non variis Naturæ et Artis Spectaculis illuſtrata ; cum figuris æneis. Amſterdam , 1667, fol. - Tranſlated into French by Alquié, with a Chineſe and French Dictionary, lb. 1670, fol. Theplates in the Latin copies are ſuperior to thoſe of the French. Struve aſſerts the whole to have been produced by Kircher's imagination , and that he was never in China. Relation ofthe ſecond and third Embaſſies from the Dutch Eaſt- India Company into the Empire of China, by Arnoldus Montanus and John Ogilby. London, 1670, fol. 01. Dapper, Beſchryving den Keyſerryks van Tainſing of Sina. ( Deſcription of the Empire of Tainſing or China.) Amſterdam , 1670, fol. Andenkwærdig bedryf der Neederlands Oſtindiſche Mætſchapy, op de Kuſte en in het Keyzerrik van Tainſing of Sina , behelgende het twede en derde Geſandſchap na het Keyzerrik, beneffens en beſchryving van geheel Sina. (Re markable Negociations of the Dutch Eaſt-India Company on the Coaſt and in the Empire of Tainſing or China , on the occaſion of the ſecond and third embaſſy into that empire ; with a deſcription of all China. ) Amſterdam, 1670, 2 vol . fol.- In German, Ib . 1674, 2 vol. fol. Matth. Cramer, Voyagie van Baltaſar Brotz naer de Kuſte van China en Formoſa. ( Voyage of B. Botz to the Coaſts of China and Formoſa.) Amſterdam , 1670, 8vo . Hiſtoire de la Conquête de la Chine par les Tartares ; contenant pluſieurs choſes remarquables touchant la religion, les meurs, et les coutumes de ces deux nations, et principalement de cette dernière : traduite de l'Eſpagnol par Collé. Paris, 1670, 4to. Relacao do eſtado politico e moral do Imperio da China, pelos annos de 1659 a 1666, & c. (Relation of the political and moral ſtate of the Chineſe Empire from 1659 to 1666, written in Latin by Father Francis Rogemont, of the Company of Jeſus, and tranſlated by a Religious of the ſame company.) Liſbon, 1672, 4to. Navarrete, 10 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 151 Navarrete, Tratado hiſtorico, politico, y moral de la China. (Hiſtorical, political, and moral Picture of China. ) Madrid, 1676, fol., vol. i. This is a work of great ſcarcity and of conſiderable value. The author being ſent to Rome to remonſtratefor the Chineſemiſſionaries againſt their cuſtom ary mode of converſion, they induced the Inquiſition to ſuppreſs the ſecond volume, and to prohibit the third from going to the preſs. Voyage des PP.Grueber etd'Orville à la Chine. (In Thevenot's Collection, Part IV. ) Relation nouvelle de la Chine, contenant la deſcription des parties les plus remarqua bles de cet empire ; compoſé en l'année 1668 par le R. P. Gabriel de Magellans, de la Compagnie de Jeſus, et traduite du Portugais par le Sieur B. Paris, 1688, 4to. Franciſci Eraſmi, Oſt und Weſt Indiſcher und Sineſiſcher Luſt undStaats-garten. (Gar den of Delight, and ſtate of the Eaſt and Weſt Indies, and China. ) Nuremberg, 1688, 3 vol. fol. J. C. Wagner, Mächtiges Keizerthum Sina und die Aſiatiſche Tartarey. (The mighty Empire of China and Afiatic Tartary.) Augſburgh , 1689, fol. George Meiſter, Orientaliſch -Oſtindianiſcher Kunſt und Luſt gærtner, wie auch anmer kungen , was bei des autoris zweimaliger reiſe nach Japan, von Java, küſten Sina, Siam , und rückwärts über Malacca, obſerviret worden. ( Oriental and Eaſt- Indian Gardiner ; with an account of what was obſerved in the author's two voyages to Japan, from Java, the coaſts of China, Siam , and back by Mallacca. ) Dreſden, 1692 ; Leipfic, 1713; Ib. 1730, 4to. Prodigieux Evénemens de notre Temps arrivés àdes Portugais, dans un voyage extrême ment dangereux du Côte de la Chine, par J. B. Maldonde. Mons, 1693 , 12mo. Nouveaux Mémoires ſur l'Etat préſent de la Chine, par le P. Louis Lecomte. Avec figures. Paris, 1696, 2 vol. 12mo. Reprinted with the following work , Ib. 1701 , 1702, 3 vol. 12mo. Hiſtoire de l'Edit de l'Empereur de la Chine enfaveur de la Religion Chrétienne, et un Eclairciſſement ſur les Honneurs que les Chinois rendent à Confucius et aux morts, par le P.Charles Le Gobien, Jeſuite. Paris, 1698 , 12mo. Theſe works are very inſtructive. They were burnt by order of the parlia ment of Paris. De magno Sinarum Imperio, autore Erico Reland. Holmes, 1697, 8vo. Notizie varie dell' Imperio della China, e di qualche altri Paëfi adjacenti ; con la vita de Confucio. ( Various Notices on the Empire of China, and ſome other adjacent Countries ; with the life of Confucius.) Florence, 1697 , 12mo. Adam Brand, Beſchreibung ſeiner groſſen Chineſiſchen Reiſe, welche er anno 1692, 1694, in der ſuite des Herrn Everharrd Ilbrand Ides, von Mofcou über Siberien , Daurien, und durch die Groſſe - Tartarey, bis in China gethan. (Deſcription of his great Chineſe Journey, executed in 1692, 1694, in the ſuite of M. Everhard Il brand Ides, from Moſcow , by Siberia, Dauria, and through Great- Tartary , into China. ) Frankfort, 1697. Berlin , 1712. Lubeck , 1723 ; Ib. 1734. - In French, Amſter dam, 1699, 12mo. Etat préſent de la Chine, par Joachim Bouret. Avec figures. Paris, 1697, fol. Relation d'un Voyage fait à la Chine en 1698, ſur le vaiſſeau l’Amphitrite, par Ghaia. dini. Paris, 1700, 12mo. De Sinienfiuin Ritibus, autore Franciſco Bracati. Paris, 1700, 12mo. Regni Chinenſis Deſcriptio intercalato Bened. Goeſii Itinerario ex India in Sinarum Regnum .) Lyons, 1700, 4to. Lettres de quelques Membres de la Compagnie des Indes, écrites de la Chine et des Indes-Orientales. Paris, 1702 , 12mo. Voyage 152 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Voyage de Van Rechteren aux Indes- Orientales, avec le Voyage de Langes à la Chine. Amſterdam , 1705, 12mo. George J. Unverzagt, Allerneueſte Reiſebeſchreibung der Geſandſchaft von G roſs-Ruff land an den Chineſiſchen Keyſer. (Neweſt Deſcripti on of the Embaſſy from Great Ruſſia to the Emperor of China , in 1719. ) Lubeck, 1721 ; Ib . 1727, 8vo. Journal du Voyage du Sieur Lange, de Moſcou à Pekin , et de ſa Réſidence à la Cour de la Chine, en 1721 et 1722. Leyden, 1726, 12mo. Deſcription géographique, hiſtorique, chronologique, politique, et phyſique de l'Empire da la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoiſe ; enrichie des cartes générales et particulières de ce pays, de la carte générale et particulière du Thibet et de la Corée, et ornée d'un grand nombre de figures et de vignettes, par le P. Du Halde. Paris, 1735, 4 vol. fol. — With ſome additions, Hague, 1736, 4 vol. 4to. This ſtill continues to be the moſt valuable geographical work of the whole of China we poſſeſs. Unfortunately Du Halde's credulity often miſled him . The following work is chiefly founded on his work and that of Lecomte - General Hiſtory of China, Chineſe Tartary, Corea, and Thibet, drawn from the cele brated work of Du Halde, in which are compriſed all the authentic accounts formerly publiſhed by Louis Lecomte. London, 1741, 4 vol. 8vo. J. Ambrozio Mela- Barba, Iſtoria delle Coſe operate in China. ( Hiſtory of the Things that have happened in China. ) Paris, 1739, 4to . Gottfried Leinbeckoven , Reiſebeſchreibung von Wien nach China. ( Travels from Vienna to China. ) Vienna, 1740, 8vo. Routines des Côtes des Indes-Orientales et de la Chine, par d'Apres de Mannevillette. Paris, 1745, 4to. Ifrael Reinius, Anmærkning ſaemlade under en Reſa til China. (Remarks collected during a Journey to China.) Abo, 1749, 8vo. J. H. H. Kurze, Beſchreibung über des Schiffs Cronprinz- Chriſtian glücklich gethane Reiſe nach und von China. (Short Account of the fortunate Voyage to China, and Return of the Ship the Crown -Prince Chriſtian , from 1730-1732 .) Copen hagen and Leipfic, 1750, 8vo. Joh. Peter Reichard, Reiſen nach China. ( Travels to China. ) Onolzbach, 1755, 8vo. Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies in the years 1747 and 1748 ; containing an account of the Iſlands St. Helena, Java, Batavia, China, and particularly of Canton . London, 1762 , 8vo. Deſcription de la Ville de Pékin, par Pingré ; pour ſervir à l'intelligence du plan de cette ville gravé par Delille, 1765, 4to. Mémoires ſur la Chine, par Danville. Paris, 1766, 4to. Mémoires concernant l'Hiſtoire, les Sciences, et les Arts des Chinois, par les Miſ fionaires de Pékin. Paris, 1775 and following years, 15 vol. 4to. This is the moſt valuable production publiſhed by the Jeſuits on China. Traité des Edifices, Meubles, Habits, Machines, etUtenſiles des Chinois, gravés ſur les originaux Deſſinés à la Chine, y compris une Deſcription de leurs Temples et Jardins, par Chambers. Paris, 1776, 4to. Krattcheiſche opiſanie ghorodam docho demi prettſchemu Kitaiſkagho ghoſudarſtwe, & c. Secretaram Leontjewjm . ( Deſcription of the Towns and Inhabitants of the Chineſe Empire, and of all the Empires, Kingdoms, and Countries known to the Chineſe ; extracted from the Chineſe geography, publiſhed in the reign of the Emperor Kian Lung, by the Secretary Leontwjew.) Ruſſian, 1778 , 8vo. A Voyage OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 153 1 A Voyage to China and the Eaſt Indies, by Peter Ofbeck ; with a Voyage to Surate, by Olof Torreen, and Account of the Chineſe Huſbandry, by Captain Ekelberg : tranſ lated from the German , by J. R. Forſter ; with a Fauna and Flora Sinenſis. Lon don, 1777, 2 vol. 8vo. Lange, Tagebuch zweir neuen Reiſen nach Pekin , & c. ( Journal of two new Journeys to Pekin , in 1727 and 1728.) Leipfic, 1781, 8vo. Voyages aux Indes-Orientales et à la Chine, fait par ordre du Roi, depuis 1774 juſqu ’ en 1781, dans lequel on traite des meurs, de la religion, des ſciences, et des arts des Indiens, des Chinois, des Péguans, et des Madecaſſes ; ſuivi d'obſervations ſur le Cap de Bonne-Eſpérance, les Illes de France, les Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines, et les Moluques, et des recherches ſur l'hiſtoire naturelle, par Sonnerat. Paris, 1782, 2 vol 4to ; 140 plates, 2 maps. Supplement au Voyage de M. Sonnerat aux Indes -Orientales et à la Chine, par un ancien Marin . Amſterdam , 1785, 8vo. Deſcription générale de la Chine; contenant, imo, La deſcription géographique des quinze provinces qui compoſent cet empire, celles de la Tartarie, des Îles et autres pays tributaires qui en dependent, la nombre et la fituation de ſes villes , l'état de fa population , les productions variées de ſon fol, et les principaux détails de ſon hiſ toire naturelle : 2do, Un précis des conoiffances le plus récemment parvenues en Europe, ſur le gouvernement, la religion , les meurs et les uſages, les arts et les ſciences des Chinois ; par M. l'Abbé Grozier. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1785, 4t0 ; Ib. 1787, 2 vol. 8vo. A General Deſcription of China : tranſlated from the French of Grozier. London, 1782, 2 vol. Svo. V. ) . Heinze, Beſchreibung von China aus den beſten Reiſebeſchreibungen geſammelt. (Account of China : collected from the beſt Travels .) Leipfic, 1785, 4 vol. 8vo. A Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788, by Thomas Gilbert. London, 1789, 8vo. Beſchreibung von China, in einzelnen Schilderungen der vorzüglichſten Merwürdig keiten desStaats, der Litteratur , Gelehrſamkeit, undKunſt. (Deſcription ofChina, in ſingle Delineations of the chief Curioſities of State , Literature, Learning, and Arts .) Straſburg, 1789, 8vo. Beſchreibung des Chineſiſchen Reichs, ſeiner Einwohner und deren Sitten , Gebrauche, und Religion . ( Deſcription of the Chineſe Empire, its Inhabitants, and their Man ners, Cuſtoms, and Religion .) Weiſſenfels, 1790, 8vo. George Mortimer's Obſervations and Remarks during a Voyage to the Ines of Tene riffe, Amſterdam , Maria's Iſlands near Van Diemen's Land, Otaheite , the Sand wich Iſlands, Owhyhee, the Fox Iſlands, and the north -weſt coaſt of America, Ti. nian, and from thence to Canton , in the Brig Mercury, J. H. Cox Commander. London , 1791 , 4to. William Winterbotham , An hiſtorical, geographical, and philoſophical View of the Empire of China : to which is added, a copious Account of Lord Macartney's Embaſſy: compiled from original communications. London, 1795, 8vo. A Narrative of the Britiſh Embaffy in China, in 1792, 1794 ; containing the various circumſtances of the embaſſy, with an account of the cuſtoms and manners of the Chineſe, by Æneas Anderſon. London, 1795, 8vo . Authentic Account of the Embaſſy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China ; taken chiefly from the papers of Lord Macartney, Sir Eraſmus Gower, and VOL. XVII . х 1 54 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS and other gentlemen in the ſeveral departments of the embaſſy, by Sir George Staun ton , ſecretary of the embaſſy, and miniſter -plenipotentiary in the abſence ofthe am baffador. London, 1797 , 2 vol. 4to, and atlas fol. This work, with that of Mr. Barrow, who attended the ſame embaſſy, may be conſidered as exhibiting the moſt complete account of the country extant. Voyage de la Compagnie des Indes- Orientales Hollandaiſe vers l'Empereur de la Chine, dans les années 1794 et 1725 , où ſe trouve la deſcription de pluſieurs parties de la Chine inconnues aux Européens, et que cette ambaffade a donné occaſion de tra verſer : le tout tiré du journal d'André-Everard VanBraam -Houckgeſt, ſecond dans cette ambaſſade : orné de cartes et de gravures. Publié in Français par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry. Philadelphia, 1797, vol. i . 4to ; Ib. 2 vol. 8vo . It is to be regretted that this very valuable work has not been continued. Voyage à Canton, Capitale de la Province de ce nom à la Chine, par Gorée, le Cap de Bonne-Eſperance, et les Iles de France et de la Réunion ; ſuivi d'Obſervations ſur le Voyage à la Chine de Mackartney et Van Braam , et d'une Eſquiſſe des Indiens et des Chinois, par le Citoyen Charpentier de Coligny. Paris, 1799, 8vo. Voyage à la Chine et en Tartarie, par J. C.Hüttner : traduit de l'Allemand. Paris, 1800, 18mo. Travels in China and in Tartary, in the ſuite of Lord Mackartney, by Holmes. Lon don , 2 vol. 8vo. Travels in China ; containing deſcriptions, obſervations, and compariſons made and collected in the courſe of a ſhort viſit at the imperial palace of Yuen-Min - Yuen , and aſublequent journey through the country from Peking to Canton, &c. ; by John Barrow , late private ſecretary of the Earl of Mackartney. Illuſtrated with ſeveral engravings. London, 1804, 4to. De Guignes, Voyages à Péking, Manille, et l'Ile de France, faits dans l'intervalle de 1784 à 1801. Paris, 1808, 3 vol. 8vo. , with a fol. atlas. -In Engliſh , London, 1809, 4to . Sainte- Croix, Voyage commercial et politique aux Indes-Orientales, aux Iſles Philippines, à la Chine, en 1803, 1807. Paris, 1810, 3 vol. 8vo. [ See the travels of De Veer, Schemerling ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERGEN. -— Olearius Benjowſky, Avril, Neuville ; Sect. Russia. —Bell; Sect. Europe and Asia. - Marco Polo, Oderico ; Sect. SYRIA and EGYPT. ] II. Travels in other parts of the Chineſe Empire. ISLE OF FORMOSA . I 2mo. A Deſcription of the Iſle of Formoſa, by Gaſpard Pſalmanazar. London, 1704, This, though known and acknowledged to have been an impoſition, is quoted inthe Bibliothèque des Voyages as an actual deſcription of the country. [See the voyage of Cramer ; Sect. China.] KOREA. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 155 KOREA . Henri Hamel, Journal van de ongelukige Voyagie von t'Jacht de Sperwer, gedestineert na Fayovan in t' jaar 1653 ; hoc t’ſelve Jacht, op t Quilpaarts Eyland is geſtrant : als mede een pertinente beſchryvinge der Landen, Provintien, Steten, ende Forten leggende in t'Coningryk Corée. ( Journal of the unhappy Voyage of the Yacht, The Hawk, deſtined in 1653 to Fayovan ; how the ſame yacht was ſtranded on the Ine of Qualpaart: with a pertinent deſcription of the countries, provinces, towns, and forts ſituated in the Kingdom of Corea.) Rotterdam, 1668 , 4to. —In French, Paris, 1670, 12mo. Nachrichten von der Halbinſel Corea in Aſien . (Notices relative to the Peninſula of . Corea in Aſia .) In the Knowledge of Literature and the People, a German Journal, 1786, No. X. CHINESE TARTARY. Relation d'un Voyage de l'Empereur de la Chine, en 1682 et 1683, dans la Tar. tarie, par le P. Verbieſt. Paris, 1683, 12mo. Alſo in the Recueil des Voyages du Nord . [ See the travels in Independent- Tartary ; alſo thoſe of Pallas ; Sect. SIBERIA . -Hif toire de la Conquête de Chine, Du Halde, Grozier, Anderſon , Staunton , Hüttner ; Sect. China .] THIBET. Antonio de Andrada, Nuovo Deſcubrimento do Grao -Catayo, ou dos Reynos de Tibet. (New Diſcovery of Great- Cathay, or of the Kingdoms of Tibet.) Liſbon , 1626, 4to. -In French, Paris, 1628 , 8vo. — In Spaniſh , Madrid , 1628 ; Ib. 1645, 4to. In Italian , Rome, 1627. Naples, 1627, 8vo. —In Flemiſh, Ghent, 1631, 8vo . Andrada, as well as his French tranſlator, confounded Cathay, or China, with Thibet. The Spaniſh copy has only Thibet in the title-page. Theodori Ray, Deſcriptio Regni Thibet. Paderborn, 1658 , 4to. Horacio della Ponna, Relazione delloſtato preſente del granRegno de Thibet. ( Account of the preſent ſtate ofthe great Kingdomof Thibet.) Rome, 1752, 8vo. Reife eines Englænders im Gefolg des Dalaï-Lama. (Journey of anEngliſhman in the ſuite of the Dalaï-Lama. ) In the Minerva, 1792, No. XII. Relazione del principio e ſtato preſente della Miſſione del vaſto Regno del Thibet, e altri Regni confinanti. ( Account of the beginning and preſent ſtate of the Miſſion to the valt Kingdom of Thibet, and other neighbouring Kingdoms.) Rome, 1742 , 4to . Hakman, Nachrichten betreffend die Erdbeſchreibung , Geſchichte, und natürliche Beſchaffenheit von Thibet. (Notices relative to the Geography, Hiſtory, and natural Condition of Thibet. ) In Pallas's Memoirs of the North , vol. iv. Saunders, Reiſe in Thibet, & c. ( Travels in Thibet, with Remarks by J. R. Forſter .) In Fabri's Collection of Travels and Geography, vol. i . Account of Thibet, by Father Giorgi. ( In Italian .) Rome, 1762. Voyages au Thibet, faits en 1625 et 1626, par le P. Andrada : traduits par J. P.Perraud et J. B. L. Billecocq. -Relation du Thibet, contenant l'expoſition des meurs, des coutumes, X 2 156 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS coutumes, de la religion, du commerce des habitans, extraite des papiers de M. Bogle, par M.Stevant, et inſerée dans les Tranſactions Philoſophiques, No. 67, et Parti II. : traduitede l'Anglais, par J. P.Perraud. -- Extrait du voyage de M.Bogle, au Boutan et au Thibet, inſéré dans un ouvrageAnglais intitulé ,“ Ellai ſur l'Hiſtoire, la Religion, les Sciences, et les Maurs des Hindoux, & c . avec un abrégé de l'état actuel des puiſſances de l'Inde, par M. Crawfurd, ” et traduit par J. B. L. Billecocq. -- Relation de l'entrevue de M. Turner avec le Tachou -Lama, ſuivie d'un voyage au Thibet en 1785, rédigé d'après le récit de Pourungui, par M. Turner, inféré dans les Recherches Aſiatiques; traduit par J. P. Perraud. —Voyage au Thibet, rédigé d'apres le récit de Pourungui par M. Turner, où l'on trouve la deſcription de l'inauguration du Lama. Paris, 1796, 18mo. An Account of an Embaſſy to the Court of the Lama in Thibet ; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan and part of Thibet, by Samuel Turner : to which are added, Views taken on the place, by Samuel Davis, Lieut. ; and Obſervations bota nical, mineralogical, and medical, by R. Saunders. London , 1800, 4to. This is, without compariſon, the moſt valuable work that has yet appeared on Thibet ; but it is to be regretted that the author could not advance further into the country. [See the notices on this country, by the Fathers Gerbillon, Defidery, and others, in the Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuſes. -See the work of Du Halde, and L'Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſé en 1624, &c.; Sect. CHINA. ] JAPAN. [ See the travels of J. Mahan and Sir W. Sarris, in Purchas's Collection. In the Grand Routtier de Mer, occur, 1. The voyage of Liampon to China and Japan , with a deſcription of the coaſts of Bungo, Macao, Cecay, and the iſle of Tora . 2. The voyage of Lampaçon to China, Japan , and the iſle of Ferando. 3. Another, by a Portugueſe pilot, from Macao to Japan, and in the province of Bungo. 4. Another from Macao, along the coaſts of China, tothe iſle of Firando and the port of Umbra in Japan . 5. The voyage from Macao to Japan, the iſle of Cabexama, and the port of Langueſaque or Nangaſaki. 6. The voyage of Francis Paës, Portugueſe, from Macao to Japan , in 1584. 7. Directions for diſcovering Meaxume, and entering the harbour of Nangaſaki. 8. Several voyages from Nangafaki to Macao, in 1584, 1585, and 1586. Finally, a voyage from Firando to Macao .] CARTAS que los Padres y Hermanos de la Compañia de Jeſus, que anden en los Reynos de Japon , eſcrivieron a los de la miſma Compañia: en los quales ſe da notizia de los varios coſtumbres y idolatria de aquella gentilidad , y menta del principio y ſuceſo y bondad de los Chriſtianos de aquellas partes. (Letters written by the Fathers and Friars of the Company of Jeſus who travel in the Kingdoms of Japan, to thoſe of the ſame Company ; in which an account is given of the various cuſtoms and idola tries of thoſe pagans; and a notice of the beginning, ſucceſs, and goodneſs of the Chriſtians in thoſe parts. ) Alcala , 1575, 8vo. Lettere del Giapone dell'anno 1577, ſcritte dalli Padri della Compagnia de Jeſu. ( Letters from Japan , written by the Fathers of the Company of Jeſus.) Naples, 1580, 8vo. Francis OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 157 Francis Gualle , Voyage to Acapulco , thePhilippines, Macao, and the Iles of Japan, in 1582, 1584. ( In Hackluyt's Collection .) Hiſtoriſche Beſchreibung was in Japan , 1577, 1579, und 1580, vorgefallen iſt. (Hiſ torical Account of what happened in Japan, in 1577 , 1579, and 1580.) Dillingen , 1585, 8vo. GaſparCælius, DieGenaueſte Beſchreibung der berühmten Inſel Japon. ( The moſt exact Account of the celebrated Iſle of Japan. ) Ib . 1586, 8vo. Reinhard Cyfatus, Wahre Beſchreibung der Entdeckung der Inſeln des Königreichs Japan. ( True Account of the Diſcovery of the Iles of the Kingdom of Japan .) Freiburgh, 1586, 8vo. Brevis Japoniæ Inſulæ Deſcriptio, et Rerum quarundam a Patribus Societatis Jeſu geſta rum fuccincta Narratio. Cologne , 1586 , 8vo. Ludovici Froez de Rebus Japonicis hiſtorica Relatio. Rome, 1582. Mentz, 1599, 8vo. - In French , Lyons, 1601, 8vo. Relation aus Japan, was ſich darinnen, 1606, denkwürdiges zugetragen. (Account of what happened of conſequence in 1606 in Japan .) Augſburgh, 1611, 4to. Nouvelle Hiſtoire du Japon, diviſée en cinq livres : traduite de l'Eſpagnol de Louis P.Gueyra. Paris, 1618 , 4to. Bernardi Varenii Deſcriptio Regni Japoniæ. Amſterdam , 1629, 8vo. Deſcription de la Terrede Jeffe, ou d' Ejo, au nord du Japon par le vaiſſeau Caſtricom en 1643 : traduite du Hollandais par M. Thevenot. ( In his Collection , Part I. , and in Le Recueil des Voyages au Nord, vol. iv.) Beſchryving van het Konikryke van Japon, beſtaende in verſcheydene vragen beantwort in den jare 1636, & c. (Deſcription of the Kingdom of Japan, conſiſting in queſtions by Philip Lucas, anſwered by Francis Caron, in the year 1636.) Hague, 4to. Relation de l'Empire du Japon , compriſe dans les Réponſes que François Caron, Préſi dent de la Compagnie Hollandaiſe en ces Pays, fait au Sieur P. Lucas, Directeur général des Affaires de la même Compagnie des Indes-Orientales; revue et aug. mentée par l'Auteur, et purgée des fauſſes remarques et additions que Henri Haguenair y avoit inſérée, tellement qu'elle eſt maintenant en toutes ſes parties con forme à l'original.-Tranſlated by M. Thevenot, and inſerted in his Collection, as well as in the Voyages au Nord, vol. iv. -Printed ſeparately, Amſterdam , 1715, 8vo. Relation des Miſſions de Jeſuites au Japon, au Malabar, en l'Ile de Ceylan , et en d'au tres lieux compris ſous le nom de Provinces du Japon et de Malabar de laCompagnie des Indes, par Cardini et Baretti : traduites du Portugais de l'un, et del' Italien de l'autre, par J. Machault. Paris, 1646, 8vo. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé dans les Indes- Orientales, en ſes trois Provinces de Goa, de Malabar, et du Japon, et autres pays découverts par les PP. de la Compagnie de Jéſus, par le P. Machault. Paris, 1651 , 12mo. Deſcription of Japan, by Marof. ( In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1665, fol. Arnold Montanus, Beſchryving de Gefantſchapen der Ooſt-Indiſchen maatſchapye aan de Keyſeren van Japon. ( Account of the Ambaffy of the Eaſt - India Company to the Emperor of Japan .) Amſterdam , 1669, fol. - The fame, tranſlated into Engliſh by John Ogilby, London, 1670. —In French, Amſterdam , 1680, fol. A mere compilation from the accounts of the Jeſuits. The deſigns are the creatures of the artiſt's imagination. The Hiſtory of Japon ; containing an account of the ancientand preſent ſtate and go vernment of that Empire ; together with a deſcription of the Kingdom of Siam : written 158 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS written in High- Dutch by Engelburtus Kæmpfer, and tranſlated from his original manuſcript by J. G. Scheuchzer. London, 1728 , 2 vol . fol. This continues to the preſent day the beſt account of Japan. Hiſtoire du Japon ; où l'on trouve tout ce qu'on peut apprendre de la nature et des pro ductions du pays, du caractère et des coutumes deſes habitans, du gouvernement et du commerce, des révolutions arrivées dans l'empire et la religion , et l'examen de tous les auteurs qui ont écrit ſur le même ſujet, par le P.Charlevoix, Jéſuite. Paris, 1736, 3 vol. 4to., plates, maps ; Ib. 1736, 6 vol. 12mo.; Ib., revue, corrigée, aug mentée, et mis dans un meilleur ordre, 1754, 6 vol. 12mo. Iwana God. Reichel, Kratkaja Iſtorija o Japonſkom ghoſuderſtwie iz deſtowiern üch ifwieſty ſobrannaja. ( Hiſtory of the Japaneſe Empire.) Moſcow, 1723, 8vo. Obſervations critiques et philoſophiques ſur le Japon, et les Japonais. Amſterdam , 1780, 8vo. K.P. Thunberg, Tal om Japanſka Nationen , hallet fær K. Vet. Acad. (Memoir on the Japaneſe Nation, read in the Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. ) Stockholm , 1784, 8vo. Reifa uti Europa, Aſia, Africa, forræettad i aaren 1770 à 1779.- ( Travels in Europe, Aſia, and Africa, from 1770-1779. ) Upſala, 1788, 1793 , 4 vol. 8vo. - In Engliſh , London , 1794, 4 vol. 8vo. — In French, corrected by Langles and Lamarck, Paris, 1796, 2 vol. 4to .; Ib . 1796, 4 vol . 8vo. Japan is the chief object of theſe travels, particularly its natural hiſtory, Von den Liſquios Inſeln . (On the Liſquios Illes .) In Fabri's Geographical Lectures, vol. iv. A Voyage of Diſcovery to the North Pacific Ocean ; in which the coaſt of Afia from lat. 35 N. to lat . 52N., the iſland of Inſu (commonly known under the name of the iſlandof Jeffo ), the N., S., and E. coaſts of Japan , the Lieuchieux and the adjacent iſles, as well as the coaſt of Corea, have been examined and ſurveyed in His Ma jeſty's floop Providence, in the years 1795, 1796 , 1797, 1798 , byWilliam Broughton. London, 1804, 4to . [See the travels of Struys ; Sect. Russia. —Gualtieri, Faxicuri; Sect. Pope's Domi NIONS. Stranſſens ; Sect. Syria and PALESTINE. —Avviſi del Giapone, Avertiſſe mens des Royaumes de Chine et Giapon, Lettere del Giapone, Guzman , Ribadeneyra, Mandelflo , Meiſter ; Sect. China. —Benjowſky ; Sect. Asiatic Russia. ] THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. WILLIAM METHOLD, 'Treatiſe on the Gulf of Bengole, as alſo Golconde, Aracan , Pegu, Tancaffery. (In Purchas'sPilgrims.) Gaſparo Balbi, Giovellieri Venetiano, Viaggio dell'Indie -Orientali, nel quale ſi contiene quanto egli in detto Viaggio ha veduto per lo ſpatio di IX anni conſumato in eſſo del 1579 fin ' ad 1588 : con la relazione di dazzü, peſi e meſure di tutti le città : con ſuo viaggio, e del governo del re del Pegu , e della guerra fatta da lui con altri re d'Anna ede Sion, con tavola delle coſe piu notabili (Travels of G. Balbi, Jeweller of Venice, in the Eaſt- Indies, containing whatever he has feen during the nine years he employed from 1579 to 1588 ; with an account of the tolls , weights, and meaſures uſed in all the towns : together with a journey into Pegu, on the governº I 2 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 159 government of that King, and on his wars with the other Kings of Anna and Sion (Silon ); with a table of the moſt remarkable objects .) Venice, 1590 , 8vo. Balbi proceeded to Aleppo, Babylonia, Ormuz, Diu , Goa, and finally to Pegu, of which he gave the firſt account of any extent. Anna and Sion are Ava and Siam . B. de D. , Beſchryving van verſchieden Ooſt-Indiſche geveſten enmachtige land-Schapen , en inzonderheit van Golconde en Pegu. ( Deſcription of ſeveral mighty Countries in the Eaſt-Indies, particularly Golconda and Pegu. ) Rotterdam , 1677, 4to . Iſtoria naturale e politica del Regno del Gran -Mogol, dell' India, di Pegu, Aracan , e Ceylan. (Natural and political Hiſtory of the Kingdom of the Great-Mogul, of India, Pegu, Aracan , and Ceylon .) Venice, 1738 , 8vo. Nachricht von den Einwohnern des Königreichs Pegu in Indien . ( Accounts of the Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Pegu in India.) In the Magazine of the Lower- Elbe, 1788 , No. 1 . Deſcription de Pégu et de l'Ile Ceylon ; renfermant des détails exacts et neufs ſur le climat, le productions, le commerce, le gouvernement, les moeurs et uſages de ces contrées, par W. Hunter, Jean Chriſtophe Loſef, et Eſchelſkroon : traduit de l'Anglais et de l'Allemand. Paris, 1793, 8vo. The information of Hunter reſpecting the Birman empire was the beſt till the appearance of the following valuable work — An Accountof an Embaſſy to the Kingdom of Avia, ſent by the Governor-general of India, in the year 1795, by Major Samuel Symes. London, 1800, 4to . This is the only ſatisfactory account of the country we poſſeſs. [ See the travels of Pinto, and Sonnerat ; Sect. China. ] SIAM . JOOST SCHUTTEN , Relation du Royaume de Siam ( en 1634) : traduite du Hol landais, par M. Thevenot. (In his Collection, Part I. ) Relation hiſtorique du Royaume de Siam , par Deliſle. Paris, 1684, 12mo. Relation de l’Ambaſſade du Chevalier de Chaumont à la Cour de Siam. Avec figures. Paris, 1687, 12mo. Journal du Voyage de l'Abbé de Choiſy à Siam . Paris, 1687, 4to.; Ib. 1741 , 12mo, Premier Voyage de Siam des PP. Jéluites, envoyés par le Roi aux Indes et à la Chine, avec leurs obſervations aſtronomiques, et leurs remarques de phyſique, de géographie, d'hydrographie, et d'hiſtoire ( rédigé par le P. Tachard.) -Second Voyage du P.Tachardet desJéſuites, envoyés par le Roi au RoyaumedeSiam ; contenant diverſes remarques d'hiſtoire, de phyſique, de géographie, et d'aſtronomie. Avec figures. Paris, 1686 et 1689, 2 vol. 12mo. -With plates, Amſterdam , 1689 ; Ib. 1700, 2 vol. 12mo. This is a pretty accurate work as to geography, but disfigured with the author's credulity. Hiſtoire de la Revolution de Siam , arrivée en l'année 1688 , et de l'Etat préſent des Indes, par le P. Marcel Leblanc, de la Compagnie de Jéſus. Lyons, 1692, 2 vol. 16mo. Relation of ſeveral Voyages of the Eaſt- India Company of the United Provinces to Siam , and other places. With plates. ( In Dutch.) Leyden and Amiterdam , 1692, 1703, 1735, 1761 , 4 vol. 4to. Jerem . 160 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Jerem . Van Vliet, Beſchryving van de Konikryk Siam , &c. (Deſcription of the King dom of Siam ; containing the hiſtory of the origin, political, eccleſiaſtical, and civil government, and the commerce of that kingdom .) Leyden, 1692, 4to. Deſcription du Royaume de Siam, par M. de la Loubere, Envoyé extraordinaire du Roiauprès du Roi de Siam, oùl'on voit quelles ſont les opinions, les meurs, et la religion des Siamois ; avec pluſieurs remarques de phyſique touchant les plantes et les animaux du pays. Amſterdam , 1714, 2 vol. 12mo., plates. Conſidering that the author reſided only three months in the country, he made good uſe of his time. Hiſtoire civile et naturelle du Royaume de Siam , et des Révolutions qui ont bouleverſé cet Empire juſqu'en 1770, publiée par M. Turpin, ſur les manuſcrits qui lui ont été communiqués par M. l'Evêque de Tavolca, Vicare-apoſtolique de Siam, et d'autres miſſionaires de ce royaume. Paris, 1771, 2 vol. 12mo . Bemerkungen über Siam . (Remarks on Siam . ) In the Knowledge of Literature, 1786, No. XII. [See the travels of Clénard ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia . — Bourges ; SYRIA and PALES TINE . - Ribadeneyra, Mandello, Rhodes, Meiſter ; Sect. CHINA. - Kæmpfer; Sect. JAPAN . ] MALACCA, AND THE ISLES ADJACENT: A DESCRIPTION of Prince of Wales's Illand in the Straits of Malacca, conſidered principally as a maritime eſtabliſhment, by Sir Home Popham . London, 1806, 8vo. Letters on the Nicobar Hands, their natural Productions, and the Manners of the Natives : addreſſed by the Rev. J. C. Hænſel to the Rev. C. J. Latrobe. London, 1812, 8vo. [ See the travels of Ribadeneyra, Meiſter, Sonnerat; Sect. CHINA. - Thunberg ; Sect. JAPAN . ] COCHIN-CHINA AND CAMBODIA. FREY GABRIEL DE S. ANTONIO , Breve e verdadera Relacion de los Suceſos del Reyno de Camboya. (Short and true Account of the Succeffes obtained in the Kingdom of Camboxa.) Valladolid, 1604, 4to. Relation of an Engliſhman ſhipwrecked on the coaſt of Camboya. London, 1612, 4to. Relation des Miſſions et des Voyages des Evêques Français envoyés aux Royaumes de Siam, de la Cochin- Chine, de Camboye, et de Tunkin, par François Palla. Paris, 1669, 8vo . - Suite, Ib . 1674, 8vo .-- Autre Suite, Ib . 1680, 8vo. P. Chriſtoforo Borri, Relazione della nuova Miſſione de'Padri della Compagnia de Jeſu nel Regno di Cocin- Cina. ( Account of the new Jeſuit Miſſion in Cochin -China.) Rome, 1631, 8vo.-- In French, Rennes, 1631 , 8vo. Chriſtoph. Borri's Cochin - China ; containing many admirable rarities, and figularities of thatcountry: extracted from an Italian relation , by R. Aſtley. London, 1634, 8vo. Valerii, Biſchoffen zu Minden und Coadjutoren des Vicariatus apoſtolici, in Cochin China kurze Reiſebeſchreibung. (Short Account of the Travels of Valerius, Biſhop of Minden , and Coadjutor of the apoſtolical Vicariat, in Cochin -China .) Minden , 1736, 8vo. A Voyage to Cochin - China, in the years 1792 and 1793 ; containing a general view of the valuable productions and political importance of this flouriſhing kingdom , and alſo of ſuch European ſettlements as were viſited on the voyage, & c . to which is annexed 1 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 161 annexed , an account of a journey made in 1801 and 1802, to the reſidence of the chief of the Boesjeſmans nation in Southern Africa, by J. Barrow . London, 1806, 8vo. plates. This includes an account of Madeira, Teneriff, Rio-Janeiro , and Batavia. [ See the travels of Ribadineyra, Avis d'une Découverte, Cavallos, Rhodes, Staunton ; Şect. CHINA. ] TUNQUIN AND LAOS. RELATION du Voyage du P. Tilemareau Royaume de Tunkin, et ce qui s'eſt paſſé de plus mémorable en fa Miſſion. Paris, 1666, 8vo. P. Alex. de Rhodes, Tunkinenſis Hiſtoriæ Lib. II .; quorumaltero ftatus temporalis hujus regni, altero mirabilis evangelicæ prædicationis progreffus referuntur, ab anno 1627 ad 1646. 470. - In French, by Henri Alb. Lyons, 1652, 4to . Relation nouvelle et curieuſe du Royaume de Tunquin et de Laos ; contenant une de cription exacte de leur origine, grandeur, et étendue ; de leurs richeffes et de leurs forces; de la fertilité de ces contrées, des rivières quiles arroſent de tous côtés, &c. enſemble la magnificence de la cour du Tunquin, et des ceremonies qu'on obſerve à leurs enterremens: traduite de l'Italien du P. de Marini, Romain , par F. Lecomte. Paris, 1666, 4to . Hiſtoire naturelle et civile du Tunkin , par l'Abbé Richard . Paris, 1788, 2 vol. 12mo. [See Lettere dell' Ethiopia, &c. and the Travels ofRhodes; Sect. CHINA.Palla ; Sect. COCHIN -CHINA. ] HINDOSTAN. I. Hindoftan, including Travels and Voyages to the Eaſt - Indies in general. VOYAGE de la Perſe aux Indes, par AbdoulRizacg, Ambaſſadeur d'un des quatre Fils de Timur, en 1442, et dans les années ſuivantes : extrait et traduit d'un manuſcrit de la Bibliothèque Impériale. ( In M. Langles' Collection portative de Voyages. ) Fernam Lopez de Caftanheda, Hiſtoria do Deſcobrimento e Conquiſta da India porlos Portugueſes. (Hiſtory of the Diſcovery and Conqueſt of India by thePortugueſe.) Coimbra, 1552, 1553, 1554, 8 vol. fol. - The whole tranſlated into Italian by Al phonſo Ulloa, Venice, 1578, 2 vol. 4to . Partly in French , Antwerp, 1554 ; and the firſt part, Paris, 1553, 4to . Routier pour la Navigation des Indes -Orientales; avec la deſcription des îles, barres, entrées des ports, baffes ou barres, dont la connoiffance eſt neceffaire aux pilotes, par Alexio da Motta, qui a navigué dans ces mers l'eſpace de trente-cinq ans, en qualité de pilote-major des caraques de Portugal : traduit d'un manuſcrit Portugais par Melchiſedech Thévenot. (In his Collection, Part II. ) As Decadas III. de Afia, de Joam de Barros, em que fe tratam os Feitos dos Portugueſes noDeſcobrimentoe Conquiſta das Mares e Terras deOriente . ( The three Decades of Aſia, of Joam de Barros, in which the Deedsof the Portugueſe in the Diſcovery and Conqueſt of the Seas and Land of the Eaſt are treated of.) Liſbon , 1552 , 1553, 1563, 3 vol. fol. VOL . XVII . Y Decada 162 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Decada IV ., by Diego de Couto. Ibid . 1602, fol.-- Decada V., by the ſame, Ib. 1612. - Decadas VI. and VII., by the fame; Ib . 1614, 1616, fol. - Decadas VIII., IX. and X., by the fame; Ib . 1673, fol.--Decada XI. , by the ſame; MS. fol. Cinco Libros da Decada XII. ( Five Books of the 12th Decade.) By the ſame; Paris, 1645, fol. Decada XIII . ( Thirteenth Decade, by Antonio Bocarro.) MS. fol. The three firſt decades of Barros were reprinted at Liſbon in 1628, and again with thoſe of Couto, Liſbon, 1736, 3 vol. fol.; and again from 1778-1788, in 24 vol. Joſeph Acoſta, Hiſtoria natural y moral de las Indias ; en que ſe traten las coſas notabiles del cielo, y elementos, y ceremonias, leyes y govierno, y guerra de las Indias. (Natural and moral Hiſtory of the Indies; in which are treated the remarkable things relative to climate, the elements, the ceremonies, laws, government, and wars of the Indies.) Sevilla, 1590. Barcelona, 1591. Madrid , 1608 ; Ib. 1610, 450. In Italian , Venice, 1596, 4to .-- In Dutch , 1598 , 8vo. -In German, 1599, 8vo. In French , Paris, 1600, 8vo. The Hiſtory of the Travels in the Eaſt and Weſt Indies, made by Richard Eden ; newly put in order, augmented, and finiſhed by Richard Willis. London , 1557 ; Ib 1577 , 4to . Wahre Geſchichte, &c. ( True Hiſtory of the Diſcovery of Calicut, and other King doms and Countries of India : tranſlated from the French .) 1565, 4to. De Rebus, Emanuelis Lufitaniæ Regis Virtute et Aufpiciis, geſtis , à Hieronymo Oforio. Liſbon, 1575 , fol. - In French , with the continuation of Lopez de Caſtagna, and others, tranſlated by Simon Goulard. Paris, 1581 , 410.; Ib. 1587, fol. Commentarii del grande Alonſo d'Albuquerque, & c. (Commentaries of the great A. de Albuquerque ( concerning his Expeditions in India ): collected from his own letters to King Don Manuel. Liſbon , 1557 ; Ib . 1576, fol.; Ib ., in 4 parts, 1774. 8vo. Merveilles des Indes, par Guillaume Poſtel. Paris, 1583, 16mo. Odoardo Barboſa, Dell' Indie-Orientali. (On the Eaſt-Indies.) Venice, 1588, fol. Pigafetta Deſcriptio Indiæ - Orientalis. Frankfort, 1588, fol. Ludovici Barthema Itinerarium in Indiam -Orientalem . Venice, 1589 ; Nuremberg, 1610, 12mo. Joſephi Petri Maffei Hiſtoriarum Indicarum Libri XVI ſelectarum , item ex Indiâ Epiſtolarum Libri IV . Cologne, 1589, fol. Lyons, 1637, 8vo. - In Italian , by Serdo nati, Florence, 1589. Bergamo, 1749, 2 vol. 4to. - In French , Paris, 1665, 4to . This work is far more valuablefor ſtyle than matter , as it abounds with wonders and abſurdities. Cornelius Houtmann, De erſte Schep -vaert gedaen van de Hollanders naar Ooſt- Indien . ( The firſt Voyage of the Dutch to the Eaſt-Indies.) Amſterdam , 1598, 410 . S. M.A.W., Hiſtorie van Indien , vaerinn verthclt is de Aventuris die de Hollandiſche ſchepen begegnet zun. ( Hiſtory of India, in which the Adventures which happened to the firſt Dutch Ships are related .) Amſterdam, 1598, 2 vol . fol. Journal of the Voyage of the Dutch Veſſels to the Eaſt- Indies. (In Dutch. ) Middle burgh, 1598, 4tc . Diarium nauticum Itineris Bataviorum in Indiam Orientalem . 1598, oblong 4to. Journal d'un Voyage de l'Inde.Orientalem par les Hollandais : traduit du Hollandais. Paris, 1598, oblong 4to. Navigatioet Itinerariumin Orientalem Indiam, et Deſcriptio totius Guineæ Tractus, Congo, Angolæ , et Monomotapæ , Inſularumque S. Thomæ, S. Helena , Aſcenſionis, nec non OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 163 rique du 1609, fol. non Inſulæ Madagaſcar, Situſque Terræ -Firmæ a Bonæ-Spei Promontorio, ufque ad Mare Rubrum , autore Joanne Linſchot. Hague, 1599. Amſterdam , 1614, fol. — In Dutch, Frankfort, 1601. Amſterdam , 1614 ; 16. 1618 ; Ib. 1623; Ib. 1644, fol. - In French, Amſterdam , 1610 ; Ib. 1614 ; Ib . 1638, fol. — In Engliſh, London, fol. Premier Livre de l'Hiſtoire de la Navigation aux Indes -Orientales par les Hollandais, et des Choſes à eux advenues ; enſemble les conditions, les meurs, et manières de vivre des nations par eux abordées ; davantage les decouvremens, et apparences, ſituations, etcôtes maritimes des contrées, avec levrai portrait au vif des habitans ; le tout par pluſieurs figures illuſtré ; par G.W.A.W.W.Amſterdam , 1538 , fol. Le Second Livre, Journal ou Comptoir ; contenant le vrai diſcours et navigation hiſto voyage fait par les huit navires d'Amſterdam , au mois de Mars l'an 1598, ſous la conduite de l'Admiral Jacques Cornille Nec, et du Vice-admiral Wilbrant de Warwic : de leur voyage, et choſes plus mémorables à ceux audit voyage ſurvenues, de leur riche charge et ſainte retour; avec beaucoup de lames d’airain . Amfterdam , Relatio de Rebus in Indiâ - Orientali à Patribus Societatis Jeſu 1598 et 1599 pera & tis. Mentz , 1601 , 8vo. Deſcription du premier Voyagefait aux Indes-Orientales;contenant les meurs, les loix, façon de vivre, religion et habits des Indiens, une deſcription des animaux, épiceries, drogues aromatiques, et fruits qui ſe trouvent aux Indes; et un traité du ſcorbut, qui eſt une maladie étrange qui ſurvint à ceux qui voyagent dans ces contrées, par Devitre. Paris, 1604, 12mo. Hiſtoire univerſelle des Indes-Orientales, par Corneille Witfliet, et Hiſtoire univerſelle des Indes- Orientales, par Ant. M *** ; diviſées en deux livres. Douai, 1605 ; Ib . Hiſtoire des Voyages et Choſes plus mémorables, tant en Indes-Orientales qu'autres Pays ; des Découvertes des Portugais depuis qu'ils ſont entrés juſqu'en l'an 1600, par Dujarric. Bordeaux, 1607, 4to. Cornelii Devena Navigatio in Indiam -Orientalem , Frankfort, 1607, 8vo. Fernando Ribeira , Relaciam Annal da India -Oriental. ( Annals of the Eaſt-Indies.) Liſbon , 1607, 4to. Gafparo Bernardo de San Ildefonſo, Itinerario di India per terra . (Itinerary to India by land in 1605.) Liſbon , 1811. Newpart, Chriſtliche Oſtindianiſche Reiſe -Beſchreibung. (Chriſtian Travels to the Eaſt.) 1613 , Voyage de François Pyrard de Laval ; contenant ſa navigation aux Indes- Orientales, aux Maldives, Molucques, au Bréſil, & c.; avec la deſcription des pays, meurs, façons de faire, police, et gouvernement; du trafic et commerce qui s'y fait, des animaux, arbres, fruits, et autres fingularités ; diviſé en deux parties , avec un petit diction naire de la langue des Maldives. Paris, 1613, 2 vol. 8vo. ; 3d. edit., Ib . 1619. 2 vol. 8vo . ; Ib . 1679,-4to . The laſt edition is moſt eſteemed. Of the ancient travellers in India, Pyrard, who ſet out in 1600, and returned in 1611 , is one of the moſt accurate and intelligent. deſcriptions are conciſe and neat, and his accuracy has not been impeached. The account he gives of the Maldives continues the beſt we have, and that of Bengal, Cochin , Travancore, and Calicut are of great value ; his remarks on Ceylon , the Iſles of Sunda and the Moluccas, are more rapid, but thoſe on the Brazils, though ſhort, are full of curious matter. Voyage 1607, fol. Y 2 164 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1625, fol. Voyage en Afrique, en Afie, aux Indes Orientales et Occidentales, par Jean Moquet, Garde du Cabinet du Roi aux Tuileries. Avec figures. Paris, 1617, 8vo. Theſe travels were commenced in 1611 , and are by no means devoid of intereſt and reſearch . Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſé en Ethiopie, à Goa, et au Malabar, au Bréſil, et aux Indes Orientales, tirée des Lettres écrites en 1620 et 1621 : traduite de l'Italien par le P. Jean Dard, Jeſuite. Paris, 1618 , 8vo. Continuation from 1620 to 1624, by the ſame. Paris, 1628, 8vo. Nieuwe Ooſt en Weſt Indiſche Navigationen Jorisvan Spielbergen, en Jac. Lemaire Auſtraliſche Navigatie. (New Voyages to the Eaſt and Weſt Indies by George van Spielbergen , and J. Lemaire to Auſtralia .) Leyden, 1619, fol. -In Latin , Ib. 1619, 410. -In French , Amſterdam , 1621 , 4to. -In German , Frankfort, Les Indes Orientales et Occidentales et autres lieux repréſentés en très - belles figures, quimontrent au naturel les peuples, meurs, religions, fêtes, ſacrifices, moſquées, idoles, richeſſes, cérémonies, feſtins, tribunaux, fupplices, et eſclavages, comme auſſi les montagnes, vaifſeaux, commerce, marchés, marchandiſes de toute forte, épiceries, peintures, feux d'artifice, bouffons, marche d'armées, plantes, arbres, animaux ,oiſeaux, poiſſons, monſtres, feux fouterraines, volcans, ouragans, &c. par le Sieur Romain de Hoogue. Leyden, N.D., oblong fmall fol. This ſcarce work is one of the moſt curious productions of this celebrated artiſt. Deſcriptions accompany each plate. Mémoires du Voyage aux Indes Orientales du Général Baulieu ( en 1619 et années fui vantes ), dreſſés par luimême - ; avec le Journal de ce même Voyage, dreſſé a la manière des mariniers, par Letellier, pilote de cet amiral : traduit par Melchiſedech Thevenot. (In his Collection, Part II.) Alex . Geraldini, Itinerarium ad Regiones ſub equinoxiali Regione conſtitutas. Rome, 1621 , 8vo . This work extends to Ethiopia, other parts of Africa, and the Eaſt- Indies. Joſephi Philippi Abelini ( J. L. Gothefredi fub- nomine ), Indiæ -Orientalis Hiſtoria in Latinam verſa. Frankfort, 1628, fol. Journal d'un Voyage au Cap - Verd, à Angola et aux Indes- Orientales. 1634, 4to. Relation de la Cour du Mogol, par le Capitaine Hawkins : traduite de l'Anglais, par M. Thevenot. ( In his Collection, Part I.) De Imperio magno Mogolenſi, five India. Leyden, 1639, 16mo. Hiſtory of the Hollanders and Zeelanders, in different parts of the Eaſt -Indies, & c ; with the Account of the unfortunate Ship Batavia, commanded by Captain Pelſert. With plates. (In Dutch .) Amſterdam , 1641, fol.; 1b. 1647, 4to . Collection of divers Voyages to the Eaſt -Indies, fince 1586. (in Dutch .) Amſterdam , 1643, 4to . Relation d'un Voyage aux Indes- Orientales, par un Gentilhomme Français. Paris , 1648, 8vo . Vornaamſte Zeegetogt na de Ooſt-Indien , gedaen med de Achimfche en Moluſche vlooten, onder de Admiralen Jac. Hemſkerk en Volfert Hermans, door H. Sætebon. (Voyage to the Eaſt - Indies with the Fleets to Achim and the Moluccas, under the command of the Admirals Hemſkerk and Hermans, by H. Sætebon .) Amſterdam , 1648, 4to . Voyage aux Indes- Orientales, par Jean Letellier. Dieppe, 1649, 4to . 9 . Will. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 165 Will. Ifbrand Boutekoe, Journal of de gedenkwaerdige Beſchryving van de Ooſt- Indiſche Reyſe. ( Journal ofhis memorable Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies , from 1618 to 1625.) Utrecht, 1651. Amſterdam , 1656 ; lb. 1681 , 40.- Tranſlated into French in Thevenot's Collection . This recital of the moſt extraordinary and unlucky adventures that can befall a mariner, bears in the ſimplicity and ingenuity of the language the ſtamp of truth . Niclos van Pomerend, Journal ofte een Ooſtindiſche Reys. ( Journal of an Eaſt - Indian Voyage.) Amſterdam , 1651, 4to . Voyage aux Indes -Orientales : traduit du Portugais. Paris, 1653, 4to. Voyage to the Eaſt- Indies in the year 1615, by Edward Torry. London, 1655, 8vo. Memoirs of Sir Thomas Roe, Ambaffador from the King of England to the Mogul. (In Purchas's Pilgrims.) Joh. Jacob Saar, Oſt- Indianiſche fanfzehnjæhrige Kriegſdienſte, und Beſchreibung was ſich in ſolcher Zeit von 1644 bis 1659 begeben. (Military Services for fifteen Years in the Eaſt- Indies , and Account of what happened there in that period, from 1644 to 1659.) Nuremberg, 1662 ; 1b, 1672 , fol. The Life of Don Juan de Caſtro, the fourth Viceroy of India ; wherein are related the Portugueſe voyages to the Eaſt-Indies, their diſcoveries and conqueſts there, the form of government, commerce, and diſcipline of war in the Eaſt, and the topo graphy of all India and China ; containing alſo a particular relation of the moſt famous ſiege of Diu ; with a map ; by Jacint Frey de Andrada. London, 1664, fol. Relaçao do novo Caminho quefey por Terra e mar da India para Portugal,no anno 1663, P. Manuel Godinho. ( Account of the new Journey by Land and Sea from India to Portugal, executed in 1663 by Father M.Godinho.) Liſbon, 1665, 8vo. Hiſtoire d'une Expedition de la Compagnie des Indes de France aux Indes-Orientales, pour l'Etabliſſement de fon Commerce, par Charpentier . Paris, 1665, 4to. Galata Palladius de Gentibus Indiæ et Brakmanibus, ex Græco Latinè vertit et Notis illuſtravit ; adjectis Ambroſio de Moribus Brakmanorum , et Anonymo de Brakmani bus ; Edwardus Biffoens editit. London, 1665, 4to . Relatio Rerum notabilium Regni Mogor in Aſia, ex R.P. Henrici Ruth de Lingen , Soc. Jeſu , inde anno 1664, in Germaniam , et hincce eodem revertentis, Narrationibus coram Sereniffimo Duce Newburgio excerpta : complectitur imperii Mogor religionem , re gimen, tunc fitus varioset inaudita de regno Cabul incognito hactenus;de Chriftia nitatis ſitu in Japoniâ, Chinâ ; item de monumentis, archâ Noë, crocodilis, tunc regis Mogor ejuſque liberorum tragediâ cruentiſſimâ. Aſchaffenburg, 1665, 25 parts, 4to. Aſia Portugueſa. (Portugueſe Aſia. ) By Manuel de Faria y Souza. Liſbon, 1666, 1674, 1675, 3 vol. fol.- In Spaniſh , Ib. 1666, 1672, 1675, 3 vol . fol. J. Hugen van Linſchoten , Reis -Geſchriffe van de Navigation des Portugalvirin in Orien ten . ( Memoir on the Navigation of the Portugueſe in the Eaſt -Indies.) Amſterdam , 1666, 4to. Hiſtoirenaturelle et généraledes Indes, Iles,et Terre-Ferme de la grande Mer Océane : traduite du Caſtellane en Français. Paris, 1666, fol. Le Mercure Indien, ou Treſor des Indes-Orientales. Premièr partie ; dans laquelle il eſt traité de l'or, de l'argent, du vif-argent, de leur formation, leur origine, leur va leur. Seconde partie ; où l'on traite des pierres precieuſes et des perles, et auſſi de leur formation, origine, et valeur. Par Pierre Duranel. Paris , 1667, 4to. Joh. van der Behr, Diarium einer neunjährigen Oſtindianiſchen Reiſe . (Diary of nine years' Eaſt - Indian Travels, from 1761 to 1650.) Jena and Breſlau, 1668, Frankfort, 1684, 1688, 4to . Albr. 166 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Albr. Herport, Oſt- Indianiſche Reiſe -Beſchreibung. ( Travels in the Eaft-Indies. Berne, 1669, 8vo. Deſcrizione geographica e hiſtorica dell' India -Orientale del P. Abbate Clemente Toft ; dove ſi tratta (tom . 1. ) della parte intra Gangem , e del imperio del Gran -Mogol; ( tom . 2.) dell' India extra Gangem , e tutti i ſuoi regni. (Geographical and hiſto rical Deſcription oftheEaſt-Indies, by the Abbé C.Toſi ; in which are treated, vol. 1. , of the partswithin the Ganges,and the empire of the Great-Mogul; and, vol. 2., of In dia beyond the Ganges, and all its kingdoms.) Rome, 1669 ; Ib. 1672, 2 vol. 4to. Philip Baldæus, Beſchryving der Ooſtindiſchen Landſcapen Malabar, Coromandel, Ceylan, &c. ( Deſcription ofthe Eaſt -Indian Countries Malabar, Coromandel, Cey lon, &c. ) Amſterdam, 1671, 4to. Verhaal van drye voor naame Reizen naar Ooſt-Indien ,&c. ( Collection of three excel lent Travels in the Eaſt-Indies, by J. J. Saar, Volkert Evertz, and Albrecht Herport : tranſlated by J.H. Glazemaker.) Amſterdam ,, 1671 , 4to. Newt, Beſchryving door Malabar en Coromandel. (Account of Malabar and Coro . mandel.) Amſterdam , 1672, fol. Vincenzo Maria, Viaggio all' Indie - Orientali. (Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies.) Rome, 1672. Venice, 1683, 4to . This work contains ſome curious details relative to the coaſt of Malabar. Ol. Dapper, Afia, of Beſchryving van het Ryk des Grooten -Mogol,en een grooten ge deelte van Indien. ( Afia, or a Deſcription of the Empire of the Great Mogul, and of a large part of India. ) Amſterdam , 1672, 2 vol . fol. Journal du Voyage des Grandes-Indes, par de Lahaye et Caron ; contenant tout ce qui s'eſt fait par l'eſcadre de Sa Majeſté, ſous le commandement du premier, depuis ſon département de la Rochelle, au mois de Mars 1670, juſqu'à l'an 1672. Paris, 1674. Orleans, 1697. Paris, 1698, 12mo. Ooſtindiſche Voyagie vervattende veel voornaame vorfallen, ſwedige za een landge rechte tegen de Portugueſen , &c. (Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies, with an account of the battles by ſea and land with the Portugueſe; with a deſcription of the chief towns, countries, iſlands, and kingdoms inEaſtern India ; an account ofhisreturn home; by Winter Schooten ; alſo an account of the dreadful ſhipwreck ofthe Eaſt Indian yacht Torſchelling, by Fr. Jan van der Heyde. Amſterdam , 1676, fol. Aſiatiſche und Africaniſche Merkwürdigkeiten dieſer Zeit, das iſt, Beſchreibung der Königreiche, Herrſchaften , und Länder des Groſſen Mogol, des groſſen Neguz, &c. des Königreichs Algier. ( Afiatic and African Curioſities of the preſent time, or Deſcription of the Kingdoms, Lordſhips, and Countries of the Great Mogul, the Great Neguz, & c. and of the Kingdom of Algiers.) Nuremburg, 1676, 4to. Relation ou Journal d'un Voyage fait aux Indes-Orientales ; contenant l'établiſſement de pluſieurs nations, et la deſcription des principales villes , des mœurs, &c. Paris, 1677, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage aux Indes-Orientales, par Deleſtre. Paris, 1677, 12mo. Gerrit Vermeulen,Gedenkwaardige Voyagie naar Ooſtindien. (Memorable Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies, begun in 1668 and concluded in 1674.) Amſterdam , 1677, 4to. Friedr. Bolling, Ooſt-Indiſke Reiſe-bog. ( Journal of a Voyage to the Eaſt - Indies from 1669-1673.) Copenhagen, 1678, 4to. Joh . Chriſtian Hofmann, Oſtindianiſche Reiſe. ( Voyage to the Eaſt- Indies.) Caſſel, 1680, 8vo. Voyage de François Bernier, Docteur en Médecine ; contenent la deſcription des états duGrand -Mogol, où il eſt traité de la force, de la juſtice, et des cauſes principales de IO la OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 167 la décadence del'état de l'Aſie, et de pluſieursévénemens conſidérables, et où l'on voit comment l'or et l'argent, après avoir circulé dans le monde, paſſent dans l'Indoftan, d'ou ' ils ne reviennent plus. Avec figures. Amſterdam , 1679 ; Ib. 1723. Ib. 1725, 2 vol. 12mo. This is oneof the moſt excellent travels in Hindoſtan which have ever appeared, containing the firſt good account of Kaſhemir and ſeveral other countries. Voyage de Van - Maerden aux Indes- Orientales : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam , 1681 , 12mo. Voyage de Van der Hagen aux Indes -Orientales : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam , 1681 , 12mo. Voyage de Vorwich aux Indes - Orientales : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam , 1681 , I 2mo. JoſefMartinez de la Puente, Compendio de las Hiſtorias del Deſcubrimento de la India Orientale y ſus Iſlas. ( Compendium of the Hiſtory of the Diſcovery of the Eaſt Indies and its Iſlands.) Madrid, 1681 , 8vo. Joh. Schreger, Neue Oſt-Indianiſche Reiſe- Beſchreibung von anno 1669 bis 1677. her auſgegeben von J. C. Wohlfert. (New Travels to the Eaſt- Indies from 1669 to 1677 : publiſhed by J. C. Wohlfert.) Leipfic, 1681 , 8vo. New Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies and to Braſil. (In Flemiſh .) Amſterdam , 1682 , fol. Voyage de M. Jean Thevenot ; contenant la relation de l’Indoftan , des nouveaux Mogols, et autres peuples et pays des Indes. Paris, 1684, 4to . Joh . Siegmund, Vierzehnjæhrige Oſtindianiſche Kriegs und Ober Kaufmanns Dienſte, von anno 1632. (Fourteen years ' military and mercantile Services in the Eaſt -Indies, from the year 1632.) Sulzbach, 1686, 4to. Elias Heffe's Oſtindianiſche Reiſebeſchreibung, oder Diarium der Reiſe Dr. Benjamin Olit chens von Dreſden nach Sumatra. (Eaſt-Indian Travels, or Diary of Dr.B. Olitchen's Journey from Dreſden to Sumatra in 1680.) Dreſden, 1687, iemo. Leipfic, 1690. Frankfort, 1734, 8vo. Hiſtoire des Indes-Orientales, par Souchu de Rennefort. Leyden, 1688 , 12mo. Memoires pour ſervir à l'Hiſtoire des Indes-Orientales; contenant, imo. La navigation de quatre vaiſſeaux de la compagnie, et l'établiſſement d'un comptoir Françaisà Mada gaſcar ; 2do. Le voyage de M. Vandeſvegue, vice-roi et amiral des Indes-Orientales, pardelà l’equateur ; 3tio. Le recit ſuccinct de l'expédition de M. de Lahaye, l'aban donnement de l'île de Madagaſcar, la priſe et la perte de la ville de Saint- Thome, et les particularités les plus curieuſes des négociations des Français aux Indes, depuis 1665 juſqu'en 1675, par M. S. D. R. Paris, 1688, 4to. Chriſtoph. Schweitzer, Journal und Tagebuch ſeiner ſechsjæhrigen Oſtindianiſchen Reife. ( Journal of his fix years' Travels in the Eaſt -Indies, from Dec. I , 1675 to Sept. 7, 1682.) Tubingen , 1688, 4to. This traveller paſſed through Perſia . Voyage aux Indes et à Batavia, par Margraff : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam Chriſtoph. Fricken, Oſtindianiſche Reiſen und Kriegſdienſte. (Eaſt-Indian Travels and military Services, from 1680-1685. ) Ulm, 1692, 8vo. Journal du Voyage de Duqueſne aux Indes- Orientales, par un Garde-Marine de fon Eſca dre. Bruxelles, 1692, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage et Retour des Indes- Orientales, pendant les années 1690 et 1691 , par un Garde de la Marine. ( M. Pouchot de Chantaſin .) Paris, 1693, samo. Probably the former work with a new title. Probably 12mo. 168 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Chr. Burkhard, Oft. Indianiſche Reiſebeſchreibung. ( Eaſt Indian Travels.) Halle, 1693 , 12mo. Jan Nieuhof, Zee en Land Reyze door verſchiedene geweſten van Ooſt -Indian , med een verhaal der ſtad Batavia. ( Journey, by Sea and Land, through various parts of the Eaſt -Indies ; with a Deſcription of the City of Batavia.) Amſterdam , 1693, fol. John Ovington's Voyage to Surate in the year 1689, with a Deſcription of the Iſlands of Madeira and St. Helena. London, 1698, 8vo. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage aux Indes -Orientales, mêlé de pluſieurs Hiſtoires curi euſes, par M. Carré. Paris, 1699, 2 vol. 12mo. Relation of two different Voyages tothe Eaſt- Indies : tranſlated from the Flemiſh . Lon don, 1700, 8vo. Mémoires de la Campagne et des Découvertes faites dans la Mer des Indes ; où l'on pro . poſe une route qui abrège de huit cent lieues la traverſée de l'Ile de France à la côte de Coromandel et à la Chine. Avec cartes. Breft, 1700, 4to . Franciſco Carletti, Viaggio in Indie Occidentali e Orientali. ( Travels in the Weſt and Eaſt Indies.) Florence, 1701, 2 vol. 8vo. Mémoires pour ſervir à l'Hiſtoire des Indes - Orientales ; contenant une defcription des îles du Cap -Vert, de Sainte-Hélène, du Cap de Bonne-Eſpérance, de l'île de Ceïlan ; par une Membre de la Compagnie Françaiſe. Paris, 1702, 12mo. A Journal or Account of William Daniel's late Expedition from London to Surate in India . London, 1702, 8vo. Curiofités de la Nature et de l'Art apportées dans deux Voyages des Indes, l'un aux Indes-Occidentales en 1698 et 1699, etl'autre aux Indes -Orientales en 1701 et 1702 ; avec une relation abrégée de ces deux voyages, par C. Biron, chirurgien -major. Ouvrage enrichi de huit planches. Paris, 1703, 12mo. Hiſtoire générale de l'Empire du Mogol, depuis ſa Fondation , ſur les Mémoires de M. Manouchi, Vénitien, parle P. Catrou, Jéſuite. Paris, 1705, 4to. Voyage de Matelief aux Indes- Orientales : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam , 1705, Voyage de Hagen - Naer aux Indes - Orientales : traduit du Hollandais. Amſterdam , 1705, 1 2mo. 1 2mo . 1 Voyage du Sieur Luillier aux Grandes- Indes, avec une Inſtruction pour le Commerce des Indes -Orientales. Paris, 1705. Rotterdam , 1726, 12mo. Chriſtophori Langhanſſen's Neue 'Oſtindianiſche Reiſe, & c. (New Travels to the Eaſt Indies ; with what happened worthy of notice during the journey of Paul Deroy to Surate.) Leipfic, 1705, 8vo . Giovanni Borgheſi, Lettera ſcritta da Pondichery ; nella quale fi contengono , oltre ad un pieno racconto del viaggio da Roma fino alle coſte dell' Indie-Orientali, varie nuove oſſervazioni mediche, anatomiche, naturali : tradotta dal manuſcritto Latino da Giov. Maria de Creſcimbeni. ( Letter written from Pondichery ; in which, be. fides a full account of the voyage from Rome to the coaſts of the Eaſt -Indies, various new medical, anatomical, and natural obſervations occur : tranſlated from the Latin MS. by G. M. de Creſcimbeni.) Rome, 1705, 12mo. Wouter Schouten, Reys-Togten naer en door Ooſt - Indien . (Travels to and in the Eaſt Indies, from 1658 to 1665.) Amſterdam , 1707 1708, 4to. Voyage to the Eaſt- Indies, by Francis Leguat. London, 1708, 8vo. The adventures of this perſon and his companions in the two defert iſles are rather fuſpicious, butthere is no reaſon to impeach his accounts of the Cape, the Iſles of St. Helena and the Mauritius, and the Eaſt -Indies. The OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 169 . The Engliſh Acquiſitions in Guinea and the Eaſt-Indies. London, 1708, 8vo. ManuelPimentel, Arte de navigar, &c . e Rotario das Viagems e Coſtas maritimas de Guinea, Angola, Breſil, Indias e IAas Occidentaes e Orientaes. ( Art to navigate, &c. and Directions for Voyagers relative to the maritime Coalts of Guinea, Angola, the Braſils, the Weſt and Eaſt-Indies and Inands. ) Liſbon, 1712, 4to. Wilh. Vogel, Reiſebeſchreibung in Oſtindien . ( Travels in the Eaſt-Indies.) Alten burg , 1716 , 12mo. P. van den Broek, XXV jaarige Reiſe- Beſchryving naer Africa en Ooſt-Indien . (Five and twenty years' Travels in Africa and the Eaſt -Indies. ) Lewarden, 1717, 8vo. Acten der Däniſchen Miſſion in Oſt - Indien, &c. ( Acts of the Daniſh Miſſion in the Eaſt -Indies. ) Halle, 1718, 13 Theſe acts have been continued, and the 61ſt volume appeared in 1805. They contain many particulars relative to the country, and are cited as autho rity by Anquetil-du- Perron . An abridgment, by Niecamp, was publiſhed in Latin , at Halle, 1747 , 4to.; in German, by the ſame, from 1705 to 1767 ; Ib . 1740 and 1771 , 2 vol . 4to. , with plates ; and the firſt volume of the latter appeared in a French tranſlation at Paris, 1745, 3 parts, 8vo. Voyage de Nicolas de Graaf aux Indes-Orientales, et en d'autres Lieux de l’Afie ; avec une relation curieuſe de la ville de Batavia, et des moeurs et du commerce des Hol. landais établis dans les Indes. Avec cartes et plans. Amſterdam , 1719, 12mo . This voyage is juſtly eſteemed for the accuracy of the deſcriptions. Journal d'un Voyage fait aux Indes-Orientales, par une Eſcadre commandé par M.Duqueſne,depuis le 24 Février 1690 juſqu'au 20 Aout 1693, par ordre de la Com pagnie des Indes-Orientales. Hague, 1721, 3 vol. 12mo. An Account of the Trade in India, by Charles Lockyer. London, 1721 , 8vo. Hiſtoire des Découvertes et des Conquêtes des Portugais dans le Nouveau-Monde, par le P. Lafiteau , Jeſuite. Paris, 1724, 2 vol . 12mo.; Ib. 1734, 4 vol. I 2mo . , with plates. The author uſes the term “ Nouveau -Monde" in the ſenſe of the ancient voyagers, who deſignated by it all the new -diſcovered countries in Afia and Africa as well as in America. The whole of the work accordingly relates to the two former continents, and particularly to the Eaſt-Indies. Franc.Valentyn , Beſchryving van oude en nieuwe Ooſtindien . (Deſcription of the ancient and modern Eaſt-Indies .) Amſterdam , 1726, 8 vol. fol. This work, which is ſcarce and but little known, is one of the beſt hitherto publiſhed relative to India, and contains alſo an account of the Dutch diſ coveries in Auſtralaſia. Erneſt Chriſtoph. Barchewitz, Oſtindianiſche Reiſe-Beſchreibung. ( Travels in the Eaſt Indies from 1711-1722.) Chemnitz , 1730 ; augmented, Erfurt, 1751 , 8vo. Min Son paa Galejan, eller en Oſtindiſk Reſa, & c. (My Son on the Galleys, or Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies, & c.) Stockholm , 1731 , 2 vol. 8vo . Niclas Jans Campſtrup, Reyſbeſchryving of Journal van de OoſtindiſcheCompagnie ſchep Blydorf. ( Voyage or Journal of Eaſt -India Company ſhip Blydorf ). Amſter dam , 1735, 4to. Account of the Eaſt-Indies, containing Obſervations and Remarks in 1688, 1723, Hamilton . Edinburgh, 1739, 8vo. Voyage de l'Inde à la Mecque, en 1739, par Abdoulkerim , favori de Thamas - Koulican : traduit du Perſan par M. Langlès. (In his Collection portatif, Part I. , fect. iv .) VOL. XVII. z Joh . 170 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Job.W. Heydt, Allerneueſter geographiſcher und topographiſcher Schauplartz von Afrika und Oſtindian , oder Beſchreibung von den Beſitzungen der Holländiſchene Compagnie in Afrika und Aſia , nebſt der Reiſe des Verfaſſers von Holland nach Oft Indien. (New geographical and topographical Theatre of Africa and the Eaſt - Indies, or Deſcription of the Poſſeſſions of the Dutch Company in Africa and Aſia, with the Author's Voyage from Holland to the Eaſt-Indies .) Nuremberg, 1744, fol. Jac. de Bucquoi, Aanmerkelike ontmoedingen in de ſeſtienjaerige Reyſe naer de Indien. ( Obſervations made during his fixteen years' Travels in the Indies.) Harlem , 1745,4to. Joh. Heinr. Schræder, Seefahrer, oder merkwürdige Reiſe nach Oſtindien , und verſchie denen Oſtindianiſchen Inſeln. (The Navigator, or remarkable Voyage to the Eaſt. Indies, and to various Elaſt-Indian Ilands.) Leipfic, 1749, 8vo. Bernard Scherverſen , Reiſebeſchreibung nach Oſtindien. ( Travels to the Eaſt- Indies in 1740.) Heilbronn, 1751, 12mo. Guſtav. Fried. Gerbert, Oſtindiſche Natur-Geſchichte, Sitten , und Alterthümer, belon ders bey den Malabaren. ( Eaſt - Indian Natural Hiſtory, Manners, and Antiquities, particularly on the Malabar Coaſt.) Halle, 1752, 8vo. Nachrichten über die Salzburger Emigranten , & c. ( Notices relative to the Saltzburg Emigrants ; with the Journals of the Engliſh Commiſſioners during their Voyage to America ; and the Voyage of Francis Urban Baviers to the Eaſt and Weſt Indies .) Frankfort, 17:52, 12mo. Joh, Peter Reichard, Zwanzig.jæhrige Reiſen in Weſt und Oſt Indien, und alle vier Theile der Welt. ( Twenty years' Travels to the Weſt and Eaſt Indies, and in all the four Quarters of the World .) Nuremberg, 1756 , 8vo. Petr. Ofbeck , Dagbok cfwer en Oſtindiſk Refa, med Anmerkninger at Naturkun digheten,medTorene's Refa til Surate och Oſtindien. ( Journal during a Voyage to the Eaſt -Indies, with Remarks on Natural Hiſtory, and with Torene'sVoyage to Surate. ) Stockholm , 1756, 8vo. Deſcription of the Eaſt India Coaſts of Malabar and Coromandel, as alſo of the Iſland of Ceylon, by Philip Baldæus. ( In Churchill's Collection , vol.iii. ) John Henry Grófe's Travels to the Eaſt- Indies. London , 1759 ; Ib. 1766 ; Ib . 1772, 2 vol. 8vo. Ludw . von Dieſhorn, Nachricht von Oſtindiens Beſchaffenheit und Seltenheiten ; auf ſeinen Reiſen geſammelt. (Account of the Condition and the Curioſities of the Eaſt-Indies ; collected in his Travels.) Frankfort, 1759, 8vo. C. F. Mager, Gewiſſe Nachricht, & c. ( Afſured Account of the Situation and modern Curioſities of the Eaſt-Indies, &c. ) Leipſic and Eiſenach, 1759, 4to. Unfortunate Voyage of the India Company ſhip the Diligence, on her Return from Batavia , by Bengal, to Holland, by Jac. Franken. ( In Dutch. ) Harlem, 1761 , 8vo. Mémoire ſur la Navigation de France aux Indes, par d'Apres de Mannevilette. Paris, 1765, 4to. The Hiſtory of Indoftan : tranſlated from the Perſian , by Alex. Dow . Second edition, London , 1770 ; Ib . 1778, 3 vol. 4to . The diſſertation on the religion and philoſophy of the Bramahs contains many particulars relative to India and the inhabitants in their preſent ſtate . Mémoires de la Compagnie et des Découvertes faites dans les Mer de l'Inde, par le Chevalier Grenier. Avec une carte de l'itinéraire. Breſt, 1770, 4to . Paris, 1780, 8vo. Hiſtoire de la Découverte et de la Conquête des Indes par les Portugais, par Dufrieux. Bouillon , 1770, 12mo. 12 Tableau OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 171 Tableau hiſtorique de l'Inde ; contenant un abrégé de la mythologie et des mæurs Indiennes, avec une deſcription de leur politique et de leur religion. Bouillon , 1771 , 12mo. Zend-Aveſta, ouvrage de Zoroaſtre, &c. : traduit du Perſan M. Anquetil du Perron . Paris, 1771 , 3 vol. 410. , plates. The preliminary diſcourſe to this celebrated work contains the tranſlator's tra vels in the Eaſt- Indies. P.C. Zimmermann, Reiſe nach Oſt und Weſt Indien . (Voyage to the Eaſt and Weſt Indies.) Hamburgh, 1771 , 8vo. C. G. Ekeberg, Oſtindiſke Reſa i aaren 1770 och 1771. (Voyage to the Eaſt- Indies in 1770 and 1771.) Stockholm, 1773, 8vo. Gerike, Reiſe von Londonnach Zeylon und Cudelur. ( Voyage from London to Ceylon and Cudelur. ) Halle, 1773 , 8vo. George Bernard Schwartz, Reiſe in Oſtindien . (Travels in the Eaſt-Indies.) Frank fort and Leipfic, 1774 , 8vo. Coryat's Crudities, reprinted from the edition of 1612 ; to which are added, his Letters from India . London , 1776, 3 vol. 8vo. Hiſtoire philoſophique et politique des Etabliſſemens et du Commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes, par Guillaume Thomas Raynal. Avec gravures. Genève, 1780, 4 vol. 4to. , and 4to. atlas ; Ib. 10 vol. 8vo. , and 4to. atlas . - In Englifh, by Juſtamond, 4 vol . 8vo. Voyage dans les Mers de l'Inde, fait par ordre du Roi à l'occaſion du paſſage de Vénus ſur le diſc du ſoleil, le 6me Juin 1761 , et le 3me même mois 1769, par M. Legentil : enrichi de cartes, plans, et figures. Paris, 1779, 1781 , 2 vol. 4to. - En Suiſſe, 1781 , 5 vol. 8vo. Though aſtronomical obſervations were the chief object of theſe travels, the author does not neglect the antiquities and natural hiſtory of India . Voyage du Comte Duprat dans l'Inde, écrit par lui-même. London , 1780, 8vo. Hiſtorical Fragments on the Mogul Empire, and the Marattas. London, 1782, 8vo. Obſervations on the Paſſage to India, through Egypt and acroſs the Great-Deſert, by James Capper. London, 1783, 4to ; Ib . 1788, 8vo. J. H. T. Bernſtein, Oſtindianiſche Erdbeſchreibung , enthalend alle Oſtindiſche Inſeln . (Geography of the Eaſt Indies, including all the Illands.) Gera, 1783, 8vo. Tableau de la Situation actuelle des Anglais dans les Indes-Orientales, et l'Etat de l'Inde en général, par Briſſot deVarville. Paris, 1784, 1785, 8vo . Hiſtoriſch undgeographiſche Beſchreibung von Indien, & c. (Hiſtorical and geogra phical Deſcriptionof India, by J. Tieffenthaler ; with the hiſtorical and geographical Reſearches on India by Anquetil du Perron , and the general Map of India by James Rennel : publiſhed by J. Bernouilli. With plates.) Berlin, 1785 , 3 vol. 4to . - The fame in French, Berlin, Bordeaux, and Paris, 1785, 3 vol. 4to. The account of the Seikhs byTieffenthaler is the moſt intereſting we poſſeſs. The reſearches of Anquetil appeared in French, ſeparately , Paris, 2 vol. 4to ., and the work of Tieffenthaler in German, Berlin , 1786 , 2 vol. 8vo. Briefe über Oſtindien, oder Reiſe-Nachrichten ; nebſt angehængten Fragmenten über dieſes Land. (Letters on the Eaſt-Indies, or Account of Travels ; with appended Fragments on this Country .) Baſil, 1786, 8vo. Etat actuel de l'Inde. Paris, 1787, 8vo. Briefe auf einer Reiſe von Stade nach Madras und Oſt- Indien geſchrieben , von einem Hannævriſchen Capitain. (Letters during a Voyage from Stade to Madras and the Eaſt-Indies, by a Hanoverian Captain .) Bremen, 1788, 8vo. Z 2 Memo. 172 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Memoir of a Map of Indoſtan or the Mogul Empire ; with an Introduction , illuſtrative of the Geography and preſent Diviſion of that Country, and a Map of the Coun tries ſituated between the Borders of the Indus and the Caſpian , by James Rennel, Efq .: to which is added , an Appeïdix, containing an Account of the Ganges and Burrampooter Rivers. London, 1788 , 8vo. Ofthis work , the moſt valuable extant relative to the geography and political ſtate of India, ſeven different editions appeared. Voyage et Retour des Indes- Orientales, par Pouchot de Chanteſſin. Paris, 1792, 12mo. Voyage from Calcutta to the Merguy Archipelago, on the coaſt of the Bay of Ben gal; alſo an Account of the IAands of Junk -Seylan, Poulo- Pinang, and the Port of Quedas ; the preſent ſtate of Achem , an Account of the Iſland of Celebes, and a Treatiſe on the Monſoon of the Eaſt- Indies. By Robert Forreſt. London, 1792, 2 vol. 4to . Sketches, hiſtorical and political, of Indoftan . London, 1792, 2 vol. 8vo. Briefe der F. F. von Wurmb und F. F. von Wolzogen auf ihren Reiſen nach Afrika und Oſtindien . ( Letters of the Barons de Wurmb and de Wolzogen during their Travels to Africa and the Eaſt - Indies, from 1774 to 1792. ) Gotha, 8vo. Travels in India, by William Hodges. London, 1793 , 4to. , plates. Choice Views in India , after deſigns executed on the ſpot, and engraved in aqua-tinta, with a French and Englifh deſcription, and forty engravings; by the fame. London, 1794, fol. Britiſh India analyſed. London, 1793 , 3 vol. 8vo. J. S. Stavorinus, Reiſe van Seeland, overde Raap de Goede Hoop, naer Batavia, Ban tam, Bengalen , enz gedaen in de jaaren 1768 bis 1771. (Voyage from Zealand, by the Cape of Good Hope, to Batavia, Bantam, and Bengal , in the years 1768, 1771. ) Leyden, 1793, 2 vol. 8vo. --In French , Paris, 1798, 8vo. Reiſe , over de Kaap de GædeHoop van Batavia, naer Samarang, Macaſſar, Amboine, en Surate, in 1774, 1778. (Voyage, by the Cape of Good Hope and Batavia, to Samarang, Macaſſar, Amboyna, and Surate, in 1774, 1778.) Leyden , 1794, 2 vol. 8vo. -In French, Paris, 1799, 8vo. This workcontains intereſting accounts of Bengal and the Iſles of Java, Celebes, and Amboyna. Briefe aus Oſt-Indien. ( Letters from the Eaſt - Indies .) Baſil, 1796, 8vo. A Journey over- land to India ; partly by a route never before followed by any Euro pean , by Leonard Campbell. London, 1795, 8vo. A Series of Hindoftan Letters ; containing a ſtriking account of the manners and cuſtoms of the Gentoo nations, of the Moguls, and other Mahomedan tribes in Hindoftan , by Bartholomew Burges. New - York , 1790, 8vo. Voyage in Arabia, India , &c. in the years 1781 , 1784, by Sila James. London, Mémoires ſur l'Inde, par Banhi, revus par Jeróme Lalande : publiés par M. de Vau celles. Paris, 1798, 8vo. View of India , by T. Pennant. London, 1798, 3 vol. 8vo. Travels from England to India, in the year 1798, by John Taylor. London , 1799, 2 vol. 8vo. The route of Major Taylor is by the Tyrol, Venice, the Morea, Aleppo, Antioch , and Ballora. Journal of a Voyage from Madras to Colombo, and on the Eaſtern Coaſt of Africa ; with a Vocabulary. London , 1800 , 4to . Voyage 1797, 8vo . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 173 Voyage à Madagaſcar, à Maroc, et aux Indes-Orientales, par Alexis Rochon ; accom pagné d'une carte de Madagaſcar, d'une carte de l'Inde-Orientale, d'une vocabulaire Madegafle, et de tables aſtronomiques. Paris, 1802, 3 vol. 8vo . The firſt volume contains the author's travels in Madagaſcar, firſt publiſhed in 1792 ; the ſecond, a vocabulary of the language of that iſland, and his travels in Morocco ; the third, thoſe in the Eaſt -Indies, particularly relating to Ile de France and New Zealand. Modern Hiſtory of Hindoftan . London , 1802, 4to. Lettres philoſophiques et hiſtoriques à Milord S ***, ſur l'état moral et politique de l'Inde, des Indous, et de quelques autres principaux Peuples de l'Aſie, au commence ment du dix-neuvième fiècle, par l'auteur de « l'Eſſai hiſtorique et militaire ſur l'Art de la Guerre.” Paris, 1803 , 8vo. The author derived his materials chiefly from the works of Sir William Jones, the Aſiatic Reſearches, and other recent publications. Viaggio alle Indie -Orientali. ( Travels to the Eaſt-Indies .) By F. Paulino de San Bar . tholomeo. Rome, 1796, 4to.- In French , reviſed by Anquetil du Perron ; Paris, 1808, 3 vol. 8vo. , and atlas 4to. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyſſinia, and Egypt, in the years 1802, 1806, by George Viſcount Valentia. London, 1809 , 3 vol. 4to. Hiſtorical Sketches of the South of India ; in an attempt to trace the hiſtory of My. ſoor, from the origin of the Hindoo government of that ſtate, to the extinction of the Mahommedan dynaſty, in 1799. By Lieutenant-Colonel Wilks. London, 1810, vol. i . Voyage aux Indes-Orientales, pendant les années 1802 , 1806, par C. F. Tombe ; revu et augmenté par M. Sonnini. Paris, 1810, 2 vol. 8vo. , and atlas 4to. Voyages de l'Inde et dans l'Iſle de Ceilan : traduit du Hollandais de M.Haafner. Paris, 1811 , 2 vol. 8vo . Chriſtian Reſearches in Aſia, by the Rev. Claudius Buchanan , D.D. London , 1811 , 8vo . Sketch of the Sikhs, by Lieut.-Col.Malcolm . London, 1812, 8vo. Journal of a Reſidence in India, by Maria Graham . Edinburgh, 1812 , 4to. Oriental Memoirs ; ſelected from a ſeries of familiar letters, written during ſeventeen years' reſidence in India, by James Forbes. London, 1813, 4 vol. 4to. [ See the travels of Olearius, Struys, Le Bruyn ; Sect. Russia IN EUROPE. - Sche merling ; Sect. Voyages to SPITZBERGEN, &c. —Goes ; Sect. Spain. -Pietro de la Valls, Poſer, Melton, Thevenot ; Sect. TURKEY IN EUROPE. —Vogel ; Sect. Hol LAND. - Reiſebeſchryving door Vrankryk, & c. Bruce ; Sect. Europe and Asia. Belon, Centellas , Laboulaye-de-Goux, Hanoverian Officer , Voyage au Pays de Bambouk ; Sect. EUROPE, Asia, and AFRICA. – Joſten ;Sect. EUROPE, Asia, AFRICA, and AMERICA. – Verthema ; -Sect. SYRIA . —Marco Polo, Oderico, Mandeville, Bourges, Melton ; Sect. Syria and PALESTINE. -Schrotter ; Sect. PALESTINE. — Mortimer, Renaudot, Ambaſſades reciproques, Mandelſlo, Rhodes, Meiſter, Lettres de quelques Membres de la Compagnie des Indes, Rechteren and Langes, Manne villette, Voyage to the Eaſt -Indies in 1747 , Sonnerat, Coſſigny, Sainte Croix ; Sect. CHINA. —Cardini and Baretti, Machault ; Sect. JAPAN. -Balbi, Iſtoria naturale e politica , &c .; Sect. BIRMAN EMPIRE. — Tachard ; Sect. Siam. ] 1. Travels 174 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS II . Travels peculiar to Parts of Hindoſtan. BENGAL. Relation of an unfortunate Voyage to the Kingdom of Bengal ; deſcribing the deplo rable condition and accidents of thoſe who undertook it ; how , after the loſs of their ſhip , they were forced to reſide in a deſert and barren iſland, &c. by M. Glanins. London, 1682 , 8vo. Gevaarelyke Schipp-breuk van de Ooſt- Indiſche jacht Ter- Schelling onder het and van Bengale. ( Dangerous Shipwreck of the Ealt-Indian yacht Ter-Schelling, on the Coalts of Bengal.) By Fr. J. van der Heyde. 1707, 4to. Eſſay on the Cultivation of the Lands and Improvement of the Revenues of Bengal, by Patullo. London , 1772 , 8vo. View of the Riſe, Progreſs, and preſent State of the Engliſh Government in Bengal, by Henry Verelft. London , 1772, 4to. State of the Britiſh Empire in Bengal. London, 1773 , 8vo. Civil, political, and commercial State of Bengal, by Bolts. London, 1773 , 2 vol. 8vo. Memoirs relative to the State of Bengal in India , by Warren Haſtings. London, 1786, 8vo. Hiſtory of Deccan and Bengal, by Jonathan Scott. Shrewſbury, 1796. London, 1800, 2 vol. 4to . Voyage au Bengale ; ſuivi de Notes critiques et politiques, d'Obſervations ſur le Voyage de Stavorinus, d'une Notice ſur le Japon, et de la Deſcription de la Culture du Riz dans l'Aſie, par le Cit. Charpentier- Coligny. Paris, 1799, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage dans l'Inde et au Bengale, fait dans les années 1789 et 1790 ; contenant la deſcription des Iles Séchelles et de Trinquemalay, des détails ſur le caractère et les arts induſtrieux des peuples de l'Inde, la deſcription de quelques pratiques reli gieuſes des habitans de Bengale : ſuivi d'un Voyage fait dans le Mer Rouge, con tenant la deſcription de Moka, et du commerce des Arabes de l ' Jémen , des dé tails ſur leurs meurs, leur caractère, &c. par le Cit. Grandpré. Ornê de belles gravures et du plan de la citadelle de Calcuta . Paris, 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. POSSESSIONS OF THE MARATTAS. The Origin and authentic Narrative of the preſent Maratta War, and alſo of the late Bohillas War, in 1773 and 1774. London, 1781, 4to. Illuſtration of ſome Inſtitutions of the Maratta People, by William Toune. London, 1799, 8vo. Journal of a Route to Magpore, by the way of Cuttak, Barroſumber, &c. in the year 1790, by Daniel Robinſon Leckie. London, 1800, 4to. COAST OF MALABAR . Relation du Malabar : traduite de l'Italien de François Baretto. Paris, 1645, 2 vol. Í 2mo. Relation dernière de ce qui s'eſt paſſé dan les Royaumes de Manduré, de Tanjaor, et autres Lieux voiſins de Malabar, parleP. Hyacinihe deMagiſtris. Paris, 1663, 8vo. Gioſeppo di Santa Maria, Legato apoftolico nelli Regni de' Malabari, prima Spedi zione all' Indie-Orientali. (Firſt Expedition of Joſeph de Santa Maria, apofto lical OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 175 lical Legate in the Kingdoms of valabar, to the Eaſt- Indies, in 1655.) Rome, 1661 , 4to. Account of the Religion, Government, Learning, and Economy of the Malabarians : tranſlated from the German of Ziegenbalg. London , 1697, 8vo. An Account of the Religion, Manners, and Learning, of the People of Malabar, in the Eaſt-Indies ; in letters written by ſome of the moſt learned men in the country to the Daniſh miſſionaries, by Philips. With a map of the country. London , 1699, 8vo. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage fait aux Indes-Orientales ; contenant la deſcription des îles de Bourbon et de Madagaſcar, de Surate, de Malabar, de Calicut, de Timor, de Goa, &c. par M. Dellon, Docteur en Médécine. Amſterdam , 1699, 12mo. — In Engliſh , London, 1699, 8vo. Voyage à la Côte de Malabar, par Inigo de Biernillas : traduit du Portugais. Paris, 1736, 12mo. Jacob Conter Viſcher, Malabarſche Breven ; behelgende eene naukerige Beſchryving van de Kuſt van Malabar. (Malabaric Letters ; containing an accurate Deſcription of the Coaſt of Malabar. ) Leuwarden , 1743, 8vo. An hiſtorical Account of the Settlement and Poſſeſſion of Bombay, by the Engliſte Eaſt-India Company. London, 1781 , 8vo. A Deſcription of leveral artificial Caverns in the Neighbourhood of Bombay. Cal cutta, 1788. London, 1789, 8vo. III. Travels in Ceylon. Hiſtoire de l'Ile de Ceylan ; écrite par le Capitaine Bybeiro, et préſentée au Roi de Portugal en 1695 : traduite du Portugais par M. l'Abbé Legrand. Amſterdam , 1719, 12mo. Hiſtorical Relation of the Iſland of Ceylan, by Robert Knox. London, 1681 , fol. The author, with ſome companions, lived twenty -ſeven years in ſlavery in vari ous parts of the iſland. Obſervations madein the Ile of Ceylon, by Strachan . ( In the Philoſophical Tranſ actions, vol. xxiii.) Joh. Chriſtoph. Wolf, Reiſe nach Zeylon, nebſt Bericht von der Holloendiſchen Regie rung zu Jafnapatam . (Voyage to Ceylon ; with Accounts of the Dutch Government of Jafnapatam .) Berlin, 1782, 8vo. —In Engliſh , by Erkelſkrom , London , 1785, 8vo. An Account of the Iand of Ceylan, by Campbell. London, 1798, 8vo. Relation de l'Ambaffade au Royaume de Candy dans l'Ile de Ceylan [en 1781 ] : tra duit de l'Anglais de Hughes Boyd . Paris, 1800, 8vo. Memoir on the Iſle of Ceylon, by Meſſrs. Joinville and Mahony. (In the Afiatic Re ſearches, Calcutta, vol . vii. , 1801 , 4to. ) Account of the Iſland of Ceylon, containing its Hiſtory and Geography; to which is added, the Journal of an Embaſſy to the Court of Candi, by Robert Percival. Lon . don, 1803 , 4to. [See the travels of Cardini and Baretti; Sect. JAPAN . — Iſtorica naturale e politica , &c. ; Sect. BIRMAN EMPIRE. –Baldæus, Valentyn, Pyrard de Laval, Memoires pour ſervir à l'Hiſtoire des Indes-Orientales, Gerike, Journal of a Voyage from Madras, Lord Valentia, Haafner ; Sect . EAST -INDIES.] IV . Travels 176 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IV. Travels in Nepaul. An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, being the ſubſtance of Obſervations made during a Miſſion in that Country in 1793 , by Colonel William Kirkpatrick. Lon don, 1811 , 4to . Travels common to the Eaſt -Indies and Perſia. Viaggi fatti da Venetia in Tana, in Perſia, in India, et in Conſtantinopoli, con la de ſcrizione particulare di città , luoghi, fiti, coſtumi, e della Porta del Gran - Turco, e di tutte le intrade, ſpeſe, e modo di governo ſuo, e della ultima impreſa contra Por tugheſi. In Vinegia, nell'anno M.D.XLIII. nella Caſa di Aldo. ( Voyages from Venice to Tana ( now Azof ] in Perſia, India, and to Conſtantinople ; with the par ticular deſcription of cities, places, ſituations, cuſtoms, and of the Porte of the Grand Turk ; and of all his revenue, expenditure, and government, and of his laſt enter priſe againſt the Portugueſe.) Venice, Aldus, 1543, 8vo. This ſmall collection is very ſcarce. It was ſubſequently inſerted in the large collection of Ramuſio , and tranſlated into Latin in the Scriptores Rerum Per ficarum , Frankfort, 1607. The author is Antonio Minutio ; and the work contains the travels of Gaſparo Contarini, who, in 1473, viſited Mingrelia, Georgia, Perſia, Tartary, and Ruſſia ; two journeys of Guiſeppe Barbaro, two of Alevigi, and two anonymous travels. Pedro Texeira , Relacion del Origen , Deſcendencia, y Suceſion de los Reyes de Perſia y de Hormuz, y de un Viage hecho por el meſmo autore deude India -Oriental, y haſta Italia por tierra. (Account of the Origin, Deſcent, and Succeſſion of the Kings of Perſia and Hormuz, and of a Journey made by the Author into the Eaſt Indies, and back , by land, to Italy.) Antwerp, 1610, 8vo. - French, by Cotolendi, Paris, 1681 , 2 vol. 12mo. Travels into the Eaſt, by T. Herbert, London, 1634 , 4to. Relation du Voyage dePerſe et des Indes-Orientales :traduit de l'Anglais de Thomas Herbert ( parWiquefort); avec le Révolutions arrivées au Royaume de Siam l'an 1647 : traduites du Flammand de Jérémie van Vliet (par le même). Paris, 1663, 4to. Joh . Albrecht von Mandeſlo, Schreiben von ſeiner Oſtindianiſchen Reiſe, aus der Inſel Madagaſcar, anuo 1639. ( Letter on his Eaſt - Indian Travels from the Ifle of Ma dagaſcar, in 1639.) Sleſwick, 1645 ; Ib. 1647, 4to . This traveller paſſed through Perfia. Relations des Voyages des Pères de la Compagnie de Jéſus dans les Indes - Orientales et en Perſe. Paris, 1666, 2 vol. 12mo. Six Voyages de Jean Tavernier en Turquie, en Perſe, et aux Indes, pendant l'eſpace de quarante ans par toutes les routes qu'on peut y tenir, accompagnés des obſer vations particulières ſur les qualités, la religion, le gouvernement, et le com merce du chaque pays, avec les figures, les poids, et la valeur des monnoies. En richis des cartes, plans, et figures. Paris, 1676 ; Ib . 1679, 3 vol . 4to.; Ib. revue, corrigée, et augmentée de diverſes choſes curieuſes, 1681 , 3 vol. 4to. Paris (Hol land ), 1678 , 1679, 3 vol. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1679 , 1681 , 1690, 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1692, 3 vol. 12mo. Utrecht, 1712, 3 vol. 12mo. Rouen, 1713, 6 vol. 12mo. Hague, 1718, 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1724, 6 vol. 1 2mo. -In Engliſh , London, 1678 , fol. Tavernier, though not equal to Chardin and Bernier, will always continue among the moſt valuable travellers in the Eaſt. His account of Turkey, which OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 177 which he did not viſit himſelf, is formed on the memoirs of his brother, and is full of errors . Aſia ; the Firſt Part, being an accurate Deſcription of Perſia, the vaſt Empire of the Great-Mogul, and other Parts of India . London, 1673 , fol. John Fryer's Travels into Perſia ; began 1672 , finiſhed 1681 ; ejufdem , New Account of Eaſt-India. London, 1693 ; Ib . 1698, fol. Daniel Parthey, Oſtindianiſche undPerſianiſche Kriegſdienſte und Reiſen , und Beſchrei. bung was ſich von 1677 bis 1685 zugetragen . (Military Services and Travels for nine years in the Eaſt-Indies and Perſia , and Account of what happened there, from 1677 to 1685.) Nuremberg, 1687 ; Ib. 1698, 12mo. Franz Gaſpard Schillinger, Perſianiſche und Oſtindianiſche Reiſe. ( Perſian and Eaſt. Indian Travels, from 1699 to 1702.) Nuremberg , 1707, 1709,1716, 8vo. Joh. Gotlieb Wurm, Zehnjohrige Oſtindianiſche und Perſianiſche Reiſe. ( Ien years' Eaſt -Indian and Perſian Travels.) Dreſden and Leipfic, 1737, 8vo. Hanover, 1754, 12mo. Daniel von Mogenie's felbſt-eigene Beſchreibung ſeiner Reiſe und ſeltſamen Begeben heiten in Perſien und Indoftan . ( Account of the Travels and ſtrange Adventures in Perſia and Indoftan, by himſelf : publiſhed by Richard Tomlinſon. Berne, 1763, 2 vol. 8vo. Edward Ives's Voyage from England to India, in the year 1754 ; interſperſed with ſome intereſting paffages relative to the manners, cuſtoms, & c .of ſeveral nations in Indoftan ; alſo a Journey from Perſia to England by an unuſual route. London, 1773, 4to. Hiſtorical Relation of the Rohillas, the Afghans, and Perſia , by C. Hamilton. London , 1787, 8vo. Obſervations made on a Tour from Bengal to Perſia ; with a ſhort Account of the Remains of the celebrated Palace ofPerſepolis, by William Franklin . London, 1690, 8vo. A Journey from Bengal to England, through the Northern Part of India, Kaſhmyre, Afghaniſtan, Perſia, and into Ruſſia, by the Caſpian -Sea, by George Forſter. Lon. don , 1790, 1798, 2 vol, 4to. PERSIA. IL Viaggio dell'Ambrofio Contarini, Ambaſciatare della Signoria di Venetia al Uxan - Caffan , Rè di Perſia . ( Journey of Ambrofio Contarini, Ambaſſador from Venice to Uxan Caſſan, King of Perſia .) Venice, 1543, 12mo. Commentarj del Viaggio in Perſia, di Catarino Zeno, e delle Guerre fatte nell' Imperio Perſiano del tempo di Uxan -Caſſano, libri due ; e della Scoperta dell'Iſole Frif landia, Eſlanda, &c. da' due fratelli Zeno Nicolò e Antonio . ( Commentaries of the Voyage of Catarino Zeno, and of the Wars in the Empire of Perſia, at the time of Uxan-Caſſan , two books ; with the Diſcovery of the Iſlands of Frieſland, Ice land, &c. by the two brothers, Nicolas and Antonio Zeno, contained in the third book. ). Venice, 1558, 8vo. Catarino Zeno, Iſtoria curioſa delle ſue Avventure in Perſia ': tratta da antico originale manuſcritto , per la prima volta publicata da Vincenzio Formaleoni. ( Curious Hif VOL . XVII. ' AA tory 178 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS tory of his Adventures in Perfia : from the ancient original MS., publiſhed for the firſt time by V. Formaleoni. ) Venice, 1783 , tom. i. , izmo. Relacion de Don Juan de Perſia, en III libros, donde ſe tratan los caſos notables de Perſia. (Relation of Don Juan of Perſia, in three books, in which the moſt remark able objects in Perſia are treated. ) Valladolid , 1604, 4to. Kakaſch, Stephan von Zalokemeny, und Georg Tectander, Iter Perſicum anno 1602, oder Perſianiſche Reiſebeſchreibung. ( Travels in Perſia .) Altenburg, 1609 ; lb. 1610, 8vo . Govea, Ambaſſade da Perſia . (Embaſſy of Perſia .) , Liſbon , 1611, 4to. Joannes de Laet, Perſia, ſeu Regni Perfiæ Status, variaque in Perſiam Itinera. Leyden, 1633 , 1647, 2 vol. 4to.; Ib . 1637, 24to. L'Ambaſſade de Don Garcias de Figueroa en Perſe ; contenant la politique de ce grand empire, les maurs du Roi Schal-Abbas, et une relation de tous les lieux de la Perfe où cet ambaſſadeur a été pendant l'eſpace de huit ans qu'il y a demeuré : traduit par Wiquefort. Paris, 1667 , 4to . Samuel Imbrecht, Voyagien naer en door groot en mactige Koningryk van Perſia. ( Travels to and in the great and mighty Kingdom of Perſia .) Amſterdam , 1667, 4to . Recueilde diverſes Relations de l'Ile de Madagaſcar, du Bréſil, d’Egypte, et de Perſe , avec l'Hiſtoire de la dernière Guerre de Bréſil, entre les Portugais et les Hollandais ; données au public, avec les Obſervations de E. E. Moris, par Jacques et Pierre Dupuy. Paris, 1631 , 2 vol. 4to . Relations véritables et curieuſes de l'Ile de Madagaſcar et du Bréſil; avec l'Hiſtore de la dernière Guerre faite au Bréſil, entre les Portugais et les Hollandais. Trois Relations d’Egypte, et une du Royaume de Perſe, par François Cauche, Boulax - Baro, Pierre Moreau , Céſar Lambert, Jacques Albert, et Santo Seguzzy : publiées par Claude Bartholin Moriſot. Paris, 1651 ; Ib. 1691, 4to. Of theſe memoirs, written between 1598 and 1648, thoſe on the Brafils and Madagaſcar are themoſt intereſting. Voyage ou Relation de la Perſe, avec une Diſſertation ſur les Mours, Religion, et Gouvernement de cet Etat. Paris, 1668, 12mo. Les Beautés de la Perſe, ou Deſcription de ce qu'il y a de plus curieux dans ce Royaume, enrichie dela carte du pays , et de quelques eſtampes deſſinées ſur les lieux, par le Sieur A. D.D. V. ( André Deſlandes-Douliers. ) Paris, 1673 , 4to . Le même ; avec la Relation des Aventures de Louis Marot, Pilot-général des Galères de France. Paris, 1679, 12mo. Journal du Voyage du Chevalier Chardin en Perſe, et aux Indes -Orientales, par la Mer-Noire. Londres, 1686, fol. Amſterdam , 2 vol. 12mo. Lyons, 2 vol. I 2mo . Theſe editions contain only the journey from Paris toIſpahan. The following was publiſhed ſeparately ; and the editions which follow , contain his entire travels - Le Couronnement de Soliman Troiſième, Rui de Perſe, et ce qui s'eſt paſſé deplus mémorable dans les deux premières années de fon Règne (par Chardin ). Paris, 1691 , 12mo. Voyage de M. le Chevalier Chardin en Perſe et autres lieux de l’Orient ; enrichi d'un grand nombre de figures, repréſentant les antiquités et les choſes remarquables du pays. Amſterdam , 1711 , 10 vol. 12mo. ; Ib. 3 vol. 4to . Paris, 1723 , 10 vol. 12mo. Voyage, &c. &c. Nouvelle edition , augmentée du Couronnement de Soliman III., et OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 179 M * et de beaucoup paſſages tirés du manuſcrit de l'auteur, et qui ne ſe trouvent point dans les éditions précédentes Amſterdam , 1735, 4 vol. 4to . Collection of Voyages and Travels in Perſia, by Chardin . London, 1711 , 2 vol. 8vo. The veracity and copiouſneſs of information contained in theſe volumes is very generally acknowledged. Etat préſent du Royaume de Perſe. Avec figures. Paris, 1694, 12mo.— The fame, with this title : “ Voyage ou Relation de l'étatpréſent du Royaume de Perſe, avec une Diſſertation curieuſé ſur les Mæurs et le Gouvernement de cet Etat, par Sanfon.” Figures. Paris , 1695, 12mo. Découverte de l'Empire du Candahar. Paris, 1730, 12mo. Amoenitates Exoticarum politico-phyſico-medicarum Faſciculi,quibus continentur variæ Relationes, Obſervationes Rerum Perſicarum et Ulterioris Afiæ , autore Engelberto Kæmpfer. Lemgo, 1712, 8vo. Travels of Kæmpfer in Perſia, and other Countries of the Eaſt. London, 1736, 2 vol. fol. Theſe are both works of great merit and ſcarcity. Perſepolis illuſtrata ; or Account of the Royal Palace of Perſepolis in Perſia, deſtroyed by Alexander the Great ; with particular remarks concerning that palace, and an account of the ancient authors ; illuſtrated and deſcribed in 21 copper- plates. Lon don, 1739, fol. Perſia ; overo ſecondo Viaggio di F. Leandro di Santa -Cecilia, Carmelitano ſcalzo , nell' Oriente ; ſcritta da medeſimo. - (Perſia ; or ſecond Journey of Friar Leandro di S. Cecilia, barefooted Carmelite, in the Eaſt ; written by himſelf.) Rome, 1757, 4to. Reiſe nach Perſien , nebſt einer Beſchreibung der wichtigſten Merkwürdigkeiten dieſes Reichs. ( Travels to Perſia , with a Deſcription of the chief Curioſities of that Empire. ) Frankfort, 1780, 1781 , 2 vol. 8vo. P.S. Pallas, Reiſe von der nærdlichen Seite des Kaukaſus bis nach Choy in Perſien . ( Journey from the Northern Side of the Caucaſus to Choy in Perſia, in 1785.) In the New Memoirs of the North. R. Hablizl, Bemerkungen gemacht in der Perſiſchen Landſchaft Gilan und auf den Gilaniſchen Gebirgen. (Obſervations made in the Perſian Province of Ghilan, and among the Mountains of that Province, in 1773 and 1774.) Peterſburgh, 1783, 8vo . Voyagede Beauchamp en Perſe. (In the Journal des Savans, 1790.) Nachricht von einer Reiſe in Perſien im jahr 1787. ( Notices of a Journey in Perſia , in 1787.) In the Minerva, 1792, No. VIII. Conciſe Account of fomenatural Curioſities ofMalham (in Perfia ). London, 1799, 8vo. Deſcription of Moeſhec in Perſia, by Francis Gladwin. London, 1801 , 4to . J. A. Bergh, Reiſe nach Perſien. ( Journey to Perſia .) Leipfic, 8vo. Voyage en Perſe, par G. A. Olivier. Paris, 1807, 2 vol. 8vo. , and atlas 4to.; i vol. 4to . Travels to Shiraz , by the route of Cazrum and Feruzabad ; with various remarks on the manners, cuſtoms, &c. of the Perſians, by Edward Scott Waring. London , 1807, 4to . Geographical Memoir of the Perſian Empire; interſperſed with accounts of manners and cuſtoms, by John Macdonald Kinneir. London , 1813, 4to . [ See the travels of Olearius, Struys, Le Bruyn, Hanway, Journey through Ruſſia, Algemeine Geſchichte ; Sect. RUSSIA IN EUROPE.Pietro della Valle, Poſer, A A 2 Melton , 180 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Melton , Tournefort, Thevenot, Otter, Voyage d'un Millionaire en 1750, Ferrières Sauveboeuf, Olivier ; Sect. TURKEY IN ÉUROPE. — Poullet, Bell, Laboulaye -de Goux, Voyage d'un Miſſionaire ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia. — Relation nouvelle du Levant, Chinon, Dapper ; Sect. ARMENIA. -Pacifique; Sect. PALESTINE . - Ver thema, l'Iluſtre Pélérin ; Sect. SYRIA. —Marco Polo , Bourges, Stranflens, Melton, Gardanne ; Sect. SYRIA and PALESTINE. Güldenſtedt, Cook, Hiſtoire des Découvertes, Rhodes ; Sect. SIBERIA . - Abdoulkerim , Schweitzer ; Sect. East INDIES.] INDEPENDENT TARTARY. SCHILDBERG'S Gefangenſchaft in der Türkey. ( Captivity in Turkey. ) Frankfort, 1557, 4to. The author, a Bavarian , ſerved in Hungary in 1374, and became ſucceſſively priſoner of Bajazet and of Tamerlan . Opera dilettevole a intendere, nel quale ſi contiene de' Itinerarii in Tartaria per alcuni Frati giovani dell'ordine Minore, e Frate Ifidoro predicatore Dominico , mandati da Papa Innocente IV. , nella provincia di Scythia per ambaſſatori. (A work delightful to know, in which are contained the Travels in Tartary of fome young Minorite Friars, and of Friar Iſidore, preaching Dominican, ſent as ambaſſador from Pope Innocent IV. to Scythia. ) Venice , 1537, 8vo. Hiſtoria del gran Tamerlan, o Itinerario y Narracion del Viage, y Relacion de la Ambaf fada que Řuy Gonçalez de Clavijo, le hizo por mandado del Señor Rey Don Henrique el Tercero de Caſtilla, en año 1403; conDiſcurſo de Gonçalez Orgova de Molina, y la Vida del Tamerlan eſcrita por Paulo Jovio . (Hiſtoryof the great Tamerlan, or Itinerary and Narrative of the Travels, and Relation of the Embaſſy executed by Command of King Don Henry III . , of Caſtile, in 1403 ; with a Diſcourſe of Gon zalez Orgova de Molina, and the Life of Tamerlan by Paulus Jovius. ) Seville, 1582, fol. d'Antoine Jenkinſon, pour découvrir le Chemin du Catay par la Tartarie, écrit par lui-même aux Marchands Anglais de la Compagnie de Moſcou, qui l'avoient obligé de faire ce voyage ( en 1558 ). In M. Thevenot's Collection , Part I. Relation des Tartares Procopites et Nogais, Circaſſiens, Mingréliens, et Géorgiens, par Jean de Luces, Religieux de l'ordre de Saint Dominique.-Additions à la Relation précédente de la Tartarie, principalement des Tartaries du Crim. ( Ibid .) Guillelmi Bruffi Diarium de Tartaria. Cologne, 1593. Frankfort, 1598, 8vo. Relation de la Tartarie - Orientale, par le P. Martini. (In the Recueil des Voyages au Nord, vol. iv. ) Relation du Sieur Ferrand , Médecin du Kan des Tartares, touchant la Crimée , les Tartares Nogais, et ce qui ſe paſſa au ſérail dudit Kan. ( Ibid .) P. Dan, Hiftoria en Beſchryving van Tartarien . (Hiſtory and Deſcription of Tartary:) Amſterdam , 1684, fol. A Voyage into Tartary ; containing a curious deſcription of the country, with part of Greece and Turkey, the manners, opinions,and religion of the inhabitants therein , with ſome other incidents, by Hellogenes del Epy. London, 1689, 12mo. Relation de la Petite- Bucharie. Cologne, 1728, 12mo. Recueil de divers Voyages curieux en Tartarie, &c. Leyden , 1729, 2 vol. 4to. Relation Voyage OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 181 Relation de la Grande- Tartarie Aſiatique, dreſſés ſur les mémoires des priſonniers Suèdois en Tartarie. Amſterdam , 1737, 8vo. Staat der geſammten Tartarey, in den alten und neuen Zeiten, aus den bewæhrteſten Nachrichtengezogen . (State of all Turkey, in ancient and modern Times ; from the moſt authentic ſources.) Riga and Leipfic, 1780, 8vo. Voyages chez les Kalmouks et les Tartares : ornés de 23 figures et de deux cartes. Berne, 1792 , 8vo. A judicious extract from the works of Pallas, Gmelin , Lepechin , &c. [ See the travels of Poſſevin , Michalon, Olearius, Struys, Hanway, Avril ; Sect. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. - Carpin, Ancellin , Rubruquis, Haiton, in the Collection of Bergeron. —Bruce, Bell ; Sect. EUROPE and Asia. - Stranſſens ; Sect. SYRIA and PALESTINE. — Witſen , Pallas, Bergnann ; Sect. SIBERIA.— Bertrandon de la Brocquiere ; Sect. PALESTINE. Ribadeneyra, Mendez Pinto, Wagner ; Sect. CHINA. ] ARABIA . ARABIA, ſeu Arabum, vicinarumque Orientalium Gentium , Leges et Hiſtoria. Am ſterdam , 1635 , 4to . Gregorii Abul-Pharagii Specimen Hiſtoriæ Arabum, ſeu de Origine et Moribus Narratio ; Arab. et Lat. in linguam Latinam converſa, et notis illuſtrata, opere Edward Pococke. Oxford, 1650, 4to. Voyage dans l'Arabie-Heureuſe, par l'Océan Oriental et le Détroit de la Mer Rouge, dans les années 1708, 1709 , et 1710 ; avec la relation particulière d'un voyage fait du port de Moka, à la cour du Roi d’lemen, dans la ſeconde expedition des années 1711 , 1712, et 1713 ; un mémoire concernant l'arbre et le fruit du café, dreſſé ſur les obſervations de ceux qui ont fait ce dernier voyage, et un traité hiſtorique de l'origine et des progrès du café, tant dans l'Aſie que dans l’Europe, &c. (Par M. de la Roque.) Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1716, 12mo. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi Louis XIV. dans la Paleſtine, vers le Grand-Emir, chef des Princes Arabes du Déſert, connus fous le nom de Bedouins ou d'Arabes Scénites, qui ſe diſent la vraie pofterité d'Ifmaël fils d’Abraham ; où il eſt traité des meurs et des coutumes de cette nation, avec la deſcription générale de l'Arabie, faite par le Sultan Iſmaël Abulfeda: traduite au Français ſur les meilleurs manuſcrits, avec des notes par M. D. L. R. ( M. de La Roque.) Avec figures. Paris, 1717, I 2mo. This was detached by the editor from the memoirs of the Chevalier d'Arvieux, and contains a very intereſting account of his living with the Emir, who became greatly attached to him, and of the manners of the Bedouin Arabs in general. Voyage d'un Millionaire Jéſuite en Arabie et en, Barbarie. Paris, 1730, 12mo. Relation de l’Expédition de Moka, en l'année 1737, ſous les ordres de M. de la Garde- Jaſier de Saint-Malo, mis en ordre et publiée par M. l'Abbé Desfontaines. Paris, 1739, 12mo. Caſſel, Reiſe nach Groſs-Cairo und den Berg Sinaï. ( Journey to Great-Cairo and Mount Sinai. ) Hanovre, 1752, J2mo. II Journal 182 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinaï, and Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyphics : tranſlated from a manuſcript written by a Prefect of Egypt ; to which are added, Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyphics and Mythology, by Robert Clayton, Biſhop of Clogher. 2nd edit. corrected . London , 1753, 8vo. Deſcription of Mount Sinai. ( In modern Greek .) Venice, 1773, 4to. Carſten Niebuhr, Beſchreibung von Arabien, aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande ſelbſt geſammelten Nachrichten . (Deſcription of Arabia, from perſonal ob ſervations, collected in that country itſelf.) Copenhagen, 1772 , 4to. —In French, Ib. 1773. Amſterdam , 1774. Paris, 1779, 4to . Reiſebeſchreibung nach Arabien , und andern umliegenden Læn dern . ( Travels to Arabia, and other countries bordering on it .) Copenhagen, 1774 , 1778, 2 vol. 4to. -In French, Utrecht, 1776, 1780, 2 vol. 4to. In Engliſh, London, 1799, 2 vol. 18mo. Theſe are well-known to be the beſt and moſt authentic works on Arabia we have. Arabia is the chief object, though the travels extend to Egypt, Perſia, and Hindoftan. Recueil de Queſtions propoſées a une Société de Savans, qui par ordre de S. M. Danoiſe font le Voyage de l'Arabie, par M. Michaëlis : traduit de l'Allemand . Frankfort, 1753, 4to. ; Ib . 1768, 8vo. Petri Forſhal, Deſcriptiones Animalium , Avium , Amphibiorum , Piſcium , Infectorum , Vermiumque, in Itinere Orientali obſervatorum ; poſt mortem autoris, edidit Niebuhr. " Copenhagen, 1775, 4to , Petri Forſkal, Icones Rerum Naturalium quas, in Itinere Orientali, depingi curavit. Copenhagen, 1776, 4to . A Series of Adventures in the courſe of a Voyage up the Red -Sea, on the Coaſts of Arabia and Egypt; and of a Route through the Deſerts of Thebais hitherto un known to European Travellers, in the year 1779 ; in letters to a lady, by Eyles Irwin, Eſq. Illuſtrated with maps and cuts. London, 1780, 4to. Henry Rooke's Travels to the Coaſts of Arabia - Felix, and from thence, by the Red Seaand Egypt, to Europe ; containinga ſhort account of an expedition undertaken againſt theCape of Good Hope ; in a ſeries of letters. London, 1783 , 8vo. [See the travels of Buchenbach, Wilden , Thevenot, Ferrières- Sauvebeuf, Wittman, Griffiths ; Sect. TURKEY IN EUROPE. - Palerne ; Sect. GREECE. -Jenner ; Sect. Europe and Asia.— Belon, Welſchen , Fermanel, Voyage d'un Miſſionaire, Pococke; Sect. EUROPE, Asia, and AFRICA.— Thompſon ; Sect. EUROPE, Asia, AFRICA,and AMERICA.— Breydenbach, Huen , Ziegler, Helffrich , Rauwolf, Baumgarten , Her. mandorf, Noë, Bremond, Moriſon, Haffelquiſt, Schroeter ; Sect. Palestine. - Verthema, l'Iluſtre Pelerin ; Sect. Syria. —Abdoulkerim , James, Lord Valentia ; Sect. East-Indies. ] ASIATIC ISLANDS. [See the travels of Marco Polo , Oderico, Mandeville, Guzman, Mandello ; Sect. TURKEY IN Asia .] I. Sumatra. ADOLPH ESCHELSKRON, Beſchreibung der Inſel Sumatra, beſonders in Rück ſicht des Handels, &c. ( Deſcription of the Ife of Sumatra , particularly relative to Trade.) Hamburgh, 1781 , 8vo, 4 Hiſtory OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 183 Hiſtory of Sumatra ; containing an account of the government, laws, cuſtoms, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a deſcription of the natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political ſtate of the iſland. London, 1783, 4to . Hiſtory of Sumatra, by Shelbeare. London , 1787, 8vo. Beſchryving van de Inſel Sumatra, &c. (Deſcription of the Iſland of Sumatra, relative to commerce: tranſlated into Dutch) from the German of Von Schirach.) Harlem , 1789, 8vo. Details relative to the Poggy Illands near Sumatra, by John Criſp. ( In the Aſiatic Reſearches.) [See the voyages of Heſſe, Forreſt; Sect. EAST -INDIES.] II. Java. Reyſe naer Java. (Voyage to Java.) Dordrecht, 1666, 4to. C. Fr. Walbaum , Hiſtorie der Oſtindiſchen Inſel Java, und aller übrigen Hollandiſchen Colonien in Oſtindien. (Hiſtory of the Eaſt-Indian Iſle of Java, and of all the other Dutch Colonies in the Eaſt- Indies.) Jena, 1754 , 8vo. Beſchryving van eenige vornaamſte Kuſten von Ooſt en Weſt-Indien , als Surinam , Niew -Nederland, Florida, Cuba, Braſil, Surate, Madagaſcar, Batavia, Peru , Mexico. ( Deſeription of fome of the principal Coaſts of the Eaſt and Weſt-Indies, as Šurinam , the New -Netherlands, Florida, Cuba, the Braſils, Surate, Madagaſcar, Batavia, Peru, Mexico.) Leuwarden , 1716, 4to. Preſent ſtate of Batavia. ( In Dutch. ) Hague, 1780, 8vo. Sebaſtian Cornelius Nederburgh , Journal der Reyſe, & c. (Journal of the Voyage of S.C.Nederburgh, formerly Commiſſary -General of the Dutch -Indies, in 1798, along the N.E. coaſt of Java : publiſhed by W. Wurdenaar and Ph. Dupuy. ) Amſterdam , 1805, 8vo . Sketches, civil and military, of the Iſland of Java and its immediate Dependencies, including particular details of Batavia ; taken from voyages between 1768 and 1810 ; by a Dutch Admiral and a French General. London , 1811 , 8vo. 1 [ See, Voyage to the Eaſt - Indies in 1747, Staunton ; Sect. CHINA.— Thunberg ; Sect. JAPAN . - Barrow ; Sect. COCHIN -CHINA.-Valentyn, Margraff, Wurmb and Wollzo gen , Stavorinus, Tombe ; Sect. EAST-INDIES.] III. Borneo. Deroi, Hechelgke reys- togt na Borneo. ( Voyage to Borneo.) Leyden , 1708 , 8vo. Des Capitain Beekman's Nachrichten von der Inſel Borneo. ( In Sprengel and Forſter's New Memoirs, vol. v. ) Voyage to the Iſland of Borneo, by Captain Beekman. London, 1718, 8vo. J. C.M.Radermacher, Kurze Beſchreibung von Borneo. ( Short Deſcription of Borneo. ) In the Philoſophical Tranſactions of the Batavian Society in Java, vol. i. Joſeph van Wurmb, Deſcription of the Ife of Borneo ; with ſome details on the man ners of its inhabitants. ( Ibid .) [ See the voyage of Forreſt; Seci. EAST-INDIES. ] IV. Phi 184 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IV. Philippines. Franciſco Combes, Hiſtoria de las Illas Mindanas, lolo, y ſus Iflas adjacentes; Progreſſos de la Religion y Armas Catolicas. ( Hiſtory of the Iſles of Mindanao, lolo, and their adjacent Iſlands, with the Progreſs of the Catholic Religion and Arms there.) Madrid, 1567; Ib . 1669, fol. Antonio Morgas, Suceſos de las Iſlas Filippinas, &c. (Hiſtory of the Philippine Islands.) Mexico, 1609 ; Madrid, 1699, fol. Relaciondel Procurador-general de las Filippinas,donde ſe halle lo que pertenece a effas Iſlas, de lo que conviene Remedio en las Iſlas de Moluco. (Relation of Fer. dinand de los Rios Coronel, Procurator of the Phillipines, of what relates to theſe Iſlands, and of the Improvements to be adopted in the Moluccas. ) Madrid, 1621 , 4to. In French , in Thevenot's Collection , Part II . Relaciones diverſas de las Illas Filippinas. (Various Accounts of the Philippine Iflands.) Manilla, 1632, 4to . Conquiſta de las Iſlas Filippinas, por Padre Gaſparo Fray. (Conqueſt of the Philippine Illands, by Father G. Fray.) Madrid , 1634, 4to. Relacion de las Illas Filippinas, compueſta por el Amirante D. Hieronimo de Bauvalos y Carrillo. ( Account of the Philippine Ilands, by Admiral Don H. de Bauvalos y Carrillo. ) Manilla, 1638, 8vo. —In French , in M. Thevenot's Collection , Part II. Juſtificacion de la Conſervacion y Comercio de las Iſlas Filippinas, al Iluſtriſſimo y Reverendiſſimo Señor Don Juan de Palafon y Mederiza, del Conſejo de Su Maeſtad en el Real de las Indias, Obiſpo de la Puebla de los Angeles, por Don Juan Gram y Montfalcon , Procurador-general de las Iſlas Filippinas, & c. (Memoir' on the Con ſervation and Commerce ofthe Philippine Iſlands, addreſſed to the moſt Illuſtrious and Reverend Don J. de Palafon and Mederiza , one ofHis Majeſty's Royal Council of the Indies, Biſhop of Puebla de los Angeles ; by Don Juan Gram and Mont falcon, Procurator-general of the Philippine Ilands, &c. ) Madrid, 4to. - In French, in Thevenot's Collection , Part II. Ragguaglio de la Miſſione di Santa- Cruce nella Provincia di Panaqui ( Panay ), &c.: tra dottadal Spagnuolo. (Account of the Miſſion of Santa -Cruz, in the Province of Panay : tranſlated into Italian ) from the Spaniſh.) Madrid , 1741, 8vo . Hiſtoria de la Provincia de Filippinas, por el Padre Rodriguez Murillo Villarde. ( Hif tory of the Province of the Philippines, by Father R.Murillo Villarde. ) Manilla, 1749, fol. [ See the voyages of Sonnerat, de Guignes ; Seet. CHINA. -Gualle ; Selt. Japan . -- Sonnerat, Forreſt ; Sect. Papua or New Guinea. ] V. Celebes. Deſcriptionhiſtorique du Royaume de Macaçar, diviſée en trois parties, par N. Ger vaiſe. Paris, 1688 , 12mo. Lamême; avec relation de tout ce qui s'eſt paſſé en la guerre que les Hollandais de la Compagnie des Indes-Orientales ont eue contre le Roi et les autres régens de Macaçar, depuis l'an 1666 juſqu'à l'année 1669 ; avec les victoires qu'ils ſont rem portées ſous la conduite du Sieur Corneille Speelman, ci-devant Gouverneur de la Côte OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 185 Côte de Coromandel, &c.: traduite ſur la copie imprimée à Batavia. Ratiſbon , 1700 , 12mo. Nachrichten von der Inſel Celebes und dem Kænigreich Macaſſar. (Notices relative to the Iſle of Celebes and the Kingdom of Macaſſar.) In the Knowledge of Litera ture and of Nations. 1790, No. 5. Deſcription of the Iſland of Celebes or Macaffar. ( In the Philoſophical Magazine, 1803.) The Narrative of Captain Woodward, and of Four Sailors ; containing their adventures, their captivity among the Malays, and their flight ; with the deſcription of the Illand of Celebes, its ports, coaſts, the manners and cuſtoms of its inhabitants. London, 3d edition, 1804, 8vo. [ See the voyages of Rhodes ; Sect. CHINA. — Forreſt and Stavorinus ; Sect. EAST Indies. ] VI. Moluccas. Bartolomeo Leonardode Argenfola , Conquiſta de las Islas Molucas,al Rey Phelippe III. (Conqueſt of the Iſles of the Moluccas under Philip III.) Madrid, 1609. fol. —In French, Amſterdam , 1706, 3 vol. 12mo. -In German, Frankfort and Leipfic, 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. Les Voyages et Navigations faites par les Eſpagnols aux Iles Moluques ; des Iles qu'ils ſont trouvées aux dits Voyages, des Rois d'icelles, de leur Gouvernement, avec plu fieurs autres choſes, par Antoine Pigafetta. Paris, N. D., b.l., 8vo . [ See the voyages of Sonnerat; Sect. CHINA. - Pyrard de Laval, Mandeſlo, Valentyn, Stavorinus ; Sect. EAST-INDIES. Coronel ; Sect. PHILIPPINES. —Sonnerat, Forreſt; Sect. PAPUA or New GUINEA .] TRAVELS IN ASIA IN GENERAL. PASSAGE d'outre Mer en Aſie, par Mamerot. 1492 , fol. JacobiGaſtaldi Afiæ Deſcriptio. Venice, 1561 , fol. Itinerarium Orientale Philippi Saneta - Trinitatis, Carmelitæ . Lyons, 1649. 8vo. In French , Ib. 1652 ; Ib . 1669, 8vo. — In Italian, Rome, 1666 , 8vo. This is one of the moſt judicious among themiſſionary travellers. Afiæ nova Deſcriptio, in quâ præter Provinciarum Situs et Mores, mira deteguntur hac tenus inaudita, autore Georgio Fournier. Paris, 1656, fol. Viaggi Orientali ; ne' qualifi deſcrivono animali, alberi, piante, frutti. ( Oriental Tra vels ; in which are deſcribed animals, trees, plants, fruits.) Rome, 1666, 12mo. Deſcription of Aſia, by John Ogilby. London , 1672 , fol. Relation exacte concernant les Caravanes par Contéges des Marchands d’Aſie, par M. Bugnon . Nanci, 1707, 8vo. Reyſe en Afia. ( Travels in Aſia.) With plates. ByBognart. Amſterdam , 1711,4to. Joh. Fr. Poppe, Characteriſtik der merkwürdigſten Aſiatiſchen Nationen . ( Characteriſ ation of the moſt remarkable Aſiatic Nations.) Breſlaw , 1776, 2 vol. 8vo. VOL . XVII . в в Effais 186 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Effais philoſophiques ſur les Meursde divers Animaux étrangers ; avec des Obſervations relatives aux Principes et aux Uſages de divers Peuples ; ou Extrait des Voyages de M. * * ( Foucher d'Oſonville) en Aſie. Paris, 1783, 8vo. Voyages en Aſie , ou Eſſais philoſophiques et hiſtoriques ſur quelques Peuples modernes Orientaux, et ſur divers Animaux de ces Contrées. Paris, 1788, 2 vol. 4to. H. G. E. Paulus, Sammlung der merkwürdigſten Reiſen in den Orient, in Ueberſet zungen und Auſzügen. (Collection of themoſt remarkable Travels into the Eaſt, in Tranſlations and Extracts.) Jena, 1792, 1798, 10 vol. 8vo. Several inedited travels are inſerted in this judicious collection. Voyage en Orient; ou Tableau des Meurs, du Gouvernement, des Langues, &c. des différens Peuples du Levant, par M. A. B. D., qui, pendant quarante ans, a ſéjourné et voyagé dans ces contrées, tant pour M.Peyſſonel que pour ſon propre com merce, inſtruction , et plaiſir. Paris, 1801, 8vo. Aſiatic Reſearches ; or Tranſactions of the Society inſtituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the Hiſtory and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Aſia. Cal. cutta, 1799, 1802, 7 vol. 4to. London, reprinted in 8vo. A great numberof topographical memoirs and ſhort travels occur in this valu able periodical publication. TRAVELS IN ASIA AND AFRICA. LE Navegationi per l'Oceano alle Terre di Negri de la Baffa - Ethiopia ; civè, la Hiſtoria del Paeſe nuovamente retrovato e Nuovo -Mondo ; da Americo Vefputio. (The Navi gations on the Ocean to the Countries of the Negroes of Lower-Ethiopia'; that is, Hiſtory of the Countries newly diſcovered, and the New-World ; by A. Veſputio.) Milan , 1519, fol. — In French, Paris, b.l., 4to. This work extends only to Aſia and Africa. Amaro Centeno, Hiſtoria de las coſas del Oriente, que contiene una Deſcripcion general de los Reynos de Aſia , la Hiſtoria de los Tartaros, las coſas del Reyno de Egypto. (Hiſtory of the Eaſt ; containing a general Deſcription of the Kingdoms ofAſia, the Hiſtory of the Tartars, and the Kingdom of Egypt.) Cordova, 1595, 4to. Tableau de l'Afrique et de l'Aſie, par Chaulmer. Paris, 1652 , 2 vol. 12mo. Voyage dans diverſes Parties de l'Aſie et de l'Afrique, par T. H. Hubert. ' 1658, 4to. En kort Beſkrifning uppa Trenne Reſon. (Short Account of Three Journeys.) Wi fingſborg, 1667, 4to . Stockholm , 1759, 8vo. The “ Travels in Aſia , Africa, and many other Pagan Kingdoms, by Nils Matſen Kioping," occupy about two- thirds of this volume. Unglückliche Reiſe, & c. (Unfortunate Travels of Michael Heberer in Aſia, Africa, and Egypt.) Leipfic, 1706. Frankfort, 1747 , 8vo, M. Thomann, Vormaligen Jeſuiten und Miſſionarii in Aſien und Afrika Reiſe und Lebenſbeſchreibung . (Deſcription of the Travels and Life of M. Thomann, ex Jeſuite and Miſſionary . ) Augſburg, 1788, 8vo. Fragments of Letters and other Papers written on the Afiatic and African Coaſts. London, 1802 , fol. IO Travels OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 187 TRAVELS IN ASIA, AFRICA, AND AMERICA. SINGULARITES de quelques Pays de l'Amerique, de l'Aſie et de l'Afrique, depuis les premiers qui les ont découverts, comme Chriſtopher Colomb, &c. Avec figures. Utrecht, 1670, 12mo. Relationdedivers Voyages faits dans Afrique,dans l'Amérique, et aux Indes-Orientales : La deſcription du royaumede Iuda, et quelque particularités touchant la vie du Roi régnant, par le sieur Dralſé de Grand - Pierre: La relation d'une île nouvellement habitée dans le détroit de Malacca ; et l'hiſtoire de deux princes de Golconde ; par le R. P. *** (Maximilien.) Paris, 1718, 12mo. Dralſé, in his firſt voyage, viſits Buenos-Ayres and Paraguay ; in a ſecond, the coaſt of Guinea and Martinique ; in a third, ſeveral kingdoms on the weſtern coaſt of Africa, ſuch as Iuda and Benin , and then Mexico. Voyage of Captain Robert Lade to different parts of Africa, Aſia, and America. Lon don, 2 vol. 8vo.—In French , tranſlated by Prevôt, Paris, 1744 , 2 vol. 12mo.. Recueil d'obſervations curieuſes ſur les moeurs, les coutumes et les uſages, les diffé rentes langues, le gouvernement, la geographie ancienne et moderne, les céré . monies, la religion , la médecine, les artes mécaniques, le commerce, la navigation , les ſciences des différens peuple de l'Aſie, de l’Afrique, et de l'Amérique. Paris, 1748 ; Ib. 1749, 4 vol. 12mo. Mélanges intéreſſans et curieux, ou Abrégé de l'Hiſtoire naturelle, civile , et politique de l'Aſie, de l'Afrique, de ’’Amérique, des Terres-Polaires, par M.R.D ***, Paris, 1763 , 2 vol. 12mo. Voyage d'un Philoſophe ( M. Poivre), ou Obſervations ſur les Meurs et les Arts des Peuples de l'Aſie, de l'Afrique, et de l'Amerique. Yverdun, 1768 , 12mo. Le même ; avec une notice ſur la vie de M. Poivre, et ſon diſcours prononcé à l'Ile de France. Paris, 1794, 8vo. F. L. Lang ſtadt, Reiſennach Süd-Amerika, Aſien , und Afrika, nebſt geographiſchen, hiſtoriſchen , und del Handel betreffenden Anmerkungen. ( Travels to South America, Aſia, and Africa, with hiſtorical, geographical, and commercial Remarks.) Hildeſheim , 1789, 8vo. Charles Macpherſon, Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Aſia, Africa, and America ; written by himſelf, chiefly between 1773 and 1790. London, 1800, 8vo. BB 2 AUSTRAL 188 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AUST R A L AS I A. 1709, 8vo. HISTOIRE des Navigations aux Terres Auſtrales ; contenant ce que l'on fait des meurs et des productions des contrées découverts juſqu'à ce jour, et où il eſt traité de l'utilité d'y faire un nouveau établiſſement, & c. (Par" le Preſident de Broffes .) Paris, 1756, 2 vol. 4to . -In Engliſh, London, 1767, 8vo.; and by Callander, Edinburgh, 1766, 3 vol . 8vo. , a pretended original. This is a very excellent work, enriched with judicious extracts from , and obfervations on, the more ancient travellers . Mundus alter et idem, five Terra -Auſtralis longis Itineribus peregrini Academici nuperrime perluſtrata , autore Guillelmo Knight. Frankfort, 1604, 12mo. The Auſtralian -Land, or the Auſtralaſia of Pelfart. ( In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , fol. La Terre- Auſtrale, découverte ( en 1629) par le Capitaine Peljárt, qui y fit naufrage. (In Thevenot's Collection , PartI. ) Voyage d’Abel Taſman aux Terres-Auſtrales, l'an 1642. ( In the ſame, Part IV. ) Voyages to the Auſtralian Countries, and to New - Holland, by Dampier. London, 1703 , Hiſtoire de l’Expedition de trois Vaiſſeaux envoyés par la Compagnie des Indes-Orien tales des Provinces- Unies ( aux Terres-Auſtrales), par M. de B** Hague, 1739, 3 vol. 12mo. Wohlverfuchte Süd-Leender, d. i. Ausführliche Reife-Beſchreibung um die Welt unter Roggewein , von 1721 bis 1723 , von Carl Fried .Behrens. Leipfic, 1739, 8vo. Voyage en Auſtraſie et Polyneſie , par Roggevin. Hague, 1739, 2 vol. 8vo . Nicholas Staryk, Hiſtory of the Navigations to the Auſtralian Countries. ( In Dutch. ) Amſterdam, 1753, 8vo. Viage de E.Warthen a las Tierras incognitas Auſtrales y al Pays de las Minas, por Don Guzman y Manrique. ( Voyage of E.Warthen to the unknown Auſtralian Countries, and to theLand of the Mines, by D. J. Guzman and Manrique. Madrid, 1778, 4 vol. 8vo. Relation de deux Voyages dans les Mers-Auſtrales et des Indes, faits en 1771, 1772, et 1773, par M. de Kerguelen, ou Extraits de ſes Navigations pour les Terres- Auſtrales, et lavérification d'une nouvelle route propoſée pour abréger d'environ huit cents lieues la traverſée de l'Europe à la Chine. Avec une carte. Paris, 1781, 8vo. This volume is ſcarce, having been ſeized and ſequeſtrated by the government. Voyage deDécouvertes aux TerresAuſtrales, exécuté par ordre de SaMajeſté l’Empe reur et Roi, ſur les corvettes Le Géographe, Le Naturaliſte, et La Goëlette, Le Caſuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 , et 1804, publié par décret Impériale, et rédigé par M. F. Péron, Naturaliſte, &c. Paris, 1807, vol. i. , 4to . and atlas. [ See the voyages of Spielbergen and Lemaire, and Valentyn ; Sect. EAST-INDIES. ] NEW OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 189 NEW -HOLLAND. AN Account of ſeveral late Voyages and Diſcoveries to the South and North , towards the Streights of Magellan , the Sou!h -Seas, the vaſt tracts of land beyond Nova Hollandia, &c. , towards Nova- Zembla, Greenland, Spitzberg, Goryland, or En groaland, & c., by Sir John Narborough, Capt. James Taſman, Capt. John Wood, and Frederik Martens, of Hamburgh ; to which are annexed, a large Introduction and Supplement, London , 1604 ; Ib. 1611 , 8vo. William Dampier's Voyage to New-Holland, & the year 1699. London, 1703, 8vo. A complete Account of the Settlements at Port-Jackſon , in New -South -Wales, includ . ing an accurate deſcription of the ſituation of the colony, of the natives, and of the natural productions, by W. Tench. London , 1788 , 8vo . Voyage to New -South -Wales ; with a defcription of the country, the manners, cuſtoms, religion, &c. of the natives in the vicinity of Botany-Bay, by Barington. London, 1789 ; 1b. 1791 ; Ib . 1792 ; Ib. 1796 ; 16. 1797 ; 16. 1800, 8vo. Account of the Settlement of Port-Jackſon , by King. London , 1789, 4to. Voyage from New - South -Wales to Canton , in the year 1788, by Gilbert. London , 1789, 4to. Philip's Voyage to Botany- Bay, with an Account of the Eſtabliſhment of the Colonies of Port-Jackſon and Norfolk -Inand ; compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the ſeveral departments ; to which are added, the Journals of Lieutenants Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marſhall, with an account of their new diſcoveries. London, 1789, 4to. A Voyage to New -South -Wales, to Botany -Bay, and Port-Jackſon , in the years 1787, 1788 , and 1789, by John Witte. London, 1792, 8vo . An hiſtorical Journal of the Tranſactions at Port- Jackſon and Norfolk Ifland, with the Diſcoveries which have been made in New - South Wales, and in che Southern Ocean, by John Hunter. London , 1789, 4to . An Account of the Engliſh Colonies in New -South -Wales, from its firſt Settlement in January 1788 to Auguſt 1801 ; with remarks on the diſpofitions, cuftoms, and manners of the inhabitants : to which are added, ſome notices on New Zealand, from themanuſcripts of Governor King ; and an account of a voyage made by Captain Flinders and Mr.Baſs, which proves the exiſtence of Straits between New Holland and Van Diemen’s-Land, extracted from the journal of Mr. Bafs : publiſhed by Lieut. -Col . Collins. London , 1801 , 2 vol. 4to . The Narrative of a Voyage of Diſcovery , made in the years 1800, 1801 , and 1802, in New -South -Wales, by Grant. London, 1804, 8vo.; Ib . 1805, 4to. An Account of a Voyage to eſtabliſh a Colony at Port-Philip, in Baſs's Straits, on the ſouth coaſt of New -South -Wales, made on board the Calcutta, in the years 1802, 1803 , and 1804, by J. H. Tuckey. London, 1805, 8vo. This volume contains alſo a judicious account of Braſil. The preſent State of New-South-Wales ; containing an account of the agriculture and trade, price of proviſions, internal regulations, ſtate of ſocietyand manners, new objects in natural hiſtory, &c. : four views and a plan ; by D. D. Mann. London, 1811 , 4to . PAPUA, 190 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PAPUA, OR NEW-GUINEA. VOYAGE à la Nouvelle -Guinée, dans lequel on trouve la deſcription des lieux, des obſervations phyſiques et morales, et des détails relatifs à l'hiſtoire naturelle dans les règnes animal et végétal, par M. Sonnerat. Avec 120 figures. Paris, 1776, 4to. Sonnerat's Voyage to the Spice Iſlands. London, 12mo. This voyager viſited the iſland of Luzon, among the Philippines and the Moluccas. Captain Thomas Foreſt's Voyage to New -Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambungen ; including an account of Magindanoandother iſlands ; illuſtratedwith copper-plates : performed in the Tartar galley, belonging to the Honourable Eaſt-India Company, during the years 1774, 1775, and 1776 : to which is added, a vocabulary of the Magindano tongue. Dublin , 1779, 4to. A very intereſting work , as far as relates to the manners and cuſtoms of the people. Découvertes des Français en 1788 et 1789, dans le ſud -eſt de la Nouvelle- Guinée, et reconoiſſances poſterieures des Anglais qui leur ont impoſé de nouveaux noms ; précédées de l'abrégé hiſtorique des navigations et des découvertes des Eſpagnols dans les mêmes contrées : par M. *** (de Fleurieu ), capitaine de vaiſſeau. Ouvrage enrichi de treize cartes et planches. Paris, 1790, 4to. SOLOMON ISLANDS, &c. DESCUBRIMIENTO de las Illas de Solomon . (Diſcovery of the Solomon Iſlands.) This ancient Spaniſh work is alluded to by De Broſſes, who ſaw an imperfect copy. Thediſcovery is alſo related in the following work — Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza. ( Atchievements of Don G. H. de Men doza.) By Chriſtoval Suarez de Figueroa. Madrid, 1613, 4to . Terra Auſtralis incognita, or a NewSouthern Diſcovery ; containing a fifth part of the world totally unknown, by Ferdinand Quiros. London, 1627, 4to . This is an account of the diſcovery of the Tierra del Eſpiritu - Santo , in 1606, by F. Quiros and Luis de Vaes de Torres, extracted from Spaniſh works. The Archipelago is now called the New - Hebudes. NEW-ZEALAND. SOME Account of New -Zealand , particularly the Bay of Jhands and ſurrounding Country ; with a deſcription of the religion and government, language, arts, manu factures , manners and cuſtoms of the natives, by John Savage. London, 1807 , 8vo. [ See the voyage of Rochon ; Sect. East-Indies.—Taſman, Collins; Sect. New . HOLLAND. ] VAN-DIEMEN’S- LAND. OBSERVATIONS on Van -Diemen's- Land . London, 1801 , 8vo. POLYNESIA . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 191 POLYNES I A. 1740, 8vo. OBSERVATIONS in a Voyage to the South-Sea, by Richard Hawkins. London, 1622, fol. Journal d'un Voyage fait à la Mer du Sud avec les Flibuſtiers de l'Amérique, en 1684 et années ſuivantes, par le Sieur Ravenau de Luſſan . Paris, 1689, 12mo. Voyage into the South -Sea : tranſlated from the Engliſh ( into Dutch). Amſterdam , Voyage into the South -Sea, in the years 1740 and 1741 , by John Buckley and John Gummius. London, 1743 , 8vo. An hiſtorical Collection of the ſeveral Voyages and Diſcoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, by Alexander Dalrymple. London, 1770, 2 vol. 4to. Hydrographie, ou Hiſtoire des nouvelles Découvertes faites dans le Mer du Sud, en 1767, 1768, 1769, et 1770, par M. de Freville. Paris, 1774, 2 vol. 8vo. John Trunler's Deſcription and Account of the Iſlands lately difcovered in the South Sea ; with ſome Account of the Country of Kamtſchatka. London, 1777, 8vo. An Account of the principal Ilands in the South-Sea, by John Trunler . London , 1801 , 8vo. Nachrichten vonden neueſten Entdeckungen der Englænder in der Südſee. ( Account of the neweſt Diſcoveries of the Engliſh in the South -Sea.) Berlin, 1778 , 7 vol. 8vo. Mémoires ſur les Découvertes faites dans la Mer du Sud, avant Bougainville et Cook , par le P. Pingré. Paris, 1778 , 4to. Nouveau Voyage à la Mer du Sud, commencé ſous les ordres de M.Marion, et achevées, après la mort de cet officier, par M. Ducleneur, rédigé d'après les plans et journaux, par M. Crozet. Paris, 1783 , 8vo. The Ladrones are the principal object of reſearch in this volume. Hiſtoire abrégé de la Mer du Sud, par La Borde. Paris, 1791 , 3 vol. 8vo. and Voyage to the South -Sea, undertaken by order of His Majeſty , for the purpoſe of. introducing the Bread -fruit and other uſeful trees into the Weſt - Indies, by Lieut. Bligh. London, 8vo. Captain Colnet's Voyage from Cape-Horn into the Pacific - Ocean . London, 1792 ; Ib. 1798, 8vo. Account of Diſcoveries in the Southern Pacific Ocean. London , 1799, 8vo . A chronological Hiſtory of the Diſcoveries in the South -Sea, or Pacific- Ocean, from 1579 to 1620, by Capt. James Burney. Plates and maps. London, 1804, 1807, 2vols. 4to . atlas 4to . PELEW ISLANDS. AN Account of the Pelew Iſlands, ſituated in the Weſtern Parts of the Pacific-Ocean ; compoſed from the journals and communications of Captain Henry Wilſon and ſome of his officers, in Auguſt 1783 , by George Keate. London, 1788, 4to . A Sup 192 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A Supplement to the Account of the Pelew Iſlands, from the journals of two veſſels, the Panther and the Enterprize, ſent to theſe iſlands by the Eaſt- India Company, in 1790 ; and from oral communication from Capt. Wilſon, by J. P. Hockin. With ſeven plates. London, 1804, 4to . THE LADRONES. < HISTOIRE des Illes Mariannes, nouvellement converties à la religion Chrétienne, et de la mort glorieuſe des premiers Miſſionaires, qui y ont prêché la foi ; par le P. Gobien, de la Compagnie de Jéſus. Paris, 1700, 12mo. SOCIETY ISLANDS. ESSAI ſur l'Ile d'Otaïti dans le Mer du Sud, ſur l'eſprit et les meurs de ſes habitans, par M. Taitbout. Paris, 1777, 8vo. A Miſſionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific -Ocean , during the years 1796, 1797, and 1798, on board the Duff, commanded by Captain Wilſon . With maps and plates. London , 1799 , 4to. Captain Wilſon gives the moſt minute account we have of Otaheite ; he alſo viſited the Friendly and Sandwich Iſles , the Marqueſas, &c. Reiſen der Spanier nach der Südſee und Taïti Inſeln , &c. * (Voyages of the Spaniards to the South -Sea and to Otaheite : tranſlated from the Spaniſh, and accompanied by notes, and an hiſtorical picture of the Society-Iſlands.) By W. A. Bratring. Berlin , 1803, 8vo. Theſe obſervations, the reſult of two voyages from Callao , undertaken in 1772 and 1774, do not contain any thing new of conſequence. [ See the voyage of Mortimer ; Sect. China. ] FRIENDLY ISLANDS. AN authentic Narrative of four years' Reſidence at Tongataboo, one of the Friendly Iſlands, in the South -Sea, by who went thither in the Duff, under Captain Wilſon , in 1796 ; with an Appendix , by an eminent writer. London , 1810, 8vo . AMERICA. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 193 Á M E R I CA. NORTH - AMERICA , UNITED- STATES. 1. Travels in the United States in general, or in two or more States at once . 4 OBSERVATIONSon ſome parts of NaturalHiſtory ; to which is prefixed, an Account of ſeveral remarkable Veſtiges of an ancient date, which have been dif covered in North -America, by M. Barton. London, 1788, 8vo. From ſome remains on the Ohio, reſembling the Daniſh camps in Great Britain, the author conje &tures, rather precipitately,that this was the part of Ame rica which the Scandinavians diſcovered in the eleventh century, and named Vinland . The general Hiſtory of Virginia, New -England, and of ſome Ifes ; with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governors, from their beginning, anno 1584, to the preſent, 1626 ; with the proceedings of thoſe ſeveral colonies, and the accidents that befel them in all their voyages and diſcoveries : alſo the deſcriptions of all thoſe countries, their commodities, people, government, colonies, and religion yet known ; by John Smith. London, 1627 ; Ib. 1632, fol. Beſchryving van Virginia, Niew -Neederland, Nieuw - England, ende Eylanden Bermu das, Barbados. Deſcription of Virginia, New -Netherland (New -York ), New England, the Iſlands Bermudas and Barbadoes.) By Sr. Chriſtophe. Amſterdam , 1651 , 4to . Engliſh America, or Deſcription of the Ines and Countries of the King of England in America ; with maps ; by Richard Blome. London, 8vo. -In French , Amſterdam , 1688, 12mo. ; Ib. 1742, 8vo. Ausführliche Beſchreibung der unglücklichen Reiſe einiger aus Deutſchland nach dem Engelländiſchen in America gelegenen Carolina und Pennſylvania wallenden Pil grimme. ( Detailed Account of the unhappy Journey ofſome Pilgrims proceeding from Germany to the Engliſh Carolina and Pennſylvania, ſituated in America.) Frankfort, 1706 ; Ib. 1711 , 8vo. The Britiſh Empirein America ; containing the hiſtory of the diſcovery, ſettlements, progreſs, and preſent ſtate of all the Britiſh colonies in the continent and iſlands of America, by Herman Moll. London, 1708, 2 vol. 8vo. Summary, hiſtorical and political, of the firſt Planting, progreſſive Improvement, and preſentState of the Britiſh Settlements in North -America, by Francis Douglas. Lon don , 1755, 2 vol. 8vo . VOL . XVII. CC Hiſtoire 194 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1755, 8vo. Hiſtoire et Commerce des Colonies Anglaiſes dans l'Amérique-Septentrionale ; où l'on trouve l'état actuel de la population, et des détails curieux ſur la conſtitution de leur gouvernement, principalement ſur celui de la Nouvelle - Angleterre, de la Penſyl vanie, de la Caroline, et de la Georgie. (Par M. Butel-Dumont.) Paris, 1755, 12mo. Conciſe Deſcription of the Engliſh and French Poſſeſſions in North-America , for the better explaining of the map publiſhed under that title, by John Palairet. London , The preſent ſtate of North - America. London, 1755, 8vo. State of the Britiſh and French Colonies in North -America. London, 1755, 8vo. Annals of the modern Hiſtory of the Engliſh Colonies in North - America, from 1755 till the preſent time, by Edmund Burke. London, 8vo. -In German, Leipfic, 1758, 8vo. The American Traveller, or the preſent ſtate of the Britiſh Colonies in America, and the further Improvement of which they are capable ; with a map of the countries which the traveller paſſed. London , 1769, 40. —In French , Amſterdam , 1783 , 3 vol. 8vo . A Britiſh merchant drew up this account, on Lord Chatham's having expreſſed a wiſh to that effect . Precis de l'état actuel des Colonies Anglaiſes dans l'Amerique-Septentrionale, par Dominique Blackfort ; avec la réponſe de M. Franklin à l'interrogatoire qu'il a fubi devant la chambre des communes, au mois de Février 1766, lorſque la réſolution de l'édit du timbre y fut miſe en délibération : traduit de l'Anglais. Milan, 1771 , I 2mo. Travels through the middle Settlements of North America, in the years 1759 and 1760, with Obſervations upon the ſtate of the Colonies, by Andrew Burnaby. Lon don, 1775, 8vo. J. B. von Schirach, Hiſtoriſch -ſtatiſtiſche Notiz der Groſs- Britanniſchen Colonien in Amerika. (Hiſtorical and ſtatiſtical Notices relative to the Britiſh Colonies in Ame. rica. ) Frankfort, 1776, 8vo. A conciſe hiſtorical Account of all the Britiſh Colonies in North America ; compre hending their riſe, progreſs, and modern ſtate ; particularly of Maſſachuſetts-Bay, together with the province of New England . London, 1776, 8vo. Sprengel, KurzeSchilderung der Engliſchen Colonien in Nord-Amerika. (Short Sketch of the Engliſh Colonies in North -America.) 2d edit. Gottingen , 1777, 8vo. Voyage de Bekman dans les colonies du milieu de l'Amerique-Septentrionale : traduit de l'Allemand , par Wild. Lauſanne, 1778, 8vo. The Hiſtory of the Britiſh Dominion in North America, from the diſcovery of that vaſt continent by Sebaſtian Cabot, in 1497, to its preſent glorious eſtabliſhment, as confirmed by the late treaty of peace in 1763. London, 1778, 4to. Beſchreibung der Europäiſchen Colonien in Nord-America. ( Deſcription of the European Colonies in North-America.) Leipfic, 1778 , 8vo. The Narrative of Lieut. - Gen. Sir William Howe, in a Committee of the Houſe of Com. mons, of the 29th April 1779, relative to his Conduct during his late Command of the King's Troops in North -America : to which are added , ſome Obſervations on a pamphlet, entitled, “ Letters to a Nobleman . ” London, 1780, 4to . Though not a book of actual travels, this work containsmany particulars rela tive to the country . Political Annals of the preſent United Colonies, from their firſt Settlements to the Peace of 1763 , by George Chalmers. London, 1780, 8vo. 9 Nouveau OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 195 Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amérique-Septentrionale, en l'année 1780, et Campagne de l'Armée du Comte de Rochambeau, par M. l'Abbé Robin . Paris, 1782, 8vo. A.F.W. Crome, Ueber die Græſſe, Volkſmenge, Clima, und Fruchtbarkeit des Nord Amerikaniſchen Freyſtaats. (On the Extent, Population, Climate, and Fertility of the North - American Republic. ) Deſſau , 1783, 8vo. Letters from an American Farmer ; deſcribing certain provincial ſituations, manners, and cuſtoms, not generally known, by Hector St. John de Crevecæur. London, 1782, 8vo . Spectateur Américain , ou Remarques générales ſur l'Amérique-Septentrionale et ſur la Republique des Etats - Unis. Amſterdam , 1784, 8vo. Obſervations ſur les Gouvernement et les Loix des Etats- Unis de l'Amérique, par M. l'Abbé de Mably. Amſterdam , 1784, 12mo. Joh. Jacob von Moſer, Nord- America nach dem Friedenſſchlaſs vom jahr 1783. (North America, after the peace of 1783.) Leipfic, 1784, 1785, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage de M. le Marquis de Chatelux dans l'Amérique-Septentrionale ( les Etats -Unis), dans les années 1781 et 1782. Avec une carte . Paris, 1986, 2 vol. 8vo. - In Engliſh, London, 1786 , 2 vol. 8vo. An intereſting work, relative to the manners and the face of the country, as well as to the military operations in the American war. David Schapf, Reiſe durch einige der mittlern und füdlichen Vereinigten Staaten, nach On Florida und den Bahama-Inſeln , unternommen . ( Journey through ſome of the middle and ſouthern United States, to Eaſt- Florida and the Bahamas, in 1783 and 1788. ) Erlangen , 1788 , 2 vol. 8vo. Recherches hiſtoriques et politiques ſur les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique- Septentrionale ; où l'on traite des établiffemens des treize colonies, de leur rapports, et de leurs diſſenſions avec la Grande- Bretagne, de leurs gouvernemens avant et après la Re volution ; par un Citoyen de Virginie : avec quatre Lettres d'un Bourgeois de New -Haven, ſur l'Unité de la Légiſlation . Paris, 1788, 4 vol. 8vo. G. H. Loſkiel, Geſchichte der Miſſion der Evangeliſchen Brüder unter den Indianern in Nord-America. ( Hiſtory of the Miſſions of the Evangelical Brethren among the Indians in North -America .) Barby, 1789, 8vo. Travels in the United States of America in 1784 ; containinga deſcription of their pre ſent ſituation , their population, agriculture, commerce, the manners and cuſtoms of the inhabitants, the Indians, and the principal rivers ; with ſome anecdotes of ſeveral members of Congreſs and general officers of the American army ; by J.F.D. Smith. London, 2 vol. 8vo. —In French, Paris, 1791, 2 vol. 8vo. A valuable publication, extending to Virginia, Maryland, and the two Caro linas, butalſo containing obſervations relative to Louiſiana and ſeveral other countries. Lodovico Caſtiglioni, Viaggio negli Stati dell'America-Settentrionale, fatta negli anni 1785 a 1787. ( Travels in the States of North-America, from 1785-1787.) Milan , 1790, 2 vol. 8vo. Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique-Septentrionale, fait en 1788 , par J. P. Briſſot (Warville ). Paris, 1791 , 3 vol. 8vo. -In Engliſh, London, 2 vol. 8vo. Some Information reſpecting America, collected by Thomas Cooper, late of Mancheſter. London, 1794, 8vo. Tableau de la situation actuelle des Etats -Unis d'Amérique, d'après Jedidiah Morſe et les meilleurs auteurs Américains, par Charles Pietet, de Genève. Ouvrage enrichi de beaucoup de cartes et de tableaux . Paris, 1795 , 2 vol. 8vo. сс 2 The 196 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS The United - States Gazetteer ; containing an authentic deſcription of the ſeveral ſtates, their fituation, extent, boundary, foil, produce, climate, population, trade, and manu fa&tures ; illuſtrated with 19 maps ; by Joſeph Scott. Philadelphia, 1795, 8vo. An hiſtorical, geographical, commercial, and philoſophical View of the American United States and the European Settlements in America and the Weſt - Indies, by William Winterbotham . London, 1795, 8vo. Voyage dans l'Intérieur des Etats -Unis, à Bath, Wincheſter, dans la Ville de Shenon . doah, & c. pendant l'été de 1791 ; 2nd edit augmentée de deſcriptions,et d'anecdotes ſur la vie militaire et politique de Georges Waſhington ; par Ferdinand Bayard. Paris, 1798 , 8vo. Journal ofthe Egreſſion to the United -States of America, by Wanſey. London, 1798, 8vo. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, en 1795, 1796, et 1797, par la Rochefoucaut Liancourt. Enrichi de pluſieurs cartes. Paris , 1799, 8 vol. 8vo. - In Engliſh , Lon don, 1799, 2 vol. 4to . A work of very confiderable merit. It includes a ſhort account of Canada. View of the United States of America, by Coxe. London, 1800, 8vo. Travels in the United - States of America , during the years 1793 to 1797 , by William Prieſt ; accompanied by the author's journal acroſs the Atlantic. London, 1801,8vo. " Bonnet, États - Unis de l'Amerique à la fin du 18me Siècle. Paris, 2 vol. 8vo. Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats -Unis de l'Amérique, ſuivi d'Eclairciſſemens fur la Floride, ſur la Colonie Françaiſe au Scioto , ſur quelques Colonies Canadiennes et ſur les Sauvages, par C. F. Volney. Enrichi de quatre planches gravées, dont deux cartes geographiques, et une coupe figurée de la chute de Niagara. Paris, 1803, 2 vol. 8vo. This intelligent traveller reſided three years in the country. His obſervations extend to the ſoil and climate, the prevailing diſeaſes, particularly the yellow fever, and the manners of the aboriginal Indians. " Travels of four years and a halfin the United States of America, from 1798-1802, by John Davis. London, 1804, 8vo. The Journal of Andrew Ellicot, Commiffary for determining the Boundaries between the United -States and the Poſſeſſions of His Catholic Majelty in America. London, 1805, 8vo. A Tour in America in 1798, 1799, and 1800 ; exhibiting ſketches of ſociety and man ners, and a particular accountof the American fyſtem of agriculture, with its recent improvements, by R. Parkinſon . London , 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. Excurſions in North -America ; deſcribed in letters from a gentleman and his young com panion to their friends in England, by P.Wakefield. London , 1806, 12mo. The Stranger in America ; containir :g obſervations made during a long reſidence in that country, on the general manners and cuſtoms of the peopleofthe United -States, with biographical particulars of public characters ; hints and facts relative to the arts, ſciences, commerce, agriculture, manufactures, emigration, and the ſlave trade ; by C.W. Tanfon. London, 1807, 4tc. " The Britiſh Spy ; or Letters addreſſed to a member of the Britiſh parliament during a journey through the United - States of America, by a young Gentleman. London, 1806, 8vo. ' II. ' Travels OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, 197 II . Travels common to the UnitedStates and Canada. Geographiſch -hiſtoriſch -politiſche Nachrichten von dem Theil des Nærdlichen America wo zwiſchen den Franzoſen und Englændern Krieg geführet wird. (Geographi cal, hiſtorical, and political Notices on that part of North -America where the War between the French and Engliſh is carried on .) Frankfort and Leipfic, 1756, 8vo . John Knox's hiſtorical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 , and 1760 ; containing the moſt remarkable occurrences of that period, particularly two fieges of Quebec, under the orders of the admiral and general-offi cers ; deſcription of the countries where the author has ſerved , with their forts and garri ſons, their climate, foil, produce, and a regular diary of the weather ; alſoſeveralmani. feftoes, a mandate of the Biſhop of Canada ; the French order and diſpoſitions for that colony. London, 1769, 2 vol. 4to . VertraulicheBriefe von Canada, und Neu -England, von 1777 und 1778 , über den ge genwärtigen phyſiſchen , ekonomiſchen, und moraliſchen zuſtand dieſer Lænder von enigen DeutſchenOfficiers). -- ( Confidential Lettersfrom Canada and New - Eng land, in 1777 and 1778 , on the preſentphyſical, economical, and moral ſtate of theſe Countries, by fome German Officers.) Gottingen, 1779, 8vo. Travels in the interior parts of America during the courſe of the laſt War, by an Officer in the Royal Army. London, 8vo. - In French, 1790 , 2 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels extend to Canada and the United States, and the inhabitants of both are not delineated in very favourable colours. A Voyage to Canada and the United - States of America, by T. Weld. London , 1799, 2 vol. 8vo. The author exhibits fome prejudice againſt the republicans of North America , but his account of the country is very intereſting and well executed. III. Travels and other Works relative to one or more of the UnitedStates. NEW ENGLAND, in general. A Hiſtory of New -England, from the Engliſh Planting in the year 1608 Until the year 1630 ; declaring the form of their government, civil , military, and ecclefiaftic. Lon don, 1634, 4to . The Diſcovery of New -Britain, by Edward Bland. London , 1652, 4to . Hiſtoria Novæ -Angliæ à Primordiis Coloniæ Anglicanæ , fcilicet, 1628 ad annum 1652, à T. H. ( In Engliſh .) London, 1654, 4to . Proſpectus of New -England, by William Wood. London , 8vo. New - Canaan, or an Abſtract of New -England, in three books, by Thomas Morton. Amſterdam , 1677, 4to . New - England Rarities, diſcovered in birds, beaſts, fiſhes, ſerpents, and plants of that coun try : together with the phyſical and chirurgical remedies which the natives .con . ftantly uſe to cure diſtempers, wounds, andfores ; alſo a perfect deſcription ofan In -»idian Squa, with a poem notimproperly cenſured upon her ; andachronological table of the remarkable paſſages among the Engliſh ; illuſtrated with a chart ; by John Joſſelyn. London, 1672, 12mo. An Account of Three Voyages to New -England, by John Joſelyn. London, 1674, 8vo. 4 The 198 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 TheHiſtory of New -England ; containing an impartial account of the civil and eccleſi aſtical affairs of the country to the year 1700 ; with the preſent ſtate of New - England, and a new accurate map of the country. London, 1721 ; Ib. 1747, 2 vol . 8vo. The Britiſh Empire in America ; containing the hiſtory of the diſcovery, ſettlements, pro greſs, and ſtate of the Britiſh colonies on thecontinent and iſlands of America; being an account of the country, ſoil, climate, products, and trade of Newfoundland, New England, New -Scotland, New-York, New Jerſey, Penſylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Hudſon's Bay, Barbadoes, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Montſerrat, Nevis, St. Chriſtopher's, Anguilla, Jamaica, Bahama, and Bermudes, (by John Oldmixon ; ) 2nd edit. corrected and amended ; with the continuation of the hiſtory and the variation in ſtate and trade of theſe colonies, from the year 1700 to the preſent time. London , 1721 , 8vo. Voyage to New - England, in the years 1723 and 1724, by Chriſt. Levett. London, 1728, 4to. Chronological Hiſtory of New -England, by Thomas Prince. London, 1736, 12mo. Beſchrivelſe over Ny-England og St. Croix i America og Weſt-Indien. ( Deſcription of New -England and St. Croix in America, and the Weſt- Indies.) Copenhagen, 1758, 8vo . MASSACHUSETTS. Ifrael Mauduit's Short View of the Colony of Maſſachuſetts-Bay, with reſpect to its character and conſtitution : 2nd edition , with the original charter granted to that province, in the act of Charles I. London, 1744, 12010. Hiſtory of the Colony of Maſſachuſetts- Bay, from 1628 to 1750, by Hutchinſon . London, 1760 ; 16. 1765, 2 vol. 8vo. Maſſachuſenſis, or a Series of Letters; containing a faithful ftatement of many import ant and ſtriking facts, which laid the foundation of the preſent troubles in that pro vince. Boſton , 1776 , 8vo. NEW HAMPSHIRE . The Hiſtory of New Hampſhire, by Jeremy Belknap. Boſton, 3 vol. 8vo. This work is highly ſpoken of by Volney. The firſt two volumes contain the hiſtory, the third, the preſent condition , of the State. VERMONT. The Hiſtory of Vermont, by Samuel Williams. Boſton , 8vo. Natural and political Hiſtory of the State of Vermont. 1798, 8vo . CONNECTICUT. A general Hiſtory of Connecticut, from its firſt ſettlement under George Fenrich , Eſq. to its lateſt period of amity with Great-Britain : including a deſcription of the country, and many curious and intereſting anecdotes, by a Gentleman of the pro vince. London , 1781, 12mo. NEW OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 199 NEW-JERSEY. Hiſtorical Deſcription of the Province and Country of Weſt-New -Jerſey, oftheir Laws, Cuſtoins, Religion, the Air and Climate, the Riches of their Soil, by Gabriel Thos mas. London , 1698, 8vo. [ See the work of Oldmixon ; Sect. New -ENGLAND. ] NEW-YORK. Hiſtory of the Province of New York ,from its firſt Diſcovery ; to which is annexed , a Deſcription of the Country and its Inhabitants, by William Smith . London, 1757 ; Ib. 1776, 8vo. Voyagedans la Haute-Penſylvanie et dans l'état de New York, par un Membre adoptif de la Nation de Onéïda : traduit et publié par l'auteur des “ Lettres d'un Cultivateur Américain ( John de Crevecaur )." Enrichi de trois cartes et de ſept planches. Paris, an ix. - 1801, 3 vol. 8vo. [ See Oldmixon ; Sect. New -ENGLAND .] PENSYLVANIA. I 2mo. Lettres de Penn, et Deſcription de Penſylvanie. Hague, 1684, 12mo. Thomas Campanus , Kort Beſkrifning om Provinzen Ny -Swerige , af de Engelſke kallad Penſylvania. (Short Deſcription of the Province of New - Sweden, called by the Engliſh Penſylvania .) Stockholm, 1702 , 8vo. - In German, Frankfort, 1702 , Relation du Voyage de Richard Caſtelman dans la Penſylvanie, en 1710. (Printed behind the French tranſlation of Captain Boyle's imaginary voyage. Amſterdam , 1710, 2 vol . 12mo. ) John Bartram's Obſervations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Soil , Rivers, Productions, Animals, and other remarkable Objects, made in his Travels from Penſylvania to Ouetango, Oſwego, and the Lake Ontario : to which is annexed , a curious Account of the Cataract of Niagara, by Peter Kalm . London, 1751, 8vo . Gottlieb Mitteberger, Reiſe nach Penſylvanien. ( Travels to Penſylvania, from 1750 to 1754. ) Stutgard, 1756, 8vo. Journal of a two-months' Tour, undertaken with the view of promoting Religion along the Frontiers of Penſylvania, by Charles Beatty. London, 1768, 12mo. Hiſtoire naturelle et politique de la Penſylvanie, et de l'Etabliſſement des Quakers dans cette Contrée : traduite de l'Allemand, par M. D.S. , Cenſeur-royal: précédée d'une carte géographique. Paris, 1768 , 12mo. This is acompilation from the German travels of Mitteberger, and thoſe of Kalm in Swediſh , rather than a tranſlation . Auſzug aus einer Handſchrift eines Schleſiers vom jahr 1785, die Mohawks, Philadel phia, und Baltimore betreffend . ( Extract from the Manuſcript of a Sileſian, of the year 1785, relative to the Mohawks, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.) In Fabri's Geogr. Journal, 1788, No. 4. [See Oldmixon ; Sect. New -ENGLAND. - Crevecæur ; Sect. New - YORK . ] VIRGINIA 200 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND, 1590, fol. Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow's Voyage to the Coaſt of Virginia, in 1584. ( In Hackluyt's Collection .) Two Voyages to Virginia , in 1586 and 1590, byGrenville. ( Ibid .) John Withe's Voyage to Virginia, in 1590. ( Ibid .) Thomas Harriot's Account of the Commodities, & c. in the Country of Virginia. (Ibid .) A Deſcription of the Nature and Manners of the Inhabitants of Virginia. ( Ibid .) Merveilleux et étrange Report, toutefois fidèle, des Curioſités qui ſe trouvent en Vir ginie, des Façons des Habitans d'icelle, & c.: traduit nouvellement d'Anglais en Fran çais, à Francfort-ſur-le-Mein, &c. This was alſo publiſhed in the ſamecity, the ſame date and year, under the title of “ Briève Hiſtoire de la Virginie, & c.” It is a tranſlation of the voyage of John Withe, and contains twenty-three plates. Virginia well-appreciated, by the Deſcription of the lands contiguous to it ; beſides a Journey of four years, and Diſcoveries of about a thouſand miles eaſt and weſt, by Don Franc. Soto. By Richard Hackluyt. London , 1609 , 4to . Virginia's Riches valued, by the Deſcription of Florida, her neighbour, &c. : trans. lated by R. Hackluyt, from the Portugueſe. London, 1619, 4to. Brief and true Report of Newfoundland and Virginia, in 1621 , by Thomas Harriot. London, 1628, fol. Virginia examinata, or a natural and political Deſcription of that Country, by W. Bul lock. London , 1649, 4to . Virgo triumphans, or Virginia richly and truly valued, more eſpecially the ſouth parts thereof, with the fertile Carolina and no leſs excellent Iſle of Roannoak, by Edward Williams. London , 1650, 4to . George Alfop's Character of the Province of Maryland. London, 1666, 8vo . Voyage d'un Français exilé pour la religion ; avec la Deſcription de la Virginie et du Maryland. Hague, 1687, 8vo. An Account ofſeveral Objects obſervable in Virginia, by John Clayton. ( In the Philo . ſophical Tranſactions, vol. xvii. No. 201.) An Account of Virginia, by Thomas Glover. ( Ibid. vol xi. , No. 126. ) A Letter concerning ſeveral Objects obſervable in Maryland, by Hugo Jones. ( Ibid . vol. xxi., No. 259.) Hiſtory and preſent ſtate of Virginia, in two parts : 1. The Hiſtory of the firſt Set ments of Virginia : 2. The natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country : by Bird . London , 1705, 8vo. Hiſtory of Virginia, by a Native and Inhabitant of the Country (the Rev. B.Beverley); with aparticular and ſhort Account of the Indians, Engliſh, and Negroes, inhabit ants of the Colony. London, 1702 ; Ib . 1722, 8vo. A work of conſiderable merit, particularly relative to the numerous Indian tribes then reſident in the State, but now extirpated , or greatly diminiſhed . Relation de la Louiſiane, du Miſſiſſippi, de la Virginie, de la Baiede Hudſon, et Na vigations de Frobiſher au Détroit qui porte fon nom. Avec figures. Amſterdam , 1719, 2 vol. 12mo. Preſent ſtate of Virginia, with a ſhort View of Maryland and North - Carolina, by Hugo Jones. London , 1724, 8vo . Reiſe OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 201 Reiſe nach den Miffiſſippi, &c. ( Journey to the Miſlillippi, to Florida, North -Caro. lina, and Virginia .) Berlin, 1780, 8vo. Topographical Deſcription of Virginia,Maryland, and North -Carolina; containingthe Rivers of Ohio, Konhawa, Scioto, Cherokees, Wabaſh, Illinois, Miſſiſſippi, by Hut chins. London , 8vo. -In French, Paris, 1781 , 8vo. Reiſen , Entdeckungen, und Unterſuchungen des Schiff-Capitains, J. Smith , in Virginien, von C. F. Scheibler. ( Travels, Diſcoveries, and Inveſtigations of the Ship -Captain, J. Smith, in Virginia, by C. F. Scheibler.) Berlin, 1782, 8vo. Hiſtory of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferſon ; to which is prefixed, a large whole- ſheet map of Virginia. Boſton, 1784, 8vo . Notes onVirginia, by Thomas Jefferſon. With maps. Philadelphia, 1982. London , 1788, 8vo. Notwithſtanding the modeſty of this title, this work is one of the moſt valuable we have relative to the United - States. ( See the American Wanderer ; Sect. EUROPE IN GENERAL.- Dreſſer ; Sect. CHINA. Oldmixon ; Sect. New-ENGLAND. ] 1797, 8vo. STATES OF KENTUCKY, TENESSEE , AND OHIO. Diſcovery, Settlement, and preſent ſtate of Kentucky, and an Eſſay towards the Topo . graphy and Natural Hiſtory of that important Country, by John Tilfon . Wilming ton on the Delaware, 1784, 8vo. This is a good account of this fruitful country at the commencement of its cultivation, the progreſs of which may be traced in the following works The Diſcovery, Settlement, andſtate of Kentucky, and an Efſay towards theTopography and Natural Hiſtory of that important Country, by George Imlay. 3d. edit . London , Le Pour et Contre, ou Avis à ceux qui ſe propoſent de paſſer dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique ; ſuivi d'une deſcription du Kentuky et du Gheneſy, deux nouveaux établiſſemens les plus conſidérables dans cette partie du monde; avec une carte typométrique ; par Louis Bridel, paſteur de l'égliſe Française a Bâle. Paris, an xii. 1804, 12mo. Voyage à l'Oueſt des Monts Alleghanys, dans les états de l'Ohio, du Kentucky, et du Téneſfée, et Retour à Charles- Town par la Haute-Caroline ; contenant des détails ſur l'état actuel de l'agriculture et les productions naturelles de ces contrées, ainſi que des renſeignemens ſur les rapports commerciaux qui exiſtent entre ces états et ceux ſitués à l'eſt des Montagnes et la Baffe- Louifiane ; avec une catte ; par F. A. Michaux. Paris, 1804, 8vo. Travels to the Weſtward of the Alleghany Mountains, &c. by F. Michaux, &c. London, 1805, 8vo. Beſides the parts mentioned in the title -page, Michaux viſited New -York, Phila delphia, Lancaſter, &c. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, AND GEORGIA , Preſent ſtate of Carolina, by R. F. London. 1682, 4to . Hiſtory of Carolina ; containing the exact deſcription and natural hiſtory of that country, together with the preſent ſtate thereof; and a journal of a thouſand miles VOL . XVII. D D travels 202 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS travels through 'ſeveral nations of Indians, giving a particular account of their cuſtoms, manners, & c.; by John Lawſon. London, 1709 ; Ib. 1718, 4to., with plates. A Letter from South Carolina ; giving an account of the ſoil, air, productions, trade, government, laws, religion , inhabitants, military ſtrength, & c. of this province ; written by a Swiſs Gentleman to his friend at Bern. London, 1710, 8vo. " Mark Cateſby's Natural Hiſtory of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Ifands ; contain ing the figures of birds, beaſts, fiſhes, ſerpents, inſects, and plants, together with their deſcriptions in Engliſh and French ; to which are added, obſervations on the air, ſoil, and water, with remarks upon agriculture, grain, pulfe, roots, &c. London , 1734, 1743, 2 vol. fol. Appendix to the Natural Hiſtory of Carolina, &c. Ibid. 1748, fol. The fame, with the Appendix , corrected and augmented ty George Edwards. With coloured plates. London, 1764 ; Ib . 1771, 2 vol. fol. Deſcription of the Engliſh Province of Carolina, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French , La Louiſiana, by Daniel Coxe. London, 1722, 4to . SamuelUrſperger, Ausführliche Nachrichten von den Salzburgiſchen Emigranten, &c. (MinuteAccountof the Emigrants of Saltzburgh, with the Journals of the Engliſh Commiſſaries during their Voyage to America, and a Deſcription of Georgia.) Halle , 1735, 4to . Preſent ſtate of Carolina, by Mitchell. London , 1740, 8vo. Natural Hiſtory of Carolina ; with an account of the trade, manners, and cuſtoms of the Chriſtian and Indian inhabitants ; by John Brickwell. Dublin, 1745 , 8vo . Zuverlæſſige Nachricht den zuſtand der von den Salzburger Emigranten erbauten Stadt Ebenezer betreffend. ( Certain Account of the ſtate of the Town of Ebenezer, built by the Emigrants of Saltzburgh .) Augſburgh, 1754, 1760, 8vo. Deſeription of South Carolina . London , 1761 , 8vo. A ſhort Deſcription of the Province of South - Carolina ; with an account of the air, weather, and diſeaſes of Charleſtown; written in the year 1768. London, 1770, 8vo. Account of the Storms and the Diſeaſes of South -Carolina, by Lionel Chalmers. London, 1776 , 8vo.. Reck, Kurzgefasſte Nachricht von dem Etabliſſement der Salzburgiſchen Emigranten in Ebenezer, in der Provinz Georgien in Nord-Amerika. (Short Account of the Eſtabliſhment of the Saltzburgh Emigrants at Ebenezer, in the Province of Georgia in North - America,) Hamburgh, 1777, 8vo. Beſchreibung von Nord -Carolina in Amerika. ( Deſcription of North Carolina in America. ) In the Affiches von Brunſwick, 1778, Hiſtorical Account of the Origin and Progreſs of the Colonies of South-Carolina and Georgia. London, 1779, 2 vol. 8vo. Ueberſicht der Amerikaniſchen Colonien Carolina und Georgien. ( Short View of the American Colonies Carolina and Georgia .) By Lober. Jena, 12mo. Travels through Carolina, Georgia, Florida, the Country of the Cherokees, the vaſt Territory of the Muſcoculges or the Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws, by William Bartram . Philadelphia, 1791. London, 1792 , 2 vol. 8vo. -In French, Paris, 1799, 8vo. Though natural hiſtory is the chief object of the author, he does not neglect deſcribing the manners of the inhabitants, particularly of the favage tribes. [See thetravels of Williams, Jones, Journey to the Miffiſſippi, Hutchins; Sect, VIRGINIA. Michaux, Sect. KENTUCKY.] WESTERN OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 203 WESTERN TERRITORY. An hiſtorical Account of the Expedition to the Ohio -Indians, in the year 1764, under the command of Henry Bouquet. With maps and plates. London, 1766, 4to. Travels through the interior parts of North -America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768, by Jonathan Carver. London, 1774, 1781 , 8vo. Voyage and Travels of Le Long, an Indian, interpreter andtrader; deſcribing theman ners and cuſtoms of the North - American Indians. London, 1774, 3 vol. 4to . Voyage of Henry Timberlake, charged in 1760 to conduct to England three Savages of the Cherokee Nation ; containing intereſting details reſpecting thecuſtoms, manners, government, and religion of theſe people. London, 8vo. Hiſtory of the American Indians, particularly thoſe Nations adjoining the Miffiſſippi, Eaſt and Weſt Florida, Georgia , South and North Carolina, and Virginia ; contain ing an account of their origin, language, manners, religious and civil cuftoms, and laws ; with a map of the country referred to ; by James Adair. London, 1775,4to . The above works almoſt excluſively relate to the Indian tribes in the weſtern parts of the United States. Thoſe of Carver, Le Long, and Adair are the moſt valuable, but the latter was fomewhat credulous, and beſides, his deriving the origin of the favages from the Jews, influenced his defcription. A topographical Deſcription ofthe Weſtern Territory of North America ; containing a ſuccinctaccount of its climate, natural hiſtory, population , agriculture, manners and cuſtoms, by George Imlay. London , 1792, 8vo. Travels in America, performed for the purpoſe of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Mononghela ,Ohio, and Mifflippi, and aſcertaining the produce of their banksand vicinity, by Thomas Afhe. London , 1809 , 3 vol. 8vo. Theſe travels are vitiated by falſe elevation of ſtyle, and prejudice againſt the Americans. He viſited the ſtates of Ohio , Kentucky, and Upper and Lower Louiſiana. IV. Travels in Louifana. Deſcription de la Louiſiane, nouvellement découverte au ſud - oueſt de la Nouvelle France ; avec la carte du pays, les moeurs, et la manière de vivre des Sauvages; par le P. Hennepin. Paris, 1683; Ib . 1688, 12mo.; Ib. 1688, 4to. Dernières Découvertes faites dans l'Amerique- Septentrionale, par La Salle, miſe au jour (par le Chevalier Tonty.) Paris, 1693, 12mo.The ſame with the following title Relation de la Louiſiane et du Miſliſſippi (par le Chevalier Tonty.) Amſterdam , 1720, í 2mo. Journal hiſtorique du dernier Voyage que feu M. de la Salle fit dans le Golfe du Méxique, pour trouver l'embouchure et le cours de la rivière Miſſiſſippi, nommée à préſent la rivière du Saint- Louis, qui traverſe la Louiſiane ; où l'on voit l'hiſtoire tragique de fa mort, et pluſieurs choſes curieuſes du Nouveau-Monde ; par M. Jouſtel, l'un des compagnons de ce voyage; rédigé et mis en ordre par M. de Michel. Paris, 1713, 12mo. Voyage to the Gulph of Mexico, by De la Salle. London, 1714, 8vo. Beſchreibung des am Miffiflippi gelegenen Landes Louiſiana. (Deſcription of the Country of Louiſiana, lying on the Miſſiſſippi.) Amſterdam and Leipfic, 1720, 8vo. Relation du la Louiſiane et de Fleuve de Miſliflippi. Amſterdam , 1720, 8vo . DD 2 Voyage 204 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS > Voyage de la Louiſiane, fait par ordre du Roi en 1720, dans lequel ſont traité diverſes matières de Phyſique, d'Aſtronomie, de Géographie, de Marine, &c. par le P. Laval. Enrichi de plans, cartes, et figures. Paris, 1728, 4to . Mémoires hiſtoriques ſur la Louiſiane ; contenant ce qui eſt arrivé de plus mémorable depuis l'année 1687 juſqu'à préſent; avec l'établiſſement de la colonie Françaiſe dans cette partie de l'Amérique-Septentrionale, ſous la direction de la Compagnie des Indes ; le climat, la nature, et les productions de ce pays, l'origine et la religion de ceux qui l'habitent, leurs mæurs, leurs coutumes, &c. compoſés ſur le mémoires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L. M. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1753 , 2 vol. 1 2mo. Hiſtoire de la Louiſiane ; contenant la découverte de ce vaſte pays , la deſcription géo graphique ; un voyage dans les terres ; l'hiſtoire naturelle, les meurs, coutumes, et religion des naturels, avec leur origine; deux voyages dans le nord du Nouveau Mexique, dont un juſqu'à la Mer du Sud, par M.Lepage du Prats. Paris, 1758. 3 vol. 12mo. ; two maps and forty plates. This is the beſt and moſt minute account we have of Louiſiana. Natural and civil Hiſtory of the French Dominions in North and South America , by Jefferys. London, 1760, 2 vol. fol. Journal d'un Voyage fait à la Louiſiane en 1720, par M. de *** capitaine des vaiſ ſeaux du Roi. Paris, 1708, 12mo. Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes-Occidentales ; contenant une relation des différens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand Aeuve St. Louis, appelé vulgairement Miſſiſſippi; leur religion, leur gouvernement, leurs mæurs, leurs guerres, et leur commerce ; par M. Boſſu, capitaine dans les troupes de la marine. Paris, 1768, 12mo., figures. Travels through that part of North - America, formerly called Louiſiana : tranſlated and illuſtrated with notes, by J. R. Forſter : præter Catalogum Plantarum Americanarum excerptarum ex itinere P. Læfflingii . London , 1771, 2 vol. 8vo. Preſent ſtate of the European Settlements on the Miſſiſſippi, with a geographical De. ſcription of that River ; with plans; by Ph.Pitſman. London, 1770, 4to. Etat préſent de la Louiſiane, par Champigny. Hague, 1776, 8vo. Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amérique-Septentrionale; contenant une collection des lettres écrites ſur leslieux par l'auteur à ſon ami M. Douin, chevalier, capitaine dans les troupes du Roi, ci-devant ſon camarade dans le Nouveau-Monde ; par M.Bofu, &c. Amiterdam , 1777 , 8vo., figures. This ſecond expedition of the author enabled him to make a ſtill further ex curſiom among the Indians. L'Itinéraire des Français dans la Louiſiane ; contenant l'hiſtoire de cette colonie Fran . çaiſe, fa deſcription , le tableau des peuples qui l'habitent, &c.; par Dubroca. Paris, 1802, 12mo. Voyage à la Louiſiane et ſur le Continent de l'Amerique-Septentrionale, fait dans les années 1794 à 1798 ; contenant un tableau hiſtorique de la Louiſiane, des obſerva tions ſur ſon climat, ſes riches productions, le caractère et le nomdes fauvages, des remarques importantes ſur la navigation, des principes d'adminiſtration, de légiſlation, et de gouvernement, propres à cette colonie, & c.; par B **** DD *** * . ( Baudry de Lozières.) Avec une carte. Paris, 1802, 8vo. Seconde Voyage à la Louiſiane, &c. ; contenant la vie militaire du Général Grondel, &c. un détail de ſes productions le plus avantageuſes, le plus extraordinaires, de cette belle colonie, et ſur ſes quartiersle plus fertiles et lucratifs, &c.; parBaudry deLozières. Paris, 1803 , 2 vol. 8vo. Mémoire OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 205 Mémoire ou Coup-d'oeil rapide ſur mes Voyages dans la Louiſiane, etmon Séjour dans la Nation Crek ,par le Géneral Melfort, Teſtanogy ou grand chef de la nation Crek, et géneral de brigade. Paris, 1802, 8vo. Vues de la Colonie Eſpagnole du Miſſiſſippi, ou des Provinces de la Louiſiane et de la Floride-Occidentale , en l'année 1802, par un Obſervateur reſident ſur les Lieux ; accompagnées de deux cartes ; publiées par N*** Du Vallon. Paris, 1805, 8vo. Mémoires ſur la Louiſiane et la Nouvelle-Orleans. Paris, 1805, 12mo. Voyage dans les deux Louiſianes, par M. Perrin -du- Lac. Paris, 1805, 8vo. Two - thirds of this work relate to the United States, but they contain nothing remarkable. The reſt is an account of Louiſiana , and particularly of ſome of the favage nations. Robin, Voyage à la Louiſiane, à la Floride, et dans les Illes de la Martinique et de St. Domingue, en 1802, 1806. Avec cartes. Paris, 1807, 3 vol. 8vo. [ See the travels of Palaret, State of the Engliſh and French Colonies, Smith ; Sect. UNITED STATES.—Frobilher , Journey to the Miſſiſſippi ; Sect. VIRGINIA. — Coxe ; Sect. CAROLINA. Alhe ; Sect. WESTERN TERRITORY.] SPANISH DOMINIONS IN NORTH -AMERICA . governor with + 1. Mexico. HISTORY of Mexico, in figures. ( Inſerted in Purchas, and tranſlated into French in Thevenot.) This hieroglyphical work was obtained by the great difficulty from the natives, who explained the figures into Mexican , from which he got it tranſlated into Spaniſh, and ſent it to Europe to Charles V. But the veſſel fell into the hands of the French, and was purchaſed from one M. The vet by Hackluyt. Fernandi Cortez de Inſulis nuper inventis Narrationes ad Carolum V., cum Petr. Mar. tyri ad Clementem VI. Libellum . Cologne, 1532, fol. Mexico, diſcovered by Cortez, is here called a group of iſlands. La Hiſtoria general y natural de las Indias ( Occidentales) Illas y Terra fermadel mar Oceano, por el Capitan Gonzalo Hernandez de Oviedo. (The general and natural Hiſtory of the Weſt-Indies, both Ines and Continent of the Ocean, by Captain Gonzalott de Oviedo.) Seville, 1535. La meſma ; con la verdadera Relacion de la Conquiſta del Peru. ( The fame; with a true Account of the Conqueſt of Peru .) By Franc. Xerez . Salamanca, 1547. Valladolid , 1557. Madrid , 1730, fol. —In French, by Jean Paleur, 1555, fol. — In Italian, Venice, 1554, 4to. Voyages et Conquêtes du Capitaine Ferdinand Courtois' (Cortes) ès Indes - Orientales : hi traduite de la langue Eſpagnole par Guillaume Le Bretan -Nivernois. Paris, 1538, 8vo. Marco de Nica's Voyage to Caliacon and Civola in Mexico , in 1539. ( In Hackluyt's Collection .) Voyage from Nueva-Galicia to Cevola, & c. and in the Weſtern Ocean, in 1540 , by Francis Vaſquez Coronado. ( Ibid. ; alſo in the collection of Ramufio .) II Juan 206 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Juan Diaz de la Calle, Memorial y Noticias facras y reales del Imperio de las Indias ( Occidentales) ; comprehende la eccleſiaſtico, ſecular, politico, y militar, que por la Secretaria de la Nueva- Eſpana ſe provee. ( Sacred and royal Memorial and Notices on the Empire of the Indies; containing the eccleſiaſtical, ſecular, political, and military objects provided for by the Secretaryſhip of New -Spain .) Madrid , 1546, 4to. Las Obras de Don Bartolomeo de Las Caſas ; ſcilicet, Breviſſima Relacion de la Conquiſta de las Indias, por los Caſtillanos ; Treinta Propoſiciones pertenecientes al Derecho quela Igleſia y los Principes Chriſtianos tienen contra los Infideles, y el Titulo que los Reyes de Caſtillas tienen a las Indias- Occidentales ; Diſputa entre B. de las Caſas yel Doctor Ginesde Sepulveda ſobre la Juſticia de las Conquiſtas contra los Indios ; Tratado ſobre la Materia de los Indios, que fe han hecho Eſclavos por los Caſtillanos ; Remedios parata Reformacion de los Indios. (The Works of Las Caſas ; viz. A very brief Account of the Conqueſt of the Indies, by the Caſtilians ; Thirty Propofitions relative to the Right of the Church and the Chriſtian Princes againſt the Infidels , and the Title of the Kings of Caſtile to the Weſt-Indies ; Diſpute between B. Las Cas and the Dr. Gines de Sepulveda on the Juſtice of the Conqueſts from the Indians ; Treatiſe relative to the Indians made Captives by the Indians ; Means for the Converſion of the Indians.) Seville , 1552 , five parts, in i vol. 4to . In Latin , by Joh. Theod. de Bry, Frankfort, 1598, 4to.; with plates. -In French, by Jacques de Miggrode, Antwerp, 1579. Rouen, 1630, 4to. Another verſion, Lyons, 1642, 8vo.; altered by Bellegarde, Paris, 1697, 12mo. Bartholomew de Las Caſas, Account of the firſt Voyages and Diſcoveries in America. London , 1693, 8vo. Primera, ſegunda, y tercera parte de la Hiſtoria general de las Indias , con lo deſcubri miento ycoſas notables que han acaecido deſde que ſe ganaron haſta el año 1551 ; con la conquiſta de Mexico y de la Nueva -Eſpaña. (Firſt, ſecond, and third part of the general Hiſtory of the Indies ; with their diſcovery and the moſt remarkable things which have happened till the year 1551 ' ; with the diſcovery of Mexico and New -Spain.) By Franciſco Lopez de Gomara . Zaragoza, 1552, 1553. Madrid, 1553, fol. Antwerp, 1554, 8vo. —In Italian , by Auguſta Cravelez, Rome, 1556, 4to ., by Lucien Mauroy, Venice, 1556, 8vo. —In French, by Fumée and Lechaft, Paris, 1588 ; Ib. 1597 ; Ib . 1605, 8vo. Robert Townſon's Voyage into Nova-Eſpaña, in 1555. (In Hackluyt.) John Clinton's Voyage to New -Spain and Peru, in 1568. ( Ibid .) Hawkes's Voyage to Nueva-Eſpaña, in 1572. ( Ibid .) Philips's Voyage to the North of Panuco in Mexico. ( Ibid .) John Hertop's Voyage to the North of Panuco . ( Ibid.) Relation of the Haven of Tecuanapa, ſituate upon the South -Sea, not far from Nicaragua in Mexico. (Ibid.) Anthony Sherley's Voyage to St. Jago, Dominica, Marguerita, Jamaica, to the Bay of Honduras, and homeward by Newfoundland, in 1597. (Ibid .) William Parker's Voyage to Marguerita, Jamaica, Truxillo, Puerto de Cavallos, in 1597. ( Ibid .) Ruttier to the Weſt-Indies, Terra -Ferma, and Nueva-Eſpaña, by William Parker. ( ibid .) Ruttier from San -Lucar in Andaluſia, to the Canaries, the Antilles, St.Jean de Ulloa in Nueva- Eſpaña, by William Parker. ( Ibid.) Antonio OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 207 Ibid . p.355 Antonio de Remuſal, Hiſtoria de las Indias-Occidentales, particularmente de la Gover nancia de Chiapa. ( Hiſtory of the Weſt-Indies, particularly of the Government of Chiapa. ) Madrid, 1610 , fol. Relatione d'un Gentiluomo del Sig . Fern . Cortez de la gran Città Tenuitaten in Mexico, e altre coſe della Nova -Spagna. (Relation of a Gentleman of Signor Fernando Cortez, reſpecting the great City of Tenuitaten , in Mexico, and of other objects in New -Spain .) In the Collection of Ramuſio, vol.iii ., p. 304. Antonio de Mendoza, Lettere al' Imperatore del Deſcoprimento della Terra della Nueva Eſpaña. (Letters to the Emperor on the Diſcovery of the Country of New -Spain .) Juan Torquemada, Monarquia Indiana ; con la origen de la guerra de las Indias Occidentales, de ſus poblaciones, deſcubrimiento, conquiſta, converſion, y otrascoſas maravilloſas de la miſma tierra, en XXI libros. ( The Indian Monarchy; with the origin of the war in the Weſt-Indies, the inhabitants, diſcovery, conqueſt, converſion , and other wonderful things of the ſame country, in 21 books.) Seville, 1615 ; Madrid, 1730, 3 vol. fol. The author, a Franciſcan friar, reſided a long time in New -Spain. His work contains ſeveral abſurdities, but alſo ſome intereſting obſervations. Antonio de Herrera, Hiſtoria general de las Indias-Occidentales, y de los Hechos de los Caſtillanos en las Illas y Tierrafirma del mare Oceano. (General Hiſtory of the Weſt-Indies, and of the Conqueſts of the Caſtilians in the lands and Continent of the Ocean .) Madrid , 1601 ; 16. 1615, 1630, 8 parts, in 4 vol. fol. -In French, Paris, 1660, 1666, 1671 , 3 vol . 4to. Deſcripcion de las Indias-Occidentales. ( Deſcription of the Weſt -Indies.) Madrid, 1601 ; Ib. 1730, fol. - Tranſlated into French, and printed with ſome other works relative to America, under the following title – Deſcription des Indes-Orientales, par Antoine de Herrera : Deſcription des mêmes Indes, par Pedro Ordonez de Cavallos : Deſcription du Nouveau -Monde, tirée des Tableaux géographiques de Pierre Berthius, traduite du Flamand : on y a joint le Journal et Miroir de la Navigation auſtrale de l’Eftroit de Magellan , traduit du Flamand. Avec cartes et figures. Amſterdam , 1622 , fol. Diego Ciſneros, Sitio natural, Leyes, y Propiedades de la Ciudad de Mexico. (Natural Situation, Laws, and Particularities of the City of Mexico.) Mexico, 1618, 4to. Auguſtin Davila Padilla, Hiſtoriade la Fondacion y Diſcurſo de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico. (Hiſtory of theFoundation and Diſcourſe of the Province of St. Jago in Mexico .) Bruſſels, 1628 ; Ib . 1648, fol. Thurnal Diaz de Caſtillo, Verdadera Hiſtoria de la Conquiſta de la Nueva- Eſpaña. (True Hiſtory of the Conqueſt of New -Spain .) Madrid, 1632 , fol. - In Engliſh, by Keate, London , 4to . Ferdinando de Cepeda, Relacion del Sitio en que eſtà fundada la Ciudad de Mexico , & c. ( Account of the Situation on which the City of Mexico is founded , & c .; the inundations it has ſuffered, and the works propoled and undertaken from the year 1553 to 1637; corrected by D. Juan de Alvarez .) Madrid, 1637, fol. · Thomas Gage's New Relation of the Weſt- Indies (Mexico ). London, 1655 ; -Ib. 1677, fol. This intereſting work is the fruit of a long refidence in New -Spain , and beſides, contains an account of the other Spaniſh poffefſions in America. Deſcription de l'Amérique et des parties d'icelle , comme de la Nouvelle -France, la Floride, les Antilles, l'[ucatan , Cuba, Jamaïca , & c. Amſterdam , 1658, fol. 9 Eugenio 208 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Eugenio de Guadeloupe, Hiſtoria de la fanta Provincia de los Angelos de la orden de Š. Franciſco de la Obſervanza. (Hiſtory of the holy Province of the Angels in Mexico) , of the order of the Franciſcan Obfervants.) Madrid, 1662, fol. America painted to the Life ; the true hiſtory of the Spaniards' proceedings in the con queſt of the Indians, and of their civil wars amongſt themſelves, from Columbus his firſt diſcovery to theſe latter times, by Ferdinand Gorge . London, 1679, 4to. Antonio de Solis, Hiſtoria de la Conquiſta de Mexico, Poblacion y Progreſos de la America-Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva-Eſpaña. (Hiſtory of the Conquett of Mexico, and of the Population and Progreſs of North -America , known under the name of New -Spain .) Madrid, 1684 ; Ib. 1711 , fol. -In Engliſh , Lon don, 1724, fol. Dublin , 1727, 2 vol. 8vo . Hiſtoria del lucatan . ( Hiſtory of Yucatan .) By Diego Lopez Cogullado. Madrid, 1688, fol. Arnold Montan, Beſchreibung von Mexico. ( Deſcription of Mexico. ) Amſterdam , 1691 , fol. Voyages de François Corréal aux Indes -Occidentales; contenant ce qu'il y a vue de plus remarquable pendant ſon ſéjour, depuis 1666 juſqu'en 1697 ; traduit de l'Eſpagnol : avec unerelation de la Guyane de Walter Raleigh, et le Voyage de Narborough à la Mer du Sud par le Détroit de Magellan, &c. Nouvelle édition, augmentée d'une nouvelle découverte des Indes Méridionales et des Terres Auſtrales. Avec cartes et planches. Paris, 1722 , 2 vol. 12mo. Amſterdam , 1722, 3 vol. 12mo. The work of Corréal extends to Mexico, the Terra- Firma, the Brazil, and Paraguay. It occupies about one half of the preſent work . The reſt con tains, beſides the relations of Raleigh and Narborough , the journal of the navigator Abel Janſen Taſman, and an account of the Moxes miſſion in Peru. A Journey over - land from the Gulf of Honduras to the South-Sea, performed by John Cockburn and five other Engliſhmen ; viz. Thomas. Rounce, Rich. Baniſter, John Holland, Thomas Robinſon, andJohn Bellman ; with a brief diſcovery of ſome things beſt worth taking notice of in their travels ; by Nicolas Withington. London , Geographical Deſcription of the whole Territory of the Spaniſh Weſt- Indies, by Don Gonzalez Carranzanas. London, 1739, 8vo. A conciſe Hiſtory of Spaniſh -America. London, 1741 , 8vo. A Deſcription of Carthagena, Vera -Cruz, and Havannah. London, 1745, 8vo. Jofeph Antonio de Villa Senor y Sanchez , Theatro Americano, ó Deſcripcion general de los Reynos y Provincias de Nueva España y ſus Juriſdiciones. ( Theatre of America, or general Deſcription of the Kingdoms and Provinces of New -Spain, and of its Juriſdictions.) Madrid, 1746, 2 vol. fol. This valuable work is difficult to be procured. Deſcription of the Spaniſh Iſlands and Settlements on the Coaſts of the Weſt-Indies, by Jefferys. London, 1762, 4to. Hiſtoria de la Nueva-Eſpana, conquiſtada por Fernan Cortez ; aumentada con otros documentos y notas, por el iluſtr. Senor D. Franciſco Antonio Lorenzano, Arzobiſpo de Mexico. ( Hiſtory of New -Spain , conquered by F. Cortez ; augmented with other documents and notes , by Don F. A. Lorenzano, Archbiſhop of Mexico .) 1735, 8vo . 1 1770, fol. Voyage en Californie, pour l'obſervation du paſſage de Vénus ſur le diſque du ſoleil, le 2 Juin 1769 ; contenant la deſcription des phénomènes, avec un plan de la ville de OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS . 209 de Mexico, par l'Abbé Chappe d'Auteroche, et la narration hiſtorique de la Mort de l'Auteur ; revu et publié par M. Caſſini. Paris, 1778 , 4to. Journey in California , by Chappe d'Auteroche. London, 1780, 8vo. This volume contains the beſt account of the city of Mexico previous to the work of Humboldt. Franciſco Saverio Clavigero, Iſtoria antica del Mexico ; cavata deimigliori iſtorici Spag nuoli, e da manuſcritti e pitture antichi degli Indiani, diviſa in dieci libri, e corredata de carte geographiche e di varie figure, e diſſertazioni. ( Ancient Hiſtory of Mexico ; from the belt Spaniſh hiſtorians, and from manuſcripts and ancient pictures of the Indians, divided into ten books, and illuſtrated with maps, plates, and diſſertations.) Ceſena, 1780, 1781 , 4 vol. 4to . The Hiſtory of Mexico ; to which are added, critical diſſertations on the land , the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico : tranſlated from the Italian of F. S. Clavigero by Ch. Cullen. London, 1787 , 2 vol . 4to. This work obtains a place here on account of the obſervations on the natural hiſtory and phyſical ſtate of the country. Eeinige Characterzüge des Mexicaniſchen Indians. (Some characteriſtic Traits of Mexican India . ) În Eberhard's Philoſophical Journal, No. 1 . Traité dela Culture du Nopal et de l'Education de la Cochenille dans les colonies Françaiſes de l'Amerique, précédé d'un Voyage à Guaxaca, par M. Thiery de Mo nonville. Paris, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo. This is a very intereſting account of a very hazardous, and, in the firſt inſtance, ſucceſsful attempt. Beitroege zur Kenatniſs der Spaniſchen Beſitzungen in America. (Memoirs towards a Knowledge of Spaniſ” America, with Notes.) By C. A. Fiſcher. Dreſden , 1801 , 8yo . A judicious compilation from the Viagera Univerſal. Memoirs of the Mufquito Territory, reſpecting the voluntary Ceſſion of it to Great Britain ; pointing out ſome of the many Advantages to be derived from the Occupa tion of that Country. By John Wright. London, 1808, 8vo. An Account of the Britiſh Settlement of Honduras, by Captain Henderſon. London, 1809, 8vo. Political, Commercial, and Statiſtical Sketches of the Spaniſh Empire in both the Indies. London, 1809, 8vo. Tableau de la Phyſique des Regions Equatoriales, par Alexandre de Humboldt. Paris, 1807, 4to. Eſſai politique ſur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Eſpagne, par Alexandre de Humboldt. Paris, 1808, 1811 , 7 livraiſons, 4to ., and an atlas fol. Ibid. 1811 , 5 vol. 8vo. - In Engliſh , London, 1811, 4 vol. 8vo. Theſe works, with thoſe which may yet be expected from the author and his companion Bonpland, are the firſt accurate publications we have relative to Spaniſh America. [ See the travels of Læftling ; Sect. SPAIN. – Acoſta ; Sect. EAST -INDIES. -Gualle ; Sect. JAPAN. -- Beſchryving van eenige Kuſten ; Sect. Java. --- Dralſe ; Sect. Asia, Avrica, and AMERICA. ] VOL. XVII II . New 210 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS II . New Mexico . Roger Rodenham's Voyage into New -Mexico, 1564. (In Hackluyt. ) Auguftin Reü's Voyage to New -Mexico, 1581. ( Ibid .) Antonio de Espejo's Voyage to New -Galicia or New -Mexico, 1582. (Ibid .) Gaſpar de Villagra, Hiſtoria della Nueva- Mexico. (Hiſtory of New.Mexico. ) Alcala, 1610, 8vo. Voyages intéreſſans dans différentes Colonies Françaiſes, Eſpagnoles, Anglaiſes ; con tenant des Obſervations relatives à ces Contrées, et un Memoir ſur les maladies le plus communes à Saint-Domingue, leurs remèdes, les moyens de s'en preſerver moralement et phyſiquement, avec des anecdotes ſingulières qui n'avoient jamais été publiées ; le tout rédigé d'après un grand nombre de manuſcrits, par M. N *** Paris, 1788, 8vo. This work contains many curious particulars relative to Porto Rico, Curacao, Grenada, the Bermudas, and New Mexico ; as well as St. Domingo, New York , Boſton, Louiſiana, Peru , and Chili. [See the travels of Lepage du Prats ; Sect. Louisiana. ] III . California. Franciſco de Ulloa's Voyage to California, 1539. (In Hackluyt.) Fernando Alarcon's Voyage to California, 1540. (Ibid.) Extract touching the Diſcovery of the Iands of California, 1597. ( Ibid .) Diario Hiſtorial de los Viages de mar y tierra trechos al norte de la California. (Hiſ torical Diary of the Voyages and Travels to the North of California .) Madrid, 4to. Memorias de la California. (Memoirs of California , by the Jeſuits .) Madrid , 1757, 3 vol. 4to. Don Perchde Roxos, Hiſtoria della Provincia de Cinaloa. (Hiſtory of the Province of Cinaloa. ) Madrid, 4to. Andrea Marco Burriel, Noticia de la California y de ſu conquiſta temporal y fpiritual, haſta el tiempo preſente, fazada de la hiſtoria formada en Mexico, año 1739, por el Padre Miguel Venegas'; y de otras noticias, accrecida de algunas mapas particulares y una général de la America ſeptentrional y oriental. ( Account of California, and of its temporal and ſpiritual conqueſt, down to the preſent time, founded on the manuſcript hiſtory written in 1739 , by Father M. Venegas; with other Notices, ſome particular maps, and a general one of Northern and Eaſtern America. ) Ma. drid , 1758, 3 vol . 410. —In French , Paris, 1767, 3 vol. 4to . —In Engliſh, London, 1759, 2 vol. 8vo. This isthe firſt judicious account publiſhed relative to California. Joſeph Adolphus Hartmann, Diſſertatio de vero Californiæ ſitu et conditione,1739, 8vo. Begert, Nachrichten von der Amerikaniſchen HalbinſelCalifornien ; nebſt einem zwei fachen Anhang falſcher Nachrichten . ( Account of the American Peninſula, Cali fornia ; with a twofold Appendix of falſe accounts.) Manheim , 1772, 8vo. Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana, en el año 1792, para reco nocer el eſtrecho de Juan de Fuca, &c. ( Relation of the Voyage executed in 1792 , 9 by OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 211 by the golettas Sutil and Mexicana, to inveſtigate the Straits of Juan de Fuca ;. with an introduction, containing an account of the previous Expedition of the Spaniards in ſearch of the north - ealt Paſſage round America.) Madrid , 1802, 4to. , and an atlas fol. This voyage throws much light on the north -weſt coaſt of America, particu larly California and Nootka- Sound . [See the travels of Chappe d’Auteroche ; Sect. Mexico. ] 1585, fol. IV. Florida . Hiſtoire du dernier Voyage aux Indes (occidentales), lieu dit la Floride, fait par le Capitaine Jean Ribes, par l'Ordre du Roi : publié par Lechalleux. Lyons, 1566 , 8vo. De Navigatione Gallorum Terrâ Floridanâ, deque clade anno 1555 (1565) ac cepta, autore Levino. Antwerp, 1568, 8vo. Baſil, 1583 , fol. -In German , ib. Relacion do Deſcubrimento da Provincia di Florida. ( Relation of the Diſcovery of the Province of Florida. ) Evora, 1577 , 4to . Hiſtoire notable de la Floride aux Indes occidentales ; contenant les trois Voyages fait en icelle par certains Capitaines Français, décrits par le Capitaine Laudanière, à la. quelle à été adjouté le Voyage du Capitaine de Gourgues, mis en lumière par Bafla nier. Paris, 1586 ; Ib. 1588, 8vo. - In Latin , Frankfort, 1591 , fol. An intereſting account of the maſſacre of the French, and their retaliation on the Spaniards. La Florida della Inca, ó Hiſtoria del Adelantado Fernando de Sotto, Governador y Ca. pitan-general del Reyno de la Florida, y de otros hardicos Cavalleros Eſpañoles en India. (The Florida of the Inca, or Hiſtory of the Adelantado Ferdinand de Sotto, Governor and Captain -general of the Kingdom of Florida, and of other valiant Spa niſh Captains in India.)_By the Inca Garcilaſo de la Vega. Liſbon, 1605, 4to. Madrid, 1713 , fol. -In French , Amſterdam , 1670. Paris, 1720. Leyden , 1731, 2 vol. 8vo. De Cardenas, Hiſtoria de la Florida. ( Hiſtory of Florida. ) Madrid, fol. Hiſtoire de la Conquête de la Floride par les Eſpagnols, fous Ferdinand de Sotto, écrite en Portugais par un gentilhomme de la Ville d'Elvas : traduite par M. D. C. Paris, 1685, 12mo. Theſe works are not purely hiſtorical; but contain, particularly the latter, many notices relative to the manners of the natives, and the productions and ani mals of the country: An Account of the firſt Diſcovery and Natural Hiſtory of Florida, by William Roa berts ; illuſtrated by a general map and ſome particular plans, and a geographical deſcription of that country. By Thomas Jefferys. London, 1763, 4to. Deſcription of Eaſt -Florida, by William Stork . London, 1769, 8vo. William Stork's Deſcription of Eaſt- Florida : with a Journal kept by John Bartram, from St. Auguſtine up the river St. John, with explanatory botanical Notes. Lon don, 1787, 2 vol . 8vo. A conciſe Natural Hiſtory of Eaſt and Weſt Florida, by Bernard Romans. New - York , 1776, 12mo. AR 1 E E 2 1 212 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS An intereſting account of the climate and maladies of the province, as well as of the manners of the three indigenous tribes, the Chicaſaws, the Chactaws, and the confederated Creeks. - [ See Beſchryving van eenige Kuſten , &c .; Sec7. JAVA . -Schopf, Volney ; Sect. United States. — Hackluyl, Journey to the Miſſiſſippi; Sect. VIRGINIA. Cateſby, Coxe, Bartram ; Sect. Carolina. —Vallon , Robin ; Sect. Louisiana . —Deſcription deſ Amerique, 1658 ; Sect. Mexico. ] BRITISH NORTH -AMERICA. [See the works of Blome, Moll , Palairet, State of the Engliſh and French Colonies, Burke, the American Traveller, Schirach, Hiſtory of the British Colonies in North America, Oldmixon ; Sect. UNITED STATES. ] 1. Canada. BRIEF Récit, ſuccincte Narration de la Navigation faite aux îles de Canada, Hochelage, et autres, et particulièrement des meurs , langage et cérémonies d'habitans d'icelles, Paris, 1595 , 8vo. Diſcours du Voyage aux Terres- Neuves, les Canadas, &c. par Jacques Cartier. Rouen , 1598, 8vo. Hiſtorie von der Erfindung der Groſsen Landſchaft Nova-Francia. ( Hiſtory of the Diſcovery of the great country of New - France.) Hamburgh, 1613 , 4to . Des Sauvages, ou Voyage de ( Samuel) Champlain, fait en la Nouvelle-France, l'an 1603. Paris, 1603, 8vo. Voyage de la Nouvelle-France, de Samuel Champlain. Paris, 1613 ; Ib . 1617, 8vo. Les Voyages de la Nouvelle-France occidentale, dite Canada, faits par le Sieur de Champlain, Xaintongeois, capitaine pour le Roi en la marine du Ponent, et toutes les découvertes qu'il a faites en ce pays, depuis l'an 1603 , juſqu'en l'an 1629, où l'on voit comment ce pays a été découvert par le Français ſous l'autorité de nos Rois Très- Chrétiens, &c. & c. avec ce qu'il s'eſt paſsé en la dite Nouvelle- France en l'année 1631. Avec figures. Paris, 1632, 4to. This is the only complete account of all the voyages of Champlain, who may be regarded as the founder ofthe colony, as hewas of the city of Quebec. Hiſtoire de la Nouvelle-France, contenant les navigations, decouvertes et habitations faites par les Français aux Indes occidentales et Nouvelle- France, &c. depuis cent ans juſqu'à huis ; en quoi eſt compriſe l'hiſtoire morale, naturelle et géographique de la dite province ; avec figures; par Marc Leſcarbot. Paris, 1609 ; Ib. 1611 ; Ib. 1617, 8vo. Geſchichte von Neu -Frankreich. (Hiſtory of New - France.) Augſburg, 1613 , 4to . Relation de la Nouvelle- France, par le P. Biard , Jeſuite. Lyons, 1616, 8vo. Lettre de Charles Lallemand , ſuperieur des miſſions des Jéſuites au Canada, où ſont contenues les mæurs des Sauvages. Paris, 1627, 12mo. 2 Brève OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 213 Brève Relation d'un Voyage à la Nouvelle- France, par le P. Lejeune, Jéſuite . Paris, 1631 , 8vo. Le grand Voyage au pays des Hurons, par le P. Gabriel Sagard . Paris, 1632 , 12mo. Hiſtoire du Canada, ou Voyages que quelques Récolets y ont faits pour la con verſion des infidèles, par le Frère Sagard, théodat-récolet. Paris, 1632 ; Ib . 1636, 8vo. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé à la Nouvelle- France en l'année 1633. Paris, 1634, 12mo. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé dans la Nouvelle-France en 1634, par le P. Lejune, Jéſuite. Paris, 1635–1640, 7 vol. 8vo. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé au pays des Hurons en 1637, par F. J. Le Mercier. Rouen, 1638, 8vo. Relation de la Nouvelle -France, par B. Vincent, depuis l'an 1631 , juſqu'en 1649. Paris, 1641-1649, 4 vol. 8vo . Relation des Miſſions des PP . Jéſuites à la Nouvelle-France, en 1647 et 1648, par le Superieur des Miſſions. Paris, 1649, 8vo. Relation de la Miſſion des PP. Jéſuites aux Hurons et au pays plus bas de la Nou velle France, en 1649 et 1650, par le P. Paul Ragueneau. Paris, 1650-1651 , 2 vol. izmo. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé dans la Nouvelle- France, depuis 1661 juſqu'en 1665, par Jérome Lallemand. Paris, 1665-1666, 3 vol. 12mo. Hiſtoire véritable et naturelle des Meurs et Productions du pays de la Nouvelle-France, vulgairement dite le Canada. Paris, 1664, 8vo. Relation du Canada, des années 1664–1665, par François Le Mercier. Paris, 1666, 3 vol. 12mo. Relation du Canada, des années 1667 et 1668 , par Jacques Bordier. Paris, 1669, 12mo. Relation du Canada, des années 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, par Claude Ablon. Paris, 1673, 1674, 2 vol. 12mo. Collection de pluſieurs Relations du Canada, depuis 1632 jusqu'en 1672. Paris, 1634–1672, 43 vol. 12mo. This collection contains ſeveral of the works previouſly enumerated. With much unintereſting matter, it preſents curious information on the progreſſive ſtate of the Savages. Hiſtoire naturelle des Mæurs et des Productions du Canada, par Pierre Boucher. Paris, 1672, 12mo. Hiſtoria Canadenſis et Novæ - Franciæ libri X , autore Franciſco Creuxio. Paris, 1664, fol. Nouvelle Relation de la Gaſpéſie, qui contient les moeurs et la religion des ſauvages Gaſpeſiéns, porte-croix , adorateurs du ſoleil, et d'autres peuples de l'Amérique ſeptentrionale, dite le Canada, par le P. Chrétien Leclercq. Paris, 1691, 12mo. Nouveaux Voyages de M. le baron de la Hontan dans l'Amérique ſeptentrionale, qui contiennent pluſieurs relations de différens peuples qui l'habitent, la nature de leur gouvernement, leur commerce, leurs coutumes, leur religion, et leur manière de faire la guerre ; l'intérêt des Français et des Anglais dans le commerce qu'ils font avec ſes nations, &c. Avec cartes et figures. Hague, 1709, 2 vol. 12mo. In Engliſh ; London, 1735, 8vo. Many of the circumſtances related in this work are entirely fiction. Hiſtoire 214 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Hiſtoire de l'Amérique feptentrionale ; contenant le voyage du fort de Nelſon dans la baie de Hudſon à l'extrémité de l'Amérique, le premier établiſſement des Français dans ce vaſte pays, la priſe du dit fort de Nelſon ; la deſcription du fleuve de Saint Laurent, le gouvernement de Québec , des Trois - Rivières et de Mont- Réal, depuis 1534 juſqu'à 1701 ; l'hiſtoire des peuples alliés de la Nouvelle-France, leurs mceurs et leurs maximes, et leurs intérêts avec toutes les nations des lacs Supérieurs, tels que ſont les Hurons et les Illinois, &c. ; l'hiſtoire de Iroquois, leurs mæurs, &c.; l'hiſtoire des Abénaguis, &c. Par M. de Bacqueville de la Potherie. Avec figures. Paris, 1722 , 4 vol. 12mo. The ſame, entitled, Voyage dans l'Amérique ſeptentrionale, &c . Amſterdam , 1723 , 4 vol . 8vo . 1752, 2 vol. 8vo. Aventures du Sieur Charles le Beau, ou voyage curieux et nouveau parmi les Sauvages de l'Amerique ſeptentrionale, dans lequel on trouvera une deſcription du Canada, avec une relation très-particulière des anciennes coutumes, mæurs et uſages de vivre des barbares qui l'habitent. Carte et fig . Amſterdam , 1738, 2 vol. 12mo. This is the moſt accurate account we have of the three Indian nations in Canada, the Iroquois, the Hurons, and the Algonquins. Hiſtoire et Deſcription générale de la Nouvelle- France ; avec le journal hiſtorique d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi, dans l'Amérique feptentrionale, par le P. Charlevoix. Avec cartes. Paris, 1744, 6 vol. 12mo. and 4 vol. 4to. In Engliſh , London, 1772 , 2 vol . 4to . The author, though occaſionally over-minute, has given an excellent view of the country and its aboriginalinhabitants. Hiſtory of the Indian Nations of Canada ; with an account of the ſeveral other nations of Indians in North and South- America, by Cadwallader Colden . London, 1747 ; Ib . An Account of the Proceedings of the Britiſh and other proteſtant Inhabitants to obtain an Houſe of Aſſembly in the Province of Quebec. London, 1766, 12mo. Tagebuch einer Reiſe von Stade nach Quebec in Amerika, von einem Officier. ( Journal of a Voyage from Stadeto Quebec in America, by an Officer.) Frankfort, 1776, 8vo. F. V. Melcheimer, Tagebuch von der Reiſe der Braunſchweiger Auxiliartruppen von Wolfenbüttel nach Quebec. (Journal of the Voyage of the Brunſwick Auxiliary Troops from Wolfenbüttel to Quebec. ) Minden , 1776, 8vo. Deſcription of ſuch parts of North -America, as are contained in the annexed map of the Britiſh Colonies in America , by T. M.Pownal. London, 1800, 8vo. Hiſtory of Canada, from the epoch of its diſcovery, &c. by George Heriot. London, 1806, 2 vol . 8vo. Travels through the Canadas ; including a deſcription of the pictureſque ſcenery on ſome of the rivers and lakes, with an account of the productions, commerce and inhabitants of thoſe provinces ; to which is added, a comparative view of the manners and cuſtoms of ſeveral of the Indian nations of North and South America. By George Heriot. London, 1807, 4to. Letters from Canada, written during a reſidence there in 1806, 1807, and 1808 ; ſhowing the preſent ſtate of Canada, its productions, trade, commercial importance, and political relations. By H. Grey. London, 1809, 8vo. [See the travels of Rochefoucault and Volney ; Sect. UNITED -States.) II. Nova OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 215 II. Nova Scotia. Relation du Voyage du Port-Royal à l'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle- Ecoſſe ; dans laquelle on voit un détail des divers mouvemens de la mer dans une traverſée de long cours, la deſcription du pays, la corruption des Français qui y ſont établis, les manières des différentes nations fauvages, leurs habitations et leurs chaſſes ; avec une diſſertation exacte ſur le Caſtor. Par M. Diereville. Rouen, 1708 , 12mo. Thiswork is ſtrangely written in proſe alternating with bad verſe. Geographical Hiſtory of Nova Scotia. London, 1749, 8vo. Chr. Wilhelm Stok, Von Neu -Schottland oder Akadien. ( On New -Scotland or Acadia .) In the author's Eſſays. Frankfort, 1772, 8vo. Remarks on the Climate, Produce and natural Advantages of Nova Scotia . · London, 1784, 8vo . An Account of the preſent State of Nova- Scotia. London, 1786, 8vo. III. Cape- Breton. Die Wichtigkeit und Vortheite des Cap Breton, in einer richtigen Beſchreibung dieſer berufenen Inſel vorgeſtellt, und durch Anmerkungen ertäutert ins Deutſche überſetzt. (The Importance and Advantages of the famous Iſe ofCape-Breton, dif played in an accurate deſcription , tranſlated into German and illuſtrated with notes.) Leipfic, 1747, 8vo. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique ſeptentrionale, pour rectifier les côtes de l'Acadie , de l'Iſle -Royal, et de Terre-Neuve, et pour en fixer les principaux points par des obſervations aſtronomiques. Par M. de Chabert. Ouvrage enrichi de pluſieurs cartes. Paris, 1753, 4to . Deſcription of the Manners and Cuſtoms of the Mikmoſes and Marichaets, ſavage nations now dependant on the government of Cape- Breton. From an original manuſcript not hitherto publiſhed , by an Abbé who lived ſeveral years among them. To which are added, ſeveral tracts relative to the ſavages, to Nova -Scotia, and North-America, in general. London, 1758 , 8vo. Lettres et Mémoires pour ſervir à l'Hiſtoire naturelle et civile du Cap- Breton , juſqu'à la répriſe de cette île par les Anglais, en 1758. London, 1760, 12mo. Reiſe eines jungen Officiers zur See, oder Geſchichte eines Schiffbruchsauf der Kænigs Inſel, itzt Cap - Breton genannt. ( Voyage of a young Officer, or Hiſtory of a Ship wreck on Ille-Royale, now named Cape-Breton .) Straſburg, 1786, 8vo. A Narrative of a Paſſage from the Inand of Cape- Breton acroſs the Atlantic, in the Winter of 1799 ; by John Luce. London, 1812, 8vo. IV. New - Foundland . Hara's Voyage to New - foundland and Cape- Breton , 1536. ( In Hackluyt. ) Humphry Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland, 1583. ( ibid .) A Re 216 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A Relation of Newfoundland and its Commodities. ( InHackluyt. ) Voyage to the North -weſt of Newfoundland, 1594. ( Ibid .) Abſtracts of Richard Withbourne's Voyage to Newfoundland. (In Purchas.) [ See Hariot ; Sect. VIRGINIA. -Chaubert ; Sect. CAPE- Breton.) V. Bermudas. [ See the travels of Chriſtophe ; Sect.'UNITED STATES. - Oldmixon ; Sect. VIRGINIA . M. N *** ; Sect. New Mexico . NATIVE TRIBES AND UNCONQUERED COUNTRIES. I. Greenland JAN MUNK, Beſkrivelſe af Seigland , og Refa til NovaDania. ( Deſcription of Seig land, and Voyage to Nova Dania (Greenland ). Copenhagen, 1619, 4to. In Dutch, Amſterdam , 1678, 8vo. Relation du Groenland. Avec figures. Paris, 1647, 2 vol. 12mo. Relation du Groenland, par Ifaac la Peyrere. Paris, 1647 ; Ib. 1651 ; Ib. 1715, 8vo . In Dutch, augmented by S. van Vries ; Amſterdam , 1678, 4to . S. von V.Beſchreibung des Alten und Neuen Grænlands ; nebſt einem Begriff der Reiſen die Frobiſher, Gotzke-Lindenow , Reichardt (nach Norden ,) gethan, und dem Tagebuch eines, die Durchfahrt zwiſchen Grænland und America ſuchenden Dæniſchen Schiffs. (Deſcription of Old and New -Greenland ; with a ſketch of the voyages of Frobiſher, Gotzke- Lindenow , Reichardt, to the North , and the journal of a Daniſh veſſel endea vouring to diſcover a paſſage between Greenland and America.) Hamburgh, 1674 ; Nuremberg, 1679, 4to. Deſcriptio veterisGrænlandiæ , a Thormodo Torfæo. Copenhagen, 1705, 8vo . Hiſtoria Winlandiæ antiquæ , ejuſd . Copenhagen , 1706, 8vo. Of theſe very valuable and learned works, the latter refers to the Icelandic dif coveryof a part of America, probably Labrador or Newfoundland, which they coloniſed for a long period. Hans Egede, Det gamle Groenlands nye perluſtration eller Naturel Hiſtorie og Beſk rivelle ofver det Gamle Groenlands ſituation, luft, temperament, & c. (Old -Green land newly illuſtrated , or Natural Hiſtory and Deſcription of Old-Greenland's ſituation, climate, temperature, & c.) Copenhagen, 1729 ; Ib. 1738, 4to.; Ib. with figures, 1741, 8vo. In German ; Frankfort, 1730 ; Copenhagen , with additions, 1742 ; Berlin, 1769, 8vo. In French ; Copenhagen and Geneva, 1763, 8v0. - In Engliſh, 1745, 8vo. Egede was the firſt who, by engaging himſelf in a miſſion to Greenland, induced the Danes to re- eſtablith their ſettlements there. His account, with that of Crantz, are the moſt accurate we have of the country. Pierre OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 217 1 1775, 8vo. Pierre de Meſange, LaVie,les Avantures, et le Voyage de Grænlande, avec une Relation de l’Origine, de l'Hiſtoire, des Mæurs, du Paradis des Habitans du Pole Arctique. Amſterdam, 1720, 2 vol. 12mo. Jona Jonfoen, Groenlandia. Copenhagen , 1732 , 8vo. Cornelius Giſbert Zorgdrager, Grænlandiſche Viſcherey en de walviſchvangſt. ( Fiſheries of Greenland, particularly that of the Whale. ) Delft, 1646, 4to. View of the Greenland Trade and Whale Fiſhery, with the national and private Advantages thereof. London, 1725. Lars Dalager, Grænlandſke Relationer. (Accounts of Greenland.) Copenhagen, 1758, 4to. David Crantz, Hiſtorie von Groenland. (Hiſtory of Greenland.) Barby, 1765 and 1770 ; Ib. 1780, 2 vol. 8vo. In Engliſh ; London, 1767 , 2 vol. 8vo. Stauning, Kort Beſkrivelſe ofver Grænland. ( Short Account of Greenland .) Viborg , Wdtogaf Breve fra de Kongens See Officerare der ere beordrede til at oplede Gamle Grænland. ( Extracts from the Letters of the Royal Sea Officers, ordered to examine Old Greenland.) Copenhagen, 1788, 8vo. This was a vain attempt to diſcover the remains of theancient Norwegian ſettle. ments, ſaid to have been ſituated on the eaſtern coaſt. J. Erichsen, Udtog af C. Lunds indberetning til Kong Fredrik III . 1664, angaaende de i aarene 1652 og 1653, foranſtaltede fæe toge til Grænland. (Extracts from C. Lund's Reports to King Frederick III. dated 1664, relative to the Voyages to Greenland, undertaken in 1652 and 1653.) Copenhagen , 1787, 8vo. Paul Egede, Efterretninger om Grænland uddragne af Journal holden fra 1721 til 1788. (Memoirs on Greenland, extracted from a Journal continued from 1721 to 1788.) Copenhagen, 1788 , 8vo. Reiſebeſkrivelſe til veſter Groenland opdagelſe foretaget i aerene 1786 og 1787. ( Deſcription of a Journey to Weſt Greenland in 1786 and 1787.) Copen hagen, 1789, 8vo. The author of theſe two works, Paul Egede, is often, as in the French Biblio thèque des Voyages, confounded with his predeceſſor Hans Egede. P. H. Eggers, Om de fande beliggenhed af Groenlands veſterbygt. (On the true Situation of Old Greenland.) A Differtation inſerted in the Landhuuſholdning Selſkabs ſkrifter, or Tranſactions of the Economical Society at Copenhagen.--- Copenhagen, 1794, vol. iv. This diſſertation is intended to prove that theancient Norwegian ſettlements were actually ſituated on the South -weſt coaſt, and that the Eaſtern coaſt, on account of the ice continually drifting along it, was always unapproachable. [ See the works of Megiſſer, Martin , Kühn, Grænland und Spitzbergen ; Sect. VOYAGES TO SPITZBERGEN, &c. - Wolf, Heſs-Bing; Sect. DENMARK AND SWEDEN.-- Blefkenius, Fabricius, Anderſon ; Sect. ICELAND. -Clenard ; Sect. EUROPE AND Asia. -Narborough ; Sect. New -HOLLAND.] II . Labrador. A brief Account of the Eſtabliſhments among the Eſkimos on the coaſt of Labrador. London , 1774, 8vo. VOL. XVII . FT , A Jour 218 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS A Journal of Tranſactions and Events during a Reſidence of nearly ſixteen Years, on part of the Coaſt of Labrador. By George Cartwright. Newark , 1792, 3 vol. 4to. Particulars of the Country of Labrador. By Robert Curtis. In the Philoſophical Tranſ actions, vol. 64. III . Hudſon's Bay. Deſcriptio ac delineatio geographica detectionis freti five tranſitus ad occaſum , ſuprà terras Americanas, in Chinam atque Japonam ducturi, recens inveſtigati à M. Henrico Hudſon, Anglo : item , exegeſis regi Hifpaniæ facta ſuper tractu recens detecto in quintâ orbis parte, cui nomen Auſtralis Incognita, cum deſcriptione terrarum Samoïedarum , et Tungufianorum in Tartariâ ad ortum freti Vaggati ſitarum , nuperque ſceptro Muſcovitarum addictarum . Amſterdam , 1613, 4to . Beſchreibung der Reifen durch Capit. Joh . Munken, im Jahr 1609-1620, nach dem Freto Hudſon . (Deſcription of Capt. J. Munken's Voyage to Hudſon's Straits , in 1609—1620. ) Frankfort, 1650, 4to. An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudſon's Bay. By Arthur Dobs. London, -1744 , 12mo. Joſeph Robſon's Account of fix Years' Reſidence in Hudſon's Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and from 1743 to 1747. London , 1752 , 8vo. [See Frobiſher ; Sect. VIRGINIA . -Baſqueville ; Sect. Canada. ] IV. Central Parts, and Weſtern Coaſt, with the Voyages for Diſcovery of a North-Weſt Paſage. Hiſtoria Navigationis Martini Frobiſheri, anno 1577 , ex Anglia in ſeptentrionis et occidentalis tractum ſuſceptæ . Nuremberg, 1580, 8vo . Deſcriptio novi freti five tranſitus ad occaſum Americæ in Chinam et Japonam , ducturi, recens inventi ab Henrico Hudſon. Amſterdam , 1613 , 4to. The ſtrange and dangerous Voyage of Captain James, in his intended Diſcovery of the North -weſt Paſſageinto the Southern Ocean, whereinthe Miſeries endured, both going, watering and returning, andthe rarities obſerved, both philoſophical and mathematical, are related in his journal of it. London , 1633, 4to. Relation de tout ce qui s'eſt paſſé au voyage de M. Bretigny en l'Amérique occidentale ſeptentrionale, par Paul Boyer, Sieur de Petit-Puy ; avec la deſcription des meurs des Sauvages, et un avis à ceux qui veulent y établir des colonies. Paris, 1654, 8vo. Steller's, im Jahr 1741 , von Kamtſchatka aus mit Bering unternommenen Reiſe nach den Weſtküſten in America, von P. S. Pallas. (Steller's Voyage, undertaken in 1741 with Bering, to the Weſtern Coaſt of America, by P. S. Pallas.) 8vo. Voyagefor the Diſcovery of a North-weſt Paffage by Hudſon's Straits to the Weſtern and Southern Ocean of America, in the years 1746 and 1747. By Henry Ellis. With a map. London, 1748 , 2 vol. 8vo. An account of a Voyage for the Diſcovery of a North -weſt Paſſage by Hudſon's Straits to the Weſtern and Southern Ocean of America, performed in the ſhip California , Captain Smith. By the Clerk of the California . London, 1749, 2vol. 8vo. Voyages from Aſia to America, to complete the Diſcoveries of the North -weſt Coaſt of America ; preceded by an abridgment of the voyages of the Ruſſians for diſcovering a paſſage to the North -eaſt. By Thomas Jeffryes. London, 1764, 4to. J. C. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 219 J. C. Adelung, Geſchichte der Schiffarthen und Verſuche zur Entdeckung des nord- veſt lichen wegs nach Japan und China. (Hiſtory of the Voyages and Endeavours for diſcovering the North -eaſterly Paſſage to Japan and China. ) Halle, 1768, 4to. J. L. S. , Nachrichten von den neuentdeckten Inſeln in der See zwiſchen Aſien und America. (Accounts of the new -diſcovered Iſands in the Sea between Aſia and America.) Hamburgh and Leipfic, 1776, 8vo. Account of the Ruſſian Diſcoveries between Aſia and America. By William Coxe. London, 1780, 4to. Conciſe Account of the Voyages for theDiſcovery of a North -weſt Paſſage undertaken for finding a new way to the Eaſt Indies. By Richard Pickergill. London, 1782 , 4to. John Meares's Voyages, made in the Years, 1788 and 1789, from China to the North weſt Coaſt of America. London , 1791, 4to . Gr. Schelegof, Erſte und zweite Reiſe von Okotſk nach den Oft- Ocean, den Küſten von Amerika, in den Jahren 1783–1789, mit Beſchreibung der von ihm neuentdekten Inſeln Kodiak , Afaynak , u. f. w . (Firſt and ſecond Voyage from Ochotſk to the Eaſtern Ocean, in the years 1783-1789, with a Deſcription of the Iſlands Kodiak, Afaynak , &c. diſcovered by him . Tranſlated from the Ruſſian .) St. Peterſburgh , Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudſon's Bay to the Northern Ocean. By Samuel Hearne. London, 1795, 4to. This valuable work contains the account of the journey of the firſt European who penetrated to the ocean north of America. Narrative of the ſingular Adventures and Captivity of Thomas Barry, among the Monfiſri Indians, in the unexplored Regions of North - America, during the years 1797–1799, including the Manners and Cuſtoms of that Tribe : alſo a particular Account of his Eſcape, accompanied by an American Female, & c. London, 1800, 8vo. Voyage from Montreal on the River St. Laurence, and Travels through the Continent of North - America to the Frozen Pacific Ocean, in the years 1789 to 1793. By Alexander Mackenzie. London, 1801 , 4to. This very intereſting work contains the ſecond ſucceſsful attempt to penetrate by land to the Frozen Ocean of North America. The Travels of Captains Lewis and Clarke, by order of the Government of the United States, performed in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806, by way of the Miſſouri and Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific Ocean . By Merryweather Lewis. London, 1809, 8vo. 1793, 8vo. [See the Travels of Muller, Coxe, Sauer, Sarytſchew ; Sect. Russia. — Kuhn ; Sect. SPITZBERGEN, & c. - Anderſon ; Sect. ICELAND.- Viage por las goletas Futil y Mex. icana ; Sect. CALIFORNIA . ] TRAVELS IN NORTH-AMERICA in general. Deſcription géographique et hiſtorique des Côtes de l'Amérique feptentrionale, avec l'hiſtoire naturelle du pays, par Denys. Paris, 1672 , 2 vol. 12mo. P. Marquette, Beſchreibung einer Reiſe in Nord-Amerika, &c. (Deſcription of a Journey in North America, and of ſome hitherto unknown Countries and People .) 1673, 12mo. Leyden , 1757, 8vo. Thomæ Torfæi Hiſtoria Vinlandiæ , feu partis Americæ ſeptentrionalis. Havniæ , 1703 ; Ib . 1715, 8vo. FF 2 Rela 220 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Relacion de un paiz novamenk deſcubierto en America ſettentrionale. ( Account of a Country newly diſcovered in North America. ) Bruſſels, 1719 , 8vo. Lorenzo Boturini, Idea de una Hiſtoria general de la America ſettentrionale, &c. (Idea of a new general Hiſtory of North America ; founded on a voluminous collection of figures, fymbols, characters, and hieroglyphs, contained in the memoirs of the Indian authors, with a catalogue of the hiſtorical muſeum .) Madrid, 1746, 4to. Voyage du Nouveau -Monde ( Amérique feptentrionale ), et Hiſtoire intéreſſante du Naufrage du P. Creſpel. Amſterdam , 1757, 12mo. Robert Rogers's conciſe Accountof North America. London, 1765, 8vo. Nord America, hiſtoriſch und geographiſch beſchrieben. (Hiſtorical and geographical Deſcription of North-America.) Hamburgh, 1777, 1778, 4 vol. 8vo. Journal einer Reiſe in Nord Amerika. ( Journal of a Tour in North America. ) In the Genius of the Times, 1795. No. 10 . Breife eines Holloênders auf einer Reiſe in Nord America. (Letters of a Dutchman during his Travels in North America.) In the Berlin Journal, 1795 , No. 3 and No. 4 . WEST- INDIES. I. Voyages and Travels to the Welt Indian Nands, in general. Chrift. Colomb Epiftola de Inſulis nuper in mari Indico repertis, ex Hiſpanico Latinè verfa per Alexandrum de Cofeo. 1494, 4to. Voyage to the Weſt Indies in 1526 ,by Thomas Tiſon. (In Hackluyt's Voyages.) Thomas Huſkins' Voyage to the Coaſt of Guinea, to the Iſle of Dominica, along the Coaſts of Terra-Firma, to Cuba, and through the Canal of Bahama, in 1564, ( Ibid .) John Oxnam's Voyage to the Weſt Indies. ( Ibid.) William King's Voyage to the Weſt Indies. ( Ibid .) Voyage to Braſil, St. Doiningo, and St. Juan de Porto Rico. By Th. Pert and Seb. Cabot, in 1596. ( Ibid .) Anthony Sherley's Voyage to St. Jago, Dominica, Marguerita, Jamaica, to the Bay of Honduras, and homeward by Newfoundland, in 1757. ( Ibid .) William Parker's Voyage to Margueritta, Jamaica, Truxillo, and Porto-de- Cavallos, in 1597. (Hackluyt’s Voyages.) Henry May's Navigation to the Eaſt-Indies, in 1591 and 1592, in his Return with Mr.Lancaſter, by the Illes of Trinidad , Mona, Hiſpniola, the Iſles of Bermuda, and of Newfoundland, 1593. ( Ibid. vol . iii.) Chriſt. Newport's Voyage to Dominica, Porto Rico, Hiſpaniola, and to the Bay of Hon duras. 1593 , ( Ibid .) Robert Dudley's Voyageto the Iſle of Trinidad and the Coaſt of Paria, with his Return by the Iſles ofGrenada, St.Croix, St.Juan de Puerto- Rico, Mona, and the Iſles of Bermuda 1594, 1595 , ( Ibid .) Voyage aux INes Commerçantes en Amerique, par Maurice de St. Michel. Paris , 1654, 8vo. In Engliſh , tranſlated by Stephens; London, 1740, 8vo . Mich. Hammerſau, Guincifche und Welt-Indianiſche Reiſebeſchreibung. (Voyage to Guinea and the Weſt -Indies, from 1639 to 1645, augmented by C. Diethern .) Nuremberg, 1663 , 8vo. Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696,et 1697 , aux côtes d'Afrique, détroit de Ma. gellan, Bréſil, Cayenne et îles Antilles, par une eſcadre de vaiſſeaux du Roi de France, commandée par de Gênes, redigée par le Sieur Froger ,ingenieur ; enrichie d'un grand nombre de figures. Paris, 1669, 12mo. Francis . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 221 P Francis Froger's Voyage to the Coaſt of Africa, the Straits of Magellan, Braſil, Cayenne, and the Antilles. Tranſlated by Oſborne. London, 1698, 8vo. Hiſtoire Naturelle et Morale des Antilles ; enrichie d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille - douce, des places et des raretés les plus conſidérables qui y ſont décrites ; avec un vocabulaire Caraibe. Par Rochefort. Rotterdam, 1660, 4to.; augmented, Ib. 1665.-In Engliſh ; London, 1666, fol. Hiſtoire généraledes Antilles, habitées par les Français ; contenant tout ce qui s'eſt paſſé dans l'etabliſſement des colonies Françaiſes, et l'hiſtoire naturelle de ces îles. Par le P. Dutertre. Paris, 1667 , 1671 , 4 vol. 4to . The plates of this work, being deſigned by the celebrated Leclerc, render it valuable, as well as the account ofthe iſlands, the natural hiſtory and inhabi tants , though the author is very diffuſe. Elias Heſlen, Reiſe nach Weſtindien . (Voyage to the Weſt- Indies .) Dreſden, 1687, 8vo. Relation des Voyages et des Découvertes des Voyageurs dans les Indes occidentales. Amſterdam , 1698, 8vo. H. von Huchteriz, Kurze Reiſe nach Weſtindien. (Short Voyage to the Weſt-Indies .) Wolfenbüttel, 1705. Ib . 1712, 4to. Voyage to the Iſlands of Maderia, Barbadoes, St. Nevis and St. Chriſtopher. By Hans Sloane. With the naturalhiſtory of theſe INands. Plates. London, 1707, 2 vol. fol. Theſe volumes have moſt intereſt for the botaniſt. Hiſtoirede la Campagne desîles d'Amérique, par G. D. T. (Gonnelier du Tronchin ), avec la priſe de poſſeſſion de l'île Saint-Chriſtophe. Il eſt queſtion dans cet ouvrage, de la deſcription des animaux, arbres, plantes, &c . et de la manière de vivre des Sauvages. Troyes, 1709, 12mo. Journal d'Obſervations phyſiques, mathématiques et botaniques, faites par le P. Feuillée, ſur les côtes de l'Amérique méridionale, et dans les Indes Occidentales; enrichi de 48 planches. Paris, 1714, 2 vol. 4to . A continuation, Ib. 1715 ; Ib. 1725, 4to. Relation de divers Voyages fait dans l'Afrique, dansl'Amérique, et auxIndes Occiden tales ; la Deſcription du Royaume de Juda, &c . Par le Sieur Dralſé de Grand Pierrr . La Relation d'une île nouvellement habitée dans le détroit de Malacca, &c. par le R. P.* ** ( Maximilien .) Paris, 1718, 12mo. In his firſt voyage Dralfé viſited Buenos Ayres ; in the ſecond, Guinea and Mar tinique ; in the third, the kingdom of Juda or Benin on the Weſtern Coaſts of Africa, and the city of Mexico. The four Years' Voyage of Captain George Roberts to the Canary and Cape Verd Iſlands, the Coaſt ofGuinea , and Barbadoes. London, 1725, 8vo. Voyage to Guinea, Braſil, and the Weſt-Indies ; Madagaſcar, Cape Verde, Cape de Apollonia, Cape de Corſe, and other fhores to Guinea , Barbadoes, and Jamaica. By John Atkins. London, 1726 ; Ib. 1737, Svo. A. G. Falckert, Reife aus Nieder- Sachſen bis in Weſtindien . ( Voyage from Lower Saxony to the Weſt- Indies .) Buda , 1735, Evo. Voyages et Aventures du Chevalier de ***, en 1728 et 1734 ; contenant les voyages de l'auteur dans les îles Antilles Françaiſes de l'Amérique ſeptentrionale, y compriſe les îles Caraibes de Saint Vincent, Sainte Lucie, la Dominique, et dans celle de Saint Thomas appartenant aux Danois. Paris, 1749, 12mo. Geſchichte und Handlung der Europäiſchen Pfanzſtædte auf den Antilliſchen Inſeln , (Hiſtory and Commerce of the European Plantations in the Antilles .) Stutgard. Hiſtoire 1700, 8vo. 222 CATAL GUE OF BOOKS Hiſtoire et Commerce des Antilles Anglaiſes ; où l'on trouve l'état actuel de la population et quelques détails ſur le commerce de contrebande des Anglais avec les Eſpagnols dans le Nouveau Monde : on y a joint l'hiſtoire des loix principales qui concernent les colonies Anglaiſes établis, tant dans les îles que ſur le continent de l'Amerique. 1758, 12mo. Voyages d'un Suiſſe dans différentes colonies de l'Amérique,pendant la dernière guerre ; avec une table des obſervations minéralogiques faites à Sainte Domingue. Neufchatel, 1783 , 8vo. Three- fourths of this work relate to St. Domingo. Bonne, Geographiſche, hiſtoriſche und ſtatiſtiſche Beluſtigungen. ( Geographical, hiſ torical and ſtatiſtical Recreations relative to the American Iſands.) Leipfic, 1783, 8vo. Verſuch einer Beſchreibung und Geſchichte der Antilliſchen Inſeln . (Eſſay towards the Hiſtory and Deſcription of the Antilles.) In Bernoulli's ſhort Travels, vol. 1 , 2 , 3 and 8. ) Olof Swartz , Anmærkninger om Weſt- Indien . ( Remarks on the Weſt-Indies.) Stock holm, 1790, 8vo. Voyage to Madeira and the Lower Caribbee INands; with Sketches of the Natural Hiſtory of thoſe Idlands. By Maria Riddell. Edinburgh, 1792 , 1 2mo. Journey to the Weſt- Indies ; with anecdotes. London, 1800, 8vo. Hiſtory, civil and commercial, of the Weſt- Indies. By Bryan Edwards. London, 1801 , 3 vol.4to. One of the moſt valuable works of the kind, but extending only to the Britiſh Weſt - Indies and St. Domingo. Notes on the Weſt-Indies, written during theExpedition of the late Sir Ralph Aber crombie ; with obſervations on the iſland of Barbadoes, the ſettlements on the coaſt of Guinea, and the Creoles and Slaves of the Weſtern Colonies, and the Indians of South America. ByG.Pinckard, M.D. London, 1806, 3 vol. 8vo. [ See the Travels of Melton ; Sect. TURKEY. Joften , Volckard ; Sect . EUROPE, Asia , AFRICA, and AMERICA . - Vier ehrlicher Zürcher Reiſe, 1678 , &c.; Sect. PALESTINE. - Acofta , Eden , Moquet, Spielbergen, Romain de Hooge, Carletti, Biron , Pimental, Baviers, Reichardt, Zimmermann, Raynal ; Sect. EAST-INDIES, Schæpf Blome, Moll, Chriſtophe ; Sect. UNITED -STATES.-- Oldmixon ; Sect. New -ENGLAND .- Jefferyes, Robin ; Se&. LOUISIANA. - Parker, Torquemada, Herrera, Deſcription de l'Amérique, 1658. Sect. Mexico.-- M . N ***; Sect. New -Mexico.] II. Travels in the larger Yands. CUBA. [ See Beſchryving van eenge Kuſten , & c . Sect. JAVA. — Deſcription de l'Amerique, 1658 , Thierry ; Sect. Mexico. ] St.DOMINGO. Hiſtoire de l'Ille- Eſpagnole, ou de Saint-Domingue, écrite particulièrement ſur les mémoires manuſcritsdu P. I. B. Pers, millionaire, et ſur les pièces originales qui ſe II CON OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 223 conſervent au dépôt de lamarine. Par le P. Charlevoix, Jeſuite. Avec cartes et vig nettes . Paris, 1722, 2 vol 4to .; Amſterdam , 1733 , 4 vol. 12mo. This is a ſuperior work to moſt of thoſe founded on the accounts of the Jeſuits, as the editor has omitted details merely miſſionary. This is the beſt of the author's works, and with regard to the Spaniſh part of the iſland continues to be the moſt ſatisfactory account we have. As natural hiſtory was much neglected by him , the following forms a uſeful ſupplement to it : Eſſai ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle de Saint-Domingue. ( Par le P. Nicolſon .) Paris, 1776, 8vo. Loix et Conſtitutions des Colonies Françaiſes Sous-le- Vent; ſuivies, 1° , d'un tableau rai. fonné des différentes parties de l'adminiſtration actuelle de ces colonies ; 2 ° , d'obſer vations générales ſur le climat, la population , la culture, le caractère, les moeurs des habitans de la partie Françaiſe de Saint Domingue; 3 ° , d'un deſcription phyſique, politique, et géographique des differens quartiers de cette mêmepartie : le tout terminé par l'hiſtoire decette île et de ſes dépendances, dépuis leur découverte juſqu'à ce jour. Paris, 1784, 1785, 4 vol. 4to. Voyage à Saint-Domingue, dans les années 1788 , 1789 , et 1790, par le Baron de Wimpfen. Paris, 1793, 2 vol. 8vo. In Engliſh ; London, 1794, 8vo. Deſcription topographique et politique de la partie Eſpagnole de l'île de Saint-Domingue, par M.Moreau de Sainte Méry. En Anglais et en Français . Philadelphia, 2 vol. 8vo. Deſcription de la partie Français de l'île de Saint-Domingue. En Anglais et en Français. Par le même. Ib. 1797 , 2 vol. 4to. Hiſtorical Survey of the French Colony of St. Domingo. By Bryan Edwards. London, 1797, 4to . This work was reprinted in the author's Hiſtory of the Weſt- Indies. In the French tranſlation of the hiſtorical part, by T. B. I. Breton. ( Paris, an xi. 1803, ) the hiſtory is continued to the latter date. Voyage par Terre de St. Domingo au Cap François. Par Soulaſtre. Paris, 1809, 8vo. Preſent State of the Spaniſh Colonies ; including a particular report of Hiſpaniola, or the Spaniſh part of Santo Domingo, with a general ſurvey of the ſettlements on the ſouth continent of America . By W. Walton. London, 1812, 2 vol. 8vo. [See the Travels of Robin ; Sect. Louisiana. ] JAMAICA. Deſcription of the Iſland of Jamaica. London, 1672, 2 vol. 8vo. Diſcourſe on the modern State of Jamaica. By T. Tropham . London , 1679 , 8vo. Jamaica viewed, with all the Ports and Settlements thereunto belonging. By Hickeringill. London , 1705, fol. Some modern Obſervations on Jamaica, its natural Hiſtory, Improvements, Trade and Manner of Living. London, 1727 , 8vo. Hiſtory of Jamaica . London, 1750, 4to. P. Brown's civil and natural Hiſtory of Jamaica. London, 1756, fol. The Hiſtory of Jamaica, or general Survey of the ancient and modern State of that Iſland ; with Reflection on its Situation, Settlements, Climate, Products, Commerce, Laws and Government. London , 1774, 2 vol. 8vo. Pictureſque Views of Jamaica . By Beckford. London, 1790, 8vo . Hiſtory of the Maroons in Jamaica. By Dallas. London, 8vo. An Account of Jamaica and its Inhabitants, by a Gentleman long reſident in the Weſt Indies. London, 1808 , 8vo. Notices 224 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Notices reſpecting Jamaica, in 1808 , 1809, 1810. By Gilbert Mathiſon. London , 1811 , 8vo. [ See the Travels of Sherley, Parker, Deſcription de l'Amerique ; Sect. Mexico. ] Porto- Rico. Le Dru, Voyage aux Iſles de Ténériffe, la Trinité, St. Thomas Sainte Croix et Porto - Rico , pendant 1796, 1797, 1798 ; accompagné de notes. Par Sonini. Paris, 1810, 2 vol. 8vo. [ See the Travels of M.N ** ; Sect. New -Mexico. ] III . Travels in the Caribbee TAands. Relation de l'établiſſement des Français, dépuis l'an 1635, en l'le de la Martinique, l'une des Antilles de l'Amérique ; des meurs des Sauvages, de la ſituation , et des autres ſingularités de l'île. Par le P. Jacques Bouton. Paris, 1640, 8vo. The account of the original inhabitants of the Weſt-Indies, now nearly extinct, renders this work valuable, as well as ſome of the following. Relation de l'établiſſement d'une Colonie Françaiſe dans la Guadeloupe, et des mæurs des Sauvages. Par Francois Dupuis. Caen, 1652 , 8vo. Hiſtoiregénérale des îlesde St. Chriſtophe,de laGuadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans l'Amérique, où l'on verra l'établiſſement des Colonies Françaiſes dans ces îles , et tout ce qui ſe paſſe dans les voyages et retour des Indes ; comme auſſi pluſieurs belles particularités des Antilles de l'Amérique, une deſcription générale de l'île de Guadeloupe, de tous ſes mineraux, de ſes pierreries, de les rivières, fontaines et étangs, et detoutes ſes plantes. De plus la deſcription de tous les animaux de la mer, de l'air, et de la terre, et un traité fort ample des mæurs des Sauvages du pays, &c. Par le P. J. B. Dutertre. Paris, 1654, 4to. Relation de l'île de Tabago ou de la Nouvelle-Ovalcre, l'une des Antilles de l'Amé. rique, Par Rochefort. Paris, 1666, 18mo. The Hiſtory of the Caribee Iſlands, viz. Barbadoes, St. Chriſtopher, St Vincent, Mar tinico , Dominica, Montſerrat, Nevis, Antigua, & c. in all 28. In two books, containing the moral and natural Hiſtoryof theſe Iſands, with ſeveralpieces of Sculp ture, and a Caribbean Vocabulary. ByJohn Davies. London, 1666, fol. The Preſent State of Tobago. London, 1683, 4to. Hiſtory of Barbadoes, by Richard Ligon. London, 1695, 8vo. Nouveau Voyage aux îles de l'Amérique, contenant l'hiſtoire naturelle de ces pays, l'ori gine, les mæurs, la religion, et le gouvernement des habitans anciens et modernes ; les guerres, et les événemens qui y ſont arrivés pendant le long ſejour que l'auteur y a le commerce et les manufactures qui y ſont établies, et les moyens de les aug menter, avec une deſcription exacte et curieuſe de cesfles : ouvrage enrichi de plus de cent cartes, plans, et figures. [ Par le P. Labat. ] Paris, 1722, 6 vol. 12mo. ; La Haye, 1724, 2 vol. 4to. and 6 vol 8vo.; Paris, 1742, 8 vol. 12mo. This is the moſt eſteemed work of this author. The editions printed at the Hague are moſt in requeſt. Relation of the late intended Settlement of the Iſands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent in America, in the year 1722. London , 1725, 12mo. The fait ; 10 OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 225 The Natural Hiſtory of the Ifland of Barbadoes. By Griffith Hughes. London, 1758, fol. Beſkrivelse over Eyland af Ste Croix . ( Deſcription ofthe Iſle of St. Croix in the Weſt Indies.) Copenhagen , 1758 , 4to. Hiſtoriſch Geographiſche Beſchreibung der von den Englændern eroberten Fran zæſiſchen Inſeln . ( Hiſtorical and Geographical Deſcription of the French Antilles conquered by the Engliſh , particularly Guadaloupe and Martinique. ) Stutgard , 1762, 8vo. An Account of the Expedition to the Weſt- Indies, againſt Martinique, &c. by Capt. Gardiner. Birmingham , 1762, 4to . Voyage à la Martinique ; contenant diverſes obſervations ſur l'hiſtoire naturelle, l'agri. culture, les mæurs, et les uſages de ces îles, faites en 1751 , &c. Par Chanvalon . Paris, 1763, 4to. Short Hiſtory of Barbadoes. London, 1768 , 12mo. The preſent State of the Iſand of Tobago. London, 1768, 8vo. Deſcription of the Iſland of Nevis, with an Account of its principal Diſeaſes. By James Rymer. London, 1776, 8vo. State of the Daniſh Inands in the Weſt- Indies. By Lieut. Oxholm, ( in Daniſh .) Copen hagen, 1772 , 8vo. In French. Paris, 1799, 8vo. Geſchichte der Miſſion der Evangeliſchen Brüder, & c . (Hiſtory of the Miſſion of the Evangelical Brethren on the Caribbean Iſlands, St. Thomas, Ste Croix and St. Jean .) By G. A. Oldendorp. Barby, 1777 , 2 vol. 8vo. Beſchryvinge van et Eyland Curaçao en de aronder jerende Eylande. (Deſcription of Curaçao and the neighbouring Iands. ) Amſterdam , 1781 , 8vo. Hiſtorical Account of theVirgin Iſlands. By George Stuklins. London, 1783, 8vo. S. Dahlmen, Beſkrifning om S. Barthelemi, Suenſkæ i Weſt-Indien. (Deſcription of St. Bartholomew , a Swediſh and in theWeſt-Indies.) Stockholm , 1786, 8vo. Hiſtory of the INand of Dominica, containing a Deſcription of its ſituation, climate, extent, mountains, rivers, and natural productions. By Thomas Atwood. London, Efterredninger om den a St. Thomas, &c. ( Account of the Inand of St. Thomas . ) By G. Hoeſt. Copenhagen, 1791, 8vo. Beretning om det Danſke eiland S. Croix . ( Account of the Iſland of St. Croix , from 1789 to 1790.) By H. Weft. ( In the Iris, 1791, No. for July. ) Reiſe nach S. Barthelemi, & c. ( Voyage to St. Barthelemi, made at the expence of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm . By Euphrafens ; tranſlated from the Swediſh into German .) 1798 , 8vo. H. Weſt, Bidragtil Beſkrivelſe over Ste Croix, & c. ( Memoirs for a Deſcription of St. Croix, with a ſhort view of St. Thomas, Tortola, Spaniſh -town, Crab's Iſland, &c.) Copenhagen , 1801 , 8vo . Voyage à la Martinique : vues et obſervations politiquesſur cette îlle, avec un apperçu des ces productions végétales et animales. Par J. R***, général de brigade. Paris, 1804, 8vo. Travels in Trinidad in the year 1803, or Letters containing e Deſcription of this Illand, Confiderations on its Importance, &c. By F. M - Cullum . London, 1805. 8vo. 1791, 8vo. IV . Bahama Iſlands. F. J. Mærter, Nachrichten aus den Bahamiſchen Inſeln. ( Account of the Bahama Iflands. (In the Phyſiſche Samlung. Vienna, year 2.) VOL. XVII. GG J. D. 226 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS J. D. Schop , Reiſe nach Oft- Florida und den Bahama Inſeln . ( Voyage to Eaſt Florida and the Bahamas, in 1783 and 1784.) Erlangen , 1788 , 2 vol. 8vo. A Tour through the Britiſh Weſt-Indies, in 1803, and 1804, containing a particular Deſcription of the Bahamas. By D. Mackinnen. London, 1804, 8vo . SOUTH AMERICA . SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA . 1 I. Vice-Royalty of La Plata . VERA Hiſtoria admirandæ navigationis quam Huldericus Schmidel, ab anno 1534 uſque in 1554 in Americam juxta Braſiliam et Rio - de-la-Plata confecit. Nuremberg, 1599, 4to. Journal of a Voyage to the River la Plata. By Laurence Bikker Cornelius Hamſkerk. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1608 , 8vo .; Ib. 1617, 4to . Relation des Voyages dans la rivière de la Plata, et delà aux terres de Pérou. Par Arcaretta de Biſcaye. Paris, 1632, fol.- In Engliſh . 1698 , 8vo . Relation des infignes progrès de la Religion Chrétienne faites au Paraguay, province de l'Amérique méridionale, et dans les vaſtes régions de Guairat d’Uruaig, découvertes par les Pères de la compagnie de Jéſus, ès années 1626 et 1627. Par le R.P. Duron . Traduite du Latins, Paris, 1638 , 8vo. Memorial of Don Bernard de Cardenas, Biſhop of Paraguay. (In Portugueſe.) 1662 , 12mo. Hiſtoria provinciæ Paraguæ , ( autore P. Nicolao Techo.) Leyden, 1673, fol. Nicolaus Techo's Hiſtory of the Provinces of Paraguay, Rio-de-la-Plata, Parana, Guaira and Ovorana. Tranſlated from the Latin. (In Churchill's collection, vol. iii. ) Franciſco Xarques , Las inſignes Miſſiones de la Compania di Jeſu en la Provincia de Paraguay. ( The memorable Miſſion of the Jeſuits in Paraguay .) Pampeluna, 1687, fol. Relation du Voyage de S ****, à la rivière de la Plata au Perou. Paris, 1672 , 12mo. Sepps und Bæhm's Reiſebeſchreibung aus Hifpaniam nach Paraquariam . Nuremberg , 1696 ; Paſſau , 1698 , 8vo .- In Engliſh. Anthony Sepp's and AnthonyBæhm’s Accountof a Voyage from Spain to Paragueſia. ( In Churchill , vol. vii.) — In French. Ingolſtadt, 1712, 24mo. J. P. Fernandez, Relacion hiſtorial de las Miſſiones de los Indios queſellaman Chiquitos. ( Account of the Miſſion among the Indians named Chiquitos in Paraguay .) Madrid , 1726, 8vo . — In Latin , Augſburg, 1773 , 4to. Pedro Loſano, Deſcripcion corografica del terreno, rios, arboles, y animales de las pro vincias de Gran -Chaco, Galambar, y de los ritos y coſtumbres de las naciones barbaras y infideles que les habitan . (Chorographic deſcription of the country , rivers, trees and animals of the provinces of Gran Chaco, Galambar, and of the rites and cuſtoms of the barbarous and infidel nations who inhabit them. ) Cordova, 1732, 4to. This work is ſcarce and in much requeſt. Conciſe Hiſtory of Spaniſh America, with a Deſcription of Paraguay, collected chiefly from Spaniſh Writers. By Campbell. London, 1741, 8vo. Relation des Miſſions du Paraguay. Traduite de l'Italien deMuratori. Paris, 1754, 12mo. Hiſtoire OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 227 Hiſtoire du Paraguay. Par le P. Charlevoix. Paris, 1756, 3 vol. 4to. ; 6 vol. 12mo. In Engliſh , London, 1760, 2 vol. 8vo. Relaçaò abbreviada da Republica que os Jeſuitas das provincias de Portugal e Heſpanha , eſtableceraò nos dominios ultramarinos das duos monarchias. (Abridged Account of the republic which the Jeſuits of the provinces of Portugal and Spain have eſtabliſhed in the tranſmarine dominions of thoſe two Monarchies.) 8vo. Juan de Eſcandon's und Nuſdorfer's Geſchichte von Paraguay, &c. (Hiſtory of Para guay, from Spaniſh Manuſcripts, with the criminal proceſs again the Jeſuits in Spain .) Frankfort and Leipſic , 1769, 8vo. Deſcription géographique, politique, et hiſtorique du Royaume du Paraguay, fondé par le Jeſuites. Traduite par Siégeron. Paris, 1769, 8vo. Hiſtoire du Paraguay ſous les Jéſuites et de la royauté qu'ils y ont exercée pendant un ſiécle et demi, avec des détails très- intéreſſans, &c. Par Bernard Ibannes de Echeveri. Amſterdam , 1780, 2 vol . 8vo. Hiſtoria de Abiponibus, equeſtri bellicoſaque Paraqueriæ natione ; autore Martino Dobritzhoffer.' Vienna, 1784, 3 vol. 8vo. An amuſing work containinga deſcription of the whole Vice Royalty of laPlata. Ant. Zach. Helm , Tagebuch einer Reiſe durch Peru, &c. ( Journal ofTravels through Peru, from Buenos Ayres on the Great River la Plata, by Potoſi, to Lima. ) Dreſden, 1798, 8vo. - In Engliſh . London, 1806 , 8vo. A valuable work principally withreſpect to Mineralogy and Geology. Notes on the Vice- Royaltyof la Plata, with a ſketch of the manners and characters of the Inhabitants. London, 1808, 8vo. . [See the Voyage of Dralſé ; Sect. WEST-INDIES.] II . Vice- Royalty of Peru . Deſcription de la terre neuve du Pérou en l'Inde occidentale, miſe en Français. Paris, 1480; Ib. 1545, 8vo. A work of great ſcarcity. Pedro de Cioca , Parte primera de la Chronica del Peru, que trata de la demaracion de ſus provincias, y la deſcripcion dellas. (Firſtpartof theChronicle of Peru, which treats of the boundaries and deſcription of the Provinces.) Seville 1553 , fol. - In Italian , Venice, 1557 , 2 vol. 8vo. Aguſtin de Zarate, Hiſtoria del deſcubrimiento y conquiſta del Peru , &c . ( Hiſtory of the diſcovery and conqueſt of Peru , with the natural objects found there, and what has there happened .) Antwerp, 1555 ; Ib. 1593, 8vo.; Seville, 1677, fol. ; Madrid, 1709, fol. - In Italian, tranſlated by Alphonſo Ulloa, Venice, 1563.-In French, Amſterdam , 1796 ; Ib. 1718 ; Paris, 1716 ; 2 vol. 12mo. Zarate, as well as ſome of the enſuing authors, has given an account of the Country, native Inhabitants, and Religion of Peru , though by the titles of the works they ſeem to be purely hiſtorical. Appollonii Levini de Peruvianæ regionis inventione et rebus in ea geſtis. Antwerp, 1567, 8vo. Diego Fernandez, Hiſtoria del Peru. (Hiſtory of Peru. ) Seville, 1571 , fol. Hiſtorie van Coninkryk van Peru. (Hiſtory of the Kingdom of Peru.) Antwerp, 1573 , 4to. Hiſtoria general del Peru , &c. (GeneralHiſtory of Peru.) Written bythe Inca Garcilaſo de la Vega. Cordova, 1606; fol.; Liſbon, 1609-1619, 2 vol. fol.; Madrid, 1723, G G 2 2 vol . 228 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 2 vol . fol. - In French , Paris, 1623 ; Ib. 1658, 2 vol. 8vo.; Anıſterdam , 1705 ; lú. 1706, 4 vol. 12mo.; augmented with the ſame author's Hiſtory of Florida . Amſterdam , 1737, 2 vol. 4to. The Royal Commentaries of Peru, in two parts, illuſtrated with Sculptures, written originally in Spaniſh. By Garcilaſo dela Vega, and tranſlated into Engliſh by Sir Paul Ricault, London. London, 1688, fol. The author, as a deſcendant of the Princes of Peru, has been peculiarly minute relative to the religion, government, laws, cuſtoms and manners of the ancient Inhabitants of Peru , as well as the productions of that country. Ribadinegra Relacion del Viage de Lima. (Account of a Voyage to Lima.) Madrid , 1657, 4to . Seventeen Years' Travels through the kingdom of Peru. London, 1700, 4to. Relacion du Voyage de la mer du Sud aux côtes de Pérou et du Chili, fait pendant les années 1712, 1713, et 1714. Par M.Frezier, ingenieur du Roi. Paris, 1716 ; Ib. 1732 , 40.-- Tranſlated into Engliſh, with a poſtſcript by Edmund Halley, on the ſettlement, commerce, and riches of the Jeſuits in Paraguay. London , 1717, 4to. Thisis a very intereſting deſcription of Peru, and contains the firſt good account of Chili . Voyage de Marſeille à Lima, et dans d'autres parties des Indes orientales. Par D *** (Duret.) Avec figures. Paris, 1720, 12mo. Peru occupies the moſt extenſive part of this book. La Figure de laTerre déterminée par les obſervationsde M.M.Bouguer, et de la Condamine, de l’Academie des Sciences, envoyés par ordre du Roi au Pérou, pour obſerver aux environs de l'équateur ; avec une relation abrégée de ce voyage, qui contient la deſcription du pays dans lequel les opérations ont été faites. Paris, 1749, 4to. A very judicious account of Peru is contained in this work . Relaçion hiſtorica del viage hechode orden de Su Majeſtad para medir algunos grados del meridiano terreſtre, & c. (Hiſtorical Account of a Voyage performed by order of His Majeſty ,to meaſure certain degrees of the terreſtrial meridian, and thereby to attain atrue knowledge of the figure andmagnitude of the earth ; with other Aſtro nomical and Phyſical Obſervations.) By Don George Juan, and Antonio de Ulloa. Madrid, 1748—1749, 2 vol. 8vo . - In French, tranſlated by Dumanville. Amſter dam, 1752; Paris, 1752, 2 vol. 400. - In Engliſh . By Adams. London, 1758 ; 15. 1775, 2 vol. 8vo. The Engliſh tranſlation of this valuable work , is in point of plates and tables of very little value to that in French. Ulloa, who was the chief author, has deſcribed Peru and Chili more particularly than New Granada. Nouveau Voyage fait au Pérou par M. l'abbé Court de la Blanchardière, auquel on a joint une deſcription des anciennes mines d'Eſpagne. Traduite de del’Eſpagnol d'Alonzo Cenillo. Avec figures. Paris, 1751 , 12mo. An intereſting account of Lima and Callao after the great earthquake in 1745, is contained in this volume. Hiſtoire des tremblemens de terre arrivés a Lima et autres lieux , avec la deſcription du Pérou ; traduites de l'Anglais de Hales, avec cartes et figures. Hague, 1752, 12mo. D. Miguel de Feyjäo, Relacion y Deſcricion de la ciudad y provincia de Truxillo en Peru . ( Account and Deſcription of the City and Province of Truxillo in Peru .) Madrid, 1763 , fol . Wolfgang Beyer Reiſe nach Peru. (Journey to Peru. ) Nuremberg, 1776, 8vo. General Idea of the Monuments of Peru . London, 8vo. An extract from the following work, Mer OP VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 229 Mercurio Peruano de hiſtoria, literatura , y noticias publicas. (Peruvian Mercury of hiſtory, literature and public notices. ) Lima, 1791–1794, 12 vol. Many intereſting papers relative to Peru and other Spaniſh poffefſions occur in this periodical publication. [See Beſchryving van eenige Kuiten , &c.; Sect. Java . -Xerez, Clinton ; Sect. Mexico. -M. N ***, Sect. New Mexico.- Acaretta, Helms ; Sect. La Plata.] 1723, fol. III. Vice-Royalty of New Granada and Government of Caracas. Lionel Wafer's new voyage and deſcription of the Iſthmus of America, in the year 1699, 8vo. — Second edition ; to which is added the natural hiſtory of theſe parts. Ib . 1704, 8vo. Simon Pedro, Noticias hiſtoriales de las conquiſtas deTierra Firma. (Hiſtorical account of the conqueſt of Terra Firma in the Weſt- Indies.) Cuenca, 626, fol. Relation de la miſſion des PP. de la Compagnie de Jéſus dans l'Amérique méridionale, avec une inſtruction à la langue des Calibis ſauvages de la Terre Ferme d'Amérique. Par le P. de Pelleprat. Paris, 1655 , 8vo. Sineros, Noticias hiſtoriales de Tierra Firma. (Hiſtorical Notices relative to Terra Firma.) Cuença , 1681 , fol. D. Lucas Fernandez, Hiſtoria general de las conquiſtas del nuevo reyno de Grenada. ( General Hiſtory of the conqueſt of the New kingdom of Granada.) Antwerp, fol. Piedro Hita, Hiſtoria de las conquiſtas del nuevo reyno de Grenada. ( Hiſtory of the conqueſt of the New kingdom of Grenada.) Antwerp, fol. Joſeph de Driedo, Hiſtoria de las conquiſtas y poblacion de la provincia de Venezuela. ( Hiſtory of the conqueſt and population of the Province of Venezuela. ) Madrid, Dion. Alcedo de Herrera, Compendio hiſtorial de la provincia y puerto de Guayaquil. ( Short hiſtorical account of the Province and Port of Guayaquil. ) Madrid , Journal d'un Voyage fait à l'équateur, ſervant d'introduction à la méſure du méridien , ſuivi de l'hiſtoire des pyramides de Quito, et enrichi de deux cartes et de pluſieurs planches. Par M. de la Condamine. Paris, 1751 , 4to. This volume contains an intereſting account of the city of Quito. P. Caſan, Hiſtoria del nuevo reyno de Grenada. ( Hiſtory of the New kingdom of Granada .) Madrid , 1751 , fol. P. Joſeph Gumilla , El Orinoco illuſtrado y defendido, &c. ( The Orinoco illuſtrated and defended, or natural, civil and geographical hiſtory of this great river, with the government, uſages and cuſtoms of the Indians. ) Second edition, corrected and reviſed. Madrid . 1745, 2 vol. 4to.-- In French, Avignon, 1758 , 3 vol. 12mo. Fr. Ant. Caulin, Hiſtoria corografica y evangelica della Nueva Andaluſia, &c. (Choro graphical and Evangelical Hiſtory of New Andaluſia, the province of Cumana, Guyana, and the Banks of the Orinoco river.) Madrid, 1779, 4to. Filippó Salvador Gilius, Saggio ſopra Orenico, egli habitante delle rive, &c . (Effay on the Orinoco, and the Inhabitants on its Banks.) Rome, 1780, 8vo. Saggio di iſtoria Americana, & c. ( Eſſay on the hiſtory of America ; or natural, civil and ſacred hiſtory of the Spaniſh kingdoms and provinces in the Terra Firma of South America. ) Rome, 1781 , and 1782, 3 vol. 8vo. 7 Voyage 1741 , 8vo. 230 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Voyage à la partie orientale de la Terre Ferme dans l'Amérique méridionale, fait pen dant les années 1801-1804, contenant la deſcription de la capitanerie de Caracas, compoſée des provinces de Venezuela , Maracaïbo, Varinas, la Guyane Eſpagnole, Cumana, et de l'île Marguerite, &c. Par P. Depons. Paris, 1806, 3 vol. 8vo. In Engliſh, 3 vol. 8vo. A valuable addition to our information reſpecting Spaniſh America. [ See the Travels of Parker ; Sect. Mexico. — Huſkins ; Sect. WEST INDIES.—Ulloa ; Sect. Peru.] SPANISH GUIANA. Brevis et admiranda deſcriptio regni Guianæ , auro abundantiſſimi, in America ; ſeu Novus Orbis ſub linea æquinoxiali ſitus, qui nuper admodum annis nimirum 1594-1595, et 1596 , per Waltherum Raleigh equitum detectus eſt ; paulo poſt juſſuejus duobus libellis comprehenſus, ex quibus lodocus Hondius tabula geographica adornavit, &c. Nuremberg, 1589, 4to. The diſcoveries of the large, rich and beautiful empire of Guyana, with a relation of the great and • golden city of Moaned, performed in the years, 1595 and 1596. By Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1599 ; Ib. 1602, 4to. The character of theſe works is very generally known. Robert Harcourt's Relation of a voyage to Guiana, with a deſcription of the Country, London, 1613 , 4to . Journal du Voyage des PP. Grillet et Bechemel à la Guyane, en 1674. (In the French tranſlation of Wood Roger's Voyage round the World. ) Amſterdam , 1728 , 3 vol ., 12mo. vol. 3 . Deſcription géographique de la Guyane, contenant les établiſſemens des Français, des Eſpagnols , des Portugais, et des Hollandais dans ces vaſtes pays ; le climat, les pro ductions de la terre, et les animaux, leurs coutumes, et le commerce qu'on peut y faire : avec de remarques pour la navigation, et de cartes, plans et figures. Par le Sieur Bellin , Paris, 1763 , 4to . Eſſay on the natural hiſtory of Guyana in South -America, containing a deſcription of many curious productions, in the animal and vegetable ſyſtems of that country : together with an account of the religion , manners and cuſtoms of its Indian Inha. bitants. By Edward Bancroft. London, 1769, 8vo. IV. Chili. Hiſtory of the kingdom of Chili. By Jan Janez. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1619, 4to. Journal van de Reyſe gedaen by Ooſten de ſtræft Lemaire naer de kuſt van Chili, onder het beleyd van Hendrik Brower. ( Journal of the Voyage by the Eaſt of the Straits of Lemaire to the Coaſt of Chili, under the command of H. Brower. ) Amſterdam , 1643 and 1646, 4to. Alonzo d'Ovaglia, Hiſtorica Relacion del reyno de Chili. (Hiſtorical account of the kingdom of Chili.) Rome, 1646 , 4t0 . - In Italian, Ib. 1646, 4to. Philippe Vidaure, abbate, Iſtoria naturale e civile del Chili. (Natural and Civil Hiſtory of Chili. ) 4to . Hiſtorical Deſcription of the Country of Gondea, and of other Provinces of Chili, By Alonzo d'Ercilla. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1649, 12mo. No doubt an extract of the deſcriptive parts of that poet's Araucana. Com. 5 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 231 Compendio della Iſtoria geografica, naturale e civile del regno di Chile. ( Compendium of the geographical, natural and civil Hiſtory of the Kingdom of Chili.) Bologna, 1776, 8vo . - In German ; by Jagemann. Hamburgh, 1782, 8vo. Chilidugu, five res Chilenſes, vel defcriptio {tatus tam naturalis, quam moralis regni populique Chilenſis, infertâ fuis locis, perfectâ ad Chilenſem manuductione, opera periculiſque Bernardi Haveſtad, miſſionarii Weſtphaliæ monaſterii. Münſter, 1777, 1779, 7 parts, 8vo . This work contains, beſides a minute account of the natural hiſtory , the government and the character of the Inhabitants of Chili, a large map ofthe country, ſome of the native muſic, and a grammar and dictionary of their tongue. D. Pedro de Ogeros, Deſcripcion hiſtorica de la provincia y archipelago de Chiloe, &c. ( Hiſtorical deſcription of the province and archipelago of Chiloe, in the kingdom of Chili, with a largemap.) Madrid , 1780, 4to. An account is here alſo given of two other archipelagoes till then unknown. Neueſte Politiſche und Phyſikaliſche Nachrichten aus Chili. (New Political and Phy fical Accounts of Chili. ) ( In the Hiſtorical Portefeuille, 1786 , No. 1. ) Molina , abbate , Iſtoria naturale de Chili. Bologna, 1782, 8vo. -In French, Paris, 1789, 8vo. Saggio nella Iſtoria civile de Chili. Bologna, 1787, 8vo. The Geographical, civil and naturalhiſtory of Chili, tranſlated from the Italian of the Abbè Don J. Ignatius Molina. London, 1809, 2 vol. 8vo. Both theſe works are excellent and full of information. [See the Travels of M.N *** ; Sect. New Mexico . - Frezier, Bouguer, Ulloa ; Sect. Peru .] TRAVELS THROUGH SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA, in general. Alcedo y Herrera Aviſo hiſtorico , politico-geographico, con las noticias mas particulares del Peru, & c. (Hiſtorical, political andgeographical accounts, with more particular notices reſpecting Peru , Tierra Firma, Chili, and the New kingdom of Grenada. ) Madrid, 1740, 8vo. Die Spaniſchen Beſitzungen in Amerika, &c. ( The Spaniſh Poffeſſions in America, particularly in the Southern part of it , and the principal places in North America, with ſome Iſlands in the Gulph of Mexico, deſcribed.) Sorau, 1762, 4to. Gily, Saggio di una Iſtoria Americana, &c. ( Efſay towards a Civil and Eccleſiaſtical Hiſtory of the Spaniſh Colonies in South America. Rome, 1780-1784, 4 vol. 8vo. Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale depuis 1781, juſqu'à 1801. Par le Chevalier d ' Azara ; enrichi de notes par Cuvier, pour l'Hiſtoire Naturelle. Paris, 1809, 4 vol. 8vo, and an Atlas, 4to . [See the Travels of Læfling ; Sect. SPAIN . - Acofta ; Sect. East INDIES. - Beſchryving , van eenige Kuſten ; Sect. JAVA. -Gualle ; Sect. JAPAN . -Oviedo, Courtois, Las Caſas, Gomara, Torquemada, Herrera, Gorge ; Sect. Mexico. - Sherley ; Sect. WEST INDIES. — Parker, Dralſé, Walton ; St. DOMINGO.-- Mercurio Peruono ; Sect. PERU . - Alſo the Viagero Univerſal of Eftalla . ] PORTU . 232 CATALOGUE OF ' BOOKS PORTUGUESE AMERICA. BRASIL. Hans Staden, wahrhafte Hiſtoria und Beſchreibung ein Landſchaft der wilden , nacketen , grimmigen Menſchenfreſſer, & c. ( True hiſtory and deſcription of a country of wild, naked and fierce Anthropophagi, ſituated in the New World, America ; written from his own experience.) Frankfort, 1556, 40.- Tranſlated into Latin with this title -Stadii : Navigatio in Braſiliam . Ib. 1592, fol. Hiſtoire d'un Voyage fait en la terre du Braſil, autrement Amérique, contenant les navi gations et choſes plus rémarquables vues ſur mer par l'auteur, le comportement de Villegagnon en ce pays là ; les meurs et façons de vivre étranges des Sauvages de l'Amérique, avec un colloque de leur langage ; enſemble la deſcription de pluſieurs animaux, arbres, herbes, et autres choſes ſingulières et du tout inconnues, par de- ca, &c. le tout recueilli ſur les lieux, par Jean de Lery, & c. enrichi de fix figures. 1578, 8vo . — Second edition, corrected and augmented in text and plates, 1580, 8vo. Geneva, 1580 ; Ib. 1585 ; Ib. 1594, 8vo . - In Latin , Ib. 1594, 4to . The two firſt editions of this amuſing and ingenious work, are preferred. As the author was a Hugonot, they were printed in France without the name of the author. Copie de quelques Lettres ſur la navigation du Chevalier de Villegagnon ès terres de l'Amérique, oultre l’Æquinoxial juſque ſoulz la tropique de Capricorne (le Bréſil ), contenant fommairement les fortunes encourues en ce voyage, avec les mœurs et façons de vivre des Sauvages, du pays ; envoyées par un des gens dudit Seigneur, Paris, 1557 , 12mo. Hiſtoria de la Miſſion des Pères Capucins en l'île de Maragnon (au Bréſil) et terres circonvoisines, où eſt{traité des fingularités admirables, et des moeurs merveilleuſes des Indiens, habitans de ce pays , avec les miſſives et advis qui ont été envoyez de nouveau . Par le P. Claude d'Abbeville. Paris, 1654, 8vo. The greater part of this miſſionary's work is a good account of the Country mentioned in the title, of its productions and Inhabitants, the Topinambas. P. Bartolomeu Guerreiro, Jornada dos vaſſalos da coroā de Portugal, &c . (Expedition of the Subjects of the Portugeuſe Crown to recover the Town of San Salvador on the Bay of Todoſtos- Santos, taken by the Dutch on May the 8th , 1624, and retaken , May the iſt, 1625.) Liſbon , 1625 , 4to. Some curious accounts of the Country and the Savage Nations of it occur in this volume. Thomas de Vargas, Reſtauracion de la ciudad de San Salvador. (Reſtoration of the Town of St. Salvador, in the Bay of Todoſtos Santos.) Madrid , 1626 , 4to . J. G. Aldenburg, Weſtindianiſche Reiſe und Eroberung von S. Salvador, &c. (Weſt Indian Voyage, and conqueſt of St. Salvador, in Braſil, 1613—1626. ) Coburg, 1627, 4to. Deſcription of Guinea and Braſil, with other countries ſituated under the tropic of Cancer. ( In Flemiſh ,) Fliſlingen , 1628 , 4to. Caſpari Barlai rerum in Braſiliâ et alibi nuper geſtarum Hiſtoria. Amſterdam , 1647, fol. - In German, 1659, 8vo.– A ſecond edition in Latin , with “ Pifonis Tractatus de aëribus, aquis et locis in Braſilia,” &c. Cleves, 1660, 8yo. Hiſtoria OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 233 Hiſtoria naturalis Braſiliæ , in quâ non folum plantæ et animalia , fed indigenarum morbi, ingenia et mores deſcribuntur, et iconibus fupra quingenta illuſtrantur (autore Guill. Pifone). Leyden , 1648, fol. — Reprinted in the work entitled, De Indiæ utriuſque Re Naturali et Medicâ. Amſterdam , 1651 , fol. This is eſteemed a valuable and judicious work . Hiſtoria Braſiliæ (autore G. Margraff de Liebſtad .) Leyden, 1648 , fol. Annexed to the former work. P. Simao de Vaſconcellos, Cronica de Companhia de Jeſu do eſtado do Braſil. (Chro nicle of the Company of Jeſus on the State of Braſil.) Liſbon, 1648 ; 1b. 1662 ; Ib. 1668, 4to . Noticias do Braſil. (Notices reſpecting Braſil.) . Quoted by Dacunha de Azeredo Coutinho, in his Efay on the Commerce of Portugal, (Part 1, chap. 1 , page 4. ) Relação daviage que fez a eſtado do Braſilo a armada da Campanhano anno 1657, & c. ( Account of the Voyage to Braſil made bya Squadron in the Campaign of 1655, under the orders of General de Britó -Freyre.) Liſbon, 1657, 12mo. Nova Luſitania, o Hiſtoria da Guerra Braſilica, deſde 1624 hafto 1638. (New Luſitania , or Hiſtory of the Wars of Braſil, from 1624 to 1638.) By Fr.Britó Freyre. Liſbon , 1675, fol. Theſe works contain much information relative to Braſil. Ambr. Richſhoffer, Braſiliſcheund Indianiſche Reiſebeſchreibung. ( Braſilian and Indian Travels.) Straſburgh, 1677, 8vo . Joh . Nieuhof, Gedenkwerdige Braſilienſche zee end land reyſe. (Memorable Braſilian and Travels. ) Amſterdam , 1682, fol. Deſcriptio totius Brafiliæ , in quâ agitur de naturâ et indole regionis et incolarum , de regimine politico, regum ſucceſſione, de rebus privatis, de arundine faccariferâ, de melle ſylveſtri, de acquis et locis, de moribus, legibus et artibus diverſarum regionum . Cleves, 1698 , fol. Probably a re-impreſſion of the work of Barlæus inſerted above. P. Giovanni Giuſeppo di S. Tereſa, Iſtoria della Guerre del regno del Braſile, &c. (Hiſtory of the Wars in Braſil, between the Crown of Portugal and the Republic of Holland .) With maps and plans. 1700, fol. Relation de la Miſſion du P. Martin (de Nantes) dans le Bréſil, parmi les Indiens appelés Carivis. Quimper, 1706, fol. Rocha - Pitta, Hiſtoria da America Portugueſa. ( Hiſtory of Portugueſe America, from 1500 to 1724. ) Liſbon, 1730, fol. A very ſcarce work, the ſale having been prohibited by the government of Portugal. Cudena, Beſchreibung des Portugieſiſchen Amerika, &c. ( Deſcription of Portugueſe America. With notes by Chr. Leiſte.) In German and Spaniſh. Brunſwick , 1780, 8vo. Narrative of a Voyage to Braſil. By Thomas Lindley. London, 1804, 8vo . This writer's reſidence in Braſil was occaſioned by his impriſonment; but by his knowledge in medicine, he was enabled to collect information relative to the provinceof Porto -Seguro, and the town of Bahia or St. Salvador . Travels in the Interior of Braſil; particularly in the Gold and Diamond Diſtricts of that Country ; including a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata. By John Mawe. London, 1812, Voyage VOL. XVII. HH [See 234 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS [ See the Voyages of Hatkins to Braſil in 1530 and 1532 ; of Robert Reniger and Thomas Forreſt, in 1540 ; of Pudſey, in 1542 ; Hare, in 1580 ; John Lancaſter, in 1594 ; and the Ruttier of the Coaſts of Braſil, the Ile of St. Catherine, and the River de la Plata , in Hakluyt's Collection, vol. ii .-- See Les Remarques d'un Voyageur, &c. Sect.EUROPE, Asia, Africa and AMERICA. -Staunton ; Sect. China. -Barrow ; Sect. Cochin- China. -Pyrard de Lavel, Dard , New Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies and Braſil, Pimentel , Lafiteau ; Sect. East.INDIES. -Dupuy, Moriſot ; Sect. Persia. Turkey; Sect. New HOLLAND. — Pert and Cabot, Froger, Atkins ; Sect. West INDIES. —Schmidel ; Sect. La Plata .] DUTCH POSSESSIONS IN GUIANA. Beſchryving van Guyana, & c. (Deſcription of Guiana on the Coaſt of America.) Amſterdam , 1676 , 460.; 1781 , 8vo. Beſchryvingvan de Rivier end Colonie van Berbice. (Deſcription of the Territory and Colony of Berbice.) Amſterdam , 4to. The Journey of Captain Leig in Guyana. (In Dutch .) Leyden, 1706 , 8vo. Beſchryving van de volk -plantingeZurinam , &c. (Deſcription of the Colony ofSurinam ; its origin, the eſtabliſhment and culture of the ſugar-plantations, and the manners of the Indians.) By J. D. H. L. Leyden , 1727 ; Hague, 1727, 4to . Jan Staden, Reiſe- Beſchryving naar Guiana. (Voyage to Guiana.) Amſterdam , 1724, 4to . Thomas Piſtorius, Beſchryving, & c. ( Deſcription of Surinam .) Amſterdam , 1763, 8vo . Deſcription générale hiſtorique, géographique et phyſique de la Colonie de Surinam ; contenantce qu'il y a de plus curieux et de plus remarquable touchant ſa ſituation, ſes rivières, ſes fortereſſes, ſon gouvernement, & c.; avec les meurs et les uſages des habitans naturels du pays et des Européens qui s'y ſon établis, ainſi que deséclair ciſſemens ſur l'économie des eſclaves, ſur leurs plantations et leur produit, les arbres fruitiers, les plantes médicinales, et les animaux, &c. Par Philippe Fermin . Amſter dam, 1769, 2 vol. 8vo. Jan Jacob Hartſink, Beſchryving van Guiana, of de Wildekuſt in Zuid America, &c. ( Deſcription of Guiana, or the Savage Coaſt of South America, reſpecting the geo graphy and hiſtory of the country, the manners and cuſtoms of the inhabitants,the animals, &c. ) Amſterdam , 1770, 4to. Tableau hiſtorique et politique de l'Etat ancien et actuel de la Colonie de Surinam , &c. Par Philippe Fermin . Maeſtricht, 1778, 8vo. An Hiſtorical and Political View of the preſent State of Surinam . London, 1781 , 8vo. Brieven overhet Beſtaand der Colonien Effequebo end Demerara. (Letters on the State of Eſſequebo and Demerara. ) Amſterdam , 1788, 8vo. J. F. Ludwig, Neueſte Nachrichten aus Surinam . (New Accounts from Surinam ; pub liſhed by Ph. F. Binder. ) Jena, 1788, 8vo. B. M. Peters, Eine beſonders merkwürdige Reiſe nach Surinam , &c. remarkable Voyage to Surinam from Amſterdam , and back to Bremen, in 1783 and 1784.) Bremen , 1788, vol. i . 8vo. Adrian van Berkel, Beſchreibung ſeiner Reiſe nach Rio de Berbice und Surinam. (Deſcription of his Voyage to Rio de Berbice and Surinam .) Memmingen, 1789, 8vo. Bef. (A very 1 OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 235 Beſchryving van de Revier en Colonie van Berbice. (Account of the Territoryand Colony ofBerbice.) Amſterdam , 4to. Expedition againſt the revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the wild coaſt of South America. By Captain J.G. Stedman. With eighty engravings. London , 1806, ſecond edition , 2 vol. 4to. -In French, with a view of Cayenne, and a ſupplement to the journey to Surinam in the interior of Guiana, by Leſcallier ; and another account of Cayenne, by the tranſlator. Paris, an vii. - 1799, 3 vol. 8vo. , and an atlas 4to. A very amuſing and inſtructive work . A Voyage to the Demerary ; containing a ſtatiſtical account of the ſettlements there, and of thoſe of the Effequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guiana. By Henry Bolingbroke. London, 1808, 4to . A Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam ; of a reſidence there during 1805–1807 ; and of the author's return to Europe, by the way of North America. By Alberi Baron von Sack. London, 1810, 4to . [ See the travels of Speerl ; Sect. EUROPE, Asia and AMERICA. —- Beſchryving van eenige Kuſten ; Sect. JAVA. -See alſo Sect. SPANISH GUIANA.] FRENCH GUIANA. Relation d'un Voyagedes Français au Cap -Nord de l'Amérique ( dans la Guyane). Par Jean de Léon fieur d'Aigremont. Paris, 1654, 8vo. Voyage de la France équinoxiale, en l'île de Cayenne, entrepris par le Français en 1652 , & c. Par Antoine Biet. Paris, 1664, 4to. The firſt book contains an account of the conqueſt of Cayenne; the ſecond the hiſtory of the firſt fifteen years ; and the third the account of the country and the natives, who are very accurately deſcribed . A vocabulary of their language is added. Nouvelle Relation de la France équinoxiale, appelée Guyane , et par les Eſpagnols, El Dorado, nouvellement miſe ſous l'obeiſance du Roi, par Feure de la Barre. Paris, 1666, 4to . Deſcription de la France équinoxiale par Le Feure de la Barre. Paris, 1666, 4to . Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſé dans les îles et terre ferme de l'Amérique, pendant la dernière guerre avec l'Angleterre, & c .; avec un journal du dernier voyage du Sieur de la Barre en la terre ferme et côte de Cayenne, accompagné d'une exacte deſcription du pays, des mæurs et du naturel de ſes habitans ; le tout recueilli des mémoires des principaux officiers qui ont commandé en ce pays. Par J. C. S. D. Paris, 2 vol. 8vo. Nouveau Voyage de Guyane, îles voiſines et, Cayenne. Amſterdam , 1731 , 2 vol. 8vo. Nouvelle Deſcription de la France équinoxiale, & c. Par Pierre Barrère . Avec figures. Paris, 1743, ! 2mo. An axact account of the original inhabitants of Guiana is given in this volume. Eſai ſur l'Hiſtoire naturelle de France équinoxiale. Par Pierre Barrère. Paris, 1749, 2 vol. 8vo. Voyage à la Guyane et à Cayenne, fait en 1789, &c. Par L. M. armateur. Avec des cartes et de figures. Paris, 1789, 8vo . Neue Reiſe nach Cayenne, &c. (New Voyage to Cayenne, or authentic accounts of нн2 French 236 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS French Guiana, collected during three journeys in that country, from the Journal of a French citizen , and accompanied with notes by G.) Leipfic, 1795, 8vo . Tableau de Cayenne, ou de Guyane Françaiſe. Paris, 1799, 8vo. La France équinoxiale, ou Expoſé ſommaire des Poſſeſſions de la République Françaiſe ſous l'Equateur. Par le C. Mongrolle. Paris, 1800, 8vo. Voyage dans le Forêts et les Rivières de la Guyane. Par M. Malouet. ( In his Memoirs on Colonies , Paris, 1803 , vol. iii. 8vo. ) A ſhort but intereſting account of the interior of French Guiana. Voyage à Cayenne, dans les deux Amériques, et chez les Antropophages ; contenant la lífte générale des déportés, des notes fur chacun d'eux, leur vie, leur mort et leur retour, &c. Paris, 1805, 2 vol. 8vo. [ See the travels of Froger ; Sect. WEST-INDIES. - Jefferyes ; Sect. LOUISIANA. French tranſlation of Stedman ; Sect. Durch GUIANA.] – The UNCONQUERED COUNTRIES. 1 I. Countries on the River Maragnon. P. Chriſtoval de Acuna, Nuevo Deſcubrimiento del gran Rio de las Amazones. (New Diſcovery of the great River of the Amazons.) Madrid , 1641 , 40. —In French , tranſ lated by Gomberville ; Paris, 1682, 4 vol. 12mo. The original work is ſcarce, and bears a high price. Relation hiſtorique et géographique de la grande Rivière des Amazones dans l'Amérique. Par le Comte de Payan. Extraitè de divers auteurs, &c. avec une Carte. Paris, 1655, 8vo. P. Manuel Rodriguez, El Maragnon y las Amazones, &c. (The Maragnon and the Amazons ; hiſtory of the diſcoveries, invaſions, and reduction of the nations fpread over the wide mountains and on the large rivers of America.) Madrid, 1685, fol. A Relation of the great River of the Amazons in South America. London, 1698, 4to . Bernardo Pereyra de Berreda, Annales hiſtoriales del Maranhaon . ( Hiſtorical Annals of the Maragnon.) Liſbon, 1739. fol. Relation abrégée d'un Voyage fait dans l'intérieur del'Amérique méridionale, depuis la côte de la mer du Sud juſqu'à celle du Bréſil et de la Guyane, en deſcendant la rivière des Amazones ; avec une lettre ſur l'émeute populaire excitée à Cuenca au Pérou , contre les académiens envoyés pour meſurer la figure de la terre. Par M. de la Condamine. Avec une carte du Maragnon, et une planche repréſentant l'émeute. Paris, 1745 ; Maeſtricht, 1778 , 8vo. Aſuccinct Abridgment of a Voyage, made in the inland parts of America, from the French of M , de la Condamine. London, 1747, 8vo. [ See the Travels in Spaniſh Guiana, as well as the Mercurio Peruano , and the Viagero Univerſal.] II . Patagonia , the Straits of Magellan, and the neighbouring Nands. Bernhardi Janſz vera et accurata Deſcriptio cladium omnium quæ acciderunt quinque navibus, anno 1598 , Amſtælodamo expeditis, et per fretum Magellanium ad Moluc canas OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 237 1623, fol. canas porrecturis : navi præcipue fidei Capitanei de Weert addi&tæ , qui poft infinitos labores et aerumnas biennio, integro toleratas, tandem , anno 1660 re infecta, ad fuos rediit. (In De Bry's collection of Voyages, p. 56. ) Will. Corn. Schouten, Reyſe gedaen in de Jahren 1615 , 1616, 1617 , door de Straet Magellanes. ( Voyage in 1615, 1616, 1617 , through the Straits of Magellan .) Amſterdam , 1617, 4to. Diſcovery of the Straits of Lemaire. (In Dutch .) Amſterdam , 1618 , 400.- In French, Ib . 1618 , 4t0 . - In Latin, with the following title : -Novi freti in parte meridionali freti Magellani in magnum mare Auſtrali detectio facta a Guill. Corn. Schouten, 1615, 1617; Ib. 1618 , 4to .; Ib . with ſeven plates, 1620 ; Ib. 1621 ; Ib . 1648, 40.-- In French ; Paris, 1619 ; Ib. 1630, 410. The navigation of Lemaire has been ſeparately edited with this title : Speculum orientalis occidentaliſque Navigationis, quarum una Georgii a Spilbergen, altera Jacobi Lemaire, auſpiciis imperioque directa. Leyden, 1619, fol. - In French, with twenty plates ; Amſterdam , 1621, 4to. Novus Orbis five Deſcriptio Indiæ orientalis, autore Ant. de Herrera. Metaphraſti Barlæi acceſſerunt Navigationis nuper Auſtralis Jacobi Lemaire Hiſtoriæ . Amſterdam , Relation de deux Caravelles que le Roi d'Eſpagne envoya de Liſbonne, l'an 1628, au mois d'octobre, ſous la conduite du Capitaine Don Jean de More, pour viſiter et découvrir le paſſage de Lemaire devers le ſud , leſquelles retournèrent en Seville au mois d'Août, 1619, et firent le rapport au Roi de ce qui leur étoit advenu. Theabove title is inſerted in ſomecatalogues without name of place or date. Antonio de Herrera, Hiſtoria general de las Indias occidentales, &c. Madrid, 1601 ; Ib . 1615 and 1630, 8 vol . in 4 fol.- In French ; Paris, 1660, 1666, 1671, 3 vol. 4to. In theſe volumes, the title of which has been already inſerted [Sect. New Hol LAND] , the following voyages to theſe parts occur : the Voyage ofMagellan ; that of the veſſels of Don Gultares Carvajal, Biſhop of Plaſencia ; the third Voyage to the Straits of Magellan by the South ; the fourth Voyage of Don F. G. de Loayſa, ſent by the Emperor Charles V. in 1525, with ſix ſhips, to inveſtigate thoſe Straits ; thoſe of Don F. Dragua, in 1577, and of Pedro Sarmiento in 1579 ; the firſt and ſecond Voyage of Candiſallant, and that of J. Mahu and Simon de Cordes , in 1528, to the ſame Straits. Relacion del Viage que por orden de Su Majeſtad hicieron los Capitanes Bartolomeo Garcias у Gonzales de Nodel, & c. (Account of the Voyage made by order of His Majeſty by the Captains B. Garcias and G. de Nodal ; diſcovery of the New Straits of St. Vincent, and inveſtigation of that of Magellan .) Madrid, 1621 , 4to. A curious and ſcarce book, which muſt have the map cut in wood ſhewing the author's route, to be perfect. Seyxas de Louero, Deſcripcion geografica de la Region Auſtral y Magellanica. (Geogra phical Deſcription of the Auſtralian and Magellanic Regions. ) Madrid , 1690, 4to. John Narborough's Voyage to the Straits of Magellan, with an account of ſeveral Voyages to the South and North . London, 1694 ; Ib. 1711. 8vo. Voyage aux Terres Magellaniques. Par Cowley. Traduit de l’Anglais. Rouen , 1711 , 12mo. Voyage aux Terres Magellaniques. Par André Sharp. Traduit de l'Anglais. Ib . 1712 , 12mo. Voyage aux Terres Magellaniques. Par Jean Wood. Traduit de l'Anglais. Ib. 1712, 12mo. 5 Eſſai 238 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Effai fur le Patagons. Par l'Abbé Coyer. Paris, 1767, 8vo. Viage à l'eſtrecho de Magellanes, por el Cap. Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, &c. ( Voyage to the Straits of Magellan, by Capt. P. Sarmiento de Gamboa, in 1599 and 1600 ; and Account of his ſubſequent Expedition to people them .) Madrid , 1768, 4to. Journal hiſtorique d'un Voyage aux iles Malouines, fait en 1763 et 1764, pour les reconnoître et y former un établiſſement; et de deux voyages au détroitde Magellan, avec une deſcription des Patagons. Par Antoine Joſeph Pernetty. Berlin, 1769, 2 vol. 8vo. — New edition, with a preliminary diſcourſe, remarks on natural hiſtory, &c. charts and plates ; Paris, 1770, 2 vol. 8vo. -Hiſtory of a Voyage to the Malouine Ilands, in 1763 and 1764, under the com mand of M. Bougainville ; and of two Voyages to the Straits of Magellan, with an account of the Patagonians. London, 1770, 4to.; Ib. 1794, 4to . This work contains accounts of Braſil and Montevideo ; but the Malouine or Falkland Iſlands, and the nation of the Patagonians, are the chief objects. Deſcription of Patagonia and the adjoining parts of South America, and ſome particulars relating to the Falkland INands. By Thomas Falkner . London, 1777, 4to. Bernard Penroſe's Account of the laſt Expedition to Port Egmond, in the Falkland Ilands, in the year 1772 ; together with the tranſactions of the company of the Penguin floop during their ſtay there. London , 1775 , 8vo. The Narrative of the Hon. John Byron, (Commodore in a late Expedition round the World,) containing an account of the great diſtreſſes ſuffered by himſelfand his com panions on the coaſt of Patagonia, from the year 1740 till their arrival in England, 1746 ; with a Deſcription of St. Jago de Chili, and the manners and cuſtoms of the inhabitants ; alſo a relation of the loſs of the Wager man -of-war, one of Admiral Anſon's ſquadron . London , 1780, 12mo. Relacion del ultimo Viage al Eſtrecho de Magellanes de la fregata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza, & c. ( Account of the laſtVoyage to the Straits of Magellan, by His Majeſty's frigate Sta. Maria de la Cabeza, in 1785 and 1786 ; extracted from tables anterior to its diſcovery , printed and in manuſcript; and an account of the inhabitants, climate, and productions of the Straits, drawn up by order of the King .) Madrid, 1788 , 4to. An excellent account of the hydrography of theſe coaſts forms the firſt part ; extracts fromvoyages thither, and remarks on the country andinhabitants, and the poſſibility of forming ſettlements there, occupy the ſecond. A portrait of Magellan and four charts are added. W. Clayton's Account of the Falkland Idands. (In the Philoſophical Tranſactions, vol. 66, part ii. p. 99, &c.) [ See the Voyages of Narborough, Herrera, Berthius; Sect. New HOLLAND. - Brower ; Sect. Chili. ] SOUTH AMERICA in general. Mondo-Nuovo e Paëfi nuovamente retrovati da Americo Veſpucio, Florentino. Publicata da Francopanode Montebaldo. (The New World, and countries newly diſcovered, by Americo Veſpucio, of Florence. Publiſhed by F. de Montebaldo.) Venice, Mondo-Nuovo nuovamente retrovato da Americo Veſpucio, &c. (The New World, newly diſcovered by Americo Veſpucio. Publiſhed by Giovanni Maria Angiadelo .) 1519 . Mundus 1507, fol. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 239 Mundus- Novus ; de naturâ, moribus et ceteris iſtius generis gentiumque in Novo Mundo, opera impenfifque Portogaliæ regis inventus,autore Americo Veſpucio, 16mo. Voyages and Diſcoveries in South America. With maps. London , 1698, 8vo. Recueil de Voyages dans l'Amérique méridionale ; contenant diverſes obſervations touchant le Pérou, la Guyane, le Bréſil, &c. Traduits de l'Eſpagnol et de l'Anglais. Amſterdam , 1738, 12mo. New Hiſtory of South America. By Richard Rolt. London, 1756, 8vo. DonJoſeph Euſebio Lama Zaputo, Preliminar al tomoprimero de las Memorias hiſtorico phyſicas, critico-apologeticas de la America meridional. ( Preliminaries to the firſt volume of hiſtorical and phyſical, critical and apologetical Memoirs of South America .) Cadiz, 1759, 8vo. C. F. Scheibler, Geſchichte der von den Evangeliſchen in Frankreich unternommenen Seereiſen und Colonie Anſtalten in Süd America. (Hiſtory of the Voyages and Colonies undertaken by the French Proteſtants in South America. ) Deſſau, 1759, 8vo. Reiſe einiger Miſſionarien der Geſellſchaft Jeſu in Süd Amerika, & c. ( Travels of ſeveral Miſſionaries of the Society of Jeſus in South America. Publiſhed from their own manu . ſcripts by C. G. von Murr.) Nuremberg, 1785, 8vo. [ See the Voyages of Feuillée, Pinckard ; Sect. WEST-INDIES. ] VOYAGES AND TRAVELS TO AMERICA in general. Voyage to the Weſt- Indies. By Thomas Tyſon. ( In Hackluyt.) Petr. Martyris ab Angluria de rebus Oceanis et Orbe Novo, Decades tres. Bafil, 1516, Ib. 1590, fol.; Paris, 1552, 4to.; Cologne, 1574, 8vo.-- Alſo under the fol lowing title : -Petrus Martyrdes Anglures de Navigatione et Terris de novo repertis, cum anno tationibus Richardi Hakluyt. Paris, 1587, 8vo. Novus Orbis regionum veterum incognitarum , autore Simeone Grynai. Baſil, 1555, fol. Lettres ſur lesnavigations du Chevalier de Villegagnon vers l'Amérique, et a travers l'Amérique. Par N. Barré. Paris, 1558, 8vo. L'Indien, ou Portrait au naturel des Indiens, préſenté au Roi d'Eſpagne. Par Don Juan de Palafox, évêque de la Puebla de losAngeles, traduit de l'Eſpagnol, par Melchiſedech Thevenot. (In his collection , part iv.) Les Singularités de la France antarctique, autrement nommée Amérique, et de pluſieurs îles découvertes de notre temps. Par André Thevet. Paris, 1558 , 4to.; Anvers, 1558, 8vo. avec figures. — In Italian. Venice, 1561 , 8vo. A work bought for its ſcarcity, as it has no other value. Beſchryvinge der Nieuwe Wereld. (Deſcription of the New World .) Antwerp, 1563, fol. La Hiſtoria del Nuovo Mondo, &c. ( Hiſtory of the New World, with ſome remarkable things relative to the Iſles of the Canaries.) Venice, 1572, 8vo. Girolamo Benzoni, Milaneſe, La Hiſtoria del Mondo Nuovo, & c. (Hiſtory of the New World, in which is treated of the iſlands and ſeas newly diſcovered, and of the new cities viſited by himſelf by ſea and land , during fourteen years : with plates .) Venice, 1565, 8vo. — In French , imprimée parEuſthate. Vignon, 1579, 8vo. - In German, Bafil, 1579, fol. — Helmítadt, 1590, 8vo. —In Latin , with thefollowing title : II Nova 240 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Nova Orbis Hiſtoria, id eſt, rerum ab Hiſpanis in Indiâ occidentali hactenus geſtarum, et de acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres : Urbani Calvetonis operâ, induſtriâque ex Italiano Hieronymi Barzoni, &c. commentariis deſcriptis ; Latine facta, et perpetuis notis, argumentis completi, rerum memorabilium acceffione illuſtrati : his ab eodem adjuncta eſt de Gallorum in Floridam expeditione, et infigni Hiſpanorum in eos fævitate exemplo brevis Hiſtoria ( fine mentione loci qui vero eſt generalis) apud Euſtathium Vignon. 1581 , 8vo. This andthe French tranſlation are become very rare. Colombo ( Ferd.) Iſtorie nelle quali ſi ha particulare e vera Relazione della vita e de' fatti dell'amiraglio Chriſtophoro Colombo ſuo padre, &c. (Hiſtory in which a particular and true account is given of the life and deeds of Chriſtopher Columbus his father, and of the diſcovery he made of the Weſt -Indies, called the New World. Tranſlated from the Spaniſh of Alfonſo Ulloa. ) Venice, 1571 , 4t0. -In French , by C. Catelend ; Paris, 1681 , 8vo. Hiſtory of the New World. By Bonzo. Tranſlated by R. Hackluyt. London, 1587, 8vo. Expeditio Franciſci Drake, equitis Angli, in Indias occidentales, anno 1585, &c . Leyden, 1585, 8vo . - An Engliſh tranſlation (in Hackluyt. ) Corn. Wilfiet Deſcriptionis Ptolemeæ fupplementum , five Occidentis Notitia, brevi com mentario illuſtrata. Leyden, 1598 ; Arnheim , 1615 , fol. Hiſtoire des Indes occidentales, diviſée en trois parties ; faite en Latin, par Wilfliet et Magin, et autres hiſtoriens, où il eſt traité de la découverte, deſcription et conquêtes faites, tant par les Portugais, que par les Caſtillans; enſemble de leurs mæurs, religion , gouvernement, & c . Douai, 1607 ; Ib . 1611 , fol. Bermoddo Verges Machuna, Milicia y Deſcripcion de las Indias occidentales. (Wars, and Deſcription, of the Weſt-Indies.) Madrid, 1599, 4to. Indiæ occidentalis Hiſtoria, in quâ prima iſtarum regionum detectio, ſitus incolarum, mores, breviter explicantur ; autore Caſparo Ens. Cologne, 1609, 8vo. Novus Orbis, id eſt, Navigationes in Americam, cui adjuncta eſt Caſpari Varerii diſcurſus fupra Ophirâ regione. Rotterdam , 1616, 8vo. Honorii Philoponi Nova typis tranſacta navigatio Novi Orbis occidentalis, Buelii, Cataloni, ſociorumque monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti ; facta 1492. 1621, fol. De Laet Novus Orbis, feu Americæ utriuſque Deſcriptio. Antwerp and Leyden, Elzevir, 1633 , fol. - In French. Leyden, Elzevir, 1640, fol. - In Flemiſh , Antwerp, 1644, fol. , all the three editions with plates. Voyage aux Indes orientales. Par Guillaume Copper. Lyons, 1645, 8vo. Corn.Montanus, De Nieweonbekende Wereld, of Beſchryving van America og ť Zudland. (The New unknown World, or Deſcription of America and the Southern Countries. ) Amſterdam, 1669, fol. Récit fidèle et abrégée de toutes les Particularités qui ſont dans l'Amérique. Poitiers, 1676 , 12mo. America, being the lateſt and moſt accurate deſcription of that New World, &c. &c. Collected from the moſt authentic authors; augmented with later obfervations, and adorned with mapsand ſculptures. By John Ogilby. London, 1671 , fol. Voyage aux Côtes de la Guinée et de l'Amérique. Par M **. Avec figures. Amſter dam , 1692 ; Ib. 1719, 12mo. 0. Dapper, Unbekannte Welt, &c. ( Unknown New World, or Deſcription of the quarter of the globe America, and the Southern Countries.) Amſterdam , 1693 , fol. ſtory of the Buccaneers of America. By A. O. Oxmelin. London, 1699 ; Ib . 1740, 2 vol. 8vo .-- In French, by Frontiquieres ; Paris, 1699, 2 vol. 8vo. 5 Hiſtoire . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 241 Hiſtoire des Flibuſtiers, traduite de l'Allemand de M. J. W. d'Archenholtz . Avec un avant propos et quelques notes du traducteur. Paris, 1804, 8vo. Recueil de divers voyages faits en Afrique et en Amérique, qui n'ont point encore été publiés ; contenant l'origine, les moeurs, les coutumes, et le commerce de ces deux parties du monde, avec des traités curieux touchant la haute Ethiopie, le déborde ment du Nil, la mer Rouge, et le Préte- Jean. Par Ligon, Telles, la Borde, et Thomas. Le tout enrichi de figures. Paris, 1674 ; Ib. 1684, 4to. Deſcription générale des Côtes de l'Amérique, avec les mæurs et uſages des peuples qui les habitent. Par Daffié. Rouen, 1677, 12mo. Adr. van Berkel, Amerikanſche Voyagien. ( American Voyages.) Amſterdam , 1695, 4to . Merkwürdige Reiſen, &c. ( Remarkable Voyages made by C. Columbus, A. Veſpuci, and L. Hennepin . With plates.) Leyden , .1705, 4to. Voyage to the South Sea , from 1708-1711; containing a journal ofwhat happened moſt remarkable during this voyage, with the deſcription of the coaſts of North America, from the Terra-del-Fuego to California. From aSpaniſh manuſcript entitled, The Pilot of the Coaſts, &c. 8vo. Jan Staden van Homberg, Deſcription of America. (In Dutch .) Amſterdam , 1714, 8vo. Voyages, Dangers, Adventures, and imminent Eſcapes, with a Deſcription of ſome Regions of America. By Falconer. London, 1724, 12mo. Deſcription of America, & c .; by Henry Wilſon. London, 1739 , fol. Joannis Philippi Caſſel, Diſſertatio philoſophico-hiſtorica de Friſorum Navigationibus fortuitis in Americam ante Columbum factis. Magdeburgh, 1741 ; Ib. 1742, 4to. D. Gonzales de Barcia, Hiſtoria primitiva de las Indias occidentales. ( Primitive Hiſtory of the Weſt-Indies ). Madrid , 1745, 3 vol . fol. A collection of relations and diſcoveries in America, with pieces relative to theſe diſcoveries. Deſcription of the European Colonies in America. ; by S. Fennings. London, 1752, 8vo. Account of the American Colonies in America ; by W. Burke.. London, 1757 ; Ib. 1760, 2 vol. 8vo. Nouveau Voyages en Amérique ; par Victor. Paris, 1765, 12mo. View of the European Settlements in America ; by Campbell. London, 1765, 8vo. Hiſtoire générale de l'Amérique, depuis ſa Découverte. Par le P. Touron. Paris, 1768, 1770, 14 vol. 12mo. A dull and heavy hiſtory, not of America, but of the miſſions of the Jacobins there. Don Antonio de Ulloa , Noticias Americanas ſobre las Americas, &c. ( American Notices of South and North America : a general compariſon of their territories, climates, productions in the three vegetable ,animal, and mineral kingdoms; with a particular account of marine petrifactions, of the native Indians of thoſe countries, their cuſtoms and vices, of the antiquities, and how the firſt coloniſts paſſed thither. Madrid , 1772, 470.-In German, with valuable notes by Profeſſor Diez of Gottingen ; Leiplic, 1781 , 8vo.— In French, with a tranſlation ofthe ſamenotes ; Paris, 1787, 2 vol. 8vo. Hiſtory of America, with notes and a catalogue of Spaniſh books. By W. Robertſon , D.D. London, 1777, 2 vol. 4to . Carli Balbi, (Giawinaldo) Lettere Americane. Milan , 1780, 8vo. Reiſen durch einige Franzoſiſche, Engliſche, Hollændiſche, und Spaniſche Beſitzungen in der Neuen- Welt, ( Travels through ſome French, Engliſh , Dutch, and Spaniſh Poſſeſſions in the New World .) Leipfic, 1789 , 8vo. Don 1 VOL. XVII. II 242 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Don Juan Munoz, Hiſtoria del Nuevo Mondo. (Hiſtory of the New World.) Madrid , 1794, vol. 1 , 4to . Ambury's Travels through America. London, 1799, 2 vol. 8vo. AFRICA. ABYSSINIA, NUBIA, & c. LA Découverte de quelques Pays qui ſont entre l'Empire d’Abyſſins et la Côte de Melinde. ( In Thevenot's collection, part iv. ) Alvarez, Verdadeira Relacion de Ethiopia , &c. ( True Relation of Ethiopia; in which the ſituation of the country, its merchandize and trade, are deſcribed .) Liſbon, 1540 , fol. -- In Spaniſh ; Antwerp, 1557, 400.- In French, by J. Rellers; 8vo. Dam. Goes, De Fide, Religione, Moribuſque Æthiopum . Louvain, 1540, 8vo. Hiſtoriale Deſcription de l'Ethiopie. Antwerp, 1558, 12mo.; Ib . 1655, 8vo. Joam des Santos, Ethiopia oriental, &c. (Eaſtern Æthiopia ; and hiſtory of various events in the Eaſt.) Evora, 1607, fol. -In French ; Paris, 1684, 8vo. Luys de Urreta, Hiſtoria, &c. de los Reynos de la Ethiopia, &c. (Eccleſiaſtical, political, civil and moral Hiſtory of the Kingdoms of the Ethiopian Monarch and of the Emperor Preſtre- Jean .) Valencia, 1610, fol. De Abyſſinorum Rebus ; autore P. N.Gudin , Societatis Jeſu . Lyons, 1615, 8vo. Nicolai Godigny, Societ. Jeſu, de Abyſſinorum Rebus atque Æthiopiæ Patriarchis Joanne Mummio Baretto, et Andrea Oviedo, libri tres nunc primum in lucem editi . Lyons, 1615, 8vo. Damani Goes, Legatio magni Indorum Imperatoris Præſbyteri Joannis ad Emanuelem Lufitaniæ Regem , in 1513. Dordrecht, 1618, 12mo. Alonzo Sandoval, Naturaleza , & c. de toda Ethiopia. (Natural, political, ſacred and profane Hiſtory, and religious Rites of all Ethiopia.) Seville, 1627, 4to. Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paffè ou royaume de l'Ethiopie orientale, ès années 1624 et 1626. Traduite de l'Italien du P. Martin Vitelleſchi. Paris, 1629, 8vo. Les Evénemens du Voyage du Prince Zuga -Chriſt d'Ethiopie au grand empire des Abyffins. Par de Rehac. Paris, 1635, 4to . Hiſtoria general del Ethiopia, & c. (General Hiſtory of Ethiopia.) By the Fathers Almeida and Telles, nombre de Dios, 1650, fol.—In Portugueſe, Coimbra, 1660, fol. Hiſtoria de Ethiopia, par Hieronimo Lobo. Coimbra, 1659, fol. -In French, by Le Grand, much augmented ; Paris, 1728 ; Hague, 1728, 4to. This work received the honour to betranſlated by Dr. Johnſon. Travels in Abyſſinia or Ethiopia Interior. By James Baratti. London, 1670, 8vo. Deſcription of ſeveral States of Mauritania, and particularly of Abyſſinia and the Sources of the Nile . By Jérome. ( In German . ) Nuremberg, 1670, 12mo. Jobi Ludolphi, alias Leutholf, Hiſtoria Æthiopiæ , five brevis et ſuccincta Deſcriptio regni Abyffinorum , qui vulgo male Preſbyteri Joannis vocatur. Francofurti, 1681 , fol. In French ; Paris, 1684, 12mo, abridged. Commentarius ad Hiftoriam ſuam , &c. Frankf. 1691 , fol. Appendix ad Hiftoriam ſuam , &c. Ib. 1693, 1694 , 2 parts in one vol. A new Hiſtory of Ethiopia, made Engliſh by J. P. London, 1682 , fol. M. Geddes, Church Hiſtory of Ethiopia. London, 1696, 8vo. P.M. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 243 P. M. Anguiano, Epitome hiſtorial, & c. del Imperio Abyſſinio. (Hiſtorical Epitome and ſpiritual Conqueſt of the Abyſſinian Empire.) Madrid, 1708, 12mo. Poncet's Voyage in Ethiopia, made in the years 1698 to 1700. London, 1709, 12mo. The original is in the Lettres édifiantes, Paris, 1713, 12mo. vol. iv . Th. Krump, Palmbaum des H. Evangelii, &c. ( Palm - tree of the Goſpel, or Travels in Abyſſinia. Augſburg , 1717, 4to. P. Heglig, Sonderbarer Lebenſlauf, &c. ( Curious Life and Journey to Ethiopia.) Publiłhed by Michaëlis. Halle, 1724, 8vo. Travels to diſcover the Source of the Nile,in the years 1768—1772. By James Bruce. Edinburgh, 1788 , 5 vol 4to . Ib . with life, notes, &c. by A. Murray ; Edinburgh, 8 vol. 8vo. and 4to . atlas. - Abridged, London, 1790, 8vo. -Obſervations on Bruce's Travels. By Warton . London , 1799, 4to . -Obſervations on the Authenticity of Bruce's Travels. By Bruce. Newcaſtle, 1800, 4to . [See the Travels of Goes ; Sect. SPAIN. -Centallas, Sect. EUROPE, Asia and AFRICA. Verthema ; Sect. SWITZERLAND.- Hiſtoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſé en 1624, & c. Lettere nell' Etiopia, Vitelleſchi ; Sect. CHINA.- Dard, Geraldini, Browne, Lord Valentia ; East Indies.] EGYPT. Abdollatiphi Compendium Rerum memorabiliuin Egypti, Arabice et Latine ,curâ J. White. Oxford, 1800, 4to . Abulfeda, Deſcriptio Ægypti,Arabice et Latine, curâJ.D.Michaëlis. Gottingen , 1776, 4to . This is the beſt edition of this work . L'Egypte de Murtadi, fils de Graphiphe, &c. De la traduction de M. Pierre Vallier, &c. Paris, 1666, 12mo. A book of great ſcarcity. La Loyſſée, contenant le Voyage de St. Louis. Blois, 1593, 4to. Thornhill, Account of Upperand Lower Egypt. London , 1663,8vo. Brevis Relatio de Origine, Natura, Curſu et Incremento Nili. Per Winne. (In Engliſh .) London , 1669, 4to. Relation du Voyage du Sayd, ou de la Thebaïde, fait en 1668. Par les PP. Protaci et C. F. de Orléans. (In Thevenot, part iv .) G. M. Wanjleb, Relazione dello ſtado preſente dell' Egypto. (Account of the preſent State of Egypt.) Paris, 1671, 12mo.- In French ; Ib . 1678, 12mo, Troiſième Voyagedu Sieur Paul Lucas dans la Torquie, l'Alie, la Sourie, la Paleſtine, l’Egypte, &c. Rouen , 1719, 3 vol. 12mo. Relating chiefly to Egypt. Deſcription de l'Egypte, & c. compoſée ſur les Mémoires de M. Maillet, par M. Lemaſcrier. Avec cartes et figures. Paris, 1740, 4to.; Ib . 1741, 2 vol. 12mo. Valuable for antiquaries, as the author meaſures and deſcribed many of the monuments of antiquity. Idée du Gouvernement ancien et moderne de l'Egypte. Par M. L. M. ( Lemafcrier. Paris, 1742, 12mo. Deſcription of Egypt, &c. By R. Pococke. London , 1743, fol. The value of this work is well known. II 2 Relation 244 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Relation du Voyage fait en Egypte, en 1730. Par le Sieur Granger. Paris, 1745 , 1 2mo. Reflections de M. l'Abbe B *** ſur le Voyage deGranger. Ib. 1745, 12mo. Deſcription des Plaines d'Héliopolis et de Memphis. Par Fourmont. Ib. 1750, 4to. Norden's Travels in Egypt and Nubia . With 200 fine copper-plates. London, 1757 , 2 vol . fol . - In French, by Langlès ; Paris, 1795 , 1798, 3 vol . 4to. The French and Daniſh editions printed at Copenhagen ; the former, 1757 , 2 vol. fol., bear the higheſt price. Travels in Egypt,publiſhed by Forſter. London, 1772, 8vo. Mémoire ſurla veritable Entrée du Monument auprès de Sarnaco . Par le Duc de Chaulnes. Paris, 1783 , 4to. Lettre ſur l’Egypte, avec Lettres ſur la Grèce. Par Savary. 3me edition. Paris, 1799, 4 vol. 8vo.- In Engliſh ; London, 2 vol. 8vo. Mémoire ſur l’Egypte ; par Dolomieu. ( In the Journal de Phyſique, 1794. ) Voyage dans la Haute et Baffe Egypte ; par C. S. Sonnini. 40 planches. Paris, 1799, 3 vol. 8vo.— In Engliſh , London, 1800, 4to . Obſervations on the Manners and Cuſtoms of the Egyptians ; by J. Antes. London, 1804, 4to . Mémoires ſur le lac Menzaleh , et la vallée du lac de Natron, &c. Par le Cit. Andreolly. Paris, 1800, 4to. Deſcription des Pyramides de Ghizé , du Caire, &c . Par Grobert. Ib. 1800, 4to. Egyptia, or Obſervations on certain Antiquities of Egypt ; by J. Withe. Oxford, 1801 , 4to . Voyage dans la Haute et Baſſe Egypte ; par V. Denon. Paris, 1802, 2 vol . fol., one con fiſting of plates ; Ib. 2 vol . 4to. and 1 fol. ; 1b. 3 vol. 12mo. without plates. — Another French edition, London , 4to. - In Engliſh, by Ă . Aikin ; London, 1802, 2 vol . 4to. A very ſplendid and excellent work. Views in Egypt, from the drawings of Luigi Mayer, with illuſtrations, &c. London , in French and in Engliſh , 1802, fol. Tableau de l’Egypte pendant le ſéjour de l'armée Françaiſe. Par A.G. D. Paris, 1803 , 2 vol. 8vo. A fort of preliminary to the following great national work preparing for the preſs at Paris : Deſcription de l’Egypte, ou Recueil des Obſervations et des Recherches qui ont été faite en Egypte pendant l’Expedition de l'Armée Françoiſe ; publiée par les ordre de l'Empereur; 1 ° livraiſon .- Conſiſts of 4 vol. of text, and 4 vol. plates, fol. Quatremère, Mémoires géographiques et hiſtoriques ſur l’Egypte, ' et ſur quelques contrées voiſines. Paris, 1811, 2 vol. 8vo . Recherches critiques et hiſtoriques ſur la Langue et la Littérature de l’Egypte. Paris, 1808 , 8vo. [See " the travels of Clarke; Sect. Russia. - Wallsdorf, AustriA.— Buchenbach, Beauveau, Wilden, Breves, Sandys, Blount, Rantzow, Stammer, Melton, Thevenot, Perry , Nyenborg, Olivier ; Turkey.— Tudela , Belon, Welſchen , Cappin, Monconys, d'Arvieux , Tollot, Pococke, Egmont, Binos, Seſtini; EUROPE, Asia, and AFRICA. -De Bruyn ; Asia MINOR.— Ziegler, Helffrich, Baumgarten, Hermandorf, Bre mond, Troilo, Jouvin , Moriſon, Venzow , Haſſelquiſt, B ***, Schræter, Chateau briand ; PALESTINE.— Verthema, Fara ; Syria.- Capper, Lord Valentia ; East INDIES.— Moriſot, Dupuy ; PersIA.— Caffel, Clayton, Niebuhr, Irwin , Rooke ; ARABIA.— Centeno, Heberer ; Asia and Africa. ] BAR OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 245 BARBARY. I. Travels in Barbary in general. J. B. Grammaye Africæ illuſtratæ libri X ; in quibus Barbaria genteſque ejus ut olim et nunc deſcribuntur. Tournay, 1622, 4to. Hiſtoire de la Barbarie et de ſes corſaires, des royaumes et des villes d'Alger, Tunis, Salé, et Tripoli ; en ſix livres, où il eſt traité de leurs gouvernemens, mæurs, brigan dages, fortiléges, &c. Par le P. F. Dan. Paris, 1637 , ' 4to.; Ib. 1649, fol. - In Flemiſh, augmented by Wies ; Amſterdam , 1641, 2 vol. fol . Navigations faites en Barbarie ; par F. Brooke. Traduites de l'Anglais. Utrecht, 1637, 12mo. Hiſtoire naturelle et politique de la Barbarie. Rouen , 1703 , 12mo. Relation en forme de journal du voyage pour la rédemption des captifs, aux royaume de Maroc et d'Alger, pendant les années 1723-1725. Par les PP. de la Faye, Maker, d'Arciſas, et Leroi. Paris, 1726, 12mo. Hiſtory of the States of Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and Morocco . Tranſlated from the Engliſh ( into Italian ) . London (Venice ), 1754, 8vo. Lettres ſur la Barbarie ; par Jardin. Paris, 8vo. Voyages dans les états barbareſques de Maroc, Alger, Tunis et Tripoli. Paris, 1785, 12mo. [ See the travels ofSemple; Sect. SPAIN.- Centellas, Welſchen, Cappin, d’Arvieux, Browne, Tollot ; EUROPE, Asia and AFRICA.- Chateaubriand ; PALESTINE. ] II . States of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Franciſco Diego de Hoedo, Topografia y Hiſtoria general deArgel, & c. ( General Topo graphy and Hiſtory of Algiers ; in which the deſcriptionof this kingdom , and the hiſtory of the Kings, from 1504 to 1596, are contained.) Valladolid , 1612, fol. This work furniſhes a curiousportion of the life of Cervantes . Relation d'un Voyage de Barbarie, fait à Alger. Paris, 1616 , 8vo. Relation des Maurs et du Gouvernement des Turcs d'Alger ; par le Sieur de Roqueville. Paris, 1657 ; Ib. 1686 , 12mo. Emanuelis < Aranda, Hiſtoria Captivitatis Algerienſis, Hiſpanice conſcripta. Hague, 1657, 12mo.— In French, augmented with relations of thirteen ſaves ; Paris, 1665 , 16mo. Etat chrétien et politique des Royaumes de Tunis, d’Alger, de Tripoli et de Maroc, &c. Rouen, 1703 ; Hague, 1704, 12mo. Voyages faits pour la rédemption des Captifs à Tunis et à Alger, en 1720. Par les PP. Comelin, Philemon, de la Motte, et Bernes. Paris, 1721 , 12mo. Hiſtoire du Royaume d'Alger ; ou état préſent de ſon gouvernement, de ſes forces de terre et de mer, de ſes revenues, police, juſtice, politique et commerce. Par Laugier de Tully. Amſterdam , 1725, 12mo.; Paris, 1727, 12mo. A complete Hiſtory ofthe piratical States of Barbary, &c. London, 1750, 8vo. This tranſlation is given as an original , and was again tranſlated into French from the Engliſh . Morgan's 246 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS i Morgan's Complete Hiſtory of Algiers. London, 1728 ; Ib . 1731,4to. The Adventures of M. J. S. , an Engliſh merchant ; with a deſcription of the kingdom of Algiers. By R. Norris. London, 8vo. Mémoires hiſtoriques qui concernent le gouvernement de l'ancien et du nouveau royaume de Tunis. Par M.St. Gervais. Paris, 1736, 12mo. Hiſtorical and political Deſcription of the Kingdom and City of Algiers, from 1516 to 1732. With maps and figures. By č . Rutelius. ( In Swediſh .) Stockholm , 1737, 4to. Travels, or Obſervations relating to ſeveral parts of Barbary and the Levant. By Thomas Shaw. Oxford, 1738 , 2 vol. and a ſupplement, 1746, fol. - Second edition, con taining the ſupplement, with great improvements ; London , 1757, fol. - In French Hague, 1743, 2 vol. 4to . This valuable work, beſides fome obſervations on Egypt, Syria and Arabia Petrea , contains the beſt information on Algiers and Tunis. Obſervations on the City of Tunis. London , 1786, 4to. Les Victimes de la Charité, ou Relation des Voyages de la Barbarie, faits à Alger par le P. Lucien Herault, pour le rachat des eſclaves Français. Paris, 1787, 8vo. Voyage en Barbarie, ou Lettres écrites de l'ancienne Numidie, pendant les années 1785 et 1786, ſur la religion, le coutumes et les moeurs des Maures et des Arabes- Be. douins ; avec un eſſai ſur l'hiſtoire naturelle. Par M. l'Abbé Poiret. Paris, 1789, 2 vol. 8vo . - In Engliſh, 1791 , 8vo. Nachrichten und Bermerkungen über den Algierſchen Staat. (Accounts of and Remarks on the State of Algiers.) Altona, 1799, 1800, 3 vol. 8vo. An accurate andjudicious work. J. F. Keſler, Reiſen zu waffer und zu land, &c. ( Voyages and Travels; with the hiſtory of the author's captivity at Algiers, and remarks on the cuſtoms and manners of the Moors. ) Leipfic , 1806, 8vo. Nothing is deſcribed herewhich had not been obſerved before. An Account of Tunis ; by Thomas Margill. 1811 , 8vo. [ See the Aſiatic and African Curioſities ; Sect. East- INDIES.- C.F. H. L.; ENGLAND. Dalrymple ; SPAIN.— Breves ; TURKEY.--- Sperl ; EUROPE, Asia, AFRICA and AMERICA. ] III . Empire of Morocco, Defarts of Sahara, & c. Diego de Torrez, Relacion del origine y ſuceſo de los Tariffos, & c. ( Account of the origin and ſucceſſes of the Tariffes, and of the ſtates of the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, and of Tarudente, and the others they have uſurped .) Seville, 1586, 4to. In French ; Paris, 1586, 4to . Ambaſſage of M. Edmund Hoganto Muley Amdemelech, Emperor of Morocco, in 1577 . Written by himſelf. ( In Hakluyt, vol. ii. ) The Ambaſſage of M. Henry Roberts to Morocco, in 1585. ( Ibid .) Voyage d'Afrique; où font contenues les navigations des Français en 1629 et 1630, fous la conduite du Commandeur de Razilly, és côtes occidentales de Fez et Maroc, &c. Illuſtré de curieuſes obſervations par Jean Armand, Turc de nation. Paris, 1630 ; Ib. 1639, 12mo. Diſcurſo da tornado a ville de Maragan, &c. ( Diſcourſe of the Voyage of Gonzales IO Соц . OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 247 12mo. Coutinho to the city of Mazagan, and on its government by himſelf.) Liſbon , 1639, 8vo . SanFranciſco, Relacion del Viage que hizo a Marrucco, &c. (Account of the Voyage of D. Juan de Prado to Morocco. ) Madrid, 1643 , 4to . Hiſtoire de la Miſſion des Pères Capucins au Royaume deMaroc. Nyort, 1644, 12mo. Relation d'un Voyage aux Royaumes de Maroc et de Fez ; avec une deſcription des états du Roi de Taffilet. (Par R. Frejus .) Paris, 1670, i2mo. - Augmented with a deſcription of the Europeanſettlements, and thoſe of the King of Morocco on the Coaſt of Barbary, and anſwers to ſeveral queſtions relative to Taffilet; by M. Leg***. (M. Charant.) Ib . 1682, 12mo.- In Engliſh ; London, 1671 , 8vo. Weſt Barbary ; with a ſhort narration of the revolutions of the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco. By Lancelot Addiſon . Oxford, 1671, 8vo. A Diſcourſe concerning Tangiers. London , 1680, 12mo. Voyage du Baron de St. Amand, ambaſſadeur vers le Roi de Maroc. Lyons, 1583 , 12mo. Hiſtoire des Conquêtes de Muley Araxid, Roi de Taffilet ; avec une deſcription de ce royaume, et une carte . Par George Mouet. Paris, 1683 , 12mo. Relation nouvelle et particulière du Voyagedes Pères de la Mercy aux Royaumes de Fez et de Maroc. Par Louis Dumay. Paris, 1683, 12mo. Relation de l’Empire de Maroc. (Par P. de St. Olon). Avec planches. Paris, 1694, AnAccount of the South -weſt of Barbary, the Territories of Fez and Morocco. By S. Okley. London, 1713 , 8vo. Journey to Mequinez, the reſidence of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, in 1721. By J. Windſhoe. London , 1723 , 8vo. Relation d'un Voyage à Maroc, pour la rédemption des captifs. Paris, 1726, 12mo. Hiſtory of the Revolutions of Morocco ; with obſervations on the natural,moral and poli tical hiſtory. By Braithwaite. London, 1729, 8vo. Hiſtoire de l'Empire des Chérifs en Amérique, la deſcription géographique et hiſtoire, &c. Par M*** ( Poulet.) Paris, 1733, 8vo . D. Bellegrino Guidotti, Storia di Mori, & c. ( Hiſtory of the Moors; of their religion, government, politics and cuſtoms. ) Florence, 1775, 8vo. G. Hoeſt, Efterretninger, & c. (Obſervations on Morocco and Fez , collected on the ſpot, from 1760 to 1768.) Copenhagen, 1779, 4to. In German, 1779, 8vo. A very excellent work . Recherches hiſtoriques ſur les Maures, et l'Hiſtoire de l'Empire de Maroc. Par Chenier. Paris, 1788, 3 vol. 8vo. A good accountof Morocco, collected during a long reſidence there. Hiſtoire du Naufrage et de la Captivité de M. de Briſon ; avec la deſcription des déſerts d'Afrique, dépuis le Sénégal juſqu'à Maroc. Genève et Paris, 1789, 8vo.— In Engliſh ; London, 1790 ; Ib. with the Voyage of Sougnier, 1792, 8vo. This, and the voyages of Follies and Sougnier, give a good account of the Deſerts. Tour from Gibraltar to Tangiers, Sale, Mogadore, Santa Cruz, Tarudant, and over Mount Atlas in Morocco. By William Lampriere. 1791 , 8vo. Voyage dans les Déſerts de Sahara. Par M. Follies. Avec ſes aventures pendant ſon eſclavage, et un précis des meurs , uſages et opinions des habitans de Sahara. Paris, Agroll's Brefom Marok. (Letters on Morocco. ) Stockholm, 1786, 8vo. Schouſboe's Beſbachtangen, &c. ( Obſervations on the vegetable Kingdom , col lected in a tour from 1791–1793, from the Daniſh .) Copenhagen, 1802, vol. 1 , 8vo. H. Har 1792, 8vo . 248 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS H. Haringmann, Beknoop Dag Journal , &c. (Short Journal of a reſidence of two months in the empire of Morocco. ) Hague, 1804, 8vo. Theſe three works are valuable additions to our ſtock of information ; the ſecond relates chiefly to natural hiſtory, temperature and the ſoil'; and the third con tains a minute account of the towns of Tangiers and Mequinez . Journal of the Tour of J. Curtis in Barbary in 1801 ; tranſlated by G. Vogel ( into German). Roſtok, 1804, 8vo. Account of the Empire of Morocco and the Diſtrict of Suſe, collected during a long reſidence there ; with an account of Tombactoo. By J. G. Jackſon . London, 1809, 4to . [See the Voyage of Rochon ; Sect. East Indies. ] Coaſt of Senegal, and other adjacent Countries. A. de Codemoſto, Libro de la priina Navigacion, & c. ( Book of the firſt Voyage through the Ocean to the Country of the Blacks of Lower Ethiopia ; by command of the Infante Henry of Portugal.) Vicenza , 1507 , 4t0.- In French , 1508 , 4to . A curious account of the original ſtate of the Negroes occur in this work. Voyage de Lybie ou du Royaume de Senegal ; par Claude Jannequin, Sieur de Rochefort Châlonois. Paris, 1645 , 8vo. Voyage de Lemaire aux îles Canaries, au Cap Vert, au Sénégal et à Gambie. Paris, 1695, 8vo. Nouvelle relation de l'Afrique occidentale ; contenant'une deſcription exacte du Sénégal et des pays ſitués entre le Cap Blanc et la rivière de Sierra- Lionne, juſqu'à plus de 300 lieues dans le terre. Par le P. Labat. Paris, 1728, 5 vol. 12mo. Hiſtoire naturelle de Sénégal ( coquillage) ; avec une voyage dan ce pays. Par M. Adanſon. Paris, 1757, 4to . As the author ſtayed five years in the country, his work ſtands a chance of being correct. A Voyage to the Weſtern Coaſt of Africa ; containing an account of the expedition commanded by Keppel. By J. Lindſey. London, 1759, 4to. A Voyage to the Weſt Coaſt of Africa ; by Matthew . London, 8vo. A Voyage to Galam and Fonta - Terra. 16. 8vo. Nouvelle Hiſtoire de l'Afrique occidentale ; par Dumanet. Paris, 1767 , 2 vol . 12mo. A work of great merit. A Voyage to the River Sierra-Leone, &c. By J. Matthews. London, 8vo. Confined to Sierra- Leone. Relation de pluſieurs Voyage à la côte d'Afrique, au Senegal , à Gorée, Galam , &c. Tirées des journaux de M. Saugnier. Paris, 1791; 1799, 8vo. Eſſay on Coloniſation, particularly that of the weſtern coaſt of Africa. By A. B. Vadſtrom. London, 1794, 4to . Voyage au Sínegal, 1784, 1785 , d'après le Mémoires de Lajaille. Par P. La Barthe.. Paris, 1802 , 8vo. Fragmens d’un Voyage, 1785–1787, dans les contrées occidentales de l'Afrique. Par Golberry. Avec cartes and planches, Ib. 1802 , 2 vol . 8vo. Voyage au Sénégal, & c. Par J. B. L. Durand. Ib. 1802 , 4to. and atlas. African Memorials, &c. London, 1803, 4to. Account OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 1 249 Account of the native Africans near Sierra Leone ; by Th. Winterbottom . 8vo. Macrizi, Hiſtoria de Abyſſiniâ . ( Nigritia .) Leyden, 1690, 4to . Relation de la Nigritie ; par Guby. Paris , 1662, 12mo. Deſcription de la Nigritie ; par M.P.D. ( Praneau de Pommegorge.) . Ib . 1789, 8vo. Coafts of Guinea. [ See the ancient voyages of Windham , Lock, Townſon, Fenner, Raynold , Bird, in Hakluyt.] 1605 , 12mo. Deſcription et Recit hiſtoriale du rich Royaume d'Or de Guinée. Amſterdam , 1 fol. Richard Jobſon's Golden Trade of the River Gambia. London, 1623, 8vo. Deſcription of the Coaſts of Guinea, Angola, Congo and Monomotapa ; by Hughen. (Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1644 , fol. J. Barbot's Deſcription of North and South Guinea, and of Angola. (In Churchill.) Account of the Coaſt of Guinea in 1666. From the French of Villaut. London, 1709 , 12mo. Journal de Voyage du Sieur d'Elbée au Royaume d'Ardra. ! 2mo. Deſcription of the Coaſt of Guinea ; by W. Bofmann. From the Dutch. London, 1705, Relation du Royaume d'Iflyny, Cote d'Or ; par Loyer . Paris, 1714, 12mo. New Account of ſome parts of Guinea , and the Slave Trade. By W. Snelgrave. London , 1727, 8vo. Voyage de Demarchais à Guinée et à Cayenne. Paris, 1730, 4 vol. 12mo. New Voyage to Guinea ; by Smith. London, 1750, 8vo. Dalzel's Hiſtory of Dahomey. London, 1789, 4to. [ The Voyages to Guinea are very numerous : beſides thoſe ſpecified ,- in Engliſh, there are thoſe of Houſtown, 1725, 12mo.; Philips in the General Hiſtory of Voyages ; Atkin, 1758 , 8vo .; Benezet, Philadelphia , 1771, 12mo ; Sparmann, London, 1789, 8vo. — In French, Montauban, 1698 ; Iſert, 1793 ; la Barthe, 1803. — In German, Muller, 1673. - In Daniſh, Tilleman, 1697 ; Raſk, 1754 ; Remer, 1756. - In Dutch ,Marées, 1650 ; Iter et Deſcriptio Guineæ 1654 ; Jonkear, 1703 ; Campſtrup, 1735. - See alſo the voyage of Linſchot; Pimentel ; Engliſh Acquiſitions in Guinea ; Sect. of this catalogue EAST INDIES. — Huſkins, Hammerfau, Dralſé, Roberts, Pinkard ; WestINDIES. — Coſſigny ; Cuina.] Congo, Angola, Loango, & c. Odoardo Lopez, Relazione &c. ( Account of the Kingdom of Congo ; by Pigafetta.) · Rome, 1591 , 4t0 . In Latin ; Frankfort, 1598 , fol; and in the Grands Voyages. Extends to all the kingdoms above-named . Deſcription d'un Voyage à Congo en 1660. Lyons, 1680, 8vo. Hiſtoire de Loango, Kakougo, &c. Par Proyard. Paris, 1776, 12m Voyage à la Côte occidentale ; par L. de Grandpré. With maps and views. 'Ib. 1801 , 2 vol. 8vo. VOL. XVII. к к [ See 250 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS 1 [ See the Jeſuit narrations of Bruno, 1625 ; Fragio, 1648 ; Palixer de Tovar, 1649 ; Guattini and Carli, 1672. -The works of Labat, 1732 ; and of Battell in Purchas's Collection . -See Hughen, Barbot ; Sect. GUINEA. ] Cape of Good Hope, Cafraria, & c. Deſcription of the Cape of Good Hope ; with the coaſts from Angola to Cape Negro. ( In German. ) Amſterdam , 1652 , 12mo. W. Ten Rynne Schediaſma de Promontorio Bonæ Spei. Bafle, 1616, 8vo. Mémoires ſur le Pays des Cafres et ſur la Terre de Nuyits en Nouvelle- Hollande. Par Parry. Amſterdam , 1718 , 12010. 2 vol. Deſcription of the Cape ; by Kolb. In Dutch, 1727, 2 vol fol. ; in German, 3 vol. fol.; in French, abridged , 1741 , 3 vol. 12mo. A Voyage to the Cape ofGood Hope; by A. Sparmann. London, 1785, 4to. A moſt excellent work on that part of Africa. Journey into the Country of the Hottentots ; by W. Paterſon. London, 1789, 4to. Voyage de Levaillant dans l'interieur de l'Afrique. Paris, 1790, 4to. - Second Voyage, Ib. 1795, 4to. A very delightful romance. Capt. Riou, Journal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope, by J. van Reenen and others, in ſearch of the Wreck of the Groſvenor. London, 1792, 4to. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa ; by J. Barrow . Ib. 1803, 4to. 2 vol. A work of much ſolid information . Journal of a Voyage performed round Lagoa- Bay ; by W. Withe. Ib . 1800, 4to. Account of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope ; by R. Percival. Ib. 1804, 4to. [There are other accounts, by Semple, 1803 ; Lichtenberg, 1813 ; in Engliſh : la Caille, 1763 ; Hopp, 1778 ; Milbert, 1812 ; in French : Brayer, 1681; Collemann, 1784 ; Luder, 1786 ; Mentzel, 1785 ; Bernhard, 1787 ; in German : Dutch Africa , 1783 ; in Dutch. - See alſo Sonnerat, Mortimer, Coligny ; Sect. China. — Linſchot, Leguat, Stavorinus, Lord Valentia ; East Indies. — Rooke ; ARABIA. -For Mono motapa ; fee Linſchot, East Indies : Hughen ; Guinea : Barrow ; Cochin CHINA. ] Madagaſcar, and other Iſles eaſt of Africa. Hiſtoire de la grande île de Madagaſcar ; par Flacourt. Paris, 1658, 4to. Madagaſcar ; or Robert Drury's Journal during 15 Years Captivity in that Iſland. London, 1729, 8vo. The authenticity of this amuſing work ſeems now fully eſtabliſhed. Voyage à l'île de France, Bourbon, le Cap, &c. Par Bernardin de St. Pierre. Paris, 1772, 8vo. Voyage à l'île de Madagaſcar; par Rochon. Paris , 1791, 8vo. Voyage à les quatre principales îles des Mers d'Afrique ; . par Borry de St. Vincent. Ib . 1 804, 3 vol. 4to . Theſe iſlands are Teneriffe, Ifle de France, Bourbon , and St. Helena. Voyage dans les îles auſtrales d'Afrique, ( Ille de France, Reunion, et Madagaſcar.) Par Aubert du Petit - Thouars. Paris, 1809. [ See OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 251 [ See , for Madagaſcar, the works of Boothy and Lloyd, 1647 , in Engliſh : Porteny, 1616 ; Souchet de Rennefort, 1668 ; Dubois, 1674 ; Carpeau du Sauſiai, 1722 ; Pare, 1722 ; in French : Megiſſer, 1609 ; Brocke, 1748 ; in German : alſo Benyowíky; Sect. KAMTSHATKA : Linſchot ; East Indies : Dellon, Malabar, Dupuy, Moriſot ; PERSIA : Atkins ; West Indies. — Reſpecting ISLE DE FRANCE and BOURBON, ſee Sonnerat, Coſſigny, De Guignes ; China : Leguat, Rochon ; East INDIES. For AMSTERDAM ifle, Mortimer ; China : Barrow ; Cochin - China .] Weſtern Iſles of Africa. Hiſtorical Relation of the Iſles of Madeira . London, 1675 , 4to. Hiſtory of the Canary Iſlands ; by G.Glaſs. Ib. 1764, 4to . [See Thevenot, and Hakluyt. - For MADEIRA, the works of Alcafaredo, 1571 ; Landi, 1574 ; Conſtantinus, 1599 ; Staunton, Sect. China : Barrow, Cochin-China : Lord Valentia, East Indies ; Sloane, Riddel ; West Indies. — For the Cape Verd ISLANDS, the above ; Journal d'un Voyage au Cap Verd, Mémoire pour ſervir à l'Hif toire , East Indies : Roberts, Atkins, Lemaire; SENEGAL. — For St.HELENA, ST. THOMAS, Ascension, &c. Linſchot, Mémoires pour ſervir, &c. Leguat, Lord Va. lentia ; East Indies : Borry de St. Vincent, MADAGASCAR : Dapper's Africa , &c. ] Central Parts of Africa. Travels in the inland Parts of Africa ; by J. Moore. London, 1738 ; Ib. 1742, 8vo. Collection of remarkable Travels in Inner Africa ; by Kuhn. (In German. ) 1790, 8vo . Sketch of the Diſcoveries in North and Weſt Africa. Edinburgh, 1799,8vo . Voyages de MM. Ledyard et Lucas en Afrique. Traduite de l'Anglais. Paris, 1804, 2 vol. 8vo. Mungo Park's Travels in the Interior of Africa. London, 1799, 4to. Mémoire ſur l'Interieur de l'Afrique ; par Lalande. Paris, 1802, 4to. Journal of Hornemann's Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk. London , 1802 , 4to. This is very inferior to the ſecond French tranſlation , Paris, 1803 , 8vo. , which was collated with the German text, careleſsly tranſlated in England, and aug mented by a diſſertation on the oaſis. - The notorious work of Damberger , as we have been aſſured by Mr. Weber, was written by a young German, who, wanting bread , wrote this book in a garret at Jena ; and, beſides handſome copy-money from a bookſeller, won a large wager by the noiſe it made, and the diſputes among the sçavans. KK 2 VOY 252 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD . 1741 , 8vo. Il Viaggio fatto attorno il Mondo, 1556, 40.- This is the firſt edition of the voyage of Antony Pigafetta. — The work appeared again with his name in Italian ; London, 1585, 4to . Milan , 1800, 4to . and fol. In French , Paris, 1801 , 8vo. This is alſo the celebrated voyage of Magellan. C. Ortoga, Reſumen hiſtorico, & c. (Short hiſtorical Account of the firſt Voyage round the World by H.Magellanes.) Madrid, 1769, 4to . J.Candiſh, Deſcription ofhis Voyage round the World. ( In Dutch . ) Amſterdam , 1598 , fol . A ſecond voyage of Candiſh occurs in Purchas. The famous Sir F. Drake's Voyage round the whole Globe. London, 1600, 1618 , 4t0.; Theprincipal Navigations, Voyages, &c. of the Engliſh. Ib . 1599 , 2 vol. fol. The Diſcoveries of the World to 1555. Ib . 1600, 4to . Account of the Voyage of Olivier du Nord round the World. (In Dutch. ) Rotter dam , N. D.8vo. - In French, Amſterdam , 1602 , fol. Navigation of Frobifher. ' ( In Purchas. ) of Sebalt de Weer. ( Ib .) Funnels Voyage round the World. London , 1607, 8vo. D.Pedro Ordonas de Cavallos, Viage del Mundo. Madrid , 1614, 4to. W. C. Schouten , Voyage round the World. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1618, 1676, 4to. Journal of the Fleet of Naſſau, or Voyage made in 1623–1626 round the World, under the command of J. l'Hermite and 'J. Huppon. (In Dutch. ) Amſterdam , 1626, 4to. -In French, Ib. 1705, 12mo. The World's Survey ; or, the famous Voyagesof Vincent le Blanc. From the French . London, 1660, fol. - In French ; Paris, 1660, fol. Le Voyageur curieux qui fait le Tour du Monde. Ib . 1664, 4to. P.S. Cubero, Peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del Mundo. Zaragoza, 1688 , fol. Itinera Mundi fic dicta, nempe Coſmographia, autore A.Periſtot, cum notis Th. Hyde. Oxford, 1690, 1999 , 4to. G. F.G. Carrei, Giro delMundo. Naples, 1699, 7 vol. 8vo.-In French , 1719, 6 vol. E. Cooke, Voyage to the South Sea and round the World, in 1708—1711 . London, Dampier's New Voyage round the World . London, 1711 , 8v0. -In French , with thoſe of Wafer and Wood ; Paris, 1701,1705, 4 vol . 12mo.- 1b . with the ſame, and thoſe of Cowley, Robert, and Sharp, 1711 , 1712, 5 vol. 12mo. Voyage round the World, by G.Shelvocke. London, 1719, 1726, 1757, 8vo. Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde par le Gentil (la Barbinais ). Paris, 1727, 3 vol. 8vo. Voyage round the world by W. Ralegh. London, 1728 , 8vo. Voyage, &c. by Wood-Rodgers. London, 1722, 8vo . Voyage, I 2mo. 1712, 8vo. I OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 253 Voyage, &c. by George Lord Anſon. Ib. 1746, 4to . A. Belek, Voyage round the World . (In German .) Magdeburg, 1755, 4to. Voyage and Cruiſes of Commodore Walker, &c. London, 1760, 2 vol, 12mo. Voyage round the World, a Deſcription of the Straits of Magellan , &c. Ib. 1767, 1768, fig. Voyage autour du Monde par Bougainville. Paris, 1772, 2 vol. 8vo. —Engliſh ; London , 1772, 4to . Hiſtorical Account of all the Voyages ronnd the Woald . London , 1775, 4 vol. 8vo. Voyage autour du Monde et vers le deux Poles, par M. de Pagès. Paris, 1782, 2 vol.; Ib. 1797, 3 vol. 8vo. — In Engliſh ; London, 1771 , 3 vol. 8vo. This is ſuſpected to be a forged account of avoyage never performed. Hasukeſworth's Account of the Voyages of Byron, Wallis, Čarteret, and Cook . Lon . don, 1773 , 3 vol. 4to. Voyage toward the South Pole, by J. Cook , in 1772,1773 . London, 1777 , 2 vol. 4to. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, by Capt. Cook, in 1776—1780. IbIb.. 1782,, 33 vol. 4to. The firſt Voyage, by Forſter. Ib. 1777, 4to. Obſervations on this Voyage ; by the ſame. Ib. 1778, 4to. Authentic Narrative of a Voyage by Capt. Cook in 1776-1780. Ib. 1782, 8vo. Zimmermann's Voyage round the World with Captain Cook. ( In German .) Gottingen, 1781 , 8vo. Journal of a Voyage to the South Sea by S. Parkinſon. London, 1775, 1784, 4to. Voyage round the World by Dixon . Ib. 1789, 4to. Voyage, & c. by Portlook. Ib. 1789, 4to. G. Hamilton's Voyage in the Pandora. Ib. 1793, 8vo. Voyage de la Peyrouſe autour du Monde ; par Milet-Mureau. Paris, 1797, 2 vol. 4to. Voyage à la Recherche de la Peyrouſe par Labillardière. Ib. an vüi. 4to. , and atlas fol . Voyage autour du Monde par E. Marchand. Ib . an vii. 3 vol. 4to. Vancouver's Voyage round theWorld in 1790-1795. London, 3 vol. 4to . Turnbull's Voyage round the World. London, 4to. COL 254 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. I. In Latin . Novus Orbis Regionum et Inſularum veteribus incognitarum . Baſil, 1532 ; Ib. 1535 ; Paris, 1582 , fol. The chief articles are the Voyages ofCadamoſto, Colon, Penzoni, Veſpucci, Aliar, Louis, Marco Polo, Haiton , &c. Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam orientalem et occidentalem XXV partibus 'com prehenſæ ; opus illuſtratum figuris Fratrum de Bry et Meriani ; Americæ partes 13 , İndiæ orientalis 12. Frankfort, 1590, 1634 , 7 or 9 vol. fol. When this collection is complete, and of the firſt edition , it is of great value. The copy of the Cardinal Lomenie was fold to Sweden for about 6000 livres. It is generally named Les Grands et Petits Voyages, the former in America, the latter in Aſia. A Memoir on this work, byCamus, was publiſhed at Paris, 1802, 4to. Premier Livre de la Navigation aux Indes orientales par les Hollandais, 1609. Le ſecond livre, Amſterdam , 1609 . Deſcription de trois Voyages de Ver. Ib . 1609. Deſcription du Recit hiſtorial du Royaume d'Or de Gorée. Ib. 1605. Recueil de Voyages par Barley. Amſterdam , 1621 , fol. II . In Italian . Navigazioni e Viaggi raccolti da Ramufio. Venice, 1565 ; Ib. 1683 ; Ib. 1588 ; aug mented, Ib. 3 vol. fol. The beſt copy of this work is made up by vol. 1. of the edition of 1588, 2d of 1583 , the 3d of 1565, and the Supplement of 1606. Il Genio vagante, Biblioteca curioſa , &c. Parma, 1693 , 5 vol. 12mo. Differtation on ſome little -known Venetian Voyages ; by Morelli. Venice, 1804, fol., Contains an account of the travels of Paolo Treviſano, Bembo , Brocardi, Soderini, &c. III . In Engliſh Navigations, Voyages, &c. by Hakluyt. London, 1599, 1600, 3 vol . fol. Purchas's Pilgrims. London, 1625 , 4 vol. fol. Thecredulity of Purchas renders his work of comparatively little value. Collection of Travels in the Eaſt ; by J. Rey. London, 1693 , 4 vol . 4to. Aſtley's Collection . London, 4 vol. 4to. Collection of Voyages, &c. Ib. 1707, 7 vol . 8vo. Miſcellanies, containing a Collection of Travels. Ib . 1707, 3 vol. 8vo. Steevens's Collection . London, 1711 , 2 vol. 4to. Churchill's Collection. London, 1732 , 8 vol. fol. 4 Nay. OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 255 1745, 2 vol. fol. Navigantium Bibliotheca ; by Harris. 16. 1744, 2 vol . fol. Collection from the Library of the Earl of **** . The World Diſplayed. Newbury, 6 vol. 12mo. A New Collection of Voyages. 1767, 2 vol. 8vo. Cavendiſh's Collection . 1768, fol, Modern Traveller. 1777, 6 vol. 8vo. Carver's New Traveller. 1779, fol. Derrick's Collection . 1779, 2 vol. 12mo. IV. In other Languages. In German ; the Collections of Bachemer, 1508 , fol.; Hulſius, 1599 ; thoſe of Frank fort, 1749, 1781 , 34 vol. ; Gottingen, 1750 ; Berlin, 1763, & c. & c . - In Daniſh ; Copenhagen , 1790, 12 vol. ; Ib . 1798 , 4 vol. - In Swediſh ; that of Redman, 1786. — In Dutch ; Godefroi, 1907, 30 vol. — In Spaniſh ; Madrid, 1800, 8vo. Relation deVoyages par Thevenot. Paris, 1663 , 1672 , fol.; Ib. 1681 , 1678 . A ſcarce work . Recueil des Voyages par Conſtantin. Amſterdam , 1703 , 5 vol. 8vo. - Voyages du Nord par Bernard. Ib. 1731 , 10 vol. izmo. Lettres edifiantes. Venice, 1753 , 34 vol. 12mo. Memoires des Miſſions dans le Levant. Paris, 1717, 9 vol. Miſſions orientales. Paris, 1789, 12mo. INDEX. | I N D E X. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGI V. A4tiver V. ii. ii . ii . > 688.711 X. xv. IIO 3 9 9 iii. iv. vi . iv. iv, > 523 698 767 7958 ibid . 20 30 40.414 133 221 223 247 416 417 422 458 459 461 480 482 484 840 137 649 657 687 702 740 965 iii . A river ſources of it valley Aagotas, the rein -deer girt Aar river Aar-horn , mountain Aaron's golden calf Ababde Arabs Abacete, town, manufactures Abanah river Abas, Shah, ſee Shah Abas. Abafcia kingdom Abafina, Hamilton's deſcription Abb city Abba, the Arab dreſs Abbaye village Abbergatti, Marcheſe Abbés of Cologne Abbeville, Young's account of clothsof effects of the treaty of commerce in - , manufactures Abbey St. Lawrence meeting of Ruffians and Dutch at Abbey, Weſtminſter Abingdon Eveſham Tintern Cirencefter Bath , Glaffenbury Taviitock Milton Netley Waverley St. Mary at Leiceſter Woburn St. Albans Kirkſtall , at Studley Park Joreval Coverham VOL. XVII. > 736 Abbey, Weſtminſter, Moritz's ac . 753 count 757 Quarr 407 Scilly St. Mary's, of Rufhen 877 Crowland 399 Swineſhead Alnwick 598 Holy -Rood 514 Scone Kinloſs 165 Newby 272 Lincluden 60 Paiſley 16 Lindores 811 Balmerino 277 Aberbrothic 271 Dumfermline 83 Culroſo 357-360 Cambus- Kenneth Melros 365 -, Dryburgh 367 Kello 119 Mucruſs St. Germains ib . St. Gallen 78 Einfidlin 199 Konigsfielden 204 , Bellelay 228 Engelberg 240 Dilentis 250 Abbey -yard ſanctuary of Weft 257 minſter 285 Abbots in Ruſſia 298 -, public worksperformed by 305 of Scilly 314 Leicefter 364 Jona 456 Paris 460 - , Engelberg 419 Abbot's account of the Virginian 424 colony 426 Abbot's Mount in Jona 477 Abbotts, Jeffery , Virginia [ A] iv. iv . i . iii . iii . iii . iii . iv . 9 V. i. ii. ii . ii. 9 * ii . ü . i . ii . ii . ii. üi . iii . iv. 77 37 260 767 364 6566 741 ii. ii . xiii . 302 109 Abcas [ 2] INDEX. PAGE 12. 19 XV . XV . XV. XV. 478 XV. - XV. 2 XV. XV. > 316 659 XV. XV. X. I 22 XV. XV. XV. X. XV. 59 - XV. XV. VOL. PAGE VOL. Abcas deſcribed ix . 142 Ablutions of the Mindaneſe xi. Abdula Chan , account of him viii. 16. 19. 21 of the Javaneſe xi. 171 Abdalla Pacha X. 134 of the Batavians iv. 194 Abdallah Khan , hiſtory ix . 351. 384 of the Moors 420.454 ABD ALLATIF's relation reſpect Abo, Fortia's deſcription vi. 555 ing Egypt 802 caſtle vi. ibid . deſcription of cathedral ibid . the dreadful famine in Egypt xvi . 717 univerſity ibid . Abdelkerim, anecdotes of him 489 Sweabourg 556 Abdelmelech Ammaree flotilla vi. 557 Abdelmelech , Prince Muley 487 itinerary from , to the fron Abdelmoumen , Seedy 514 tiers of Sweden vi. 564 Abd-el-rachman -el-raſchid, Sultan xv. 121. 126. 147 obſervations on vi. 568 Abd -el -rachman, Faquir 134 Aboary village , Guinea xvi. 347 Abdelwahad, Alcayde 447 Aboci, fiſh of Guinea xvi . 450 Abdication of Queen Chriſtina vi . 486 Abocroe land xvi. 344 Peter III . vi . 779 Abolition of tithe diſcuſſed iv. 637 Abdolaziz Khan, anecdotes of him ix . 366 Aboma, ſerpent of Brazil xvi. 205 -, hiſtory ix . 385 Singa xvi . 314 Abdul Gafour, his immenſe wealth vili . Loango xvi . 559 Abdulkader, anecdotes of his war Senegal xvi . with Damel xvi . 904 Abona Gregorios 93 Abd- ul-Wahheb, his eſtabliſhment Abona Marcos 81 of a new religion Abotkna 74 Abdul Zadthab Djalalædeen xi. 225 Abou-girge town 223. 272 Abd Urrab, Schiech, hiſtory of his Aboukir, Pococke's deſcription 172 adventures 104 Aboufir town xv. 181. 273.400 Abdurraheem Khan , his tomb near Aboutig town 226 Shiraz ix . 249 Aboyone caſtle iii . Abead, Abyſſinia 74 Abra town 72 Abedullah , account of him ix . 303 Abraham's ſacrifice celebrated in Abellionte town 715 Perſia ix. 36. 83. 255 Abel's tomb 373. 497 meeting the four kings, Abenaki Indians xiii. 345.632 ſcene of 510 Abendberg mountain 875 Abraham's anchoring -place Aberbrothic town 421 Abrolhos iſand 824 Abercorn village, Georgia xii . 468 Abrollos of Frederic Houtman xi. Abercorn's, Earl of, burial-place iii . 246 Abruzzeſe, Dr. Comi 18 Aberdeen, Pennant's deſcription of ini . 60 Abſalom's pillar 422 Old 62 Abſaria tiſh of Egypt 837 Aberdour town iii . 454 Abſentees of Germany vi. 16 Abereiron ii . 605 Abſhur river ix. 115 Abergavenny, Skrine's deſcription of ii. 585 Abſolutions in Japan vii. Aberglaſsllyn, Pont ii . 630 in Laos ix . 766 Aberlemni, curious ſtones at 436 of the Greek church 279 Abernethy village 442 anecdotes 381 Picts at iii. 443 Abſtinences of monks iv . 7 Aberyſtwyth town ii . 605 Abſtract from the Iceland land caſtle ii. ib . book i. 639 Abe- Tecky, King of Commany xvi. 353 Abſtract of Cook's voyages xi. 498—738 Abexin the Moor, anecdotes of xvi. 680 Abſulem , Prince Múley, Lem Abgarus, King of Edeſſa 534 priere's introduction to him 716 ix . 77 character and perſon 723 Abila of Lyfanias public entry at Morocco 757. 760 Abingdon town ii . 198 Abu Abrahima, King of Tombuctoo xvi. 851 abbey ii . 199 Abu Arifch principality 96 Ablana monaſtery xvi. 190 Abugafar illand Abli-calik , Sultan XV. 159 Abu- Harras, Browne's deſcription xvi. 827 Ablutions of the Bramins ix . 412 Abulfeda, Pococke's account of of the Arabs 161 him of the Hindoos 219 Abu'lgayir Khan ix. 9 Abu'lghazi X. X. V. XV. 102 iii . xi. 428 X. > XV. - 740 X. X. XV. Abher city XV. X. 498 XV. X. XY. 102 521 338 S [3] INDEX VOL. PAGE VOL. is . - 821 822 823 xiii. X. 85 - YY. X. xiii. 29. 62. xiii. iii. PAGE Abu'lghazi Khan's hiſtory of Academies in Arabia 165 Karaſm 324 of Philadelphia xüi. 391 hiftory of the Academy of Peterſburgh, efta Turkmans ix . 329 bliſhed by Catharine II. vi. 811 hiſtory of the of Sciences, Imperial, in Ufbeck Khans of Karaſm ix. 334 Ruſſia Abu'lghazi Soltan, anecdotes of its tranſactions vi. him ix . 358. 361 profeflors hiſtory of his library vi. ibid . life and reign ix. 363 muſeum 824 Abu'l Soltan , ftory of him ix. 347 of arts vi . 832 Abundi, people of Congo xvi. 245 of Zebid 39 Aburena bay xii. 131 Acadia, Lahontan's deſcription 344 Abu Schæhhr principality 127 ſee Nova Scotia. Abu Semmîn people xvi, 834 Acajou, fruit of Siam ix . 609 Abu Shehr, ſea -port of ix. 237 Acaju, fruit of Brazil xiv. 866 Abuſes in the government of Acamy town 381 France iv. 421 Acanny, Guinea, gold trade xvi. 371 in the government of Ve Acapulco trade to the Philippines xi . nice iv. 621 Acbaſh 736 in the Dutch government Accaba, paſs in Algiers 544 of Amboyna xi, 273 Accapareur, ſee Monopolizer. in the government of Ca Accho, ancient city ( ſee Acra ) 332.364 nada 368 Accomack Indians xiii . ABU ZEID AL Hasan, his diſ Accomacke, New England, xiii . 219 courſe concerning the voyages Accominticus harbour 218 to India and China vii . 198 Accommodations in the Japaneſe obſerva ions vii . 795 tions on vii . 225 Accompliſhments of Crichton 138 Abydos ix . 9. X. 232. 703 Accomptants, Dutch, in Guinea Xvi. 379 Abydus, the ancient 233. 269 Acconnatter Cape 531 Abylene 453 Account of forty -two perſons . Abyſſes of the Alps iv. 696 wrecked near Spitzbergen i , 537 Abyffinia, Lobo's voyage to Account of Japan by Caron vii. 607–641 deſcription Account of the Eaſt Indies, Ha. Poncet's journey to 61 milton's viii. 258 Abyflinian invaſion of Arabia 83 Accounts, Ruſſian mode of keeping vi. 818 Abyſſinians, Lobo's deſcription of Account -tables of the Banjareens xi. 141 them Accoutrements neceſſary for going Poncet's account 85 voyages of diſcovery xiii. 323 Acacia of Sennar 68 Aceldama 357. 424 of Egypt 220.335 Achaia 762 Acacron the prophet vii . 90 Acham , Rajal of, wars of Emir Academies, Engliſh ii . Jemba with viii. I 22 of Paris iv. 25. 139 Acharaca 673 of ſciences at Metz iv . 192 Achard on garnets 197 of Lombardy iv . 626 AchbaluchMangi, province vii. 140 of fine arts at Madrid 381 Acheen, Hamilton's account of viii. 443 of the Spaniſh language Achem , kingdom , deſcribed ix . 759 at Madrid 386 Acherbi, the Tatar ambaſſador ix. 370 of hiſtory ditto 387 Achefſan, floating iſland near ii. 371 at Saragoſſa 549 Achiavel, Bernier's deſcription viii. 216 public , at Geneva 884 Achicha uſed by the Moors 768 at Haldenſtein 953 Achilles, his fepulchre at Ilium 705 of Vienna 127 Achjal, Arabian bird 187 of Berlin vi. 199 Achined ben Sajid , Imam X, 118 of land cadets in Denmark vi. 311 Achmed ibn Muſa, the faint 35 of marine cadets vi , 313 Acho, King of Norway ii. 170 of ſciences in Copenhagen vi. 314 Achupalla plant xiv. 531 of Stockholm vi, 402 Achzib, ſee Zeb . [ A 2] Acid, XV. XV . - X. XV. I XV. 20 XV. XV. 22 XV. XV. X. XV. X. 516 x. V. V. xv. X. vi . Å [4] INDEX. VOL. VOL. PAGE v. V. VIII . 368 XV . 506 164 381 756 X. X. city deſcribed XV. X. X. PAGE Acid, carbonic 42 Adams's tranſlation of Ulloa’sVoyage Acids, uſe of, in fattening cattle iv. 480 to South America xiv. 313 - decompoſition effected by 145 Adamant, its fingular properties i . 199 > gelatineferous effect on ftones v. 208 Adanson's Voyage to Senegal xvi. 598-674 Ackeo town ix. 458 Adda canal 972 Ackeſon, General, anecdote of his Adda Rajah troops vi. 483 his dominions viii . 370 Ackland, Sir Thomas ii . 263 Adda river iv. 246. v.912.933 Acociſco mountain xiii. 219 Adderbolts of Barbary 632 Acoda, Brandenburghers at xvi. 343 Adderbury ii . 346 Acohanock river xiii . 29 Adder - ſtone iii. 323 Aconbury hill ii . 219 ADDISON's Account of Weſt-Barbary xv. 403 Aconcagua river, Chili xiv. 53 Addreſs of General Pecklin to the juriſdiction xiv. 682 King of Sweden vi. Acorns, food made of Virginian xii.600. xiii . 13.29. of Captain Smith to the Acofta, Ferdinand, anecdotes of him is . 796 commiffioners for Virginia xiii . on the origin of the Americans xiv . 107 Adelfers, gold mine vi. Acquintanackſuah Indians xiii. 27 Adelfiord bay i . Acra city deſcribed 332 Adelfors, zeolite of i . 726 plain 332.364 Adelphi buildings ii . 495 mount, Pococke's deſcription 415 Aden province vii. 165 Acra, Guinea, forts at xvi. 367.471 Aden, Hamilton's account viii. 277. 282 Acrathos promontory 739 Turkiſh expedition from viii . ibid . Acre, Pococke's deſcription 445 Aden principality X. 94 Acres of land in the Scilly Iſlands ii . 729 X. ibid . in France iv. 301 Aderbeitzan province ix . 174 in Great Britain iv. 302 Aderfugle, the bird i. 423. 427 Acridophagi 634 Ades, the ancient XV. 566 Acron conntry, Guinea xvi. 364 Adeſcheins, baronefs d' xvi . 795 Acropolis 750 Adgerud caſtle 4 Ad , the public, at Oxford ii. 109 Adherbeigian province ix . 80 Acta Eruditorum of Saxony vi. 159 Adhothuys fiſh xii . 645 A&ion , Raleigh's report of a Spaniſh Adicota rock 53 ( ſee Battles) i . 825 Adige river 911 Actors, Spaniſh 527 Adja village, Guinea xvi . 363 of Stockholm vi. 399 Adjectives of the Cacongo language xvi. 591 Siameſe ix. 434.597 Adje -dee river 554 -, Tonquineſe ix . 672.725. Adjeroute 275 at Havanna xiii . 760 Adjia village 383 Actreſſes, Auſtrian vi. 91 Admirable Crichton, his hiſtory 137 Acts of parliament on the ſugar Admirals of Spain 453 colonies 334 Admiralty bay, New Zealand xi. 540 Aculco lake, Chili xiv. 55.67 Admiralty, court of Engliſh ii . 135 Acunna on the river Amazons of Ruſlia vi. 865 - on the Manoas xiv. 238 Admiralty ille i . 82. 118 Ada, queen 672 Admiralty wharf of Batavia 176 Ada, the idol ix. 412 Adolphus Frederic of Sweden, hif Adages in Lapland i . 378 vi. 492 Adale river i . 351 Adomefe land, Guinea xvi. 348 Adam , biſhop iii . 809 Adonis river 322. 482 boiled and ſeethed iii . ibid . Adooa province Adam created in Ceylon viii. 388 Adoption, cuſtom of, in Tonquin Adam and Eve of the Japaneſe vii . 680.713 Adoration of the Grand Lama vii. 559 Adam's fepulchre 164 of the Banians viii . Adam's bridge 543 viii . 384 of Captain Cook in Owhy Adamah, El, of the Perſees viii . 558 hee Adamanai iſland xii. 75 Adouar of the Moors of Senegal xvi. 614 Adams, Mr. 422 Adouw country, Guinea xvi . 546 Adams's, Clement, account of the Adramyttium bay 634 diſcovery of Moſcovy i . 23 Adrian, ruins of the city 754 Adrian XV. v. XV. XV . X. 111 . xii . xiv . 154. 232 XI . tory of XV. 96 ix . 668. 723 xii . 700.702 vi. X. INDE X. [5] VOL. PAGE VOL . xii, 118 XV. Xvi . X. IO XV, ii. viii. 1 I > V. X. XV. XV. X. nea, X. 736 9 PAGL Adrian de Moxica Adventures of Dr. Shaw in Barbary xv. 504 Adrianople, Blount's deſcription of 230 of fome Engliſh Cap Bell's account of vii . 514 tives in Morocco 759 road from Conftanti ofCarli in Congo 174 nople to, 732 Grafle xvi. 192 -, deſcription of 733 ftrange, of Andrew Adrian's wall , iii . 490 Battel xvi. 317-336 Adriatic , on its navigation 271 of Baron d'Aladar de Adrican's, M., embafly to Aureng Benyowſki xvi. 779–794 Zebe viii. of Mungo Park xvi. 842.847.862. et seq. Adrumetun, the ancient , 578 Advirtiſement to Pennant's Second Adſmere, Sir Thomas Roe's de Tour in Scotland 171 fcription 6 to Spallanzani's travels v . Aduca, his duties viii . 647 to Bourgoanne's tra Adulterers fingularly viſited in Shet vels in Spain 298 land 794 to Rieſbeck's travels Adultery, puniſhments for, in the Iſles iii . 551 through Germany vi . in Korea vii . 539 to Nieuhoff's voy , in Japan vii . 625 ages and travels into Brazil xiv . 697 anecdote of a dreadful to A danſon's voyage puniſhment for vii . ibid . to Senegal xvi , 600 in China viii. 505 Advocate's library, Edinburgh iii . 29 Tonquineſe puniſhment ix . 670, 722 Ægagrus, account of the 795 Cochin - Chineſe puniſhment ix . 792 Ægates iDands 767 Virginian puniſhment xiii . 43 Ægea, the ancient 584 Abyflinian puniſhment 25 Ægeland i . I 2 its puniſhment in Bar Ægimurus illand 567 bary XV. 426. 453.678 Ægira 761 , puniſhment for, in Gui Ægium of Achaia 762 xvi. 420.422.480 Ægos in Benin xvi. 525 Ægypti, Diſſertatio de Geographiâ xv. 395 puniſhed with ſlavery in Alian on the crocodile 261 Africa xvi . 885 Æſepus river 711 Advantages of England ii . 156 Æthalia, the ancient Adventure bay, Peron's deſcription xi. 889 Æthiopia, Lobo on, ( ſee Ethiopia ) xv. Adventure, Cook's voyage with the Affholteren village 678 ſhip xi. 564 Affry, Count d' 812 Adventure iſland xi. 579 Afghaniſtan, deſarts of ix . 282 Adventurers for Virginia, alpha Afghans, their rebellion vii . 485 betical liſt of xiii. 130 – 139 Afghans, deſcribed ix . 294 the Bermudas 190 military tactics ix . 297 Adventures of the Dutch in Icy Afghan Seid, anecdotes of one ix. 290 Harbour 1. 103–114 Afnou, Africa 159 of a pedeſtrian in England ii . 533 Afocri, King, his wars xvi. 474 of Don Pablo Olavide of the Czar ſuppoſed - , Thunberg's travels in Sou to be Demetrius vi. 626.741 thern xvi . 1.75 of Captain St. John's etymology of the word xvi. xii. 283 Santos' account of xvi . ibid . of an Indian warrior xii . 369 Browne's journies in the in of Captain Smith in terior of xvi. 827 America xiii . 52–87. 101 Mungo Park's travels in xvi . 839 of Andrew Hilliard 184 Africa, town in Tunis 582 of Richard Sanders 186 African company, royal , of London ii . 98. xi . 455 of De Menonville xili . French iv. 343. xv. 542 of Madame Godin xiv. 262 - , Engliſh, gold trade of the aſtronomers on of Guinea xvi. 375 the Andes xiv. 425 Africans in Mexico xiii . 845 of Don Chriſtopher Afita, forges at i . 329 Gama 32 Afton Downs ü . 668 of Father Jerome Lobo xv. 54 Afuera iſland, Juan Fernandes xiv. 658. 660 of Browne in Dar- Fur 114 Aga Ali and his family ix. 292 JI Aga XV. X. 76622 V. xiii. XV. v. 409 Africa XV. 677 crew S X111 , XV, xiii. 792. 848 xv. XV. [6] INDEX. PAGE Xv. 581 XV. 96 1. IOI 111 V. 604 XV. X. XV. XV. 825 176 829 586 839 856 X. iv. X. iv. VOL . VOL. PAGL Aga Mahomed Khan ix . 316 Agriculture of Angherman i . 350 Agabus's prophecy 452 of Alehle i . 355 Agader Aguer, fee Santa Cruz. of Iceland i . 651 Agar ruins, Tunis of the Scilly iſles ii . 736 Agara village viii . 646 of Douglaſs ii . 793 Agaric of Madagaſcar xvi . 739 of the Scotch borders 24 Agas of the Janizaries 305 of Inverneſs iii . Agate of Iceland 690 of Lochaber analyzed i. 724 round Falkirk iii . 115 in Rum ille 313 of Carliſle 119 of Iceland 178 of Murrayſhire 111 . 128 of Cambay viii. 314 of Arran 260 of Siam ix . of Cantyre iii . 269 Agathodaimon's fepulchre 805 of Ila 287 Agathon 582 of Oranſay iii . 292 Agathon trading place, Benin xvi. 520 of Colinſay ibid . Agaunum, the ancient 771 of Jona 294 Agaus, Abyffinia 23 of Skie 328 Agaus people 41 of Urie 430 Agde town xvi . 192 round Belfaſt Age, Laplanders know not their own i. round Kingſton -, reverenced in Siam ix . round Limerick iii . 832 - , reverence of the Cochin . round Cork iii . 838 Chineſe for it ix . 785 round Nedeen Agemoglans of Turkey 246 -round Bally canvan iii . Agen town 124 of Queen's County 863 fail -cloth manufacture iv. 374 , export of the produce Ager Damaſcenus 370 of French iv. 348 Aggar town vij . 293 French code of 333 Aggerhuus caſtle vi. 365 influence of manufac. Agnies Indians xiii . tures on iv. 393 Agnano lake its effects in Piedmont iv. 395 ftoves of in the Milaneſe iv, 396 - , once a volcanic crater 43 on the beſt means of tenches and frogs ibid. promoting iv. ibid . Agona of Canada xii . 666 effects of the French Agonna country , Guinea xvi . 365 revolution on iv. 425 Agouhanna of Canada xii . 645.662 its ſtate in France in Agouionda Indians 654 1792 iv. 434 Agra, Grueber's travels through on inveſting property in iv. 439 Tibet to vii . 593 of Lombardy iv. 549 Sir Thomas Roe's account of viii . 45 on the Tuſcan iv. 648 , battles of Aureng -Zebe in viii. 73 iv. 654 Bernier's deſcription of viii . 168 -, encouragementand de. , chriſtianity in viii . 170 preſſion in Italy iv. 618 mauſoleums at viii. 171 in Biſcay 306 road from , to Saferon viii . 244 in Spain , effects of the Fitch's account of 419 treaty of Balle on Agrachan bay vii . 489 obſervations on , in Spain v. 586 Agrarian ſociety at Turin iv. 237 in the Valteline 935 Agreeable Surpriſe, the ii . 514 , impolicy of limiting Moritz's ac commerce for 971 count of ii . ibid . of Suabia II . 20. Agreements of the Dutch Weſt of Conſtance vi . 16 India Company xiv . 739 of Bavaria vi. 32. 39. Agricola’s expeditions into Scotland iii . 408 of Saltzburg wall iii . 490 of the Valeof the Da. Agriculture of Nordland i . 341 nube vi. 60 of Gheftrikeland i . 343 in Hungary vi. 104. III of Helſingheland i . 344 in Auſtria 120 of Medelpad 350 in the Tyrol ri. 121 Agriculture 276 36 V. 38 9 > V. - sii. in Spain ix . V. 431 V. vi . vi. 46 vi . INDEX. [ 7] PAGE PAGI xvi. 550. 574 vi. 9 X. V. V. ix . 716 9 X. 202 X. X. VOL . VOL. Agriculture in Saxony vi. 144. 155 Agriculture in Annabon iſland xvi . 514 of Pruſſia vi . 179 in Benin xvi . 532 improvements in Pruffia vi . 181-185 in Loango, Cacongo, round Hamburg vi . 213 &c. round Darmſtadt 248 in Senegal xvi. 656 of Pruffian Weſtphalia vi. 279 in Madagaſcar xvi . 739: 799 remarks on German vi. 290 at Wafliboo xvi. 840 in Sleſwick vi . 344 at Kirwani xvi. 907 in Norway vi . 359 Agriculture, Royal Society of, in Courland vi. 722 Paris iv. 140. 170 regulation of Kublai Society of, at Milan iv. 240 Khan for vii . 137 Society for the pro of Perſia vii. 307 motion of, in Peterſburgh vi . 833 in Japan vii . 684.696 Agrigentum 769 near Madras viii . 574 Agua Azul of Valencia 602 on the Ghats viii . 586 Aguacate fruit of Quito xiv . 458 in Myſore viii . 589 Aguada of Goa viii . 355 about Wiridy viii . 593 Aguadas, floating iſlands xii . 14 along the Cavery viii . 597 Aguarama river xiv. 870 near Seringapatam viii . 608.610 Aguero, Diego d’ xiv. 160 near Colar viii . 650.656 Agues on the coaſt of Catalonia 614 near Bhidi-caray viii . 671 of New York xui, 454 in Perſia 178 of America xiii . 493 in the Birman Empire ix . 465.469.479 cures for xiii . 495 in Siam ix . 581 Aguillon town iv. 124 in Tonquin ix . chateau d' iv. ibid . in Arabia 174. 184 Aguira, Lopez d' xii. in Mount Libanus 289 his barbarities xii. ibid . of Paleſtine 338 Aguiré’s navigation of the river of Cyprus 590 Amazons xiv. 213 in Java xi . 173 Aguirre, Captain Francis de 189 in the Friendly Illes xi. 6,5 Aguja cape xiv. in New South Wales xi . 919 A hercui village 734 in Carolina xii. 344 Ahio of Otaheite xi . 512 in Virginia xii. 596 Ahmed Bey's feaſt ix . 19 in Canada xii . 656 Ahmed Shah ix . 297 in Virginia xiii. 32 Ahtareen town 529 in Penſylvania xiii . 410.422 Ahumud Ibn Mouſa's tomb in in America xiii . 430.436.487.564.580 Shiraz ix . 244 in Canada xiii . 609.651.667.681.694 Ai , animal of Brazil xiv. 717 in Virginia xii. 711 Aiaſolouk , near Epheſus x. 656.661 in Penſylvania xiii . 729 Aid de Cabier, feait in Morocco 774. 778 in Guaxaca xiii . 806 Aide, Frobiſher's voyage in the ſhip xii. 494: 514 in Spaniſh America xiv. 299 Aigle town, 809 of Quito xiv . 456. 467 laburnum of ibid . in Lima xiv. ſalt - works 810 in Brazil xiv. 864 Aigle blanc in Dar- Fur xv. 138. 149 Aiguille de la Tour iv . in Exypt 335 Aiguille du Gouté mountain iv. in Weſt Barbary xv. 405.406 Aiguille du Midi mountain iv. 707 in Algiers and Tunis 598 Aiguillon , mulberries of 462 of theArabs in Morocco xv. 693 Ailath XV. 296 in Morocco 706 Ailekes- Olmak, the Lapland god i . 458 at the Cape of Good Aileſbury town ii . 187 Hope xvi. 12. 14.41 . 54 Aileweſton , hot ſprings at 153 in Sogno, Congo xvi. 246 Ailla caſtle iii . 267 in Angola xvi. 297 Ailſa Crag ji. 267 in Acron, Guinea xvi . 364 Ainad town 115 on the Gold Coaſt ji xvi. 458 Aine Dize Xv. 110 in Fida xvi. 479 Aingharanregion vii. 580 in Rio de Gabon xvi. 510 Ainhour village 496 Ain. xiv. 558 X. X. XV. V. 598 V. 873 694 xv. 680. 683 xv . XV. X. [8 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE - V. 9 jii . iv . 248 V. 358 V. 38 5 V, xv. X. 111 I22 ix . VOL. Ain -ou -heide fountain XV . 548 Aladar de Benyowſki, Baron d' , his Ain- Shems, antiquities at xv. 807. 827 life and adventures xvi. 779—794 Ainſley, Mr. R. xvi . 911 Aladar iſland xvi . 782 Aio mountain xii. 209 Alagoa, Brazil xiv . 707 Aipimakaxera root xiv. 860 Alameda near Cadiz 570 Aipy liquor xiv. 869 Alameda of Offuna 595 Air , experiments on i . 314 Aland iſland 154 its properties with fire 914 -, Fortia's deſcription of vi . 554 of Paris 71 Aland, peace of vii . 432. 485 Morveau's experiments on iv. 205 Alang point --, its ſtate on the top of Mont Alarge, Count Campo Blanc iv. 691. 702 Alani deſcribed by Rubruquis vii . 89 Mont Perdu iv . 715 Alania mountains, travels of Ru . on the origin of fixed bruquis , by them vii. 89 ftate of, on Mount Etna 82 Alans of Tartary vii . 37 on rarefied ibid . extent of their Sauſſure on ibid . country vii. 38. 44 - in the crater of Stromboli 109 Alarbes of Barbary xv. 408. xvi . 825 ſtate of, on the top of Mont- Blanc v. 789 Alata, ſize of the Nile in 43 of Perſia ix . 176 Alatamaha river xii. 454. 468 of the Dead Sea 434 Alaudin King of Delee, ſtory of him viii . 549 ſtate of, on the Cordilleras xiv . 47 Alaufi, Quito xiv . 473. 475 remarks on it in Peru xiv. 281 Alava province 304 of Quito xiv. 287 Albaaquilla, plant of Chili xiv . 39 -on the Andes xiv. 288 Albacores on the coaſt of Chili xiv . 75 Aird, hiſtory of a cottar at iii . 890 Albama Fort xii. 452 Airden -capel 250 Alban-hall , Oxford ii . Aire river ii . 37. 170 Albania 46 Airé, price of proviſions at iv. 123 Albanians, American, Kalm's de Airly family iii . 432 fcription of them xiii. 587 Airolo burgh 986 Albany, America xii. 351 Airth , Earl of iii . Kalm's voyage from New Aiſlabic, Mr. ii. 424 York to 575 Ait , fountain of pitch near ix . 407 town deſcribed xiii . 584 Aiti iſland xii. 82 , journey to Canada from Aix, Young's account of iv. 223 Albany river, Hudſon's bay xii. 364 vines of 455 Albany ſtreet, New Brunſwick xili . 450 filk culture iv. 468 Albatroffes at the Cape of Good Ai-yac -coute, Algiers 546 Hope xi . 103 Ajalon valley 442 Peron's deſcription of xi . 835.888 Ajalton 480 Albazin fort vii . 387. 477 Ajangi lake i . 288 Albemarle river, Carolina xii. 339 Ajoupa in Van Diemen's land xi . 839 Albemarle , Lord, anecdote of (note) iv. Ajaque fruit of Siam ix. 608 Albenen village, road to 767 Cochin-China ix . 776 Alberg, Baron d' vi . 164 Akalzike fortreſs 149 Alberoni, Cardinal iii . 343. V. 332 Akanſas Indians xiii . 319 Albert's, the Emperor, aſſaſſination v . 687. 734 Akattay Khan , hiſtory ix. 345 Albetrofs point xi . 537 Akay, Prince John 52 Albigeois, feat vi . 165 Akber- abad city viji. 168 Albino, or white negro of Dindikoo xvi. Aki, province of Japan vii . 665 Albion, New, Sir Francis Drake's Akick - fiall mountains i. 361 diſcovery of xii . 172 Akim, gold trade or xvi . 371 - importance of xii . 173 Akim , his intrigues in Commany xvi. 355 Albis village 721 Akkinzinzo fiſh i . 437 Albornooſe dreſs xv. 451.657 Akmim in Egypt xv. 227. 269. 402 Albreda factory on the Gambia xvi . 633 Akoueſſan the interpreter 277 Albufera lake 605 Akſu town vii . 583 Albuquerque, Alphonſo xvi. Alabanda, ancient city 665 Albuquerque, Alvaro Fregoſo d ' xiv. 799 Alabaſter of Quito xiv. 550 Albuquerque, Duke of xi . 292 Alacranes, ſee Scorpions. Alburrough i . 12 Alcabale 376 xiii. 3 xiii. 588 iv . XV. $ X. X. 416 v. ix . XV. 906 x111. 738 X. INDE X. [ 9 ] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE v. XV. 526 XV. V. X. ix . V. 378 XV. 548 ix . XV. XV . XV. 827 xii . XV. XV . V. > great trade vii. > XV . horn to X. 9 XV . 9 XV. X. Alcabale of Spain Alcaddees of Weſt Barbary Alcaides of Morocco Alcala town Alcala de Sibert Alcala la Real xvi . Alcala , ſtreet of Madrid Alcaldes of Spain Alcalib the Moreſco Alcanna dye Alcarobe tree of Barbary Alcaffar city, Fez Alcatraci birds xvi. Alcayde, anecdote of one Alcaydes of Fez and Morocco Alcatrazes, birds , met with by Colon xii . Alcazar of Segovia Toledo Seville Alcazova, Simon of xiv. Alcharob Alchipichi river xiv, Alchymifts of Arabia Alcoran , Blount's account of it carried in ftate to Mecca X. Aldborough bay i . Aldborough town iii . Aldeans of Tonquin ix . Alderate, Captain xiv. Alder chermes of America xiii. trees xiii . Aldermen, court of ii . - , election of ii , Alderſgate, the gate deſcribed ward ii. Alderſhot, manfion at Place , ii . Aldgate, defcription of the gate ii . ward ii . Aldiggery in Dagheitan vii . Aldrovandus on the petrified city Aldus Manutius iii . his account of Crichton Ale of Nottinghamſhire ii . - Engliſh inn -keepers fond of ii . - of Tire-iy Aleah, Al, inſcription at Aleggada of Pekin vii. his entertain ment vii . Alegria town Ale - houſes of London ii . - , Engliſh ii . Alei canton Alekiam , antiquities at Alentis iſlands xvi . Aleppo, Maundrell's journey from to Jeruſalem to to Meſopotamia x. Old, VOL. XVII . 422 Aleppo, Pococke's deſcription of 425 the new city of 755 road to Conftantinople 545 from ( note ) 686 612 Alexander the Great, ſculpture of 188 him, near Perſepolis 272 anecdote of him X. 421 400 his battle 422 with Darius 49 his body in 404 Alexandria 166 462 Alexander the Third of Scotland ii . 208 Alexander, Sir William 279 457 Alexandretta, Dandini's deſcription of x . 301 471 Pococke's deſcription of x. 549 28 Alexandria, deſcribed by Benjamin 322 of Tudela vii. 18 538 ibid . 567 Blount's deſcription of x. 235 150 Pococke's deſcription 459 of x. 708. xv. 164. 168 530 voyage from Leg 173. 199 765 253 antiquities at 808.829 370 deſtruction of the 521 library 831 515 Alexandria on the Potowmac xili. 720 667 Alexandrian games 654 195 -- manuſcript ii. 513 427 Alexey Michaelovitch , tomb and 440 character of vi . 600 71 Alexey Petrovitch , Coxe's hiſtory 74 of vi. 732 42 effects of his 60 bad education vi. 733 320 fear of his father vi . 734 ibid . Alight vi. ibid . 42 death 735 49 Alexiefna, Princeſs Sophia, hiſ 490 fall and impriſonment vi. 139 death Alezai iſland xii. 140 Alfaques in Catalonia 612 14 Alfaquis of Weſt Barbary 418 555 Alferius, ſome account of him i . 66 .660 Alfoereſe, deſcription of them xi. 263 575 Alfoores of Mindanao xi . 381 Alfragranus on the globe IO Alfred's, King, aſylum at Athelney ii. 259 387 Alga marina of Skie iii. 622 in tufa 31 91 Algarrobale tree xiv. 555 565 Algerines, their navy and alliances 678 22 Algefiras town 587 688 Algheri bay, Sardinia xvi . 197 782 Algiers, navy of bombardment of ibid . 305 attacks of Spain on ibid . 381 -, Shaw's deſcription of 509 525 -, city deſcribed XV. 531 [ B ] Algiers, vi. vi. tory of xv. 612 633 639 vi. 643 v. 633 XV. jii . ::::* :* : :** *** XV . IO 308 XV. ix . X. 461 V. X. XV. X. [ 10 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE XV. xiii. 111 . XV. 902 X. XV. XV . 718 16. 21 V. V. XV . xii. II vii . > Ali Bey X. > xvi . 732.735 V. 410 V. 220 111 . V. 221 V. 222 v. VOL . PAGE Algiers, natural hiſtory of 595 Allegory of Juſtice and Peace xiii . 833 Algonkins, ſpecimen of their lan of Columbus diſcovering guage 666 a light xiv. 138 Algonquin Indians xiii . 264. 266 diſcovery of the South Sea xiv . 144 Alhabad ix . 317 Allen , bog of 816 Alhague dreſs 451 Allen , Captain , anecdotes of xii . 364 Alhambra of Granada xvi . 188 Alles Angnes, houſe Alhenna leaves, coſmetic made from 196 Allfer, the bird i . 429 plant of Tunis 584 Alliances between France and Swit powder 640 zerland Alhuta of the Dogbiim vii . 13 of the Griſons with the Swiſs v . 974 Ali, the ſon of Abitalab vii. with France ibid . Ali, Perſian proceſſion in honour of ix . 33 with Venice ibid. Perſians' veneration for ix. 261 with Auſtria v. 975 could converſe in all the of the Algerines 678 languages of the world ix . ibid . Alligators of Korea vii . 531 Aliacus on the world of Java viii . 454 Ali- Baſha 505 mode of fiſhing for ix . 454 134 of America xii . 133 anecdotes of him at Vera Cruz xii. 779 Alicant, trade 407 of the Chagre xiv . 371 ſalt ibid . of the Guayaquil xiv. wines 468 Allison's voyage from Archangel i . 491 Aliconde, tree of Congo xvi . 249. 336 Allmoſen Amt of Zuric 667 Alicuda , Spallanzani's account of Alloa town 460 -, dangerous paffage to , and caſtle ili , ibid. landing at Allowance of proviſions to Della lavas Valle in Perſia ix . 59 wild appearance 224 All Saints Bay, Brazil xvi . 179 - , interior 225 All-Souls College, Oxford ii . 117 ibid. Alma de Maeſtre bird xiv. -, ancient hiſtory 226 Almadin, mines of 495 productions 256 Almaghrurin, hiſtory of xvi . fiſhery 257 Almagro town 561 cuſtoms ibid. Almagro , Don Diego de xiv. 154. 160. 679 - , exernpt from taxes ibid. Almamocas in Weſt Barbary 415 ; poverty and content of Almanack, a live 599 the inhabitants 258 a Perſian is . 226 Aligato bay xij . 621 Almanacks of the Hindoos viii . 632.660 Alima river viii . 729 Almanza, battle of Alinda, the ancient 672 town ibid . Ali- Patrone , anecdotes of vii . 510 Almenara village 611 Ali Soltan , hiſtory ix . 348 Almennegiaa, volcanic cleft of 689 Ali Soltan Khan , hiſtory ix . 381 Almeria , commerce of 468 Aliſon's account of Ava viji , 423 Carli's account of xvi . 189 Ali worſhippers 289 Almeyda’s diſcovery of Madagaſcar xvi. 738 Al Jezeire el Gazie , ſee Algiers. Almond river 411 Alkahol powder 660 Almonds of France iv. 483 Alkanna , fpecies of, in Senegal xvi . 668 of Jidda 24 Alkrington manfion iii . 525 of New Holland Allah -verdi-Kan viii . 90 of the Cape 73 Allamdillah feaſt 4,8 Almoradid, road from Temble que to 560 ALLATIF's , ABD, Relation reſpecting Alms, Mahometan doctrine of 419 Egypt 802 Almuden of the moſque in Barbary xv . ibid . Allauni Arabs 280 Almudia town 548 Allegada of China, negociations of Alnwick town iii . M. de Langewith him vii . caſtle iii . ibid . Allegamba of China, his interview abbey iii . ibid . with M. de Lange vii . 470.479.482 Aloadine, the Old Man of the Allegiance, mode of paying, in Mountains Congo xvi. 241 Aloes of Valencia 603 7 Aloes > crater v . 655 V. V. 823 V. V. XV. 111 . V. v. 598 X. V. V. ix 111 . XV. X. XI . 821 xvi . XV. V. XV. XV. XV. 20 476 vii . 99. 114 INDEX. [ 11 ] PAGE 221 , ܐii X. - 382 758 788 vii . X. . xiii . X. 16 iv. iv . V. V. v 52 V. v. V. 12 VOL . Aloes of Socotra vii . American xiii . -, American, at the Cape xvi . Alonia iſle Aloy, maſter of the ceremonies at Pokin vii , Alp -bach , cataract of Alpes, voyages dans les Alphabet of the Icelandic language i . Sclavonian , its intro duction into Ruſſia vi . Cyrilian vi . in Laſſa of the Birmans ix . of the Arabians of the Cacongo language xvi . Alphabets, Lifter on iv. Alpha Point, Cuba xii . Alpheus river Alphonſe’s voyage to Canada xii . Alphonſo King of Congo xvi. Alps Sauſſure's account of of Glarus as ſeen from Bern the Rhetian the Julian Rielbeck's deſcription of vi. Alrener city ix . Alſace iv. iv. vineyards of iv . cattle horſes iv . culture of beans in iv . cabbages hemp and flax iv, madder poppies, potatoes iv . Racine de Diſette iv. tobacco turnips coals of price of wood and charcoal in iv. tillage and laying of land in iv . implements of huſbandry iv . - , manures and manuring in farmers of vi . Alfterfluſs of Hamburg vi . Altan Khan of Cathay vii . Altan Kol , river vij . Altar, a Roman ii . an ancient druid's ii . - , an ancient, near Mary -Port ancient, of Vevay ancient Taurobolic mountain xiv. Altars dedicated to Seyta i . -, obſervations on Pagan in the church of the Eſcurial ", plain of VOL . PAGE Altars of the Virginians xiii . 40 804 Altavilla 849 64 Altdorf town 733 711 -, paſſage over the Suren Alps to V. 743 380 Alten, paftoral office at i . river 441 ſalmon of i . ibid . 675 weirs i . ibid . Altena fort, Brazil xiv . 856 845 Althrop manfion ii . 453 846 Altig iſle 619 552 Altine coin, its value i. 41 509 Altitudes, mode of taking i . 591 164 Altkoniger mountain, proſpects from vi . 250 590 fun -riſe on vi. ibid . 16 Altom, Captain 244 41 Alton town ii . 313 763 Alto Velo iſland xii . 75 670 Altwig iſle iii . 627 241 Alun ofYorkſhire ii . 283 mode of extracting, from Sol. 680 fatara 32 655 of Miſeno 45 874 of Iſchia 896 of Bottero and Liſca Bianca 128 901 of Vulcano 139 ancient trade in 254 155 difficulty of extraction ibid. 196 of Virginia xii . 593 305 Alum bay ii . 670 452 Alum Guffour Chuſhmah 292 480 Alum-works near Scarborough 14 482 Alured Clark, Dr. ii . 266 483 Alvarado's, Don Pedro, paſſage of 485 the Cordilleras xiv, 284 492 Alvares, Don Juan Manuel 358 493 Alvaro, Don , King of Congo xvi . 167 499 Alvenew, baths of 955 500 Alvington foreſt ü . 501 Aly Baſhaw 672 502 Amadas, Captain Philip xii. 180 504 his voyage 520 to Virginia xii . 564: 574. xiii. 4 525 Amadevat, Dara's reſidence at 88 538 Amadima, King xi. 806 541 ceremony of his changing 546 names with M. Peron xi . 812 7 Amak, ifle of 299 212 Amalvige, King, anecdotes of him xvi. 812 170 Amana river xii . 207. 208 544 Amancaes mountain, Lima xiv. 567.600 385 Amanus Mount ( note ) 547 405 Amara, the ſeat of the King of Ethiopia viii. 272 805 Amara 235 669 Amara - wati river viii . 727 527 Amaſia deſart 98 183 Amathus, the ancient 575 552 Amattafoa mountain xi . 617 366 Ama-Van vii. 175 [ B 2 ] Amazon 9 > iv . iv. iv. iv . v. 663 XV. iv. iv . iv. Vill . 9 iv . 9 vi. 200 XV. X. X. X. jii. [ 12] INDEX. PAGE PAGE 201 2 1 2 222 18. 34 ix . 604 > > jii . > VOL . VOL. Amazon of St. Kilda iii . 704 Ambaſſadors of the Quiteva xvi . 698 Amazonian ſtones xiv. 241 from the King of Amazons river xi . Foota-Toora to the King of the diſcovery of the xiv . 153 Jaloffs xvi . Acunna's navigation 904 Amber found in Ducal- Pruſſia i . 151 of xiv . 154 fiſhery at Dantzic i . Condamine's de 209 chair of ſcription xiv . 212.218 of Holderneſs iii . 8 . , Ulloa's deſcription xiv . 497 of the fea of Herkend vii , 182 , on its name xiv . 503 conſumption in Laſſa vii , 553 miſſions and nations Dos Santos on its origin xvi. eſtabliſhed on it 702 xiv. 509 of Sofala xvi . ib . Amazons of South-America xiv. 232 Ambergriſe, in the Iſle of Harries iii . Condamine's 587 obſerva of the Indian ſea , mode tions on xiv. 234. 504 of finding vii . of Ethiopia xvi. 722 of Japan, Kempfer's Ambaſſadors from Ruſſia i . account of it vii . 690 attacked in Poland i, 216 of Siam at the court of Mangu found in the Ber Khan vii. 84 mudas xii . 264. xiii . 179 the Dutch, from of Jamaica xii . 321 Batavia to China vii. 239 of the coaſt of Chili xiv. 74 from Muſcovy to China vii . 261 Ambigu Comique, l' iv . 141 from the Great Mogul Ambition, obſervations on to China 305 vii. ib. Amblauw iſland xi . 248.285 from the Calmucs vii . 264 Amblemont, M. d' xiii . 290 from the Lama vii . ib. Ambleſide town 190 -, their allowance in Pekin vii . 269 Amboiſe, manufactures at iv. from the Czar Peter 375 vineyards of iv . 445 the Great to the Sophy of Perſia vii . , 273 cattle iv . to China 475 318 Ambon iſland, ſee Ceram . reception of the Ruſſian, Ambotiſmene mountain, Madagaſcar xvi . 799 at Iſpahan vii. 301 Amboule lake, Madagaſcar xvi. 749 from England to the province xvi . Great Mogul 751 viii . 7 Amboyna iſland, Hamilton's deſcrip the Perſian , to the tion viii . Great Mogul 457 viii . Dutch trade at 197 fit for India deſcribed viij . 52 bay xi . 249 to Aureng-Zebe, from deſcription of xi . the Uſbecs 250 viii . 103 xi. from 275 Amboyneſe plant a clove- tree on the the Dutch viii . 107 birth of a child from 257 deſcription of them xi. 266 the King of Ethiopia viii. 109 Ambournay, M. d' iv. 166 from Ambuſcades of the Iroqưeſe xili . Perſia 293 viii . 114 Ameda-tree xii. 660 from Bombay to the Amelia found, Georgia xii , Great Mogul 469 viii . 344 America, French trade with iv. Shah Abas's reception 350 - , on its diſcovery 473 of the Turkiſh ix . deſcribed of the Spaniſh ix , 76 diſcoveries made by the from China to the Engliſh in Birman empire 156 ix . 483.488.514. 548 Smith on the diſcovery of xiii . 3 from China to Tonquin ix , 744 North, memoirs of 336 converſion of a Cochin . Kalm's travels in xiii , 374 Chineſe ix . , Burnaby's travels in xiii , 701.750 from the Iroquois to South, deſcribed xiv, England xii. 410 , opinion ofphiloſophers on xiv . 130 reception in Barbary 409 ſcripture lights on 131 reception by the En diſcovery xiv. 135 peror of Morocco xv. 465.483 Condamine's travels in xiv. America vii. 20 X1. town xi. 74. 87 xii. xii. X111 . 812 XV. xiv. 2IT INDEX. [ 13 ] PAGE VOL . xiv. X. > > 221 XV. 21 > V. > 363 560 iv . 84 365 368 X. XV. XV, VOL. PAGE America, Ulloa's voyage to xiv. 318 Ampuero family of Peru 578 Nieuhoff's deſcription of xiv. 703 Amran town III Santos on the diſcovery of xvi . 676 Amrou -ben -Alas, his deſtruction Americans, on their origin xiv. 106 of the Alexandrian library xv. 8o9. 831 Condamine's deſcription Amſterdam , council of, undertake of the native xiv. the diſcovery of the N.E. paſſage i . 90 Amerſham ü . 185.337 the city of cities deſcribed i . 138 Amesford, tobacco fields at i . 335 houſe of correction of i . ibid. Amethyſt, a large iv . 25 work - houſe i . ibid. Amhara kingdom chain at i . ibid. Amianthus, of pumices 172 -, religion i . ibid . Amiantus, of Penſylvania xiii . 473 Rieſbeck's deſcription of vi. 282 Amicouanes nation xiv. 233 Amſterdam fort, Guinea xvi . Amida worſhip in Japan vii , 751. 755 Amſterdam iſand i . Amiens 83 diſcovery xi . 444 cathedral iv. deſcribed xi . 590 effects of the treaty of com Amu province vii. 146 merce in iv. Amû river ix . 321 manufactures of iv. change in its courſe ix . ibid . Amir Kazagan Khan ix . 382 ſource of it ix . 378 Amir Timur Khan ix . ibid . Amucks of Java xi . 124. 184 Am- kas of Delhi viii . 158 Amudi, Scheich 115 Am-kas in the Great Mogul's camp viii. 197 Amulets of the Druids ii . 405 Amlwch town ii. 628 of the Perſians ix . 227. 260 Ammer tribe of Arabs xv. 526.546 of the Arabs X , 162 Ammodytes of the ancients 629 numeral, of Barbary xv. 642.670 Ammoniac, fal, mode of making 381 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 595 Amocchi, the deſperadoes ix . 397 Amuſements at Torneo i . 314 Amoco of the New Zealanders xi . 542 of the Laplanders i . 452 Amons town iv, 119 of the Icelanders i . 652 Amood -alſawari column of London ü . 95 Amoor river, Bell's deſcription vii. 355 of the Engliſh ii. 143. 145 Amoretti, Abbate iv . 240 of the court of Spain Amoretti's notes on Pigafetta's voyage of the Spaniards ( note ) xi. 307 et feq. of the Bavarians vi . preface to his treatiſe on at Saltzburg vi. navigation xi. 382 of Vienna vi . Amoroleck the Hafinninga xiii . 70 of Saxony Amotape town xiv. 555 of Berlin vi . 203 Amo. Tecki of Commany xvi. 355 of Hamburgh vi . 212 Amours of Begum-Sahed viii. 63 of a Dutchman vi. 281 Rauchenara - Begum 108 on the Neva, in winter vi. 670 Queen Oberea xi. in Peterſburgh vi. 673 Amouſhe, cape 523 of the Siameſe ix . 596 Amoy iſland viii. 493 of the Tonquineſe ix . 672.725 town ibid . of the Friendly iſlanders xi . 667.696 curiofities viii. 494 in Tongataboo xi . 678 Amparaes juriſdiction xiv. 626 of the Sandwich ilanders xi. 705. 734 Ampaza town, deſtroyed by the of the Virginians xiii. 716 Portugueſe of the Penſylvanians xiii . 731 Ampelus mount 641 in New York xiii . 738 Amphibia of Arabia 187 in Vera Cruz 777 Amphiſbæna, the 628 in Lima Amphitheatre of Niſmes iv . 116 of the Chilians, xiv . 117 at Verona iv . 248 in St. Jago xiv. 181 ancient, of Seguntum v . 610 in Carthagena xiv, 337 ruins of an ancient, of the Indians of at Avenche 833 Quito xiv. 518 ancient , of Jemme 587 Moreſco , 439.453 Ampſaga, the ancient, 540 in Barbary 663 Ampuavillage xü . in Dar.Fur 153 Amuſements XV. 808. 829 360 518 34 56 96 156 506 XV. vill . xvi. 725.727 X. X. xiii. XV. xiv . IO > > XV. XV . > XV. XV. 198 xv. [ 14] INDEX. ninth century ix . vi . X. 138 iii. > > xi. is . 416 X. ix . VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE Amuſements of the Hottentots xvi. IO2 Andaman illes, deſcription of, in the of the Loangefe xvi . 575 vii . 183 of the Mandingoes xvi . 879 ,Hamilton'saccount of viii . 430 Anabaptiſts of England ij . 142 Andaos, Madame Godin's adven Anabillo , Indian chief xiv. 192 tures at xiv . 265 Anacandrians of Madagaſcar xvi. 745 Andaye village i . 850 Anacau filk -tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 760 Andeley, manufactures of iv . 357 Anacodavery vili . 722 Anderab town, deſcribed 377 Anadeer river vii . 345 Andernach , town 270 Anæſe tribe of Bedouins Anderſon's, Mr., account of the Anaga point xi . 744 Scotch herring fiſhery 334 Anait in Skie iii . 322 account of Van Analyzation of the baſaltes of the Diemen's land xi . 642 Giant's Caufeway iii . 901 adventures in of the pumices of Lipari v. 171 the South -Sea iſlands 653 Anamooka iſland xi . 617 - , account of Ton Cook's deſcription of xi. 661.672 gataboo xi . 676.685 Ananas of Siam ix . 609 Anderſon's hiſtory of Iceland i . 621 Cochin - China 776 Andes, roads over them xiv. Quito xiv. 299 -, cold experienced by the Carthagena' xiv. 353 aſtronomers on them xiv . 425 Congo xvi . 247 , fignal ſtations for meaſur the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 460 ing a degree xiv. 430. 526 Ananias's dwelling at Damaſcus 370. 500 Ande- faraha ſilk of Madagaſcar xvi . 760 Ananſe country , Guinea xvi . 372 Andeve filk of Madagaſcar xvi . ibid . Ananſie, the great ſpider of Guinea xvi. 396.469 Ande-vontaqua filk of Madagaſcar xvi. ibid . Anarchy in Holland I vi . 285 Andogualas, Peru xiv. 613 Anarghia village ix . 147 Andrada's travels in Tibet, ob Anas, birds of Siam 626 ſervations on vii . 588 Anaftatia iſland xii . 473 Andraghira river viii . 450 Anathema, Engliſh puniſhment of ii . 139 Andrea Doria 543 Anatomiſts of Paris iv. 23 Andrea's account of the bridge at Anatomy, Lifter's obſervations on iv. Schaffhauſen , ( note ) 643 Haller's works on 863 Andreofly iſland xi . cabinet of, in Peterſburgh vi . 826 Andres the Indian xiv. 208 ftate of the ſtudy in Hin Andrews, Captain, anecdotes of him viii . 340 doftan viii . 189 Andrews, Mr. , the miſſionary xii . of ancient ſculpture 811.812 Andria on the waters of hot baths Ancalulæ river xiv . on the lavas of Iſchia Ancenis, vineyards of iv. 445 Andriot, M., anecdotes 650 Anceſtors celebrated by the Ice Andrif , Nicholas, his death i . 114 landers i . 671 Andromeda and Perſeus, at Joppa Ancheſmus mount 749. 755 Anduxar town 562 Anchorage on the coaſt of Norway i . 759 Anecdotes of the horn of plenty i . 139 at the Orcades i . of the King of Sweden i . 147 duties of Mocha of Stockholm 154 mode of judging of un of Johannes Tornæus i . 166 known xi . 46 of a ſorcerer in Lapland i . 182 in the bay of Amboyna xi. 251 of robbers i . 223 in Valparaiſo harbour xiv. 692 of an Italian i . 224 Anchor-forge of Sudersfors vi . 471 of ſome Finmark fiſhermen i. 433 Anchovies of Peru xiv . 602 of Henry Jonſon 450 Anchoy fruit ofAbyſſinia of John Junell 453 Ancober river, ſee Cobre river. of Juks Anodaten 454 country xvi . 344 of Simon Kiaes i. 455 Ancyra, the ancient 689 of a Laplander ibid . Andalien river, Chili xiv . of northern witches i . 471 Andaluſia, horſes, 445 of Peter Peterſon -, agriculture of Andrew Peterſon i . 482 Carli's account of xvi . 188 of a bone - box i. 611 Anecdotes XV . 21 v. > 885 > 411 XV. 48 18 56 XV1. X. 408 X. 780 78 X. > XV. 48 X. 56. 191 481 586 INDEX. [ 15 ] PAGE vi . vi . vi . 336 vi . 362. 393 vi. vi . - jii . ibid. 785 vi . 798 VOL . vol. PAGE Anecdotes of a beard ( note ) i . 651 Anecdotes of Luther vi. 168 of the Swiſs fong ( note) i . 652 of the King of Pruſſia 206 of Thorodr the architect i . 670 of a preacher at Hamburgh vi. 218 of Lord Burlington ii . 174 of aDaniſh prieſt 219 of Mr. Pope ii . 175 of Bolongaro vi, 244 of Queen Elizabeth ii . 178. 180. 193 of Matilda of Denmark vi . 294 of Sir T. Graham ii . 182 of Tycho Brahe 329 of Richard III . ii . 264 of Margaret of Denmark vi , of Canute ii . 303 of Charles the Twelfth of the Marquis of Win of the Swediſh ſoldiers vi. 451 cheſter ii . 330 of Peter the Great vi. 584 of Hill the taylor ii . 342 of Count Orlof vi . 590 of the Devil and Roger of the Archbiſhop of the hermit ii , 459 Novogorod 605 of a German prince ii . 500 of the ingenuity of a of a Phænician captain ii . 732 Ruflian peaſant 666 of a clergyman fallen in of Prince Mentchikof vi . 698 to a well ii . 754 of Prince Galitzin vi . 702 of a captain and his of General Brown 712 daughter in the Iſle of Man ü . 791 of Erneſt John Biron vi. 716 of Ofwy ili . 16 of Prince Potemkin vi . 763 of King James 40 of Catharine II . vi. 775 of Wm. Baſton, the poet iii . 114 of Peter III . vi. of the Counteſs of Argyle iji . 366 of Ivan the emperor vi , ibid . of Beſlie Bell and Mary of impoſtors who aſſumed Gray iii . 413 the name of Peter III . of James VI. ii. ibid . 466 of a Saracen about to be of Macbeth iii . 442 baptized vii. 37 of an iſlander of St. of a king in Zapage vii . 208 Kilda iii . 669 of the hardihood of an of two eagles ibid . Indian vii . 216 of ſecond-light ili . 673 of an Arab finding a pearl vii . 224 of M. Pinet iv. 42 of the Emperor of of Colbert iv. ibid . China (note) vii . of Toaldo iv. 251 Bell's, of Peter the of Gordon's confine . Great vii . 495 ment in the baſtile (note ) iv. 416 of the women of Japan vii . 620 of Lake Saline 255 of intrigues at the Great of an enraged muleteer 309 Mogul's court viii. 18 of Don Pablo Olavide 409 of Jeſuits in Hindoftan viii . 48 of a Spaniſh empiric 413 of a wonderful ape viii . ibid . of M. Duras 420 of Begum Sahed's amours viii. 63 of Admiral Guichen 447 of eunuchs vili , 108 of Philip V. 457 of Ethiopia viii . of a Spaniard 502 of the Perſian ambaſſa of Charles III. 505 dor vili. 115 of a Spaniſh lady 507 of aſtrologers in India viii . 118 of Rouſſeau of Chah - Jehan viii . 119 of Haller 857 of Tamerlane and Bajazet viii . of a cottager in Engadina 910 of Indian women burn of the painter Ligario 032 ing themſelves viii. 176 of the Biſhop of Coire 951 of accidents the of Turenne vi . 5 mountains of Caſhmere viii . 214 of a governor of Ho. of diamond merchants viii. henzollern vi . 13 of cannibals of Zuakin 274 of women of Memmingen vi . 16 of pirates of Madagaſcar viii . 270 of commiffion of chaſtity of pirates of the Red - Sea viii . at Vienna vi . 75 of a murder at Mocha vili . 280 of the Empreſs of Auſtria vi . 80 of a ſhipwreck on Maceira of General Schwerin vi , 135 iſland 283 of a Bohemian peaſant vi . 139 of the Jougies viii . Anecdotes 111 - 444 V. V. V. V. V. II2 823 V. I 20 v. V. V. on 238 278 viii. 318 [ 16] INDEX. VOL . VOL . PAGE > IO I 21 22. 33 614 428 X. X. XV. 22 XV. X. 536 X. XV. 23. 28 - XV. xi. rocco xi. xv. XV. XV. 685 PAGL Anecdotes of tigers viii . 357. 407 Anecdotes of Dean Berkley X111. 740 of wonderful cures by a of Dr. Franklin xiii . 747 Malay doctor viii . 437 of the retaliation of a of the Emperor of China viji . 495 Britiſh captain at Boſton xiii . 748 ofan English failorat Amoy viii . 504 of hogs travelling in boots xiii . 831 of the Dutch in Japan viii. 516 of a Spaniſh lady xiv . of Tippoo Sultan viii . 595 of poiſon xiv. 39 of the King of Perſia, ix. ofthebravery of an Indian xiv, of Crim Tartars ix . 163 of Pizarro xiv. 155 of Mahometans ix . 301 of Madame Godin's ad. of a Chineſe ceremonial ventures xiv. 262 viſit ix . 488 of the alligator xiv . 411 of the elephant ix . of the aſtronomers on of elephants in Cochin. the Andes xiv. China ix . 780 of the Indians on the of Cochin Chineſe doctors ix . 789 Amazons xiv. 512 of an Arabian ſaint 55 of the Jacumama ſnake xiv. 514 of robbers in the deſart 132 of the Indians of Quito xiv. 520 of the Kochlani breed of n of South American nooſes xiv. 668 horſes 177 of the negroes in Brazil xiv. 871 of Pococke's adventures of a lion at Beer of an Abyſſinian prince 97 at Eſkiliflar 671 of the arts oftheEgyptians xv. 314 of Captain Swan xi . of fome Mooriſh laints 457 of Mucks in Batavia xi. 186 of the Emperor of Mo of the Patagonians 317 472 of Cook's morai 614 of Prince Muley Hamet of the death of Captain Deheby 486 Cook xi . 713 of Dr. Shaw's adventures xv. 504 of Sandwich iſlanders of the lion 622 ſwimming 735 of a Jew in Tangier of Neas, King of Timor xi . 809 of a ſurgeon in Mo. of ſavages in Van Die 702 men's land 838 of Lempriere's introduc in Maria iſland 864 tion to Muley Abſulem XV. of Captain Smith's adven of women in the harem tures in America xiii . 52. 87. 101 of Muiey Abſulem XV. 720 of Andrew Hilliard xiii . 184 of the Emperor of Mo of Richard Sanders's 744 eſcape from Bermudas xiii. 186 of Muley Yazid ibid. of Captain Smith's ad . of Engliſh captives in ventures xiii . 229 Morocco of Iroqueſe and Nadou of Mooriſh cuſtoms 769 eflis xiii . of Lalla Zara 784 of Baron St. Cafteins xiii . 345 of Lalla Douyaw XV. 787 of North American fa . of the Emperor of Mo xiii . vages 409 rocco's harem XV. 790 of the humming-bird xiii . of a furious buffalo xvi . 445 30 of the American pole-cat xiii . 464 of a ſhipwreck at the of Amiantus aſbeftus xiii . 474 Cape of Good Hope xvi . 60 of American ants xiii. ibid . of Jacobus Bota xvi . 88 of ſquirrels xiii . 479 of the lion xvi. 99. 132 of Negroes poiſon xiii . 503 of Carli's adventures in of American population xiii . 504 Congo of cock -roaches xiii . of mer -men xvi. of Indians xiii. 539 of wizards in Congo xvi . 223.225.229 of ſwallows xiii. 549 of miſſionaries in Congo xvi . 281 of bull - frogs xiii . of a witch xvi. 290 of the black ſnake 568 of the converſion of the of an Indian expedition xii. 606 Queen of Singa xvi . 305 of the Eſquimaux xull . 677 of the Ethiopians xvi, 306 Anecdotes xi. XV . rocco xi. 716 XV. rocco XV. XV. 758 XV. XV. 318 - xvi. 174. 192 210 508 558 xiii . INDEX. [ 17 ] PAGE of the ape xvi. of tygers xvi . xvi. X. X. 693 xvi. iv. iv . VOL , VOL . PAGE Anecdotes of the Pongo ape xvi . 332 Angherman commerce i . 350 of a Dutch ſoldier at foil i , 351 Vrendenburgh, Guinea xvi. 351 manufactures i . 352 of thunder ſtorms in Anghermanna river i . 351 Guinea xvi. 385 compared to the of law -ſuits among the Nile i. 360 Negroes xvi. 408 Angles, meaſurement of i . 240. 293 xvi . 440 for the meaſurement of a of haye fiſh 452 degree xiv. 429 of ſerpents xvi. 464 Angleſea iſle copper- mines ü . 277.626 xvi . 465 Angoij, adventures of the miſſiona of elephants xvi. 467 ries in ( ſee Angoy) xvi. 232 of thieves of Fida xvi. 481 Angol city, firſt ſettlement of xiv. 196 of the Nave-trade in Angola, on the capture of xiv. 773 Guinea 490 harbour deſcribed xvi . 213 of the tygers of Loango xvi . 557 kingdom defcribed xvi . 295 of a tyger and Adanſon 630 Battel's adventures in xvi. 319 of a crocodile xvi. 657 Angoncy, Madagaſcar xvi . 793 of a barbarous Caffré xvi . 711 Angora, the ancientAncyra 689 of a Hottentot at the road from , to Conftanti. Cape of Good Hope xvi. 742 nople ( note ) of miſſionaries in Mada Angoumois province, foil of iv. 306 gaſcar 754 , vineyards of iv. 444 of pirates in Madagaſcar xvi. 768 cattle iv. 475 of Benyowſki xvi. 779-794 culture of ſaffron in 501 of Mungo Park xvi. 844. et ſeq. walnuts 504 of Damel, King of the Angoy, Merolla's account xvi. 269. 270 Jaloffs xvi . 905 Battel's deſcription xvi. 329 of llaves xvi . 907 909 Angra in Tercera i. 810.814.834 of Karfa xvi . 911 Anguilla illand, Weft - Indies xii . 304 Anemone, Virginian xiii . 513 Anguſshire iji . 417 Anephia fect of Omar xvi. 724 Anhalt-Zerbſt, Princeſs of vi. 767 Anet, la Vue d' 828 Aniel of Brazil xiv. 863 Angada-puram viii . 741 Anies Indians xiii. 659 Angama iſland xi . 401 Animalaya town viii . 729 Anganagen, Canaria xvi . Animalculæ of ſea -weeds 9 Angara river, Bell's travels along vii. 346.420 marine, found in the cataracts vii. 422 Temple of Serapis 33 Angaraes juriſdiction xiv. in ſtones 56 Angarefia iſland viii . in water 583 Angariaria tree of Congo xvi. 249. 321 Animals of Finmark i . 413 Angel, Zertooft's encounter with of the north and ſouth con. viii. 561 trafted 230 Angeleran, Father xiii . 293 in Japan deſcribed vii. 700 Angeli port 414 of Pertia ix. 182 Angelica uſed in Lapland i . 398 of Siam ix . 613 Angeln, the country of the Anglo. of Tonquin ix. 718 Saxons vi. 343 of Arracan is . 759 Angelo Maria, Father, his miſſion of Arabia 177. 185 to Ethiopia xvi. 302 572 Angelo, Monte San, view from 191 of Cyprus 590 Angelo's Voyage to Congo xvi, 149 of Candia X. 618 Angeran river i . 269 of Mindanao xi . 8 Angerang harbour viü . 398 of Pulo Condor 40 Angermania i. 325. vi . 470 of Baſhee Illands 47 Angernaques, M. 843 of the Ine of France 92 Angero, Pietro Martyr d' xi . 299 of Borneo xi . 109 Angers town iv. 159 of the Cape of Good Hope xi. 151 Ang-gadd Arabs 515 of St. Helena xi . 154 Anghein town ix. 376 of Amboyna xi. 262 Angherman province i. 350 of Zubu xi. 344 Animals VOL , XVII . [ c] V. 811 v. 614 V. 2 Xi11. vi. one ix . s 33 .....*si ma X. of Syria X. XV. [ 18] INDEX. VOL. PAGE PAGE 18 362 232 xi. 161 xi. 159 xi. > 306 446 485 492 504 505 511 537 545 365 491 507 514 317 XH. 848 671 xii. xii . xii. lii, VOL . Animals of New Holland xi. 465.475 Aniſe root of the Cape xvi . of Otaheite xi . 517 Anjediva iſland viii. of New Zealand 541 Anjengo fort and factory ix . of New South Wales 555 Anjer bay xi . of Sava Illand 561 Anjou province iv . of the Friendly Illes 592 foil of iv. of Van Diemen's Land xi. 642 vineyards of iv . of Tongataboo xi . 688 -, culture of cabbages in iv. of Buru xi. 373 hemp and flax iv . of Timor xi. 375 turnips iv. of the Sandwich Iſlands xi . 729 walnuts iv . of Bernier Ille , New Hol waſte lands of iv. land xi . 790 -, tillage and laying of lands in iv . of Rottneſt I land xi . 823 manures iv. of Maria Illand xi. 873 Anker family of Chriſtiana vi . of New South Wales xi . 919 Ann of Yarmouth i . of Timor xi . 944 Annabon iſland xvi . of the Weſt - Indies xii. 39 deſcribed by Boſman xvi . of Virginia xii . 240 Annaliſts of Iceland vi. of New England 255 of Ruſſia vi. of Bermudas xii . 267 Annals of Iceland i . of Barbadoes 296 Annals of agriculture iv . of Carolina 345 Annamabo, Guinea, deſcribed xvi . of Penſylvania 383 Annan town of Frobiſher's Strait xii . 559 caſtle iii . of Virginia xii. 600. xiii . 31 Annandale meaſures of New England xiii . 220 Annapolis, Maryland xii . of Canada 350 Burnaby's deſcription xili. of Penſylvania xiii . 410 Annarah, Rajah, anecdotes of him viii . of North America xiii. 443.537.622 Annas's houſe of Canada xili , 662 Anne, cape, New England xiii . of Virginia xiii . 711 Anne, fort, Canada xiii . of Vera Cruz xiii . 781 Anne of Holſtein , tomb and hiſtory vi . of the Cordilleras xiv. 45 Anne, Empreſs, her tomb and hiſtory vi . of Chili xiv. 83 Anne of Mecklenburgh, Princeſs, her of the Amazon xiv. 246 hiſtory of Peru xiv. 278 impriſonment vi . of Carthagena xiv . 344 removal of of Porto Bello xiv . her children to Horſens of Panama xiv. 372 Anne, Queen , colonial affairs in her xiv . 420 reign xii . of Jaen de Bracamoros xiv. Smith's addreſs to xiii . of the Andes xiv. 532 Annefley, Mr., of Bombay, account of Brazil of vili . of Abyſſinia 22.84 Anniverſary of St. Alexander of Dar. Fur Newlky 337 Annona of Mexica xii. of Weſt Barbary 406 Annoni’s, Rev. Mr., cabinet at Baſe of Algiers and Tunis 618 Anodyne bones for the tooth ache xiv . of Morocco 708.730 Anointings of the Banians of Benguela xvi. Anomites of the Alps of Sogno, Congo xvi. 251.334 Anoſli province , Madagaſcar xvi . of the Gold Coast, Guinea xvi . 431 Anoupectoumiou hills ix . of Fida xvi . 502 Anqua of Guinea, his barbarities xvi. of Gabon xvi. 511 Anſchild, Frederic xiii . of Benin xvi. 532 Anſe du Tonnere, l ' of the Grain Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 538 Anferah feſtival of Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi. 555 Anfgarius's chronicles of Denmark i . of Senegal xvi. 614 Anfga ius, the monk, of Sofala xvi. 694. 701 Anſgarius, his miſſion to Lapland i . IO 412 362 213 ibid . 213. 565 309 72518 355 218 599 684 X111 . 685 vi . 792 793 367 vi. - 794 of Quito 409 496 121 xiv. 717.720 347 XV. XV. 138 of Egypt XV . XV. XV. XV. viii . 587 817 692 662 542 876 745 460 349 339 21 V. Xill , XV. 298 438 128 468 468 Anſon , INDEX. ][19 VOL. PAGB VOL. X. X. X. X. X. * XV. X. 207 XV. 220 14 807 ix. XV. 455 458 460 2 PAGE Anſon , Commodore, his attack on Antioch aqueducts 560 the Spaniſh ſettlements xiv. 649 Antioch on the Mæander 674 Anſpach, Margrave vi. 239.267 Antiochia ad Taurum , the ancient 530 Anſpan, ordinary at iv. I 22 Antiochus Epiphanes 559 Anſwers to the queſtions on Vir Antiphoneſe monaſtery 582 ginia xiii . 167 Antipfera iſland 630 and queſtions in the Man Antiquarians, Swediſh i . 677 dingo language xvi. 916 Daniſh i. 678 Antab city 384 Antiques, collection of, at Aſh ii . 323 - Pococke's deſcription 530 the Earl of Arundell's 440 Antäopolis 226 at Workſop ibid . Antafara tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 801 diſcovered in Malabar viii . 729 Antaradus, Pococke's deſcription 569 Antiquities at Upſal Antarctic pole, ſtars feen there xi. 323 - , monument of, in Lap Antar's tower land 254 Aniavarres, their wars with the of Scotland i . 634 Bethalimenes xvi. 770 remains of, in Iceland i . 676 Antean Negroes xvi. 347. 402 found at Kencheſter ii . 216 Ant-eater of Brazil xiv. 717 at Stokefield ii . 360 of the Cape xvi. at Leiceſter ii . 361. 365 Antego, ſee Antigua. in the Iſle of Man ii . Antelopes, mode of hunting, in diſcovered at Wardlow ii . 395 Perſia vii . 293• 359 at Brough ii. 403 of Twon - bene 711 at Buxton -Wells ii. 409.413 of Barbary 621 found at Woburn of the Cape xvi. 90 Dundtable ii . Antequera town v. 593. xvi . 188 St. Albans Anteſe country, Guinea, deſcribed xvi. 344. 346. of Cheſter 402 at Houſe iſland 22 Anthenon well 758 at Edinburgh 30 Ant-hills of America xiii. 594 at Glen Lion Anthong, Java xi . in Banffshire 68 Anthoniſen, Admiral, account of i . 798 near Dazzrobin iii . Anthony, Don, King of Portugal i . 833 at Penrith 119 Anthony Cave's iſland xi . 486 in Weſtmoreland 121 Anthony Ulric , Prince, his hiſtory vi. 718.792 at Water Crook 123 confinement vi . 793 in Murrayſhire I 28 removal of his chil. in Diurneſs 149 dren to Horſens vi. 794 in Tongue 150 Anthropophagi xi . 313 at Langdale ibid . Antibes, Young's account of iv . 231 in Far iii . ibid . olives of iv. 497 in Caithneſs 154 Anticofta iſland xii , at Cheſter 174 xiii . 259. 338 near Keſwick 191 Anti-Caſſius mount X. 563 near Papcaſtle 195 Antics performed by the Dutch near Mary -Port 199 at the court of Japan vii . 808. 814 near Netherby 208 Antidotes for the bites of ſerpents xvi . 11. 20. 38 near Ruthwell 213 for poiſon xvi. 279 in Arran 262 Antigonia, ancient city 557 in Jona 296 Antigua iſland, firſt ſettlement of хіі . 347 in Blair -, deſcription ibid . at Delvin 393 Anti- intoxicators xiv. 74 at Comerie 406 Anti- Libanus mountain X. 365. 376.468 at Ardoch iii . 409 Antilla illand , account of 15 at Dupplin ii. 410 Antilles, Behaim's obſervations on xi . at Bertha 411 xii . 571 at Meigle iii . 441 -, Spaniards of xii. ibid . at Stirlingſhire 463 Antim country, Guinea xvi. 345 at Edinburgh 469 Antinoopolis ruins 224 Duke of Northumber Antiochcity, Pococke's deſcription land's üii . 494 [c 2 ] Antiquities 46 446 84 > 398 386 xii. Xii . 398 iii. XV. X. 558 [ 20] INDEX. VOL . X. jii. X. X. X. X. 538 540 iv. 12 X. iv . 19 x. X. 576 X. 586 iv . X X. V. V. X. V. 542 564 565 V. X. 664 667 675 V. V. x. V. X. X. X. VOL. Antiquities at Bincheſter ii. at Pierce Bridge near Perth in the Iſle of Lewis in Orkney ifles in Shetland iii . at Rachlin ille -, M. le Noitre's at the Louvre iv. M. Baudelot's M. Buco's iv. in the King's library at Paris iv. in Clermont college iv. at St. Germains at St. Genevieve iv. Piereſc's iv. in Venice iv. at St , Ildefonſo at Toledo of Granada at Carmona at Murviedro at Tarragona at Augufta Rauricorum at Soleure at Martigny at Nyon at Lauſanne at Avenche in the Royal Caſtle, Stock holm at Drottingholm vi. diſcovered in Siberia vi. found in the tombs near Tomiky vii. of Troy ix . of Perſepolis ix . Francklin's deſcription ix . in the ille of Elephanta Indian of Egypt near Tripoli at Beroot near Sidon of Tyre of Accho of Jeruſalem of Balbeck of Bambych of Corus of Mount Sion of Syria in Jebilee in the country of the Aradii of Tortoſa of Serpent Fountain of Tyre of Sidon of Balbeck РАОЕ YAGE 514 Antiquities of Damaſcus 499 ibid. near Hems 519 560 at Kuph 523 577 at Elbarrow 524 690.754 at Rouiah ibid . 781 at Jerabees 882 at Bambouk or Hierapolis x . at Daina 543 15 at Seleucia of Pieria X. 553 ibid . at Antioch 561 at Laodicea 564 of Citium 35 of Calamis 579 37 of Paphos 38 of Gortynia 607 39 of Paliocaſtro 615 ibid . of Samos 641 254 of Smyrna 651 361 of Teos 655 of Epheſus 657 of Magneſia on the Mæander 610 of Mylafa 615 of Aphrodiſias 699 of Laodicea on the 711 Lycus 678 771 of Hierapolis in Great 802 Phrygia 680 805 of Angora боо 832 of Nicomedia 698 of Ilium 397 of Troas 443 of Cyzicus 713 828 of Nice 719 of Conftantinople 725 335 at Theſſalonica 741 8 at Athens 750 found in America xiii.489.513.607.642 Quito xiva 544. 547 266 Peru xiy . 564 207 Lima 601 ! xiv. 166 209 of Alexandria 240 of Nicopolis 171 180 of Baalbait 320 of Heliopolis 182 of Grand Cairo Igo 329 of Caraffa 192 332 at the Pyramids 1202 355 of Arfinoe 2113 374 at the Labyrinth of Antinopolis 384 of Hermopolis 4.12 at Akmim 22 312 at Tentyra 235 at Captos 313 at the temple of Carnack xv. 240 314 of Thebes 244 315 of Memnon's ſtatue 248 470 of the temple of Luxerein xv. 253 474 of Hermonthis 490 of Eſne xv, Antiquities X. 706 vi. X. 708 - X. X. x. X. 102. 193 - X. X. XV. X. XV . 1 XV. X. 326 XV. X , 328 XV. X. XV. X. XV. X. XV. X. xv. 25 X. 382 XV. 224 X. XV. 225 X. XV. XV. XV. 237 X. XV. X. XV. X. X. xv. 256 258 INDEX. [21 ] VOL. VOL . PAGE XV. XV . 877 XV. XV. XV . XV . 9 X. X. 189 XV. XV. > XV. 518 xv. XV. XV. XV. XV. 528 529 XV. XV. xv. XV. XV. XV. XV. 563 XV. 566 XV . XV . XV. XV. XV. PAGE Antiquities of Etfou 259 Antrim, Hamilton's letters on the of Syene 262 baſaltes of iii . of Phila 265 coaſt iii . 878 of Mount Sinai 287 Antrim's, Lord, eſtates 825 ftatues of Iſis and Ants, white, of Japan, Kempfer's Ofiris 341 deſcription of them vii . 701 at Harpocrates XV. 342 of Siam ix. 631 Egyptian feals and of Tonquin ix . 663 weights ibid . Arabian ard 35 in the inſide of the of Arabia Pyramids 362 of New South Wales xi . 546.555 in Morocco 463 food made of them xi . 946 in Arzew of the Bermudas xiu . 174 of Julia Cæfarea 522 black, of America xiii . 430 of Tlemſan 525 , anecdotes of their fagacity xiii . 474. 525 of Memounturroy 527 of Brazil xiv. 716. 867 of El Herba white, of Dar- Fur 143 of Maliana ſwarm of, in Congo xvi . 174 in Algiers 532 of Guinea deſcribed xvi . 449 in Hippo 542 of Loango xvi. 559 in Sitipha 545 of Podor on the Niger xvi. 632 in Tezzonte 549 of Goree xvi. 638.668 in Conſtantina 551 Antwerp deſcribed i . 133 of Utica 562 churches i . 134 of Carthage XV. fortreſs i . ibid. 336 of Tunis - , on its trade vi. 287 of Niſua 567 Anubis of Egypt 222. 351 of Gurba 568 Anuſha Mahomet Khan ix . 368 of Hamamet 569 Anville, Ducheſs d' iv. 127 of Keff 573 Aoamaquique, Jamaica xii. 145 of Salecte and Elalia 582 Aolta town 481 of Kairwan 586 Apaffei, Michael i . Amphitheatre in Apalacha , Indians of xii . 340 Tiſdra 587 Apalachian mountains xii. 307. 340. xiii . 719 in Hydrah ibid . Apam village, Guinea 364 in Spaitla 588 Apamatuck river xiii. 26. 80. 110 in Caſſareen ibid . Apamea, ancient city x . 520. 683 in Gafsa 592 Apartments of the King of Sweden near Larache 690 in the Royal Caſtle vi. near Menſooria 700 Queen at Drot near Fadala ibid. tingholm vi . 442 of Egypt 802 Apathy of the Samoiedes i . 534 of Alexandria 808 South Americans xiv . of Memphis 809 Apes, Marco Polo's deſcription of Antiquity of Weſtminſter Abbey 78 ſome vii . 161 of Oxford i . wonderful divining viii . of Worceſter ii . 206 Pongo xvi . of Carliſle of Guinea xvi . of the Americans xiv, 109 of the Gold Coaſt deſcribed xvi . Antirrhodes iſland of Benin xvi . 532 Antiſcorbutics i . 601 Aphaca in Iceland i . 660 Aphrodiſias, the ancient 675 ſweet- wort xi. 569.577.579 Aphrodiſium, the ancient 570 Anti- venerealiſts of Paris 74 Aphroditopolis 257 Antongil bay, Madagaſcar xvi. 740 Aphthonius on Pompey's pillar 830 , Benyowſki's ſettle Apis, the bull 352 xvi. 786–793 Apley-park terrace ii . 618 Antonine way near Sidon 323.478 Apocalypſe convent in Patmos 645 Antoninus's wall iii. 116.465 Apocynum Cannabinum xiii . 543 Antonio, King of Congo, hiſtory 283 Apocynum androfæmitolium xiii . 611 Antonomaſias, ſpecimen of i . 680 Apogodal, cultivation about viii . 721 Apokorano XV. X. XV. 212 9 XV. XV. xvi . XV. XV. XV. XV . 396 XV. XV. XY. XV. 516 XV. IO2 9 > 48 332 346 440 111 . 202 XV. 166 X. 490 X. XV. IV . XV. XV. XV. ment at X. [22 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE X. X. XV. X. XV. XV. V. X. iv . iv . iv . iii. 824 xvi . 402.501 ix . X. X. VOL . PAGE 615 Apricots of Perſia ix. Apokorano vale 179 Apollinopolis xv. 238.259 of Damaſcus 506 Apollo, the Egyptian 352 of Barbary XV. 603 Apollonia on the Rhyndacus 715 Aprons of the Lapland women i . 387 xvi . Apollonia, cape, Guinea xiv . 546 Aprouaga mountains 251 X. 560 Aptera city 602 Apollonian Promontory xiv. Apolo - Bamba, juriſdiction xiv. 618 Apurimac river 498 Aporath birds xii . 629.633 Aquadent liquor in Morocco 707 Aquz Callidæ Colonia, the ancient XV. Aporta on the literature of the 530 Griſons v . 954. 979.983 Aqua-fortis, on proving gold by xvi . 374 Aporta family 903 Aquamboe kingdom , Guinea, de Aportaʼs, M., works 903 fcribed xvi . 366. 47 : ix . xvi. Apoftates in Perſia 52 Aquamboe, King of ibid . ii. Apoſtle, pretended, of St. Kilda 725 Aqueducts over the Dove ii. 318 of Arcueil 345 iy. Apoſtle'sfountain 53 Apothecaries' ſhops of Paris 74 of Montpellier 115 xiv . of Pont du Gard Apotheofis on Pambamarca 290 iv . 117 xili. Appamatuck, Queen 54 ruins of iv. 193 Apparition ſeen by James IV. 466 for irrigation in Italy 564 ix. of Caſerta V. Apparitions in Cochin - China 59 Chili xiv. 203 of Segovia 322 Guinea at Toledo 542 Benin xvi . 531 ancient, near Avenche 833 vi . of Augſburg Appelquiſt's, Mr., manufactory at 19 Stockholm vi. 434 at Conftantinople, Bell's Appendix to Phipps's Journal i . 563 deſcription vii, 509 Pennant's firſt tour in at Troy ix . 8 Scotland üi . 124 in Perſia 177 Coxe'stravels in Denmark vi . 353 at Zebid 39 Coxe's travels in Ruſſia vi. 741 from Roſelayn to Tyre, Merolla's voyage to ancient 331 Congo xvi . · 312 from Solomon's pools to Appenines of Modena Jeruſalem 351 -> granites of the 131 Solomon's 439 deſcribed by Dolomieu 278 of Cæſarea 451 Appenzel canton of Tyre 469 manufactures 650 to Palmyra 514 town ibid. of Seleucia 555 inhabitants 61 of Antioch 560 of Samos Appius Caegius, his ſpeech the firſt 642 proſe work among the Romans i . of Smyrna (note ) 649 of Epheſus Appleby's method of procuring 661 freſh water from the ſea 585 of Mylafa 668 Applecrofs bay iii . 342 of Laodicea Appletree, Thomas ii . 180 of Valentinian at Con. Apples of Paris iv. 50 ftantinople 722.729 culture of, in France iv . of Grand Cairo XV. 495 185 of Ruſſia vi . 592 of Julia Cæſarea XV. 522 of Sodom 348.434 of Carthage xv. 564. 574 of Canada 359. Aquila tree of Cochin -China ix, 779 Perfimon , of Philadelphia XV . 398.418 Aquilaria, the ancient 567 of New Jerſey xiii . 486 Aquillera, Capt . Pedro Olmos de xiv. 201 of Albany 580 Aquiotepec village xiii. 813 of Chili xiv. 41 mountain xiii . 835 of Brazil xiv . 866 Aquulfingo xiii . 802. 841 Cormantyn , of Guinea xvi. 456 Arabaya town xi . 107 Appley, Iſle of Wight ii . Arabebbah XV. , muſical inſtrument 719 643 Apprentices of London ii . 94. 144 Arabia Felix, Hamilton's deſcrip ii . Appropriations, church viii. tion 339 275 Appuldurcombe park ii . 706 Petrea viii . 282 manſion ä . ibid. Deſerta viii . 285 Arabia, X. IO X. X. X. V. 649 X. V. v . X. X. 679 X. X. X. 679 X. > X. xiii . X111 . X111 . INDEX. [23] VOL. VOL . PAGE X. XV. X. XV . 670 X. XV. X. XV. > XV. XV. X. X Xy. 76 X. is . 200 ix . > xii. X. v. PAGE Arabia , Niebuhr's Travels in 1 Arabs of Barbary deſcribed xv. 503.654 - , extent and diviſions 80 of Tunis deſcribed 595 hiſtory and revolutions 82 ſuperftitions Petræa, Bedouins in 138 -, government 673 -, agriculture 174 of Morocco, encampments, animals 177 manners , and cuſtoms XV. 690 natural hiſtory 179 of Tarudant 725 Pococke's defcrip wild, on the coaſt of Morocco xv. 759 tion of 279 between Fez and Mecca 779 Gulf of X, 8. 12. xv. 10 their conqueſt of Madagaſcar xvi. 744 -, navigation of it 17 of Comora xvi . ibid . Arabic language 162 ſettlements on the coaſt of letters from eat men 393 Africa xvi. ibid . manuſcripts uſed in Africa xvi . 892 . Arab Shah, hiſtory ix. 338 of the Pentateuch xyi . ibid. Arabucha, brother of Mangu Khan vii . Pſalms of David xvi . 893 Aradus, the ancient 314 of Iſaiah xvi. ibid . Pococke's deſcription 568 Arab Mahamet Khan, his hiſtory ix . 355 Aral, lake, deſcribed 323 Arabs, on their trade to China vii . --, ſalt of it ix, ibid . Hamilton's deſcription of province 325 them viii . 283 Aram , Eugene ii . 421 Muſkat viii. 285. 312 Aran vale iv. 101.654 of Mazanderan ix . 69 calivation iv . 654 Fitch's deſcription of them ix, 407 population iv. ibid . the Tor 5 irrigation iv. 666 Bedouin 8 Arana, James de 45.63 their manners and Arana, Peter de xii . 117 cuſtoms 15 Arana metal of Peru xiv. 17 -, wandering 27. Aranda, Count d ' , ſtrictures on v. 354. 631. 638 , extenſively ſpread over the Araned of 1782 in Spain 580 world 8. Aranjuez, valley of 554 on their government X. palace 555 of Beni Halal 97 village ibid . of Saban ibid. Araone hill 288 of Dsjof Araouje , Amador d' xiv, 767 round the Perſian Gulf 125 Arar, Scheich X. of the tribe of Houle 126 Aras river ix . 176 deſcription of the Bedouin 131 Ara Sengh village ix , 93 of the defart 134 Arau, treaty of 661 of Meſopotamia 136 Arauari river xiv . 253 of Syria 137 Araucanos Indians xiv . of Arabia Petræa and Paleſtine x. aſſembling of religion and character 139 them xiv. 196 revenge 144 their defeat of nobility 146 the Spaniards xiv. 198. 202. 206 marriages 149 Arauco, Cacique xiv. 196.203 food and manner of eating 153 Arauco nation, Chili xiv. 687 dreſs 156 Araxes river vii . 90 politeneſs Bell's account vii . 292. ix . 101. 155 . cuſtoms 161 265 language 162 Arbaal ruins ſcience, and literature 165 Arbitration, fyftem of, in the Val diſeaſes, and medicines 168 teline 929 Clayton's account 388 Arboga town vi . 388 caravans , 404 Arbor vitæ , the occidental xiii . 656 of Paleſtine 409 Arbré, M. l'Abbe iv . 211 their diflimulation 123 iii . Arbutus at Mount Kennedy 820 of Egypt xv. 211. 316 Arc, meaſurement of an i . 240 of Arabia Petræa xv. 279 Arcadi convent 613 of Barbary 443 Archangel, Alliſon's voyage from i . 491 of the plains of Fez 460 Samoides at i . 524 Archangel, V. 84 X. V. X. XV. X. 100 X. I 22 X. X. V. X. X. 110. 195 138 X. X. X. X , X. 158 X. XV. 526 X. X. V. X. x. XV. XV. XV . [ 24] INDEX. VOL. PAGE iii. 296 111 408 XV . 111 . 111 . iv . > X, X. *> XV. XV . XV. XV . III X. VOL. PAGE Archangel, government and diſtricts vi . 753 Ardebil city, deſcription of it ix. 83 origin and hiſtory of the Ardeſche, volcano near 909 Engliſh trade at vi . 871 Ardeville, ancient tombs at vii . Archbiſhopric of Lima deſcribed xiv, 607 Ardfert 111 . 848 of the Audience of Ardoch, Roman camp Charcas, La Plata xiv . 621 Ardoh river i . 67 Archemounain , antiquities at 224.271 Ardok river ix . 389. 390 Archer, Captain xiii . 51.101 Ard-maddie bay iii . 357 Archery at Frodeſham 175 Ard -muchpage, plantations at 354 at St. Andrews 449 Ardnagluggen 844 feſtival in honour of, in Ardra country, Guinea xvi. 476.479. 506 Japan vii . 609 Arduino , Signore 250 Arches, natural, of St. Kilda iii . 704 Area of Mooriſh houſes xv. 646.767 -, ancient triumphal, near Arebo, Benin , deſcribed xvi . 519.520 Tarragona vi . 616 Areca of Molalia viii . 3 -- , triumphal , of Pekin vii . 440 of the Siameſe ix . 607 of Shiraz ix. 109 in Cochin -China ix . ancient triumphal, of Theſ of Mindanao xi . 7778 ſalonica 741 Ared, El, new religion in 123 - , natural rocky xi . 529 Are de Roes of Benin xvi. 522. 536 of the meridian , meaſured Are Frode of Iceland ( note) i. 644 in Quito xiv . 422—440 his works i . 671 , on the Egyptian 346 Aremberg, Prince i . 132 ancient triumphal, of Con Arenal iſland xii . 99 ſtantina 551 Arenas, Punta de xiv. 389 in Spaitla 588 Arens de Mar 621 in Caſſareen ibid . Arenys town iv. of Gizeh XV. 803.821 Areopagus hill of Athens 753 Arches, Court of, in England ii . 136 Arequipa city , Peru xiv. 619 Archidona city , Quito xiv. 491 juriſdictions in the dioceſe xiv . 620 Archipelago, the Grecian 245 Areſhine meaſure i . 41 Pococke's Areſon's, John, eſtabliſhment of a deſcription 621 printing -office i . 675 diſcovered by Taſman xi . 445 Arevalo city 316 Architect, anecdotes of one i . 133 Argall, captain, anecdotes of him xiii. 97. III of the moſque at Adrian his account of the Virgi ople, anecdote of him vii. 514 nian colony xiii. 116. 125 Architecture of the Siameſe 600 govern in Egypt 326 ment of Virginia xiii. 123 ancient, of the Egyp Argenſon, Count de Voyer d' 127 tians 343 Argent, Mr., xiii . 161 of Barbary 644 Argentine fountain iii . 52 Architraves, Egyptian 346 Argenton town, ſcenery at iv. 89 Archives of Bormio cattle of 472 of Ruſſia 610 Argenum promontory x. 633 Arch - prieſt of the Birmans ix. 532 Argil of Derbyſhire 471 Archway of Pierre Pertius 706 Argoll, Sir Samuel xii , 237 Arcola town, Buchanan's deſcrip his expulſion of the French tion viii . from Nova Scotia xij. 279. 349 Arcole Inands, New Holland xi. 799 Argoftoli harbour 764 Arcoli Peak , Van Diemen's Land xi. 874 Argons, people vii . 126 Arcona mountain 274 Argons port 766 Arcos town v . 546. 569 Argyle, Marquis of 364 Arcos, Duke of 348 Argyle, Earl of iii. 365 Arcot town viii . 580 Argyle, Duke of ii. 171. üü. 269 Arcot, Nabob of viii . 579 Argyleſhire roads iii . 103 Arcoova town 100 Arica bay, Peru xiv . 693 Ard ant of Arabia 35 juriſdiction xiv. 621 Arda, inſects of Arabia 189 Arients iſlands 143 Ard -chattan priory ii. 353 Arimathea, ſee Rama. ix. 78 Arioſto iv. 261 12 Ariſba, X. X. > ix . XV . iv . XV. XV. XV. V. 916 > iv . vi. 11 . V. 748 X. X X 111 XV. X. xi. Ardebil city INDEX. [25] VOL. X. 426 538 V. of Japan 211 ix. 10 XV . X. ix. X. ing books guay miſſions V. 548 v. V. 674 X. X. VOL . PAGE PAGE Ariſba, the ancient 709 Armies, tables of the fate of the Ariſtocracy, its benefit to a con Ruſſian , in 1785 vi . 909 ftitution iv. of Korea vii . definition of the term 693 vii. 617 Ariſtotle, his account of Vulcano 153 of the Great Mogul viii . 137. 193 of Lipari of the Emperor of China viii . 511 of Felicuda and of Shah Abas 79 Alicuda 226 of the Crim Tartars ix . 164 on heaven and the world xii . deſcription of the Perſian ix . 217 Atlantis xii . 17 of the King of Cochin -China ix . 793 animals 813. 818.839 of the Imam of Sana 108 Arithmetic of the Siameſe 599 of Bombay X. 205 Tonquineſe ix . 735 of Turkey 246 Loangere xvi . 576 of Candia 619 Arius Montanus, his way of arrang of the Jeſuits in the Para 370 xiv . 638 Ariza, houſe of of the Chilians xiv. 113. 122 Arkwright, Mr. ii . 375 of the Portugueſe in Brazil xiv . 749 Arlançon river 312 of Abyſſinia XV. 85 Arleſheim towi 702 of Algiers XV. hermitage ibid . -, Emperor of Morocco's XV. 754 Armada, the invincible, Sir W. Ra. of Loango and Cacongo xvi . 588 leigh's account of its deſtruction i . 825 Armillary-ſphere deſcribed xi . 385 Brand's ac Armiro village 615 count of its deſtruction iii . 795 Armocui 721 Armadillo af Carthagena xiv. 345 Armoral de Caſtilla, Don Joachim xiii . 839 of Brazil xiv . 718 Armour, anecdotes of, in the Phi. Armagh city iii . 824 lippines xi. 329 Armagh, Archbiſhop of, works accom of the Chilians xiv. 113 pliſhed by him iii . 823 Armourers in Perſia ix . 205 Armenia, Marco Polo's deſcription of viii . 109 Armoury in the Tower of London ii . 44 Chardin's account ix. 153 of Beer caſtle 383. 536 Armenians, deſcription of one, at in the Emperor of Mo Moſcow vi . 589 rocco's palace of Perſia vii . 296. viii 303 Arms of the Ruſſians i . in Ferhabad ix . 52. 94 of the Poles i . 217 in Erivan 153 in the Tower of London ii . 44 hiſtory of them , in Perſia ix . 191. 206 of the Highlanders iii . 93 Forſter's account of them ix . of the Lelgi vi . 89 at Herat ix.291 . X. 159 of the Tongufians vii . 340 their ceremonies at the of the Baratians vii . Holy Sepulchre of the Koreans vii . 538 of Mount Rhoffus 552 of the Japaneſe vii . of Syria 573 of the Perſian ſoldiers ix. 79.217.298 Armies of Ruſſia i . of the Birmans 500 - , Young's obſervations on 430 of the Siameſe ix. 582.592 of Spain 441 of the Tonquineſe ix . 752 of Bern of the Arabs of Dsjof the Auſtrian vi . 83 of the Turks X 249 -, the Hungarian vi . 105. 112 of the Maronites 290 the Bohemian vi , of the Mindanayans xi . 16 of Saxony in the Baſhee Iſlands xi , 50 the Pruſſian of the New Hollanders xi , 65 of Denmark vi . in Borneo xi . 119 of Darmſtadt vi . 249 in Cayayan xi . 349 of Mentz 263 in Paloaon xi . 350 of Denmark vi , 311 in Pulo Sabuda xi . 479 liſt of the Daniſh vi . 353 in Terra del Fuego xi , sor of Norway vi . 357 in Otaheite xi , 522 ſtate of the Swediſh vi . 446 of the New Zealanders xi , 543 of Ruſſia vi. 868 in New South Wales xi , 556 VOL . XVII. [ D] Arms XV. 468 18.33 ix. > 284 346 X. 353. 426 617 X. 18.33 ix . iv . V. 855 X. 100 137 vi. 146. 150 vi . 178. 191 222 vi , > [26] " INDE X. VOL . PAGE xi. xi . xi. xi. v. V. v. xii. V. V. 643 147 285 111 . X. XV. > VOL. PAGE Arms in the Friendly Ines 594 Arrack of the Siameſe ix. 611 in Mallicollo Iſland 619 of the Tonquineſe ix . 660.727 in Tanna I Nand 629 mode of diſtilling ( note ) xi . 350 of the Friendly Inanders 696 Arrada's paſſage of the Cordilleras xiv. 165 of the Indians of Frobiſher's Arragon kingdom, hiſtory 354. 549 Strait xii . 501.557 Cortes ibid . of the Virginians xii. 569.603 . xiii . 36 towns 550 of the Eſquimaux 677 productions ibid . of the Chilians xiv . II2 canal 551 of the Pampas Indians xiv. I 28 Arra Maida, woman of Van Diemen's of the South Americans xiv. 225 Land xi . 851 of the Brazilians xiv . 874 Arran iſle . 255 of the Tapoyers of Brazil xiv. 878 hiſtory 258 of the Hottentots xvi. 29.90.130 mountains 259 of the Negroes of the Gold lakes ibid . Coaſt xvi. 413 produce 260 of the Fidalians xvi. 505 inhabitants ibid . in Benin xvi . 532 Martin's deſcription of of the Canarians xvi . 818 Arras town iv. Armſtrong, Archy, the jefter iii , 205 Arrawary river xii. Armſtrong, Johnnie 210 Arreoy ſocieties in Otaheite xi. 520 Arna Magnaus on the Edda i . 711 Arreſt, mode of, in Calecut viii . 377 Arnas iv . 288 Arreton Downs ii . 703 Arndell, Mr., xi . 934 views from ii . ibid . Arnique monaſtery 277. 301 Arriaza river 310 Arnold's time-keeper i . 593 Arringon palace 85 Arnolph of Orleans vi. 165 Arroe Sound vi . 343 Arnould , M. , on the French trade to Arrowhatock Indians xiii . 26 America iv. 350 Arrows of the Laplanders i . 188 on the tonnage em poiſoned, of Mallicollo iſland xi . 619 ployed by France iv. 352 of the North Americans Aroe Seenkang, the pirate xi . 224 of the Virginians xiii . 35 Aromaia province xii . 209 of the North Americans 515 Arompo, or man - eater of Guinea xvi . 439 of the South Americans xiv. 225 Arona, feminary near of the Hottentots xvi . 90 town 992 of the Negroes of Guinea xvi . 414 Aros caſtle 351 Arface town 528 Aroua iſlands xi. Arfani convent Arouas Indians xiv. Arfeek Indians xiii . 63 Aroughcun of Virginia xiii . 31 Arfenal of Copenhagen i . 141 Arpajon, vineyards of iv . 441 of Venice iv. 255 Arpas-kalefi of Madrid 376 Arpenas caſcade 801 of Zuric 666 Arpentigni, Sieur Peter d', xiii . 327 of Fredericftadt vi . 363 Arpents, amount of, in France iv. 301 - , naval , of Carlſcroon vi. 377 fize of the French ( note ) iv. 559 of Stockholm vi . 426 of Paris iv. ibid . of Peterſburgh vi . 687 Arra village 533 of Tonquin 753 Arrabi fainily of Oman 118 of Conftantinople 729 Arracan kingdom , Hamilton's ac Arſenaria, the ancient count viii . 416 Arfengan, earthquake at 92 mountains ix . 473.557 Arfia-Caray, quarry at viii. 709 code of laws ix . 492 Arfinoe, ruins of extracts from 493 province kingdom deſcribed ix . 759 the ancient 213. 275 Arracan Gaudma ix. 534 Arſipour, Hamilton's account viii . 404 Arracan , King of, his baſe conduct to Arlo, lava of 49 Sultan Sujah viii . -, analyzation of the pumice of 172 his treaſury 760 Arſous plain 550 his titles ix . 761 Artacina, the ancient 602 Artacui xii. 501.557 X111 . V. 991 V. 111 . X. 426 X. 614 251 X. 674 V. X. ix . X. XV . 518 vii , X. 586 ix . XV. 2II > XV. 416 V. ix . IN DE X. [ 27 ] VOL. PAGE XV. V. 12 801 784 162 208 518 605 123 686 XV. XV. XV. 15 669 743 618 XV. 7. 8 Vill . ix , 9 40. 43 100 281 172 173 938 ix . v. V. X. v. 176 156 , 157 of Cyprus ix . 736 322 589 472 473 718 VOL. PAGE Artacui town 712 Arur, the burning wind Artel of Ruflia vi . 877 Arve river Artelſchicks of Ruſſia vi. 877 Arveron, ſource of the Artemis, King, his defence of Arvieux , Chevalier d' , on the Arabs x. Canaria xvi . 811 Arwaycas Indians xii . Arthur, King ii . 259 Arzew port Arthuret, church- yard of ii. 205 falt -pits Arthur's round table 325 Arzilla, ſiege of xii . oven 116 town round table 121.464 Arzina, in Lapland, SirH.Willoughby Articles of the church of England ii . 139 frozen to death in i . exhibited by Sir John Child viii . 335 Aſagaru, cait, manners and cuſtoms viii . of the peace between the Alam the Chineſe xi . King of England and the Em Afangaro juriſdiction xiv. peror of Morocco 494 Afaph Chan , his romantic pleaſure in the Cacongo language xvi. 591 houſe viii . Artificers in Perfia ix. 204 feaſt to the Great Artillery of Spain 445 Mogul viii . - , park of, in Stockholm vi . 427 anecdotes of him viii . of the Great Mogul 140. 193 Albas, mountain near ix . of the East 501 Albeítos of Cornwall ii . of the Siameſe 592 of pumice of the Cochin-Chineſe ix . 793 experiments on of Bombay 205 rock of Chiavenna houſe at Batavia xi . , account of its diſcovery near Artists at Stockholm vi 419 Solikamſky vii . of Delhi viii . X. Tonquineſe of America xiii . in Canada xij . 622 amiantus xiii . Artois, culture of beans in iv . 483 Aſcanius lake clover iv . 486 Aſcenſion iſland xi . coleſeed 489 Aſcenfion iſland, America hemp and flax iv . 492 Aſcent to Mont- Blanc, puppies iv. 499 of Mount Etna tobacco iv. of Mount Couvercle various plants 506 of Mont- Blanc, by James tillage and laying of lands in iv. 537 Balma and Dr. Paccard implements of huſbandry in iv. 540 -, by M. Sauſſure v. Artois, Count d ' , iv . 172. v . 341 Aſchaffenburg town Arts, fine, precede the fall of ſtates 127 Aſclepias Syriaca of Canada xiii . -, in Saxony Afcrib iſle iii . ftate of, in Stockholm vi. 402 Aſe, the ancient Orontes, academy of, in Peteriburgh 832 Afekle province ſcholars ibid . inhabitants i . -, prizes vi . 833 foil manual, of the Guinea Ne. agriculture groes xvi . 390 knort- fiv of the Fidaſians xvi , 478 church i . in Benin 523 Asfax, ſee Sfax. ſtate of, in Loango, Cacon Aſgard and Troy fynonimous i . xvi . 572 Aſh, curious cabinet at ii . of the Mandingoes xvi . 879 parlonage-houſe ii . Arucheto, monſtrous large-eared Aſhbrook's, Lord, plantations iii . pigmies of xi . 375 Aſhburn church ii . Arulic Gupay village viii . 694 Aſhburton town Arum Virginicum plant XII. 534. Aſhby's gap Arundel collection iii . 180 Aſhdown ii . Arundell's, Earl, collection of an . Alher tribe, in the Holy Land tiques ii . 440 Aſhes thrown from volcanoes in Iceland i . character ii . ibid. - repofitory of facrificial iii . - , expedition to Virgi of Stromboli nia 228 Alhkara, Forſter's adventures at ix. [ D 2] iv . xii. iv. 156 671 692 66 785 v . 502 V. iv . vi . vi. vi. 159 X. vi . 787 788 240 612 628 489.518 354 ibid. ibid . 355 357 ibid . vi. xvi. go, &c. 711 322 ibid . 863 384 266 722 309 328 688 558 X. 98 xii . 295 Athey [ 28 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL . ix . I 12 XV. ii . 166. ii. 527 XV. X. 481 iv . 432. 437 ix . V. 716 vi. vi . 197. 202 576 viii , caves x X. XV. 248 XV . X. VOL . PAGE Aſhey ſea-mark , proſpects from ii . 704 Aſſemblies of the Tonquinele 672 Athly river xii . 342 - , grand, of the Malega Alhmolean Muſæum ii . ches of Madagaſcar xvi . 773 Alhorah feaſt 438 Aſembly, general, of Scotland AThoure, Seedy, the Marrabbutt 671 of the States- general at Alhout village Paris iv. 173 Afh -park ii , 323 National Athroff, Ruflians at 317 of the Roſengarten Aſia deſcribed vii . of the States of Saxony 150 Bell's travels in vii . 273 of Hamburgh 216 --- , etymology xvi . 077 general, of the Bermudas xiii . 197 Santos' account of xvi . ibid. of deputies of New York xiii . 460 Alia Minor 646 of the Caciques of the Afiante country , Guinea xvi . 372 Araucano3 xiv . Aliaute , Kilig of xvi . 370 general, in Dutch Brazil xiv . 746.847 Aliatic iſlands deſcribed xi . Affembly -rooms at Bath ii . 251 Asju province vii . 667 Aflens vi . 342 Alkagava river of Japan vii. 684 Afles, African iv . 19 Allrigg town ü . 430 of the Carnatic viii . waterfall at ij . ibid . of Bangalore 631 ü . 431 of Loheia 33 Arnaures of Georgia ix . 125 of Arabia 178. 185 Alo volcano in Japan vii . 686 of Damaſcus 371 Alouay mountain xiv . 289.426 wild , in Quito xiv. 465 Aſparagus of France iv. 70 of Dar- Fur 139 of Darmtładt vi . of Algiers and Tunis 618 of America xiii , 432 of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 433 Aſphaltites lake 432 of the Moors in Barbary xvi . 645 Asphaltum , fpecies of, at Monte della of Sofala, with horns xvi . 701 Caſtagna 180 Affeffor of the Valteline 927 Aſpis of Barbary 628 of Chiavenna 937 Aſplund's, Mr. , foundry vi. 432 Aſiento trade xii . 323 Alps of Cyprus X. of Negroes at Carthagena Alp ſhrubs of Canada xiii . - , etymology of the word xiv. Allafotida ſcent eſteemed by Perſians ix . 182 Aſignats, obſervations on ( note ) iv . 405,6.426 Aſfagays of the Hottentots xvi . 29 Affilag, bird , of St. Kilda iii , 712 of the Negroes of the Gold Aſſinee, Guinea, adventures of the Coaſt French in xvi. 516. 546 in Benin xvi . 532 Affinibowl Indians xii . 276. 368 Aſammeni of Aquamboe xvi . 367 Aliftants, Dutch officers, in Guinea xvi. 377 ATapanic of Virginia xili . 3i Aliut , route to Soudan from 109 Afaſſination of the Emperor Albert 687 Affizes of England ii . 131 of Gullavus III . 504 of Bermudas xiii . 186. 196 of the falſe Demetrius vi . 631 Aſſociates, Helvetic 683 , attempted , of Peter the Affonantes, the Spaniſh Great vi . 640 Aflouan Syene, Pococke's deſcrip of Captain Cook xi . 713 tion of 261 Allaſlins of Valencia 510 Affumption, curious painting of it xiü . 801 account of the nation of vii . 99. 114 Aſſumption city , Paraguay xiv. Siameſe puniſhment for ix . 594 Aſſumption iſland xii. 643.657 Affault of Seringapatam viii . 598 Aſſumption of the Virgin Mary, ca Aſſayers of tin ii . 275 thedral vi . 603 of ſilver in Peru xiv . 15 Affuze, Alcayde 461 Aſlays of Gold in Guinea xvi . 3'14 Ally -tree of Madagaſcar 801 Aſleen , Hamilton's deſcription viji . 296 Aſſynt marble iii , 85 Aſſemble Nationale, its proceedings iv. 176. etfog. 290 pariſh ili. 334 Aſſemblies, French iv . 99 Aſſyria ix . -, regulations for, at Peterſ Bedouins of 136 burgh in 1719 681 Aſtacus, the ancient 699 -, public, Hindoos fond of viji . 670 Aſtara town vii . 312 of the Siameſe 597 Aſtarabat, province and city ix . 170 Alti XV . V. xiv . 359, 370 591 361 468 xvi . 414.505 xv. vi . V. v. 526 XV . v. 9 635 XV. xvi. 173 X. vi . ix . 1 IN D E X. [ 29] 1 PAGE VOL. PAGE X. > V. * > Vili . XV. xiii . ix. 786 118 . üi. X. 736 XV. 398 X. xii. X. jii . VOL. Aſti town iv . 281 Atagualpa, Pizarro's audience of Aftolphus river ix . 147 him xiv. 158 Aſtrabad, bay of vi . 882 his death xiv. 159 Attracan, origin and progreſs of the Atahourou in Otaheite xi . 509 Britiſh trade to vi. 878 Atargatis, the Syrian goddeſs 540 Ruſſian trade to vi . 879 Ateca village 547 - , deſcription of vi . 880 wine of ibid . journey from Cazan to vii . 277 Atech, Father, anecdotes of him 169 - , deſcription of vii . 282. 316 Athelney iſland ii . 259 itinerary from Moſcow to vii . 499 convent there ii . ibid, -, journey from , to China vii . 674 Athelſtan, King ii . 298 Jenkinſon's deſcription of ix . 387 Athens, Pococke's account of 750 Aftrixis mountains 512 Atherfield Point ii. 677 Aſtrolabe deſcribed 371 Athol , in Perthſhire 380 Altrolabes of the Perſians 226 Athol, Duke of ii . Aſtrologers of Cambalu vii. 138 his reſidence ii . 789 in India, anecdotes of Athol, John Duke of, King of them viii . 151 Man ii . 832.833 of the King of Perfia ix . 55 Athol, the Ducheſs of, poem on 557 in Perfia ix . 225.227 Athol-houle iii. 52. 388 Birmans' reverence for ix . 454 Athos mount , Pococke's deſcrip Aſtrology of Tycho Brahe vi . 333 tion of the Cochin -Chineſe, a Athribin city means of their converſion ix. 815 Atiekoiwe mountain vi . 480 in Jidda 23 Atkins, Governor, of Barbadoes 294 of the Arabians 168 Atkins, Captain Henry, anecdotes judicial , in Peru xiv. 303 of him xiii . 471 Aftronomers appointed for the mea Atkinfon , Mr. 544 ſurement of the earth xiv. 257.271 Atlantica of Rudbeck , differtation their operations in vi . 410 Quito xiv. 422–440. 694 Atlantica iſland xii , Aftronomy, experimental i . 251 Atlantis, the ſuppoſed continent of xi. 749 - Tycho Brahe's firſt in. -- , Ariſtotle on xii. ducement to ſtudy vi . 329 remarks on xii. 17 his ſyſtem of vi . 333 Atlas, mount, Morocco 512.516 ftudy of, in China vii . 407 - , Lempriere's deſcription xv. 729 ſtate of the ſtudy in Atletlanca , pueblo xiii . 817.833 Hindoftan viii . 188 Atmoſphere of France iv. in Perſia ix . 30. 225 in the Birman empire ix. 511 of Calabria during the of the Siameſe ix . 598 earthquakes 296 of the Arabians 167 obſervations on equa ſtate of, among the Ne torial xi . 755 groes of Senegal xvi . 654 of the Iſle of France 763 - , Mandingo ſtudy of xvi . 875 Atooi iſland xi. 725 Aftrop wells, ii . Captain King's adven Aſturias, coafting trade of 469 tures at xi . 726 Afuay Paramo 526 Atquanachuch Indians xiii . 67 Arvan, country deſcribed by Benja Attacama juriſdiction xiv. 628 min of Tudela vii . 15 Attack bay , New Holland xi . 829 Alveſtad town vi . 456 Attago, the chief xi. 590.673 - > copper refinery of vi. ibid. Attal, Jacob , of Morocco 736 Aſychis, King 208 Attalia 594 Aſylum for citizens' widows at Attaquas Kloof _xvi. 27 Stockholm vi . 429 Attawoons of the Birman empire ix . 495 for the orphans of free-maſons vi . 430 Atte fruit of Siam ix . 609 -, grand, for orphans vi . ibid . Attélier at the Louvre iv. for the diſtreſſed in Georgia xii. 483 Atte-ſcarre Force ji . 429 Ataburion on Mount Tabor 455 Attetla, pueblo xiii . 821. 830 Atacames government xiv. 488 Attica 749 on 19 16 > XV. 316 effects of a pure 258 > xi. - 346 V. xiv . XV. XV. X. 14 Attier, [30] IN DE X. TOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE xi. XV. XV. I 20 viii. at XVI . xiv . 607 621 jii. V. X111 . vii . 60.77 158 62. 65 V. 398 XV. 548 vi . 96 Attier fruit 768 Audience of the Sultan Abd-el-rach Attineh 401 man - el- raſchid Attinga , Queen, anecdotes of her 383 of the Emperor of Mo Attorries' clerks in London ii . 94 rocco xv. 465.482.741 Attoughcomoco, Pory's adventures mode of obtaining xv. 750.788.797 xili . 142 of the King of Congo 167. 282 Attraction , Newton's ſyſtem of i . 231 of the King of Cacongo xvi . 584 Atun- Cagnor town xiv . 289 of the King of Quiteva xvi . 683 Atun-Canar, palace of the Incas at xiv . 475.548 Audience of Panama xiv . 382 Aubenas, Young's account iv . 217 of Quito xiv , 444 Aubenton, M. d' iv . 141 of Lima 572 Aubery, Joſeph, ihe Canadian miſ extent and de. fionary xiii . 683 ſcription of it xiv . Aubrun, La Ville , cattle of iv . 472 of Charcas xiv. Auch town iv . 123 Audience-chamber of the palace of Auchtertyre 405 Madrid 374 Aucociſco, New England 218 of Prince Potemkin vi . 765 Auctionsatthe Cape of Good Hope xvi. 7.56.70 of the King of Audience of foreign miniſters at the Fida xvi . 487 court of Sweden vi . 395 of the King of of Mangu Khan Benin xvi . 534 Nieuhoff's, of the Emperor Audience - court of England ii . 136 of China vii . 264. 266 Audience -hall of Delhi viii . of the Sophy of Perſia vii . 301 of Iſpahan ix. 25 - , ceremony of, at the court of Eſcrief ix. of China vii . 382 Audiences of Spain of the Grand Lama vii . 558 Auditor, Dutch, in Guinea xvi . 379 of the Emperor of Japan, Audley, Sir Thomas ii . 85 Kempfer's deſcription vii . 807 Audus, Mons of the Empreſs and court vii . 808 Augarten of Vienna ſecond vii . 813.817 Auge, Pays d ' , cattle of iv. 477 of the King of Barampore viii . 5 Auge, M., anecdotes of him xvi . 3 Sir Thomas Roe's , of Augers, vineyards of iv. the Great Mogul viii . 7.12 Aughftweitcht-brunnen, ſprings 753 the Perſian ambaſſador's, Augoan, New England xiji . 218 of the Great Mogul viii . 20 Augramart, the Indian xii . 283 of Aureng -Zebe to the Augſburg town vi . 17 Uſbec ambaſſadors viii . 103 inhabitants vi. ibid . to the Dutch government vi . ibid . ambaſſadors viii , 107 trade vi . 18 to the Perſian Augſburghers 17. 19 ambaſſador 114 Augſpourguer, Mr., filk brought of the King of Birma 422. 423 from Georgia by him 466 of the King of Perſia ix . 64 87. Augurs of Sofala xvi . 686 of Jaafer Khan ix . 264 Auguſta county , natural curiofities of xiii . 723 of the King of Bucharia ix . 392 Augufta fort and town, on the Sa of the King of Pegu 402 vannah xii . 455 of the Maywoon of Pegue ix . 431 Augufta Rauricorum , ruins of 699 of the heir apparent of Auguſtines preferred for Georgian the Birman empire ix . 525 millions ix . 136 of the King of Ava ix. 544 Auguftus and Rome, temple to 668 of the Imam of Sana 65.70 Auguſtus, his inſcriptions at Angora x . 690 of the Palha of Tripoli 486 Aujengo, Engliſh factory at 383 of the Grand Vizier at Aukland caitle 513 Conſtantinople 726 Auldbar, ancient monument in 437 of the King of Borneo xi . 352 Aulich of the houſes in Barbary 650 Tomochichi's, of George Aumoughcawgen xiii . 218 the Second 449 Aungier, Preſident viii , 330 of the King of Sennar 69 Aungwa, ſee Ava. Audience of the Emperor of Ethiopia xv. 77 Aunt Sarah of Scilly ii , 757 Auray 446 V. vi . viii . viii . ix . V. X. X. V111 . 111 xv. xii. XV . IN DE X. [31 ] PAGE V. v. 408 iv. 210 9 iv . 480 vill . to his Vill . is . 89 > 538 120 > 202 > revenues at xvi. 328 XV. > VOL . PAGE VOL . Auray town iv . 156 Auſtrians, their general character vi . 76 Aureng- Zebe, Bernier's account of Authors, obſervations on ii . 490.504 him viii . 62 Auto-da- fe, repreſentation of one 377 plots of Emir-Jemla real , of 1680 407 in his favour viii . 66 modern ---, his ſtratagems towards Autumn in Chili xiv . 41 Morad- Bakche and Emir Jemla viii . 69 Autun, Yourig's account of iv . 207 joined by Morad Auvergnac manſion iv . 157 Bakche viii . 71 Auvergne battle of the Eugenes viii . 73 province, foil of iv . 307 battle of Fate - Abad, vineyards of 454 or Samonguer viii . 78 cattle iv . his conduct to his cultivation of hemp and father Chah-Jehan 83 flax iv. 492 orchards iv. 495 brother Morad - Bakche 86 turnips 504 battle of Kadjoue viii . walnuts iv . 505 , reception of ambaſſa waſte lands of iv . 513 dors vili . 103. 107 coals of iv . 520 his ſpeech to the woods iv . 524 Omrahs viii. 108 tillage and laying of land to his old tutor viii . 116 in iv . letter to Chah - Jehan viii . implements of huſbandry iv . 542 his rewards to his fer Auxonne iv. vants viii . 128 Auyay river xiv. 724 character viii . 132 Auyoykayongo, Battel's adventures viii . 142 - , army viii . ibid. Auzia, the ancient 535 his march to Lahor viii . 193 Ava, port of viii . 250 - , camps and equipage of viii . 196 » palace at viii . 423 Hamilton's hiſtory of Symes's embaſſy to ix. his birth and actions viii . 324 -- , ancient, deſcribed Aureſs, Jibbel 548 -, kingdom defcribed ix . 762 Aurora -borealis i . 261. 297 Ava, King of, his dreſs and throne ix . 544 in Finmark i . 417 Symes's audience ix. 545 origin 785 anecdotes of him ix . 763 matter i. ibid . Ava, Duke of, anecdote of him i . 135 formation ibid . Ava, drug, of the Sandwich iſles xi . at Stromboli 129 Auſt- Clive ii , 230 Avalanches of the Alps iv . 690.698. v.793 Auftin , Archbiſhop ii . 60 in the Griſons 939 Auſtralaſia xi . of the Cordilleras xiv. 297 De Broſſes on xi , ilid. Avalos, M. d' , 487 Auſtria, alliances of the Griſons with v. 975 Avanaſh Khan, hiſtory of ix . 342 » policy of, towards Bavaria vi. 58 Avancay jurifdiction xiv, Riefbeck's deſcription of its Avaſaxa mountain i . 233 preſent ſtate vi. difficulty in aſcend extent vi . ibid. ing i . 245 productions vi . ibid . Avenche, antiquities of 832 government vi . 107 old wall ibid . cloiſters vi . 119 moſaic pavement ibid . trade vi. ibid . baths ibid. revenue vi . amphitheatre on the population of vi . 123 column ibid . on the revenue of vi . 124 aqueduct ibid . conſidered as a rival of Ruſſia vi . 126 Avendano , Don Antonio de xiv. 190 Auftria, Empreſs of , anecdotes of vi . 78 Avendano, Don Martin xiv. 195 character vi . ibid. Avendano, Don Martin Ruez de xvi. 810 death vi. Aventure bay, Van Die men's Land xi . Auſtria, houſe of v.686. vi . 103 Averno lake, once a volcanic crater 44 Auſtrian delegate to the Grey League v. 946 Avery, the pirate xii . 359 Avignon, 9 426 ix . 481.544 XV. > 731 V. 97 Aval ille X. I. 421 > 617 103 V. V. I 20 V. 833 > IO2 639 [ 32] IN DE X. VOL . PAGE iv. 468 vi. 410.417 18 > v. iv . V. V. 244 XV. 180.401 iii. XV. X. > VOL . PAGE Avignon, Young's account of 220 Azores, Flicke's voyage to i . 82 1 vines of iv. 455 Raleigh's report of an engage. filk culture iv. ment about i . 824 Aviary at Iſpahan vii . 308 Behaim's obſervations on xi . 397 Avila city , Quito xiv. 491 -, diſcovery of Avila town 545 on their diſcovery xii . manufactory ibid . Colon's adventures in xii . 50 Avienus's mention of the Scilly illes ï . 731 cruizers off xii. 627. xiii . 19 Avis, remarkable river near xvi . 707 Adanſon's remarks on xvi. 671 Avon river ii . 29. 245.632 Azoteas of Cadiz 572 Avoyers of Soleure 716 Azout, M. d' 32 clections 717 Azua, Hiſpaniola xii . 1 24 of Bern 853 Azzud ad Dowlah Deilemee ix . Awa, province of Japan vii . 662 Awadfi province vii. 667 Awadliſima, origin and meaning of vii. 652 B. Awerri, Benin xvi . 519 Awine country , Guinea xvi . 372 Baalbait, antiquities at Awk of St. Kilda 71 Baalbeck, ſee Balbeck . Awle river 327 Baalzephon, 294 Axe river ü . 291 Baanephia, ſect of Othman xvi . 724 Axel Lejonhufwud ; Baron , Von Baatu, his court deſcribed by Ru. Troil's letter to i . 678 bruquis vii . 45 Axim country deſcribed xvi. 340 -, his reception of Chriſtianity vii . 46.88 -, government xvi. 405 Bab, ancient ſynagogue at 54.1 Dutch factors in xvi. 407 Baba, bird at Aſtracan vii . 283 Axminſter ii . 291 Baba lieutenancy, Guayaquil xiv . 403 carpet manufacture at ii . ibid . Babahoyo juriſdiction xiv. ibid . Ay village iv . 190 Baba- Sec, anecdotes of him xvi . 610 vineyards of iv. 447 Baba.Sheen , account of him ix. 427 Ayala's, General, fleet xiv. Baba Soltan Ayek Jemani, ſtone of Arabia 198 Babbadach town vii . 507 Ayerbangie harbour viii . 447 Ovid's baniſhment to ibid . Avleſbury church ii . 339 Babelmandel, ſtrait of Ayllon, Vaſquez de 339 ille and ſtrait .58 Aymaraes juriſdiction xiv . 617 Babel Naaſer x . 3 $ 7.405 Aynam iſland , ſee Hainan . Babel tower deſcribed ix . 407 Aynho manſion ii . 345 Babi- ronfa of Amboyna xi . 262 Ayni city vii . 92 Baboons of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 64. 115 Ayrafte town 657 of Loango xvi . Ayfgarth church ii . 430 Babylon, account ofits ruins 291 waterfall ibid . Della Valle's travels from , Pennant's account of iii . 518 to Iſpahan Ayta village ruins ix . Ayuka - Chan, King of the Calmucks vii . 487 town deſcribed ix. Azabs of Egypt xv. 305 on the Nile xv . 183.401 xvi. 823 Babylonians, the Japaneſe deſcended Azamore town, Morocco 701 from the original vii . Azara, Chevalier 392 their route to Japan vii . Azarole, the Virginian 414 Baçan, Don Alfonſo, his action with Azemi province ix . the Revenge i . Azequias of Valencia 604 Bacchu the Tartar general vii . Azerbeyan province ix. 155. 176 Bacchus, his temple at Aphrodiſias Azi, anecdotes of him ix . 388 his theatre at Athens 752 Azimena fhrub of Madagaſcar xvi. 805 Bacchus iſland , Canada xii . 646 Azimuth compaſs i . 568 Bach, Chevalier, Von Troil's letter to i . 660 Aziz ftatue his letter to Dr. Azo caſtle Von Troil i . 713 Azof, ſea ot, trade of vi. 887 Bacharach , ſituation of vi . 268 Azores, Cumberland's voyage to i . 804 Bach -bachi tree of Madagaſcar xvi . Eveſham's voyage to 819 Bachelors of Arts, Tonquineſe Bachian , IOI ix . 351.353 X. vii. 200 xii. XV . 10 . xii . 558 viii . 11 . ix . IT X. 366 396 406 Azaffi port XV 672 v. 7 673 X111 . 173 V. 827 90 X. 675 Xv. 834 V111 . I 22 Sco ix . 675. 735 INDEX. (33 ) VOL . PAGE PAGE XV. XV. ix. V. XV. XV. X. X. v. V. X111 . V. XV, 348 nou XV. X. XV. XV. X. VOL. Bachian, King of xi . 367. 370 Bagre filh of Guayaquil xiv. 409 Bachſi , the priefts vii . 127 Bags of the Hottentots and Caffrés xvi. 102 Back -houſes of Barbary 650 Baguewala país xi . 248 Backu , naphtha of vii . 288 ifthmus xi. 250 city ix , 46 Baha on the Nile 72 Bacola, Fitche's deſcription of 415 Bahadu Khan 88 Bacon's ſaying on Spain and France 632 Bahama Channel xiii . 769.867 . 868 Bacras town 72 Bahama illes, Engliſh ſettlement xii . 357 BACSTROM's voyage to Spitzbergen i . 614 Baharum vale XV. 279. 283.295 Bactriana, the ancient ix . 372 Baher- Bellomah 177 Badag ſhan city ix . 377 Bahhrein ifle 129 Badavana-hully town viii . 680 city ibid. Badamier tree of the iſle of France xi. 767 hiſtory ibid . Badbury -down ii . 300 Bahi province xi . 77 Baden, bailliage of 684 Bahia, Dutch expedition to xiv. 735. 746 hiſtory ibid . Bahia Konda 866 government 685 Bahiouda deſart 68 Baden , Margrave of iv . 197. vi . Ś Bahr-el-Abiad river xvi. 828 Bader Khan ix. route from Dar Badhùn of Inverneſs 343 Bergoo to its ſources xvi. 838 Ba-dia -Gal people xi. 915 Bahr-el -Ada, route from Khukjé to xvi. 834 Badmington, caves at ii , 152 Bahr -el -Gazalle, route from Wara to xvi. ibid. Badruck, Hamilton's account of viii. 405 road from , to Bor Badus, mount 966 xvi. 835 Baedoo kingdom xvi. 852 Bahren iſland, pearl-fiſhery viii . 252 Baet ſea- port, pirates there viii . 310 Bahr- Jofeph 214 Baeza town, Quito xiv. 491 Baia, Brazil, deſcribed xvi . 201 Baffa city 587 Baiamout 211 Baffin's attempt at a North - eaſt paſſage i . 540 Baian Chinſan vii . 149. 151 Bagameder kingdom 21 Baias, road from Antioch to 545 Bagdat , Polo's deſcription of vii . deſcription of 546 city , Hamilton's account of viii . 291 -, excurſion to Tarſus from ( note) x. ibid . Della Valle's deſcription of ix. Baichu's rebellion vii. 199 Balbi's travels from Aleppo Bailiffs of England ii. 134 to ix . 395 - of Zuric 665 Bagdat, Baſha of, his battle near - of Grunengen Baflora ix. 277 of Bern 854 Baggage of a Crim Tartar ix. 163 of Mayenfield of Egyptian travellers 320 Baillet, Adrien, on the Princeſs of the Mecca caravan Sophia Alexiefna (note) vi. 633 Baggie, the Lapland i. 406 Bailliages of Switzerland 653 Baggs, Mr. , of Guinea xvi. 365 of Soleure 712 Baghermé, Browne's account of xvi. 835 of Echalens 812 Bagnall's account of the Virginian of Granſon colony xili . of Morat 827 Bag -naguer, ſtratagem of Aureng of Grayeres 833 Zebe at viii . 66 of Bern Bagnara town, deſtroyed by an of Moudon earthquake 292 of Mendriſio 891 Bagnere de Luchon Italian , of Switzerland 986 cobalt manu . Baillie, Dr., on goitres ( note) 773 factures of iv . 371 Bailly on the ſuppoſed Atlantic con cattle of iv. 474 tinent xi . 749 woods iv. 521 on the river of Swans xi. 818 Bagnets, plant of Madagaſcar xvi . 806 on Schouten iſlands xi . 869.893 Bagnios of Iſpahan ix . 190 on New South Wales 932 of Grand Cairo 193 Bailury, cultivation at viii . 772 Bagota of the Panchalas viii. 640 Bain river ii . 431 Bagpipes of the Highlands 95 Bairam feſtival at Surat X. 213. XV. 437.774 their antiquity 326 Bajazet, anecdote of viii. Bagrada river 560 Baker of Cologne, anecdote of one vi . 272 VOL. XVII . Baker III X. II V. V. 677 958 XV. XV. 382 V. 813 66.73 V. V 854 883 V. iv. 100 V. V. > xi. XV. * iii . I 20 XV. [ 34 ] INDEX. PAGE xiii. 368 881 - is . V. - 852 346 66 - 9 v. 518 vi. 147 X. X. VOL. VOL . PAGE Baker, puniſhment of an unjuſt viji. 300 Balialo, vineyards at iv . 11Ο Bakers of Lima xiv . 602 , culture and irrigation at iv. 669 Baker's, Daniel, examination 227 Ballamboang kingdom and city xi. 147 Bakewell church ii . 386 Ballanore Burgarie, anecdotes of Bakewell, Mr. him viii. 371 Baking - ſtone, an ancient one ii. 404 his court and Bakoven fruits of Guinea xvi . 455. 504 dominions viii . 372 Baku, harbour and trade vi. Ballaſore, town, Hamilton's de port ix. 175 ſcription of viij . 406 Bala town i , 634 Ballena, Rio de la xiv. 60 lake ii . ibid . Balleſter, Michael xii . 109 Bala town, Africa xvi. 897 Ballinagouan iii . 82 Balaba town xvi. 858 Balloch Caſtle 375 Balabea ille xi . 632 Ballons of the Siameſe ix. 580 Balachan of the Siameſe 612 Ballot, the blind , of Friburg 836 Tonquineſe ix . 726 - , of Bern Balade iſland, Cook's diſcovery of xi. 630 Ballowches, their depredations in Balaganſky village vii. Perſia viii . 301.304 Balak, John, bis letter reſpecting the Balls, magical Lapland i . 182 north -eaſt paſſage i . magical iii . 374 Bala- kane in Perfia ix. 68 of Spain Balambangen, Engliſhſettlement xi. 281 at the Ruſſian court 673 Balance of power in Europe vi. 126 Bally iſland viii . 454 Balances, port of xij. 630 Bally, Straits of xi. Balanea 313 Ballybricken 833 Pococke's deſcription of 567 Ballycanvan iii . 855 Balaquet, Col de, paſſage 614 agriculture at 856 Balaſalla village ii . 794 Ballycaſtle town Balaxiam province vii. 116 bay Balayan iland xi. 76 Ballymoat manufactory Balbeck , Maundrell's deſcription of 373 Ballynafloe fair - , Clayton's account of 387 Ballyroan inn ji . Pococke's defcription of 490 Ballyſhannon, Young's account of iii . 828 Balbi's voyage to Pegu ix. 395 Ballut plain , 32 Balboa, Vaſco Nunez de xiv. 142 Balm of Gilead in Arabia Baldach, ſee Bagdat. - , mineral, in Perſia ix . 182 Bald -eagle of Virginia ( note ) xiii . 720 of Mecca x. 22. 195.430 Baldenſel on the pyramids 825 Balma's, James, afcent of Mont Baldinatte, Father ix . Blanc 787 Baldivia , Chili xiv. 20 Balmat, Pierre, the guide of Cha Baldivieſo , Don Jeronimo xiv , 3 iv . 687 Baldwin , Lord Chief Juſtice 187 his route to the top of Baldwin, Mr. Thomas ii . 250 Mont Blanc 688 Baldwin , Mr., of Virginia xiii. 146 Balme, Col de 778 Balearic iſando 470 -, proſpects from ibid . Balenot fiſh of Canada 357 Balmerino Abbey iii. 417 Balfroſh , Forſter's account of ix. 318 Balnabbi manfion 284 Balhara of the Indies vii. 187 Balſain , hunting - feat 364 Balhara, cuſtom of burning on the Balſam of Mecca 195 funeral pile in vii. 215 Balſam garden, near Heliopolis 183 Baliol College, Oxford 114 Balſamo, Signore 268 Balk province deſcribed ix . 376 Balſams, Kopiaba, of Brazil 733 city ix. 377 Balſe, South - American raft xiv, 217 Balk, Chan of, his ambaſſador to Balſora, Balbi's travels from Bagdat Aureng -Zebe viii. 103 to ix . 396 Balkan , bay of vi. 882 Balftal vale 710 Ball, Lapland mode of playing i. 452 Balthaſar's, M., library 724 - > game, in the Sandwich iſands xi . 736 Baltic ſea , dangerous ſtorms in it i . 151 > game of the Chilians xiv. 119 -, navigation of the ( note) iv. 350 Ballagai of Seringapatam viii. 606 Baltimore, Maryland xii. Ballain eſtates 309 Baltimore fiſhery xiii. 231 Baltimore's 883 899 830 837 864 X. X. XV. viii. 276 C XV. 827 v. mouni iv . V. V. X111 . V. X. ii . XV. iv . xiv . V. IV . 210 INDEX. [35] PAGE VOL xi. Vlll. viii . iii. X. > 238 - & VOL. PAGE Baltimore's, Lord , grant of Mary Bande illands 476 land xii. 305 Bandel, Hamilton's deſcription 414 Baltiſtan , deſcription of 546 Banderilleros at bull- fights 534 Baltu, fon of Mangu Khan vii. 66 Bander-dillon town 295 Balumbi caſtle , iii. 420 Bander-rick town ibid . Baluſtrades of Paris iv . 10 Banditti, Scotch 348 Baluze, M. iv . 40 African, rob Mungo Bal-Volde, the northern i . 472 Park xvi. 862 Balzas of Guayaquil xiv. 407 Baneas, ancient city 313. 567 Bamba province, Congo xvi. 158 Banff, Pennant's account of iii. 65 town xvi. 166. 176 Banffshire, agriculture 67 Battel's adventures in xvi. 320 cairna 68 Bamba, Duke of xvi. 171 ſuperſtitions iii . 69 Bamba -ſhells xvi. 326 Bangalore fort, Buchanan's deſcrip Bambarra, Mungo Park's travels tion of it viii . 590.625 through xvi. 840 palace viii. 591 Bamber , exceſſive heat at viii. 207 trade viii . 626 -, deſcription of viii. 208 Bangor city ii . 626 Bamberg city vi. 236 cathedral ii . ibid . biſhopric vi . 237 Banian diamond merchants, anec Bamboo -bridge over the Black River xvi. 903 dotes of viii . Bamboos of Japan vii. 695 Banians of Surat viii . 317 of China viji. 510 Lord's diſcovery of viii . 523 of Siam ix. 606 their account of the cre - , pickle made of ix. 607 ation 524 various uſes ix . ibid . their moral law ni. .537 of Tonquin ix. 741 ceremonial law viii . 542 of Peru xiv , 274 cafts viii , 547.551 deſcribed by Rochon xvi. 761 obſervations on them viii . 554 Bamborough caſtle iii . 20 in Malkat 117 Bambouk , the ancient Hierapolis 539 their treatment in Arabia 142 Bambych, ancient city X. 382. 539 their dreſs 158 Bamforth -hole ii . 394 of Hindoftan 219 Bammakoo, Mungo Park's adven Banijigaru people viii. 630. 632 tures at xvi. 861 Baniſerile, Mungo Park's adven Bamoo, governor of ix . 482.513.532 tures at xvi . 906 Bampfylde, Colonel ii. 261 Banjar river xi. 109 Ban, river, fiſheries on iii . 827 Banjar Maffeen III Ban, Prince, account of him vii . 50 directions for trad . Bananas of Siam 609 ing there 136 of Toaquin ix. 666 Banjareens, deſcription of them xi . 123 of Cochin -China trade xi. 136 of Mindanao xi. 775 Banjarmaſſing factory (note) xi . of Carthagena xiv . 354 Bank of England ii. of Brazil xvi, of St. Charles 432 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 455 of Hamburg vi. 216 xvi. 553 cabinet of the Stockholm vi . 423 bread of xvi . ibid . of Aſſignation in Ruſſia vi . 864 fig xvi. ibid . of Batavia xi , 178 Banbury caſtle ü . 346 Bankalis, Dutch factory at 451 hiftory ii . ibid. Bankaſoy, produce of viii . 476 canal ii . 347 Bank -bills of Pruflia 187 Banca tin mines ( note ) 206 Bankebankſal, Oftenders' factory viii . 413 Banca, Straits of xi . 68 Bankers of Ava ix . 503 Bancok province ix. 578 Bankert, Admiral xiv. 845 Banda iſlands viii. 457 Bankruptcy in Hamburg vi . 215 deſcribed ( note) xi. 197 Bankrupt- laws of Geneva 890 Pigafetta's account of xi. 374 of China vii . 193 Banda Abaſſi, ſee Gombroon . of Tonquin ix . 723 Bandara town viii. 327 Bankrupts in Sweden vi . 523 [ £ 2 ] Bankrupus X. X. ix. xi. ix . , 201 IOI 202 V. of Loango V. [ 36 ] INDEX. PAGE 332 XV. 408 vii. X. 9 _ V. v. V. IOI > 83 xii. xii. 330. 333 VOL, VOL. PAGE Bankrupts made Naves in Africa xvi. 885 Bar of Batavia xi. 175 BANKS, Sir Jofeph , his voyage to of Senegal xvi . 606.646 the South Sea i . 637 of Portudal xvi . 624 his deſcription of Bar bay ii . 273 the Iſle of Staffa i . 704 Bara, Balbi's deſcription of ix . 398 Pennant's dedi. Baraba, Bell's deſcription of the cation to iii. 171 country vii . his account of Barabars of Wet Barbary Staffa iii. 304 Barabintzy Tartars 332. 334 his voyage with Baraconda, Woolli xvi. 910 Captain Cook xi 499 Barak mountain 391.401 Bank - lide, London 69 Baraket, Sheik 543 ſtews there ii . 70 Baramoulay, daily miracle at viii. 217 Banks's ſtraits xi . 877. 894 Barampore, Sir Thomas Roe's ac Banna river xvi . 332 count of viii . 5 Bannerets of Neuchatel 820 Barantola, ſee Laſſa. of Friburg 837 Bara Ooroo, of Maria iſland xi . 863.866 of Bern 853 Barbacue, a Virginian xiii. 716 Bannockburn ii . 171 Barbadoes, account of the firſt ſettle battle of iii . 114 ment of xii . 293 Bannos, hot baths xiv . 527 -, hiſtory of xii. 294 Banque, Sultan viii . deſcription of xii . 295 Banquella, ſee Banguela. ſugar trade of xii . 297 Eanquet, Della Valle's deſcription its importance and advan of a Perfian ix . 19 tages to England xii . 299 Banqueting -houſe, Whitehall ii . - , ſuperiority to all other Banquets given to ambaſſadors at colonies 300 Pekin vii . 267 trade of Bantam, Hamilton's deſcription of viii. 452 Barbarity , anecdotes of, at Chica bay xi. 161 Bala-pura viii. 665 kingdom xi. 162 of Lopez d'Aguira xii. Banzas of Sogno, Congo xvi. 240 of the Indians in New Baptiſın of the Princeſs of Sweden i. 147 England 400 ceremony of, among the Lap of Anqua of Guinea xvi . 349 landers i. 164.460 Barbary, Addiſon's account of 403 in Iceland i . 648 Shaw's travels in XV. 499-680 in Ireland i . 818 Lempriere's tour in xv. 681-801 in Scotland 383 Barbary feet of the Turks 250 in St. Kilda 717 Barbary Point, Senegal xvi . 607.668 · , controverſy on 907 Barbary powers 461 among the Neftorians vii. 73 Barbas, Las, iſlands xii. 143 in Perſia viii. 303 Barbel of Barbary 635 among the Banians 543 Barber port, Algiers 541 - , ceremony of, among the Barber -ſhop converſations 664 Perfees viii . 570 Barbers of Perſia ix. 206 in Mingrelia ix . 148 Barber's ſhop at Herat ix. 285 - , ceremony of a Perſian ix. 252 Barber's, Mr., coal-mine ii . 476 in Cochin- China 811 Barbefieux town iv . 126 of the Zubu iſlanders xi. 336. 340 Barbotier's, M., ſhipwreck xiii. 175 ſailors' 259 Barbuda iſland deſcribed xii . 304 ceremonies of a Copti 369 Barbues, fiſh , of Canada 358 at the Cape of Good Barcalon of Siam ix. 639 Hope xvi . 57 Barcelo, Admiral v. 460. 506 in Congo xvi. 159. 165. 237. 277 Barceloar town, Dutch factory at viii , 364 Mandingo ceremony of xvi . 874 Barcelona, Young's account of iv. 108 Baptift, St.John 352. 440 cultivation about iv. 659 Baptiſts of England ii . 14 inhabitants of iv. 663 Bar, Biſhop ili . 130 irrigation in iv. 668 Bar, Prince of 52 trade of 466 Bar of Siam viii . 475 approach to 617 of Negrais ix . town 618 Barcelona , 202 хіі. > XV. X. XV. viii. XV. XV. ix. xii. XV. xiii. X. ) 1 XV. 416 INDEX. [37 ] VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE v. XV. 9 I 2 XV. VIII . vii . 801 XV . 111 . 124. 182 XV. XV. 316 528 XV. xii . 916 448 9 - > > Barcelona, population of 618 Barley of Barbary 599 manufactures 619 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . Colon's reception at xii . 54 Barley river, Algiers 537 deſcribed by Carli xvi . 189 Barlowe's, Captain, voyage to Vir Barcelonetta iv . 108 ginia xii . 564. xiii . 5 Barclay of Ledyland iii . 267 Barma, King of, his dominions 421 Barclay, Robert, Eſq. of Urie 11 . 429 Barmach rock 287 Barclay's account of a royal chace ini . 391 Barmiſter of the mines ii . 407 Barclay's, Admiral, expedition againſt Barmoot court ii . 407.482 Dunkirk i . Barmouth town ii . 633 Barco city, Ethiopia 75 Barnaby's account of Garſtang Bardis town 234 Barnagul village viii . 413 Bardo of the Bey of Tunis 388 Barnard's, Mr., government of the Bards of the illes ui. 551 Bermudas xiii . 204 of Iceland vi. Barn -biid of Brazil xiv . 719 Bare iſland xi . Barneſey, Black , towa ii . 417 Bareach valley 297 Barnevelt i Nand xiv. 93. 125 Bareen iſlands viji . 289 Barneville's, M. , ſpinning -machine iv. 359 Barege iv. 711 Barniff, M. 399 Bareillier on the Blue Mountains xi . Barns of North America xili . BARENTSZ, William, his attempt at Barns Hole ii . 676 a north-eaſt paſſage to China i . 81 Barnftaple, trade of ii . 27 his ſecond at ſituation of ii . ibid . tempt i . 85 Baroach town, hiſtory and manu his third at factures viii . 314 tempt i . 90 Barometer, Nairne's marine i . 569 fufferings in Icy its ftate on the Alps iv . 634 Harbour i . 100-112 on the top of his death i . 114. xiv. 820 Mont Blanc iv. 691. v.788 Baretta fort , Brazil xiv. 854 on Mont Perdu iv . 714 Barette iſland xiv . on St. Gothard 749 Baretto's expeditions to Africa xvi . 703.708 at Peterſburgh vi . 669 Barfleur, Cape i . 803 its indications during a Barfleur, the ſhip ii . 311 voyage to India 754 Barges, Birman 455 in the Ife of Barg'i , country of vii , 124 France xi . 763 Bargylus, Mount 570 height of mountains Barieh pyramid 206 aſcertained by ( note ) xiv. 288 Barigazzo, fires of Baron Hill, Angleſea ii . 626 Barilla of Valencia 601 Baron's defcription of Tonqueen ix . 656 Barinſhell iſland 523 Barons, lift of, ſummoned to the Barionuevo, Le Coraçon de xiv. 296 fiege of Caerlavroc iii . 541 Bark of the birch i . 237 of Kublai Khan vii . 135 bread made of i . 345 Barony of Haldenitein V. 953 of the birch , its uſes in Norway vi. 301 Baroon, Mr. , anecdotes of him viii. 344 cloth made of it in Tongataboo xi. 677 66 of the American birch xiii . 360 Baros in Sumatra vili . 447 of the ſaflatras xiii . 424 Baros, Immanuel 841 Jeſnit's, its uſe in the ague xiii . 495 Barra, anecdotes of an Arab's re Bark-boats of America, mode of 144 making them xiii. 597 Barra , Captain 228 Bark- canoes of Canada xiii . 269 Barracks of Paramatta xi . 910 Barker, Cantin xii. 217 Barrady river X. 366.496.503 Barkins's, Mr., cloth manufadory vi . 433 Barrampore, Fitch's deſcription 410 Barley, Finniſh mode of threſhing i. 295 Barranca town, Peru xiv . 564 reaping i . ibid . Barray Ile 603 at Torneo i . 305 Barre, M. de la , Canada xiii. 260. 272 Italks found covered with Barrels, herring 336 ſnow i . 406 Barré's, M. du, houſe of Japan vii. 697 Barriſdal iii . harveft in Egypt and Arabia x. .177 Barriſdale the robber 350 Barro, 833 xi . ix . . X. XV . IO v. XV. Baroras country XV. xiv. venge at xiii . - IX . iv . 95 346 [38 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL . PAGE iv . on V. V. > v. V. V. V. 360 X. Xlll . XV. V. vii, ji . iv. 662 XV. 801 X. XV. 576 xiii . xvi. Barro , Rudolph Barros, Chriſtovan de Barrow , lime of Barrow river Barrows on Winſtor in Banffshire monumental, of Mada gaſcar Barry, Madame du, anecdote of Barry, Captain Barſac, vineyards of cattle Barfley Bridge, view from Barter, Edward, of Cape Coaſt Caſtle Barthelemi on the ſpice trade Bartholemew fair hoſpital Bartlett, Mr. , on the Bermudas Bartoli's account of Vulcano Barton -houſe Bartram's, Mr. , ſeat, near Phila. delphia his aſliſtance to Profef. for Kalm Bart's naval battles hiſtory Barut, M. l'Abbé Barvas, cuſtom at Barwicke, Captain Bas, Mr., of Brazil Baſaltes in the iſland of Staffa , pillars, in Iceland origin produced by fire form compoſition of Staffa beauty colour fize nature conjectures on origin form proceed from fire analyzation of columns, at Dunbar in the Britiſh dominions Hamilton's natural hiſ tory of the Iriſh nature and origin of the Giant's Cauſeway of Pleaſkin of Fair- Head vein of, in Ireland of the Giant's Cauſeway chemically analyzed varieties foffils attendant on volcanic theory of VOL. xiv. 839 Baſaltes, objections to their vol xiv . 706 canic origin iii . 911 ii . 367 at Chilliac 214 ii. 818 at Rochemaur iv . 220 ii . 381 -, Spallanzani's diſquiſition iii . 69 237 Egyptian ibid. xvi . 763 originate in the humid way ibid . vi. 494 volcanic 238 xi . 128 mode of deciding their iv. 444 origin 239 iv . 475 of the Lipari illes ibid . iii . 4 of Felicuda 241 depend on the nature of lavas v . ibid . xvi . of Kahhme, in Arabia 41 xi.. 289 of Depuch iſland , New ji . 67 Holland xi , 797 ii . 69 Bas Bretagne province iv . 154 182 Bas- chous of the Janizaries 306 150 Baſcia province 116 701 Baſchkirs people vi. 800 Baſel, ſee Baſle. xiii . 398.413 Bafera, cultivation about Baſes of angles i . 311 xiii . 414. et ſeq . Baſetin , Cairo 192 i . Baſhaws on a march 227 i . ibid . of Morocco 755 iv . 208 Baſhee ifands 45 inhabitants xi . 47 144 Bafil ſhrub of Africa 640 xiv. 830 Baſilan iſland xi . 73 i . 632 Bafilika of Mytilene 636 i . 698 Bafiliuich , John, Emperor of i . ibid . Ruſſia i . 18. 31. 39. 44 i. ibid . Bafilius, Prince Xv. 97 i . 699 Bafiluzzo , Spallanzani's account of 127 ibid . Baſin of Dunkirk iv. 145 ibid . Bafing caſtle ii . 329 700 houſe ii . 331 701 Baſinghall ward ibid . Baſingſtoke canal ii. 703 its courſe ii . 704 obſervations on it ii . ibid. 330 i . 729 Baſingwork abbey ii . 623 i. ibid. Baſket, travelling inone ii . i . 732 Baſkets of the Brazilians xiv. i . ibid . Bafle, treaty of 485 25 clocks 689 320 cathedral 690 univerſity 691 library 896 council ibid . 897 government 693 898 inhabitants 696 899 revolution ( note ) 697 900 biſhopric 700 annexation to France ( note ) 707 iii . ibid. Baſma kingdom vii. 160 903 Baſque, cattle of 474 iii . 904 Baſs, Mr. , on the Blue mouutains xi. 916 iii . 906 Baſs iſland , folan geeſe in ii . 171. iii . 27 II Baſs 58 316 318 566 874 jii. 111 V. V. 877 ibid . V. V. V. V. V. 9 iv . 1 s INDEX. [39] PAGE Bathom gate iv . > iv. > V111 . 684 685 " V. ix . V. 9 V. - iii . viii , viii . iv . X. iv. X. VOL. VOL . PAGE Baſs caſtle iii . 27 Bathings in the Thames ii . 532 Baſſaim city vili , 327 Bathings of the Javaneſe xi . 171 Baſſenthwaite water iii . 194 in Batavia 194 Baſſevitz on Peter the Great vi . 639.701 ij . 402 Catharine I. vi. 728.731 Baths in Icy Harbour i . 103 Baffien , Prince of, his court ix . 529 mode of heating i . 298 Baſſies town 90 deſcription of the Lapland i . 157 cattle of iv. 473 generally uſed in Lapland i . ibid . Baſſins of France 302 " , warm, of Iceland i . 630 694 Baſslow.barrow ii . 392 , dry or ſweating 698 Baffora, travels of Benjamin of Tu the hot , of Bath ii . 250 dela from Conſtantinople to vii . 6 at Matlock ii . 375. 475 Hamilton's deſcription of viii . 290 at Buxton -wells ii . 408. iii . 4 mutinies at 292 of Languedoc iv. 98 trade viii . 293 -, vapour, of Lipari 200. 209 table of weights, meaſures, of Baden v. and coins in viii . 519 of Schintznach , on the Britiſh trade to of Leuk 766 Perfia by ix . 208 Roman, at Avenche 832 Franklin's deſcription of St. Martin 913 of 276 of Alvenew 955 revolution at ix . ibid . of Pfeffers 959 Fitch's account of ix . 407 of Ruſſia vi . 107 Baſs's Straits, Peron's deſcription of si 877 hot , in Japan vii . 640 diſcovery of xi . 903 -, Kempfer's deſcrip Baftan Valley 553 tion of vii. 686 Baſtardy in the Weſtern Illes 547 of Minoa 296 Baſtian Gonſalve 124 of Perſia deſcribed ix. 243 Baſtile of Paris 137 of Pharao 403 anecdote of it ( note ) 416 of Tiberias 459 Baftimentos, port, Colon's diſcovery of Mytelene 633 of xii . 132 of Diana 651 Baſtinado on the ſhin -hones vii . 540 of Clazomene 653 Baſtion, Algiers 542 of Hierapolis 681 i . near Angora 694 Bafton, William , the poet 114 of Bourſa 717 Baſwa- Pattana viii . 762 hot, of Ruſſia (note ) 600 Bat iſland xi . 36 Mexican xiii . 803 Batach city vii . 115 of Chili xiv. 65 Batacola town, anecdotes of the of the Turks 319 Engliſh factory at viii. 364 of Mereega 530 Batatas root of America xiii . 435 of Leef 566 Batatee root of the Gambia xvi . 635 of Gurbos ibid . Batavia fiſh of Guinea xvi. 450 of Gabs or Tacape .594 Batavia, Dutch embafly from vii. 236 mineral, of Barbary xv . 606 Beeckman's deſcription of xi. 105 s at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 22 Stavorinus's account of xi . 173 of Zwarte Berg xvi . 41 , decay of xi. of Elephants xvi . Batcyaouda, Cuba xiii . 756 Bathſheba's pool 356 Batenſtein fort, Guinea xvi. 345 Bathurſt's, Earl, grounds 241 Batgao, King of, his edict in favour Batigne's obſervations on the ſcurvy of the Capuchins vii. 604 ( note ) i. 602 Bath waters ii . 152. 248 Batoom , Lalla, anecdotes of her 786 city ii . ibid. Bats, Siameſe ix. 628 churches ii . 250 monſtrous, of the Philippines xi. 35 buildings ii . 251 of Borneo xi. 109 Bathia , La, caſtle 771 Gatigan xi. 333 Bathing -houſe , deſcription of a Ruffian vi. 707 monſtrous, of South America xiv. 247 in Japan vii. phlebotomic, of Carthagena xiv. 347 Bathing machines at Weymouth ii . of Brazil xiv. 718 Bats X. X. XV. X. Baſtion cape 84 X. X. xili. XV. XV. Xv. XV. XV. 21I 81. 109 ii. XV. 781 296 [40] INDEX. PAGE and Pegu X - xi. 604 142 X111 . 38 348 360 111 111 ! XV. XV. 181 VOL . VOL . PAGE Bats of Madagaſcar xvi . 743 Battles of the Turks and Perſians ix. 89 Batſhan village ix . 681 - , array of the Perſians in ix . 95 Battah , Browne's deſcription of xvi . 834 of Dumgam ix . 311 Battara Todja , Queen xi. 223 between the Kings of Ava BATTEL's , Andrew, ftrange adven ix . 404 tures xvi. 317-336 between Alexander and Batten Cliffs ii . 272 Darius X. 548 Batteries at the Cape of Good of Pharfalia 744 Hope xvi . 9 between Magellan and the Battia, King of, his letter to the Indians 345 Pope vii . between the Britiſh and Battles of St. Dennis i . 132 Spaniſh in Georgia xii . 477 of Funen of the Virginian warriors of Halmſtadt 145 between two Spaniſh men of Cochin 214 of-war and a Britiſh ſhip xiii . 128 of Choczim i . 218 between the Spaniards and at Tercera i . 838 Araucanos xiv . 198. 200. 204. 207 of Edrehill ii . - , naval, with two Turkiſh of Boſworth pirates xiv . 699 fought near Dunbar iii . 26 between the Dutch and Por of Preston Pans 28 tugueſe xiv. 793 of Pinkie and Carberry -hill ii. ibid . between the Portugueſe and of Culloden 78 Dutch in Brazil xiv. 857 of Bannockburne 114 Pococke's defcription of one xv . 271 of Falkirk 115 of Elmahafſen 460 in Murrayſhire iii . 135 in Barbary 675 in Strathaavern 150 between a Britiſh man of at Harald's Field ii. ibid . war and two Turkiſh xvi . 185 in Caithneſs 153 in Congo xvi. 231.262 of Preſton between the Dutch and of Loch - Duinard 285 Commanians xvi . 352 of Strone -Clachan 372 of the Negroes deſcribed xvi. 412 of Killicrankie between a ſnake and two of Fort-Teviot uli . 403 porcupines xvi. of Tippir- Moor 410 in Loango and Cacongo xvi. of Clan - Chatton and Clan of the Portugueſe with the Kay 413 Caffrés xvi. 706.711 of Brechin 435 with the Moors xvi , 728 of Flodden-Field 487 of the Africans xvi . 883 of Hexham 493 Battoes of the Hudſon river xiii . 579 of ſeals 595 Battuecas, the diftri &t of 544 of folan gecſe Batturin town vii . 500 of the Boyne ui. 822 Batu Khan ix . 335 of Almanza bis conqueſts in Europe ix . 337 of Nefels 654 Batuculla town, Buchanan's de of St. James 697 ſcription of viii . 754 of Morat 828 Baudelot, M. 15 of Granfon 830 Bauer, General vi . 725 of Kolin and Planiani vi . 132 Bauka iſland 449 of Prague vi . 134 natives viii. 450 of Narva vi. 489 Baumes les Dames iv. 199 of Pultawa vi . 490 Baumgarten's Perigrinatio ( note ) of Narva, Coxe's account of vi . 710 Bavaria, court of vi . 26 between Prince Soliman Che vi . 28 kouh and Sultan Sujah viii . 72 police of vi . ibid . of Aureng-Zebe at the river wars of vi. 30 Eugenes viii . 73 finances of vi . 31 of Fate- Abad, or Samonguer viii . 78 towns of vi . ibid . of Kadjoue viii . - , agriculture of vi . 32 between the Engliſh and - , commerce of vi, ibid, Portugueſe at Surat viii. 322 taxation of vi. 33 Bavaria, 388 464 588 V. 701 V. 598 V. v. iv . VII XV. 616 > army of > 9 * 89.325 INDEX. [41 ] PAGE 26. 31 XV . XV. --: 02:33 588 XV. ix . V. XV. XV. XV. VOL. VOL. PAGE Bavaria, revenue of vi. 37 Bazaim XV . 9 population of vi. ibid. Bazar of Delhi viii. 151. 154 monks of 38 in the Great Mogul's camp 199 policy of Auſtria towards vi . 58 of Shiraz ix. 109. 241 Bavaria , Elector of vi. of Lar ix . 120 Bavarians, deſcription of their body Bazilbah, triumphal arch 574 and mind 33 Beachley Paſſage -houſe ii. 582 Baveno mount,granite 130 Beachy Head i . 803 Baw - geeſe of Egypt 340 Beacon Hill ii . 251 Bawler-bird of Senegal xvi . 617 Beacons of the iſland Celebes xi . 58 Baxias rocks vii . 387 Beaconsfield 185 Baxo, Cape 82 Beadles of Oxford ii . 105 Baxos rocks, Brazil xiv . 870 Beads, diſcovery of ſome ancient ii . 405 Bayberry -buſh of Penſylvania xiii . 438 of the Turks 285 Baydamungulum, town of Myſore trade with the Virginians Baydes, Marquisof xiv. 59 for xiii. 58.64 Baydura, caft, manners and cuftoms viji. 676 of the Moors 766 Bayer, Don Franciſco Perez 391 Beake iſland xii . 610 Bayert, Major xiv. 819. 838 Bealozera lake i . 30 Bayeux cathedral iv. 150 Beancham city 653 cattle of iv . 479 Beans of Leiceſter ii . 13 Bayjah, ſee Beja . Molucca iii. 289 Baykali lake, Bell's deſcription of vii . 350.420 of France iv. 483 Baylan village 545 of Japan vii. 697 Baylon town 562 of New Holland xi. 474 Baylur in the Red Sea 13 of Virginia xii . 595. xii . 32 Baynara town 280 of Carthagena xiv . 343 Baynard's Caſtle ward 66 of Dar - Fur 145 Bayonne 303 of Barbary 600 Young's account of iv. 122 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea Ivi . 459 trade of 339 of Fida xvi. 504 Baypin iſland , Hamilton's deſcrip of Benin xvi. tion of 380 Bear Alfton , lead and ſilver mines at ii. 284 Baypore river viii. 379 Bearbay i. 72 Bayreut city, Pococke's deſcrip Bear-baiting at Kenilworth -Caſtle ii . 352 tion of Bear -berries, Canadian xiii , 669 river Bear-chace deſcribed i . 151 Bays of the Currents i . 97 Beard , anecdote of one ( note) 651 of Iceland i. 756.776 of the bouquetin 795 of the Orcades i . 780 of the Perſians ix . 201 of Shetland illands i. 783 of the Arabs of Martyrs in Jona iii. 295 of the Turks ibid . of Naples 60 of the Jews 158 of Cadiz ... 569.573 Bear Foreſt ii. 12 of Carwar viii . 362 Bear -hunt in Sweden 145 of Manilla xi. 80 in Canada 288 of Amboyna xi. 251.285 Bear Inn ii. 550 of the Inands xi . 536 Bearjumund village ix . Hudſon's, deſcribed xii. 362 Bearn, waſte lands of iv . of Heat, Cartier's diſcovery of xii. 636.672 Bears, anecdotes of them i. of Cheſapeak , Smith's deſcrip fingular account of i . 83 tion of anecdote of one i. 88 - , diſcovery 62. 66 difficulty in killing St. Paul, St. Lawrence xiii. 665 account of i. 95.99 - , lead and Gilver ore in xüi. -, eſcape from i . 100 of Carthagena xiv. 331 - , deſperate battle with 101 of Conception, Chili xiv. 673 mode of killing i . 106 of Tangiers attempts of one Bay -tree of Japan vii. 693 exploits of i . 115 of the Cape xvi, 57 conibat with a man 117 VOL. XVII . [ -] Bears, DS: *** iv . 532 476 478 32. 157 nimi 308 SOB 25 xiii i . 89.91,92 670 1 9 XY . 684 i . 108. 110 [42 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE 9 * xili. > > > X XV, xi. 456 456 460 X 8. II . 15 > on xili. X. Bears, their plunder of the Lap . Beavers of Canada, Indians'food of xiii . 696 landers i . 176 fleſh of them xiii . ibid. formality in the Laplanders' trade xiii . 700 chace of i . 194 Beaver- kin trade of Canada xiii. 282. 363 colour of the Lapland i . ibid . Beaver- tree of America deſcribed 443 a Laplander alone attacks one i . 369 Beawes, Captain, his adventures at the natural enemy of the Lap Magadoxa viji. 267 landers i . ibid . Becancourt town xiii . 632 of Finmark 415 Bech , Balthazar i . 443 their food ibid. Becher, Mr. , anecdotes of him xi. 132 mode of catching ibid. Beck , Biſhop ii . 828 Lapland ſuperſtition of i . 485 Beckvitz , M. , his hiſtory vii . 314 cuftoms reſpecting ibid. Beckowitz, his expedition to the of Spitzbergen i . 600 Khefil ix . 322 of Iceland i . 642 Bedame valley 307 of the Pyrenees iv. 100 Bed-chambers of the Laplanders i . 393 in Norway vi . 370 on living in iv. 97 of the Myſore viii . 720 Bedeiat tribe 137 killed by Davis xii . 187 Bede's account of Jona ii. 301 of Virginia xii. 600. xiii . 31 account of St. Columbus iii . 659 of Bird I Nand xii. 629 Bedford Cape 553 of Canada xiii . 351.607 Bedford, Duke of ii . white xiii. 352 Bedford Level ii . of Penſylvania xiii . 415 Bedford, Lucy Counteſs of South American, mode of Bedford fordſhire county ii . 8 catching xiv. 523 Bedlam Hoſpital ii. 58 Bear's fleſh i . 599 Bedouin Arabs Bear's Iſland xii. 508.521 . 553 their government x. 84 Bear's- root of North America 531 religion X. 97 .Beaſemar, a Ruſſian weight i . 41 their manners and cuſtoms x . 131 Beaſts of Ruſſia 30 their government 133 wild , of Finmark i . 413 of the Deſart 135 of Spitzbergen of Meſopotamia wild, of Scotland ( ſee Animals) iii . 96 of Syria 137. 388 Beaterio in the Paraguay miſſions xiv. 639 of Barbary 654 Beatitudes, Mount of x. 364.457 of Morocco 690 Beaton, Cardinal ili . 423 Bedout ille , New Holland xi . 797 his death iii . 448 Bed -reddin order of derviſes 172 Beaucaire fair iv. 116 Beds of the Laplanders i . 393 Beauce, Pays de, iv. 87 of Finmark i . 488 Beauchamp family ij . 350 - , curious, at Berkeley Caftle ii . 244 Beaufort town, Carolina xii. 343. 446 •, Highlanders' 339 Beaumaris town, Angleſea ü . 626 in the Weſtern Illes 637 Beaume, vineyards of iv . 454 of the Tartars vii. 29 Beaumont, Mr., of Brazil xiv. 846 ſituation of Mooriſh Beaupre, Viſcount of xii . 668 of the Negroes in Senegal xvi . 608.654 Beauties of the Iland of Staffa i . 705 of the Caffrés xvi . 694 Beauty, the line of, vi . 227 of mountains ii. 467. iv. 707.712 Beauvais, opinion of the treaty of in Derbyſhire ii . 469 commerce in iv . order ii . ibid. manufactures of 375 ancient ii . ibid . Beauvais, Biſhop of 182 veins 471 Beavers of Finmark i . 418 accidental 472 S , their tails 419 oblique ii . 473 oil ibid . of rivers xiii . houſes i . ibid . Bedworth, coal- mine near mode of building i . ibid . Beeban of Algiers 544 of North - America deſcribed xii . 366 Beech - tree at Chantilly iv. 85 Lahontan's deſcription of Beech -trees of North - America xiii . 524 Canadian BEECKMAN's voyage to Borneo xi . 96 of America xiii. 444.521.600 Beef, mode of freſhening falt 504 Beef X. 578 x . 136 X. XV. XV. > XV. 647 366 iv . iv . ji 576 358 XV. xiii . 307. 351 12 INDEX [43] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE 111 . IOI xii. 77 xi. XV. 841 vili . 751. 755 111 X111 . X. iii. 383 Beiris XV. vi. 73 33 X. city deſcribed X. X. xiv. XV. XV. XV. XV. 621 XV. Beef of Guinea xvi . 432 Begum -Sahed, daughter of the Bee-hives near Caſan vii . 319 Great Mogul viii. 63. 84. 132 Beek town iv. 123 Behaim ,Martin, accountof him xi . 294: 319. 392.404 Beeldſnyder, Mr., anecdotes xvi. 521 Beheading, machine for 524 Beer, account of a caſk frozen i . Behechico, Cacique frozen i . 499 Behedin, Perſee commandments to viii. 565 of Torneo i . 304 Behoriaven, anchorage at i . 761 of London ii . 88 Behouden paſſage 160 of England ii . 145 Beiaſi, Mahometan ſect 141 of the Egyptians 317 Beida town , Browne's account of xvi . 830 of Fida, Guinea xvi. 504 Beiduru village viii . 753 of Benin xvi . 532 temple viii . 754 of Moorja, Bambarra xvi. Beiluru town made of maize xii . 259 Beinn-a-caillich 317 of Perſimon apples 486 views from ibid . Beer, ancient city 337 Beinn -an -air mountain iii . 280 journey from Aleppo to x. 381 Bein Vore of Mull 654 deſcribed IIO Pococke's account of s . 536 Beiffons, inſcriptions found in 576 Beer -houſes of Vienna Beit el Fakib , journey from Loheia to x. Beerſheba pool 424 35 Bees, their introduction to America xiii. 469 , route to Mocha from 48.74 of Brazil 732 Beive the Lapland god i . 458 of Abyflinia 24 Beja city, Tunis 570 of Egypt 340 Bejuco bridges of South America xiv. 529 of Guinea xvi. 449 Bejucos fruit of Carthagena xiv . 343 of Loango xvi. 559 twigs xiv . 421 on the Niger xvi. 631 Bekker -el-waſh animal , Mungo Park's anecdotes of Beladalla 68 a ſwarm of xvi. 900 Belalcazar's conqueſt of Popayan xiv . 482 Beetles of Japan vii , 704 Bel Arrab , Imam 119 of America xii. 433.505.507.542 Belcombe,, anecdotes of him xvi. 788 of Barbary 632 Beled -en -Naſſara 18 of the Cape xvi. 18 Belem river xii. 135 Beet - root of Paris iv. 48 fate of Colon's colony there xii . 142 of America xiii. 435 Belfaſt, deſcribed by Mr. Young iii . 825 Befort, riots at iv. 199 Belfie, Abrahim Bey 393 Beg of the Bedouin Arabs 137 Belford manſion iii . Begdelies X. 382.538 Belfry in Quicattan xiii. 816 of Syria 572 Belgeritta village 991 Beg de Rieux iv. 118 Belgia , Nova xii. 349 manufactures iv. 373 Belgrade vii. 509 Beggars, Dutch party ſtyled i . 134 Blount's Jeſcription of 225 - , Lapland i . 297 Bel-haven, Virginia xiii. 720 at Illington ii . 178 Bellad-el- Kobail 95 in Paris iv. 7 Bellamont, Earl of, in New England xii . 403 account of a Spaniſh 413 Bellano town, charm and bridge of 893 of Bavaria vi. 28 Bell caſtle . 2199 of Cologne vi. 271 Belleek waterfall üi . 828 fturdy, of Nankin vii . 250 Bellegarde, captured by the Spaniards v. 623.629 Kempfer's account of Ja. Belleifle, Young's account of paneſe vii. 788 Belleille, America xii . 670 religions, in Hindoftan viii . 182 Belleiſle's, Duke de, filk culture at in Mocha viii . 280 Bizy 463 Negro, on the Gold Coaft xvi . 395 Bellelay abbey 702 Beggars-buſh , Virginia xiii . 151 academy ibid . Beylerbege, Perſia, office and power ix . 216 Bellerica attacked by the Indians xii. 401 Begmederprovince 43 Bellevue, Southampton ii. 305 Beguins, fociety of i . 133 Bellin's map of Iceland i. 745 Begum - Saheb's Caravanſera at Delhi viii. 166 Effai ſur les Iles Britannique i. 779 [ F 2] Bellin's XV. XY. X. 20 X. X. X. . - 111 . iii. 828. iv . 154 iv . V. XV. [44] INDEX. PAGB X. V. viii , iii. X. X. the holy 508 vi. vi . town XV. 222 JOO ix. 126 - ix . X. ix. vii. one VOL. VOL PAG2 Bellin's account of the Orcades i . 779 Bender Kigk principality 127 Bellinzone town 987 Bendidas, anecdotes of his wife 176 hiſtory ibid. Bendoe, gold weight of Guinea xvi , 374 government 988 Bendoran mountains 368 Belliſarius in Scio 626 Beneclify 557 Bellmount convent 318 Benedict, Father, anecdotes of him Xvi , 261 Bellomont, Robert de ii . 362 Benedictines of Bavaria vi. 29 Bellonde, M. de iv . 199 Benefactions to the Virginian colony xiii. 127. 142 Bellows, ſmiths', of the Mandingoes xvi . 881 Benefices, nomination to, in Spain 402 Bells, Dutch fond of them i . 133 of Zuric 667 of St.Paul's church ii . 522 of Wurtzburg and Bam berg 237 the largeſt in the world at of Denmark 313 Moſcow vi. 594 Beneſuief account of one at Novogorod vi . 654 Benevenith mountain iii . of Nankin vii. 248 Bengal, Bernier's account of tranſ of Moſcow , Bell's account of vii. 276 actions at viii. 123 Balbi's account of a curious 401 -, its fertility, riches, and of Calote, a legend xiv . 486 beauty viii . 134. 226 of Seville xvi . 187 Hamilton's deſcription of viii . 409 Bell's travels in Afia vii. 271–516 Francklin's tour from , to Belludge tribe of Arabs Perſia 231 Bellulca , curious church at 308 Fitch's deſcription of ix . 414 Belluru town 697 Dutch factories in xi. 205 Belly Duff iii . 440 Bengala province, Marco Polo's Belmont manfion ibid. deſcription of vii. 146 Belon's account of Troy 8 Bengala, King of, his wars vii. 145 Belozerkoff town deſcribed 502 Bengalian, miraculous longevity of Belpberg, ſtrata of v. 874 xvi. 736 Belt, theGreat , paſſage acroſs vi. 339 Bengo river, Battel's adventures paſſage of the Little vi. 343 at xvi. - , paſſage of, over the ice vi. 487 Bengore, hiſtory of Adam Morn Belt of the Pyrenees iv . 717.720 ing of 890 Beltien , the rural ſacrifice 49 Bengtſon, Mr. xiii . 492 of the Weftern Illes ii. 608 Benguela town xvi. 155 Belts, Lapland i . kingdom deſcribed xvi . 210 Belur Tag mountains ix. Battel's adventures in xvi . 322 Belus river 446 Bengworth ä . 204 Belus, King of Orkney iii . 689.740 Ben Hattar, Moſes xv. 446.488 Belvedere, James river 709 Beni, meaning of the term 503 Belvedere garden of Vienna 96 Beni Abbeſs mountains 544 gallery vi . ibid . Beni Halal Arabs 97 Belvidere's, Lord, houſe 816 Benimamet village 608 Bembo, Cardinal, on Mount Etna 8o Benimſar, battle at 271 Ben village, Adanſon's remarks on xvi. 640 Benin kingdom deſcribed xvi. 519 Benahoare, ſee Palma Iſand . city xvi. Benaians deſcribed 533 xi. 358 Benin, King of, his revenue xvi. ibid . Benalhaffar, antiquities there 181 court of xvi. 535 Benares, ftudies of the Indians at viii. 186 Benino's, Conte Orlando del, farm city, Hamilton's deſcrip at Villamagna iv. 584 tion of viii . 414 Beni Raſhid tribe 528 Fitch's deſcription of ix. 412 Benjamin, the gum, of Siam ix. 604 Benbecula illand , Martin's account of iii . 600 BENJAMIN OF TUDELA, Rabbi, his Ben -bigger, battle of iii . 290 travels from Spain to China vii. 2-21 BenbowzAdmiral, anecdotes of him xii . 421 obſerva . Bencock fort tions on vii . 20 Bencoolen , Hamilton's deſcrip Ben Lomond iii . tion of viii . 447 Benſaiten, the Japaneſe goddeſs vii . Bencowſe , Algiers 547 Benſalem cuſtom of wooing 429. 452 Bendala, Browne's account of xvi. 833 Ben Saphat the Jew XV. 447 Bender, Bell's account of vi . 505 Benſhi, the Highland iii. 91 9 328 iii . 386 378 X. XV. XV. V. XV. XV . - XV. viii. 469.471 108. 249 735 XV. XV. Bentang INDEX. [45] 1 PAGE 326 718 mans 328 iii. on lava ( note) V. xvi. 779-794 xi. . XV. XV. XV. XV. Berbier cape X. xii. XV. V. VOL. PAGE VOL. Bentang -tree of Taffara xvi. 859 Bergman , Profeffor, on rolcanoes i . 623 Benten -tree of the Gambia xvi, 636 Von Troil's let. Bentinck's account of the Grand ters to i . 628.686 . 689. 691.698 Lama vii. 558.561 his letter to account of Urjenz ix. Dr. Troil i . deſcription of the Turk -, experiments on bafaltes ix . by 901 Bentley village ii . 313 iii . 908. v. 21 manſion ii . 384 on Veſuvian garnets 196 Benwel, inſcription near iii . 497 on zeolites 209 Ben - y-glo mountain iii. 54 Bergoo, Browne's account of xvi. 833. 835 Benyowſki, Baron d’Aladar de, his - , route from , to the ſources life and adventures of the Bahr -el-abiad xvi. 838 Benzoard iſland 830 Bergopzoomer the actor vi. go Benzon's hiſtory of the New World xi. 413 Bergues, Nuice of i . 802 Beofca, cultivation at iv. 657 Berian town ix. 94 Beouſe valley iv. 712 Beringel, Franciſco, anecdotes of Bera province xi. 235 him xiv. 743. 752. 764 Beradel Water iii . 807 Berinſay iſland 579 Berangieh, antiquities at 222 Berkeley caſtle ii. 241 Berazgoon ix. 238 family ii . ibid . Berbe animal of Guinea xvi. 439 hiſtory of 242 Berbeno, maſſacre of the proteſtants at v. 922 Berkeley, Biſhop xii . 270 Berberines in Cairo 194 Berkley, Dean, anecdotes of him xiii. 740 Berbi village 233. 269 Berkley, Earl, Windhus's dedication Berbiche river xii. 291 to him 442 704 Berkley, Lord 353 Berbis of the Said in Egypt 808 Berkley, Sir William xii. 238 Berchem's, M. Van, account of the Berkſhire county ii . 6 bouquinet 795 produce of üi . ibid . Berchtolſgaden, marquiſate vi . 57 White Horſe vale of ii , ibid . Berebbers of Barbary 443 Berlin city vi. 172 Berenfort road i . 82 garriſon of vi . Berenger, Abbé 219 inhabitants of 174 on filk culture iv. 465 ſcience and literature of 198 Berenger, the reformer vi . 165 religion of vi . ibid . Bergamo, Young's account of iv. 246 Bermondſey monaſtery ii . 87 price of land near iv. 560 Bermuda iſlands xii. 234 -> irrigation of iv. 574 diſcovery and firſt iv. 586 ſettlement of xü. 264 courſe of crops in iv. 589 productions of xii . 267 filk culture of iv . 604 New, Virginia xili. IIO implements and tillage of iv. 616 Smith's hiſtory of xiii. 171 manufactures and com Bermudian potatoes of America xii . 435. 581 merce of iv. 639 Bern town 847 - , prices of various things at iv. 650 - cathedral 848 Bergara, ſchool at 308 hiſtory of ibid . Bergeres, M. des xiii . 294• 304 trade of 849 Berghen, archives of i . 181 hoſpitals of ibid . anchorage at i . 760 priſons of Kerguelen's deſcription of i . 764 library of ibid . churches of i . ibid . government of often burnt i . 765 militia of 856 inhabitants of i . ibid . its exterior ſtate ibid . , religion of ibid . account of the Alps as ſeen from v. 874 manners and cuſtoms in ibid. Bernard, Cape, Goree xvi. women of i. ibid . Bernard of Delhi, anecdotes of him viii. 164 garriſon of ibid . Bernardines, the 315 commerce of ibid . Bernat, Father du 766 Bernay wine iv. Bernay XV. 173 iv. > ſheep of > V. 850 v. 851 V V. 9 639 ii. XV. ' s rogue trade of 83 [46] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE ix . 589 xi. viii. 782 883 V. xi. X. XV. 324 Bethedem X. X. X. X. 436 iv. X. iv. xii. VOL . Bernay town iv. 163 Betancourt, M. 63t Bernera illes ii . 579. 588 Betel -box of the Engy - Teekein 519 , phenomena of the tides at j . in Siam ix . 608 Bernier ille 787 Betel-nut of Bangalore 628 BERNIER's account of Tibet vii . 546 of Siam ix . 607 voyage to the Eaſt Indies viii . 57-234 of Tonquin ix . 661 Bernighiana iſland, Benyowſki's ad of Cochin -China ix . 777 xvi . of Mindanao ventures at xi. 7 Bernon, Sieur Samuel xiii . 362 of the Gold Coaſt, Bernouilli cape xi . Guinea xvi . 462 Bernouilli family 695 Bethalimenes of Madagaſcar xvi . 770 Bernouilli, M., Haller a pupil of 859 their war with the Bernsdorf, Count vi. 299.322 Antavarres and Manivouleſe xvi . ibid . Beroes, zoophytes, deſcribed 759 Bethancourt, Jean de xi. 748 Beronice port 236.278 Bethany, Maundrell's account of 345.427 Beroot river 452 city ibid. Bethel, Jacob's 337.443 churches 325 Betheſda Pool x . 360.417 Berreo, Don Antonio de xii . 205 Bethgelert, North Wales ii. 630 Berri province iv. 89 Bethlehem Ephrata deſcribed 349 Berries of the ſaſſafras -trees xiii . 424 Pococke's ac Berry province, ſoil of iv . 306 count of vineyards 442 Bethlehem order of monks xiv. 444.569 cattle iv . 472 Bethphage, Pococke's deſcription of x. 427 culture of cheſnuts in iv. 487 Beths of Hindoftan viji . 183 walnuts in iv . 504 Bethfaida, Pococke's deſcription of 458 waſte lands of iv. 507 Bethſaon village 431 tillage and laying of land in iv. 534 Bethulia mount, Pococke's account implements of huſbandry 540 of x. 364.438 Berry , Sir John 303 Bethune,, account of him i . 215 Berſeman's hatchet i . 328 Betie of Madagaſcar xvi. 771 Bertha, the ancient iii . 411 Betlefackee town, Hamilton's de Berthollet iſland xi . 821 , 822 ſcription of viii. 276 Bertius on the origin of the Betta Curubaru, caft, deſcribed viii. 707 Americans xiv. 108 Bettiſa village 442 Bertolini's, Sig. , courſe of crops iv . 591 Bettoni's, Count Carlo, account of Beru the Indian xiv . 131.155 the filk -worm iv. 605 Berwick, Pennant's deſcription of 23 Bever town 902 caſtle iii . ibid. Bevieux, ſ of 810 convents ibid . Bevio republic 901 church ibid . Bevis mount ii . 305 Berwick , Marſhal 598 Bewley river mi. Berwyn mountains 636 Bex town 810 Berytus, the ancient 324 larch ibid. Berytus city , ſee Bayreut. ſalt -works v. ibid . Berze village 510 Bexigos, diſeaſe in Brazil xiv. 737 Beſançon, Young's account of iv . 200 Bey of Tunis deſcribed 387 -, vineyards of 452 Beyda, Dar , Morocco 701 Belhicktalh 731 Beys of Egypt 301 Beſh - Talh obeliſk 720 anecdotes of them 314 Beſfestedi i . 629 Beza , Theodore 884 Befsford 447 Bezetha of Jeruſalem 420 Beſſie Bell and Mary Gray 413 Beziers iv. 114 Beſſus's murder of Darius ix. 160 curious organ at xvi. 191 Beſt, Mr. , account of him viii . 364 Bezoar ſtone in cows vii. 255 Bett's Bleffing iſland xii. 550 the Perſian ix. 182 Beft's Bulwark , Frobiſher's ſtrait 527 of the Siameſe porcupine ix . 624 • Beſtuchef, Chancellor (note ) 768 of Borneo xi. BETAGH's account of Peru xiy. of Chili xiv. Betancour, John de, his expedition of Cuyo xiv. to the Canary iſlands xvi. 800-815 of Benguela xvi. 212 Bhadri V. v. v 80. 137 V. X. XV. iv . XV. X. XV. X. XV . X. xij . vi. 142 84 85 INDEX. [47 ] PAGE VOL. V. V. + XV. Bianco cape xvi. X. XV. XV. 222 55 xv. XV. of Japan viii. XV. v. V. VOL . PAGE Bhadri river viii . 772 Bilboa, Bourgoanne's account of 304 Bhairawa Dévaru, the idol 709 trade ibid . Bhawani river viii. 722 harbour 305 Bheri caft, manners and cuſtoms wool exported from of 329 viii . 645.662.674. Biledulgerid 511 Bhidi-caray village viii . 670 Bill of the Preacher bird xiv. Bhivanikudal 345 viji . 720 Billeur ſhrub 652 588 Billets , magical Arabian 172 Bianes, Dutch factory at viii . 171 Billingen , minerals of vi. 388 Biban -el-Meluke 245 Billingſgate ward ii . Bibeh town 54 wharfs Bibian mount 225 market ii . ibid. Bibikof, General vi. 801 Bills, royal, of Spain 429 Bible in verſe i . 679 Bily -Mugga weavers viii . 681 vii. 753.789 Bima iſland ix . 423 of the Banians, extracts from it viii . 537 Bima ſtate xi . of the Perfees 231 viii. 564 Bimlipatam , factory at 400 tranſated into Mohock xii . 413 Bimſtead ii . 698 -, reverence of the Virginians Bincheſter for it 514 xii. 605. xiii. 14 Bingen, village -feſtival at vi. 259 - Ezra's manuſcript 186 city vi. 261 Bible-hiſtory known to the Maho. Bingham Well, Buxton ii. 409 metan Negroes xvi. 892 Bingo, province of Japan vii. 665.805.817 Bibliotheca Medicinæ, Haller's 865 Binni village xvi. 856 Biby of Cananore viii , Bicar of India 745 Bintingala town xvi. 906 vii. 219 Biobi înake of Brazil xiv. Bidaſſoa river 715 303 Bio - bio Indians xiv. 20. 687 Biddeford, ſituation of 27 river xiv. 56.193.669 bridge ibid. Biography of Haller v. 856–870 harbour ii . ibid . of Huldric Campel 907 trade ii . ibid . of Guler Bidſen, province of Japan vii . 665 of Sprecher 957 Bidyal town ix . 43 of John de Travers Bielgorod of Moſcow 582 of Biſhop Illief 316 Bielke, Baron Sten Charles xiii. 374 of Chriſtian Oeder Biencourt, M. xii. 319 279 of Tycho Brahe vi . Bienne 329 town 708 of Chriſtian II . vi. 341 government ibid , of Guftavus III. vi. 493 language 709 of Muller the hiſtorian 585 annexation to France ( note ) ibid. of the patriarch Nicon vi . 605 lake, Rouſſeau's reſidence of the Czar ſuppoſed to in St. Peter's of 825 be Demetrius vi . 625 Bieſtadt i . 270 of Erneſt John Biron vi . 716 Bifeche iſland xvi. 613 of Prince Potemkin vi. 763 Bigland's Glouceſterſhire ii. 244 of the Emperor Ivan vi . 783 Bignami, Signore iv. 245 of MarſhalMunic 796 his refidence iv . 263 of General Suwarof (note) vi. 803 farm iv. 556 of Marco Polo vii . 102 his obſervations of Martin Behaim 404 on the irrigation of Italy iv. 573 of Admiral Colon xii. his vines iv. 614 of Dr. Shaw 499 Bignon, Abbot iv. 26 of Baron d'Aladar de Bigorne's account of Madagaſcar xvi. 767 Benyowſki xvi. 779—794 adventures in Foule-point xvi. 773.777 Biowaſſay village iv. Bigorre, waſte lands of 507 glacier iv. 680 Bigotry in Bavaria 35 Bionnay village iv . 679 Bijige pillar 213 Biorkholn Nand i. 276 Bikiere , ſee Aboukir. Biorning bay 364 Bikunis of Japan vii . 788 Bipſberg mines vi. 459 Bilbernæ palace at Conftantinople vii. 5 galleries vi. ibid . Bilberries of America xiii. 534 Bir town ix. 956 vi. 982 V. V. vi. 1 XV. 679 iv. vi. XV. 121 Birch , [48 ] INDEX 58 ous uſes 361 of Japan 198 378 ix. 336 ix . X. xi. * ji. xi . VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGZ Birch, uſe of the bark of i . 237 Birds of Nors-holm iii . 791 foreſts in Sweden i. 270 of Mount Etna go of Nordland i . 361 of Lipari 249 of Iceland 640 of Stromboli 253 uſes of Scotch M. Sprangli's collection of trees of Norway, their vari. Swiſs 870 vi . fiſhing, in China vii . 254 trees of Canada 360 of Attracan vii. 283 bark canoes of Canada xiii. 269. 361 of Siberia vii. 328 Bircholto , Jerome, his journey to of Tonguſky river vii . 423 Lapland 702 Birchover, rocking ſtones at ii. of Baflora 290 Bird - catchers, inſtructions to i. 161 of Tatta 307 Bird - child of Chili xiv. 676 of Surat 321 Birdibek Khan, hiſtory of of Orixa viii. 401 Bird iſland iii . 291. xi. 476 of Java viii . 453 Cartier's deſcription of xii. 629.641 of Siam viii . 475 Bird iſland , Gambia xvi. 633 of Perſia ix. 185 Birds at Cape Cant i . 118 of the Ganges ix . 411 of Lapland i . 196 of Siam 624 met at ſea i. 261 of Paradiſe ix. 625 of the north i . 287 of Arabia 186 of Finmark i . 413. 423. 426 of Syria 572 - , lucky i . 486 of Candia 618 of Greenland i . 505 of Mindanao 9 of Spitſbergen i . 579 of Pulo Condore 40 of Iceland i . 665 of the Baſhee iſlands 47 immenſe numbers of i. ibid . 749. of Borneo xi. 109 of England 156 of the Cape of Good Hope xi. 151 of Scotland ii. 168 of St. Helena 154 of the Iſle of Wight ji. 687 of Aſcenſion xi. 157 on confining , in cages 692 of the Molucca iſlands 372 of the Lincoln feris 7 of Flamborough Head 10 ſtrous xi. 377 of the Farn iſlands of New Holland xi. 465.475 of Baſs iſland 27 of New Guinea 477 of Loch Leven of Pulo Sabuda xi . 479 of Loch Tay 43 of Otaheite 517 of the Grampian Hills of the Society Iſles 530 of Dungſby bay 88 of New Zealand xi . 541 of Murrayſhire 137 of New South Wales xi. 555 of Weſtmoreland 190 of the Friendly Illes xi . 592 of Ailla 267 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 642 of Gigha 271 --of Tongataboo xi. 688 of Bird iland 292 of the Sandwich iſlands xi . 730 of Jona 294 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 845 of Rum 313 of Preſervation iſland 896 of Perthſhire 373 metat ſea by Colon 28 of the Ile of Lewis of Virginia xii. 240 of Lingay ille 597 of New England xij . 257 of the Ide of Skie 625 of the Bermudas xii . 268 of Fladda ille 628 of Maryland xii , 309 of St. Kilda of Penſylvania xii 383 of Orkney of Frobiſher's ſtrait xii . 559 of Shetland 694 of Virginia xii . 601. xiii. 31 of Stack Ly 707 of the Bermudas xiii. 173 of Borera ide 708 of New England xiii . 220 of Stack Narmin ibid . of Canada of Orkney illes 744 met with in a voyage to of Shetland America xii, 384 Birds mon 22 37 57 xi. xi. 576 664.701 iii. 688. 759 xiii, 352 571 INDEX. [49] PAGE ix , ix. 278 345 716 406 XV. XV . 561 XV. XV. viii. of Egypt xv. cere XV. 37. 162 XV. iv. xvi. 250. 334 X. . ix . xi. VOL . VOL . PAGE Birds of America xiii. 444 Birmans, funerals ix. 497 the humming xiii . 445 arms 500 decreaſe of American xiii. 469.525. 565 food 501 of Vera Cruz xiii , 780 general character ix. 504 of Chili xiv. 76 language ix . { 509 of Magellan ſtrait xiv . 96 Birmingham, iron -works at ii. 31 of the Amazon xiv. 247 Moritz's account of ii . 548 of Peru xiv. Skrine's account of ii . 616 of Carthagena xiv. Birnam wood iii . 41.442 of Panama xiv . 372 Biron, Erneft John, Coxe's ac of the Andes in Quito xiv. 532 count of him vi. Guano , of Lima xiv. 603 Birra town deſcribed ix . of Chili xiv. 671 Birra Chuki cataract viii. 714 of Brazil xiv. 718 Birs, river, battle of 698 of Abyſſinia 24 Birſa palace iii . 748 of Dar- Fur 142 Biru town, Peru xiv . of the Catacombs near Cairo 205.209 Birth -day of Kublai Khan , feaſt vii . 132 of Mount Sinai 293 of the Great Mogul 14 339 of Barbary 629 mony of weighing him then viii. of Morocco 708 ceremonies at Caſſangi xvi. 177. 243 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 16. 67.74. Births, five extraordinary ii . 458 124 proportion of, to deaths in of Brazil xvi . 205 France 317 of Congo in eaſtern countries 151 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 433• 443 the firſt European, in Vir of Fida xvi . 503 ginia xii. 614. xiii. 17 of Benin xvi. 533 , fingular, in Ethiopia xvi. 266 of Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi. 555.559 Bilapor town 409 of Senegal xvi . 617. 623. 649.661 Biſayas of the Philippines 72 of Sofala xvi. 699 Biſcara town 554 of Madagaſcar xvi . 743 Biſcaris, Count, his plantations on Bird's neſts, trade of them, in Siam ix. 603 lava 65 of Tonquin ix. 661.727 Biſcay, roads of 303 of Cochin-China ix. 778 government ibid . in Borneo xi. 141 privileges 304 Bir - el-Affab 68 inhabitants ibid. Bir - el -Malha harbours 305 Bir- el- Suez X. 4. 388. 404. XV. 275 liberties 307 Birger's code of laws 521 coafting and foreign trade 469 Birke, near Cairo 276 Biſcayans, De Chaſte's account of Birman empire, Hamilton's de. them i . ſcription viii. 421 exclamation of one i . 850 religion ix . 490 character of them 306 laws ix, 492 their patriotiſm population ix, 498 Biſcay bay, waves xiii. revenues ix . ibid . Biſharin Arabs xvi , 830 military ix. 499 Biſhbeſh river XV. 534 'climate ix. 501 Biſhop and his Clerks, the Scilly rock i. foil , produce, Biſhopricks in Murrayſhire iii . 129 and trade ix . 502 of Brechin 434 extent ix, 510 of Coire 949 on the Britiſh of Peru xiv , O11 trade with it ix . 565 in the audience of its importance ix. 568 Charcas xiv. Birmans, deſcribed ix . 431. 433.449 Biſhops of Iceland i . religion 490 of Murrayſhire 129 laws ix. in Jona iii . 301 dreſs ix. 495 of Durham 511 reſemble the Chineſe ix , 496 in Paris iv. 6 marriages ix , 497 of Baſle VOL. XVII. [c] XY. v. X. XV. III . 137 Vi. V. XV . 849 308 378 814 111 . 629 649 1x, 492 693.700 Biſhops [50] INDEX. VOL. PAGE $38 jji . 42 vi. X. X. one 11 . Xi. XY. 356 386 XV. 561 V. XV. V. XV. 558 V. 778 VOL. PAGE Biſhops of the Maronites X. 293 Blackſmith's epitaph ii . Biſhop's Aukland town iii . 513 Blackſmiths of Mindanao xi. 13 Biſhop's caſtle ii . 640 - , Mandingo xvi. 880 Biſhop's Court, Iſle of Man 808 Black - Itone of Cada -hully quarry viii . 696.768 Biſhopſdale 518 ſee Toad -ſtone Biſhop's dale waterfall ii . 432 Blackſtone on aboliſhing capital Biſhopſgate, the gate deſcribed ii . puniſhments in Ruſſia ( note ) 806 ward ii . 50 Black- ftone-edge iii . 52 , Biſhop's palace in Jona iii . 302 Black town, Madras viii . 395 Biſhop's-wood furnace ii . 224 Blackwall, Middlefex i . II Biſſy , Young's account of iv. 164 Blackwell-hall, London ii. 58 Bites of ſerpents, on curing 170 Blade-bone, prophecies deduced from Bithynia, Pococke's account of 696 iii . 314 Bitsju , province of Japan vii . 665 divination by it in Tar Bitumen of Baſfora viii . 294 tary vii . 65.99. ix . 390 of the Dead Sea X. 348. 429.432 Bladud, King 250 of Paramatta 937 Blagge, Admiral xii . 313 uſed in the Egyptian mum Blair pariſh 385 mies , antiquities in of Egypt 816. 837 Blairgown, antiqnities near iii . Biveronius's works in the Ladin Blair's Cabin 781 language 984 Blake's, Miſs, hiſtory iv. 195 Bizacium , coaſt of the ancient 578 Blanc, Mont, Sauffure's attempts to inland parts deſcribed 585 attain the ſummit iv. 677.687 Bize, vent de, of Provence iv. 315 proſpects from the Bizerta city, Tunis ſummit iv. 691 Bizy, ſilk culture at iv. 463 ſhape iv. 705 Bjorn Herjulfson's voyages and diſ Coxe's account coveries i . 669 height 779 Blaar , Captain xiv . 762.767 various attempts to Blackberry -wine of Philadelphia xiii . 407 reach the ſummit 786 Blackbirds, ſhining , of America xiii . 470. 526 expedition of James of Fayal xvi . 673 Balma and Dr. Paccard 787 Blackburne, John, Eſq. of Orford iii . Sauſſure's aſcent and Black caſtle iii . 385 obſervations on 788 i . 82.118 Blanca iſland xii. 621 Black foreft, Germany, route through Blanco cape, America xiv. d . 390. 642. 725 it v . 641. vi. 12 Blanco cape, Africa 558 inhabitants vi. ibid . Blanc Sablon Illes xii. 671 Black -gang Chine ii. 677 Blanda of Iceland i. 657 Black iſland i. 84. Blandford town ii . 299 Black - lead of Borrowdale 194 Blanket trade of Bangalore viii. 629 Black -meal levy 350 Blankill coin 459 Blackmoor ii. 16 Blantyre priory üi. 234 Blackneſs caftle iii . 459 Blafſac, M. de iv . 153 Blacknore foreſt ii . 4. Blafts, hot, dreadful effects in Perſia viii . 298 Black point i. 547 in Lar ix. Black river, America xiv. 236 of Van Diemen's land xi . 853 its connection with the of New South Wales xi. 917.926 Oronooco xiv. ibid . 499 Blaueberg, glacier 750 Black river , Senegal xvi. 902 Blaw on the tides among the Ork Black rock fiſhery 231 nies 801 Black Sea, riſe of the Ruſſian fleet on etymology 804 on it 689 on Caithneſs ibid . Ruffian trade vi . 884 Bleachery at Flors 346 harbours vi . 885 of Montroſe 427 intercourſe between it of Mr. Sinclair 826 and the Mediterranean vi. 890 of Appenzel 650 obſervations on it ix. 16i Bledlow village ii . 338 countries round ix. 165. x. 702 Bleeda city, Algiers 533 Blackfhield's village üi. 478 Blege fish i . 440 Bleking V. 178 Black cape XV. XV. 120 V. xiii. V. vi. V. 1, XV. V 1 INDEX [ 51 ] PAGE 205 iii. xi. ix, 9 111 > v. V. VOL . VOL. PAGE Bleking province vi, 377 Boars, wild, of Rio Gabon xvi. -511 Blenheim palace ii . 193 of Africa xvi, 629 park ii . 194 Boat-bridges of Hindoftan viii . Blerchen of Mentz vi . 251 Boati tree xi, 254 Bligh, Mr., anecdotes of him in Boatmen of Skie 319 Owhyhee 715 Birman ix . 461 Blights, cauſes of i . 355 prejudices of 562 Blind Harry iii . 429 Boats, their convenience in Holland i. 135 Blinelbury hill ii . 339 -, deſcription of the Lapland i . 156. 188 Blitters from cold i. 504 - , management of Lapland i. 235.279.359 - , mode of curing i . ibid. of Iceland 661 Blober fruit deſcribed i . 285 of Greenland i . 790 the northern i . 305 of London 89 Blockhouſes of the Virginian colony xiii. 94 of the Scilly Iles ii. 748 Block- tin ii . 275 -> appearance of a fleet of Blois town iv . 130 fiſhing 347 caſtle iv. ibid . of Newcaſtle 501 manufactures of iv. 375 of the iſland of St. Kilda 722 -, vineyards of iv. 445 of Stromboli 252 Blomfield Barradel, Mr. xii. 475 of Felicuda and Alicuda 257 Blood of the rein.deer a cure for of Rovigno 272 the ſcurvy i . 601 of the Volga vi. 645 charm to ſtop ii. 763 on the canal of Viſhnei-Vo effects of ſeeing , on the loſhok vi . 897 Banjareens xi. 128 - , ſumptuous Chineſe vii . 251 treaties ratified with xi. 335.350 for carrying falt at Solikamſky vii. 321 Blood -root of America xiii. 543 the Japaneſe whale vii. 705 Blood of the Swiſs, the wine 699 of Japan, deſcription of them vii . 770 Bloody bay ii. 351 on the Euphrates viii. 294 Bloody Point, Frobiſher's Strait xii . 498.524 on the Indus viii . 307 Bloſſoms of the American trees on the Yellow River viii . 501 Blount's voyage to the Levant X, on the Cavery in Myſore viii . 712 Blower-fiſh ofJapan vii . 707 at Ferhabad 53 Blowing-horns of the Negroes on of Coſmi ix . 399 the Gold Coaſt xvi. 393 Dian ix . Blubber, animated ſea xiii . 381 Birman, deſcribed Blue-bird of America xiii . 525 of war of the Birmans Blue -coat ſchool ii . 517 of the Siameſe ix , 581 Blue mountain xi. 162 of war of the Cochin -Chineſe ix. 794 Blue mountains of New South on the Euphrates X. 383 Wales xi. 913.928.934 of Mindanao xi. 15 Blue mountains of America xii. 419.721.724 of the Baſhee Ilands xi , 48 Blue ſea ix . 387 of Bouton Iſland 60 Bluet berries of Canada xüi. of Manilla Blue tint of the ſky on Mont flying, of Borneo xi . 124 Blanc of the Ladrones xi . 325 Bluff -point, New Holland xi. 469 of Garret Dennis Ine xi. 486 Blumlis Alp mountain 876 in Otaheite xi . 521 Bluubaer, the bear fond of 415 in New Zealand 542 Bnia ille iii. 629 of New South Wales xi . Bnicarlo town 612 of the Friendly Iſles Boad plain 43 of Watteeoo Iſland 652 Boadicea's victory 459 of the Virginians xii. 227.567. xiii . 36 Boadjoos deſcribed xi . 229 ſeal- fkin 493 Boan water 102 in Frobiſher Strait Boarding -ſchools, Engliſh ii . 517 - , fiſhing, of the Dutch xiii . 232 Boars of St. Andrew's ui. 447 birch -bark, of the Canadians xiii . 269 wild , of Siam ix . 621 on the Hudſon river xiii . 414-578.597 , of Barbary 407 of the Delaware xiii. 429 hunt of the wild, in Fez xv. 448. 664 Indian mode of making xiii. 514 wild , of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 437 uſed in Canada 608 [ G 2 ] Boats X111 . 556 222 ix . ibid . ix . 428. 455 ix . 500. 552 361 83 786 xi. 546 V. xi. 593.695 XV. xi. Xll . xii. 500.501.557 9 2 Xv. > xiii. [52] INDEX. PAGE VOL. vi. XI. 73. 348 516 463 158 56 iv. X. v. XV. xvi. 455 Bollitree 221 VOL . PAGE Boat's of the Eſquimaux xiii. 676 Bohemia, cultivation in 131 on the river Amazon xiv. 224. 230 climate vi. 135 on the Guayaquil xiv, 407 productions ibid . uſed in the Red Sea XV. 13 rubies 251 on the Nile XV. 221 Bohemia, King of 31 Bobadilla's expedition to the Weſt Bohemians, their character vi . 136. 137 Indies xiv. 140 Bohol iſland Bobonaza river xiv. 263 Bohun, Dr. xiii. 129 Bobrinki, ſon of Catharine II. , ac Boicininga ſerpent xiv. 713 count of him ( note ) vi . 781 Boilers, ancient Indian xiii. Boca, Cape xii . 102 of ſalt in Guinea xvi. Boca Chica, Carthagena xiv. 329 Boiling a biſhop iii . Boca del Drago xii . 100. IO2 Bois de Bologne iv. Bocas, Rio dedos xiv. 243.499.502 Boiſgelin navigation 222 Bocat valley 366 Bois, Glacier des 784 Bocca de Carangera viii. 480 Boismandie, cattle of iv . 472 Boccicas ilands, mermaids found Boiſſiere , M. de iv. 218 there xvi. 700 Boitrape ſnake xiv. 714 Boccore fig of Barbary 603 Bokhara city deſcribed ix. 373 Bochholt, Captain xiv. 829 Boki river xvi. 901 Bocke- veld mountain, the cold xvi, 83 Boki-Kooro hill ibid . the warm xvi . 85 Bokke -Land mountain deſcribed xvi. 128 Bockſtadt manſion vi. 366 Bokol village xvi . 629 Boden See 647 Bolabola, King of xi. 524 Bodies found near Wardlow . 395 Bolander's, Mr., cabinet vi. 423 filled with lead 454 Bolk -Boght bay i . 756 found at Woburn ii . of northern and ſouthern - , poetical deſcription of ii . ibid . people compared vi. 229 Bollitir paſs 58 Bodleian library, Moritz's account Bollo bread of Carthagena xiv. 352 of the ii . 545 Bologna, paſſage from Venice to 258 Bodley, Sir Thomas ij. -, Young's account of iv. 262. 276 Bodmer of Zuric 668 incloſures near' iv . 553 Bodoni, Signore, printer of Parma 279 farms and tenantry iv . Body of Captain Cook, anecdotes rent and price of land iv . 561 it cattle and dairies iv . 584 Boededoe town on the Rio Formoſa xvi. 520 ſheep iv. 587 Boelecomba xi . 235.285 courſe of crops iv. 591 Bæotia 747 ſeed and produce iv. 597 Boerhaave, Haller's attention to 858 filk culture iv. 608 Boeſwa village , Guinea xvi. 344 hemp and flax iv. 610 Boethius's account of Inverneſs 92 vines iv. account of the monaſtery tillage and implements in iv. in Jona ni, 300 government iv. account of Stirling 461 taxation iv. of Arthur'sOven ji. 464 tithe and church lands Boffoe village , Guinea xvi , 543 manufactures and com Bog of Allen iii . 816 iv . of Bretagne iv. 510 prohibitions iv. near Viſhnei Voloſhok vi . 648 iv. 650 Bogagieth iii . 70 Bolongaro, M., hiftory of vi. 244 Bogas Hiffar 704 Bolſao, Benyowſki's adventures at xvi. 781 Bogdoi- Chan, fee Emperor of China. Bolſhoy Zaimka village vii . 352 Boghar city ix. 373 Bolſover town ii . 444 - Jenkinſon's deſcription - caſtle ii . ibid . of ix . 392 Bolton caſtle ii. 428 Bogoo tree of Tongataboo 687 Bolton , Cornelius, Eſq. 855 Bogota river xiv. ii . 331 , Bogs of Ireland iii . 865 Bolton houſe 517 Bohea tea, mode of preparing vir . 412 caſtle ibid . Bohemia, invaſion of vi. 189 Bolton's, Mr., engines ii . 274 7 s ::::3 : iv. III V. iv . 556 xi . 719.724 X. v. iii. 614 617 622 632 635 iv . - merce 640 647 2 prices in xi , iii. 312 Bolton hall Bolungo INDEX. [ 53] PAGE , treaty of iv. X. X. 282 fions ac - V. 885 598 X. 538 546 VOL . VOL. PAGE Bolungo oath of Congo xvi. 220. 226 Bongo province xvi. 332 Bolus river xiii. 27. 63 Bongos of Panama xiv . 372 Bolz, M., on the culture of to. Boni kingdom deſcribed xi. 222 bacco iv. 503 xi . 237 Bolzius, Rev. Mr. xii. 468 Boni, King of xi . 217 338 Boma iſland deſcribed xvi. 276 Bonifacio's hill, Chili xiv. 57 Boma ſerpent of Brazil xvi. 205 Bonifante, Count de iv. 235 of Congo xvi. 314 Boning, Count de 249 of Loango, anecdotes xvi . 559 Bonirevor rock 293 of Senegal xvi. 659 Boniton fall 231 Bomancoij city xvi. 268 Bon Jeſus fort, Brazil xiv. 856 Bombardmentof Mocha 76 Bonn town vi . 270 Bombar, John Siggear xv. 468.485 court of vi. 277 Bombay, Hamilton's hiſtory of viii. 328 Bonnet, Charles, Haller's letters to V. 869 fort viii. 329 his life and works V. 885 governments viii . 330. X. 204 Bonnets of the Jews in Tripoli Sir John Child's oppref Bonneville town 801 viii. 331 Bonnivard , Prior war between the Mogul Bonnivochil bird iii . and the India Company at viii . 341 Bontain kingdom xi. 234. 245 table of weights, mea Bontal, fiſh of Siam ix. 634 ſures, and coins in viii. 520 Bonzes of Tonquin ix. 732 Francklin's deſcription Japaneſe ix . 822 of ix . 235 Booberak river XV. ", voyage from Mocha to 199 Boobies, birds of New Holland xi, Nieubuhr's deſcription of X. 201 of the Saboo iſlands xi. 832 trade of 206 Menonville's account of xiii. 868 Bombetoc port xvi. 790 Boodh , the Birman ix . 490 Bombetoc river, Arabs on xvi. 744 the Foe of China, god of Bombi town, Congo xvi. 164 Japan, and Woden of the Goths ix. , ibid . . Bomb ketch , a new invented vi. 557 Booferjoone, Algiers 537 Bommaſeen, the Indian xii. 400 Boo Hadjar 581 Bommel iſland i, 759 Boo-jeemah river 541 Bon, Cape, Tunis 568 Bookalwan , Algiers 553 Bona city and harbour, Algiers 541 Booka - Ihaſh of Barbary XV . Bonacurli, Sig. Nicolo xvi. 310 Book -keeper-general, Dutch, in Bonadventure, the Edward i . 9.51 Guinea xvi. 379 Bonaparte Gulf, New Holland xi. 885 Book of Degrees, Cyprian's vi . 849 Bonaparte's policy towards the Valte Book of fineflowers of Japan vii. 753.789 line (note ) 925 Books printed in Iceland 676 Bonaratte iſland xi. 237 in England ii . 503 Bonaventura da Firenze, Father, his , price of, in Paris iv. 43 miſſion to Ethiopia xvi. 302 prohibition of, in Auſtria vi. Bonaviſta iſland , Cape Verd xii . 96 of ſtudy in Hindoftan viii. 187 Bonavre, burial-place at 651 Birman ix . 548 Bonchurch, INe of Wight ii . 688 of the Tonquineſe ix . 674. 735 Bondmen in Ruſſia i . 21. 36 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 790 Bondo village 896 Bookſellers, German vi. 158 Bones of the rein -deer i. 170 Auftrian vi. ibid . human, of an extraordinary Book trade of Leipfic vi. 158 fize ii. 459 Boola-kaz of Barbary 635 foffil, in the Muſeum of Peterf Boo -Maſoude tribe 539 burgh vi. 825 Boo -muggar, Algiers 547 found in Siberia vii. 427 Boo -onk bird 629 of Captain Cook xi. 724 Boori, ſalt-trade at xvi. 886 diſcovered in Siberia xiii . 420 Boorjereah mountain 531 in Canada 607 Boo - ha -la ifle , baſaltic pillars at i. 706. iii. 305 collections of, in Egypt 817 Booſhatter 562 Bonetta fiſh of the Maldives viii . 389.xiii. 384 Boot, religious fe &t, in Tonquin ix. 705 of the Gulf ofMexico xiii. 856.865. , fingular mode of introduction xvi. 208 in China ix . ibid . XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. 627 V. 61 X. 11 XV. XV. XV . XV. XV. xiii. XV. XV. Boot , [ 54] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. mi. I 20 V. XV. I 20 - V. fia by ix . tions on ji . xii. 252 111 . 596 IOI 360 1 PAGE Boot, its place intended for Chriſti. Borthwick caſtle 478 anity ix . 706 Borthwick's, Col., account of the Booteſhellah village X. 351.440 gold-mines of Scotland ni. 543 Boothe on the Virginian colony xiii . Borve tower 151 Boots, Lapland 386 village 585 Boqueneſs , Cape i . 792 Bosc d'Antic, M., on tin ii . 275 Borch , Count, on the age of lava 64 Boſnieſmen Hottentots xvi . 129. 135 his account of the Bofiante, King, hiſtory of xvi. 370 crater of Etna 78.83.90 Bolkenna, ſtones at ii . 152 Borda, Cape, New Holland xi . 799 Bosman's deſcription of Guinea xvi. 337--547 Bord-Cruin 628 Boſpherah river 459 Border: houſe at Kirk -Andrews iii . 207 Bofphorus of Thrace ix. 140. x . 700 Borders, the Scotch iii . 24. 207 Boflen, glacier v. 781.792 of Ruſſia and China vii. 365.420 Bofien town vi . of Europe and Aſia vii . 429 Boſfora, gulf of ix. 177 of France and Spain 629 Boſt, on the Britiſh trade to Per obſerva . 209 635 Boſton, New England , firſt ſet Bordh-mor-mhic-leod 331 tlement at 252 Bore, tremendous, at the mouth of city deſcribed xii . 260 the Amazons xiv . caſtle xii . ibid . Borelli's account of Etna ( note ) v . 63. 81. 83. 86 -, Burnaby's Borera Ille deſcription xiii . 744 folan geeſe of iii . 708 Boſtoſe town iv. Borga, San Franciſco de xiv. 509.510 Boſſum Pra of Guinea xvi . 348 Borgo town vi . 559 Boffumsofthe Negroes xvi. 420 Boriklo , road to i . 325 Boſworth, battle of ii . Boringdon, Lord ii . 268 Bota, Jacobus, anecdotes of his Boris Godunof, tomb and hiſtory of vi. 623.741 encounter with two lions xvi. 88 Boriſthenes river i . 30 Botanic garden, Oxford ii . 106 Borja town, on the Amazon xiv. 219. 221 - , Edinburgh 32 Borja, San Franciſco de, city xiv. 510 Botaniſts of Scilly ii. 758 Borla town of Madrid 379 Borlaſe's Natural Hiſtory ii .. 277 Botany of Iceland i , 747 account of the Routar Haller's ſtudy of 861 ſtones ii . 379 works on ibid . Borma mountain xiv, 434 at Copenhagen vi . Bormio town 913 ftudy of, in Japan vii. 762 county ibid . of the Myſore vili. 621 privileges ibid . of the weſtern Ghats viii . 758 government ibid . of Arabia 180 produce 915 of the Iſle of France xi. 767 religion of Bernier iſle, New Hol Borneo, reaſons for its being governed land xi . 789 by a Queen viii . 245 of Penſylvania xiii . 400 Hamilton's deſcription viii . 458 of North -America xiii.411.423. 508.558. Beeckman's voyage to 573. 594. deſcription 108 of Canada xiji . 611. 652 Pigafetta's deſcription of 351 of the plain of Tecuacan 807 city xi. 353 of Mexico xiii . Borneo, King of xi. 351 of Guaxaca xiii. Borne's Regiment of the Sea in Chili xiv. 38 Bornou, road from Bahr- el -Gazalle of Dar- Fur to xvi . of the Cape of Good deſcribed xvi. ibid . Hope Borom- dek of Sor iſland xvi. 610 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 454 Boromean iſlands 991 of Fida xvi. 504 Borram- Gadze i . 462 of Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi . 551 Borri's account of Cochin - China ix. 773 of Teneriffe xvi , Borromeo, San Carlo, memoirs of 991 of Senegal xvi. 616 Borrowdale Fells ui. 193 of Madagaſcar xvi. 800-807 Botany X. 696 * 318 V. > V. v. X. V. V. 916 9 xi. xi. 96 xi, xiii. 810 824 538 XV. 144 835 - xvi. 66. 112 v. 604 INDEX. [ 55] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE X. 378 X. 306 iv . XV . > iv . XV. Botany Bay, New South Wales xi. 546.908 Bouquetin of the Alps, food 797 Botany Bay Mill ii . 702 hunting 798 Botany Hiú iii . 863 Bourbon, fort, Hudſon's Bay xii. 275 Botany Ine xi . 634 Bourbon , Duke de 341 Botargo of Egypt XV. 178 Bourbon houſe, Kings of it, in of Tunis XV. 565 Spain Both of Italy , the artift ii . 655 Bourbon Lancy iv. 207 Bothnians, account of them i . 157 Bourbonnois, the iv. 208 Bothwell bridge ili. 234 ſoil iv. 308 caſtle iii . ibid . vineyards iv . 454 houſe ibid . filk culture iv. 464 Both well , James Earl of iii . 752 waſte lands iv. 513 Botiſtmene mountain, Madagaſcar xvi. 739.798 coals iv . 520 Botrus, the ancient 483 woods iv. 524 Botta of the Tartar ladies vii . 32 , fiſh -ponds in iv. 531 Bottanter country, Fitch's de implements of huf ſcription ix 415 bandry in iv. 542 Bottel headland i. 70 Bourdeaux city, Young's account of iv. 124 Bottero, Spallanzani's account of 128 province, ſoil of iv. Bottewa village, Guinea xvi. 543 city, trade of iv, 339 Bottis's account of the production effects of of feven mountains by Veſuvius 231 the treaty of commerce in 365 Bottle - noſe fiſh xiii . 383 landes of iv . 508 Bottomleſs Pit, Guinea xvi. 546 Bourdonaye, Count de la iv . 157 Bouc-eſtain, ſee Bouquetin. Bourges iv. 88 Boucharo , hoſpital of iv. 719 BOURGOANNe’s travels in Spain V. 2984639 Bouche town 222 Bourgoyn town iv. 286 Boucher, Mr., villainy of General Bourgoyne, culture of broom in iv. 484 Child to viii. 333 coals of iv. 520 Boucherville, Canada xiii . 282 woods of 523 Bouerah valley 296 - , tillage and laying of xi. 882 lands in Bougies in Johore 461 Bourgullion gate of Friburg 834 their attacks on Bouro iſland xi. 247 Trangano viii. 463 Bourrit's, M., attempt to aſcend Bouguer on volcanoes in America 235 Mont- Blanc 678 Bouguer's log i. 564 Bourſa, Pococke's deſcription 716 BOUGUER's voyage to Peru xiv. 270 Bouſha, Tunis, infcriptions found Bouik Addah 699 there 576 Bouille, Madame de iv. 265 Boufir, pyramids at xv. 803. 819 Boujeiah , Algiers 539 Bout, ſect in Tonquin ix. 732 Bouleponge, drink, Bernier's de Boutee animal of the Gold Coaft xvi. 438 ſcription of it viii. 227 Bouton , fort of 625 Boullanger, M., on New Holland xi . 773. 800 Bouton iſland xi. 59 his account of inhabitants 60 Madame Van Etten's houſe in Stavorinus's deſcription Timor xi . xi . 231. 246 his adventures in Bouton , Sultan of, account of him xi . 60 New Holland xi. 893 Boutilloz , Don Juan de xiii. 774 Boullanger cape xi . 860 Boutry village, Guinea xvi . 345 Boulneſs 190 river xvi . 346 Boulogne, Young's account of iv . 82 Bova of Tonquin ix . 687.745 Boulou town 630 Bova -dee-yaw , ceremony in Tonquin ix. 694. 746 Boundaries, mode of preſerving, Bovadilla , Francis de ,accountof him xii. 119.124 in the Weſtern illes iii. 611 Bowalajoong river xi . 132 Bounties for the encouragement of Bowchier town viii . 295 French trade iv. 354 Bower pariſh iii . 159 Bouquet, Colonel xiii . 709 Bower of Moſellay ix. 247 Bouquetin of the Alps 794 Bower in New Holland xi. 776 horns and Bower's , Miſs, legacy ii. 412 beard 796 Bowes, Sir Jerome vi . 611 Bowes's Boufflers cape iv . 538 vill . V. V. iv. X. XV. XV. xi. > 807 of v. [56] INDE X. VOL . PAGE PAGE viil . xvi. 476 XV. . viii. 9 VOL. Bowes's diſcovery of gold mines in Brahe, Tycho, biography of vi. 329 Scotland iii . 543 Brahé's, Count, cabinet vi . 423.425 Bowger, bird of St.Kilda 712 Brahim , Sidi XV . 739 Bowing ſtone of Eriſca Ille 603 Brahma of Hindoftan viii . 184 Bowls made of the knobs of trees xiii . 510 Brahmans of the Carnatic viii. 578.580 Bow -makers of Perſia ix . 205 ſects of them viii . 581 Bowman of Skie iii. 329 at Bangalore viii . 592 Bowneſs, fee Buchanels. in the Myſore viii. 614. 633 Bows of the Laplanders i . 1883.422 . their religion viii . 653.666.676 , curious Spitzbergen i , 599 of Tulava, hiſtory of 752 of the North Americans xii . 501 Brahus caſtle i . 331 of the Hottentots 90 Braidwood's, Mr., academy for the Box, anecdote of a bone i . 611 deaf and dumb iii . plant uſed as manure iv. 546 Braithwaite's report on the ſettle trees of Abyſſinia 75 ment of St. Vincent xü . 427 Boxhorn on verſification i . 683 Brakeſtadt i . 274 Boxing in Ruffia vi . 590 Bralio, mount, aſcent of 912 - , anecdotes of viii. 504 Bramanes, Lord's deſcription of in Pegu ix. 431 them viii. 547 Box's account of a voyage to Vir Bramas of Pegu, Fitch's deſcription ix . 422 ginia xiii. 99. 107 their invaſion of Siam ix . 642 Boyd, Mr., of Ballycaſtle iii. 883 Brambles, American xili. 429 Boyd's, Zachary, curious verſion of Bramins, Marco Polo's account of the Bible iii . 240 them vii . 162 Boyiſh village, adventures of Abu of India vii . 218. X. 217 'lghazi Khan at ix . 364 of Surat 317 Boyle town 829 Lord's deſcription of the Boyne river 815 cafts viii. 547 battle of the 822 their ſtudies viii. ibid . Boynes, M. de xvi. 779.784 diſcipline viii. 548 Boys, their occupation in Loango xvi. 571 Balbi's account of them ix . Boys, White, ſee White Boys. Fitch's account of them Boyucderry 702 Brammon, ſon of the firſt man and Braan caſtle 81 woman viii . 525 Brabant, Rielbeck's account of vi . 287 his travels towards the Bracco, Signore iv. 238 eaſt viii . 526 Bracelets of the Turkiſh women 284 his wife viii . ibid . of the Mallicollo Iſlanders xi . 619 Brampton Brian ii . 608 Brachman, Bell's deſcription of one vii . 358 Bran , waters of iii . 42 Brachmans of India viii . 175 river 392 cauſe women Bran of the fago xi. 260 to burn themſelves 179 Branchus -duck of Canada xili , 355 Bracomoros, Juan de xiv . 214.494 Branco, Rio xiv. 239 Bradford, Mr., ofNew England xii . 250 Brandenbourg, on the filk culture of iv. 471 Bradford , Mr., of New Plymouth xii. 252 foil of vi . 171 Bradgate ii . 365 Brandenburg, Elector of i . 151 Brading haven üi. 694 Brandenburg, Marquis i . 212 town ii . 695 Brandenburghers' ſettlement in Bradley, Mr., his obſervations on Axim the ſtars i . 242 gold trade of Bradninch 263 Guinea xvi . 375 Bradfhaigh family iii . 179 BRAND's deſcription of the Ork Bradſhaw's, Richard, negociations in neys and Shetland iii. 731 Ruſſia 872 of Pentland Bradwardine ii . 215 Firth iii . 800 Brægnetz town 366 of Caithneſs iii . 804 Bræ -mar, rocks of jïi . 55 Brandloom , port of i . 791 caſtle 56 Brandt, his conduct at his execution vi. 301 -, pines of iii . 57 Brandt, Karſtens 688 Braffs of the Fantyneans xvi. 362.418 Brandy, frozen at Torneo 313 Brago fort iii . 577 Laplanders' love of 371 Brandy, 397 412 х . as*3 5.2 *** 3:333*8 X. 111 viii. - xvi. . 341-343 ii. vi. vi. IN DE X. [57] PAGE V. X. > xi. 366 ix . xui. 486 jii. 2II > XV . 42.46 V. of mercury VOL. VOL. PAGI Brandy, witchcraft with i . 480 Bread of Curdiſtan ix. 15 of Valencia 600 of Arabia 155 love of the Swedes for vi. 520. 523 fago xi. 260 of the Siameſe ix . 611 in the Molucca Ilands Cochin -Chineſe 787 Virginian xiii . 32 , peach, of Penſylvania 408 of buck -wheat xiii . 488 apple, xiii . ibid . of Mexican muleteers xiii . 847 of perſimon apples xiii. of the Chilians xiv. 115 deſtructive effect on the of the Pampas Indians xiv. 128 Indians xiii . 532 in Carthagena xiv. 352 trade with the Indians xiii. 688 in Guayaquil xiv. 398 Brandy-drinkers of Rio de Gabon xvi. 509 of Lima, the beft in America xiv. 602 Brank, puniſhment of the tapioca, of Brazil xiv. 859. 860 Brankanentim cairn iii . 68 of Dar- Fur 149 Brany cape, Van Diemen's Land xi, 837 reverence of the Moors for xv. 416.454.661 Braſs, mode of making, with cala Hottentot mode of baking xvi. 30 mine 253 of Fida, Guinea, boiled xvi. 504 manufacture ii . 277 of the manioc xvi. 551 trade of Sweden , tables of it vi . 532 Banana xvi. 553 manufactoryof Skultana vi . 547 of Sofala xvi. 682 cannon of Macao 485 Breadalbane country iii. 368 Braſſa, Noſs of iii. 791 Breadalbane, Earl Braſla Sound i. 783 Breadalbane, John , firft Earl of iii. 377 iſland i.784. iii. 776.779 Breadalbane’s, Earl of, ftratagem 90 Brafleuſe, Chateau iv. 135 Bread - fruit tree of Otaheite xi. 503 cattle of iv. 476 Bread - ſtreet ward ii. 66 Braſs-works at Meſſinſbrok i. 330 Bread-tree of the Cape of Good Brattelen plain battle of 697 Hope xvi. 36.98 Braun, Profeffor, on the congelation Breakers on the coaſt of New Hol. vi. 691 land xi . 800 Bravery of the Spaniards 509 Breakfáſts of the French inCanada xiii. 660 Tonquineſe teſt of ix. 752 Bream , poiſonous ſpecies of xi. 620 Bray, Sir Reginald of Guinea xvi. 450 BRÁy's tour into Derbyſhire 336 Bream bay xi. 534 Brazen -noſe college, Oxford ii . 118 Breaſts of the Samoieda women i . 528 Brazil xi. 310 of the Hottentot women , Hawkins's voyage to xii. 163 their wonderful length xvi. 29.139 Nieuhoff's voyages and tra . of men in Sofala, have milk xvi. 697 vels into xiv. 697 Breath of the Jacumama ſnake xiv . 514 defcribed xiv . 703 of ſerpents, anecdotes of it 48 Dutch 733 Brebes people of Mount Atlas 731 Carli's account xvi. 152 Breccia found in the Folla Grande 42 - voyage from Congo to xvi. 178 of Lipari 192 Merolla's account xvi. 201 Brechin town 433 Battel's adventures in xvi. cathedral ibid . Brazil company , Dutch xiv. caſtle 435 Brazilians, deſcription of them xi . round tower ibid . of Siara xiv. 729 Brecknock , Skrine's deſcription of ii. 587 of Goyana xiv . 839 Breda's, Mr., portraits vi. 421 -, their manners and cuſtoms xiv. 868.872 Brederfiord Point i . 740 - , their origin xvi. 204 Bredon hill ii . 614 Brazil-wood , tree deſcribed xiv , 865 Breeches, Lapland i . 385 Breach of Croatoan xii. 624. xiii. 18 Breede Rivier xvi . Bread from bark of trees i . 345 Brege river vi . 59 -, a ſubſtitute for 600 Breiſlak , Abbé 22. 30 of the Icelanders 655 his account of the of London ü . Grotta del Cane 35 of Paris iv. 46 Breithorn mountain 876 ſcarcity of, in France 169. 187 Brellos town 613 Necker's meaſures on the Bremaw , Banian doctrine of his ſcarcity of iv. 329 creation viii . 535 of Upper Engadina 905 produces twins viii. 536 VOL. XVII. [H] Bremaw , 360 XV. xiv . XV. V. 318 738 311 87 88. 144 V. . V. iv . [58] Ι Ν D Ε Χ. PAGE PAGE 248 vi. 180 299 320 TO3 iv . 590 828 310 841 905 403 460 603 812 195 452 67 480 617 272 XV. iv . XV. com - VOL . VOL . Bremaw , his religion viii . 537 Brewſter's, Mr. , ſettlement in New taken up to heaven viii . 552 England xii . Bremen city defcribed i . 139.334. vi . 225 Brézé, Marquis de iv . trade and fiſhery ibid . Brianſton manſion ii . Bremer's account of Swediſh medals vi . 441 Briare canal ii . Brenkenhoff's improvements in agri Briaſca village iv. culture vi . 181 Bribery uſed by the Portugueſe in Brentorr church ïi . 286 Brazil xiv, Brés , M. iv. 213 Bribieſca town Breſcia iv . 247 Brickeen iſland iii . price of land at iv . 560 Brick Field , Sydney Cove xi . irrigation iv. 574 Bricks, diſcovery of fome ancient ii . ſheep iv. 586 - , Roman, at St. Alban's ii . courſe of crops in of Virginia xii, feed and products iv. 595 of thewalls of Memphis filk culture 604 Bridekirk , ancient font at ui. vines iv . 613 Bride's dreſs in Tetuan taxation iv. 631 Bridewell, London ii . manufactures and Bridgend near Melros iii. merce iv . 640 Bridgenorth ii . prohibitions iv. 647 Bridges in Sweden i. prices of various things in iv . 650 wooden , of one hundred Breffe, fiih ponds in iv. 531 and two arches i . Breſt, paſſage to , from Dunkirk - , floating i . through the channel i . 803 at Biddeford ii . Young's account of iv . 155 of England Breſt iſland, America xii. 630 of Briſtol Bret, Cape xi . 534 of Chepſtowe Bretagne province iv. 153 iron , at Colebrooke Dale ii. foil of iv. 305 Stockton linen manufacture of iv. 377.393 Durham vineyards 445 Aberdeen cattle iv. 479 of Don horſes iv . 482 over the Elk price of wood and charcoal over the Aray in iv. 524 over the Tay - , tillage and laying of lands of Perth in iv . 537 of Montroſe -, implements of huſbandry in iv. 541 of Gannachie iii . -, manures and manuring in 544 of Stirling jii . culture of broom in 483 of Edinburgh of carrots and parſnips iv. 484 of Melros of cabbages 485 of Newcaſtle of cheſnuts iv. 487 of Durham iii . of furze iv. 490 ancient , near Perth iii . of hemp and flax 492 of Neuilé iv. of orchards 495 over the Manzanares of pines 499 leading to Toledo of turnips 503 near Barcelona of waſte lands iv. of Schaffhauſen Breteſche, La, anecdotes of him xvi . of Wettingen Breteuil, manufactures of iv, of Bellano Bretofshina, palace at vi. 621 of Pont Alta Breton, Cape xii . 162. 281 of St. Martin's Britiſh right to xii . 282.671 over the Adda iDand, Lahontan's deſcrip on the Via Mala tion xiii . 346 of Reichenau Brevedent, Father de xv. 62.70.76 of Prague vi . Breviarium Nidaroſienſe i . 676 from Stockholın to Drot Brevity of the Spaniards 502 tingholm vi. Brewing in Tire -iy 660 of pontoons at Peterſburgh vi. 323 329 27 151 245 581 618 17 ibid . 62 63 2 1 2 364 375 413 iv. 428 432 460 iv . > iv . iv . 474 480 501 511 561 141 373 554 iv . iv . iv .. iv . V. V. 617 510 643 758 368 684 893 905 910 912 944 947.964 140 V. V. 444 664 Bridges, 1 INDE X. [59] VOL . PAGE PAGE vi . 768 ix . ix . 53 906 ix . XI. 456 X. 493 > vi. 498 - 7 xiv. xiv. XV. iv . VOL . Bridges, plan of one, of a ſingle arch Briſtol bridges ii . 245 acroſs the Neva 665 churches ii . ibid . in the gardens of Tzarſkoe buildings ii . 246 Zelo vi . 697 inhabitants ii , ibid . at Dorpt vi . 711 hot -wells ii . 247 floating, of Riga vi . 713 Briſtol Channel, Whiſton's directions in Japan vii . for ſhips in it ii . 763 in Jedo vii . 800 Briſtol, New, Penſylvania xii . 382. xiii . 447-733 of Seringapatam viii . 597 Britain formerly a peninſula ii . 783 over the Kapini viii . 710 -, tables andvalue of goods of Iſpahan 25. 191 imported from Ruflia by vi . 905 of Ferhabad ditto exported to Ruffia by over the Tabadi ix. 152 ( ſee England, & c.) vi . in Tonquin 715 Britain , New, Tafman on 447 of Morat Paſha 543 on colonizing xi . of Geſer Hadid 544 -, Dampier's deſcrip - , mountain, in Mexico xiii . 795 tion of xi, natural, in the Cordilleras xiv. 52 Britiſh ambaſſadors ſingular South American xiv 215 Britiſh muſeum ii . 512 South American 415.529 Britiſh trade to Perſia ix . 209 over the Lake Titicaca 632 Brito, Francis de, his adventures of the Receif, Brazil xiv. 710 with the Virgin Mary xvi , 151 over the Shelliff 529 Briton Ferry ii . 592 high-arched, of Touy xvi. 191 Britons, character of them vi , 77 ofbamboos over the Black Britto Falcon , Roch de, anecdotes river, Senegal xvi. 903 of him xvi . 725 Bridge-town, Barbadoes xii . 295 Briude , vineyards of iv . 455 Bridge ward ii . 55 Brius river, gold of it vji . 142 without ii . 69 Brive, country round iv. 91 Bridgewater town ii . 260 town 92 Bridgewater's, Duke of, canal ii . 317. 369 manufactures iv . 370 Bridles of the Moors xv. 772 vineyards iv. 442 Bridport town ii . 294 cattle iv . 474 Brie diſtriệt iv. 189 Brixton, Iſle of Wight ii . Brientz lake v . 765.875 Broadalbin ii . 171 Brierton's account of Eliſabeth's Broadford , ſecond -light at iii . Ille, Virginia xiii . 19 Broad ſtreet ward ii . 51 Brigadiers, naval, of Spain 453 Broad -Way, New York xiii . 736 Bright Pool 387 Brockman the actor vi. 90 Brigſtock, Mr., anecdotes of him xii. 340 Brodick caſtle 645 Brijds-bed of the Weſtern Illes 613 Brodie caſtle iii . 258 Briis -mbawl, baſaltic columns of iii . 319 Broekhuſen, John xiv . 811.814 Brille taken by the Prince of Orange i . 135 Broglio , Count de iv . 127 Briluega cloth manufacture 334 Broken bay, New South Wales xi . 927 Brimſtone in Iceland i . 691.747 Broken iſlands ix. 572 different colours of i . ibid. Brokers of London ii . Brindley, Mr. ii. 317. 369 of Hamburg vi . 215 Brink , Colonel xiv. 857 obſervations on foreign 78 Briolo, Signore iv. 238 of Perfia ix . 206 Brion of Ila 652 at the Cape xvi . 69 Brion's iſland, Cartier's diſcovery xii. 633. 664 of Benin xiv , 522 Briſas winds in the Nave- trade of Loango in the South Sea xiv. 658 and Cacongo xvi . Briſtol, ancient names of ii . 28 Bronitza village vi. 648 trade ii . ibid . route to Norogorod Hungroad ij. ibid. from 1 vi . 653 Kingroad ibid. Bronze, artiſts in , at Stockholm vi . 422 manufactures ii . 29 ftatue of Peter the Great vi , 666 city ii . 245 Brook village ii . caſtle ibid. Brooks of the Cordilleras xiv . 50 hiſtory ii . ibid . of Chili xiv. 65 [ H 3 ] Broom , 675 677 v. iii . 111 . V. IOI X. ii. xiv. 360.391 586 674 ii. [60 ] INDE X. 1 PAGE V. 210 on * iv . xii. 42. 82 748 XV. V. XV. 111 . v. 78. 82 V. ji. IO2 XV. VOL. VOL. PAGE Broom , culture of, in France iv. 483 Brunius, M., account of i . 291 Broom bay, herring fiſhery of iii . 336 Brunnen village 731 Broomholme iii . revolution of ( note ) ibid . Brora water 85 Brunſwick city 227 river iii . 155 trade of vi. ibid . Broſſes', Preſident de, introductory houſe of vi . ibid . obſervations on Auſtralaſia xi. 421 Brunſwick , New, America xiii. 450.573.734 Broſtadt i . 270 Brunſwick, Duke of vi. 227. 285 Brotche, a curious ancient iii. 46. 369 Brunt iſland iii. 454 Brotherhoods in Havannah x11i 764 Bruny iſland, Perron's adventures in Vera Cruz xiii . 853 xi. 849. 889 Brothic river 421 Bruſſels, deſcription of i . 133 Broths of the Laplanders 398 called the noble i. 133. vi. 288 Broto valley iv. 719 Bruſter, Captain xili , 125 Brough , Roman ſtation at ii . 402 Bruus Kopper, the bird i . 424 Brouillony, Pere iv. 221 Bruyn's deſcription of the cameleon xvi. 441 Brouffonet, M. de 141 Bruyns, Jan, anecdotes of xvi. 59 Brown, Captain 178 Brye, Theodore and John de, on Brown, General, anecdote of vi. 130.712 Chili xiv. Brown, W., account of i . 504 on Juan Fernandez xiv . 91 Browne Willis's Mitred Abbies ii . 305 Bryer iſland , Scilly ii. Browne's Journey to Dar- Für 108 Brydone's account of Etna (note ) 63 epitaph on Dr. Shaw 500 -, Spallanzani's journeys in the interior of obſervations on ibid . Africa xvi . 827 account of the crater of Brownie of Skie 330 Etna in Bernera iii . 681 on the Stromboleſe 253 in Shetland iii. 699.788 Buachal ety mountain Browniſts, their ſettlement in Ame. Buache iſland xi. 821 , 822 rica xii . 248. 250 Bubaftic branch of the Nile 177. 398 Brownlow , Mr., of Lurgan iii . 824 Bubaitus, the ancient 181. 398 Brownrigg's, Dr., account of anti Bubaftus the Egyptian Diana 350 quities near Keſwick iii. 192 Bubierca village 547 Brown's account of Herrn -Grundt Bubul oxen vii. 335 copper-mine ii. 277 Buccaneers, Weſt Indian xii . 437 directions for ſhips in the Buchanan manfion iii . 249 Engliſh Channel ii . 763 Buchanan, Dr., anecdotes of him ix . 473. 475.569 Browny ſacrifices to 610 Buchanan's account of Dyſart 452 Broye river 827 on the tides in Pentland Bruce, Marjery, her ſtory 246 Firth iii . Bruce, Robert on Caithneſs iii . Bruce, Sir William , the architect iii. 36 BUCHANAN's journey through My. Bruce's deſcription of Alexey Petro fore, Canara, and Malabar viii . 573 vitch vi. 732.736 Buchanefs manfion iii . 64 Bruce's, Robert, reſidence at Rachlin Bucharia, deſcription of ( note ) 452 ille iii . 883 its trade to Pekin vii. 453 Bruchſal town vi . 4 Jenkinſon's voyages and Bruchuſpiſi, inſeat of North Ame travels to ix . 386 rica xiii . 433. 505 Bucharians, Ruſſian trade with vi. 883 Brudenell family ii . 18ś Buckegberg, bailliage 713 Brue, M. de la xvi. 599.607 Bucket for deſcent in the Sahlberg Bruer cataract iii . 389 mine vi. 454 Brugden, the marine monſter i . 433 Buckingham town ii . 340 Bruin fort, Brazil xiv. 834 trade ii , 341 Brulos lake 175.401 church ii . ibid . Brulots of Canada xiii . 356 Buckingham , Henry Duke of 3 Brum, General Henry xiv. 93. 125 Buckingham houſe Brun, Chevalier iv . 235 Buckinghamſhire county ii . 9 Brune's, General, entry into Morat paper ii . ibid . ( note ) 828 Buckinghamſhire's, Earl of,account of Branitz village vii . 274 the revolution in Ruffia (note ) vi. 777 Bucking XV. XV. V. iii . V. 803 222 805 vii. V. ii . 188. XV. 83 INDEX. [61 ] VOL. PAGE 9 in Japan 456 23 73 84 ix . 187 388 V. 376 456 ix. iv . V111 . 418 XV. 603 677 V. vi. V. X. VOL. PAGE Buckinghamſhire's, Earl of, account Buildings in London ii . 48 of the conſpiracy of Mirovitch (note) i . 788 Pietiſh iii. 147 Buckly's, Sir Richard, letter on the “, agricultural, in France iv. 529 Giant's Cauſeway iii. 893 ſhip, in Spain Buckwheat of America xiii . 487 vii . 771 Bucos' , M., cabinet iv. 19 in Jedo vii. 800 Budgeroon iſlands xi. 245.285 of Iſpahan ix. Budjak Tartars vii. 506 of Ferhabad ix. 53 Bud's temples in Japan vii. 775 of Calbin ix . Budſdo worſhip in Japan 750 of Ardabil is . - , hiſtory of him vii. ibid . - , ſtyle in Perfia doctrines of vii. 751 of Shiraz ix . 192. 241 Budſen province vii. 666 of Meſched ix . 195 Buen Retiro, Bourgoanne's account , public, of Philadelphia xiii. of it in America ix. 437 Buenos Ayres, journey to Valparaiſo of New York ix . from xiv. 23 of Albany 584 government xiv. 642 public, of Quebec xili . 635 city xiv. ibid . in Lima xiv. 569 Bueran ſignal-ſtation xiv. 434. 528 in Guamanga xiv. 612 Buet mountain 707 in Buenos Ayres xiv . 642 Buffaloe -carts of Batavia xi. 196 in Santiago xiv. 677 Buffaloe-coats xi . 50 in Coquimbo xiv. 682 Buffalo iſlands of Dar- Fur 150 Buffalora canal iv. 240 Builth town ii. Buffaloes at Aranjuez 557 Buiſſons, glacier of iv. in Pruſſia 181 Buitenzorg xi. 165 of Bangalore viii . 630 Bujalanca town 562 -, their antipathy to red or Bujaw village 051 ſcarlet ix. 445 Bukarelly, Don Antonio xiii . 787 of Siam ix . 621 Bukharia , Great, deſcribed ix. 371 of Tonquin ix. 718 -, hiſtory of its Khans ix . 380 of Arracan ix . 760 Proper, deſcribed ix . 373 of Arabia 179 Bukhars deſcribed ix. of Savu illand xi. 561 their dreſs ix . ibid . Thunberg's eſcape from a religion ix . ibid . furious one xvi. 30. 34 Bulac harbour XV. 63. 110. 187 , mode of hunting xvi. 37. 104 Bulacan province xi . 77 . of Guinea xvi. 436 Bulfinch of the Cape xvi. 97 anecdotes of them xvi. 512 Bulfinger, Profeſſor vi. 821 of Loango, anecdotes of Bulgados ſhells of Conception, Chili xiv. 676 them xvi. 558 Bulgaria, Bell's journey through vii. 507 Buffon's Hiſtoire Naturelle i . 524 Bulgarians, deſcribed by Rubruquis vii. 45.48 Epoques de la Nature ( note ) i. 642 Bulgoſa vil 41 account of the northern coffee- trees at ibid . nations i . 771 Bulhous, Antonio de xiv. 757 of the population of France iv. 317 Bull of the Cruſade 423 of the bouquetin 800 Bull, Colonel xii. 447.464 of the bearded vulture 872 Bull-dog, the Engliſh ii. 156 Bugia, ſee Boujeiah. Bulle, inſurrectionary meetings at 839 Bugid , the cemi xii . 88 Bullers of Buchan iii . Bugle inn at Newport ii . 709 Buller's, Colonel, attack on St. Bugs of the Bermudas 174 Domingo xii. 312 of North -America xiii . 506 Bulleftraet, M. xiv.746.801 . 837 means of deſtroying them xiii . 507 Bull-feafts in Lima 576 cannot live in Chili xiv. 35 Bull- fights at Valladolid 314 of Suez 297 in Spain 532 Buhuitihus of the Weſt Indies xii. 84 obſervations on ibid . Bui , caft, manners and cuſtoms 648 picadores deſcribed 533 Building, mode of, in Barbary chulos in Morocco 710. 767 banderilleros 534 7 Bull-fights, X. 378 > V. V. V. 64 XIV. XV . V. viii. > V. XV. 644 ibid . XV. [62] IN DE X. VOL. PAGE V. iii . viii , Vill . V. X. X. 468 xi. xi . XV. at ſea vii . vii , > V. 697 ix . 700.730 346 348 vii. VOL . PAG . Bull - fights, matador 535 Burgundy cattle iv. 480 their impolicy and cruelty v . 537 Burgus promontory 135 Bullfrogs of North -America xiii . 557 Burial laws of Florence iv . 273 Bullocks of Bangalore 630 Burial-places of the Perfees 320 Bulls of the court of Rome 403 Turkiſh, near Smyrna X. 651 Bulls of Iceland 749 of Vourla 653 Bull's head, the oren of iii . of Epheſus 657 Bulmer's, Mr., diſcovery of gold in Otaheite . 514. 588 in Scotland 544 in Tongataboo xi . 683 Bulſtrode park ii . 185 in Owhyhee 700 Buluane caſtle, Morocco 799 of Congo xvi. 301 Buna of Tunchim ix . 826 Burials in Lapland i . 457 Bunds-preſident of the League of i . 509 God's houſe 950 in the Scilly illes ii . 755 Buneſima iſland, its diſcovery vii . 660 among the Tartars vii . 34 Bungo, province of Japan vii . 666. viii. 514 of the Chineſe 190 Bungu village , Congo xvi . 280 in Ceylon 194 Bunivochil of Skie 625 of the Koreans vii . 534 Bunny church ii . 450 ceremonies among the Ba Bunratty caſtle 831 nians viii . 545 Buntin's, Arthur, Eſq. eſtate iii . 826 among the Perfees viii . 571 Buol , M. 947 of the Perſians ix . 253 Buonaparte Archipelago xi . 801 at St. Thomas's ix. 397 Buona Viſta , Cape xii. 629 among the Birmans ix . 497 Buorre -Gadze i . 462 of the Siameſe ix . 589 Buoy Bells ii . 762 Tonquineſe ix . Buratſky, people deſcribed vii . of the Chova of Tonquin a Shaman vii , in Arracan ix . 761 cookery vii . 353 at Laos ix . 765 Buraty, Bell's deſcription of them 346 in Borneo xi . I10 Burdett, Mr., of Derby ii . 465 at Carthagena xiv. 337 Burdock of Canada xiii . 612 at Quito xiv. 452 Burga Khan, hiſtory ix. 335 of the Indians in Quito xiv. Burgara harbour 371 of the Abyſſinians 99 Burga Soltan ix . 339 of the Moors xv . 434.456.653.669. 777 Burg -coul iii . 284 in Angola XVI . 299 Burgerfiord bay i . 776 of the Gagas xvi . 327 Burgeſſes of Hamburg vi. 216 of the Negroes on the Gold Burghauſen vi . 58 Coaſt, Guinea xvi. Burghers of Soleure 713 in Benin xvi. ancient and new v. 71,5 on the Grain Coaft, Guinea xvi. 542 of Neuchatel of the Canarians xvi. of Vallengin 821 of the Mandingoes xvi . 877 of Friburg 836 Burjaſot village 609 of Bern 852 Burke, Mr., on the power of the of Thun King of England ( note ) 427 of Geneva his ſpeech on the of Bruſſels 289 Marquis of Rockingham i . 569 of Ruſſia vi . 818 Burlington on the Delaware xiii . 447.572 Burgherſhip, ſtate and privilege in Burlington, Lord, anecdote of ii . 174 Switzerland 662. 696 Burlington Quay town 9 Burgomaſters of Coire 949 Burlow , Captain 180 of Hamburg vi . 217 BURNABY's travels in North anecdote of one at America xiii . 701 Cologne vi. 273 Burnet on the legend of St. Lucius 952 Burgos city, Bourgoanne's de Burnet, Biſhop , Hamilton's obſer fcription of vations on him viii . 260 Colon's reception at xii . 95 Burnet, Governor, of New York xili . 459 Burgundy wine iv. 51 Burney, Dr. iv . 167 province, ſoil of iv. Burney , Mr., his voyage with Cap -, vineyards of iv . 453 tain Cook xi. 518 vili . XV. 430 528 814 821 C V. V. V. iv . 879 V 889 9 iii. xii . V. 311 653 Burning 1 7 INDEX [63 ] VOL . PAGE XV. viii . XV. xii . 671 iii . 361 396 xi. XV. VI. on 202 XV. COW XV . VOL. PAGE Burning iſland xi. 448. 476.492. 495 Bute ille, climate iii . 252 Burnoole dreſs in Barbary 657 government mi. ibid . Burnſwork camps iii . 216 lochs ibid . Burnt-pillar at Conſtantinople vii . 511. 8. 725 caſtle 253 Buro iſland 458 Martin's account ii. 642 Burourou bird 629 Butenheim , Henry Von vii . 758 Burray iſle iii . 696. 780 Bute's haven Newfoundland Burrens, Roman ſtation at 216 Buti, Father, anecdotes of xvi . 314 Burro ſhells of conception, Chili xiv . 675 Butler, Captain, of Bermudas xii . 266. xiii . 16I BURROUGH's, Stephen, voyage of his government of diſcovery towards the river Ob i . 51 the Bermudas xiii. 194 Burrowſtonefs town iii . 117 Butler's, Dr., mode of diſtilling Burton , inhoſpitality at ii . 550 freſh water from the ſea i. 585 Burton -on -the -Hill 203 Butler's Hudibras 399 Burton, Mr., of Carliſle mi. 203 Buts, religious ſect of Carwar viii . Bur - Torr ü . 398 Butter from rein -deer's milk i. Buru iſland deſcribed 373 the Icelandic i . 656 Burying -places in Pekin vii . 395 trade of Waterford 855 Egyptian X. 14 of Barbary 453 in Philadelphia xiii . 390 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 9. 17 Mooriſh xv. 436.456.653.777 of the Hottentots xvi . 35. 53 Bufching on the revenue of Bavaria 37 Butterfield's, Mr., colle &tion of of Saltzburg vi. 47 loadſtones iv. 26 his geography, obſervations Butterflies of Japan vii. 704 vi . of Siam ix. 631 on the population of Mof of Barbary 632 vi. 580 Butterhill mountain xiii. 577 his account of Catharine I. Butterlin , General vi. 729 ( note ) vi . 725 Buttermilk of Morocco 453 of Alexey Pe. Butter- tree of Africa deſcribed xvi. 846.855 trovitch vi. 735 Butter- week, Ruflian i . of the interview of Buttington, Mr., his numerous pro Peter III . with Ivan vi. geny xiii . 504 Bufdera plains 571 Buttons, Icelanders fond of i . 751 Buſh , Chapel of the 393 Button'svoyage to Hudſon's bay xii. 274 Buſh river iii . 887 Butts, Mr., hisvoyage to Newfound Buſh tavern Briſtol ii . 247 land xii. 162 Buſhreensdeſcribed by Mungo Park xvi . 867.894 Butuan iſland deſcribed xi, 348 Buſk , Sir Wadſworth ii . 794 Butuan, King of, deſcription of him xi . 331. 348 Buſkins of the Hottentots xvi. 79 Buvadak , the bird i . 425 Buffes, Scotch 334 Buxton diamonds ii . 481 of the Shetland iſles 697 mines ii . ibid . - , Dutch fiſhing xiii . 231 Buxton Wells ii . 153. 408. 475 Buſſetz Sato, religious order in Buyers and ſellers in India , their Japan vii . 748 fingular methods viii . 240 Buffora, ſee Baſſora. Buyuckterey village vii . 510 Buſtan town ix . 308 Buzabad town ix . 40 Buſtard bay xi. 546 Buzabbatt, the ftellio or taran vii . 299 Buſtards of Aſtrachan 284 Buzara, the ancient 543 Buſti river i . 272 Buzo cape 601 Butan, or Great Tibet, deſcription of vii . 546 Buzome, Father ix. 798.802 climate and ſoil vii . 547 Buzzuga Khan, hiſtory of ix . 342 trade vii . ibid . Bwlch mountain ii . religion vii . 548 Bwoazeeſe, Sultan 553 hiſtory vii . ibid. 594. 596 Byajos, their manners and cuſtoms xi. Butchers, degraded in Canaria xvi . 820 Byblus, the ancient 321.478 Butcher's iſland viii . 349 Pococke's deſcription 483 Butchers' ſhops in London ii . 572 Bygdo village i . 271 Bute, Earl of i . 324 Bute ille 251 By- law , on the meaning of the word produce of iii . 252 ( note ) i . Byrd, 22 785 XV. X. jii . ii. vii. XV. X. 586 XV. I10 X. X. 252 Byka river 659 [64] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE - XV. - xii. X. V. S V. xiv . iv. 9 486 826 ix . III VOL. Byrd , Colonel xiii. 709 Cabinets, Adanſon's natural, on the Byron, Cape xi. 546 Gambia xvi . 635 Byrfa of Carthage 563 Caboceros of Guinea xvi. 387. 392. 405 Bywell village iii. 495 Cabollos of Brazil xvi. 204 Cabot, Sebaſtian , his inftructions for the voyage to Cathay i . 1.51 C. his voyage of diſcovery xii . 158. 164 Caanan of Hiſpaniola xii. 80 anecdotes of xiii . 4 Cabacors, Engliſh fort at xvi. 359 Cabot, John, his voyage of diſ Cabagh village ix . 81 covery 158 Cabala, explanation of the myſtery Cabral's diſcovery of America xvi. 677 of an Indian viii . 191 Cabrıllas mountains 597 myftery of the Jews 267 Cabriolets of Paris iv . 143 Caballero, Don Joſeph Antonio 358 Cabyne iſland xi . 246. 285 Cabarras, M. 49 : Cacadu, Buchanan's account of viii . 733 Cabarries's bank of St. Charles at Cacao of Campeachy xiii . 858 Madrid 432 trees of Carthagena 353 Cabarrus, Count de, V. 435.631.638 of Guayaquil xiv . 403. 412 Cabbages of the North 48 Cacchiam city, church of ix. 799 culture of, in France iv. 485 ſtate of Chriftianity obſervations on iv. ix. of Mentz vi. 246 Cacchian province 796 of North America xiii. 538 Cachapoal river xiv. 55 of Canada xiii . 641 Cachimay river xiv. 622 of the palm in Guinea xvi. 454 Cacho city, deſcribed ix . 659.713 Cabeça ſnake xiv . 379 Cacibagiagua cave xii . 80 Cabech , Mani xvi. 319 Caciques, Weft-Indian xii . 42 Cabelon, factory at viii. 392 of Chili xiv . Cabinets of theKing of Denmark i . 141 of the Araucanos xiv . 196. 202. 206 of Mr. Macgowan iii . 469 Cackerlack, ſee Cock - roach . of the Duke of Northum Cacongo, Merolla's account berland jïi . 494 Proyart's hiſtory xvi . 548 of curioſities, &c. in Paris iv. 12 Cacongo, King of, his peculiar of natural hiſtory , projected cuſtoms xvi. 267. 583 unique 380 Cacrelat infect of Senegal xvi. 664 of Geſner at Zuric 671 Cadi trees deſcribed xiii. 807.810 of Abbé Herman 711 Cacus's cave 755 M. Sprunglis', of natural Cadahalſo , Don Juan, on the French hiſtory ftage 524 Rev.M.Wyttenbach's 873 Cada-hully village viii 695 Sauſſure's 886 Cadar tribe, manners and cuſtoms of viii. 730 De Luc's 887 Cadaſtre of France, obſervations on, of Vienna 98 ( note ) iv. of Count Molck vi. 299 Cad' Curubaru, caft, deſcribed viji . 706 of rarities at Copenhagen vi. ibid . Cader Idris mountain ii . 633 in Gottenburg vi. 382 Cad' Eriligaru people 617 of natural hiſtory , Stock Cadets at Copenhagen i. 769 holm vi. 402.408 , academy of Land, in Den of models vi. ibid . mark 311 private, of Stockholm vi. 422 naval vi. 313 of natural hiſtory at Drot -, corps de, of Peterſburgh vi. tingholm vi. 441 Cadi of Mocha 51 mineralogical, of Upſal vi. 478 Cadi of Tacs 59 Thunberg's vi. ibid. Cadi of Tarudant, anecdotes of him xv. 719 Ziervogel's vi 479 Cadies of Egypt 306 of pictures in the imperial of Weſt Barbary 425.677 palace of Peterſburgh vi. 677 of Morocco of natural hiſtory in Pe Cadilifkier of Egypt terſburgh vi . 824 Cadiz , navy department at 452 anatomical vi. 827 " , commerce of 468 Cadiz xvi. 293. 329 V. 870 V. > V. - 407 vi. 834 . XV. xv. XV. 756 XV. 306 INDEX [65 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. xiv . X. vii . PAGE 248 525 51 vii . xiv , vii . XV. BBM: 56 257 150 303 373 • 497 142 Vill . 230 X. vii . i . X. ix. Cael city 448 624 309 84 68 262 410 602 > 623 644 iii. 649 652 653 iii . 698 756 vii. 15 3 236 386 X. Cadiz, road to 569 Cahuitahu bird city V. 582 Caie river Carli's account xvi . 183 Cailac city new eftabliſhments at 570 route from , to the country port 573 ofthe Naymans bay ibid. Caille, M. l'Abbé de la commerce of 575 Caim city O'Reilly's government of 373 Caimacams of Egypt Cadlands ii . 306 Cain , place wherehe New Abel Cadmus mount 677 Caindu, province and city Cadu -caray , mines near 769 Cainunkyla vii. 164 Caipha, Pococke's deſcription Caen iv. 149 Caipha, bird of Siam cattle of iv. 478 Cairn -berg Caen , Du, Governor, (note) xi. 906 Cairn Lia , in Sutherland Caen river, America xii. 672 Cairns in Banffshire Caen Wood ii . 178 in Arran Caerdiffe town ii. 590 near Dupplin caſtle ii . ibid . in South .Vift Caerlaveroc caſtle ji. 219 in the Ile of Skie liſt of barons ſum in the Ide of Arran moned to the fiege of 541 in the Ide of Jura Caerleon ii . 590 in Ila Caermarthen ii . 600 in Colonſa Caern, Mr. , anecdotes of 542 in the Shetland Illes Caernarvon town ii . 628 in the Orkneys caſtle ii . ibid . Cairo, Grand , deſcribed by Benja Caerphilli caſtle ii . 589 min of Tudela Caerwent, teſſelated pavement at ii . 582 caravans from , to Suez Cæſar at the battle of Pharſalia 744 - , Blount's deſcription of Cæſar's actions in Bizacium, Tunis 579 Journal to Mount Sinai from Cæſar's chapel in the Tower ii . 45 Pococke's deſcription Cæfarea in Cappadocia ( note ) proceſſion of the caravan to Cæſarea, the ancient 521 Mecca from Cæſarea of Paleſtine 445.451 - , building of it Cæfarea Philippi 464 horrible effects of famine in Cæfarium of Alexandria 166 Cairfton port Cæuvres, Marquis de, account of v. 906.923 town Caffa, Sir John Chardin’s account of is. 141. 162 Caitangee, Sultan of Caffillas from Larribundar to audience of him Tatta viii. 304 Caithneſs deſcribed by Brand Caffraria, Thunberg's travels in xvi. 1.75 Caithneſs , Earls of - , Santos' hiſtory xvi. 679 Caithneſs- ſhire Caffrés deſcribed by Thunberg xvi . agriculture deſcribed by Santos xvi. 682.691.710 fiſhery Cafila , a Perſian ix . 238.275.280 women Cagayan province xi. 77 language Cagmags of Lincoln iii . Pope's account of Caguete, Marquis de Caius Cæſar's fepulchre Cahiers againſt monopoly iv . 331 Cajaphas's houſe of the French nobility iv . 423 Cajelie country of the clergy iv . 424. 432 Cajeput tree of Amboyna on waſte land (note ) iv. 515 Cakes of the Arabs Cahors town iv. 93 Calabaça mount manufactures of iv . 370 Calabalhes of America vineyards iv . 442 muſical- inftruments cattle iv. 474 made of Cahouchou reſin xiv. 227 of Sor Illand, Senegal Cahow bird of the Bermudas xiii . 173. 182 of Magdalen Iland Caias of Egypt 302 the largeſt tree known VOL. XVII . X. XV. X. XV. 184.272 693 XV. X. X. 718 XV. xv. 382-386 xv. 803.819 xvi. i . 779 i . ibid . xi . III xi . 119 iii . 804 805.808 85 jii . iii. 11i. xij. 202 X. 89 ibid . ibid . ibid . 147. 152 519 355 230 254 155 794. 844 487 X. xi. xi. X. X111. xiii. xvi . xvi . xvi. xvi , 6.0.653 Calabalhes 245 621 625 XY. 5 [66] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE > 80.99 V. iv . iv . vii. XV , XV. xiv. X. xi. XV. V. w ::::: 11 548 X. v. X. ix. V. X. xvi. VOL. Calabaſhes of Brazil xiv. 861 California, Sir Francis Drake's Calabria Ultra, Dolomieu's diſſer diſcovery of xii . 172 tation on the earthquakes in v . 273-297 Calil- ullah -Khan viii . 77 ſituation of 277 his ſtratagem at the Plain 278 the battle of Fate- abad viii . its great fertility 280 Caliphate, on the right to it ix , 262 Calaf town 106 Calix i . 273 cultivation round 657 Callacia city 125 Calaguala, plant of Quito xiv. 532 Callah town, Algiers 526 Calais, road from , to Boulogne iv . 82. 146 Callao fort deſtroyed by an earth Calama, the ancient 553 quake 592 Calamari, fee Carthaena. ; voyage to Paita from xiv. 645 Calamaria, convent near 623 Callaſufung town бо Calamba tree of Cochin -China ix . 779 Calle, La, Algiers 542 Calamianes iſlands xi. 75 Calle diPanza, its fingular feldſpar 54 Calamine in Mendip Hills 253 Calle de la Reyna at Aranjuez 557 mines of Derbyſhire ii . 477 Calleada city viii . 31 preparation of ii . 486 Callejones , Peru xiv. 563 - , Hungarian vi . Callella town iv. III . v.622 of Poland vi . ibid Callemone village 321 Calamnii's congratulation to King Callenborg palace vi . 341 Adolphus Frederic i . 683 Callias on Vulcano 154 Calandola, the great Gaga xvi . 325 Callichorus, well of 757 Calang ordeal of the Caffrés xvi . 696 Callicut, William , of Virginia xiii . 75 Calangola of Congo xvi . 230. 243 Callieres, governor of Montreal xiii . 279 Calanter, mafque of 109. 111 Callipolis, the ancient 735 Calatayud town 547 Callirrhoe fountains 534 Calauwe iſland xi. 237 Callo plain xiv . 419 Calbary river, Guinea 507.519 ancient palace in xiv. 547 Calcaylares jurifdiction xiv, 617 Calmar, union of vi . Calcutta, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 410 Calmet on offering food to the dead ix. 699 Caldé of Albreda on the Gambia xvi. 636 Calms at ſea xiv . 324 Caldecot caſtle ii. 582 at the equator, dreadful ef Caldecot’s, Mr. , government of fects of xvi . 150 the Bermudas 183 at ſea dreadful xvi . 670 Calder river ii . 419 Calmuck ambaſſador to China vii . 264 Calder caſtle 75 Tartars vii . 280 woods iii , 76 their tents ibid . church iii . ibid . horſe markets vii . ibid . Caldera bay, Porto Bello xiv . 363 manners and cuſtoms vii . 281 Calderoles, huſbandry at 662 defcription of them vii . 331 Calderoni iſlands 597 wars with China vii . ibid . Calecut city 373 Calmucks, King of, deſcribed vii . 487 Engliſh factory at viii. 377 Calongo province xvi . 332 weights, meaſures, and 635 coins at viii . 521 Calonne, M. iv . 140 Calecut, Samorin of viii . 369 Caloto bells , legend of them his dominions viii . 373 Calow pailure ii . 397 his war with Caloyers monks ix . 5 the Dutch viii . 376 of St. Catherine's, Mount Calendar of Ruſſia vi . 584 Sinai 292 of the Hindoos viii . 631.660 Callberg, Swediſh court at i . 330 Calf, golden, of Aaron 399 Callhot caſtle ii . Cairield, Captain, his voyage with Calthrop family ii . 334 Raleigh xii. 207 Calton hill 32 Calf of Man ii . 198 Calvary mount 340 Calf-riding at the Cape xvi. 97 Pococke's deſcription X. Caliana, Guiana 288 Calvert's, Mr., ſettlement in Mary Calicanſamba , Battel's adventures at xvi . 324 land xii . 305 Calico printing -houſe at Beauvais iv. 375 Calves of Wardhouſe i . 9 Calves, 336 xiii . vii , iv. X. vill . Caloni port X xiv , 486 XV. X. 306 111 . X. > 418 xij . 518 INDEX. [67 ] VOL. FAGE VOL. PAGE 111 . iv . V. v . XV. 64 623 xiii . 675 XV. XV. X. vi. 694 II2 xiii . V. xi. 35. 182 ix . 408 884 XV. XV . XV. Calves, monſtrous, in Skie 624 Camden's account of the Earl of conſumed annually in Paris 325 Shrewſbury ii . 371 Calvin, account of him , at Geneva 883 of ſnake- ſtones ii . 405 -, his perfecution of Servetus 884 of the tract called Calvin, Miſs, of Penrith iii. I 21 Lioneſs ii . 783 Calviniſm among the Griſons 969 Camel river ii . 26 Calviniſts of England ii . 142 Camel-drivers, obſervations on ix. 293. 296 -, their abſtinences in Germany vi , 170 of the deſart of their dullneſs vi. ibid . Lybia (note ) Calvo, Porto, Brazil xiv . 705.821 Cameleons of Siam ix . Caluma on the Ojibar xiv. 415 Cochin- Chineſe ſauce Calumet of the Five Nations 268 made of them ix . 778 of peace, of the Iroqueſe xili . 274. 371 of Brazil xiv. 712 Calumet, Pierre à xiii . of Dar- Fur 143 Calumnies againſt Sir W. Raleigh xii . 213 of Morocco 708 Calura town, tank at viii . 656 of Smyrna deſcribed xvi . 441 Calydna, the ancient 637 of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 442 Calzadilla , Doctor xii. 20 of Senegal deſcribed xvi . 658 Camaldeuleuſe convent 97 of Sofala xvi . Camana juriſdiction xiv. 620 Cameleopard deſcribed by Mungo Camandu city vii Park xvi. 848 Camaniſtigoyan fort 341 Camelon, ancient town iii . 464 Camara of Spain 399 Camelones of the Andes xiv. 416 Camarines province 76 Camels finding ambergris vii. 229 Camarones river, Guinea xvi. 507.518 of Perſia deſcribed ix. Cambaia, Fitch's deſcription of Arabia x. 178. 185 Cambaceres peninſula xi . of Mahomet 395 Cambaietta city deſcribed ix. 408 anecdotes of them 65 Cambalu city, Marco Polo's deſcrip of the Arabs 136 tion of it ( ſee Pekin) vii . 130. 135 of Dar- Fur 139 Cambamba, Battel's adventures there xvi. of Egypt Cambay, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 314 in the pilgrimage to Mecca xv. 321 Camblets, French and Engliſh iv. 338. 382 Cambodia, Hamilton's deſcription viii . of Weſt Barbary 407 Cambongo town xi . 34 of Algiers and Tunis 619 Camboya kingdom deſcribed ix . 766 of Morocco xv. 708.781 Cambray, ſtrong fortreſs of i . 131 Camel- ſacrifice in Perſia ix . 36. 83. 255 manufactures at iv. 145 Camel's fleſh of Dar- Fur 140 Cambridge city ii . 123 Camen Bolſhay, the i . hiſtory of ibid . Camerarius, Profeſſor 858 univerſity 124 Cameron , Sir Ewen 76 Cambridgeſhire county life of 159. 349 climate ibid . Cameron of Lochiel ini . foil ii . ibid . Camerons, king of, bird of Siam 626 produce ii . ibid. Camhoe village iii . 490 Cambrils town 614 Camidge, William Camburi province ix . 579 Camilla, Seniora, Mungo Park's Cambus, old iii . 25 anecdotes of her xvi . 910 Cambus- Kenneth abbey iii . 461 Camiotes of Carthagena xiv. 353 Camcha of Quito xiv. 518 Campa country deſcribed ix . 768 Camden's deſcription of coal ii . 17 Campaigns of the Siameſe 593 of Halifax ii . 37 Tonquineſe Britannia ii . 172 in Canada xiii. 271 account of Okey Hole ü . 255 againſt the Iroqueſe xiii . 291 of Glaſfenbury abbey ii . 257 of the Negroes of Fida xvi. 505 of King Arthur ii . 259 of Benin xvi . 531 of Portſmouth 309 of the Africans xvi. of Banbury ii . 346 Campan valley of Leiceſter ii . 361 Campana, Rio de la xiv. 61 ofDunnington caſtle ii. 369 Campanario mountain [ 1 2] Campbel, 328 XV. 274 638 of Egypt XV. 478 XV. XV. XV. 58 v. 12 > - 98 ix . IO ix. ix . 664.753 883 iv. 121 xiv . 435. 440 [68 ] INDEX. PAGE 776 328 X. 406 396 xii. 408 > xii. 906 V. 651 693 368 316 X X. 164 VOL. VOL. PAGE Campbel caſtle iii . 37 Camus's monument ii. 420 Campbel family 364 Can, fruit of Cochin- China ix . Campbel, Mr., of Dunſtaffage iii . 352 Cana of Galilee x. 364.457 Campbell cape 596 Canaan, Maundrell's account Campbell, Mr. Colin ii . 178 Pococke's deſcription Campbell, Mr., of Jura 278 Canada, on the French ſettlements in xii . 376. 393 Campbell, Mr., of St. Kilda ii. 701 Britiſh attack on xii . Campbell, Captain, anecdotes of him xi. 894 Sir Hovendon Walker's Campbell, Dr., Harris's collection by ix . 168 and General Hill's expedition Campbeltown, Cantyre ii. 78. 268 againſt 416 Camp -caſtle iii. - , navigation ofthe French to xii. 645.655 Campeachy bay, logwood cutters at xii . 323 Cartier's third voyage to 665 Campeachy, diſcovery of xiv. 151 Lahontan's travels in xiii . 254 Campeachy,San Franciſco de xiji . 858 deſcription of xili . 337 Campel's, Huldric, account of the lift of the Indian nations in xiii. 348 Griſons , Kalm's journey from Al biography 907 bany to xiii. 588 works in the deſcription of xiii. 621 Ladin language 984 Canadians, their reception of Cartier xii. Camphire tree of Japan vii. deſcribed by him xii. 656.677 Camphor of India ix . 425 Lahontan's deſcription of Borneo xi . 354 of them xiji. Camphor-tree of the Cape xvi . 70 Canalie della Marteſana 972 Campillo, borough 597 Canals, the Baſingſtoke ii . Campioncity, Polo's deſcription vii . 121 - , Duke of Bridgewater's 317 Campi Philipici 229 advantages of ii , 319 Campis on the alum of Vulcano 254 continental ibid . Campo of Scio 622 ancient ii . ibid . Campo Bianca in France 320 deſcription of its in China ii. ibid . pumices 165 Staffordſhire 369 analyzation of the at Coventry ii. 357 pumices 171 from the Merſey to the Trent ii . 370 glaſſes 184 from Leeds to Liverpool ii . 434 Campo Dolcino 939 from the Trent to the Campo Grande 314 Witham iii . 5 Campo Sancto from the Clyde to the Forth iï. 115 Campomanes, Count de v . 387. 391. 631. 638 the Glaſgow iii . 464 Campos canai from Newry to Loch Neagh iii. Camprat iv . 106 Chantilly iv. 84 Camps, Roman, on Mam - Torr ji . 401 de Brien iv . 95 at Comerie iii . of Languedoc iv. 114 at Ardoch iii . of Picardy iv . 144 in Scotland iii. 433 of St. Omers iv. 147 at Rennes iv. 153 of Chaulais iv. 207 of St. Roch 588 grand, of Venice iv. 253 of Drufus 902 of Giudecca iv. 254 in the park of Stockholm 445 for irrigation in Italy iv. 564.566 of the Turks near Bender 504 in Catalonia iv . 670 of the Great Mogul of Caftile 313 - , arrange of Campos 316 ment and extent viii. 199 395 of the Nabob of Sindy viii. 307 of Arragon 551 of Jaafer Khan ix. 265 Imperial ibid . of the Ulbeck Tartars ix. 331.380 modern ibid . of the Arabs in Barbary 655 Manzanares 554 in Morocco 691 projeded, of Cadiz 572 Camſtraddan iii. 249 of Valencia 604 Camtous Rivier xvi. 102 of Trezzo 972 Camul province and city vii, 119 of the Adda ibid . Canals > V. V. V. 356 9 316 823 406 408 V. 28. 196 V. v. of Spain V. V. V. V. YV V. XV. 9 v. 1 INDEX. [69] PAGE XV. - , fieges of 640 X. X. X. ix . 617 619 X. xiv . X. X. 438 XV. 1 XV. 796 55 XV. XV. xi. viii. V. VOL. VOL. PAGE Canals of Holland vi. 282 Cancer Nugax i . 581 at Fredericſwerk vi . 327 Cancers of the women in Lima xiv. 597 of Kiel vi . 345 Canchalagua plant xiv. 532 of Steiknitz vi. 347 Canclon, bird of the Andes xiv. 533 of Carlſgraff vi. 387 Candace, Queen 20 of Stromſholm vi . 549 Candahor, Bernier's hiftory of viii . 127 of Vilhnei- Voloſhok vi. 896. vii . 274 viii . ibid . of Ladoga vi. 898 Candahor, King of viiii . 36. 38 of Quinſai vii , 152 Candelaria, Paraguay Miſſions xiv. royal, of Yun vii. 253 Candia, voyage from Venice to X. 274 natural, of the Thracian ille and city deſcribed X. 275. xi. 402 Bofphorus vii. 510 wine of 276 of Caſhmere viii . 211 Pococke's deſcription 594 in China viii . 509 city , account of the ſiege 611 of Siam 576 iſland, natural hiſtory in Perſia ix . 177 military from the Nile to the Gulf ecclefiaftical ſtate 620 of Arabia 12 Candilaria town xi. 750 of Samos 643 Candiſh , Captain , 124 the Thracian хіі . Candiſh's voyage to Virginia 701 571 of Batavia xi. 105. 211 105.211 Candinous, ſituation of i. 95. 121. 123 of Canopus 167. 170 Candleberry-tree of Penſylvania xiii, iv. of the Kings to the Red Sea xv. 18 : Candles, price of, in Italy 651 of Grand Cairo 186. 188 Candle-ſticks, Japaneſe vii. of Daſhour 210 Candlewick ward of Trajan at Suez 276 Candnoes, ſee Candinous. of Egypt XV. 298. 329. 372 Candy, Emperor of, xi . 204 at theCape of Good Hope xvi. 8 his letter to the Cananore, Buchanan's deſcription 744 government of Batavia 213 ii. 548 Candy, Mr. 286 Canar, Quito , palace of the Incas at xiv. hiſtory of it xiv. 475 Cane, Grotta del 34 Canara, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 363 - Breiſlak's deſcription manners and cuſtoms in 364 Canea city, Pococke's deſcription 598 viii. xiv. produce of 365 Canelos, ſmall- pox at 262 Buchanan's travels through viii. xiv . Canelos, los 573 505 Dévángas, Buchanan's de . of ix. 12 ſcription of them viï . 636.676. 746 xi. of the Philippines 35 xiv. xi. of Borneo 475 Canarejos Indians 142 xi. Canaria iſland, Grand xii . found at ſea, conjectures on 99 14 Betancour's at. of Quito xiv. 420 xvi. tack on 811 of xiv. Brazil 861 etymology of xvi. 816 deſcribed by Rochon xvi. 761 inhabitants of xvi. 817 Canes, river of xii. 65 Canarians deſcribed by Glas xvi. ibid. Canet, culture and irrigation at 669 inquiry concerning their Canet de Mar xiv. xvi. 822–826 Canete juriſdiction deſcribed 608 origin Canarios of mount Atlas xvi. 816 Canfu port, deſcribed in the ninth vii. century xi . 98. 309. xiv. 324. xvi. 200 186 Peron's account vii. ibid . 189. 202 744 city Colon's tranſactions Cang-hi, Emperor, his hiſtory vii. 175 ii. 26 Cangi, the at 259 Adanſon's defcrip Cangigu province vii. 146 xvi. tion of them vii. 602 Cangiu city 157 Glas's hiſtory of Cango province xvi. 332 their diſcovery and conqueſt xvi. 808 Cangosof Japan vii . 765 Canary Company of London ii . 98 Caniilands 559 Caniba Indians xiii ., Adanſon's obſervations 345 xiv. 603 Canigou mountain 630 i. Canas juriſdiction xiv, 617 Caninoz 56.61 Cancalle bay 153 Canja, ceremony in Tonquin ix . 694, 746 xvi. Cancer Boreas deſcribed i . 580 Canna land 93 Ampulla i . xiv, 581 Cannada- ftreet, St.Jago 170 Cannanore 36 X. > . Canes, game > iv. V. 621 Canary ilands X1. XV . V. on iv. [70] INDEX. PAGE VOL . PAGE 368 X111 . 578.597 22 xiii . iv . iii . V. 620.636 843 vil . ix. 59 of Congo xvi. 215 X. 378 VOL. Cannanore town, Hamilton's aca Canoes, birch -bark , of the Canadians xiii. 269 count viii . of the Delaware xiii . 429 annar town, Quito xiv. 4.26 Indian mode of making xiii. 514 Cannay, ifle of iii. 309. 662 on the Hudſon river Cannel coal ii . 19 ufed in Canada xiii . 608 - , etymology ii . of the Eſquimaux 676 Cannes 230 on the river Amazon xiv. 224. 230 Canneſbey pariſh 153 of Brazil xvi . 203 Cannete town 595 of the Negroes of the Gold Canneto in Lipari 164 Coaſt xvi . 391 Cannette, Marquis of xiv . 196 of Senegal xvi . Cannibal bay, New Zealand xi . 539. 577. 597. 637 on the Niger at Sego xvi . Cannibals of Ceylon 183 Canoe-tree of America xiii . 442 of the Andamans vii . ibid . Canonefles, college of i . 132 Muljan vii . 186 Canon-law of England ii . 127 of Zuakin viii. 274 Canonization in Cochin- China 808 of New Zealand xi . 313.538. 599. 648 Canonns, pariſh of ii . 175 obſer manſion ii . ibid . vations on xi . 691 Canonries of Mentz vi . 254 of the Carribees xii . 60.93 Canons of Saltzburg vi . 54 of Brazil xiv. 876 of Paiſau vi . xvi . 230. 323 of Germany vi . 237 of Guinea xvi. 544 Canopus canal , Alexandria xv. 167. 170. 397 of Eaſtern Ethiopia xvi, 710 Cano's, Don Diego, voyage to of Maniana xvi. 852 Congo Canning, William ii . 246 Canra, ancient city viii . 327 Cannobine convent 488 Cant, Andrew , inſcription on his Cannon, boring at Nantes iv . monument iii . 61 ancient, of Laſſa vii . 566 Canta mountain xii. 80 fabricated in the Eaſt be. Canta juriſdiction, Peru xiv. 608 fore the Weſt ix . 501 Cantaduanes iſland xi . 76 -, an immenſe braſs, from Cantara, Egypt 63 Arracan ix, 546 Cantharidesof Japan vii . 704 Cannon -foundry at Woolwich ii. 254 Canthon, the ancient 402 in Spain 445 Canton, Schedel's voyage to vii . 233 of Seville 567 journey from , to Nan-gan -fu vii. 239 of Mr. Appelquiſt vi . 434 European trade at vii . 455 at Oker deſcribed vi . 542 province, Hamilton's de Cannon -manufactory at Montcenis 207 ſcription viii . 484 Cannonſby priory 209 city viii . 491 Cannon- ſtreet ward ii . 55 ſtatement of the Dutch London ſtone in ii . ibid . trade at 208 Cann's office ii . 640 Cantons of Switzerland 642 Cano town xii . 395 of Schaffhauſen ibid . Canobine convent of Appenzel 649 Çanock -wood ii . of Glarus 654 Canoeros of Carthagena xiv. of Zuric 662 Canoes of Greenland i . 790 of Soleure ancient 712 iii . of Zug 721 of the Tongufians vii . 423 of Lucern 722 of Cave's ille xi . 487 of Uri 734 of the Society iſes xi . 530 of Schweitz ibid . of the New Zealanders xi . 542 of Friburg 837 in New South Wales xi . of Bern 843 of the Friendly iſles xi. 593. 695 alliances of the Griſons with war, of Otaheite xi . 608 the Swiſs of the Watteeoo 974 iſland xi . 652 Cantons of Canada 260 of the Welt - Indians xii . 34 Cantrill's account of the Virginian of Guanaia xii . 126 colony of Jamaica xii . 145 Cantyre, peninſula of 11 . 254 of the Virginians xii. 227.567 Cantzler on the Swediſh navy vi. 380 Canufis xv. XV. V. 1 iv . 111 . xi. V. X. 378 V. 22 V. 336 V. 218 v. 546 xiii . III. 120 INDEX. [71 ] PAGE VOL . iv . iv. 632 634 XV. x. 461 XV. V. X. V. 237 xi. 383 202 28. 140 viii. Xy. > VOL. PAGE Carufis of Japan vii . 728 Capitation-tax, Milaneſe 630 Canute, anecdote of ii . 303 of Bologna Capala.durga , fort of vili . 594 of Tuſcany iv . 633 Capawucke, New England xiii . 219 of Parma iv. Capa y d'eſpada xiii . 372 of the Turks 115 Capelan ruby mine viii . 250 Capitulation of Milan 975 Caperculze, deſcription of the iii . 373 of Fort Serinham , Capernaum , Pococke’s deſcription Brazil xiv. 797 Capers, culture of, in Provence iv . 506 Caplan, Fitch's deſcription of ix . 421 ſpecies of Virginian xiii . 30 Capon -viceroys of Tonquin ix . 683.690 Capes, Good Fortune i . 52 Capot-tree of Guinea, its immenſe St. Bernard i . ibid. fize xvi. 457 St. John 54 Capoudia, Tunis, ruins at 583 Grace 65 Capoul iſland xi. 75 Naſſau 83 Cappel, battle of 721 Trooſt ibid . - , country from Flenſburg to vi . 343 St. Lawrence i . 84 town vi. ibid . Diſpute 86 Capra, De, on farms iv . 554 Croſs i . ibid . Capraia iſland 765 of Idols 88 Capralis's diſcovery of Brazil xiv. 703 Defire 96 Capre, Grotta delle, on Etna 70 of the Iles 113 Capriata, Signore iv. Fleffingen ibid . Capricorn, Cape 546 Trooſt 114 Caps of the Laplanders i. Naſſau i . 115 - , hunting i . ibid . Cant i . 118 woollen , of Orleans iv. 368 of Good Hope, paffage to of the Perſian women ix. India by i . 128 of the Arabs 156 of Good Hope, Sir T. Roe's of the Hottentot women xvi . deſcription 2 Capſa, ancient city 591 account of Capficum of America xiii . 401 the firſt Europeans at viii . 263 Captain, anecdote of one ii . 791 of Good Hope xi. 565 Captains of Fida, Guinea xvi. 487 Thunberg's Captains-general, naval, of Spain 453 account xvi. 1–147 . 155. 209 Captain -generalſhip of Spain 441 Britain 130 Captain ſhips of Brazil xiv, 704 Heckla i . 738 Captives, Chriſtian, in Morocco XV.480.482. 487 Clear i . 736 -, Engliſh, in Morocco 758 Barfleur i . 803 Capuchin million to Tibet, hiſtory Mabo xi . 480 of it 599 Solomaſwer xi . 484 Capuchins of Benbecula iii. 601 St. George xi . 488 of Saltzburg 51 Orford xi . ibid . in Teflis ix. 152 King William's xi . 493 in Congo xvi. 170. 232. 295 Horn xi . 502 in Congo and Loango xvi . 562 Coaſt Caſtle , Guinea xvi . 359 Capuri river xii . 207 Lopo Gonſalvez , Guinea xvi . 507.512 Caqueta river xiv. 231. 237.497.499 Monte xvi . 538 Cara ille 272 Meſurada xvi. 539 Carabaya juriſdiction xiv. 618 Palmas xvi. 544 Carabez 401 Lahoe xvi . 545 Carabournou mountains 652 Cape-town deſcribed xi . 150 Caraburu fignal - Itation xiv. 430 Caphar at Jeruſalem 339 Caracaracoli of the Weſt Indies xii . Caphars 306 Caracarum , palace of Mangu Khan Capicules of Damaſcus 504 vii. Capinda, Merolla's adventures at xvi. 269. 271. 293 deſcription of the city vii . Capiro Monte xiv , 363 Marco Polo's account Capitaineries in France 417 of it vii . Capital, on the taxation of iv. 413 Caracas bay, Peru xiv . 275 on inveſting, in agriculture iv . 440 Cara -Cathay vii . 43. 51 Capitana, the Turkiſh fhip 729 Caraccas, Spaniſh trade to 471 Capitation tax of Piedmont iv. 627 Cara - cherks ix. 142 Caracol, 1 . XV. vii. vi. 111 . XV. X, X. 82 X. X. at 71 75 iv. I2I X. v. [72 ] INDEX. VOL. PAGE XV. X. 211 . 28 X. V. X. II2 XV. xvi. 89 vii. 221 VOL. PAGE Caracol, Peru xiv. 282. 405.414 Caravanſeras in Iſpahan ix. 23. 189 Caracoſmos, the Tartar drink vii. 31 of Shiraz ix . 241 Caraffa, Cairo 192 at Tarſhiſh ix. 299 Carage of the Maronites 292 Caravaro bay xii . 130 Caraguol, Balbi's account of ix . 396 Caraw village X. 517 Carah river i . 66 Caray ille üi. 648 Carahiſſar the ancient Prymneſia 685 Carazan, province and city, Marco Caraian province, MarcoPolo's ac Polo's deſcription vii. 143 count vii. 142 ſerpents vii . ibid . Caraigcennin caſtle ii . 601 Carberry -hill, battle of Carajeſu town 674 Carbonates 41 Caramania, the ancient ix . 172 Carbuncle mountain , Cape of Good Caramaran river vii. 140. 148 Hope xvi. 58 Caramout plain 545 Carcaioux of Canada xiii. 287 Carangas province xiv. 627 Carcajon of North America xii . 366 ſilver xiv. ibid. Carcanofli province, Madagaſcar xvi. 744 Caraons, Polo's deſcription of them vii . French ſettlement in xvi. 748 Caraftel village 518 Carcaſs, Phipps's vefſel the i . 541 Caravaca, miracle of the croſs at 189 Carcaſſone iv. 119 Caravajal, Alonzo Sanchez de xiii . 108. 110 Carcaſſonne, manufactures at iv. 373 Caravalho, Father ix . 798 Carchica Bey ix. 86 Caravals , Colon's, for diſcovery xü . 25 his victory over the Caravans, the Lapland i . 257 Turks ix , from Rullia to China vii . 457 Carculla town, Buchanan's deſcrip of Laſſa, their route vii. 552 tion viii. 751 of Kabul 581 Cardamom of Guinea xvi. 461 from Caſhmere to Cataja viii . Cardandan province vii. 144 in Perſia ix . 204 manners and cuſtoms to Shiraz ix. 238 in vü . ibid . mode of travelling with Cardan's well 445 the Perſian ix . 275 Cardel principality ix. 125 Birman ix . 466 Cardenaſh, the Mooriſh ambaſſador XV. 446 from Cairo to Suez 3 Cardigan caſtle ii . 604 of pilgrims to Mecca 91 bay ii. 605.629 from Sana to Mecca 99 Cardike connecting the Nyne and toll of the Arabs on 134 Witham ii . 319 from Spalatro to Con Cardinal bird of Vera Cruz 781 ftantinople 225 Cardona town 620 from Damaſcus 506 mine ibid . in Mexico xiii. 847 Careleſſneſs of Negroes xvi. 386 of the Defart of Lybia Caren fountain , Chili 65 ( note ) 64 mountain xiv. 169 of Soudan or Dar- Fur 109 Carentan town iv. 150 of Africa 135 cattle of iv . 479 to Mount Sinai 274 horſes iv. 311 Cares town of pilgrims to Mecca 320 Carelbrook calle ii . 307 order of proceſlion of hiſtory of the Mecca 382—386 Careſton manſion ii. route from Cairo to Careta, Cacique xiv, 142 Mecca deſcribed 386 Carew caſtle ii . 597 from Fez to Mecca 490.504 Carew's account of Mount Edge from Morocco to Mecca XV. 778 combe ii . 267 to Guinea account of Raiftormal caſtle ii. 282 with which Mungo Park Cargavirazo mountain xiv, 303 travelled, deſcribed xvi. 897 Carguairaſo mountain Caravanſeras, Bell's deſcription of Carham village iii . them vii. 289 Caria , Pococke's deſcription of 665 of Begum. Saheb at Carianers, people, deſcribed ix. 447.569 Delhi viii . 166 Carianfu city in Perfia ix. 17 Cariari town xii. 128 Caribbees, 9 X. X. X. xiii. X. X. xiv. XV. XV. XV. XV. of Egypt 482 738 XV. * X. XV. 308 436 XV. XV. XV. 781 xiv . 419 527 486 X. 340 1 [73 ] INDEX . VOL . PAGE PAGE 210 100 9 xi . I 20 xii . 466 V. 664 XV. XV. X. 708 358 X. 596 580 X. VOL. Caribbees, Spaniſh trade to 472 Carnicubar iſlands viii. 431 Cariboux of North America xii . 276. 277 Carnival in Havanna xiii. 765 Cari-cullu mine 768 Caroli river xii. 209 Carigars of the Zamorin viii . 735 cataracts xii . Carigi, Brazil xiv. 705 Carolina, London trade with ii . Carimon iſlands viii . 450 ftate from its diſcovery till Carimon-Java 107 its ſettlement xii . 339 Carinthians vi. -, deſcription of North and Caripo, Guiana xii . 285 South 342 Cariſbrook hills ii . 664 memorial from xii . 451.47 caſtle, Haſſel's account of ii . 712 Kalm's deſcription xiii. Carlberg near Stockholm vi. 444 Carolina gazette, South, on the ſet Carlberg on the death of Charles XII. vi . 514 tlement of Georgia xii . 447 Carle's work ii . 414 Carolina, La, town 561 Carli , Count, on the pertica of Milan Caroline code ( note) iv . 559 CARON's account of Japan vii. 607–641 Carlhoohn iſland i . 275 Caroon town 214 Carli's voyage to Congo xvi . 149 Caroon , King, traditions of him 218 Carliſle , Pennant's account of iii . 118. 201 Caroor town viii . 727 Carliſle bay , Barbadoes xii . 293 Caroub trees 440 Carliſle, Earl of, his embaſſy to Carp, huge, of Aſtrachan vii . 283 Ruſſia vi. 872. xii. 293 - , fpecies of, in Japan vii. Carliſle , James Hay, Earl of ni. 400 of the Indus at Tatta viii. 307 Carlotta village 564 of the Miffiflippi xili. Carlovaſi town 644 Carpathian mountains, their copper Carlſcroon, Fortia's defcription vi. 377 mines ( note ) ü . 279 arſenal vi. ibid. Carpathus iſland dock vi . ibid . Carpaſs, the ancient ftate of the navy vi . 378 Carpenters of Moſcow vi. 583 - , itinerary from , to Got. Birman ix. 453.566 tenburg vi. 562 of Mindanao xi . 13 obſervations on the Carpentier, Mr. Servaes xiv. 822 city of 565 Carpet - fiſh of the Niger xvi. 649 Carlſgraff canal 387 Carpet manufacture at Axminſter ii . 291 Carlſham town vi. 376 Carpio, El, town 562 Carlſon , Mrs., Von Troil's letter to i . 655 Carpluters, reefs xi . 882 Carlſruhe vi . 4 Carpouſley 665 court of vi. 5 Carpunt harbour xii. 630.670 trade vi. ibid . Carrack at Cadiz 574 Carmantee Indians xii. 408 Carrack -ly iſlands viii . 295 Carmarthen mountains, New South Carræ , the ancient 535 Wales xi. 913 Carrah Colmak , ſee Cathay. Carmel, Mount 334. 448 Carriac river ii . 621 Carmel of Skie ni. 330 Carriage, Lapland mode of i . 411 Carmelan , her ſhipwreck iii. 695.778 of goods in Bangalore viii . 630 Carmelites of Stirling 463 Carriages ofthe Laplanders i . at Iſpahan ix . of Spain 300 of Mount Carmel 449 Carribee iſlands, Colon's diſcovery xii . of Ouſſava xiii . 800 deſcribed xii. 294.300.348.389 miffionary xiv. 230 Carrick - a - rede Carmenafſe country xvi . 93 Carrick -on - Sure Carmona town 565 Carriers in the north of Perſia 312 Carmou fith of Guinea xvi. 450 Carron iron works 116 Carn of Coll iii . 661 wharf iii . 464 Carnack, antiquities there 239. 345 Carrots, culture of, in France iv. Carnatic , diamonds of 235 Carrow - plains of the Cape xvi. 110. 136 Buchanan's deſcription viii . 575 Carr's, Sir Robert, expedition to - , origin of the word viii. 757 New York xii . 349 Carn-a- whin 93 Carſe of Gowrie iii. xiv . 663 Cartennus, the ancient 519 Carney village 476 Carter, Chriftopher, anecdotes of him xii . 264 xiii. 178 VOL. XVII . [ x ] Carteret, vi . V. X. X. 406 22 V. 60.93 111 . jii . ix . 885 852 111 XV. 484 iij . 416 Carnero cape XV. [74] INDEX. VOL . PAGE PAGE xi. xi. 65 XV. mere V. 452 X. 468 Ulloa's voyage jii. V. v. VOL. Carteret, Captain, anecdotes of Calbin city vii . 310 him (note ) 183 plague at vii. ibid. anecdotes of Della Valle's deſcrip him at Macaſſer xi. 238 tion ix. 72 Carteret, Sir George xii. 353 Chardin's account ix , 158 Carteret's, Lord, diſpatch to Sir Caſcade Cove, New Zealand 573 Luke Schaub ( note) 613 Caſcades, ſubterraneous, in Derby. account of the ſhire ii . 463 titles of the Emperor of Ruſſia, at Havod ii . 651 ( note) vi. ibid . 685 of Reeky Linn 560 Carteron mountain ix. 395 at Marli iv . Carthage, Shaw's deſcription of on the mountains of Caſh its ruins 562 viii . 214 Carthagena, navy department at in Arabia 41 -commerce of the St. Lawrence xiii . 271. 278 Carthagena , America xiv . 152 of Niagara xill . 296 from of Saut St. Marie xii. 301 Cadiz to xiv. 321 Caſcais port xvi , 182 city deſcribed xiv. 328 Caſcajel river xiv, 363 bay xiv. 330 Caſcarilla de Loja xiv. 477 Carli's deſcription xvi . 189 Caſcawari caſcade vi . 481 Carthaginians, anecdotes of them xii . 17 Caſco deſtroyed by the French xii . 398 Carthufian monaſtery in London ii . 85 Cafe, La, of Madagaſcar, anecdotes Carthufians of Perth 398 of him xvi . 751.756 Cartier's diſcovery of the iſland Caſerta, royal palace 59 of New France xii . 629.641 aqueducts ibid . third voyage to Canada xii . 665 Caſhan city ix . 40 Cartier's Sound xii . 631 Chardin's deſcrip Cartland Crags ili . 231 tion ix . 160 Cartmel town 184 Caſhel rock iii . 851.863 monaſtery ibid . Caſhem's treaſure 546 Cartown, Duke of Leinſter's ſeat at 814 Caſhif of Faiume Carts in London ii . 89 Caſhifs of Egypt 303 of Ruſſia vi. 658 Caſhil town, Congo, deſcribed xvi . 324 of the Tartars vii . 28 Calhindcabar mountains xvi. 324 Cart-wheels in America xiii . 485 Caſhiu fruit of Congo xvi. 248 Carura, the ancient 676 Caſhmere kingdom , Bernier's ac Caruru, ſee Caroor. count viii . Carvajo, Johan 347 Carver, John, of New Plymouth xii. 249 the paradiſe of India viii . Carvers in Stockholm vi . 421 inhabitants ibid. Carwar harbour and town viii . 356 mountains viii . , tigers in the woods viii. 357 Cafagotos xii . 209 Engliſh factory at viii . 358 Caſimeer river 329.471 Cary's Swans-neft iſland xii . 275 Calinas cape xii. 127 Caſa de la Miſericordia at Saragoſſa 549 Caſket of Water or Fire, cuſtom of xvi. 238 Caſa del Campo 543 Caſkets, the i . 803 Caſa Reale, Menonville's deſcrip Caſks, anecdotes of xii . 286 tion of one xiii. 802.811.821 . 840 Calmy river 471 Caſal Nuovo town deſtroyed by an Caſoch, the warrior xvi. 324 earthquake 288 Caſonefi ille 640 Caſama, Battel's adventures in xvi. 596 Caſan, government and diſtricts vi. 754. Caſpa ſparrow of Barbary 631 on the trade to vi . 878 Caſpian Sea i . 30 Bell's journey from Peterſ. - , origin and termination burgh to vii . 273 of the Britiſh trade on it vi. 878 , deſcription of it Ruſſian trade there vi. 879 Caſanía, Mani, Battel's adventures ports 880 at xvi. 320. 328 - , exports and imports 883 Cafava bread of Carthagena xiv. 352 Rubruquis' account vii . 45 Caſpian XV. XV. 21I XV. X. 128. 209 city of viii . 210 2 1 2 214 x. X. 324 Caſos ille X. XV. vii. 277. 319 > vi . vi . INDEX. [75 ] PAGE PAGE > ac dir on 452 viii. XV. XV. ix . 478 478 263 335 VOL. VOL. Caſpian ſea, Bell's voyage on it vii. 285 Caſtiglione, Count de iv. 242 deſcription vii , 288 his farm iv. 554 Della Valle's Caſtile, canal of V. 313 count of it ix. 54 kingdom 353 deſcribed ix . 177.394 council of 397 projects of Shah Na Caftio Vineyna juriſdiction xiv. 614 ix. 194 Caſtle -ardtorniſ 352 Britiſh trade to Perſia Caftle - Aſhby ii. by ix. 209 Caſtle -Bank's 359 Jenkinſon's voyage ix. 387 Caſtle-Caldwell 828 Caſri Shirin ix. 14 Caſtle-Coch ii . 591 Caſſa tete deſcribed xili . 372 Caſtle-Connel waterfall iii. 861 Caſſandra, ſhip, her engagement with Caſtle Hill ii. 366 pirates 270 Caſtle -Hill, Paramatta, New South Caſſangi, celebration of the King's Wales xi . 926. 930 birth -day at xvi. 177 243 Caſtlehow.hill iii. 123 Caſſaraline, Cairo 187 Caſtle-Madoc ii , 602 Caffareen , antiquities at 588 Caſtlemartyr 835 Caffaria, fee Crimea. Caflle -Oliver 850 Caſſatowap, King xiii. 143 Caſtle-Ring ii . 380 Caſſaux, Marquis de, on the ſpecie Caſtle- Ruſhen ii. 799 of France iv. 404 Caſtles of Moſcow i . 17 Caſſay boatmen of Cracow i. 225 Caſſayers ix . of Gournay i . 260 in the Birman empire ix . 485 of Vaſcholm Caſſel iv . 145 of Ullaborg i . 275 city vi. 233 of Brahus i . 331 territory ibid . of Copenhagen 333 population vi. ibid . of Dolden Caffel, Landgrave of vi . 233 ancient, at Ryegate 152 Caffemabad ix . 159 at Chepſtow ii . 230 Caffem Aga's account of the petri Berkeley ii. 242 611 , Thornbury ii. 245 Caſſembazar town viii . 414 Bristol ii . ibid . Caffen, George xiii . 51 Taunton 261 Caſſia of America xiii. -, Rougemont 264 Caſſiau, battle of, ſee Battle of St. Dennis. Raiftormal ii . 282 Caffiens, account of them ix . 654 , Okehampton ii. 287 Caffimerian palace at Warſaw i . 217 Cariſbrook ii . 308.712 Caffin , Hamilton's deſcription viii . 282 Farnham ii . 314 Caſſini, on the ſize and figure of the Odiam earth i . 249 Guildford ii . 321 Caffini's obſervatory iv . 17 Wincheſter ii . 325 Caffir Attyre 545 Bafing ii. 329 Caſſiterides, ſee Azores. Banbury ii . Caffius, Mount 557 Warwick ii . 350.615 Caffuto inſtrument xvi . 245 Kenilworth ii . Caſtagna, Monte della , glaſly lavas Hinckley ii . 359 of v. 174–181 Mountforrel ii . -, fterility 185 Dunnington ii . 369 Catal - a -chon-bhaican iii . 385 Caſtleton ii . 397 Caftal-an - dui iii . 385 Wentworth 415 Caitalian fountain 562 Sandall ü . Caita Segna in the Griſons 896 Gawthorp 419 Carteins, Baron, anecdotes of him xii. 345 Knareſborough ii . 420 Caſteja, M. le Compte i . 263 Middleham ii . 427 Caftellace, deſtroyed by an earth Bolton ii . quake 291 Skipton 11.435 435.. iii . 519 Caftellaz, John Nicholas Andrew 839 Bolſover ii. 444 Caftellon de la Plana 612 Nottingham ii . 447 [ x2] Caſtles, fied city XV. 416 > 316 > XV. 346 X. 352 306 418 V. > 428 |||||| [76 ] INDEX . VOL . PAGE ii . ii . VOL . ili . > iii . > ii . > ii . > iii . 589 * ii . 591 iii . 111 ii . ii . 111 . > 111 ii . ii . ii . ii . 604 605 615 621 PAGE 175 ibid . 195 202 203 211 213 217 ibid . 219 226 229 234 240 243 254 258 267 352 364 379 385 387 395 407 429 435 436 437 ii . ii . > ii. > ii . 804 > ii . ili . iii . 11 . > Caſtles, Northampton Windſor Goodrich - , Chepítowe Caldecot , Ragland Caerphilli Caerdiffe Coch Peinbroke Carew Picton Dinevawr - , Kilgarron - , Aberyſtwith Kenelworth Chirk Conway Caernarvon Harlech Powis Ludlow Cowes Star Treſco Ruſhen Peel Scarborough Stockton Morpeth Alnwick Bamborough Berwick Dunbar Baſs iſland - Edinburgh Loch -Leven Campbel Garth Bræ -mar Findlater Gordon Spinie Calder Dunie Braan Dunrobin Freſwick Urquhart Tor -down - , Inverlochy Kilchurn - , Inverary Dunbarton Stirling Penrith Kendal Lancaſter Grenehaugh Cheſter 451 Caſtles, Dutton 530 Halton 579 Cockermouth 581 Carliſle 582 Corbie 583 Langholme Annan 590 Hoddam - , Comlongam 596 Caerlaveroc 597 Morton ibid . " , Douglaſs 601 Bothwell • , Glaſgow Cruickſton Bute Brodie 625 Ailla 628 Dunſtaffage 631 Inverary 637 Menzies 641 Black 662 Mouline 741 Perth 747 Drummond 800 Dunnoter Brechin II Finehaven 17 Forfar 19 Glames 20 St. Andrews ibid . Linlithgow 23 Crichton 26 Borthwick 27 Thirleſtane Roxburgh - , Chillingham 37 „ Lumley 47 Richmond Middleham 67 Bolton 70 Brodick 72 Iſle of Mull Scalloway 80 Noutland 82 of Polignac 83 of Lipari 87 of Segovia St. Ildefonſo Rio Frio JOO Aranjuez 104 Conſuegra 105 Ucles 110 Almanza " 114.461 Murviedro Lauffen 123 Ultar 124. 183 Kyburg 124 Hapfburg 174 Clarens 5 438 448 9 9 > > ui . ui , 11i . 29.468 > 36 56 > > > 465 478 ibid . 479 483 489 504 516 517 ibid . 645 656 698 752 214 157 322 337 364 555 560 597 598 iii . 76 > iii. iv . > v . > v . > - iii . 9698 v . > v . 1 ni. > v . . > > iii . V. I 20 V. > UIT . 609 644 677 680 685 807 Caſtles, ii . 1 INDEX. [77] 481 9 > V. 788 946 V. 814 824 vi. XY . > Cape of ſheep X. 813 > X VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE Caſtles, Chillon 808 Caſtleton dale ii . 400 , St.Tryphon 809 mines ii . St. Barthelemi 812 Moritz's defcription of ii. 556 Joux 822. Caſtle-town, Douglaſs ii. Traſp 908 Caſtletown, Iſle of Man ii . 799 Remus 909 Caſtle-town, Mr. Conolly's houſe Retzuns at Haldenſtein 952 Caſtle ward iii . Raſtadt vi. 4 Caftol village ii. 565 Nymphenburg vi . 21 Caftoreum of Beavers xii. Werfen 307 50 Caftor-oil, ſhrub of the Cape xvi. 17 Efterhazy's vi. 117 Caftors, medicinal properties of i . 196 Cronborg vi. 293 of Lapland i. ibid . Gottorp 343 Caftra Corneliana 562 Rendſburgh vi. 344 Caftration of rein -deer i . 405 Aggerhuus vi . 365 of oxen, proceſs at the Marſtrand vi. 386 xvi . 18 Royal, Stockholm vi . 395 xvi. 23 Drottningholm vi. 439 Caftravan mountains X. 322.478.480 Gripſholm vi . 539 Caſtres, vineyards of iv. Laufta 444 vi. 552 Caſtries, Marechal de, his regulations Abo vi. 555 for trade 345 the Kremlin vi. 581 Caſtro, city of Lemnos 639 of Japan vii . 772 Caftro city, Chiloe xiv. 90 of Jedo vii. 801. 807 Caftro, Don Alfonſo de xvi. 736 in Hyrcania ix . 48 Caſtro, Don Ferdinando de xvi. of Samarkand ix . 375 Caſtro, Don Michael de xvi . 279 of Balk ix . 377 Cafts of the Banians, their com old Arabic 46 mandments viii . 537. 547 of Belgrade 225 the Bramin viii . ibid . ancient, of Merchab Cutterys 548 of Tortoſa 314 Shudderies 551 of Damaſcus 369.500 Wyſes viii. ibid . of Tripoli 377 at Seringapatam viji . 606 of Beer 383 of the Hindoos viii. 632-646. X. 215 of Romkala 531 crimes that cauſe a loſs of viii . 654 of Ourfa or Edeſſa 534 in India xi. 379 of Merkab 567 in Carthagena xiv . 333 of the Dardanelles 704 Quito xiv. 447 of Batavia 175 Lima xiv. of Amboyna xi. 277 in Madagaſcar xvi . 742. 746 of Boſton xii . 260 Caſum Bey 86 of Quebec xiii. 263.634 Calum Sultan ix. 14 of Roſetta 175 Calvin, fee Cafbin . of Kieman 184 Catacombs of Alexandria 169 of Grand Cairo 190 of Saccara XV. Mooriſh 515.517.520 817.837 of Algiers 532 Catakekaumene 680 of Arzilla 686 Catalans of Larache 688 in Havanna xiii . 763 of Rabat 698 Catalin's, Captain , voyage to Guiana xii . 283 of Morocco 735 Catalogue of writerson Iceland i . 624 of Buluane 799 of the Greek MSS. in of the Mountain, Egypt xv. 803.819 the Holy Synod library vi. 615 of the Cape ofGood Hope xvi. 4. 117 of the trees round Phila Elmina, Guinea xvi. delphia xiü. 398 Cape Coaſt 359 Catalonia iv. 103. v. 612 Caſtles, bay of xii. 639.641 huſbandry 656 Caſtleton town ii. 397 obſervations on the agri. caſtle ii, ibid . culture of iv. 663. 665 Catalonia , 8 . 313 X. X. X. X X. Xi . 578 ix. XV. XV. xv. XV. 204. 208 > xv . of Egypt XV. XY. X. XV . v. 455.466 XV. XV. XV. XV. 356 xvi. iv . [78 ] INDE X. VOL . PAGE V. V. xii, V. xi. v . 7 3601 632 338 - > 111 . 518 773 16 V. 2 VOL. PAGE Catalonia, population 619 Catcolli, agriculture at vili . 589 productions ibid . Cateba town xii . 137 towns in ibid . Catechiſm for the Naves in the Britiſh Carli's travels through . xvi. 191 colonies 407 Catania, voyage from Meſſina to 62 Caterpillars of Siam ix. 631 built of lava 63 of North America xiii. 505.562 muſeums 91 Cat- fiſh of Borneo 109 Gioeni's muſeum in ibid. Catford -woe, anchorage at i . 784 Cataracts near the lake Tornotreſch i . 83 Catha -tree of Arabia 195 in Lapland i. 199 Catharine I. of Ruſſia, Coxe's ac of Wuojenna i . 279 count of her vi . 723 of Kattilla i , 281 married to a of Sompa i . ibid. Swediſh dragoon vi. 725 of Tengelio i , 282 firſt miſtreſs, of Luonion i . 283 then wife, of Peter the Great vi . 726 of Lango i , ibid . proclaimed of Maka i . 290 Empreſs vi . 729 of Kackula i . 293 her death and of Dal i . 339 character vi . 730 of Solett i . 351 Catharine II . of Ruſſia , her dreſs, deſcending the Nordland i . perſon, and court vi . 672 in Wales „ ordinary diſ of Dundonnel ili . tribution of her time vi . 678 of the Tumel 387 death ( note ) vi . 679 of Scotland ui. 389 her eſcape at Ayſgarth from Peterhof vi. of lava afcends the of the Rhine at Lauffen v. 644. vi . 15 throne vi . 774 of Ruti 656 manifeſto vi . ibid. of Glarus ibid . conduct to of Lauffenburgh 689 wards her huſband Peter III . vi. in the vale of Schoellenen 745 her new code of Alp -bach 758 of laws vi . 810 of Reichenbach 327 of Staubbach 762 Catharinenburgh, province and diſ of Piſſe - Vache 771 tricts of 760 of Arpenas 801 ; gold mines near 892 of the Rhine vi . 944. 964 coinage at 895 near Saltzburg 45 Catharinenſlaf, government and diſ at Tiftedal vi. 363 triots vi . 757 of Trolhætta vi . 387 province vi. of Elſscarleby vi . 471 colonization and of the Dnieper vi. 890 trade vi . of the river Angara vii . 422 Cathay, Cabot's inſtructions for the of Sivana Samudra viii. 713 voyage to i . of the Caroli xii . on the diſcovery of i . 66 of the St. Lawrence xiii. 271. 278. 291 , attempted north - eaſt paſ. of Niagara xiii . 296 ſage to i . 70 Saut St. Marie xiii. 301 Dutch attempts at a north of Cohoes in the river eaft paſſage to Mohawk xiii . deſcribed by Rubruquis 590 vii . 55 of Montmorenci xiii . 674 Marco Polo's deſcrip of Rappahannoc xiii. 718 tion vii . 126. 139. 147 of the Potowmac xiii . 720 an ancient empire in China vii . 170 of the Paſaiac 734 Goez's account of vii . 577 of the Mapocho xiv. 66 reported a Chriſtian coun. of the Nile XV . try vii . ibid . Catarinetta , anecdotes of the ſhip xvi . 150 Cathedral at Norwich 32 Cat'Chenfu people 617 of St. Paul's, London ii . 60 Catcheo city 483 of Worceſter ii . 207 II Cathedral V. 779 V. V. 759 Catharine hill V. V. vi. vi. V. V. vi. 758 889 I 210 > i . 81.85.90 xiii. 43. 266 INDE X. [79] PAGE VOL. 212 xiv. 9 111 . 111 . on 111 . XV. 1 59 V. > V. V. * 130 v. y. XV . V. 548 562 v. > VOL . PAGE Cathedral of Hereford ii . Cathedral of Cuſco 615 of Glouceſter ii . 233 of Buenos Ayres xiv, 643 of Wells ii . 255 of Cordova xvi. 187 of E eter ii . 265 Cathedral-Chapter, Quito xiv. 446 of Wincheſter ii . 327 Popayan xiv . 485 of Glouceſter ii . 577 Lima xiv. 567 of Llandaffe ii . 591 Cuſco xiv , 616 of St. David's ii . 598 Catherlough, Lord ii . 349 of Lincoln iii . 5 Catholics , Roman, of England ii . 142 of Durham jii . 17.509 in the Hebrides and Weſtern of Edinburgh 29 Highlands 553 of Aberdeen iii . 62 of Germany, obſervations of Elgin iii . 72. 130 vi . 170 of Dornoch 83 of Mingrelia ix . 145 of Glaſgow II2 of Georgia ix . 151 of Carliſle 118. 202 in Bombay X. 203 of Cheſter iii . 173 in Maryland xii . 306 in Jona iii . 299 Catiba, Colon’s diſcovery xii. 131 of Dunkeld 390 Catoch cape xü . 323 of Brechin 434 Catrail, ditch iii . 480 of St. Andrew's 447 Catres of India 9 of Kirkwall iii . 690 Cats, their diſlike to the Iſle of Vaila iii . 787 of Milan iv. 243 monument and epitaph of one iv. of Burgos 311 flying , of Siam ix . 623 of Valladolid 314 wild , of St. Helena xi . 154 of Salamanca 319 hunting, of America xii . of Segovia 322 wild , of the Bermudas xiii . 188 of Toledo 541 black , of Barbary 625 of Saragoſſa Madagaſcar xvi . 146 of Cordova civet, of Congo xvi. 271 of Seville 566 of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 433 of Cadiz 585 xvi . of Malaga 594 of Loango xvi . of Valencia 605 Cats, Cape of X. 280.588 of Baſle 696 Cat ſtones on Stanton-moor ii . of Lucern 725 Cattack , city, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 404 of Friburg 835 Cat- tail plant of America xiii . 544 of Spires vi . 5 Catter -thun nii . 433 of Saltzburgh vi. 41 Cattle of Nordland i . 342 of Paſſau vi . 59 of Iceland i . 636.663 of Mentz vi. 251 of England ii . 155 of Lipari ibid . of Scotland ii . 167 of Meſſina vi . 260 of Lancaſhire iii . 124 of Roſkild vi . 335 wild, of Scotland 226 of Upſal vi. 475 of Arran 259 of Weſteros vi . of Cantyre 269 of Abo vi . 555 of Gigha ii. 271 of Smolenſko vi . 573 of Jura 279 of St. Michael, Moſcow vi . of Ila iii . 287 -, aſſumption of the Virgin of Oranſay and Colonſa iii . 292 Mary vi. 603 of Jona ii. 294 of St. Sophia , Novogorod vi. 656 of Cannay iſle 310 of St. Peter and Paul at of Rum ini . 313 Peterſburgh vi. 683 of Liſmore 111 . 354 tomb of Perthſhire iii . 373 of the Ruſſian ſovereigns there vi. of Taymouth 378 ancient, in Crete X. 608 of the Ile of Lewis iii . 577 of Manilla xi. 78 of Lingay iſle 597 of Quebec xiii. 263.635 of the Ille of Skie of St. Jago xiv. 171 of the Iſle of Arran of Guamanga xiv. 612 of Colonſa Cattle V. > wild 438 V. 556 V. V. 380 V. V. > 548 596 684 > 624 645 654 ! [ 80] INDEX. PAGB VOL. PAGE 663 688.743 21.43 83 643 670 XV. XV. 139 XV. iv . iv. 406 XV. iv . iv . iv . iv . iv . 614 iv . 479 Caucab X. iv . iv . 758 iv . iv. VOL. Cattle of Mull iſle iii . 654 Cattle, origin in the American co. of St. Kilda 111. lonies xiii . 537 of the Orkney iſles of Canada xiii . 622.662 of Shetland iii . 695.770 trade of Chili xiv. - , importation of, into France iv. 339 in Chili xiv. of France iv . 472 of Buenos Ayres xiv. of the Pays de Beauce iv. ibid . mode of ſlaughtering in Chili xiv. of Sologne iv. ibid. of Brazil xiv. 722 of La Marche iv . ibid . of Abyffinia 23 of Limouſin iv . 473 of Dar- Fur of Limoges iv. 473 of Egypt 337 of Ularch 474 of Weſt- Barbary XV. of Quercy ibid. of Algiers and Tunis 620 of Languedoc iv. ibid . at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 9 of Baſque iv . ibid. diſeaſes xvi . 19 of Gaſcoign iv, 475 of the Caffrés xvi . 38. 53 of Poitou ibid . of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 431 of the Ille of France ibid . of Fida xvi . 502 of Braſſeuſe 476 of Annabon iſland xvi. 514 of Comerle en Vexin ibid. of Benin xvi. 532 of Picardie ibid . of the Moors at the Muſ. of Flanders iv. ibid . ketoe trading -place xvi . of Normandie 477 Catwater ii . 267 of Pays d'Auge iv . 478 Cauca river xiv. 484 of Bretagne iv . 509 of Champagne 480 Caucaſus, language in ( note) i . 634 on fattening, in France iv. ibid . mountain , on its height 780 ftabling ibid . " , government and provinces vi. milking ibid . travels of Rubruquis of Piedmont 576 among vii . 50 of the Milaneſe iv . ibid . mountains, Defideri's ac of Venice iv. 584 count of them vii . of Bologna iv. ibid . Mount ix. of Tuſcany iv . ibid . Chardin's ac of Modena iv . 585 count ix . 143. 149 of Parma ibid. Cauliflowers , pickled , of the Cape xvi . 47 of Savoy iv. 586 Caulk, the Derbyſhire ii . 479 of Leon 318 Caunabo, Cacique xii . 63. 67.78 of Andaluſia 586 Caunubin monaitery 286. 378 of Gruyeres 846 Caupolican, the Indian chief xiv . 197. 202. 207. 209 of Saltzburg 46 Cauleway, the Giant's, ſee Giant's Cauſeway. of Hungary vi. 117 Cauſeway of Bienne 707 of Norway vi . 360 of Shiraz ix . 109 of Perſia vii . in Bombay ix . 236 of Baflora vili , 291 from the Red Sea to the of Gombroon vili , 297 pyramids 198. 202 of Tatta 307 Caulie, Nathaniel, anecdotes of him xiii . 146 of the Sundah Rajah's Cauſſade, manufactures of 370 country viii . 357 mulberries iv. 461 of Java viii . 453 Cauſtics of the Tonquinele ix , 678.729 of Siam viii . 475 Caux, Pays de iv. 393 of Cambodia 478 Cavai village viii. 745 near Madras viii . 574 Cavalcades of the King of Siam viii . 470 of Bangalore viii . 630 Cavalero, paſſage from Toulon to 229 of Perſia ix . 82 Cavaliers of Hindoftan vili . 140 of the Uſbeck Tartars 331.380 Cavallo's edition of Ovalle xiv. 30 of the Birman empire ix . 469.505 Cavalry of Spain 444 of Siam ix . 580. 621 of Pruſſia vi, 194 of Tonquin ix . 662.718 of Sweden 447 of Arabia 179. 185 of the Great Mogul viii . 138. 193 of Carolina xii . 345 of the Birman empire ix . 499 596 > 46 iv , V. V. X. 308 XV. viii . iv . viii . iv . ix . V. * . vi. X. Cavalry INDE X. [81 ] VOL . VOL. X. > X. XV. XV. X. v. XV. 613 XV. vili , V. 37 F:F-.. 9 XV. XV. > V. V. xi. xi. V. PAGE PAGE Cavalry of the Imam of Sana 108 Caves of la Balme 801 Turkiſh 247 in Elephanto Iſland viii. 349 of Algiers 675 of Birman hermits ix. 477.555 of Morocco 754 of Elias on Mount Horeb 395 Cavana Fort , Havanna xiii. 762 ofGibraltar, petrified bones Cavanas of Spaniſh ſheep 335 found in them Cavanilles, Abbot, his defence of of the mummies in Egypt 836 Spain 389 Caviana iſland xiv. 251 Cavary Cadu, ſtones of 611 Caviare trade of Caffa ix . 141 Cavazzi, Father xvi . 283 Cavignací vineyards of iv . 444 Cavelier, M. xiii . -298 Cavila-cutty hills viii . 749 Cavendiſh , Mr. ii . 364 Cavit village xi , 357 Cavendiſh bridge over the Trent ii . 369 Cavite, port of 491 Cavendiſh family ii . 445 town xi. 80 Cavendiſh's, Lord C. , thermometer 573 Caw -cawwafſoughes xiii . 26 Caverns at Mount Skula i . 270 Cawdron - Lin ili . on Comb Down 252 Caxamarca juriſdi& ion xiv. 611 at Guildford ii 322 Caxamarquilla juriſdiction xiv . 612 near Matlock 394 Caxanuma mountains xiv. 216 of the Peak . 399 Caxatamba juriſdiction xiv. 609 Moritz's deſcrip Caxines, Cape 531 tion of ii . 557 Caxume city 5 Water Hull ii . 400 Cayambe plain xiv .. 422.466 , ſub -marine, in the Scilly Illes ii . 739 antiquities xiv . 547 obſervations on a ſtream Cayamburo mountain xiv. 466.528 of lava in one 15 Cayame river xiv. 233 of Miſeno 45 Cay Arrea 116 in Lipari 192 Cayayan iſland 349 of Felicuda 214 Caycos iſland xii . 573.611 of Scylla 264 Cay Deponattee xi . 134 of Mount Pilate, fingular Cayenne, ſtate of gravity at i . 231 ftatue in 727 Richer's experiments at xiv. 253 of Doray Guda viii . 689 Cayetano, Don Michael 357 -, celebrated writings per Caylloma juriſdiction xiv. 620 formed in 233 Caymans, fee Crocodiles. Cavern- houſes near Tours iv. 129 Caymans ifland 755 Cavery river viii. 597. 712.719 Cayne waterfall, Wales ii . 632 Cave's iſland 486 Cayngi city, trade of it vii. 151 . Caves, of Surtheller i . 690 Cayfter river of Fingal, or Fiuhn Mac Coul i . 700 Caytongee city deſcribed 118 dimenſions i . 701 Cazou fruit of Loango xvi. 554 at Badmington ü . 152 Cazzana, Luke de xii. near Aſkrigg ii . 431 Cazziva, Cacique xii. 89 near Ingleborough ii . ibid. Cebu river, Fez 462 natural, of the Peak ii . 474 Cedar houſe of the Bermudas xiii , 192 Freſhwater ii . 669 Cedar ille , Virginia xiii. 26 in Murrayſhire 127 Cedars of Siberia vii . 348 in Arran 262 of Perfia in Cantyre 270 of Mount Libanus of Fingal in Staffa 307 of Lebanon, Pococke's de. of Lunan bay 424 ſcription 488 in the iſland of Lewis 576 of Bermudas 267 in the Iſle of Harries 585 of Virginia xii . 565.593.602. xii. 5 in the Iſle of Skie 622 of America xiii. 361. 424 in the Ife of Arran 644 white American xiii . 559 in the Iſle of Jura red American xiii. 560.581.656 in the Ile of Ila 651 of Chili 87 in Tire-iy 660 Chiloe Iſlands 91 in Egg iii . 662 Cedar ſwamps of North America xili. 559 in the Shetland Iles 782 Cedron brook 357. 421 at Skeheenrinky 861 Ceibo wool of Guayaquil xiv, 412 [ 2 ] Celane, - xiii. X1 . X. 657 XI. 16 XV. > ix. 101 X. 288. 377 X. xii. 649 9 XIV . xiv. X. VOL. XVII . [82] INDE X. VOL. PAGE X. man xi . iv. 42 V. X. V. XV. XV . X. 256 X. X. X. 341.418 X. ix . 348 716 448 X. - VOL. PAGL Celane, the ancient 683 Ceremonies of the Bramins ix. 412 Celebes iſland viii . 458. xi. 56 of cloſing the year, Bir Stavorinus's account xi. 216 ix. 435 Dutch in 238 whimfical, of a Chineſe Celeſtines , library of the vifit ix. 488 Cellbridge, Ireland iii. 813 of the court of Ava ix . 515 Cells in Arran iii . 265 bleſſing the country in in porphyritic lava 162 Tonquin ix . 694 near Sidon 365 purging it of all evil Celſius, M., account of i . 260 ſpirits ix . 695.746 Celtic language of the Griſons 977 funeral, for the Go Cement of Barbary 644 vernor of Pulucambi ix . 808 of Morocco 710 of the Mahomedan re Cemies of the Weſt Indians xii . 79. 87 ligion Cenfimento of the Milaneſe iv. 629 of the Jewiſh religion 269 Cenſus, the Laplanders' diſlike of it 484 of the Turks 278.285 of Spain 382 of a Turkiſh viſit 319 in Ruſſia vi. 863 of the Latin church at Centalle iv. 235 Jeruſalem Centinels of Quinſai vii , 154 of the Greeks and Ar on the coaſt of New Spain xiii . 862 menians 353 Centipedes of Siam 630 of the Greeks at Eaſter 425 of Mindanao xi. 9 of the embarkation of of Carthagena xiv . Mr. Van Pleuren xi. 244 of Brazil xiv . on his landing at Am of the Gold Coaſt, boyna xi . 249 Guinea xvi . of the Governor of Am Centurion , Anſon's voyage in the boyna's annual expeditions xi . 283 ſhip xiv. 651 of the Otaheitans xi. 509.613 Cephalenia iſland 764 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 700 Cephiffus river 748 of the Weſt - Indians xii . 85 Cephrenes' pyramid of the Virginian ſorcerers xiii . 53 Cepino village 917 church , in St. Jago xiv. 178. 180 Cera, Marquis of xiii . 239 -, religious, in Quito xiv. 445 Ceram iſland 457. xi . 374 of an Indian feaſt xiv . 518 Ceraſtes ſerpent 629 in Lima xiv. 575 Cerda, Don Luis de la , his grant - , religious, of the Abyſ. of the Canary iſlands xvi. 808 finians xv. 27. 77.91 Cerdic ii . 712 of the Greek church 292 Cerei trees deſcribed xiii . 810 of the Copti church 368 Ceremonies of the Greek church i . of the court of Morocco xv. 750 , religious, of the Sa of the Moors 774 mojedes i . 532 of ratifying a treaty in and national cuſtoms in Madagaſcar xvi . 776 Ruſſia 704 Ceres, hymn to, attributed to of the 13th Feb. 1791 Homer vi . 616 in Sweden vi . 437 Ceres and Proſerpine, temple to 757 in the cathedral of Smo. Cerinana wine 547 leuko vi . 573 Ceriſier, Canadian 653 of the Neftorians vii. 64.73.119 Cerna, Mons 570 Chineſe maſter of 380 Cerne, ſee Madagaſcar. of the Japaneſe vii . 820 Cernetz, bargh 906 of the Banians 542 plain ibid . of the Perfees viii . 568 Certificate of the Royal Academy of ſacrificing the camel on Adanſon’s voyage to Senegal xvi . 599 in Perſia ix . 36 Ceffares, people in Chili xiv . of commemorating the Ceſſion of St. Domingo to France 485 death of Huſſein ix . 38. 273 Cetina village 547 at the court of Perſia ix . 63 Ceuta, galley - ſlaves 462 religious, of the Min. 470 grelians ix . 146 Cevallos, Don Pedro 359 I 2 Ceylon X. XV. 201 V. viii . XV. XV. XV. 22 XV . vi . X. V. - X111 . XV. vii . v. VIII . } 100 V. V. - , fiege of XV . V INDEX. [83] VOL. PAGE X. v. X. ii . 678.724 XV. V. 221 üi. 2 V. V. xiv. XV. VOL . PAGE Ceylon, iſland , Marco Polo's de. Chalapu mountain xiv . 432 ſcription vii . 161 Chalbin river, Chili xiv. 60 - , deſcription in the ninth Chalcedon, the ancient 700 century vii. 183. 194 Chalcedonies in the Valle di Muria 188 manners and cuſtoms vii . 217 Chalcis, the ancient 525.746 rubies of viii. 250 Chaldæan language 163 pearl fiſhery viii. 253.256 Chale bay Hamilton's deſcription viii. 385 village ii . 679 products viii . 387 Chalfonts ii . 337 elephants viii . ibid . Chales of Caſhmere viii . 213 Fitch's deſcription ix . 423 Chaleurs, Bay des xiii . 344 Dutch government xi. 203 Chalice , an ancient ii . 224 Chabba 65 Chalis city vii . 583 Chabert's, M., ſhepherd 326 Chalk rock iv. 165 Chace of the bear i . 151 diſtrict of France iv. 304 in Poland deſcribed i . manure in France iv. 544 a royal , in Scotland 391 Challenges, mode in Congo xvi. 262 royal, at St. Ildefonſo 363 Challoo ix. 313 of 'the bouquetin 798 Chalmers, Mr., of Dumfermline 457 in China, Bell's deſcription vii . 404 Chaloner, Sir Thomas iii. 14 Tartars' love for vii. 460 Chalons town iv. 191 of the original or elk of Ca Chaluet glen 705 nada xiii . 284 Chama town, Guinea xvi. - 347 deſcription of an Indian xiii . 286 river xvi . 348 Chachapayas juriſdiction 611 Chamædaphne ofAmerica ( note ) xiii. 724 Chaclacuchi tree ix. 112 Chamargou, Governor, anecdotes Chacon, Don Joachim 489 of him xvi . 751. 756 Chacri of Siam ix . 640 Chambaronigo river xiv. 55 Chadra, the ancient 528 Chamber, Secret, of Friburg 836 Chadſunt, farms at ii . 349 its hiſtory and opera Chaff-cutter of Dugny iv . 540 tions Chagain city ix . 481 prerogatives v. 838.844 fort, ix . 552 of the ſtates, Royal caſtle, Chagnie , vines of iv . 454 Stockholm 396 Chagre river, Ulloa's voyage up xiv. 370 of rarities in Peterſburgh vi. 827 Chah-Abas, Bernier's account of Chamberlain's court , London ii . 72 him viii . 87 Chambers of Mooriſh houſes xv. 646.767 Chah -heft -Kan viii . 81 of the Emperor of Mo - , account of him viii . 123 rocco's Harem 789 - , enterprizes againſt Chamberry, Young's account o. Racan viii . 125 Chamblan fort xii. Chah - Jehan, the Great Mogul, Ber Chambli, Canada, deſcribed xiii . 279 nier's account of him viii . 60 Chambord, Chateau iv. 130 his ſons viii . 61 , vineyards of iv. 445 his ſickneſs viii . 67 Chambray , cattle of iv. 476 his conduct to Au Chambre du Commerce de Normandie iv. 355 reng -Zebe 83 Chamdara town viii . I 22 anecdotes of him viii . 119 Chameleon of Barbary Xv. 626.628 Aureng- Zebe's letter of Morocco 708 viii. Chamois of the Alps 756 his death viii . 132 natural hiſtory ibid . Hamilton's account food ibid . of him 323 of the Cordilleras xiv. 45. 84 Chah -limar 193 Chamouny, attempts to attain the Chah- Navaze- Kan viii. 88 fummit of Mont- Blanc from iv . 677.688 Chaiman kingdom vii. vale, glaciers of v.779.782.784.792 Chain, a curious one at Amſterdam i . 138 Champa, ſhips of xi. 44 -, Guaynacapa's golden xiv. 109 Champagne , manufactures of of coral, badge of honour in vineyards iv. 447 Benin xvi. 522 cattle 480 Chair of Scone iii. 41.415 foreſts iv . 523 [ x2] Champagne, V. 837 vi . XV. iv . 284 617 viii. XV. to him I 20 V. V. viii. II2 iv. 379. 384 iv . [84] INDEX. VOL. PAGE n 418 xi . 1 xi. V. IO2 396 II X. 104 X. 336 XI . vi . X. voyage to Ruſſia vi. VOL. PAGE Champagne, price of wood and Chapels of Henry VII. ii . 79 charcoa i iv. 525 , curious, in England ii . 150 mode of building in iv. 530 near Wakefield implements of huf in the Foreſt ii . 412 bandry iv. 541 in Caithneſs 152 Champagny Archipelago 799 of St. Oran in Jona iii . 298 Champagny port 885 in Edinburgh 470 ChampigniNorona, M. de xiii . 284. 291 in Lewis Illes ili . 583 Champignons of Paris iv. 48 at St. Kilda ini . 715 Champigny, Marquis of xii . 426 in the Orkneys iii. 762 Champlain lake, America xii. 350. xiii . 280.612.615 ſacred, in Caithneſs ii. 808 Champlain, Samuel de xili . 637 of Diſentis 965 Champock of Pegu viii . 429 of the Royal caſtle, Stock. Chanales fruit of Cuyo xiv. holm vi . Chancay town , Peru xiv. 564 on Mount Sinai Chance, village of the Warrels viii . 313 ancient, in Elephanta Iſle 208 Chancellary -ſtyle of Auſtria vi . 131 of the Holy Sepulchre at Chancellor of Oxford ii . Jeruſalem 342 his office ii . ibid. of Mount Sinai 8. 393. xv. 287 of Cambridge ii . 125 in Philadelphia xiii . 390 of China vii. 26C Chapetonadas diſeaſe in Carthagena xiv . 339 CHANCELLOR's voyages to the North Chapetones of Carthagena xiv. of Ruflia and Siberia i . I Chappe, Abbé de la, on the Ruſſian deſcription of Ruſſia i. 16 vapour baths ( note ) vi . 707. xiii . 784 interview with the Chappel- Valley, St. Helena 155 Emperor of Ruſſia i. 17. 24-37 Chapulco, pueblo xiii . 840 on the yamſhics of Chaquana, Almagro at xiv, 163 Ruſſia 652 Char of Winander mere iii . 190 obſervations on his Char river 575 870 Character of the Icelanders i . 650 Chancellors of Japan vii. 622 of the Engliſh ii . 143 Chanceries of Spain 398 of the Welſh ii , Chancery, Engliſh courtof ii . 131 of the Iriſh -, royal, of St.Jago xiv . 173 difficulty in portraying Chan-Channa, the commander viii. national 499 Chandlers in Frome- Selwood ii . -, national, effects of govern Chandos, Duke of 175. 210 ment on vi . 77 Chandra giri village 685 of Peter the Great, Chandra-gupti 760 Bell's vii . 495 Chang river vii . 242 obſervations on national Changalli plain xiv. 431 of the Perſians Change, natural to man i . 152 Lempriere's remarks on Changes in the earth iii. national 764 Channels between Vulcano, Lipari, of the Negroes of the and Saline 229 Gold Coaſt xvi. ſubterranean, at Shiraz ix. 248 of the Fidaſians xvi . -, fingular, at Seleucia 554 Charakar city vii . 579 of Bahama xiii. 769. 868 Charapoto, Peru Channock, Mr., anecdotes of him viii . 409 Charavend town ix . Chanoyes, Madame xiii. 229 Charboniere village 811 Chans of Perſia, their office ix . 216 Charcas audience deſcribed xiv. 621 Chanteloup , Chateau iv. 129 biſhoprics in xiv. 630 Chantilly, Young's account of iv. 84 Charcoal, price of, in France iv. 524 Chaonia, port of ix . 3 African mode of making xvi. 77 Chaoual- Padou of Siam ix. 641 -, price at the Cape xvi. 118 Chaoufes of Egypt 303 Charcunar town vii . 580 Chap of Acheen viii . 443 Charcuon town ix . Chapelain , Mr., Bernier's letter on Chard , Edward , on Bermudas xii. 264. xiii . 178.180 Hindoitan to viji . 173 CHARDIN's travels into Perſia ix . 139 Chapels of the Muſcovites at Stock account of Abu'lghazi holm i . 264 Khan ix. 369 Charente V. 643 872 16 v. 29 ix. 200 is . ibid. 257 906 XV. V. 386 478 X, xiv. 275. 393 21 V. xv. I 21 INDE X. [ 85 ] PAGE VOL. PAGL 1 iv . 182 ix . 820 79 XV. IIO ix . jii . XV. reign XY. X. 673 516 viii. 9 488 VI 362 on VOL. Charente river iv. 126 Charlotte's ſound, New Zealand xi . 539. 575.636. Charenton 140 644 Chares, Don Franciſco de xiv. 163 Charmettes villa iv. 284 Chares, Fernandez de xvi. 711 Charmouth ji . 292 Charg, the Perſian ( hrub ix . 115 Charms, magical Lapland i . Charing Croſs ii . 82 againſt cold i . 484 Chariot of the Birman King 571 againſt magic iii . 383 Charity, private , of the Manks ü , magical, in the Orkneys iii . 763 of the Empreſs of Auſtria vi. - , ſuperſtitious, of the Per . Charity -ſchools in London ii . 88 ſians ix . 227. 260 Charjé in El-Wah -, ſuperſtitious, of the Cochin Charles the Second, his letter to Sir Chineſe 807 Ewen Cameron 161 of the Marabitos 424 diſcoveries and Charnwood foreſt ii . 367 ſettlements in America, in his Charon, explication of the fable of xiii , 337 him 218 Charles the Third of Spain, his Charonium cave ſuperſtition 341.505 Charpy, Don Gaetan xvi . 678 Charles the Fourth of Spain 342 Charron, Mr. , his adventures in Charles the Ninth of Sweden, hiſtory vi. 484 Japan vili . Charles the Tenth of Sweden i . 144 Charſoorch ſtation ix . 294 - , hiſtory vi . 487 Charta Souri, King of 385 Charles the Eleventh of Sweden .i . i . 144. 274 Charter granted by the Emperor of hiſ. Ruflia to Engliſh merchants i . 47 tory vi . of St. Andrews iii . 564 Charles the Twelfth of Sweden , par of rights in Denmark 302 ticulars of his death vi. of the South- Sea Company xi. 457 bila of the Society for propa tory vi . 489 gating the Goſpel xii . 404 for incorporating the truſtees his death vi . 513 of Georgia xii. 441 Charleſburg Royal 668 Charter-government of New England xii . 259 Charles Guftavus, King of Denmark i . 144 Charter-houſe, monaſtery ii. 85 Charles Guftavus of Sweden, his in hoſpital ii. ibid . vaſion of Denmark vi . 303 Chartreuſe, near Milan iv. 241 Charles le Gros 645 of Xeres 569 Charles the Bold, his war with the of Valencia 609 Swiſs 828 Charts of Amboyna and Java, in life ibid . accurate xi. 286 Charles the Great, legend of vi . 45 Martin of Bohemia's xi. 293 Charles cape, Virginia xii . 231. xiii. 25. 62 . 706 xi . 394 Charles fort, Bermudas xiii. 203 of Pigafetta's voyage xi. 303 Charles fort, Carolina xij . 339 Charuas Indians xiv . 636 Charles fort, Hudſon's bay xii. 362 Charybdis and Scylla 8 Charles fort, Virginia xiii. 107 Charybdis, not properly a whirpool 267 Charles- town, Carolina xii. 342 Spallanzani's account of ibid . Charles- town , New England xii. 252 its ſituation 270 Charles's Wain, Colon's obſervations the proverb on Scylla and vi. 271 xii . 98 Chaſcar province vii. 117 Charleſwork caverns ii. 394 Chafir-tong city vii. 547 Charleton iſland, Hudſon's bay 363 Chaſm of Tamina 959 Charlemont's, Lord, houſe, Dublin 811 Chaſms in Guaxaca xiii. villa ii. 812 Chaſſeurs of the Alps Charlton park ii . 614 Chaſte, De, ſee De Chaſte . Charlotte Chriſtina Sophia of Brunf Chaſteaux bay xii. 671 wick, wife of Alexey Petrovitch vi . 738 Chaftity , commiffion of, at Vienna 75 her death anecdote of, in Japan vii. 620 and will vi. ibid . Chateau, d'Aguillon iv. 124 Trompette iv. 125 mours of her eſcape and adven Verteul iv. 127 tures vi. 739 d'Argenſon iv. ibid . Chateau xii . V. V. > - > -, origin of V. 5 vi. on v. 796 756 vi . > falſe ru . [ 86] INDEX VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE iv . XV. iv . iv . iv. iv . 220 ix. vii. 1бо - iv . XV. 629 iii. XV. XV . XV. V. 839 185 Chateau Chanteloup 129 Cheeſe of Gruyeres 846 Chambord iv. 130 of America xiii . 572 Liancourt iv . 132 of Canada xiii . 673 Duretal iv . 160 of Quito xiv. 460 Tourbilly iv . 161 of Barbary 454 Nangis 186 of the Cape xvi . 53 Maupertius iv . 188 Chegilla , cuſtom in Sogno xvi . 237. 274 Thiery 189 Chehil -Minar, ruins ix . 101. 193 Riaux 209 Francklin's deſcrip Rochemaur tion ix . 266 Tour d'Aigues iv. 223 Perfian account 269 -, royal, at Turin iv . 237 Cheinan gulf Chateauneuf iv. 210 Cheinet, Madame iv. 219 Chauteaurault town iv. 127 Chelidonian iſlands 594 , cutlery ware of iv . 374 Chellaftone, plaſter of Paris at ii . 476 Chateauroux, manufactures of 369 Cheltenham ii . 234 Chategon town, Chriſtian pirates waters ii . 235 at viii . 123 Chelydrus, the Chatelet, Duc de iv. 182 Chemiſtry in Siam ix . 599 Chatillard, ſee Clarens. in Tonquin ix . 677.729 Chatmoſs, Leland's account of 206 in Barbary 638 Chatrakal principality viii. 763 in Morocco 689 Chatſworth ii . 390 Chemmis 227 Chattan Clan iii . 91 Chenaux, Peter Nicholas Chaubi , Sheik ix. 277 Chene village 801 Chaucer, account of ii . 195 Cheneys ii . Chaul town, deſcribed viii. 350. ix . 408 Chenſú, people of the Myſore vði . 618 Chaulais canal iv. 207 Chenſu Carir , people of the Carnatic viii . 576 Chaumis Temoatan xii. 580. xiii . 10 Chentale, courſe of crops at iv. 588 Chauraſi language viii. 683 wheat of iv. 593 Chauveton on Martin Behaim xi . 413 filk culture 600 Chaux, villagc, cave near i , 741 clover 609 Chaux de Fond, La 816 hemp and flax iv . ibid . manufactures ibid . vines iv. Chawanook town, Virginia xii . 568.577. xiii . 7.8 implements and tillage iv. Chawunt Indians 219 taxation iv . 627 Chayanta province xiv. 626 prices of articles iv, Cheap ward 56 Cheops, King of Egypt XV. 199 Chebeth , the idolaters vii. 127 Chepitow, account of ii . 229 Chechalith mountain vii . 580 town ii . 581 Chechening, Prince, anecdotes of caſtle ii . ibid . him ix . 688. 748 bridge ii . ibid . Chechilideroix xi. 369 Cheptonk river 308 Chechinquamins of Virginia xiii . 30 Chequiam province viii . Checocke, the idol xvi . 331 Cherbourg harbour iv. 151 Chedder cheeſe ii . 4 - , plate-glaſs of iv. 377 cliffs ii . 257 Chereidæ port 654 Cheduba iſland ix . 572 Cheribon empire xi . 163 Chee. Torr ii . 413 Dutch trade xi . 207 Cheechaw Indians xii. 448.463 Cherk Almas ix . 268 Cheere river iv. 89 Cherkašky , Prince vii . 482 Cheeſe from rein - deer's milk i , 395 Cherkes river 694 curious mode of ſerving 453 Cherks, Chardin's deſcription of of Iceland i . 656 them ix . 142 Chedder ii. 4 Cherley, Mr. xiii . 249 Cheſhire ii . 19 Chermain kingdom vii . 113 of Glouceſter ii . 247 Chermelick 535 Lodeſan iv. 241. 583 Chermes of the alder xiii . 427 iv. 577 Cherokee Indians xii , 453. 484 Parmeſan iv. 577.579 Cherries of Canada xiii. 360 Cherries, iv . iv . > > 613 615 X111 . 650 ii. xii. 508 X. X. X. of Italy INDEX. [ 87] V. XIII . xiii. - 26. 51 XV. vii. XV. X. VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGE Cherries, the wild Canadian xiii . 653 Chica Deva Betta hills viii . 708 Chili xiv . 40 Chicama river xiv . 560 Cherry, cornelian , of Aigle 809 Chica Mally Betta, granite quarry viii . 701 Cherupalchery viii . 741 Chica Nayakana Hully, Buchanan's Cheſapeak bay, Engliſh ſettlements defcription viii . 692 in xii . 233.240. xiii . 706 Chicanga, King of xvi . 703 Smith's defcription xiii . 8.25 Chicas juriſdiction xiv. 625 - , diſcovery xiii . 62. 66 Chichere fruit of Congo xvi . 248 Indians xiii . 72 Chicheſter, America, Kalm's de. brook 26 fcription 429 Chefaud , Amatus, his travels in Chichester, Sir John iii . 890 Tibet vii . 587 Chi-chew - fu vii . 246 Chefepian, Virginia, fee Cheſapeak xii. 576 Chichichoco mountain xiv. 432 Cheſham boys ii . 186 Chickacul, Nabob of, his war with Cheſhire county ii . 19 the Engliſh viii . 398.400 produce of ii . ibid . Chickahamania river xili . cheeſe ii . ibid . - Indians xiii.-76.93.113. 119. 160 ſalt ii . ibid. Chickens, Egyptian mode of hatch Chefmu, the idolaters vii. 127 ing in ovens 381 Cheſmur province vii . 116 of Fida, Guinea xvi. 503 Cheſnuts , their beauty in France iv. 309 Chickefaw Indians xii. 465.484 culture of, in France iv. 487 Chiclana near Cadiz 585 of Japan 694 Chico, Rio xiv , 60 of Virginia xii . 599. xiii . 29 Chicona ſilver mines xvi . 708 wild, uſed for coffee xvi. 11 Chicory, Young's obſervations on iv . 175 Chefs, game of, in Iceland i . 652 culture in the Iſle of France iv. 488 fondneſs of the Ruſſians for vi. 618 Chicuppa Gauda viii . 685 the Birman game ix. 570 Chidley, Captain xii. 287 game in Barbary 664 Chieapolis 621 Cheſter city, Pennant's account of iii. 2. 173.622 Chiefs of Madagaſcar deſcribed xvi, 744 Chelter town, Penſylvania xii . 382. xiii . 386.430.728 Chieftains of the Weſtern Illes iii . Cheſterfield town 4 Chiemſa, Pigafetta's account xi. 377 -, history of 5 Chieſa, La Valle della 218 Cheſterfield , Counteſs of 439 Chi-font- fui Ihrub of Madagaſcar xvi . 806 Cheſter- le - Street ili , 503 Chifu city ix . 808 Cheſter's, Captain, voyage to Vir Chigur mountains 707 ginia xiii . 128 Chikok iſland vii . 610 battle with two Chilan juriſdiction xiv. 682 Spaniſh men of war xiii . ibid . Child, Sir Jofiah , on New England xii . 261 Cheva, cultivation round 597 on the ſugar trade xii . 390 Chevin hill ii . 437 Child, Mrs. ii . 182 Chevreau , M. , anecdotes of him xvi . 788 Child bird of Chili 78 Chevres, L'Ille aux xiii . 346 Child -birth , cuſtom in Cardandan Chevy Chace at the time vii . 144 Chia drink of the Cochin -Chineſe 788 in Barbary 434 Chiacares fruit deſcribed 373 in Morocco 776 Chiahar- bagh ix . 25 on the Gold Coaſt, Chiapes, Cacique xiv . 144 Guinea xvi. 388.423 Chiarman village ix . 60 - in Benin xvi. 526 Chiavenna, Laghetto di 895 Child- dropping, practice in China vii . 413 valley ibid. Childeric's bull iii . 374 country 937 Children, mode of treating, in Lap government ibid . land town ibid. education i . ibid . fortreſs 938 of Iceland i . 660 aſbeſtos ibid . Icelandic, time of weaning i. 751 Chibly, Emir 334 -, treatment in England ii . 517 Chica drink in Quito xiv . 459.518 of the Ine of Skie iii. 636 Chica Bala- pura town , hiſtory of it viji . 665 ſee the ſecond - light in Chica-bayli-caray viii . 766 Scotland iii . 672 Chica Cavil viii. 718 carried away by an eagle iii. 669. 759 Children, 607 111 . V. 111 . X. xiv . 488 iii. ix. xi. XV. XV. V. V. V. i . 167. 373 V. V. X. [88 ] INDE X. PAGE 722 X. xi. 3 > 22 9 > 526 > 7 > > > 819 > > 9 vii. > 674 VOL. VOL . PAGE Children in Ruſſia vi . 708 Chimney -ſwallows of America xiii . 550 mode of treating, in Japan vii . 634 Chimo valley xiv. 561 nurture of, in Siam viii . 476 Chin , fea of vii . 159 - , power of parents over, China, attempted north -eaſt paſſage in China viii . 506 to i . 70 treatment in Siam ix . 582 Dutch attempts at a north in Tonquin ix . eaft paſſage to i . 81.85.90 treatment of Arabian 143. 165 canals in ii . 320 treatment in Batavia 193 travels of Benjamin of Tudela of nature xi . 942 from Spain to vii. 4 treatment of Virginian xiii. 35 travels of Rubruquis in vii. ſacrifice of xiii . 41 Marco Polo's travels in vii. 102. 170 treatment in Barbary XV. 638 on the conqueſts of the treatment of Mooriſh xv.764.773.776 Tartars in vii . 170 - , management of the Hot Cathay an empire in vii . ibid . tentot xvi . 102 -, hiſtory of vii. ibid . - , management in Congo, xvi . 237 travels of two Mohammedans deſtroyed at their birth through vii. 180. 200 by the Gagas xvi. 326 Nieuhoff's travels in vii . 233 Negro, of the Gold Bell's travels in vii . 374 Coaft, Guinea xvi . 388.423.481 Great Wall vii . ibid. 408 of the King of Fida xvi . 491 ſoldiers 411 in Benin xvi . mines vii. 412 education in Loango xvi . 571 merchants vii . ibid . in Sofala xvi . 697 tea vii . ibid . treatment of Canarian xvi . manufactures vii . ibid . education of Mandingo xvi. 872 trade vii . 451 baptiſm of Mandingo xvi. 874. 892 Goez's travels from Lahor Childrey's, Mr., hiſtory of the fingu to 577 larities of Scotland i . 742 journey from Aftrachan to vii . Child's treatiſe on trade ii . 298 Hamilton's deſcription viii . 484 Child's , General, oppreſſions in Bom Dutch trade to xi . 207 bay viii . 330 Chriſtianity intended to be lift of grievances viii . 335 introduced inſtead of Boodhiſm ix . war brought on by him 341 Pigafetta's deſcription xi . Chili, Betagh's account xiv. China, Emperor of, account of him vii . 191 Ovalle's Historical Relation xiv. 30 Ebn Wahab's -, Ulloa's deſcription xiv. 666. 679 conferences with him vii . 204 Chili , the Mexican fauce xui. 802 his knowledge vii . ibid. Chilians , Ovalle's deſcription of act of juſtice them xiv. 109. 114 done by him vii . 212. 225 Chillapulla Raya viii . 699 Nieuhoff's ac Chillerton Downs 710 count of him vii . 264 Chillingham caſtle iii . 489 audience vii . ibid. 266 Chillingworth , Governor xii . 358 his preſents and Chillis town 384 letter to the Governor-General of Chilloas juriſdi tion xiv. 611 Batavia vii . 268 Chillon caſtle 808 Bell's account Chilmaner ruins deſcribed ix . 193 of an audience vii . 382 Chiloe iſlands, Ovalle's defcription xiv. 90. 123 deſcription of Chiloe government xiv, 681 him vii. 411.440. xi. 378 Chilques juriſdi &tion xiv. 617 China river x . 665. xi. 114 Chilton ii . 187 village 672 Chilumbo teft of Congo xvi . 220 China Backaar river viii . 418. xi . 572 Chimæra niountains ix . 3 Chinalaph , the ancient 520 Chimbadores of Peru xiv. 562 China -manufacture at Derby ii . 371 Chimbo juriſdi& ion, Quito xiv. 472 of Hochit vi . Chimborazo, Bouguer's deſcription xiv. 283. 293. Chinapatam town viii . 594. 616 419.473.529 China -roſe of the Te of France xi . 768 Chimeras in Japan vii . 698 China-ware, obſervations on vii . 229. 245 Chimney - ſweep, hiſtory of one ii . Bell's obſervations on vii . 398 Chinchilla viii. 706 378 20 > 11 . 09 X. V. XV. 246 548 INDE X. [89] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE V. 508 viii . Vill . town vili. ninth century XV. ix . Chiva country iv . 526 298 218 368 V. iv. > 418 Chinchilla town 598 Chitrakaru caſt, their manners and Chinchintalas province, Polo's deſcrip cuſtoms viii . 642 tion vii . 120 Chi- Tſong, Emperor, his hiſtory viii . 172 Chinchipe river xiv. 216.495 Chi - Tſou, hiſtory of him vii , 171. 176 Chinchon, Count de xiv. etymology vii. ibid . Chinchura, Dutch factory at 413 Chittagong, Hamilton's account 415 Chine, La, St. Lawrence xiui . 698 Chitteldroog plain viii. 763 Chineche, ſee Teneriffe. 764 Chineſe, Ruſſian trade with them vi. 884 Chitwa fort viji . 376 , deſcription of them in the Chitwa iſland vii. 734 vii . 187. 190. 193 Chiurma harbour 105 their manners and cuſtoms vii . 215 Chiuua of Tunchim 826 ſufferings from the Tartars vii . 239 vii. 284 conftancy and perſeverance vii . 408 Chlorite of Mont Blanc 701 wars with the Tartars vii . 410 Choaniſt Indians xii. 579. xiii . 9 manufactures vii , 412 Chobwas of the Birman empire ix . Bell's deſcription of them vii . 413 Choco, gold of xiv. language vii . , 416 Chocolate, Liſter's obſervations on iv. 53 their connection with the of Carthagena xiv . 337. 353 Japaneſe vii . 638 Chocope, Ulloa's deſcription xiv. 560 deputies to the Birman -- phenomenon of rain in xiv. ibid. 588 court ix . 483 Choctaw Indians xii. 452. 463 ceremonies of viſiting ix . 488 Choczim , battle of i . anecdotes of them ix . 514. 548 Choir of the Eſcurial colony in Siam ix . 575 Choiſeul, Duke de 129 their wars with the Siameſe ix. 654 Choiſeul port, Madagaſcar xvi. 789 with the Tonqui Cholos, Indian boys xiv. neſe ix . 680 Chono iſlands xiv, 91. I 24 their trade in Tonquin ix . 738. Chop of the Sultan of Caytongee xi . 130 in Cochin - China ix. 795 Chopin , Don Marcos xiii . 838 maſſacre of them, at Batavia Chora city ix . ( note ) xi . 177 Choraſan province idols 179 Choraflan province deſcribed vii. 213 their trade to Macaſſer xi . 243 Chorazin 462 in Amboyna xi. 268 Chorluke, the Calmuck Prince vii. of Timor xi . 803 Chorography of England ii . Chineſe-books in the Imperial Choros filh of Chili xiv. 73 Academy of Sciences vi. 824 Choſhid, ſee Jemſhid . Chineſe Campon at Batavia xi . 177 Chova of Tonquin Chingani of Syria 572 Choultry of Vira Permal Pillay viii . 576 Ching -tu -fu city vii . 573 at Conjeveram 577 Chinna town viii . 698 Oular Satghadam viii . 579 Chin '-narayan -durga 686 Chounda of a Birman temple ix . 534 Chinon river ix . 60 Chouſes of the Janizaries 304 Chinſan - Baian vii . 149. 151 Chouffalong mountain xiv. 296 Chios, ſee Scio. Chowgaut, Buchanan's deſcription viii. 735 Chioſlec town 718 Chriſma of the Coptis Chiova town, Congo xvi . 240 Chriſt, the Jews' account of 267 Chiovachianza, miſſion to xvi. 269 Turks' opinion of 285 Chipanum wears xii . 581. xiii. 16 place of his birth and actions Chipit in Mindanao 349 deſcribed X. 349. 362. 415.436. 454 Chipping Norton ii . Poncet on the perſon of 87 Chiquitos nation xiv. 633.636.641 the Moors' opinion of 472 Chirigriquas nation 72 Chrift-Church College, Oxford ii . 119 Chiriguanos nation xiv. 633. 637 Chrift - Church ii. 300 Chirimoya fruit of Quito xiv . 299. 457 hiftory of ibid . Chirk caſtle ii. 621 Chriſtchurch village ii . 590 Chifecco - tree of Congo xvi. 249 Chriſt Church, Philadelphia xili . 388 Chiſwell, Colonel xiii . 710 Chriſtenings in the Scilly Illes ii, 755 Chitor kingdom vili . 55 in Mingrelia ix . 148 VOL. XVII. [ M ] Chriſtenings, > 10 ix . 171.195 X1 . X. 281 I ix. 682. 745 X. VI viii. XV. X. XV. 369 X. X. X1 . 202 XV. XV. XV1 . [90] INDE X. PAGE VOL. 428 276 vi. to vi. > X. 16 ix . > land ( note) 316 111 vii . 683.713 . > 822 VOL. PAGE Chriſteninge, ceremony in Perfia ix . 252 Chriſtina, Queen of Sweden, abdication vi . 486 Chriſtiaanſburgh fort, Guinea xvi . 367 Chriſtina-kill river xui. 427 Chriſtian the Firſt of Denmark, anec. fort xiii . dotes of vi . 337 Chriſtinaux Indians xii. Chriftian the Second, his tomb and Chriſtmas ceremonies of the Cophts xv . 230 character vi . 340 Chriſtmas iſland xi . 104 Chriftian the Fourth, portrait of 298 Chrilto , Monte xii . 46.62 Chriſtian the Sixth, anecdote of i . 412 Chrifto , Monte, Quito xiv . 388. 392 Chriſtiana, country from Fredericſtadt town xiv , 399 vi . 363 Chriſt's Hoſpital , London ii . 63 city 364 Chronicles of Denmark i . 128 harbour vi . 365 of Iceland i . 670 trade vi . ibid . account of them i . 671 Chriſtiana, the recluſe ii . 459 of Memmingen, extract Chriftiana iſlands ( note ) 606 from Chriſtian apoftates in Perfia 52 of Snorro Sturleſon vi 317 Chriftianity among the Laplanders i . 174 of Petreius vi. 743 in Iceland i . 648 of Neftor, account of it vi . 848 its introduction into Ice of Moſcow 858 vi . of the Chineſe for 4000 arguments againſt 917 years on defenders of 771 of Shah Cherag at Shiraz ix . 244 Sir Thomas Roe's account Perſian ix . 269 of its eſtabliſhment in Hindoftan viii . 47 Chronicon Manniæ ii . in Ethiopia viii . 10 Chronology of Iceland i . 659 in Agra viii . 169 of the Japaneſe vii . 720 ſingular Chineſe anecdote of Hindottan viii . 190 of it on its firſt promulgation ix . 706 of the Siameſe ix . 573 in Laos ix. 766 Chryſaorean meeting 670 fociety for promoting, Chryſolites of Stromboli 112 in America хіі . 405 of Lipari 198 in Abyſſinia 26 . of Vivarais 199 in Congo and Loango xvi . 562. 567.597 Etnean ibid . Mungo Park on its intro Chryſopolis, ancient city vii. 509. X: 701 duction into Africa xvi . 893 Chryſtals of Penſylvania xiii . 404 Chriſtians ſettled in China vii . 225 of the Cordilleras xiv , 50 horrible puniſhments in Chfaia monaſtery ficted on them in Japan vii . 632 Chuapa river, Chili xiv. 53 of Ogouli viii . 124 Chub, Captain, anecdotes of him xii . 401 in Japan, their confpi Chub - fiſh , ſingular anecdote of 255 racies viii. 514 Chucaſdes, the church, in Lapland i . 173 tortures inflicted on them viii . 515 Chucha of South America xiv, 534 at Mangalore viii . 748 Chuchiululion town ix . 117 account of Georgian ix . 127. 135 Chuchunga river xiv. 217 in Siam ix . 644.647.651 village in Arabia 142 Chucuito juriſdiction xiv . their treatment in Turkey lake ibid . and Arabia contraſted 158 Chudleigh town ii . 266 treatment by the Turks 262 Chulapa deſert xiv. 438 in Turkey 264.279 Chulos at bull- fights 533 of Damaſcus 504 Chumbi Vilcas juriſdiction xiv . 617 Mahomet’s patent in their Chunchian province vii . 140 favour 389 Chun Tchi, Emperor, hiſtory of him vii . 175 the Moors’ deteftation of Chun- ti , the Emperor vii . 171 them 454 Chuntock of Fokien , his adventures viii . treatment in Morocco 762 Chuquiacans xiv. 622 Chriftianſhafen vi . 299 Church, Major xii . 395 Chriſtianſtadt town vi . 376 Church diſcipline of the Weſtern Illes iii . Chriſtie , Alexander ( note) iii . 412 Churches, Greek i . Chriſtina, Queen of Sweden i . 144 in Moſcow i . 31 her hiſtory vi . 486 in Ruſſia i . I 2 Churches V. XV. 5.91 V. 7 X. 299 . v. > > xiv. ibid. 495-501 X. 631 > xiv. X. > X. X. V. X. XV . XV. 496 XV. 61522 38 INDEX. [91 ] PAGE - 418 458 462 466 VOL. PAGE i . 133 i . 225 i . 265 i . 303 326 331 ibid . i . 347 i . 349 i . 357 517 i . 650 i . 764 ii . 32 ii . 105 ii . 139. 150 206 ii . 339 341 350 ii . 354 362 ii . 370 ii . 384 643 646 653 656 1 ii . 386 396 iv . Churches in the Low Countries at Cracow at Stockholm at Torneo at Fahlun at Linkoping at Grenna at Soderhamm at Sundſwal at Afehle of Colwitch of Iceland of Berghen of Norwich of Oxford Univerſity of England of Worceſter of Ayleſbury of Buckingham of Warwick of Coventry of Leiceſter of Derby of Aſhburn of Bakewell of Tidſwell of Ripon of Winſley of Ayſgarth of Northampton of St. Alban's of St. Paul's, London of Windſor of Nettlebed of Llandaffe of Bridgenorth at Havod in the Iſle of Wight of the Scilly Illes at Spalding at Burlington at St. Hilda's at Berwick at Edinburgh at Perth at Kinmore at Aberdeen at Glen -Urquie at Glaſgow at Penrith at Kendal at Lancaſter at Chefter at Mancheſter at Winwick at Wigan at Standiſh at Whitehaven at Wigton at Carliſle at Warthwick ii . ii . VOL . Churches at Dumfries iii ,. 22 1 at Duriſdeer iii . 226 at Paiſley 245 at Liſmore 354 at Dunkeld 390 at Dundee iii . of St. Andrew's 449 of Dumfermline of Stirling of Linlithgow of Kelſo 484 of Newcaſtle iii . 499 of Halifax 523 of Scotland iii . 525 of Lewis Illes 583 of Kirkwall iii . 687 in the Ine of Bute in the Iſle of Arran in the Ine of Ila 652 in Colonſa in Jona in the INe of Egg 662 in the Orkney Ines iii . 690. 749 of Shetland 792 of Waterford 855 at Milan iv . 243 at Verona 248 at Vicenza iv . 249 at Padua iv. 250 at Venice iv . 254 at Bologna iv . 262. 277 of Valladolid 314 of Salamanca 319 of the Eſcurial of Madrid of Toledo 542 of Saragoſſa of Aranjuez 559 of Cordova v. 563 xvi. 187 of Cadiz 585 of Valencia 605 of Einſedlin 658 of Soleure 711 of Zug 722 at Lauſanne 804 at Madona at St. Guglielmo at Lugano of Mentz vi. 252 of Siockholm vi . 424 of Upſal vi . 475 of Ruſſia vi . of Moſcow vi. 581 their ſtructure and interior vi. 593. 596 of Troitſkoi Kloſter vi. 621 in Pekin ( note ) 444 at Agra 169 of Diu 311 in Goa 352.354 in Tellichery 371 in Calcutta 410 ( M 2 ] Churchcs V. ii . V. 366 423 428 430 451 460 520 530 537 591 617 648 714 7508 9 15 23 29 39 4560 384 548 ii . ii . V. ni. V. V. V. 918 iii . 938 990 V. iii . 104 112. 259 120 123 ii. - 1 24. 182 576 173 177 178 179 180 196 201 202 III 203 [92] INDEX. VOL . PAGE viii . 466 619 ix . XV. X. XV. X. Xv. 416 X. > XV. 421 X. XV. X. X. XV. X. X. 408 X. X. 418 X. X. X. xvi. X. X. VOL. PAGE Churches in Malacca 435 Churches of Popayan xiv. 483 in Siam viji , in Guamanga xiv . 612 in Macao viii . 485 in Cuſco xiv . 615 in Canton viii . 492 in Arequipa xiv . of Mingrelia 146 in La Plata xiv. 622 of Georgia ix . 151 in La Paz xiv. 629 of Templis ix . ibid. in the Paraguay Miſſions xiv . 638 of Erivan ix . 153 of Santiago xiv. 678 at Goa, beauty of their of Coquimbo xiv. 682 fituations ix . 234 of Valparaiſo xiv. буо at St. Thomas's ix . 397 Dutch , of Brazil xiv . 732 of Cochin -China ix . 799 in Abyſſinia xv. 27.81.91 built in one day ix . 805 oi Grand Cairo 186 in Bombay 203 of Mount Sinai 290 of Nicoſia 278 of Weſt Barbary ſhabby, of Bellulca 309 a Moor's obſervations on of Beroot 325 Engliſh ruins of, in Canaan 330 of Tetuan 455 of Jeruſalem 339 Mooriſh ſtyle of build of Nazareth 362 ing 653 of Damaſcus x. 369. 372 at the Cape of Good of Mount Sinai 393 Hope xvi . 8 of Rama of Seville xvi . 187 of Lydda 409 of Narbonne xvi . 191 of Jeruſalem of Marſeilles xvi . 192 of Tyre 470 . of Sogno, Congo xvi . 244 , ancient, of Rouiah 524 of Norchie xvi . 280 of Aleppo 528 of Loanda 294 of Romkala 532 of Annabon Inand xvi . 515 of Beneclify 557 of Rio Formoſa xvi . 519 of Antioch 561 Church.government of Perfia ix . 215 of Laodicea 565 Churchill's Collection i. 535.537. viii. 1.523 of Famaguſta 578 ix.656.773. xii. 1.. xiv. 30.697 . xvi . 148. 195 of Crete 608 Churchill's river , Hudſon's bay of Smyrna X. 650 Church -lands of Ruſſia vi . of Conftantinople con in Perlia ix . verted into Moſques 724 Churchmen, Perſee command of Manilla xi . 79 ments to viii . 566 of St.Jago 101. 171 Church -muſic in England ii . 537 of Batavia 177 of Barbary 422 of Amboyna 276 Church -offerings of the Laplanders 174 of Botton, New England xii . 260 Church-ſervice at Stockholm i . of Quebec xiii . 263. 635 in England ii . 537 of Canada xiii . 365 Church - ſeſſion of Scotland ii. 526 of Philadelphia xiii. 388 Church town, St. Mary's ii . 740 of New Brunſwick xiii . 450 Church- yard of St. Innocents at of Elizabeth town xiii . 451 Paris iv. 18 of New York xiii . 457. 737 of the Dutch, iſland of Albany xiii . 584 of St. Thomas ſo called xvi . 513 of Montreal xili , 626 Churn of Houſe Iſland iii . in Maſſachuſets xiii. 746 Churwalden community 955 in Havanna X111 . 764 Chuſan iſland viii . 514 in Vera Cruz xiii . 777 Chuſay fignal ſtation of Lima xiv. 162.570 Chuſiſtan province ix , 173 of Carthagena xiv. 329 Chuzeſthan city of Porto Bello xiv. 361 Chylemath, the ancient 518 of Panama xiv. 375 Ciangli city vii . 148 of Guayaquil xiv. 394 Ciangu city sii . 147 of Quito xiv. 443 Ciaſcian province vii . 118 of Latacunga xiv. 469 Cibao, gold mines of xii . 65 of Cuenca xiv. 474 province xii , 66 Cibil X. X. xii . 275. 370 815 221 X. xi . xi. XV. xi. 264 22 xiv. 433 • 439 vii. 6. 12 XV. INDEX. [93 ] PAGE VOL. X. XV. XV. vii . XV . vi. XV. V. xi. X. iv. X. 675 X. X. X. X. V. IO - V. 1 416 V. vii. viii . 385 X. XV. XV. VOL . PAGE Cibil plant xiv. 128 Circumcifion of girls 162 Ciboa tree of the Gambia xvi . 909 ceremonies in Mindanao xi . 16 Cibotus, the ancient X. 684 of the Friendly iflanders xi . 694 Cibotus port 167 of the Abyffinians 92 Cicada of Japan 704 among the Moors 433. 777 of Barbary XV. 632 practiſed in Guinea xvi . 423. 484 Cicefbeat of Vienna vi . 99 in Benin xvi. 526 Ciceſbeos of Gratz 132 of both ſexes practiſed Cicelio of Milan iv. 243 by the Mandingoes xvi. 872 Cicogno, Count , on the Milaneſe Circumnavigators, obſervations on xi . 400 pertica ( note ) iv . 559 Circus at Bath ii . 250 Cid , definition of the word ( note ) 514 - , national, at Paris iv. 296 Cigarrales near Toledo 543 of Saguntum 610 Cigars of Manilla 82 of Epheſus 659 Ciglione, irrigation at 565 of Aphrodiſias Cilapulapu, his battle with Magellan xi . 345 of Laodicea 678 Cil.chattan iii . 253 of Athens 754 Cilicia , paſs of 546 Cirenceſter city ii . 240 Cimarus, the ancient 601 hiitory ii . ibid . Cimone mountain abbey ii . ibid . Cinco Fronde, on the earthquake at Cirillo Verde xiv. 674 (note) 276 Cirion town ix . its deſtruction 288 Cirta, the ancient XV. 550 Cinghianfu city 151 Ciſſus of the Gambia xvi. 636 Cingui city vii . 150 Ciſterns of Cadiz 572 Cinnabar of the granite of Feltre 131 of the Japaneſe vii . 781 in Japan vii . 691 of Solomon, at Rofelayn X. 330.355.469 Cinamon of C - ylon (note) xi . 204 of St. Helena 413 of Tonquin ix . 719. 741 - , ancient, of Alexandria 167 Pigafetta's account of xi . 357 - , ancient, of Carthage 563 wild , of Jamaica хіі . 320 Cithieu ancient name of St. Omers i . 796 Antigua Cities , fingular fituation of twelve of Quixos, Quito xiv. 492 Engliſh ii. 288 Spaniſh , of Macas xiv . 494 their importance to liberty 194 of Brazil xvi . 203 Citium, ancient city Cinnamon -wood of Chili xiv. 87 Citricho , mulberries at 601 Cinque-foil graſs Citrons of America xiii . 360 Cinrag iſlands vii. 13 Citron - trees of Brazil 203 Cintiqui city vii . 147 Citroules, culture of, in France iv. 507 Cipango xii . Citruls of America xiii . 360 Cipangu xi . 323 Ciudad Real 561 Cipo river xii . 568. xiii.7 Ciudad Rodrigo 320 Circaſſia, Della Valle's account ix , 46 Cius, the ancient 720 Chardin's deſcription ix . 142 Civet- cats of Virginia xii. 594 Circaſſians, Chardin's deſcription 142 of Abyſſinia 90 their manners and cuſtoms ix . 166 xvi . 271 Circle , the fiery 612 of the Gold Coaſt xvi . Circles of ſtone, in Arran ii. 262 of Haſleb -ullah xvi . - , ancient, in Sweden Civility of the Japaneſe vii . 797 and Denmark vi . 348 Civilization, true mode of 105 -, worſhip of vi . inquiry into the ſtate Circuits, the fix Engliſh ii . 131 of, in Ruſſia 812 of Tunis 557 effects on the ſtrength Circulation of money in Dreſden vi . 148 xi. in Saxony vi . 151 of the Mohocks xii . 415 in Pruſſia vi. of the Virginians, ob in Hindoftan viii . 134 fervations on xiii . Circumcifion in Perfia ix . 252 Rochon's obſerva. - , on its origin 161 xvi. 742 a means of health ibid . Civil -law of England ii . 126 in Arabia ibid . Clacha-bràth of Jona iii . 299 Clachan xii . 348 iv . X. 576 iv. ji . I 2 xvi . 13 v. X. > ix . XV. > of Congo iii . . 438 830 vi . 350 vi. Xv. > of man 948 187 148 X. tions on X. [ 94 ] INDEX. PAGE XV. iv . V. V. X111 804 vi. 809 38 II2 vi. V. S iii. iii . 872 VOL . VOL. PAGE Clachan in Rafay uli . 627 Clergy of Scotland iii . 76.528 Clachnan - Druinach ii. 296 of the Orkneys iii . 753 Clackmannan town 460 of Shetland 780 Cladich village iii . 367 of Paris iv. 170 Claget, Biſhop 395 effects of the revolution on Claig caſtle iii . 280 the French 423 Clampe , M. de la , anecdotes of him xi. 931 their demands iv. 432 Clams, ſhell-fiſh , of New York xiii . 454. 736 immenſe riches of the Spa Clan-Alpin 315 niſh 404 Clan - Chattan battle with Clan- Kay iii . 413 taxation 423 Clanreaghurkie iii . 890 of Zuric 067 Clans, mode of aſſembling the High of Engadina 909 land 93 of theValteline 930 Clan vic n ' ofter tribe iii . 658 of the Griſons 969 Clapuleo, aloes of of Bavaria Claquin, Bertran xvi. of Saltzburg vi . 55 Clarendon printing office ii . of Paſſau 59 Clarendon's account of Sudeley caſtle ii . 237 of Bohemia , mode of life vi. 142 Clarens, caſtle of 807 manners of the German, Clarey, monument at iv. 131 at the Reformation vi. 167 Clark, Governor xii . 358 of Hamburg vi . 218 Clarke family ii . 320 of Denmark 219 Clark's iſland , New Holland xi . 897 of Wurtzburg vi. 235 Claſſerniſs, ſtones at the village 577 of Bamberg vi. 237 Claſſes of people in England ii . 92. 143 of Francfort vi . 242 in Ireland of Mentz vi. 254 Clas Vogt's Rivier xvi . 87 of Cologne vi . 271 Clauda ile X. 598 of the Netherlands vi . 288 Claude the artiſt ii . 656 in Denmark vi. 313 Claudian's account of Etna 82 of Ruſſia vi . 588 Claudius, Emperor 34 ceremonies of the Greek vi. 704 Clauſen , Mr. xii . 411 obſervations on the Ruſ. Clauffen's, General, manufactories fian vi . 815 at Fredericſwerk vi. of Baſſora 293 Clavering family ii . 345 of Surat 317 Claverton Downs ii . 252 of Goa viii . 352. 354 Clavijo on the Canary Iſlands xi. 745 in the Samorin's dominions viii . 375 Claws of a ſerpent deſcribed xvi. 448. 464 of Madras viii . 394 Clay, rare in Ireland iii . 865 viii . 425 of France 308 of Siam viii . 465 indurated, of Malabar viji . 741 Chineſe viii . 503 of Barbary, 609 of Mingrelia 145 - , eaten by the Negroes xvi . 898 of Georgia ix . 150 Clayton, Biſhop 13 of Candia 276 CLAYTON's journal from Cairo to of the Maronites 293 Mount Sinai 387 in Manilla xi , Clazomene, the ancient 652 in Batavia 190 Cleanlineſs of the Engliſh ii . 499 of Amboyna, anecdotes of xi. 274 of the Siameſe ix . 587 of Canada xii . 364.647.695 Clearance of lands in New South of Virginia xili . 713 Wales 931 of Maryland xiii . 726 Cleck -gooſe of Orkney 688 of St. Jago xiv, 174 Cleer pariſh ii . 152 of Carthagena xiv . 330 Clefts of the Pyrenees iv. 714 of Panama xiv. 375 Clement, M. iv. 33 of Guayaquil xiv. 394 Clement, Mr., of Killadoon 813 of Quito xiv. 443• 445 Cleopatris, the ancient 275. 294 of Lima xiv. 571. 573 Clergy ofthe church of England in the Paraguay Miſſions xiv. 640 German ii . 501.519 in Dutch Brazil xiv. 732 at Oxford ii. 341 of Abyſſinia V. XV. 9 ) 326 of Pegu iv . . XV. ix . X. 79 X. xi . xi. iii . XV. ii. 144.519 XV. 81.91 Clergy INDEX. [ 95] VOL . PAGE XV. XV. ii . iv . 211 212 iv. iv . > viii, 776 X. 581 436 521 ix , 418 Clergy of St. Catherine's, Mount Sinai 291 the Copti , of Egypt XV. 367 of Weſt- Barbary 418 Dutch, in Guinea xvi . 379 Portugueſe , in Annabon xvi . 515 Clerk, the Oxford clergyman 542 Clerke, Captain , his voyage with Captain Cook xi . 639 Clerks of Ruſſia vi . 877 of China vii . 191 Clermont, environs of iv. 84 town ſprings near iv. mamufactures of 386 vineyards 454 cattle iv. 480 foreſts of iv. 522 Clermont college, Paris iv. 36 Ciet-chapel, grant of iii . 755 Clets of Caithneſs iii . 807 Cleveland bay xi. 547 Clides iſlands Clifford, Anne, her hiſtory ii . Clifford, Anne, Counteſs of Dorſet iii . Clifford, Earl ii . Clifford family ii . 435 Clifton manſion ii . 449 Clifton village ii . 247 Clifton's ferry, Potowmac xiii. 725 Climate of Ruſſia i . 47 of Torneo i . 307 of Lapland i . 318 Ricciolus's table of (note ) i . 605 of Iceland i . of Arran 259 of Ila iii . 288 of Skie 329.629 of Leith iii . 475 of the Iſle of Lewis 575 of the Iſe of Harries 11 . 584 of Lingay iſle 598 of Jura 648 of the Ille Mull 111 . 654 of the Orkney iſles iii . 686. 741 of Shetland iſles 693 of Ireland ii. 866 its effects on opinions iii . 914 of Paris 71 of Italy 271 of France iv . 310 of Provence 314 of Piedmont iv . 551 of the Milaneſe iv. ibid . of Tuſcany iv. 552 of Parma iv. ibid. of Lombardy ibid . of Catalonia iv . 665 of Majorca iv. 675 of Stromboli 251 of Alicuda and Felicuda 258 VOL. PAGE Climate, its effects on the iſlanders 258 effects of a pure 258 its effects on man 514 of Hungary vi . 110. 117 of Bohemia vi. 135 its effects on the mind and body vi . 228 of Norway vi. 359 of Ruſſia vi . 667 of Tibet vii. 597 of Japan 683 of Gombroon viii. 297 of Pegu viii . 428 of China viii . 510 of the Carnatic viii. 584 of the Myſore viii . 588.660 of the Coorg country 702 of Coimbetore 721 - of Carculla 751 of the coaſt of Coromandel viii. of Perſia ix. 34. 176 of Ferhabad ix . 54 of Media and Parthia ix . 157 of Tellicherry ix. 233 of Shiraz 257 of the north of Perſia ix . 310. 315 of the Birman empire ix, 501 of Siam ix. 583 of Tonquin ix . 657.708 of Arracan ix . 760 of Laos ix. 764 of Cochin-China ix . 774 of Arabia 181 of Bombay of Surat X. of Cyprus 280. 588 - of Mount Sinai 394 of Scio 627 of Angora 690 of Mindanao xi . of the Philippine iſlands 71 of Manilla xi . 83 of the Canary iſlands xi . 99 of Borneo xi . 108 of St. Helena xi. 154 of Java xi . 164 of Amboyna xi . 253 of New Holland 453 of Savu iſland 561 beyond the Cape of Good Hope xi : 567 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 642 obſervations on, during a xi . 754 in the Iſle of France xi. 762 - on the coaſt of New Holland xi . of Maria iſland 871 of New South Wales xi . 917.925 its effects on labour 945 of New Albion xii. 170 - of Newfoundland xii . 174 Climate X. X. 202 642 2II X. X. X. X. 9. 26 xi. 111 . xi. iv . iv . xi. ! iv . voyage to India 798 iv . xi. xi. v . [96 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL. XV . Xv. XV. XV . XV . 316 45. 146 381 514 xiii. 540. 579. 600 Xili . > X111 . IOI 480 V. PAGE Climate of Virginia xii . 239. 608. xiii . 24. 708 Climate of Dar- Für 138. 148 of New England xii . 255 of Egypt 327 of Bermudas xii. 266. xiii . 171 of Weſt Barbary 439 of Barbadoes xii . 295 of Algiers and Tunis 595 of Maryland xii . 308 of Morocco 700. 706 of Jamaica xii. of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 6. 8. 29, of Carolina xii . 342 of Antigua xü . 347 of the Gold Coaſt of Guinea xvi . of Hudfon's Bay xii. 363.374 of St. Thomas iſland, Guinea xvi . 513 of Penſylvania xii . 383 of Annabon iſland xvi . of New England xii. 214 at the equinoctial line, of Canada xiii. 262 Guinea xvi . 516 of Lake Superior 341 of Rio Formofa, Benin xvi . 519 of Philadelphia xiii. 392. 411 of Loango, Cacongo, & c . xvi. 549. 567 of New York xiii . 462.518.737 of Teneriffe xvi . 604 of North America xiii . 529. 535 of Podor, Senegal xvi. 618. 619. 651. 665 of Montreal 627 of Fayal iſland xvi . 672 of Quebec xiii. 650. 680 of Madagaſcar xvi. 787 effects of cultivation and of the interior of Africa, population on ( note ) xili. 681 Mungo Park's account xvi . 869 of Rhode Iſland xiii . 740 Climax mountain 322 of Havanna 566 Climbing, mode of, practiſed at of Guaxaca xiii . 822 St. Kilda 720 of Peru xiv. 8 Shetland iii . 791 of Chili xiv , 35 Clipperton, Captain xiv . 13 of the Cordilleras xiv . 47. 62. 81 Cliftinos, Indians xiii . 340 of Cuyo xiv. Cloake's, Samuel, depoſition xii . of Coquimbo xiv . 187 Cloaks, Lapland i . 384 of Conception xiv. 192 , Spanih 510 of Peru xiv. 279 feather, of the Sandwich of Quito xiv . 286. 453 iſlanders xi. 733 of Carthagena xiv. - Barbary 658 of Porto Bello xiv. 364 of Morocco 709 of Panama xiv . 377 Clocks at Balle , fingularity in them 689 of Guayaquil xiv. 395. 396 of the Tonquineſe ix . 724 of San Miguel de Ibarra xiv. 465 Clogher, Biſhop of 13 of Latacunga xiv. 469 his journal from of Riobamba xiv. 471 Cairo to Mount Sinai 387 of Chimbo xiv. 472 Clogs for cattle in America xiii . 430. 446 of Cuenca xiv. 474 Cloiſters of the Eſcurial of Loja xiv. in Bavaria vi . of Popayan xiv. in Auſtria vi . 119 of Atacames xiv, 490 of Bohemia vi . 142 of Quixos xiv. 492 of the Mooriſh houſes 646 of Macas xiv . 493 Clonells, O'Connor of iii . 828 of Jaen de Bracamoros xiv. 495 Clonmell town 851 of Piura 557 Clos de Veaujeau, vines of iv . 453 of Truxillo xiv. Cloſe, Colonel, of Seringapatam 601 of Lima xiv. 583—589 Cloths of Yorkſhire ii . of Arequipa xiv, 619 of Frome Selwood ii . 29 of La Plata xiv. 622 of Newbury ii . 31 of Paraguay xiv. of Halifax ii . 37 of Buenos Ayres xiv. of Leeds in the South Sea xiv. of Louviers, Abbeville, and in Chili xiv. Sedan iv. 357 of Coquimbo La Serena xiv. French report on Britiſh iv. ibid . of St. Thomas xiv. 702 of France of Brazil xiv . 731 Engliſh and French iv. 638 of Abyſſinia 22. 28 made in Spain 332 of Sennar Xv. 71 imported by Hungary vi. 116 Cloths 338 XV. XV. v. X. V. 481 486 368 38 XV. xiv, viii . 15 ii . ibid. 419 637 643 655 669 683 iv. ibid. 359 XV, INDEX. [97] xi. 498 IT ü. 18. iii. 501 22 V. vi. 694 568 X. 634 452 xi, xiv . 230. 499 > VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE Cloth of Nankin vii. 248 Coaches of Vienna vi . 95 of plantain tree xi . 6 of Moſcow vi . 584 made of bark xi . 366 in Batavia 195 of Loango xvi . 574 Coachmen , hackney ii . - , cotton, of Sanſanding xvi. 846 Coal of Durham ii . of the Mandingoes xvi. 879 Camden's account of ii . ibid . Clothing of the Laplanders, (lee Dreſs) i . 383 of Newcaſtle Cloth manufacture of Glouceſter ii. 238 Cannel ii . 19 its introduction ii . ibid . Peacock ii. of M. Decretot iv . 164 of Derbyſhire ii. 472. 476 of Spain 395 of Sutherland iif. 84 of Stockholm 433 of Wigan jii , 180 of Otaheite xi . 520 of Whitehaven 197 of Tongataboo xi . 677 of Mary Port 199 of the Friendly Ides xi. of Arran 265 Cloth- trade with the Indians in of Dumfermline 457 Canada xiii. 687 exported from Scotland iii . Cloud -berries iii. 339 in France iv . 519 Clouds of locuſts in Arabia 188 in the tufa of Lipari 194 of locufts on the Gambia xvi. of Japan vii. 689 - atmoſpheric, prognoſtics of New South Wales xi . 937 on them xiii . 379.535 Coal-pit near Bedworth ii . 358 of Peru xiv. 281 on fire, near Leven on the Andes xiv. 289 Coal- trade of Sunderland ii . 38 of Lima xiv. 584 of Newcaſtle 19 Cloudybay 596 Coanza river, Congo xvi. 176 Clove iſlands xi . 56 Battel's adventures on xvi . 319 Cloven cliff i . 549. 551 Coari on the Amazons Clover, cultivation of, in France iv. 486 Coaſt Caſtle , Cape, Guinea xvi. 359 obſervations on iv. ibid . Coafting -trade of Spain 466 in Piedmont iv. 609 Coaſts of Norway i . 759 Milaneſe iv. ibid. -of Iceland 776 culture of, in Spain iv. 661 of Antrim 878 Cloves of Mindanao xi . 7 of Rachlin iſland iii . ibid . Clove - trees of Amboyna xi . 255 of Korea vii. 531 - , extirpation of them xi . 256. 280. 282 of Japan vii . 654.677 of the Molucca iſlands xi. 360. 365 of Africa, Hamilton's de of the Ile of France xi . 767 ſcription viii . 264 Clubs of the Fidaſians of Guinea xvi. 505 mode of aſcertaining an. Clumber park ii . 445 chorage by xí. 46 Clunie, Admirable Crichton of jii . 137 of Maria Iſland xi . 860 Cluſe town 801 of Schouten Iſland xi . 870 Cluverius, bis account of Stromboli 125 of New Holland xi. of Vulcano 154 of New England xiii . 212 of Charybdis 269 of Chili xiv. 71 - , on the Celts and Goths (note) v. 978 fertility of it xiv. 73 Clwyd, vale of ji . of Chili and Peru xiv. 646. 655 Clyde river lii. 111. 236 of Juan Fernandes xiv. 659.664 falls iii . 231 of Brazil xiv. 869 Cly -more iii . 318 of the Red Sea 11.58 Clyne pariſh iii . 155 of Algiers xv. 516. 531. 538 Clypea, the ancient XV. of Tunis 557. 578 Clyro village ii . 611 Coat, a Perſian ix . 42 Clyſma, the ancient 281. Coats of the Arabs 156 . Clyfters, anecdotes of 640 Cobahs in the palace of Mequinez xv. 468. 469 Clythoe, vale at ii . 584 Cobal caſtle 214 Cnoc-nar-aimgeal ii . 303 Cobalt manufacture of Bagnere de Cnofſus, the ancient 610 Luchon iv . 371 Cnuphis temple XV. 263 works at Foflum vi. 368 Coaches in London ii . 89.91 Cobb at Lyme ü . 292 in Paris iv . 5. 299 Cobb, William - 490 VOL. XVII . [N ] Cobbé, 772. 818 623 XV. 568 XV. XV. X. XY. XY. X 1 xiii. [98 ] INDE X. VOL . PAGE VOL . XV. XY. > a field Vi. Xull X. --- - ition PAGE Cobbé, Dar- Fûr 117.124 Cock -fighting among the Ton. town deſcribed 130 quinele ix . 726 itinerary to Sennaar from xvi . 827 in Manilla xi . 83 -, route from , to the copper in Java xi. 172 mines of Fertit xvi . 837 Cock -knee ftone iii . 289 Cobbs, Serjeant ' xiv. 3 Cockle-Tower iii . 19 Cobham, Lord ii . 111.343 Cockle iſland xi. 480 Cobham family ii . 189 Cockles, freſh , ploughed up from Cobinham , city, Polo's deſcription vii . 113 ii. 789 Coblentz, city 269 immenſe xi . 57 , agriculture round vi. 270 of Cockle iſland xi. 481 Coblentz, Archbiſhop of vi . 269 of Canada 357 Cobles of Yorkſhire i . 626 Cockman of Barray iii . 604. 668 Cobra de Capello, ſerpent 208 Cock- roaches of North - America xiii . 507 Cobre river xvi. 341. 343 Cocks, operation of clogging, ii . 680 Cobrilla diſeaſe in Carthagena xiv. 341 of the wood deſcribed 373 cobriffo metal of Peru xiv. 17 of Java viii . 453 oca, Pizarro's adventures at xii . 199 of Congo, the miraculous xvi, 229 herb of Popayan xiv. 487 of Guinea xvi . 433 Cocabones of the ſilver -mines xiv . 17 Cock's, Mr., anecdotes of a black Coccinelli inſects xiii. 820 ſnake xiii . 397 Cochabamba province xiv. 626 ſeat xüi. 405 Cochayuyo herb, Chili xiv . 676 Cock’s-herb of Panama xiv, 379 Cocheen, Francklin's account ix . 232 Cock's quills, ordeal by, in Benin xvi . 529 Cochin , battle of i. 214 Coc-limoge, mode of catching in - , Fitch's deſcription ix . 424 Siberia vii . 429 Cochir , Biſhop of xvi. 736 Cocoa-nut oil of Siam ix. 605.608 Cochin - China, Hamilton's deſcrip of Tonquin ix. 660 viii. 481. ix . 769 Cocoa-nut trees of the Maldives vii . 182 productions and trade ix. ibid . of the Maldives Borri's account ix. 773 deſcribed by Rochon xvi. 807 inundations ix. 774 -, ſhips built, rigged fruit ix . 775 and laden with vii. - , its temporal ſtate x . of the Maldive iſlands viii . 389 ſpiritual Atate ix . 797 of Malacca viii . 435 Cochin-China, King of, his power ix. 793 - , Pigafetta's deſcrip Cochin - Chineſe , their character ix. 769 tion xi. manners and cuſtoms ix . 784 of Jamaica xii . 317 prepared for the of Chili xiv . 88 Goſpel ix . 828 of Carthagena xiv. 355 Cochineal of Media 155 of Brazil xiv. 867. xvi . 202 De Menonville on xiii. 782.786 - , Lobo's deſcription xv. 13 his plans of the Gold Coaſt, to obtain the Mexican xili. 790. 818 Guinea xvi . 454 of Guaxaca xiii. 824. 826. 836: 854 of Loango xvi . 553 of Loja, Quito xiv . Santos' deſcription xvi . 719 Ulloa's account of it xiv . 478 Cocomas Indians xiv. 510 Cochineal-culture, Lipari well a Cocos iſland 443 dapted for 246 Cocounoucou mountain xiv . 296 Cochlearia, its effects on the ſcurvy i . 120.601 Cod, Cape, New England Cochran, Earl of Mar 478 Smith's account xiii . 219 Cock , Captain, anecdotes of him viii. 497 Cod of Finmark i . 436 Cockade, the national iv . ſpeckled i . ibid . Cockatoo of Bouton iſland xi . 62 ibid . of Van Diemen's Land xi. 847 mode of catching ibid . Cockburn, Captain xi, king 437 Cockermouth town iii. 195 long i . ibid . caftie ibid . black ibid . Cocke's voyage to the Rio de la the Icelandic Plata xvi. 317 , mode of curing ibid . eggs in one ibid . 10 Cod > 220 776 326 > ix . > 477 xi. xii . 248. 279 200 -, large I 20 > 750 INDEX. [99] PAGE PAGE 430 528 xvi. 821 XV. 94 X. iv. iv. 726 iv . 9 > xii. 304. 347 - 438 VOL. VOL. Cod of Berghen i . 766 Coffins of the Negroes on the Gold , Spaniſh conſumption of Eng Coaft xvi . liſh 467 in Benin xvi . Brazilian , of Guinea xvi. 449 of the Canarians Code of laws in Sweden vi . 521 Coffle, with which Mungo Park of Ruſſian laws vi . 809 travelled, deſcribed xvi. 897 of Birman laws ix. 492 Cofradias of Spain 431 Codex of the Edda i . 708 Coga city fize i . ibid . Cogioba of the Weſt Indians xii. 87 Codex Argenteus i . 150 Cogni, the ancient Iconium ( note) 692 Codex Evangeliorum at Stockholm vi. 406 Cohoes waterfall xiii . 590 Codex Thereſianus vi . 130 Cuhorn the engineer ii . 44 Cod -fiſhery of France 349 Coiat the Neſtorian vii . 41.87 of the Dutch xiii. 213 Coiganzu city vii. 148 of New England xiii. 215 Coil promontory viii. 384 Codogno town iv. 244 Coilan city, Balbi's account ix . 399 farm at iv . 554 Coiloan principality viii. 383 canals and irrigation of iv . 573 Coimbetore, Buchanan's defcription viii. 724 cattle and dairies 582 journey from the frontier - , feed and produce of crops iv . 594 of Malabarto viii. culture of ſilk 603 Coin of Ruffia i . 40 ► hemp and flax iv. 610 of England 149 implements and tillage . 616 found at Ripon ii . 423 taxation iv. 630 German 498 tithe iv. 635 of the Scilly Illes 752 - > prices iv . 650 diſcovered at Newcaſtle üi. 502 Codrington , Sir Chriſtopher ancient, of Pere Hardouin iv. 37 Coduganar village viii . 763 of Spain 437 Cochauyo of Chili xiv. 73 ancient gold ibid . Cælus port 736 filver Conaculum, church of X. ibid . Coeti ftate xi . --- of Sweden , obfervations on them vi. 534 Coffee, love of the Saxons for vi. ,neceffity of providing ſmall, in excife on Pruſſian 184 Sweden vi. 374 of Loheia x . 29 rare, of Mr. Thunberg vi. 479 Arabian mode of preparing X. 154 of Courland vi. 720 Blount's account of Turkiſh x . 263 collections of Ruſſian vi . 829 of Java xi . 168 of Kublai- Khan vii . 135 of Amboyna xi. 258 of China 19Ó. ĐÓI . 393 Coffee -houſes of London ii. 91 uſed at the diamond mines viii. 246 Moritz's deſcription of ii. 519 of Ethiopia viii . 272 Venetian 259 of Acheen 445 of Vienna 73 of Sambas viii. 460 of Iſpahan ix . 189 table of, uſed in India viii. 518 Arabian Roman , diſcovered near Palachy of Damaſcus in Malabar viii. 729 - , Egyptian 325 uſed in Perſian traffic ix . 207 Coffee mountains, journey to X. 41 of the Uſbeck Tartars ix . 331 Coffee -plant, Poncet’s account XV. 101 of Bokhara Coffee trade of Suez 277 of the Birman empire ix . 503 Coffee -trees of Betlefackee viii. of the Siameſe ix . 580 of Arabia deſcribed 196 of Tonquin Coffins diſcovered at Woburn ii. 455 of Cochin- China ix . 795 at Dunſtable at Jidda 24 -, ſhape of the Engliſh 499 of Borneo of the Tonquineſe ix . 697.730 of Batavia xi. 191 of the Governor of Pulu found at Chriſtina-kill xiii. 428 cambi 808 of Canada 625 -- of the Egyptian mummies xv. 357.818 in Bofton 748 in the inſide of the great in Havanna xiii . 763 Pyramid xv. 363 in St. Francis de Campeachy xü. 858 [N 2 ] Coin, 356 , new 232 156 * > > iv ! vni, vi. X. 33. 166 502 X. XV. ix. 374. 394 XV . 276 X. ix . 664.739 * :* :*: 458 X. xi . 139. 355 xiii . ( 100] INDEX PAGE VOL. xi . PAGE 499 xi. 567 XV. XV. 152 XV. XV. 459 xii. xii . xii. xiii . xiv. xiv. xiv. 169 273 659 529 19 63 294 XV. xvi. 778 V. moor vi. 687 v . iv. v. xiv. 425 614 V. iv . 234 iv. ibid . ii . 170 24 iii . ibid . 587 707 ii . 224. 579 viii , 712 ii . 618 ii. 57 iii . 827 iv. 489 viii. 733 xiv. 247 384 viii . 742 274 v. v. VOL. Coin, Roman, found in America xiv. 130 Cold, drowſy effects of of Sennar XV, 71 experienced by Captain Cook of Gondar experienced by Sir Francis of Dar- Fur Drake of Egypt 311 in Hudſon's bay in Fez in Canada ancient, found in Barbary xv. 508. 535 in North America petrified 612 of mine-countries uſed at the Cape of Good of the Cordilleras Hope xvi . 46 natural, Bouguer on of Loanda, Congo xvi. 157 experienced by the aftrono . of Benguela 213 mers on the Andes of Angola xvi . 298 Col de Balaquet, paffage of of Guinea xvi. 373 Col de Balme of Benin xvi . 533 Col de Pruſs Coinage in France (note ) iv. 404 Col de Tende of Spain 439 Coldingham abbey at the mint of Mexico (note) v. 479. 495 of Ruſſia convent at Catharinenburgh vi. 895 Coids, fingular cure for Coire town and biſhopric 949 Col du Geant government ibid . Coldwell cliffs cathedral 951. Coleagala town Coire, Biſhop of 919 Colebrooke Dale his titles, preroga Coleman - ſtreet ward tives , and revenues 951 Coleraine, fiſheries at Coire- chattachan iii. 317 Colefeed, culture of, in France Coiſon, port of ii . 269 Colgum in Malabar Coken hermitage iii . 507 Colibri, American bird Cokluanda i . 198 Colicha harbour Cola , city of i . 126 Colicodu town river 53 Coliers of the Iroqueſe Colaches i . ibid . Coligny's, Admiral, ſettlement in Colaert's , Admiral, naval actions i . Carolina Colageſc, cultivation about iv . 656 Colin Jongallach Colambu, Rajah of xi . 331 Colina river, Chili Colan town xiv. 647 Colk bird , of Lingay Ille Colangodu town viii. 731 Coll, Iſle of Colar town, Buchanan's deſcription viii. 650 Colla dreſs in Quito trade viii . 652 Collanes mountain Colas the diver 267 Collar, of the rein - deer Colas plant of Congo xvi. 248 Collection of taxes Colbert, Bernier's letter to, on Hin in France doftan viii. 133 Collectors of tythe in Finmark Colbert's, M. , library 40 of taxes in France Colchagua juriſdiction xiv, 682 of revenue in Spain Colcheiter, antiquities found at 494 of cuſtoms in Fida Colcheſter-baize ii . 8 in Benin Colcheſter on the Occoquan xiii. 719 College Lauds, Virginia Colchis, fee Mingrelia. Colleges atCopenhagen Cold in Ruſſia i . in Iceland of Spilberg i . 93 of Phyſicians, London in Icy Harbour i . of Oxford its effects on wood and metals i. 244. 309 of Cambridge of Finmark i. 384. 488 of Wincheſter of Nova Zemla of Edinburgh tables of the greateſt degree, of Aberdeen at Stockholm vi. 404 of Old Aberdeen ditto at Upfal of Glalgow at St. Peterſburgh ( note) 669 of Navarre, Crichton at , precautions againft it vi . ibid . of St. Andrew's 5 V. xili, 799 - iv. iv. iv. iii . xii. 339 jii . 364 xiv . 54 jii. 597 661 xiv. 449 xiv . 527 i . 406 410 412 i . 446 iv. 412 v. 418. 425 xvi. 487 xvi. 533 xiii . 127 487 i . 753 ü. 65 ü . 124 ii . 326 31.47261 62 111.235 139 450 - 30 100. 103 112, 544 526 405 Colleges INDEX. [ 101 ] VOL. PAGE 346 518 I10 V. - 673 xiii. - X. > 45.63 111 326 328 > VOL. PAGE Colleges of Salamanca 319 Colonade, natural baſaltic , at Pleaf at Zuric 668 kin iii . 898 of the Diet of Ratiſbon 42 Colonies, on forming 363 electoral, of Ratiſbon 43 of Ruflians at Smeeren of Princes at Ratiſbon ibid . burg's harbour i. 619 of Counts of the Empire vi. ibid . in Iceland i . 646 of Francfort 242 obſervations on iv. of Mathematics in Pekin vii. 407.463 on ſettling, in wafte lands iv. at Tatta viii. 308 of Spain 471 of Shiraz ix, of the Sierra Morena 564 in Perſia ix . 228 of Babylonians, the Ja. of Quebec xiii. 635 paneſe vii. of Virginia 714 of the Dutch at the Cape of Diflenters at Prince-town xiii. 733 of Good Hope viii. 264 in Quito xiv. 443 in Siam ix. 574 in Lima xiv. 569 of Arabs round the Perſian in Cuſco xiv. 616 gulf 124 in Arequipa xiv. 619 , Guignes' obſervations on xi. 93 Collett, Mr. , anecdotes of him viii. 395.472 on planting, in New Hol Collico village 893 land xi. 455 Collieries of Whitehaven 197 of Sydney, New South of Mary Port 199 Wales xi. 906 of Newcaſtle 500 founded by Colon in the of Ballycaſtle ii. 884 Weſt Indies xii . Colliers of the Trent 565 of the Engliſh in Virginia xii. 183. 220 of Kirkaldie ii. 453 of James-town, Virginia xii. 231 Collins on the hot winds of New of New England xii. 254 South Wales xi. 917 importance of the Britiſh xii. 325. 387 Collinſon, Mr. Peter xiii . 440 their ſugar -trade xii. Collinfonia Canadenfis plant xiii . ibid . lumber-trade xii. Collinſon's, Mr. , account of round rum and molaſſes xii. 330. 336 towers iii . 435 obſervations on xii. 435 Collins's Peerage ii . 782 of Georgia xii . 440 Collock feaft in Pegu viii . 427 firft Virginian xii. 574.589.617 Colloquia of the Griſons 969 of Virginia, their proceedings xiii. 46.56 . Collyer, Samuel, of Virginia 159 103. 711.716 Colmar iv. 198 maſſacre in them xiii . 145 Colmar, M. iv. 83 of the Bermudas xiii. 179 Colmogro New England xi. 206. 234 232 Colnett, Cape xi. 629 on the American xiii . 461 Colocolo, the Indian xiv. 202. 205 obſervations on the firſt Colofaro at Charybdis 267 American 537 Cologant, Mr. xi. of Penſylvania xiii . 729 Cologlies of Barbary 676 , Burnaby's remarks on the Cologne, proceffion of the Windes American xiii . 750 to vi. of the Spaniards in America xiv. 169 city vi. 270 of the Dutch at the Cape xvi . 117 -, beggars of 271 of the French in Mada ecclefiaftics vi, ibid . gaſcar xvi. 748–758 corporations 272 -, Rochon's remarks on xvi. 759 - > government vi. ibid. Colonization of Hungary vi. III • , ſuperftition 274 obſervations on xiii. 211. 220 archbiſhopric vi. 277 of New England xiii. 222 Cologneſe, their ſuperftition vi. 275 -, Spaniſh and Portu . Colombo, Carli's adventures at xvi. gueſe morle xiv. 880 Colon, Bartholomew , anecdotes of Rochon's remarks on xvi. 759 him xii. 21. 76. 157 Colon's diſcovery of the Weſt Colon, Chriſtopher xi. 291 Indies xii . account of him xi. 407 biography xü . 2 COLON , Don Ferdinand, his hiſtory reception in Spain xii. of Admiral Colon xii. 1. 157 voyages xii. 26 Colon , John Anthony xii. 108 death xii. 154 Colon's xiii. i . 16.35.42 xiii. 748 XV . 122 176 1 22 [ 102] INDEX. PAGE PAGE XV. viii . X. X. 617 X 679 44.1 on ii. vi. > VOL. VOL. Colon's diſcovery of America xiv. 135 Combats of Chrichton at Mantua ii. 140 Colonfa ille, Martin's deſcription of iii. 653 of the Hoſpital of Colonſay iſland iii. 292 St. James 698 Coloquintida 65 of elephants at Delhi 165 of the Cape xvi. 134 of Cuttery and Toddi Coloffe village 588 caftree viii . 528 Coloffe , theancient 682 of the elephant and tiger ix . Coloſſus of Rhodes 234. 595 of the Hapaee iflanders xi . 666 Colour-manufactory of Stockholm vi. 433 in Tongataboo xi . Colours worn by Perſians ix . 42 in the Sandwich iſles xi . 705 military, of the Perfians ix . 219 of the whale and ſword of the cameleon xvi. fiſh xi. 787 Rochon's rem xvi. 760 with a lion , a Macolonte's xvi . 165 Colquhouns, maſſacre of them 167 public, in Canaria xvi. 818 Colta lake xiv. 470 Combava illand viii . 455 Colthurſt, Sir John iii. 838 Combrecaianga, Battel's adventures Columb river ii . 263 at xvi. 321 Columb-John ii . ibid. Combru town ix . 123 Columbo city, Hamilton's defcription viii. 385 Combuſtion of bodies 39 diftrict ( note ) xi. 203 Combourg town iv. 153 Columbus, his diſcovery of America xiv. 135.319 Comedies , French iv. 140 Columbus, Don James xii. 104 of Spain 522 Columns near Forres iii . 73 German 25 in Gigha 271 Ruſſian vi. 856 baſaltic, of Staffa 306 of Sumorokof vi. 857 of Skie 319 in Pekin vii. 389 at Doctan 453 in Havannah xui. 760 of the Giant's Cauſeway 897 Comegen infect of Carthagena xiv. 351 of the temple of Serapis 33 Co-reiffang river xvi. 899 ancient, at Avenche 833 Comera city, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 291 the Julian 901 Job's dwelling at viii. to Count Bernſdorf vi. 300 Comera iſlands viii . for meaſuring the riſe of Comerie village iii. 405 the Nile vii. 16. xv. 187. 331 Comerle en Vexin, cattle of iv. ancient, at Troy ix. 8 Comets in Korea vii. ancient, of Perſepolis ix . 102. 105. 193 in Perfia ix . 93.314 Franck - , appearance in Karaſm ix. 361 lin's defcription ix. 266 obfervations of Ain-Shems, Egypt 807. 827 Quito xiv. 694 Pompey's 808 Comfort Point, Cheſapeak xiii. Columpton town ii. 263 Comines, Philip de, on the war of Colwitch town 515 Charles the Bold with the church i . Swiſs ( note ) 830 inhabitants of i . 517 Comitia at Oxford ü . Com city ix . 94 Comlongam caſtle iii. 217 - Chardin's deſcription ix. 159 Commanderies in Spain 450 Comacchio lakes, eels of Commandments, the ten , not ob city , on its fituation 213 ferved in Ruſſia 22 Comagre, Cacique xiv. 142 the eight , of the Comanians 28 Banians viii. 537 funeral ceremonies vii . 34. 38 of the Zertooft to Comanium town, where Noah's ark the Perfees 565 refted vii. 91 Commanians, their war with the Comarige, tolls at 239 Dutch xvi. 351-356.412 Comatigas caft, manners and cuſtoms viji . 643 Commany kingdom, Guinea, de Comb of Balade xi . 632 ſcribed xvi . 350 Comb Down ii . 252 Commentaries of the Imperial Aca Comb of Hoy 750 demy of Sciences in Ruſſia vi . 823 Combats, fingle, in Ruſſia i. 21. 36 Commera iſland viii. 276 - , fingle, in Iceland i . 650 Commerce of Ruffia i. -, public, in the Ile of Man ji. 827 of Iceland i. 636 Commerce v. ibid. 295 9 476 528 on one in XV . XV. 71 516 v. * 110 IO v. VII . viii. ix . 16. 42 INDE X. [ 103] PAGE V. XV. iv. iv . viji. v. v. V. vi. 568 xii. 27.31.94 . 883 . Xi . VOL. VOL. FAGE Commerce of Berghen i. 765 Commotions in France iv. 197 of Denmark i . 767 in Geneva 888 its effect on population iv. 322 Como town 891 of France iv. 334 lake v. 892.933 - , treaty of, between Great , navigation ofthe lake, to Milan v. 973 Britain and France iv .355-358.365 Com -Ombo 260 of Piedmont 637 Comora iſland viii. 270 of the Milaneſe 638 - , pirates ibid. of Venice iv. 640 Arabs of xvi. 744 of Bologna iv . ibid. Comoro iſlands xvi. 716 of Tuſcany iv . ibid . Companies of London ii. 74 of Modena iv . 642 their privileges ii . 75 of Parma iv . ibid . , trading ii . 96 of Spain 463 public, in Perfia ix . 204 of Louiſiana 483 of Pegu ix. 432 of the Philippine iſlands 490 on forming colonies by xii. 470 of Cadiz 575 London and Weſtern of the Valteline 934 Virginia xii. 230 of the Griſons 971. Companions on a journey iv. 233 of Hamburgh vi. 214 Company, the Philippine, its hiftory v. 492 of Gottenburg vi. 383 Company's Land, Virginia xili . 127 of Sweden 523 Compariſons, on making ii . 555 of Riga vi . 711 Compaſs, obſervations on its variation i. of Ruſſia vi . 870 its variation xi. 440 on the Caſpian fea vi. 879 variation obſerved by with the Bucharians and Colon Chineſe vi. Ovalle on its difcovery xiv. · 134 on the Black Sea vi. 884 - , Bouguer on its variation xiv . 309 in Pekin vii. 453. 465 Ulloa on the variation xiv. 325.390.665 of the Ruſſians to China vii. 475 longitude diſcovered by 389 of Bangalore viii . 626 Compaſs hill . 312 of Ava ix . 503 Compaſs-of-variation deſcribed 372 of Siam ix. 600 Compellations, Moreſco interior, of Tonquin 740 Compliment- days in Japan vii . 733 of the Philippines xi . 86 Compliments of the Japaneſe vii. 821 on colonial xi . 94 of the Perſians 258 , treaty of, between Eng of the Tonquinefe land and Morocco 494 of the Arabs 160 ſee Trade. of the Arabs of Egypt xv. 317 Commerſon's deſcription of the in Weft Barbary XV.410.458.666 Kimos or Pigmies of Mada of the Negroes of gaſcar xvi . 762 Guinea xvi. 389 Commiffaries at Batavia xi. of the Fidaſians xvi. Dutch, in Guinea xvi. 378 Compoſition plaſter of Barbary 644 Commiffary of Chiavenna 937 of Morocco 710 Commiſſioners for forfeited eſtates Compoftella, pilgrimage to xvi. 184 in Scotland iii . 404 Compton family ii . 453 for the reformation of Compton Wynyate ii . 348 Virginia xiii . 164 Comſhe town ix . Commiſſions from the ladies of the Conception, celebration of the im Emperor of Morocco's Harem maculate xiv . 182 Commodoo Praw - Temple ix . 553 Conception city, Chili xiv. Commodores of Spain 453 foundation Common - council of London ii . 71 of it 191 Common law of England ii. 126 deſcribed xiv . 192 Common -Pleas, court of ii . 131 facked by Commons, Houſe of ii . 82 the Indians xiv . 202 of Paris iv. 169 Ulloa's deſcription xiv. 666 Commons land of Somerſetſhire ii . 258 bay xiv. of Denmark vi. harbour, Chili xiv . 72 Commonwealth, the mock , of Bern Conception iſland , Colon's diſcovery xii. 35 Concerts 111 xlii . XV. 410 > ix. ix. ix . 672. 724 XV. X. 196 478 XV. v. XV . IOO XV. 798 20 xiv. 673 304 855 . [ 104] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE > 674 viii. XV. xvi . 421.479 > iv. > V. 650 VOL. Concerts in Vienna vi. 94 Confucius, Hamilton's account of in Prague vi. 140 him viii . 503 Concha kingdom vii. 157 his books in Tonquin ix . Conchalli fountain, Chili xiv. 66 - , philoſophy ix. 704.734 Conchology of New Holland xi. 792 Cong town, Hamilton's account 296 of Goree xvi. 644 Congelation of quickſilver vi . 690 Conchucos juriſdiction xiv. 610 Congelations in zeolites i . 727 Concluſions, trying, among the Conger, Nicholas, anecdote of him xü. 519 Indians xiii. 165 Congo, Angelo and Carli's voyage Concord fort, Timor xi. 802 to xvi. 149 Concordat of 1753, in Spain 402 Merolla's voyage to xvi. 195 of Aſchaffenburg vi . 167 Battel's adventures in xvi. 319 Concubinage in Weſt Barbary 431.453 Congo, King of xvi. 167.274.282 Concubines of the Hindoos viii . 679.682 Congo fort, Guinea xvi. 361 of the Birmans ix. 497 Congoun town viii. 295 of the Emperor of Mo Congregation, Sæurs de xiii . 698 rocco xv. 485.790 Congreſs of the Griſons 961 in Guinea of Holland vi . 284 of the King of Quiteva xvi . 682 at Nemiroff vii . 500 CONDAMINE's M. de la, anecdotes of the Indians in Chili xiv. 688 of him xiii . 785 Congreve ii. 383 his travels Coni town iv. 235 in South America xiv. 211.501 irrigation in 563 Condé river, America xiii . 343 filk culture iv, 600 Condeſuyos de Arequipa xiv, 620 implements and tillage iv. 615 Condor bird of America 872 - prices of various things in iv. of Chili xiv. 79 Conies of Virginia xü . 600. xiii. 13 of South America xiv. 248 Coninfton water iii . 187 of the Andes in Quito xiv. 532 Conjeveram town, Buchanan's deſcrip Condore illand, Dampier's deſcrip tion viii. 577 tion xi. 40 Conjunctions of the moon, longitude Cone town, Browne's account xvi. 827 diſcovered by 388 Cone of Etna 73 Conjurors of Tartary vii. 82 Cones at Cherbourg iv. 151 of Sachion vii. 119 Confederacy, the Helvetic 681 of Cambalu vii . 138 its origin v. 733 the Japaneſe Jammabos vii , 746 Confederation of Haſchid - u - Bekil 95 of Hindoftan 182 of Bar xvi. 779 a Brahman viii. 691 Conferences of Rubruquis in Tar of Tonquin tary vii. 79 in the Weſt Indies xii. 87 of Ebn Wahab with the of America 53 Emperor of China vii. 204 of Barbary 671 with the Indians at of Congo xvi. 221. 223. 273. 334 Albany xiii. 588 of Guinea xvi. 401 Confeſſions of northern witches i . 470 Conli, Buchanan's account viii. 688 certificates, in Spain 509 Connacs of Barbary 507 the Saltzburg vi. 51 Connecticut river, Britiſh ſettlements of the Quito Indians xiv , 522 253 of Sebaſtion Karvalho xiv. 757 - , government xii. 259 of the Abyſſinians XV. 91 Connel ferry iii . 353 of the Naves in Angola xvi . 299 Corningſby, Lord ii . 214 Confeſſor of the King of Spain, his Connix iſle i . 783 influence 401 Connymere, pagods at viii . 392 Confidentia, the Bona i . 10 Conolly, Mr., of Caſtletown Confirmation of the Prince -Royal of Conory , John ili . 851 Denmark vi. 323 Conquerors of the ſouth, their policy vi . 229 of a Perfee, ceremony viii . 570 of the north vi . ibid . Confiſcations in Japan 625 Conqueſts of the Tartars in China vii. 170 Confucius, Bell's account of him vii . 407 of the Virginians, better Kempfer's account of him than civilization and his doctrine vii . 754 of Peru xiv. Conqueſts xi . X. > ix. 706.733 xiii . XV. XV. on xii, y. 111 814 vii. xiii . 148. 153 167 INDEX. [ 105] PAGB VOL . PAGE X. ix . X. 221 XV. XV. 102 921 . ix . 213. 229 Vi . Y. V. > XV. iv . 398 is . 408 408 VOL . Conqueſts, of Chili xiv. 168 Conſtantinople, route from Aleppo to of the Canary iſlands , ( note ) 686 Glas's hiſtory xvi . 808 road from Angora to Conraadſburg fort, Guinea xvi. 358 ( note ) 693 Conſcience, court of, London ii . 72. 135 - , Pococke's deſcrip Conſcripts of the Birman empire 499 tion 722 Conſecration of the Little Grandfire - , on the capture of xiii . by Peter the Great vi . 690 Conftantinople, Patriarch of, copy of moſques in Barbary xv. 417 of his letter 392 Conſiglio, Palazzo di iv, 251 Conſtellations in the South Sea xiv . 82 Conſiſtory of the fandango 517 Conftintſarch ifand i . 84 Confita town Conſtitution of England iv . 427 Conſonante, the Spaniſh 526 of America ( note ) iv . 430. 433 Conſpiracy in the Valteline of France iv . 430 againſt the King of of Germany vi . 44 Sweden vi . 496. 501.506 of Perſia againſt Peter the Great 640 Conftitution Hill, New South Wales xi . 933 to releaſe the Emperor Conſuegra caſtle 560 Ivan vi. 787 town ibid. obfervations on it vi . 792 Conſuls in Tangiers 683 in Perſia viii . 300 Conſultation of idols, in Guinea xvi . 399 againſt Magellan xi . 317 Conſumption of Paris 324 in Hifpaniola xii . 106-116 taxes on , in France iv. of Porras againſt Colon xii . 146. 153 obſervations on the of the Indians in New taxation of York xii . of Spain 463 of the Negroes in Ca Contá, Mademoiſelle iv . 185 rolina 460 Contayſha, fee Kontayfha of Pemiſapan againſt the Contentment found in Felicuda Virginian ſettlers xii. 584.xiii . Ir and Alicuda 258 of the Portugueſe in Conteſſa 739 Brazil xiv. 758.763 Conti lake, ſee Erie. Conſtable rock, Cayenne xiv. 255 Continents, on the ſuppoſed Atlantic xi . 749 Conftables of England ii . 132 Continho, Senor Juan, anecdotes xvi . 327 Conſtaffel of Zuric 664 Conto mount, deſtruction of Plurs Conſtance city v . 645. vi . 13 by the fall of lake 647. vi . 13 Contraband trade in the Eaſt Indies xi . 210. 241 lake, fand accumulating Contraction, effects of i . 730 in it vi. 14 Contractions, South American dif ibid . eaſe xiv, 596 fiſhery 648 Contractor, fingular puniſhment of biſhopric V. 713 a fraudulent, in Japan vii . 627 Conſtance, Biſhop of vi . 14 Contacts, marriage, of the Moors XV . 429. 452 . Conſtantia wine xvi . 63 Conftantina province, Algiers 538 Contraſſes, coaſt of xii . 135 city deſcribed 550 Contrayerva plant 532 Conſtantine iſland , Chili xiv. 57 Contreras, Las, inountains 597 Conſtantine's cells iii . 204 Controverſies, mode of ſettling , in Conftantine's church at Conftan Ruffia i . 35 tinople 724 Convention of Stantz Conftantini, on navigation 272 Convents at Berwick 23 Conftantinople, deſcribed by Benjamin at Coldingham 24 of Tudela vii. 4 at Dunbar 27 - Bell's journey from at Aberdeen ini . 61 Peterſburgh to vii . 500 in Murray 134 deſcription of the of Hexham 492 city near Ayſgarth ni. 518 - , itinerary from Peterſ of Montferrat iv . 106 burgh to vii . 514 of Paular 363 Blount's deſcription x . 231 of the Eſcurial 365 VOL. XVII. [9 ] X. 895 - , trout of V. 668. 775 Xv. XV. XIV. 681 ini . 111 . X. 508 Convents [ 106] INDEX. VOL. VOL . XV. V. XV. 258 XV . XV. XV. ix. ix. IO 817 X. X. X. X. X. X. 396 196 X. 408 406 XV. 29 46 X. X. PAGE PAGE Convents of St. Francis V. 385 Convents of Girge 232 of Guiſando 543 of the Martyrs of Einſidlin 658 of St. Paul 272 of Konigsfeldon 687 of Mount Sinai 289 of St. Lucius 951 Convers, Captain , anecdotes of him xii . 398.403 of the Kremlin vi . 595 Converſations in France iv. 134 of Troitſkoi Sergief of the Perſians ix . 259 Klofter vi . 621 of the Moors 771 of Jeruſalem vi. 609 in Loango xvi. 564 the Italian , at Pekin 388 Converſaziones of Florence iv . 269 the French , at Pekin vii . 390 Converſion of the Icelanders i . 648 the German, at Pekin vii. 392 of the inhabitants of in Korea vii . 537 Laſſa and the Grand Lama vii . 555 of Goa 234 made by Friar Horace vii. 603 of Rangoon ix. 449 in Hindoftan viii . 47 of Loonghee 467 of the Cochin - Chineſe ix . 798.811 of St. Catharine cauſed by eclipſes ix . of St. John X. 352. 440 in Arabia 142 of the Armenians 355 of Chriſtians to Maho of Sydonaiia 371 metans 265 - , the Canobine 378 of St. Paul 500 of Mount Sinai deſcribed 392 in the Weſt Indies xii . 92 of the Forty Martyrs , on, in North America xii. at Joppa 407 of the negroes in the at Rama Britiſh colonies xii. , Latin , in Jeruſalem 414 of the Mohocks xii . 412 of St. Antony Elify 480 of the Abyſſinians of Derviſes, near Tripoli 486 of an Iriſhman xvi. 183 of St. Antony Caſieeh 487 in Ethiopia xvi. 304 of St. Simon Stylites 542 of the Queen of Singa xvi. 305 the Apocalypſe, in Patmos x. 645 of the Fidafians, anecdotes xvi. 501 in Cyprus, St. Chryfoftom X. 583 of Lewis Hannibal, of Telabaiſe ibid . King of Syria xvi. of St. Mamma 584 of the Negroes, Mungo of Panaia Cheque 585 Park's obſervations on xvi. 893 of St. John the hermit 616 Converts in Lima, anecdotes xiv. 5 of Neamone, in Scio 624 of the Jeſuits in Paraguay xiv. 636. 641 of Mount Athos 737 in Chili xiv . 688 of Quebec xiii. 644. 650.658 Convicts at Kongſteen vi . 363 of Carmelites at Oriflava xiii. 801 in Ruſſia vi . 805 of Lima xiv. 162 in New South Wales xi. 906. 910 of St. Jago xiv. 172 ſent to Canada xiii . 699 in Porto Bello xiv. 361 Convocation of the clergy in Eng in Panama xiv . 375 land ii . 135 in Guayaquil xiv. 394 Convolvulus, batatas ſpecies of xiii . in Quito xiv. 443 Convulſions, diſeaſe in Lima xiv. in Cuenca xiv. 474 Conyers, Sir John, of Sockburn 512 in Popayan xiv. 483 Conyngham, Lord iii . 815 in Lima xiv. 569.571 Conway town ii. 625 in Guamanga xiv. 612 caſtle ibid. in Cuſco xiv. 616 Conway, General ii . 569 in Arequipa xiv. 619 Coogles, trees of Abyffinia 73 in La Plata xiv. 622 Cook, Mr., his tranſactions at in La Paz xiv. 629 Bombay viii . 329 in Santiago xiv. 678 Cookery of Lapland i . in Valparaiſo xiv. 690 on ſhip -board i. 512 of St. Anthony on the of the Spaniards 520 Nile of the Tartars vii . 267 Dermadoud 228 of a Buratíky vii. 353 Embeſhnuda 229 of the Japaneſe vii . 796 , Der - Embabſhai ibid. mode of, in Perſia ix . 33 Cookery X. 516 X. X. X. X. X. 435 596 XV. C 396 V. 221. 272 XV. xv. XV. INDEX [ 107] PAGE XV. > 48 18 river 398 683 X. ü. 687. 749 328 xi. 719.723 i. 188. 399 9 467 > vi. xiii.. XY. - Cookery of the Perſians of the Cochin -Chineſe in the Baſhee iſlands of the Otaheitans of the Virginians in Carthagena in Guayaquil of the Brazilians in Barbary of the Hottentots of the Malegaches Cook's firſt voyage, abſtract of it ſecond voyage third and laft , religious adoration paid to him diſpoſal of his body Cooks in Lapland French German Cook - ſhops in London -in Japan in Perfia Cook's Hole Cook's river, Botany Bay Coolairn , Macdermot of Coolers for wine, &c. in bottles Coopang town, Timor Cooper river Cooper's ifle Cooper's, Mr., cloth manufactory Coorgcountry, climate Cooſelbaſhes of Perſia Copeland caftle Cope-mine Copenhagen deſcribed Louvre at obſervatory exchange harbour arſenal Emperor's chapel at library ftables caſtle Iceland company at city, Coxe's deſcrip tion palace citadel environs literature univerſity - libraries Coperberyt mine, in Sweden deſcent into it Copheral Turks their war with the Perſians Cophou caftle Cophts, Hamilton's deſcription VOL . VOL. PAGE ix. 202. 263 Cophts, their religion viii. 272 ix . 787 of Ethiopia ( note ) 87 xi . 49 their Chriſtmas ceremonies xv. 230 xi . 519 Copiago volcano xiv. xii. 33 Copiapo gold mine, Chili xiv. xiv. 356 xiv. 53 xiv. harbour xiv. 71 xiv. 868 Almagro's paſſage to xiv. 164 XV. 662 valley xiv. 168 xvi. 33. 90. 140 juriſdiction xiv. xvi. 743 Copiapo Indians xiv. 189 xi. 498 Copias lake 748 xi. 564 Copioſha ille xi . 639 Coplai-Khan, ſee Chi- Tlou. Copper, mode of burning i . xi. 700 refining i . 329 with zinc ii . 254 native, of Ruſſia vi. 826 iv. 298 -, roaſting and melting vi . 464 vi. 57 precipitation of vi. ii . 91 on transforming into braſs 548 vii. 783 of Chaunis Temoatan xii . 580 ix. 203 of Virginia xii.594. xiii. 10 i . 552 of Canada 690 xi. 908 of Coquimbo, Chili xiv. 187 iii . 829 of Dar - Fur 143 xiii. 656 Copperas of Yorkſhire ii . 17 xi. 802 Copper-axes of Quito xiv . 545 xii. 342 Copper coin of Spain 439 xi. 214 of Sweden vi. 534 238 Copper founderies in Derbyſhire 486 viii. 702 Copper mines at Fahlun i . 217 of Cornwall ii. 276 488 in Britain ibid . xiv. 556 at Truro ibid . i . 140 at Ecton hill ii. 278 i . ibid . the Paris, Angleſea ü . 627 i. 141 at Killarney ii. 841 i . ibid . 440 i. ibid . 117 i. ibid . of the Tyrol vi. i. 332 of Riddar Hittann vi. i. 333 of Nericia vi. 389 i . ibid . vii. 688 i . ibid . of North - America xüi. 499 i. 667 of Chili xiv. of Fertît, route from vi. 297 Cobbé to xvi. 837 vi. 298 Copper-refinery of Aveſtad vi . 456 vi. 301 Copper trade of Sweden, tables of it vi . 532 ibid . Copper works at Kones i . 159 313 at Swapavara 162 ibid . of Eſkilſtruna vi. 546 vi. 320 of Ruſſia vi , 894 i . 147 near Solikamſky vii . 322 148. 204 Coppet, ruins of an aqueduct near 833 10 Coppin, Mr., of Iſpahan vii . 305 Copras, ſerpents of Congo xvi , 252 vii. ibid . Coptis, origin of their name XV. 237 214 - , religion 312 viji. 372 food 318 [ 02] Coptis ji. 326 ix . iii . of Spain of Hungary I 20 388 of Japan 9 42. 686 vii, XV. xv. XV. [ 108] INDEX. VOL . PAGE jii . X. 699 xiy. xiv. 20 xiv. 879 > X. XV. iii . 111 . 605 836 > X. V. xi. 684, 5 XV. xiii. Xy. 330 V. PAGE VOL. Coptis, religion of the Egyptian XV. 367 Core filh of New England xiii . 215 Cuptos, the ancient XV. 236 Corea , lee Korea. Coquet iſland iii . 19 Corelia , province of i . 62 Coquet river 489 Corfau village Coquimbeſe Indians 189 Corfu port, Delle Valle's deſcription ix . 4 Coquimbo, Chili Corfu iſland river xiv . 53 Coricles on the Wye ii . 223 harbour xiv . 71 Corientes city , Buenos Ayres xiv. 644 foundation of the city xiv. 186 Corinth , Pococke's account X. 760 - juriſdiction xiv. 682 Corinth , Iſthmus of 758 city xiv. ibid. Corinthian order of architecture 344 Coia town x . 640.643 Coriſco iſlands , Guinea, deſcribed xvi . 507 Coral , red and white, of Skie 622 Coriflus mount X. 658 of Meſſina 8 Cork city 835 trees of Siam ix . --, Young's account of 11 . uſed for building houſes in harbour 11i . 838 Arabia 190 Cork- trees of Catalonia 619 rocks of Tongataboo of Barbary 404 of Canada X111 . 610 Corlar of New York 276 of the Red Sea 12. 284 Corlar village xiii . of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 387 Cormantyn, Little and Great , Coral-chain , mark of honour in Guinea xvi . 363 Benin xvi . 522 Cormartin garden iv. 59 Coral- fcaſt of Benin deſcribed xvi. 535 Cormeré on puniſhments in France Coral- fiſhery of Lipari 247 ( note) iv. 417 Coral-fnakes of Carthagena xiv . 347 Cormorants. of Finmark i . 430 Coramas, caſt, their manners and neſts i . ibid . cuſtoms viii . 639 eggs i . ibid . Corango bay vui, 398 of Skie iii. 625 Coranich of the Highlanders iii . 50 of the Niger xvi. 631 Corano mount 304 Cormorant's Cave, baſaltic pillars at : i . 702 Corazon fignal ſtation xiv . 432. 437. 526 Cormori cape ix , 424 Corbie caſtle 203 Corn at Yeronave i . 35 Corbiere, Mr. 443 at Torneo i . 304 Corbinas fiſh xiv, 602 machine for drying 344 Corbon, valley of iv . 478 in Iceland i . 641 Corbridge town iii . 494 of the Ile of Man ii . 793 Corcaſſes of Ireland jii , 865 , mode of grinding, in the Corchi of the King of Perſia ix . Hebrides iii . 314 Corchi Buſha ix , 87 mode of dreſſing, in Skie iii . 639 Cord , entering into paradiſe on one 286 high price of, in France iv . 169. 187 Cordage of the Friendly illes 696 police of, in France iv. 326 Cordelier mountains xiv. on the prices of iv. ibid. Cordillera mountains xiv . eff : cts of the interference of Ovalle’s deſcription xiv, 45.61 government with iv. 327 ſnow on them xiv. 63 - , conſequences of non - exporta. Almagro's paſſage over xiv. 164 tion from France iv . 328 Bouguer's defcription --- , effects of the importation of iv . 329 of tbem ( ſee Andes ) xiv . 283. 297 monopoly beneficial iv . 330 Cordiner, Rev. Charles 66 -, police of, in 1792 in France iv. 437 Cordon blue, ceremony of invefti price of, in Italy iv. 651 iv. of Lipari 244 Cordova , hiſtory of 562 of Spain 463 cathedral ibid . of Bohemia vi . 136 churches 503 of Norway vi . 359 horſes ibid . of Perſia vii . 307 Carli's deſcription 187 of Japan vii . Cordova, Mexico, De Menonville's mode of grinding, in Arabia 155 adventures in xiii . 798. 842 of Arabia Cordova, Tucuman xiv . 634 of Virginia xii . 241. 567. 575.595 Cordwainers - Atreet ward ii. 56 of New England 258 Corn 111 . XV. 80. 217 > X. xi. - 18. 273 9 22 > > > 9 ii. > ture 86 V. V. v V. V. > xvi . 6 7 X. X. 174 xii . I INDEX. [ 109] PAGE > 201 PAGE 286 75 -17 19 23 580 > X111 . 26. 39 X. XV. 748 279 XV. XV. 281 XV. XV. ibid. 295 XV. 95. 108 132 343 of Quito 441 445 573 623 173 272 309 834 698 XV. ix . 699.730 428 528 VOL . VOL. Corn, cultivation in Virginia xiii . 32 Coronation of a King of the Illes iii . on preſerving xni. of Powhatan xiii . of America xiii . 422 Corone, Sultan viii . of Albany xiii . anecdotes of him viii. of Canada xiii. 652.654. 667. 694 his fuperb equipage viii . plain of Tecuacan 806 -, preſent to Sir Tho. of Valparaiſo, Chili xiv. 23 mas Roe viii . of Quito xiv.. 459 Coronea of Lima xiv . 598 Corondel mountains of Egypt 335 bay of Weſt Barbary 405.463 vale of Algiers and Tunis 598 Coronel, Peter Fernandez xii . of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . Coroners of England ii . of Sogno, Congo xvi . 247 Corozo palm xiv . of Angola xvi . 335 Corporation for eſtabliſhing the colony of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 458 of Georgia xii. of Fida xvi . 503 xiv. of Benin xvi . 532 of Lima xiv. of the Grain coaſt of Guinea xvi. 538. 542 of La Plata xiv. of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 552 of St.Jago xiv. of Senegal xvi . 615.661 Corporation - fyftem at Cologne vi. of Sofala xvi . 632 Corpo fanto, meteor xi. of Madagaſcar xvi. 799 Corps de Cadets of Peterſburgh vi. Cornbury, Lord xii . 410 Corpſes , dreſs and treatment of Ton Cornejo , Don Franciſco xiv. 365 quineſe ix . Corneliana, Caftra 562 food offered to them Cornelians in the Hungry Deſert vii . 369 queſtioned in Guinea xvi. Cornelis, Jerom , anecdotes of him xi . 432 treatment in Benin xvi. Cornelis of Timor, anecdotes of him xi . 810 Corpulency of a Dutch woman xvi. Corneliſz, John , fee Ryp. Corpus Chrifti college, Oxford ii . Cornelius the centurion 452 Corpus Chrifti proceſſions Corn -harveft of Ruſſia vi. 649 Corpus Chrifti bay i . Corn- hill , New England xiii . 235 Corra village, Guinea xvi. Cornhill ward, London ii . 51 Corral, port of xiv. ftreet ii . ibid. Corrandelin iron foundry Cornibotz river 652 Correa, Peter, anecdotes of him xii. Corn- mills at Bourdeaux 125 Correction , Houſe of, at Bern at Caudec 127 in Stockholm vi . of North America 510 Corregidor iſland xi . Corn -regulations of Spain 464 Corregidors of Spain of Pruſſia vi . 179 Correſpondence between Queen Eliza of Kublai Khan vii . beth and the Czar Corn - trade of Tuſcany iv. 648 Corrocorro, boat of Amboyna xi . -, foreign , of England vi . 178 Corry - vrekan, the gulf of iii . Cornua ammonis petrified , of Canada xiii . 610.613 Corfairs, their attacks on Felicuda Cornwall, coaft of i . 818 and Alicuda county 3. 270 Corfoer town and harbour , produce of ii . ibid. Corſorone, Sultan viii . tin mines ii , ibid . anecdotes of him viii . trade ii . ibid . Corſtorphine church climate ii . 271 Cortejos of Spain mines ii . 273 Cortes of Spain inhabitants ii . 280 of Arragon fiſh ii . 281 Cortes, his conqueſt of Mexico xiv. ftones ii . ibid. Cortefius, Gaſpard, his voyage to ſilver mine ü . 335 the riorih i . Cornwall family ii. 216 Cortex Winteranus xii . Coromandel coaft, Hamilton's account Cortijo of Aranjuez of it 397 Cortho, ſee Corinth. Dutch factories on xi. Corunua, trade of Coronados, Rio de los xiv. 61 packets xiii . 86 118 853 52 540 58 703 14 850 42980 400 xii. iv . iv. xiii. 9 137 vi. 610 249 355 v. vi. 256 338 > iii. > 18 19. 27 467 513 351 549 152 130 320 v 556 . 202 469 ibid . Corus [ 110] INDEX. VOL. PAGE PAGE 576 V. 822 iv. 357 , 359 iv . XV. 378 379 iv, 388 X. 196 ix . V. V. 650 37 879 Coffeir port 11 . X. VOL. Corus ancient city x. 384. 529 Cottages of the Ruſſian peaſants vi . Corvees in France iv . 416 furniture, vi. 577.650.708 Corvera town 620 of Japan vii. 773 Corvo iſlands i . of the Indians of Quito xiv. 519 Corvorant's Cave in Staffa 308 Cottage-tale in Timor xi . 809 Corwen town 635 Codeſwould hills, deſcent of the ii . 577 Cory - lin fall iii . 231 Cottica rock viii . 373 Cory-Vrekan , Martin's account of iii . 650 Cottin-hill cairns ni. 69 Cola, Juan de la xiv. 328 Cotton manufacture of France Coſcuſhaw root of Virginia xii . 598. xiii . 13 of Brive iv. 370 Cofins, Biſhop ili . 513 of Nantes Coſmas, the patriarch 175 of Louviers iv. Coſmetics in Perſia ix . 49 of Rouen of Arabia -, effe &ts on agri. Coſmi, Balbi's deſcription ix . 399 culture iv. 394 Coſmin town 416 at Avila 545 Coſmos of the Tartars vii. 30 of Appenzel ſcruples of Chriftians to of the Man drink vii . dingoes xvi. Cofſacs of the Yaik vi. 799 Cotton -mill, Arkwright's ii . 375 Floyd's deſcription of them vi . 868 Cottons of Mancheſter iv. 356 the Uralian vi. 880 of Guzerat vii . 164 Zaporogian vi. 888 of Bengal, Bernier's ac -, reception in Perfia ix. 57 count viii. 227 xv. 237.278.402 of Ava ix. 502 Coffington 366 of Siam ix . 603 Cofta mountain xiii . 819. 830 of Paleſtine 453 Coſta d'Abreu , Caſpar xiv. 805 of Manilla xi . 89 Cofte, Madame de la iv . 283 of Java xi . 168 Coftiveneſs, a fingular remedy for iii. 634 of the Weſt Indies xii. 38 Coſyra, the ancient 768 Cotton -trade of Marſeilles iv. 343 Cot of a mountain Laplander i . 391 of Chagaing ix. 554 ſummer i . 392 Cotton - tree of Perſia ix . 180 Cota, cure performed on her vii . 67 - of Arabia 196 Cotabamba juriſdiction xiv. 617 of New South Wales xi . 932 Cotam, province and city vü . 117 of North America xiii . Cotata-Caten, wife of Mangu -Khan vii. 64 of Carthagena xiv. 353 Cote, Mountain de la iv . 677. v.787 of Benin xvi. 533 , glacier iv. 689 of Loango xvi. 554 Cotentin diſtrie iv . 153 Cotton -wool trade ofBangalore viii. 629 Cotes manſion ii . 450 Cotton works at Balaſalla ii . 794 Coteſa iſland xii . 571 Cotylus mount 707 Coteſwould deſcribed ii , Coua river xvi. 322 vale ü . 238 Couagne, M. de xiii . 689 Cothon, the river 522 Coubataut, the Indian xiii. 239 Cothon of Carthage 562 Couch , vineyards of iv. 454 of Thapſus 581 Couche country ix . 414 Coto country, Guinea, deſcribed xvi. 472 Couche kingdom , Ethiopia xvi. 722 Cotopaxi mountain xiv. 298. 296 Couchin, Hamilton's deſcription 379 volcano xiv. 300 -, hiftory of viii. 380 ſignal ſtation xiv.431.437.469.526 527 , produce viii . Cotta, deſcription of a Lapland i . 296 Coucleh 587 Cotta diſtrict 753 Coudreſs iſland 260 Cottager ofEngadina, her ſtory 910 Cough, cure for 578 Cottagers of Ireland iii . mode of cure at St. Kilda iii. 714 - , on their rural economy iv . 392 Cougnantainſecouima 233 Cottages near Newtown ii . 664 Couh -Teliſm hill, peculiarity of it 159 in the Iſle of Wight ii. Coulam, Marco Polo's account vii. 164 Highland 54 Coulies of Goga viï , 313 in Ireland iii . 814 Couloirs of the Alps iv. in France iv. 91.94 Coulomb, M., on labour of the Valteline 935 Coulour X. X. 556 X. IO XV. xv. XV. 382 X. viii. V. 815 xiv. ix . 684 683 xi. 938.945 INDE X. [ 111 ] VOL. PAGE > 558 X. XV. 111 v. V. V. V. V. XV . > great and little VIII . V. vi . V. V. V. V. V. XV. 9 5. 56 498 XV. 43.88 VOL. PAGE Coulour diamond mine, Tavernier's Counting machine of the Ruflians vi. 818 deſcription viii. 241 Counts' college of Ratiſbon vi. 43 mode of Coup, Montaigne de la iv. 216 working viii. 242 Coupar-Grange, repoſitory of aſhes at iii . Coumaita mountains 745 Coupe, Montaignede la 909 Coum Dimas theatre 168 baſaltes of 913 Council-hall, grand, of the Birman Couper's ille, Bermudas xiii , 182 empire ix. 520. 538. 544 Couplet, M. xiv. 257. 271.422 Council of Caftile 397 Courach, the Scotch ini . 126 of Financein Spain 417 Courage, on the right direction of 637 of State of Spain 355 Courchie bay, Hagenaar's account vii. 607 of War in Spain 440 Coureurs de Bois, of Canada xiii . 266. 280. 330. 372 of Conſtance 646 Courforcaun harbour viii . 289 - , ſovereign, of Zuric 664 Couriers of Kublai- Khan vii . 136 of Balle 691 of Morocco 769 694 Couries fiſh of the Maldives 389 of Bienne 708 Courland duchy, Coxe's deſcription vi. 714 of Soleure 714 -, hiſtory of 715 of Lucern 723 government vi . 720 of Neuchatel 820 laws vi . 722 of Friburg 836 religion vi. 723 of Bern 851 language vi . ibid. of Geneva 889 Courland, Duke of, his power and of Bormio 914 privileges vi. 720.723 of the Valteline 930 Couron, Prince viii. 9 of Coire 949 Courou mountains xiv, 254 of Hamburg vi. 216 Cours town 131. 132 of Eurebro vi . 481 Cours de la Reyne iv . ſupreme, of Courland vi . 722 Courſe of the river Amazons xiv. of the Emperor of China vii. 260 - of the Nile for the affairs of the Mon. Court of the Emperor of Ruflia i . 17. 31. 44 galls, in Pekin ( note ) vii . 457 of Poland i . of State in the Birman of Vienna i . 228. vi. 73 Empire ix . 494 of France, Lifter's account of iv. 61 ſovereign, of Tonquin ix . 757 342 of Bombay 204 its amuſements of India , Dutch xi . 181 of Carlſruhe vi. 6 of Juſtice , Dutch xi. 184.272 of Stutgard vi. 9 of Virginia, Smith's letter to xiii . 77 of Munich vi . 26 Lord de la of the Elector of Saxony vi . 145. 152 War's ſpeech to xiii . 108 of Pruſſia vi. 175 extracts from of German princes vi . the letters to xiii . 130. 139. 168 of Denmark vi. 298 ſovereign, of Canada xiii. 263.365 of Sweden vi. 392 of Brazil xiv. 736 " , preſentations to vi. 393 of Nineteen xiv. 738 - , ſuppers vi. 394 - , great, of Dutch Brazil xiv. 746.751 firſt audience of its tranſactions dur foreign miniſters at vi. 395 ing the revolt of the Portugueſe xiv. 7614858 of Peterſburgh 672 Dutch, of Guinea xvi . fplendour of it vi . Counſellors of Paris iv. 7 of Zagatai vii. of Bafle, mode of electing v. 695 of Sartach vii . of Pruſſia of Baatu vii. of India, Dutch xi. 183.269 of Mangu Khan vii . of Virginia xiii . 168 magnificence of Kublai Count fruit of Brazil xvi . 154 Khan's vii . 132. 135 - of Congo xvi . 248 of Pekin, Nieuhoff's account vii . 262. 265 Counter - revolution in France iv. 294 of the Sophy of Perfia vii . 301 Counteſs’s iſland, Frobiſher's ſtrait xii. 508. 522. of China, Bell's deſcription of it vii . 525. 528 , ecclefiaftical, of the Dairi of Counti Mamadi xvi. 847.855 Japan vii . 718 7 Court 220 of Spain X. 360 264 9 vi. 380 > 674 36 40 45 vi . 181. 203 58 383 > [ 112 ] INDEX. VOL. vii. 806—8.11. 813. 817 XV. 286 XY. 418 XV . XV. XV. XV. XV. . XV. XV . XV. V. PAGE VOL. PAGE Court of the ſecular Emperor of Courts of judicature in Cuſco xiv . 616 Japan vii . 805 in La Plata xiv. 623 of the Emperor of Japan , in Conception, Kempfer's account Chili xiv . 667 of the Great Mogul viii . in Santiago xiv. 678 , anec. in Barbary xv. 426. 677 dotes of intrigues at viii . 18. 162 in Morocco 756 of the King of Ethiopia viii. 272 Courts of the Moorish houſes xv. 646.767 of Muſkat viji . in the Harem of the Em of the Samorin of Calecut viii . 369 peror of Morocco 789 of the King of Perſia ix . 64 Courtſhip of the Laplanders i . 450 of the King of Pegu ix . in the Highlands iii . 91 of Ava ix. 494. 520. 544 in Perſia ix . 250. 259 of the Engy Teeken ix . 524 in Maſſachuſets xiii . 747 of the General of Tonquin ix . 690.692.748 of the Indians of of the Imam of Sana X. 65. 70. 106 Quito xiv . 521 of Powhatan xiii. 57. 75 the Moreſco mode 429 of the King of Galles 8 in Tetuan XV. 451 of the King ofDancali 15 in Barbary 668 of Sultan Abd- el-rachman in Morocco 775 el- rafchid I 21 of the Sogneſe xvi. 235 of the Bey of Tunis 383 Cous in Egypt 238 of the Emperor of Morocco xv. 465. 471. Couſcous of the Negroes of Senegal xvi . 612 473• 483. 741. 748. 752. 788. 797 Coutances town iv. 153 of the negro Kings in Guinea xvi. 415.486 Couteran's, M., attempt to reach of the King of Benin xvi . 534 the ſummit of Mont Blanc 786 of Quiteva xvi . 683 Coutet, Marie, the Chamouni guide iv. 687 Court-baron of England ii . 134 his aſcent of Mont Courtchis, ſoldiers, of Perſia ix . 218 Blanc 786 Court -days of the Emperor of Coutinho, Thomas de Souſa xvi. 729 Morocco 753. 797 his Courtenay family ii . 291 engagement with the Turks xvi. 730 Court field ii . 224 Court-houſe, Philadelphia xiii. 390.728 dotes of him 735 Courtiers of Ruſſia 902 Couvent des Demoiſelles Nobles, le, of Pekin vii . 262. 266 of Peterſburgh vi . Courtiſſeau village iv. 191 Couvercle, excurſion towards the Court- leets of England ii . 134 ſummit 783 Courts of juſtice in Iceland i . 647 - , proſpects from 785 in London ii . 71 Cove of Couk 833 in England ii . 130 Coverham abbey ii . 427 -, ſpiritual ii . 135 Covell, Thomas, epitaph on iii. 183 of Twelve, of the Scilly ifles ii . 750 Coventry town ii . 354 ecclefiaftical, of Scotland 526 church ii . ibid . of juſtice in the Weſtern iſles iii . 614 antiquities at ii . 355 in the Shetland canals ii . 357 illes 696 Skrine's account of ii . 616 in the Valteline 926 Covetouſneſs of the Turks 259 in Chiavenna 937 Covigliano iv. of the Griſons 967 Cow, five- pence the price of a ecclefiaftical, of Perſia ix. 215 Siameſe ix . 588 civil, of Cochin-China ix . 792 Cowal, ſurpriſe of a party in iii ,. 164 of the Bermudas xni. 197. 202 Cowardice of the Siameſe ix. 593 of judicature in Virginia 712 of the Tonquineſe in Maryland xiii. 726 Cowbin eſtate ini . 74 in Penſylvania xii. 730 Cowbridge ii . 591 in New Jerſey xiii . 735 Cow -dung fuel at Seringapatam viii 612 in Rhode Iſland xiii . ii . 305.662 in Maſſachuſets xii. 746 Weſt ii . ibid . in Quito xiv, 444 Eaſt ji . ibid . in Lima xiy, 572 Coweta Indians xii . Coweta, XV. > abec xvi. vi. 835 jii. jji. X. 264 > 9 X111. ix. 664. 753 742 Cowes caſtle 448 INDEX. [ 113 ] PAGE PAGE xii. 111 617. to 111. > Xul. 718 576 Xv. V x. V. 380 V. 212 V. IIO V. VOL. VOL. Coweta Indians, Oglethorpe's jour Cramer's, Madame, account of Tiey to their town xii . 463 Alexey Petrovitch vi . 735 Cowkoes of the Bermudas 268 Cramond village 467 Cowldurga viii . 761 Cramp-Itones of the Iſle of Skie Cowper's, Captain, voyage Crampton , Mr. xili . 229 New England xiji . 209 Cramton, Samuel xiii . 207 Cows of the north 296 Cranberries of Longtown 212 the Nordland i . 342 Crane -hunting, by the Great Mogul viii. 204 of Iceland 663 Cranes of Japan, their privileges vii . 702 food ibid. of Virginia xii. 555. x.ii. 5 -, price ibid . of North America 525 of the Ile of Skie iii . 624 of Brazil xiv. of Italy iv. of Egypt 339 of Gruyeres 846 Cranganore , Hamilton's deſcription viii . 379 of Norway 360 Jews at vili . ibid . veneration of the Banians for viji . 297 Cranium , the ancient 764 in America xili . 422 Cranſton caſtle 477 wild xi. 443 Craſſi village 801 of Canada xiii . 662 Cratcliff, ſtones on ii . of Chili xiv. 83 Craters of Mount Hecla i . 630 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 53 of volcanoes 7 -, wild, of Benguela xvi. of Veſuvius, Spallanzani on 13 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 431 of Etna, extent 61 Cox, Mr , his farms in N. S. Wales xi . 924 clear view of 74 Cox, the pilot xü . 550 internal Gides 75 Coxe, Mr.. on the death of Charles bottom ibid . the Twelfth vi . 516 effects of ſtones Coxendale, Virginia xiii. thrown in ibid . Coxe's travels in Switzerland, and ſmaller one 76 in the country of the Griſons v . 640-992 changes in 77 travels in Denmark vi . 293-353 Riedefel's account 78 travels in Norway vi. 356-372 Hamilton's account 1. ibid . travels in Ruſſia vi . 570-913 Brydone's account ibid . Coxes iſland viii . 408 Borch's account ibid . Coyba infect, powerof its poiſon xiv. 487 D’Orville's account v. 79 Coyecochea , Don Martin 550 ancient accounts of 80 Coylur, Behaim's obſervations on xi . 403 of Stromboli Crab Niton ii . 723 on its ſituation ICO Crabs, petrified, of Muljan vii. 186 remains of an of Japan vii . 710 ancient 104 of Siam 635 deſcription of -, petrified ibid. the inſide and bottom 107 of Torquin ix . 679 of Vulcanello , its inſide of Arabia 190 of Vulcano 140 minute, of ſea -weed xiii . -, dangerous de of Senegal xvi . 663 ſcent into 141 Crab-trees of North - America xiii . 556 deſcription ibid. Cracow , ſituation of i . 224 -, changes in 148 academy i . ibid. 151 caſtle i . ibid. of Felicuda 216 - , churches i . ibid . of Alicuda 225 Cracow, Prince-Biſhop of xvi . 780 Crau diſtrict iv. 223 Cradles, Lapland i . 400 foil of 307 Cradock , Mr., of New England xii . 252 Craven , Lady Craftshole village ii . 271 Crawfiſh of Canada xiii . 663 Crags falling in the ſea 160 of Brazil xiv. 721 Craighall manfion iii . 559 Crcach , a Scotch iii . 349 Craigmillar caſtle 33 Cream , clotted ii . 287 Craig -mills, cairn at iii . 68 Creation , Banian doctrine of viii . 524 Craigfton caſtle iii , 65 ſecond viii . 535 Cramer, Mr., anecdotes of him 31 Perfees' doctrine of viii . 557 VOL. XVII. [ P ] Creation , V. > 98 > ix . ix. 138 9 381 2 V. a new one V. iv . iv . 227 [ 114] INDEX. VOL. PAGE V. 746 216 Xill. 202 > 885 V. X. V X. XV. X. 9 V. iv . X. VOL . PAGE Creation , ametaphorical account of ix. 821 Criggan, Biſhop ii . 809 Virginian doctrine of xii. 604. xiii , 13 Crillon , Duke de 441 Guinea Negroes' account his fiege of Gibraltar v. 589 of it xvi. 397. 493 Crimea, on the Ruſſian conquek of - , Malegaches' account of it xvi. it (note ) vi . 891 Creden hill ii . - Rubruquis's deſcription vii . 25 Credit, obſervations on public iv. 399 Crimes, puniſhments for, in China 505 Creditors, their mode of recovery in the Bermudas in Guinea xvi . 410 puniſhable by ſlavery in Creed of the Moalians vii . 81 Africa xvi. of the Japaneſe Sintos vii . 730 Criminals, on condemning 723 of Budido vii . 751 mode of paſſing ſentence, of Siuto or philoſophers of Japan vii . 755 at Bern 850 of the Turks 285 - , treatment in Borneo 914 of the Maronites 295 proceſs with, in the Val. of the Mahometans 423.472 teline 927 Creek Indians, Oglethorpe's treaty their punihments in Ruffia vi. 805 with them xii . 448.452.463.484 Crim Tartars ix . 141 Creich pariſh iii . 157 manners and cuſtoms ix. 162 Creightoun caſtle 437 Crim Tartary, ſee Taurida. Creiſſen's, Commodore, capture of Cripplegate -ward ii. 59 Surinam xii. 292 Criſia palm -wine of Guinea xvi. 383.453 Crema town iv . 245 Criticiſm , biblical X. 336.378.381 . xv . 87.90 cattle and dairies iv. 582 Dr. Shaw's xv. 507.555.588. -, implements and tillage iv. 616 599.618.624.633.647.649.660.667.675.809 -, propoſed transfer of the go Critique on the French ftage 523 vernment iv . 621 Croatan, Britiſh colony at xii . 185 , prices of articles 651 Croatoan iſland xii. 611.624. xiii . 16 Cremil ii . 270 Croats, their character vi. 108. 114 Creobrifi 604 Crockadore bird xi . 62 Creoles in Peru xiv. 14 Crockernwell ii . 287 of Carthagena xiv. 332 Crocodiles of Java viii . 454 of Quito Siameſe mode of taking ix . 619 Crepy, Count de iv. 619 of Cæſarea 450 Creſcent, Royal, at Bath ii . 250 Pigafetta's account of Paramatta 911 of the Miffiffipi xiii. 351 Creſsbrook Dale ii . 387 of Brazil xiv . 715.722 Creſſets of Mindanao xi . 16 of the river Amazon xiv. 245 Creſſi hall, heronry at iii . 7 of Chagre xiv. 371 Creſwell Crag ïi. 444 of Guayaquil xiv, 410 Cretal, Madame iv. 166 Lobo's deſcription 44 Cretans, Pococke's deſcription 618 of the Nile 333 Crete, the ancient 275.596 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. Creté, M. 175 of the Senegal, deſcribed Cretté, M., on chicory culture iv. 488 by Adanſon xvi . 627.655.657 his cultivation of the in Sofala xvi. 699 ſun - flower iv. of Madagaſcar xvi. 798 626 of the Niger xvi. 848 Creuſe river xiii. 324 Crocodiles, city of 213 Creveccur fort 320 Crocodiles, river of xiii . 862 Creveceur fort, Guinea xvi . 367 Crocodilopolis 229 Crichton, the Admirable, account Crofts, James ii . of his life üi. 137 Croix, Count de la, his expedition Crichton caſtle to Madagaſcar xvi. 793 Crickets of Siam 631 Croix, Hermitage des 712 of North America xiii . 506 Croke, Sir George 187 of Brazil xiv . 720 Croken manſion 18 Crickheith town ii . 629 Crokentor ii. 286 Crickhowell, Skrine's account of ii. 586 Cromar 59 Crief town 404 Cromarty Firth 82 Criers, public, of Guinea xvi . 418 Crome manſion 613 Cromer xiv. 448.524 X. > xi. 356 XV. XV. X. 436 iv . 506 Creus cape xiii. XV. 426 iii . ix . 478 V. ii. INDE X. [ 115] VOL . PAGE * vi. 873 627 xiii. 416 865 77 XV. 629 xiv . 371. 373 V. X. X. iv . iv. iv. XV. iv. XVI . iv . in Savoy iv . VOL . PAGE Cromer on the great Duke of Crown-birds of Guinea deſcribed xvi . 444 Moſcow (note) vi . 597 -of the Gold Coaft xvi. 445 Cromford village ii . 375 of Fida xvi. 503 Cromwell, Oliver ii . 301 Crown iſland , New Britain xi . 494 bis expedition Crown Point, Canada xiii . 604.614 againſt Hiſpaniola xü . 310 Crows of Finmark i . 423 Cronborg caſtle vi . 293 ſea , deſcribed i . 428 palace 294 of the Alps Cronebergcity vi. 247 of Siam ix . -, proſpects near vi . 250 of Penſylvania Cronſlot fortreſs vi. of North America xiii. 523 Cronſtadt, account of, at the revo of Chili, order of their flight xiv, lution vi . 777 of the Deſert harbours and docks at vi. 865 Hottentot xvi. 79.91 town vi. 866 Cruces town, Panama navy. vi. ibid . Crucibles, Spallanzani's 133 Cronſtedt, on the nature of earths i . 728 Crucifix of the Latins at Jeruſalem 342 -, on zeolites v. 207 vi . 470 Crucifixion, ſcenery of it in Jeru Crops, courſe of, in France iv. 175 ſalem deſcribed 340 obſervations on iv , 481 Cruelties of the King of Boni xi . 226 for improving waſte lands 517 of Lopez d'Aguira xii , 203 courſes of, in Piedmont 588 of the Indians in New in the Milaneſe 589 England xii. 400 in the Venetian ſtate iv. ibid . of the Emperor of Mo in Tuſcany iv . 591 rocco, anecdotes of it 477.491 in Modena ibid . of Anqua of Guinea 349 in Parma 592 Cruickſton caſtle ii. 243 ibid . Cruizes of a French pirate xii. 228 Croſby, Lord 848 Cruizers in Yarmouth road ii . 726 Croſhaw , Captain, anecdotes of him xiii. 152. 160 Crull's antiquities of St. Peter's 79 Croſh -tarie of the Highlands 93 Cruner Gun's caſtle iii . 154 Croſs at Coventry ii . 151. 356 Cruſade, bull of it 423 at Mountforrel ii . 366 Cruſades, obſervations on them vii. near Northampton ii . 453 Cruſtation , a powerful mode of at Dunſtable ii . 457 nature's operation i. 730 in Campbeltown iii . 270 Cruxfiord paſſage i . 774 of Jona iii . 297 Cruz, Cape de Santa, Cuba xii . 70. 74. xiii . 755 in Italy 248 Cruz, Santa, Morocco 714 ſign, common to the Spaniards v. 509 Cruz, Vera, ſee Vera - Cruz. uſe made of one, by an Ar Cruz , Manuel Fernandez xiv . 739 menian prieſt vii . 66 Cruzero conſtellation xiv . 82 -, erection of it in Cochin-China ix. 803 Crymogaea of Arngrim Jonſon i . 670 erected by Magellan in Zebu xi , 340 Crypt at Guildford ii . 322 -- ceremony of erecting, in Cryſtallization, nature's operation by i . 729 New France xii. 638 of ſiliceous earth 902 in Canada xiii . 628 of iron iii . ibid , of the Copti church 370 of baſaltes ii. 903.912 Croſs, Captain , his voyage with of Stromboli 117 Sir W.Raleigh xii. 206 of Valle di Muria 186 Croſs-bow of Switzerland 733 - > quartzoſe 187 Croſs- of- Ilands i . 26 natural, of metals 238 Croſs -roads of Ireland 869 in Barbary 607 Croſsthwaite church 193 Cryſtal- quarries of Madagaſcar xvi . 779 Croſs -worſhippers of Pekin 415 Cryſtals, obſervations on 725 Crouachan mountain 368 of Iceland i . 746 Croulin iſle 342 of Buxton 411 Croum vale X. 442 curious Crowds on the Japaneſe roads 784 of the Ine of Skie 617 Crowland abbey iii. made of vitriol iii . Crown of Denmark rendered here . on Mont-Blanc iv. 703 ditary in 1660 vi. 305 of zeolites 206 [ P 2 ] Cryſtal V. 100 iv. XV. iii . XV. V. XV . - 111 374 884 [ 116] INDE X. VOL. VOL. PAGE V. 306 V. xii. I 20 I 21 2 vi. vi. XV. XV . > vi. 486 iii . 708 556 190 54. 67 viii . Cryſtal-fand of Iſchia Cuacica juriidiction Cualbarine, Cacique Cuama river deſcribed Cuba iſland , its trade Colon's diſcovery Menonville's account Columbus's diſcovery Cubaqua iſland, pearl fiſhery Parker's attack on Cubba- Beeſh tribes Cubcabia , Dar-Får route from Wara to Cublai Khan , ſee Kublai- Khan . Cubíac, vineyards of Cuchibara river Cuckoo, Lapland ſuperſtitions re ſpecting it of St. Kilda - , the mufical, of Loango Cucu herb of Popayan Cucuas, General Luis de las Cudaguel lake, Chili Cucumbers of the Cape Cudera Canavay mine Cuderington, Mr., Virginia Cudruaigny, the Canadian god Cuebas, Lucas de Cuenca juriſdiction and city Cuerden vale Cuervo iſland Cues, Los, village Cuges Cuichocha lake Cuitapari mountain Cui, village of Culabee fort Culbleen , hill of Culculla town Culdees of Scone of Brechin of St. Andrews of Melros Culebras of Peru Culebras de bejuco ſnake Culen plant of Chili Cull, Algiers Cullem ſhoe iſland Cullen , improvements at Cullen houſe town Culloden, battle of Culroſs town abbey Cultivation , the duty of man of vines, obſervations ix. 581 ix . PAGE 56 Cultivation at Lipari 244 xiv. 628 at Felicuda and Alicuda v . 256 xiv . 206 in Biſcay xvi . 700 of rice in Valencia 601 xvi , 706 in Engadina 909 472 in Hungary vi . 103. 111 37.69 in Auſtria vi . xii . 755. 866 in the Tyrol vi . xiv. 13 in Moravia vi . 131 viii . 253 'in Bohemia vi ibid . xii . 218 in Saxony 144. 155 111. 137 round Hamburg 213 131. 132 round Cologne and xvi . 836 Coblentz vi . 270 in Germany vi . 290 iv . 444 in Sleſwick 344 xiv. 499 in Norway 359 in Japan vii . 684. 697 i . in the Myſore viii . 589 about Wiridy viii . 593 xvi. at Chinapatam viii . 594. 616 xiv . 487 near Seringapatam viii . 608 610 xiv. at Colar viii . 650.656 xiv . at Bhidi-caray 671 xvi. 21. 134 on the Bhawani viii . 723 viii . 706 on the Colangodu viii . 731 xiii . 97 in Perſia ix. 178. 220 xii . 649.655 in the Birman empire ix . 465.469. 479 xiv. 509 in Siam xiv. 473 in Tonquin 716 iii . 181 in Arabia 175. 184 xii . 627. xiii. 18 in Cyprus xiii . 812. 835 in Mount Libanus 289 iv. 226 in Paleſtine 338 xiv. of tobacco in Virginia xii. 242. 245 i . 235. 279 of maize in New Eng iii . 652 land xii . 349 of cocoas in Jamaica xii. 59 of indigo xii. ibid . of pimento xii . 319 415 of hemp and flax, ob iii . 434 xii. fervations on 385 447 in Virginia xii . 596. xiii. 32 481 in Canada 656 xiv. 563 its effects on climate xiii . 681 xiv. 348 of cochineal xiv. 479 xiv. in Lima xiv. 541 of rice in Egypt vui . 499 in Algiers and Tunis 823 of the vineyards in the 67 Canaries 603 68 at Waſliboo xvi. 840 iii . 78 at Kirwani 907 iii . 459 Culver cliffs ii . 694 iii . ibid . Cumberland county ü. 18 produce ii. ibid . rural economy ii. 191 iv. 457 Cumberland county, New South iv. 466 Wales xi. 912. 928 iv. 654.664 Cumberland, George Clifford, Earl of -519 5 Cumberland X. 281.590 X. X. 466 258 318 408 jii , X11 . 39 XV. XV. 598 380 XV. 598 ini . xvi. xvi. 338 on the ofmulberries , ſtate of, in Spain in Majorca iv . 675 ji. " INDEX. [ 117] PAGE vi. 388 508 588 vi. 212 v. 436 VOL . VOL. PAGE Cumberland iſland, Georgia xii . 455. 468 Curioſities in the Tower of London i . 45 CUMBERLAND's, Earl, voyage to of England ii . 150 the Azores 804 at Berkeley caſtle ii. 244 - , picture at in the Arſenal of Stock Skipton caſtle ii. 435 holm vi . 426 Cumberland's, Mr. , account of of Peterſburgh 827 Havod ii. 653 in the Allegada’s houſe Cumbharu , caft, manners and cuſ at Pekin vii . toms viii . 648 in Amoy viii. 494 Cumbinamba Strait xiv. 218 in China viii . Cumdan, Ebn Wahab's account of vii . 206 - , natural, of Auguſta Cumly fort viii . 747 county xiii . 723 Cummin's, Lord, death 222 Curioſity, anecdotes of American xiii . 747 Cumrays 251 Curium, ancient city Cumty town viii . 756 Curivina Banijigaru, caft, their man Cundra iſland viii . 349 ners and cuſtoms viii. 681 Cunha, Nunha de xvi. 737 Curlews of the north i . 276 Cunigunda, legends of 236 of the South fea xiv. 664 Cunji, moſque at 578 Curling, Scotch amuſement of Culinaca, Hamilton's account viii . 406 Curragh of Kildare 858 Cunningham , Mr. viii . 458 Curraghmore 852 Cunninghame, General 820 plantations 853 Cunnung colung curry Angady, Currants, black , growing wild on Nazaren village viii. 733 the banks of the Keat vii, 425 Cuola Woculigaru, caſt, manners American xiii . 551 and cuſtoms vili . 673 Currency of Spain Cupangfoap , port of viii . 477 obſervations on increaſing v . 497 Cupboards of the Laplanders i . 392 tables of the Swediſh vi. 533 in Japan vii. 778 Currents among the Orcades i . 778 Cupola of St. Paul's ii . 62 in Pentland forth 802 Cupolas of the Greek churches 593 in the Strait of Meſſina 265 Cupping, Mandingo mode of xvi. 877 regular, in Hindoftan vili . Curaſao, voyage from Martinico from Java to Amboyna 287 to xiv . 323 of the tic xi. 751 Curchoir town and caſtle viii. 295 in the Baliama channel xiii . 769. 868 Curdeens, Pococke's deſcription of at Miſſilimakinac xiii. 299 them X. 533.537.572 from Cadiz to the Canaries xiv. 324 Curdi people 90. I11 between Carthagena and Curdiſtan deſcribed by Rubruquis vii. go Porto Bello xiv. 360 Bell's deſcription vii. 292 in the South Sea xiv. 391.654.664 Della Valle's deſcription ix . 13 in the Santa river 562 province deſcribed 173 on the coaſt of Brazil xiy. 731 Curds of Italy 580 Curteen , Sir William xii . 293 Curds, people, deſcribed ix . 173 Curtis's Flora Londinenſis vi. 319 Cures performed by Neil Beaton iii . 637 Curtur of Myſore performed by the monk Curubaru , caſt, their manners and Sergius vii . 67 cuſtoms viii . 679.706 performed by the Japaneſe Curupa fort and town xiv. 243 Jammabos vii . 746 Curupa plant, powder of it xiv. 226 wonderful, performed by a Curwen , Mr. iii. 199 Malay doctor viii. 437 Curzon family ii . 372 in Flores iſland viii . 455 Cuſcaſou, Moorish food xv. 318.400 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 789 of Morocco 687 for the ague 495 Cuſco city xiv. for the tooth- ache xiii . 513 juriſdictions in the dioceſe xiv. 616 Curia Muria, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 283 Cuſkarawack river xiii. Curiapan, Raleigh at xii. 206 Cufni people 838 Curiat village viii . 284 Cuſfeta Indians xii. 448.464 Curi-Mullinvo ſnake xiv. 496 Cuſtard- apple, the Mexican xiii . Curing herrings, mode of ii. 336 Cuſtom demanded in Ruſſia i . 42 Curioman the Indian xiv. 200 - , on the Virginian xiii . 169 Cuſtom vi. > 225 xi. vii , > XIV . ix . iv . viii . 601 XV. xili. 614 62 xvi. 817 [ 118] INDEX. VOL. PAGE PAGE v. v111 . X. X. X. X. X. xiii . V. Xv. 222 iv. ix . I 12 iii. X. > > VOL. Cuſtom at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 57 Cuvier cape, New Holland xi . 795 Cuſtom - houſe of London ii . 49 Cuxia, Gaſpar de xiv. 509 of the Iſle of Man 816 Cuyians, Ovalle's deſcription of of Cadiz 582 them xiv. 126 of Bavaria 33 Cuyo province, Ovalle's deſcription xiv. 101. 125 of Vienna vi. 67 Cwm - du church ii. 586 of Mocha 279 Cwm -dwr, paſs of i . 602 of Bangalore 631 Cwm -yſtwyth ii . 607 of Jidda 22. 24 Cwm- tythen hills, view from ii. ibid . of Hodieda 29 Cyanean rock 731 of Mauſchid 49 Cycle of the Tartars vii, 138 of Mokha 51.77 Cycles of Japan vii . 721 anecdotes of one 837 Cyclops, rocks of Etna 89 Cuſtom -maſters of Perſia ix . 257 Cydnus river (note ) 547 Cuſtom -houſe officers of the Pala. Cydonia, the ancient X. 598.603 tinate vi . 265 Cyder of Paris iv, 52 of Gotten of Philadelphia xiii. 464 burg vi . 382 of Brazil xiv. 869 Cuftoms, fingular, in Lapland i . 166 Cynopolis, the ancient of Poland i . 221 Cypreſs-tree at Stroma 599 of the Engliſh ii. 146.518 an immenſe Perſian ſingular, of the iſlanders of Cypreſs - trees of Japan vii . 694, 695 Scilly ii . 754 of Shiraz ix . 192 ſuperſtitious, of the High. of Chili xiv. 87 landers 49.90 Cyprian's Book of Degrees vi . 849 in Cannay ille iii . 310 Cypriotes, Pococke's deſcription 591 of the Piats 443 Cyprus iſland, Dandini's account x . 277. 280. 301 of the iſle of Lewis iii . 576 - , voyage to Venice from x . 303 ancient and modern , of the Pococke's deſcription X. 574 Weſtern illes iïi. 607 natural hiſtory 588 at St. Kilda 715 Cyrilian alphabet vi. 846 - , ſuperſtitious, in the Ork. Cyrus river, its courſe vii . 90. 292. ix. 101 neys iii . 762 Cyfamus, the ancient 601 of the French iv. 298 Cytor, ancient city viii. 6 ſuperſtitious, at Felicuda 257 Cyzicus, Pocoeke's deſcription 713 of the inhabitants of Zuric v. 666 Czar, origin of the title vi. 612 of the inhabitants of Entli Czars, their ancient palace in the buch 729 Kremlin vi. 595 national, in Ruſſia vi . 704 tombs and characters 597 of the Tartars vii. 29. 33. 35 Czchan- zchumnienne palace 440 in India, barbarous ( ſee Manners and Cuſtoms) viii . 179 Cutaki, country from the Ghats to viii . 759 D. Cutalli ille 711 Cutamboor village viii. 727 Dah lizard 627 Cutchnaggen province and town 309 Daberah village 363 Cutlers of Sheffield ii . 414 Dabrie plain iii . 369 Cutlery of Chateaurault iv. 374 Dabul town 350 of Tours iv . 375 Dacca city, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 415 Cutlery -ware of Damaſcus 505 Dachala xvi . 829 Cuttatawomen Indians 27.69 Dacier family of Paris iv. Cutter, loſs of Capt. Cook's, occa Dacio village 895.986 fioned his death xi, 711 Dackhul diſtrict, Tunis 568 Cutterie, caſt of, in India viii . 548 D’Acoſta on the Giant's Caufeway iii . 895 Cuttery, Banian account of him 525 Dactylus of Barbary 637 his adventures, travels, and Dadichi, M. 95 wife viii , 527 Dafar towa 114 Cuttle fiſh of Arabia 190 Dagana village xvi. of Cape Horn xi. 502 Dagar de Loup, Noftre Dame i . its deſcribed xvi . 17 Dag-Baba mountains Cuts in Nieuhoff's travels in China vii . 232 Dageou people 158 Dagheftan, iii. X. X. X. XY. VIII . X. vili, xiii. 24 V. XV. XY. XV. X. 629 839 eye X. 677 XY. INDEX.. [ 119] VOL . PAGE viii . X. ix . XV. X. 1 * 150m2 488 252 X. XV. XV. V. XV. XV. 210. 221 iii . V. IOI XV. I 2 VOL, PAGE Dagheſtan, expedition of Peter the Damer's, Lady, garden ü. 269 Great in vii. 490 Damietta , Pococke's deſcription xv. 178. 273 Beli's deſcription of vii. 494 DammerCappy XV . 544 province ix . 175 Damoiſelle, Iles de la xii. 671 Dagon's temple in Arracan viii. 417 Damote kingdom XV . 21 in Pegu 427 Damour river 475 at Rangoon 448 Damp of mines iii . 198 remarks on it 652 Dampierre's account of Tonquin Dahhi village 34 (note ) ix . 710 Dahl river vi . 458 DAMPIER's account of the Philip Dahlberg, General Count, anec pines xi. dotes of ( rote) vi. of New Hola Dahlberg's monument at Mentz vi . land and the adjacentiſlands xi. 464 Daikoku, the Japaneſe god vii. 738 Dampier's bay, New Holland ix. 793 Dailsford ii. 203 Dampneſs from rock - Itone ii . 741 Daina, antiquities there 543 Damuta kingdom , Ethiopia xvi. 722 Dairfie houſe iii . 446 Dancali kingdom 14 Dairies of Italy iv. 576 Dancali, King of 15 in the Lodizan iv. 583 Dance of Death iii . 492 of Gruyeres 846 Dancers of Carwar viii. 362 in Weſt Barbary 416 in the Hindoo temples 725 in Algiers and Tunis 620 Dances, Poliſh i . Dairo of Japan, Caron's account of in Ireland 860 him vii. 612. 630 Spaniſh 517 Kempfer's deſcrip at Bern 848 tion vii. 716 in the temples of India 176 Dake town viii, round the funeral pile 178 Dal river i . 339 of the Perſians ix . 19. 21 Dala river 767 of the Siameſe ix . 597 Dalacha iſland of the Tonquineſe ix. 672.725 Dalay Lama, ſee Lama. in Mindanao xi. 26 Dalecarlia, Fortia's deſcription of in Manilla xi . 82 the mines vi. 456.469 in Borneo xi . Dalecarlians, Fortia's deſcription of in Otaheite xi. 520 them 469 in Ulietea xi. 524 D'Alembert, M. i . 542 -, war, of New Zealand xi. 543 Dale's , Sir Thomas, government of in Watteeoo iſland xi. Virginia xiii . 109. 114 in the Friendly ifles Dalheron village i. 262 in Tongataboo xi . 678 Dalkeith town ii. 34 on the Hudſon river xiii . 577 - houſe of the Virginians xiii . 716 Dalla province ix . 451 of the Chilians xiv . 117 Dalles deſcribed i . 207 in Carthagena xiv. 337 Dalmatia, on the government of iv. 620 in Quito xiv , 445 Dalmore, pines of ili . 55 of the Brazilians xiv. 873 Dalrymple river, Van Diemen's Land xi . 899 in Abyſſinia 94 Dalſhian ili . 380 in Dar- Fur 153 Dalu river i . 329 Moreſco 439 Damaan town viii . 326. 327 of the Hottentots xvi. 33 Daman town ix . of the Caffrés xvi. 37 harbour 9 of the Negroes of Benin xvi. 530 Damar city deſcribed 63 of the Loangele 575 Damaſcatos river xii . funereal, of the Negroes at Damaſcus, Bedouins in Portudal xvi . 623 beautiful proſpect of it of horſes in Senegal xvi. 662. 667 city deſcribed of the Malegaches of Ma Pococke's deſcription dagaſcar xvi. 747 Damba gold weight of Guinea xvi . 374 of the Canarians Xvi. 820 Damel, anecdotes of his war with of the Mardingoes xvi. 878 Abdulkader xvi. 904 Dancing -girls of the Birman empire ix . 475. 528 Damer river 327 Dancing- women of Mindanao xi. 17 1 121 vi. xi . 654 667 ibid. 477 xv. XV. XV. 408 XV. xvi. X. 432 138 367 368 498 X. X. X. Danby [ 120] INDE X. VOL. PAGE PAGE XV. X. X. 111 . XV. Young xi, X. 548 V. vii. 308 XV. 723 VOL. Danby, Earl of ii . 107. Darçon's proje & for the fiege of Gib Danby, Mr. ii . 426 raltar 590 Dande river xvi. 320 Dar Corely caſtle 690 Battel's adventures Dardanelles, on the Ruſſian trade. at xvi . 328 through vi . Ngo. x 232 Dande Rajapore viii . 350 -, Pococke's deſcription X. 703 Dandelion of Canada xiii . 607 Dardanium promontory 704 Dandini's voyage to Mount Li Dare, Virginia, the firſt European banus 272 born in Virginia xii . 614. xiii. 17 Danes, the ancient 885 Dare's, Mr., daughter, the firft - , Rieſbeck's deſcription of them vi. 219 Briton born in America xii . 184 landing at Gottenburg vi . 385 Dar- Fur, Brown's journey to 108 at Tranquebar viji . 390 itineraries in xvi . 836 at Hoogly viii . 413 Dargle glen, deſcribed by Mr. xvi . iii . in Aquamboe, Guinea 367 821 their gold trade in Guinea xvi . 375 its romantic ſcenery iii . ibid . Danes' Gat i . 548 Darien town, Georgia xii. 455 iii . Dangan , improvements at 814 xiv. Spaniards in 142 niines 579 xiv. Dangerous Archipelago 382 province xiv. Dangios, Sig. , his meaſurement of 385 Etna 83 Darius's battle with Alexander Daniel, the Prophet, account of his Darius's palace at Perſepolis ix . 102.193.267 tomb 6 Darius's tower vii . Daniel , Pere iv. 37 Dar- Kinnana xvi. 832 Daniel's , Mr., drawings ix . 468 Dar- Kulla 159 Daniſh Lapland, Leems's account of ii . i . 376 Darley hall 372 Daniſh -Mount Fort, Guinea xvi. 360 Darma, tea- plant ſprung from his Dan' Nayakana Cotay, viii . eye-lids vii. 227 Dannemora mine, the Peru of Swe. his doctrines in Japan vii . 755 den vi. 549 Darmſtadt, ſociety at vi. 248 Dante town, Congo xvi. 158. 297 -, agriculture vi. ibid . Dante's paſſage to hell 225 Darmſtadt, Prince of vi . 249 ruſtic 253 Darnetal manufactures iv . 357. 378.383 Dant Point viii . 313 Darnly, Henry 243 Dantzic, etymology of i. 209 Daroca town 550 trade i . ibid. Darogas of Perſia ix . 216 amber fiſhery at i . ibid . Daroo, Perſee commandments to churches i . them viii . 566 mill i . ibid . Dar -Runga language vocabula 160 Danube river i . 230 Dartford , ſcenes at ii. 494 its fource v . 641. vi. 59 Dartmore 286 vi. бо Darts of the North Americans xii. 501.557 navigation vi . 61 Darzerboh 459 fcenery on the banks vi. 64. Dalamonquepeak xii . 584.613 . xiii. 11 fall vi. 65. vii . 501 Dáféri of the Teliga Banijigas viii . 635 Blount's account of it 225 Dafhkow , Princeſs, her ſhare in Danwiken mad- houſe vi . 429 the revolution vi . 901 Dan y park ii . 585 Dalhour, near Cairo 204 Daphne, grove of 562 canal Dara , ſon of the Great Mogul, Ber Daſkrahs of Barbary 503.655 nier's account of him 61.68 of Morocco 690 his army viii . 75 Daſles of Table Mountain xvi . 64 bat Daffin iſland xvi . 78 tle with Aureng-Zebe viii , 78 Date-palms, wild viii . 765 rout Dates of Baflora viii . 291 and flight viii. 94 of Gombroon viii . 297 be of Perſia ix . 179 trayed viii. of the valley of Faran 9 death viii . 99 of Egypt 336 Darabghierd city ix . 122 Date - trees of Brazil xiv. 866 Dar Beyda, Morocco 701 of Tunis Date 111 . 210 XV. ii . plain of XV. X. > XV. XV. 210 X. XV. XV. viii. - 97 XV. xv. XV. 593. 600 INDE X. [ 121 ] VOL. PAGE PAGE V. > V. X. 58 476 ly. X111 . > iv. iv . V. 538 546 758 vi. VOL . Date-trees , Reynier's deſcription XV. 838 Day, its length in Chili xiv. 34 of Krampfane foreſt xvi. 641 Days, luckyand unlucky iii . 383 Datliboo town xvi . 841 fortunate and anfortunate in Dattolo, Spallanzani's account of 128 Japan vii . 733 Dauben See 765 table of unfortunate vii. 798 Daubenton bay xi . 880 , lucky and unlucky, of the Daubenton's Spaniſh ſheep v . 323. 326 Negroes xvi. 403 meaſurement of the Deacons of the kirk of Scotland ii . 165 bouquetin 796 Dead, cuſtom of burning them viii. 179. xi.857 Daule lieutenancy , Guayaquil xiv . 405 Dead fea, Maundrell's deſcription 347.429 D'Aumont garden iv. Pococke's account X. 432. XV. 401 Daun's, Marſhal, manæuvres at the Deaf and dumb, Braidwood's aca battle of Kolin vi . 132 demy for Dauphin fort, Madagaſcar xvi . 749.751.758 Deafneſs, a charm for 587 Dauphin of France 289 Deal town, Kalm's account 377 Dauphiny , foil of iv . 307 Deals of Chriftiana vi. 365 , vineyards of iv. 455 Deal flips uſed as lamps i . 298 lilk culture in iv. 465 Dean, foreſt of, Glouceſterſhire ii. 10.232.578 culture of hemp and flax iv. 493 Dean of the Guild in Scotland iii . 79 of madder iv. ibid. Dean of the Illes, his account of of potatoes iv. 500 Jona 300 of rice iv. 501 Deane village 329 of various plants iv. 506 Dear, Vincent xii. 16 coals of 520 Deafil ceremony iii . 369 gathering leaves in iv. 532 Death of Sir Hugh Willoughby 15 - , threſhing 533 Holbein's dance of 692 tillage and laying of of Haller 867 land in iv. of the Empreſs Thereſa vi . 102 manures and manuring in iv . of Tycho Brahe 332 Davant, Don Juan xiji. of Guftavus III . vi. 504 Davenport's, Mr., ſettlement in of Charles XII. vi . 513-520 America xii. 254 of the falſe Demetrius vi . 631 David, 11., anecdotes of him xvi. 601. 607 of Peter the Great vi. David Elroi the pretended Meſſiah vii . 8 of Catharine I. vi. 730 David the Tartar ambaſſador vii. 95 of Alexey Petrovitch 735 David's Well 351.436 of the Princeſs Charlotte Davis, Captain , anecdotes of xüi. 180 Chriftina Sophia vi . 739 Davis's voyages for diſcovering of the Emperor Ivan vi. 788 the North -weſt Paſſage xii . 185 of Huſſein , commemoration ſecond xii. 189 of it ix . 38 third xii . 194 particulars of the ſtory ix . 272. 295 Davis's Land xi . 601 of Magellan xi. 345 Davis's Strait, diſcovery of xii. 188 of Captain Cook xi . 713 Davos diſtrict 955 of Colon xii. 154 government 956 of Captain Keymiſh xi . 290 lake 957 of Sir Walter Raleigh xii. ibid . Dawes, Lieutenant, on the Blue of Vaſco Nunez de Balboa xiv. 145 Mountains 914 of Pedro de Valdivia xiv . 199 Daws of North America 470.526 not terrible to an Indian xiv. 522 Dawſon's court iii . 858 Negroes terribly afraid of xvi. 426.483 Dax, hot ſpring at iv . 123 cuſtom in Fida on a King's xvi. 492 Day, continual polar i . 251 Deaths for forty years in France iv. 317 in the polar regions i . 757 occafioned by the earthquake - , length of the Scotch at Meſſina 260 length in the Iſle of Skie iii . 629 at Calabria ( note) 275 in Shetland 773. 782 Debaroa, Abyffinia 49 the Arabian 167 Debates in Parliament ii. 507.569 at Surat 214 in the States.General of loft in circumnavigating the Paris iv . 174 380 of the National Aſſembly iv. 292 - , length in Frobifher's Strait xii. 559 Deblou, Marquis iv. 216 [ 9] Debourah 728 vi. X. V. V. V. xi . xiii. iii . 90 V. > V. XV. X. globe xi. VOL, XVII . [ 122 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE - xi. 421 iv . 401. 435 xi. 9 v . vi. 738 558 536 XV. - iv, V. 373 Deer-found jx. ix. V. 619 874 y. VOL . PAGE Debourah village X. 456 Deep's cave xii . 271 Debroſſes' account of Pigafetta xi . 301 Deer of Scotland ii . 167 introduction to Pelfart's of St. Ildefonſo 337 voyage on the banks of the Volga vii , 284 Debt, national, of England iv . 266.428 of Japan vii. 700 national, of France of Mindanao 20 , national , of Spain 427 of North America xij. . 276, 277 ancient ibid . of Frobiſher's Strait xii . 502. 512 modern 430 of Virginia xii. 600. xiii. 31 - , public, of Denmark 311 tame American xiii . 443 Debts of the Dutch Weſt India of Algiers and Tunis XV. 621 Company xiv. of Loango xvi. - , mode of recovery in Barbary xv. 426.677 Deera, Jibbel curious mode of recovering Deer field i . 553 in Guinea xvi. 410 Deer-hunting in France 135 commonly cauſe wars xvi . 411 at St. Ildefonſo 363 Decan , wars of the Mogul in viii.g. 16. 30. 67. in Virginia xiii. 36 129. 132 Deer -Neſs 749 Decapitation, machine for iii . 524 Deer-parks in Ireland 873 Deceptions in the gold trade of Deer- ſkins of Virginia xii. 594 Guinea xvi. iii. 687.748 Dechabert, M., on the errors of Dee's, Mr., opinion on building navigation i . 737 ſhips xiii . 247 De Chaste's voyage to Tercera i . 833 Deeſa village 444 Deckien caravanſera 43 Defects of England ii . 157 Declamation in Spain 527 Deformity of the Laplanders i , 193 Declination of the ſun, on the dif. of the Mallicollo iſlanders xi. ference of it xi . 34 Dega for Mandingo baptiſms xvi . Decompoſition of lava 29. 203 Degerando cape xi. 874. 899 of lavas in Vulcano 145 Degrad cape xii . 630 Decoys of the Canadians 286 Degree, meaſurement of one, at Decres iſland xi . 884. 886 the Poles i . 231 Decretot, M. iv. 292 in France i. ibid . on affignats 406 its length under the polar Decretot's, M. , cloth manufactory circle i. 246 at Louviers iv . 164. 379 meaſurement of one, at Decully in Malabar viii . the Equator xiv . 270. 319 Dedication, Martin's, to Prince meaſurement of one, in George of Denmark 572 Quito xiv . 422—440 Brand's, to the Duke Deha town ix . of Hamilton 731 Deheby, Prince Muley Hamet Lifter's, to Lord Somers iv . Dehelec iſland Dolomieu's 273 Dehighirdu village ix . of Rubruquis to the Deification of the Ethiopian Kings xv. King of France vii. 25 De Inventione Litterarum i. 709 Hamilton's, to the Deities of Japan vii . Duke of Hamilton viii . 258 Dekair town ix . 113 Beeckman's xi. 96 Del village on the Niger xvi. 650 of Pigafetta's voyage Dela town ix . 416 round the world xi. 306 Delaberes at Southam ii . 235 Smith's, to the Ducheſs Delagoa, ccaſt from Natal to 265 of Richmond xiii . Delamere foreſt ii. Lahontan's, to the Delametherie on porphyries Duke of Devonſhire xiii. 254 Delaware river xii . 354.381 Windhus's, to the Earl bay and river xiii . 380.385-392.429. of Berkley 442 441.482 . 572.727 Dr. Shaw's, to the King xv. 501 Delay. Lama of Tongut, Bell's Dee, vale of the ii . 635 account of him vii . 357 Deeb , animal of Barbary 624 Deleb tree of Abyſſinia 73 Deeds relative to Scilly iſlands üi. 768 Delebio, road from Morbegno to 933 Deemſter's court ii. 794 Delee, King of, anecdotes of him vili . 549 Delegates xiii . iv . > > 368 jii. 22 iii . XV. 486 XY. 102 v. IOO 348 - 680.712 * I 2 V. I 22 - > xv. XV. XV. V. INDEX. [ 123 ] PAGE PAGE - 624 iii . XV. V111 > manners 9 commerce > I 368 538 XV. vi. 220 V. > V. X. vi. 351 , 352 on it VOL . VOL . Delegates -court ii . 137 Denainvilliers iv, 131 Delehameit, church of 489 Denarius of the Emperor Trajan iii . 324 Delft town i . 335 Denbigh town 623 Delft, the galliot 537 caſtle ii . Delgadillo , Paul Durango xiv . 489 Denbigh , Earl of 113. 231 Delgado iſland , manna of xvi . 719 Dendera, Egypt 234 cape deſcribed xvi . 723 Denga cuin , its value i . 40 Delgados, Domingo xiv. 747 Denizley town 677 Delhi city , Bernier's deſcription viii . 150 Denmark, Regnard's journey to i . 140 fortreſs 157 boundaries i . 142 ſeraglio viii . 161 iſlands i . ibid. inhabitants of viii . 167 ſeparation from Sweden i. ibid . Delicacies of Lapland 431 its government 767 Delight, her ſhipwreck in America xü . 179 religion ibid. Deliverance of four Ruſſians from ibid . Spitzbergen i . 611 i . ibid . Delle Valle's , Pietro, travels manufactures i. 768 in Perfia ix . forces i . ibid . Delly mount viii . towns i . 769 Dellys town inhabitants i . ibid . Delmenhorſt duchy 225 - Rieſbeck's deſcription vi. Delmont valley 703 Coxe's travels in vi. 293 town ibid . revolution in 1660 vi. 302. 308 Delora river, Chili xiv. 55 population vi. 309 Delta, Blount's account 244 finances vi. 310 Delta of Egypt xv. 163. 175. 399 -, army vi. 311 Delton pariſh iii . 779 - , navy vi. 312 Delnc on an eruption ofVeſuvius 19 genealogical table of the Deluge, univerſal, obſervations Kings i . 255 Denmark, King of i . 140. vi. 221 Banian do&rine of an uni. Denmark, Prince Royal of vi. 321 verſal viii . 534 revolu . Perfees' account viii. 558 tion effected by him vi. 323 Indian account of it xiv. 106 Denmark, Queen i . 141 Delvin manſion iii . 392 Dennie, Sir E. i. 818 Dely- Jau village ix , 152 Denon on the pyramids of Egypt 826 Demands of the French nation 432 Denonville, Marquis of Demarcation line of the world xi. 291 Denonville, Governor, of Canada xii . 394 Demareſt's theory of baſaltes iii. 896.906.909 Denoobew town Demaſs, Tunis 581 Denoon caſtle ili , 440 Dembea lake 89 Denſhiring, mode of manuring ii . 285 Demetrius, Czar, his hiftory and Dent, Commodore xï . 457 adventures 625 Dent de Jamant, Le 808 aſſaſſination vi, 631 Dentila, Mungo Park's travels various opinions through xvi . 906 concerning him vi. 741 Dentrecafteaux channel, Van Die -, proofs that he men's Land xi. 837. 889 was not an impoftor vi. 744 Dep-abad town ix . 40 Demianſky town vii. 430 Depleur village, Senegal xvi. 615 Demi-galas of the court of Spain 342 Depopulation of conquered countries Democracy, obſervations on iv. 429 in Aſia ix . 479 its oppreſſions 925 of the Canary iſlands xvi. 823 Demoiſelles Nobles, Le Couvent des, Depofition of Chriftian the Second of Peterſburgh vi. of Denmark 341 Demons, Tonquineſe ceremony of Depredations of the pirates of Mada driving them away ix, 695.746 gaſcar xvi. 768 Demoſthenes' lantern at Athens i . II Demotica town 734 Depuch iſland, New Holland xi. 796 Dempey, Charles xii. 456 baſaltes of xi. 797 Dempſter's account of the Admirable Depuch, M., on the coaſt of New Crichton iii . 143 Holland xi. 772 [ 2 ] Depuch , - . XV. iv. xiii. 282. 292. 327 ix. 457. 563 XV. XV. vi. V. V. 835 X. 753 Deptford X. [ 124] INDEX. VOL . PAGE vii, vii. I21 V. > X. X. ibid. 370 X. X. X. X. 526 > XV. XV, > XV. III 336 - XV. XV. VOL. PAGE Depuch, M., his excurſions in New Defarts of Zaara vii . 15 Holland xi . 781 of Cobinham vii. 113 Deputies of the National Aſſembly of of Lop, Polo's account of Paris iv. 174 his paſſage through it 118 in the diet of the Griſons, of Ezina mode of chooſing 961 of Cardandan vii . 145 of the Daniſh diet vi . 304 the Hungry, Bell's journey Derbend city ix . 46 through it vii . 368. 419 Derbent, Coxe's deſcription vi . 881 Great, of Kobi vii. 590 deſcribed by Rubruquis vii . 45 of Perſia ix . 43 Bell's deſcription vii . 286 Forſter's travels Bell's account of his journey through ix. 282 to, with Peter the Great vii . 485—493 - Jenkinſon's travels through ix , 309 - , deſcription of vii . ibid . of Arabia 7 Derby town ii . 36 Arabs of 15 trade ii . ibid. tribes of Bedouins filk machine at ii . in 134 , china manufactory ii . 371 of Amaſia 98 Moritz's account of ii . 551 of the temptation 345. 429 Derby, Earl of, King of Man ii . 798.831 of Sedur 389 Derby, Counteſs of ii . 800.832 of Vardan 390 Derby haven ii . 798 of St. John 440 Derbyſhire county ii . 14 of the Andes in Quito xiv . its produce ii . ibid . of Sechura xiv. 559 the Peak ii . ibid . of Lybia 63 wonders of the Peak ii . ibid . of Bahiouda 68 , Bray's tour into of Selimé -, eſſay on the oryctography mode of travelling in the of ii . 466 African 135 - , naturalgeography ii. ibid . of Sinai 286 beds of mountains in ii . 469 Shaw's travels through the ii . 474 Arabian 505.515 ſprings ii . 475 of Tunis 594 - , quarries ibid . of Africa, Thunberg's ac mines 477 count xvi. 145 founderies ii . 485 Deſborrow , General xii. 310 manufactures ii . 486 Deſcartes bay, New Holland 881 Dereia 507 Deſcent into a ſalt -mine i . 226 Der-el - Hammel 298 from Mont- Blanc iv . 692 Der- Embabſhai convent 229 from Mount Etna 85 Derlingues, M. , his actions at Dun into Sahlberg filver -mine vi . 454 kirk i . 801 Deſchiel, Mr., grand bailiff of Berghen i . 762 Dermadoud convent XV . 228 Deſcription of Tibet vii. 542-576 Derrara town of Perfia ix , 169 Derry, Ireland of Tonqueen, Baron's ix . 656 Derry- Curilly mountains of the Eaſt, by Dr. Po Derteng, the Perſian name ix . 116 cocke 406 Dertin of Guinea by Boſman xvi. 337–547 Derviſes, Bell's deſcription of them vii. 512 Deſdichados , Las Iſlas xi. 322 of India, Bernier's account viii . 18o Deſeado, Il Capo xi. 320 in Arabia 141 Deſerters from China to Ruſſia vü. 471. 478 their juggling tricks 172 from the Endeavour in convent, near Tripoli 486 Otaheite xi. 516 in Aleppo 527 Deſertion from the Pruſſian army 193 of Caffaraline, Cairo 187 Defgratia, river De la xii. 128 in Egypt 313 Defideratum , a modern hiſtory of Derwent river ii . 370 Europe ( note ) iv. 622 Derwentwater, Pennant's account of iii . 192 DESIDERI's acccunt of Tibet 546 Deſaguadero river xiv . 632 travels into Tibet vii . 595 Deſalis family iv. Deſarts, reflections on i . 359 Defire, port xi. 313 7 Deſmaret's, * " , caves XV. xv. X. XV. XV. XV. iii. iii. 68 827 843 X. XV. 210 X. X. X. . X. xv. XV . vii. 909 Deſio villa 247 INDEX. [ 125 ] PAGE 677 111 . cave xii. 111 . V. XIV . XV. XV. > Deflaix cape V111 9 > X. VOL. VOL. PAGE Deſmaret's, M., account of baſaltes i . 698 Devil , ideas of one in Benin xvi . 530 Deſmond, Earl, anecdote of i . 817 Devils, black, on Genkiaſima iſland vii . Deſmond, Catherine, Counteſs of, ceremony of purging a her portraits iii . 402 country of ix . 695. 746 Deſmono's, Counteſs of, portrait 38 in Cochin -China ix . 824 Deſmond family , Raleigh's account i . 830 Devil's A ii . 474 Deſnambue's, M., ſettlement in Devil's bridge over the Monach ii . 606 St. Chriſtopher's 300 Devil's bridge in Switzerland 745 Defolation, Land of xii. 186 Devil's Cauldron, iſle of Bute 253 Delpenaperros, paſs of 561 Devil's hill , Quito, legend of it 476 Deſpotiſm of the parliaments of Devil's horſe , bird of Abyſſinia 24 France iv. 420 Devil's mount, Guinea xvi. 365 definition ( note) vi . 488 Devil's Punch- bowl iii . 846 effects of it ix . 530 Devitchei nunnery vi . 633 in Siam ix . 586.590 Devon , river, Rumbling Brig over iii . 37 in Morocco 713 Devonſhire county ii . 3 of the King of Loango xvi. 577 produce of ii . ibid . Deſpres, M. , of Stockholm vi . 420 trade ii . ibid. xi . 880 tin ii . ibid . Deſlau, Prince of, at the battle of cyder ïi . ibid . Kolin vi. 133 Devonſhire, Duke of, Lahontan's Deſfil of the Weſtern iſles iii. 612 dedication to xiii . -54 Deſtiny, Sir Walter Raleigh's ſhip xii. 287 Devonſhire family ii . 388 Deſtruction of Meſſina by an earth Devonſhire's, Duke of, works at quake 260 Buxton wells ii . 410 of the world, Banian Devonſhire's tribe, Bermudas xiii . 191 account 534 Devotions of the Japaneſe Sintos vii . 732 ſecond viii . 552 of the Perfians ix . 263 third viii . 553 Devotees in Perſia ix . 283 Bramins' Dew of Hermon 334. 464 doctrine of the final or fourth viii . 554 Dewa province of Japan vii. 663 Detonations of Veſuvius 13 Dewan Khana of Shiraz ix . 240 of Stromboli 102. 107 Dew - fall on the Nile viii . 231 Detour iſe , Canada xii, 301 De Witt, Pentionary, murder of i . 136 Deutas, the Indian viii . 185. 190 De Witt's Land 795 Devaſtation cauſed by locufts on Dews in Arabia 183 the Gambia xvi. 634 in Borneo xi . 118 Dévangas 'caſt, Buchanan's de in Jamaica xii . 317 ſcription of them viii . 636. 676. 682 in America xiii . 400 Devaudon, view from 583 in Peru xiv . Deventer town i . 335 on the plants in Chili xiv. 68 Devettar of Perſia, his feaſt vii . 305 in Lima xiv. 584 Devier, General vi. 776 preceding the riſe of the Nile xv. 331 Devil, Laplanders familiar with him i . 180 Dew -lippers, birds, of Siam ix . 626 the Lapland i . 460 Dey of Algiers 673 a muſician i . 473 Dgugue, the Indian viii . 190 his different appearances ibid . Dhafar ruins 61 his marks i . ibid . Dherma Saſtra of the Birmans ix . 492 the Perſee viii . 558 Dhey Mollah ix . 310 ; Zertooft's encounter with him viii . 562 Dhey Soorch ix . 293 - , offerings to him 611 facritices to him , in Jangoma ix . 763 Diabolo, Mont, Jamaica xii . 314 eating up the moon 129 Diagrams of Barbary 642 offerings to him , in Borneo xi . 133 Diala river ix . in Amboyna xi . 267 Dialects of the Icelandic language i . Virginia : worſhip of him xiii. 39 of the Engliſh ii . 570 ſacrifices to him , in Benin xvi . 302 of the Latin 980 worſhipped by the Gagas xvi . of the Romanſh 982 annually baniſhed from Guinea xvi . 402. 501 of the Arabic 163 twins and the mother facri Diamond - cutters of India vili . 236 ficed to him, in Benin xvi. 526 Diamond iſland viii . 418 Diamond V. V. xi . X. 11 . 9. 280 XV. > X. 7 9 ix . 42. Dia ille X. xi. XV. I 2 674 v. 9 326 y. 9 X. [ 126] INDEX. PAGE PAGE 396 vi . iv . 166. 349 V. 956 V. V. 9 X. > XV. X. X. 950. 960 XV. 546 V. xvi. VOL. VOL . Diamond mines of Murfili vii. 166 Diemeneſe, experiments on the men xi. 939 mode of working vii. 167 Diemen's Land, diſcovery of it xi . 441.639 of Golconda , Ha Perron's deſcription xi . 836 milton on viii . iſlanders xi . 837 Diamonds, profufion at the Ruſſian - , ſurvey of xi. 867.888. 899. 939 court 674 Dieppe, fiſhing trade of Tavernier's obferva. Dier's found хіі . 509 tions on viii . 235 Dieſma, valley of mode of finding viii . ibid. Diet, its great effects on diſeaſes i . 715 poliſhing viji . 236 of the Engliſh ii . 144 trade viii . ibid . in the iſle of Skie 638 of Raolconda viii . ibid. of the iſlanders of Tire-iy 660 of Coulour viii . 241 of St. Kilda 721 impofitions in viii . 243 of the Tartars ( ſee Food) vii . 30 of Gouel, or Soumelpour viii . 244 Dietrich on volcanoes 233 of Succadan viii . 245 Dietrichſtein , Count · 908 weighing vill . 246 Diets of Poland i . 211. vi . 720 coin uſed in paying for viii . ibid . of Switzerland 683 rules for valuing viii . 248 general , of the Griſons, con Shuddery's diſcovery of viii . 529 greſs 961 of Cyprus 589 analogy to the Britiſh parlia Dian country ix . 399 ment 962 Diana, Egyptian worſhip of her 350 on the election of repreſentatives v. ibid . -, her temple at Epheſus 660 of the Grey League 964 Diana of Leucophryne 664 - , general, of the Griſons Diana Veteranorum conſtituent parts ibid . Dianet. Kan viii. 128 mode of chooſing deputies 961 Dian -Manangue, his oration to a of Ratiſbon vi. 42 miſſionary 753 Rieſbeck on 201 Dian -Nong, anecdotes of her xvi . -, the laſt Danish vi, 303 Dian -Pouſſe, anecdotes of him xvi. 751. Diffinton town 196 Dian Ramouſaye, his wars with Diggs, Colonel , anecdotes of his the French xvi. 757 tobacco ( note ) xiii . 707 Dian - Raſſitate, anecdotes of him xvi . 751 Dignities of the court of Spain 343 Dian Ravaras xvi . 756 Diguieres, Les, houſe and garden 59 Diario di Colorno iv . 279 Dijon, vineyards of iv. Diarrhæas, treatment in Barbary 639 Dike, an ancient Syrian 315.569 Diarrhytus , the ancient 558 Dikes in Yemen 74 Diary of Japan vii . 641-651 Dikjeſchoft, ſee Infuma. , Nieuhoff s , of tranſactions Dilaram fort ix . in Brazil xiv, 736 Dil Guſhaie garden 248 of Dr. Shaw's travels in Diligence, a French iv . 167 Barbary 503 Dills, deſcription of i . 500 Dias, Henry xiv. 760 Dimlu city Dibbie lake. Africa xvi. 851 Dimouth , Egypt Sog. 833 Dicheley manfion ii . 201 Dinar, the coin vii. Dictamnum , the ancient 600 Dinas- Bran caſtle ii . 636 Dictionary of the Icelandic i . 675 Dindikoo, gold of xvi . 906 Geographical, of Spain 337 Dipdog promontory iii , Dictionnaire de Savary i . 522 Dindymon mount 713 Dictionnaire Encyclopédique, its Dinevawr caſtle ii . 601 tranſlation in Spain 388 Ding, the Tonquineſe King Didar- Kan, anecdotes of him viii . 108 Dingenacuſh town , Ireland i . Didyme, the ancient 129 caſtle i . --, ſee Saline I Nand . houſes of ibid . Dieto fort xii. 473 fiege ibid. Diego Rais iſland viii . 269 inhabitants ibid . Dieman, Anthony Van, anecdotes mines ibid, of him xi . 423 government i . 818 Diemeneſe, women, deſcribed xi. 850 religion i , ibid . 6 Dingenacuch 751 V. iv . 202. 453 XV . X. XV. X. 232 is. . XV. X. IIO XV. 220 x, V. 842 V. is . 679. 743 817 ibid . V. INDEX. [ 127] PAGE xii . iii. 81 839 X. i . 18. 32. 44 874 588 629 xiii. X. xi. 388 xi. 28. 33 VOL. VOL . PAGE Dingenacuſh, food in i . 818 Diſcipline of armies, obſervations on vi. 114 Dingen-a-Cuthe 617 of the Auſtrian army vi , 129 Dingwall town of Cæſar's ſoldiers vi . 192 Dingyce town xvi . of Pruſſian armies vi . ibid . Dinkira, Guinea, gold mines xvi . 369 of the Turks 249 ' , deſcription of the country xvi . 370 Diſcoverer mine of Potofi xiv. 624 Din Mahamet Soltan, his hiſtory ix. 342. 347. 384 Diſcoveries of Tycho - Brahe vi . 333 Dinners of the Emperor of Ruſſia of the Portugueſe xi . 405. 416. xvi. 675 in Ireland iii . of the Dutch xi. 423 on the time for iv. 99 - , importance to ſcience xi. 460 Engliſh and French iv. 298 made by the Engliſh in at Vienna vi. 72 America xii. 156 in Gottenburg, vi. 385 - , oppoſition made to firſt xii . 212 of the Prince Royal of of and voyages to Vir Sweden vi . 393 ginia xii. 560.571.576.609.619 with a judge at Smolenſko vi . 574 of the iſland of New at Moſcow vi . France xii. of the Ruſſian nobility at obſervations on 211. 220 Peterſburgh vi. 680 Lahontan's obſervations , Japaneſe vii . 796 on making xiii . 322 at the court of Japan vii . 816 on the river Amazons xiv, 505 of the Cochin - Chineſe ix . 787 Diſcovery of Moſcovia i . 23 of the Arabs 154 of Iceland i . 744 of the French in Canada xiii . 660 Taſman's voyageof 439 Dintner valley vi. 53 of the Strait of Magellan xi . 319 Dionyfius Alexandrinus on the Scilly of longitude xi . iſles ii . 730 of ſouthern lands, voyage Dioceſe of Murray ii. 132 for 739 Dioceſes of Peru xiv. 611 of the Weſt Indies by in the Audience of Charcas xiv. 629 Colon xii. Diodorus Siculus, his account of of America xiv. 134 Stromboli 125 of the South Sea 143 of of Peru 156 Vulcano 154 of the Canary iſlands, of Glas's hiſtory xvi . 808 Lipari 211. Diſcovery, Cook's voyage with the on the ſepulchres ſhip xi. 639 of the Perſian kings ix . 108 Diſcourſe of Lord de la War xii. 108 on Egypt ( note ) xv. 196, etſeq . Diſeaſes in Lapland i . 168. 456 in Iceland i . 660 Dios, Cape Graciaſa xii. 125 - , great effects of diet on i . 715 Dioſpolis the Great 239 of the Engliſh ii . 157 Diou iſland in Murrayſhire 127 Diputados de los Reynos in Spain 353 in Arran ii. 259 Directions for diſtilling fea -water i. 589 in the Highlands iii . 380 for trading with the Ban of ſheep in Scotland jareens xi. 137 in the Ile of Lewis iii . 578 Frobiſher's, for his fleet xii . 534 in the Ine of Harrie's 587 to ſettlers in Barbary 493 in Lingay Iſle 599 Director -General of India , Dutch 183 in the I Ne of Skie 630 in at St. Kilda 714 Guinea xvi. of Paris 72 Direfiord bay i . 756 in the Myſore viii . 592 Dirk , the Highland iii . of the Siameſe ix . 588.599 Dirk Hartigh's iſland xi . 785.825 of the Tonquineſe ix . 678. 728 Dirmer, Mr. xiii . 127 of the Arabians 168 Dirmire's, Mr. , adventures in New in Otaheite 521 England xiii . 233 of the Friendly iDanders xi. 693 Diſciplinarians of Congo xvi. 169 in the Sandwich iſles xi . 731 of Brazil xvi . 180 in the Canary iſlands xi. 745 Diſcipline, fuperftitious 507 in the Iſle of France xi. 764 Diſeaſes v. xiv. xiv . V. 356 XV. XV. 9.58 iii. 541 XV. xi. 378 iv . 93 xi. v. [ 128 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE XIII . vour 448 436 XV. XV. vii . 327 XV. ix. 312 9 408 62. 65 v . V. XV. v. V. 298 787 xi. 546 iii. VOL. Diſeaſes in Canada xii . 659. xii . 613 Diſtooree, the Perſee commandments of the Virginians 39 to him viii . 567 in the Bermudas xiii . 182 Diſtreſs of the crew of the Endea in America xiii . 44. 492 xi . 549 at Carthagena xiv. 339 Diſtreſſes in the city of Receif, at Porto Bello xiv. 364 Brazil xiv . 844 at Quito xiv. 455. 524 Diſtricts, fertile, of France iv . 304 in Guayaquil xiv. 397 geographical diviſion of in Lima xiv. 595 Ruſſia into vi . 747 in the Paraguay Miſlions xiv . 641 Diſy, vineyards of iv . in Brazil xiv . 875 Ditch of Pegu ix. in Egypt 328 Ditches, ancient ii . 404 in Weſt Barbary 4.0 Dittmar, M. in Morocco 688 Diu city , Hamilton's defcription viii . 311 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 8 hiſtory viii . of cattle xvi . 19. 39. 146 Fitch's deſcription in Guinea xvi. 383 Diu iſlands, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 397 in Loango, Cacongo, &c. xvi . 573 Diurneſs pariſh , antiquities in iii . 149 in Madagaſcar xvi . 747. 787 Divan Bey of Perſia ix. 214 of the Mandingoes xvi . 876 Divan -kane ofthe King of Perſia ix. Diſentis town 965 Divans at Conftantinople 727 abbey ibid . of Algiers 673 s government 966 Diver, bird of Siam ix . 629 Diſentis, abbot of 965 Divers for pearls in Perſia viii . 255. 256 Diſhes, French and Engliſh iv . of the Sandwich iſlands ix . 735 of the Cochin - Chineſe ix . of the Molucca iſlands 371 Diſhley ii . 368 for pearls in Panama xiv . 381 Diſpatches from England to Ruſſia vi. 611 in Guayaquil xiv. 400 from Lord Carteret to expert , of Guinea xvi. Sir Luke Schaub (note) vi . 613 Diverſions in St. Kilda 723 of Mr. Keith ( note) vi . 768 of the Pariſians iv. Diſpenſary at the Cape of Good on the Neva vi . Hope xvi. 67 of the court of Japan with Diſpertadores birds of Chili xiv. 671 the Dutch vii . 808. 814. 817 Diſputations, public, at Oxford ii . of the Siameſe 596 of the Admirable Crich of the Tonquineſe ix . 672.725 ton iii . 140 at Caytongee of Rubruquis in Tartary vii. 79 xi. 172 Diſſection , Liſter's obſervations on iv. 21 of the Hapaee illanders xi . 666 Diſſenters of Ruſſia vi . 799 in Tongataboo xi. 678 their ſettlement in Pen in the Friendly illes xi. 696 ſylvania 378 in the Sandwich illes xi . 705. 734 college at Princetown xiii . 733 of the Virginians ( ſee Differtatio de Geographia Ægypti XV. 395-402 Amuſements) xiii . 74 Diſſertation of Pontanus on the Divination , inſtances of 88 north -eaft paflage i . 127 by burnt bones vii. 65 on the earthquakes in of the Japaneſe Jammabos vii . 746 Calabria Ultra by Dolomieu v . 273-297 by an ape viii . 48 on Rudbeck's Atlantica vi . 410 of the Perſians ix . Diftempers of cattle at the Cape xvi. 19. 39. 121 of the Chineſe xi . 180 Diſtillation of freſh water from the Diviners of Hindoftan 182 ſea i. 546. 585 Divin - gengine deſcribed ii . 761 principles of i . 587 Divinity ſchool Oxford ii. 106 from rice in Siam ix . 611 Diviſion of lands, its effect on popu in Tonquin lation 322 in Cochin-China ix . 784 Divifiors, geographical, of Spain 353 of arrack in India (note ) xi . 350 of the world xvi. Diſtillers, obfervations on colonial xii . 330. 333 Divorces in Japan vii . 634 Diſtillery at Reus 615 in Perſia ix. 154 near Gripſholm vi . 541 of the Siameſe ix. 584 Divorces 53 670 I10 ix . xi. I21 at Java xii. 111 . 227. 260 vili . ix. 660. 727 iv . V. 675 INDEX. [ 129] VOL. PAGE VOL. 3 XV. XV. - Vi . ibid. 419 > X. 9 > 887 V. V. > 508 X. V. PAGE Divorces of the Tonquineſe ix . 669.722 Dogger- Bank, table of its foundings i. 79 among the Arabs 149 Kerguelen's obſerva. in Turkey 264 tions on the i . 793 in Weſt Barbary 431.453 fiſhery ii . 154 in Morocco 776 Dogliana hills 224 in Madagaſcar xvi. 747 Dogmer's- field park ii . 315 Dnieper, river, courſe of it vi . 573 vii . 501 Dogon city, Balbi's account ix. 400 ferry 575 -, pagods ix. on its navigation vi . 890 Dogorobuſh town vi . 575 cataracts vi . ibid . Dogs, their curious office in Lapland i 192.317 Do, Chevalier xiii. 331 Lapland watch i . 396 Doan, city 114 the marine, of Finmark i . 433 Dobbelin, Mr. , the manager vi. 204 Icelandic 665 Dobb’6, Mr., account of North of England ii . 155 America xii. 365 lough, on the Scotch borders iï . 538 Dochabad diſtrict ix. 298 extraordinary fiſhing iii . Dochart, river iii . 372 -, experiments with, in the Grotta Docks, wet, at Liverpool ii . 39 del Cane 35 Plymouth ii . 267. 270 of Albania vii. 45 of Spain 452 of Tholoman vii . 147 of Carlſcroon vi . 377 their battles with lions ibid . of Sweabourg vi. 557 drawing fledges vii. 343 of Cronſtadt vi . 866 Chineſe fondof vii . 385 of Calcutta viii . 410 of Conftantinople, a nuiſance vii. of Conftantinople 729 in Japan vii . 700 of Sydney Cove xi . 903 - , regulations reſpect. Dock yard at Portſmouth ii . 310 ing vii . ibid . of the Havannah 459 - , wild , of Arabia 186 at Aranjuez 557 of Otaheite, delicate xi. 512 at Cadiz 575 eaten by Captain Cook xi . 601 of Otaheite . xi . 611 of the Sandwich iſlands xi . 729 Doctan, column at 453 dumb, of the Weſt Indies xii . 38 Doctor of the mountains, his wonder of Virginia xiii. 31 880 drawing carts and ſledges in -, a wonder -working Malay viii . 437 Canada 661 Doctors, Siameſe ix . 599 of the Indians of Quito xiv . 519 - , Tonquineſe ix . preſage earthquakes xiv . 591 election of them ix . 676.729. of Juan Fernandes xiv . 659.661 736 of Dar - Fur 140 of Chili xiv . of the Arabs in Morocco 693 of the Guinea Negroes xvi . wild , of the Cape xvi . 52.78 of Benin xvi. 527 xvi . 252 Doctors'-Commons, London ii . 66 degenerate in Guinea xvi . 433 Doctrinas in Terra Firma xiv. 386 wild xvi. 436.467 Doctrines of the Japaneſe Sintos vii. 730 of Benin xvi. 532 of Budido vii . 751 wild, of Loango xvi. 558 of the Sinto , or philofo dumb xvi. ibid . 564 phers in Japan vii . 755 Dogs, lake of xii . 277 ofthe Beths of Hindoitan viii . 183 Dog's bane of America xiii . 419 of the prieſts of Laos 766 Dog's-fleſh eaten by Captain Cook xi . 60 ) of Mahomet 254 eaten in Zaab 555 Doda Bala -pura, Buchanan's deſcrip eaten by the Negroes of tion viii . 672 Guinea xvi. 433 Dodara-pallyam , potſtone of viii . 722 Dog- wood tree of America xiii . 442 Doda Raſhy Guda, mines of viii . 769 Dohoday the Indian xiii . 226 Dodoo's viſion 559 Dokn grain 137 Doffar, port of viii . 283 Dola of Tavs 57 Doffer's, M. , ſteel manufacture iv . 360 Dolas in Yemen, their offices 107 Dogbiim , their ſuperſtitions vii. 13 Dolden village i. 335 Doge of Venice iv. 261 Dolgelly town ii . Dog - fith of the Ille of Man ii . 813 Dolgoieve, iliand of i . 56 of New Holland xi . 471 Dolgorucki, Prince, villa of vi . 592 [ R ] ful cures V. xiii . 675 XV. 38 XY . 426 of Congo ix . X , XY. XV. 63; VOL . XVII . Dolgoy [ 130] INDEX. PAGE 200 418 X111 . 816.833 641 xi . XV. V. XV. XV. XV . V. 133 V. 825 V. 201 V. v . X. XV. 346 X. X. VOL. VOL . PAGE vii. Dolgoy cataract 422 Donald-bane of Scotland iii. 275 Doliones, the 716 Donati, Mr., anecdotes of his travels Dolla river viii . and death vii . Dollars ftamped in America v. 476.496 Donation of Tibet 559 of Sweden vi . 535 Donations to the Virginia colony xiii . 1 27. 142 in Borneo xi. 139 Don- Dominquillo, village reduced into Troy-weight ibid. Doneſchingen , Coxe's account Dollymyllyn ii. cataract xvi, 632 Donga, Browne's account 838 38 Dongola, Poncet's deſcription 66 DOLOMIEU on fixed air on the eruption of Arſo 50 city 67 on the ſhoerls of Monte Roſſo v. 67 Dongola , King of ibid . on the zeolites of Etna 89 Dongoleſe on the ancient Euonimos 129 Donnegal , road from Ballyſhannon to iii . 827 119 Donnegal iii . , Lord, his eftates on cryftallized iron on the crater of Vul. Donnington park ii . 368 canello 149 village ii . 369 on the pumices of Campo caſtle ii . ibid . Bianca 167 Donno tree of Congo xvi . 249 on the origin of pumices 173. 176 Donſlow falt- pits ix. 141 on the appearance of Lipari v . 19. Doolinkeaboo, Mungo Park's ad. on the chryſolites of Etna v. 199 ventures at xvi. 842 on the ſtoves of Lipari Doon point , baſaltic pillars at iii . 903 on the origin of zeolites 208 Doors, Lapland i . 391 on Alicuda 226 ſtone, of the Sepulchres of on baſaltes 239 the Kings 344 his diſſertation on the earth . -, Egyptian quakes in Calabria Ultra v. 273-297 of Mooriſh houſes xv. 647. 767. 789 Dolou -Cui 716 Dooty of Wawra xvi. 839 Dolourous Way 359 of Dingyee xvi. ibid. Dolphin cape xii . 633 of Fanimboo xvi. 841 Dolphins of Finmark i , 433 of Doolinkeaboo xvi . near Stromboli v. 95. xi . 635 of Sibity xvi. xi . ' s a new ſpecies of 836 of Sai xvi. 856 of NewHolland xi, 883 of Sooha xvi . 859 - , Kalm's deſcription xiii . 383 of Sibidooloo xvi . 864 Dolphin town ü . 747 Dor, King vii . 139 Domagaia, the Canadian xii. 647.655.662 Dora Belta iv . 565 Domafio 893 Dora- bread of Dongola 66 Dombe, Battel's adventures in xvi. 322 of Sennar 70 Dombey's collections in Peru 380 Dorado fiſh xvi . 149. 201 Dome of St. Paul's, London ii . 522 Dorados of the Gulf of Mexico xiii . 856 865 Dome of Gouté iv. 698. v . 787 Doran city Domea river ix . 712 Doray Gúda hill viii . 688 city ix . 715 Dorcheſter, hiſtory of ii . 297 Domes of the Greek churches vi . 593 buildings ii . ibid . Domes ille 233 Moritz's account of ii . 539 Dome trees of Egypt xv. 230. 337 Dorcheſter, New England xii , 252 Dominica iſland , Colon's diſcovery xii. 59.571. 620 Dordonne river iv. 92 naval engagement at ferry iv . ibid . Dominicans of Perth iii . 397 Dorebat town 54 at Stirling 463 Doria, Andrea 543 Dominic's ftatue in Mount Pilate 727 Doric order of architecture 745 Domi tree of Abyſſinia 73 -of columns 345 Domus village 211 Dormepatam harbour viii. 370 Don, on the Spaniſh title 298 Dormer's, Captain, voyage to New Don river i . 30 England xii . ſource and courſe of it 889 Dornoch town iii . 83 , navigation vi . 890 cathedral - project of uniting it with Dorothea Fort, Acoda xvi . 343 the Volga vi . 898 Dorpt, Coxe's deſcription vi . 711 - Rubruquis's deſcription vii . 39 Dorre ille xi. 785.825 Donac of Madagaſcar xvi. 744 Dorrira, M. xiii. Dorſet, 842 855 XV . V. XV. V. X. IIO XV . X111 . 128 x. XV. X. V. XV XV . . V. 248 vi. > iii. ibid . 156 758 1 INDEX. [ 131 ] PAGE ix. X. X. 456 Double cape X. XV. ii . 185.337 town 11 . 54. 118 V. iii. 22 468 ix . 111 . xi. VOL . VOL. PAGL Dorſet, Anne, Counteſs of iii. 521 Drago, Boca del xü . 100. 102 Dorſetfhire county deſcribed ii . 4 Dragoian kingdom vii . 161 Dortmund, Mr. Balthaſar xiv . 815. 824. 837.842 Dragon iſland xi . 881 Dory harbour, New Guinea 477 Dragons of Japan vii . 699 Doſenzano iv. 248 Dragon's-blood of Borneo xi. 141 Dofita town xvi . 866 Dragon -tree of New Holland xi. 64 Dofleur on improving waſte land iv . 515 of Teneriffe xvi. 603 Doft Khan, hiftory 349 Dragon-well of Jeruſalem 423 Dothan, Pococke's account 466 Drah corn of Algiers and Tunis 599 Double-bill, bird of Siam ix . 627 Draining the Bedford Level ii. xii . 631 Drains, ancient, at Seleucia 553 Doubtful iſland xi . 579 Drake, Sir Francis, anecdotes of Doubtleſs bay xi . 536 him xii. 587. 589. xiii . 12. xiv . 93 Doude, Seedy, Tunis 567 Drake family Douglas family iii . 229 Drake hill ii . 322 Douglaſdale ibid . -old chapel at ii . ibid . Douglaſs bay ii . 786 Drakenftein colony, Cape of Good 787 Hope xvi. harbour ibid. Drake's, Sir Francis, voyages xii . 169 Douglaſs caſtle 229 Drake's, Sir R., actions in the Douglaſs, Catherine iii . 397 Weſt Indies i. 825 Douglaſs, Lady iv . 194 Drama, the Spaniſh 524 Douglaſs river 179 the German vi. Douglaſs, Sir James 230 the Auſtrian vi . 89 Douglaſs's, Sir William , ſtratagem iii . of Ruſſia vi. 855 Doumerc's, M. , improvement of of the Birmans is. 434 foreſt land iv. 509 of the Siameſe 597 Dounacona, King of Canada xii. 645. 655.662 in Otaheite xi . 583 Dounie, Rev. Mr. 341 in Ulietea xi . 587.613 Doun -vollan iii . 284 in Huaheine ibid. Douſe, Thomas xiii . 97 in Tongataboo xi. 679 Don-wanne of Algiers 673 Dramme towns vi . Douwars of Barbary 503.655 Draper, General of Morocco 690 Drapery of the Indian ftatues in Douyaw, Lalla, wife of the Em Elephanta ifle 208 peror of Morocco 787 Draughts, game, in Ceylon vii . Douzenach iv. 92 in the Sandwich Dova of Tonquin ix . 745.750 iſlands xi . 734 Dove river ii. 279. 383 Drauve, Forſter's adventures at ix . 282 Dove-bank, in Staffordſhire ii . 21 Drawers of the Moors 660 Dovedale ii . 381 Drawing-rooms of the Ruſſian court vi . Dove-houſes in Perfia ix . 185 Drawings in the King's library at Dove-Houſes iſlands xii . 632 Stockholm vi , 406 Dover caſtle i. in Nieuhoff's travels in Dove's, Mr. , till for procuring freſh China vii . 232 water from the ſea i . 586 Drax, Colonel , of Barbadoes xii . 293 Doves, Siameſe ix . 626 Drepanum promontory X. 588 Dovey, eſtuary of the ii . 639 Dreſden city vi . 145 Dowgate ward ii . 56 Dreſs of the Ruſſians i . 39 Dowlakie village 238 of the Samoeds i . Down of the eider -bird i . 666 of the Laplanders i . 163. 367. 383 Down- fort of St. Kilda ini . 704 of the Lapland women i . 192. 367.386 Down-hill cairn ili , 68 of the Icelanders 653 Downs, battle of the i . 800 of the Icelandic women i . 751 Downton ü . 218 of the Engliſh ii . 145.518 Downton caſtle ii . 640 of the Highlanders ili . 92 Dow's, Daniel, viſions 676 of the Highland women 94 Doyly , Colonel xii . 314 of the iſlanders of Skie iii . 640 Draconia iſlands 559 of the iſlanders of Orkney 692 Dragara, a cavern of Scylla 264 of St. Kilda iii . 720 Drage of Virginia xii. 596 of the Romans II [ R 2 ] Dreſs XV . XV. 366 491 V. XV. X. XV. 218 XV . 673 803 ix. 64.527 1 . 111 XV. 111 iv. (132] INDEX. PAGE > 378 V. V. 882 - II2 men X. X. 20 vi . 575 . X. X. 36 156 X. X. 672 X. 220 X. vi. X. II VOL . PAGE VOL . Dreſs of the Pariſians iv. 143. 299 Dreſs of the Colchians ix . 144 Young's obſervations on iv. 269 of the Tajiks in Bukhars ix . on the attempt to alter the of the Uſbecks ix . 379 Spaniſh 510 denotes the quality of the of the Swiſs peaſants at Birmans ix . 464. 495 Langenau of the court of Ava ix . 496 of the Griſons women 900 of the women of Ava ix .. ibid . of the Bavarians yi. 34 of the King of Ara ix. 544 of the Saltzburghers vi. 47 of the Kayn mountaineers ix. 560 at Vienna vi. 70 of the Tonquineſe ix . 666.719 of the Hungarian troops vi. of the inhabitants of Aracan ix . 760 at Dreſden vi. 147 of the inhabitants ofJangoma ix . 763 of the Norwegian peaſants vi . 358 of the Cochin- Chineſe women ix . 785 of the different orders of ix . ibid. knighthood in Sweden vi . 435 of the Arabs of the Defart 16 of the Swediſh troops vi . 446 of pilgrims to Mecca of a Ruſſian woman vii . 39 in Jidda 23 of the Ruffian peaſants vi. 576.651 of a travelling Arab of the Ruſſian coachmen and of the Arabs poftillions vi . 582 of the Jews in Arabia 158 of Peter the Great vi. 584. vii. 495 of the Banians ibid. of the imperial guards of of the Hindoos 218 Ruſſia vi. of the Perfees of the Empreſs Catherine the of the Turks 261. 283 Second vi. ibid . of the Maronites X. 291 of the court of Peterſburgh 674 of the Cypriotes 591 of the Ruſſian maſquerades vi. 676 of the Cretans 619 of the Ruſſian clergy vi . 816 of the Mindanayans xi. of the Tartars vii. 32 in the Baſhee iſlands xi . 47 of the Tartar women vii . ibid . of the New Hollanders Marco Polo's account of the in Manilla Tartar vii. 123 of the Hottentots xi . 152. xvi. 28. 139 of the Indian Kings vii. 224 of the Javaneſe xi . 171 of the Calmuc ambaſſador vii, of the women in Batavia 195 of a Tzerimiſh woman vii . 278 in Amboyna xi . 275 of the Calmuc Tartars vii. 281. 332 of the Patagonians xi . 317 of the Tongufians vii. 340 in Gilolo xi . of the Buratians vii . 346 of the Otaheitans xi . of the Emperor of China vii . 384 of the New Zealanders xi. of the Oſteacks vii . 427 in Savu iſland xi . 562 of the inhabitants of Tibet vii . 551 of the Friendly iſlanders xi . 594. 694 of the Lamas of Tibet vii. 561 of the Eaſter iſlanders of the women of Japan vii . 619 in the Marqueſas 606 of the Dairi's court in in Mallicollo iſland xi. 619 Japan 791 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 733 of the Japaneſe Jammabos vii . 745 of the Indians in Frobilher's of the Muškat Arabs viii . 287 Strait xii . 500.556 of the Mahometans at Surat 321 of the Virginians xii. 603. xiii. 34 in the Birman empire viii. 424 of the Canadians xii. 656.677 of the women in Birma viii . 425 of the French in Canada xiii . 629 of the Siameſe viii. 471. ix . 589 of the Hurons 659 of the Cambodians viii . 480 of the Eſquimaux xiii. 676 of the Chineſe ladies viii . 506 in Vera Cruz xiii. 777 of the Mandarins viii. 507 of the women of Quicattan xiii . 815 of the Seringapatam women viii . 612 in Lima xiv. 7. 579 of the inhabitants of Scio ix, 6 of the Chilians xiv . 116 of the Guebres ix . 32 in Carthagena xiv. 334 of the Perſians ix . 401 in Panama xiv. 377 of the ancient figures at Per in Guayaquil xiv. 395 ſepolis ix . 104 in Quito xiv. in Moghoftaa ix. in Sechura xiv. Dreſs xi. xi. 65 81 264 366 518 542 XI . 604 vii . viii . xiji . 448 117 558 II INDEX. [ 133] PAGE PAGE 878 XV. XV. XV . > XV. 518 XV . XV. XV. XV. 1 XV. XV. XV. 776 XV. XV. 76 vi . iv . 9. 280 iv . VOL . VOL. Dreſs in Conception, Chili xiv . 668 Drink of the Mandingoes xvi. of the Tapoyers xiv. 877 Drinkbierre, M., on clover iv. 486 of the Abyſſinians 24 Drinking, ancient cuſtom , in the in Sennar 71 Weſtern iſles at iii . 608 in Ethiopia 85 love of the Swedes for vi. 520. 523 in Dar- Fur 154 Drinking-bouts of the Indians xiv . in Egypt 322 Drinking macches of the Brazilians xiv. 869 in Tetuan 450 Drinking-parties of the Gold Coait xvi . 416 of the women of Tetuan 451 Drogheda, deſcribed by Mr.Young iii . 822 in Barbary xv. 657.660 Drontheim , Kerguelen's account i . 769 of the Arabs in Morocco 692 Dromedary, pleaſure of riding one 3 of the Jews in Barbary XV . 737 of Arabia X. 178. xv. 107 of the Jeweſſes ibid. of the Algiers and Tunis xv. 619 of the Moors 766 of Morocco, the fleeteft of the brides in Morocco travelling animal known 708 of the ladies in the Emperor Dromos of the Egyptian temples 240 of Morocco's Harem XV. 792 Drooge Rivier xvi . 133 of the Count of Sogno xvi . 244 Drops, King Charles's iv. of the Sogneſe xvi. 246 Droſacks, Garnet's account of the iii . 570 in Angoy, Congo xvi. 271 - , ſcenery of ibid . of the Gagas xvi . 326 Drottningholm caſtle deſcribed 439 of the Negroes of the Gold medals at vi . 440 Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 387 cabinet of na. of the Mulattoes xvi . 395 tural hiſtory vi . 441 of the Fidafians xvi . 482 Queen's apartments vi . 442 of the Negroes of Gabon xvi. 510 - , paintings vi . ibid . in Benin xvi . 524 Drought in Provence 314 of the Negroes at Cape Monte xvi . 539 in the Birman empire ix . 485 in Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi. 574 in Peru xiv. of the Negroes in Senegal xvi . 608.61 Drouine's, M. l'Abbé, library 32 of the Moors of Senegal xvi . 615 Drowſineſs occaſioned by cold xi . 499 of the Caffres in Sofala xvi . 691 Droz, Jaquet , the mechaniſt of the Canarians 819 Drugon, ſtory of ini . 9 Dreyer, M., anecdote of vi. 218 Drugs of Perſia ix . 181 Drift -wood found at ſea i . 547 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . account of i . 561 - of Sogno, Congo xvi . 249 at Spitzbergen i . 598 Drug -trade of Bangalore viii . 629 in Iceland i . 640 Druids ii . 379 from America (note ) i . ibid. xii. 495. Robertſon's account of 516.588 them ii . 807 in various parts i . 640 of the Weſtern iſles 608 at the Orkney ifles iii . 745 Druid's' s altar, diſcovery of one ii . 404.413 in New Guinea 448.487 Drum, pictureſque ſcenery at 820 conjectures on xii. 14 Drumlanrig, Pennant's account of ii. 224 of the Gulf of Mexico xiii . 769. 865 Drummin pariſh 248 Drill- ploughs iv . 542 Drummond, Hon. Mrs. iii . 571 Drink of the Laplanders i . 399 Dmimmond, Mr., of Chitwa viii . 734 of the Tartars vii . 30 Drummond caſtle iii . 407 of the Perſians ix . 203. 263 Drumoland, proſpects from ili . 831 of the Cochin-Chineſe ix . 787 Drums of divination i . of the Arabs 154 -, Lapland magic 474 of the Turks 263 mode of conſulting i. ibid . of the Canadians xui. 697 , figures 475 of the Brazilians xiv. 868 of the Birmans ix . of the Abyſſinians 24 of the Siameſe ix . 596 in Sepnar 71 of the Zubu iflanders xi . 337 in Ethiopia 79 of Tongataboo xi. 678 in Dar - Fur 153 of the Hottentots xvi . 33 in Egypt 316 of Congo xvi. in Barbary 453 of the Negroes of the Gold of the Caffres xvi. Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 394 Drunken . 817 xvi . 67 > > - 358 X. X. 508 XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. 160. 245 XV. 695 [ 134] INDEX. VOL. PAGE ment for X. xi. 875 > cure for xvi. V. Druſus's camp v . xvi , XV. X. X. V. X. X. XV. X. v. X. XV. X. XV . vi . XV. 336 VOL. PAGE Drunkenneſs, the Great Mogul's Dudley, Sir Robert, account of him ii . 353 puniſhment for viii, 22 Dudley, Mr., on the mooſe -deer xiii. 471 Mahometan puniſh Dudley family ii. 353 263 Duel between two princes in Boni 225 of the Mohocks хіі .. 415 Duelling in Ireland ii. xiv . 74 Duels, public , Canarian 818 its effects in Guinea xvi . 359.382 Duenvas town 313 of the Negroes xvi. 389 Dueſbury, Mr. ii . 371 Drury's , Mrs., paintings of the Duff -houſe ii. 66 Giant's Cauſeway iii. 895 Duffield village ii . 374. 551 Drufes, people X. 324.446.475.479 Dufreſne on the finances of France iv . 401 902 Dugdale's account of Berkley caitle i . 241 Druwin, Guinea, deſcribed 544 of Amerſham ii . 337 Drwydd river ii . 631 of Warwick ii . 354 Dryburgh abbey iii . 482 Dugga, inſcription at 575 Dsjærhamie tribe of Arabs 139 Dugny, agriculture at iv . 175 Dsjebi town 110 Dugommier, General 623 Schoechs 113 Du Halde's China vii.541 . et ſeq . Dsjedsjal, Mahometan feet 141 Duiſe, Jibel 190. 193 Dsjobla town 44 Duke, Spaniſh title of 345 Dsjof, country deſcribed 99 Dulcinea's houſe at El Toboſo 599 Duan, Abyffinia 19 Dulgehan river 550 Duans of Damaſcus 369 Dulhut, M. xiii . 273. 295. 297 Duart caſtle iii . 656 Dullneſs of the Calviniſts vi. 170 Dubbah , animal of Barbary 623 Du - loch ii. 366 Dublin, Young's account of iii . 811 Dulſe, plant of Skie iii . 622 Dubofka, the impoitor of 798 Du Mayet, Commander i . 843 Dubravius's account of the Bohe Dumb and deaf, Braidwood's aca mians vi, 137 demy for iii . 476 Du Caen , Governor, anecdotes of Dumez tree of Egypt him (note ) xi. 906 Dumfermline, Pennant's account of iii . 457 Ducats of Sweden vi. 535 Dumfries, Pennant's account of of Fez 459 Dumfries on the Quantico xii 719 Duccian operation 530 Dumfrieſhire, rural economy üi. Ducheſnau , M. xiii. 364 Dumgam town ix . 311 Ducie, Lord 238 battle ibid . Duck Cove, New Zealand xi. Dummar bridge x. 367. 373 Ducks of Finmark i . 427 Dun -an - gal ii. 351 beautiful, of Japan vii. 703 Dunbar, Pennant's account of 25 bred for weeding rice baſaltes 11i . ibid. viii . caſtle Manilla, of Siam ix, 626 Dunbar, Sir George Hume Earl of, wild, Arabian mode of his monument catching 23 Dunbar, Captain, Georgia xii . of Duſky Bay xi. 574 Dunbarton town of Canada xiii , 355 caſtle Egyptian mode of catching xv. 340 Dunbeth caſtle 86 ofBarbary 631 Dun-Bhorairaig ili . 282 of Guinea xvi . 433 Dundalk, view of 823 wild xvi . 443 Dundee, Pennant's account of 417 of Fida xvi . 503 hiſtory 419 wild, of Griel iſland xvi. 653 Dundee, Viſcount 388 Ducks' eggs, Siameſe mode of Dundonnel preſerving ix . 613 Dundrum eſtate 851 Tonquine mode of Dune of Dornadilla (note) 345 hatching ix . 718 Dun- fir - Volg of St. Ki iii . 663 Ducks meat ſea xiv. 700 Dung, beds made of xvi . 834 Dudaim plant 336 Dungan, Governor, of New York xii . 394 Dudhope ii. 419 Dung -beetles of America xiii . 567 Dudley, Earl of Leiceſto 352 Dungeon of John Hufs 646 Dunghills, 221 XV . XV. 221 ii. 570 grounds 488 iii. 26 x. 26 476 IIO iii . ibid. 243 > XV. 338 111 X. V. INDE X. [ 135] PAGE 9 17.508 > 111 9 ix. 797 > > at i. 81.85.90 * VOL. VOL. PAGĖ Dunghills, neat ones of Alſace iv. 546 Durham , produce ii . ibid . Dunglaſs iii . 242 coal ii . ibid . blowing up of 376 Pennant's account of Dungſby bay 87 -, hiſtory ibid . Dunham ferry 5 biſhoprick 503 Dunibriffel 455 Durien , fruit of Mindanao xi. 8 Dunie caſtle 80 of Java xi . 169 Dun - ii, hill of iii. 303 Durio fruit of Siam ix. 608 Dunipace mounts 463 of Tonquin ix. 717 Dunkeld town iii . 42. 390 of Cochin - China ix . 776 Dunketke, Captain xiv. 830 Duriſ-deer church 226 Dunkettle houſe 833 Durloch earthenware manufa & ure vi. 6 woods iii. ibid. Durra bread 155 Dunkirk, entrance of the road i. 795 Durra corn , on its produce 175 town i.796. iv. 146 Durroona village ix. 305 hiſtory of ibid. Durfound, port of i. 780 > name i. 796 Duruganataprovince 373 trade Dururi, Cacique of xii. 137 fiſhery i . ibid. Duſky bay xi. 540 fieges ibid . Cook's ſecond arrival Dutch blockade i . 798 xi. 569 naval actions off ibid. Duſſen fort, Brazil xiv. 801 under three crowns in one Duftan , Hannah, anecdotes of her day 800 bravery xii. 401 privateers of i . ibid . Duft -gold of Guinea xvi. 373 , canal from Mardyck to i . 802 Dutch, their trade to Ruſſia i. 43 bafin of iv . 145 attempt a north - eaſt pal fuel at iv . 519 ſage Dunluce caſtle 888 their intercourſe with the Dun-Mac- Sniochain 353 Samoieds i . 87 Dunmail Wrays 191 -, ſufferings in Icy Harbour i . 100 Dunmull, baſaltes of 900 narrative of their wintering in Dunnet pariſh iii . 153 Icy Harbour i. 100-112 Dunnington caſtle ( note) 195 fiſhery at Shetland iii . 797 Dunnole, Iſle of Wight 721 fidheries, their gold-mines iii. 799 Dunnot chapel 808 their character v. 500 head 810 their attempts to ſettle in Dunnoter caſtle 429 China vii . 233 Dunquas Hottentots xvi . 72 Hamel's account of the tra Dunrobin caſtle iii . 83 vels of ſome, in Korea vii. 518 Dunroſſneſs pariſh iii . 774 their audiences of the Empe Dunſinane 41. 442 ror of Japan vii. 807 Duns Scotus, Johannes ii . 170 antics performed by them for Dunſtable, croſs at ii . 457 the court vii. 808. 817 town ii . ibid . embaſſy to Aureng -Zebe viii . 107 priory ii . trade in Agra viii . 171 Dunſtaffage caſtle at Malacca viii . 434 Dunſtone , ſee Toadſtone. at Pullambam 449 Dun-tuilm caſtle ii. at Java viii. 452 Dun -vegan caſtle 320 at Amoy 493 Dupplin caſtle iii . 38. 398 in Japan 515 Dupuch creek 773 colony in Siam ix . 575 Duqueſne cape xi. 881 anecdotes of them in Cochin . Durantais, M. de la 292 China ix. 796 Durantay, M. de la xiii . 305 ſettlement in Karek 130 Durbar of the Great Mogul viii . 6 at Surat 216 Durean, fruit of Malacca viii . 435 in the Philippines xi . 7 Duretal Chateau iv. 160 , their power in Java xi. 162 Durham, county ii . 17 factories in India xi. Durham, climate of ibid , poſſeſſions xi . 232 > 111 . 458 352 326 111 Vill viii . xiii. X. 197 Dutch , [ 136] INDEX. PAGE VOL. XV . XV. 528 368 xii . 111 . 16 368 236 ix . X111 . X111 452 ix . X111 . 279 586 > xi. 647 677 ix . iv . 357. 359 879 of one xi. VOL. PAGE Dutch , decay of their power xi . 238 Dwaries of the Arabs 460 navigations to Terra Auſtralis xi. 421 Dwars in den Weg iſland ( ſee policy of their Eaſt India Thwart- in -the -way iſland) xi . 160 Company xi. 446 Dwee, Jibbel in Timor xi . 804 Dwellings of the Laplanders i . Elizabeth's policy to them- xii . 214 of the Icelanders ( ſee in Guiana 291 Houſes) i . 752 in Nova Belgia xii . 349 Dwina river i . in Virginia, anecdotes xiii . 85.90.92 . 103 Dye, an ancient Scotch on their fiſheries xiii . 213. 232 of the ſhell - fiſh in Bombay in America 385 Dyers, manners and cuſtoms of the in New Brunſwick xiii . 450 Hindoo viji . 649 in Staten iſland of Perſia 205 in New York 463 Dyeſtuffs of Jura iii . in Albany, character of them xiii. found in the Iſle of their attacks on Chili xiv . 59 Gigay iii . expedition againſt Paraiba xiv. 726 of Tongataboo againſt Brazil xiv. 733 of Virginia xii. 594.xiii . 13 their operations againſt the of Benin xvi . 533 Portugueſe in Brazil xiv. 761–858. 870 Rochon's obſervations on xvi. 760 ſettlement at the Cape of Dye-woods of Siam 606 Good Hope deſcribed xvi. 4 of Jamaica xii. 320 hiſtory xvi. 117 of Brazil xiv. 865 anecdotes of them in Congo xvi. 256. 258 Dying art in Lapland i . 447 ſettlements on theGold Coaſt xvi. 341.347 - , art of, in France war with the Commạnians xvi. 351 art among the Mandingoes xvi . in Aquamboe xvi. 367 Dykes of Holland vi . 282 gold trade of Guinea xvi. 375 Dylander, Mr, of Philadelphia xiii . 389 Dutch Eaſt Indiaman, ſhipwreck Dylta, vitriol manufactory vi. 389 ii . 761 Dynanometer, Regnier's 939 Dutch Eaſt India Company viii . 384 Dyn Medina Rabæa 702 Dynis iſland 841 conqueſt of Columbo 386 Dyfart town iii . 452 Dyſentery, cures for iv. 72 Nagapatam viii . Perron on at Mandingo remedies for xvi. Barnagul viii . 413 at Chinchura viii . ibid . E. Dutchman, his character vi . 170 - Riſbeck's deſcription vi. 280 ' Each, Captain , of Virginia Dutch Weſt India Company xiv. 738 Eagles of Lapland i . Duties in the Ile of Man ii . 816 immenfe fize in Lapland i . 197 on Spaniſh wool 330 -, fiſhing i . 293 on merchandize of Spain 419 of Scotland 373 on the American trade to Spain v. 473 of Inand -More 583 on Hungarian goods vi. 108 of Lingay ille 597 payable on iron, ſteel, copper, ſtory of one with a turbot , 790 &c . in Sweden vi. 533 charm againft ibid . on the Virginian xiii. 169 of the Pyrenees iv. 717 Dutton Lodge iii. 175 of Virginia xii . 240 Duvarna city 97 of Canada xiii . 354 Dowy, John, King of the Tapoyers xiv. 780.823 the bald Virginian ( note ) xiii . 720 Duyveuhoek's river, Thunberg's of Chili xiv, 77 adventures at xvi. 91 Eagles' feathers preſented to the Duzrach village ix . King by Tomochichi xii. 449 Dwarf, Jeffery Hudſon , the iii . 471 Eagles' Neft mountain iii . 842 of Chriftian the Second vi. i . 430 Dwa fie tone, Orkney illes iii. 690.754 Eaglewood of Siam ix. 606 Dwarfs with monſtrous ears xi . 375 of Cochin-China 779 of Madagaſcar deſcribed , xvi . 762 of Madagaſcar xvi. XV. its iii. viii . at 388 2 xi. 815 877 xiii. 144 187 jii. 111 XV. 118 341 Eagles' neſts ix . 739 Eaheia INDEX [ 137 ] PAGE VOL. PAGE x. XI . оре xi, xvi . 2II 486 > > xiv . 211. 249. XV . > X. 638 526 XV. . VOL . Eaheinomauwe xi . 541. 596 Earthquakes in Smyrna 650 Eaoowee iſland xi. 592.617. 673 Pococke's account of Eappo of Owhyhee 723 745 Earees of Otaheite 581 in the Philippine iſlands xi . 84 Earn river ii. 403 in Java xi . 175 Earnings of manufacturers in France iv. 383 in New Britain xi . 447 Earoupa, the chief xi . 665 at Amboyna xi . 284 Ear-ornaments of the Virginians xiii . 34 in Jamaica xii . 317 Ear -rings of the Caffrés 37. 140 in Peru xiii . of the Mandingoes xvi. 888 in America xiii. 395 Ears of the pigmies of Arucheto , in Canada xiii . 668 monitrous xi. 375 in Peru xiv. 303 of the New Zealanders xi . 542 Bouguer on their of the South Americans xiv . 229. 512 caules xiv. 304 Earth, its motion i . in Quito xiv. 455. 468 -, on its figure i . 231 in Popayan xiv, revolutions in it i . 255 in Lirna xiv . 590 on its formation i . 725. iii . 917 Ulloa on their caufes xiv. 593 determination of its ſhape in Santiago, Chili xiv. 677 270. 319 in Algiers and Tunis 608 Mandingo account of its Earth - rats of the Cape xvi . 136 figure xvi , 875 Earth -roſe of the Cape of Good Earthenware of Martavan viii . 429 Hope xvi. 65 of the American In Earths, on primitive i . 623 dians xiii. 481 -, number and natures of i . 728 manufacture in Der. holy, of Lempos byſhire ii . 487 Eaſt, Banian doctrine of its popu of Perſia ix . 205 lation viii . floats of the Nile 233. 236 Dr. Pococke's deſcription of India xvi . 761 of it 406 Earth -nuts of Guinea xvi. 460 Eaft bay , Maria iſland 857 Earth -oil wells ix . 472.558 Eaſt cape, New Zealand xi. 530 Earthquakes in Iceland i . 640.745 Eaſter feaſt among the Neſtorians vii , 73 at Liſbon felt at Mat. facrifice of the Mahome. lock ii . 394 tans at ix . 35 at Meſſina in 1783 259 ceremonies at Jeruſalem X. 341. 353. 419 indications of of the Greeks 425 its approach 260 in St. Jago xiv. 181 in Calabria , Dolomieu's Eaſter iſland, Cook's deſcription xi. 601 account of 274 Eaſtern Ethiopia, Dos Santos' hiſ horrors of ibid . tory xvi . people buried Eaſt India Company, the Daniſh i . 767 by (note) ibid. Eaſt India Company of Gottenburg vi. 384.498 dreadful, Eaſt India Company, Dutch (ſee 277 Dutch) xi. 162 extent ibid. Eaſt India Company, Engliſh ii.97. xi. 454. 458 duration 283 Eaſt India houſe in London ii . effects 284 Eaſtland Company of London ii. 97 weather Eaſt Loo ii . 272 during 296 Eaſt -riding of Yorkſhire ii . 15 cauſes of ibid . foil ii . ibid. in Japan, Kempfer's ii ibid . account vii . 684 Eaſt Spitzbergen i . 596 Father Lewis de Eating, Mooriſh mode of 768 Froes on (note) vii. 685 Eating -houſes of London 91. 497 at Aſengan vii . 92 in Japan vii 782 - , remarkable, near Bagdat vii. Eaton, Theophilus, his ſettlement -, Mongall's hypotheſis of vii. 369 in America xii 254 in China vii. 377 Eaton Biſhops 216 at the Crucifixion in Eaton Bray 457 Jeruſalem 342 Eatuas of 'Otaheite xi. 514 VOL. XVII. [ s ] Ebadie xi. V. X. > V. 675 in 1783 > V. 50 V. V. V. 9 - , ſheep XV. :::::::: III ( 138] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. i . i . i . XV. PAGE 708 ibid . 709 ibid . ibid . 712 ibid . ibid . 781 ibid. 606 879 402 268 i . gomenes XV. XV. vii , > viii. 111 ii . ii . xi. 874 . v. xi . 816 ii . 396.475 X. xii. 166 i . 23 i . ibid . X. ü. IV. ii 219 267 347 348 XV. 175 Ebadie village 224 Edda, contents of it Ebal mount X. 335 ſteganography in Ebba, the abbels ii . 170 on the title Ebenezer town on the Savannah xii. 450. 468 author Ebenfluh mountain 876 Schloczer's obſervations on Ebher city, Chardin's account ix . 157 the Skaldetal to the Ebn-Haukal on the pyramids 824 genealogical tables Ebn Khaldoon's Hiſtorical Prole catalogue of Lagmen 832 Edda, Idle of Ebn -Khordadbeh on the pyramids 825 kale of Ebn -Wahab , his hiſtory 203 Eddagai of Seringapatam his voyage to China vii. ibid . Eddies at Rachlin iſland his audience with the Eddin, King Emperor vij. 204 Eddyſtone light-houſe his account of Cumdan vii. 206. 225 Eddyſtone Point, Van Diemen's Ebony of Maurice iſland xi, 440 Land Ebro river 310 Edel's Land, M. Le Freycina's ac • , onits navigation 553 count of Ecaterrinenſaf, ſee Catharinenſlaf. Eden -hole Ecatokephale 639 Eden's collection of travels Ecclefechan, antique near ni. 216 Eden's Decades Ecclefiaftics, the Birman ix . 449 teftimony to Clement the Siameſe ix . 582 Adams of the Maronites 293 Edeſſa , ſee Ourfa. ſee Clergy and Prieſts. Edgar, King, anecdote of Echaterinenburgh, ſeeCatharinenburgh. Edgecombe, Mount Echelles, paſſage of 285 Edgehill Echetas Indians xii. 448.463 battle of Echini of Barbary 636 Edgeware road Echinites of Calabria 282 Edict of the King of Tibet in fa Echo at Thornbury caſtle ii. 245 vour of popery Ecija town 564 of the Grand Lama for ditto Eckbar, Sheik , anecdotes of him vii. 350 of the King of Batgao for Eclipſes of the moon i . the ſame firſt cauſed Tycho Brahe Edikuly at Conftantinople to ſtudy aſtronomy vi. 329 Edinburgh of the ſun, Bernier's ac Pennant's deſcription of count 173 grand ſituation in Delhi 174 houſes Indian do &trine viii. ibid . caſtle , Perſian fuperftitions reſpect - , new town ix . etymology of Birman doctrine ix. 486 hiſtory Cochin-Chineſe ceremo Editor's remarks on the travels of ix . 815 two Mahometans through India converſions effected by ix. 817 and China ( ſee Pinkerton) Arabian do & rine 168 Edmonds, Sir Thomas opinion of the Banjareens Edmonfton's walks, Stirling > of one xi . 129 Edmund hall, Oxford Colon's artifice at one 149 Edradour Edon hill copper-mines 298 Edrachilis pariſh fingularity of ii. ibid . 384 Education of the Laplanders Eda ifle iii . 751 in England Edal ii . 401 in the Scilly illes Edam iſland xi. 215 of the nobility of Venice Edda, deſcription of it i . 681 in Spain Chev. Ihre's account i . ibid . - , military, in Spain ſuppoſed to be by Snorre of ladies in Spain Sturleſon i. 682 at Zuric Chevalier Ihre's letter to in Wirtemberg Dr. Troil concerning i. 707 in Suabia I 2 vii vii. 602 603 :::::::::::::::::::::: 316 . vii. 604 511 158 28 ibid. ibid . 29. 468 32 ing 32 9 467 ibid . nies on X. 2 9 xii , vii. 179.225 229 462 ii . I 22 385 iii. 148 i. 373 ii. 515 ii . 706 iv. 260 V. 394 V. 516 668 vi. 8 vi. 21 Education 448 INDE X. [ 139] PAGE 635 xvi. pier on vii. viii. > 143. 165 XY. XV . XV. XV. XV. vi. VOL. VOL . PAGE Education in Auſtria vi. 85 Eggs on Aſcenſion iſland xi. 157 in Korea vii. 534 of the crocodile xv. 334. xvi.657.700 of children in Japan vii. of the oftrich 70.93 of Aſiatic princes, Ber of the cameleon xvi. 442 viii . 113 Egrigaia province 125 Aureng-Zebe's obſer Eguira fort, Guinea xvi. 344 vations on 116. 145 Egypt, deſcribed by Benjamin of in Siam viii. 476. 582 Tudela vii . 16 ftate in Perfia ix . 227 Blount's account 240 among the Arabs X. Pococke's travels in xv. 163-402 in Batavia xi. 194 Abd Allatif's relation ftate in Quito xiv . 450 reſpecting 802 in Egypt 315 - , deſcription of the dreadful in Weft Barbary XV.418.441. 45 famine in xvi. 717 in Algiers and Tunis 637 Egyptians, Blount's account of of princes in Morocco 765 them 242 of children 773. 776 Pococke's deſcription of of the Negroes of the them xv. 313. 326 Gold Coaſt xvi. 388 Ehrenbreitſtein fort vi. 269 of Princes and Princeffes EHRENMALM's travels into Wettern in Guinea xvi. 417 Nordland , &c . i. 337 in Benia xvi. 526 Ehrenſverd , Baron, trial of SIT of children in Loango xvi. 571 Ehrenſvoerd, Count de, on the ex in Sofala xvi. 697 pences of the Swediſh navy vi. 379 in Canaria xvi . 819 Ehrmann on Veſuvian garnets 197 of the Mandingo chil Eibeig -abad ix . 21 dren xvi. 872. 892 Eider -birds of Iceland 666 Edward the Sixth , his death i . 26 neſts ibid . anecdotes of him xii. 163 down ibid . Edward the Confeffor ü . 77 of the Farn iſlands 22 his chapel in Eider-down deſcribed i . 749 Weſtminſter abbey ii . 79 Eighteen, Academy of, at Stock Edward the Elder üi . 230 holm 406 Edwards on the bearded vulture 871 Eilon river ii. 607 Edwards, Rev. Mr., of Clyro 6ro Eimayo, tranſit of Venus obſerved at xi. 510 Edwin , Moritz's account of 514 Eimot river 121 Edzel houſe 432 Einatirieh village S11 Eel fiſhery on the Ban 827 Ein -Mouſeh Eels of the lake of Orbitello 10 Einfham village üi. 199 , Canadian mode of taking xiii. 265. 632.672 Einfidlin , abbey of 656 Eefa , Seedy 537 its riches 658 Effendi of the Emperor of Morocco xv. 753 its deſtruction (note) y 659 Egaree river xii. 277 Einfiedler of Bavaria Egede, account of i . 789 Einuru temples 750 Egelward, Duke of Dorſet ii. 205 Einzellee, harbour and trade 881 Eger mountains 877 Eiron, vale of ii . 605 Egg, Iſle of, deſcribed by Martin 662 Ejections from Veſuvius 13 inſtances of ſecond - light Ejenef, Derb 293 in 680 Ekbar, Sultan viii. Egg-bird of the Bermudas xiii. 173 Ekereu in Aland vi. 554 Egglis Madie ui . 428 Ekerman's, Mr., machines 432 Egmont, Mount, New Zealand xi. 537. 636 Ekke - Tokki, Guinea Ivi. 350 i . 508 Ela of the fago 260 , gathering, at the Needles ii. 673 Elabas, paſs on the Ganges viii. 90 in St. Kilda 668.702 Elalia ruins 582 -, mode of preſerving , at St. Kilda iij. 712 Elambo, Battel's adventures in xvi. mode of taking, at Noſs Elana, the ancient holm 791 Elandboks of the Cape xvi. 95 at Foula iii. ibid. Eland's Kloof xvi. 82 Siameſe mode of preſerving ix . 613 Elba, iron mines of 10 Tonquipeſe mode of hatching ix . 718 Elba iſland 765 [ s 2 ] Elbarrow , XV. 280. 295 XV. 32 V. XV. 106. 113 Eggs, ſea XV . XY . 321 296 X. [ 140] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. X. 478 X. XY. X. . > ment V. > xvi . 786 XV. XV. Hope 88.98 PAGE Elbarrow , antiquities at 524 Elephants, executions with, in Siam viii . 472 Elbe river i . 334 mode of killing , in Elbeuf , view of iv. 163 Cambodia viii . cloths of iv. 357. 360 wild, of the Coorg manufactures of iv . 378. 383 country viii. 703.705 Elborok ſpring 473 white, of the King of Elcaiſſeria of Morocco 735 Pegu ix . 403.417 Elcaya tree of Arabia 195 of the King of Ava ix . 404 Elcho convent 416 mode of catching wild ix . 418. 512 Elders of the kirk of Scotland ii . 165 in the Birman Empire ix. 479 of Preſbyteries 527 , palaces and titles of Election of Lord Mayor, &c . in Siameſe ix . 577.591 London ii . 73 natural hiſtory ix . 614 of a member of parlia royal hunt and trade ix . 616 ii. 510 their inftinet ix . ibid . for the Great Council of combat with tigers ix . 617 Balle 694 mode of taming ix . 618 of the kings of Loango 579 ſingular inſects bred of the kings of Quiteva xvi . 683 from their dung ix. 632 Electors in America ( note) iv. 430 of Tonquin ix . 662.686 in the Diet of Germany vi. 43 of Cochin-China ix . 780 Electricity , its identity with light bones and tulks found ning i . in Siberia ( note ) xiii . 421 its application in Vir in Canada xiii. 607 ginia xiii . 708 of Abyſſinia 23 Elegies of Sumorokof vi . 858 of Dar-Fur 141 Elementa Phyfiologia Corporis at the Cape of Good Humani 864 xvi. Elena, Santa, town xiv. 399 in Congo xvi . 161 - lieutenancy xiv . 400 modeof killing, in Elephanta ille, Nieubuhr's deſcription x . 207 Congo xvi . 251 temple X. ibid . of Guinea deſcribed by Elephant-fish of Van Diemen's Land xi . 643 Boſman xvi. 434 Elephant-hunters, Mandingo xvi . 891 anecdotes of xvi . 467.511 Elephantiaſis, the Icelandic ſcurvy of Benin xvi . 532 the true i . 713 of the Niger xvi . 629 deſcription i . 714 Santos' anecdotes of its origin i . ibid . them xvi. 720 in Iceland i . ibid . Mungo Park's obſerva . owing to diet i . ibid . tions on the African xvi , 890 - , ſymptoms of it i . 716 mode of hunting xvi . ibid . not very infectious i . ibid . Elephants' river, Cape ofGood its beginning i . 717 Hope xvi . 81 remedies for i . ibid . mountains xvi. 96. 127 Dr. Heberden's cure of i . 718 Elerem convent 481 of the Myſore 592 Elefi city, ruins ix . 395 in Cuba xiii. 766 Eleuſis, Pococke's account X. 757 Elephantine iſland 263 Eleuthera iſland xii . 361 Elephant mountain ix . 712 Eleutherus river, on its ſituation 317.570 Elephanto iſland viii. 349 Elevation of Tibet vii . 543 , curious figures and Elfdal, porphyry quarries there vi. 467 viii . ibid. Elfrid , Captain xill . 182 Elephants of the Emperor of China vii . 388 Elfrida, ſtory of ii . 219 of the Great Mogul viii . 14 Elfscarleby cataract vi . at Delhi viii . 159 Elf-ſhots of the Highlands iii. 51 their combats 165 Elfskarby town i . 267 - , mode of catching wild, Elgin town 72 in Ceylon 387 cathedral ibid . anecdotes of, in Sumatra viii . 445 Shaw's account of 126 -, comical revenge on a tailor viii . 446 Elgin's Lord, lime- kilns 459 Elias's X. viii , XV. cave in 471 viii , viii. iii . iii . INDEX. [ 141 ] VOL . PAGB X. XV. XV. XV. X. 598 vii. X. Vi . voyages for dir vi . 111 . 748 ji. XV. XV. 122 VOL . PAGE Elias's cave on Mount Horeb 395 Elouah 233 Elias's chapel on Mount Sinai 287 Elouly rivulet X. 475 Elias's garden 449 Elphinſton, Biſhop iii . 62 Elicandy tree ofCongo xvi . 336 Elroi, David, the pretended Meſſiah vii . 8 Elim 295 Elros Farange mountains Elim valley 18 Els, Mr. Van xiv. 744 Elimm river vii . 342 Elfaten, Count Philippes, anecdote Elimſky, Bell's journey from of i . 797 Tomſky to vii. 337 Elfgau, bailliage 701 - , deſcription of 342 Ellinburgh, deſcription of i . 145 Eling pariſh ii . 303 Elſineur, account of i . 145. 262. 332 Eliſa's fountain 346. 429 Ellinore town 293 Elify village 480 El-Ti plain 7 Elixir of China, the philofopher's vii. 244 Elton, Captain vi. 879 Elizabeth, Queen , anecdotes of her ii . 178. 180 Eltoreftrouil mountain ix. 395 Eluths-Dſongari vii . 564 covery in her reign xii . 165 Elretham , Nichols's account of ii. 333 her policy to -, entertainment ofElizabeth at ïi. ibid . wards Spain xii . 167. 214. 221 Elvius's , Mr. , fteel-works 432 Elizabeth , Empreſs of Ruſſia , Elwick in Orkney tomb and hiſtory vi . 686. 768 Emanuel, King of Portugal i . 128 her conduct Emanuel, the Greek Emperor vii. 4 to Ivan vi . 783 Emaſculation of the family of s on her abo .Harald, Earl of Caithneſs 810 lition of capital puniſhments vi. 806 Embabſag convent 231 Elizabeth-town, America xii . 354 Embalmers of Egypt, mode of Kalm's operation 355.835 deſcription xiii . 451 Embambe ſerpent of Congo xvi. 253 Burnaby's deſcrip Embankment at Bayonne iv. tion 734 at Lyons iv. 287 Elizabeth-town Point 452 Rochon's obſervations Elizabeth's iſland, Goſnold's diſ xvi . 750 covery Embankments of Holland 282 Elkane 525 Embarkations to Georgia Elkenſon on the death of Charles Embaſſy of Peter de Goyer and the Twelfth vi . 516 Jacob de Keyzer to China vii. 231. 236 Elkoddam 507 from the Czar, Peter the Elks, deſcription of them i . 151 Great, to the Sophy of Perſia vii . 273 their fize i . 414 of Sir Thomas Roe to the hunting, by theMongalls vii . 361 Great Mogul of Canada deſcribed 284 to Ava ix . 426. 536, et feq. hunting them xiii . 285.492 of the Dutch to Bahia xiv. 747. 770 in the woods of the Amazons xiv . 246 of Don Diego de Palma to of Benguella, virtue of one Barbary 410 of their feet xvi . -, Stewart's, to Mequinez 442. 465 Ellady - caray viii. 765 Embden city vi. 225 Ellamaite, antiquities at 584 trade ibid. Elleborough ii . 339 Guinea Company xvi. 343 Elliot , Mr. vi , 498 Ember goofe of Orkney 744 Elliot's, General, defence of Gib Embeſhouda convent 229 raltar 589 Emblems, Egyptian mode of writing Ellis's account of Frobiſher's voyage xii . 504 by 354 Elm, the American xvi . 335 Elmahaffen, battle of 460 Embroidery of Cambay viii . 314 Elmer, Mr. ii . 314 Embuchi inftrument of Congo xvi. 244 Elmina caſtle, Guinea xvi. 356. 376 Em- dou-khal 547 Elmley caſtle ii . 205 Emdurman , road from Ibeit to xvi. 831 Elocution, Engliſh 570 Emerald, an enormous 645 Eloiſe, Nouvelle, ſcenery of 807 Emerald province , Peru xiv . 276 Eloquence of England 570 Emeralds, Tavernier's obfervations in Arabia 166 viii. 251 Emeralds, xiii. xiii . on xii. 20. 220 vi. X. xii. 450. 455 X. viii. 2. 299 xiii . XV. 211 xv. XV . vi, jii . XV. XV. X111 . 597 Emboa fiſh XV. F::: XV. v. on [ 142 ] INDE X. VOL. PAGE of Egypt XV . v. 362 X. 139 XV. II 388 376 iv . voyage in 498 X. XV. X. 302. 321 Endor V. 9 V. > V. > V. X. ix . VOL . PAGE Emeralds, curious, of Quito xiv. 546.550 Enchanter's night-ſhade xiii. 653 237 Enchantments in Borneo xi. 133 Emery of Toledo in Congo xvi. 221. 273. 290. 334 Emeſa, the ancient 518 Enchuyfe, curious city arms of Emfras city 90.95 Encloſures in Penſylvania xiii . 405. 407. 424 . Emigrants from Suabia vi . 430. 520 from Saltzburg vi. 49 Encyclopedia, the New , its tranſlation of Germany vi . 292 in Spain Emigration from Sweden 345 End of all things, Banian account of it viïi. 554 from Skie iii . 329 Endallanbondos people xvi. 322 from Ireland iii. 824.868 Ende Illand xi . from France 287 Endeavour, the ſhip, Captain Cook's obſervations on iv. 323 xi . of the Canary iſlanders xvi. 823 Endeavour river xi. 553 Emir of the Syrian Bedouins 137 Endeavour Strait, New South Wales xi. 554 Emir -Hadgee, his office 363 Emir. Jemla , his plots in favour of Endraght'sLand, NewHolland xi. 785.825. 830. Aureng-Zebe vii. 65 Enfant du Diable, fee Polecat. -, Aureng-Zebe's itrata Engadina, Upper 902 gems towards him viii. 69. 121 -, government of 904 his wars with the produce ibid . Rajah of Acham , and death vill. 122 inhabitants 905 Emiffaries of the King of Pruſſia in roads ibid . France vi. 208 Lower ibid . Emmanuel, King of Portugal xvi. 675 roads of ibid . Emmaus, Pococke's deſcription 443 , government 909 Emme river 729 Engagement, Raleigh's report of Emmets, white, of Tonquin 663 one near the Azores i . 824 Emperor, origin of the title in Ruſſia vi. 612 between two Spaniſh Emperors, eccleſiaſtical hereditary, men of war and a Britiſh ſhip xiii . 128 of Japan vii. 716 Nieuhoff's, with two Empiric, account of a Spaniſh 413 Turkiſh pirates xiy. 699 of Langenau 880 between the Dutch and Employment neceſſary to man ii. 172 Portugueſe xiv . 793 Employments of the Icelanders i . 658 between a Britiſh man of the Turks and of war and two Turkiſh xvi. 185 Moors in Barbary 663.666 Engalla animal of Benguella xvi . of the Canarians xvi. 820 Engano iſland viii. 449 of the Mandingoes xvi, 879 Engel, fee Angeln . Emfeeſy bird of Barbary 629 Engelberg abbey 740 Enamels of the Rock of Burnt diftridt ibid . Stones and Procida 47 hiſtory of 741 of Rotaro 51 road to Altdorf from 743 of Metelona 60 Engellhaltzell, cuſtom -houſe of 61 of the Grotta delle Capre v. 70 Engeftræum , M. vi. 408 of porphyry. 122 Enghevun town ix . 21 of Vulcanello 136 Engineer-corps of Spain 447 feldſpars in 179 Engines of Mr. Bolton ii. 274 of Monte della Caſtagno 180. 182 water ii. 383 of Valle di Muria 186 England, Gonzales's voyage to ü. in the tufa of Lipari 195. 197 chorographical deſcrip of Felicuda 214 tion of ii . of the Perſians ix. 249 table of the ſtate of each Enamorado, Cape xii. 46 county in ii. 24 Encampments, ancient , on Lawday - > principal towns of trade hill 315 and manufactures ii. 26 of the Perſian army ix , 80 univerſities of 104 of the Uſbeck Tartars ix. 331.380 ", government ii . 126 of the Arabs xv. 655.690 laws ii. 127 of the Boſhiefmen - , religion ii . 139 Hottentots xvi. 135 inhabitants ii . 144 Encaſſe, Guinea xvi. 369 its vaft trade ii . 147 England, V. V. . 211 XV . V. 9 vi. V. v. v. ji. 9 > INDEX. [ 143] VOL. PAGB 7 206. 234 9 - xii. 466 9 rency of on 353 358 364 378 VOL. PAGE England, coin of ii. 149 Engliſh ſettlements in Virginia xii . 231. 560. 574. curioſities ii . 150 617. xiii. 46. 56.94. 102 140. 165 ſeas, harbours, rivers, and in New England xü. 248. xiii. fiſhery 154 cattle ü . 155 in Bermudas xii. 264. xiii. 179 birds ii . 156 in Guiana xii. 283 , advantages, defects and in Barbadoes xii. 293 intereſt ï. 157 in St.Chriſtopher's xii . 300 Shaw's Tour to the in Nevis xii . 302 Weſt of ii. 172 in Montſerrat xii. 303 Bray's Tour of part of ii. 336 in Barbuda and works on the natural Anguilla 304 hiftory of ii . 405 in Maryland xii. 305 its natural geography ii . in Jamaica xii. 314 Moritz's travels through i. 489 in Carolina xii. 340 on the circulating cur in Antigua xii. 347 iv. 404 in New York xii. 348 Rieſbeck's obſervations in Eaſt and Weſt vi. 178 Jerſey xii. England, King of, his prerogatives i. 127 in the Bahama illes xii. England, New , firſt Engliſh ſettle in Hudſon's bay xii. ment in xii. 248 in Penſylvania xii . on its name xii. 251 -, remarks on their American Smith's deſcription xli. ibid .xii . 206 ſettlements xii. 387-392 - , governments xii . 254 ſettlements in St. Lucia and productions xii. 255 St. Vincent xii. 424 its importance to Old in Georgia xii. 439. 483 England xii. 261 in New Plymouth xiii. 252 attacked by the , on their intereſt in Canada xiii. 369. 461.537 French and Indians хіі . 395 -, anecdotes of ſome, in a Por wars of the Indians tugueſe ſhip xvi. 182. 184 in 400 in Congo - , fiſhery of xiii. 217. 230. 247 ſettlements on the Gold Engliſh, Gonzales's deſcription of Coaſt xvi. 345-347.357 them ii . 143 at CapeCoaft Caftle xvi. 359 writers ii . 489 in Fantyn xvi. 363 their character 500 in Agonna 365 anecdote of one at Ham in Aquamboe xvi. 367 vi. 218 gold trade of Guinea xvi. 375 merchants in Peterſburgh vi . 682 Engliſh Bicknor ii. 224 --, origin and hiftory of their Engliſh Channel ü . 154 trade to Ruffia vi. Brown's dire &tions their modern trade vi. for ſhips in it ii . 763 riſe and progreſs of their Engoufah, Algiers 555 trade on the Caſpian ſea vi. 878 Engoy, fee Angoy: factory at Iſpahan 306 Engravers in Madrid 385 , diary of some, on Japan vii. 641 in Stockholm vi. 421 - , their factory at Siam viii. 467 Engravings in Nieuhoff's travels in trade in Perſia 208 China vii. 232 colony in Siam ix. 575 Engy Teekein of Ava ix. 519 maſſacre of them, at Pulo his court ix. 524.550 condor ix. 767 Enigma, Mooriſh 527 trade at Mocha 77 Enjoyment confifts in repoſe i . 152 their power on the Mala . Enkelſon's, Benk, account of the bar coaſt 203 death of Charles the Twelfth vi. 362 factory in Borneo xi. 128 Enkeuyſen iſland, its deſtruction i . 775 cauſed the decay of the Enkcuping city vi. 549 Dutch Eaſt India trade xi. 208. 238 Enmore caſtle ii. 260 at Timor xi . 802 Enneric water 249 experiments on their ſtrength xi. 942 Enrages ofParis 291 Engliſh ſettlements in America xii. 156. 183 Enſay iſle 590 Enſenore, xiii.. xvi. 253.257 > xvi. burg 870 875 XY. vii. V. ix. 9 X. X. [ 144] INDE X. PAGE VOL . PAGE 358 X. XV. XV . X. 746 XV. xiii. - XV . ji. 361 368 525 588 288 X. XV . 538 183 iii . 188 111 X. 238 on Kirke XV . XV. VOL . Enſenore , the Indian xii . 582. xiii . 10 Ephemerides du Citoyen iv . Enſete tree of Abyſſinia 46 Epheſus, Pococke's deſcription 657 Enfineh , antiquities at 224 Ephreen river 529 Entertainments of Count Orlof, Epichnemedii at Moſcow vi . 588 Epichus, the ancient 584 at the court of Epilepſy of Peter the Great vi . 639 Perfia vii . 303. ix . 62 Epinette tree Bell's deſcription Epiphany , Copti ceremonies at of a Chineſe vii . 375 Epiſcopacy in Scotland at the court of Epiſcopi village Pekin vii . 384 Epifteme, Mount Allegada's vii . 387 Epitaphs on Henry the Seventh ii . 80 in Pekin vii. 389 -on Fulke Greville ji . 351 at the French on John Wincupp ii . 422 convent there vii. 390 on Sir T. Parkyns ii . 450 at a public in Nettlebed church -yard ii. houſe vii. 397 on Perkin a Legh 3 on the new year on Andrew Cant 61 in China vii . 399 on John Burnet ibid . in Japan vii . 618 on John de Graham 115 of the Dutch in Japan vii . 811 on Sir R. Monro ibid . in Muſkat vili . 287 on the Admirable Crichton iji . 143 Della Valle's ac on Thomas Covell ui. count of a Perſian ix . 19 on Sandys of the Perſians ix . 203 on Gawin Young 214 in Cairo on Grierſon 222 in the Hapaee iſlands xi . 666 iii . ibid . in Tongataboo xi , 678 on the Duke of Queens in the Sandwich iſles xi . 705. 734 bury iii . 226 in Weſt Barbary 414. 453 on a phyſician 239 in Morocco 768 on the Earl of Argyle iii. African xvi, 842 on Viſcount Dundee Enthuſiaſm , induſtry a cure for 338 on Marjory Scot iii . 390 Entlibuch bailliage on Biſhop Trail inhabitants of ibid. on Robert Pitcairn cuftoms 729 on Robert T'rollop 499 Entrails, food in the Baſhee iſlands xi . 49 by Ben Jonſon 533 Entripado of Spain 512 on a failor ibid . Entry, public, of a governor-ge in Gallic, on a lady iii . 534 neral of Canada into Quebec xiii. 655 on a cat iv. 59 - , public, of the Viceroy at on Cardinal Portocarrero 541 Lima xiv. 574 on a lawyer at Balle ( note ) v . 695 " , public , of Muley Abſulem on Sir George Somers xiii . 196 at Morocco 757 on Dr. Shaw 500 Entry iſland xi . 539 Epochs of the Japaneſe vii. 720 Enty town 484 Epopeo mountain 51 Enumeratio, Haller's 861. 862 Epuramones, Spaniards called xiv. 194 Enuſh Khan ix . 369 Epuremei, the xii . 209 ii . 617 Equality in taxation , obſervations on iv. 407 Eokoros Indians xiii . 310 Equator, meaſurement of a degree Eolian ifles ( fee Lipari ifles ) 5 at it xiv. 429. 647 Eolus, King, of Lipari -, ceremony on croſſing it xvi . 156. 200 Eooa iſland 689 in Guinea, ſtrong tides Eouſmil, ſeal- fiſhery at 594 there xvi . 513 Epantſhin town vii . cold felt at xvi. 516 Eparre in Otaheite xi . 508 Equinox, vernal, celebrated in Perſia ix . 30. 57 Epenew, the Indian, anecdotes of Equipage for travelling in Japan vii . 762.784. 794 him Xill , 209 for travelling in Hin Epenow's artifice xii. 247 doftan viii . 194 Epernay town iv. 190 -, travelling, in Perſia 39 -, vineyards of iv. 447 for travelling in Arabia 2 Equipage, 366 388 xii. V. 728 448 V. 458 V. YV. xv. v. X. V. Envill groves V. 2II X1 326 ix. X. INDEX. [ 145] PAGE VOL. XV. XV. X. X. V. V. X. V. xi . 731.737 IIO 366 V. X. Eretria city vi . 164 vi. vi. .VII. VOL. PAGE Equipage, travelling, in Egypt 320 Eruptions of Etna, partial 87 of the Mecca caravan 382 of Stromboli II. 105 Shaw's travelling, in of the Cotopaxi mountain xiv. 301 Barbary XY. 505 Erwa, Daniſh factory at viii. 383 of Thunberg , for tra Eryx mount 767 velling in Africa xvi. 15 Elbele the ancient Byblus 483 Equipages of Vienna vi . 95 Eſcapes of the Dutch from Korea vii. 529 Equipment for a voyage of dif of Richard Sanders from covery xi. 742 Bermudas xiii. 186 Equius village vïi . 51 of Andrew Battel xvi . 319 Erac Agemiprovince ix. 173 Eſcarrebragas Strait xiv. 218 Eraſmus, his ſtatue at Rotterdam i . 135 Eſchenbach , Walter de 687 account of him 691 Eſcobar, James de xii. 149 the reformer vi. 168 Eſcobar Villaroel, Captain xiv. , 190 Erbach , monks of vi. 262 Eſcombradas of Chili xiv. 104 Ercalt hay, the Tartar Prince vii. 95 Eſcref, new town in Perſia ix. бо Erckiheicki, journey to i . 256 - palace ix . 66 Erecht river iii . 560 Eſcrivanos of Spain 399 Ere &theion temple, in Athens 752 Eſcurial, royal monaſtery 364 Erees of the Sandwich iſles , its ſhape 365 Ereilla's , Don Alonzo de, Araucana xiv. church Ereſma river 363 paintings ibid . Eretes in Scio 625 pantheon 367 746 library 369 Erfurt town environs 371 its trade ibid . Eſcufado of Spain 423 territory ibid . Efdraelon plain X. 334. 362.455 Erginul kingdom vii . 125 Eſdras, ſepulchre of Eric the Fourteenth of Sweden, Eſdras, Jew's account of him X. 268 hiſtory 482 Eſero , ſee Ferro. Eric Bredal, his miſſion i. 486 Eſherſhar, ſalt of xvi. 831 Erichſen's works 673 Eſhrafy village 509 Eridanus river 750 Elk , North and South 428 Erie lake, on the trade of xii . 372 Eſk river 209 xiii. 294. 296 Elkdale, cuſtoms in 211 -, Lahontan's deſcription xiii . 342 Eſkerdu town vii . Eriligaru people viii. 723 Eſkihiſſar, the ancient Stratonicea 670 Eriſca iſland iii . 602 Eſki- Jeldutch 688 Erithra 653 Eſkildſon, Andrew , account of i . 463 Erivan city, Chardin's deſcription ix. 152 Eſkilſtuna town 544 Erlach , Avoyer d' 840 iron manufactures of vi . ibid . his tomb 880 EAimaux Indians Ermenonville, Young's account of iv . 135 Eſkiupjee 706 Erment, antiquities of 256 Eſne town in Egypt 257 Ermines, deſcription of the Lapland i . 196 Elo , land of viii. $ 17 -, mode of catching i . 253 Eſparaga, trade and manufactures of iv. 658 Erneſtus fort, Maurice town xiv . 710.819 cultivation round iv . ibid . Erwood houſe ii . 610 Eſparagara town 107 Erodu, cultivation about 727 Efpart of Valencia 602 · Errol town iii . 416 Eſperanza, the Bona i . 9 Errors of authors ii . 490 Eſquieu , Monte iv, Erſe language i . 634 Eſquileos for ſheep - fhearing 335 Erſkine ,Mr., of Alloa iii. 460 Eſquimaux Indians xii. 372 Erthig ii . 622 Kalm's deſcription of Ertzgiberge mountain 144 them xiii . Eruptions of Solway Moſs iii . 206 Efſanapes Indians xüi. 312 Eruptions of fire in Iceland 687 Eſſeboſch foreft xvi. 36.96 preſages of 689 Eſſerom lake vi. 326 of Mount Heckla 691 Eſſequibo river xiv. 239 of Etna 4. Eflex, county ii . 7 of Veſuvius climate ii . 8 [T ] Eder, ***** fort on 546 X. X. X. VI V. v. xiii. 338 X. XV. XV. iv. 104 675 - 12 VOL . XVII . [ 146] INDE X. PAGE PAGE V. . V. V. 61.780 7 > V > > 69 V. vi. V. V. 308 708 748 v. XV. VOL . VOL . Effex, produce of ii . 8 Etiquette of the Ruſſian court i . 32. vi . 673 proverbs ii . ibid . of the court of Spain 342 Eſſex , Earl, his march to Liſbon i . 825 of the Swediſh court vi . 392 Eſlya, country round i 269 of the court of China vii. 265 Eſtado general of Spain 422 of the court of Perſia vii. 301 Eſtaing , M. d ' 491 of the court of Japan vii . 8oy Ellancias of Chili xiv. 55 of the Perſian court ix . 76 Eftarabat, province and city ix. 170 of the court of Ava ix . 487.520 Eftates, commiſſioners of forfeited, in of a Chineſe viſit ix . 488 Scotland iii. 404 of rank in Batavia xi. 189 in Calabria , effects of earth. of the court of Morocco xv. 751 quakes on 285 Etmadowlett of Perfia vii . 304 of the Auſtrian nobility vi. 93 Etna, its eruption in 1669 4. 7.63 on Weſt Indian xii. 333 height and extent tenure in Georgia xii. 444. 460. 466 ancient lavas of ibid . Eſtcott ii . 290 lavas ſeen at thirty miles Eften , Madame Van, of Timor xi. 807 diſtance 62 Eftepa village 565 aſcent of 66 Efteredano valley iv. 103.655 middle region irrigation in iv. 666 vegetation on ibid. Efterhazy's, Count, caſtle near Pref upper region 71 burg 117 its eruption in 1787 ibid . Eſther's tomb vii . laſt eruption of 72 Ethonia, hiſtory of vi . difficulties of the aſcent 74 - > government and diftricts vi . clear view of the crater ibid . Eſtrecho de Pauxis xiv. 502 bifurcated 76 Eſtrelles mountains iv. 230 , temperature on 77 mulberries at iv . 469 changes ibid . Eftremadura, on driving ſheep in 328 former obſervations on ibid . Eſula tree 65 falling in of the ſummit 81 Eſurgny of New France xi . 652.663 ſmoke 82 Etam , the ancient 439 ſublime proſpects from the ſum . Etanos of Madagaſcar xvi . 765 mit Etefian winds 327 deſcent 85 Etfou in Egypt XV. 259. 402 the cauſe of the earthquakes Etham 294 in Calabria 297 Ethelwold, ſtory of ii . 219 Eton college 529 Ethiopia, deſcribed by Benjamin of dreſs of the ſcholars ii . 530 Tudela vii. 15 Etree, Marſhal d' 423 - , embaſſy from , to Aureng Ettabba's, Queen, letter to Mr. Zebe viii . 109 Stewart 481 Bernier's account of viii. 112. 230 Etymology of the word Rein- deer i. 169 Hamilton's deſcription viii. 272 of Dantzic 209 Poncet's travels in 63 of Poland i . Ofiris's improvements in 351 of Samoiede i . 529 Merolla's account xvi . 266 of by- law (note) i . 659 miſſions to xvi. 302 of Iceland 744 Eaſtern , Santos' hiſtory xvi. 675 of cannel.coal Ethiopia, Emperor of xv. 77. 83. 86.93 of Stirling 461 Ethiopian fea, deſcription of the of Edinburgh 467 iſlands in it viii . 268 of Pict 443 - , navigation viii . 271 of Orkney 740 Ethiopians, Poncet's deſcription 85 of Zetland or Shetland 765 their origin xvi. 267 of Pentland firth anecdotes of their ſub of Caithneſs 804 tilty xvi. of the word Griſons 941 manners and cuſtoms xvi. 312 of Retzuns 946 deſcribed by Santos xvi. 679 of Khan vii, 43 their three ſcourges xvi. 717 of Zingis vii . 97 Ethrington , Captain viii. 458 of Japan or Nipon vii . 652 Etilia, ſee Volga. of Perſia ix . 169 Etymology V. 84 XV. XV. v. Xll . XV. > XV. 220 XV. 22 XV. 800 306 V. 1 INDE X. [ 147] VOL . PAGE PAGE ix. 462 XV. XV. XV. 12 202 XV . 346 XX. XV . XV. XV. XV. xii. 432 558 xiii. Xill . xvi. VOL. Etymology of Ferringhee, Saracen, Europe, etymology of the word xvi . 678 and Turk ( note) ix . 306 Earopean, wonder excited by one of Siam ix. 573 in Prome of Tonquin ix . 708 Europeans, inſtances of their living of Mandarin ix . 755 as Indians xiii . 651 of Cochin-China ix . 773 in Mogodore 705 of Quebec xiii . 638 - , their general conduct of the Pacific Ocean xiv, 69 towards Morocco of Peru 749 xiv. 131 Europy point iii . 583 of the river Maranon xiv . 503 Euſdale, the Nate iſland iii . 356 of the Red Sea Eulhot manor - houſe 313 of Mount Sinai XV. 286 Euftone ii. of Barbary 403 Eutin town of Titterie province 535 palace vi . ibid . of Hippo (note ) 542 Euxine ſea, Ruſſian trade on it vi . 885 of Caſſareen 590 harbours vi . ibid . of Aſpis XV. 628 Pococke's deſcription 702 of Moor (rote ) 6-9 Euxinus, Pontus i . 30 of ſphinx 827 Evacuation , Chineſe mode of vii . 215 of the Cacongo lan Evacuation of St. Lucia and guage xvi. 591.593 St. Vincent of America xvi . 676 Evah of the Perfees viii . of Aſia xvi, 677 Evangelifta iland xij . 73 of Africa xvi . ibid . Evans on the Beriuudas 176 of Europe xvi. 678 Evans, Mr., Philadelphia 393.413 of Ferro 814 Evaporation in Peru xiv, 281 of Canaria xvi. 816 Evatt's account of an ancient monu of Teneriffe xvi. 822 ment ïi . 396 Eucalyptus, tree of New South Evening landſcapes ii . 667 Wales xi . 931 in the Idle of Wight ii . 640 Eucrivara river xiv . 235 Ever -greens of America 491 Eudocia wife of Peter the Great, Eveſham town ii . 204 account of her (note) vi . 703 abbey ibid . Eugenes river, battle of viii . 73 vale ii . 210.613 Eumenia plain X. 686 town ii . Euneb -tree of Dar- Fur 145 EVESHAM's voyage to the Azores i . Eunoftus port XV. 167 Evefque, L' , on the ſuppoſed Deme Eunuchs, Bervier's obſervations on väi. 108 trius ( note ) vi . of the King of Perſia's -, on the Princeſs Char. harem ix. 71 lotte Chriſtina Sophia (note ) vi . 740 of Tonquin ix. 690.748 his obſervations reſpect obſervations on 150 ing the Czar Demetrius 741 anecdotes of 266 , Evory, Captain, anecdotes of him viii . 278.315 the Æthiopian 351 Ex river ii. 263 of the Emperor of Mo Examination of the Dutch ambạr. 485 fadors at Pekin vii . 260 of Muley Abſulem's Excavations at the pyramids 806 harem 720 Exchange at Copenhagen i . 141 Euonimos, the ancient Royal, London ii . 51. 572 Euphemia, gulf of 278 at Briſtol Euphrates river, travels of Rubru of Edinburgh 29 quis by vii. 92 of Glaſgow III . 235 Hamilton's de. of Newcaſtle ini . 499 ſcription viii . 295 of Seville Fitch's 567 account ix . 406 of Valencia 603 Maundrell's journey of Stockholm vi . 425 from Aleppo to 381 of Iſpahan ix , 188 deſcribed X. 382.532.537 Exchange, courſe of, between Eure river 425 France and England iv . Eureſs, Jibbel 548 Exchaquet's, M., model of Mont Europe, travels in Blanc 783 ( T 2 ] Exchequer, XV. 614 819 625 X. vi. X. X. rocco XV. XV. XV. 129. 20 V. 246 V. 11 . 361 XV. [ 148 ] INDEX. VOL. XV. X. I 21 938 418 ix. France iv . XV. XV. XV. 26. 263 VOL. PAGE PAGE Exchequer, Engliſh court of ii. 131 Expenſes of a filaing voyage to of Quito xiv. 444 New England xiji . 250 in Lima xiv. 573 at the court of Morocco, Exciſe in Pruffia vi. 183 : 185 table 751 Exclamations of the Mooriſh Experiments, aſtronomical i . 250.300 women xv. 669. 777 with pendulums i , 300 Excommunication, puniſhment of ii . 139 on the temperature of of the Greeks 381 water at different depths i . 574 among the Abyſ. Young's obſervations on iv. 205 ſipians XV. 27 in government (note ). 433 Excrements of the Grand Lama, - on the porphyries of adored vii . 559 Stromboli made on quickſilver vi . 691 into ſnuff vii . 566 fine field for, in Execution of the King of Lamo xvi . 733 a voyage to India xi . 753 Executioners in Fida, the King's on the phyſical ſtrength wives xvi. 492 of ſavages xi . in Sofala xvi. 689 of Exerciſes, public, at Oxford ii . IIO the French xi . 941 of the Pruſſian army vi. 194 at Cayenne xiv. 253 of Chineſe troops vii. in Quito xiv. 422—440 houſes of, in Shiraz 242 Expilly on the population of of the Friendly iſlanders xi . 667.680 317 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi. 705 Expletives ii . 543 of the Virginian war Explofions in mines ii . 480 riors xiii. 38. 52 of Stromboli v.97 . 101. 105. 107 of the Moors of Tetuan 446 Exportation trade of England ii . 148 in Mequinez 477 of Scotland ji . 168 of Mooriſh horſemen 772 of raw materials, pro Exeter city ii . hibited in France iv . 437 -, on its name ii . ibid . of Spain 474 trade ibid . of Spaniſh America ibid. -, ferges ibid . Exports of the Ine of Man ii . 817 -, antiquity ii . 27 of corn , Young's obſerva cathedral ii. 265 iv . 329. 332 Exeter college, Oxford 115 of France in 1784 iv . 335 Exhalations, noxious, of Mada. iv . 337 gaſcar xvi. 787 to the Sugar iſlands iv. 344 Exiles of Japan vii. 628 from 1717 to 1790 iv. 353 Exorciſms of the Guinea Negroes xvi. 397 of Britiſh manufacture to in Benin xvi. 529 France, from 1769 to 1789 iv. 363 Expeditions againſt Hiſpaniola xii . 310 in againft Canada, 1788 364 Phips's xii. 397 from France to England iv . ibid . General of wool from Spain 329. 330 Hill's and Sir Hovenden Walker's xii. of piaſtres v. 433 to St. Lucia and from Hungary vi . 115 St. Vincent xij. from Auftria 119 Spaniſh , to Georgia xij . 475 of produce from Gotten Sir William Phips's, burgh, table vi. 384 againſt Quebec 332 of Sweden in 1785, table vi . 525 of the Indians xiii . 606 from Stockholm in 1786, from Canada to the 1790 , and 1792 . South Sea xiii. 642 of Peterſburgh on the river Amazons xiv. 505 on the Caſpian Anſon's, in the South fea vi. 883 Sea xiv . 651 of Ruſſia to Britain vi. 905 of the Dutch to the of Philadelphia xili 393 interior of Africa xvi. 144 from New England xiii . 439 -, plundering, of the of New York xiii . 458 Negroes xvi. 884 Extract from Tavernier's voyages viii . 235-257 II Extracts V. 9 231: ::2 33 tions on in 1787 iv. 416 428 xiii. 526 873 INDEX. [ 149] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE 480 > 456 vi. X. 204 637 > XV. V. XV. vi. V. XV. iv. Extracts from Pietro Delle Valle's Factories of Pullambam 449 travels in Perfia ix. I of Java viii. 453 Eyam mines ii . 480 of Borneo 459 Eyder river vi . 344 in Siam viii. 466 Eye, an evil iii . 614 in Pulo - condore viii. Hamilton's obſervations on in Tonquin viii. 483 the human iii . 916 in Formoſa 513 Eye-lids of Darma, tea -plant ori in Chuſan viii , 514 ginated from vii. 227 in Japan viii. 515 Eye manufacture of Paris iv. 46 at Pulocondor ix . 767 Eyes, extraordinary cure for fore i . of the Dutch in the Eaſt xi . 197 of the ladies of Italy iv. 247 European, of Mogodore xv. 705 diſeaſes of them in Guayaquil xiv. 397 Factors of Ruflia 876 of the cameleon , peculiarity Engliſh, on the Malabar in xvi. 442 coaſt Eyes of Water of the Cordilleras xiv. SI in the Paraguay miſſions xiv. Eyre, Mr. ii . 387 Dutch, of Guinea xvi. 377 Eythrop ii. 187 of Axim xvi. 407 Eytown village 24 of Fida xvi. 491 Ezbar Sha, account of him viii . 46 of Benin xvi. 520 Ezquera, Don Joachim 392 Fadala ruins, Morocco 700 Ezina city i . 69. vii . 121 Faeſch, M. 693 Ezion -geber 296 Fahlun town i . 326 Ezra's manuſcript of the Bible 186 - , churches of ibid . mines i . ibid . 461 Fortia's deſcription ibid . F. itinerary from , to Stockholm vi . 563 Faido town 987 Faadh animal of Barbary 623 Faifo city ix . 796 Fabbroni, Signore 267 - ftate of Chriſtianity and Fabian on Cabot's voyage xii . 159 churches in ix. Fables reſpecting the Laplanders 379 Fairfax, Lord ii . 249 of the Japaneſe vii. 712.734 Fairfax, Lord , King of Man ii. 832 of the Indian religion viii . 185 Fair Foreland i . 52 of the ancients 462 Fair Haven i . 552 of the Malegaches of Ma Fair Havens dagaſcar xvi. 746 Fairhead promontory Fabre's account of Pigafetta baſaltic columns of Faccardine, Emir, account of him X. 324. 446. 477 Fairies of the I Neof Man 801 Face of the country in Ireland 865 of the mine 197 of the country in France iv. 309 of the Orkneys iii. 764 Factions in Holland vi. 285 Fair ille i. 521.781 in Egypt 314 Fair-ife, Shetland in Barbary 403 Fair iſland xii. 490 in Algiers 674 Fairlee, Iſle of Wight ii . 702 Factories, Britiſh , at St.Peterſburgh vi. 873 Fairs of the Laplanders 173 of the Engliſh and Dutch of Jukas Jerfwi 315 in Ormuz 302 of Gnarp 348 Engliſh , at Carwar viii. at Lelkard 283 at Batacola at Inverneſs 92 of Tellichery in the Iſle of Skie iii . 639 of Couchin 382 of St.Germains iv. of Aujengo 383 of Beaucaire iv. 116 of Tranquebar 390 cf Giubray 150 of Fort St. David viii. ibid . of Tirano 918 of Vizagapatam 398 of Leipfic vi. 158 of Ganjam 400 of Francfort vi. 242 of Cattack 405 in the ſeraglio at Delhi viii . 163 of Ballaſore 406 on the Yellow river viii. 509 of Chinchura 413 of Cochin-China of Bencoolen of Philadelphia xiii. 395 825 xi. 605 884 xi . 300. 305 899 jji . XV. iii. 764.774 XV. XV. . 358 364 370 55 iv . V. ix . 769. 795 447 Fairs [ 150] INDEX. 718 XV. ii. VOL. PAGE ii. 26 xiii . xvi. 59 531 280 X. 577 iv . 260 i . 188.389 iv. 327 935 vii . 525 636 xi . 945 X. ix , xiii . XV. 2 1 2 xiii . X. xiii . xiv . xiv . 104 149 858 839 843 1 ix . XV. xvi. xvi. 709 504 649 717 xvi. xvi . ibid. 865 277 77. 80 flaves by 885 Fairs at Carthagena at Porto Bello of the caravans at Mecca of Bayjah Fairy -Aag of Dunvegan Fairy -haunts Fairy-hill, Iſle of Man Fairy Queen Faiſakiwhirlpool in Japan Fait river Faith of the Moalians of the Maronites Faith, Head of the, in Perfia Faithleghill, views from Faitfiefiina iſland , exiles at Faiume town, Egypt Fakih, the Arab literati Fakirs, in Surat Falcon cape, Algiers Falcon, Conftantine, of Siam Falconers of Kublai Khan in Perſia Falcon - fiſher of the Niger Falcons, white, of Finmark the Icelandic of Alicuda of Ruſſia of Chili Faleiro the aſtrologer Falemé river Falero's voyages Falk of St. Kilda Falkirk town Falkland town Falls of Fyers of Foher of the Clyde of the Rhine at Lauffen of the Danube of the Narova of the Caroli of St. Lawrence of St.Louis of Niagara of Saut St. Marie of the leaf in America of Cohoes in the river Mo hawk of Montmorenci of James river of Rappahannoc of Potowmac of Palaic of the Mapocho, Chili of trees in the Amazon of Tequendama of Mamarumi of the Nile Falmouth haven Caſtle town VOL. PAGE xiv. 358 Falmouth , trade of xiv. 368 Falmouth, Virginia 103 Falſe bay, Cape of Good Hope 571 Fama Clanoſa of Scotland 321 Famaguſta city 368 Pococke's deſcription ii . 801 Families, noble, of Venice ii . 220 Family of a Laplander vii . 683 Famine, on the rumours of 899 in the Valteline vii . 81 in Korea 296 in Siam ix . 254. 262 in New Holland iii . 855 among the Virginian colo vii . 628 nifts among the Weſt Indians 36 in Yucatan X. 213. 219 in Brazil XV. 517 in Receif city viii . 468 in Morocco cauſed by vii. 134 locuſts 185 in Fida, Guinea xvi. in Ethiopia i . 423 deſcription of the dread i . 749 ful one in Egypt 224 in Wonda vii . African freemen made xiv , xi. 384 in Scofeeta xvi . 906 Famine river, Canada xiv. 149 Famous port , Magellan Strait iii . 711 Fana of Scio iii. 115. 464 Fanatic, a Mahometan 444 Fanaticiſm in Spain iii . 97 Fandachs ofWeſt Barbary ibid . Fandango, the Spaniſh iii , 231 Fandangos in Carthagena v . 644. vi . 15 Fane, Lady vi. 65 Fanfur kingdom vi . 710 Fanfur, King, hiſtory of him xii . his palace 669 Fanghit root, of Madagaſcar xiii . 271.278 Fanimboo village xiii . 296 Fankooma the ſchoolmafter xiji . 301 Fanlo defile xiij. 475 Fan -palm of Savu iſland Fans, Japaneſe xii, 590 of turkey's tails, in xiii . 674 Canada xiji, 709 Fanſhere river, Madagaſcar xiii . 718 Fantyn country , Guinea xiii . 720 Fantyneſe of Guinea xiii. 734 Faquirs in India , Bernier's de. xiv . 66 ſcription xiv. 229 -, Aureng -Zebe's Itratagem xiv. 312 with them xiv. 415 Far, pariſh of 266 Farab city i . 818. ii . 26 Farabat harbour and erade ii. ibid. Faradeeſe, Tunis ii . ibid . Faraglioni of Lipari xvi . xvi . xili . xiv. X. ix . XV. V. xiv. ii . vii . vii. vii . xvi. xyi . xvi . 902 273 96 625 280 507 415 517 337 203 161 148 155 799 841 892 711 562 763 210 xii. iv . xi , vii. xiii . 624 xvi . 749 xvi. 362 xvi. 352. 362 viii . 180 Vill . in . ix. 326 150 XV. 376 XV. 882 570 167 Faragu INDE X. [ 151 ] PAGE VOL. V. X. X. XV. X. vi. XV. VOL . PAGE Faraguvaol, the cemi xii . 89 Farms of Gruyeres 846 Faran valley deſcribed 9 in the Valteline 935 Faran, Hamam el 390. 403 of Bavaria 32 Faraſheeſe Arabs 595 -, fyftem of, in Hindoftan 144 Farel, William, the reformer 884 near Seringapatam 608 Farendon, William ü . 60 of New South Wales xi. 919. 924 Farewell, Cape xi . 540. 886 in Penſylvania xiii . 406 Farhan, Emir 27. 33 in New Chicheſter xiii. 430 Farima province of Japan vii . 665 in New Cheſter xiii . ibid . Farinha-root of Brazil xiv. 835.859 in Raccoon xiii. 511 Farmers of Torneo i . 304 on the Hudſon river xiii. 593 -, Engliſh ii . 538 of Canada xiii. 628.651 . 664.682. 694 - , travelling 567 of Abyſſinia XV. 31 near Niton ii . 681 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 14. 16. 47. of Skie 327 53. 133 of Alſace vi . 7 Farn iſlands iii . 21 of Bavaria 32. 39 Farneſe ſtatues iv , 280 obſervations on taxing vi . 40 Farnham town ii. 314 of Saltzburg vi . 46 caſtle ii. ibid . of Auſtria vi . 62 Farobier tree of the Gambia xvi. 636 of Hungary vi . 104 Farquharſon's, Mr. , account of of the Tyrol I 22 Scotch pines ii. 124 of Bohemia vi . 136. 138 Farra village xvi. 858 Saxon vi. 144. 155 Farrabbatt palace vii . 305 Pruffian and Engliſh, com Farrar's, Mr., donation to Virginia xiii . 127. 139. pared vi. 177 170 their ſtate in Pruſſia vi . 184 Farriery in Perſia ix . 184 in Mecklenburg vi . 210 in Morocco 483 in Hamburg vi . 212 Farringdon -ward within ii . 60 in Weſtphalia vi. 225 without ii. 67 in the Palatinate vi . 266 Farrington, Mr. viii. 275 of the Myſore viii . 589 Fars, ſee Farliſtan. of Virginia xiii . 114. 127 Farſiſtan province ix . 172 and mechanics, the only Fartak city 116 xvi . 759 Faſciculi of the Flora Danica vi. Farmers' daughters of Newport ii . 663 Faſcination in Ilay iii. 288 of the Iſle of of birds, &c . by the Man 794 American ſnake xii. 397 : 408.478. s69 Farmers- general of Milan 619 Faſher, El 114 Farms of Iceland i . 638 Faſhions in England ii. 546 on the ſize of ii . 349 Pariſian iv. 299 of Bute ii. 252 of the Arabs 157 of Arran 260 in Canada xiii. 691 of Ila 288 Falkally , beauties of 387 of Jona 294 Faſkidar bird of Cannay 310 Faſt -days in England ü. 146 of Rum 313 Faſters of Tonquin ix. 734 of Skie 327 Faſting -woman of Roſs- lhire ii. 535 of Selkirkſhire 479 Faſts of the Ruſſians i . 37 of Northumberland iii . 486 of the Neftorians vii . for ſheep in Scotland 539 of the Faquirs viii . 181 eſtabliſhment of an Engliſh of the Perſees viii . 568 one in France iv. of Ramazan, in Perfia ix. 254 of Piedmont iv. 553 general, in Dutch Brazil xiv. 763 of the Milaneſe iv. 554 of the Abyſſinians 27.91 of the Venetian State iv. 555 of the Coptis 368 of Bologna iv . 556 of Ramadan XV. 437.472 . 774 of Tuſcany iv. ibid. of the Moors 774 of Modena 558 of Ramadan, Negroe mode of Parma iv . ibid . of keeping xyi. 896 of Savoy iv . ibid . Fatahpetta viii. 761 Fatalists proper colonizers 318 - ii . iv . XV . X, 598 65. 71 546 XV. XV . XV. iv. [ 152] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGZ I 2 84 - war 360 778 427 iv. 219 viii. 548 568 178 V. 1 20 XV. XV. Fataliſts, Turkiſh X. 255 Feafts given by the Japaneſe to the Fate, obſervations on vi . 106 Dutch vii. 811.815.818 Fate -abad , battle between Aureng . given by Gemaldin -Uſlin to Zebe and Dara at viii . 77 Sir Thomas Roe viii. Fatepore, Fitch's deſcription ix . 410 annual, at Delhi 162 Father Stephen of Madagaſcar, Arabian 287 anecdotes of him xvi . 754 at Sindy 309 Fathers, their authority, in Arabia ' x. of the Molacks at Surat viii. 316 Fatouweera , the chief xi . 654 annual ſuperſtitious, at Car Fatfifio iſland , Kempfer's account vii . 660 viii . Fattafaihe, Prince of Tongataboo xi . 676. 686 in the Samorin's country viii. 374 Fatzerol village 955 of the rockets in Pegu viii. 426 Faucigny, duchy of the Collock vii. Faujas de St. Fond on volcanoes iii. 907 of the Bramins viii . ii. - , gentry ibid , of the Perfees on ſpecular cryftal Della Valle's deſcription of a lized iron 119 Perſian ix. 19 on the glaſs of Lipari v. of roles ix . 34 on chryſolites 199 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix. 787 Fauquier, Governor ( note ) xiii . 743 in Caico 238 Faure, M., on Van Diemen's Land xi. 852.869 in Borneo xi . Fauxbourg de St. Germains iv. 55 marriage xi. I 22 Favagnana iſland 767 in the Philippine iſlands xi . 330 Favi, M. iv. 45 of the Virginians xiji . 74 Fayal iſland, road of it i . 806. 834 of the Canadians xiii . 307 town i . 807 of the Chilians xiv. 117 houſes of ibid . of the Indians in Quito xiv. 518 produce ibid . - , marriage, of the Moors 430 churches ibid . religious 437. 453 friary in 808 of the Sogneſe, Congo xvi . 241 platform ibid . funeral,of Angola xvi , 300 on its diſcovery xi . 405 of the Ethiopians xvi . cruiſers off xii. 628 of the Gagas Adanfon's account xvi . 671.673 of the Negroes of the Gold Faye, La, his proceedings in Mada. Coaſt xiv. 402 gaſcar xvi. 757 of Benin 531. 535 Fayette, M. La iv. • 289 Feather-dreſs of the Sandwich Fazel-kan viii, 128 iſlanders xi. 733 Fazello on Charybdis 270 Feather-plant of the Bermudas xiji . 173 Fazello's account of Etna (note) 80. 86 Feathers of Ruſſia i . 42 account of Vulcano 154 of the birds of Chili xiv. Fazoglo, road from Sennaar to xvi. of the Amazon xiv. Feagues of the Bermudas xiii. 182 Febrés, M. Le, flower- garden iv. 70 Fear, ludicrous effects of i . 455 Feejee iſlands, Cook's obſervations Fear, Cape xii . 573.611 on them xi. 691 Feafts, at a funeral in Torneo i . 201 Feenou, chief of the Friendly ifles xi . 663.666. 672 -, Lapland nuptial i. 451 Fees of lawyers ii . 93 i . 484 phyſicians', at Paris iv . 75 the Scilly ifles compared to one i. 737 of the Emperor of Morocco's given to the populace in court 750 Ruſſia vi. 705 of the Dutch factors on the at the Rhinegau vi. 259 Gold Coaſt xvi. at the court of Ruſſia 674 Feet of the Chineſe ladies, cauſe of of the Tartars vii . 30 their ſmallneſs vii. 14 given by Mangu Khan 63. 84 ſmall, of the ladies in Lima xiv. 580 of Eaſter among the Neftorians vii. 73 of the Negroes of Senegal, ſolemn annual, of the Tartars vii. 133 thick - ſkinned xvi. 610 of a Mandarin vii . 503.513 of the new -year in China 251 aqueducts from 514 of the Lanthorns at Pekin vii, 468 Feijoo, Father 391 in Japan, extravagant vii, 619 Feil-beg of the Highlands üi. 93 Feki xvi, 312 326 78 829 248 -, magic XV. 408 9 238 Fege, river V. INDEX. [ 153 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. V. V. V. v. V. - V. V. 202 V. 2 I 2 v. 2 1 2 XV. XV. V. 7 V. V. > V. v. PAGE Feki Blind, religious order in Japan vii . 748 Feodor the Second , his tomb, and Feldſpars in lava 21 character vi. 599 of Solfatara 23. 26 Feorling , immenſe cairn at iii . 263 of Monte Nuovo 44 Ferber, M., on the decompoſition of of Arſo 49 lava of Rotaro 29 51 on the pholades 33 of Iſchia 54 on the Grotto del Cane 35 - , ſingular, of Calle di Panza v. ibid . Ferber's Effay on the Oryctography of Stromboli 112. 118 of Derbyſhire ji . 465 of porphyry 123 preface ii . ibid. of the granite of Mount Ferdinand, Edward, anecdote of his Baveno 131 diamond viii. 243 infuſible 134 Ferdinand , King of Spain , his recep of Lipari 157 tion of Colon xii . 22 of pumices 172 Ferdinando, Don, his adventures in of glaſly lava 179 Gomera xvi. 812 of Monte della Caſtagno 181 Ferdinando, town on the Oronoco xii . 207 of the Stoves of Lipari Ferdinando the pilot,anecdotes of him xii.610.xiii . 16 of Felicuda Ferguſon , Colonel , anecdotes of of Alicuda 224 ſecond fight reſpecting iii . 680 Felech , kingdom vii . 160 Ferhabad, city ix . 50 Felicuda, Spallanzani's account of -origin and hiſtory ix . 94 lavas ibid . Ferijee dreſs in Egypt 322 craters in 216 Ferje, Seedy 531 volcanic ſubſtances 217 Fernandes iſland xiv. 91 on its baſaltes 240 Fernandez iſlands , Ulloa's deſcrip attacked by pirates 256 tion xiv . 658.690 productions ibid . Fernandina iſland , Colon's diſcovery fiſhery 257 of it xii . 35 - , exempt from taxes ibid. Fernando de Noronha iſland xiv. 701 " , poverty and content of the Fernando Po iſand deſcribed xvi , 507 inhabitants 258 Fernan -nunez town 563 Felix the Fifth , the anti-pope, his Fern- alhes, French manure iv. tory 804 Fern -waſtes of Bagneres de Bigorre iv . Felons, law refpecting, in Ruſſia i . Feroe, zeolite of i . Felony, Engliſh puniſhment for ii . 138 Ferrand town iv. Felſpar of the Alps ( ſee Feldſpar) iv . 701 Ferrara, Young's account of iv. 261 Felton village iii . 19 Ferrara, Abbate Don Franceſco Feltre, cinnabar of the granite of 131 Ferrat cape Feluccas of Stromboli 252 Ferre -anah, city in Tunis 590 Felugia, Fitch's account ix . 406 Ferrer's expedition on the Maranon xiv . 507 Females cannot ſucceed to eſtates in Ferrets , hunting rabbits with 248 Ruſſia i . 34 Ferro iſlands , effects of diet in i . 715 Females, Mooriſh opinion of the ſex their ſituation i . 757. 777. xi. .99 ( fee Women ) 793 " , government 777 Fences round Ballycanvan iii . 836 trade i . ibid . 778 in Normandy iv. 531 number i . 777 in North America xiii. 405. 424. 430. 520 diviſion ibid . at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. towns ibid . Fencing in Iceland i . 650 churches i . ibid . Fengo of Denmark , his hiſtory vi . 295 zeolites of 207 Fens of Reveſby abbey, lii . 6 on their volcanoes 233 Fenton , Captain, anecdotes of him xii . 509.528 . Betancour's landing in xvi . 545 -, etymology xvi . Fenton's account of t e Virginian Ferrol navy department 452 colony xiii . 49.56 Ferry of the Dnieper vi . 575 Fenwick , Mr. , of New England xü . 253 of the Rareton xiii . Fenwick bridge iil. 248 of the Delaware xiii . 482.523 Feodor Alexievitch, tomb and of Mountain river xvi . character vi . 600 of the Niger at Sego, Bambarra xvi . 843 Feodor Iwanowitz, Czar i . 529 Ferry -boat at Dordonne iv . 92 VOL.XVII. [ u ] Ferryden V. V. V. 542 508 726 21 2 II V. V. 92 518 XV. V. XV. > XV. 23 > > 813 814 451 80 [ 154 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE iv. 486 V. V. XV. 222 X. XV. vi . V. X. 884 vii . 733.736 xiii. VOL. PAGE Ferryden village iii . 425 Fetiches of the Negroes on the Ferſen , M. de xiii . 774.787.850 Gold Coaſt xvi. 397.428 Ferté Lowendahl, la 88 of Fida xvi . Fertility at the baſe of Etna 65 Fetlor ille iii . 696.780 in the middle region of Etna v. 69 magnetic phenomenon of Calabria 280 at ii. 784 of Bengal viji . 134. 226 Fetne iſland of Arabia 174 Ferter-Cairn iii . 431 of the coait of Chili xiv. 73 Fetters of Naves in Africa deſcribed xvi. 895 perennial , of Quito xiv . 456 Fetu country , Guinea xvi . 358 of Lima xiv . 598 Fetuans attacked by the Dutch xvi . 355 of Morocco 707 Feudo mountain 748 Fertit, route from Cobbé to the Feuds, obſervations on civil . 462. iii . 485 copper-mines of xvi . 837 of the Keiths and Guns ui. 88 Feſta Dies of the Japaneſe vii . 733 of Caithneſs ili . go Feſtimoy vale ii . 631 of the Highlanders iii . 349 Feſtivals at St. Kilda iii . 716 in Engadina 909 village, in the Rhinegau 259 in the Valteline 919 of the order of the Seraphim vi . 435 of the Arabs 145 of the Tartars, folemn of the Negroes xvi . annual vii . 133 Feuillée , Pere, on the Peak of Te. on the New Year at Pekin vii. 399 riffe ( note) xiv. 292 at Moſcow on the peace of Feuquire, Sieur Chevalier de xii . 425 Aland vii . 485 Fever, ſpotted, cure for it ii. 599 of the Japaneſe Sintos - , ſpotted, at St. Kilda ili . 714 of the Noroſe viii . 7 of Mungo Park xvi . 868 at Delhi viii . 161 Mandingo mode of treating xvi . 876 marriage, of the Perſians ix . 251 Fevers in Canada, obſervations on xiii . 272 of the Cheraugoons ix . 252 cold, of New York 454 of the Ide Korban ix . 255 of America xiii. 493 of the Ide Kudeer ix , ibid. remedies xiii . 495 at St. Thomas's ix . in Guayaquil xiv. 397 annual, at Pegu ix. 430 in Quito xiv. 524 Birman ix. 549 treatment in Barbary 639 , Tonquineſe new -year in Ethiopia xvi , 267 of the King of Tonquin Fez , Windhus's account 449. 490 bleſſing the country ix. 694 - , Lempriere's travels in 686 purging it of devils ix. 695 Fezzan caravan 133 funereal ix . 698.703 Fiacres of Paris iv. 5 of the Hindoos 213. 219 Fiadors of Benin xvi . 522 of the Perfees Fiatooka of Tongataboo xi. 683.685 religious, in Havannah xiii . 765 Fichs, account of the fiſh ſo called i . 188 in Vera Cruz xiii . 778 853 Fida province of Japan vii . 663 in Quito xiv. 446 Fida kingdom , Guinea, deſcribed xvi . 477–506 of the Indians xiv. 518 Fida, King, his court, manners, in Lima xiv . 575 and customs xvi . 487 of the Ethiopians 85 -,family xvi . 491 of the leathering of the Fidaſians of Guinea deſcribed xvi . kettle-drum 125 Fidelity of the Highlanders ii. 384 , religious, of the Moors xv. 437. 453. Fideri, Prince, his hiſtory vii . 616. 636 645.774 Fidgeroot fort ix . 298 of the Javaneſe on the new Fidlen province vij. 666 year xvi . Field -cricket of North America of the Hottentots 143 Field-ice , met by Cook xi. 600 of the Tabalke in Senegal xvi . 662 Fields of Helſingheland i . 345 of the Caffrés xvi . 685.688 Field -ſpar, obſervations on i . 725 Fetherſtone's bay, Cheſapeak xiii . 69 Field-throneof the Great Mogul vini . 201 Feticheers of the Gold Coaſt, Fieſco , Bartholomew xii . 145 Guinea xvi. 401.426 his paſſage Fetiches of Dinkira, Guinea from Jamaica to St. Domingo xii , 150 Fietta 398 9 > XV. ix. 673.725 XV. XV. XV. X. X. 221 XV . 478 XV. X111 . xvi . xvi. 369.390 2 INDE X. [ 155] VOL . VOL . PAGE 536 456 258 XV. vii. V. 370 436 Y. V. XV. XV. X. 211 900 XV. PAGE Fieſta de Novillos in Spain 536 Finances of Pruſſia vi. 177. 187 Fieſtas-reales in Spain of Hamburg vi . 217 Fifeſhire, Pennant's obſervations on of Francfort vi . 243 Figaretta hamlet 616 of Mentz vi . Fig banana of Loango xvi. 553 of Denmark vi . 309 Fight, naval , between two Spaniſh of Sweden vi . 522 men of war and one Britiſh xiii . 128 of the Ruffian empire vi . 862 Fighting, mode of, in Skie iii . 641 of the Dutch in Amboyna xi. 281 - Negro mode, deſcribed xvi . 412. 505 of Virginia xili . 717 Figig villages, Algiers 526 Finance chamber of Quito xiv. 444 Figo province 666 of Lima xiv. 573 Figs of France iv . 70 Finance-miniſter of Spain of Quercy 357 iv. 505 Findus, ſon of Arno of Piedmont iv. 609 Finehaven caſtle iij . -, Indian, of Catalonia iv . 668 hill ibid . in lava 65 Finella of Fetter-Cairn iii. 431 of Lipari 245 Fines for murder in Guinea xvi . 406 on feeding cochineal infects for robbery xvi . 407 with 246 for adultery xvi . 420 of Siam ix . 609 in Benin xvi. 529 of Cochin-China ix . 776 Fine's, M. , garden iv. 497 of Egypt 336 Fingal, King of Man ii . 822 of Barbary 603 ringal's cave deſcribed i.700. iii . 263 Fig -trees of Japan vii. 693 its dimenſions i . 701 -, reverence of the Banians in Staffa iii . 307 for them viii. 543 Finger-nails of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 786 - , Indian , of Arabia 194 Fingera, ſnapping them , a Negroe's of Surat fign of deſperation xvi. of Cairo 239 Finguere-tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 806 Indian xiv. 478 Finland, war in vi . 501 of Algiers 528 Fortia's travels in vi. 549 wild, of the Gambia xyi. 636 -, Ruſſian , government and wild, of Madagaſcar xvi . 806 diltriets of it vi. 747 Figua de Maurá iv . 110 Finlanders, their character 178 Figuera, cultivation in the vale iv. 662 377 Figueras town 623 fiſhing 514 fortreſs 624 deſcribed Figueyredo, Maniel de xiv. 325 in the Orkneys Figure of the earth i. 259 Finlarig caſtle 372 Condamine Finlater's, Earl, houſe 66 caſtle - , Bouguer on xiv. 270 Fin -Mac- Coul, ſtory of Ulloa on xiv. 3 19.422—440 Fin -mac- cuil's cave iii . 262 of the pyramids 804 Finmark 13 Figures, Mooriſh 642 wild beaſts and birds in 413 Fila di Sacca in Felicuda 214 -, Kerguelen's account of 770 Filberts' iſland xii. 645. 663. 673 its ſituation i . ibid . Filey bay iii . e , inhabitants ibid . Filoſofo, La Torre 85 Finneus, Dr., his ecclefiaftical hiſtory Filthineſs of the Hottentots xvi. 139 of Iceland i . 672 Finances of France detailed iv, 400 Finnur Jonſon, Dr. , his works i . 673 effects of the Fins, the i . 278 revolution on iv. their food i . 282 iv . 435 Finfter Aar-horn of the Venetian ſtate iv. 620 Firando iſland 529 of Spain 417. 424 - , Hagenaar's 'account of vii . 607 , projects of ameliorating 431 factories there viii. 515 of Bormio 915 Firando, Lord of, his revenues vii . 616.618 of the Valteline 930 Fidalgo, amuſements at viii . 380 of the Griſons 970 Fire, Lapland mode of making i . 392 of Auſtria vi, 125 on playing with i . 486 of Saxony vi. 151 -, Americanmode of kindling [ V2] -, origin 516 758 on it xiv. 211. 249 67 643 XV, XY, IO > 426 ftate in 1792 V. 877 V, V. v. 3 602 Fire, [ 156] INDEX. PAGE VOL. 687 ix . XV. viii . > 556 > viii. X. 406 482 - VOL. PAGE Fire, Ruſſian mode of kindling i . 603 Fire -works, ingenuity of the Chineſe vii . 401 its effects in Iceland i . 628 -, grand diſplay in Pegu ix . 432 mountains formed by i . of the Birmans 553 iſlands made by i . ibid. of the Tonquineſe ix . 677 eruptions of, in Iceland i . ibid . Fire -worſhip , origin of it ix. 155 baſaltic pillars produced by i . 698. ü.908 Firma, Terra, fee Terra Firma. its effects in Iceland i . 722 Firman, Mr. Boucher's way of obtain theory of a central i . 742 ing one viii . 334 philofophical ſyſtems of i . 786 to the India Company vili . 345 and ſword, copy of a writ of iii . 555 from the Grand Signior to properties of air on 914 an Engliſh gentleman 391.392 Banian doctrine of the deſtruc Firmian's, Count, law for improving tion of the world by viii . 554 waſte land iv. 619. v. 906 Perfees' worſhip of viii . 569 Fir trees in Ruſſia i . 30 , nature of that which the Per foreſts in Sweden i . 270 fees worſhip ibid . trees of great age i . 357 the holy 353 ' 425 bread made of the bark i . ibid . mode of making, in New South - Scotch , forests of iii . 103 Wales xi . deſcribed by Mr. Far on its uſe for burning the dead xi . 858 quharſon iii . 124 Virginian mode of making xiii . 35 trees at Ardfert iji . 848 Hottentot mode of making xvi . 130 of Chriftiana vi, 365 mode of lighting, in Congo xvi . 161 mode of deſtroying , by the Fire - arms, Indian trade for xili . 687 Tongufians vii . 342 Fire -balls on the banks of the of Japan vii . 694 Ganges 229 of Mount Olympus 717 deſcribed by Adanſon xvi . 648 of Carolina xiji . Fire- doves of Siam ix . 626 of New Jerſey xill . Fire - flies of Japan vii . 705 Firth of Forth iii . 35. 456 of Bengal viii . 229 Firth of Pentland , ſee Pentland Firth . of Siam ix . 631 Firuz - cuh town ix . 45.71 of North America 581 Fiſcal , Dutch , in Guinea xvi . 379 of Loango xvi . 557 Fiſcher's account of the volero (note) v. 517 of the Gambia deſcribed xvi . 635 Fiſguard, Skrine's account of ii . 599 Firenzola iv. 280 Fiſh abundant in Lapland i . 197 Fire - ordeal in Siam ix . - petrified 255 Fire - place of a Lapland hut i . the chief food of the Lap a northern i . landers i . 368 in Curdiſtan and Perſia 16 Lapland mode of dreſſing i . 397 Fire -round of the Weſtern illes 612 of Finmark 431 Fires in Lapland 244 of the ſea ibid. deſcription of the northern 247 of the lakes 439 frequent in the north 290 of the rivers i . 440 at Torneo 303 of Iceland in the Scilly ifles ii . 762 Icelandic mode of preparing i . 662 volcanic 6 eſcape from a huge i . 806. 808 , gaſeous 10 of London ii . 88 of Barigazzo ibid . of the Iſle of Wight 721 of Stromboli 114 of St. Mary's ii . 735 -, effects on porphyry I 22 of Scarborough 14 frequent in China vii . of Robin Hood's bay ji. 15 mode of guarding againt, in of Whitby ibid . Jedo vii . 800. 803 of Loch- Leven iii . 37 in Delhi viii , 152 of Perth at Beit el Fakih 48 of Loch - Tay 43 in the American foreſts xiii . 750 of Ord Head 86 in Panama xiv. 375 of Loch -Neſs 97 in Guayaquil xiv. 393 of the Merſey 177 in Senegal xvi . of Coninſton water 188 Fire -works in the Prater, Vienna 95 of Urſwick mere ibid . at Pekin vii , of Winander mere 190 Fim xiii. 595 388 498 ix. 111 . > . i . 656.750 v. V. V. 202 > 111 40 X. 654 vi. 401 INDEX. [ 157] PAGE ii. 688. 743 xiv. 244.513 400 XV. XV . XV. 336 9 VOL . VOL . PAGE Fith of the Elk 209 Fiſh of lake Huron xiii . 299 of Loch- maree iii . 341 of Canada xiii . 356 of the Weſtern illes 684 met in a voyage to America xii. 382 of the Orkney illes iii . decreaſe of American xili . 470 of the Shetland illes iii . 697. 699. 769.771. of Chili xiv. 74 795 of Cuyo xiv. 102 of the Iſle of Lewis iïi . 576 of the river Amazons of the Ile of Harries 585 of Carthagena xiv. 331 of North Vift 593 of Guayaquil xiv. 398 of the Ile of Skie iii . 620 the purple xiv. of St. Kilda 706 of Bagre xiv . 409 of the Shannon iii . 859 of Juan Fernandes xiv. 661 of Paris iv . 49 of Brazil xiv . 721 muſeum of curious, at Catania v. 91 of lake Moris 218 of Siberia vii . 329 of Egypt 333 of Baraba vii. 333 of Barbary 635 of Tomíky vii . - , embalmed Egyptian xv. 817.837 of lake Baykall vii . 351 of Angola xvi. 298. 335 of Japan vii . 705 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 449 of Delhi viii . 155 of Rio - de Gabon xvi . 510 phenomenon of ſome, in the of Cape Lopez Gonſalvez xvi . 513 Ganges viii . 228 of Benin xvi. 532 -, fingular manner of catching, in of Loango xvi . 560 Muſkat viii. 286 of Teneriffe xvi . 602 of Baflora viii . 290 of Goree xvi . 637.645 of Tatta viii . 307 of Senegal xvi . 649 in Perſia ix . 29. 185 formed by rain -water xvi. 660.665 of the Caſpian Sea ix . 54 of Sofala xvi . 700 of Ardebil ix . 84 of Madagaſcar xvi . 743 of Siam ix. 632 of Canaria xvi . 821 of Tonquin ix . 737 Fiſhborne creek ii . 718 of Arabia X. Fiſh-diet , its effect on the conſtitu of Mindanao xi. 9 tion 635 of Borneo xi . 109 Fiſher, Mr. x. 318. 377 of the Capeof Good Hope xi.151 . xvi.68. 208 Fiſheries of Nordland i , 343 of Afcenfion iſland xi. 157 of Finmark i . 431 of Amboyna xi . 262 of whales i . 432 of New Holland xi . 466.475 of Finmark, tythes of 445 of New Guinea xi . 477 of Nova Zemla 525 of Pulo Sabuda 479 at Spitzbergen i . 610 of New Zealand xi . 537. 541 of Iceland 663 of New South Wales xi . 555 the Dutch i . 750 of Dulky bay of Berghen 766 of the Friendly illes xi . 592 for rogues ibid . , poiſonous xi.620.631. xvi. 743 of Dunkirk i . 797 of Van Diemen's Land xi . 643. 848 of Yarmouth 34 of Palmerſtone iſland 660 of England ii . 154 of Tongatabob 688 of the Scilly iſlands 765 of the Sandwich iſles xi , 729 in Douglaſs bay ii . 786 of Bernier iſe, New Holland xi, 791 of the Ile of Man ii. 812. 817 of Rottneſt iſland xi. of Scarborough 12 of Maria iſland xi . of Whitby 15 of the Weſt Indies 39 of Berwick 23 of Veragua xü . 137 of Aberdeen of Davis Strait xii . 195 of the Spey 71 of Virginia xii. 241.601. xiii. 13. 31.710 of Caithnels of New England xii. - 257 . xiii. 213. 220. 230 of Lochaber IOI of the Bermudas xii. 268. xiii . 174 of Loch Fine 106 of Barbadoes xii . 296 of Dunbarton 1ο of Penſylvania xii . 383 of Carliſle 119 1 Fiſheries 188 iii. xi . xi . 573 xi. - xi. 824 873 xii . 60. 64 89. 155 [ 158 ] INDEX. PAGE PAGE 212 ix. 111 620 613 558 46536 358 198 111 . V. v . 736 v. 436 V. 521 . VOL. VOL. Fiſheries of Mancheſter iii . 177 Fiſherman of Gretna in . obſervations on the Scotch of the Niger, anecdotes xvi . 849.853 herring iii . 334 Fiſhermen of Finmark , anecdotes of Roſs.Shire 342 of ſome i . 433 of the Tumel 387 on the Wye ii . 223 of Montroſe 427 of the Itle of Wight ii . 687 of the Loch of Monteath 571 deſtroyed in Douglafs of the Ile of Lewis iii . 576 harbour ii . 787 of the Ide of Harries 555 of Siam 632 of Loch-Maddy iii . 592 of Tonquin ix . 737 of Barray ille 603 of Cuba xii . 71 of the Iſle of Skie iii . of Frobiſher's Strait xii . of the Weſtern illes of amber at Dantzic i . 209 of the Orkney illes 688 Fiſhes' Temple, in Siam viii . of the Shetland illes 697 Filh -hooks of the Virginians xiii . of St. Kilda 706 Filh - in -armour, of Canada xiii . of the Shetland illes de. Fiſhing, curious Lapland mode of i . ſcribed by Brand iii . 795 - , Lapland fuperftition je of the Dutch iii . 798 fpeeting i . 485 of Waterford iii . 855.857 in Greenland i . 790 on the Ban , Coleraine 827 for birds iii . 807 at Carrick-a - rede ui. 885 with birds in China vii . 254 of France iv . 349 Fiſhing-company of Penſylvania xiii . 731 of Lipari 247 Fishing -dreſs of the Icelanders i . 661 coral ibid . Fiſhing -hooks and lines of the of Stromboli 252 Sandwich iſlands xi . of Felicuda and Alicuda 257 Fiſhing -inftruments of Finmark i. of Locarno 989 Fiſhing -lines of Otaheite xi . of Saxony 156 of New Zealand xi. 542 of Bremen vi . 2 5 of the Friendly illes xi. 592 of Embden vi . ibid. Fiſhing.nets of Tongataboo xi , 683 of Norway vi . 360 in Angoy, Congo xvi . 271 of Sweden vi. 385 Fiſ to New England, - , pearl, deſcribed by Taver . expenſe of one 250 nier viii . 255 profits xiii . 351 of the Tonquineſe ix . 736 Filh-ponds in France iv. 531 of the Cochin-Chineſe ix . 777 of Penſylvania xiii . 475 of New Holland xi . 65 Fiſhtall animal of Barbary 621 of Newfoundland xii . 174 Fiſkatta , ſee Polecat . of the Dutch xiii . 213 Fflures in the Pyrenees iv. 721 of New England xiii . 217. 223. 230. in lava at Monte della 232. 247 Callagna 183 of the St. Lawrence xiii. 632. 672 of a mountain at Terra Nova v. 289 for pearls in the Gulf of of the Sheck'sWife 307 Panama 381 Fitats province of Japan viii . 662 in Guayaquil xiv. 400 Fitch's voyage to Ormus and the of Gllayaquil xiv . 409 Eaſt Indies 406 on the coaſt of Tunis 583 Fitta hill iii . 752 of the lakes in Morocco 693 Fitzgerald , Mr. , of Woodford 848 for mermaids, in the Zaire xvi . 217 Fitz- Gerald, Mr. , anecdotes of him xi . of Angola 335 Fitzgerald , Captain xiv . 28 of Mouree, Guinea xvi , 361 Fitzgerald family jii . 343 of Fantya xvi . 363 Fitzmaurice, Hon.Mr., of Ballymoat iii . 830 of Aquamboe 368 Fitzwilliams, Governor of Bahama xii. 361 of the Negroes 391 Fiuhn Mac Coul's cave i . 700 of Lampi, Guinea xvi, 472 its dimenſions i . 701 of Popo 476 Five-Horſes-Heads, mountain vii. 241 of Rio Gabon xvi . 510 Five Nations, Indians xü . 409 of Gorec xvi . 645 Fivepennies well iii . 662 of Senegal xvi. 646 Five-Ugly -Devils rock vii . 241 for crocodiles xvi. 700 Fix, agriculture at iv. 214 Flacourt's xiii . XV. V. X. xiv, ix. XV. XV . iii. 38 xvi. xvi. xvi . xvi . INDEX. [ 159] VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGL 9. 26 528 454 312 V. in 1775 IO X. xiv. xiv . 749. 793 XV . XV. 476 - XV. XV . iv. jv . > 536 iv . Flacourt's account of Madagaſcar xvi. 748. 750 Fleece of Spaniſh wool v . 325 Fladda iſle iii . 579.627 Fleet of Sir Hugh Willoughby i . Fladda-Chuan ille mi. 627 -, expenſes of one iv. Flædſund , road from Upſal to i . 338 of Spain Flæſch village, reformation at 969 of Denmark vi . Flagellation of the Siameſe courtiers viii . 471 ftate of the Swediſh in 1766 vi. 378 Flagellifts of Spain 507 vi . ibid . Flamant bird of Senegal xvi . 664 table of its Flambard, Ralph iii . 509 expences vi. 379 Flambeau de la Mer xiv. 252 of the Great Khan vii. 148. 151 Flamborough head i. 544. iii . 10. of India vii . 158 town iii . of Arabia viii . 290 Flamenco bird of Chili xiv. 78 of Turkey 250 Flamingoes of the Cape xvi. 59 of Sir Walter Raleigh xii . 287 Flancharee, the Dooty xvi . 839 of Sir Hovendon Walker xii . 419 Flanders, Regnard's journey through i. 131 of Frobiſher for diſcovery xii . 533 London trade with ii . 99 of Solomon 132 towns of iv. 145 of the Portugueſe in Brazil rich plain of iv . 303 of Barbary 492 manufactures iv. 376. 385 of Algiers 678 cattle of iv . of Morocco 749. 754 culture of carrots and Fleetneſs of the dromedary 708 parſnips in iv . 484 of the oſtrich xvi. 618 of cabbages 485 Flemhuder lake vi. 345 of côlefeed iv. 489 Flemings, their conduct at Novo of tobacco iv . 502 gorod i . 34 of turnips iv. 503 Flemiſh hat , of Siam ix. 634 coals iv, 519 Flenſburg town , its trade vi . 343 lime 531 Fleſh of the rein deer i . 170 tillage and laying of lands in iv . meat of London ii . 88 implements of huſbandry 540 of England ü . manures and manuring in iv . 544 on the Banians' prohibition of viii . 540 deſcribed by Riefbeck vi . 287 Fletcher's account of Drake's voyage xii. 169 Flandrin on breeding ſheep ( note ) 329. 335 Fleuran iv . 123 Flannan iſlands iii . 580 Fleurier, watch -makers of Flat Point xi . 160 Fleurieu bay xi , Flat-head nation of South America xiv. 226. 510. Fleurieu river, Van Diemen's Land xi. 512 Flicke's voyage to the Azores i . Flat-nofe fila of Guinea xvi . 450 Flies in Lapland i . 234 Flats of the West India iſlands xii . the torment of the Laplanders i . 257 Flatterers in Hindoitan 160 of Nordland i , 362 Flattery, Cape xi. 553 ' , mode of driving them away iv. 106 Flax of Ruſſia i . 43 of France iv. 314 account of the vegetable (note) ii. 293 of Weltrobothnia vi . 470 of Strath - Tay iii . 378 of Japan vii . 704 imported in England and of Siam ix . 631 Scotland iii . 568 -, common , in Canada xiii . 622 on the culture of, in France iv. 391.490 mode of deſtroying xvi . 41 obſervations on iv . 491 Flight of locuſts deſcribed viii . 595 trade of Weſtphalia 280 of crows, order of it xiv . 77 of Piedmont iv . 609 of the guanoes in Peru xiv. Milaneſe iv, ibid. Flinders , Captain , on New Holland xi . of Bologna iv. 610 account of him , on the culture of, in Pen (notes ) xi . 884. 887. 892. 906 ſylvania 384 Flint town ii . 622 of Virginia 593 Flint , ſolution of, in fal foda i . 720 - , mountain , of Penſylvania xiii. 473 its formation i . ibid. of Egypt 310 found with baſaltes 904 Fleas of North America xiii . 506 of Quito xiv. of Carthagena xiv . 349 Flixton hoſpital iii. ΙΟ Flèche, La, town iv. 160 Fluating- houſes in Borneo 115 Floating 145 > v. 823 871 843 821 43. 46 viii. vi . 603 879 xii. xii . 5 XV. jii . 550 xi. [ 160] INDEX. PAGE 222 XV. XV. 674 vi . XY. V. V. V. 614 617 xui. iv . 9 642 > Xull , > xvi . xvi. 7 xvi. VOL . VOL . PAGE Floating -iſlands, Seneca on xii. 14 Flowers in Perſia ix . 180 Floating-villages on the Whang-ho of Tonquin ix. 662.717 river vii . 253 of Paleſtine 409 Flocks of rein-deer i . 404 of America xiii , 441. 571 of Perſia ix . of Chili xiv , 38 of ſheep in New S. Wales xi . 919 of ti e Cape of Good Hope xvi. 16. 65.68 of the Cordilleras xiv. 62 of Senegal xvi . 666 of the Arabs in Barbary 620 Floyd on druidical circles vi, 348 of Morocco 708 Floyd's, Colonel, account of a Flodden -field iii . 487 Ruſſian tournament vi . 679 Flodgery, anecdotes of fecond fight -, deſcription of the in iii. Collacs 868 Floke's account of Iceland í . 645 Fluce coin 459 Flood, Banian dortrine of it viii , 534 Flue, Nicholas de, tomb and cha Perfees' account viii . 558 racter 736 Floods of New South Wales xi . 929 Fluellen village 733 Flora, Haller's 861,862 Fluidity of lava 19 Flora Danica, account of it vi. 318 Fluted cape, Diemen's Land xi . 888 Flora Ruſſica of Pallas vi . 842 Fluxes, Mandingo mode of treating xvi . 876 Florence, Young's account of iv. 265 Fly- bird of Siam ix , 626 vines iv . of Canada xiii . 354 - , implements and tillage iv. of America 444 on the government of 622 Fly-buth of the Cape xvi . 84.86 taxation iv. 632 Flying- tiſh in the Strait of Magel woollen manufacture iv. 640 lan xi , 321 folk manufacture iv. Kalm's deſcription 383 prices in iv. 650 deſcribed 149. 201 rent and price of land at iv. 561 deſcribed by Adanſon 626 on its ancient grandeur iv. 562 Flying-oftrich of Senegal 664 ſheep iv . 587 Flying -ſquirrels of Canada xili . 352 feed and produce in iv . 597 of America olives 611 Fiyndrer, of Finmark i . Flores iſland, Azores i . 805. 822. viii . 455. Fo, the Chineſe idol vii , 397 xii . 627. xii. 18 Fochabers iii . Flores , Don Lazaro de xiv. 325 Fo-chew city Florez , Father 388 Focquenbrog, Mr. xvi . Florida, Cabot's diſcovery xii . 159 , on the Negroes of Raleigh's expedition to xii . 180 Guinea xvi . xii . 623 Foe, the Chineſe, compared with gulf and ſtream xii . ibid. Boodh ix . Smith's account xiii . Foensfiord paſſage i . Florida , ſhip, her loſs on Mull ili . 351.655 Fogo iſland, Cape de Verd xii . Florida Blanca, M. de, his eſtabliſh . Fogs, their baneful influence i . ments of coaches in Spain 301 . , noxious, of Nova Zembla i . improvement of roads v . 302. 462 of Spitzbergen i . Florida -Soundings xiii . 866 of Cuba xii . Flors, linen manufactory i . at Bonaviſta, Cape Verd xii . 97 Flotilla of Sweabourg vi . 557 of New Albion xii . 170 Flounders of the northern ſeas i . 435 in Frobilher's Strait xii . 506. 539 mode of catching ibid. at Cape Breton xiii . 347 ſmall i . 436 of Peru 281 of Guinea 450 on the Andes xiv. 289 Flour of Iceland i . 656 of Lima -, daily conſumption of, at Paris iv. 324 on the coaſt of Chili xiv . 584.664 of the Chilians xiv. 115 on the Gold Coait of Guinea xvi . 382 of the Pampas Indians xiv . 128 in St. Thomas, Gulf of i . Guinea xvi. 513 Flower- garden of M. Vaillaut iv. 70 Foher fall ii . 97 of M. Le Febre iv. ibid. Fohi, Emperor of China, his hiſtory vii . 713 Flowers of the North i . 306 Fokien Province, Hamilton's de vii. 695 fcription 493 Fokien 9 xiii. 444.479 iv . 436 vij . 71 258 358 V. > 386 , cape of 210 491 760 98 355 526 552 71 > 346 XIV. xvi. xiv, 584 Flour port 84 of Japan viii , INDEX. [ 161 ] PAGE 212 894 623 256 258 XV. 412 Xll . 476 699 xiii. 9. 602 xiv. in Cuyo iv. 378 398 VOL. VOL. PAGE Fokien lackered ware vii. 454 Food of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 734 Foku Rokkudo diſtrict of Japan, of the Canary iſlanders xi. 745 Kempfer's account vii. 664 of the Timoreſe xi . 944 Foley family ii . of the Weſt Indians xii . 39 Foley's, Dr., account of the Giant's of the Indians of Davis's Strait xii . 197 Cauſeway ili. of the American mooſe xii. Folgar at Portudal, Senegal xvi. made of maize xü . Fondaks in Morocco 773 in Barbadoes xii . 296 Fonſanfa , religious order in Japan vii. 744 of the Mohocks xii. Fonſeca, Don John de 95 in Frobiſher's Strait xii. 500.557 Font, ancient, at Bridekirk iii . 195 of the Virginians xii . 568. 595. xiii. 35.95 Fontainebleau, Young's account of iv. 132 of the Canadians xii. 656.677 Fontenac, Count de xii . 396. 403 of the humming bird xiii . 445 Fontevrault, nuns of ïi . 358 of the American ſquirrel xili . Foo, the bird vii , of the North American Food of Ruſſian ſoldiers i . 19. 33 Indians 532 of the rein -deer i . 172 of the American cattle xiii . 565 of the Laplanders i . 189. 371. 395 of the Dutch in Albany 587 of the Samoiedes 528 of the French in Canada xiii . 660 of the Icelanders i. 635.751 of the Indians xiii . 696 of the Engliſh 144. 499 in Lima xiv. in Skie iii . 329. 639 in Chiloe iſland 90 of the iſlanders of St. Kilda iii . 721 xiv . 103 of the Pariſians 46 of the Chilians xiv. 115 of cattle in France iv. 480 of the Pampas Indians xiv. 128 of hogs in France iv. 482 in Carthagena xiv . 336. 352 of the bouquetin 797 in Panama xiv. of the Norwegian peaſants vi. 358 in Guayaquil xiv, of the Ruſſian peaſants vi . 577.651 of the aſtronomers on the of the Tartars vii. 30 Andes xiv . 425 of the Japaneſe vii. 818 in Quito xiv. 451. 457 of the inhabitants of Molalia viïi . 3 of the Indians in Quito · 517.519. 525 in Socotora vii. 4 in Brazil xiv. 858.868 of the Colchians ix . of the Abyſſinians XV. 24 of the Georgians ix. 150 in Sennar 70 of animals in Perſia ix. in Ethiopia xv. 79. xvi . 312 of the Perſians ix. 202. 263 in Dar-Fur XV. 149 - of the Ulbeck Tartars ix . 331. 380 of the Turks in Egypt 317 of the Birmans ix. 501 in Egypt 325 of the Siameſe ix. 587.611 in Weft Barbary 4 : 5. 453 of the Tonquineſe ix . 671 in Algiers and Tunis 661 offered to the dead ix. 699 726 of the Moors in Morocco 768 of the inhabitants of Arracan 760 of the Hottentots xvi. 140 765 in Loanda, Congo xvi. 157 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix. 778 of the Sognefe xvi . 247 of the Arabs of the Defart X. 16. 153. xv. 318 in Guinea xvi. 382 of the Hindoos 218 of the Negroes of the Gold of the Turks 261 Coaft xvi. 389.459 of the Mindanayans xi, of the Fidafians xvi . 504 in the Baſhee iſlands xi. 49 in Gabon xvi. 510 of the New Hollanders xi. 65.945 in Benin xvi . 523 of the Hottentots xi. 152 of the Loangeſe xvi . 566 of the Javaneſe 172 of the Negroes of Senegal xvi. 612 in the Ladrone iſlands xi. 325 of the Moors xvi . 615 of the Otaheitaos xi. 519 in Sofala xvi. 682. 695 711 of the New Zealanders xi . 541 of theMalegaches of Mada of the Savu iſlanders xi . 562 gaſcar xvi. 743 in the Marqueſas 606 of the Canarians xvi . 821 at Balade 633 of the Mandingoes xvi. 878 of the Friendly illanders xi. 696 -Fooki, province of Japan vii. 665 VOL. XVII. [ x ] Foot xiv . 143 XV. 183 XV . XV. XV. XV. xv . ix. at Laos ix . X. X. 12 xi . xi. [ 162] INDEX. PAGE 498 XV XV . XV. V. v. 518 enna Foreftier cape 874 XV. xi . VOL. VOL. PAGE Foot of the elephant ix . 782 Foreſts of Loango and Cacongo xvi . 551 Foota Torra, King of, anecdotes of the Gambia xvi . 636 of him xvi. 904 of Krampfane xvi. 641 Footmen , running, in Perfia ix . 204 of Lupara or Spine of the Footpads of England ii. 525 world xvi. 706 Footpaths of London ü. of Madagaſcar xvi. 799 Foot- travellers in England ii. 528 Foreſts, lake of xii. 276 Foraftac canal 298 Forfar, Pennant's account of iii. 437 Forbes, Duncan ili. 78 Forge, La, anecdotes of him xvi . 755 Force of Ayſgarth ii . 430 Forgery, puniſhment for, in Barbary xv. 426. 677 Ford caſtle 488 Forgesat Kones i . 159 Fords of the Rio de Jamapa xiii. 846 at Swapavara i . 163 of the Cordilleras xiv. 51 at Afsta 329 of the South American of Sweden vi . 389 rivers xiv. 529.562 of Sudersfors 471 of the Nile in Sennar 68 of Sweden, tables of 530 of the river Morbeya 800 of @ufterby 551 Foreigners in London ii . 102 of Laufta vi . 552 -, their opinion of England ii . 491 of Forſmarck vi . 553 -, on their encouragement Formoſa iſland vii . 518 in France iv. 323 Hamilton's deſcrip their reception in Spain 457 tion viii . 513 at Cadiz 578 Formoſa, Rio , Guinea xvi . 507 Foreland Point ii. 720 deſcribed xvi. Foreſkin , bells in it, in Pegu 421 Fornication, laws againſt, in Vi Foreft, Sieur de la xiii . 292 vi . 75 Forefter's Peninſula xi . 868 puniſhment for, in xi . Barbary 426. 678 Foreſtier's Archipelago 796 Forres town iii . 74 Foreſt- law of England ii . 126 caſtle iii . ibid . Foreft rangers ofCanada xiï . 266. 280.372 Forreft, George, anecdotes of him xij . Forefts of Lapland i . 237.280 Forſkal, Mr., anecdotes of him X. 18. 62. 181 of Sweden i . 270 Forſius, Aaron, his journey to Lap of Nordland i . 352 land i . 198 fet on fire i . 360 Forſmarck, manfion and forges at vi. 553 of Dean ii . 10. 232 Forfter, Lord Chief Baron iii . 823 Windſor 531 Forſter,, Mr., his voyage with Cap tain Cook xi. 565 of France iv. 521 Forſter's obſervations (note) i . 641 of the North iv. 529 FORSTER's travels in Perfia, ex of Speffart vi. 239 tracts from 279 of Norway 360 Forſter's tranſlation of Kalm's tra various uſes vi. ibid . vels in America xiii . 374 of Sweden vi. 381 Fortaque kingdom viii . 4 of Westrobothnia 47r Forteſcue, Mr. 823 of Volkonſki vi . 578 Forteventura iſland xi . 99 near Pekin vii. 404 Forth, Firth of 456 of Magadi 621 Forthill of Montroſe fi . 427 of the Weſtern Ghats viii . 758 Fortia's travels in Sweden vi . 373-569 travelling through one by Fortifications of Mentz vi. 263 night ix. 314 of Fredericitein vi . 362 of teak in the Birman Empire ix . 461 of Fredericitadt vi . 363 value to the Britiſh of Kongfteen vi . ibid . navyin India 565 of Aggerhuus vi . 365 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 842 of Kongſwinger vi . 372 of America xii. 565. xii . 5 of Derbent vii . 493 of North America xiii. 508. 524. 597 in Jedo 801 fires in them xiii . 750 in the Myſore viii . 587 -, Bouguer on xiy. 276 of Tellicherry ix . 233 about Porto - Bello xiv. 367 in the north of Perſia ix . 308 of Ethiopia 84 of Pegu ix . 436 Fortifi. 100 of pine 57 1 1 ix . viii, ix. XV. II INDEX. [ 163] VOL. PAGE VOL. X. X. X. X. 202 X. 368 386 398 408 XV . XV. 469 516 587 588 XV. XV. XV. at Sai xvi. > Fortifications of Jidda 23 of Loheia 30 of Taces 55 of Bombay of the Turks 251 of Belgrade 225 in New Zealand xi. 538 in Owhyhee xi. 721 of Boſton, America xii. 260 of the Bermudas xii. 269. xiii . 201 . 203 of Charleſtown xii. 343 of Antigua xii . 347 of NewYork xii. 351 of Georgia xii. 458. 469 ancient Indian xiv. 549. 564 of Cuſco xiv. 615 of Algiers xv. 532 of Arzilla XV. 686 of Larache 688 of Marmora 695 of Sallee 696 of Rabat 698 of Mogodore 705 of Santa Cruz ( note) xv. 715 of Louiſburgh, Ma dagaſcar xvi . 789 856 Fortingal church- yard iii . 46 Roman camp at ini. 374 ibid . Fortis, Abbate iv. 251 - , on the wine of Padua iv. 613 Fortreſſes of Figueras 624 of Chiavenna 938 of Sweabourg vi . 556 on the Neva, the com mencement of Peterſburgh vi . 661. 682 of Oranienbaum vi. 699 of Schluſſelburgh vi . 701 of Cronſlot vi. 865 of Gurief 880 of Killar ibid. of Petroffk 887 of Delhi 150. 157 of Rodas viii. 244 of the Siameſe 593 in Canada xiii . 700 in Wincheſter, Virginia xiii. 723 -, ancient, in Quito xiv. 549 in Peru xiv. 464 of Cuſco 615 Forts, George, in Nairn ni. 77 old, Inverneſs 79 Auguftus, Loch Neſs 97 William , Loch - Leven 100 - , royal, of Murray 134 Daniſh , in Jura 282 Daniſh , in Skie 320 in the Ile of Lewis 577 in Harries 585 111 PAGE Forts in North Vift 593 in the Idle of Skie iii . 623 in the Ide of Ila 651 in Colonſa iii. 654 in the Ide of Mull 656 in Tire- iy 660 in Korea vii. 524. 526 of Muſkat, fiege of viii. 285 of Bombay, Hamilton's re marks on it viii . 329 of Goa vili . 355 of Cannanore viii. of Columbo St. David viii . 390 St. George viii . 393 of Vizagapatam viii . of Tanna viii . William , Calcutta viii. 409 of Malacca viii . 435 of Siam at Nangaſaak viii . in the Myſore Tayculum viii. in Bangalore 590 in Capala Durga viii . 594 of Seringapatam 598 of Colar 650 of Chica Balapura 665 of Madhu- giri or Honey-hill viii. 678 of Madigeſhy viii. 685 of Rangoon ix . 446 of Prome ix. 462 of Ummerapoora ix . 517.535 of Chagaing ix. 552 of Batavia xi . 174 of Amboyna xi . 277 Rotterdam , Macafler xi . 232 in Otaheite, Cook's xi. 505 St. Thomas xii. 67 of France -Roy, Canada xii . 676 in Virginia xiii . 165 of the Bermudas xiii . 180 Frontenac, Canada xiii. 272. 326 St. Joſeph, Lake Huron 297. 301 George, New York xiii . 457 Albany xiii. 584 Saratoga xiii . 594 Nicholſon xiii . 595 Anne xiii. 599 St. Frederick xiii . 64. 64 Chamblan xiii . St. John xiii . ibid . of New York xiii. 737 of Bokor xiii . 744 of Havanna xiii. 762 of Vera Cruz xiii . 776.778 of the Spaniards in Chili xiy . 56 of the Chilians xiv . 113 of Conception of Pauxis xiv. 240 of Para xiv. 242 [ x2] Forte > yew - tree of V. vi. ix . 617 xiv. xiv . 192. 195 [ 164 ] INDEX. PAGE - xiii. XV. > XV. eggs at 345 81 > - > 623 359 > vi. VOL. VOL. PAGE xiv. Forts of Macapa ili. 251 Foſter-fathers in Scotland 384 of Carthagena xiv. 329. 331 Foterſbe tree of Madagaſcar xvi. 801 of Porto Bello xiv , 362 Fotherby's attempt at a north -eaſt xiv . of Guayaquil i . 394 paffage 540 of Maurice town , Brazil xiv. 710 Fottei, the Japaneſe god vii. 738 Orange xiv. 723 Fou, Cape 874 St. Antonio xiv. 725 Foua on the Nile 176.399 Keulen xiv. 728 Fouetz river xii. 654 Serinham xiv. 796 Fouilloux , Jacques du, on the requi Vander Duſſen xiv. 801 fites for the chace ( note ) iii . 55 St. Franciſco xiv. 821 Foula iſle iii . 694.696. 779 of the Dutch in Brazil xiv . 855 cave at iii . 783 - , ancient, of Syene 262 - , mode of taking fowls and iii . St. Anthony, Guinea xvi . 340 791 Fredericſburgh xvi. 342 Foulahs of Maſina xvi 851 Dorothea xvi. 343 Foulepoint, Madagaſcar xvi. 767.773.788 Infuma xvi. deſcribed xvi . 797 Batenſtein xvi. ibid . Foules manfion iii. Orange xvi. ibid . Foulis, Meſſrs. R. and A., of Glaſ. St. Sebaſtian's xvi. 347 gow 112. 240 Vrendenburgh xvi , 350 Foulneffe, deſcription of i . 79 Elmina xvi. 356 Foulquoal's, Don Lopez, ſpeech i. 847 Conraadſburg xvi. 358 Foundations of walls built on a man's of Cape Coaſt Caſtle xvi. body in Japan vii. Naſſau xvi. 361 Founder, anecdote of one i. 159 Amſterdam xvi . 363 Founders of Fahlun vi. 465 Leydſaamheyd xvi . 364 of Sudersfors vi. 472 of Agonna xvi. 365 Foundling Hoſpital of Moſcow 618 of Aquamboe xvi . 367 - , manage of Podor xvi. 618 ment of it vi. ibid . of Sofala xvi. 679 direc Dauphin, Madagaſcar tor vi . 619 of Madagaſcar xvi. 789 theatre vi. ibid . Fort-teviot, battle of 402 Foundlings in Moſcow vi. 619 Fortunate iflands deſcribed xvi. 822 Foundries, lead, in Derbyſhire ii. 483.485 Fortunatus Juvalta on the Griſons of Barcelona 108 (note ) 926 for cannon at Seville 567 Fortune -tellers, Arabian 173 of General Clauilen 327 of Sofala xvi. 696 of Mr. Aſplund in Stock Forty Martyrs convent 397 holm 432 Forum of Epheſus 659 at Salahutta 452 Foſſa delle Felci 216 for cannon at Oker 542 Foſſa Grande of the Uralian mountains vi. 894 Foffa Regalis 400 in Ruſſia vi . ibid . Foffa Trajani XV. ibid . Fountains at Marli 65 Foſs Dyke from Trent to Witham iii . 5 of Limoge 90 Foſſe of Alexandria 170. 397 of Vaucluſe iv 222 Foſſeway, the Roman ji . 203 of St. Ildefonſo 338 Foſs Gill ii . 432 remarkable, at Pliniana 892 Foſſils dug up at Barrow ii . 367 of Saltzburg vi . of Arran 265 of Achiavel attendant on baſaltes iii . 904 bubbling , in Caſhmere viii. 218 Gioeni's 91 of the Apoſtles 345 of Barbary 609 of Eliſha x. 346.429 Foſſil -wood of Iceland i . 722. 747 Solomon's X , 350.469 its nature ibid . of Moſes 389.404 Foſſum , cobalt works at 368 Stone of the 398 Fofs-way on Badbury -downi ji . 300 of Helena in Scio 626 Foſtat, building ofit 803.819 of Conftantinople 723 - pyramids at ibid. of the Cordilleras xiv. 50 12 Fountains xvi. 749.751 9 iv . v. V. vi. X. X. 21.41 XV. iv . ix . XV. 41 jji . 216 XV. X. vi. 9 X. XV. INDEX [ 165] PAGE commerce 607 346 XV. > xvi. 801 881 vi. Fournos cape 9 9 472 iv. iv . 546 IO2 > VOL VOL . PAGE Fountains of Chili xiv. 65 France, police of corn in iv. 326 hot and mineral, of Bar. iv . 334 bary her trade with the Sugar in the Emperor of Mo iſlands iv . rocco's Harem 789 fiſheries iv . 349 of Mongas xvi. 707 manufactures iv. 367 Fountanay, Mr., on China viii. 509 taxation iv. 397 Four, Le, rock i . 803 - , fpecie in iv. 404 Fouraha tree of Madagaſcar on the revolution in iv . 415 Fourcroy iſland xi. vines of iv . 440 Four- Lands of Hamburg 212 filk culture iv. 461 639 mulberries iv. ibidl . Fowas, Melek XV. 129 cattle iv . Fowey river ii . 281 horſes iv. 481 fiſh of 282 hogs iv. 482 Fowlay iſland xii. 491 culture of various plants in iv. 483 Fowlers of the Ile of Lewis iii . 579 orchards iv . 495 Fowley iſland i . 520 waſte lands in iv. 507 Fowling, mode in Barbary XV. 665 coals 519 Fowl-market of Delhi viii . 155 woods, foreſts, timbers, Fowls of Perſia ix. 185 and planting in iv . 521 of Siam ix . 626 building iv. 530 of Guinea xvi . 433 tillage and laying of lands iv. 533 of Fida xvi. 503 implements of huſbandry iv. 539 ſee Birds. manures and manuring iv . 542 Fownes's, Sir W., ſeat at Woodſtock iii . 817 an Engliſh farm eſtabliſhed Fox, Mr., in France iv . 147 in Foxdale, lead mines at ii. 803 alliances of the Griſons with v. 974 Foxes, white, found in Icy Harbour i. ſtate of religion at the Re colour of the Lapland i. 195 formation vi. 167 of Finmark i . -, Carli's travels in xvi, 191 uſes of their ſkins i. ibid. France , King of iv. 67.69 mode of hunting i . ibid . his conduct towards -, traps for i . 417 the National Aſſembly iv. 183. 290 , et ſeq . of Spitzbergen i . 599 France, Queen of, her party iv . 172. 289 of Iceland, mode of killing i . 748 France, Me of, cattle in it iv . 476.482 of Yeniſeyſky vii. 339 culture of clover in 486 of Japan vii. 701 - , chicory of iv . 488 of Virginia X11 31 teazles 490 of North Canada 352 muſtard iv. 495 467 Racine de Diſette iv. 501 introduction of the red , in , various plants of iv. 505 America ibid . woods of iv. 522 - , anecdotes of the Carthage gathering leaves in iv. 532 nian xiv. 345 tillage and laying of Barbary 624 of lands in iv. 535 Fox grapes of America xiii . 497 , implements of huf Fox -hunt at Quarndon ii . 368 bandry iv. 540 Foxley grounds ii . 214 manures and manur . Foxon's log 566 iv . 543. 545 Fox's ſpeech on Lord Rodney ii . 508 France, Ife of, Guigne's voyage to xi. 68 portrait ii. ibid. 569 deſcribed xi . 91. 761 Fox's , Meſſrs ., ſmelting -houſes ii . 274 its importance xi. 93 France, London trade with ii . 99 Liſter's travels in Canaries to xi. 750 , Young's travels in 77 --- , ſupplied from Mada. iv . 301 gaſcar xvi. 795 foil iv. 302 France, New, Cartier's diſcovery xii . 629 face of the country iv, 309 navigation of the climate iv. French to xii. 641 population iv. 317 France-Roy fort. Canada xii. 674.676 Francfort 416 > iv. 3 iv . xiii, - grey American X111 xiii. XV . > ing in 9 voyage from the > iv . 1 iv . - , extent of > 310 [ 166] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE vi. vi. vi. XV. 362 326 416 111 . 348 Vill . 92. 101 xv. Francfort city 240 Frederick -Henry fort, Brazil xiv . 710 its trade vi . ibid. Frederickſburg deſcribed i . 145 population vi. 241 Frederickſdorf town vi . 249 fair vi . 242 Fredericſborg , palace of vi. 325 religion at vi. ibid. Fredericſburg, Virginia xii, 718.721 Jews of vi . ibid . Fredericſburgh fort, Guinea xvi. 342 , colleges vi . ibid . Fredericſhall town vi. 361 " , government vi. ibid . its trade ibid. Franche Compté, ſoil of iv . 308 harbour ibid . woods of iv. 523 death of Charles the price of wood and Twelfth at vi. 514 charcoal in iv. 526 Fredericſhamm town vi . 560 Francis, Father, of Loanda, anec obſervations on vi . 569 dotes of him xvi. 295 Fredericſtadt town 363 Franciſcan habit , Spaniſh predilec fortifications and tion for 508 arſenal vi . ibid . Franciſcans at Fayal i . 808 Fredericſtein fortreſs, death of in Cairo 195 Charles the Twelfth at vi. in Congo xvi. 232 Fredericſwerk , iron founderies of • vi . FRANCKLIN's tour from Bengal Frederic-town, Saſſafras river xiii. 727 to Perſia ix . 231 Fredenheim's, Mr., collections vi. Francoiſe bay, Acadia xiii . 344 Freebairn , Mr. ni. 281 Francolin, bird of Chili xiv. 79 Freebooters of Scotland 99 Franconia vi . 236 of Inverneſs Franguize in India of India 315 in the kingdom of Racan viii. 123 Freeburg hill iii . 16 Frankfort, New , America xiii. 447 Freedom of thought in England vi. 85 Franklin, Dr., anecdotes of him xiii . 386. 391. Freeman, Mr. ii. 203 470.474.499. 747 Freeman, Mr., of Shenectady xii . 413 Frankolin bird of Morocco 708 Freemaſons of Prague vi. 140 Franks of Jangoma ix. 763 of Brunſwick vi. 227 at Jeruſalem 339 Freemaſons' hall ii. 520 treatment at Damaſcus 371 Freemaſons' orphans, aſylum for, Franſchebock colony, Cape of Good in Stockholm vi . 430 Hope xvi. 54 Freemen in Africa, Mungo Park's Fraoch Elal iii . 367 remarks on xvi. 883 Fraoch Elan 105 made Naves by famine, in Frau - a - Stack 786 folvency, or crimes xvi . Frauenfield town 681 Free- ſchool at Douglafs ii . 789 Frauhaurk , account of ili . 158 Free -ſchools of London ii . 87 Fray at Cadiz , anecdotes of xvi. 184 Freeſtone of Derbyſhire 469 Frayle, Salto del xiv. 563 foliated , of Derbyſhire ii . 473 Frays in Vienna 76 of the Pyrenees iv. 720 Frazer, Mr., of Fort St. David viii. 391 of Maria iſland xi . 872 Frederic the Great, enthuſiaſtic of New South Wales xi . 936 admiration of Peter the Third Fregefias of Brazil xiv. 705 for him vi . 771 Frejus, Young's account of iv. 229 Frederic the Firſt of Denmark, filk culture of 469 tomb and hiſtory vi. 344 Freli iron mine 915 Frederic the Third of Denmark vi. 302 Fremona, Abyſſinia 28 Frederic the Fourth of Denmark vi . 326 French navy , Kerguelen's obſerva Frederic of Pruſſia vi. i . 763 Frederic the Second of Pruſſia iv. 399 writers ii . 489 Frederic the Firit of Sweden, hiſtory vi . 492 at Cadiz Frederic Henrich's bay xi . 852 their treatment at ſurvey of it xi. 867 the Revolution 577 Frederica town, Georgia, firſt ſet. at Valencia 600 tlement at xii . 455. 468.478 language 981 Fredericia fort, Brazil xiv . 822 how eftimated in Mecklin . Frederick de Toledo, Don xii. 301 burg vi. 210 Frederick fort, Canada xiii. 604.614 convent at Pekin vii . 390 French X. X 885 vi , * iv . Xv. 12 tions on V. 576 V. C INDEX. [ 167 ] PAGE VOL . V. X. X. XY * XV. v. V. xii. 370. 373 V. 837 v. 845 V. > xi . VOL. PAGE French trade to Canton vii . 455 Friar Francis of St. Gothard 748 colony in Siam ix . 575 Friars, the Grey, at Coventry ii . 355 their bombardment of , the White, ditto ii . ibid . Mocha 76 at Richmond 515 in India 216 in Iſpahan ix . 22 - , experiments on their phy of Jeruſalem 340 fical ſtrength xi . 941 of Ethiopia IOO their expulſion from Nova of Mount Sinai 106 Scotia xii. 279 Friary at Fayal i . 808 in Guiana xii . 291 at Guildford ii. 322 ſettlement in St. Chrifto . Friburg town 833 pher's xii . 301 canton 834 in Carolina xii. 339 hiſtory of ibid . trade in Hudſon's bay , amphitheatric ſtreets 835 in Canada xii . 393 cathedral ibid . intrigues againſt New → population of 836 England xii. 394 " , government ibid . , on expelling them from Secret- Chamber Canada xii . 42 1 origin and ſuppreffion of improvement of their trade xii . 422 commotions in 838 in St. Lucia xii . 424 - , changes in the government 842 in St. Vincent xii. 430 , entry of the French (note) power in America xü . 436 Friburg, Biſhop of 835 their navigations to New Fridítol of Hexham 493 France xii. 641.670 Friedenſberg palace 326 pirates, anecdotes xiii. 228 Friendly ilanders, deſcription of attack on New England them xi. 692 and New York xiii. 330 Friendly illes, Cook's voyage to them xi. 589.616 . on their intereſt in Canada xiii . 369.461 659.666 their manners and cuſtoms obſervations on them 691 in Canada xiii. 608.617.621.660.682 Friends to the Country, Spaniſh account of their South ſea focieties 396 trade xiv , 25 Friendſhips, ratification of 610 -gold trade of Guinea xvi. 375 Fries , Baron de vi . IOI their adventures with Frieſland , Frobiſher's voyage along Lewis Hannibal of Aſſinee xvi. 516.546 the coaſts xii. 491.495.504.511.516.535 their proceedings in Ma Frigeah 557 dagaſcar xvi. 748. 751–759 Frina river, Mungo Park's adven maſſacre of them in tures at xvi. 858 St. Mary's ille xvi. 772. 793 Friſeur in Germany, an anecdote vi . 63 French African Company 542 Frifi, Abbe, on the Naviglio Grande Frencli's iſland xii. 446 (note ) 992 Freſhwater gate ii . 668 Fritz's chart of the river Amazon xiv. bay ii. ibid . converfion of the Omaguas xiv. cliffs ii . 669 on the Manoas xiv. 238. 508 Freſne, Mad. du 163 Frobiſher, Sir Martin i . 818 Freſwick caſtle iii . 87 FROBISHER's voyage to Greenland i . 789 bay voyages for the dif Freberg town vi . 154 covery of the north - vieſt paſ. Freycinet, M, Le, his narrative fage xii . 490.494.504.511. xii . 4 un Edel's Land xi . 816 Frobiſher's Strait 495 on Van Die ·, deſcription of men's Land xi. 837.867.893 the iſlanders in xii . 500.512.536 Freycinet peninſula 871 Frock -coats of the Perſians 42 Freygrabend's aſcent of Mount Frode of Iceland ( note ) i . Titlis 742 Frodeſham town 111 . 175 Freyfingen , Reiſbeck's deſcription vi . 41 church iii . ibid . Frezier, M., on doubling Cape Froes, Father Lewis de, on an Horn i . 737 earthquake in Japan ( note ) vii . 685 Frezier's account of the condor 872 Frogs of Lake Agnano 43 Friar-bird of Chili xiv. 80 of Monte Nuovo 45 Frogs V 9 XV. XV. V. 214 226 iv. iii . ibid . 154 xii. XI. IX . 644 v. [ 168 ] INDEX. PAGE 356 ix . 456 X. X. X. 92. 768 X111 . 561 xi. 633 VOL . PAGE VOL. Frogs of Borneo xi . 108 Fruit of Perfia ix . 35. 179 of New South Wales xi . 922 of Shiraz ix . 255 - , lowing, of Canada xiii . of Karazm 321 of New York xiii . of Sellizure ix . 327 of North America xiii . 530 of Siam ix. 608 bull xiii . 557 of Tonquin ix. 660.717 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 447 of Cochin-China ix . 775 of the Gambia deſcribed xvi , 637 in Sana 68 Froiſſart’s account of Edinburgh iii . 469 of Arabia 191. 194 Frome town ii . 29 of Cyprus 281 its trade ii . ibid . of Damaſcus 506 clothiers of ibid . of Mindanao xi . 4 river ii. 245 of Pulo Condore xi . 39 Fromental, culture of, in France iv, 506 of the Baſhee iſlands xi . 47 Frome- Selwood town ii. 29 of the I Ne of France xi . inhabitants of ii . ibid . of the Canary iſles xi . 99 woollen manufacture ii . ibid . of the Cape of Good Hope xi . 151. xvi. 3 . wire - cards ii . ibid . 64. 143 Frontenac fort, Canada xiii. 272. 326. 329 of Java xi . 169 lake 343 of Amboyna xi . 261 Indian nations on xiii. 349 of the Molucca iſlands xi. 372 Frontenac, Count xiii. 268. 327 of Buru iſland 373 his reception at of Pulo Sabuda xi . 479 Quebec xiii. 328. 364 of Otaheite xi . 577 Frontiers of Ruſſia and China vii . 365.420 of New Zealand xi . 541 Frookaboo village xvi . 861 of Savu illand xi . Froſſard , M. de iv . 287 of the Friendly illes xi . 592 Froſt, effects of it i . 244 of Eaſter iſland 603 its effects in France iv. 313 of Balade xi . in Virginia xiii. 24 of Tongataboo xi . 688 Froſt - bites, mode of curing i . 504. vi. 669 of Guadaloupe xii . 59 in Perſia ix . 310 of Virginia xii . 241. 596. 599. xiii. 29. 711 of Negroes brought to of New England Xli . 257. Xul. 219 North America xiii. 501 of the Bermudas xii . 267. xiii. 172 on the Cordilleras xiv. 64 of Barbadoes xii . 295 Froft's, Mr., account of Hudſon's of Jamaica xii . 317 bay xii. 370 of Canada xiii. 358.624. 694 Frozen fea i . of Philadelphia 400. 537 Fruchlan iſland 280 of Chili xiv. Fruit of Torneo i . 305 xiv. 102 of Herefordſhire ii . II of Quito xiv. 299 of Paris iv . 50 of Peru xiv . 300 of Barcelona iv. IIO of Carthagena xiv, 342. 353 climate of France iv. 312. 316 of Panama xiv. 373 of the north and ſouth con of Quito xiv. 457 trafted vi. 230 of Lima of China vii . 386 Conception, Chili xiv . 670. 672 of Japan, Kempfer's de of Valparaiſo xiv. 691 ſcription vii. 694 of Brazil xiv . 858.865 market of Delhi viii . 154 of Abyſſinia XV. 22. 73.90 of Baflora viii . 291 of Dar- Fur xv . 138. 144 of Gombroon viji . 297 of Egypt 335 of Tatta viii . 306 of Weft Barbary 405 of Goa viii . 355 of Algiers 533 of Malacca 435 of Tunis of Trangano viji . 462 of the lotus XV. 602 of Siam viii . 475 of Morocco 700. 707 of China viii. 510 of Brazil xvi. 154. 202 of the Myſore vili . 592 of Congo xvi. 247 of Malawilly viii. 773 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 454. 460 Fruit 558 X111 . iii . 40. 86 of Cuyo xiv. 599. 603 XV. XV. XV. XV. 571. 601 XV. INDEX. [ 169] PAGE VOL. xvi. ix . 169 xiv . , Iriſh xili . XV. 428 88. ix . VOL. PAGE Fruit of Fida xvi. 504 Fulmar bird of St. Kilda iii. 664.710 of Annabon iland xvi. 51 Fulo iſland i . 782 of Benin xvi . 533 Fumes of Stromboli v. 104. 106. 109. 126 of Loango and Cacongo xvi . 552 Funchal road, Madeira xi . 564 of Teneriffe xvi. 603 Fundo, Rio fin xiv . 61 of Podor, Senegal xví. 618 Funeral-piles, account of women of the Gambia xvi . 635 burning themſelves on vii. 215. viii. 177 of Fayal xvi. 672 in Canara, burning of Sofala xvi . 681 women on viii. 363 of Madagaſcar xvi. 802 of the Birmans ix. 497 in the interior of Africa 870 of the Siameſe 589 Fruitfulneſs of Sicily 180 Funerals of the Laplanders i . Frumety, curious mode of making 453 at Torneo i. 199. 308 Frutigen valley 765 in Lapland i . 457 town ibid. of Earl Furnival 415 Frutilla of Quito 459 in London ii . 499 Fry, the pirate xiii . 227 at Douglaſs 793 Fucus giganteus, Peron's deſcrip iii . 50 tion xi . 860 of Lord Leſsly iii . 376 Fucus natans 381 laws of, in Florence iv. 273 Fuddah river 528 at Stockholm ( note ) vi. 435 Fuertaventura iſland xvi . 810 at Sahla vi. 452 Fuego, Terra del xi . 500. 638 among the Tartars vii. 34 Ovalle's deſcrip in the city of Sachion vii . 119 tion xiv. 92. 124 of the Koreans vii . 534 Fuel, northern travellers obliged to of a high -prieſt in Pegu viii . carry i . 312 ſervice among the Banians viii . 543 of Iceland i . 640 of the Perfees viii . 571 of London ii . 145 of the Perſians 253 of Arran 261 burning bodies at ix. 397 of the Iſle of Skie among the Birmans ix . 497 of Mull 654 of the Siameſe ix . 589 of Shetland ii . 699.772 of the Tonquineſe ix . 697 of the Orkney iſlands iii . 745 of the Chova of Tonquin ix . 700. 730 in France iv. 519 in Arracan ix . 761 iv. 524 in Laos ix . 765 price in Italy 651 of the Gavernor of Pulu. high price in Pruffia 186 cambi ix . 808 at Seringapatam viii . 612 ceremonies in Zubu xi . 343 ſcarcity inthe north of Perſia ix . 309 in Java xi . of Angora 690 in the Friendly ifles xi . 696 in Frobiſher's Strait xii. 558 of Captain Cook xi. 724 in Penſylvania xiii . 407 -, on burning the dead at xi . in high northern latitudes xiii . 471 of the Weſt Indians xii . in Chili xiv . 37 of the Virginians in Egypt 268 at Carthagena xiv. 337 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . at Quito xiv. 452 Fuel Inlet i . 492 of the Indians in Quito xiv. 518 Fuencaliente village 546 of the Abyſſinians 99 Fuenſandalgne convent, paintings at 315 of the Moors xv. 435. 456. 653. 669. 777 Fuenteduennas village 597 of the Hottentots xvi. 142 Fuentes fort, hiſtory 894. 920 in Angola xvi . 299 Fugiu city vii . 157 of the Gagas 327 Fuigo province vii . 666 of the Negroes on the Fuki the firſt Emperor of China vii . 713 Gold Coaſt xvi. 430 Fulca, tempeft at 105 in Benin xvi. cultivation at 656 on the Grain Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 542 Fulda , Prince of vi . 234 in Loango and Cacongo xvi . 596 Fuldeſe, deſcription of vi. 234 in Senegal xvi . 623 Fuller, Michael, anecdotes of him 162 of the King of Quiteva xvi. Fulling -mill, fubftitute for the iii . 316 of the Canarians xvi . [ Y ] Funerals 623 price of iv. 9 vi . 376 X. 857 79 39 xiii . XV. 47. 66 2 XV. V. xvi. iv . 528 iv. 685 821 VOL . XVII. [ 170] INDE X. PAGE PAGE xiii . 244 XV. V. XV. XV. V. XV. 528 vi. V xi. xii. 378 VOL . VOL. Funerals of the Negroes xvi. 859 Fur trade of Canada xiii . 282. 363 of the Mandingoes xvi. 877 of Albany 585 Fung -ching -hyen vii . of the French in Canada xiii. 687 Fungus, curious African xvi . 121. 131 Furſhout, Pococke's account 234. 269 Funds, on the ſyſtem of iv . 403 Furſt, Walther 734 Funen, battle of i . 142 Furt, Shiech 14 Funen ife, Coxe's account of vi. 339. 343 Furvie pariſh iii . 63 Fuogo iſland xi. 100 Furze, culture of, in France iv. 490 Für, topography of 130 Fuſion , baſaltes formed by iii . 912 Furca mountain, paſſage and glacier 750. 753 of the glaſs of Lipari 160 Furela del Boſco mountain iv. 707 Fuzileers of Perſia ix . 79. 217 Furfeng, the Perſian meaſure ix . 238 Fyers, fall of iii . 97 Fúrians deſcribed xv. 133. 155. 158 Fythe el Bothmah 537 Furkoomah river XVI. gor Furman's, Mrs., numerous family xiii. 504 Furnaces at Pavia 130 G. at Vulcano 139 at Sahlahutta vi . 453 Gabala, the ancient 311.565 at Aveſtad 450 Gable-end Foreland xi. at Fahlun vi . 465 Gabon iſland viii . 294 at Sudersfors 471 Gabon river deſcribed xvi. 508 , iron, of the Mandingoes xvi. 880 country and Negroes xvi. 509 Furneaux, Captain , his voyage Gabriel, Stephen, his works in the with Captain Cook xi. 564 Romanſh 985 his narrative 575 Gabriel the Ruſſian i. 54 death in Gabriel, fhip, Frobiſher's voyage New Zealand 646 with her xii. 494. 514 Purneaux iſlands xi.877. 894 Gabriel's illand 492 Furneſs, iron ore of 224 Gabs city, Tunis xv. 584: 594 Furneſs abbey iii. 186 Gace, manufactures of iv. Furnier's, M., garden iv. 61 Gad -bees of Canada xiii. 356 Furniture, household , of a Laplander i. 188.399 Gadderi of Thibet vii. 142 of an Engliſh room ii . 496 Gaddevierruſh , the Lapland i . 426 - , houſehold, in Paris iv, 4 Gael- croſs iii . 69 -, houſehold, in Japan vii.633.771.779 Gætulia, the ancient of Perſian houſes 188 Gæutha, river 386 of the Tonquineſe 671 Gage, Father xii. of the Arabs of the Gagas, Battel's deſcription of them xvi. 322. 325 Deſart 16 Gah, hills of 279 of the natives of Van Gahn, Mr. , of Fahlun vi. 467 Diemen's Land xi . 841 Gair-bridge 446 of the Spaniards in Ha Gairfowl of St. Kilda 709 vanna xiii . 762 Gair-loch 341 of the Chilians xiv. 115 pariſh ibid . of the Brazilians xiv. 874 Gajina Guta hill, minerals of it 692 of the Moors 479 of the Mooriſh houſes 767 Gala Shields 479 of the Emperor of Mo Galas, court, of Spain 342 rocco's harem 789 Galata, Pococke's deſcription of the Dutch at the Galatia, Pococke's deſcription 688 Cape of Good Hope xvi. 55 Galel port, Senegal xvi. 663 of the Hottentots xvi. 141 Galere filh of the Niger xvi. 650 of the Canarians xvi. 820 Galen on mummy Furnival, Lord ii. 415 Galena, the Derbyſhire * ii . 479 Furs of Ruffia i . 42 Galen Head 579 of Lapland i . 194 Galiatitlan, cochineal of xiii. 8.8.831 of Louiſiana 484 Galicia, coaſt of i. of North America xii. , or its population 384 of Hudſon's bay xii. 368 Galifet's, M., plantation iv. 342 of Virginia xü. 594 Galilee, of Durham 510 of New England xiii. 216 Galilee , Paleſtine 453 Galinalos XV. 513. 536 ix . vi. ix. 310 X. XV. XV. 453 Gala river XV . XV. 728 X. xv. 816. 837 849 196 INDEX. [ 171 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE XV. V. V. vii . 328 333 336 xiii. XV. 518 558 XV. 218 Galinafos of Chili ( ſee Galliuazos) 78 Gama's, Don Chriſtopher de, ad Galiſong, Dutch at xi . 234 ventures 32 Galiffonniere, Marquis la xiii . 605.634 Gama's, Vaſco de, voyage of dif deſcription covery i . 128. xi . 292 of him xiii . 678 Gambia river, Adanſon's expedition Galitzin , Prince Vaflili vi. 634.638 up xvi. 633 anecdote of him vi. 702 - , Mungo Park's travels Gallantry , fyftematic, in Lima xiv . 10 along its banks xvi. 909 Gallar village 551 Gamchigletcher glacier 877 Galle, Ponto de viii. 385. 386 Game of the north i . 300 Galle, Point de, Francklin's account ix . 231 of Iceland i . 749 Galleberg, mountain 753 of the Grampian hills iii , 57 Gallegos, river, Chili xiv. 61 in the Capitaineries of France iv. 418 Galleons, Acapulco xi . 85 about Ladoga lake vii. 273 - arrival in Carthagena bay xiv. 357 of Tobolfk - at Porto Bello xiv. 368 of Baraba vii. at Quito xiv. 461 of Tomſky vii . Galleries, basaltic, at Plealkin iii . 899 in the Birman Empire ix . 444 of Sahlberg mine 454 of Canada 287 of Norberg mine 458 Gameditzh, the ſtone i . 467 of Bipſberg 459 Gamelora iſland 560 of the Kopparberg mine iii. 462 Games of the Icelanders i . 652 of curioſities at Peterſ of the Spaniards burgh Hi. 829 of Aranjuez in the ſepulchres of the in Bavaria 34 Kings of Thebes 246 of Ceylon vii. of Mooriſh houſes xv. 646.767 at the court of China 399 of the pyramids xv. 360.805.824 of the canes ix . 12 Gallery of the Houſe of Commons ii . 508 Perſian, ofpell-mell ix . 73 whiſpering, of St. Paul's ü. 521 of the wolf ix. 74 the Luxembourg iv. 13 of the Siameſe ix . 598 of paintings at Florence 267 of the Tonquineſe ix. 672 of paintings at St. Ildefonſo of the Aphrodiſians 676 of the Eſcurial in the Sandwich iſlands xi. 734 the Belvidere vi. of the Chilians xiv. 119 at Dreſden vi. in St. Jago xiv. 181 Galles, people of Africa 7. 19. 21 of the Indians of Quito xiv . 518 Gallet's, Mr., mines ii . 284 of the Loangele xvi. 575 Galley, the zoophyte, deſcribed xi . 758 Gamefters of Fida xvi. 484 Galleys of the Cochin -Chineſe ix, 794 Gaming, effects of ü. 790 of Roſetta 176 -- at Paris iv. 55 of Marſeilles xvi. 192 Gampu, city and port vii. 156 Galley - ſlaves at Ceuta 462 Gando port, Canary, Betancourt's Gallicius, the Grifon 983 landing at xvi . 814 Gallinazos bird of Carthagena xiv. 346 Gandova river 74 of Guayaquil xiv. 410 Gan - Efke, the Lapland i. 480 Gallinazo - ſtone of Quito xiv. 545 Ganete Ilhospalace 48 Gallipoli, Della Valle's deſcription ix. 10. x. 232 Gan -fly, the Lapland magic i . 479 --, Pococke's deſcription 735 Ganga river viii . 408 Gallo, Cape 767 Ganga of Loango, Cacongo, & c . Gallo on the courſe of crops iv. 590 Ganga Chitorne of Congo xvi . 228 Galties mountains iii. 861 Gangana Chuki viii . 713 Galtres foreſt ii . 16 Ganga Rája ancient city viii . 714 Galtybeg 862 tradition of it viii . ibid , Galtymore iii . ibid . Gangawali inlet viii. 756 Galvez, Bourgoanne's hiftory of his Gange iv. 118 adminiſtration v. 480.494.637 , mulberries of iv . 462 Galway county iii . 831 Ganges river, Bernier's account of Galway, Marquis de iv. 161 his excurſion up viii. 228 Gamalote of Guayaquil xiv . 403 compared to the Nile viii . 232 [ Y 2 ] Ganges > iv . X. V 360 368 96 146 XV. XV. xv. XV. X. X. xvi. 572. 595 C ( 172] INDEX. 1 PAGE 248 570 88.90 X. 212 X. xiv, xiv. XV. xiii , 2 II iv. VOL. PAGE VOL. Ganges, Fitch's deſcription ix. 411.415 Gardens of Eſcrief ix . 67 Gangu town xvi. 857 of Gennet Bayhi ix. 76 Gani diamond mine, Tavernier's neglected by the Arabs ix . 180 deſcription viii . 241 of Perſia ix . 181 Ganjam , Hamilton's account viii . 400 of Shiraz ix . Gankaran -Kooro xvi. 192 900 of Dil Guſhaie ix . Gan- lo- ſhan Prince vii. Birman ix , 551 Gannachie bridge 432 of Tonquin ix . Gannets of Caithneſs 717 of a Nabob at Surat Gants, account of the magical i . 182 of Emir Faccardine Ganues, Chevalier de xili , 618 325 of Damaſcus * .367.371.503 Gap of the Blue mountains xiii. 420 of the Philippine company Garapa liquor 868 in Manilla xi. 80 Garazu town, Brazil xiv , 707 of the Governor of Am Garbieh province XV . 180 boyna xi . Garcia, Don, anecdotes of him xvi . 286 277 made by Capt. Cook on Garcia the Second , King of Congo, Long iſland xi . his hiſtory xvi. 577 283 of the Iſle of France xi . 767 Garcilaſſo de la Vega on Chili 11ο in Sydney, New South Wales xi. on Peru xiv. 903 131 in Paramatta Gardafui cape xi . 911 10.58 of Chicheſter, America Gardar Suafarſon, his account of 430 of the French in Canada xiii . 682 Iceland i . 644 of Guaxaca xiii . 825 Garde-marine of Spain 454 of Chili xiv. Gardener, anecdotes of a Perſian viii . 41 18 of Count Maurice, Brazil xiv . 711.819 Gardering, art of, in Hamburg vi. of the Emperor of Mo. Gardens of Stowe 345 rocco's palace XV. of Studley park ii 466 . of Mr. Blackburne 424 of Algiers and Tunis XV, 606 178 of Barbary XV. 604 of Paris of the Emperor of Morocco xv. 739 of St. Cloud iv. 62 of the Cape of Good of Verſailles iv. of Marli of Senegal 666 of Chantilly iv. of the King of France xvi. of Graſſe 669 230 of Fayal xvi. botanic, of Madrid 379 of Montplaiſir, Poivre's xvi. 778 of St. Ildefonſo 338 Gardoqui, Don Diego of Aranjuez 357 555 Gar el Mailah of Cadiz xv. 571 Garlick of North America xiii . of Switzerland 544 813 GARNET's account of the Droſacks iii . Voltaire on 570 ibid . Garnets of Veſuvian lava public, of Vienna vi. 19 96 in the tufa of Lipari of Hirſholm vi . 195 325 experiments on Veſuvian of the new palace at ibid . Bohemian Moſcow vi 197 . 583 on colourleſs 208 Count Panin's vi. 591 of Calabria 282 of the palace of Tzarſkoe. Zelo Garonne river iv. vi. of Oranienbaum 697 - plain iv. vi . 304 of Peterhof 700 Garpenberg mine vi. vi. ibid . Garphyttann, mines of 460 vi . at Pekin vii. 389 388 Garret Dennis iſe xi . of the Emperor of China vii. 485 391 Garrets of the Barbạry houſes of the Japaneſe, Kemp 651 Garriſons of the Scilly iſles ii . fer's de !cription vii , 781 741 -of Geneva of Caſhmere 891 211 of Berlin vi . of Achiavel 173 216 of Sweabourg of Satghadam vi. 557 , 558 583 of Fort William viii . of Bangalore 411 591 of the Dutch in Amboyna xi . 281 of Iſpahan ix . 25. 190 of the Canaries xi . of Tagiabad ix . 747 40 of New York xii. 351 Garriſons 56 Hope __ xvi . 3. 6. 65: 119 iv . 64 65 85 XVI . iv . 672 V. V. 560 9 v. V. V. V. V. IOI . 123 XV. v. 1 INDEX. [ 173 ] VOL . PAGE PAGE V. V. 456 XV. XV. 598 iv . iv. 482 XV. 834 iii. X. xiii. 338 XV. V. V. 445 XV . X. VOL . Garriſons, Spaniſh, in Chili xiv. 681.684 Gaukarna town and plain viii . 756 of Serinham xiv . 799 Gaulthier, Mr. xiii.644. 650.658 at the Cape ofGood Hope xvi. 4. 117 -, his meteorological of Cape Cuatt Caſtle xvi . 359 obſervations at Quebec xiii. 680 Garfman , Colonel xiv. 828. 835 Gaultier, M. xiii . 605 Garftang village iii. 124. 182 Gauriquas land xvi. 73 Garſtman, Colonel xiv. 729 Gaurſin town ix . 20 Garuas in Lima xiv. 584 Gauſin town 594 Garuda- giri viii . 170 Gautier, M. , on ſhip - building Garvancos of Barbary 600 Gauze manufacture at Maxwelton iii . 246 Garve iſland iii . 579 Gavarnie iv . 719 Gas, fulphurated hydrogenous, of Gaves of Bearn xiii . Buttero 300 128 Gavetto port 541 - , experiments on v. ibid. Gawlin , bird of Lingay ille Gaſcoign province, ſoil of iv. 306 Gawthorp hall ii . 419 cattle of 475 caſtle ibid . hogs of village ii . 420 culture of furze in iv. 490 Gayer, Sir John, account of him viii, 347 culture of pines in iv. 498 Gaylan's reception of Don Diego timber of iv . 522 de Palma 409 manures and manuring in iv. 543 Gaynangur village viii . 613 Gaſcoigne, Sir William ii . 40 Gazalle, Bahr eľ xvi. Gaſech , Mr. ii . 275 Gazaria, ſee Crimea. Gaſes 7.10 Gazelles of Hindoitan hunted by Gaſker ille 590 leopards viii. 203 Galk hall 403 of Arabia 185 Gaſpé, Canada of Barbary 621 Gaſpe bay xii . 419 Gazettes of Spain 392 Gaſperot fiſh , of Canada xiii . 357 i azola , Count Gafla city of Tunis 591 Gazvan mountain 88 Gaſtein , road to vi. 48 Geafim town XV. 72 Gailouneh river 763 G bauer, Profeſſor xi . 392 Gatcombe houſe ii . 711 Gebel el Mokatab x. 402 Gates of London ii . 42 Gebſeh town 699 of Newcaſtle iii . 498 Geckoides of New South Wales xi . 921 brazen , of St. Sophia at Geckos, Peron on xi. ibid . Novogorod vi . 656 Gedeen- Gedmaze hill of Shiraz ix . 240 Geduey, Colonel xii. of Mount Sion 412 Gee on the Barbadoes ſugar trade xii. 296 of Damaſcus 499 Geer, M. de vi. 423 ancient, of Melaſſo 668 Geeſe found near Greenland 92 of Batavia xi. 176 their migrations i . 427 of Grand Cairo 188 of Finmark ibid . -, ancient, of Tentyra 235 wild i . ibid . of Thebes XV. 240 folan 171 - , ancient, of Conftantina 551 on the Lincoln fens 6 Gates, Sir Thomas xii. 234. 264. xiii. 105 fiſhing for pike 571 his government wild , of the Oby vii . of Virginia xiii . curious mode of catching vii. ibid. Gateſhead, Pennant's account of 503 of Japan vii. 703 Gateways of the temple of Carnack 241 Pigafetta's deſcription xi. 313 Gatigan iſland xi . 333 of Preſervation iſland, New 588 Holland xi. 896 Gaua - Kiebre American mode of taining Gaubil on the Tartars vii . 556 wild xiii. 444 Gauda, his office and duties viii . 646 ' wild, mode of taking, in Gaudma, images of ix . 440.476 Carthagena xiv. 344 worſhip ix . 490. 532. 534 of Brazil xiv. - , manufactory ofhis images ix. 552 of Senegal xvi. 657 Gaudma's temple at Pouoodang ix . 463 Geeſe cape, St. Lawrence xiii . 668 Gaui of Malabar vii . 162 Geeza, Algiers xv. 518 Geffle X. 298 401 X, X. - XV. XV. > 7 xv. 428 ITO 111 , XV. Gatto cape XV. 226. 270 718 [ 174] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE 757 175 551 397 XV. 278 XV. 562 XV. XV. XV. 125 308 352 92. 143 55 813 205 223 II V. V. ibid. 877 742 870 395 202 746 659 VI . 748 of Japan of Pegu 189 446 VOL. Gefle deſcribed i . 267 Gentil, M., on the Iſle of France, town, Fortia's deſcription vi. 470 (note ) xi. Geffre, valley i . 272 Gentiles of Hindoftan, Bernier's de Gehazi's pofterity x . 380.502 ſcription viii. Gekko of Brazil xiv, 712 of India, Lord's account of Geldria fort ( note ) xi , 203 them viii . Gelebia dreſs XV. 451 of St. Thomas, Balbi's ac Geled -el- Nahas feſtival XV. 125 count ix. Gelengon town ix . 115 Gentleman's magazine on Ecton Geling tree 72 hill copper -mine ü . Gelit Pot cavern iii . 424 Gentlemen's hotel , colony at the Gellah, Tunis Cape xvi . Gellah ad Snaan 554 Gentoos of Sindy viii . Gellé town, Dar- Fûr 132 of Goa viii . Gelves veſſels of the Red Sea 13 Gentry of London ii. Gemaldin -Uffin, account of him viii. - of Saltzburg vi . his feaft to Sir of Ruſſia vi . Thomas Roe viii . I 2 Geodes of zeolites Gemblick, the ancient Cius X. 720 of porphyry Gemmi, mountains, paſſage of 765 Geographe, Le, nip, her voyage of road diſcovery xi. Gems of Quito xiv . 545. 550 Geographe Strait xi . Gemſheed , King of Perſia ix . 268 Geographiâ Ægypti, Differtatio de xv. account of his palace at Geography, obſervations on Perſepolis ix . 269 of Ruſſia vi . Gendzi, hiſtory of him vii . vii , Genealogy ofthe Kings of Sweden i . 143 ftate of the ſtudy, in ancient tables of i . 712 Hindoftan viii . of the Norman Kings of ix . Naples and Sicily 940 of the ancients and of the Kings of Den moderns si . mark from Harald Blaatand to of Chili xiv. Chriſtian I. vi. 351 of the kingdom of of the Houſe of Olden Algiers burgh vi. 352 of the kingdom of of the Sovereigns of Tunis Ruflia 601 of Loango, Cacongo, of the Arabian Scheichs 148 &c. xvi. Generals of Perſia ix . 214 ftate of the ſcience General's ſtaff of the King of Sweden vi . 445 among theMandingoes xvi. Geneva, lake of 802. 808 Geogy, Areeke xi . city 883 Geology of Mont Blanc iv . reformation at ibid . of Mont Perdu iv. literature 884 of the Ife of France , academy of ibid. of Bernier ille , New Holland xi. library of Van Diemen's Land xi . > government 887 George the Second, his charter for Genevans, colony at Conſtance 646 thecolony of Georgia xii. Genipi of the Alps, the food of the George, King of Tandach vii. bouquetin 797 George the Third's iſland , ſee Geniſtíca Hiſpanica xiv. 531 Otaheite. Genius of the Laplanders i , 379 George, Fort, New York xiii. vi. 163 George town, Carolina xii . Genkiaſima iſland, diſcovered by the Georgia deſcribed by Rubruquis vii. Japaneſe vii. Pietro Della Valle's ac Genna valley count of ix. Gennefareth plain depopulated by Shah Abas ix . Gennet Bayhi Chardin's account ix. Genpims, freebooters of India viii . Georgia, America, hiſtory of the Genoa, Carli's voyage to xvi. ſettlement of xii , Merella's adventures off xvi. Spaniſh invaſion xii . 462 34 XY. 509 XV. 556 vi. X. 549 875 627 706 V. xi . 716 764 788 848 V. 885 V. 441 126 V. ---, a German 457 343 go 677 X. X. 45 124 130 ix . 16 150. 166 31195 313 439 475 Georgia, INDEX. [ 175] PAGE VOL. PAGE V. XV. 536 XV. X. X. 9 X. V. X X. X. xii. ii . 490. 504. 1. > VOL. Georgia, importance of xii. 483 Geſner Conrad, on the vultur aureus 871 Georgians of Ferhabad ix. 52 Geſner, Solomon, account of him 668 driven by Shah Abas Gefner's, John, cabinet and library 671 into Perſia ix. 130 Geſtricie province vi . 470 their diftrefles ix . 131 Getafe town 537 , religion ix . 134 Gethalus's ſtone iii . 415 Chardin's deſcription of Gethſemane X. 358.423 them ix. 150. 166 Getulian Arabs Georginians of Ruffia vii. 275 Gewoubee mount 281 Geoforro, Park's adventures at xvi. 841 Geyra the ancient Aphrodifias 675 Gephyra 543 Geyſenheim , Rhinegau from vi. 259 Geraldino, Sir Thomas xii . 457 Count Oftein's palace Gerard , Sir Thomas ii . 830 at vi. 261 Geray Sultan vii . 510 Geyſer, boiling ſprings at i . 631 Gerba illand xv. 583.585 ſcenery round i . 695 Gerbillon on the height of Tibet vii. 543 deſcription i . 696 Gerbin , Browne's account xvi. 829 bafon of i. ibid. road to Gondar from xvi. 830 , height of the column thrown Geredy 695 from i . ibid . Gergelins of Sofala xvi. 682 ſhadows curiouſly ſeen in i . 697 Gerines, the ancient 583 -, quality of the water i . 698 Gerifau village 731 Gezan province 97 - , independent republic ibid . Ghalefka harbour 35. 37 Gerizim mount 335 Ghafirs of Arabia % Germain town, Penſylvania 382 Ghats of the Carnatic, trees on German writers vi. 24 them viii. 584 clergy ji . 501.519 ftrata and nobles vi . 17 compoſition viii. 585. 718.758 theatre 22 Ghefle, country round 339 literati vi . 199 town i . 340 convent at Pekin vii . 392 ſugar-bakehouſe at i . ibid . proteftants in Georgia xii. 458 tobacco manufacture i. ibid . reformed church of Phila . thread and linen trade i, ibid . delphia xiii. 390 Gheftri- Keland, province i . 340 German ocean ii . 154 inhabitants ibid . Germans, their general character vi. 291 Ghettipura iron mines viii. 619 in New York, anecdotes Ghideli, adventures of Goez at vii. 579 of them xiii . 463 Ghilan, province vi. 882 Germantown, America xiii . manufacturesand filks of vi. ibid . Germany, journey to i . 227 mountains ix. 93 literature at the reforma Ghilar town ix. 72 tion in vi. 166 Ghiriah harbour and caſtle viii. 351 - , general review of vi. 289 Ghiraunee village ix. 283 agriculture and products vi. ibid. Ghivi, Shah Abas's camp at 82 population vi. 290 Ghizni, road from to Kandahor ix. 280 government vi. 291 Ghonz, Heitloff Van viii. 381 Germany, Emperor of i . 229 Ghunfude city 26 his influence in Ghurmow ix. 282 the Diet vi. 44 Giacca fruit of Cochin - China ix. 776 Gernigo caſtle 88. 154 Giageron river ix . 72 Gerod village 213 Giaghi of Congo xvi. 230. 243. 285.301 Gerona, cultivation about 661 Giaiael, fables of xii. 83 Gerondon park ii . 368 Giammas of Weft Barbary XV. Gerradon, M. iv . 9. 14 Giang , Governor of ix, 683 Gerrhæ city 538 Giant, account of one 250 Gertrude of Denmark vi. 295 of Sanda ille 691 Gertrude Anne, Empreſs 690 Giants, Pigafetta's deſcription xi. 314 Gesler the cruel 732 of America 410 Geſner, anecdotes of him vi. 15 of Patagonia xiv . 123 Geſner, Conrad, of Zuric 668 Giants' caſtle, Conftantina XV. 551 9 Giants * $.$. ------ 406 ix . on its S.-$$S.::.-4.5.$.$.$ $. X. jii. XV. . 416 -- X [ 176] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE XV. 623 ji . 308 532 X. X. XY. V. 65.90 X. X. V. 418 XV. VOL. Giants' Cauſeway, baſaltic pillars of Gilolo iland viii. 458. xi. 364 it i . 707 - ſpices of it xi . 365 Young's obſerva Gilolo, King of xi . ibid . tions on it ii. 826 Gilpin, Captain 203 ancient opinion of iii . - 892 Gilpin on white objects ii . 301 - , hiftory iii. ibid. Gilpin's ſcenery of the Wye 223 columns chemi Ginah city vii. 9 cally analyzed iii . 900 Ginetta of Barbary Giants' Cauſeway in New Holland xi . 796 Gingala, route from , to Grand Giants' Pots 490 Cairo vii. 15 of America xiii . 416 Ginger of Gilolo si . 366 obſervations on them xiii . 595 Gingich of Linmull ili . 605 Giants' Quoiting Stones 801 Ginſeng of China, Bell's account Giaur tribe in Perſia vii. of it vii. 415 Gibeen village Hamilton's ac Gibeon 442 count viji. 511 Gibert, M. iv. 189 of Canada, Kalm's deſcrip Gibertis in Ethiopia 73 tion of it xiii , 639 Gibraltar, account of the fiege 589 Gintima iſland , Kempfer's account vii . 659 deſcription of the rock 592 Gio, Emperor vii . 753 Gibſon, Walter, of Glaſgow iii. 238 Gioeni, Chevalier Gibſon's, Biſhop, account of the his muſeum at Scilly illes ii . 750 Catania 91 Gibul , ſalt of 385 on the baſaltes of Portici 240 Gibyle city 321.483 of Etna 241 Gidda, port of viii . 60 Giæurwell's, Mr., collection vi. Gidid town, Dar. Für 125. 132 Gioia of the West Indies xii. 85 Giellebeck , marble quarry near vi . 366 Gion - Kan , betrayer of Dara viii. 97.99 Gienno Gioſſa, founder of the hermits' Giordie Bourne the moſs-trooper 208 order in Japan vii . 744 Giornico, battle of 987 Giet- Kierres, the, deſcribed i . 407 Gipfies, troop of, at Toboiſk vü . 430 Gifford, Mr. ix . of Turkey 270 Gifford, Captain, his voyage with Girafulco mountain , effects of an earth Sir W. Raleigh xii . 207 quake on 294 Gifts, cuſtom of, in Lapland i . 448 Giralda of Seville 566 to the Virginia colony xii. 127. 142 Giraldus Cambrenſis, on verſification d . 683 preſented to the Fida fnake xvi . 497 Girana , Ethiopia XV. 75 Gigantes, Rio de los xiv, 61 Girard Point xi . Gigay ife, Martin's deſcription of iii . 647 Giraud reef xi. Gigha, iſland of iii . 270 Girdan plain Gihon, mount 360 Girdles of the Lapland women i . pool -, Barbary xv. 657.659 Gihon river 42 Giret village ix . Gijon trade 469 Girge convent 233 Gilan province ix. 174. 194 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, anecdotes Girgili oil in Siam ix. 605 of him xili . 4. Girls, circumciſion of them in Gilbert of Colcheſter Arabia 162 - Gilbert's, Captain , voyage to Virgi ſeized by the ſnake of Fida xvi . 496 nia xiii. 19. 228 Girnego caſtle iii. 809 Gilbert's , Sir Humphrey, patent xii. iv . -, taking town 622 poſſeſtion of Newfoundland xii. 177 Girondel, valley of 7 death xii . 179 Girtaner's, Dr, deſcription of the Gilead, balm of, in Arabia viii . marmot Gillam's voyage to Hudſon's bay xii. 362 Girtanner, Dr. , on the bouquetin 794 Gilleboang iſland xi , 145 Giſborough town ii. 16 Gillet , Captain xiii . 875 priory ibid . Gilliman iſle 626 Gitanos and gitanas of the Spaniſh Gillion, M. , of Montreal xiu , 627 ftage v . 531 Gilma, Tunis XV. 588 Giuca leaves xü . 88 Giumbe 47. 118 827 822 . 7 387 425 ху. 48 XV. city XY. ibid. 269 iv . 28 175 Girona 112 v. 276 V. 897 V. INDEX. [ 177 ] VOL . V. iii . XV. iv . v . 391 361 683 iv . V. V. 726 V. V. V. V. v . 102 111 V. 1 635 iii. VOL . Giumbe of Guanaia xii . Givoy Agon of Ruffia i . Gizepyramids Gjorwell, Mr., Von Troil's letter to i . Glace, les Murailles de Glaciers of Buiſſons iv . of Bionaflay iv. of Aiguille du Gouté iv . of the Côte iv. of Taconay of the Pyrenees iv . of Glarus of the Furca, ſource of the Rhone of Grindelwald of Lauterbruennen of Mont Blanc of Boſton of Montanvert of Des Bois of Tacu of Chamouny on the formation and Itate of v. formation of the Lower of the Upper Gladiator killed by Crichton Glaires, marine ſubſtance, of Siam ix , Glames cattle jii . Glames, Patrick Lord ili . Glance, the northern i . Glanmire river iii . Glarus canton - > government - , produce of trade glaciers Glaſbhein hill Glaſgow , Pennant's account of iii . Glas-lich , the hag iii . Glaſs, on volcanic of Vulcano iſland of Lipari - , experiments on lava reticulated capillary on its change into pumice veiny ſpotted globules of Monte della Caſtagna of Lipari volcanic, of Felicuda on the immenſe maſſes in the Lipari illes heat required for making , Muſcovy, of Penſylvania xiii . beads, traffic in Sena Glaſſenbury Torr ii . abbey ii . thorn ii . VOL. XVII . PAGE PAGE 126 Glaſs- furnace of Pavia 6 603 Glaſs harbour 584 197 Glaf3 -houſe of St. Antoine, Paris 44 633 at Kongſholm vi. 431 781.792 of Mariendahl vi . 559 677 in Pekin vii . 680 Glaſs manufactory at St. Ildefonſo Glas's hiſtory of the Canary iſlands xvi . 808 689 Glaſs-trinkets, Negroes fond of xvi . 616 693 Glafs-ware of Chinapatam viii . 616 714 of the Birman empire ix . 513 656 Glauci, marine xi . 760 Glebes in Virginia xiii . 712 750.753 in Maryland xiii . 761 Glebof, General, account of him 762 ( note ) vi. 703 779 Glen of the Downs ji. 820 781 . Glená mountain 841 ibid . wood iii . 844 784 Glen -beg, antiquities at 344 ibid. Glencloy, in Arran iii . 264 785 Glen-Co, valley of 790 Glen -Devon, Rumbling Brig at 37 ibid. Glen - Dochart 370 791 Glendwrdwy ii . 140 Glen -elg, curious ſhaped tree in 343 634 - pariſh 344 438 Glen-hier waterfall 601 438 Glen - Lion 46 498 Glen- more iii . 344 833 Glen -Moriſton 654 Glen- Muik, cataract 59 ibid. Glen- Roy parallel roads 536 655 Glens of the Galties iii. 862 ibid . in the valley of Munſter 705 656 Glenflyte iii . 602 315 Glen-Tilt 54 111.235 Glen- Urquie 11i . 347 Gletſcherhorn mountain 876 114 Gli plant xvi. 139. 143 Globe of Molingus, its virtues iii . 646 157 of Gottorp at Peterſburgh vi. 831 158 - , terreftrial, of Martin Behaim xi . 395.416 169. 174 Globes of lava, on their formation 220 175 of the Perſians ix . 226 ibid . inventor of xi . 393 176 -, ancient, in Nuremberg 404 177 Globules in glaſs 180 180 in zeolites 205 ibid . Gloceſter mount, New Britain xi. 493 Glomme river Gloria caſtle, Porto Bello xiv. 362 217 Gloſſary to Lahontan's travels in Canada xiii . 371 233 Gloſter, King's county 111 . 859 236 Glouceſter city ii . 232 404 vale ii . ibid . 266 hiſtory of ii . 233 257 cathedral ii. ibid . ibid . Skrine's deſcription of ii . 577 258 Glouceſterſhire county, ii . 9 [ 2 ] Glou 96 Y. v . V. 111 . * 104 V. V. 86 V. V. V. V. v. V. V. xi. V. v . V. V. V. 184 vi . 363 • 371 V. 200 V. > - Y. V. viii. [ 178] INDEX. PAGE 9 > 728 45. 84 xiii. 488 448 XV. 645 xvi. # x. XV. viii . xili . > XV. VOL . VOL. PAGE Gloucefterſhire, produce of ii . 9 of Perſia ix . 184 Coteſwould ii . 10 anecdotes of ſome Birman ix . 530 the Vale ii . ibid . of the Cape Verd iſlands xi . 100 foreſt of Dean ii . ibid . of Aſcenſion iſland xi . 156 Glover, Mr. John ii . 29 left in Otaheite xi , 582. 612 Gloves, Lapland i . 385 left at Oneeheow xi . anecdotes of, in Diemen's of Bonaviſta, Cape Verd xii . 97 Land xi. 839 wild, of the Cordilleras xiv. Glow -worms of America of Juan Fernandes xiv. 659 Glue made in Lapland of Dar.Fur XV. 139 of the Virginians xiii. 36 of Algiers and Tunis XV. 620 of Barbary on the Bocke- veld xvi . 83. 95. 114. 134 Gluck, Catharine the Firſt brought of Congo 252 up by him vi . 725.731 -, wild, of Benguela xvi. 2 12 Glukova town vii, 500 of Guinea, tradition of them xvi. 432 Glutton, animal of Finmark 418 Goat's hair of Angara X. 692 his mode Goat - ſkins, eaten in the Baſhee of killing rein -deer i . ibid . iſlands xi . 49 of eafing Gobbe- gobbes of Guinea xvi . 460 his ſtomach i. ibid . Gobelin's manufacture at Paris iv. 45 Glyndiffis, paſs of ii . 635 Gobien's addreſs to the Jeſuits of Glyfters, objections of the Arabs France 61 to 169 Goch, Mr. Van xiv. 846.854 Gmelin, Dr. Samuel, ſhort account God, on his goodneſs to his crea of him vi. 842 tures iii . 789 Gnaclitares Indians xiii. 313.315 Indian idea of the nature of viii. 191 Gnapeezeik ix . 459 Banian doctrine of 524 Gnaphalium margaritaceum 419 Perſee doctrine of viii . 557 Gnarp fair i . 348 Zertooft's conference with viji . 561 Gnats, the torment of the Lap Cochin -Chineſe doctrine of ix . 823 landers i . 157. 162 wonderful works of 813 of Finmark 394 Guinea Negroes belief in xvi . 396 of Ilimſky vii . 422 of the Fidaſians xvi. 493 on the river Keat vii , 425 ideas of, in Benin xvi . 530 of Siam ix . 631 , idea of one, in Loango xvi , 594 of Frobiſher's Strait xii . 502. 558 of the Caffrés xvi . 688 of America xii . 423. 452. 462. 505. 581 , Mandingo belief in one xvi . 876 of Canada xiii . 618.666 God of Wickedneſs, Loangeſe idea of Mexico xiji . 847 xvi . 594 of the river Amazon xiv . 242 Godalming town ü . 321 of Peru xiv. 279 Godde, the wild rein -deer i . 413 of Carthagena xiv. 349 hunt of the i . ibid . of Rio Formoſa xvi . 519 Godechart, Chevalier de 274 Gnoll park ii . 593 Godertz birds xii . 629.633 GnumGnum country, 160 Godin, M. xiv. 258 Goa, ancient diamond trade at viii . 257 account of him xiv. 271.695 city , Hamilton's deſcription viii . 352 Godin des Odonais, M., his letter forts viii . 355 to M. de la Condamine xiv. 259 table of weights, meaſures, Godin's, Madanie, adventures xiv. 259 and coins in viii . 521 God-men of Japan city , Francklin's deſcription ix . 234 Godolphin , Earl ii . Fitch's deſcription ix. 409 verſes to ii . 782 Lobo's voyage to 4.59 Godolphin, Sir Francis Goach kingdom , deſcription of xi . 220 Godovin, Governor, his treatment Goach, King of xi. 217. 220 of the Ruſſian Princes vi. 794 Goads of Paleſtine 361 Godoy, Don Manuel Goathurſt houſe ii . 453 Godred, King of Man ii . Goat iſland xi . 45 Godred Crovan, King of Man ii . 822 Goat- land mountain 128 Gods of the Laplanders i . 179. 183.437 Goat, mountain, of the Alps 794 of the pagans came from Sweden i . 207 Goats, Icelandic i . 665 of the Samoiedes i . 532 -- , wild, of Tongufy vii. 423 of Japan vii. 680.712 Gods > 9 of one XV . > vii. 680. 712 741 > XV. i.818. ii.774 X. V. 356 824 xvi. INDEX [ 1797 VOL . PAGE XV. 298 Xv . 21 580 I21 887 iv. V. > V. VOL . PAGE Gods and goddeſſes of the Chineſe viii . 502 Gold Coaſt deſcribed by Boſman xvi . 339—469 -, fabulous Egyptian 348 Gold -duſt of the Weſtern illes ili . 682 Godſhill town ii . 710 of Acheen viii . 445 God's Houſe, League of 948 of Pahaung viii . 461 God'sMercy, Cape xij . 188 of Popayan xiv. Godunof, Boris , tomb and hiſtory of vi . 623. 741 of Manding, Mungo Goethe, the poet vi . 23 Park's account xvi. 886 Goertz, Baron vi . 490 -, mode of collecting xvi . 887 Goez's travels from Lahor to waſhing xvi. ibid. China vii . 577-587 its value in Africa xvi . 889 Goga town viii . 313 Golden river, America xiv. 231. 238 Goguatz -Gonitz feſtival in Japan vii . 735 Golden vale ü . 216 Goiama kingdom Goldennis filh xvi . 670 Goio kingdom xvi . Goldfinches of Chili xiv. 672 Goitres in the Vallais 769 of the Cape xvi. 53.79 on their cauſes 773 Gold - finders of Guinea xvi. 372 in Stiria vi . -, Mandingo xvi . Gokinai of Japan vii . 660 Golding, Rev. Mr., ofClouleigh iii . 827 Golburne, Mr. John iii . 236 Gold -leaf of the Birmans ix . 536 Golconda kingdom , Bernier's of the Siameſe ix. 600 hiſtory viii. 130 Gold -mines at Taynton ii . 232 its dependence on the of Scotland 543 Mogul viii . 131. 136 - , fiſhery of the Dutch diamond mines viii . 235 termed 799 Golconda, King of, Bernier's ac of Saltzburg vi. 47 count of him viii . 65 of Adelfers vi . 381 Gold of Lanerkſhire iii . 228 of Ruſſia vi . 892 coined in France 404 of Japan, Kempfer's coins, ancient, of Spain 437 account vii . 687 modern 438 of Siam ix . 602 coined in Mexico (note) 479. 495 of Cibao xü . of Hungary vi . 117 of Peru xiv. coins of Sweden 534 of Tiltil, Chili xiv . 22. 42.49 circulated in Hindoftan viii . of Cuyo xiv. - , a type of excellence among of Popayan xiv. 539 the Birmans ix. 472 of Quito xiv . 540 of Tonquin ix. 739 of Carabaya xiv. 618 of Borneo xi. 142 of Chili xiv. of Mindanao of Macoronga and of Hiſpaniola xii . 118 Manica xvi . 704 of Frobiſher's Strait xii. 513.520.552 of Gorage xvi. 721 of Jaen de Bracamoros of Couche xvi. 722 lump found in the river La Gold -paper, mode of making viii. 604 Paz xiv. 629 Gold river of Ko -ko Nor vii. 544 falſe, ſold at Infuma xvi . 345 Goldſmith , account of one , in the of Aquamboe xvi. 368 country of Mangu Khan vii. 62.71.76 countries in Guinea where Goldſmiths, Mandingo xvi . 881 it is found xvi. 369 Golius's travels in Morocco 492 of Dinkira xvi , ibid . Gollaru, caft, manners and cuſtoms viï. 672 of Acanny xvi. 371 Goloquaſt town vii. 502 of Akim xvi. 371 Golovkin, Count, built the firft of Awine xvi. 372 houſe of Peterſburgh vi. 661 mode of finding xvi, ibid. Golípie pariſh 156 duft xvi. 373 Goltz, Baron vi. 901 mountain xvi . ibid. Gomberi, the idol xvi. 331 falſe xvi. ibid . Gombroon city, Hamilton's de. weights xvi. 374 ſcription 296 amount exported from Guinea xvi. 375 hiſtory ix . 194 of Sheibon xvi. 832 on the Britiſh trade to of Luca xvi. ibid . ix. 298 of Manding xvi. 886 Niebuhr's deſcription 125 [ z 2) Gomera v. 65 18. 19 134 102 685 xi . 331. 333 XIV. 496 9 XV. - viii. Perſia by [ 180] INDE X. PAGE 756 275 Gordale vili . ix. 446 IO2 vi. X111 . XV . 416 * xvi. 633 Xi . X. XV. VOL. VOL. PAGE Gomera iſland, Colon on xii . 27 Goofe, the Solan, deſcribed iii . 709 Betancour's adven Gooſe Cove, New Zealand xi . 573 tures in xvi . 812 Gooſe-dancing in the Scilly illes ii . Gomerans, anecdotes of them xvi. 812 Goofefoot plant of America xiii . 415 Gomefius, Sebaſtian, his voyage to Goofelier, Mr. , anecdote of xii . 361 the North i . 130 Gopalſami, the obſcene god viii. 401.402 Gomez, Emanuel xi . 320 Gorage gold mines xvi . 592 Gomez, Eſtefano xi . 297 Gorbata town , Tunis XV. 721 Gomez , Ferdinand, anecdotes of xvi . ii . 434 Gomez, General 456 Gordiſh province 373 Gomoribo mountain xii. 285 Gordon, General, account of him , Gomus iſlands viii. (note) vi. 688 Gonaquas Hottentots xvi . his journal 689 Gonave channel 754 Gordon cattle iii . 70 Gonçalo's hill, Chili xiv . 57 Gordon's confinement in the Baſtile, Gondar, Poncet's deſcription 80 ( note ) iv . Browne’s itinerary from Gordon's account of Catharine the Sennaar to 828 Firſt ( note ) vi. 726.731 road from Gerbin to xvi. 830 Gore, Lieutenant i . various roads to xvi. ibid . his voyage with Gondolas of Venice iv . 252 Captain Cook 653 Gondomar, Count xii . 286 Goree, Adanſon's deſcription xvi. 622. 637 Gong of Mindanao 16 Gorge of Oriſſava mountain xiii. 797.842 Gonge-dagen i . 321 Gorges, Sir Ferdinando xii . 279. x111 . 225 Gongs of the Zubu iſlanders xi . 338 Gorgona iſland 8.765 . xiv . 155. 391 Gonia convent 600 Gorgoniæ Domus 616 Gonie caſtle ix . 148 Gorgues, M. de, his expedition to Gonoquas Hottentots xvi . 107 Carolina xii . 340 Gonſa river xvi . 324 Gorhambury ii . 461 Gonſalves, Gaſpar xiv. 830 Goring, Mr., anecdotes of him viii . 357 Gonzagua, Vincent de, the mur. Goroza city vii . 139 derer of Crichton iii . 141 Gorondu valley 390. 404 GONZALES, DON MANOEL, his Goronota , cultivation about iv. 661 voyage to England and Scot Gorroſhepur city vii . 594 land ii . I Gortynia, ancient city 607 Gonzalo de Oviedo, remarks on his Gory city ix . 149 hiſtory xii . 16 Goſhen, land of vii . 17 Gooch's, Governor, letter to Gen. Goſhen, America, tedar- ſwamps of xiii . 559 Oglethorpe xii . land of 183 Good Fortune cape i . 52 Goflekanay hall in Delhi viii . 160 Good- Friday, Latins' ceremony on 419 Goſnold's, Captain, expedition to Good Hope, cape of, ancient naviga Virginia xii . 219. xiii . 19.46 tion of it 272 Gofnoll's bay, Cheſapeak 71 viii. 2. xi . 103. 565 Goſpel diffuſed in Lapland i . 469 account of the fociety for its propagation firſt Europeans at viii. 263 in America xii . 404 Beeckman's de. hiſtory of it xii . ibid . ſcription xi . 150 Goſpels in verſe i . 679 Pigafetta's ac Perſians' opinion of them 263 count xi. 379 Goſport 30. 309 Thunberg's ac Goſs, M. , anecdotes of vi. 218 count xvi. 1–147 . 155. 209 Goſſe, M., his government of St. Goodlad, Captain, anecdote of him viii . 407 Mary xvi . 772 Goodlud, Captain, anecdotes of him 24 Goft -kane of the Great Mogul viii . 197 Goodneſs of God iii . 798 Goteron valley Goodrich caſtle ii. 223. 579 Gotha, town vi . 164 Goodfon, Admiral xii. 312 duchy vi . ibid . Goodwin, Hugh xii. court vi . ibid . Goodwin Sands ii . 492 Gotha, Duke of vi . 164 Gookin's, Mr., ſettlement in Virginia xiii. 141.151 Gothe, obſervations on his writings vi . 162 Gooſe, Lapland game of i . 452 character vi. ibid . 6 Gothland X. 482 XV. X. V. xili. > > ix . ji. ' X1 . V. 835 2 12 INDEX. [ 181 ] PAGE 9 iv. vi . > V. > vi . 9 V. vi. v. V. 642 649 654 V. V. V. v. 708 xvi. V. V. V. xiv. V. VOL. PAGE Gothland iſland i . 208 Gotrams, origin of them viii . 676 Gots of Berlichingen vi . 23 Gottenburg, road from Carlſcroon to vi. 381 - Fortia's defcription of the city vi , 382 hoſpital vi . ibid . cabinets vi . ibid . - , ſugar works vi , ibid . > commerce vi . 383 Eaſt India company of vi . ibid. , manners and cuſtoms in vi . 385 landing of the Danes in 1788 at ibid . itinerary from , to Stockholm vi . 562 obfervations on 566 Gottingen, Haller's profeſſorſhip at 860 literature at 231 city vi. 232 univerſity vi . ibid . Gottingen Almanac on Martin Behaim xi . 414 Gotto iſland, adventures of ſome Dutchmen at vii . 530 Gotto kingdom 852 Gottorp caſtle vi . 343 Goualeor, Sultan Mahmoud ſent to viii. 93 Gouanacas Paſs of the Andes 295 Gouberman iſlands deſtroyed by an earthquake i . 754. 776 Goud's river xvi. 92. 112 Gouel diamond mines viii . 243 mode of work ing viii . 245 Gourds of the Sandwich iſlands xi. of Canada xiii . 686 of America xiii . 487 of Dar- Fur 146 Gournai, account of i . 131 Gournay, caſtle at i . Gourney, El 228 Gournou, Thebes 245 Goury iſland viii . 432 Gourze-berdars of Hindoftan viii . Gout in Iceland i . 660 - , preſcriptions for it xiii . 855 cured by the horn of the left hoof of the hippopotamus xvi. 701 Gouté, Dome of 787 Goutte, Marquis de iv, 209 Gouzat caſcade iv . Governapore 413 Government of Iceland i . of Norway i . 767 of Denmark i . ibid . of London ii of England ii . 126 of Scotland ii. 161 ecclefiaftical, of Scot land ii . 163 VOL. Government of theWeſtern illes ini . 545 > good effects of arbi trary iv. 68 obſervations on iv . 186. vi . 106 of Venice iv. -56.619 of Florence iv , 274 abuſes of the French iv , 420 of America ( note ) iv . 430. 433 houſe of Austria's iv . 618 of Milan iv . ibid . of Bologna iv . 622 of Tuſcany ibid . of Modena iv . 624 of Parma iv . ibid . of Piedmont iv. ibid . of Lipari 250 advantage of deſpotic V. 638 of the canton of Schaff hauſen of Appenzel of Glarus of Zuric 662 of Winterthur 679 of Balle 693.700 of Bienne of Soleure 712.714 of Zug 722 of Lucern 723 of Uri and Schweitz 735 of Urſeren V. 746 of the republic of Vallais V. 768 of Lauſanne 803 of Aigle 809 of Neuchatel v . 814. 818 of Friburg 836 changes in of Bern of Geneva of Predagio 897 of Upper Engadina 904 of Lower Engadina 909 of the valley of Munſter v . 911 of Bormio of the Valteline 925 of Chiavenna 937 of St. Giacomo 938 of the Grey League 942 of Coire 949 of Davos of Mayenfield of the Griſons of Diſentis of Locarno 989 of Wirtemberg 9 of Suabia vi . of Augſburg vi . of Bavaria vi . 28 of Auſtria vi. of Vienna vi . 77 of Saxony vi. 150 Government V. > V. 736 V. 843 851 XV. V. 887 V. 200 XV. XV. 913 201 v. V. v. v . V. y V. 956 958 IOO 961 viii . 408. 966 646.753 vi . II . 20 71 17 62 [ 182 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VI . X vi , 84 xi, vi . 238 220 vi. XI . 228 xi. vi . 214 Vi . > 548 vii. 358 X11 . Vill . V111 viii. VOL. PAGE Government of Pruſſia 174. 183 Government of Angora 691 of Hamburg 216 of Mindanao XI . 73 of Denmark vi . 222. 303 of Mauilla xi . of Hanover vi . 226 of Borico III of Nuremberg of Batavia xi . 18 . of Francfort vi . 242 of Macaſſer xi . 219. 238 of the Palatinate vi . 265. 267 of Goach xi . of Cologne 273 of Boni 223 of Holland vi . 281. 234 of Wadjo revolution in the Daniſh vi . 323 of Amboyna xi . 267. 269 of Sweden vi . 521,522 of the Friendly illes 697 of Courland 720 of Queen Elizabeth xü . liſt of the Ruſſian 747. 762 of Virginia xii . 234. 2-43. 603. xiii . 42. of Siberia vii . 353 104. 141. 167.712 of Korea vii . 537 of New England xii . 259. xiii . 245 of Butan or Great of the Bermudas xii. 269. xiii .179.196 Tibet vii . of Barbadoes xii . 294 of Tibet vii . 564 of Maryland xii . 306. xiii . 726 of the Si- fan 569 of Carolina xii . 341 of Japan, Kempfer's of New York xii . 352. xiii . 460.738 account vii . 668 of New Jerſey xii. 354. xiii. 735 of Ethiopia viji . 273 of the Bahama iſlands xii . of Surat viii . 321 of Penſylvania .xii . 379. 384. xiii. 730 hiſtory of the Bom. of St. Lucia 424 bay viii . 329—348 of Georgia xii . 445 of Madras 394 of Quebec xiii . 264 of Orixa viij . 403 of Canada xiii . 364.699 of Calcutta 410 of Rhode iſland xiii . 741 of the Birman empire viii . 422 of Maſſachuſets X111 . 746 of Sumatra 443 of Peru xiv . 8 of Bencoolen vui. 448 of the Indians of Chili xiv . 114 of Cochin -China viii . 482. ix. 790 of St. Jago xiv. of Macao viii . 485 of Coquimbo xiv. 187 of Amoy viii . 494 of Conception xiv. 193 of Malabar viii . 730 of Carthagena xiv , 330 of Curdiſtan ix . 13 of Panama xiv. 375 of Georgia ix . 1 24 of Guayaquil xiv. 399 of Mingrelia ix . 144 of Quito xiv . 463 of CrimTartary ix . of Riobamba xiv . 471 laws and conftitution of Cuenca xiv . 474 of Perſia ix. 213. 229 xiy , 481 of Karazm ix . 332 of Popayan xiv. 483 of Ummerapoora ix . 494 of Atacames 490 of Siam 590.636 of Quixos and Macas xiv. 493 of Tonquin ix . of Maynas xiv . 497 of Tunchim ix . 826 of Piura xiv. 557 of Jidda 23 of Lima xiv. 572 of Beit el Fakih 36 of Cuſco xiv. 616 of the Arabs 84 of Arequipa xiv. of Sana 106 of La Paz xiv . of the Bedouin Arabs 133 of Paraguay xiv. of the Engliſh on the in the Paraguay mil coaſt of Malabar 203 fions xiv. of Surat 214 of Buenos Ayres xiv . of Turkey 270 of Conception, Chili xiv . of Paleſtine 406 of Santiago xiv. 678 of Cyprus 593 of Dar- Fur 146 of Scio 629 of Suez 276 of Leſbos 637 of Egypt 299 of Samos church , Moreſco 422 of Smyrna 650 of Morocco XV. 471. 489.755 Government 173 162 of Loja xiv, ix . 680. 742 X. X. 619 629 X. 637 X. X. 640 644 X. 667 X. XV. X. XV. XV. 644 XV. INDEX. [ 183] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE XV. 236 598 of Sogno X XV. > > 809 819 639 X. 121 go, &c. xvi. 1 911 Grain tin .188 v. Government of Algiers and Tunis 673 Goyer's, Peter De , embaſſy to of theCape of Good China vii . Hope xvi . 15. 116. Goyloi bird of the Hottentots xvi . 139 Goyogouans xiii. 276. 302 xvi . 239 Gozan river vii . 9 of Fantyn, Guinea xvi . 362 Gozo iland 597 of Acron xvi . 364 Graaff, Mr., his portraits vi. 421 of Agonna xvi. 365 Grabuſa Agria 601 of Aquamboe xvi. 366 Grace, form of the Mooriſh 663 of Akim xvi . 371. Gracias a Dios, Cape xii. 125 Dutch, of Guinea xvi . 380 Gracioſa, Azore iſland , Cumber of the Negroes on land's voyage to i , the Gold Coaſt xvi . 404 Eveſham's ditto i . of Fida kingdom, Guineaxvi. 484 Graddan in Skie iii . of Gabon xvi , 510 Graduates, Tonquineſe ix . 676.735 of Annabon xvi. 515 Græn town, pearl fiſhery of of Benin xvi . 520.528 Graffen -ort villa 739 of Loango, Cacon. Grafton ifle xi . 45 xvi. 577 Grafton's Chronicles ii . 264 the Quiteva's, of Graham , Rev. Mr. 205 Sofala xvi. 682.695 Graham's dike iii . 465 of Manding xvi. 864 Grain Coaſt of Guinea deſcribed 537 Government-houſe in Manilla xi . 78 Graining fith 177 in Batavia xi. 175 Grain-regulations of Spain 464 of Sydney, New Grains of gold found in Peru xiv. 19 South Wales xi . 905 -in Chili xiv. 43. 298 of Paramatta xi . ii. 274 Governor of the Scilly iſles ii . 742 Graithwaite of the Iſle of Man ii . 800 Grama Paditti, Brahminical book viii . 751 of the Valteline 926 Grammar, Icelandic i . Governor -general of Canada, his of the Cochin- Chineſe ix . public entry into Quebec xiii . 655 of the language of Lo. his ango and Cacongo xvi . 590 powers xiii . 699 Grampian hills iii . Governor- general of India , Dutch xi . 182 Grampus bay, New England xiii . 236 in Gramſey ille iii . 750 Guinea xvi . 378 Grana of Alicant 467 Governors of Scilly , liſt of them ii . 781 Granada, chancery of in Hindoftan viii. 146. 148 kingdom 563 -, Perſian, ſummary proceſs on the antiquities in 564 in condemning ix. deſcribed by Carli xvi. 188 offices and power ix. 216 Granadilla, fruit of Quito xiv , 459 evils , of a frequent Granari, Count 282 change xiii . 119 Granaries, on the erection of of Virginia xiii . 168 public ( note) iv. 331 Ovalle's obſervations on xiv. 140 in the Milaneſe 593 Gower, peninſula of ii . 593 public, of Geneva 890 Gower, Earl ii . 370 at Megahoun ix. 460 Gowns, ceremony of preſenting, in of Joſeph in Cairo 185 Japan vii. 820 of Egypt 334 Gownſmen of Oxford ii . 544 Grand, M. le 2 Gowren, land of ix . 414 Grand bay, Newfoundland xi. 670.675 Gowrie, Earl of 40 Grande, Ilha, Brazil xvi. 318 Gowrie family ii. 412 Grandees of Spain 343. 503 Gowrie houſe iii . 40 Grandellana, Don Domingo Goyame kingdom 88 Grandeur of the Ruſſian nobles i . 18 Goyana, Brazil xiv. 768 Grandfather's Wood, Cape of Good Dutch forces in xiv. Hope xvi. 25. 112 - ſufferings of the Brazil Grandmaiſon, M, de xiv. 269 ians in xiv. 839 Grandfire, the Little vi . 688 Goyana river xiv. 724 its confecration vi . Grandval 675 791 56 398 V. iv. iv . XV. XV. XV v. 358 xv. 827 690 [ 184] INDE X. PAGE VOL . PAGE v . v . VI . 158 X. X. xi . X1 ! 1 . X111 . xili . X. 111 XV. V. XV . V. 21 v. V. 456 V. V. V. xi . V. V. 624 V. 874 649 xiv . 38 VOL . Grandval town iv . 153 Grapes of Felicuda and Alicuda 256 Granewolden town vi. 370 of Malaga 593 - , two churches in one of the Rhinegau 260 churchyard at vi . ibid . of Caſbin ix . Granganimeo of Virginia xii . 565.574 . xiii . 5 of Sana 68 Grange, M. de xiv. 4 of Arabia 194 his expedition to of Pulo Condore 40 Chili xiv . 27 of Carolina xü . 346 Granges' hill xii . 632 wild , of Virginia xii . 564. 594. xiii . 30 Grangue, mines of vi . 460 of Canada 360 Grangula of the Iroqueſe 274 of Penſylvania 417. 425. 497 Granicus river 710 North American xiii . 581 Granite quarries at North -ferry 35 of Chili xiv . 41 at Aberdeen iii . 62 of Lima xiv, 599 of France iv . 306 of Conception, Chili xiv. 670 of Mont Blanc iv . 702 of Abyflinia 90 of Mellina 9 of Barbary 604 of Veſuvian lava of the Cape of Good of Solfatara 31 Hope xvi . 51 of Mont Baveno 130 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . of the Italian Appenines 131 of Madagaſcar xvi . 802 heat required for the fuſion of v . 133 Graſs, obſervations on iv. 481 pumice of 174 practice of burning, by the Mon of Felicuda 219 gallians vii. 364 of the Calabrian Appenines v. 278 of the Iſle of France 92 , effects of the earthquakes in , on increaſing its growth xiii . 475 Calabria on 284 of Ainerica xiii . 486. 552 of the Eſcurial 365 round Montreal xii .. of the Alps of Canada xui. 652 of Bronitza vi . in Chili mode of working at Peterf at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. burgh vi . annual burning in Africa de of Seringapatam viii , 611 fcribed xvi . 870 of Magadi 621 Graſs Cove, New Zealand 646 of Maria iſland xi . 872 Grafle, gardens of iv . 230 of New South Wales xi . 936 culture of plants for per quarries of Egypt 262 fumes at iv . Granjanejos village 546 Carli's curious adventure Grano, Abbate (note ) 261 xvi. 192 Granfon town 813 Graſshoppers, food of the Siameſe 612 ſiege and battle of 830 in Abyſſinia Grant of Carolina xii. 340 of Barbary 632 of Antigua xii . 347 African xvi . 90.97 of the New Jerſeys xii . 353 Graſs- lands, management in Lom of the Bahama iſlauds xii, bardy iv. 563 of Penſylvania to Mr. Penn 377 Graſs- lilk of Virginia xii . 592 --- for the eſtabliſhing a colony in Grafs-tyger of Loango xvi . 557 Georgia xii. 441.450 Graſs -worms of North America xiii . 505 of Virginia to Sir Walter Gratanove i , 16 Raleigh xii . 560 Gratioſa iſland 628 of Mahomet to the monks of Gratz city vi . Mount Sinai 389 Graudentz city i . 213 of the Canary iſlands to John Gravel of Bretagne iv. 305 de Betancour xvi . 810 Gravelines, fortifications of iv. 146 Grantineſnil, Hugh de ji . 359 Graves, ancient, in Strath - Ardle iii . 387 Grants relative to Scilly iſlands 768 ancient, near Tomſky vii , 335 Grao, harbour of 605 of the Indians in New Eng Grapes of Lipari 244 land xiii . 235 of Soomboli 252 Indian 422 diSuite 254 Moreſco XV. 435. 456. 653 Graves I 2 663 VI11 . XI . XV. 506 near ix . V. XV. 28.31 XV. 2 358 xii. xii. 120 XV. > V. V. > Xul. INDE X. [ 185] VOL. PAGE XV. jji. his voyage to X. F:<----- V. V. V. 595 Gremah III 428.492 XV. XV. X. 22 X. VOL. PAGE Graves of the Moors in Morocco 777 Greenland, Davis's voyage to xii . 194 of the Negroes on the Gold Greenock iii . 243 Coaſt xvi. 431 Green’s Collection vii . 517.541. 577. ix . 320. 386 robbed by the arompo xvi . 439 Green's, Mr., obſervation of the robbed by tigers in Sofala xvi. 694 tranſit of Venus xi . 511 Graveſend i . 11. 51. ii.493 Greenville, Sir Richard xii . 182 Grave -ſtones, ancient, in Jura 283 Gravina, Admiral 453 Virginia xii. 571. xiii. 4. 7. 16 Gravity at Cayenne i . 231 Greenwich hoſpital ii . 180 -, experiments on i . 251 road to London from 495 -, ſpecific, of ice i , 573 Grega cape 577 of the Spaniards 501 Gregory -mine at Aſhover ii . 479 Graylock's Foſſe ij . 260 Greiffen lake 678 Gray's Long Story ii . 184 village ibid . Gray's deſcription of Netley abbey ii. 305 Greifhk village ix. 281 Grazalema town iv. Graziers, Hottentot xvi . 140 Gremata, cultivation about iv. 659 Great- Belt , paſſage of it i . 333 Gremios of Spain Great- Fork , Hudſon's bay xii . 368 Grenehaugh caſtle iii . I 24 Great Mam-Torr ü. 401 Grengielberg, mines of vi . 460 Great Michael, ſhip, Lindeſay's ac Grenna town i . 331 count of (note ) iii . 410 Grenvill, Sir Richard, his action Great - Port, Algiers 517 with a Spaniſh Armada i. 826 Great- Tun, channel of i . 758 death i . 829 Greaves's account of the pyramids xv. 199 Grenville, Captain ii . 344 Pyramidographia 825 Grenville, Rt. Hon. G., Keith's letter Grebes of the Lincoln fens jii . 7 on the Ruſſian revolution to him vi . 899 of the lake of Geneva 809 Greſham , Sir Thomas ii . 181 Greece, Pococke's deſcription 749 Gretkeva village vi . 578 Greek church in Ruſſia i . Gretna village üi. 213 ceremonies of 279 Greville , Fulke ii. 351 in Tripoli 318 Grey, Abraham, diſcovers gold in Greek churches, Coxe's deſcription vi. 593 Scotland iii . 543 Greek language, the Cacongo lan Grey, Lord William, of Wilton ii . 219 guage ſimilar to it xvi. 593 Greybucks, Hottentot xvi. 79 Greeks of Hungary 109 Grey Ditch ii . 402 of Conſtantinople Ś Greyffier de Talairat, M. iv. 213 their ceremonies at the Holy Grey Friars at Coventry ii. 355 Sepulchre 353 Grey Friers church Edinburgh iii . 31.473 excommunications 381 Greyhounds of Ruflia vi. 591 - , ceremonies at Eaſter 425 Grey -League, territory of the 941 of Syria 573 , etymology of ibid . Green , the favourite colour of the 942 Perſians ix . 263 -, government ibid . Green , Captain, anecdotes of him viii. 378 diet 964 Green , Mr. Conſul iv. 231 Grey-lord , fiſh iii . 621 Green , Mr. V. ii . 208 Grieffeld's Norway Law vi . 357 Green chamber of Memphis 810. 834 Griel iſland, Adanſon's expedition Greendale oak ii . 444 to xvi . 653 Green illand, diſcovery of iii . 652 Grierſon's epitaph iii. 222 Greenland , diſcovered by Barentſz Grieſen -bach river 740 and Ryp i . 92 Grievances, the hundred, of Germany vi . 165 account of , lift of, exhibited by a voyage to i . 614 Sir John Child viji , 335 -, Kerguelen's account i . 789 of the Bermudas colony xiii. diſcovery of i. ibid. Grill's, M., cabinet vi. 423 - , hiſtory i . ibid . Grill's, Mr., forges at Sudersfors vi. 471 coaſts i . ibid . character vi. 474 climate i . ibid . Grimau , M. le Count iv. 208 produce i . ibid . Grimſel mount 752 trade i . 790 lichens and mofles ibid . VOL. XVII. [ AA] Grimſel X. *********5 *** vii X. X. X. V. X. its origin V. V. XV. - i . ibid . 142 > 202 9 > > V. [ 186] INDE X. VOL. PAGE VOL . V. X. > XV . V. xiii. X. 326 V. XVI . vi, xiv . xij. V. V. > V. V. > V. 926 9 V. V. > V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. - V. > revenues V. V. V. > V. > commerce > COWS V. PAGE Grimſel mount, folitary hovel on 752.754 Grottoes in the Holy Land 442 cold on v. 756. 878 of Thebes 247 Grindelwald glaciers 761 of the mummies in Egypt xv. 836 valley v. 762.764.792.876 Grounds of Havod ii . 649 Grinding -mill, a Scotch iii . 314 Ground-ſquirrels of America 479 Grinding- ftones, mode ofmaking ii . 475 Grove of Emir Faccardine Gripfholm Chateau deſcribed vi . 539 Groves of St. Ildefonſo 340 -, paintings in vi . 540 conſecrated , in Guinea 399 diſtillery near 541 Growth of minerals 18 Griſka Otrepief vi . 626.741 Growte , M., Noel's letter on Ca Grilleham vi . 554 nada to 669 Griſons, Coxe's travels in the 641 Grozileer's, M. , ſettlement in Hud - , entry into the country 895 Won's bay xiii . 340 irruption into the Valteline 919 Gruagach of Skie iii . 330 their government of the Gruagich, Macqueen's account of Valteline ibid . the ji. 551 - , hiſtory 920 Grubenman of Appenzel v. 643.651 election of governors and GRUeber's account of Tibet vii . 550 podeltas travels from China to étymology of the word 941 Europe vii . 589 -, language 943 Gruliaſcho village iv. 238 general diet 960 Grumbler fiſh of Senegal xvi . 646 conſtitution 961 Grunengen town 676 revolution and poſſeſſion government 677 by France ( note) 962 Gruner on the height of mountains 780 courts of juſtice in the 967 Gruner's theory of glaciers 790 - , religion 968 Gruti village 732 of the 970 Gruyeres bailliage, inſurrections in 838 - , population 971 cheeſe of 846 ibid. ibid . inland navigation 972 paftures ibid . their alliances with the Swiſs v. 974 Gryllus Gregarius 189 with France ibid. Guabas fruit of Quito xiv. 458 with Venice ibid . Guabencex, the cemi xii . 89 with Auſtria 975 Guacamayo bird of Carthagena xiv. 345 - , language 977 Guacanagari, Cacique xii. 45.63 . 77 -, Romanſh language in the 978 Guacas of Quito xiv. 544 Grobbe, Adrian xvi. 343 of Lima xiv . 601 Grobert on the pyramids of Gizeh xv. 819.822 Guaca Tambo xiv. 563 Groene Kloof xvi . 77 Guacaya ſilver mines xiv. 541 Grongar hill ii . 600 Guadalaxara, cloth manufactory of Groningen, famous fiege of i . 139 town Groſe river, New South Wales xi . 913.928 Guadalete river Groſe's deſcription of Peel iſle ii . 895 Guadalmedina river 594 Groſs-horn mountain 763.876 Guadaloupe iſland , Colon's diſcovery xii . 59.93 Grofthead, Biſhop ii. 340 Guadalquiver river v . 562.568. 603 Groſvenor-ſquare ii . 83 Guadarama 321. 364 Grothaus, Baron ii . 570 Guadarfia, his hiſtory xvi . 810 Grots, holy writers fond of 233 Guadiana river Grot's, John, houſe iii . 801 Guagugiana of Hiſpaniola xii . 80 Grotta del Bove Marino 214 Guaiga river xii . Grotta del Cane 131 34 Guaku ſerpent xiv . Grotta delle Capre 714 70 Gualca's diſcovery of the Potofi Grotta della Signora 186 mines xiv. 623 Grotto at Clifton ii . 247 Guali river, mountains of xiv. 312 of Poſilipo 22 Guallaga river xiv . 223. 260.498 in Vulcano iſland 138 Guanches, ſee Teneriffe. in the crater of Vulcano 142 Guapulo mountain Grottocs, celebrated hiſtorical things Guaqueros of Quito xiv. tranſacted in 545 363 Guamac, Quito xiv. 416 Guamalies V. > V. V, V. V. 332 546 V. 569 v. V. X. V. 560 V V. xiv. 436.440 INDE X. [ 187] VOL. PAGE xiji. xiy. xiv. xiv. 393. 405 xiv, 149. 186 I 22 XV. 613 > 188. 194 xiv. VOL. PAGE Guamalies juriſdiction xiv. 610 Guaxaca, De Menonville's Guamanga city xiv. 612 travels to xiii . 753 juriſdictions in the dio. city deſcribed 822 cele xiv . 613 -, cochineal of xiv . 478 Guamani mountain xiv . 437 Guayac-tree of Chili 87 Guamanmayo, Peru siv. 563 Guayaquil city deſcribed 282 Guamorete's Cemi xii, 88 river xiv . ibid . Guana, animal of Panama xiv. 378 ,, Ulloa's deſcription Guanabana fruit of Carthagena xiv. 355 Guayllabamba river xiv. 529 Guanacache ponds 102 Gubi town viii . 687 Guanacauri ſignal ſtation xiv . 435.440 Guebenn village, Senegal xvi . 667 Guanaco of Patagonia xi. 314 Guerchy, Marquis de iv. of South America xiv. 534 Guerguon town viii . Guanacos of the Cordilleras xiv . 45.84 Guerry town 68 Guanahani, Columbus's diſcovery Guevara, Don Ferdinand de xü. 118 of it xiv. 139 Gueutt village xvi. 668 Guanaia iſland, Colon's diſcovery xii. 125 Gueytarge town i . 850 Guananas nation xiv. 636 Guiana, Sir Walter Raleigh's ex Guanca Belica juriſdi& ion xiy. pedition to xii. 197. 205. 282 Guancavelica, mines of 495 Leigh's voyage to xii. 282 Guanieres' , M., cabinet iy. 30 Harcourt's expedition xii. 284 Guanin iſland xii . 82 Raleigh'slaſt expedition to xii. 286 Guanipa bay xii, 207 Guibert, Mr., on Pruſſia vi . Guano manure of Peru xiv. 600 Guibray fair iv. 150 Guanoas nation xiv. 636 Guebres in Iſpahan ix. 32 Guanoes, birds of Peru 602 Guichen, Admiral 447 Guanos of New Holland xi. 465 Guide of Rubruquis, account of him vii . 49 Guanta juriſdiction xiv. 613 Guidecca canal iv. 254 Guanuco city , Peru xiv. 609 Guidet's, Francis, aſcent of Mont Guaracayo Strait xiv. 218 Blanc 787 Guarachia juriſdiction xiy. 609 Guides of Chamounie iv. 688 Guaraionel, the Cacique xii . 89 of elephants, anecdotes of ix . 782 Guaranda town xiv . 283. 418.472 of Arabia 6 Guaranies nation xiv. 635.641 Guienne, ſoil of iv. Guarapo, liquor of Quito xiv. 467 mulberries of iv. Guardafoy cape, coafts from the culture of hemp and flax in iv. 490 Cape of Good Hope to. viii. 264. 268 of pines iv. Guardaſu cape viii. 3 of turnips iv. 503 Guardia, Monte della 135 of various plants iv. 505 its appearance tillage and laying of from the ſea lands in iv . 535 vegetation on 192 implements of huſbandry 540 Guards of Paris iv. 290 Guiga-Zayn village, anecdote of body, of Spain 337 a Ruſſian at vii . 297 of the Empreſs of Ruſſia vi. 672 Guignes iv. 186 of Quinſai vii . 154 Guignes' obſervations on the round the throne of China vii . 265 Philippine iſlands, and the Ille of honour at Pekin vii . 446 of France xi . 68 of Shah Abas ix. 80. 218 Guilan province, produce and trade vii . 311 of the Emperor of Morocco xv. 474 Guilbert, Mr., his engravings vi. 421 Guarionex, Cacique xii. 90. 1C6 Guildford town ii . 321 Guarmey town, Peru xiv. 563 caſtle ii . ibid . Guarri- buſh berries xvi . 36 churches ii . 322 Guarroman town 561 Guildhall of London 57 Guaſcar’s golden chain xiv . 109. 158 at Worceſter ii . 208 Guaſco river, Chili xiv. 53 of Bath ii. 250 harbour xiv. 71 of Boſton, New England xii. 264 Guatte -Kierres, theledge i . 410 Guilds of Ruſſia, privileges 875 Guaura town and river xiv . 564 Guilini's, Count, liftory of Milan iv . 570 Guavas of Siam 6og Guiliſtan -dagh mountain vii. 292 of Congo xvi. 248 Guinar bird xvi. 667 [ A A 2] Guindas X. 306 9 462 498 - 189. 191 9 iv . 0 vi . ix. [ 188] INDEX. VOL. PAGE XV. ix. xi, XV. X. XV. v. XV. 568 V. XV. XV. XV. I 20 XV . ix . 126. 134 XV. 564 vill . X. 8.12 VOL . PAGE Guindas wine 593 Gunners of the Great Mogul viii . 140 Guinea, caravans from Morocco to 781 Gunnerſbury houſe ii . 181 Boſman's deſcription xvi . 337-547 Gunnies, legend of him 361 Guinea, New xi . 426 Gunpowder of Achem 759 Taſman's account of 447 - , an Indian's experiments Dampier's deſcription xi . 477 with xiii . 94 Guinea-corn of Senegal xvi. 615 Gunpowder manufacture in the Guinea - fowl of Dar- Fur 142 Birman empire ix . 479 Guinea -worm , diſeaſe in Arabia 169 known in the Eaſt be. diſeaſe among the fore the Weſt ix . 501 Mandingoes xvi . 877 manufacture of Bar Guinecourt, M. de xii . 676 bary 606 Guineos of Carthagena xiv. 354 Gunpowder plot , anecdotes of one xi. 105. 156 Guiney, Porto Bello xiv . 362 Guns, accident from burſting gvi . 73 Guingamp town iv. 154 Gunſmiths, Birman ix . 500 Guioel village xvi. 668 Gun -yard at Portſmouth ii . 310 Guipuſcoa province 303 Guorga of Finmark i . 424 company 307 Gur illand viii . 362 Guiſando, Toros de 543 Gurba, antiquities at Guiſcard, Robert 938 Gurbies of Barbary 503.655 Guiſe, Duke of iv . 130 of Morocco 690 Guitar of the Birmans ix. 508 Gurbos baths 566 Guldberg, Secretary vi. 322 Gurganey on the Virginian colony xiii . Guldenſtaedt, account of him vi . 843 Gurgur fiſh 333 his travels vi . ibid. Gurief, port and fortreſs vi . 880 Guler, John, the hiſtorian 956 Guriel province Guletta, Tunis Chardin's account ix . 147 Gulf.rock , Scilly iſles ii . 762 Gurietum town 583 Gulfs of Siam ix. 573 Gurnet marſh ii. 717 of Arabia bay ii . ibid . -, navigation of it 17 Gurnier's, M., library iv. 33 of Perfia , Arabs round it 124 Gurſton, Sir Thomas ii . 262 of Venice 224. Gurus, the Brahman viii . 582.615.633–646.663 of St. Lawrence, Cartier's Gury river 52 navigation xii. 634.642. xiii . 259 Guſman, Don Ferdinand de xii . of Mexico xiii . 769. 855 Guſtafson, Nils, anecdotes of him of Panama xiv. 381 Guftaſph, King of Perſia, adven of Arabia tures of Zertooft at his court viii . 563 of the Red fea 276 Guftavus Adolphus of Sweden i. of Tunis 560 his of Guinea deſcribed xvi. 507 hiſtory vi. 484 Gulf weed xill. 381 vic Gull, the arctic iii . 35 tories vi . 485 Gulls, ſwimming ii . 720 death vi . ibid. ſhoemaker xi . 835 Guftavus the Third of Sweden, of Vera Cruz xii. 781 hiſtory of vi . 493 Gul-paigan city aflar Gul Reazee, cuſtom in Perſia ix . 243 fination by Ankerſtræum vi. 504 Gulur village 724 Guftavus Vaſa i . 142 Gum -aloe of the Cape xvi. 92 his hiſtory vi . 481 Gums of the Siameſe ix . 602 , 603 Gufts, thunder , of Virginia xiii . 708 -, ſcented , of Virginia xii . 594. xiii . 30 Guthrie's, Dr., experiments on of Amazonia xiv. 227.513 quickſilver vi. 691 of Madagaſcar xvi. 739. 800 Guti fort viii . 760 elaſtic, Rochon's deſcription xvi . 806 Gutte harbour xii . 630 Gum -tree, ſweet American xii. 554 Guy, Earl of Warwick ii . 351 Gun, the evening, at Portſmouth ii . 312 Guy, Thomas ii . 70 Gungricara Woculigas, caft, man Guyalas juriſdiction xiv. 610 ners and cuſtoms viii . 704 Guyon, La Roche 164 Gunjemans Hottentots xvi. zi Guy's hoſpital, London ii . 70 Gunjural Chatur viii. 702 Guy's tower ji . 350 Guy's X. X , X. 11 . 202 xiii . 536 XV . IO XV . 144 XV. 9 ix . 21 viii . iv . INDEX. [ 189] VOL. PAGE PAGE X. X. X. XV. X. Xv. near X , ix. X. 81 > X. x . XV. -- X. X. X. I 20 ceſs on X. 136 46 manure 674 XV. 803 XV. vi. XV. VOL. Guy's cliff ii . 352.615 Haddon hall ii . 385 Guzalcan of the Great Mogul viii . 6 Hadgees' pilgrimages to Mecca 369 Guzaratte, Aureng-Zebe’s artifices Hadgi, mode of obtaining the title 91 to draw Dara from viii . 93 Hadie town 41 Guzelhiſſar 654 Hadjar, Derb 294. 298 the ancient Magneſia 663 Hadjee, Derb el 294 Guzerat, Marco Polo's deſcription vii. 164 Hadjee-Biram moſque, inſcriptions Hamilton's deſcription viii . 309 690 Guzurat kingdom viii . 5 Hadjiabad 304 Gwea, fee Botany Bay. Hadley's fextant i . 590 Gwedir manſion ii . 625 Hadramaut province Gwyndu ii . 627 general account and com Gymnaſia of Stockholm vi. 408 merce of 113 of Shiraz ix . 242 chief town 114 of the ancients ( note ) 652 Haduna Culla Betta viii . 696 Gymnaſium of Epheſus 658 Hadzjar province 81 Gypfum , M. Scannegatty's pro deſcription of iv. 545 Hæhkem tribe of Bedouins manure in Alſace iv . 546 Hæs, city, route from Dsjobla to iv. 617 Hafiz, the Perſian poet, his tomb at fibrous xiii . Shiraz ix . 121. 246 Gzeh, pyramids at anecdotes of him ix . 302 Hafna of Egypt 308 Haga pavilion 444 H. Hagenaar's voyage to and in the Eaſt Indies vii. 607 Ha ! of Oranienbaum 700 Hagi- Ali 61 Haa, the Finmark i. 435 Hagirut x. 388.404 Haabrand, the fiſh i . ibid. Hagley ii . 205 Haamer, the fiſh i . ibid. Hag- mine at Matlock ii . 477 Habaſcon root of Virginia xii . 1 : 599 . xiii . 13 ſpar of ii . ibid . Habbamock, the Indian xin.239.243 Hagſtræum , Mr. vi. Habberſton Haikin ii . 597 Hague, the fineſt village in the world i . 135 Habbeſch , on the Arabs of 81 - , deſcription i . 137 Ha- beeba iſlands 517 curiofities i . ibid . Habib mountains 461 Haigh manfion 179 Habitations of the Laplanders i . 388 Hailes abbey ii . of beavers 419 Hail- ftones, enormous, of New South of the Bedoween Wales xi, 926 Arabs and Kabyles 654 Hail - Atorm in Virginia xiii . 125 of the Arabs of Mo. Hail-ſtorms, their effects in France iv, 312 690 313 Habits of Peter the Great vii . 495 Haimer, Le, village 129 Habrah river 519 Hainan iſland, Hamilton's deſcrip Habſh Soltan, accounts of him ix . tion viii . 484 Hacienda, Real, of Spain 417 Haion Horos 736 Hackfall ii . 425 Hair, mode of wearing, in China viii . 507 Hackim Baſha of Perſia 304 of the Perſian camels ix . 183 Hacking, Mr., on the Blue moun of the Perſian women ix . 202 tains xi . 915 , long, of the Cochin - Chineſe 786 Hackney town, Middleſex ii . 178 Arabian mode of wearing 157 Hackney-coaches of England ii. 497 criſp, of the Balade iſlanders xi . 632 of Moſcow 584 of the Friendly iſlanders xi. 694 Hackſbeule town vi , 559 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi. 733 Hackwood ii . 329 of the Virginians xiii . 34 Hacluit on Sebaſtian Cabot xii . of the Canadian Indians 659 anecdotes of him xii . 226 of the Chilians xiv. 116. 120 Hacluyt's Collection, fee Hakluyt. mode of wearing in Quito xiv. 449 Hacluyt's Head Land i . 549 in Sechura xiv. Had, El 526 in Lima xiv , Had -deffa mountain of ſalt of the Barbary ladies 665 3 408 X. XV. XV . lii . 614 XV. rocco XV . in Italy iv . XV . XV . 356 V. X. vii. * ix . X. vi . 160. 220 X111 . 558 XV. 581 XV. 605 XV. Hair, [ 190] INDE X. PAGE 177 needle X. XV . XV. I 22 I20 XV. XV. xiji, . vii.9. VOL. VOL . PAGE Hair, mode of wearing in Angoy xvi . 271 Hall of Pillars at Perſepolis ix . 270 in Guinea on Hallanga, Browne's account xvi . 829 the Gold Coaft xvi. 387 Halldown hill ii . 266 in Benin xvi. 524 houſe ii . ibid . long, of Europeans, aftoniſhes Halle-aux.bleds of Paris iv. 138 the Negroes xvi , 616 Hallein , falt -works at vi . 47 , curious cut of the Caffrés' xvi . 691 Haller, biographical and literary anec Malegache mode of wearing xvi . 747 dotes of him v. 856-870 of the Canarian nobility xvi. 817 Hallet, Mr. ii . of a white man, charm made Halley, Dr., on the variation of the of it xvi . 840 xi . 443. xiv. 325 Hair of Angora , trade in 692 Halliff, Seedy 531 Hair-dreſſers in England ii . 517 Halloweve ceremony iii . 383 Hair -houſes of the Arabs 654.690 Halls of Oxford ii , Hair - ſhirt, anecdotes of one xiv . of Cambridge ii . 124 Hajar- Silcily on the Nile 260 of England ii . 151 Haji-Khalfa on the Alexandrian Hall's account of Frobiſher's voyages xii . 490 Library 832 Hall's ille xii . 495.517 Haji-Khan ix . 341 Halmedyflus, the ancient 732 Haji Mahamet Bahadur Khan ix . 370 Halmſtadt, battle of i , 145 Hajim Khan, hiſtory of ix . 350 Halo, the ſolar, deſcribed i . 262 Hakans, King i . 647 the lunar, in Iceland 643 Hake of New England 215 lunar, in India x111 . 427 Hakluyt, Mercator's letter to him i . 68.70 Halſwell, loſs of the ii . 296 Lane's letter on Vir. Haltios of Lapland i . 238 ginia to xii . 575 Halton caſtle iii . 175 White's letter on Vir Halvard , Biſhop, his miſſion to Lap ginia to him xii . 619 land i . 469 Hakluyt's Collection of Voyages,&c. i . Halydown hill, battle of iii. 24 804. 819.821.824. xii. 490.511.560.629 Hamadan city ix . 18 Halaku Khan, anecdotes of him vii . Hamaeſe river 533 Halberdiers of Spain 337 Hamah city , Pococke's deſcription 520 Halden the Black, tomb of vi. 369 -, celebrity of the Sheiks of 521 Haldenſtein village 952 Hamamet, antiquities at xv. 569.579 barony 953 Hambato aſſiento xiv. 470 caſtle ibid . Hambato river xiv. 419 the ſmalleſt ſovereignty Hamburgh, deſcription of i . 139. 334 in Europe ibid. trade of Shetland with iii . 798 ſeminary ibid. city vi . 211 Halfdan Ejnarſon, his works i . 673 ſtyle of living in vi. ibid . Hageland i . fociety vi. 212 Halicity 26 trade of vi. 213 Halifax pariſh ii . 37 bank vi. 216 Camden's account of ü . ibid . " , government vi . ibid . cloth trade ii . ibid . vi . 217 Pennant's account of iii . 523 , religion vi . 218 Halki iſland 700 Hamburgh Company of London ii . Halkirk pariſh 158 Hamburgher Haven 783 houſe in a loch at 810 Hamburghers, their character vi . 211 Hall at Buxton Wells ii. 408 Hamchew lake 509 of the palace of Madrid 374 Hamdan principality III of audience of the Emperor of Hameda, anecdotes of him 473 Japan vii . 807 Hamed al Haſſan, Muley ( note ) 714 of a hundred mats vii . ibid. Hamel, Mr. Dirk xiv . 746 of audience of Iſpahan ix. 25 Hamel, M. du iv. 131 of Eſcrief ix . 62.65 . Hamelin, Captain, his voyage of diſ of audience of the King of Ava ix. 544 HAMEL's travels in Korea Hall, the pilot of Frobiſher xii . 539 Hamer, Captain, anecdotes of him xiii. 147. 155 Hall of Joſeph, Cairo 190 Hamet Ben Ally Ben Abdallah XV. 445. 459 Hall of the Nobles at Stockholm vi . 425 464.488 Hamgarwell III XV. V. v. 9 12 X. 9 7 revenue X. 96 viii, X. XV. XV. covery xi. 781.817 vii. 517–540 XV. IN D E X. [ 191 ] PAGE VOL. XY. XV. iii . 704 > X. 111 . 1 on V. 9 v. 7 V. X. 9 100 ix . > 258 viii. X. X. X. 717 VOL. PAGE Hamgarwell river XV, 459 Hamleen wind of Egypt 327 Hamilco's diſcuvery of the Scilly ifles ii. 730 Hamſted woods ii . 665 Hamilton town iii . 231 Hamza caſtle, Algiers 535 houſe 112. 231 Hanagodu town viii. Hamilton, Duke of iii . 645 Hanau city vi . 249 Brand's dedica territory vi . ibid . tion to iii . 731 Hanau, Prince of vi. 249 , Capt . Hamil Handake town 696 ton's dedication to viii. 258 Hand-bills of London ii . 572 Hamilton, Anne Ducheſs of ni. 259 Hand-fiſting in Eſkdale 211 Hamilton , Sir William, on volcanoes iii . 907 of Scotland ili . 550 tufa 22 Hand -mills for grinding corn in the decompoſition Scilly ifles ii . 737 of lava 29 law againſt iii . 317 his account of Hangcliff i . 545 the crater of Etna 78.83 Hania, La 595 his account Hanki river i . 286 of Stromboli Hannah plant of Perſia 180 his account Hanneda tree of Canada xii. 660.667 of Vulcano 155 Hannefiord bay i . 740 Hamilton of Bothwel-haugh iii . 466 Hanover city vi . 226 HAMILTON's account of the Eaſt electorate vi . ibid . Indies viii . , extent and population of vi. ibid . of himſelf 262 , government vi. ibid . Hamilton's Letters on the Northern Hanferit, ftudy of, at Benares viii . 187 Coaſt of Ireland 877 -, antiquity of viii . ibid. 189 Hamilton's tribe, Bermudas xiii . 190 Hanſke village 4 Hamjare Kings 83 Hantum country, xvi . 131 Hamjarines 61 Hanumanta, idol viii . 766 Hamlet of the Mount iv. 692 Hanuru village viï . Harnler's Garden vi. 295 Hapaee iſlands xi . 664 hiſtory, from Saxo Gramma Hapoa of Macao 487 ticus vi . ibid. Happineſs found in St. Kilda 724 Hammah , El, town of Gabs 594. 606 Hapíburg cattle Hammam Faraun, hot ſpring 8 Hapfburg Loraine, Houſe of vi . 103 ' Hammams of Barbary 606 Harach of Egypt 309 Hammara hills 54 Harald Blaatand vi. 335 Hammer, old town vi . 371 genealogical table Hammers, Runic i . 476 of Kings from vi. 351 Hammet, Sir Benjamin ii . 262 Haram of the King of Perfia ix . 70 Hammet Ben Uſeph on Tennis 521 of Iſpahan ix . 190 Hammocks of the Brazilians xiv. of Jaafer Khan ix . 265 requiſite for travellers in Harame tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 800 Madagaſcar xvi . 796 Haraminteleh valley 275 Hammond, Major, of Kittery xij . 401 Harammees of , Barbary 505 Hamoaze ii . 267 Haratch river, Algiers 533 Hamor's account of the Virginian Harb tribe deſcribed 92 colony xiri . 109 Harbagee town Hamoudiale pillar of Balbeck 491 Harbanoofe village 306 Hampden family ii . 186. 338 Harborough town ii . Hampden manſion ii . 338 Harbour- dues of the Scilly ifles ii . 742 Hamps river ii . 383 Harbour iſland xii. 360 Hampſhire, county 5 Harbours of Copenhagen i . 312 -- produce of ii . ibid. of Iceland i. 756.776 trade ii . ibid. of the Orcades Hampſhire, New England xii . 254 of Shetland iſlands i . 783 - government of 260 of Falmouth ii . 26 deſcribed xiii. 749 of Plymouth ii. 27 Hampſtead ii . 177 of Briſtol ii. 28 Hampton Court ii . of Portſmouth ij . 29 Hams of Bayonne iv. 482 of Yarmouth 33 Harbourg 111 . XV. V. 685 X XV. X7. X. XV. 874 XV. XV. XV. X. XV. 68 X. X. 450 141. vi. 780 хіі. 218.641 II [ 192] INDEX. PAGE VOL. 111 vii. . XV. 849 V. V. V. V. V. X. VOL. PAGE Harbours of England ii . 154 Harem of the Emperor of Morocco xv . 784.789 of Scotland ii . 170 Hares of Finmark i . 415 of Whitehaven 197 mode of catching ibid . of Aberbrothic 422 round Loch - Tay 43 of Leith 474 of Aftrachan vii. 284 in the Iſle of Lewis 575 along the Tongufta vii . 339 in North - Vift 593 of Canada xiii . 352 in the Iſle of Skie 618 of North America xiii . 5117.622 in the Iſle of Arran 644 of Guinea, anecdotes of xvi . 364. 437 in the Ine of Jura 649 of Sor iſland , Senegal xvi . 609 in the Iſle of lla 651 Hares, ifand of xü. 664.673 in the Iſle of Mull 654 Harez country deſcribed in the ninth of the Weſtern illes 684 century 188 of the Orkney iſles 687 Harewood ii . 219 of St. Kilda 703 Haridon , M. d' xi. 816 of Cork iii . 838 Harif ſeaſon in Dar - Fur 149 of Havre de Grace iv. 148 Hariſſon, Marquis of xiii. of Cherbourg iv. 151 Harlas ille 629 of Toulon iv . 228 Harlech town ii . 631 of Lipari 160 caſtle ii . ibid . of Meſſina deſtroyed by an Harleian collection ii . 1. X.222.272 earthquake 260 Harlow , Captain хіі ., 247 of Biſcay 305 his account of - , improvement of Cadiz 573 New England xiii . 206 of Valencia 604 Harmattan wind of Africa xvi. 870 of Cochin- China ix . 796 Harmony among the Lapland of Bombay 202 families i . 390 of Tripoli 320 Harneſs of the rein - deer i . 171.406 of the Bermudas xii . 269 Harold, King of Man ii. 826 of Jamaica xii . 315 Harold Haorfager, of Norway i . 777 of Antigua xii. 347 Harold Harfager iii . 274 of NewYork xiii. 457 Harongan tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 801 of Quebec xiii . 637 Haroun-abad town ix . 16 of Vera Cruz xiii . 779 Harounie town ix . of Chili xiv . 71 Harp of North Wales ii, 632 of Carthagena xiv. 331 of the Highlands of Scotland iii . 95 of Porto Bello xiv. of Memnon 250 of Panama xiv, 376 Harpocrates, ancient ſtatues of 342 of Perico xiv . ibid. Harpoons of the Greenlanders i . 790 of Juan Fernandes xiv. 659 Harps, Captain xii . 622 in Conception bay xiv. 673 Harps of the Birmans ix . 508 of Valparaiſo xiv. 691 of the Negroes of Guinea xvi. 395 of Alexandria 164 of Benin xvi. 530 of Tangiers 684 Harras mount, dangerous paſs 73 of Larache 688 Harraza, Browne's account xvi . 831 of Morocco 707. 755 Harries iſland, Martin's account of ïi. 584 of Fayal 671 Harrington peak xi. 915 of Madagaſcar xvi. 749 Harrington's account of the Vir. Harcourt manſion iv. 150 ginian colony xiii . 49. 56 Harcourt's, Mr. , expedition to Harriott, Mr., on the uſe of Guiana xii. 284 tobacco xü , 246 Hardouin , Pere iv. 36 Harris, Mr., of Bombay, anecdotes Hardſhips of Lapland miffionaries i. 489 of him viii . 347 experienced by Rubruquis vii. 49 Harriſon's, Mr. , government of Hardware, French and Engliſh iv . 638 the Bermudas xiii . 204 Hardwick, Earl of 47 Harris's arrangement of arms in Hardwick hall ii. 388 the Tower ü . 44 Harecaſtle tunnel ii . 370 Harris's Collection vii. 1. 179. ix . 138. 168—230 Harefield, Norden's account of ii . 183 X. 272. xi . 439. xii . 156. xiv. I Harem of Muley Abſulem 720 Harrow -on -the- hill ü. 183 , meaning of the word (note) xv. 726 Harrows, northern i . 305 Harrows I 2 362 XV. XV. . XV. XV. X. XV. XV. xvi. - - XV. INDE X. [ 193 ] PAGE VOL. PAGE XV. XV. хіі. XV. xiii . 2 xii . 543. 551 XV. 695 X. 176 VI. XV. V. 854 201 2II XV. > I 21 V X. 476 X. IZ VOL. Harrows of Picardy iv. 539 Hat, parties of the red and yellow, uſed in Canada xiii . 609.662 in Tibet vii . 563 Harſhgoone port 516 Hatchets, ſtone, of the Americans xiii . 514 Hartequas Kloof, Thunberg's ad copper, of Quito xiv. 545 ventures near xvi. 110 Hatching-ovens of Egypt 382 Hartford, New England 253 Haterſheim , poſt-mafter of vi. 243 Hart hall, Oxford ii . 122 Hatfield's, Mr., letter on Morocco 488 Hart-hunting in Canada 288 Hatherſage ii . 414 Hartle-moor, the nine ladies of ii . 380 Hatley, Captain xiv. Hartley, Colonel viii . 742 Hat-manufacture of Caflel vi . 233 Harts of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 437 Hatoralk , Virginia xii . 611.624 . xix. 16 diminutive xvi . ibid. Hats, travelling Japaneſe vii. 763 Hartſoeker, M. iv . 28 Hatton's Headland Harveſt-home in the Scilly illes ii . 736 Hauhebi mountains 293 Harveſts of Ruflia vi. 649 Haukadal, Geyſer near i . in Arabia - , ſcenery i . ibid . in Virginia xiii . 32 Haus, Lieut . Colonel xiv. 758.766.809 in North America xiii . 551 Hauſler of Bavaria 32 in Dar- Fur 149 Hautboys of Delhi viii . 158 in Congo xvi . 168 Hauteville, Tancred de 939 Harvey, Captain , of Guiana xii . 286 Hauy cape xi . Harvey, Sir John xii . 238 Hauze of the Great Mogul viii , Harwich i , 26 Hav-aelder of Finmark i . 429 Harwich , ſip, account of her loſs Havanna, voyage from St. Do on Cullemſhoe viii . 500 mingo to xiii. 754 Haryperbet mountain viii. deſcribed xiii. 760. 866 HaſainBen Ali, Bey of Tunis 387 Ovalle's account xiv. 142 Haſan Havalk ix . Havannah dock-yards 459 Haſchid - u -Bekil, allied princes of 95 Spaniſh expedition from xii . Haſchiſh , intoxicating drug 153 Havar Gemal, feaſt at viii . Haſcott, Governor xii . 359 Haven of Conftantinople vii . 511 Haſhiſh of Dar.Fur 146 Haven, Mr. Von, account of him 52 Hafinninga Indians xiii . 69 Havens of Chili xiv. 71 Halliland, diſtrict of 758 Haverfordweſt ii . - , proviſions ibid . Hav- Frue, the marine monſter i . 439 houſes 759 Haviſacity 129 mountains 875 Hav-Mand, the marine monſter i . 439 Haflagaye, the ſpear, deſcribed xvi. 644 Havod, Mr. Johnes's improve Hafſama ifland 105 ments at ii. Haſſan - ben Aly Bey 672 Malkin's account of ii. Haſſan Bey Merlue's letter 394 Havre- de-Grace, Young's ac Haſſan - ibn Ali, his deſcendants 88 count of 148 Haſſan Kuli Khan 341 commerce of 340 Haffe, John , his account of coins, Hawkeſbury river, New South weights, and meaſures in Ruſſia i . 40 Wales xi . 914 Haſleiah 517 inundations of it xi. 927. 930 Haſſelquiſt, Dr. xiii . 375 town 934 Haffelquiſt on Egypt 837 Hawke's bay xi . Hassel's tour of the INe ofWight ii . 661 Hawkeſtone 416 Haffior, the reaping machine i . 344 Hawkeſtone grotto ii . 619 Haſſop manſion ii . 387 terrace ii . ibid. Haftfer, Baron, account of i. 664 views from ii . 620 Haſtings, Captain, his voyage to Hawking, Kublai-Khan's mode of vii. 134 Guiana xii. 287 in Barbary 665 Haſtings, Mr. , conſul at Tripoli X. 318. 377 Hawkins, Sir John xii . 628 Haſtings, Lady Anne, demanded in Hawkins's, Captain, voyages to marriage by the Czar vi. 611 Brazil xii. 163 Haſtings family ii . 367 Hawkins's, Sir Richard, hiſtory Hat, conſequence of wearing a good xii.217. xiv. 93 ii. 555 Hawks of Tartary vii . 32 [ B B ] Hawks, XV. X. V. 598 V. V. X. V. XV. 607 XV. 647 XV. X. iv . ix. iv. X. 9 X1 XV. 528 XV. of his voyage one VOL . XVII . [ 194 ] INDE X. PAGE ix. XV. XV. vii . XV. 21 111 . 120 596 V. 258 X111 . 111 . at 857 iv . 117 VOL. VOL. PAGE Hawks , trained to fly at antelopes vii . 293 Head -dreſs of the Malegaches of of Perſia ix . 185 Madagaſcar xvi. 747 of the Uſbeck Tartars, Head - fiſh of Siam ix . 632 kill horſes ix . 331 Heads, hard, of the Fidaſians xvi . 483 of Virginia ( note ) xiii. 31.720 Healths, Swediſh mode of drinking i . 201 of Chili xiv. 80 Hean city 715 of Egypt 339 Hearne, Sir N., Japan Diary given embalmed Egyptian 817. 837 by him to Sir R. Southwell 641 Hawks, City of, in Egypt 268 Heart, anatomy of the human iv. Hawkſhead town 188 Heart- fruit tree xi . 254 Hankwood ii . 331 Heat of France iv. Hawſker rocks neceſſary to produce lava 236 Hawthorn of Glaſtonbury ii . at Stromboli 231 of America 414 tables of the greateſt degree at Hawthornden manſion iii . 475 Stockholm vi . 404 cells of ibid . Hay town i . 610 Upſal vi . 405 Hay exported from Waterford to of animals during their torpid Norway iii . and natural ſtate vi . 696 - > price in Italy 651 of birds ditto vi . ibid. Haydamacks, Bell's account of of Hindoftan viii . 149 them vii . 502 near Lahor viii . 207 Haye fiſh of Guinea, its rapacity xvi . 451 experienced by Bernier in the Haye, M. de la , anecdotes of his march from Lahor to Caſhmere viii . 208 government in Madagaſcar xvi. 757 at Muſkat viii . 286 Haye -Fontchy, maſſacre of the at Gombroon viii . 296 French at xvi . 755 in Perfia ix. 115. 176 Hayes, Captain, on Newfound in Moghoftan ix . land xii . 173 in Philadelphia xiii . 412 Hayes iſland, Hudſon's bay xii . 364 Bouguer on xiv, 294 Hay family ii. 394 of the fands in Senegal xvi . 610 Hay -harveſt in Hellingheland i . 345 on the Niger xvi . 631 Haymarket theatre ii . 513 degree of , in Senegal xvi. 651 663 Haymer, Captain xii . 476 Heat , Bay of xii. 636 672 Hays, account of ii . 183 Heath -cock , marine, of Finmark i . 429 Hay's bravery in the field of Heathrop ii . 202 Loncarty ji. 41 Heath's account of the Iſands of Hay - ſtacks about Philadelphia xiii . Scilly ü . 729 of Canada xiii. 652 Heaths of France iv . 507 Hay- to- nu of Canton vii . 235 on their improvement iv. 514 Hazaar Jireeb ix. 313 of the Andes in Qnitu xiv . 526 Hazard's, Mrs., numerous family xiii . 504 Heava in Otaheite xi . 583 Hazar-gerib of Iſpahan ix . in Ulietea xi . 587 Head , Mr. , of Derry iii . 860 in Tongataboo xi . 679 Head- dreſs of the Icelandic women i . 752 Heaven, a Laplander's preparation for i. 169 of the Perſian ladies ix . 43. 202 Perfecs' deſcription of viii. 557 of the Arabs 156 the Virginians' 605 of a lady of Kepſe 556 Canadian xii. 655. xiii . 13 dancing, of Ulietea 524 of the Moors 472 in Quito xiv. 449 of the Caftrés xvi. 688 in Sechura xiv . 558 Heaven, Queen of, feaſts in her in Lima xiv. 581 honour 182 of the Egyptians 323 her defence of in Barbary xv . 658.660 the city of Imperial xiv. 203 of the ladies in the Empe Heavens of the Japaneſe Sintos vii. 730 ror of Morocco's Harem 793 of the Budido vii. 751 of the Hottentots xvi . 140 Perſians' idea of nine ix . 261 of the Negroes of the Heavytree gallows ii . 290 Gold Coaſt xvi . 387 Hebbé's, Mr., cloth manufatory, vi . 433 in Benin xvi . 524 Heberden , Dr. T., his cure of elephan of the Caffrés xvi . 691 tiaſis i . 718 Heberden's 536 25 > X. > X11 . X. 9 xi. XV. xiv. ' XV. XV. INDE X. [ 195 ] PAGE COW XV . 9 '16 xiji. 653 X. ing trade 681 376 . X. 9 > croon VOL. VOL. PAGI Heberden's Medical Tranſactions i. 714 Hell, a witch's deſcription of it i . 473 Heberſtein's, Baron, account of Mof entrance to 632 vi. 580 the Budido vii. 752 Hebli- rad town ix . 45 repreſentation of it in Amoy viii. 494 Hebran fountain 284. 296 the Perfees' viii . 557 Hebrew, fimilarity of the Cacongo , the Virginian xii . 604. xiii. 13 language to xvi. 593 of the Fidafians of Guinea xvi. 501 Hebrides iſlands ii . 160 ideas of it in Benin xvi. 530 Pennant's voyage to them iii . 250 Hellan, fehle i . 354 hiſtory iii . 272 village i . ibid . on the government of Hellbecks ii. them iii . 545 Hellbron, garden of vi. 56 population iii . 553 Hellebore of North America xili . 531.553 Martin's deſcription of three leaved Canadian the iii . 572 Hellefors, mines of vi . 389 their advantages for a fiſh Hellefpont 703 iii . Hellet Allais, Browne's account of xvi . 828 inhabitants 684 Hellicius, Colonel vi . deſcribed by Brand 731 Hellin town 598 Hecatonneſi iſles 634 Hell-kettles near Oxen -hall ii. 152 Hechingen caſtle vi. 13 Hells, the thirteen , of the Caffrés xvi . 687 Hecla , Mount, its volcano i . 629.691 Helm, Aoke, anecdotes of him xiii. 486.490 eruptions of it i . 688 Helmets, feather, of the Sandwich -, journey to i . 691 iſlanders xi. 733 ſituation of i . ibid. Helmett, Madame vi . 149 height i . ibid . Helmſdale water iii. 85 aſcent i . 692 Helſinborg town i . 332 fummit i . ibid . Helfingburg town vi . 376 Heckla, Cape i . 738 -, itinerary from , to Carll. Heddington hill ii . 199 vi . Hedgehog, experiments to aſcertain obſervations on vi. its heat 696 Helſingfors, Fortia's deſcription vi . --- of Senegal xvi . 665 Hellingheland , province 343 Hedges of England ii. 493.528 foil of ibid. of theMyſore villages viii . 587.593.595 -, inhabitants i. 344 in North America xiii. 405.434. 430. 520 - , agriculture ibid . Hedge -ſchools of Ireland 873 Helſingie province vi . 470 Hedina Betta 717 Helſtone borough 283 Hedjas province 8í Helvetic Confederacy 681 deſcription of it 86 - , its origin 733 Heemſkirk, James, account of him i . 85 Helvetius's anecdote of the ſpots in his attempt at a the mcon i. 632 north -eatt paſſage i . 90 Hemagarah, tower of vii. 18 Heemſkirk's Shallows 445 Hemlock, effects of eating iii . 636 Heft Tun near Shiraz ix . 247 Hemp of Nordland i . 341 Heglig tree of Dar- Fur 145 imported in England and Heimſkringla of Sturleſon i . 710 Scotland ni. Heiriſſon, M. xi . 818 the culture of, in France iv. 391.490 Heiriſſon iſlands, New Holland xi, 820 obſervations on ix . 491 Heilkir ille 594 of Piedmont 609 Hejuru , wild elephants at viii . 705 of the Milaneſe iv , ibid . Helaoua town 65 of Bologna iv . 610 Helcia, Princeſs xv. 80 culture in Catalonia 668 Hele village 177 , on Spaniſh 460 Helena, the Empreſs 289 trade of Weſtphalia vi. 280 Heleni city XV, 98 of Riga vi . 712 Helike Kirke i , 79 - , on the culture of it , in Pen Heliopolis in Egypt 182 ſylvania xii. 384 Heliopolis, fee Balbeck. of Virginia xii. 523 Hell, the Lapland i . 460 Indian , of America xiii. 543 [ B B 2 ] Hemo Ess3*5•: 33 561 565 vi . 556 111 . viii. X. V. > X. V. XV. 568 on 111 Xy. iv. XV, V. XV, XY. > [ 196] INDEX. PAGE VOL . PAGI xvi . XV. XV. X. XV. X111 . XV. X. Xv. no 212 XV. > 122 IIO 11 ii. xi . XV. 578 VOL . Hemp of Dar- Fur XV. 146 Herbs, medicinal, of the Gold mixed with tobacco by the Coaſt xvi. 427.483 Hottentots xvi. 31 of Benin 527 Hemp-nettle of Siberia ( note ) vi. 712 of Madagaſcar, table xvi, 803 Hems, the ancient Emefa, journey Hercules , the Egyptian 351 from Damaſcus to 515 Hercules Promontory 567 deſcribed 518 Herds of Lapland rein -deer i . 405 Henaris, river 546 of the Arabs in Barbary 620 Heneaga iſlands 874 of Morocco 708 Heneykane 305 Herdſmen of Ruflia vi . 649 Henley , views near ii . 535 Heredia, Don Pedro de xiv. 328 Henley, Orator ii . 76 Heredy's, Shiek , tomb 269 Hennefiord paſſage i . 773 Hereford city ii . 209 Hennegat paſſage i . ibid. cathedral Hen -neiſhah tribe 553 hiſtory of 213 Henning on Magnus of Holſtein Skrine's account of 611 (note) vi . 623 Hereford college , Oxford Henrico town, Virginia xii . Herefordſhire county ii. Henrietta, Queen 9 fruit of ii . ibid . Henry, Cape, Virginia xii.231 . xiii . 25.47.62 the orchard of England ii . ibid . Henry, Fort, Virginia xiii . 107 Herenſchwandt, M. , on population iv. 321 Henry the Seventh of England xii. 157 Heretics, their treatment in Spain 406 Henry the Eighth of England xii. 161 Heriot's account of Virginia xii.585.590. xiii . 12 Henry, Infant Don, of Portugal 415 Heriuru , journey from Hyder Henry the Seventh's chapel ii . 79 Nagura to viii . 764 tomb ii . 80 Herjulfson's voyages and diſcoveries i . 669 ſcreen üi . ibid . Herkend, fea of vii . 182 Hens ſacrificed at funerals in Angola xvi. 299 iſlands vii . ibid . of Guinea xvi. 433 Herkla, Tunis, deſcribed Henzadah town ix . 458.563 Herlefiord paffage i . 760 Henzenberg mountain 946 Hermandad, Santa, confraternity 417 Heptanomis of Egypt 163 Herman’s, Abbe, cabinet 711 Heptaftadium of Alexandria 165 Hermes, Egyptian mythology of 350 Heraclea, the ancient 563 Hermetra ille iii. 591 Heraclea, Tunis 578 Hermetruda, Queen of Scotland vi . 297 Heracleopolis iſland Hermit of the Calf of Man ii. 798 Heracleum on the Nile 173 of the mountains of Caſh Heraclius, Prince, account of him vi . 843 viii . 215 Heraion plain 642 Hermitages at Coken iii . 507 Heralds College, London ii . 67 of Montſerrat iv. 107. v.617 Herat city, Forſter's account ix . 284 of Murviedro 611 Herba, El, antiquities at xv. 528.529 of Arleſheim 702 Herba capillaris of Canada xiii . 640 of Nicholas de Flue 737 Herbariſations of M. Tournefort iv. near Friburg 847 Herba viva of Brazil xiv . 861 of the Patriarch Nicon vi . 609 Herbert, Mr., of Mucrufs ili. 840 imperial, at Peterſburgh vi. 676 * Herbert family ii . 231 of Sivana Samudra viji , 714 Herbert, ſhip , anecdotes of her 270 of Seleucia 555 Herbood, Perſee commandments Hermites, Notre Dame des 657 to them viii . 566 Hermit iſland xi . 796 Herbs of Arabia 191 Hermits, Japaneſe vii . 743 of Amboyna xi . 254 their ſymbolic dreſs vii . 745 of Chili xiv. in the Birman empire on the Amazon xiv . 226 of Arracan 762 of Peru xiv. 277 of Mount Athos 738 of Carthagena xiv . 343. 353 Herman, Mount 334 xiy. 457 Pococke's deſcription x . 464: 508 Cucu of Popayan xiv. 487 Hermonthis, the ancient 256 of the Andes xiv . 531 Hermopolis in Egypt 224 of Chili xiv. 672 Hernani borough 305 Hernani, v. v. XV. XV. V. XV. X. XV. XV. 221 XV. mere X. V. V. 20 V. V111 X. V. 39. 86 ix . 477.555 ix . X. X. of Quito XV. XV. v. INDEX. [ 197] PAGE VOL. VI . 211 XV. 348 2 12 XV. XV. viii. vii. vii . XV. 407.508 XV. XV. on Chili 11 . X, X vol: PAGE Hernani, river of 308 Heffians, deſcription and character Herrn -Grundt copper -mine ii . 277 of vi . 234 Hernoſand town i . 350 Heſslekulla, mines of 389 fiſhermen i . 350. vi. 470 Heſton pariſh 183 Herodotus on Egypt xv. 199, et ſeq . Hevelius, ſome account of on thegods of the Egyp his diſcoveries ibid . tians works i . on embalming 356 Hexham , Pennant's account of iii . 491 on the Nile 373 Hex Rivier ſettlement xvi . 138 on the names of the quar Heydegger's, M. de, library 673 ters of the world xvi. 677 Heylin's account of the Scilly iſles ii. 749 Heroine of Goa, her flory 353 Hey-nam city 523 Heron, Lady 111 . 487 Heyreth i . IL ) Heron, Major xi . 476 Heyrick, Mr. John, anecdote of ii. 363 Heron , white, of New Zealand xi. 573 Hey -ta-mon port 237 Heronry at Creffi-hall ii. 7 Hhymas of the Arabs 654 Herons of Vera Cruz xiii. 781 Hiarkan city , caravans of vii . 581 of Guinea xvi. 445 Hiccory wood of Penſylvania xui. Heron's feathers of Chili xiv, 78 Hicks' bay xi. 530 Heroopolis 275. 294 Hicks's hall ii . 85 Herouville, M. le Comte de xiv. 260 Hidalgos of Spain 350 Herpiditani, the ancient 515 Hidde Vries, Commodore, Bart's Herrera on Martin Behaim xi . 414 engagement with i . 801 xiv. Hides of the buffalo, Hottentot Herring- fiſhery of Yarmouth 34 mode of dreſſing xvi. 34 of the Iſle of Man ii . 812. 817 Hiera, the ancient 155 of Loch- Fine 106 Hierapetra, the ancient (note ) 606 on the Scotch 334 Hierapolis in Great Phrygia 679 of the Weſtern iſles ini . 686 Hierapolis, fee Bambouk . of Embden vi . 225 Hierarchy of Denmark vi . 313 of Norway vi . 360 of Tibet vii. 560 of Sweden vi . 385 Hieroglyphics on an Egyptian monu of the Dutch xiii . 213 inent 14 Herrings of Finmark i . 437 in New Holland 777 mode of curing, in the Egyptian , xv. 181 . 190 . Ile of Man on the temple of of Loch- Fine iii . 107 Carnack, Thebes, 241. 244 their migrations 336 on the fepulchres of natural hitory 337 the kings of Thebes 246 of the Ile of Skie iii. 620 at Luxerein 254 of Shetland 796 on the ſtatues of Ifis of Korea vii . 531 and Ofiris 341 of Virginia xii. 601. xiii . 13 -, explication of the anecdotes of American xiii. 470 Egyptian 353 Herriot's hoſpital iii . 31. 473 on the pyramids xv. 805.825 Herſtenbotten mine vi. 455 Hierro, ſee Ferro. Hertford, Earl, his entertainment of High- Bridge iii . 99 Queen Elizabeth ii . 333 High Cliff ii . 302 Hertford -bridge ii . 332 Highgate ii . Hertfordſhire county ü . 8 Highlanders of Scotland ii . 161. jii . 58 barley ibid . their manners and cuf. Hertog's, Theodoric, diſcoveries 423 90.94 Hertſberg, the Ruſſian miniſter dreſs iii. 92 Hervey, Lord iv. 269 93 Hervey's bay xi. 546 ſports iii . 95 Heſperides, diſquiſition concerning muſic iii . ibid . them xii. 19 Highlanders of France iv. 96 Hefle, Prince of, his landing at Highlanders, Arabian X. 45. 95. 112 Gottenburg 385 Highlanders' ſettlement in Georgia xii. 454. 468 his invaſion of Highlands, obſervations on them 109 Sweden vi. 497 Highlands, Weftern, population of iii. 553 Heffelius, Mr. , of Philadelphia xiii . 386. 398.413 Highlands of Arabia X. 45.95. 112 Highlands X. xi. > 216. 236 817 XV. > XI. 2 XV. 111 XV . XV. 177 xi. toms 180. 203 arms vi. 111 . [ 198] INDEX. VOL. PAGE V111 . > viii . > xili . 566 766 768 XV. vill . X. 356.424 801 284 538 XV. XV. V. XV. 9 vii . 4. X. 725 > X X. IO VOL . PAGE Highlands of America xiii . 577 Hindoftan , nations not ſubject to the High- Places, ſacred, of Lapland i . 46+ Mogul in 135 High -prieſt of the Perfees, com armies of 137 mandments to him viii . 567 on the government 14+ of Perſia ix . 215 Hamilton's deſcription viii . 304 of Bokhara ix . 373 caſts in xi. 379 the Birman ix . 441 Hinds of North America 565 of Rangoon ix . 450 tame xiii. of Arracan ix . 762 Hindus, caſts of the right and left of Laos ix . hand ſides of viii. 606 of Camboya ix , -, religion vü.614.632.654 of the Virginians xiii . 40 Hinken, Captain xvi . 517 in Weſt Barbary 422 Hinlopen cape xiii . 380 High-prieſt's funeral in Pegu 428 Hinnom , valley of High iteward of Oxford ii . 104 Hintchy tree of Madagaſcar xvi . of Cambridge ii . 125 Hionby town i . 332 High-ftreet of Edinburgh 469 Hiougfing i . High-treaſon, Engliſh puniſhment Hiouteron, the northern fruit i 305 for ii . 138 Hippah in New Zealand xi . Highwaymen in England ii . 525 Hipparchus on the equinox 831 in Perſia vii . 309 Hippo, the ancient 541.542 Highways of Spain 302 Hippo, Tunis 559 of Japan vii. 765 Hippocampus, the iv. 19 crowds daily on vii . 784. 792 Hippodrome of Conftantinople Hildeſley, Biſhop 809 Bell's Hill , Aaron iii . 117 account of it vii . 511 Hill , Sir Richard ii . 619 of Alexandria 708 Hill, the learned taylor ii , 342 Hippolytus rocks xi. 854 Hill. of Inſcriptions 6 Hippopotamus, head and bones of one Hillanoones of Mindanao xi . found in a ſhark xi. 466 Hilerſtræum , Mr. , the artiſt vi . 422 of the Nile xv. 44. 89. 141. 333 Hilliard , Andrew , his ſufferings and of Africa xvi. 38.91 adventures xiii ., 184 anecdotes of a young Hill's, General, expedition againſt xvi. Canada xii . of the Zaire deſcribed xvi. 217. 335 Hills, few in Ruſſia i . 30 of the Niger xvi . 628 Hills Pafture ii . 402 of Sofala xvi . 701 Hinchinbrook ille xi . 621 cures the gout xvi . ibid . Hinckley town 359 Hippopothon , the ancient ix . 156 cattle ii . ibid . Hiram , King 330.49 Hind river, St. Domingo xii. 312 Hirvos village ix . 312 Hindehead ii. 314 Hirſholm palace vi. 325 Hindelbank, tomb of Mad. Lang. gardens vi. ibid . hans at 879 Hirt ille, ſee St. Kilda. Hinderſon , Colonel xiv . 850 Hirta iſle, Sir George Mackenzie's Hindian diſtrict 129 account of 730 Hindoo merchants at Herat ix . 291 Hirtitty village viii . 753 Hindoos in Surat 212 Hirtzel, Dr. 670 their manners and cuſ. Hiſpahan , ſee Iſpahan. toms 217 Hiſpaniola, Colon's diſcovery of xii . 41. 62. 75 , religion 219 Cromwell's expedition Hindoftan againſt ( ſee St. Domingo) xii . 310 dominions of the Great xii . 572.611 Mogul in vili. 53 - Columbus's diſcovery of xiv . 139 Bernier's hiſtory of the Hiſtoire Gen. des Voyages i . 337 revolution in viii . 60 Hiſtorians of Samoedia i . 523 its former and preſent ſtate viii . 129 of Iceland, a catalogue of diviſions into ſovereign them i. 624. vi . 316 ties viji . 130 of Ruſſia vi . 848 133 Hiſtories, Icelandic, of Iceland i . 670 an abyſs for gold and ſilver viii . 135 Hiſtory of the north, obſervations on it i . 622 Hiſtory ore 98 416 X. v. X. X. viii . 1 , extent VI11 . INDEX. [ 199] 677 XV. 20 . XV. 148 XV. XV. XVI . X. X. X. x. 406 X. X. X. 574 Hitoe X. X. 200 X. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE Hiſtory, Icelanders' ftudy of i . 669 Hiſtory of Tucuman xiv. 634 of the Manks ii . 820 of the miſſions in Paraguay xiv . 635 of the Hebrides iii . 272 of Buenos Ayres xiv . 642 of Sweden , fummary vi . 481 of Conception, Chili xiv. 666 ſhort, of China vii . 170 of Santiago xiv. of the Si-fan, or Tû-fan vii . 570 of Chili xiv. 679 of Japan, Caron's vii . 614 of tranſactions in Brazil xiv. 734 Kempfer's vii . 652-821 of the revolt of the Portu . of the revolution in the gueſe in Brazil xiv. 7614858 Great Mogul's empire vii . 60-133 of Abyſſinia of Mahometaniſm ix . 287 of Dar- Fur of the Ulbeck Khans of of Egypt XV. 163 Karaſm ix . 334 of the riſe of the Nile 372 obſervations on Abu'l. of Santa Cruz, Morocco, ghazi's ix . ibid . ( note ) 714 of the Khans of Bukharia ix . 380 of the miſſions to Congo xvi . 215. 232-270 of Siam ix . 573-655 of the kings of Congo 283 of Touquin ix . 708—771 of Dinkira xvi . 370 of Arabia 82 of Loango, Cacongo, & c. xvi. 548—597 of the Imams of Sana 102 of Eaſtern Ethiopia by Doś of the Imams of Oman 117 Santos xvi. 675.703 of Surat 214 of the French in Mada. of Paleſtine gaſcar xvi . 748. 751–759. 777 of Tyre 471 of the Canary iNands,Glas's xvi. 808 of Tripoli 485 Hiſtory, Academy of, at Madrid 387 of Cyprus xi . 252 of Crete 596 Hitrange kingdom vii . 189 of Canea 599 Hi-Tſong, Emperor vii . of Scio 621 Hoam Ti, Emperor, hiſtory of him vii . 714 of Epheſus 657 Hvatrin, account of him ix . 681.744 of Macafler xi . 217 Hoawing, account of him ix . 681. 744 of Boni xi . 222 Hobamock , the demon xiii. 244 of the life and actions of Hobſon, Captain xii . 247 Admiral lon xii. Hocheim village vi . 247 of the diſcoveries and ſettle . Hochelaga, St. Lawrence xii. 643. 651.657.673 ments of the Engliſh in America xii. 156–489 Hochelai, St. Lawrence xii . 649.657 of Virginia, New England, Hochereau's, Pere, collection of and the Summer iſles 1-253 paintings iv. 42 of Quebec xiii . 637 Hochſt city vi . 244 of Carthagena xiv. 328 Hockfew city 508 of Porto Bello 361 Hojdam caſtle 217 of Panama xiv . 374 Hodeida, voyage from Jidda to 25 of Guayaquil xiv. 393 deſcribed 38 of Quito xiv. 440.462 Hodsjerie diſtrict of Popayan xiv. 482 Hodsjerie, Schiech of, hiftory of of Atacames xiv. 489 him x 104 of Quixos xiv. 491 Hoek, Mr. xiv . 780.821 of Jaen de Bracamoros xiv. 494 Hoewamoebil xi , 261 of Tumbez xiv. 555 Hofenbach, hamlet vi . 249 of Piura xiv. 556 Hoffman's, Mr., mode of procuring of Morrope xiv. 559 freſh water from the ſea i . 585 of Lambayeque xiv. ibid. Hog, ceremony of bleſſing the xi . 342 of Truxillo xiv. 561 Hog -deer of Amboyna xi. 262 of Lima xiv . 566 Hog -tiſh of the Bermudas xiii . 174 of earthquakes in Lima xiv. 591 Hog-hunting in America xii. 130 of Guamanga xiv. 612 Hog iſland viji . 447 of Cuſco xiv. 615 Hogs of Scotland ii . 167 of Arequipa xiv. 619 of Waterford 854 of La Plata xiv. 622 annual conſumption at Paris 325 of La Paz xiv. of Gaſcoign iv . 482 of Santa Cruz de la Sierra xiv , 633 of Siam ix . 621 1 X111 xiv. 111 . X. X. X. IIO jii. iv. 629 Hogo [200] 1 INDEX. VOL. PAGE 111 . II I 2 111 . > 686.747 220. 344 xii. xii. IOI V. X. 406 398 ibid. 470 VOL. PAGE Hogs of Ulietea xi. 587 Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of 377 - , mode of killing and dreffing xi. 614 Holland family iii. 181 of Tongataboo xi, 685 Hollblad, Mr., account of 422 abundance of, in the Sandwich Hollie Haven i . iſlands xi. 730 Holly of America xiii . 488 of Bermudas xii. 266 Holm illand ji. 696 of Carolina xii. 345 Holm pariſh 749 travelling in boots in Guaxaca xiii. 831 , 832 Holm of Cruelter i . 783 of the Cordilleras xiv. 45 Holmberg, M. xvi . 147 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 433 Holmehead i . anecdotes of the Fida ſnake Holme ille 189 and xvi. 499 Holme Lacy ii . 216 Hog's-back hill ii . 320 Holines, Governor of Bahama xii . 361 Hogſhead of water frozen ſolid i . 506 Holms of Orkney iii . Hogs- lund vi. 367 Holítein duchy vi . Hohenheim, Philip Theophraſtus Holſtein , Count of vi . 314 Paracelſus Bombaſt de iii . 505 Holſtein troops, their affection for Hohenlo, anecdotes of vi. 239 Peter the Third vi. 778 Hohenzollern, princedom 13 Holy Croſs Harbour, Canada xii . 646. 655.666 Hoin town ix . 92 Holyhead harbour ii . 627 Hojeda, Alonzo de 64 Holy iſland , Weſt Indies Hokanſbo poſt-houſe vi . 552 Holy Land, Maundrell's deſcription x . 328 Holbein's Dance of Death 692 Pococke's account Holcomb, Mr. Simeon, of Vizaga Holy. Rood palace iii . 30 patam viii . abbey ibid . Holdenby Houſe ii . 453 park ii. Holderneſs ii. 15. iii . 8 Holy-week proceſſions in St.Jago xiv . 179 Holci, ſtrong, of Scotland iii. 386 Holywell town ii . 622 Hole village vi . 369 Homage, offered to the King of Den Holes for concealing men iii . 285 mark at the Revolution vi . 307 Holford , Mr. 206 Homberg, Prince of vi . 250 Hol-houſe ili . Homberg von der Hohe vi. 249 Ho-li family of Tonquin ix. 744 Homerium of Smyrna ( note) 649 Holidays of the Laplanders i . 452 Homer's account of Lipari -- , fuperftition of the Laplan of Scylla and ders reſpecting i . 482 Charybdis 264.269 in England ii. hymn to Ceres vi . 616 of the Japaneſe Sintos vii. 733.736 Homicide of Tibet vii . 557 in St.Jago xiv . 179. 181 Homran city III of the Negroes on the Honawera lake viii. 755 Gold Coaſt xvi. 400 Honda town xiy, in Benin xvi. 531 Honduras, Colon's diſcovery xii , 125 obſerved by the Caffrês xvi. 688 Honduras bay, logwood,of xii . 323 Holker Houſe iii . 184 Hone, Cape, Algiers 516 Holland, Regnard's journey through i . 131 Honey of Cafan vii. 319 ftates of i . 136 of the Birman empire ix . 512 , government i . 137. vi. 284 of Siam ix. 603 London trade with ii . of Brazil xiv. 732 Riefbeck's deſcription vi . 281 of the palm 602 ſoil of ibid . xvi . 336 dikes vi. 282 of Guinea xvi. 449 , navy 283' of Loango xvi. 559 Holland, New 64 of Podoron the Niger xvi . 632 De Broſſes on 422 Honey -bird of Abyffinia 24 Dampier's account xi . 464 of Congo xvi . 251 Cook's voyage to xi. 545 Honey-hill fort , hiftory of it viii . 678 Peron's account of xi . 772.818 Honey river, Senegal xvi. 905 experiments on the Honey rock , Caffraria xvi . 26 natives' ſtrength xi. 940.945 Honeyſuckles, wild American xiii. Holland village 557 180 Honfleur town iv. 149 priory ibid. Hongitogt in Amboyna xi. 283 Honiton, X. 210 X. 211 V. 146 X. 308 XV. 9 ICO 9 XV. of Congo * X1 XV. INDEX. [201 ] PAGE VOL . PAGE X. * ) V. the gout 701 123 406 V. V. 225 i . 621.744 2 V. 275 xiii. IIO VOL . Honiton, the garden of Devon ii . 290 Horns, the oriental emblem of power ix . 272 Honour, highſenſe of, among the found in Ireland xiii . 471 Japaneſe vii . 636 of the rhinoceros, ſaid to diſ -, nicety of a Bedouin's 144 cover poiſon xvi. 52 Hontan , La, fee Lahontan. blowing, of the Guinea Hood of the Lapland women i . 387 Negroes xvi. 393 of the Siameſe ferpent ix . 629 of hair, worn by the Caffrés xvi. 691 Hood's iſland xi. 604 Hornſea town iii . 8 Hoof, left , of the hippopotamus cures Horn - ſtone of Veſuvian lava 19 xvi. of porphyry Hoogly river viii. of pumices 172 town, Hamilton's deſcrip of lava in Monte della tion vili. 414 Caſtagna 183 Hoogſtraten, Captain Dirk xiv 746.770. in Lipari 192 777.803 in Felicuda 213 Hook manſion ii . 306 in Alicuda Hooker's, Mr, ſettlement on the Horrebow's Hiſtory of Iceland Connecticut xii . 253 of earthquakes i . 745 Hooks of the ancient Indians xiii . 516 of houſes i . 752 Hoolum, ſchool at i . 672 Horrilakero mountain i . 235.279 printing office at i . 676 Horrors of earthquakes (note ) Hoondeabad ix. 296 Horſa the Saxon iii . 152 Hoophood, the Huron xii . 398 Horſe, anecdotes ofMungo Park’s xvi . 849.854. Hope, Good, Cape of, Thunberg's 865 account ( ſee Good Hope, Cape ) xvi , 1-147. Horſe of Loango, tradition xvi. 556 155.209 Horſe-armoury in the Tower of Hope in Faith, Virginia London ii . 45 Hope iſlands xi . 549 Horſe- fleſh , Crim Tartar mode of Hopeton Houſe iii . 117 dreſſing ix . 163 Hop -houſe of Worceſter ii . 208 Horſe-gift of the Weſtern iſles iii . 611 Hopital, Marquis d' iv. 30 Horſe -hoes 542 Hopniſs , the plant xiii . 533 Horſe-market of the Calmuc Tartars vii . 280 Hop -plantations in Nordland 348 Horſemanſhip of the Moors 771.772 Hop's expedition from the Cape into Horfemen , comical figure of Japa Africa xvi. 144 neſe vii. 763 HORACE, Friar, his account of the employed by the Great religion of Tibet vii . 554 Mogul of the Horſens, account of the Ruſſian commencement andpreſent ſtate princes at vi , 794 of the Capuchin miſſion in Tibet vii . 599 Horſe-racing in England ii . 145 Horangalis, the Lapland god Horſes of Ruſſia i . 19. 33 Horda of Tartary vii. 45 of the North i . 295 of the Crim Tartars ix. their food i . ibid . Horden , Mr., anecdotes of his of Weſtern Nordland i . 342 valour viii . 400 ſcarce in Finmark 449 Hore, Mr., his voyage to Newfound of Iceland i . 663 land xii . 162 Icelandic, their origin 748 Horeb mount X. 392. 395. xv. 285 of London ji . 89.91 Horn of Plenty, anecdote ofit 139 of England 155 the mammon's, of the Oby vii. 427 of Scotland ii . 167 of the rhinoceros ix . 620 of the Orkneys 743 Horn, Cape xi . 502 of Shetland 771 Horn, Count, anecdote of him 135 of Ireland trial of vi. 511 of Rachlin iſland Horn of Dunvegan 322 at Pompadour iv. 91 Hornblende, of Mont-Blanc iv. 704 of Belleille iy . 155 Horne iſlands 443 of France iv. 481 Horns of the rein - deer i . 401 of Limouſin iv. ibid . the Daniſh 282 of the Me of France iv . 482 of the mountain- goat 794. 797 of Normandy iv . ibid . [ cc] Horſes iv . XV. viii. 138. 141 458 162 - 1 . 874 881 111 . VOL . XVII . [202 ] INDEX VOL. PAGE VOL. iv. iii . V. 482 7 538 1 V. V. V. V. 556 563 46 1 336 > 380 X. X. V. 386 V. v. v. Horſes of Bretagne of Alſace iv. importation of Engliſh, into France iv. on ploughing with iv. - , ſcarcityof, in Spain of Andaluſia at bull- fights of Aranjuez of Cordova of Saltzburg vi. of Hungary vi . of Bohemia vi . of the court of Perſia -, wild , of Tomíky vii. of Japan vii . -, management of, at Baflora viii . - , management of Perſian ix . of Perſia ix. their food ix. diſeaſes ix. of the Ulbeck Tartars ix . of the Siameſe ix . - , management of, in Yemen deſcription of the Arabian of Ballamboang xi. fright of the Weſt In dians at ſeeing xii . of New England xii. of America fond of apples xiii . in Canada xiii . in Chili , anecdotes of them xiv. in Peru xiv. anecdotes of South Ame rican xiv. of Ethiopia African of Dar- Fur of the Egyptians XV. of Weſt Barbary of Morocco XV. of Algiers and Tunis XV. -, management of Mooriſh of the Cape of Good Hope xvi . of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . of Fida xvi. dancing, in Senegal xvi . Horſe- ſhoes in Japan vii . in Morocco Horſe's tail of the Bedouin Schiechs X. Horticulture in Ruſſia vi . Horton , Captain xii . Horton manſion ii . Hortſman's journal xiv . Horus, the Egyptian Apollo Hoſeley bay i . Hoſpitality of the Laplanders i . of the Icelanders i . of the Welſh ii . in Scotland PAGE 482 Hoſpitality in the Weſtern illes 549 ibid . of the Stromboleſe 253 in Norway, inſtance of vi. 369 laws of, in Dagheſtan vii . 494 of the Perſians ix . 258 444 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 784 445 of the Arabs X. 160 534 of the Loangeſe xvi. 565 ofa Negro woman to Mungo Park xvi . 844. 855 of the Negroes of Africa xvi. 871 117 of the Negro women xvi . ibid . 139 Hoſpitals, general , at Bath ii . 251 301 at Devon and Exeter ii . 266 at Leiceſter ii . 362 700 at Ripon ii . 423 294 of London, St. Bartholo 98 mew's ä . 69 183 St. Thomas's ii . 70 ibid . Guy's ii . ibid . 184 of Inverneſs 80 of Newcaſtle 499 580 at Richmond 516 108 of Edinburgh 473 177 of Madrid 149 at Toledo 542 of Zuric 667 68 of St. James, battle of 698 255 at Bern 850 431 of Gottenburg vi . 661 of Stockholm vi. 83.672 Foundling, of Moſcow vi . 618 275 of India vii. 219 for animals at Surat 212 of St. Helena 413 in Damaſcus X. 502 136 of Amboyna 276 139 at Montreal xiii . 626 325. 338 at Quebec xiii. 645 in Quito 444 483 in Lima xiv, 569 618. 666 in Cuſco xiv. 616 772 in Weſt Barbary 415 16 at the Cape of Good 432 Hope 503 Hofpitia of the Highlands ii. 59 662 Hofpitium of Cadiz 571 762 Hoffein, fee Huffein . 483 Hoſfo -durga fort viii. 747 137 Hoſucka town, Hagenaar's account vii. 608 591 Hotel de Henri IV, at Nantes iv . 158 476 Hotels of Paris iv . 6 453 ---, family, in Paris iv . 299 239 Hot- houſes of Japan vii . 781 352 Hottentot, anecdotes of one, at 543 the Cape xvi. 742 291 Hottentots, Hamilton's deſcription 651 of them viii . 264 643 Beeckman's account 384 of them xi . 152 4 Hottentots 382 428 536 X. 97 XV. XV. xi. XV. XV. 406 xiv. . XV. XV. xvi . 8. 44.52 Y. XV. XV. iii . INDEX. [ 203 ] VOL . PAGE VOL. vi . 1 vii. XVI . > XV. 340 X. 111 22 ix. 9 82. 129 Hottentots deſcribed by Thun berg xvi . 12. 25. 68. 71.89 lions prefer them to Europeans xvi . 99 deſcribed xvi. 129. 139--143 Angelo's account of 155 deſcribed by Merolla xvi . 209 Hottentot's Holland Mountain xvi. 115 Hot- wells of Briſtol ii . 247 of Bath ii , 248 Houbaara bird of Barbary 630 Houdroik lake i . 347 Houdwikſwald town i . 347 Hough's, Biſhop, monument ii . 208 Houghton, Major xvi . 843 Houila mountain xiv. 296 Houle tribe of Arabs 126 Hounits tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 801 Hounſlow heath ij . 529 Hour, irregular, of the Arabs 167 Houſehold furniture in Japan ( ſee Furniture) vii. 633. 772.779 Houſehold -officers of the Shah of Perſia ix . 215 Houſe iſland Houſe of God league 948 Houſe of Lords in London ii . 81. 128 of Commons ii . Houſes in Ruſſia i . 39 defcription of Lapland i . 177 of beavers i . 419 of Iceland i . 635.654.752 of the Engliſh ii. 144 of Edinburgh of Aberdeenſhire 65 of Lochaber of the Picts 147. 781 of Cannondby 209 of Ila of Skie 330 of Aſlynt 333 of Montroſe 426 of Stirling 462 of St. Kilda iii . 667. 702 of Shetland 698 of Ireland of Paris 4 of Majorca iv. 675 of Pompeii built of lava 31 of the Eolian illes 219 of Lipari 251 of Stromboli 252 of Felicuda and Alicuda 256 of Meſſina after the earth quake 260 deſtroyed by the earth quakes in Calabria 289 of Appenzel 651 of Switzerland 759 of Lubec vi. 346 PAGE Houſes of Sweden 376 market for, iu Moſcow vi . 617 of St. Peterſburgh vi 662 of the Tartars 28 of Nankin 248 of Shamachy vii . 290 of Tauris vii . 294 of Iſpahan vii . 306. ix. 188 of Refhd vii . 311 of the Calmuck Tartars vii . 332 of Tongufy vii. of Korea vii. 532 of Butan or Tibet vii . 47 in Japan vii. 632. 771 in Jedo vii. 800 at the Cape of Good Hope in Socotora 4 in the Mogul's dominions viii . 45 of Delhi 152 of Lahor viii . 206 of Caſhmere viii . 211 of Mocha 278 of Goa viii. 353 in Ferhabad ix . 52 in Caſbin 73 Perſian ix. 97 in Tauris ix. 156 ſtyle of building, in Perſia ix. 187 in Shiraz ix . 192 in St. Thomas's ix . 397 in Dogon ix . 400 in Siam ix . 405.577.588 in Pegu ix . of Rangoon ix. 447 built to denote the quality of the owners ix. 464 - of Pagahm ix. 475 of the Engliſh deputation at Ummerapoora ix . 483 of Ummerapoora ix. 517 of Tonquin ix. 671 of Kacho 713 of Cochin -China ix. 779 of Loheia 30 of Beit el Fakih X. 35 of Bulgofa X 42 of Sana 68 of Mocha 75 of the Arabians 152 of Bombay of Surat of Cairo 237 Turkiſh 261 of Candia 275 of Tripoli 283 of Damaſcus X. 368. 499 of Aleppo of Antioch 561 of Smyrna 650 [cs 2 ] Houſes 28.469 438 1ΟΙ 9 288 ix . 874 iv . X. X. 202 X. 2II v . V. X. X, x. 526 X. [ 204 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE PAGE 213 X. X 12. 73 xi. 820 843 V. X , xi . xi. xi. 633 X111 . voyage with 821 825 9 VOL . Houſes of Angora 690 Houſes of Benguela xvi . of Bourſa 716 of Sogno, Congo xvi . 244 of Conftantinople 722 of Angor xvi . 272 of Mindanao xi. of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 394 of the Baſhee iſlands xi . 48 of Benin xvi . 534 of Manilla xi . 78 of Cape Meſurada xvi. 539 of St. Jago xi. 101. xiv. 171 of Loango, Cacongo, &c. xvi . 561 floating, of Tatas xi . 115 of Senegal xvi . 607 of the Javaneſe xi . 172 of the Mandingoes of the of Batavia 177 Gambia xvi . 634 of Amboyna xi. 276 of Madagaſcar xvi. 767 of Brazil xi . 311 of Gran Canaria xvi . of Zubu iſland 338 of Sego xvi . of Borneo xi . 353 Houſe -ſwallows of North America xiii . 547 of Gilolo xi. 366 Houſli , Mount 758 of Otaheite xi. 519 Houſſa city on the Niger xvi. 851 of the New Zealanders xi . 542 Houting, Mr. Van 130 in New South Wales xi . 556 Houtman's ſhoals 429 in Savu iſland xi . 562 Houtniquas Hottentots xvi. 72 in the Friendly illes xi. 592. 695 Houtniquas woods xvi . 34 in Eaſter iſland 604 Hovel on Mount Grimſel 752. 755 in Tanna iſland 627 in which Peter the Great in Balade lived vi. 690 of Philadelphia xii . 382. xiii . 387 Hovels of Norwegian and Lapland of the Virginians xü . 603. xiii. 34.52 peaſants i . 393 of Germantown 406.437 Howard, Lord Flicke's of New York xiii. 456 fupplies for i . of Albany xiii . 584 his feet i . of Montreal xiii . 626 action with the of Quebec xiii. 636 Spaniſh Armada i . ibid . of Canada xiii. 652 Howard , Mount, Guinea xi . 283. 287 of Williamſburg xiii . 707 Howe, Cape, New Holland xi , 901 of Havanna xiii. 762 Howe iſand 615 of Vera Cruz xiii . 776 Howe, George, anecdote of xii . 612. xiii . 16 of the Chilians xiv. 115 Howe's, Lord , fupply to Gibraltar 592 of Carthagena xiv. 329 Howl of the Mooriſh women XV . 669. 777 of Porto Bello xiv. 361 Howrah Muddit- Khan ix . 281 of Panama xiv. 375 Hoy, Iſe of i . 781 of Guayaquil xiv. 393. 406 - , antiquities in of Quito xiv, 442 Hoy hill, Orkney of Popayan xiv. 483 Hoz, Pedro Sanchez de xiv . 188 of the Indians in Quito xiv. 519 Hraun in Iceland i . 688 of Lima xiv. 568 Hraundals-retter, market at i . 668 of La Plata 622 Huaheine iſland, Cook's account xi . 522.584.612 of Buenos Ayres xiv. 643 Hualva, Alonzo Sanches de 135 of Conception city xiv. 666 Huane iſland , reſidence of Tycho of Santiago xiv . 677 Brahe in 262 of Dar-Fur 150 Huard, bird of Canada xiii . 354 of Grand Cairo 189. 194 Huayana Capac xiv. 301 of Egypt 326 Huber, Madame, the actreſs vi. 92 of Tetuan 449 Hubberdale mine ii . 480 of Tunis 565 Huckle-berries of America 534 mode of building Mooriſh 645 Hudſon's account of his of Morocco 704.735 a north -eaſt paſſage i . 539 of Tarudant of the Moors 725 voyage of diſcovery 271 765 death xii . of Cape Town xvi . his diſcoveries xiii . of the Cape of Good Hudſon's bay, diſcovery of it xii. 272 Hope xvi . 10 deſcribed xii . 362 of Loanda xvi . 157 Dobb's deſcription xii. 365 375 Hudſon's xi. iii . 690.750 j . 687. 750 xiv. xiv. XV. XV. XV. XY. XV. xiii. XV. voyage for XV. XV. хіі. XV. 274 2 211 I INDEX. [205] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE > > on the > 9 328 V. 318 V. 48 v. V. 588 158 IO Hudſon's bay, Lahontan's deſcrip Hungarians, deſcribed by Rubru tion xiii . 339 quis vii. 44 Indian nations of xili . 349 Hungary, productions of vi . 103 Hudſon's bay Company of London ii . 99 agriculture vi . 104 its hiſtory xii . 361–373 , wines vi. ibid . Hudſon's, Jeffery , hiſtory ili . 471 inhabitants vi. ibid. Hudſon's river, New England xii. 248 government vi. 107 New York xij . 348. xiii .459.575 nobles of vi . ibid . Kalm's , religious intolerance in vi . 110 voyage up xiii . ibid . 583 trade vi . 115 ' Hudſon’s-rope ii. 224 rubies of viii. 251 Hue, King of Tonquin ix . 680 Hunger experienced in Magellan's Huel Virgin copper-mine ii . 276 { quadron xi . 322 Huel- Mexico filver -mine ii . 335 Hottentot's mode of ap Huen, Iſle of, deſcribed vi . pealing xvi. 131 - Tycho Brahe's ob Hungroad ii . 28 ſervatory in vi . 331 Hungry deſart, Bell's journey Huerta town through vii . 371 Huerta de Alicant 468 Huns, deſcribed by Rubruquis vii . Huerta's, La, critique on the French Hunſborough ii . 451 itage 523 Hunt, Captain xii . 247 Hues, Mr. Lewis, of the Bermudas xiii. 184 Hunt, Thomas, anecdotes of him xiii . 207 Hueſca town 550 Hunter, Dr. , on the bones found in Huet, Don Luis xiii. 759.761 Siberia ( note ) xiii. 421 Huet's, M., account of the Dutch Hunter, Governor, of New York xii . 409 fiſhery i . 750 his conference Hueyna-Capac xiv . 440 with the Indians xiii. Hugeli town ix , 414 Hunters of Lapland i. Hughes, Mr., the artiſt viii . of Baraba vii . 333 Hugh town, St. Mary's ii . 737 -, deſcription of the Ton its low ſituation ii . 739 vii . 341 inundated ii . ibid . the Mongall vii. 361 Hugot. M. xiv. 258. 271. 694 of Tonquin 719 Huguenots at Mentz 255 Indian, of Hudſon's bay xii . 366 Hugues, John, of Linſchoten i . 85 Mohock and Iroquois xii . 414 Huhebi mountains x. 388.405 of Cuyo xiv. 134 -, elephant, of Ethiopia xvi. 720 Hu- kew city vii . 245 Huntingdon, Earl of ii . Hulledy -pura 756 Huntingdon, David Earl of Hûllulu, the Iriſh 50 Huntingdonſhire, county ii . Hullybedu temple viii . 771 - , produce Humabon, Rajah xi . 340 Hunting- parties among the Caffrés, xvi. 691.695. Humba river ii . 155 720 Humbledon hill iii . 488 Hunting- tower at Chatſworth ii . 391 Hume, Mr. , on the Britiſh fleet iv. 528 Hunting-tower, Scotland iii . 412 Humidity of the climate in France iv. 312 Hunts, curious Lapland i . 161 in Great Polith i . Britain ( ſee Climate ) iv . 316 of the wild rein - deer i . 413 Hummer of the Andes in Quito xiv . 533 of the hear i . 415 Humming -bird of North America 444 of the fox i . 416 of Virginia 710 of the otter i . 420 of Vera Cruz xiii . 781 the Earl of Athol's 53 of Quito xiv. 534 a French ( note ) iii . 55 Hummums of Iſpahan ix. 190 a royal , in Scotland 391 Humpa -pura, ancient monument at viii . 707 in the Weſtern illes iii . 609 Humphreys's, Dr., hiſtory of the in France iv. 135 Goſpel Society xii . 404 royal , at St. Ildefonſo 363 Hungarians, their character j . 228. vi . 99 of the bouquetin 798 dreſs i . 228 a Tartar 32 their paſt and preſent of Cublai-Khan vii . 133 character vi. 105 a Siberian vii . 354 guſian ix . VI. 126 Huiva port Xii. 367 viii . 111 418 jii . I 2 ibid. 221 xiii. X111 . > ji . 9 jii . - . Hunts, [206] INDEX. VOL . FAGE ix . X. XV. 176 406 XV. 598 ix. xi. vi. II2 ix. ix . 272. 295 XV ix. . XV. XV. xvi. 100 VOL. PAGE Hunts, Bell's deſcription of an im Huſbandry in Japan vili . 696 perial, in China vii . 404 in Perſia 178 love of the Tartars for vii . 460 in Arabia of the Great Mogul, Bernier's in Weſt Barbary deſcription viii . 203 of Algiers and Tunis in the Sundah Rajah’s country viii. 357 Huſbands, mode of getting , at of Carwar viii. ibid. Vienna vi. 75 Della Valle's deſcription of taken on trial of liking in Perſian ix. 70 Congo xvi . 236 of the elephant in Siam ix . 615.617 occupations of Negro xvi . 419 of the rhinoceros 783 Mandingo xvi . 873 in Borneo 126 Huſs, John, the reformer v. 646. vi . 136 in Hiſpaniola xii. 573 Huſſars of Hungary of the Virginians xiii. 36 Huſſein , Imaum , commemoration of in New England xiji . 223 his death in Perſia 37 of the elk in Canada xiii. 284 particulars of his in Canada xiii . 286 ſtory of wild aſſes in Quito xiv. 465 Huſſein, Sophy of Perfia, account matches for, on the Andes xiv. 536 of him vii. 303 in Fez 448 Huſſeinabad town 98 of the wild boar in Barbary 664 Huſſein Bey, Della Valle's account of the lion ibid . of him ix . 54 of the Caffrés 37 Huffein culi Mirza ix. 33 of the buffalo xvi . 104 Huſſeinpour viii . 702 in Congo xvi . 333 Huſſites of Bohemia vi . 136 of a tiger in Guinea, curious Huſſun , the Imaum ix . 275. 295 account of xvi. 465 Huffy's, Colonel, monument iii. 844 of the elephant in Africa xvi. 890 Huftings, court of ii. 71 Hunt's , Mr., miſſion to Virginia xiii . 46.58 Hut erected by the Dutch at Icy Hurling -matches in Ireland 860 harbour i . Huron Lake, trade of xiii . 280 in Lapland deſcribed i . 176. 185 deſcribed xiii. 296. 305. 341 of Ruſſians at Spitzbergen i. 596.618 Indian nations of xiii . 349 on Mont- Blanc iv. 680. 682 Hurons, Indians xii. 394 in which Peter the Great their mode of trafficking xiii. 28o. 298. 301 lived vi. 690 deſcribed xiii. Hut of Timor, a rural tale xi. 809 Kalm's deſcription of them xiii. 659 Hutchin, Lieutenant xii. 395 Hurricanes in Lapland i . 193 Hutchins's experinients on quick at Stromboli 252 filver 695 off Macao iſlands viii. 485 Hutchiſon, Mr., of Mogodore 703 in Tonquin ix. 658.709 Hutin plain and village 458 in the Ile of France xi. 762 Huts, Lapland i. 317 in Barbadoes xii. 294 Lapland, mode of building i . in Nevis xii . 303 interior of i . 389 in Jamaica xii . 317 of the Ruſſian peaſants vi.576.650.708 in Carolina xii. 342 of the Hindus 719 ; ſigns foreboding 481 of the Arabs 151 of North America xiii. 541 of New South Wales 556 in the Gulf of Mexico xiii . 856. 869 of New Zealand xi. 645 Hurſt caſtle ii . 725 of the New Hollanders xi. 780 Hurtado de Mendoça , Don Garcia xiv. 205. 208 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 839.843 Huſbandry round Boulogne iv, 82 built in trees xii. 134 of Clermont iv . 84 of the Eokoros xiii . 311 in the Pays de Beauce iv. 87 of the ſoldiers in Canada xiii . 607 of Languedoc 113 of the Eſquimaux xiii, 676 in the valley of Campan iv. moveable, of the Pampas from Bagnere de Luchon Indians xiv. 127 to Auch iv. 123 of the South Americans xiv. 406.415 -, implements of, in France iv. 539. 542 of the Hottentots xvi . 33. 140 general, of Lombardy iv . 550 of the negroes of Senegal xvi. 607.611 Huts 654 vi. XV. X. 388 VIII . X1 X. xi. . iv . I 21 INDEX. [207] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGB > ix. > V. XV. XV. XV. Huts of the Mandingoes of the Gambia xvi. of the Caffrés of Sofala xvi . Hutten's iſland hiſtory of Hûtûktûs of Tibet vii . Huxham's antimonial eſſence i . Huygens, M., his diſcovery of cen trifugal force i . on light i . his apartment iv. Huyſen, Baron vi . Huzerig, hot ſprings in Hvers of Iceland i . Hya, King of vii . Hya-ching, Prince vii . Hyales of the ſtormy Cape xi . Hyam pears Hyde, Dr., on the religion of the Perſians Hyder Nagara viii . Hydrah, Tunis, antiquities there Hydrocele of Morocco Hydrography of New Holland xi . Hyena, Della Valle's account of XV. X. . - ix . 196. 229 XV. XV. 96 Ibeit , road to Emdurman and Halfeia 634 from xvi. 831 694 road from , to Sheibon xvi . 832 676 Iberia , the ancient 147 ibid. Iberville, M. d' , anecdotes of him xiii. 330 560 Ibex, the Siberian 799 717 Ibiara adder of Brazil xiv. 714 Ibiboboka ſnake of Brazil xiv. 715 231 Ibirakoa ſnake xiv. ibid . 746 Ibis of Egypt 339 35 lbis, mode of embalming 358 733 Ibnali village 63 746 Ibrahim , Melek 117. 118 693 Ibrahim , Sultan, account of him X. 311. 566 575 Ica river xiv. 499 576 - juriſdiction xiv. 608 760 Icacque fruit of Senegal xvi . 668 531 Ice at the Vaigats iſands i . 59 danger from i. 61.72-78 fruſtrates the Dutch attempts at 761 a north -eaſt paſſage i . 89 587 encountered in their third voyage i. 91.95 689 breaking of i . 923 eſcapes from i . 98 ſufferings of the Dutch from i . ibid . in Icy Harbour 1.. 100 - II2 185 at Torneo i , 306 140 travelling on i . 317 624 its thickneſs in Finmark i . 384 95 at the Poles i . 557 227 nature of i . 561 456 off Spitzbergen i . 549 469 its ſpecific gravity 573 497 near the North Cape 616 ibid. floating, at Iceland 641 mode of mooring a ſhip to i . 755 569 on Mount Etna 81 on the Neva ( note) vi . 608 754 mode of getting, in Perſia vii . 308 657 in Hudſon's bay хіі . 375 709 Iceberg in Amſterdam iſland 561 685 Ice.cellars of Canada xiii. 675 658 Ice- hills on the Neva vi. 670 18 Ice - iſlands met with by Captain 226 Cook xi. 566.600 go met by Davis met with by Hudſon xii . 271 met by Frobiſher one IIO X. iv . iv . 498 of Arabia of Dar- Fur XV. of Barbary XV. of the Cape xvi. Hyeres ifles iv. vineyards of filk culture olives iv. oranges iv. - pomegranates iv. Hygrometer of M. De Luc i . its indications during a Hykes of Barbary of Morocco Hyn Dalia Hypæleum of Epheſus Hypocrite river xiv. Hypſele Hyrcania, deſcribed by Rubruquis vii . Della Valle's account ix. voyage to India xi . XV. XV. XV. X. XV. xii . 186. 192 48. 174 xii. 492. 495 497-505-516.537-545 Iceland, account of Dr. Von Troil's Letters 142 I. on X. XV. 674 544 557 Iack- Cui village I-aite mountain Ialta iſland Iapazaws , the Indians lapora mountains Ibague, South America ( note) Ibarra, the printer at Madrid Ibarra, San Miguel de, Quito XV. xiii . X. effects of fire in , hot ſprings houſes ; commerce of cattle literature , phyſical conſtitution no towns in i. 621 i. 629.718 i. 630. 692.746 i. 635.752 i . 636 i. ibid . 662 i . 636. 668 i . 637 i. 638 Iceland, III . 126 747 308 386 464 > xiv. xiv. [208] INDEX. PAGE 1 > > rice 11 643 2 i. ibid. 745 - > 11 7 649 i . 660.751 * ) * 662.750 665 749 > > ſweating baths > VOL. PAGE VOL. Iceland, farms of i. 638 Icelanders, their origin i . 644 trees i . 640 i . - , religion 648 drift wood i . ibid. converſion i . ibid. 641 their character and manner bears 642 of life i . 650.753 climate ibid . diſcover Greenland and northern lights i . America i . ibid. i . ibid . their ftature i . aerial phenomena of 651 vices earthquakes ibid . roads i . 643 - , hoſpitality ibid. population of i . 644 their mode of faluta i . 644. 744 tion i . ; diſcovery of ibid . its different names i . 644 their loyalty ibid. ſettlers i . 646 love of country 652 firſt government i . ibid . amuſements ibid . i . courts of juftice in dreſs 647 i . 653.75 ! laws of i . ibid . women's dreſs i . ibid . ecclefiaftical affairs i . 648 employments i . 658 ſaints i . chronology i . 659 i . biſhops ibid . diſeaſes church of i . 650 their manner of fiſhing i. 661 pariſhes ibid. of breeding houſes and buildings in 654 cattle i . 663 chronology of i . 659 their language i . 673 fiſh i . - , pronunciation 674 , birds i . , poetry i . 678 trade i. 667.753 698 i . 668 - , money Kerguelen's account of i. printing in 675 them i . 751 remains of antiquity in i . 676 children i . ibid. i . 684 meals i . ibid . volcanoes in old religion i . 753 - , produced by fire i . 687 Ice -mountains, oblervations on 741 i . 695 their ſubſtance i. ibid . formation 698 i . ibid . pillars of baſalt obſervations on the hot Ice- valley of Montanvert 781.792 ſprings i . 719 of Chamouny 784 , fiery eruptions in i . 722 Ice- water xi. 567.600 analyzation of the ſtones &c . Ichthyophagi, their fimilitude to the i . ibid. Arabs 124 coaft of i . i. 739 Icicles from the eye-brows 489 Kerguelen's account i . 944 on the hair i . 501 ibid . Icilius , Quintus, anecdote of vi . etymology of 207 mountains 745 Icolmkill, ſee Jona. minerals i . 747 Iconium deſcribed by Rubruquis vii. 93 foſſil wood ibid. Iconium, the ancient ( note) 692 plants i . ibid. Icy cape i . 83. 113. 121 beaſts 748 Icy harbour i . 97 colleges i , 753 - , Dutch obliged to winter i . ibid . there i . ibid . - , government harbours i . 756 their hardſhips in i . 98 reſearches into the origin and extreme cold of i . 100 progreſs of literature in 315 i . longitude 107 - Behaim on xii. 517.536 Iceland Company at Copenhagen i . 667 Ida mount ix . 7. X. 232.604.613 Icelanders, their character i . 635 Ida mount, of Troy 707 houſes i. ibid . 654.752 Idalian wood 577 food i .635. 655.751 Iddo, the prophet vii , 272 literature i. 636. 668 Ide Korban feſtival in Perſia ix . 255 their mode of travelling i. 643 Ide Kudeer feſtival in Perſia ibid . Ideots a poem of i . 686. v . 233 geyfer of * 9 V. X. of > * 5 > > vi. xi. 403 Icy fea > ix. INDEX [ 209] VOL. PAGE XV. XV. > 11 . 398 V. 498 500 528 386 - X. X. 718 672 278 X. 20 VOL . PAGE Ideots reverenced as ſaints in Bar. Idols, Queſango xvi . 324 bary 456 - , Mokeſo, Longo and in Morocco 694 Checocke xvi . 331 Idigas, caſt, their manners and Maramba xvi . 333 cuſtoms viii . 6r; 8 mode of queſtioning, in Idintree rock 402 Guinea xvi . Idioms of languages 980 of the Fidaſians xvi. 493 of the languageof Cacongo xvi. 590 ſnake xvi. Idiotcy in the Vallais v . 769.773.776 tree xvi . Idleneſs the characteriſtic of ſavages i. of Benin xvi. 530 of the Hottentots xvi . 141 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 594 of Negroes xvi. Caffrés' treatment of them xvi. 696 Idolaters in Tartary i . 38 Idfu peninſula vii. 662 - , Rubruquis's account of vii . 52.82 Idſumi province vii . 661 Polo's deſcription of ſome vii . 119 Idſumo province of Japan vii . 665 Idolatry of the Laplanders i. 178. 468 Iekyll iſland xii. 455. 468 in the Orkneys iii . 760 Ienechahere 705 , origin of it vii . 163 Ienichahere plain Idols of the Golden Old Wife i . 38 Iga province of Japan vii. 661 of the Samoiedes i , 63.532 Igilgili, the ancient 540 of the Laplanders i . 457 Iglau village vi . 131 in Peterſburgh vi . 829 Ignam root of Loango xvi. 552 of the Tartars vii . 29 of the Gambia xvi. 635 of the Jugures vii . 51 Ignorance of the fourteenth century i . of the Saracens vii . 52 in Hindoftan, cauſe of it viji. 145 of Thibet 142 Iguana of Peru xiv . of Cardandan vii. 144 Ihhram , pilgrim dreſs of Malabar vii . 162 Ihre, Chevalier, Von Troil's letters of the Chineſe vii . 196. viii . 502. xi.42 . 179 to him i.637.644.648.650.653.658.661. of Ceylon 667.675 women of the vii , his letter to Dr. Troil i . 707 -, Kou -ya vii. 244 on the Edda i . ibid . 397 Ijo province vii, 667 of the Koreans vii. 536 Ikeri principality ,, Budſdo, in Japan vii . 750.776 town viii . 761 , Jagannat, in Hindoftan 175 Ikeri Raja 748 , on the worſhip of 189 Iki iland vii . 667 in the Samorin's dominions 376 Iknildway of Vizagapatam 400 Ila, Ine of iii . 650 of Jagarynat in Orixa 383 in Pegu 426 Ilan Nan Gillin iii . 626 of Siam 465 Ilants town 964 517 Ilay iland iii . of the Hindoos viii. 661, et feq.. its produce ii. ibid . at Benares 412 inhabitants ibid . of the Birmans ix . 440 > games 288 Gaudma ix. ibid . 476. 490.532 hiſtory of ii . 289 Rakuſs 534 Ilbars Khan ix, the Arracan Gaudma ix. 534.760 Ilbars Soltan, hiſtory of ix . manufactory ofthem at Kieock ix . 552 Ilcheſter, Lord ii . 258 - , Logatherpoo ix. 554 Iliffus river 750 of Tonquin ix . 905.732 Ilium, the ancient 705 of the Cochin - Chineſe ix . 820.823 Illa -Compe town xvi. 840 of Zubu xi . 342 Illeray ines ui . 594 of Otaheite xi. 514.515 Illeſcus town v. 537 of Owhyhee xi . 703.737 Illimani mountain xiv, 630 of the Weft Indians xü . 79.87 Illineſe lake xiii . 298 of the Virginians xii. 604. xiii. 13. 39 river xiii, 320 of Memphis XV, 811 Indian nations on xiii. 349 ancient and modern worſhip of xv. 814 Illing, Mr. ii . 536 of Capinda, Congo xvi. 273 Illiniſa mountain xiv. 528 VOL. XVII, [ DD] Illinois, 217 219 Fo 760 338 402 Ilam of Japan Vill . 287 7 ix . > ix . 340 356 > X. 9 [210] INDE X. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE X. XV. 168 X. in 1787 V. 658 338 vi. vi. vi. 873 X. vi. > X. X. 458 X. X. XV. XV. Illinois, on their uſe of the water Implements, agricultural, of Bologna iv. 617 melon xiii . 685 of Tuſcany iv. ibid . Illosos province 77 of Parma iv. ibid . Illuminations, Birman ix. 549 of Savoy iv. ibid. Illure town viii. 401 Impluvium ofhouſesin Barbary 650 Illuſtrations of ſcripture, Shaw's xv. 507.555.588. Importation of corn , Young on iv. 329 332 599. 618.624. 633.647.649.660. 667. 675. 809 Importation-trade of England ü . 148 Ilmen lake vii . 274 of Scotland Ilva iſland 765 Imports of the Iſle of Man ii . 815 Imaba province of Japan vii . 665 into France in 1784 iv. 334 Image, miraculous, near Burgos 311 iv. 336 of the virgin at St. Einfidlin of the produce Images, painted , uſed in Ruſſian of land iv . churches i . 21.36 from the ſugar , worſhip of painted, in Ruſſia vi. 593 iſlands iv. 344 on the Japaneſe houſes vii. 776. 779 from 1716 to ancient , at Perſepolis ix . 103. 193. 266 1790 iv. 353 Image- ſtone quarries viii . 709 of Hungary 115 Image worſhip in Tibet vii . 557 of Auſtria 119 Imakaru tree of Brazil xiv . 861 of Sweden in 1785, table 525 Imamculi Khan ix . 78 into Stockholm in 1786, Imam Kuli Khan, his hiſtory ix . 384 1790, and 1792 vi . 527 Imam of Sana, his court 66 of Peterſburgh vi . his return from the on the Caſpian Sea vi. 883 Moſque 69 of Ruſſia from Britain 906 his dominions 101 of Philadelphia xiii . 393 Imams of Arabia 85 of New York xiii . of Sana, hiſtory of them 102 Impoſitions of the Chineſe in Canton viii . 489 of Oman 117 Impoſtor of St. Kilda iii . 725 in Egypt 307 Impoſtors who aſſumed the name of Imandes, King of Egypt 215 Peter III. vi . 798 Iman Zuli Khan ix . 353 Impofts in Spain 419 Imaums, the Twelve 262 Impreſs in Cochin - China ix . 794 reſpect of the Perſians for Improvements, on the taxation of iv. 413 them ix. 264. 289 of waſte lands in Imbe Calandola xvi. 325 France 515 Imber on the ſhores of Finmark i . 428 Improviſos of Spain 525 Imbraſius river 643 Inca - perca of Quito xiv. 549 Innbrus iſland 638 Incarnations ofthe Grand Lama vii . Imeriti, principality ix . 134 of the ſecond perſon of Chardin's deſcription ix . 147 the Indian trinity viii . 185 Imir Gunch ix . 86 Incas of Peru, their riches xiv. 108 Imitation , obſervations on , 530 Inca's bridge, Cordilleras xiv, 52 Immaum of Mocha viii 277 Inca's palace, ancient xiv. 547 his dominions and revenue viii . ibid . of Canar xiv. 548 Immemia ſeat of Ali xvi. 723 Incenſe of Arabia 114 Immolations in Japan vii . 623 Incenſe-trees of Arabia 196 Immortality of the foul held by the Inch-colm nii . 455 negroes of Loange xvi. 596 Incherean , M. de xiii . 305 believed by the Caffrés xvi. 688 Inchgarvie Impalement, Turkiſh puniſhment of X. 377 Inch- hail iii . 105.367 a dreadful puniſhment xi . 185 Inch- Keith 453 Impanguezze of Benguela xvi . Inch-maree 340 Impellanche animal of Benguela xvi. ibid . Inch -Marnoc 254 Imperatore, Monte 54 Inch -tuthel 392 Imperial river, Chili xiv. 67 Incloſures in Piedmont iv . 552 city founded on of the Milaneſe iv. 553 Implements of huſbandry in France iv . 539. 542 in the Venetian State ibid . and tillage of Piedmont iv . 615 in Bologna ibid . Milaneſe iv . 616 in Tuſcany ibid . Implements, agricultural, of the in Modena ibid. Venetian State iv. 616 in Parma iv. ibid . Income v. ix . > iv . X. X. 556 V. X. X. 456 212 111 . xiv . 193. 203 iv . iv. iv . iv . INDEX. [211 ] PAGE PAGE vi. vi. XV. xiii . xiii . > 316 348 - 591.606 . 616 X111 . - xiii. 659 675 > 2 516 552 9 viii. VOL. VOL. vi. Income of the King of Pruflia 197 Indians of Elizabeth's Ille xiii . 20 of the Pruffian princes and Paumankee xiii . 82.87 206 princeſſes Chicabamania xiii . I13 Incomes of the Auſtrian nobility 93 Iroqueſe Xili 268 of the public officers of Hurons xiii . 280 Morocco 753 their mode ofhunting xiii . 284.297 Income-tax , obſervations on an, (note) iv. 407 Eokoros xiii . 310 Inconſtancy of man i . 153 - Effanapes 312 Increaſe of the Nile viii. 231 the Mozeemlek Incredulity , exclamation on xiii . 246 lift of the North American xiïi. Incruſtations of hot ſprings examined i. 719 anecdotes of xii . 409. 449 at Matlock i. 376.400 their tools xiii. 514 of Derbyſhire ü . 473 account of the American xiii. 532.538. Incubi of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 823 Incuſſo city, Congo xvi . 279 of Canada 641 Invaſion , Perſian mode of guarding instances of Europeans liv. againſt ix . 219 ing as xiii. 651 Indahl river i . 349 the Hurons, Mickmacks, Indecency of the Otaheitans xi. 509 and Anies ii. Independents of England 142 xiii. Eſquimaux their ſettlement in French trade America xii. 248. 250 with xiii. 687 India, Dutch empire in i . 81 food xiii . 696 French trade with iv . 351 Menonville's picture of a Marco Polo's deſcription vii . 159 family of xiji. 803, 805.813 of Mexico xiii . travels of two Mohammedans 845 through China and vii . 180 of Quito , Ulloa's deſcrip Sir Thomas Roe's voyage to viii. tion of them xiv. obſervations on the trade to 49 wild xiv. dominions of the Great of Paraguay xiv. 636 Mogul in viii. 53 Jeſuit's miſſions xiv. Pigafetta'saccount 379 641 wild, of Chili xiv . 686 India Company, Engliſh, ſee Eaſt India Company. , origin of the American xiv. India Company, the Dutch ( ſee 106 vii. Dutch ) 637 of Chili xiv. 109 Indian corn, ſee Maize. of the Straits of Magellan xiv, 123 Indian iſland xi. 570 of Cuyo xiv. 125 Pampas xiv , Indians of Ceylon, their manners and 127 vii. cuſtoms 194 Columbus's traffic with xiv . 139 burials vii. ibid . Promocaes xiv, vii. - , penances 195 Araucanos xiv . 195 of South America xiv. -, compariſon be. tween the Chineſe and them vii. 196 Indian ſea, wealth and riches of it of Hindoftan , Bernier's de Indian temples, Nieubuhr's account 209 ſcription of them 175 Indies, theEaſt, Bernier's voyage to viii, 57 Hamilton's new ac women burning themſelves viii. 177 of Duſky bay xi. 570. 574 count of Virginia xii . 181 Buchanan's travels in viii . Davis's traffic Fitch'svoyage to ix. 406 with xii. 187. 190.227 Indies, Weft, why ſo called ( ſee of Hudſon's bay xii . 363. 367 Welt - Indies) xii . Penn's treaties with the Indies, Spaniſh council of the 471 Penſylvanian xii. 380 Indies, miniſter of the, in Spain their depredations in New Indigo of Louiſiana 483 England xii. 395.400 Birman mode of preparing converſion of them xii. ix. 408 the plant of Frobiſher's Strait xii. 500. 519.522 of Java xi . 168 xi. 525.556 of Amboyna of Cartier's Sound xii. 631 of Jamaica xii. traffic of Antigua 348 xii. with 636 Brazilian xiy. 863 xii. 637.652 of Senegal xvi. of New France 664 [ D D 2] Indigo xi, among them 191 221 vii . 122 X. viii. viii. 258 573 9 10 356 458 258 318 xii. [212] INDEX. PAGE VOL . jii. iii . 817 v. vi . 21 vii. vi . ix . V. vill. V. V. X. iii , V. 812 vi. VOL. PAGE Indigo of Fida, Guinea xvi. 505 Innes family 71 plant of Madagaſcar xvi. 806 Innes, murder of a Laird of 144 Indios Chiquitos xiv . 633.641 Inneſteague iii . Indolence of the South Americans xiv . 516 Innisfallen, Killarney 844 Indrapura iſland viii. 447 Innkeeper at Nemours iv. 288 Indulgences, on the ſale of vi . 170 of Bormio 916 from the temple of at Munich Tenſio Dai' Sin in Japan 741 of Berlin 173 Indus river, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 307 Innkeepers of Switzerland 653 Induſtry , effects of religion on vi . 13 -, Japaneſe vii . 797 in Pruſſia vi . 185 Inns of London ii . 90 of the Fida Negroes xvi . 478 of England ii . 289 Inerpeffery iii . 403 of the Continent ii . ibid . Infanta of Cochin-China 797 inhoſpitality at Engliſh ii . 533 535. Infantry of Spain 441 540.565 of Pruſſia vi. 194 of France iv . 97. 120 of Sweden 447 of Bourdeaux iv . 126 of Hindoftan 140 of Spain 301 , 302 of the Birman empire ix . 499 of Engadina 910 of the Siameſe ix . 592 of Bohemia vi. 134 of the Imam of Sana 108 of Berlin 172 of Turkey 246 of Francfort vi . 240 Inficis of Sofala xvi . 689 of Mentz vi . 251.255 Infidel in Perſia ix . 281 of Stockholm vi. 392 Infirmary of Edinburgh 31 of Smolenſko vi . 574 of Aberdeen 62 of Moſcow vi. 579 at Orbe of Twer 646 Informer, Dutch, in Guinea xvi . 379 of Novogorod vi . 657 Infuma, Guinea, conduct of the of Courland vi. 723 Engliſh at xvi. 345 in the country of Kublai-Khan vii . 136 Ingas , fee Incas. of Japan , fingular accommo Ingellie iſland viii. 407 dations at vii. Ingelſebay i . 777 - , Kempfer's deſcription of the Ingeniſian , garriſon of one man at xvi . 362 Japaneſe Ingefon, anchorage at i . 759 Inſpruck city Ingleby family ii . 422 Inoculation in Scotland iii . 90 Ingleborough' hill ü . 431 - , the ſmall-pox, known Ingolfr's voyage to Iceland i . 645 ſeveral ages to the Bedouins 171 Ingombe, Battel's adventures at xvi . 321 of the South Ameri. Ingots of the Peruvian filver xiv. 16 xiv. 250 Ingram's travels in America xii . 218 in Barbary 639 Inhabitants of London ii. 96 Inquiry concerning the Origin of of England iî . 143 the Canary Inanders xvi . 822-826 Inhazaras of Sofala xvi . 694 Inquiſition at Barcelona iv. Inheritance, right of, among the 405 Negroes of Guinea xvi . 421.480 its priſoners ibid . in Benin xvi . 528 - puniſhments 406 Inhoſpitality at Engliſh inns ii. 533-535. 540.565 Autos da fé Inhumanity of the Dutch to a ſhip contracted powers v. 409 wrecked crew at the Cape xvi . 60 proceſs with Don Inigulgulé, Browne's account xvi . 835 Pablo Olavidé ibid . Iniſhbuy iii . 371 Ink , printing , of Madrid 385 empiric 413 of China vii . its preſent ſtate 414 of Madagaſcar xvi . 744 its evils 537 Inn river 902.910 Holy, of Chili xiv. 175 - , compared with the Danube vi. 60 in Lima xiv. 573 Inn at Nantes iv . 158 Inquifitor, grand, of Spain Inna - Quito plain xiv. 441 Inſalubrity of the Gold Coaſt xvi . * 381 Inner - Bervie iii . 428 Infane, hoſpital for, at Toledo 542 Innes, Bishop 131 Inſcriptions at the end of the world i . 175 Inſcriptions, - 626 vii. 777. 794 vi. 120 X. cans XV. IIO of Spain v. V. V. V. 408 with an v . 416 V. v. V. 408 v. 111. INDEX. (2137 PAGE PAGE XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. of Japan vii. 701.704 jil. 246 346 398 481 xiii . X. 12 VOL . VOL. Inſcriptions, Chineſe i . 254 Inſcriptions at Bayjah 571 on an ancient monu. at Tuberfoke 572 ment in Lapland i . 254 at Mufti ibid . on Tay bridge iii . 44 at Keff 573 on the college of Aber - , ancient , in Tunis 574 deen 61 at Hydrah 587 on Winwick church ni. 178 at Spaitla 588 on Sir John Radcliff ii. 194 at Caffareen 589 on an obeliſk at Ruth in Gafsa 592 well iii . 213 on the pyramids xv. 805.825 on Douglaſs caſtle iii . 229 Infects of Spitzbergen i . 580 on Maxwelton monaſ . tery of Perſia ix. 184 in Skie of Arabia X 188 on the Carthufian con of Mindanao xi. 8 vent at Perth ii . of the Ine of France xi. 92 on the Earl of Mar's of New Holland xi. 474 houſe, Stirling iii. 462 of New Zealand xi. 541 on the architect of of New South Wales xi. 555 Melros abbey lü . of Duſky bay xi . 574 on Skipton church iii. 522 of Van Diemen's Land xi. 643 on the tunnel of Picardy of Tongataboo xi . 688 canal iv . 144 of Bernier ille, New Hol. on the bridge of Cha land xi. 792 luet 705 of New South Wales xi. 921 on the arch of Pierre of Virginia xii. 241 Pertuis 706 of the Bermudas xii. 268. xiii , 173 ancient, of Perſepolis ix. 104. 193 of Frobiſher's Strait xii. 502 266. 269 of Canada 356 at Om -er -ridg -lein of America xiii . 423.433.505.524.581 mountain of 13 in water 583 Kufic X. 36, 37. 164 Canadian xiii. 618.633 at the Antonine way of Virginia 710 near Sidon of Vera Cruz xiii . 782 at Beroot of Peru xiv. 279. 563 on pillars near Sidon of Carthagena xiv. 348 near Sydonaiia convent 372 in Guayaquil xiv. 396.414 at Balbeck 374. 376 the cochineal xiv. 479 mountain of 403 Coyba, of Popayan xiv. 487 of Auguftus in Angora X. 690 of Lima xiv . 590 diſcovered in New of Brazil xiv . 720. 867 Holland xi . 825 of Dar - Fur 143 on the obeliſks in Quito xiv. 648 of Barbary 632 on Pompey's pillar 169 of Morocco XV. 709 on the ſtatues of Mem . of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 249 of Loango xvi . 556. 559 -, on the ſtatue of Ofy of the Niger xvi. 614.632 manduas 254 of Senegal xvi. 654 the Synaic 289 Inſignia of the Birman nobles ix . 495 ancient , in Algiers 524 Inſolvency, puniſhed with Navery at Tlemſan 525. 528 in Africa xvi . at Maliana 529 Inſtallation of knights in the order in Algiers 532 of the Seraphim vi. 436 at Sour 536 Inſtitute , National, of France xi. 740 at Sitipha 545 Inſtitute at Bologna at Tagou -Zainah 546 Inſtructions for traverſing Lapland at Tezzoute 549 and the Alps to Norway vi. 480 at Conttantina 551. 552 for Sir H. Walker's in Tunis 566 attack on Canada xii . 417 at Gurba 569 to ſettlers in Barbary 493 at Hamamet ibid. Inſtruments, aſtronomical i . 310. ix . 226 In ſtruments X111 . > X111 . X. X. 323 326 328 X. X. X. 7 XV. XV. XV . 448 non XV. XV. > XV. XV. XV. 885 XV. XV. XV. XV . iv . 276 XV. XV. XV. xv. XV. XV. [ 214] INDEX. VOL. VOL . PAGZ > 508 596 xvi. X111 . V. V. 318 416 xv. XV. X. XV. . XV . IIO PAGE Inftruments, muſical, of the Per. Introduction to Jenkinſon's travels fians ix. 225 to Bucharia ix . 386 of the Chi. to Beeckman's voyage neſe ix . 485 to Borneo xi . 97 of the Birmans ix . to Pigafetta's voyage of the Siameſe ix . round the world xi . 288 of the Gold to Pelſart's voyage xi . 421 Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 395 to Peron's narrative xi. 740 of Fida xvi . 484 to Burnaby's travels of Benin 530 in North America 703 of the Man to Ovalle's hiſtorical dingoes xvi. 878 relation of Chili xiv. 32 Inſurrections at Valencia 599 to Bouguer's voyage in Friburg 838 to Peru xiv. 272 of the Strelitz at to Ulloa’s voyage to Moſcow vi. 637 South America xiv, Intendant, an uſeful 313 to Nieuhoff's voyages Intendants in France iv . and travels xiy . 697 Intereſt of England ii. 157 to the Diſſertatio de Interlopers in the gold trade of Geographiâ Ægypti 395 Guinea xvi. 376.517 to Addiſon's Welt Intermes of the Spaniſh theatre 530 Barbary 403 Interpretations ofthe Alcoran 253 to Dr. Shaw's travels Interpreter, anecdotes of Rubru in Barbary 503 quis's vii. 38 to Lempriere's tour anecdotes of a Jewiſh 685 to Morocco xv. 681 Intolerance in Hungary vi . to Boſman's Guinea xvi. 337 at Prague vi. 141 to Proyart's hiſtory Intoxication in hot climates, effects of Loango xvi . 548 of viii . 764 to Chriftianity , Mongo of the Perſians from Park's propoſal for publiſhing an opium ix . 203 Arabic xvi. remedies for xiv. 74 Inundations of the Weſer vi. 224 Intrigues at the court of Pekin vii. 446, et feq. at Peterſburgh vi. 664 at the court of the Great of the Nile 231 Mogul viii. 18.67 in Siam 465 againſt Colon xii. of the Menan at Siam ix . 576 in Barbary 795 of Tonquin ix. 719 Introduction to Brand's deſcription in Cochin - China ix . 774 of the Orkneys and Shetland iii , 734 of the Nile 237 to Lifter's journey to in Borneo xi. 118 Paris iv , in New South Wales xi. 927 to Spallanzani's travels · 93 from the mountain to Rubruquis's travels vii . 25 Cotopaxi xiv. 302 to the voyages and in Quito xiv. 454 travels of Marco Polo vii . of the Nile , Lobo's to Nieuhoff's travels account 45 in China vii . 231 Poncet on xv. 83 to Hamel's travels in Pococke's Korea vii . 517 account 330 to a deſcription of hiſtory of Tibet vii. 541 them XV. 374 to Goez's travels from Invaſion , French , of Spain 626 Lahor to China 577 of Sweden by the Danes 497 to the travels of the of Siam ix. 647 miſſioners through Tibet vii . 587 of Georgia by the Spaniards xii. 475 to Lord's diſcovery of Inventions, general oppoſition to xii . the Banians and Perſees viii. 523.555 Inverary caſtle iii. 105. 364 to Sir John Chardin's town iii . travels into Perſia ix. 139 Invercauld , proſpects from iii . 56 to a deſcription of Inverlochy caſtle iii . 100 Perfia ix. 169 Inverkeithing 455 9 Inverneſs, 893 viii. 119 XV. X. 2 2 . 102. 105 XV. XV. - - V. VI. 212 364 INDEX. [215] PAGE PAGE viii. X. X111 . XV. XV. XV. , 362 X. X. 716 XV. 812 V. 100 78 iii. 346 iv. 741 226 VOL. VOL. Inverneſs, Pennant's account of iii . 78 Iron-mines of Ghettipura viii. 619 Inverneſs, New, Georgia xii . 468 of Doray Guda 689 Invocations of the Banians viii . 543 of Mota Betta viii, 708 of demons in Sofala xvi. 686 of Elba 765 of the king for weather xvi. 687 of Virginia 719 for rain in Morocco 792 of Barbary 610 Io, the Egyptian 352 Iron Mount, Guinea xvi . Ionia, Pococke's account 647 Iron -orc, mode of roaſting and melting vi . 464.472 Ipſara iſland 630 Iron -pig of Brazil xiv . Irak province ix. 45 Iron - ſtone of Derbyſhire ii . 472 Irak bricks at Cheſterfield ii. 5 Iranda, Marquis d' 631 -, Mandingo xvi. 880 Ireland, London trade with ii . Iron - trade of Sheffield ii . 414 Young's tour in iii . 811 of Sweden, tables of vi. 530 Hamilton's letters on the of Mocha northern coaſt of 877 Iron-wood of Siam ix . 606 Iriarte family of Spain 387 of the Ine of France xi. 768 Irijo river xiv . 233 Iron- works at Kones i . 159 Iris obſerved on the Andes xiv. 275.535 at Swapavara i. 162 Irving, Captain , his captivity in on the Wye ii . 226 Morocco XV. 759.762 at Colebroke Dale ii . 618 Irkutſky, Bell's journey from Elim of Carron iii . 116 íky to vii . of Mont Cenis iv . 380 -, deſcription of the town vii. 348.421 of St. Etienne en Foret 381 Irkutzk government, provinces, and of Moſs vi . 364 diſtricts of vi . 761 of Ruſſia vi. 894 Irnada diſtrict viii . near Trois Rivieres, Ca. Iro river, ford of vii . 420 nada xii . 630. 672 Iron found in England ii . of the Mandingo Negroes xvi. 880 effects of the magnet on iv. 27 of Kirwani xvi. 907 ſpecular, in lava 23 Iroqueſe Indians xi . 372. 393. 397 of Stromboli v . 116 French jeſuits among them xii. 410 cryftallized ibid . -, on their converſion xii. 410.414 - , Faujas on 119 Lahontan's deſcription of De Larbre on ibid . them xiii. 268. 291. 303. 317. 326 Dolomieu on ibid . obſervations on theni xili . in lavas 204 miſſionaries among them xiii . 588.659 - , native, of Ruſſia vi. 826 Irrawaddy river 478 of Yemen 199 Irrigation in Italy 563 of New South Wales 936 in Piedmont iv . ibid . on the Britiſh conſumption of xii. 390 in the Milaneſe iv . 565–573 of Virginia xii. 594 in Venice iv . 574 of Canada xii . 667 in Modena iv. 575 of Penſylvania 473 in Parma iv . ibid . of North America in Spain 666 of Cuenca xiv . 543 in Valencia 604 of Dar.Fur 143 near Madras viii . 574 Iron cape, Algiers 541 by the Saymbrumbacum Iron-foundry of Delmont 703 tank viii . 575 of Mr. Aſplund at in the Birman empire ix. 533 Stockholm vi. 432 in the Arabian highlands 44 Iron - foundries at Fredericfwerk vi. 327 in Arabia 175 Iron -manufactures of Spain anecdotes of American xiii . 475 of Eſkilſtruna vi . 544 of the plain of Tecuacan xiii. 806 Iron -mines of Nordland 343 in Peru xiv. 597 at Whitrigs iii . 185 in Dongola 66 of Elba in the South of Africa xvi. 39 of Nericia vi. 389 Irtuſh river, Bell's deſcription of it vii . 329.430 of Dannemora vi . 549 Irun 303 near Solikamſky vii . 322 Irving, Dr., on the ſpecific gravity of Japan i. 573 Irving, V. 1 V. V. V. 369 V. ix . X. iv . xi. X111 . xiii. 516 iv . V. XV. XV. X. X. v. 446 XV. то vii. 689 of ice [216] INDE X. VOL. PAGE > 815 576 9 V. V. 528 316 178 507 V. v. X, V. X. 34026 . 778 X. 684 318 VOL. PAGE Irving, Dr., on the temperature of Iſle of Man, its fiſhery ii . 812 water at different depths i . 574 trade ii . 814 on the heatof the ſea in ſale of the a gale i . its government ii . 816 , on meaſuring mountains i , ibid . hiſtory ii . 820 - his method of diftilling kings ii . ibid . freſh water from the ſea 585 population ( note ) ii . 833 Irwell river ji . 40 Ine of the States i , 88 Irvine, Ellen , her ſtory 215 INe of Wight, ſee Wight, ille . Iſa iſle 628 Ides of Loch -Lomond iii . 248 Iſaac, Mr., near Belfaſt iii . 825 the Weſtern iii . 579 Iſabel, Queen of Spain, her recep belonging to Orkney 748 tion of Colon xii . 25 to Shetland iii . 765.773 Iſabel Farneſe of Spain 340 to Pentland Firth 801 Iſabella, QueenofDenmark vi. 325 Ielay ifle 646 Iſabella town, Hiſpaniola xii. 64. 67.572 Illets town iv . 191 Iſaiah , book of, Arabic verſion of Illettes, port of xii . 630 the Mohamedan Negroes xvi . 892 Ifleworth ii . Iſanagi Mikotto of Japan vii . 680.713 Ilief, Biſhop, biography of vi . Iſchia, Spallanzani's account of 48 Illington ii . lavas ibid . Iſmael town, Bell's deſcription vii . ſand 55 Iſmael Mulk, the ſaint 55 ftoves 57 Iſmael of Mokha, anecdotes of him 51 diminution of ibid. Iſmael Shah ix. lfefiord bay vi . 326 Iſmael Sophy of Perſia ix . Iſenheim , country round iv. 198 hiſtory of him ix . 288 Isfandiar Khan, bis hiſtory ix. 359 Iſmailof, General vi. Isfend , feſtival of ix . 97 Iſmailofguards, feaſt of vi . 674 Ilgaour port ix . 142 Iſmailoff, M., Bell's account of his Iſhecheh embaſſy to China vii. Iſhim Khan ix. 361 Iſm Allah ſcience 171 Iſhmael, Muley, Emperor of Morocco xv. 470.711. Iſmit the ancient Nicomedia X. 697 Iſora village, inhabitants of vii . 274 Iſola village 939 Iſh Soltan ix . 991 Ifie province of Japan vii, 661 Iſpahan city vii . 9 Iſigny , cattle of iv. 479 journey from Tauris to vii . 296 horſes ambaſſador's entry at vii. 300 Iſis, ancient Egyptian ſtatue of 341 grandeur of the Shah's court - Egyptian mythology of 350 at vii , 301 temple, at Baalbait 180 Bell's journal of occurrences Ifis's table X , 240 at vii. ibid . Isje, pilgrimages of the Japaneſe to vii . 739 deſcription of vii . 306 Ikander Khan, his hiſtory ix . 384 journey from , to Shamachy vii. 310 Iſkell, Jibbel 570 Della Valle's deſcription Ina, Father of ix. 23 Inamore Craigs goo road from Warſaw to ix. 16 Inanders of Scilly ii . 753 road from Moſcow to ix . 161 - , reputation vindicated ii . 759 deſcribed ix . 188 Inand-More iii . 579 Iſraelites, their journey out of the Iſlands belonging to Denmark i . 142 land of Egypt 293 in the Gulf of Bothnia 233 Iſraitu, valley of 9 on their origin 687 Iflus, the ancient of Scotland 159 battle of floating 371 Iſthmus of Baguewaca, project for of Japan vii. 769 cutting through it xi. 250 Ile of Bears gi Iſthmus of Corinth Iſle of Birds i . 739 Iſthmuſes of Van Diemen's Land xi , 868 Iſle of Croſles i . 117 Iſtopnikoff, Commiſſary vii . 457 Ile of Man, Robertſon's tour through Iſtria, on the government of iv. 620 the ii . 785 Italica, ancient ruins 568 biſhoprick ii . 808 Italian, anecdote of one Italian X. 349 Iſola Bella iv. 482 > XV. XV . XV. XV. V. 391 > XV. X. 546 > 548 X. 758 224 INDEX. [217] VOL. xi. 870 598 V. X. V. > xvi . 537-547 X. 728 XV. 480 ix . X. * X. VOL. PAGE PAGE Italian language iv. 256. v. 980 Ivan Vaffilievitch the Firſt, his tomb Italian convent at Pekin vii. 388 and character vi . 597 Italians, their ancient ſpice trade 288 his grants to the Italy, London trade with ii . 99 Engliſh merchants vi. - , Young's travels in iv. 228 Ivan Vallilievitch the Second, his on leaving iv . 286 tomb and character vi . Young's account of iv. 549 Ivar, the ſtory of ii. 797 Spallanzani's travels in 1--272 Iverone monaſtery 737 on the volcanoes in 233 Ivica , trade of 470 literature at the reformation vi. 166 Ivory of the mammon's horn vii. 427 Itamarica iſle xiv. 812. 825.842 Ivory Coaſt ofGuinea deſcribed Itapera Point, Madagaſcar xvi. 750 Ivory -image, an ancient iii. 352 Itata river, Chili xiv. 56. 191. Ivory -trade of Guinea xvi. 513 Itay, King of the Tufan vii . 573 of the interior of Africa xvi. 889 Itcheoglans of Tophana Negroes ſurpriſed at the Euro Itch - reed of North America xiii . 531 peans' eagerneſs for it xvi. ibid . 891 Itinerary of Antonine ii . 263 Ivy of America xiii. 427 of Pennant's firſt tour in Ivy -bridge ii . 301 Scotland iii . 168 Ivy cape, Algiers 520 of Pennant's ſecond tour Iwamiprovince of Japan vii . 665 in Scotland iii. 361. 568 Izdkaſt town ix . 100 of Sweden, Fortia's vi . 561 Izoire, vineyards of iv. 213. 454 Bell's, from Peterſburgh cattle iv. to Pekin vii. 432 from Moſcow to Aſtra chan vii . 499 J. from Peterſburgh to Con ftantinople vii . 514 Jaafer Khan, audience of 264 Browne's, from Cobbé Jaanikius, Archbiſhop 394 to Sennaar xvi . 827 Jabbok river 461 from Sennaar to Gondar xvi. 828—830 Jabbe town xvi . 857 from Ibeit to Emdur Jabiru -Guaku, bird of Brazil xiv. 719 xvi . 831 Jabiſe land, Guinea xvi. to Shiebon xvi. 832 Jabme- Aibmo i . from Ril to Wara xvi. 833 Jabme- Akko, the mother of death i. 460 from Wara to Bahr-el Jaca, fruit of Mindanao 8 Gazalle xvi. 834 Jaccatra empire xi. 163 from Khukjé to the Bahr river xi. 173 el-ada xvi. government xi . 212 from Bahr- el -Gazalle to Jachen ftone, Bernier's deſcription viii. 220 Bornou xvi. 835 Jaci, want of water at 88 from Wara to Cubcabéa xvi. 836 city deſcribed by Marco Polo vii. 143 from Cobbé to the copper Jack of the Feather xiii . 145 mines of Fertit xvi, 837 Jack of Newbury ii . 31. from Dar - Bergoo to the Jack the Painter ii . 310 ſources of the Bahr-el- abiad xvi. 838 Jackalls, Bell's deſcription of them vii. 287 Itopatin , King xiii . 125 of Dar- Fur 140 Itznobe, the Japeneſe author vii. 742 of Weſt Barbary 407 Ivan, Emperor of Ruffia, his depo of Algiers and Tunis 624 fition by Elizabeth vi. 783 xvi . 78 -, impriſon of Guinea xvi . ment ibid . anecdotes of their boldneſs xvi. 467 of Benin xvi . 532 Peter III. vi. 785 Jackey and Jerry attempt Jack - fiſh of Guinea xvi . 450 at reſcuing vi. 787 JACKMAN, Charles, his diſcover death vi. towards the north -eaſt paſſage i . 70 account Jackman's ſound xii. 497.505 . 520 of his parents and family vi. 792 Jackſon cape xi . 540 Ivan Alexievitch, tomb and character vi. 600 Jackſon , Port, New South Wales xi. 546 VOL . XVII . [ BE] Jackſon , man 348 460 xi. ibid . XV. XV. XV. of theCape 436 vi. vifited by ii. 496.554 788 > [ 218] INDEX. VOL . PAGL X. viii . XV. is. y. vi. X. 111 . X, lii. X. 101 XV. ix . VOL . PACE Jackſon, Port, New South Wales Jambe canes of Borneo xi. 142 deſcribed xi. 903 Jambee , factory at viii. 450 Jackſon, Adjutant General xii. 313 Jambo town 19 Jackſon, Captain iii . 685 James the Firſt of England, voyages Jackoa of Java 453 of diſcovery in his reign xii. 226 Jacob Almanzor, King of Fez 462 James the Second of England , re Jacobins, revolution club at the 297 marks on xii . 393 the Griſon ( note ) 962 James the Firſt of Scotland , murder ſociety of Paris ( note ) 505 of iii . 397 Jacob's Bethel 337 his viſit Jacob's bridge x 462.466 to Tycho Brahe vi . 331 Jacobs-Elven river, ſalmon in i . 444 James the Sixth of Scotland 412 Jacobſon's, John, dreadful battle with James, Cape, New England xiii . 234 the Dutch i . 799 James river, Virginia xii. 231. xiii.709 Jacob's ſtaff i . 608 James-town, Virginia, firſt ſettlement Jacob's Well deſcribed 336 of xii. 231. 239. 243. xiii . 26. 51. 102. III Jacomus Maftung, iron-mine at i . 198 Jameſon , the artiſt iii . 44 Jacumama ſnake of the Amazons xiv. 247.514 Jamiſon, Rev. Mr. 366 Jaen , road from Loxa to xiv, 216 Jammabos of Japan vii . 743 government, Quito xiv . 494 - , their ſymbolic dreſs vii . 745 Jært, deſcription of the i . 186 - , magical arts vii . 746 Jafa, country of begging vii. 789 Jaffa village 455 Jammes, ſee Yams. Jaffar-eah of Barbary 672 Jamundas river xiv. 240 Jagadéva Raya, his dominions vili , 697 Jan - Bolado 384 Jagag river, on the countries round vii . 48 Jan de Cabo Monte King xvi. 538 Jagannat, town and temple 175 Janduy, King of the Tapoyers xiv, 876 the idol viii. ibid. Janeiro, Rio de xvi , 319 Jagarynat, temple of, in Orixa viii. 402 Jangamur, city and palace of vii. 126 Jagatay Khan, hiftory of hira ix . 381 Jangoma kingdom deſcribed 763 Jagatay Tartars, deſcription of them ix . 379 Jang- fe- fu vii . 250 Jah, Vale of 285 handſomnc women there vii . 251 Jah -ghirs of Hindoftan viii . 143 Jangui city vii. 150 Jaik river ix . 388. 394 Janguis of Hindoftan viii . 181 Jain Rajas viii . 75i Janibek Khan, his hiſtory ix . 336 Jakin land, Guinea xvi. 506 Janiſſaries, trading 25 Jalacotta town xvi . 909 Turkiſh Jalap of Mexico xiii . 775 of Alexandria 171 Jalappa town xiii. ibid. of Egypt 304 Jallof, fee Oualote Janiſſary, etymology of the word ix . 90 Jallonka Wilderneſs, Mungo Park’s 305 travels through 899 Janizar cape 232 Jallonkadoo, gold trade in xvi. 886 Jan - over-Zee of Brazil xiv. 721 - , Mungo Park's travels Janſan city through xvi. 897 Janſon , Marquis i . 216 Jallonkas deſcribed by Mungo Park xvi . 902 Janſz, John, his death i . 116 Jaloffs, King of, anecdotes of his Janthines, the molluſca 836 war with the King of Foota Japan, Marco Polo's deſcription of vii. 159 Torra xvi. 904 - , attempt of the Tartars to Jama iſland xi . 448 conquer vii , ibid . Jama river, Peru xiv . 275 Caron's account of vii . 607 Jamagullu town viii . 770 its revenues temple viji . 771 hiſtory vii . Jamaica, Colon's diſcovery of laws Engliſh conqueſt xii . 313 religion ſettlement xii. 314 trade vij . deſcription xii . ibid. productions ſugar xii . 321 Diary vii. 6414651 obſervations on xii . 387 Kempfer's hiſtory of vii . Jamapa, Rio de xili . 846 its different names vii . ibid . Jamatto province vii. 661 ſituation and extent vii. 653 Japan, XV. > X. 246 XV. XV. Janitzar aga XV. xvi . X. vili . 488 xi. > vii. 610 7 xii. 70.74. 144 > vii . vii. 614 624 629 637 639 > > > vii . 652 INDE X. [219] PAGE 556 798 9 578 perors of 220 xi . 513. 515 7 9 vi. 7 X. VOL . VOL PAGI Japan , its geographical diviſions vii . 661 Jaſper of Kaſhgar vii. 581 origin of the inhabitants of vii. 668 of Scio X. 625 its climate vii . 683 Jaſques, Perſees at viii . -, minerals vii . 685 Jafima, King Abino vii . plants and fruits vii. 692 Jati wood xi . 254 chimerical animals vii . 698 Jaundice, a cure for the iii . beaſts vii , 699 Java iſland , Marco Polo's deſcription vii. 160 , reptiles vii . 701 - kingdoms in it vii. 160 birds vii . 702 Hamilton's deſcription of viii . 452 inſects vii , 704 Fitch's deſcription ix . 423 fiſh vii. 705 Stavorinus's account xi . 104. 159 ecclefiaftical hereditary Em. - , power of the Dutch vii. 716 there xi . 162 - , religions in vii . 723 Pigafetta's account xi. 376 , its public and private buildings vii . 771 Behaim's account xi. 401 crowded roads vii . 784 Javaneſe, Stavorinus's deſcription of , Tavernier on the pearl fiſhery viii. 254 them xi. 171 Hamilton's deſcription viii. 514 their celebration of the new Dutch trade to xi . 207 year xvi. 13 Japan, Emperor of, Caron's account Javarouf, court of Poland at i . of him vii . 611 deſcribed i . ibid . , preſents of the Javelins of the Hottentots xvi. 29. 90. 130 Dutch to him vii . 759 Jaw- bones, human, inſtrument of his caſtles in Jays, beautiful, of Senegal xvi. 605.623 Jedo vii . 801 Jealouſy does not torment the Lap court vii . 806 landers i . 166 audience vii. 807.813 of the Spaniardwearing off v. 512 Japaneſe, Caron's deſcription of inſtance of, in Vienna 100 them vii . 619 furious, of the Siameſe ix . 585 former connection with of the Turks 263 the Chineſe vii . 638 of the Fidaſians xvi. 479 , Kempfer's account of their Jean fruit of Tonquin origin and deſcent vii. 668 of Cochin -China ix. 776 -, arguments againſt their Jebel- Sheik x. 463.508 being deſcended from the Chineſe vii . 671 Jebil, pilots of 18 , a colony of original Jebilee city 311 Babylonians vii . 672 ancient theatre at deſcription of their per Pococke's deſcription 565 fons vii . 679 Jebiſu the Japaneſe Neptune vii . their own account of their Jeb - Joſeph origin vii . ibid . Jedo city, Caron’s deſcription of vii. 610 -- in Siam 574 -, Kempfer's journey from their trade in Cochin Nagaſakki to China ix . 795 -- , deſcription of the city vii. 799 Japan ware in Pekin vii . 454 - , Emperor's caſtles at 801 Japara, Dutch factory viii . 452. xi . 286 Jedlo , Benyowſki's adventures at xvi. 782 Jaque Lahoe, Guinea xvi. 546 Jeetſu province of Japan vii. 664 Jaques's, Pere, operation for the ſtone iv. 73 Jefferſon, Mr., on the cultivation Jaquier trees of the Iſle of France xi. 767 of tobacco iv. 502 Jararaka ſnake of Brazil xiv . 714 Jegcholl, court of China at vi. 458.460 Jardin de la Reyna, Cuba xii. 70. 143. xii . 755 Jehan -Abad city viii . 150 Jaré falt -works 104 Jehan -Guire, his favour to Chrif Jars found by Mungo Park on the tians viii . 169 Niger xvi . -- the Great Mogul, ſee Mogul. Jars Voyage Metallurgique ( note ) ii . 482.488 Jehoſaphat valley 357 Jaſades of Syria 573 Jehoſaphat's fepulchre 422 Jaldi city , Polo's deſcription Jehuſi mount Jaſhen of Tibet vii . 547 Jeiunagundah, wife of Wyſe viii . 532 126 Jejas's tomb 816 Jaſper analyzed i . 724 Je- Jeu - Jeen 250 , experiments on 122 Jeko, religious ſect in Japan vii. 630 [E E 2 ] Jelabs ix . 661.717 Hx *** X. X. 312 X. 738 466 X. ix . vii. 766.792 9 vii. 1 iv . 853 X. X. vii . II2 XV. 183. 401 Jaſke cape X. Y. [220] INDEX. VOL. PAGE XV. IIO ix . XV. X. ix. pian fea 878 ix . 48 XV. 614 468 XV. 2 X. 16. 35 XIV. XV. XV. > X. VOL. PAGE Jelabs Jeſſo country vii. 609 Jelly of zeolites 208 Jeſſomſeigne, Rajah viii . 73 Jemena river 411 his battle with Jemme town, Tunis 587 Aureng -Zebe viii . 74 Jemſhid , King of Perſia ix . 108. 269 his wife viii . 74. 89.93. 127. Jeneen town 362 128 Jenghigevillage 81 Jeffon , Mr. ii. 357 Jenghis Khan, his deſcendants ix . 381 Jeſuits, anecdotes of them i . 214 conqueſt of Karaſm ix . 333 , on their expulfion from Spain v. 394. 399 Jenkins, Henry, the old ii . 429 of Bavaria vi . 29 Jenkinſon's navigation of the Car their love of Machiaveliſm vi. 106 vi. German vi. 153 -account of Urjenz ix . 327 in China vii. 388 JENKINSON's Voyages and Travels in Pekin vii. 442, et ſeq . 459 to Bucharia 386 in Hindoftan , Sir Thomas account of the petri Roe's account of them viii . fied Tartar horde in Agra, Bernier's account viii . 169 Jenné town xvi . 850 in Siam viii. M., taken by Mooſee xvi . 852 preferred for Georgian Jenoune, the Barbary fairies 671 miſſions ix. 136 Jenycopin deſcribed i . 146 in Cochin - China ix , 797 Jepſon , Zacharias ii . 423 French , their intrigues in Jerabees, the ancient Gerrhæ 538 Canada xii. 400. 403. 410. 414 Jerabolus, the idol 538 of Canada xiii. 365.636 . 646 Jeraſlave i . of St. Jago 182 Jerba illand xv . 583. 585 --, their expulfion Jerboa animal of Barbary 625 from the Miſſions xiv . 265 Jerechini , John, account of i , 649 their miffions in Paraguay xiv . 633 Jereed, El, of Tunis 592 hiſtory of them xiv. 635 Jeremiah's grot, near Jeruſalem 343. 421 in Chili xiv. 688 Jeremie's, M. , account of Nelſon's their miſſions to Abyſſinia xv . 5. 29. 46 river, and North America xii . 275 - , expulſion from Abyſſinia Jeribol town 735 ( note ) .Jericho , plains of 345. 429 Jeſuit's bark, its efficacy in the ague xii . 495 Jerijang diſtrict 866 Jeſuits' church at Antwerp i . 134 Jerim city 61 at Quebec xiii . 263 locufts 62 Jeſuits' library at Paris iv. 37 Jerome of Prague 646 Jefus , Emperor of Ethiopia 86 Jerome's paſſage of the Nile 46 Jeſus Chriſt, places of his birth and Jeronymites of the Eſcurial 370 actions deſcribed x . 349. 362. 416. 436. 454 Jeropotamo river 605 Jeſus college , Oxford ii . Jerſey, New, Kalm's deſcription 431.482 Jet of Yorkſhire ii . 16 Burnaby's deſcription xiii. viii . 755 Jerſeys, Eaſt and Weſt, Swedes in xii. 353 Jetſingo, province of Japan vii. 664 Engliſh Jetfiſſen, province of Japan vii. ibid. ſettlements in xii . ibid . Jeu de Paunie, national aſſembly at iv. 177 Jeruſalem , Maundrell's journey from Jeugel mount i . 740 Aleppo to X. 305-339 Jewdry of Tarudant 726 celebration of Eaſter at 340 of Morocco antiquities there and round x. 355 Jewellers, Indian, of Quito xiv. circuit of 361 310 Pococke's deſcription 411 Jewel-office in the tower ii . Jeſid river 503. Jewels of the Great Mogul viii . 14. 37. 162 Jelkar ille iii . 628 Taver Jeſo iſland , Kempfer's hiſtory and nier's remarks on viii . 250 deſcription vii. 656 Jeweffes in Barbary, their dreſs, man Jeſſamine of Perſia ix . 95 ners and cuſtoms 737 Jefſeigne, Rajah viji . 72 Jewry-wall at Leiceſter ii . 361 - , Aureng-Zebe's Jews at Amſterdam i . 138 letter to vii. 82 in Cracow i . 225 anecdotes of him viii. 88. 93. 129 -, Laplanders' affinity to 376 Jews, X. XV. 51.61 X. xvi . X X. V. XV. XV . V. X. I 21 X111 . > 735 Jetiga idol XV. X. XV. 736 > 546.550 X. of Egypt XV. 46 X. XV. INDE X. [221 ] PAGE VOL . PAGE XV. XV . XV. IO X, X. XV. II 222 96 ix. ix . X. • * X. 9 X. X. X. 20. 53 X. X. X. X. - > VOL . Jews, their ſynagogues in London ii . 49 Jinnett harbour 533 in Cambridge ii . 124 Jird animal 625 - , obſervations on them ii . 568 Jivicatſu ſignal ſtation xiv. 438 of Hungary vi . 116 Jizie of the Turks 115 of Prague vi . 140 Joannes Imperialis's account of of Francfort vi . 242 Crichton iii . 142 at Conftantinople vii . Job the Ruſſian patriarch vi. 603 of Mount Niſbor vii . Jobar river 313 of Germany vii . 19 Jobar, fynagogue at 509 - , account of them Job's habitation at Comera viii. 291. 295 by Benjamin of Tudela vii . ibid . Jodda ſettled in China 225 Joekul, phenomenon on the i . 745 in Poland vii . 502 Johanna iſland, Hamilton's deſcrip in Caſhmere vili . tion viii. 270 in Cranganore viii . 379 Johanna ſhip , account of her wreck anecdotes of them , in Perſia ix . at Delagoa viii . 265 at Cocheen 232 Johannefors vi. 553 at Shiraz 241 Johannes, Dr., on the elephantialis i . 717 in Yemen 69 Johannes Tornæus, account of i . 155 in Arabia, their government 85 anecdote of i . 166 of Kheibar 92 Johannis - Berg village vi . 259 in Arabia 142 John Damaſcenus, church at Da -, their beards and dreſs x. 158 maſcus 501 in Turkey, Blount's deſcrip John, King of Portugal xii. tion of them 267 John of Denmark, his tomb and in Tripoli 282 character vi . 340 in Saphet 465 John, Pope iii . 424 of Theſſalonica 742 John the Third of Sweden, hiſtory of vi . 482 in New York xiii. 455 Johnes, Mr., his improvements at on the ancient xiv. 133 Havod ii. 607.659 in Brazil xiv. 871 John -Harre of Madagaſcar xvi. 771 of Egypt 312 -, anecdotes of him xvi. 777 Mahometans' opinion of them xv. 428 Johnſon, Sir Nathaniel xii. 303 anecdotes of them , in Barbary xv. 457 Johnson's, Dr., tranſlation of Lo. , mode of dealing with them 493 bo's voyage to Abyffinia in Tangiers 683.685 Johnſon's notes on the Sanioeds i . 62 in Rabat 698 Johnſon's fort, Charles- Town xii. 343 in Azamore 702 Johnſtown, Queen's county 863 in Morocco 707 Johore kingdom, Hamilton's de in Tarudant 726 fcription viii . 440. 460 of Mount Atlas 732 Johore, King of ftate of the Barbary xv. 736.763 Jojootjes ofGuinea xvi. Jol, the ancient 521 Jews' burying-ground, near Cairo 192 Jolfa, Armenian colony at ix. 284 Jezdchett ix. Joliba, ſee Niger. Jibbel.el- Mokatteb 6 Joliet , Sieur xiii . 332. 338 Jibbel Muſa Jona Iſle ini . 294 Jidda , voyage from Tor to its foil ibid . deſcribed 21 antiquities in iii . 296 government deſcribed by Martin iii . 656 trade 24 Jonah's country 457 Jiganli town ix . Jonas's Pillars , ruins 549 Jigat cape viii . 311 Jonas's ſoliloquy in the whale's belly iii . 240 Jijel city 540 Jonckoping town i . 332 Jiligar caft, ſee Jinigar. Jones, Governor 358 Jillebba dreſs in Barbary 659 Jones, Inigo, on Stone-henge (note ) vi . 349 Jinbala kingdom , on the Niger xvi. 851.852 Jones, Mr., of Ballora Jindey, Mungo Park's arrival at xvi. 910 Jones, Mr., of New England xiii . 235 Jin -enne river 536 Jones, Sir William 492 Jinigar caſt, their manners and his laws for Pen. cuſtoms viji . 642 ſylvania xii. 379 9 Jones's, XV . > XV. xv. I XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. viii. 434. 440 460 in Egypt XV. 833 XV. XV . I 21 X. IO X. 18 X. X. 23 X. III X. XV . xii. XV. ix . 264. 270 XV . ix . [ 222] INDEX. VOL. PAGE viii. vii. 381-407 his public 416 vii . 641-651 X. X. 1 X. X111 . 428 xi, XV. XV. xi. 855–875 XV. xiv . 321. 360 XV. x. XV. VOL. PAGE Jones's, William , Eſq ., account of Journal de Phyſique iv . 286 the Scilly iſles ii . 745 Schloſſer's vi . 231 Jonkceylon iſland 431 Bell's, of occurrences at Jonqueras, culture at iv. 662 Pekin Jonquiere, Marquis de la xiii . 655. xiv. 26 M. de Lange's, of his reſidence at Pekin vii. 437–484 entry into Quebec xiii . 655 - , Bell's, of the expedition Jonſbok code of laws i . 647 of Peter the Great to Derbent vii. Jonſen , Andrew , anecdote of i . 487 of ſome Engliſhmen ou Jonſon , Ben, epitaph by iii . 533 Japan Jonſon, Henry , anecdote of him i . 450 of Sir Thomas Roe, em Jonſon , Mr. Eyolfs i . 642 baſſador to the Great Mogul viii . Joppa, Pococke's deſcription 2--56 407 from Grand Cairo to Jordan river, Maundrell's defcription X. 346 Mount Sinai Pococke's account 386 430 of Pelſart's voyage to its ſource 463 Auſtralaſia xi. Jordan, on the Bermudas 176 Dampier's, to New Hol Jorden, Mr., of Virginia xiii . 151 land xi. Joreval abbey ii . 426 of Captain King 467 Jorrums of the Hebrides ii. 698 319 of Frobisher's voyages Jorré on the extent of France iv . 302 for diſcovering a north-weſt Jofeph, Emperor, anecdotes of vi . 101. 126. 128 paſſage xii . Joſeph la France on North America 545 xii . 369 of Burnaby's voyage to Joſeph of Arimathea at Glaſſenbury ii . 257 America xiii . Jofeph river 705 214 of a voyage from Vera canal 217 Cruz to St.Domingo Joſephine Gulf, New Holland xi. 884 of Ulloa's voyage to South Joſeph's granaries, Cairo 185 America Joſeph's hall, Cairo 190 Windhus's, of his journey Joſeph's houſe near Nazareth 362 to Mequinez 447 Joſeph's fepulchre 336 Journies to the lake of Tornotreſch i . Joſeph's well 185 191 to the extremity of Lap Jo - fi -wo city vii. land i . Joſs of China vii. 392 251 from Torneo to France i . Jotyphanada caſt, their manners of the Laplanders 323 and cuſtoms viii. 409 641 , omens of iii. Jougies of Surat viii . 383 317 Lifter's, to Paris iv. their penances and of Ramond to the ſummit mortifications viii . 318 of Mont Perdu iv. Joukta mount 611 711 of Kempfer from Nanga Joulo -Gadge, the ſpirits i . 461 ſakki to Jedo vii . Journal of Stephen Burrough, to from Madras through My 792 ward the river Ob i . 51 fore, Canara and Malabar viii . of Pet and Jackſon to. 573 from Aleppo to Jeruſa wards the north -eaſt paſſage i . 70 lem, Maundrell's of the firſt voyage of the 305 to the Euphrates Dutch for ditto i . 81 from Guayaquil to Quito xiv. of the ſecond ditto i . 414 from Quito to Lima of the third ditto 90 of Poncet to Abyſſinia of M. Outhier's voyage Browne's, to Dar.Fûr to the north i . 108 259 of the Iſraelites out of of a voyage from Arch the land of Egypt angel i . 491 of Windhus to Mequinez 293 of ſeven ſeamen left at 442 in the interior of Africa, Spitzbergen i . 535 Browne's xvi. Phipps's i . 542 Joux valley and lake of four Ruſſians left at caſtle Spitzbergen 822 i . of Brand's voyage to 595 Jouxa juriſdiction xiv . 610 Jovellanos, Don Gaſpard Mel Orkney and Shetland 735 chior de form of writing travels 80 Juan lake 358.632 30 X. XV. 258 > I X. X. 381 85 xiv . 552. 565 61 > XY. > XV. XV. XV. 827 V. 811 ii. iv. II Juan, INDEX. [ 223] VOL. PAGE 834 X. X. X. 590 X1 558 814 xi. X. XV. V. 376 XV. X. XV. X. X. X. 9 day of X. 286. 357 VOL. PAGE Juan, Don Jorge 456 Jungadas on the Guayaquil xiv. 407 Juan d'Alfaraz town xi . 308 Jungeiðn, Browne's deſcription of xvi. Juanelo's machine at Toledo 542 Jungfrau -horn mountain v . 762.876 Juanes iſland , river Amazon xiv. 243. 251. 502 Jungle fowl ix. 445 Juan Fernandez illand , obſerva Junia bay 322 tions on xi. 458. Junia plain 317.570 Ulloa's de Juniper a ſubſtitute for tobacco i . 502 ſcription xiv . 658.690 -of Cyprus Juanny iſland viii . 3 Juniper-tree , white American Jubilee, the Manks ii . red American xiii . 500 - , royal, in the Samorin's Junk, Rio, Guinea xvi . 540 country viii . 374 Junks of the Chineſe at Macaſſer 374 243 Jubo, Zanguebar of Borneo xi . 355 Jubones, Los, river xiv. 215 Juno, her temple in Samos 642 Jucutan, ſee Yucutan . , Egyptian mythology of her 350 Judaiſm traced among the Negroes Junquerras iv. 112 of Guinea xvi . 423 Junquiera, La, town 629 diſcovered in Benin xvi. 527 fortreſs ibid . Judda city viii . 275 Juny town vii . Judda, Arabia 102 Juoigen, the Lapland i . 480 Judges of Ruſſia vi. 811 Jupiter, his temples at Mylaſa 667 their dreſs in the Birman -, mythology of 350 empire viii . 424 Jupiter Olympius, his temple at ecclefiaftical, in Perſia ix, 215 Athens 756 - in Turkey 257 Jupiter Urius, temple to 702 Judges' ſepulchres 442 Jura , ſound of 278 Judgment, Turkiſh account of the iſle of ibid . -, hiſtory 279 Judicature of Congo xvi. 242 ille , Martin's account of iii . 648 of Axim , Guinea xvi. 405 Jura mountains v .679.710. 802. 808 of Fida xvi. 485 their courſe and extent v . 811 in Benin xvi. 528 aſcent to the ſummit v . 816 of Loango, Cacongo,&c . xvi . 581 Juramenta adminiſtered to the officers in Sofala xvi . 689.694 of the Cathay feet i . Jug, an antique tripodal jïi . : 87 Juries , grand, of Ireland iii . 870.875 Juggler and ape in Hindoftan viii . 48 Juriſdictions, League of the Ten 954 Jugglers of Pekin, Bell's account of Guayaquil xiv. 399 of them vii . 390. 396 xiv. 462 of Arabia of the Viceroy of Peru xiv. 607 of Abyſſinia 94 of Chili xiv . 680 Jugures, on their idols vii . 5i Juriſprudence of the Birmans ix . 492 temples vii . 52 Jurjura mountain 534 foothſayers vii . 54 Juros of Spain 427 hiſtory vii . ibid. Jury, the Engliſh ii . 131 Jugurtha, his defeat by Metellus 590 grand ii . 132 Jujuy, Almagro at xiv. 163 Juffer, Guinea xvi . 369 Jukas Jerfwi fair i . 315 Juſſieu , M. de xiv. 257. 271.477.694. xvi . 600 Juks- Akka, the Lapland goddeſs i . 459 Juſtice, adminiſtration of, in Ruſſia i . Juks Anodſten, anecdote of i . 454 courts of, in England ii . 130 Jule feaſt i . 313 adminiſtration of, in Athol iii . Julfar, Armenians of viii . 303 on the administration of, Julia Cæſarea, the ancient 521 in France iv . 419 Juliana-Maria, Queen- dowager 321 adminiſtration of, in Spain 401 Julian columns 901 public chamber of, among Julian's Thermæ at Paris iv . 18 the Griſons 968 Julifunda town xvi . 907 adminiſtration of, at Vienna vi . 77 Julius hoſpital of Wurtzburg vi . 237 in Auſtria vi . 130 Julpha city 155 courts of, in Courland vi . 722 Julpha, ſuburb of Iſpahan deſcribed ix . 191 in Ruſſia 809 Armenians there ibid . adminiſtration , among the Junell, John, anecdote of i. 453 Tartars vii. 34 Juſtice, IO of Quito X. 172 XV. XV. V. XV. 20. 35 380 Xy. vi . V. V. ix . vi . ix . [234] INDEX. VOL . PAGE XV. 2 1 2 > vii, viii . XV. X. > xiv. XV . X. XY. XV. XV. I 2 XV . XV. XV. 418 xv . XV. 328 X. 571 X. xiii. VOL . PAGE Juſtice , adminiſtration of, in China vii . 192 Kahirine, anecdotes of one 127 -, anecdote of an act of, in China vii . Kahl Khan ix . 345 adminiſtration of, in Korea vii . 539 Kahoora, New Zealand chief xi. 645.647 in Japan 625 Kai province of Japan vii. 662 , in Aſiatic Kaimoo, Mungo Park's adventures ftates 148 at xvi . 857 in the Bir Kaireekeea of Owhyhee xi. 700.722 man empire viii . 424 Kair- wan city, Tunis 585 Turkiſh adminiftration of 257 Kaiſhucpenauk root of Virginia xii . 598 Dutch Council of xi. 184.272 Kakaboya ſnake xiv. 715 anecdotes of Mexican xili , 834 Kakabu tree of Brazil 861 adminiſtration of, in Egypt xv. 306 Kakama deſcribed i. 239 in Weſt Kakeraas of Guinea xvi. 373 Barbary 425 Kakkris, deſcription of Indian 213 in Guinea xvi . 405-411. Kakongo, fee Cacongo. 485 Kakooavillage Owhyhee xi . 698.715 Jufticiaries in Weſt Barbary 425 Kalatel-Kebih palace 189 in Algiers and Tunis 677 Kalb town vi. in Morocco 756 Kalbazinſhabaſhna tower vii. 330 Juſticiary of Tonquin ix . 755 Kalchanna town (note) vii. 457 Juftiniana, the ancient 58. Kalchans, account of them vii . 580 Juftiniani's account of Colon xii . 4. Kalendars , Mooriſh 641 Ju Ti Xun, hiſtory of vii . 715 Kalgan, town vii. Juvenal on Memnon's ftatue ( note ) 252 Kalgnew iſland i . 525 Kalkal mountain ix. 82 Kalkaſendas on the riſe of the Nile 374. 376 K. Kalleroſtats, ſmoke of i . Kalmak Tartars vii . 591 Kaad, drug 55 Kalmia anguſtifolia of America xiii. Arabians' uſe of it 153 Kalmia latifolia tree 484 Kaaeo herb of Brazil xiv . 861 KALM's travels in North America xiii . 374–700 Kaarima of Brazil xiv . 860 Kalmucks, anecdotes of them ix . 361 Kaartans, their journey with Mungo ( ſee Culmucks) Park xvi . 840 Kalteberg near Vienna vi. 97 Kaba, or Houſe of God, in Mecca 89 Kaluga, government and diſtricts vi. 750 Kabay of the Batavian ladies xi . 195 Benyowſki's adventures at xvi. 780 Kabba town xvi . 846.855 Kalugua town vii. 500 Kabbanſky Oftrogue vii. 352 Kalyli, ſee Ali - Patrone. Kaberda, the muſk animal, deſcribed vii . 342 Kama river vii . Kabes, John , of Guinea xvi , 351 Kamalia town xvi. 856 Kabra on the Niger xvi . 851 Mungo Park's adveri Kabul city vii. 579 tures at xvi. 867 Kabyles of Barbary deſcribed 503. 654 Kamaron, General, of Brazil xiv. 753.761 Kacheguer kingdom , Bernier's ac. Kamenka village vii. 347 count viii , Kamgſh -Samara, lake vi. 799 Kacheti province ix . 124 Kamhi, Emperor of China, Bell's Kacho city, deſcribed 713 account of him palace ix . 714. 749 Kamis of Japan vii. 724 Kachtan diſtrict 99 Kammah town ix . 463 Kadeſh 296 Kamſchatka, Benyowſki adventures Kadies, council of, at Sana 106 at xvi. 782 Kadiſchi breed of horſes 177 Kamtzatíky, Bell's deſcription vii. 345 Kadjoue, battle of viii. 89 Kamtzedans, Bell's deſcription of Kadſuſa province of Japan vii . 662 them vii, ibid . Kæmpfer's Dr., deſcription of tea vii . 227 Kamul city vii. 583 Kafilah, fee Cafila. Kan river vii. 242 Kafreſtan city vii, 579 Kancaba town, Nave- trade in xvi. 869 Kaga province of Japan vii. 664 Khan -chew vii. 584 Kahhme, journey to 40 Kan -chew fu vii. 242 Kahhre fortreſs 55 Kandahar city, Forſter's deſcription ix , Kahira, African caravans to XV, 135 fee Candahor. Kander, ix . 306 X. 321 XV. 221 ix. vii. 411.440 X. XV . X. X , X. 279 INDEX. [ 225 ] VOL . PAGE PAGE V. viii . XV. XV. 803. 820 XV. 9 vill . ix . vi. . viii. 1 VOL . Kander mount 765 Karfa, anecdotes of him xvi . 911 Kanderſteg lake ibid. Kargula, defeat of Pugatchef near vi . 801 Kaneena, chief of Owhyhee xi. 699 Kar Hulaku Khan, hiſtory of ix . 381 Kane Leban x . 337. 361 Kari-ghat hill viii , 773 Kane Sheik 509 Kar-kanays of Delhi 157 Kanes, Maundrell's account of them 305 Karkar, Jibbel 526 Kangaroo iſland xi. 884. 886 Karkoulh's deftruction of the pyra Kangaroos of New South Wales xi. 551 mids ftriped , of Bernier ifle , Karmina city , fiege of it ix. 367 New Holland xi . 790 province 373 of Rottneſt iſle xi . 823 Karnata Deſam viii . 757 Kaninana ſnake xiv. 715 Karnata Devangas 682 Kanifer, General vii. 342.423 Karnata Whalliaru caſt viii. 675 Kanika, Mungo Park's adventures Karrankeas, the Mandingo xvi . 880 at xvi . 858 Karraſs fish of Siberia vii. 333 Kankana, Buchanan's account viii . 757 Karribullah , pilgrims to 296 Kankana Chriſtians viii . 748 Karſchin, Madam 203 Kannas, deſcription of the Lapland i. 180 Karſhi town ix . 375 Kanounglay ix. 459 Kartous Kloof deſcribed xvi. 81 Kantai marigot xvi. 656 Karungi village i . 277 Kantel mountains, terrible paſs of vii. 543. 597 Karvalho's, Sebaſtian, confeffion xiv. 757 Kantes mountains vii. 543 Kaſcar kingdom , account of 221 ſource of the Kaſchbin kingdom vii . 189 Ganges in vii . ibid . Kaſem -Kan, account of him viii . 73 Kanton, ſee Canton. Kalhan city 298 Kan - Touman 526 ſcorpions vii. ibid . Kanuge, Bramins at vii. 219 Kaſhgar kingdom , Goez's journey Kanum Sultan ix. 15 from Lahor to vü . 579 Kan-Yew city deſcribed vii . 251 his adventures Kaoli, ſee Korea. there vii, 581 Kaoo , chief prieſt of Owhyhee xi. 703.715.719 jaſper of ibid. Kaoo, coaſt of Owhyhee xi. 729 Kaſhenai filver-mine 184 Kapharlate 524 Kaſhmir, Defideri's account 596 Kaphar- latick 468 Kafiu province vii. 661 Kapini river viji . 709 Kasjou tree of Brazil xiv. 862 Kapivaribi river, Brazil xiv. 710 Kaffa ordeal, of Loango xvi. Kapock-bird of the Cape xvi. 14 Kaflani ille X, 19 Karaburno bird XV. 629 Kaſſem Soltan , hiſtory of ix . Kara -China village vii . 296 Kafſimova town vii. 276 Karadja's deſtruction of Pompey's Kafſuri lake i. 288 pillar 808 Kataba city 110 Karaguata Guacu tree 865 Katappa fruit of Java xi. 170 Karakakooa bay, Owhyhee xi. 698.708 Katche, Rajah viii. 95 -, death of Captain Kath town ix. 328 Cook in xi . 713 Katif town 121 Kara -Kalpack Tartars vii , 280 Katniſs plant of America xiii. 533 Karakatay, Goez's travels through vii. 582 Katterfelto, the wonderful ii . Karakul, deſtruction of it ix . 367 Kattilla mountains 280 Karamackly hill vii. 507 cataract i . 281 Karazm , kingdom , deſcribed 320 Kaub, ſcenery at vi . 268 its foil and produce ibid ., Kauff village ix . 294 rivers and lakes ix . 321 Kaukam iſland vii. 186 provinces ix. 324 Kaukeban principality 94 towns ix . 325 Kaunitz, Count 82 » government ix . 332 Kaur town ix. 40 hiftory of the Uſbeck Khans ix . 335 Kauraſhian, Princeſs ix . Karek ifle, Dutch colony on 130 Kauſhan town vii . Kareem Khan ix . 311 Kava, drink , of Tongataboo xi. Karfa Taura , his reception of Mungo Kavalkanti, Antonio xiv . 759.767 Park xvi. 867. 894 Kavary -pak tank viii . 579 his travels with Mungo Park xvi. 897 ---910 Kaverchik Khan ix . 336 VOL. XVII. [ FF ] Kavers, X. ** 582 346 XV. X. xiv. X. 518 ix. ix . > X. 129 505 684 [ 226] INDEX. PAGE PAGE 774 XV. 93.96 236 50 50. 163 216 ibid . 82 18 I 22 588 ix. 51 428 ix . 239. 275 xiii. 193 180 591 70 330 615 352 ibid . ibid . 43 57 XV. X111 . 845 X. 847 XY. VOL . VOL . Kaveri-pura Ghat viii . 718 Kemois mountains ix . road to Coim Kemps the Indian xiii . betore from viii . 719 Kena in Egypt Kaya-uru village viji . 726 Kenchat town vii. Kaybaly, ſnow -drift at vii . 507 Keachens of Delhi viii . Kay -gorod town vii . 320 Kencheſter ii. Kayn tribe of the Birman Empire ix . 560 -- , antiquities found at ij. Kaynar, plague at vii . 503 Kencoughtan harbour xiii. 26. Kayns, people deſcribed ix . 470 Kendal town ii . Kayuk , fege of ix . 344 Pennant's account of iii . Ka-yu-tſya vii . 251 Kendall, Abraham xii . Kazan Khan, hiſtory of 382 Kendall, Captain xiii . Kazarky bird vii . his government of Kazeroon city the Bermudas xiii . Kea, Mungo Park's adventures at xvi . 849. 853 Kendall, Mr., anecdotes of him xili. Kcaggler, Father vii . 393 Kendal's time-keeper Keale's Hill, Cheſapeak xiii . 62 Kene iland i . Keat river vii . 338 Kenebeki fort Bell's voyage down vii . 424 Kenelworth caſtle ii . Keath, Mr., on the Bermudas xiii . 180 Kenilworth town Keba Chriftos, the Viceroy 40 caſtle ii. Kecoughtan 66 - , hiſtory of ii . winter at xiii. 82. 160 Ken- Khan, account of him vii . Kedilwike i . 52 his death vii . Kedleſton manſion ii . 372 Kenmare, Lord iii . Kedron book 421 view of Killarney Kedroſe mount 604 from his park Keeber, Mers el 517 Kenmare river Keen , Maons, his iflue xiii. 504. 512 Kenmure, Lord iii. Keenduem river ix. 478.555 Kennedy, Mrs., of Malacca viii. Keep of Careſbrook caſtle ii. 308 Kennedy's, Bifhop, tomb iii . of Caſtleton caſtle ii . 398 Kennett's Memoirs of the Cavendiſh Keff, Tunis, antiquities found at 573 family ii . Kefteen plains 306 Kenric, Mr., of Newbury, ii . Kegor i. 78 Kenrick's mounts, Virginia xii. Kegworth village ii . 368 Kenſington gardens Keham, Mr. Samſon ( note ) ii. 363 Kent county ii . Kehl fortifications v. 641. diviſion of Keinſham ii . 248 produce ji . Keir near Ardoch 409 , cauſe of the good cultivation in iv . Keith, Sir William, an Indian's ora coaſt xiii . tion to him xii . 380 Kent, Captain, his adventures in Keith family iii . 429 Guinea xvi. Keith's, Mr. , diſpatches (note) vi. 768 Kente village, Canada xiii . account of Marſhal Kent's bay, New Holland Munic (note) 797 Kent's Groupe, Baffe's Straits xi . letter on the revolution Keozee town ix . of 1762 in Ruſſia vi. 899 Kepher Kenna Keliclee town 733 Keppel's bay xi. Kellington ii . 283 Kepſe, antiquities at Kelp manufacture ii . 17 Kept village on the Nile at Rachlin iſland Kerby, Captain ( note ) 880 Kercadio, Captain xvi . Kelſo town 484 KERGUELEN's voyage to the North i . abbey in . ibid . Kericos of Chili xiv. ibid . Keril the Ruſſian i . Kempaſon, Rajah viji. 351 Kerilli people deſcribed i. Kempe, John, introduced the cloth Kerim Khan ing art ïi. 238 Kerim Khan's moſque at Shiraz ix . KEMPFER's hiſtory of Japan vii . 652-821 bath there ix. Komoda mine viii. 769 ſummer-houſes ix. 838 118 437 449 XV. X. :** *************:33 :::::::: 388 31 626 181 7 ibid . ibid , 395 377 vi . 4 3 ji. 515 291 xi. 894. 897 vi. X. XV . Xiii. 878 478 457 546 553 236 194 752 735 74 5562 128 241 244 races 249 Kerk , INDEX. [ 227 ] VOL . PAGE PAGE X. X. XV vi. 859 . 738 847 27 X. X. X. vi. 617 X. XV. 834 xiii. VOL . Kerk , Admiral xiii . 637 Kheibar, Jews of 92 Kerman province, wool of it ix . 172 Kheivan town 96 Kermes of New England xiji . 216 Kheman town vii. 580 Kermeſir country, 126 Kheraſkof, the epic poet of Ruflia , Kermouſe fig of Barbary 603 biography of Kerne , Griffith xii. 588 Kherſon town and trade vi . 889 Kernel of the Ruffian hiſtory vi. 851 Khefil river deſcribed ix . 321 Kern- el Hutin 457 its courſe turned by the Kern -wald Tartars ix , 322 Kerrera ille iii . 352 Beckowitz expedition Kerry county to ix . ibid . Kerſova, caftes of vii. Khilkof, Prince, his hiſtory of Ruffia vi. 851 Kerſton bay iii . 687.749 Khillis town 528 Keſchim town 115 Khin-tyo town vii . 523 Keſchim , Prince 116 Khiſht, plain of ix . 239 Keſhker town 311 Khitaigorod of Moſcow 582 Keſwick vale 192 retail trade town ibid . there vi. viii . Ketchpole, Mr. vi. 480 Kholiloff village 648 Ketevan , Queen ix. 128. 132 Khoon Zineoon village ix. 239 -, her martyrdom ix. 133 Khoos village ix . 283 Ketil the Flat -noſed ili. 274 Khoraſan province ix. 286 Ketimo mount i . 283 Afghan conqueſt of ix . 296. 313 Ketler, Gothard vi. 709.715 Khoueri ile 1 28 Kettle-drum , feſtival of the leathering Khukjé, route from , to the Bahr of it 125 el-ada xvi. Kettler, Mynheer Von vii. 304 Khûtûktûs of Tibet vii. 560 Kettles, ancient Indian xiii. 516 Kiab tribe of Arabs 128 Kettle-trade with the Indians 688 of Bedouins 135 Kettlewell town ii . 433. iii . 519 Kiaes, Simon, anecdote of i . 455 Kuulen Fort, Rio Grande xiv. 728.830 Kiaja of Jidda 22 Keura tree of Arabia 195 Kiakiack temple in Pegu 427 Keutas river i . 285 Kiam river 509 Keven -mably manſion ii . 590 Kibitkas of Ruflia vi. 658 viii . Kewas, Virginian idol xii. 604. xiii. 13 Kidgerie iſland 407 Kexholm fortreſs, confinement of Kidnappers, Dutch, anecdotes of Ivan at vi . 786 them xvi. 120 Keyck Bey xv. 175. 193 Kidnappers cape i . Keyma deſcribed xvi . 253 Kidney -beans of Congo 168 Keymiſh, Captain , anecdotes of him xii. 289 Kidwelly town ii . 594 his death xii . 290 Kiehtan, the New England god xiii. 244 Keys of Man ii . 830 Kiel diſtria vi . 344 KEYZER's , JACOB DE , embaſſy to univerſity 345 China vii . 231. 236 vi. ibid. Khada-rah ruins XV. canal vi. ibid . ix . Khaguk town ix. 327 Kielle village 93 i. Khaled, Beni, tribe of Arabs 134 Kielvig, marriage -feaft at 451 Khamir town Kieman caſtle 184 Khanahoody village ix. 307 Kieock , manufactory of Birman idols mountains ix . ibid . at ix. 554 Khan, etymology of the word vii. 43 Kienghiever 17 ix. Khan of the Tartars 161 Kiercher, Colonel vi. 557 Khans of Perſia ix. .28 Kiere town ix. 72 of Karaſm , hiſtory of the Kieren town ix . 15 Uſbeck 335 Kighly town iii. 523 deſcended from Jagatay Khan ix. 381 Kiguotan colony xii. 233 in Cairo 194 Kijnokuni province Kharkof, government and diſtrias vi. 757 Kikapous village, Canada 308 Khaſaal Bedouins in Mefopotamia X. 136 Kilandari convent 738 102 Khaſſem Abu Mahomet, İmam iji. Kilarow village 282 Khaulan principality 99 Kilbarr church 604 [ F F 2] Kil X. xi . 528. 595 - town 528 X. XV . X. III ix . ix. 667 XV. X. X. [ 228] INDEX PAGE VOL . lli . ix . 111 829 609 134 xi . 481.493 vii . 312 .אן vi, 388 X111 VOL. PAGE Kil- chattan church iii . 647 Kings buried in Jona 297 Kilchriſt church iii . 316 Kings, Negro, on the Gold Coaſt xvi . 415.480.487. Kil-choman iii . 283 506.510 Kilchurn caſtle 104. 367 King's, Biſhop, dream ii . 250 Kil- chyvain chapel ju . 270 King's, Captain , Journal, with the Kildonnan pariſh 157 Death of Capt . Cook xi . 698 Kilduin iſland i . 81. 125 King's, Mr., account of Gawthorp Kıldyn iſland 65 caſtle ii . 419 Kilfaine ii. 817 King's Bench court, London ii . 131 Kilgarran caſtle ii . 604 Kingſburgh in Skie 323 Kilbillock cairn iii . 68 Kingſbury houſe ïi . 457 Kilingur port xvi. 782 King's caſtle, Bermudas xiii . 203 Kilkerran church - yard iii . 269 King's College Chapel, Cambridge i . 126 caſtle ii. ibid . King's field iii . 369 Killadoon 813 Kinga-fifh of Lima xiv. 602 Killarney, Lake of, deſcribed by of Guinea xvi . 450 Young iii . 839 King's library, Paris iv. 33 Killauſir, Foriter's adventures at ix. 312 King's ſeat, near Dunkeld iii . 391 Killautau ix. ibid. Kingſton harbour ii . 269 Killeelabad 304 manſion 299 Killi wars of the Africans xvi . 883 Kingſton, Lord Killicrankie, paſs of iii . 53.387 Kingſton town ii . battle 388 Kingufie priory iii . Killin pariſh 370 King William's iſland Killingbeck, Richard xiii. 124 Kinkrita city 172 Killingworth's, George, account of Kinloch in Rum the ſecond voyage to Ruſſia i . 44 Kinlofs abbey 73. 133 Kilmacow river iii . 855 Kinmore church 45 Kilns at Stoney Middleton ii . 392 Kinnakulle, minerals of in the Myſore viii. 590 Kinnebeke, New England 218 Kilnſay village ii . 433 Kinnoul, rocks of 415 Kilnſey-ſcar rock iii . 519 Kinnoul's, Lord , plantations Kimos or pigmies of Madagaſcar Kinroſs town 36 deſcribed by Commerſon xvi . 762 houſe 111 . ibid . Modave's deſcription of Kinfima iſland , Kempfer's account vii . them xvi. 764 Kinſing valley 641 Kinburn, harbour and trade 887 river ibid . Kincairn Oneil 60 Kin -un -gan -fu vii . 243 Kincardineſhire 428 Kinyeto , Mungo Park's adventures Kin -cha -kyang river vü . 544 at xvi. 866 Kindrikers mounts xii . 624 Kinytakooro, Mungo Park's adven King, Arthur, Eſq. iii . tures at 898 King, Dr., on the creſcent on the Kiof, government and diſtricts vi. 757 Greek churches (note) vi. 593 Kioff city, Bell's deſcription vii . 501 on the Greek church vi. 815 Kiollefiord, pagan temple at i . 467 King, Governor, Paramatta xi . 912 Kiolway, Mount, paſſage over 370 King of the illes, coronation of Kionk , Adanſon's excurſion to xvi. 647 Macdonald iii . 651 Adanſon's adventures at xvi . 661 Kingalu Copalu, ſtones of viii . 611 Kiok, etymology of 100 Kingara town viii . 593 Kioums, the Birman ix . 442 Kin - garth church 253 of Rangoon ix . 449 King codfiſh i . 437 -, magniticent King George the Third's iſland, ſee Otaheite . Kioumzeik town ix . 458 Kinghorn town iii . 453 Kipjak, Khans of, their hiſtory ix . 335 Kingis, forges at i . 256 Kiptope of Virginia 143 King Key, Iſle of Wight ii . 718 Kirby, Captain 422 Kingroad , Briſtol i . 28 on Marco Polo vii . 105 Kings of Sweden i . 144 Kircher on the travels of Cheſaud vii . 588 of Man ii . 820 Kirfal hill, Orkney iïi . 749 of the Ines iii. 286 Kirigavil village viji, 773 6 Kirin 38 > 659 vi . 871 XVI. vi. ix. ix . 532, 533 xiii. xii. INDEX. [ 229] PAGE 222 V. 111 . 675 111 39 > 9 at 675 X. 287 804 VOL. VOL. PAGE Kirin city vii . 172 Klinof town vii . 320 Kirin the Japan chimera vii . 698 Klipbaye, harbour of i . 757 Kirk, Sir David xii . 260 Klilma village vi. 621 Kirkaldie town iii . 452 Knareſborough caſtle ii . 420 Kirkaldie of Grange j . 453. 468 Knawaniemi iſland i . 274 Kirk-Andrews border houſe iii . 207 Kneck river iii . 408 Kirk - Braddan , Iſle of Man ii . 792 Knight, monument of an ancient vi . 240 Kirk - Conchan , Iſle of Man ii . 812 Knight, Mr. ii . 641 Kirker on the loadſtone xiv. 134 Knighthood, obſervations on ( note ) iv . 422 Kirke's epitaph iii . orders of, in Spain 349 Kirk -heugh iii . 448 orders of, in Sweden vi . 435 Kirklifton bridge 407 orders in Ruſſia ( note ) vi . Kirk-Malew ii . 801 ., badges in Benin xvi . 523 Kirk -Maughold, Ife of Man ii . 810 Knighton, antiquities round ii. 608 Kirk -Michael, INe of Man 806 Knighton houſe ii . 705 Kirkonnel, Ellen of 215 Knights of Malta vi . Kirkpatrick, Roman Wali at iii . 242 of St. Andrew in Ruſſia vi . 675 Kirk - feſfion of Scotland ii . 164 - , repreſentation of ancient Kirkſtall abbey ii . 419 Perſian ix . 107. 271 Kirkwall town i . 779 Kniphauſen, Mr. X. 130 port of i . 780 Knives, American ſtone xili . 515 Martin's account of iii . 687 Knivet, Mr. xü . 217 Brand's account of üi. 747 Knobs on the American trees xiii , 510 road iii . 748 Knockow, inſtance of ſecond ſight Kirwani, Mungo Park's adventures iii . at xvi . 907 Knodyart country iii . 347 Kiſcher, Arabian drink 33 Knolles's Hiltory of the Turks ix. Kiſhanoff, country about vii . 504 Knoot, deſcription of the Ruſſian vi. Kiſhon river 334 448 Knorod , peace of i . 443 Kiſlar, Ruſſian trade to vi . 879 Knorodtke, peace of i . ibid . deſcribed vi . 880 Knort fly i . 357 Kiſmul ille 604 Knowles, Admiral vi. 866 Kiſs, not given in public to Spaniſh Knuckle Point xi . 536 515 Knyff's view of Chatſworth üi 391 Kitawiah bird of Barbary 631 Koah of Owhyhee xi. 699.708.715.723 Kitchen at Torneo i. 303 Koamaroo cape xi . 539 of an Engliſh village inn ii . 536 Koba town, Mungo Park's adven of the Emperor of Japan vii . 816 tures at xvi . 903 Kitchi Okima, explanation of xiii . 372 Kobail, Bellad el 95 Kites of Guinea xvi. 445 Kobi, Great Defart of vii . 590 Kites, paper, of the Siameſe 596 Koby village ix . 280 Kitſchewari mountain i . 363 Kochlani, famous Arabian breed of Kiotſon, King of the Tû - fan vii . 570 horſes 177 Kittis, account of i . 237 Kock, Marcus, of Aſveſtad vi. 456 mountain i . 285 Kockera caravanſery yii . 297 Kittiwakes ni. 64 Kodde Vander Burgh, Mr. xiv. 746 Kiul-kye - fti, famous temple vii . 243 Koehlin's, Mr., ſchool at Mulhauſen v . 700 Kiuper's iſle xi. 214 Kogia Hafiz, ſee Hafiz. Kiusju, geographical diviſion of vii. 666 Kohagee -too -Fallangou xi, 592 Kivejoen, the bird i . xvi. 832 Kiveton manſion ii. 439 Koin, Mr. xiv. ix. 755 Kizil,baſhi of Perſia 28. 31 Kojand city 376 Kizilbaſhi of Perſia, ſoldiers ix . 79. 217 Kok , Jacob , anecdotes of xvi. 108 Kizil-rabat ix . Kokeboe animal of Guinea xvi. 439 Kizil Uzen river ix, 92 Kokoi bird of Brazil xiv . Kjufhill town vi. 386 Koko Nor lake vii . 590 Kleen town vii. 275 Kokoquas Hottentots xvi. 72 Klein, Mr. , on the winter retreat of Kokoro river xvi. 898 ſwallows (note) xiii. 548 Kokura, road from Nagaſakki to vii. 766 Klin village vi. 644 Kolhom bay i . 777 Klingſtadt, M. Von 613 Kolin town vi. 134 111 women XV. X, jx. X. 430 Koheila ix . I2 718 Kolin [230] INDEX. PAGE XV. 398 531 536 1 X. a lion xvi. XV. X. V. XV. 102 XV. X. VOL. PAGE VOL . Kolin ard Planiani, battle of 'vi. 132 Korban , Ide, feſtival in Perfia ix . 255 Kollafootonga xi. 697 Kordo!an, Browne's obſervations on 159 Kolmogori, impriſonment of Ivan at vi. 783 Korea , Bell's account of vii. of the Hamel's travels in vii . 517 Princeſs Anne and Anthony Ulric vi. 793 its ſituation and extent vii. 530 Kolyvan, government and diſtricts vi. 761 - , productions Gilver -mines vi. 892. 895 literature 535 Kolzum , ſhips of vii. 222 -, religion Komag river, ſalmon in i. 444 - , government 537 Komango, Cook's account of xi . 661 - , Kempfer's deſcription vii . 655 Komar kingdom vii. 208 Koreans, their trade to Pekin vii. 451 Kommodoo temple ix . 553 -, treatment there vii. 452 Kon Thrub of the Hottentots xvi. 108 Hamel's deſcription of them vii. 531 Konar tree ix. 114 Korf, General, anecdote of him vi . 785 Konembel mountain 27 Korf, anecdotes of his encounter with Kones, iron and copper-works at i . 159 132 Kongly town vii. 507 Korpikyla i . 239 Konglour town vi. 390 Korrea , Admiral xiv. 789 Kongſberg town vi . 367 Korſer town i . 333 ſilver-mines vi. ibid . Korty town on the Nile 68 Kongſholm glaſs-houſe vi. 431 Kollum city 4 Kongſholm hoſpital vi . 428 Kofratſhy-Orda Tartars vii . 326 Kongſteen fortreſs vi. 363 Koſtheim village vi . 247 Kongſwinger fortreſs vi . 372 Koſtroma, goveroment and diftricts vi . 753 Konianfiam , temple vii . 240 , province vi. ibid . Konigsfelden convent 687 Kotan, Goez's journey to 581 - , hiſtory of ibid . Kotoo iſlands xi. 664.672 Konkadoo, Mungo Park's travels Ko-tſey, General vii. 571 through xvi. 906 Kotumbul rock Konneſbie chapel 111. 88 Koubli pyramid 207 Konous caftle 682 Koueit town 121 Konſanghi Kaſhi, jaſper of vii . 581 Kouka land, Caffraria xvi. 95 Kontayiha, Prince of the Kalmucks vii. 330 Koukuma Rivier, Thunberg's ad his ventures at xvi. 30 reception of ambaffadors vii. 331 Koullis of India viii . 95 Kontongs of the Mandingoes xvi . 874 Kou -ya, the idol vii. Koodſuke province of Japan vii . 663 Kowries of Bambarra xvi . Kool nut of Guinea xvi. 462 Kowrowa village, Owhyhee Koolikorro, Mungo Park's adven death of Captain tures at xvi. 860 Cook there xi. 713 Koom town vii. 298 Koxinga the pirate vii. 250 tombs at vii. ibid. Kraals at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 23. 135 Kooma, Mungo Park's reception at xvi. 862 Kraca, deſcription of it i. 193 Koomboo village xvi. 908 Krafle mountain, its eruption i . 746 Koopnian nation xvi. 72 Kraka, the witch i . 470 Kooli, ſee Confucius. Krakakamma country xvi. 104 Koot, country round 299 Kraken, the monſtrous i . Kopiaba balſam of Brazil xiv. 733 Krampfane foreft xvi . 641 Kopparberg mine, Fortia's defcrip Kranklezoekers of Amboyna xi. tion vi . 461 Kraſnagora town vii . 479 -, its galleries vi. 462 Kraſnoi-Cabak, Catharine II . at vi. 775 wells vi. 463 Kremlin of Moſcow deſcribed vi . 581 - , expence and pro -, its principal build duce vi. ibid. ings vi. 595 proceſs for the ore of Novogorod vi. 656 at vi. 464 of Moſcow , Bell's deſcrip Koraiſch tribe, their prerogatives 148 tion vii . 275 Koran , obſervations on it ix. 223 Kriſtni Saga ( note) - fects of its religion ix. 286 Krog, Dr., of Drontheim i . 487 Korb on the torture inflicted by the Kromme Rivier country xvi. Czar Peter vi. 642 Kroos Sea xiv. 700 Korban feſtival X. 58 Kriſhna -giri, fort and village viji. 774 Kruz. 244 845 xi. 698.703 ix . 438 274 vi . 316. 350 96 INDEX. [231 ] VOL. PAGE XV. v. 578 9 XV. X. X. X. X. iv . iv . V. VOL. PAGE Kruzzenſtein, Profeſſor, on the riſing Kya -kyang city vii. 244 and ſetting of the ſun i . 612 Kyang-nan province vii. 246 Kteiphe village X. 516 Kyang-li province vii. 241 Ktoube-el-Menſhieh 208 Kyburg family 679 Kuandu of Brazil xiv, 716 caftle 680 Kublai- Khan, Marco Polo's account Kyle of Rona ii. 592 of him vii. 122. 126 Kyle found in Skie 618 his great and marvel. Kyrle, Mr., the man of Roſs lous acts vii. 127 Kyftney, Banian account of him viii. 553 ſee Chi- Tſou. Kyſt-vaen , diſcovery of one ii, 381 on his conqueſts ( note ) xiii. 643 Kubber Romeah 524 L. Kucha town vii. 583 Ku-ching city vii. 256 La, the Tibet god vii. 556 Kuckula, cataract 293 Laar city , Lot's burying place viii. 295 Kudali viii . 762 Labaccan, Dutch at xi. 234 Kuenburg, Count vi. 54 Laban iſland ix. 423 Kufic inſcriptions at Beit el Fakih 36 Labdanum of Cyprus 590 at Ghaletka 37 Laben tree of Madagaſcar xvi. 800 letters 164 Laboratory of M. Lavoiſier 138 Kuguatz Kokonok feſtival in Japan vii. 736 of M. de Morveau iv. 205 Kuka, Thunberg's account xvi. 106 Labour, price of, in Italy 652 Kukama mountain i . 277 effects of climate on xi . 945 Kukas mount i . 285 - , value of Britiſh , in Virginia xii . 244 Kukumakranka of the Cape of Good Rochon's remarks on xvi. 741 Hope xvi. 7 Labour, houſe of, at Bern 850 Kukuruku ſerpent xiv. 714 Labourſel iron -works iv. 103 Kulibin the Ruffian peaſant, his in Labrador, Lahontan's deſcription xiii. 338 genuity vi. 666 Labrocree, M. xii. 399 Kulkul fruit xvi. 837 Laburnum trees of Aigle 809 Kulla, Browne's obſervations on 159 Labyrinth near Tekoa 437 Kullo diftri & t xvi . 902 ancient, of Crete 608 Kul-ri, paffage of iii. 315 of Egypt 215. 347 Kumrah, animal of Barbary 618 Lacinfect, management of it in Kunghelf vi . Hindoftan viii. 671 Kunghill town vi. 386 La Caſe of Madagaſcar, anecdotes Kunka, Captain Paulo de xiv . 735. 776. 796 of hiin xvi. 751 Kupang in Timor 802 Laccadive iſlands viii . 370 Kuph, ancientbuildings at 523 Lace manufacture at Malines i . 133 Kupia of Brazil xiv. of Valenciennes iv. 376.385 Kur river ix . 101. 176 Lacepede iſles, New Holland xi. 799 Kurdeh town ix . 120 Lacepede, Mr., anedotes of him xi . 801 Kurdiſtan, ſee Curdiſtan. Lachla province 81 Kurgan river ix . 348 deſcription of 120 Kurile iſlands xvi. 782 Lachu river 547 Kurma, Dar. Før 131 Lacker- work in China vii. 454 Kurra , occult ſcience 172 Lacſor, antiquities in 253 Kurſk , government and diſtricts yi. 756 Lacy, Marſhal vi, 82 Kulhanji Khan, hiſtory of ix. 383 Ladak fortreſs vii. 547-597 Kuſkarawaock river xiji. 28. 63 Ladaru caft, manners and cuſtoms 683 Kuſkizer town ix . Ladies of London 92 Kuſma town 42. 110 of China vii. 414 ſcheichs of the diftri dreſs of the Chineſe viji. Kufſnach village 674 Arabian 9 population of (note) . ibid . of Canada xiii. 691 Kuthi city 592 of the Emperor of Morocco's Kutuchtu of the Mongalls, Bell's Harem 792 defcription of him vii. dreſs of the Negro xvi. Kuzin province 373 of Fida xvi, 480 Kuznetſky, animals in the woods of vii. 335 of Benin xvi. 524 *Kya- Kyavillage vii. 253 Ladin diale & t of Engadina 982 5 Ladin XV . X. > X. XV. XV. 566 X1. X. 716 X. > X. vii, XV. X. XV. 100 II2 > 506 > > XV . 356 387 [ 232 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE xvi. > 288 288 331 332 347 350 359 360 9 > 736 Lagan bird 576 585 X. 672 V. V. of Italy V. V. Y VOL PAGE Ladin language, writers in v . 982.984 Lakes, Peffa i . 283 i . Miecko Ladingcour, Guinea, deſcribed 471 ibid . vi. Ladoga Canal 898 i . Lango ibid. vii. Ladoga lake, Bell's deſcription 273 Pamas i. 286 Ladrone iſlands ( note ) xi . 85 Kaffuri i . Magellan's diſcovery xi. 324 Ajangi Lady town vi . 571 Grenna anecdote of impoſition at vi . ibid . Water i . xiv. Lady of Bethlehem monks i . Houdwik 444 i . Lady-Day ( note ) 634 i . Storſion Lady - Kirk iii . 691. 752 Wolkfio i. ii . i Lady-Lift Hill Malkomai i. 214 ii . Lady- Park 282 i . Rodfio 362 ii . Lady-waſh mine 480 fiſh in the Finmark i. 439 i . Læbi, country round curious i . , in Ferro 339 778 Lepac, pickled tea , manufacture ix . 478 ii. of Snowdonia 630 Laerwych roads i . 783 of Scotland 107 Lafe, the fiſh i . 439 of Bute ille 253 La Foſſe harbour i . of Arran ille 259 xi . 339 in the Ine of Lewis Lagartis river xii . 208 in the Ile of Harries Lagartos river, ſee Chagre. in North Vift 593 in the Ine of Skie 620 Lageriæ , the ancient of the Ile of Ila 679 ill . Lagerberg, fine profpe &t from 651 Ennel 816 Lagerbring's account of the death of Charles XII. vi. 514 of Killarney, Young's account of 895 iii . Laghetto di Chiavenna 839 ii . Lagman, King of Man 823 near Hedé iv. 153 i . Lagmen , their duties iv. 710 567 of lava 990 18 Lago Maggiore Lagopos,the bird i . , deſcribed of Saline 172 255 Lagrima de Malaga 593 fingular circumſtance xi. Lagrunge iſland 885 ibid . reſpecting of Conſtance xiv. 223. 266 Lagunaon the Amazon 647 trout of 358 V. Laguno, Don Eugenio de 648 Lahadsje town 94 of Wallenſtadt 653 Lahnſtein town 269 660. 675 of Zuric Lahoe, Cape, Guinea xvi. 545 of Lucern 722.730 Lahontan's Limit xiii. 317 of Sempach 730 LAHONTAN's travels in Canada xiii. 254 of Greiffen 678 of Locendro Lahor, Goez's travels from , to China vii. 577 747 of the Dead - the Great Mogul's march from 755 Delhi to viii . 196 of Thun and Brientz 765 deſcription of viii . 206 of Geneva v. 802. 808 xvi. of Joux 885 Laidley, Dr. 811 - of Yverdun Mungo Park's anec . 812 dotes of him xvi. 911 of Morat and Neuchatel Laird of Innes iii . , murder of a of Como 144 Lais kingdom ix. 826 of Chiavenna Laiſh hill 297 of Siglio Laitch village 911 of Selva Piana Lake, Sir Thomas ii . 175 of St. Morezzo 900 xiv . Lake-berb of Chili 676 of Locarno Lakena village of Lugano Lakes of Ruſſia i . 30 of Conſtance, Rieſbeck's de of Tornotreſch i . 185 fcription vi. in Lapland i . 237. 277 of Tyri 369 Patimo i . 279 of Rands- Sion 370 Portimo 282 of Miofs 371 Maiama Cambole 283 of Quinſai vii. 154 Lohi ibid . of China vii. 252 Lakes V. V. V. X. vi, V. V. V. V. V. . 827 892 895 899 ibid . XV. V. Boss 988 X. 990 671 13 vi, vi. > 2 INDEX. [233] PAGE PAGE XV. ix. X. X. iv. - 576 xiii . 528 633 XV. jii. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. VOL. VOL. Lakes, Ladoga, Bell's deſcription vii . 273 Lamas of the Mongalls vii . 357 of Ilmen vii . 274 of Butan or Great Tibet vii . 548 Baykall , Bell's deſcription vii . 350. 420 of Tibet vii . 554 of Tibet vii. 545 ſurrounding the Grand Lama vii. 558. 561 of Caſhmere 211.218 in China vii. 563 of Hamchew viii . 509 Lamballe, nobleſſe at iv. 154 Honawera viii. 755 Lambartz, Captain xiv, 821.823 Aral deſcribed ix . 323 Lambaſa, the ancient 548 of Tounzemahn 482 Lambayeque, Ulloa's deſcription xiv . 559 of Samachonites 463 Lamberg's monument at Mentz vi . 252 of Antioch 545 Lambiſen Nieva i . 281 of Aſcanius 718 Lambock iſland 455 of North America xii. 276 Lambrai kingdom vii . 161 Terminos xii . 324 Lambrate , filk -worms 602 of Canada xii . 669. xiii . 271 Lamb - ſkins of Aſtrachan vii. 285 Champlain xiii. 280.612.615 Lamentation of a woman of Lo Huron xiii . 280. 294. 296.341 ango xvi. Erie xiii . 294. 296. 342 Lamentations of the Negroes of the of America 341 Gold Coaſt xvi. 429 Superior xiii. ibid . in Benin xvi. Frontenac xiii. 343 on the Grain Coaſt xvi. 542 St. Pierre xiii . 629 Lamentor, amphibia, of Siam ix . of Chili xiv . 54. 67 Lamia of Finmark i. 435 of Titicaca, South America xiv, 631 Lamlaſh harbour 266 Dembea, Abyffinia 89 iſland ibid . Mareotis 170 Lammas ille 320 Brulos 175 Lamnai iſland , river Niger xvi. 631 Meuzale 178 Lamo iſland xvi. 725 in Cairo 188 conquered by the Por. Mæriz 217 tugueſe xvi. 727 of Tunis 565 Lamo, King of, beheaded by the of Marks, Tunis Portugueſe xvi. 733 of Morocco 693 Lamo Prieto bird xiv. 657 Dibbie, Africa xvi. 851 Lamp, account of a curious one i . 603 Lakſhamana river viii . 702.704 - , an Iceland i . 658 Lala Bey, anecdotes of him 96 Lampa river, Chili xiv. 54 Lalanguſoſignal ſtation xiv. 433 juriſdi&tion 618 Lali Gundaru caſt, manners and Lampas cuſtoms 674 Lampjes village iv. 213 Lalla, meaning of the title 784 Lampi country, Guinea, deſcribed Ivi . 471 Lam tribe of Arabs 135 Lampidoſa iſland 768 Lama, the Delay, of the Tonguts 357 Lampillas on Spaniſh literature 391 Lama, the Grand, of the Tartars vii. 98 Lampoun, pepper factory at 449 his origin and Lampourdan plain 622.626 vii. 556 Lampreys of the Amazon xiy, 244 incarnations vii. ibid . of Brazil xiv. 722 titles and divine Lamps, Lapland i . 400 attributes vii. 557 in the ſtreets of Paris iv. adoration of him vii. 559 at the court of Perſia ix . - , excrements adored vii. ibid . Canadian xiii. temporalities vii. 560.591 Lampſacus, Pococke's deſcription his letter to Friar Lancaſhire county ii . 18 Horace vii, 601 -, its produce ibid . his edi& t in favour trade 19 vii . 603 manufactures ii. ibid . Bernier's account viii. cattle iii. 124 Lamache valley xiv. 50 Pennant's account of iii. 124. 176. 182 Lamantin or ſea - cow of Senegal xvi. 656 effects of manufa &tures on Lama Ofſong xi, 225 agriculture in iv. 395 Lama's ambaſſador to China vii. 264 Lancaſter, Henry Duke of ü. 362 VOL. XVII. [ G G ] Lancerata XV. XV. H -1 593. 606 XV. ix. xiv. i . 16.35.42 viii. XV. X. vii. name 65 667 710 X. of popery 9 220 [ 234] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL . iv . iv . 837 283 > v. v. iv . 9 > PAGE Lancerota iſland, Peraza's expedition Land-tax of Modena 634 to xvi . 808 of Parma iv . ibid . Betancour's ad of Pruſſia vi , 183 ventures in xvi . 809 Land- winds of Sumatra and Java xi . 106. 165 Lancets of the Tonquineſe ix . 678 of New Holland xi . 469.471 Land, rent and price of, in Lom of Jamaica xii. 316 bardy 559 Lane, Mr. Abraham, of Cork ii. management of arable, in Lanebourg, paſſage to iv . Italy iv . 588 Lanerk , Pennant's account of iii . 230 -, on its increale, in America xiii . 489 Lanerkſhire, mines of 111 228 failors' joy at the fight of it xiv . 137 Lane's, Captain, voyage to Virginia xii . 572. 574. tenure of, in the interior of 590.612. xiii. 12 Africa xvi. 870 Lanfranchi, Sig. 8 Landak , Dutch ſettlement (note ) xi. 201 Langa, people of vii , 54 Landamman of Appenzel 651 Langara, Don Juan de 357 of Glarus 655 Langbourn ward ii . 54 Land- beavers xiii . 307 LANGE, M. de , Journal of his reſi Land -book of Iceland i . 639 dence at the court of Pekin vii . 435—484 Land-carriage of the Niagara xili . 296 Lange, Mr., the Auſtrian actor vi . 91 Land-crabs of Vera Cruz xiii . 781 Lange, Mr. , anecdotes of him xi . 559 Landernau 155 Langeiannes country ix . 421 Landerviſier, Bas Bretons at iv . 155 Lange Kloof xvi . 35 cattle of iv . 479 Langenau, Michael Schuppach of 880 Lande, M. de la, on the Milaneſe Langenes Point i . 82 pertica ( note ) iv. 559 Langerneſs Point i. 774.776 - , on the Tuſcan ftiora Langford, Captain, anecdotes of him xii . 303 ( note ) iv. 597 Langhans, Madame, her tomb 879 -, on the Cenſimento iv . 629 Langholme town 210 on the taxes in caſtle iii . 211 Tuſcany iv . 633 Langhorn , Sir William viii . 393 Landes of Bourdeaux iv. 122. 306. 508 Langlé's notes on Egypt of Bretagne iv. 510 Lango cataract i . of Anjou iv. 511 lake i . ibid. on their improvement iv. 514 mountain i . ibid . Landing, a difficult, in Alicuda Langon, wine of iv. 124 of the Danes at Gotten Langfoort tower i . 262 burg vi . 385 Languages, the Daniſh, fit for beggars i . 141 Landlord, how to tame a ſurly one 551 of Poland i. 223 Landlords, Welſh ii . 643 of Lapland i . 377 in Ireland 111 . 867 of Iceland in Perſia ix. of Scotland i . 634. ii . 162. iii . 109 Landlords' power in Ruſſia i. of the Caucaſus ( note) i. 634 Landnama Bok of Iceland (note ) i. 644 of Scilly ii . 766 Landoo iliand 802 of St. Kilda iii . 720 Land -owners in the iſles iii . 549 of the Orkney iſles 741 Land -proprietor of Hindoftan , the of Shetland 767 Great Mogul the only viii . 143 Italian iv. 256 , conſequences of it viii . ibid. of the Griſons 943 : 977 Land- rath of Oberwalden 736 antiquity of the Romanſh v. 978 Landrichter of the Grey League 942. 946 , origin of the Romanſh 980 Lands, effects of their minute diviſion Latin ibid . on population 322 Tuſcan 981 Landſrath of Vallais Wallachian ibid . Land tax of France iv . 397 the German vi. - , obſervations on iv. 406 on its im. on a union of all taxes in iv, 410. 436 provement of Piedmont iv . 627 of courts ibid. of the Milaneſe iv . 629 of Norway vi . 357 of Venice 631 of Courland vi . 723 of Bologna iv . 632 of the Calmucks,widely of Tuſcany ibid . ſpread vii . 355 Lan XV. 819 283 v. 221 11 . i . 622.673 221 20 > v. V. iv . v . V. 768 9 > 24 vi . 201 vi . iv . iv . 1 INDE X. [ 235 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. vii . * ix . X. V. X. xi. ix. 706.733 X. X. xii . ix . 16 PAGK Languages, Bell's' account of the Languedoc, Carli's travels through xvi. 191 Chineſe vii . 415 Langur mountain vii. 592 of Laſſa in Tibet vii . 552 Lanja paſſage 372 of the Si- fan 569 Lano , Diego xiv. 200 of the Japaneſe vii. 640 Lanquart torrent 957 on diſcovering the Lanſdown hill ii . 251 origin of nations by vii . 670 Lanſdowne mountains, New South of the Turks ix. 14 Wales xi . 913 of the ancient Pallis ix . 509 Lanſkoi, the Czarina’s grief at his the Birman ix. ibid . death vi. 763 in Siam ix . 582 Lanteith village ii . 272 of the Tonquineſe 721 Lantern of Demofthenes at Athens 753 of the Cochin-Chineſe ix . 790 Lanterna of Charybdis 266 of the Arabians 162 Lanthorns of the ſtreets of Paris iv. 8 in Mindanao 13 feaſt of, at Pekin vii. 401.468 in Pulo Condore xi. 41 Lan -tfan -kyang river vii . 544 of the Hottentots xi.153 . xvi.100.141 Lanzo, feát in Tonquin of the Otaheitans xi. 521 Laock, Mr., anecdotes of a cock of the New Zealanders xi . 543 roach in his ear xiii . 508 oftheMallicollo iſlanders xi . 619 Laodicea, the ancient 564 of Van Diemen's Land xi . 644. 863 Laodicea on the Lycus 677 of the Mohocks 412 Laoe iſland xi . 353 of the Virginians xüi. 45 Lao- kun, the Chineſe philoſopher ix. 733 -> ſpecimen of the Al Laos, colony in Siam 574 gonkin xiji. 666 Laos kingdom viii. 480 of the Eſquimaux xiii. 678 deſcribed ix. 764 of South America xiv. 222 Lapa cape xii. 102 of Tameos xiv. 224 Lapella in the filver -works xiv. in Quito xiv. 452 Lapez on the population of Madrid 382 of the Indians of Lapidaries of Quito xiv . 546.550 Quito xiv. 519.524 of India xvi. 761 of Sechura xiv . 558 Lapis calaminaris in Mendip hills ii . 253 in Dar- Fur 155 Lapis lazuli of Bukharia ix. 377 in Dar-Runga 160 Lapis violarum fpurius i , 347 of the Congheſe xvi . 315 Lapithos, the ancient 584 of the Negroes on the Laplace gulf, New Holland xi . 798 Gold Coaſt xvi. 391 Lapland, journey to i . 154 of Loango and Ca its boundaries i . 198 congo xvi. 590-593 divifion i . ibid. of the Canarians xvi . 825 -, Maupertuis's journey to i . 234 of Bambarra xvi. 846 Leems's account of Daniſh i . of the Jallonkas xvi. 902 miſſions to i . of the Mandingoes, -, inſtructions for traverfing vi. 480 vocabulary ofit xvi. 912-917 Laplander, anecdote of one i . 455 Languages, Royal Society of, in Laplanders, their character i. 124. 367. 374.490 Copenhagen vi. 314 expedition in travelling i. I 24 Languedoc, huſbandry of iv. 113 Regnard's deſcriptionof canal iv. 114 them i . 157. 163 foil of iv. 306 their dreſs i . 163. 192. 367.383 on the Gilk of iv. 469 form i . 163. 257 cattle iv. 474 - , religion i . 164. 178.381 culture of hemp and fax in iv . 490 fingular cuſtoms i . 166.448 olives iv. 496 have few diſeaſes i . 168. 456 waſte lands in iv . no phyficians i . timber 522 their medicines i . ibid . mode of building in 529 foon loſe their fight i . ibid . lime of iv. 530 mode of travelling i. 172. 257. 380 - , mode ofthreſhing in iv. 533 fairs i . 172 tillage and layingofland iv. 534 offerings i. 174.463 - implements of huſbandry iv. 540 have no fixed abode i . 177 manures and manuring in iv. 542 houſes i. 177. 368. 388 [ G G 2 ] Laplan xv. XV. 376 486 > - 508 168 [ 236] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL. > their courage > on > commerce X. 5 women 348 576 , nets vir . > 2 > 446 X. > XV. 9 550 551 552 PAGE Laplanders, their fuperftition i . 178. 481 Larbre, M. De, on cryſtallized iron v. 119 -, magic i . 180.469 Larch , culture of, in Italy iv . 599 belief in the tabor i . 182 Larcher's expedition to Madagaſcar xvi. 793 employments i . 187 Larch -trees of Bex 810 food i . 189. 368. 369. 395 Lares of the Laplanders i. 463 deformity i . 193 of the Chineſe 508 height i. 257. 367 Larg pariſh iii . 157 i . 369 Large-eye bird of Senegal xvi. 617 their converſion to Largo bay iii . 451 Chriftianity i. 358 Laricaxas province xiv . 630 i . ibid . Lariſſa , Pococke's deſcription 743 i . 367 Larix -tree, Bell's deſcription of it vii . houſehold utenſils i. 368. 399 Larnica, Pococke's defcription 369 Larrentoucka town 455 , ſociety among i. 371 Larribundar, port of Sindy, de their love of brandy i . ibid . ſcribed viii. 304 - , marriages i 372.450 Lars Yungſtræm's travels in children i . 373 America xiii. 375 education i . ibid. Lartigues foreſt iv. 521 , love of liberty ibid. Larwick town i . 615 Leems's account of i . 376 Laſcelles, Mr. ii . 419.422 their origin ibid . Laſcy, Count de affinity to the Scythians ibid. Lafea ( note ) 606 affinity to the Jews i . 376 Laſherrad port 261 language i . 377 Laſſa kingdom, deſcription of it vii . 549 - > genius i . 379 its towns vii, virtues and vices i . ibid . inhabitants vii . dreſs of the women i . 386 productions vii. their beds i . 393 Grueber's account of vii . 591 rein - deer 400 Deſideri's account vii. 599 - , carriages and manner of Laffeuſes, M. Barri de iv. 112 dr:ving i . 406 Laflington ſtones ii . 153 journies i . 409 Laftri, Signore Prepoſito iv. 267 - , voyages i . 412 Latacunga affiento xiv. love of country i . ibid . Latacunga volcano xiv. 301 mode of catching beaſts earthquake and birds i . 413 Latera, mephitic vapours 37 their fiſhery i . 431 Late-wakes of the Highlanders iii . 49 - , workmanſhip i . 447 Latham on the bearded vulture 872 ar cient name ibid . Lath - Kill-Arſe cave ii . 475 ignorant of muſic i . 452 Lathrone pariſh iii . 154 their holidays and amuſe Latichea city 310 ments i . ibid . Pococke's deſcription 564 eaſily frightened i . 455 Latimers ii . 186 their gods i. 457 Latin church of Nicofia 279 -- Kerguelen's account of ceremonies of, at Jeruſalem X. 341 them i . 771 Latin convent in Jeruſalem 414.418 Lapland hut deſcribed i . 176 Latin language, pronunciation of it ii. Lapland grammar i . its dialects and cor Lajmudes i . ruptions 980 Laporquera town (note ) xiv. idioms La Porte, Mr. i . 670 its ſimilarity to the Cacongo Lippia, account of i . language xvi . 593 Lappians, deſcription of them i. 62.65 Latins of Jeruſalem 341 Lappones, ſee Laplanders. Latitude, mode of determining i . 591 La Praya i . 836 means of finding xi . 386 Lar principality ix. 117 -> Bouguer's modeoftaking xiv . 307 city ix . 119 Latmus mount 666 Larache city , Fez 688 Latomia iſland 175 Larbe Shott, account of his death xv. 478 Latooliboula, chief of the Friendly · Larboufle valley ive 99 illes xi . 668 Latopolis 468 xiv . 304.419 V. v. 9 > X, X. X. X. 516 378 312 308 ibid . 62.05 X. xv. XV. INDE X. [237 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. XV. v. XV. V. 48 v. V. town V. ' 63 64 9 65 V. - v. > 699 9 v. v. 98.105 v. V. X. iv . 221 V. v. 331 428 V. 175. 181 PAGE Latopolis 258 Lava of Miſeno 46 Latous fiſh 333 of the Rock of Burnt Stones ibid . Latrielle iſland xi. 880 of Procida 47 Lattices of Spain 513 of Iſchia Laudati da Gaeta, Father Anthony, of Arſo 49 converts the Queen of Singa xvi. 305 of Epopeo 51 Lauder bridge ii . 170 of Catrico 52 ili . 478 ancient, of Etna 61 Laudoner's, Lewis, ſettlement in Catania built of Carolina xü . 340 on calculating its age Lauffen , fall of the Rhine at v. 644, vi . 15 vegetation on village 644 of Etna in 1669 67 valley , 703 of the Grotta delle Capra 70 Laugarnas, hot ſpring at i . 693 of Etna in 1787 72 baſaltic pillars at i , in the crater of Etna 75 Laugervatn, hot ſpring at 631 zeolites in 90. 204 Laug -ſaugumadurof Iceland i . 646 fibrous 91 Laul Baug palace : viii . 604 of Stromboli Launch of the Tourville at L'Orient iv. 156 fluid , in the crater of Strom Launy's, M. du, account of Crich boli 107. 113 ton üi. 139 of Saline iſland 129 Laura convent of Mount Athos 737 of Vulcanello 136 Laura's tomb at Avignon of Vulcano 139. 144 Laurel of America xiii . 483 priſmatic ibid . the American dwarf xiii. 571 decompoſed V. 145. 151. 202 Lauren on the duty on Spaniſh wool of Lipari V. 157. 164. 185. 198. 201 ( note) on the flowing of 164 Laurence kirk iii . pumice in 169 Laurenny hall ii . 597 glaſs ibid . Lauri ofJapan, Kempfer's deſcrip glaffy , of Monte della Caſtagna v. tion of them vii. 693 of Valle di Muria 186 Lauricocha lake, ſource of the quartzoſe cryſtals of 187 Amazons xiv. 498 of Felicuda Laurs hill ni. 43 of Alicuda 222 Laufits vi. 154 -, uncertainty in the antiquity of 223 Lauſanne, biſhopric 712 its tranſition into pumice 236 town 803 on the formation of baſaltiform v. 237 government ibid . baſaltes depend on the nature Lauſanne, Biſhop of 240 Lautaro the Indian, anecdotes of Lavaderos of Quito xiv. 540 him xiv. 198. 201. 204 of Carabaya xiv. 618 Laut Chidol ſea 379 of Chili xiv. 685 Lauterbruennen valley 762 Lavadores for gold in Peru xiv. 19 glaciers v. 763, 764.875 in Chili xiv . 23. 298 Lava of Iceland i. 629.687. 690 Lavas V.3 . 7. 12.25-34 damages done by it i . 688 of the Ile of France xi. 766 analyzed i . 723 Lavater the phyfiognomiſt 669 baſaltes accounted ii . 907 his works 670 Bergman's experiments on Lavellan of Caithneſs lii . 86 ( note) iii . 908 Laveno burgh quarries of Volvic Lavens rivulet 345 obſervations on a ſtream Aowing v. 14 Lavezzi manufactory 896 on a ſubterraneous ſtream ibid . Lavoiſier's, M., laboratory 138 - , current of ibid . Lary of St. Kilda iii . 717 ' , experiments on 15 hill ii . 315 Auidity of . 19 Lawgiver of the Banians 537 nature of ibid . of the Perfees ( ſee Zer of Solfatara 23 tooft) viii. 559 of Piſciarelli 29 Menu the Birman ix . 492 houſes of Pompeii built of 31 Lawn manufacture of Paiſley 244 of Monte Nuovo 44 Laws of Ruſſia i . 212 V. > 9 V. 835 V. > V 991 iv. 211 vi. iv . V. 9 VII v. 9 20. 35 8 Laws [238] INDEX. PAGE PAGE XV. XV. XV. iii . 528 V. V. > 909 913 V. iii. 20 130 iv. 9 VOL . VOL. Laws of Iceland i . 647 Laws in Riobamba xiv . 471 of the Germans in verſe i . 679 of the Paraguay miſſions xiv . 638 of England ii . 126 of Abylinia XV. 25 of Scotland ii . 161 of Egypt 306 of the miners 407 in Welt Barbary 425 of mines ii . 482 in Algiers and Tunis 677 of the Scilly illes 750 in Morocco XV. 755 of Jerſey ii . 751 of Congo xvi . 242 promulgated at the Tynwald ii . 829 fumptuary, at Liſbon xvi . 311 fumptuary, of James the of Axim , Guinea xvi . 405 Second iii . 94 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 406–411 of the Weſtern iſles iii . 546.614 of Fida xvi . 485 of Rachlin ille 882 in Bevin xvi . of the Emperor Leopold iv . 621 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 581 of Spain v . 398. 401 of Sofala xvi . 695 fumptuary, of Zuric 666 in Gran Canaria xvi . 820 of Balle 696 reſpecting Slavery in Africa xvi . 885 of the Swiſs Cantons 699 Lawſon, Captain xiii . 380 code of civil , at Geneva 890 Law - ſtyle of Auſtria vi . 131 of Upper Engadina 904 Law - ſuits, obſervations on viii . 148 of Lower Engadina in Abyſſinia XV. 25 of Bormio on the Gold Coaſt xvi. 405.420 of tlie Valteline 926 Law-Ting of Shetland 792 of Coire 949 Lawyer, not one in all Ruſſia i . of Mayenfield 958 Lawyers of London ii . 93 of the Griſons 967 ſoon make their of Auſtria fortunes ii . ibid . Royal, of Denmark vi. 307 of Paris 7 the Norway vi. 357 of Spain 399 of Sweden vi. 521 in Ummerapoora ix . 494 of Upland ibid. Lay village, lave-trade of xvi. 471 penal, of Ruſſia vi. 805 Laycock's , Mr. , farm in New South reformation in them vi. 809 Wales xi. 924 of the Tartars vii. 34. 123 , 124 Laymen, Perſee commandments to viii . 565 of Malabar 162 Laxdaela Saga ( note ) vi . 316 of the Emperor Cang-hi vii . 175 Laxon, Mr., of Virginia xiii . 94 of China vii . 192. viii . 505 Lazaretto ille 600 of Korea 539 Lazarus's caſtle in Bethany 345. 428 in Japan vii . 624.774. viii. 517 Lazowſki, M. iv. at Madras 394 Lazy -back of Brazil xiv. 717 in the Birman empire viii . 422. 424 Lchenau river vii . 207 in Siam viii . 472 Lea, William ii . 449 in Cochin -China viii. 481 ix . 304 moral and ceremonial, of the Lead, a body filled with ii . 454 Banians viii . 537 Leadenhall-market 49 of the Perfees viii . 565 Lead founderies in Derbyſhire 485 of Perſia ix. 213. 229. 254 Lead- mines at Bear Aliton 284 443 ſilver of ü . ibid . of the Birmans ix . 492 of Derbyſhire ii . 477 of the Siameſe ix . 594 at Foxdale ii . 803 of the Tonquineſe ix . of Lanerk ill . 228 - , fumptuary, in Tonquin ix . 722. 755 of the Weſtern iſes iii . 683 of Turkey 257 of Spain 446 -, fumptuary, of Batavia xi. 189 of Arabia 199 for the colony of Georgia 450 of Barbary 610 of the Bermuda iſlands xüi. 197. 202 Lead-ore on Mendip hills ii . 253 of Virginia manufacture 406 of Penſylvania xiii . 730 of Canada xiii. 669.691 of New Jerſey xiii , 735 powder 660 in Peru xiv, 8 Leagh wood iii . 391 in Quito xiv. 444 Leagues, the Helvetic Leagues > VII . V11. 86. 547 viu . 770 Leach, Mr. of Pegu ix. 9 693 X. v . 1 XV. xiii. 712.715 XV. 682 INDEX. [239] VOL . PAGE V. V. 5 xi. 549 Lee II X. 681 188 ix . 680.743 XV. iv . 566 48 xii. 376 221 X. > VOL . PAGE Leagues of the Swiſs cantons with Lectureſhips at Cambridge ii . 125 France 719 Led -beg iii . 333 -, the Grey 941 Ledbroke colliery ii . 224 of the Houſe of God 948 Ledbury ii . 210.611 of the Ten Juriſdictions 954 Lede, Marquis de i . doo union of the Three 960 Ledeſma, Peter de, anecdotes of him xii . 153 the Japaneſe vii . 766 Ledyard on the hoſpitality of the Leaks, mode of diſcovering xi . 371 Negro women xvi . 871 - , means of topping i . Leander's tower 702 Lee, King of Tonquin ix . Leaoton country vii . 172 Lee family ii , Learning not eſteemed by the Leeches of Siam ix . 630 Ruſſians i . 37 Leedayhang, King of Tonquin of the Icelanders i. 673 Leeds, woollen -manufacture at ii . 37 deſpiſed in the fourteenth clothing trade at ii . 419 century i . 672 Leef baths, Tunis its ancient ſtate in India Leeks of Paris and China vii . 230 of Virginia 599 ftate in Perſia ix, 227 of North America xiii . 544 ftate in Africa ( ſee Leems's account of Daniſh Lap Literature ) xvi. 892. 894 land i . Leales of land in Arran iii . 260 Leeward iſlands, Weſt Indies xii. 300. 389 in Perſia ix . Lefca valley 442 Leafowes ii . 617 Lefebvre iDand, xi . 827 Leaping- fiſh of Finmark i. 433 Leffah ſerpent XV . 627 Leather, obſervations on the tax on iv. 409 Lefooga iſland, Cook's deſcription xi. 668 anecdote of ſome, in Spain 415 Le Four rock 803 of Perſia ix. 205 Lefroy, Anthony, Eſq. ii . 322 of Jamaica xii. 320 Legaſpi, Miguel Lopez de (note) xi. 77 of Chili xiv. 671.684 Legend of Si.Maughold ii. 810 Leather manufacture of Scotland iii. 566 of St. Lucius v. 952 at Pont a de of the mountain at Saltzburg vi. Mer iv . 377 a Chineſe vii. 376 at Cazan vii. 278 of the brood of five hun Leather manufacturers, Mandingo xvi. 880 dred eggs vii. 734 Leather-wood of America xiii. 550 of Supay -urco , Quito xiv. 476 Leaves, gathering, in France iv. 532 of Calote Bells xiv. - , as a food for cattle iv. ibid. Legends of Bamberg vi . 236 of the mulberry deſcribed iv. 602 of Cologne vi. 274 of the ſago-tree xi . 260 of the Abyſſinians 39. 53 animated xi. 356 Leghat tribe 9 fall of them, in America xili . 111. 137 of the banana, immenſe fize xvi. 553 Leghorn, Pococke's voyage from , of the Indian fig xvi. 455 to Alexandria 765 Lebanon, Pococke's deſcription Leghs of Lime, epitaph on one ( ſee Libanus) of the 3 cedars of 488 Legidation, Young's obſervations on iv. 427 Lebedus, near Teos 655 in Spain 401 Lebena 605 obſervations on vi . 75 Leblanc, M., on the Spaniſh ſheep Leguzen animal of Guinea xvi. 439 in France 326 Leguan crocodile of Brazil xiv . 715 Le Blanc family iv. 190 L gune village 334 Lebonah , the ancient 337. 361 Leib - Omai, the Lapland god i . 458 Lebos Marinos, Ide of xvi. 318 Leiceſter town ii . 361 Lecach marble mountain iii . 339 - , hiſtory of ii . 362 Lecchii people xi . 379 Leicefter iſland , Frobíther's Strait xii . 521 Lecco lake, navigation of 973 Leiceſterſhire county ii. 13 Lech river vi. its produce ibid . Lechea fruit of Tonquin beans of ii. ibid . Lectures, efficacy of vi. 232 proverb on iie ibid . Lectureſhips at Oxford 107 Leifer, his diſcovery of America i . 669 6 Leifer's 45 486 XV. > X. 475 Leghea XV . X. 408 ii. X. X. V. X. V. X. X. 19 ix . 661.717 [ 240 ] INDEX. PAGE PAGE lii. 613 XV . XV. 600 11 22. 37 X. XV. X. xi. > iii. V XV. of one X. XV. X. 760 96 VOL. VOL . Leifer's voyage to Iceland i . 645 Leni-croich of Skie iii . 640 Leigh's, Captain, voyage to Guiana xii. 282 Lenoxſhire 250 Leigh’s well, Buxton ii . 409 Lent, difficulty of obſerving, in Leighton , Biſhop iii . 131 Perſia ix . 29 Leinate, wine -preſses at iv . of Ramadan 437. 774 Leinate villa iv. 241 Lentils of Paris iv . 47 Leinſter houſe, Dublin iii . 811 of Barbary Leipfic town vi . 157 Lents in Ruſſia i . literati of vi . ibid . of the Turks 256 trade of 158 Lentwardine bridge ii . 609 Leith town and harbour iii . 32.474 · Leo Africanus 443 Leitharſtein, etymology of (note ) i . 645 Leocate cape 769 Leitour biſhoprick iv. 123 Leoben Archipelago 885 manufactures of iv. 373 Leolin, Prince of Wales ii . 230 - , vineyards of iv. 444 Leon, Ine de v . 569. 574 Leixlip 814 Leon , kingdom of 316 Lejonhufwud, Baron Axel , Von city ibid . Troil's letter to i . 678 Leon, Peter, anecdotes of him 35 Leland, account of him ii . 172 Leonhard , Mr. ii . 501 his account of Worceſter ii . 206 Leopard, Buchanan's deſcription of Sir Lenthal ii . 218 viii . 763 of Sudeley caſtle ü . 236 Leopards, hunting the gazelle vii . 203 of Thornbury of Arabia 185 caſtle ii . 245 of Barbary 623 of Wells ii . 255 Leopold , Emperor iv . 618.621.623 of Sheffield ii . 414 Lepanto gulf of Bolton caſtle ii . 429. iii . 518 Lepers of Cape Verd islands xii. of Bolſover caſtle ii . 444 mode of the Scilly illes ii , 733 of treatment xii . 97 of Scarborough iii . 12 Leper-ſpital at Havanna xiii. 766 of Chatmoſs iii . 206 Lepontii nation 977 of Netherby nii . 208 Lepre mount 657 of Liddel's Leproſy at St. Kilda iii . 665.715 Strength ibid . ibid . of Colcheſter iii . 494 in the Myſore viii . 592 of Newcaſtle iii. 498 of Tonquin ix . 728 of Ure Bridge iii . 517 Arabian 170 Lelue, antiquities at 41 of Gehazi's pofterity 380 Lemaire, Mr., on the petrifa & ions hoſpitals for, in Damaſcus 502 of Ras Sem 615 in Mindanao xi . 14 Lemba, Congo, Merolla's adven in Carthagena xiv. 340 tures at 282. 286 in Morocco 689 Lembourg, Mr. , anecdotes of him viii . 357 of the Mandingoes xvi . Leme, Anthony xii . 14 Leptis Parra, the ancient 581 Lemina, his matrimonial caſe xvi. 908 Lera, Lower, village 957 Lemiſo harbour 277 L'erba ruins 548 Lemnos iſland , Pococke' defcription X. 638 Lerena on the finances of Spain 424. 435 Lemonade-booths of Vienna vi. 95 Lerida, road to 554 Lemons of Arabia 194 town deſcribed v. 619, 620 the Virginian xiji. 33 LeRoy's narrative of four Ruſſian of Carthagena xiv. 356 ſailors at Spitzbergen i. 595 curious double xvi . 123 Lerwee animal 621 Lemon- trees of Japan vii. 694 Lerwick town, population of ni. 697 of the Gold Coaſt, deſcribed by Brand 775 Guinea xvi. 455.504 Lefany, Jebel 297 LEMPRIERE's tour to Morocco XV. 681 - foi Leſbians 637 Lempta, Tunis 581 Leſbos iſland, Pococke's deſcription x. 632 Lena river, road from Elimſky to Leſchenault iſland xi. 828 Yakutſky by vii. 343 Lefchenault,M., on the ſavages of Bell's deſcription of it vii. 344 Diemen's Land xi. Leney houſe 570 Leſgi deſcribed by Rubruquis Lelkar - , cure for it X. X. X. X. XV. xvi. XV. 877 XV. . X. XV. X. XV. 111 . XV . XV. vii. 844 89 INDEX. [ 241 ] PAGE VOL. 258 316 877 XV. > XV. XV . XV. VOL. PAGE : Lelkar of the Great Mogul viii. 28 Letters of the council for Virginia xiii. 139. 141 Leſkard town ii , 283 Letters of the Baron Lahontan on Leſly hill iii. 826 Canada xiii . Leſueur, M. xi. 743 of SirW. Phips to the anecdotes of him xi. 813 governor of Canada xiii. 333 his drawings xi. 949 of Condamine xiv. 257 Letane river x. 366.496 of M.Godin des Odonais xiv. 259 Leti's Parmeſan cheeſe iv. 579 of Count Maurice xiv. 735 Letter - carriers of India viii . of the governor of Bahia xiv. 748 Letters, from the Emperor of Ruſſia of the council of Dutch to Edward the Sixth i . 39 Brazil xiv . 751.771.784 on Iceland, Dr. Von Troil's i . 621-698 of Don Antonio Telles de of Chevalier Ihre i . 707 Sylva xiv. 774. 788.790 of Chevalier Bach to Dr. Troil i . 713 of Admiral Lichthart xiv. 793 of Profeffor Bergman to of Admiral Sarrao de Payva xiv. 794 Dr. Troil i . 718 of Colonel Vidal de Ne from Aberbrothic to Pope grieras xiv . 795.799 John iii . 423 of Colonel SoaresMoreno xiv . 803,805.816 of Hamilton on the Northern of John Fernandes Vieira xiv. 848 Coaſt of Ireland iii . hieroglyphical Egyptian 354 Coxe's, on Switzerland, &c. v. 641 and pafſports in the Eaſtern of the King of Pruffia to ſtyle 391 Voltaire vi . 190 in the ſtyle of Weſt Barbary xv. 412 of Lilichorn to Guftavus Stewart's, to the Balha of the Third, on the day of his Tetuan XV. 445 aſſaſſination vi. 509 to the Queen of written by Mangu -Khan Morocco 479 to the King of France vii. 85 from the Queen of Morocco of the Emperor of China to Mr. Stewart 481 to the Governor of Batavia vii. 268 of Muley Zidan to King from the King of Tibet to Charles the Firſt (note) 697 Friar Horace vii . 601 of Lempriere to the Em from the Grand Lama to peror of Morocco 761 ditto vii. ibid . from the King of Congo of Sir Thomas Roe to the to Merolla xvi. 312 Ealt India Company viii . 44. 49 of Baron d'Aladar de Ben to the yowſki xvi. 779–783 Archbiſhop of Canterbury viii. 45,46 Letters-miffive of Edward the Sixth of M. de Monceaux on delivered to Sir Hugh Willoughby i . 7 Bernier's voyage to India viii . 57 to St. Peter i . 38 of Bernier to Colbert on Letters-patent granted to SirWalter Hindeſtan viii. 133 Raleigh xii. 560 to M. de la Mothe Lettres de cachet 415 iii . 149 Lettuce of Paris iv . 48 to M. Chapelain viii. 173 Leucaton, the Indian xiv. 200 to M. de Merveilles viii . 193 Leuci mountains ( note) 599 of the Birmans ix . 509 Leuk, baths of 766 from Batavia to the Indian town 767 Princes xi. Leungou city ix . 400 from the Emperor of Candy xi. 213 Leunje-Jauvre -Suolo, Lapland tem of Admiral Colon xii . 6 ple at i . 466 from Paul of Florence to Leutevern well ii . 744 Ferdinand Martinez xii . Leuthal, Sir ii . 218 to Colon xii. 13 Leutmerifler, fertility of vi. 144 of congratulation to General Leuwin's Land, New Holland 775 Oglethorpe xii. 481 Levade's, M. , antiques 805 on Virginia to Hakluyt xii . 575.619 Levant, Blount's voyage to 222 on Canada 669 Levant Company ofLondon ii . 97 from Captain Smith to the Levantine valley v. 987 council of Virginia 77 Levant trade of Marſeilles iv . 342 Sir Thomas Dale's xiii. 16 -, obſervations on it vi . 196 VOL. XVII. [ NH] Levecs XV. XV. - iv . le Vayer V. 212 II xi . V. X. xii . xiii . [ 242 ] INDEX. PAGE PAGE 714 673 III iv . iii . 9 V. 671 > v. V. 516 675 V. vi. i. 138. 335 | Pbid . > xi. 406 476 VOL. VOL. Levees of the Sultan of Dar.Får XV. 118 Liberty, De Menonville on xiii . 845 of the Emperor of Morocco xv. 753.797 Liboya ſnake xiy. Level near Mam - Torr ii. 406 Libraries in Iceland i . between Matlock and Rooſeley ii . ibid . at Oxford ii . - , Speedwell ii . 463 benefactions to it ii . ibid. Leveque, M., on the battle of Narva vi . 489 of Cambridge ii . 125 Lever's, Sir Alhton, Muſeum 796 Advocates', Edinburgh ili . 79 Leviathan , a monſtrous xiii . 873 of Aberdeen iii . 61 Levillain , M. xi . 815.822 of Paris 32 Levin town 452 the King's, at Paris iv. 34. 171 Levinis rock 111 . 706 of St. Mark's, Venice iv. 254 Lewarden , the capital of Frieſland 139 of the Eſcurial 369 Lewdneſs of the Otaheitans xi. 509 curiousmanu. Lewfoot iſles, ſee Lofoot illes. ſcripts in ibid . Lewis ille 332 of St. Gallen 649 Martin's account of the iii . 574 of John Geſner at Zuric ſecond-fight in iii . 675 public, at Zuric 672 Lewis Hannibal of Aflinee, anec of the cathedral at Zuric ibid . dotes of xvi. at Balle 691 Lexicon Iſlandicum i . at Soleure 701 Lex talionis in Perfia for murder ix. 253 public, at Bern 850 Ley, Captain xiv. 806 at Geneva 885 Ley, Mr. xiv . 780 of Vienna 98 Leyden deſcribed i . 138 - , royal, of Copenhagen vi. 320 curioſities of Count Thott vi . 321 Leydſaamheyd fort, Guinea xvi. 364 of Suhm vi. Leyrac iv. 123 of the Academy of Sciences, Leyte iſland xi . 74 Stockholm vi. 402 Leyte's, Digos Lopes, confeſſion xiv. 765 the King's Leytimor 252 of the Univerſity of Upfal vi. Lezghi people 46 of the Imperial Academy of Li, the Tonquineſe general ix. 744 Sciences in Ruſſia vi. 823 Lianas, South American bridges xiv. 215 manuſcripts in vi. ibid . plants xiv. 227 --, Chineſe books in vi , 824 Liancourt, vineyards of 445 , Royal, of Ummerapoora ix . 529 cattle iv. 475 > public, of Philadelphia xiii. 390.728 woods iv . 522 of Ofymanduas 255 Liancourt, Chateau de iv. 132 of Alexandria, its deſtruction xv. 8c9.831 Liancourt, Duke de, Young's ac Libration of the moon i . count of him iv. 300 Libyans, anecdotes of them xvi. 825 -, on population iv. 321 Lice, Pharoah's, in Brazil xvi. 153. 206 his eftabliſh Licenſers of the preſs in Vienna vi. ment of an Engliſh farm in France iv. 546 Licenſes for the fur-trade in Canada xiii. 282. 368 manufactures iv . - , marriage, in America xiii . 511 Liancourt family 85 for the fur-trade xiii . 700 Liar, Moritz's obſervations on the Licentiates, Tonquineſe epithet ii. 554 Lichen the food of rein - deer i . 403 Libanon, ſee Lebanon. Lichen Inandicus i . 636 Libanus, mount, Dandini's voyage Olave's deſcription 272 of it i . 748 Maronites of 287 Lichens of Mount Grimſel 752 Maundrell's paſſage food of the chamois 756 of X. 365.376 of the bouquetin 797 cedars of 377.468 of Van Diemen's Land xi . 855 Libattes of Congo of Canada xili. 646 Libau town 723 Lichen Tartareus, colours made from vi. 433 Libby trees of Mindanao 4 Lichfield town ii . 549 Libeccio of Stromboli 96 Lichtenſtein caſtle 953 Liberty of the Laplanders 373 Lichtenſtein , Prince of vi. 70 Engliſh ii. 510 his eſtates and of conſcience in Japan vii . 723 income vi. 93 Lichthart, ix. iv. XV. 212 9 84 548 iv. ix. 676.735 to X. V. V. V. - xvi. 159. 240 vi. INDEX. [243] PAGE 21 XVI . iii. * 366 376 XV. > 476 > 388 age at 536 V. > v. 566 V. I V. xiii , ; * . VOL. VOL. PAGE Lichthart, Admiral xiv . 786 Liliehorn , his trial vi . 512 his defeat of the Lilies of the Cape xvi. Portugueſe fleet xiv. 793. 835.851 Lille town iv. 2 22 Licodia , Father Francis 294 - , opinion of the Treaty of Com. Liddel's Strength ili . 208 merce in iv. Liddeſdale 209 manufactures of iv. Lidmee animal of Barbary 621 cattle iv. Lidkioping, ſtone circle near vi. 348 ſubdiviſions of labour in till . Lidkæuping town vi. iv. Liefland i . 42 Lilly of St.Jago xiii . 819.830 Liefland on the Ruſſian vapour-baths vi . 708 Lilybæum 768 Liens, heights of i. 352 Lima, Betagh's account xiv, 7 Lieutenants-general of Spain 441 Ovalle's deſcription xiv . 161 naval 453 earthquakes at xiv. 303.591 Life of man, all agitation 152 , journey from Quito to xiv. 552 of the Laplander i . 370 deſcribed xiv. of the Admirable Crichton iii. 137 -, extent and deſcription of of Sir Ewen Cameron of the Audience of xiv . 607 Lochiel 159 Limagne, vale of iv . 305 of Don Pablo Olavide 409 Limbo illes, Cheſapeak xiii. 62 of Haller v. 856-870 Lime of Barrow ii. 367 of Colon xii. of France iv. 530 of Baron d'Aladar de Ben. ſulphates of, in Lipari 203 yowſki xvi. 779-794 uſed in the ſilver -works of Life-everlaſting plant of America 419 Peru xiv. 15 Ligario the artiſt, anecdotes of 932 made of ſhells, at the Cape Light of candles forbidden in the of Good Hope xvi. 7 Diets of Poland i . 217 Lime-juice of Guinea xvi. 455 of the Reformation vi. 169 Lime-kiln of Senegal xvi . 657 Lightfoot, Rev. Mr. iii. 171 expedition to xvi. 663 Lightgood, Elias, anecdotes of him xii. 359 Lime- kilns at Stoney -Middleton ij . 392 Light-houſes round Yarmouth ii . 35 of Lord Elgin 4.59 - Eddyſtone ii . 268 Limerick city of the Scilly iſles ii . 746 Lime-late of Canada xiii. 668. 672,693 of Alexandria 164 deſcription Lightning, dreadful effects of, in Ice of it xiii. 679 land i . 688 Limeſol town 575 its identity with electricity i . 786 Limeſtone at the Peak ii . 410 near Elgin 127 of Derbyſhire . its effects on Melvill houſe iii . 561 of Antrim 878 its effect in the Ork in France iv. 304 ney illes iii . 691. 759 of Mont Perdu iv. 716 in New South Wales xi. 926 of the Alps 876 in Jamaica xii. 317 near Vencataghery 587 anecdotes of its effe & s in of the Myſore viii. 590 Guinea xvi. near Seringapatam 612 Lights, deſcription of the polar i. of New South Wales xi . 936 the northern i . 498 of Penfylvania xwi. 404 at Spitzbergen i. 609 of America xiii . 449 of Iceland i . of Canada 643 xiii . 6so. 669. 673. 692 Lights of Paris iv. 8 Lime- tree at Morges 802 of St. Elme xvi. 622 at Friburg 835 Ligna dulcis of Sindy viii. 308 of Carthagena xiv. 356 Ligonus province, Abyflinia 46 Limmat river v. 665.684 Ligor town 578 Limoges, Young's account of iv. 90 Ligore kingdom viii. 433 manufactures of iv. 369 town viii. 464 cattle iv. 473 Ligiejo iſlands, fee Riuku iſlands. horſes iv. 481 Liliehorn, account of him vi. 506 Limon, the ancient 674 , his anonymous letter to Limone lake 376 Guftavus III . , on the day of Limoufin province, ſoil of iv. 91. 306 his afſaffination vi . 509 face of the country iv . 309 [ HH 2 ] Limouſin , jji . 831 - XV. 9 385 246 9 V. XV. ix. x. [ 244] INDEX. PAGE VOL. V. 542 v. 1 46 xiv. 416 XV. 48 147 > > VOL . PAGE Limouſin, horſes of iv. 481 Lingua Romana 981 culture of cheſnuts in, iv. 487 Linguebete river xvi. 789 waſte lands of iv. 507 Lingues country xi. 229 coals of iv. 519 Linguet's Annals vi. 195 , implements of huſbandry iv . 540 Linkoping city i. 331 manures and manuring in iv. cathedral i . ibid . Limpet of the Iſle of Skie iii . 621 Links of Keith 87 Limpie -pongo fignal. Itation xiy . 437 Linlithgow town 465 Limpions of Lima xiv. 605 caſtle ibid . Linarich of Skie iii . 621 Linmull Rock iii . 605 Lincluden abbey iii . 223 Linnæus on the condor 872 Lincoln, Pennant's deſcription of iii . Ś Linſchooten on the anana xvi. 461 Lincoln College, Oxford ii . 117 Linth river 656 Lincolnſhire county, 13 Lin -tfin - chew city vii. 255 its divifion ibid . famous porcelain produce ii . ibid . temple at vii . ibid . Lincoln's - Inn - Fields 85 Lintz city vi . 62 Lindal village i . 263 Liodſgreinir of the Edda i . 913 Lindblom's, Mr., glaſs -houſe 431 Lion, the Venetian iv. 261 Lindeſay's account of the Douglaſs iii . 229 Lion river iii . of the appari Lioneſs, a tract of land ſwallowed tion to James IV. iii . 466 by the ſea ii . 763. 783 of Cochran Lion - fiſh of Chili 75 Earl of Mar iii . 478 Lion-hunt of Sultan Mazum viii . 126 Lindores abbey ili , of Barbary 664 Lind's, Dr. , mode of procuring Lion-mountain, Cape of Good Hope xvi . freſh water from the ſea i. 585 Lions in the Tower of London ii . 47 Lindſay's, Sir David, account of of Tholoman vii. Athol's hunt iii. 53 fights of dogs with them vii. ibid . Line, equinoctial, ceremony at anecdotes of tame, in Perſia vii. 299. 301 croſſing it ( ſee Equator) xvi . 150. 200 Great Mogul’s mode of Linen of Switzerland, French pro hunting viii . 204 hibitions of 721 of Peru xiv. 246. 278 of Egypt 310 of Abyſſinia of Barbary 657 of Dar- Fûr 141 Linen cloth ftamped in Scotland iii. 567 of Barbary 622 Linen -manufacture at Ghefle 340 ancient ſculptured , in Mem at Flors phis 812 at Perth 41 anecdotes of two xvi. 88 of Scotland 567 curious particulars refpect at Coleraine 827 ing them xvi.99. 105. 132. 161. 163 of Mancheſter iv . 356 hunt with the wolf xvi. 645 of Pau 373 hunted by Kings only in of Bretagne iv. 377 Sofala xvi. 692 of Rouen iv. -, anecdotes of Mungo Park's its effects on eſcapes from xvi. 848.853 . 857 agriculture iv . 394 Liotus's grave 159 at St. Ildefonſo 361 Liparæ iſlands 766 remarks on it xii. 385 Lipareſe, their character and de Linen -trade of Cadiz 583 ſcription 251 Lines, entrenched , on the Don vi . 5 of Tellicherry ix. 233 their ſituation 93 Ling caught at Shetland iii . Spallanzani's deſcription of v . Lingay Iſle 596 ſhores 157 Linge, Mr. , Paul de xiv. 756. 819 157.251 Lingen iſland viii . 450 lava porcupines of ibid . 158. 200 Ling - fiſhery of the Dutch xiii . pumices v. 159. 164. 185 Lingicotta village xvi. 903 their ſhape 191 Lingo-tree of Madagaſcar xvi. 801 cavern in 192 Lingoa wood ai. 254 ſal- ammoniac of ibid . Lipari V. XY. XV. 22 XV. XV . XV. 346 XV. iv . 388 jii . V. 499 Lipari ifles 796 156 > city of V. v. ibid . 251 - > glaſs 213 > INDEX. [245] VOL. VOL . PAGE V. V. 617 V. in 1607 . 2II 348 V. xiii. V. 356 V. 358 V. 3 V. V. V. V. 211 Xv. xiv . 18 xiii. XV. XV. 697 XV. 869 PAGE Lipari ifles, breccia of 192 Liſt of the firſt ſettlers of Vir . Stoves 193 ginia in 1585 xii. 574 tufas ibid . in 1587 xii. » garnets 195 of the planters in Virginia - , chryſolites 198 xiii. 48. 60.79 lavas of the Stoves of 201 -, alphabetical, of the adven zeolites of 204 turers for Virginia xiii . 130-139 vitrifications in 210 of the Bermudas adventurers xiii . 190 - , ancient hiſtory of of the Indian nations of antiquity ibid. North America xiii . their direction 230 of the animals of Canada 350 - , on the baſaltes in 238 of the birds of Canada xui. 353 - , population 244 of the fiſh of Canada xiii. their productions ibid . of the trees and fruits of Malmſey wine of ibid . Canada xiii . Indian fig 245 of ſkins to be got in Canada xiii. 690 their fiſhery 247 of the towns and villages in coral ibid . Terra Firma xiv. 384 birds 249 of miſſions on the Amazons xiv. 511 trade 250 of the articles of commerce Liparus, King in Dar- Fur 157 Lipes ſilver -mines of the proceſſion of the ca juriſdiction xiv. 625 ravan to Mecca xv. 382—386 Liquidambar-tree 554 of the Chriſtian captives re Liquoris iſland, Benyowſki's ac deemed out of Morocco 487 count xvi . 782 of the fees at the court of Liquors of Iceland i. 656 Morocco 751 of the Baſhee iſlands xi. 49 of the officers of the court in Canada xiii. of Morocco 752 of Brazil xiv. of the trees, ſhrubs and plants Lira torrent V. 938.941 of Madagaſcar xvi. 800 -807 Liſbon, Earl of Eſſex's march to i . 825 Lister's journey to Paris - , Engliſh factory at ii . 2.41 Litanies of the Moors in Barbary 424 Colon’s reception at 52 Literati of Iceland i . 673. vi. 316 Merolla's account of xvi . 199 391 - , fumptuary laws at xvi. 311 of Vienna vi. Liſca - Bianca, Spallanzani's ac Literature of Iceland i . 622. 636. 668 count of 128 its three periods i . 710 Lifia , the ancient (note ) 606 of Madrid Liſieux town iv . 149 393 cattle of iv . 478 Spaniſh taſte in 521 Liſle, Young's account of iv. 145 in Bern 851 Lille ſur Daube iv. 199 in Geneva Liſlet Geoffroy, M., on the weight among the Griſons 954 and ſpecific gravity of wood xi . 770 dramatic, of Germany vi. -, on changing ' at Vienna vi. 73. 84. 99 names in Madagaſcar xi. 813 flouriſhes in the decay Liſmore ille 354 of a nation vi . 127 Liſt of the Danilh army vi. 353 at Prague 142 navy vi . 354 in Saxony vi. 158 -of the Ruſſian governments, in Germany 159 provinces and diftricts vi . 747. 762 Wieland's ſtyle vi. of the Ruſſian navy in 1778 vi . 903 Gothe's ſtyle of vi. 162 of the Ruſſian army in 1785 vi . 909 - , ftate of,atthe Reformation vi , 166 ofthe public officers in Perſia vii . 315 in Berlin vi . 199 of the kingdoms, provinces, obſervations on German vi. cities, &c. belonging to the of Mecklenburg vi . Great Mogul viii . 53. 233 of Hamburg vi . 212 of grievances, Sir John of Gottingen 231 Child's viii . 335 of Francfort vi. 242 of the provinces of Malabar in Denmark vi . 313 Literature, iv. I XV. xii. > of Spain 87.99 X. v. 388 of Spain v. y. V. 884 V. 22 vi . 160 200 210 366 [ 246] INDEX. PAGE VOL. PAGE mans 9 X. X. X. xiv. XV . XV. XV. 7 708 viii. iv . iv . > VOL. Literature, reſearches and progreſs Living, ſtyle of, among the Turko in Icelandic vi . 315 ix . 329 ftate in Stockholm vi. 402 - , among the Uſbeck riſe and progreſs of Tartars ix. 330.380 Ruſſian vi . 845 ", among the Arabs 152 ftate of, in Korea vii. 535 - , among the Maronites x. 290 of the Tonquineſe ix . 674. 735 in Batavia xi. 192 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix. 790 -, in Amboyna xi. 274 of the Arabians 165 in Canada xiii. 660 of the Turks 254 in Guayaquil xiv. 399 of the Maronites 291 of the aſtronomers, in Canada xiii . 605 on the Andes xiv. 424 in Virginia xiii. 714 in Weft Barbary xv.414.453.663 in Penſylvania xiii . 730 of the Moors in ftate in St.Jago 177 Morocco 768 in Weſt Barbary 440.458 Livings, church , in Scotland 111 . 77.530 in Algiers and Tunis 637 of the Orkneys 753 -, African, Mungo Park's of Shetland ni. 781 account xvi . 892. 894 Livonia, Coxe's hiſtory of vi. Litigations of the Manks ii. 795 - > government and diſtricts vi. 748 Lithology, on 4.6 Livonia, Maria Queen of, tomb Lithomarga, near Madana-Mada 691 and hiſtory of vi. 622 Litre's, M., anatomical obſerva Livoniere, M. iv. 160 tions 23 Livres, table of, reduced , at ten Little Belt , paſſage of the i . 333 pence halfpenny each 79 Little Cape of Ice i . 96 Livy's account of the Rhetians 979 Little Cheſter ii . 372 Lixnaw eſtate iii . 848 Little Compton ii. 203 Lizards in France 89 Little Mam Torr ii . 401 Siameſe ix. 612 Littleton, Commodore, anecdotes of viii. 269 - , flying , of Siam ix . 623 Littleton, Sir Edward , anecdotes of Arabia 188 of him viii. 409 591 Littleton family ii . 205 of Candia 618 Littletons, the three ii. 205 of New South Wales xi. 921 Little -town - Down 687 of Brazil xiv, 715 Liturgy, the Engliſh 536 338 Liulphus, ſtory of iii . 503 of Barbary 627 Liufna river 267 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 68 Liuſnarburg, mines of vi 389 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 441 Livadia, Pococke's deſcription X. 747 of Sofala xvi . 695 Livadia plain 625 Llama of the Andes xiv. 534 Liver of fiſh , food of it i . 398 Llamas on the Guallaga xiv. Liverpool, trade of ii. 39 Llamphey court ii . buildings ii . ibid . Llanbadarn Vawr ii . wet docks . ibid . Llanbeder town 604 Livers, fish without iii . 787 Llanberris ii . 630 Living, art of, in France iv. 298 Llancaut farm ii . 580 prices of, in Italy iv. 650.654 Llandaff city ii . 591 - , in Majorca iv. 675 cathedral ibid . at Vienna vi. 72. 100 church ibid . ſtyle of, in Hamburgh 211 Llandilo bridge ii боr in Holland vi. 280 Llandrindod wells 603 in the Netherlands vi. 288 Llanelly 594 in Norway vi. 358 Llangattockvillage 586 in Stockholm 392 Llangerig village 638 in Smolenſko 575 Llangoed caſtle ii. 610 in Moſcow 589 Llangollen town 636 in Peterſburgh vi . 686 Llanidloes town 638 in Japan vii . 634 Llanrhaidr 636 in Perſia ix. 202. 263 Llanrwſt town 625 Llanfa X. of Cyprus X. of Egypt XV . XV. 2:32:29*. ***• :::::: X. 498 596 639 1 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: > 2 INDEX. [247] VOL . PAGE XV. ji. 284 > XV 7 36 v . VOL. PAGE Llanſa town V. 626 Loch Derrevarach iii . 816 Llantoney abbey ii . 585 Loch - Dochart 370 Llantriſſent, its fingular ſituation ii . 591 Loch - Druinard 285 Llanwrtydd wells 603 Loch . Earn 405 Llanvair town ii . 640 Loch -Eport 592 Llanvyllyn town ii . 637 Loch-eribol, caves in 149 Llanymdovery town ii . 602 Loch -etive 353 Llafhore, Mooriſh feaſt 774 Loch-Ewe 341 Llerena, auto da fé at 408 Loch- Eynord jii . 602 Llulia juriſdiction xiv. 611 Lochfallart iii . 618. 628 Loaave, the Lapland i . 390 Loch Fine 106 Loadſtone, its poſition in the mine ii . 4 Loch -Finiſbay 585 its properties 784. Loch - finlagan 286 phenomenon in Shetland iii . ibid . Loch -fuchan 363 - , anciently known in China vii . 394 Loch- guirm Ovalle's obſervations on Loch -Hacon 150 it xiv. 134 Lochias cape 165 Loadſtones, Mr. Butterfield's collec Lochiel, life of Sir Ewen Cameron of iii. 159 tion iv . 26 Loch - Jurn iii . 346 , experiments with iv. 27 Loch - Kinnard 332 their properties iv . 28 Loch- Lay 655 Loam of Ireland iii . 865 Loch -Leven 36. 655 diſtrict of France iv . 303 Loch -Leven caſtle iii . Loan, public , of Spain 429 Loch-Lochy 98 Loanda city, Congo xvi. 156 Loch Lomond 107. 248 Merolla's deſcription xvi . 294 Loch-Loung 251 Battel's adventures at xvi. 319 Loch -Maddy 592 Loangeſe, their manners and cuſ Loch -maree 340 toms xvi . 560.567 Loch -Monivard 404 Loango, Merolla's deſcription xvi. 270.293 Loch -nan -grun iii . 314 Battel's adventures at xvi . 319 Loch -nan -ua iii . 350 deſcribed xvi. 329 Loch Neagh, ſcenery round 825 Proyart's hiſtory xvi. 548–597 Loch-Neſs iii. 95 Loango, King of, his manners and Loch-Oich 98 cuſtoms xvi. 330 Loch- Portry 618 Loayſa, Fray Garcia Jofre de xiv. 95 Loch- Ranza 256 Lobo, Governor, anecdotes of xvi. 292 Loch -Scafford 655 Lobo, Rodriguez , anecdotes of him xvi. 692 Loch - Screban, baſaltic columns in 303 Lobos iſlands xiv. 645 Loch-Sgriofard 312 LOBO's voyage to Abyflinia XY. Loch - ſhiel 99 Lobſters of Montroſe iii . 427 Lochſligichan 618 of New York xiii . 454 Loch - fniſort ibid . of Chili xiv. 74 Loch-Stenius, antiquities at of Juan Fernandes xiv. 662 Loch- Stokneſs 585 of the Cape xvi .. 49 Loch of St. Tredwel 762 Locarno lake 988 Loch - Talla 103 town 989 Loch - Tarbat jii . 585 bailliage ibid . Loch - Tarbat harbour iii. 254 Locatelli's, Sig. , farm iv. 556 Loch -Tay iii. 43. 372.375 Locendro lake 747 Loch - Tilt ii. 54 Lochaber, agriculture of 101 Loch -Uge iii . 618 Lochachray iii . 570 Loch -vanachoir 570 Lochae country 160 Lockerneſs moraſs Loch- Aw iii . 105 Lockerwood, antique at 218 Loch - Bracadale 320 Lockham the fiſh vii. : 84 Loch - Broom 332 Lockman's travels of the Jeſuits Loch - Bruist 588 (note) Loch - Carlvay 579 Locks, curious, at Wolverhampton ii. 41 Loch Catherine 570 on the canal of Arragon 551 Loch - Dale 651 of Viſhnei- Volo . Loch Derg 859 fhok vi. 896 Lockyer, I iii. 691.754 218 XV. 61 [248] INDE X. VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGE X. V. X. 29 9 X. 283 iv. 128. 159. 309 476 481 408 X. X, XV. > XV. - 36.371 XV. Lockyer, Mr., on the trade of Perfia ix . 207 Loheia, voyage from Jidda to 25 Locle village 816 city deſcribed manufactures ibid . inhabitants of 31 Locos of Chili xiv. 73 Lohi lake i . Locufts in China vii. 257 Loiano town iv. 264. 276 a flight of, in the Myſore Loire river deſcribed viii. 595.613 Loja juriſdi& ion, Quito xiv . in Perfia ix. 184 Lojanos people xiv. in Arabia 61 Lok -Kierres, fledge i . - , flights of, in Arabia 188 Lolius Urbicus lii . 465 the quails of the Iſraelites wall made by iii . 491 in the defart 189. 336 Lolo tree of Loango xvi . 554 eaten in the Baſhee iſlands xi. 49 Lombardy, filk of iv . 470 of North America xiii. 505.562 » Young's account of iv. 549 bread made of them by the general circumſtances of Pampas Indians xiv. 128 the huſbandry in iv. 550 of John the Baptiſt 404 foil of iv . ibid. Shaw's deſcription of them xv. 632 climate iv. 551 of Morocco 709 notes on the agriculture deſtructive effects of a cloud of iv. ibid. of, on the Gambia xvi. 634 - , on the manufactures of iv. 562 eaten by the Negroes xvi. ibid . irrigation in iv . 570.576 famine in Ethiopia cauſed management of arable by xvi. 717 land in iv. 588 Locuſt -tree of New York xiii . 456 poplars iv . 608 Locut meaſure 41 Lombe's, Sir Thomas, filk machine ii . Lodde fiſh of Finmark i . 437 Lomellines 543 Lodeve town iv. 118 Lommerfiord bay i . 776 manufactures of iv. 373 Lomond's, M., machines iv. 139 Lodgings of Paris iv. 143 Lomonozof, the Ruſſian poet, his at Vienna vi. 68 life vi . Lodi town iv. 244 his odes and works vi. 854 theatre iv. ibid . Loms, Bay of i , 82 price of land at iv. 560 Loms, deſcription of the bird i . ibid . -, canals and irrigation 572 Lomy, the Chineſe conductor 363 cattle and dairies of anecdote of him vii . 365 culture of filk at iv. 603 Loncarty, battle of 41 - , prices of various articles at 652 Loncarty, Hay of 394 xi, 874 London, Gonzale's account of 41 Lodias, account of the Ruſſian i . 53 ii . of Solikamſky vii. , tower of ii . 43 Lodizan , cheeſe of iv. 580 fuburbs ii . 47 courſe of crops in iv. 589 wards ii . 48 Loeches village 543 - > government ii . 71. 75 church ibid . free ſchools in 86 - , paintings ibid . proviſions of ii . 88 Lofos, filver and copper-mine vi. 460 , claſſes of people in 92 Loehoe kingdom defcribed xi. 227 number of its inhabitants ii . 96 Læufta caſtle vi . 552 trading companies in ibid. forges vi . ibid . its trade 99 Lofoot iſles i . banks in ii . Logah -nundah, temple ix. 474 manufactures of ji . ibid . Logan-ftone ii . 378 foreigners in ii . Logatherpoo temple ix. 554 Shaw's account of 173 Logician , a determined Mahometan ix. 280. 282 its ancient state ii . 174 Logierat town iii . 380 environs ibid . Log line, obſervations on it i . 563 proſpect of ii . Ulloa's obſervations on it 494 xiv. 322 London -bridge ii . 47 Logwood cutters of the Bay of London Virginia Company xii . 330 Campeachy xii. 323 Londrins , manufactures of, in France iv . 373 Lohavohits of Madagaſcar xvi . 746 Longa inftrument of Congo xvi . 7 Longafiochi 853 iv . iv. 581 7 is . 111 Lodi cape its gates 9 42 321 v. - 9 > 13.62 101 > 102 > - 245 INDEX [249] VOL. PAGE i . XV . 308 9 iv . xiii. 574 X1 . > iv. iv . XV. > V. VOL. PAOL Longafiochi river 161 Lord Mayor's ſhew ii. 511 Longbanfitta, mines and minerals Lord's diſcovery of the Banians of vi. 390 and Perſees viii. 523 Long -ears nation xiv . 512 Lords, Houſe of ii. 81. 128 Longeri, Battel's account xvi . 331 Lord's ille ni. 193 Longevity of the inhabitants of the Lords of the Ines 276 North i. 361 Lord's Prayer in Icelandic i . 674 of the Scotch ii . 161 Lordſwood Dome mine ii . 479 in the INe of Wight 713 Loreine cape xii. 664 at Frodilham 175 Lores, the Commendary xii. 123 in the Iſle of Jura 279. 649 Lorete village, Canada xiii. 265.654 in the Orkney illes 692 Loreto million xiv. 260 in Shetland iii. 693.767 Lorge, De, garden iv. 60 of the Indians xiii. 494 Lorifa river 686 of the Loangeſe xvi. 573.584 Loriga at Seville 567 miraculous, of a native Loriol, filk culture at iv . 465 of Bengal xvi. 735 Lorn iſland 357 inſtances of miraculous xvi. 737 Loroſa, Peter Alphonfo de xi. 363 Longford hill ji, 829 Lorraine, province, ſoil of iv. Long iſland iii . 273 vines of 450 Long iland , New York xi . 494. culture ofhemp and fax in iv. 492 gardens of 577 orchards of iv. 495 Weymouth's diſcovery xii. 228. 351 - , potatoes of 500 Burnaby's deſcription xiii. 739 coals of 520 Longitude, mode of finding i. 590 woods iv. 523 meansof diſcovering xi. 387 price of wood and char Long -neck bird of Barbary 629 coal in iv. 525 Long river, Lahontan's voyage on xiii. 310 tillage and laying of land Long's, Dr., aſtronomical machine in iv. 538 ( note) vi. 832 Lorregat 617 Long's, Henry, ſhipwreck xili. 189 Loſada, Duke of 345 Longſtone, Mr. ii. 393 Loſeley houſe 321 Longtown village 118 Loſhak the Ruſs 58 Long-tſong, King of the Tû - fan vii. 570 Loftwithiel town 273 Longueuil, Baron xiii. 620 -, hiſtory of 281 Longworth ii . 212 Lota, view of Loo, Eaſt and Weſt ii . 272 Lotch, Captain Looker's -on iſland 540 Loth pariſh iii. 155 Looking-glaſſes, Indian trade in xiii. 688 Lotoo of the Birman empire ix . 520.538.544 - Caffres delighted Lotophagi 602 with them xvi, 103 Lot's wife 434 Lookout, Point i . 52 Lottery of Virginia xiji. · 116 Loom bird deſcribed i. 164. 197 Lotto of Genoa 266 of Finmark i. 428 Lotus of Barbary deſcribed . 602 Looms of the Mandingoes xvi. 879 Loubou, Loango, anecdotes of ſome Loonghee town ix . 467.559 Frenchmen in xvi. 566 Loories Rivier xvi . 102 Loucar bay, Madagaſcar xvi. 750 Lop city and deſart deſcribed by Loudon fort, anecdotes of the garri. Marco Polo vii. 118 xiii . 715 Lopez cape, Guinea xvi. 507.512 Loudon, Earl of iii. 420 Lopo Gonſalves cape xvi. 318.507.512 Lougans of Senegal xvi. 662 Lopt Guttormſon's love -long 680 Loughborough town ü. 367.566 Loquacity of the Loangeſe xvi. 564 Louis the Ninth of France, his expe Loque, Hernando de xiv. 154 ditions into Syria and Egypt vii, 24.100 Lor, M. Henry 186 ,, Mangu Lorbus, Tunis Xy. 572 Khan's letter to him by Rubruquis vii. 85 Lord -elephants of the Great Mogul, Louis fort, Canada xii. 452 rich trappings of them viii. 14. Louis the Pious i. 468 Lord Mayor of London ü. 72 Louiſa town and garriſon vi. 559 election of 73 obſervations on vi. 568 VOL. XVII , Louiſ 833 685 xi. XV. X. vi. XV. fon ( note ) viii. [ 250] INDE X. FAGE 813 614 V. XV. V. V. 558 29 V. VOL. VOL. PAGE Louiſburgh, Madagaſcar, Benyowſki's Luca, Browne's account xvi. 832 eſtabliſhment xvi. 789 Lucan on the Liffey üi. Louiſiana, meaſures of Spain to Lucanas juriſdiction xiv. wards 482 Lucas, the carpenter xiii . 129 cefſion of, to Spain ibid. 632 Lucaſſe ordeal of the Caffrés, in Sofala xvi. 690 its preſent ftate 483 Lucayos, fee Bahama. productions ibid. Lucca- parros iſlands xi. 476 Loup, Riviere de, Canada xiii . 629 Luccombe Chine ii . 689 Loupat river 715 Luccos river 688 Lourde caſtle iv. 121 Lucern lake 722 Louſing , national trait of (note) 515 town ibid . Loutre the pirate i. 799 canton 723 Louviers town iv. 164 government of ibid. cloths of iv. 357. 360 revolution of ( note ) 724. 730 manufactures of iv. 379.383 Lucerne, on the culture of iv. 599 Louvo province ix. 578 - near Barcelona iv. 668 Louvois, Abbé iv. 34 Luche plant of Chili xiv. 73 Louvois's, M., garden iv . 61 Luchon town iv . 97 Louvre at Copenhagen i. 140 Lucifer of the Perfees viii. of Paris iv. 14 Zertooft's Lou -wa , the fiſhing bird vii. 254 encounter with him viii. 562 Lovat, Lord 78.80 Lucipara illand viii. 450 Love of country predominant in Lucius, King of England ii. 139 Iceland i . 652 Luckenbooth Row, Edinburgh iii . in Lapland i . 412 Luconia iſland 491 remarks on it ii . 511 - Hamilton's defcription viii. 512 ftrong in the deſcribed xi. 2. 37. 54. 71 Negroes xvi. 883 Lucy, Count ä . 501 Lover, a Lapland i. 451 Ludeke, Mr., of Stockholm vi. 415 Lover's cape, Weft Indies xii. 46 Ludgate, defcription of the gate ii. 43 Lever's leap ii. 229 Ludlow town ii . 641 Lovelace, Lord 240 caſtle ii. ibid . Lovetoft family 439 Ludlow , General, character and tomb v. 806 Low , Dr. Peter, epitaph on 239 Ludolf on Ethiopia (note) Lowe river vi. 367 Lueg, Paſs of vi . 46 Low -hareah , Tunis 567 Luen river, phenomenon in vii. 254 Lowitz, murder of him vi. 802 Luetang, Chineſe general ix, 681 Lowlanders of Scotland 161 Luganotown 990 Lowfwork lake ibid . Lowther river , curiofities near 152 Lugg river ii . 212 Lowther, Sir James 198 Luggie's Know , the wizard of ili , 787 Loxa, Condamine's account xiv. 216 Lugwardyne ii . 212 Loyd's collection of foffils ii. 293 Luiſiana village 564 Loyd's Sufferings of the Loyalifts ij. 237 Lu -hong-je, General vii. 574 Lozenzana, Cardinal Luleo town 480 Luagh of Skie ini. 319 Luli dagheli, tree ix. 123 Luarlab , Prince ix. 125. 128 Lullea gammalſtadt i . 273 Lubeck, deſcription of vi. 224. 346 Lumber trade, obſervations on it xü . trade vi. 347 Lumbs at Matlock ii . Lubomirſky, grand Marſhal 217 Lumley family iii , 503 his cabi Lumley caflle 504 net i. 218 Lumps of filver found in Carangasxiv. 628 Luc, M. de, his bygrometer 569 of gold in La Paz xiv. 629 his theory of bafaltes iii. 896 Lumſden, Major-General iii. 419 on the formation of Lunacy , Perſian ſecret for curing ix . 182 mountains iv. Lunan bay, caves in iii . 424 his account of Vulcano v. 147 Lunar - ftone, the 588 on bafaltes 239 Lunatics, wonderful cures of iii . 369 his barometers 779 in the Sandwich iſlands 732 -, his writings 886 -, anecdotes of them хні .. 732 cabinet 887 Lander, the Finmark bird i. 429 Luneville , XV . 61 v. 412 jii. V. V. 538 328 378 708 X1 INDEX. [ 251 ] 9 V. xiii. 447.553 824 5 X. 43 V. 236 iv. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE Luneville, Young's account of iv. 194 Lyonnois, coals of iv . 531 manufactures of iv. 379 Lyons, Young's account of iv. 286 - , vineyards iv . 451 filk manufactures iv. 360. 380.385.469 Lunfanan , Macbeth Nain at 60 Lyons, Mr. Iſrael i . 541 Lunga, Pietra 188 Lyons's, Mi., account of aſtrono . Lungnetz, glacier 750 mical obſervations and time Luonion cataract i . 283 keepers i . 592 Lupara foreſt and mountains xvi. 706 Lupine plant of America Lurgan eſtate iii. M. Luree, bird of Borneo xi. 109 Lufienne manſion iv. 141 M, mountain, Popayan xiv . 483.484 Luſignan , M., of Canada xiii. 604.615 Maani, Madame ix . II. 17.39.41. 111. 119 Luſs, inſtances of longevity at 109 Maatzuiker, Governor -General of Lut in Cochin - China ix. 774 Batavia, Emperor of China's let Luther buried at Wittenberg i . 150 ter and preſents to him vii. 268 his letter to Melanēthon 649 Mabao village xvi. 641 anecdotes of him vi. 168 Mabed kingdom vii. 189 his character vi. ibid . Mabel's croſs iji , 179 Lutheran church , Philadelphia xiii . 389 Maber , Mr., of Merthyr- Tydvil ii . 646 ſervice 264 Mabillon, Pere de iv . 38 Lutheraniſm in Denmark vi. 313 Mabim town, anecdotes of the Por Lutherans, character of the German vi. 171 tugueſe at 210 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 49. 146 Mabo cape xi . 480.496 Luttoch , chapter of vi. Mabocche tree , fruit of it xvi. 249 Luttrell's town iii. 813 Macaire, Mr., of Conſtance 646 Lutwidge, Captain i . 543 Macanaz on the Inquiſition 405 Lutzen, battle of vi. 485 Macao city deſcribed vii. Luxembourg palace, Lifter's ac Hamilton's deſcription viii. 484 count of it 13 - , Benyowſki's adventures at xvi. 783 gardens iv. 57 Macapa fort xiv. 251 Luxerein, antiquities in xv. 239. 253. 347 Mac-Arthur's, Captain, farm and Luxey, Ide of Man 11 . 811 flocks xi . 919 Luxuries, Mooriſh XV, 768 Macartney , Lord iv. 90 Luxury of the Auſtrian nobility vi . 93. 100 Macas government, Quito xiv . 493 of the Hungarian nobility vi . 107. 112. 116 Macas volcano xiv. Luzbalhi of Perſia ix. 28 Macaſſer, Dutch factory at viii. 458 Luzon iſland xi . 349 town deſcribed xi. Lu- zu , the Chineſe ſaint vii. 240 Dutch government in xi. 200 Lwghor river 594 deſcription of the kingdom xi. 216 Ly, the omfaii, his converſion ix . 819 government of xi . 237 Lybia , Defert of 63 (muggling at xi. 241 Lycia 594 Dutch eſtabliſhment at xi. 242 Lycopolis in Egypt 225 Macathum mountain 274 Lycoungz, his hiſtory vii . 173 Macbeth, ſcene of the tragedy of iii. 440 Lycurgus in Crete 609 Mac Bhrochlin's ſtone iji . 261 Lycusriver X. 323. 478. 677 Maccabees' hill 440 ii , 286 Macclesfield , Pennant's account of iii . 3 town ii . ibid. Macdermot family Lydda, Pococke's deſcription 409. 444 Macdonald of the Illes 283 Lydford waterfall ii . 286 Mac - Donald, Flora 323 Lydney park ii . 231 Macdonald, Sir Donald 641 village ii . 232 Mac-Donald clan in Antrim 888 Lying -in hoſpital at Stockholm vi . 428 Mac-Donald's, Archibald, vifions by Lyme-Regis, hiſtory of 291 ſecondfight pier and harbour of ü . 292 Mac-Duffie of Colonſa iii . 653 phenomenon at 293 Mace of the Banda iſlands Lynch, Sir Thomas, of Jamaica xii . 324 Maceira iſland, account of an Engliſh Lyon, Abrahamde, of Georgia xii. 459 ſhip loft at viii . 283 Lyonnois, ſoil of iv, 307 Mace's, Captain, expedition to Vir , various plants of 506 ginia xii . [ 1 2 ] Mac 306 57.61 ji. XV. X. XV. X. X. Lyd river 829 X. 679 > xi . 198.257 iv. 220 [252 ] INDE X. PAGE iii. 49 XY. jji. XV. X, XV. , Rochon's voyage ix. 681.744 9 9 9 VOL. Mac Gilly Cuddy's reeks ii. Macgregor family 111 . M.Gregor's clan Machakandibi river xiii . Machala town xiv. Macheran, ſee Macran . Machiana iſland xiv. Machiavel's art of government vi . Machicomuck , Virginian temples xii . Machinery, Rochon's remarks on xvi. Machines uſed in the Derbyſhire mines ii. for deepening a river iii ,. invented by General Clauſſer Machira la Chef river Machis of Chili xiv. Machoo town Machrai river iii . Machrai- Shanais bay Machſa village Machurebi, the ancient Machyntleth town ii. M'Intoſh, account of a Laird iii . Mack, King of Tonquin Mackarel ofNew Guinea xi . of Teneriffe deſcribed xvi. mode of catching xvi. Mackay, Lieut. , of Georgia xii. Mackenzie, Kenneth, Eſq. ii. Mackenzie's, Sir George, account of Hirta and Rona , Mackinnon , Mr. Mackrain , Gillour iii. Mackrans, their depredations in Perſia viii . Mackraw , Captain, anecdotes of him viii. Maclaurin, Profeſſor, on the effects of lightning at Melvill houſe iii . Maclean, Dr. John Mac- Lean , Mr., of Coll Macleane, Mr., of Scarba Macleod , Colonel M.Leod, Katharine, the faſting woman Macleod, Major Macleod, Mr., of Arniſdale iii . Macleod , Mr. , of Dunvegan Mac-Leod's , Sir Normand, inſtance of ſecondfight Mac- Louis family of Arran Mac Manis of Man Macnab, Mr. , of Cromerie M'Nabb the ſmith Mac -Neile, Mr. iii . Macniel of Barray Macodama, the ancient Macokuer of Virginia Macolontes of Congo anecdotes of a brave one xvi. Macon, King of Man ii. VOL. PAGE 843 Macon fiſh deſcribed xvi . 701 371 Macoronga, Portugueſe conqueſt of xvi . 703 To8 Macoutes, coin of Loango xvi. 574 341 Macpherſon, Dr. John 272 402 Mac-Pherſon's account of an ancient feaſt iii . 324 251 Mac - Quaire , Mr. Lauchlan ( note ) iii . 305 106 Macqueen, Rev.Mr., on the goveru 604 ment of the Weſtern illes ili . 545 741 " , on the Grua. gich iii . 551 485 Mac-Quillan of Dunluce iii . 888 241 Macran province ix . 171 Macreuſe of Paris iv. 327 Mac-Swen's account of the diſcovery 686 of Green iſland 652 38 Madagaſcar iſland , Marco Polo's de 66 ſcription vii . 164 262 Hamilton's deſcrip 270 tion viii. 268 43 , Santos' hiftory of xvi . 715 531 639 to xvi . 738 166 deſcribed xvi. ibid . ſouthern part of xvi. 743 477 north -eaſtern part xvi. 767 602 northern part of Xvi. 796 ibid. Madalena Maroris province xii . 90 478 Madana Mada village viii . 690 338 Madder, culture of, in France iv. 493 315 730 Maddies rocks 592 316 Mаdecaffe, fee Madagaſcar. 279 Madeira iſland, journal ofa voyage to i. 763. xi. 564 Merolla's account xvi. 301.304 Madera river, America 270 Maderakko, the Lapland goddeſs i . 459 Mad -houſes of Stockholm vi. 429 561 Madhu-giri fort viii . 677 hiſtory of viii. 678.685 661 Madigaru caſt, their manners and cuſtoms viii . 640 318 Madigheſhy fortreſs viii . 685 hiſtory of the town viii . ibid . 535 Madmen, anecdotes of them 732 717 eſteemed in Egypt 325 346 in Barbary XV. 457 reverenced in Morocco 695 Madneſs cauſed by the Fida ſnake xvi . 495 681 Madning -Boure ii. 456 645 Madoc Prince of Wales, his ſettle 823 ment in America xii. 157. xii . 3 407 Madona, church of 918 104 Madonna in the Kremlin of Moſcow vi. 603 293 Madonna del Pez 309 604 Madras, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 393 584 , Buchanan's journey from 596 Seringapatam to viji. 573 159 Madrepores on the Me of France xi . 766 165 of Timor xi . 804 of the Red Sea Madrid, of Spain 111 200 xiv . 239. 499 2 ii. 326.551 356 111 jii . xiii. V11 ХУ . 321 XV. iii . XV. xii. xvi. 821 XV. 283 1 INDEX. [ 253 ] PAGE v . , prado of V. 378 308 X. 461 > V. 292 Y. xiv . 149 V. V. - > preſs v. 97 V. 663 ibid. 683 111 X. Xv. 546 XV. VOL. VOL . PAGE Madrid , prices of various articles at iv. 674 Magdalena Hook i. 548 road to 373 Magdalene iſland, St. Lawrence xiii. 623 palace in 376 Magdalene river, Bouguer's naviga. tion xiv. alcala of ibid . Magdola, Pococke's deſcription botanic garden in 379 Magellan, Pigafetta's voyage round academy of fine arts 381 the world in his ſquadron xi . 288 plaza mayor of 382 account of him xi. - , its population ibid . his voyages xi. 307. churches 384 death xi. 2. 71. 345 -, artiſts 385 Magellanes, Hernando de xiv. 94. 124 ibid . Magellan Strait, diſcovery of it xi. 319. xiv. 93 academies 386 deſcribed xiv. 95 police of 401 , on the trade to the bank of 433 Phillippines through xiv. Madridejos village 560 Magethaes, Major xiv. 826 Madrina inn 623 Maggia torrent 989 Madura iſland viii. 453.455 . xi . 107 Magic uſed by the Laplanders i. 186 deſcribed xi. 144 -, ſpecimen of i . 182. 469 principality xi. 164 cauſes of 479 Madyſon, Captain , of Virginia xiii. 157 in Skie 331 Mæander, Magneſia on in the Orkney illes 692.763 river in Shetland iii . 699 Machſen - el -Makkawiſch 28 of the Egyptians 316 Maekkaftak , the bird i. 425 Magicians, Lapland i . 459 Mæler lake vi . of the north i . 477 Maembe fountain xvi . 707 ride ſwine .i. 485 Mæotis lake i . 30 of Cardandan 144 Märis lake 217. 396 of Malabar vii . 162 Maeſe river vi. 282 of India 218 Mæftrale of Provence 315 the Shaman, of Baraba vii . Maezrés, M., filk - ftocking manu the Buratſky vii. factory vi. 434 the Japaneſe Jammabos vii . 746 Maffei's account of Magellan xi . 293 of Tonquin Maffio, Signior vii . 166 Arabian 172 Mafouque of Loango, his office xvi. 578. 586 of Frobiſher's Strait xii. 559 Ma-fragg river 542 of America xiii. Mag-wine of the Cape xvi. 63 of Barbary 671 Magadas of Canaria xvi. 819 xvi. 225. 273. 326. 334 Magadi town viii . 618 Magic -ſquares in Barbary 642 quarries 620 Magioppe iſland xiv. 723 woods and trees of viji . 621 Magiftracy of Spain 399 Magadi Kempa Ganda viii , 618 in the Valteline 928 Magadino, excurſion from Locarno Magneſia, the ancient, on the Mæan. to 989 der 663 Magadoxa, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 267 Magnet, phenomenon of it , in Shet . Magazine of Health at Zuric 668 land iii . 784 Magazines at Torneo i. 304 on its properties iii . ibid. of Lapland 374 on diſcovering longitude by of Cadiz 574 it xi. 389 of Ava ix . 500 its variation xi. 440 of Siam ix . 592 Ovalle's obſervations on it xiv . 134 ofSydney Cove, New -, Bouguer on its variation xiv. 309 South Wales xi. 904 Ulloa on the variation xiv. 325.390.665 in the palace of Mequinez xv. 468 Magnetical iſle 547 Magazines, literary, of Spain 392 Magnetiſm of the capes of Antrim iii . 902 Magazine- thips of the Bermudas xiii. 198 Magnets, Mr. Butterfield's iv, 26 Magdalen iſlands, Adanſon's deſcrip , experiments with them iv. tion xvi. 624 - , their properties iv. 28 Magdalena bay i . 616 Magnia town Magnin, iv . 334 348 9 ix. 706.733 XV. 53 XV. of Congo XV. 9 XI . 17 6oo [ 254] INDEX. PAGE VOL. XV. XV. XV. XV. II2 258 ſea 756 XV. X. XV. viii. Mahalla port XV. 180. 401 XV. XV. ix . 358 ix. viii. viii . XV. XV. XV . X. VOL. PAGE Magain, Father xiv. 223 Mahomet, Sidi, Emperor of Morocco, Magnoliaglauca of America xiii . 443. 571 account of him 743 Magnus, Duke of Holftein , hiftory of vi . 622 -- , his court 752. 797 Magnus, King of Norway ii. 823 Mahomet the Lame 32 Magnus, King ofMan ä . 820 Mahrattas, Nieubuhr's deſcription of x. 205. 215 Magnus the Barefooted iii . 255 Mahrea Arabs Magooftan of the Iſle of France xi. 768 Mahu, Sieur xiii. Magorates, people ix. 5 Maiama Lombole lake i . 283 Magpies of Finmark i . 424 Maiden, the beheading inſtrument 524 i . 425 Maiden caſtle ii . 297 - , chattering i . ibid . Maiden Down 263 of Vera Cruz xiii. 785 Maidenhair of Canada xiii . 361. 640 Maguana iland xiii. 872. 874 Maidenhead bridge, views from ii . 534 Maguari headland xiv. 251 town üi . ibid . Magues fruit of Chili xiv. 88 Maiden's Leap, ftory of 412 Maguey ſpring xiv. 65 Maids of honour, Sir T. Urquhart's Mahabolelwara, idol viii. account of iwo ( note) iii . 141 Mahad, El, village 38 Maid-ſervants, faucy ü. 532 Mahadi, El, Imam , hiſtory of him X. 103 Maigoga, Abyffinia 28 Mahadi Mahomet, Imam ibid. Mai.herga mountain 537 Mahagree iſlands iii . 848 Mail Chitumbra temple 725 Mailet's account of the pyramids 200 Mahamet Kuli Soltan , anecdotes of account of the inſide of him 354 the great pyramid Mahamet Saynbeg 360 Mail.cotay, Hindou temples at 698 Mahantina caſt ofthe Hindoos 634 Maillet, M. 107 Maharak of Barbary 503 Maima, Jamaica xii. 152 Maharefs, Tunis 584 Maimbou, the chief xvi. 765 Mahas, road from Sennaar to xvi. 829 Main, New England xii. 254 Mahé town, Buchanan's deſcription viii. 744 Maina in the Morea 763 Mahe de la Bourdonnais , M. , anec Main-Amber rock ii. 152 dotes of him xvi. 740 Main Bench , Iſle of Wight ii. 725 Mahmal for the alcoran 370 Maindu town ix. 451 Mahmel of Mahomet's tomb xv. 321. 382 Maine, foil of iv. 306 Mahmoud , Sultan , ſon of Aureng culture of cheſnuts in iv. 487 Zebe viii . 84. 92. 126 hemp and flax culture iv. 492 Mahomed, Hadji, anecdotes of him waſte lands of 512 Mahomet, Perſian account of him ix. 263 price of wood and charcoal iv. 525 his conqueſt of Arabia 83 - , manures and manuring in iv. 545 tomb atMedina 92 Mainland iſland i . 782 - , account of his deſcen. -, its extent i . 783 dants 146 harbours ibid . his patent to St. Cathe Main - land of Shetland iii. 693. 765 rine's convent xv. 289. 389 Maira river V. 895.899 Mahometaniſm viii . 62 Maire, Le, anecdotes of him xi . 460 chronological hif. Maire, ſtrait le xi. 498. xix . 93 tory of its ſects ix. 287 deſcribed xiv. 97. 124 fects in Arabia 123. 140 Maironi, Signore, Young's adven in Turkey 252 tures in ſearch of iv. 246 fects of it xvi . 723 Maifear-da 514 Mahometans, on the ſubverſion of Maiſon de Bourgogne iv. 207 ix . 198 Maiſon de Dieu of Brechin 434 - reaſons why they are Maiſon - Dieu of Elgin üi. 134 not merchants ix. 209 Maiſon Quarré at Niſmes iv. 116 their character ix. 285. 290 Maitea iſland 579 in Egypt XV. 313.316 Maitland's Hiſtory of Scotland jj . 403 Mahomet Bey's diſcovery of the Maize climate of France iv. 311. 316 philoſopher's ſtone 610 . , on the culture of, in France iv. 494 Mahomet's Camel 395 of the Milaneſe iv. 595.610 Mahomet, Sidi, Emperor of Morocco xv. 712 of Vicenza ir . 596 Maize .X . ix . 303. 310 iv. X. X. XV. their power xi. XV. X. II INDEX. [2557 PAGE 893 xii. > XV. Xv 458 5 iv . 9 iv . VOL. VOL . PAGE Maize of Piedmont iv. 610 Malapaddy town viii. 774 of Veragua xii. 138 Malaria of the Lake of Como of Virginia xii. 242. 595. xiii. 32 Malawilly town, fruit-garden of 773 of New England 258 Malaya coaft 433 of America xiii. 428.431.484 Malaya Banuru 762 of Albany 580 Malayala of the Myſore viii . 720 Canadian xiii . 654 - language 731 cakes of xii. 794 Malayan language xi. 41 of Guinea xvi. 458. 503 Malays, colony of, in Siam ix . 574 of Benin xvi . 532 at Macaſſer xi. 242 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 552 of Timor xi. 802, 803 Maize bread of Chili xiy, 115 -, experiments on their ſtrength xi. 941 - of Carthagena xiv. 352 Malberry, Lord viii . 328 Maize- cakes xüi. 794 Malcolm , King, murder of iii . 439 Maize-thieves, birds, of North Malcolm the Second of Scotland ii. 414 America xiii. 470. 526 Malcolm's account of ſheep -farms Majas of the Spaniſh theatre 531 in Scotland iii . 539 Ma-janah plains 545 Mal del valle of Quito xiv. 455 Majanda mountain xiv. 528 Malden's, Lord , ſeat at Hamp Majorats of Spain 637 ton Court ii . 218 Majorca illand, Young's account of iv. 675 Mal de Ojo its climate ibid . Maldive íſlands, Hamilton's de culture and pro fcription viii . 389 ducts iv. ibid. Maldo town vili. 414 -, produce of 676 Maldonado, Don Pedro xiv. 223 , Bourgoanne's deſcrip Maldonado, Don Pedro Vincente xiv . 489.504 tion 470 Malefactors, trial of, in England ii . 133 Majos of the Spaniſh theatre 531 Malegaches of Madagaſcar de Ma-kaïa of Loango xvi. 580 ſcribed xvi. 741. 746.795 Makaka of Loango xvi. 587 Malek, Imam 118 Ma-kaw, ſee Macao. Malenco , valley of Makofsky, Bell's deſcription vii. 424 Malgra, cultivation of iv , 660 Makrifi on Egypt 820 Malgrat town iv. III Mala , Punta de xiv. 387 road from Barce. Malabar, Marco Polo's deſcription vii! 162 622 Hamilton's deſcription of viii. 366 Malham town ii. 433 Buchanan's travels through viïi. 573. 730. Malhurn iſland i . 154 746 Maliana ruins 529 - power of the Engliſh Malica province xii. 340 there 203 Mâlik - Ålaziz Othman Ben - Yoofoof xv. 805 Malacca, Hamilton's deſcription of viii. 433 Malim Soliman 220 Fitch's deſcription ix. 422 Malines the Beautiful i . 133 , Dutch government in xi . 202 deſcribed ibid . , Pigafetta's defcription of xi . 377 Malingy villages viii. 711 Malacotta, Mungo Park's adven MALKIN's tour through Wales ii . 646 tures at xvi. 904 Malkomai lake Maladie du Pays, la 814. Mallah -Sale, tutor of Aureng Malaga, commerce of 468 . Zebe viii. 116 town 593 Mallard, Thomas xiii. 97 wines ibid . Mallebranche, Pere iv . 42 olives ibid. Mallet, on the fall of Underwald ibid . (note ) 739 cathedral 594 Mallet,Paul Henry, writings of 886 Carli's account of xvi. 188 Mallet family ii. 261 Malagans, Kempfer's deſcription Mallicollo iliand deſcribed xi. 618 of them vii. 677 Malloggia, paſſage of the 899 Malagueta of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 461 Malluailand 374 Malaiſwara temple viii. 691 Mallua river, Chili xiv. 55 Malaiur iland vii. 160 Mallums i. Malantz town 958 Mallus city (note ) 547 government ibid. Mallwydd village ii . 639 Malao-Manghit tree of Madagaſcar xvi. 800 Malmſey wine of Lipari Malmſey 936 XV. lona to X. XV. 360 V. *** V. ſugars V. V. V. xi. - 42 244 [256] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGE V. V. vi . X111. 358 X. V. 598 X 560 count of 356 556 X. V. ix . X. 5 206. 209 238 XV. 202 - , gold of 634 862 Malmfey wine, mode of making 245 Mançanares town 560 of Stromboli 252 wine of ibid . of Teneriffe xvi. 603 Mançanillo fruit of Carthagena xiv. 342 of the Azores xvi . 671 Mançanos, Morro de xiv. 57 Malo - a - Viaſma 578 Manceroes of Guinea xvi. 387. 405. 410 Malominis of Canada 306 Manceter, antiquities at ii, Malomocco port 274 Manch , La, plains of Malouca town 511 Mancha, La, wines Maloy Brown i . 596 Manchan, Peru xiv. 563 Malpaſſo of the Tumbez xiv . 555 Mancheſter fuftian manufacture ii . 40 Mals town 911 extenſive trade of ii . ibid . Malſherbe, M. de, Rochon's ac Pennant's account of iii . 176 xyi. 759 manufactures, French Malſherbs, plantations at iv . 132 report on iv . Malta, Knights of 445 Mancora town, Peru xiv. Malters village 729 Mandarin, etymology of the word 755 Malteſe rovers 444 Mandarins of China vii . 439 Malva, ſee Mullooiah. their retinue in China 504 Malvern hills ii . their dreſs viii . 507 proſpects from ii . 612 Mandarin's feaſt vii . wells ii . ibid . Mandelſeoe's journey on an ox iv . 539 Malwan iſland viii . 351 Mandes, Matteo, his conduct at Mamaluke government of Egypt 163. 303 Mombaza xvi. 730 Mamao fruit of Brazil xvi. his defeat of the Turks xvi. 731 Mamarumi caſcade xiv. 415 Mandhar country xi . 227 Mamay's mound vii. 279 Mandibuka of Brazil xiv . 859 Mambury ii . 297 Manding, Mungo Park's travels Mamei fruit xii. 138 through xvi. 864 of Carthagena xiv. 355 xvi . 886 Mamfro, fort on xvi. 342 Mandingoes of the Gambia xvi. Mammon of the Oby, Bell's de of Kooma xvi. fcription vii. 427 of Sibidooloo xvi . 864 Mamora plains 690 Mungo Park's de. town XV. 695 ſcription of them xvi. 871 Mamoun, Caliph xv. 805.824 their manners, cuſtoms, Mamre, plainsof 481 and marriages xvi. Mam - Torr 397 -, vocabulary of their - , great ii. 401 language little ibid . Mandioca root of Brazil xiv. 858 Moritz's account of 560 bread of xvi . Man, prone to change 152 of Congo xvi . 247 --, cultivated and ſavage i 523 Mandoa, Sir Thomas Roe's ac. natural hiſtory of i . ibid . count viii. 34 effects of ſoil on vi 49 Mandoway town ix . 410 , in cities 71 Mandra iſland, pillaged by the of the north and ſouth con Portugueſe xvi. 734 trafted vi. 230 Mandracium of Carthage 562 Banian doctrine of his Mandrakes which Leah gave to creation 524 Rachel X. Man, I Ne of, ſee I Ne of Man. Mandrarey province, Madagaſcar xvi. Man of the mountains, the old, ac 753 xvi, count of him vii . 99. 114 Man -eater of the Gold Coaſt xvi. Manaar iſland 439 viii . 384 Man -eaters of Ceylon vii. 183 Manacha town III of the Andaman illes vü . ibid . Manahattan iſland xii , 349 of Muljan ( ſee Cannibals) vii , Mananharre, Madagaſcar 778 Manegues of Chili xiv. 73 Manaos of South America xiv, 232. 238 Manfalouth town xv. 225.271 Manapaar, Dutch factory at viii , 384 Manfeloo city, Egypt 63 Manar pearl fiſhery viii. 253.256 Mangalam village 728 Manaranjol juriſdi&tion xiv . 402 Mangalore town, great trade of viii . 365 Manati tiſh of the Weſt - Indies xii. 125 fort viii, 747 6 Mangalu. XV. X. 873 xvi. 912-917 202 SS.... :: > XV. viii . 336 river 756 X. 186 xyi . xv. vili , INDE X. [257] VOL . PAGE PAGE X. xi. vii. 328 X111 . 39 11 . 800 5: 53333 9 xi. 819 V. xi. 546 > 9 ix . IX . Mangalu -Khan, Marco Polo's ac. count of him Manganeſe of Derbyſhire Mangaroultown Mangeea iſland, Cook's diſcovery Mangerton mountain Manghetia, Madagaſcar, French ſettlement at Manghi country hiſtory of Mango village Mango, Inca Mangoac Indians Mangoag Indians Mangoes of Delhi of Pulo Condore of Java Mangoftan of Malacca Mangoſteen fruit of Java Mangourit's letter to the Biſhop of Sion Mangroves of Buſtard bay Mangrove -trees deſcribed of Senegal Mangu - Khan , his court audience of him his dominions - , Rubruquis at his court his letter to the King of France Manguſhlak, trade of Mangullave port Jenkinſon's account Manheim , on the court of city Mani fruit Mania for hanging in Formoſa Maniana kingdom cannibals of Manica, Portugueſe in the king dom gold-mines Manichæan hereſy Manichees Manifeſto of Catharine II. to the new code of laws in Ruſſia Manifold cape Manifold river Manikapatam, Hamilton's deſcrip tion Manikoba of Brazil Manilla iſland manufactures Hamilton's account of mutiny there Dampier's account , Guignes' deſcription city deſcribed bay VOL . XVII . VOL. Maniock plant of Loango xvi . 551 vii . 140 Miniock plant of Loango, bread ïi . 472 of it xvi. 551 viii . 311 of the Gambia xvi . 635 xi . 649 Maniots of Greece 763 iii . 840.846 Manipuera juice xiv . 859 Manis of Congo xvi . 241 xvi . 748 Manitee of the Cape of Good vii . 140 Hope 150 148 Manitoualin iſle, Canada xiii , 301.341 ix . 458. 563 Manivouleſe, their wars with the xiv. 161 Bethalimenes xvi . 770 xii . 579. xiii . 9 Mankiſhlak town ix . 96 Manks, their propenſity to litiga. viii . 154 tions ii 795 xi . their privileges xi . 169 their ſuperſtitions ii . 802. 812 viii . 435 , their feet ibid. 170 - , character ii . 818 , clergy 770 literature ibid. their private charity 820 xiv. 402 review of their hiſtory ii . ibid . xvi. 613 op the name ii . ibid. vii. 58 Manlong, his hiſtory 642 vii. 60 Manna of Delgado iſland xvi. 719 vii. 68 Mannahock Indians xiii . 27. 37. 69. 70 Manna-trees of Perſia 180 vii. 77 of Meſopotamia 197 Manna town , Jallonkadoo xvi . 902 vii , 85 Manners and cuſtoms of the Lap vi . 882 landers i . 192. 367. ix . 327 of the Sa 388 moiedes i . 533 vi . 264 of the Danes i . 767 | vi . 267 of the Engliſh ii . xiv. 356 of the High viii . 513 landers 94 xvi . 852 of the Weſt . xvi. ibid. ern Iſlanders 638 of Ireland xvi . 704 of people of xvi. ibid . rank alike in Europe iv . 242 xvi. 594 of nations 257 vii . 80 -, obſervations 774 on Spaniſh 511 of the Spaniſh vi. 810 ladies 515 xi. of the inhabit 383 ants of Zuric 666 of the Ba. 401 varians vi. 34 xiv, 858 of the Auſ 491 trians 64 ibid . in Vienna vi . 72.99 512 of the Hun viii. 513 vi II2 xi . 2. 37 at Dreſden vi 148 xi. 76 at Berlin 204 xi. 78 at Hamburg vi . 212 xi . 80 at Cologne vi . 276 [ x ] Manners ix. 146 iii. - 871 vi. 546 : viji. V. garians > [ 258] INDEX. vii. > 260.379 281 X. of the Cy 346 X. VOL. PAGE VOL . FAGE Manners and cuſtoms at Gottenburg vi . 385 Manners and cuſtoms in India ix . 413 at Stockholm vi . 392 of the Siameſe ix. 579 in Sweden vi . 520 of the Ton of the Tartars vii . 29. 33. 35. quineſe ix .666. 670. 719.723 123. 134 of the inha in Camul vii . 120 bitants of Arracan ix. 760 of the women in Jangoma ix . 763 of Thibet vii . 141 of Laos ix. 765 of the inha of Camboya ix . 768 bitants of Curazan vii . 143 -of the Cochin of the inha Chineſe ix . 784 bitants of Cardandan vii . 144 of the Arabs of the inha of the Deſart X. 15 bitants of Malabar vii . 162 in Loheia X. 31 -oftheChineſe of the Arabs in the ninth century 190. 193 of Sahan X. 97 in Ceylon vii. 194. 218 of the Be fingular, in douin Arabs X.131 . 149. 161 Zapage vii . 208 at Surat X. 212 of theChineſe vii.215 . viii.507 of the Turks X. of the Indians vii. 216. 224 of the Jews X. 270 of the Cal. in Candia 276 muck Tartars vii . of the Ma. at Shamachy vii , 291 ronites 289 at Tonguſy vii. 340 of the Yaku priotes X. 591 tians vii . 344 of the Cretans X. 619 of the Buraty vii . in Scio X. 628 of Peter the in Ipſara 631 Great vii . 495 in Mindanao xi. II of the Ko. in the Baſhee vii . 532 iſlands xi . in Nekbal vii . 592 of the New in Japan vii . Hollanders 65 in Sounan viii . 281 in Manilla 81 in Muſkat viii . 286. 288 of the Byajos xi. I10 in Surat viii . 319 in Borneo xi . 133 of the Perſees viii. 320. 568. in Java xi . 171 X. 220 in Batavia xi . 193 in the Sa of the Al morin's country viii . 374 foreſe xi . 264 in Ballaſore viii . 406 of the Am in the Bir boyneſe xi. 266 man empire viii . 424 of the Bra . in Cambodia viii . 479 zilians xi . 311. xiv . 868. 872 of the Banians viii . 542 of the Pata of the Hin gonians xi . 317 doos viii . 607. 614.632–646. 666. 678. X.217 in the La of theGuebres ix. 32 drone iſlands 325 of the Min in the Phi. grelians ix. 144 lippine iſlands xi , 333 of the Crim in Zubu iſland xi. 342 Tartars ix. 162 in Paloaan xi . 350 in Shiraz ix . 242 in Borneo xi, 354 of the Eaſt ix . 291 of Gilolo xi . 366 of the Ma of Mallua 374 hometans 301 of Java of the Buk of Pulo Sa hars or Tajiks ix . buda xi . 479 - at St. Tho of the Ota. mas's ix . 397 heitans Mappers reans 50 619 xi. xi. xi . ix. xi. xi. 376 378 xi. 518 588 INDEX. [ 259 ] PAGE ciety Ines 638 XV. XV. XV. XV. XV . XV. XV. XV. XV , XV. VOL . VOL. PAGE Manners and cuſtoms in the So. Manners and cuſtoms in Quito xiv. 449 xi . 529 in Cuenca xiv. 474 of New Zea of the Indians land xi. 541.648 in Quito xiv . 516 -of New South in the Miſ Wales xi . 556 fions of Paraguay xiv. of Savu illand xi. 562 in Concep of the Friendly tion, Chili xiv. 668 Illes xi . 594. 694 in Santiago xiv. 678 of Mallicollo of theIndians iland xi . 619 in Chili xiv. 688 of Admiral -oftheTapoyersxiv. 877 Colon xii. 5 of the Galles of the Weſt of the Abyſ Indians xii . 34. 79 linians 25 of the Vera in Dongola 67 guans xü . 137 in Sennar 71 ofthe Indians in Dar - Für 117. 151 of Davis's ſtrait xii. 190 in Cairo 195 of Hudſon's in Egypt xv. 316. 319 bay xii. 364.367 in Weſt Bar of the Mo bary xv.408. 411. 429. 454. 663. 666 hocks xii. 412.415 of the Em of the Indians peror of Morocco 474 in Frobiſher's ſtraits xii . 500.556 ofthe Arabs of the Vir in Morocco 691 ginians xii . 603. xii . 34 of women in of the Cana a harem 722 dians xii. 656. 677. xiii . 366 of the Brebes of the New of Mount Atlas 731 Englanders xiii. 244 of the Jews -ofthe Iroqueſe xiii . 268 in Barbary 737 of North of the Moors xv. 763–778 America xiii. 512.538 in the harem in Albany xiii . 587 of the Emperor of Morocco 790 of the French ofthe Dutch in Canada xiii . 621. 628. 646 ſoldiers at the Cape of Good of the Jeſuits Hope xvi. 4. 14 in Canada xiii. 647 of the Hot of the Hu tentots xvi. 25. 28.73. 89. 129. 139 xiii . 654 of the Dutch of the El coloniſts at the Cape xvi. 46 quimaux 676 at Loanda xvi. 157. 295 in Maſla in Sogno xvi. 234. 236 chuſets xiii. 747 of the Mu in Havanna xiji . 763 lattoes in Angola xvi. 296 in Lima xiv . 9. 578. 582 oftheNegroes xvi. in Chili xiv. 115 of the Ethi in Cuyo xiv . 126 opians xvi . 313 of the Pam. ofthe Gagas xvi . 325 xiv. 127 in Loango xvi. 330 of the Spa of the Ne niards of St.Jago xiv. 173 groes of the Gold Coaft, Guinea xvi. -of the Yameos xiv. 225 of the Ne of the Om gro Kings xvi. aguas xiv. 226. 512 of the Fi in Cartha . dafians of Guinea xvi. gena xiv . of the King in Porto Bello xiv. 366 of Fida xvi. 487 - in Panama xiv. 377 in Gabon xvi. 510 in Guayaquil xiv. 395 in Benin xvi. 525 Manners XV. XY. rons xiji. 298 pas Indians - 388 416 336 [260] INDEX. VOL . 538 388 768 817 36 756 111 211 xill . 111 . 595 418 VOL . PAGE PAGE Manners and customs at Cape Manufactories of cloth in Spain 332 Monte, Grain Coaſt xvi. eſtabliſhed in Loango, in Madagaſcar xvi. 740 Cacongo, &c . xvi . 560.565 Manufacturers, their earnings in of the King France iv . of Cacongo xvi . 583 - , effects of the French of the King revolution on iv. 424 of Quiteva xvi . 683 ſtate in France in of the Caf 1792 iv. 435 fres of Sofala xvi . 694 of Ruſſia vi . 876 of the Ma Manufactures of Denmark i . legaches of Madagaſcar xvi. 741.747 at Frome, of cloth ii . 29 of the Ki at Newbury ii . 31 mos or pigmies of Madagaſcar xvi . 763 at Birmingham ibid . of the Ca at Norwich ii . 32 narians xvi . at Derby ii . at Sheibon xvi . 832 at Halifax ii . 37. iii . 523 of the Man . at Leeds ii . 37 dingots xvi. 872 at Mancheſter ii . 40. iii . 177 Mannier, Father, anecdotes of him xvi . at Wolverhampton ii . 41 Manny, Sir Walter ii . 85 of London ii . IOI Manoa el Dorada, Martinez' diſ of England ii . 147 covery xii . 203. xiv. 238 of Scotland ii . 167 Manæuvres of the Pruſſian army vi . 194 of the Scilly illes ii . 745 Manometer of Ramſden i . 571 of Wigan 179 Man -of- war, deſcription of one ii . 311 of Langholme ili . Man- of -war blubber 382 of Glaſgow 237 Marorbear caſtle ii . of Paiſley iii . 244 Manors, feudal, in France iv, of Perthſhire ni. 381 Mans, Le iv. 163 of Perth ini . 396 Manſa of Sibidooloo xvi . 864 of Dundee 417 of Wonda xvi . 865 of Aberbrothic iii . 421 of Manſia xvi . 866 of Montroſe Manſale, an Arabian 34 of Merns 111 . Manfebdars of Hindoſtan viii . 139 list of Scotch 565 Manſera, Marquis of xiv. 59 of Cork ii. 837 Mansfield's, Captain, government of Carrick -on - Sure ini . 851 of the Bermudas xiji . 183 of Waterford ju . Manſia , Mungo Park's adventures at xvi . 866 of Barcelona iv. ICO Man - layer, the licenfed , of Tibet vii . 557 at Vicenza iv. 249 Manfong, King of Bambarra xvi , their effect on po his pulation iv . treatment of Mungo Park xvi . 845 - , report on the Manſor, El, Imam 103 F nch Manſoura city 179 of France iv . 367 Manſoureah river 540 of Abbeville iv . Vill. Manftein's' s account of the Princeſs of Amiens iv . 368 Anne 792 of Breteuil iv . ibid . Manta harbour, Peru xiv. 273. 276. 388. 391 of Orleans ibid . Manta filh xiv . of Romorentin iv . Mantbangono mountains xvi . 320 of Chateauroux iv. ivid . Manteo, Lord of Daſſumon -peak of Limoges iv . ibid . Manteo the Indian xii. 581. 612. xiii . 10. 17 of Brive iv. 370 Mantes locuſts 632 of Cahors ibid . Mantet, M. xii. 329 of Cauſſade iv . ibid . Mantles of the Virginians xiii . of Montauban iv . 374 Mantoac, the Virginian god xii . 604. xiii . 13 of Toulouſe iv . ibid Mantzur Tartars, their conqueft of St. Martin ibid of China vii . 409 of St.Gaudentz iv. 371 Manuel, King of Portugal (note) XV. 714 of Bagnere de Luchon iv. ibid . Manufactories of cloth in France 329 of Narbonne iv . 372 Mauli 111 . 426 X. 428 854 839 > 1 322 iv . 357, 359 XV. XV. VI . iv . 381 360 xii. 184 XV. iv . 34 iv . v. IO INDEX. [ 261 ] vi. iv. at Oker vi . iv . iv . 552 vi . on them Vill iv . iv . VIII 378 ix. VOL. PAGE VOL , PAGE Manufactures of Niſmes iv. 373 vi. Manufactures of Nurenberg 238 of Lodeve iv . 373. 386 of Francfort 241 of Beg de Rieux iv. 373 in the Palatinate 266 of Carcaſſonne iv . ibid . of Cologne vi . 276 of Pau iv. ibid . of Stockholm vi . 431 of Leitour ibid . vi . 544 of Agen iv . 374 at Eſkilſtruna vi . 545 of Chateaurault iv . ibid . at Dannemora 550 of Tours ibid . at Euſterby vi . 551 of Amboiſe 375 at Læufta vi . of Blois iv. ibid. at Forſmarck 553 of Beauvais iv. ibid. of China, remarks of St.Gobin iv. ibid. ' vii . 228 of St.Quintin iv. 376 of Caſhmere viii . 212 of Valenciennes iv . ibid. of Arabia Petrea vili . 287 of Lille iv. ibid . of Sindy viii , 308 of Rouen 377 of Cambay 314 of Pont-a-de- Mer ibid . of Baroach viii . 315 of Cherbourg iv. ibid. of Surat 320 of Bretagne iv . ibid. of Cattack viii . 405 of St.Brieux iv . ibid . of Tonquin viii . 483 of Morlaix iv . of Seringapatam Viil . 611 of Nantes iv. ibid. of Colar viii . 651 of Elbeuf iv. ibid . of Chica Bala -pura .viii. 666 of Darnetal iv. ibid . of Caſhan ix . 40 of Louviers iv. 379 of Perſia ix . 205. 210. 256 of Rheims iv . ibid . of Pegui ix . 442 of Marſeilles iv. 380 of the Birman Em. of Lyons iv. ibid. ix . pire 473 of Picardy iv . 381 of Pagahm 475 of Champagne iv . 384 of Summei- kioum ix, 479 of Languedoc iv . of Birman idols at of Clermont iv, ibid . Kieock 552 of Sedan iv. 387 of Yemen 109 obſervations on do of Edeſſa X. 535 meftic 392 of Cyprus 592 influence of, on of Angora 692 iv . of Bourſa X. 393 717 of Piedmont iv. of Otaheite xi. 520 of the Milaneſe iv . 638 of Tongataboo xi , 677 of Venice iv , 640 of the Friendly Iſles xi . 694 of Bologna iv . ibid. , policy of prohibit. of Tuſcany ibid . ing American xii . 356 of Modena iv. 642 of Penſylvania xii . 385. xiii . 729 of Parma iv . ibid. of filk , obſerva xii . of Spain tions on 395 of New Spain 479 of Virginia X111 . of Cadiz 583 of New York xili . 738 of Valencia 606 of Maſſachuſets xiii . 745 effects of, on a people v. 972 of Quito xiv . of the Griſons ibid . of Grani Cairo XV. 195 XV. of Bavaria 33 310 of Saltzburg vi . 47 of Barbary 657 of Vienna vi . of Morocco XV. 709 of Bohemia vi . of Tarudant 725 of Dreſden vi . 748 Rochon's obſerva. " of Saxony xvi . 154 tions on 760 of Leipfic vi . 158 of India xvi . 761 of Hamburg vi . 214 of the Mandingoes xvi. 879 of Wurtzburg Manures of Cornwall ii. 235 271 Manures 386 ix . iv . X. X. agriculture 637 iv . V. 486 v. 712 V. V. 461 V. vi. of Egypt XV. IOI 136 XV. > vi . vi. [ 262 ] INDEX. 1 PAGE VOL . PAGE their origin xi. 2II XV. XV. 281.295 xi. iv. V. 67 of the Alps > X. XV. VOL . Manures, in Devonſhire ii . 285 Maps of Siberia , Kempfer's account in Murrayſhire 128 of rude vii . 658 in Arran 260 -- , Kempfer's account of Japa in Ila 287 neſe vii . 819 in Oranſay 292 394 in Colonſay ibid. Maqureguarai plains xii . in Gair-pariſh 342 Mar, Donald Earl of iii . 403 in Angus-shire 425 Marabitos of Barbary 424 in Forfar 437 Marabous of Senegal xvi . 649.668 in Meigle 440 Marago iſland , river Amazon xiv. 243. 251.502 of the Orkney illes iii. 742 Marah, the ancient and manuringin France iv . 542 Marahi lake xiv. 238 of Piedmont iv. 617 Maraitata of Otaheite 513 of Vicenza iv . ibid . Maramba, the idol xvi . 333 in Japan vii . 767 Maranga kingdom vii . 593 in the Myſore viii . 589 Maranon river, ſee Amazons. in Perſia ix. 34. 178 Marathus, the ancient 569 in Peru xiv . 600 Marattah war viii. 687 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 54 Maraut town ix . 155 Manuſcripts, Irish iii . 603 Marble at Matlock ii. 387 in the King's Library of Derbyſhire ii . 476 at Paris 34 of the Iſle of Man ii. 801 in the Eſcurial 370 of Portfoy iii . in the public library at 878 Zuric 672 of Carlſruhe vi. 5 in the library of the of Perſia ix . 186 Cathedral ibid . of the Ava empire ix . 502 Icelandic vi. 315 of Serpent 530 Suhm's vi. 321 of Penſylvania xiii . 404 in the King's library, of Numidia 609 Stockholm of the inſide of the pyramids xv 359.508.824 in the Univerſity of Marble-quarries of Devon 266 Upſal vi. 477 near Giellebeck vi . 366 in the Imperial Aca Marcaſites in the Ile of Skie iii . 617 demy of Sciences in Ruſſia vi. 823 March , Major xii , 402 in Patmos 645 Marchan bird of Senegal xvi. 667 of the Archbiſhop of Marchand, Mr., the actor vi. 25 Smyrna 650 March of the norimon-men in Japan vii. 786 of Pigafetta's voyage xi. 301 of the Great Mogul into the of the Bible by Ezra 186 Decan viii. 30 Arabic, uſed by the of the Great Mogul's ſerag Mahommedan Negroes xvi . 892 lio , grandeur of it viii . of the Pentateuch , of the Perſian army ix, 80 Pſalms, and Iſaiah xvi . ibid . order and Manwell nunnery iii . 465 regularity of it ix . Manzanares river 373 of a Crim Tartar army ix. 164 Manzeriche, Pongo de xiv . 501 of the Turks 227. 249 Map of Tibet, obſervations on it vii . 542 Marche, La, ſoil of iv. 306 Mapalia, the ancient xv . 654.690 cattle of 472 Mapas iv. 693 Marches, art of, in Pruſſia vi . 194 Mapes's Walter, account of Auft ii . 230 of Ruſſia and China vii. 365 Mapledurham 313 of the Portugueſe in Abyf Maple-trees of Japan vii . 696 finia 35 of Canada xiii . 359 Marcley -hill ii . Virginian, of Philadel. MARCO Polo's voyages and travels phia xiii. 397. 423. 431 in Afia vii. 102 Mapocho river, Chili 54 introduction 105 fall of it xiv. 66 Marcoſari i , 280 Valdivia's ſettlement in the Marcum , Robert xiii . 143 valley xiv . 168 Mardui people vii . 40 Maps, office of, at Stockholm i. 264 Mardyck village 796 9 Mar. vi. 406 11 . X. XV. 202 80.95 X. iv. XV. 211 XIV . vii. oll INDEX (263) FAGE X. xi. iv. XY. X. X. vii . xii . ix . 617 671 - xij. vii. 254 685 XV . 1 X. VOL. VOL . PAGE Mardyck citadel i . 798 Marinho, Colonel xiv. 812 Mareb city 100 Marinus on the Weſt Indies xii. 9 Mareeſtadt town vi . 388 Marion bay xi . 852 Mareewagee, the chief xi . 674 >> ſurvey of it xi . 867 Marengo cape 880 Marion, Fontaine, anecdote of him xiii. 292 Marenia, cultivation at 662 Mariquita (note) xiv. 308 Mareotis lake 170. 396 Mariſſa river 229 Mareſchotti, Marcheſe di iv. 263 Maritimo iſland 767 Mares, De, river of Cuba xii. 37 Maritius iſland viii . 269 Mares' milk , the Tartar drink 30 Maritouva river xiv. 870 mode of preparing vii . ibid. Maritz , M. 445 Chriſtians forbidden to Mark, Captain 61 drink vii . 37 Market places, at Ripon ii . Mareuil 423 iv . 190 of Glaſgow 235 Margam manſion ii . 592 of Quinſai vii. 152 Margan Point viii. 295 at Agra , Cha- Jehan’s viii . 323 Margaret, Captain , on the Czar of Iſpahan 188 Demetrius vi . 742 of Herat ix . 285 Margaret of Denmark , biography of vi. 335 Markets of Newport ii . 663 Margaret's Captain, account of the of Mentz vi . 251 falſe Demetrius vi . 628 for the ſale of houſes in Margarita iſland, Weſt Indies xii. 103 Moſcow vi. Margarite, Don Peter, anecdotes of , annual , on the Neva vi. him 76 of Afrachan 283 Margaux birds xii. 629. 633 of Pekin vii. 404 Marguerite iſland, pearl fiſhery viii . of Delhi viii . 151. 154 Marha river of Muſkat viii. 286 Maria, Queen of Livonia, her tomb in the Myſore viii. 610 and character vi. 622 of Jerim X. 62 Maria bay xi , 590 of Sana 68 Maria iſland, Diemen's Land xi . 855 of Philadelphia xiii . 395 natives deſcribed xi. 862 of New York 459 Peron's adventures of Montreal xiii. 627 there xi. 864 of Havanna xiii . deſcribed xi . of Sennar 70 Mariahef, ſuburb of Vienna vi . 68 of the Arabs in Morocco 693 Mariana iſlands ( note ) xi. 85 of Morocco 709, 735 Mariandyni, the 696 of Tarudant Marianopoli town and trade 725 vi . 889 for Naves in Guinea xvi . 489 Marian's Table, Cuba xiii . 756.866 of Benin xvi. 533 Mariazell, pilgrimage to vi. I 22 for Naves in Africa xvi . 882 Mariefred town vi. 541 Market- ſtreet, antiquity of ii . 459 Marienburgh , account of Catherine Markham, Governor of Penſylvania xii. 378 the Firſt , at vi, 725 Marks, lake of 593 Mariendahl glaſs -houſe vi. 559 ſalt of it 606 Marigalante inand xii. 59.93 Marl, red, of Derbyſhire ii . 472 Marignano, battle of of France iv. 304 Marigot of Ouſaoul, Adanſon's ad. of Touraine, manure jv . 543 ventures in xvi . 627 Marle of Banffſhire 70 Marigots of Senegal xvi . 610 Marlay, Colonel ini , Marillo, Abbot 387 Marlborough, Duke of ii . Marimba inſtrument of Congo 245 Marli palace deſcribed by Lifter iv. 64 Marimondas monkeys xiv . 420 Marmagun iſlands 356 Marinco Siculo on America xiv. 130 Marmelia river i . 66 Marindeque iſland xi . 75 Marmora, ſea of i . Marine, extract from a French Ency Marmora, Ine of 711 clopedia on i . 763 Marmora plain xv. 462.470 Mariners of Meſſina 266 harbour 492 Marines of Denmark vi. 312 Marmots, deſcription of them 897 at Carlſcroon vi. 378 their food ibid . of Turkey 251 dwellings 898 ) Marmots, > 763 871 XV. XV. XV. X. XV. XV. > XY. v. 918 813 193 xvi. viii, 89 XV. 9 [ 264] INDEX. VOL . PAGE PAGE XV. 351 X. X. xi. I 22 xi. X. xi. X. > xi. xi . 648 80 113 4 ix . 801. XV . 57 697 xi. I 22 xiv. XV. XV. XV. at XV. 428 XV. rocco XV. XV. XV. jii . - VOL. Marmots, torpidity of V. 899 Marriages in Laos ix . 765 of China vii . 366 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 792 Maro the Egyptian of the Arabs 149 Maron, Abbot, account of him 289 in Borneo Maronites of Mount Libanus X. 273. 279. 287 in Batavia 193 their manners and cuſtoms x . 289 pf the Chineſe in Am ſciences 291 boyna 268 ecclefiaftics 293 of the Otaheitans 522 religion x. 295. 322. 377 of the New Zealanders , Pococke's deſcription of of the Friendly iſlanders xi . 696 them 478. 488 the firſt European , in of Syria 573 America xiii . Maronny river, Guiana xii . 291 of Pocahontas xiii . Maros, Dutch reſident at xi . 233 in Canada xiii . 261. 366 Marques, Father, his miſſion to in North America xili . 511 Cochin-China of the French in Canada xiii . Marqueſas iſlands, Cook's adven in Maſſachuſets xiii . 747 tures at 605 of the Chilians xiv . Marra , Gebel xvi . 833 in St.Jago 183 Marrabbutts of Barbary ( note ) 515 of the Indians in Quito xiv. 521 , deſcription of them xv. 671.695 in Abyffinia 26 Marraboo , Mungo Park's adventures in Dar- Fur 154 xvi . 860 in Weſt Barbary Marraboo village xvi: 897 in Tetuan 451 Marrah town 522 by the Emperor of Mo Marriages of the Laplanders i . 165. 372. 450 474 in the Scilly illes ii . 755 in Barbary 668 in Skie iii . 325 of the Jews in Morocco 738 unlucky months for ii. 383 of the Moors in Morocco xv. 775 in the Weſtern illes 606 at the Cape of Good at St. Kilda 717 Hope in Ireland 860 of the Hottentots xvi . 141 - , on the encouragement of, in Sogno 234 in France iv. 323 in Angoy, Congo xvi . 272 in Spain, ecclefiaftical law in Angola xvi. 298 of the Negroes on the in Vienna vi. 76 Gold Coaſt xvi . 419 on taxing ( note) vi . of the Fidaſians xvi . 479 among the Tartars vii . 33 in Benin Xvi . 525 - , ſingular qualification for, on the Ivory Coaſt xvi . in Thibet vii . 141 in Loango xvi . among the Chineſe vii . 215 of the Caffrés in Sofala xvi. 696 among the Koreans vii . 533 of the Malegaches of in Tibet vii . 551 Madagaſcar xvi . 747 in Japan vii . 634 of the Canarians xvi . 818 in Sounan viu . 281 of the Mandingoes xvi . 873 in Surat viii . 319 Mars, Chriftopher xiv. 836 in the Samorin's country viii. 374 Mar's, Earl of, houſe at Stirling ii . 462 in the Birman empire 425 Marſden, Mr. , his farm in Paramatta xi. 920 in Siam viii . 476 Marſeilles, Young's account of iv. 224 in China viii . commerce of iv. 342 among the Banians viii . 544 manufactures at 380 tive-fold , of the Perſees viii . 570 Carli's deſcription xvi . 192 in Perfia ix . 154. 250 Marſeugen caſtle vii . 92 in Barrampore ix . 411 Marſhes in Lapland i . 277 in Benares 413 in Nordland i . 361 among the Birmans ix. 497 on recovering ibid . of the Siameſe ix . 584 in France iv . 518 no religious ceremopies in -, on improving iv. ibid . the Siameſe ix . ibid. of Botany bay xi . 909 of the Tonquineſe of Virginia xiij . 25 Marth xvi . 55. 118 lii . Xvi. on V. 540 310 538 568 vui 506 ir . > 7 ix . ix . 668.721 INDE X. [ 265 ] PAGE VOL. PAGE > X. 2 III 5 town V111 . 200 Xv. X. XV. XV. > XV. J 2 XY. 530 XV. 9 576 X. iii . X11 . X. VOL . Marſh- grapes of America xiii . 497 Mary , Queen of Scots, her works Marſley hill , phenomenon of ii . 152 at Hardwick hall 389 Marſtrand iſland vi . 383 Mary, the Virgin, feaſts in honour town vi . 386 of her xiv. 182 - , obſervations on vi . 566 Maryland, firſt ſettlement of xii . 305 Marſyas plains X. 518 deſcription xii . 307. 389 Marſyas river 683 coaſts of xiii . 380 Martaro town iv. Burnaby's deſcription xiii . 725 Martavan province viji . 419 Mary port iii . 199 429 , antiquities near Marteen harbour 449 Marzala city 768 Martegues town deſcribed xvi . 192 Ma- faffran river 515.524 Martel, M. de xiv. 267 Maſagran town 519 Martelli , ſeed and crops at iv. 597 Maſalpina's voyage round the world 452 filk culture of iv. 668 Maſanderan province vi. 882 olives iv. 611 Masbate iſland xi. 75 Martelli's, Marcheſe, villa iv . 270 Maſcar, Algiers 526 Marteſano) , Canal de iv. 567 Maſcarenhas, Don Francis xvi . 731 Martha's Vineyard iſland xili , 20 Mafcat, ancient trade of vii . 185 Martigny village 771 Maſcate, Prince of, his extraordinary Martin , Captain, of Virginia xiji . 59 pearl viii . 253 Martin of Bohemia, his chart xi. 293. 319 Maſchere iv. 264 , account of him xi . 392 Maſham town ii . 426 Martinet, Captain xiv. Maſhareas of Algiers his expedition to Maſhera, inſcription at Chili xiv . 26 Mafid village 484 Martin iſle 332 Maſina kingdom xvi . 851 Martinino iſland 47.81 Maſkat city deſcribed 117 Martinez, Juan , his diſcovery of Maſks of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 734 Manoa xii . 203 Maſon, Biſhop ii . 789.809 Martinez , Paul's letter on diſcoveries Mafon, Mr., his travels in Africa xvi . 75 xii. 11 Maſon's Engliſh Garden ii . 228 Martini's, Father, account of Marco Maſon's Livy 323 Polo vii . 105 Maſoudi on the pyramids deſcription of tea vii . 226 Maſquerades at the Ruſſian court vi. 676 account of the in Lima xiv. IO Brazilians xvi. 204 Mafrelier, M., the artiſt vi. 420 Martins of Lapland i . 195 Maſs, celebration of Eaſter, in Jeru. of Finmark i . falem X. 343 of North America xii . 368. xiii. 550 celebrated by Magellan in of Virginia xii . 594 Zubu 341 Martin's deſcription of the Weſtern Coptic celebration of it 370 illes iii . 572 Maſſa valley, lava in voyage to St. Kilda iii . 700 Maſſachuſets bay xii . 219 Martin's account of the elephantiaſis i. 715 Martin's, Alonzo, diſcoveries xiv. 144 to xü . 247 Martin's, M., filk culture 464 firſt ſettlement in xii . 252 Martins, Mr. , his engravings vi . 421 " , government of xii . 259 Martorelle, irrigation near iv. 107.667 , province deſcribed xiii . Martyrs, on Chriſtian 771 Maſſachuſets Indians xiii. 212. 218. 243 Martyrs iſlands 623 Maſſacre of the Colquhouns 167 Marů, hiſtory of ix . 347 of the Proteſtants in the Maru- Hully, image ſtone quarries Valteline 921 at viii . 709 at Stockholm 34 pot- ſtone of viji. 710 of the Portugueſe in Pegu viii. Marvel ſtones near Buxton ii. 412 of the Engliſh in Siam viii . 430 Mary, Queen of England, addreſs at Pegu ix , 403 to her i. 39 of the Chineſe at Batavia - , voyages ( note ) xi . 177 for diſcovery in her reign xii . 165 of part of Pelſart's crew xi . 433 VOL . XVII . [ LL] Maſſacre to 111 . XV . 824 418 xi. XV. V. 20 Smith's voyage > iv . 745 V. xii . iii. V. vi. 420 - - * [ 266 ] INDEX. VOL. PAGE xiii. X. XV. xi. s - XV. 285.288 X. xi. ji . 9 xi . III V. viii. VOL . PAGE Maſſacre of Captain Furneaux and Matchopeak town xiii . 69 crew in NewZealand xi . 646 Matchot, Virginia xiii . 112. 114 of Captain Cook xi . 713 Matchqueon 64 of the Engliſh at Timor xi. 802 Mate, liquor, of Quito xiv. 451 of the Virginian colony xiii . 145. 150 Mateba tree of Congo xvi. 249 cauſe Matharca 387 of it xiii . 167 Mathematicians, converſion of the of the Brazilians xiv . 872 Cochin - Chineſe ix . 815 in Benin xvi . 521 Mathematics, Torquineſe idea of ix. 735 of the Portugueſe by the ftate in Barbary 641 Caffrés xvi . 71. Mathiabo, the chief 513 in Melinda xvi . 725 Mathieſon, John, the Icelandic printer i. 637.675 in Ampaza xvi . 727 his of the French in Mada hiſtory i . 675 gaſcar xvi. 755.758.772 Matilda, Queen of Denmark, anec Maſlah mount dotes of vi. 294 Maffah and Meribah rock ( note ) 398 Matilda and Ivar , the ſtory of ii . 797 Maſſana iſland xi . 333 Matimbas, the pigmies xvi . 334 Maffana, King of 334 Matinack ille xiii . 219 Maſſangano, Battel's adventures at xvi . 319.327 Matka cataract i . 290 Mafſareene, Lady 406 Matlock, account of 375 Maſſafoyt Indians xiii . 237 baths at ii . ibid . Maffafſoyt, King of xii . 249. 237. 242 High Torr ii . 376 Maffeen city dale ii . ibid. Mafies in Loanda, Angola xvi . 296 village ii . 377 Maffic village 879 lead-mines ii . 477 Maſlinacak town xiii . 75 Moritz's deſcription of ii . 552. 563 Maſlis mountain vii . 91 Matmul 745 Maffon mountain ii . 376 Matome tree of Congo xvi. 248 Maſlowomek Indians xiii. 28. 37.63.66 Maton’s Obſervations on the Weſtern Mafta river vi . 896 Counties ii . 334 Maſtaura 673 Matra, Conful Maſtic, its uſe in ſhip -building iv . 342 Matriga city vii. 26 of Scio 233.622 Matrimony in Perſia ix . 154 mode of preparing 623 Mats of Valencia 602 Mafter-burghers of Vallengin 821 of the Friendly illes xi . 695 Mafts of the North 460 of the Sandwich iſles 733.736 Maft- trade vi . 711 Matſoa, the goddeſs viii . 502 of New Hampſhire xiii , 749 Mattahunts illes xiii . 218 Maſtura town Mattalona, Carli’s voyage to xvi . 190 Mafulipatam , Hamilton's deſcription viii. 397 Mattamores of Barbary 600 Fitch's account ix . 409 Mattapanient Indians xiii . Mata, La, falt-pool 467 Matter town, Tunis 570 Matador at a bull- fight 534 Matthæi's catalogue of Greek manu Matahouah, New Zealand chief xi. 647 ſcripts vi . 615 Mataia , Cuba xii . 144 Matthews, Commodore viii. 269 Matamba kingdom xvi. 216 Matthews, Lieutenant-General xii , Matams of the Sannyaſa Gurus viii . 615 Matthias iſland xi . 483 Matan iſland Mattila village 344 i . 302 , Magellan's death in 345 Mattoum of Virginia xiii . 30 Matanza bay xili , 867 Mat- ware of the Cape xvi . town and fort xiii . ibid. Mauahhel town 64 Matanzas iſlands xii . 623 Mauali tribe of Bedouins 137 Matapoora town xi. 125 Maud, Mr., anecdotes of ii . 542 Matapulo tree xiv . 421 Maugé, M., anecdotes of him xi. 846. 861 Matarea village 183 Maughold's Head ii , 786 Mataro, cultivation about iv. 659 Maujy village i . 849 town deſcribed 621 road i . ibid. Matatanes of Madagaſcar xvi . 744 Maule river, Chili xiv. 55. INI Matavia bay, Otaheite xi. 607 Maum turn ii . 433 Maum X. XV . 682 X. X. 9 v. xi. X. 20 XV. 27. 160 V. XV. 428 X1 . xi. 88 X. X. XV . v . INDEX. [ 267 ] PAGE VOL. PAGE X. X 1x . 558 ix . XV, ix . iv. IO XV. I2 XV. XV . XV . XV. x . XV. 93. 126 X. XV . XV. 612 in Agra vill . VOL . Maum cove ii . 434 May's, Henry, ſhipwreck on the MAUNDRELL's journey from Aleppo Bermudas xiii . 75 to Jeruſalem 305 Mayten fountain , Chili xiv. 65 to Euphrates Maywoon of Pegue ix.431 . 443. 571 and Mefopotamia 381 Maywoon of Arracan MAUPERTUIS, M. , his journey to Maywoons of Ummerapoora 494 the Polar Circle i . 231. xiv. 257.271 Mayzis Point xiii . 754 Maupertuis Chateau iv . 188 Mazabangen iſland xvi . 716 town iv. ibid . Mazagan, Morocco 702 Maurano, Father vii . 459 Mazagun, fort viii . 341 Maurepas, M. xiii . 614.643 Mazanderan , Forſter's deſcription 315 Maurice, Count xiv. 706.735. 746 Mazaredo, Admiral 453 Maurice iſland xi . 440 Mazarin, Palais Maurice town, Brazil xiv . 709. 819 Mazna illand Mauripas, M. le Compte i . 231 Lobo's adventures at 55 Mauritania, Canary iſlanders came Mazoulah tribe of Arabs 543 from xvi . 825 Mazounah town 527 Mauritania Cæſarienfis 510.514 Mazra city 769 Mauritania Tingitana 471 Mazum , Sultan, fon of Aureng Maurouard cape xi . 855 Zebe viii . Maury, M. l'Abbé iv. 292 Meaco, Benyowſki's adventures at xvi. 783 Maulchid village 49 Mead of the Ethiopians 79 Mauſolea , inſcriptions on ſome an Meadow -lands of Italy iv . 563 cient , in Caſſareen 589 of Milan iv . 571 Mauſoleums of the Emperor of Meadows the mothers of fields i . 341 Japan vii . - , American mode of irri. viii . 171 gating xiii . 475 at Seringapatam 604 of Canada xiii. 624.652 of ShahCheraug at of Madagaſcar xvi. 798 Shiraz ix . 244 Meal, fago xi. 260 in the pyramids xv. 363.805.824 ofPalma iſland xvi . 822 Mauſonſe, inſcription found at 578 Mealie town 372 Maviatue, Cacique xii. 91 Meals of the Icelanders i , 657 Mawara ' Inahr country ix . 371 of the Japaneſe vii. Mawdach river ii . 633 of the Perſians ix . 202. 263 Maxent, M. 483 of the Arabs Maximianopolis 244 of the French in Canada xiii . Maxwell, Lieutenant of the Malegaches of Mada Maxwell, Mr., of Broomholme iii . 210 gaſcar xvi . Maxwells of Caerlaveroc 221 Meangis iſlands xi. Maxwelton monaftery iii. 246 Meara's, Dr., letter on the hot ſprings May, Iſle of 451 of Bath ii . Mayenfield diſtrict 958 Meaſles at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . - , high juriſdiction ibid . Meaſurement of a degree of the Mayer, Chancellor of Metz vi. 166 meridian i . Mayerne, Sir Theodore iv. of a degree under the May- flower, ſhip, American ſet . polar circle i. tlers in xii . of a ſhip's way, i. May - flowers of North America xii. 557 of a mountain barome. May -fly , golden Siameſe ix. 631 trically i . iii . 91 geometric Mayin town cally i . ibid . Maynas government xiv. 219.497 ofa degrecat the equator xiv. 429. 647 Mayombo province xvi. 332 of the pyramids xv. 804.823 Mayor iſland xi . 531 Meaſures of Ruſſia i . 41 Mayoria, rock 769 of England 149 Mayoral, Don Pedro 608 Roman and Scotch 565 Mayors of England ii . 134 in St. Kilda Mayotta iſland, Hamilton's deſcrip in the Orkney illes iii . 690 tion viii . 270 -, dry, in Sweden vi . 537 Maypo river, Chili 54 -, capacity of liquid vi . [ 1 1 2 ] Meaſures XV. viil XV. xii. 478 76 248 May hall ix , 101 V. 666. 717 xiv. 538 [ 268 ] INDE X. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE viii. > 191 ix . XV. > XV. XV. X. xii. 400 XY. 526 X. X. 629 xv. XV. X. X. XV. XV. XV . 906 410 XV. XV. X. V. 316 V. 817 V. Meaſures, table of, uſed in India 518 Medicine, curious Lapland practice road , in Perſia ix . 39 of i . 479 in the Birman empire ix . 504 Siameſe fyftem ix . 599 in Borneo xi . 138 Tonquineſe ix . 677.729. 736 in Batavia xi. in Arracan 761 and weights in Egypt 311 itate in Barbary 639 Meat , mode of preſerving, at Ward in Morocco 689 houſe i . 516 Medicines of the Laplanders i . 168 ſmoked i . 600 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 789 daily conſumption at Paris iv . 325 of the Arabians 168 Meats of the Laplanders ( ſee Food ) i . 397 of the Canadians 660 forbidden , of the Negroes oi in Chili xiv . 39 the Gold Coalt xvi . in Weſt Barbary. 440 Mecaddacut, New England xiii . 218 at the Cape of Good Mecas mountain xiv. Hope xvi . 66 Mecca city deſcribed 89 in Loango xvi . 573 the Kaba at ibid . of Madagaſcar xvi. 747 - , pilgrimages to go Medicine trade of Bangalore viii. , caravan of pilgrims to 320 Medicis family iv . 274 proceſſion of the caravan 382-386 Medina city deſcribed 91 route of the caravan from Mahomet's tomb in 92 Cairo to ibid . Poncet's account 103 , caravans from Fez to XY. 490 Medina city , Woolli xvi. 910 caravans from Morocco to 778 Medina village, Satadoo xvi . Mecca, King of 103 Medina Celi, Duke of Mecca, Sherriffe of, his power and Medina del Campo city 315 dominions 88 fairs Mechanics, their living in France Medina de Rio Seco city 315 and England iv. 391 its former im Mechaniſts of Mount Jura portance ibid . Mechel, Mr. de 692 Medina- Sidonia duchy 586 Mecklenburg, duchy, its population Medine, Eaſt and Weſt ii . 307 and revenue vi . 209 Medinet Habou XV . 245. 249. 402 farmers vi . Medinet -el - Fun xvi . 828 ſociety in vi. ibid . Mediterranean, diſcovery of its com nobleſſe of vi . ibid , munication with the ocean vii. 206 Mecklenburg, Duke of vi . Mediterranean iſlands trade 470 Mecrami, Schiech, account of him 98 Medites, Marco Polo's account of Mectebs in Cobbe 134 them vii , 124 Mecuppom town 69 Medlars of Virginia xü .· 599. xiii . 29 Medalaine, encampment at 331 Medley maofion Medals at Torno i . Medon town ix. M. le Notre's collection iv. Medraſhem monument ancient 712 Medſetiſar harbour and town vi. 882 an account of Swediſh 441 Medulæ , nature of them 9 Medaw Praw , princeſs , the zoophytes xi . 760 Mede river ii . 307 Kalm's deſcription xili . 381 Medea city , Algiers 533 Meduſa’s head of the Cape xvi . 50 Medea, Ei, Tunis 582 Medway river ii . 155 Medelina, hamlet xiii . 776 Meeaday town deſcribed ix . 465.559 Medem city in Meealfah -gain village ix . 467 Medelpad province i . 348 Meegheoung -yay town 471 i . ibid . Meelah city, Algiers 552 woods i . 349 Meer Ali Bey, ihe Turkiſh corſair xvi. 725.729 inhabitants i . 349. vi . 470 anecdotes of him xvi. 732.735 Media, Della Valle's deſcription ix . 71.81 Meer Saduc vili , 599 Chardin's account ix . 155. 176 Meeula town 105 Medicaments of the Patagonians xi . 317 Megameter, its uſe in marine ſur of Guinea xvi. 427.483 veying i . of Benin xvi . 527 Megara , Pococke's account Megena V. 2 IO 210 V. XV. xiii. xiii. 11 . 202 438 416 546 9 12 xv . V. vi. > ix . 526 > XV. XV. ix . its ſoil XV. XV. 566 758 X. INDEX. [269] VOL. X. vii. X. 23. 188 ili . iii . XV. V. V. üi. XV. v. > 111 . 812 16 X. V. V. XV. XV. > XV. X. PAGE VOL . PAGE Megena valley 402 Melons of Delhi viii . 154 Megiddo mountains viii , 282 of Iſpahan ix . 30. 35 Megret on the death of Charles XII. vi. 515 of Perſia ix . 179 Meg Rock iii . 22 of Karazm ix . 321 Mehalle -bagh town ix. 44 of Arabia X. 191 Mehiar village ix. 100 of Canada xiii. 360 Mehrage of Zapage vii . 207 water, of New York xiii . 462. 487. 494 his wars with the Komar 208 the Canadian water xiii . Mehrchou 685 con town ix. 107 of Dar- Fur XV. 145 Mehullitch town 714 of Morocco XV. 700 Meiborg trading - place, Benin xvi . 521 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 461 Meidan of Iſpahan ix . Meloui town 2 24. 271 of Calbin ix . 73 Melros abbey 480 of Ardebil ix, 84 old iii . 481 of Shiraz ix . 109 Melt - bach 740 Meigle, antiquities at iii . 441 Meltem wind of Egypt XV. Meil bay 327 278 Meluke, Biban el 245 Meile village 674 Melvil mavlion ili . 445 Meillerie village 807 Melvill houſe, effects of lightning Mein city, Marco Polo's deſcription vii. 146 on 561 Mein , King of, his wars vii . 145 Memaran the Jew 470.488 Meinau, Ile of 647 Members of parliament ii . 129. 507. 569 Rielbeck's account vi . 15 of the Iriſh parliament Meinta Bourge 563 Memmingen town vi . Meiron, ſee Chriſma. chronicles vi. ibid. Meiſter, Profeffor 670 Memnon river viii . 419. 464 his works ibid. Memnon, coloſſal ftatues of 248 Me-jerdah river 560 hiſtory of his life and Mela the geographer iii . 273 actions (note ) 250 Melabis mount 604 Memnonium of Thebes XV. 245. 249. 402 Melagge river 554 Memnon's lyre 240 Melaleuca of New Holland xi. 776 Memoir of Maupertuis to the polar Melana of Scio 626 circle i . 231 Melanda, Peter, his cruelties in Memoir ſur l'Adminiſtration de M. Carolina 340 Necker (note ) iv . 327 Melandez , Don Pedro xii . 219 Memoire Inſtructif, its effects in Melanogætuli France iv. ibid . Melaſſo , the ancient Mylaſa 667 Memoire ſur le Samoides i . 522 Melay- Keat vii . 424 Memoires ſur les Finances, 1791 iv. 402 Melazzo cape, granite of 132 Memoirs of North America xiii . 336 Melchior, Mr. vi . 246.252 of Baron d’Aladar de Melcomb- Regis ii . 295 Benyowſki Melden of Virginia xii . 596. xiii. 13 Memoii ruins 527 616 Memorancy cape xü . 638 Meles river 651 Memorial from South Carolina on Meletíky -Oſtrogue vii . 337 Georgia xii . 451 Melgah 'vale XV. 286 Memories of the Chilians xiv. 118 Mel-gigg 554 Meinory of the Emperor of China Melgos, gnats of Congo xvi. 276 ( note ) vii . 444 Melgunef, his conveyance of the Memounturroy 527 Ruſſian Princes to Horſens vi. 794 Memphis, ſituation of vii . 17 Melinda, Zanguebar 6 pyramids at 240 ilands off the coaſt de. Pococke's deſcription fcribed xvi. 723 Abd Allatif's deſcription xv. captured by the Portugueſe xvi . 729 Menagerie, Chantilly iv. Melipilla juriſdiction xiv. 682 Menai- Straits, North Wales ii . 628 Meliſh, the Mahometan teacher 472 Menan river ix . Melk, Mr. , anecdotes of xvi . 146 Menarab mauſoleum XV. 570 Melkia fećt of Abubeker xvi . 724 Menatonon, King of Chawanook Mellet Olſen , account of i . 479 Mello's expedition to Ampaza xvi . 726 Mendelſſohn , Mofes, his writings vi . Mendes , XV. X. X. - xii. XV. 538 X. 338. xvi. 779–794 XV. Melecca cape X. X. XV. XV. XV. X. XV. 196.402 809 84 XV. 576 xii . 577. 583 xiii. 9 201 [270] INDE X. PAGE V. X. 478 XV. XV. iii. vi. 276 V. V. XV. riſe and pro VOL. PAGE VOL. Mendes, King of Egypt XV. 215 Mercadors of Benin xvi. 522 Mendez, James xii . 145 Mercator, Gerard , Balak's letter to, his paſſage from reſpecting the north - eait paſſage i . 66 Jamaica to St. Domingo xii . 150 his letter to Mendieta mine of Potoſi xiv. 624 Hakluyt i . 68 Mendinueta, Don Pedro de xiv, 666 Mercede, Our Lady of, church in Mendip hills ii . 252 St. Jago xiv. 172. 180 Mendoca, Rio de xiv. 52 Mercenaries of Zuric 667 Mendoça, Don Garcio Hurtado de xiv. 205. 208 on the Swiſs policy in Mendoía, Bernardo de xiv . 657 letting out 720 Mendola juriſdiction, Chili xiv, 683 Mercers' Chapel ſchool ii . 88 town xiv . ibid . Merchab caſtle 313 Mendoza's hiſtory of China xvi . 686 Merchandize of Spain , export duty on v. Mendriſio, bailliage 891 Merchant-adventurers for diſcovery ery xii . 164 Menegre village 34. Merchant-adventurers for Virginia, Menes, Kingof Egypt 197 alphabetical liſt of xiii. 130–139 Meneſes, Don Duarte de xvi . 725 the Bermudas xiii . 190 Meneſſes, George de xvi. 716 Merchants-maiden Hoſpital, Edin Menetfah valley 282 burgh 473 Meneval, M. de xiii . 345 Merchar: tmen , Dutch Mengaud's proclamation to the inha Merchants of Ruſſia i . 45 bitants of Balle (note) 707 Engliſh, their firſt privi letter to the Abbot of lege in Ruffia i. 47 Engelberg 741 of London ii . 92. 143 Menge, his painting ii . 544. V. 374 of Ruſſia vi . 817 Mengu Timur Khan, hiſtory of ix . 335 of England, on their trade Men -markets in Guinea xvi . 489 to Ruſſia vi. 873. 876 Men -of -war, defeat of two Spaniſh xiii . 128 their reſidence MENONVILLE's travels to Guaxaca xiii. 753 at Peterſburgh vi . 877 Menſhceh town 231. 269 Menthiehpyramid 208 greſs of theirtrade on the Caſpian ſea vi. 878 Menſil village in Pekin vii. 465 Menſooria ruins, Morocco 700 of China vii . 412 Mentchikof, Prince, hiſtory of him vi . 697. 728. in diamonds, Tavernier's 733 account of them viii. 237 Mentz city vi. 248 in Perfia ix. 206 inns of vi . 251 of Morocco 713 blerchen ibid . at the Cape of Good cathedral vi . ibid . Hope xvi . 7 nobility of vi. 253 Merchant- ſhips of Japan vii . 770 clergy vi . 254 Merchant- Taylors' ſchool ii . 88 its trade vi . 255 Mercurius Rufticus ii . 237 , government 263 Mercury, figures of iv. 38 fortifications ibid . - , Egyptian mythology of Mentz, Archbiſhop of him 350 his revenues vi. 256 Mercury, the planet , obſervation of its tranſit 532 privileges vi . 257 Mercury of Feltre 132 Menu, his code of laws ix . 492 of Guancavelica 495 Menzale lake of Almadin ibid . Menzies caſtle iii . 379 on its congelation vi. 691 Menzyly town vii. 310 freezing point of vi . 693 Mepet Mepe ix . 124 uſed in the ſilver -works of Mephitis of the Grotta del Cane 40 Peru xiv. 15 Mequinez, Windhus's journey to 442 Mercury bay 532 palace of the Emperor of Mercy, the firſt attribute of the Morocco at Deity ix , 492 deſcribed 485 Merdaſht plain ix . 266 Merakiah village 313 Merdaſs tribe of Arabs 542 Meraſh village X. 577 Mereega, baths of 530 Mercaderes village (note) xiv . 308 Mergui ifles , pearls of ix. 604 XV. X. 61 XV. XV. vi. - vi. vi . 253.255 XV. - , powers and xi. V. v. XV , : 78 V. XV. xi. XV. XV. 467 XV. xv. Mergui INDEX. [271 ] PAGE VOL . PAGE XV. X. xv. XV. X. V. V. xii. 252. 255 XV. V. XV . X. in ( note) > XV. 210 XV. x XV. X. ix . VOL. Mergui illes, bramas at ix. 646 Meſſeelah town , Algiers 544 Merkab caſtle , Pococke's account 567 Meſſenger-bird of Egypt 339 Merkes rivulet 548 Meſſiah, David Elroi the pretended vii . 8 Merjejah tribes 528 Meſſias of the Jews 269 Merjee town, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 429 Meſſina, its deſtruction 8 Meribah mount (note) X. 398. xv. 285. 288 Strait ibid . Meridian , meaſure of a degree of, at its ſtate after the earthquake the polar circle i . 231 in 1783 259 Merimack river -, rebuilding of 262 Merin -Sanguin vii. 385 , dangerous navigation of Merili liquor 117 the Strait 271 Merily wind of Egypt 327 Dolomieu on the earthquakes Meritcheh river 733 275 Meriweys, revolution in Perſia by viii . 301 its appearance after the Mermaid taken in Shetland 788 earthquakes ( note ) 287 Mermaids of the river Zaire xvi. 216 Meſſinſbrok , braſs-works at i . 330 mode Meſfua iſland 100 of catching them xvi . 217 Mefta in Spain 327 of Boccicas iſlands de. abuſes in the 327. 637 ſcribed xvi. 700 Meſtitos in Chili xiv. I 20 Merman ſeen in Shetland Mi. 588 Meſtizos of Quito xiv. 447 Mer-men on the coaſt of Africa xvi . of Lima xiv. 579 Mernſhire, manufacture of iii . 429 Meſurada cape, Guinea, deſcribed xvi . 539 MEROLLA's voyage to Congo xvi. 195 Metafus cape 533 Merom, waters of 462 Metagonium, the ancient 517 Meropurbatee mountain, creation Meta Incognita , Frobiſher's voyage of the world on viii . 535 to xii. 504. 532. 556. xiii . 4 law de Metala 605 livered on viii . 536. 552 Metals of Perſia ( ſee Minerals) 186 Merrick's , Mr. , deſcription of Bol Metanſas, Florida xii . 474 litree ii . Metaphor of the creation 821 Merrie's, M., cabinet of anatomy iy . Metaphyſicians of Cochin - China ix . 820 Merry -men of May iii . 803 Metaphyſics at Vienna vi. 86 Merſa, El xv. 562.564 Metavara, rock of i . 185 Mers el Keeber 517 Metayer of Parma iv. 280 Merſey river ii . 39 Metayers in Piedmont iv. 553 canal ii. 370 in the Milaneſe 554 Merthyr Tydvil , iron works of ii . of Tuſcany 557 Malkin's account of ii . 646 of Spain iv. 656 Mertin-brook ii . 36 Metelona valley 59 Merton, Lord , proprietor of the tufa of ibid . Orcades i . 778 Metempſychoſis believed by the Merton College, Oxford 114 Samoiedes i . 532 Mertrick of the Iſle of Herries iii. 586 , on the doctrine of vii . Merveilles, M. de, Bernier's letters Bernier's account to him viij . 193 of the doctrine viii . 183 Mervilliers , Maffon de, anſwer to 389 Lord's obſerva . Meſad , Sherriffe viii . 540 Meſched city, hiſtory and preſent of the Birmans ix . 492 ftate of ix . 195 among the North Mereka hill 284 Americans xiii . 314 Meſhed 457 Meteorology of Stockholm from Meſherga, Tunis, inſcriptions found 1770 to 1790 vi. 404 there 577 in a voyage to India xi, 753 Melhgarah 365 of the Inc of France xi. 762 Meſkouteen baths 553 of the coaſt of New mineral waters 607 Holland xi. ' 798.853 Mefopotamia, Bedouin Araba in 136 of New South Wales xi . 917.925 journey from Aleppo to x. 381 of Quebec xiii. 680 , Pococke's deſcription of Peru xiv. 281 Meſſance on the population of France iv. 317 of the Andes xiv. 288 Meteorology 221 ix . 21 XV. iv . 588 iv. V. v. 210 V. X. 88 tions on - XV. X. XV. X. XV. XV. . X. ... x. 532 [272] INDEX. VOL. PAGE XV. 156 X. 726 veno XV. X. X. XV. 210 xii . 494.514 V. 7 X. V. XV. XV. X. X111 . VOL . PAGE Meteorology of Algiers and Tunis 596 Miaco city , palaces in vii . 720 of Senegal xvi . 619. 648.651. Miana river ix. Meteors of Arabia 183 Mias of Japan vii . , Davy Jones xi. 309 Mica of the granite of Mount Ba on the Andes xiv . 536 131 in Peru xiv. 562 of Felicuda 219 on Juan Fernandes xiv. 690.693 of the Appenives 278 St. Elmo's lights xiv. 698 of Barbary 610 deſcribed by Adanſon xvi . 649.651 Mice of Finmark i . 422 Methodiſm, its effects on the Manks ii . 819 drop from the ſky i . ibid. Methodius the martyr vi. 90 of North America xiii . 517 Methwen iii . 413 of Guinea xvi . 433 Methymna, the ancient 634 muſk xvi . 439 Metopon cape 731 Michael, Frobiſher's voyage with Metrahenny the ſhip Metramo river 279 Michael Feodorovitch, his tomb effects of an earth and character vi . 599 quake on 287 Michaelmas-day, proceſſion on iii . 600 Metre, Spaniſh 526 Michaelſon , Colonel, his account Metropoli, ruins near 607 of Pugatchef vi . 801 Metropolis, ruins of 744 Michelney convent ii . 260 Mettapang, Maryland xii . 309 Michibichi animal of Canada xiii . 351 Mettenberg mountain 878 Michinipi lake xi . 276 Mettijiah plains 524 Michipikoton river xiii . 341 Mettle-coub 539 Michitonka, the Oumami xiii . 304 Metwokkel Allah, Imam 102 Michoug city ix. 648 Metynacus ifles xiii . 219 Micklay iſle iii . 606 Metz, fortifications of iv. 192 Mickmack Indians xiii. 659 Young's account of iv. ibid . Micocco, adventures of the miſ -, vineyards of iv. 450 fionaries in xvi. 287 Meules , 284 Middleburgh iſiand xi . 589 Meuta, Don Gregorio xiii . 825 Cook's de Mevan pariſh 779 fcription xi . 689 mode of taking eggs in iii . 791 Middleham caſtle ii . 427. iii . 516 Mevis, fee Nevis ifle . town ii . Mew iſland xi . 104 Middle- iſland Dampier 826 Mews, Mr. , anecdotes of him viii . 332 Middle Illet xi . 861 Mews- ſtone ii , 268 Middle- Settlements in NorthAmerica, Mexicans, Menonville's deſcription Burnaby's travels through xiii . * 701 of them xiii. 845 Middleſex county ii . 7 Mexico, Spaniſh feet to 471 Middleton , Ireland trade of ibid . Middleton, General 163 , coinage at ( note ) 479 Middleton, Sir Hugh 443 meaſures of Spain towards 494 Middleton bath ii . 376 wheat of ibid . Middleton-dale ii . 393. iii. 4 tobacco of 495 mines · ii . 477 mines of ibid. Middleton-hall ii . 600 Mexico, Gulf of xiii . 769. 855 Middleton Stoney 192 Mey, houſe of, a land-mark iii . 804 Middleton's, Captain , voyages in Meyahoun city ix. 459. 562 Hudſon's Bay xii . 375 Meyen, valley of 745 Midges on the river St. Lawrence xii. 271 Meynell's, Mr., fox -hunt ii . 368 Midly plains 519 Meyringen village 758 Midranda, Don Pedro xiv. Mezé, vineyards of iv. 443 Midroe river 520 Mezinc mountain, baſaltes of 914 Midwifery, curious practice in Siam ix . 599 Mezzab tribe Miecko lake i . 283 Mezzobarba, Cardinal vii . 392 Migazzi, Archbiſhop vi . 74 Mharras mount 60 Migdol 178 Miaco city , trade of vii . 637 Migdol, the ancient XV. 275.294 the Dairi's reſidence Migleck, the idol vili . 492 in vii , 720 Mignamigna-tree of Congo xvi. 249 Migrations 111 . 428 xi . 835 9 V. V. V. 7 V. 7 ji. XV . 2 XV. 111 . XV. 538 X. XV. INDEX. [273] PAGE V. X. 416 iv. iv . iv. ir. -, treaty of xi . 9 550 VOL . VOL. PAGR Migrations of minevers i . 191 Mileſians of Ireland iii . 872 of birds i . 197 Mile - ſtone, a Roman, near Pauda 805 of the Laplanders i . 410 Mileſtones of England 534 of geeſe i . 427 --- of Ruffia vi . 659 of herrings iii. 336 Miletopolis 714 of turtles xi. 40 Milford Haven ii . 596 Mikaddo of Japan, Kempfer's ac Milhio corn of Guinea xvi. 458. 503 count vii. 717 of Benin xvi. 532 Mikaulka villa vi . 591 Milin mountain xiv . 432. 437 Mikawa province of Japan 662 Militaire, Ecole, of Paris iv. 141 Mikeli on theheight of St.Gothard 748 Military of Spain 441 Mikemak Indians xili. 345 Militia of Poland i . 223 Mikias for meaſuring the riſe of of London ii. 75 the Nile xv.187 . 331. 377 - , inrollments, in France iv. Milalan, Cacique xiv. 205 obſervations on iv . 430 Milan, Young's account of iv . 240.243 of property, neceſſity of a hiſtory of iv. 568 Britiſh iv. ibid . - , irrigation in ibid . of Spain 443 courſe of crops in 589 of Zuric 666 filk culture of 602 of Bern 855 rice of 612 of Norway 357 " , government of iv. 618 ſtate of the Swediſh 446 taxation in iv. 628 of the Great Mogul viii . 137. 193 - , prices of various things in iv. 650 of Perſia ix . 79. 217 v. 894.924 of the Birman Empire ix , 499 , inland navigation of the of Siam ix . 592 Griſons to 972 of Tonquin ix. 752 , capitulation of 975 of Batavia 188 Milaneſe, the, cauſe of its proſperity iv. 395 on eſtabliſhing a Britiſh , its ſoil iv. in America xii. 437 climate iv. 551 Spaniſh , of St.Jago xiv. 176 incloſures iv. 553 303 farms and tenantry iv. 554 Milk of the rein -deer i . 170. 256. 369. 395. 405 rent and price of land in iv. 559 Icelandic 749 irrigation iv. 565 -, a charm for iii . 613 hiſtory of iv. ' , preparation of, by the Tartars vii . 31 cattle iv. of the North Americans xiii. 539 iv. 589 French in Canada fond of xiii . 683 feed and product in iv. 593 of Barbary XV. 454 wheat iv. ibid . of the Hottentots xvi. 35.102 filk culture iv. 601 in the breaſts of the men of clover iv . 609 Sofala xvi. 697 hemp and flax iv. ibid . -, fuperftition reſpecting , in maize 610 Jungeion xvi, rice iv. 612 Milk, Cape of xii . 632 vines iv. 613 Milk -wood of the Iſe of France xvi. 801 tillage and implements in iv. 616 Millar, Captain , anecdotes of him viii. 269 government iv. 618 Millar, Mrs., of Bargarron iii . 244 taxation in iv . 628 Mill- beetles of North America xili . 507 tithe and church lands iv. 635 Millepedes, ſee Centipedes manufactures and com Miller, Mr. , of Paiſley 245 638 Miller, Mr. , the Auſtrian actor vi . 91 -, population of the 643 Millet of Dar- Für 137 645 of Barbary 599 650 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 458 Milborn St. Andrew ii. 299 of Fida xvi. 503 Milbrook brewery ii . 271 of Benin xvi. 532 Mildew , on its origin iv. 313 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 552 Mile, the Swediſh i . 171. 266. 629 of Senegal xvi. 615.661 Miles, ſquare, in Great Britain 302 wine made by the Caffrés from xvi. 695 in France iing ibid. Mill-Gill waterfall ü . 430 VOL . XVII . [MM] Millo of Egypt XV. 9 568 576 courſe of crops iv . 835 jii. merce . XV. iv . iv. iv. iv. - poor in XV. prices in iv . [ 274 ] INDEX. VOL. PAGE X. 1 287 102 X. 458 vi . vi. 468 vi. 685 X. viii . X. 118 viii. 306 357 526 556 XV. 102 - > XY. 18 X. VOL . PAGE Millo valley 423 Minerals of Iceland i . 718.747 Millones of Spain 353 found in Scotland ili . 544 Mills, remarkable, at Dantzic i . 210 of the Ide of Skie 617 on the river Keutas i . of St. Kilda iii . 704 · -, water, of Nordland i . 353 found on the Alps iv. 695 portable corn üi . found on the Pyrenees iv . 716 in Yemen 109 at Sahlberg vi . 455 of Montreal xili . 695 at Norberg vi . , Glver, of Peru xiv . 15 at Bipſberg vi. 460 Mills , Mr. iii . 303 at Grengieſberg ibid . Millſtone-Edge ii . 413 at Kopparberg vi. 463. 466 Mill- ſtones of Paris iv . 46 at Mortamberg portable, of Barbary XV. 662 found at Dannemora 550 Milton abbey ii . 298 of Japan, Kempfer's account vii . Milton's battle of the angels ii . 563 of Corli viii , 689 Mimas mount 652 of Gajina Guta 692 Mimaſaka, province of Japan vii. 665 of Turivacaray 695 Mimoſa of Arabia 196 of Mail-cotay viii. 700 Mina fortreſs is . of Mota Betta 709 Mina harbour, anecdotes of Ethi of Cudera Canavay 767 opians at xvi. of Kemodu vili . 769 town, Guinea xvi. of Perſia ix . 186 Minah river of the Birman empire ix. 502 Minangdoo village ix . of Arabia 198 Minar of Iſpahan ix. 25 of Amboyna xi . 253 -, ancient, of Perſepolis ix. growth of xiv, 18. 627 Minarets of Mooriſh moſques 653 of Peru xiv. Minau town 126 of Chili xiv . 49 Minching Hampton ï . 239 of Dar- Fur 143 Mind, on its exerciſe vi. 84 of Weſt Barbary 406 of northern and ſouthern of Algiers and Tunis xv . 605.609 nations compared vi , 229 of Barbary · 707 Mindanao iſland, Hamilton's de Mineray of Peru xiv. 16 ſcription viï. 511. xi. 4 Miners at Fahlun i . 327 its productions xi. 6 of Cornwall ii . 275 city xi. their manners and cuſtoms on planting a Britiſh in Derbyſhire ii. 406.483 colony there xi. 21. 54 of Sahlberg filver -mine vi . 455 Guignes' deſcription xi . 72 diamond viii . 237 - , Magellan's diſcovery xi. 329 Creolian , in Peru xiv, 14 Mindanao, Sultan of, account of Minerva, temple of, in Athens 750 him xi, 15 Mines of Sweden i . 147 Mindanayans deſcribed xi . of Italy 149 Minden duchy vi . 280 at Swapavara i . 162 Mindoro iſland at Jacomus Maftung 199 Mine laws 482 at Coperberyt 204 Mineralogy, ſtate of, in England ii . 484 at Sallberyt 205 obſervations on 233 of ſalt at Vicliſka 226 of Sweden vi . 388 copper, at Fahlun 326 of the Iſle of France xi. 765 of England 156 of Bernier iſle, New in Cornwall ii . 273 Holland xi . 788 in Hungary ( note ) 279 of Maria iſland xi. 872 of copper at Eaton Hill 278 of Cumberland county, of filver at Bear- Alfon ii . 284 New South Wales xi . 936 of Derbyſhire ii . 477 of Penſylvania xili . 404.437 political and eco of Canada xiii . 609.669.675 nomical conſtitution of ii. 431 of Virginia xiii. 710 - , mode of working ii . 483 of the Table Mountain xvi. 44 of Angleſea, the Paris ii . of Madagaſcar xvi . 799 of lead at Foxdale i . XV. XV. XV. 12 > 10 36.75 V. 627 803 2 Mines INDEX. [275] PAGE VOL. PAGE 9 iv. 191 V. > policy of ix . ix . vi . vi. vi. XV. XY. of war 356 VIII . is. VOL. Mines of Caithneſs 152 Mines of France, table of their pro of Jura 281 duce xvi . 678 of gold in Scotland 543 of Manica xvi. 704 of the Weſtern iſles 682 of Chicona xvi . 708 ancient, at Ballycaſtle 884 Minevers, account of the i . 190 of coal in France 519 their fins i . of Mexico 495 curious particulars of them i. ibid . mode of working ibid. Ming dynaſty of China vii . 172 duties on ibid. Mingara ftation viii. 730 496 Mingrelia, Della Valle's account 126 of Cardona 620 - , Chardin's deſcription 142 of Saxony vi . 154 Mining, art of, in Hungary vi . 117 of filver at Kongſberg 367 in Saxony 154 of Sweden 389 Minio town 224. 271 of Sahlberg vi . 454 Miniſs, Jibel 521 of Norberg vi . 458 Miniſters of the church of Scotland iii . 528 of Bipſberg vi. 459 of State of Spain 355 of Kopparberg vi . 461 of foreign of Mortamberg vi . 468 affairs ibid . of Silfberg vi. ibid . ibid . of Ofmundſberg vi. ibid . of the navy v. of Dannemora vi. 549 of financev. ibid . of Ruſſia vi . 826. 892 of the -, mode of working diamond vii . 167 Indies ibid . of Japan vii . 687 of favour of diamonds in Golconda and and juſtice ibid . Viſapour - viii . 235. 242. 245 of Turkey vii . 513 weights and coins uſed in 246 of the court of Japan vii. 804 of Ghettipura viji . 619 of the Perfian monarch 214 of Doray Guda 689 of the court of Ava ix . 487.494 of Mota Betta of the Emperor of Mo of Cudera Canavay 766 rocco 752 of Cari-cullu of the King of Loango xvi. -578 of Kemodu viii . 769 Miniſtraux of Neuchatel 820 of gold and ſilver of Badagſhan ix . 377 Miniſtry of Pruffia vi . 181. 203 of Siam ix . 602 Minium manufacture ii. 486 of Mount Ida 706 Mink, animal, of North America xiii. 522 of Cibao xii . 65 Mino province of Japan vii. 663 of Virginia xii. 243 Minoa, baths of 296 in Jamaica xii. 321 Minoa, ancient city 615 in Frobiſher's Strait xii.508.517.520.529.552 Minorca, Bourgoanne's deſcription 470 of Virginia xii. 582. 594 Minos of Crete of ſilver in Peru xiv. 14. Mint in the tower of London ii. 46 of gold in Chili xiv. 22. 42.50 of Spain 439 of Cuyo xiv. of Mexico ( note) V. 479. 495 of Chili xiv . 184. 195.672.685 of Seville 567 of the Cordilleras 298 of Peterſburgh vi . 687 in Panama xiv. 382 at Madras viii . 396 in Cuenca xiv. 475 Minuthiaſde, ſee Madagaſcar. of the province of Quito xiv, 537 Mioſs lake vi. 371 of Guanca Belica xiv. 613 Mioudogee of Pagahm is. 556 of Potofi xiv. 623 Miquelet at Valencia 605 of Lipes xiv. 625 Mira, wild afles of xiv. 465 of Carangas xiv. 627 Mira river xiv. 529 of Barbary 610 Mirabeau, M. de iv. 174. 224. 291 of Morocco 707 on the population of of Mount Atlas 730 France iv. 317 gold, of Guinea xvi . 369 on domeſtic manufactures iv. 392 of Acanny xvi . 371 on the ſilk culture of of Akim xvi . 371. 372 Pruſſia iv. 471 imperfe &tly worked by the on the bank of St. Charles V. 434 Negroes xvi. 375 Miracles, modern 506 [MM ] Miracles 708 XV. 768 X. X. X. 596 V. 102 xiv . XV. XV. XV. > [ 276 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL. in Japan vii. vill . 134 X. 341 V. XV. 136 635 VOL . PAGI Miracles at Santa Engracia V. 548 Miffionaries in Tibet, obſervations at Bamberg vi. 236 on them vii. 562 at Cologne 274 723 daily, at Baramoulay 217 Bernier's obſervations at Goa viii . 354 on the Indian viii , 170 at St. Thomas's ix. 397 Italian, at Rangoon ix . 447 performed by a Cochin in Siam ix . 645.647 Chineſe prieſt ix . 800 in Cochin -China ix. 797 performed for the con in Borneo xi. verſion of Cochin- China ix . 824 to Canada xiii. 267. 366. 647 performed by Achmed in New York xii . 350 ibn Muſa 35 to the Five Nations in image of the Virgin 372 New England xii. 409 performed by Magellan xi . among the Five Nations xiü . 588 in the West Indies xii. 91 to Congo, hiſtory of xvi. 215. 232. 243. experienced by Carli, near 253. 266. 270 Graſle xvi . 192 to Ethiopia xvi . 304 performed in Congo xvi. 227. 229. 266 in Loango, Cacongo, &c. xvi. 562.597 of an inhabitant of Bengal, in Madagaſcar xvi. 753 who lived three hundred and Miſſioners, ſee Millionaries. eighty years xvi. 735 Miſſions to Lapland i. 380. 469. 486 Miraflores, chartreuſe of 312 routes pointed out for Miram of Dar- Für 155 Georgian ix . Miranda town 310 -, country ofthe Spaniſh xiy . 222 Miranda, Captain, anecdotes of him xiv. 184 -, country of the Portugueſe xiv . 229 Mir -baba, General, his defence of eſtabliſhed on the Maranon xiv. 509 Tatabakar viii . 96 lift of the places of xiv . SII Mirepoix bridge iv. 119 of the Jeſuits in Paraguay xiv. 633 Mirgimolo , General viii . 244 hiſtory Miria town, Peru xiv . 562 of them xiv . Mirlue, Abrahim Bey 393 in Chili riv . 688 Mir Mahenna , Schiech 127 -to Abyffinia Mirovitch , Vaflili, his attempt to re (note ) xv. 5. 29. 46. 51. 61 leaſe the Emperor Ivan vi . to Congo of Fathers An. trial and execution vi. gelo and Carli xvi. 149 obſervations on 790 of Monteleone and Merolla xvi. 195.215 Mirrone tree of Congo xvi . 236 Miſfirié Arabs xvi. Mirrors of ſtone found in tombs in Miffiflippi Company, obſervations on xii. 451 Quito xiv. 545 Mifliflippi river, on the trade down V.484. xii. 372 Miſago bird ofJapan vii. 704 deſcribed 309. 320 Miſellim , Melek 115 Miffon's account of the Engliſh ii. 143 Mifeno harbour 45 Miſſouri river xiii . 318 promontory ibid. Miſſouries, anecdotes of them xiii . ibid . ibid. Miſtreſs-ſtone of St. Kilda iïi . 722 Miſeratſies of the Japaneſe houſes vii. 779 Mifts on the mountains of Swans Miſhal city 452 floating Miſhlaw of the plantain xi. 6 in Peru xiv. 584.588 Midetoe of Carolina xiii . 468 of the Gold Coaft in Guinea xvi. 382 Miſque Pocona city, Paraguay xiv. 633 in St. Thomas, Gulf of Guinea xvi . 513 Miſr, the ancient 809 Mifua, fee Nifua. Miſr, horrible effects of famine in 717 Mitchel Dean ii. 578 Mifraim , fee Cairo. Mitchell, Captain James ix . 237 Miſrepreſentation of Virginia xiii . 44 Mitchelftown, Young's account of 863 Miffenden abbey 338 Mitford, Colonel ii . 250 Miſlenden , Great ii. 186 Mittau, Coxe's deſcription vi. 714 Miſfilimakinac, Lahontan's deſcrip Mixano fiſh of the Amazon xiv. 244 tion xiii . 298. 342 Mnevis, the bull 352 MISSIONARIES, travels of ſeveral, Moa iſland 448 through Tibet vii. 587 Moxdan Arabs 131 Miffionaries to Finmark i . 487 Moal, people vii. 43 in China vii. 387 Moalians, their faith vii, 81 Mobs XV. X. 786 788 vi, 834 XIII . XY. v. cavern V. 366 936 X. XV. xvi. ii . XV. X. INDEX. [ 277] PAGE > XV. > XV . X. 2 *) viii . viii. ing him > 196 558 VOL. VOL .. PAGE Mobs of London ii . 90 Moggan town vii. 520 Engliſh ii . 511 Moggio city, floating habitations at ix. 400 of Paris iv. 182 Moghoſtan province ix . 117 Mocanan, Egypt 210 Mogiere town viii. 91 Mocha deſcribed viii. 277 Mogodore, Lempriere's journey its trade viii . 278. 1. 77 from Tangierto 703 produce viii. 278 deſcribed 705 city deſcribed 75. Mogul, Great, Sir Thomas Roe's bombarded by the embaſſy to French 76, his court viii. 68 Mocha iſland, South Sea xiv. 92 audience of viji, 7.12 Mocha on the Andes xiv . 419 the Perſian am Mocha, Immaum , Hamilton's ac baſſador's audience and preſents viii. 20 count of him viii . 277 anecdotes of his Moche, Peru xiv. 561 charity 29 Mocking- bird of North America xiii. 447 his march into the Mocreb - Chan's advice to Sir Tho Decan viii. 30 inas Roe 9 - , ceremony of weigh Modave's ſettlement in Madagaſcar xvi. 759 viii. 37 - account of the Kimos his dominions and or pigmies xvi. 764 revenue viii. 45.53 Model of Switzerland, General Bernier's account Pfiffer's 725 of him viu . бо Models, Cabinet of, in Stockholm vi. 408 his fons 61 Modena , Young's account of iv . 278 his religion viri. 136 , on the ſpecie of iv. 405 armies 137 its ſoil iv. 551 " , camp viii. incloſures iv. 553 Hamilton's ac farms and tenantry iv. count of his dominions 304 -, rent and price of land in Fitch's account - , irrigation of 575 of him 410 cattle and dairies of iv. 585 Mogul's ambaflador at Pekin vij. 261. 264 iv. 588 Moguls, hiftory of them 172 courſe of crops in 591 Sir Thomas Roe's ac feed and produce in count of them viii . its filk culture 608 Mohabet- Khan 87. 126 vines iv. 614 Mohaib town viji. 277 - government 622 Mohair trade of Smyrna 651 taxation in iv, 634 Mohalli on the pyramids 823 tithe and church -land of iv . 637 MOHAMMEDANS, travels of two, manufactures and commerce iv. 642 through India and China, in the population of iv. 644 ninth century vii . 180 prohibitions in iv. Mohaſkahod town xiii . 69 prices in iv . 650 Mohawk river, fall of it xiii . 590 mountains 10 Moheau on the population of Modenkawando, the Indian xii. 399 France iv. Modiboo, Mungo Park's deſcrip Mohilef, government, population, tion xvi. 848.854 and produce of vi. 570 Modi Lemina, anecdotes of xvi . JOS government and diftriets vi . 750 Modi Lemina Taura xvi. 866 Mohilla iſland, Hamilton's de Modon village 352 ſcription viii . 270 Moducun- Dery 722 Mohock Indians xii. 410 Modyford, Sir Thomas 324 - , deſcription of xii. 413 Moedda, the Lapland 385 miffionary to them xi . ibid . Moellen town vi. 348 Mohurrum ,origin of the Perſian Moerſburg town vi. 14 cuftom of Mofarigolat, Battel's account of him xvi . 323 Moile headland i . 70 Moffattown mi. 118 Moi-moi fruit of Senegal xvi. 662 Moffen iland 554 Moine, M. te, Canada 273. 277 Mothak town 72 Moiſture of Ireland ïïi. 866 5 Moitier iv . is . 561 ix . - , ſheep of iv . iv. 598 46 9 IV. iv. XV. 649 318 ix. 272.295 Xlll. [278] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE V. V. X. XV. 75.621 X. 436 X. > V. XV. vi. 9 > 87 vii. iv . 9 iv. X. Moitier valley 703 Mombaſs illand, Hamilton's de. divilions of 704 ſcription viii. 267 government V. ibid. Mombaza iſland captured by the reformation in ibid. Portugueſe xvi. 715 lower diſtrict ibid . deſcribed xvi. 723. 728 * , upper 705 town pillaged and burnt Moitiers Travers, Rouſſeau's reli by the Portugueſe xvi. 731 dence at 823 Momford's account of the Vir Mokam of the Great Mogul viii . 197 ginian colony xiii . 61.66 Mokatab, Gibel el 403 Mompox on the Magdalene xiv. 3083.311 . Mokattam mount 803.819 Mona iſland , Weſt Indies xii . Mokeſo -a -Longo, the idol xvi . 331 Monacaboes, Hamilton's deſcrip Mokha, route from Beit el Fakih to 48 tion of them viii . city deſcribed ( ſee Mocha ) 49. 75 Monacan Indians xiii. 37 : 75 Molacks, religious fect, of Surat viii . 316 Monach falls ii . 606 Molalia iſland viii . 3 Monahigan ifle, New England xiii . 207 areca of viii . ibid . Monana Indians xiii. 69 Molas, Iſle of iii . 266 Monarchies, conftitution of abſolute ix . 212 Molaſſes of the Alps 874 Monarchy of England ii . 127 Molck, Count vi. 299 Monafteer city, Tunis 581 his cabinet vi. ibid . Monafteries in Ruſſia i . 37 Molcke's, Admiral, entertainment 300 Charter- houſe ii . 85 Mold town ii . 622 Bermondſey ii . Moldan river vi . 141 at Perſhore ii. 205 Moldavia, Hoſpodar of 503 at Warwick ii . 354 Moldaviaris vii . 504 at Ripon ii , 422 Mole of Havre de Grace 148 obſervations on ji . 796 of Cherbourg 151 of Cartmel 184 of Meſſina, its deſtruction 261 in Oranſay iſle ii. 291 ancient, at Troy ix . 8 of Dunkeld 390 of Samos 640 at Perth iii . 397 of St. Nicholas, St. Domingo xiii. at Dundee of Penſylvania xiii. 438 at Aberbrothic 423 Rochon on forming xvi. 750 of Inch - colm 455 Moles at the Cape of Good of Hexham -492 Hope xvi. 57. 65. 77 of Newcaſtle Molhat country vii. 7 of Jona ii. 659 Moliere's death iv . 54 of St. Niccolo dell' Arena v. 69 Molingus's globe, its virtues iii . 646 of Las Huclyas 312 Molino riverPopayan xiv . 484 of Paular 363 Molinos del Rey, bridge of 617 of the Eſcurial 364 Molivo town wealth of the Spaniſh 404 Mollah, anecdotes of one 300 near Montreal 547 Molle plant of Chili xiv. 88 of Montſerrat 616 Molleneux, Dr. , on the Giant's of Eigfidlin 658 Cauſeway iii . 894 of the Kremlin vi . 595 Molleray village 706 of Troitſkoi Sergief Mollien, Cape xi. 799 Klofter Molluſcæ , their natural hiſtory xi . wealth of the Ruſſian vi . 815 of New Holland of the Bachſi vii , 127 on the ſtudy of them near Cazan vii . 279 Moloſſes, colonial trade in xii . 330 in Korea vii . 536 Molſequios Caffrés xvi. 715 of St. Catherina viii. 275 Molucca beans iii. 289 the Birman ix, 442 Molucca iſlands viii. 457. xi. 200 of Rangoon ix, 449 Pigafetta's ac of St. Catharine IO count 359 of Caunubin 194 Molues bay xii . 672 of St. Sergius 299 Molungo of the Caffrés xvi. 687 of Bellmount Moluquello deſtroyed by an earth . of Mount Athos 737 quake 290 of Canada xiii . 650 658 Monaſteries 874 418 498 v. V. X. 634 ix. V. V. 621 9 xi. 758 785 xi . 948 xi. X. 318 INDEX. [279] PAGE iv. viii . V. 308 V. 436 38 815 vii. X. ix , 318 X. of Cyprus VOL . Monaſteries in St.Jago xiv. in Ethiopia kv. of Mount Sinai XY, of Barcelona xvi . Moncaglia palace Moncao winds ix. Monceaux, M. de, his character of Bernier, and his voyage to India Moncrief hill , proſpects from Mondevergue, Marquis of xvi . Mondragon town Moneng, cultivation round iv, Moneſs, cataracts of iii . Money, cuſtom of burying, in Lap land i . coined in France iv . of Spain circulation of Dreſden vi . of Saxony vi . of Pruffia vi. tables of the Swediſh vi . of Kublai Khan vii . of Nankin of the Calmuck Tartars vii . of the Chineſe vii . of Tibet vii. of Laſſa vii. of Japan vii . of the Ulbeck Tartars of Tonquin ix . miraculous, of Candia of Canada xiii . Moneyaſh mines ii . Monfia iſland xvi . Mongallia, deſcription of vii. its fimilarity to Canada vii . Mongalls, Bell's deſcription of them vii. Mongas, Baretto's conqueſt xvi . Monge bay xi . Mong -fan lamas in China vii . Mong- ley city vii , Mongoapa river xiv. Mongols, Coxe's account of them vi. -, Pallas's account vi . Moni.quil, ftones at Monja iſland xii. Monk , General ii . Monk-cheſter, fee Newcaſtle. Monkeys of Japan vii. - , worſhip of, at Vizagapa tam viii . , elephants fond of ix , deſcription of the Siameſe ix . Tonquineſe ix . of Arabia of Borneo xi. of the Cordilleras xiv . of the Amazons xiv .. of Carthagena xiv, of Panama xiv . of Quito xiv. X. > VOL. PAGI 179 Monkeys, muſk , of Congo xvi . 173 100 of Brazil xvi. 205 105 of Congo xvi . 252 ** 189 of the Gold Coaſt de. 238 fcribed xvi. 440 800 of Benin xvi . 532 of Loango xvi. 558 57 of the Niger, anecdotes xvi. 669 39 opinion of the Caffrés on xvi. 687 757 Monkeys-tooth worſhipped in Ceylon viii. 388 122 Monks, black, in Ruflia 22 379 of St. Benedict i. 37 remarks on ii . 172 449 of Paris iv . 7 404 their influence in Spain 401 riches 404 148 in Bavaria vi. 151 in Erbach vi. 262 187 of Cologne vi. 275 533 of Troitſkoi Sergief Klofter vi. 621 135 of Ruſſia vi . 248 -, account of an Armenian vii . 59 28.1 of Korea vii . 536 392 of Tibet vii. 555. 560 547 of Mingrelia ix . 145 553 of St. Anthony 294 640 of Bellmount 331 Latin , of Jeruſalem 341 739 593 276 of Mount Athos 737 625 in Manilla xi. 79 479 of Our Lady of Bethlehem xiv. 444.569 -723 of Mount Sinai, Mahomet's 355 patent to 389 362 Monkſhill fort, Antigua xii. 347 355 Monmouth, hiſtory of ii. 225 705 Skrine's account ii . 584 854 Monmouth-bridge 580 563 Monmouth, Duke of ii . 292 240 Monmouthiſle xi , 45 726 Monmouthſhire , county ii . 828 , its produce ibid , 840 manufactures ii . 11 261 inhabitants ii . ibid . 70 Monnier, M. xiv , 257 jór Monoculi in water xuli . 583 Monolithic chapel of Memphis 701 Monomete, New England xiii . 241 Monomotapa, Portugueſe conqueſt of xvi. 679.705 400 Monopolies, beneficial ( note ) iv. 330 616 of the ſtate of Venice iv . 620 622 of burghers in Switzer 718 land (note) 663 185 of Pruſſia vi . 115 ju tified vi. 186 45 of wood in the Pala 246 tinate vi . 265 345 in the Spaniſh colonies xiii . 765 372 Monopolization, Young's obſerva. 420 iv, 330 Mono X. XV. 10 111 . XV. 810. 834 > v. X. 183 tion on [280] INDEX. VOL . PAGE X. vi. X. iv . V. 387 468 120 X. 188 448 640 X. ii. VOL. PAGE Monopolizer, a public benefactor iv. 330-333 Monte Chrifto ille 766 Monplaiſir of Peterhof 701 Montefik tribe of Arabs 135 Monquegua juriſdiction xiv, 620 Montel village, Senegal xvi. 657 Monro, Lieutenant, anecdotes of Monteleone, Father , his miſſion to him viii . 342 Congo xvi. 195 Monro, Sir Robert, epitaph on iii. 115 Montelimart vineyards 455 Monroy, Captain, anecdotes of him xiv. 184. 189 filk culture iv, 465 Mons, deſcription of i . 132 Monte-Nuovo, pumice-lavas of 44 Monſall dale ii. ſoda 45 Mons-meg cannon frogs at ibid . Monſon, Lady Ann, anecdotes of Monte Roffo , cryſtallized iron of 119 her xvi. Monte Santo 736 Monſoons in Hindoftan , Bernier's Monteſquieu, Marquis de iv. ' account of viii. 223 on the revenue of in Rangoon ix . France iv, 400 at Mocha 78 Monteſquieu cape, New Holland xi. 881 of Sumatra and Borneo To6 Montfort's, Thomas, woollen manu of Java xi . 765 factory at Vicenza iv. of Amboyna xi . 253 Montgomery town' ii. ibid . Monſters, marine, of Finmark 438 Month, diviſion of the Birman ix. 507 taken at Oftend i . 795 the Siameſe ix . 583 born in Ronaldſha 759 the Arabian 167 ſeen in Shetland 788 Montifeeks, tribe of ix . 276 taken by fiſhermen 789 Montigny, Madame Trudaine de iv. 188 born in Nefton, Shetland Montilimart iv. 219 ille 793 Montjouy citadel 618 like men, account of Montmartre, plaſter quarries of iv. 46 fome vii. 69 Montmorenci fall xiii. 674 -, graven , at Perſepolis ix. 103. 193. 266 Montmorenci family iv. 189 with large ears xi. 375 Montmorin, Count 341 marine xi , 835 Montpellier, Young's account of iv. 115 of Africa xvi. 220 Montreal town 547 of the river Zaire 217 Montreal, Canada, Lahontan's de of Loango xvi . 557 fcription xiii. 266. 279 Monſul kingdom vii . Kalm's account xiii. 620. 625 diamond mines vii. 166 Montreuil iv . 83 Montacute, Sir William, King of Montroſe town, Pennant's account Man ii . 828 of 425 Montadier iv. 118 Montroſe, James Marquis of iii . 249 Montagna bay and town 720 Montroſe's victory iii . Montague Port, Dampier's adven Montſerrat, Young's account of iv. 106 tures at xi. 490 -, riches of the monaſtery 616 Montague's, Duke of, ſettlement hermitages 617 of St. Lucia and St. Vincent Carli's account of xvi . 189 Montanvert, glacier 781.792 Montſerrat, Weſt Indies, Engliſh Montauban , Young's account of iv. 94. 154 ſettlement of xii. 303 manufactures of iv. 371 •Monts Notre Dames xii. 672 mulberries 461 Monument of London ii . 55 Montbazin port 869 Monuments at Upſal i . 206 Mont- Blanc, Sauſſure's attempts to ancient Lapland 251 attain the ſummit iv. 677. 687 of antiquity in Lapland i . 254 views from the fummit iv. 691 -, ancient , in Iceland i . 677 705 at Old Saliſbury ii . 300 Mont Cenis, paſſage of 283 in Weſtminſter Abbey ii . 523 iron -works at iv. 380 in the Scilly illes ii . 766 Mont- D'Or, cryſtallized iron of 119 - , ancient , at Penrith 119 Monte, Cape, Guinea deſcribed xvi. 538 near Shap Monteano, Don Manuel de, his at of antiquity 387 tack on Georgia xii. 477 in memoryof the defeat Monteath , loch of ii. 571 of Camus iii. Monte Chriſti, Peru xiv. 273.388 ancient fepulchral iii . 393 Monuments, > V. xvi. 162 jii . 75 V. xii. 424.431 iv. 2 - , ſhape of iv . iv . V. I 22 420 INDEX. [281 ] VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE with XV . XV. XV. 9 XV. 4366 XV. XV. 683 XV. vi . 338 > 348 > 847 X. X. xiii. XV. 811 XV. Monuments, ancient, in Scotland iii . 436.439 Moors, battles of the Portugueſe of Archbiſhop Sharp iii . 449 32 of Biſhop Kennedy ibid. of Weſt Barbary 414 in Jona iii . 657 -, manners and cuſtoms in -, ancient , in the Orkney Weſt Barbary 436.452 illes iii . 691.754 directions for dealing with ancient, in Shetland iii . 782 them 493. 503 in the Eſcurial derivation of the name ancient Spaniſh 543 ( note ) 669 in Mentz Cathedral vi . 252 of Tangiers at Roſkild vi . 335 of Morocco 710 at Ringtted character and manners xv. 762-778 of John and Chriftian the of Senegal, Adanſon's ac Second vi. 340 count xvi . 614.617.645 of Frederic the Firſt vi . 344 of Sofala xvi . 680 ancient, in Sweden and of the coaſt of Melinda xvi . 723. 728 Denmark anecdotes of them in Africa xvi . -, Egyptian 14 of Tombuctoo xvi . 851.896 of Mahomet in Medina 92 Moor's fhrub i . 361 in Maria iſland xi . 856.859 Moor-well , St. Mary's ii . 744 of Sir George Somers xiii . 196 Moorzan town xvi. 850.853 Mexican 799 Mooſa Fort, Florida xii , 473 of the ancient Indians in Mooſe of New England deſcribed xii . 256 Quito xiv. 543 Mooſe-deer, Kalm's obſervations on xiii . 471 of Lima xiv, 601 Mooſee, the chief, anecdotes of him xvi. 852 erected by the aſtrono Mooſe River Factory, Hudſon's bay xii . 370 mers in Quito xiv. 648 Mopa-mopa of Popayan xiy , 488 ancient, of Egypt 802 Mor, Provider xiv. Mooa village xi. 683 Mora pariſh , Guftavus Vaſa ,at vi . 467 Moon, her continual appearance in Moraba river 97 Icy harbour i . 102 Morad -Bakche, Bernier's account libration i . 212 of him viii . 63. 68 in eclipſe i . 316 joins Aureng-Zebe viii . 71 , her influence on the body iii . 630 battle at Fate-abad viii . 78 rainbows formed by her in - , Aureng- Zebe's con Bengal viii. 229 duct to him her eclipſe, a means of con death viii . verſion 817 Morai of Oamo and Oberea xi. 514. 588 eaten by the devil when of Captain Cook xi . 614 eclipſed xi . 129 in Owhyhee xi. 700.706 -, longitude found by xi. 388 Moraine of the glaciers worſhipped under various Morainville, xiv. namesin Egypt 350 Moraiſah, antiquities at 566 Mandingo worſhip of her xvi . 875.896 Morales, Gaſpar, his diſcoveries xiv. 146 Moonlight on the Alps iv. 690 Moralifts of Japan vii. 755 -, travels by ix . 100 Morals of the Samoiedes i . 532 Moor, Biſhop ii . 125 of the Spaniſh ladies 515 Moor, Mr., of Bermudas xii. 265 of ſtates, cauſes of vi. Moor 152 , Mr., the miſſionary xii. 409 of the Swedes 520 Moorat's account of thefources of Moral Sanches, Don Franciſo del the Nile 88 Morant port, Jamaica xii. 315 embaſſy to France 93. 106 Morap illes xili . 62 Moore , Dr., on Pruſſia vi . 178 Moraſſes of Hungary Moore 117 Sound i. 79 of Pruſſia vi . 180 Moore's, Sir Jonas, navigation i . 563 of Ruſſia vi . 648 Moor-hens of Canada xili . 289 falt, near Senegal xvi. 666 Mooring a veſſel i . 493 Moraftein , antiquities at vi . 479 Moorja , Mungo Park's adventures Moraſu caſt viii . 658.661 xvi . 841 Morafu Whalliaru caſt viii. Moors of Great Britain iv . 308 Morat, bailliage 827 Moors, Lobo's anecdotes of them 17 lake VOL. XVII . [ n n ] viii . 86 100. 325 ix . V. 783.792 258. 271 XV. XV. vi. xii. 456. 475 XV. XV. at 675 XV. ibid . Morat, [282 ] INDEX. VOL. PAGE V. V. 9 > V. V. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. xiv . 223.499 xiii . iii . 482 V. ibid . VOL. PAGE Morat, Saluth of 827 Morning's, Adam, hiſtory iii . 8go environs ibid. Morning Star, ſhip, her action with battle of 828 Sanganian pirates viii . 310 - , entry of the French (note) ibid . Moro fort, Havanna xiii . 756.866 offuary of ibid. Moroc bird of Abyſſinia 24 Moratin , the poet 522 Morocco, navy of 460 Moratoc Indians xii. 579. xiii. 9 Lempriere's tour to 681 Moratoc river xii . 578.582. xii . 9 deſcription of the empire xv. 706 Moraughtacund Indians 68 city deſcribed 734 Moravia, cultivation in 131 Morocco, Emperor of, his court xv. 465.752 Moravians of Philadelphia xiii . 390 anecdotes of New York 571 of him XV. 472. 483. 743 Morbegno town 933 harem 784. 797 Morbeya river 701.799 Morona river Mordecai, the firſt quaker 409 Morpeth town 19 More, Don Juan de xiv. 93 caſtle ibid . Morea of Greece 759 Morris, Mr. ii . 581 Moreau entrance, New Holland xi. 819 Morriſon, Colonel Francis xii . 239 Morefountain Chateau iv . 134 Morris's, Governor, letter to General More -iſland 582 Oglethorpe xii. Morena, the Sierra 561 Morris-town, works at ii . 593 colonies in ibid. Morrope town, Peru xiv. 559 Moreno, Admiral 453 Morſes, deſcription of them i . 35 Moreno, Colonel Martin Soares xiv. 797 of Finmark 420 Moreno, Don Ventura 590 their battles More Park ii . 314 their teeth i. 421 Morequito harbour xii. 209 mode of catching i . ibid . More's, Mr., government of the Morfilio , Don Diego xiv. 5 Bermudas xvi. 179 Morſtain, grand treaſurer i . 218 Moreſby iii , 198 Mortality in Brazil xiv. 737 Moreſco women 411.452 Mortamberg copper-mine vi. 468 Moreton - in -the Marſh ii. 203 Mortar uſed in the pyramids xv. 805.824 Morgan's capture of Porto Bello xiv. 361 Mortigura ſettlement xiv. 233 capture of Panama xiv. 374 Mortimer, Dr. Cromwell, on tur Morgarten, battle of 734 quoiſes 187 Morges town 802 Mortimer's hole ji . 448 lime tree of ibid. Morton, Archbiſhop i . 299 Morgiovets harbour i . 50 Morton caſtle 226 Moriah mount 340 Morunfo river vi. 381 vaults of 356 Morveau, M. iv. - Pococke's deſcription X. 416 Morven, hill of iii. 59 Moribeca town, fortifications xiv. 757 Morzovets, Bay of i . 78 Morice Fitz John, Raleigh's account Moſa, account of the water viii . 277 of i . 830 Molbeiba valley 12 Moriglios of Paris iv. 49 Moſco , the Indian 68 Morin's, M., cabinet of minerals 25 Moſcovia, Chancelor's deſcription library 41 of ( ſee Ruſſia ) i . 16 Moriſon's, Rev. Mr. , account of Moſcow city i. 16. 31. vi . 581 Rona iſland iii. 580 commerce of i. 16 inſtances of caftle i . ſecond fight iii . churches i. 17. 44. vi. 593 Moritz's travels through ſeveral road from Smolenſko to vi . 578 parts of England ü. 489 hiſtory of 579 Editor's preface to ii. ibid . -, population 580 character ji . 491 kremlin of Morlacos of Quito xiv, 474 , new palace of 583 Morlaix, Young's account of iv. 155 - , nobility in vi . linen trade of iv. 378 ancient palace of the Czars in vi. 595 Morley, M. iv. archives vi. 610 Morning in the Ile of Wight ji 719 univerſity Moſcow XV. ix. V. jii. 202 X. xlii. iv . iv . 17 675 3 VI. 581 588 > 67 vi. 614 INDEX. [283] VOL . PAGE vi. j > XV. X. 96 XV. 280. 295 X. V11 918 VOL. PAGE Moſcow governments and diſtriAts 755 Moſs of Lockerneſs iii. 218 Bell's deſcription of vii . 275 Moſs of Solway iii . 206 Bell's journey from Pekin to vii. 413-432 Moſlava harbour 272 itinerary from , to Aſtrachan vii . 499 Moſſel on the Dutch factories in - , road to Iſpaban from ix . 161 India ( note ) xi . 203 Moſcow , Archbiſhop of, divine ſervice on Macaſſer xi. 241 performed by him vi. 704 on Amboyna xi. 281 Moſcua river i . 17 Moſs-houſe of Havod ii. 652 Moſellay, Bower of ix. 247 Moflon , treaty of 923 Moſes, Mount of 285 Moſs-troopers of Scotland iii. 208. 216 Mofes, Rabbi, account of him vii. ií Moſt Beautiful Harbour, Magellan Moſes's Clift on Mount Sinai 395.401 Strait xiv. Moſes's Fountains 389 Moſtertſhoek , dangerouspaſs xvi . 85 Mofes's Rocks 10 Moſtyn, Sir Roger, Pennant's de Moſes's Springs dication to iii. Moſes's Stairs, meaſurement of the Moſul province, Marco Polo's de Nile at XV. 377 ſcription vii . IIO Moſes's Wells Mota Betta iron -mines 708 Mothaiſk vi. 578 Mote -hill 199 Moſkito bay, St. John's xii. 571.610 Mote-hill of Scone 414 Moſkwa river vi . 582 Mothe le Vayer, M. de la , Bernier's navigation of it vi. 617 letter to 149 Moſques at Conſtantinople, Bell's Moths of North America xiii . 505 deſcription vii. 511 of Carthagena xiv. 351 at Adrianople vii . 514. X. 230.733 Motier, Roman, bailliage 811 at Delhi vüi . 165 Motions of the planets of Shah Sofi in Ardebil ix. 84 Motraye's, La, account of Catharine at Com ix. 159 the Firſt (note) 724 at Ardevil ix. 175 Motroripa inand xi , 357 of Iſpahan ix . 788. 190 Motte, Moulin de la 835 of Meſched ix. 195 Mottiſton village ii. 675 of Shiraz ix . 241 Motto on the Academy of Fine Arts of Taces at Madrid 381 of Sana 66 Motuara iſland xi. 539. 576.647 proceſſion of the Imam Motugogogo cape 534 from 69 Moucheron, Balthazar, proje &ts a in Jebilee X. 311. 566 north -eaſt paſſage i . 81 of St. John the Baptiſt, Moucheron , Coſmo de xiv . 797 at Damaſcus 500 Moudon town of Conſtantinople 723 Mouitt trading village xvi. 667 of Cobbe 134 Mouline pariſh iii. 380 of Alexandria 168 Moulins, Young's account of iv. 208. 288 of Grand Cairo -, vineyards of iv. 454 in Weft Barbary xv. 416.455 filk culture iv. 464 -, Mooriſh ſtyle of building xv. 653 Mounah , the 506 of Morocco 734.773 Mounier, M. de iv. 174 of the converted Negroes Mounolota iſland i . 276 of Africa 867 Mountaineers, Tonquineſe ix. 719 Moſquito Shore, Colon's diſcovery xii. 125 of Wett Barbary 408 Moſquitoes in France iv. 314 Mountain -flax of America xili. 473 -- on the Rangoon river (ſee Mountain- goat of the Alps 794 Muſquitoes) ix . 456.563 Mountain- gold of Guinea xvi. 373 Moſs the food of rein -deer i. 252 Mountain -prieſts of Japan vii. 743.789 of Mount Grimſel 752 Mountain -rats, account of i. 196 of Bavaria vi . 32 Mountain river, Cape of Good of America xiii. 436 Hope xvi. 80 beauty of one, comforts Mungo Mountains of Nova Zembla i . 58 Park in diftreſs xvi, 863 in Lapland Moſs, iron -works at vi. 364 Kukama Moſs rock 378 Nieva i . 278 [NN 2 ] Mountains , X. 56 X. XI. X. _883 X. XV. XV. XV. 186.189 XV. XV . XV . XV. i . 235.277 i . 277. 294 [ 284 ] INDEX. 283 „ 9 361 of Italy 362 iv. 548 79 87 V. V. V. v. V. V. VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGE Mountains, Horrilakero i . 279 Mountains of the Iſe of Mull iii . 654 Cuitaperi i. ibid . of St. Kilda 111 . 704 Kattilla i . 280 Turk iii . 839 Battas i . 281 , Mangerton 840 Ketimo i . Glená iii. 841 - , Lango i . ibid. Eagle's Neft 842 Pieſka i . ibid . -- , Tomys üi, 846 Kukas i . 285 Galties 861 Niemi 288 of Ireland iii . 865 Matka i . 290 the Pyrenees iv. 102. 309. 712 of Nordland iv. 234 of Rodfiall i . the Alps iv . 283.706 of Kitſchewari 363 - , fertility of volcanic iv. 305 of the North 364 of Catalonia iv . 662 of Swans ibid . primitive 706 the Lapland holy i . 467 formation of iv. 707 ſacred i . 479 ſtructure 3 on the coaſt of Spitz uſual figure of a volcanic v. bergen i . round Etna barometrical mode of on the formation of vol. meaſuring i . 576 canic v . 129 - , geometrical mode of of pumices 171 meaſuring i. ibid . on the direction of vol. of Eaſt Spitzbergen i . 606 canic 230 origin of i . 687 of Calabria, Dolomieu's volcanic i . ibid . defcription 278 Jeugel i . 740 rent by earthquakes 289 of ice in the North i . 741 las Contreras 597 of Iceland 745 Cabrillas ibid , of Norway 760 of Switzerland, General of the Azores i . 806 Pfiffer's model 727 of England 466 Titlis 742 their formation ii . ibid. St. Gothard 748 from Holland to France Furca 750 ( note ) ii . 467 Grimſel 752 from Paris to Amiens ibid . Aar- Gletchers 753 from Dover to London ibid . Galleberg ibid . of Staffordſhire ii . ibid. Houlli of Oxfordſhire ( note ) ji . ibid . Sheidec 758.761 of Yorkſhire ibid . Wetterhorn of Derbyſhire ii . 468 Jungfrau -horn 762 of Merionethſhire ii . 605 Kander 765 of Caernarvonshire ii . Gemimi ibid . of Angleſea ii . Mont Blanc 779 of Snowdonia ii. 630. 633 on the heights of 780 Cader Idris ii . 633 Vuilly 827 -, Berwyn 636 the Alps from Bern 874 of Wales 644 Bralio 912 of the Iſle of Man ji . 785 Muret of Scotland 54 of Saltzburg vi . 45 - , Granpian 56 of Bohemia vi . 143 Beneveniſh iji , 100 - , mineralogy of the Swediſh vi . 389 Ben Lomond 108 the Flying, of Oranien . of Murrayſhire iii . 127 baum vi . 700 Skiddaw 193 in China vii. 240. viii. 510 of Arran 259 Five -Horſes- Heads vii . 241 of Jura of Tibet vii . 543. 550 of Bendoran 368 volcanic, in Japan vii , 686 of Kinnoul 415 of Caſhmere viii . 210. 219 the Droſacks 570 Bember viii . 213 of the Iſle of Skie ii. 618 Megiddo viii. 282 Mountains V. ::E--- 9 5 V. V. 5 V. 758 11 . > v . 761 v. > 624 627 v. v. V. > V. v. > V. 936 9 111 280. 648 INDEX. [ 285 ] PAGE II > XV. 9 XV . XV. > XV. XV. is . XV. ix . XV. ' x > X. 18. 397 XV. X. XV. > X. XV. > 32.36 8 . 42 > X. 48 x. X. > > xvi. X. > 358 360 > X. X > X. X. X. XVI . VOL. PAGE VOL. Mountains of Tonquin viii. 483 Mountains of Juan Fernandes xiv. 659 the Ghats in the Carnatic viii . 585 on the Red Sea coaft XV. of Doray Guda viii . 688 Sinai 285 of Caucaſus ix. 149 Atlas in Africa 512 of Taurus ix . 152 Wan -naſh -reeſe 527 of Perſia ix . 178. 238 Jurjura 534 of Anoupectoumiou ix. 460 of Ġætulia 537 of Arracan 473 of Algiers 544 of Tonquin 716 Aurels 548 of Inſcriptions 13 Ufelett XV.. 586 St. Catharine's of falt in Barbary 605 coffee, in Yemen 41 in Morocco 703 travels among the Yemen 42 Atlas, Morocco 729 Hermon X. 334 of Southern Africa xvi . Tabor 334. 362 Table xvi . Carmel 334 Lion xvi . Gerizim 335 of the Cape xvi. 55 Ebal ibid . Bocke -veld xvi . 83. 93. 109 Calvary of Moriah X. 340 Paarl xvi. 121 Quarantania, or of the Riebeek Caſtle I 22 Temptations 345 Picquet xvi . ibid . Olivet - , Rogge -veld xvi , 133 Gihon CapeMonte xvi, 539 of Beatitudes 364 Peak of Teneriffe xvi. 603 of Precipitation ibid . Pico of the Azores xvi . 671 Hamam el Faran X. 390 of Fayal xvi. 673 Horeb , St. Bertin and - Spine of the World , Sinai 392 Africa xvi. 706 the Written 402 of Madagaſcar xvi. 739.796.799. Acra 415 of Bergoo 835 of Cyprus 575 Mountains, the Old Man of the, of the Iſle of France 91.765 account of him vii . 99. 114 Roa in Owhyhee xi . 729 Mountain - ſcenes in Saltzburg vi . 44. 48.50 Teneriffe xi. 744 near Croneberg vi. 250 of the Atlantic iſlands 750 Mount- Caffius 557 of Timor xi. 801 Mount-Edgecombe ii . 267 of Van Diemen's Land xi . 836. 848 Mountfort , Earl of Leiceſter ii . 204 of New South Wales xi. 912 Mount- Heckla i . exploration of the Blue xi . 913 , 936 Mount -Juliet iii. -, Apalachean xii . 307 Mount- Kennedy iii . 820 of Jamaica xii . 314 Mount Libanus, Dandini's voyage to x . 272 of Virginia xiii. 25 Maronites of X. 287 of the Bermudas xiii . 171 Mounts in Murrayſhire 128 of New England xiii . 212. 219 of Moſes X. of Hudſon river xiii . 575 Sinai ibid . of Canada xiii.610.613.652.671 of Olives 426 of Oriffava xiii . 795. 800 Mountforrel town 366 Cordilleras xiv. 45. 164 caſtle ii. ibid . - Bouguer's Mount- Steward iii. 251 deſcription xiv. 283 Mouree town, Guinea xvi . 361 --, heights aſcertained by Mourner in Mercury bay xi . 533 the barometer ( note ) 288 Mourners in Chili xiv. 123 Pambamarca xiv. 290 of Carthagena xiv. 338 Cotopaxi xiv . 291 Mournings in Korea vii. 534 Cocounoucou xiv . 296 among the Banians viii. 543 Chouffalong xiv. ibid. of the Perfees viii . 571 Bouguer on the South folemn Perſian , for American xiv . 312 Huſſein ix . Andes xiv . me of the Siameſe ix . 590 M, xiv . 483-484 of the Tonquineſe of the Andes in Quito xiv. in Arracan ix . 761 Mournings X. > xi, 691 > 817 9 111 . *****:3 IO > X. X. xiv. > - 38. 272 416 ix. 698.730 526 [286] INDEX. goma viii. XV. X. XV. IIO . XV. xi , xiii. XV. X. XV. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE Mournings made rejoicings in Jan Mud-banks of Batavia xi , 211 ix. 763 Mudbay, in Couchin 382 in Laos ix. 765 Mudura fort viii. 594.613 of the Friendly Ifanders xi. 696 Mud -walls, their ſtrength and beauty of the Ethiopians 98 in the Myſore viii . 588 in Weſt Barbary XV. 435. 456.654.669 Mufti of Turkey 253 of the Mooriſh women XV. 777 Mugan plain , Bell's journey through vii. 292 of the Negroes of the Muga-Nayakana -Cotay viii . 687 Gold Coaſt xvi . 429 Mugdoc caftle iii . 248 in Benin xvi. 528 Mugdrum Croſs 444 on the Grain Coaſt xvi. 542 Muggaſtot iïi . 325 of the Negroes in Por Muggrebines tudal xvi . 623 Mugheſs ibid . Mouron, M. iv. 82 Mu-glin mountain vii. 241 Mourooa, the chief 650 Mugwort, ceremonies with, in Japan vii . 735 Mouſe tower vi , 259 Muhlheim town vi . 276 Mouſe -wood of America 550 Mujet kingdom vii . 189 Mouths of the Nile vii. 17 Mujilis Gemſheed, ruins ix . 268 Mouvette's inſtructions for ſettlers Muju river xiv . 243. 499 in Barbary 493 Mukatera fortreſs I10 Moville river, French on xii. 452 Mukha - lah , Seedy ben 671 Mowee Point xi . 725 Mula-Halo town xiy. 419 Mowhemenchouch town xiii . 75 Mulattoes of Carthagena xiv. 332 Mowhemenchughes xili . 37 in Congo xvi . 162 Moxel, people , deſcription of them vii. 40 of Guinea xvi. 395.427 Moxul, Tee Moful. of Angola, their manners Moxus, the Indian king xii . 399. 403 and cuſtoms xvi. 296 Moyacks, birds of Canada xiii. 355 Mulberries of France iv. 313.316 Moylar caft, origin and employments viii . 749 culture of, in France iv . 461 Moyowance Indians xiii . 27 in Quercy iv. ibid . Mozambique iſland, Hamilton's de in Guienne 462 ſcription viii . 266 in Normandy iv. 463 inhabitants viii . 266. xv. 4 in Bourbonnois iv. 464 -, Naya’s expedition to xvi . 676 in Dauphine iv. 465 Santo's hiſtory xvi . 716.719 time of fowing iv. ibid . Mozambique channel xi . 751 planting 466 Mozeemlek Indians 313 315 cultivation iv . ibid . Mozine diſtrict i . 524 produce iv. ibid . Samoides there ibid . e, quantity devoured by Mozzata, mode of fattening oxen at iv. 581 filk -worms iv. courſe of crops at iv, 589 on their culture in Eng wheat of 593 land iv. 470 --, ſeed and products iv. 594 in Pruſſia iv. filk culture iv. 601 culture of, in Italy iv . 600 hemp and flax 609 at Mozzata iv. 602 maize iv. 610 - , experiments on iv. боб vines 613 of Valencia 606 - , implements and tillage at 616 of Perſia ix . 180 taxation of iv. of Tonquin ix. 740 tithes and church lands iv. , the paper, of Tongataboo xi. 677 labouring poor at iv. - , on the culture, in Georgia xii . 486 prices at iv. 650 of Penſylvania xiii. 417 Mozzate villa iv. 242 Mulberry -tree of Japan, Kempfer's Muc people vii. 55 deſcription vii , 692 Muca-muca of South America xiv. 534 of Canada xiii. Mucas city xiv. 493 of Barbary 405 Muck, Ine of iii . 662 Muldoniſh iſle m . Mucks, mad, of Batavia xi . 186 Mulehet country vii. 114 Muckwasin the Samorin's dominions viji . 375 Mules of Spain 444 Mucrufs, grand ſcenery at 839 of Perfia ix. abbey iii. 840 uſed in the commercсof Mexico xiii. Mules iv . . > iv . xiii. 5 9 > 468 iv . 471 iv . iv. iv. 629 635 645 623 XV. 604 V. 183 847 INDE X. [ 287] VOL. PAGE - XV. XV. V. XV. V. XV . 486 XV. V. 478 XV. XV. XV. * X. III V 112. 230 vii. X. 418 VOL . PAGE Mules, their mode of travelling on Mungo Park, ſee Park. the Andes xiv. 416 Munich, court of vi. 26 of Algiers and Tunis 618 Munich, Marſhal vi. 719 of Morocco xv. 708.769 anecdotes of vi. 780 Muleteer, anecdote of an enraged 309 biographical ac Muleteers of the Perſian harem ix . 71 count of him vi. 796 in Mexico xiii. 791. 847 Munimigi kingdom, Ethiopia xvi. 217 Muley, meaning of the term 681 Munis of Karnata viii. 714 Muley Abdallah, Prince xv. 478.484 Munoz, Don Thomas V. 573.604 Muley Abſulem , Prince . xv. 716.723.757.760 Munfter, valley of ( ſee Moitier) 703 Muley Alley, Prince 484 Munſter in Vallais 751 Muley Hamet Deheley, Prince of valley deſcribed 911 Morocco village ibid . Muley Idris, the Mooriſh ſaint 463 government of ibid . Muley Iſhmael, Emperor of Morocco xv. 470.711 biſhopric vi. 278 Muley Mahomet Lariba ecclefiaftics of vi. ibid. Muley Moluc, King of Morocco 460 Muralt family 663 Muley Zidan 470 Murat cape xi. 795 his letter to Charles Murat, Sultan 259 the Firſt of England (note ) xv . 697 Muratthe Armenianmerchant viii. 109 Mulhaes, the Mahometan viii. 46 his account of the ſource of Mulhauſen town 699 the Nile viii . -, hiſtory of 700 of Ethiopia viii. Muljan iland, cannibals of 181 Murath Baſhaw 227 petrified crabs of vii . ibid . Murchardus Mac - dufie iii . 291 Mull ifle, Martin's deſcription of iii . 654 Murcia kingdom, cultivation of 598 Mull, ſound of 351 Murder of Crichton 141 Mullein , white, of America xiii. of a laird of Innes iii. 144 Muller the hiſtorian, biography of him vi. 585 of Guftavus the Third vi, 504 his writings vi. 586 of the falſe Demetrius vi. 631 on the falle Demetrius ( note) vi. 632 anecdotes of one at Mocha viji . 280 on the ele &tion of Peter vi. 635 , laws reſpecting, at Shiraz ix. 253 his obſervations on the Czar Arabian puniſhment for 145 Demetrius vi . 742 of Captain Cook xi. 713 on the tombs of Siberia vi . 828 of the Virginian colony 145. 150 Muller, Dr. Otto Frederic vi. 320 cauſe Muller's voyages and diſcoveries of of it xiii. 167 the Ruſſians ( note ) i . 601 puniſhments in Weſt Bar Mullet of New England xiii . 215 427 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 450 in Morocco 756 Mullingar fair iii . 816 of the King of Commany xvi. 354 Mullooiah river 514 - , puniſhments for, in Guinea xvi. Mulmul ſignal ftation xiv . 433.438 puniſhments for, in Benin xvi . Mulfingen , oftracites of 874 puniſhed with ſlavery in Multan the idol vii. 220 Africa xvi. 885 Muluchæ, the ancient xv. 514.518 Murderer's bay xi. 442 Mulud the Moreſco fcaſt 438 Muret mountain 936 Mulur village viii . 712 -, paſſage over ibid . Mumbo Caffrés deſcribed xvi . 710 Murex ofTyre 471 Mummies of Stroma iii, 87.154 Murfili kingdom 162 medicinal, in Perſia 182 diamond mines 166 Egyptian 240 Muria , Valle di, lavas of 186 - , Egyptian, in the cata. ibid . combs of Saccara 208 chalcedonies 188 Egyptian, mode of em. Muriate, acid of 145 balming 355 Murillo the artift 566 of Egypt 815 Murodeſwara temple 755 deſcription of the ſub . Murr, Mr., on Martin Behaim 294.392 ſtance 816 Murray, Biſhop 130 Munck's Voyage to the North j . 789 Murray firth Mundium village viii. 595.613 Murray, Gen. , on Majorca iv. 675 8 Murray's, X. xiii. bary for XV. XV. XV. 406 > 528 XV. X. -, cryſtals XV. XV. V. XV. X1 Xv. 81 [ 288] INDEX. PAGE PAGE > XV. V. V. XV. XV . 118. 123 XV. 439. 448 > XV. X. XV. XV. II2 9 > XV. 378 XV . xvi. 572.575 X. ii. iv . VOL. VOL. Murray's, Sir Robert, account of the Muſic in Tongataboo xi . 678 tides at Bernera iii . 588 in the Sandwich iſlands xi . 734 Murrayſhire, agriculture of 75 its effects on the ſavages of caſtles in vii . 76 Van Diemen's Land xi . 840 Shaw's account of 126 of the Virginians xiii . 38 Murtilla tree of Chili xiv. 89 of the Chilians xiv. 117 Murum town , country round it vii. 276. 316 of the Abyffinians 27.91 Murviedro, caſtles of 609 from the ſtatue of Memnon xv. * 249 antiquities 610 church , of Barbary 422 Muſa, Melek, of Dar- Für Moreſco Muſa torrent 988 the Tarantella air ( note) 635 Mufa village 54 in Barbary 643 Muſa on the Chineſe learning & vii . 230 Arabic ibid , Mufæum Alhmoleanum ii . Mooriſh xv . 643.773 Muſæum of Athens 753 Turkiſh 644 Muſafi province of Japan vii . 662 of the Hottentots xvi . 33 Moſcamunge, Virginia xii. 577. xiii . 8 of the Caffrés xvi . 37.90 Muſcat , Franklin's deſcription ix. 237 of the inhabitants of Congo xvi . 160. 244 . Mufchid, Sir ix. 330 Muſcles of the Iſle of Skie iii . 621 ofthe Negroes of the Gold of Japan vii . 711 Coaft, Guinea xvi. 394 of Bernier ille, New Holland xi . 792 of the Fidaſians xvi./ 484 of Canada xiii . 357 in Benin xvi. 530 of Penſylvania xiii . 414. 528 preſcribed for the fick in of Barbary 637 Loango Muſconifi iſles 634 of the Mandingoes xvi . 878 Muſenden cape viii . 288 Muficians in the Hindoo temples viji . 725 Muſeum , the Britiſh 512 Mufiliac town 156 at Florence iv . 272 Mufingen 879 of natural hiſtory in Pavia v. 2.91 Muſk , Fitch's account of it ix . 425 of Madrid 381 of Tonquin ix . 711 Royal, of Copenhagen vi . 299 of China xi . Royal, propoſed, of Stock Muſk -animal of China vii . 213 holm vi. 399 of bet vii . 214 Carlſonianum vi. 403 Bell's deſcription of one vii . 342 of Peterſburgh 824 of Siam ix . 604 foſſil bones Muſkat city and kingdom, Hamil of Siberia in vi . ibid . ton's deſcription viii. 284 Muſgrave's Britain formerly a penin expulſion of the Portu . fula ii . 783 gueſe from ibid . Muſhrooms of France iv. 48 produce of viii. 286 of Madagaſcar xvi. 739 heat in ibid . Mufic , Laplanders ignorant of i . 452 Muſkat Arabs 267 of the Highlands iii . 95 their manners and cul. in the Weſtern illes 638 toms viii. 287. 289 of the Spaniards 519 plunder Diu viü . 312 at Vienna vi . 94 Muſketoe trading-place on the Niger xvi . 614.626 at Prague vi . 140 Mulk -mice of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 439 -, Academy of, in Stockholm vi . 409 Mulk -ox of America xii. 275 of Pegu viii . 427 Muſk - rats of Siam ix. 62 i ftate in Perſia 224 of Canada xüii . 286 Chineſe, horrible 485 of North America de ſcience of the Birman ix . 508 ſcribed xiii . 520 Siameſe 596 Muſk -tree of Perſia ix . of the Tonquineſe ix . 672.725 Muſquaſpen root of Virginia xiii. 30 of the Turks 263 Muſqueteers of Perſia ix . 79.217 in Borneo xi. 122 Muſquets, French trade with the in Java xi. 172 Indians for xiii. of Zubu iſland 337 Mufquiez on the coin of Spain 437 of Otaheite xi. 505.520 Muſquitoes of Aſtrachan vii. in the Friendly illes xi . 594. 667 in Borneo xi . 118 7 Muſquitoes V. 378 > vi. 9 > vill . > ix . > ix. ix . 98 X. 687 Xi . v . 283 INDEX. [ 289] VOL . PAGE X 56 31 ix. X. X. 859 XV. X. groves in Chili XV. 38 572 Nabataa xv, XV . XV. 768 VOL. PAGE Muſquitoes of America xiii .423.452 . 462.505. Myſore, Raja of, his dominions vii . 608 581 Myſtery of the Indian cabala viii . 191 of Canada xiii . 618.666 Mythology of Hindoftan viii . 184 of the river Amazon xiv. 242 of the Birmans ix . 492 of Peru xiv. 279 of the ancient Egyptians xv. 348 of Carthagena xiv. 349 Mytilene iſland , Pococke's defcrip on the river Guayaquil xiv . 414 tion 632 at Caracol xiv. ibid . city ibid . of Rio Formoſa xvi. 519 Mytili found in the temple of Serapis v. 33 of the Niger xvi . 614. 631. 849 in ſtones of Senegal xvi . 654 in Kionk xvi. 661 Muffafcus of Virginia xiii . N. Muſſulmen in theMyſore viji , 592 their pilgrimages to Na, fruit of Tonquin 665 Mecca 90 Naaman the Syrian 502 their deſtruction of Naas, Young's account of iii . books 832 Naba, wells of 5 Muſtapha-caffa Baſha vii . 508 Nabal town, Tunis 569 Muſtard, culture of, in France iv. 495 Naban village, Hamilton's deſcrip xiv, tion viii . 297 Muſti, Tunis, antiquities at 280 Muftygannim city , Algiers 519 Nabazza iſland xii. 151 Mutaqueſunnauk fruit of Virginia xii, 599 Nabob, Foote's ii . 514 Muteferrika of Egypt 303 Moritz's account Muteodu , mines near viii . of it ü . ibid . Muthel , land round iii . 403 Nabob of Sindy, audience of him viii. 305 Mutilation, practice of, in the Friendly Nacchivan , ancient city ix . 154. 175 iles xi . 595.697 Nacotchtanke Indians xili. 27. 64 Mutiny of the Coflacs of Yaik 799 Naddoddr, the pirate i . 644 at Baflora viii . 291 Nadir Mahamet Khan, hiſtory of ix . 385 at Gabon iland viii . 294 Nadir Shah, account of him ix. 194. 297.311 . in Manilla viii. 512 at Mindanao 31 Nadoueſſis, anecdotes of them xiii . 317 of Roldan in Hiſpaniola xii. 105–116 Næfels, battle of 654 againſt Colon xii. 29. 146. 153. xiv. 137 Næurn's, Mr., cabinet 382 of Hudſon's crew 274 Nagamangala fort and lown viii. 697 Mutomos, the Ethiopian ambaſ. Nagapatam , Dutch colony at 388 fador xvi. 698 Nagaratra caft, manners and cuſtoms viii. 645.662 Mutſu province of Japan vii . 663 674 Mutton of Arabia 155 Nagar-kanny of Delhi 158 of Guinea xvi . 432 Nagaſakki, Kempfer's journey from , Mutton -feaſt of the Moors 438 to Jedo vii. 766.792 Muyden's rock xi. 145 Nagata province of Japan vii. 666 Muxadabaud town viii . 414 Naggiſaky, anecdotes of an inhabi Muzanderam province ix . 45.50 tant of vii. 345 Muzimbas of Caffraria xvi. 710 Nahe river vi. 261 his defeat of the Portu . Naher. il -Melech 313 gueſe xvi. 711 Nahl's tomb of MadameLanghans 879 one of the ſcourges of Naiekan Eray , Buchanan's deſcrip Ethiopia xvi. 717 tion viii. Muzza canal iv . 566 Naiemkeck , New England xiii. 218 Mycerinus's pyramid 363 Mylaſa, ancient city 667 Nairne's marine barometer i . 569 Myonneſus 655 Nairnſhire iii. Myos, the ancient xv. 236. 278 Naires of Cochin ix . 424 Myra of Lycia 594 Nairs, Buchanan's deſcription of Myriandrus city X. 550 them Myrlea, ancient city 721 Najabalus iſlands vii. 183 Myrone, unction, ofMingrelia ix. 145. 148. 154 Naka fleſh 140 Myfore, Buchanan's travels through viii . 573 Nakkos promontory 521 VOL. XVII. [oo] Nakoura X. 125 xii. X. viii. 1 XV. X. 586 XV. 203 Nain X. X. 77 X. viii. 736.743 X. XV . [ 290] INDEX. VOL . PAGE vii. 9 26. 71 27.69 > iv . 378 9 X. land near V. xi. iv . 186 VOL . PAGE Nakoura tower 468 Nankin, ſtreets of vii. 248 Nakſhi Rottan ix . 107.271 - , imperial palace at vii . ibid . Nalarayana-pallyam viii. 722 - , porcelain tower of ibid . Nalla, deſcription of a Lapland i . 176 Hamilton's deſcription viii . 509 Namaquas nations xvi . 72. 128. 142 Nan-king city vii . 242 Namaſcet, New England xiii . 238. 239 Nanſamond colony xü . 233 Nambouries in the Samorin's do Nanſamund, Sir George Yearly's minions viii . 375 expedition to xiii . 159 Namburis tribe viii . 736.743 Nanſamund river xüji . Name of God, occult ſcience X. 171 Indians xiii . 72. 80 Namenacus, King xiii . 142 Nanſen on the Daniſh revolution vi . 305 Names of Lapland i . 483 Nantaquak Indians xiii . 63 in Scotland ini . 384 Nantaughtacund xiii . in Shetland iii . 767 Nantes, Young's account of iv. 158 carved in the Grotta delle commerce of iv. 341 Capre 70 manufactures of in Japan vii. 622 cattle iv. 479 on the Arabian 148 obſervations on the waſte of new -diſcovered lands xi . 304 iv . 510 given by the Otaheitans to coal-mines near iv. 519 Captain Cook, &c. xi . 508 Nanteui iv . 144 ceremony of exchanging, in Nanton, Sir Robert xii. 248 the South Sea iſlands xi. 704 Nao, the galleon 490 ceremony of changing, in Naotes, opinion of the treaty of com Timor 812 merce in 366 in Madagaſcar xi. ibid . Naphtha of Backu vii . 288 diſquiſition on Colon's xii . 3 near Derbent vii . 492 of the firſt fettlers of Vir of Japan vii . 690 ginia in 1585 xii. 574 of Perfia ix . in 1587 xii . 617 Naples, view of an eruption of Veſu of the adventurers for Vir vius at 12 ginia, alphabetical lift xiii . 130 city of the Bermudas adven bay 60 turers xiii. 190 Norman Kings of 939 ancient and modern, of the Naplofa city 335 places in New England xiii . 208 Napo river xiv. given to the river Amazons xiv . 503 town and river xiv . 491.499, 505 Moreſco impoſition of them xv. 433 Napoleon Land, New Holland xi. 879 of places at the Cape cauſe Nappa hall ii . 430 xvi . 79 Nara, Iſthmus i . 302 of the Negroes in Guinea xvi. 423 Naranjal town xiv, 402 of children and places, fig Naraſingha temple viii , 694 nificant Mandingo xvi . 874 Narbonne, manufactures at iv. 372 Namma-Guehle, the naming tiſh i . 400 Carli's account xvi . 191 Namontack, the Indian xiii . 75 Nareila ix . Nan -chang - fu 244 Narim, town on the Oby vii . 426 temple there vii . ibid. Nariſkin family vi . Nancy town iv. 193 Narotto whirlpool of Japan vii . 684 - vineyards of 451 Narova river, fall of it vi . 710 Nan- gan- fu in Kyang- li vii . 241 Narrative of the winterings of the Nangaſaak, Dutch factory at viii , 516 Dutch in Icy Harbour i. 97-112 Nangafaki, adventures of ſome of a winter in Lapland i . 513 Dutchmen at vii . 530 of four Ruffian ſailors at Hagenaar's account of vii . 607 Spitzbergen i . 595 Nangis-Chateau iv . 185 of Captain Furneaux xi . 575 Nan- hyong city vii . 241 of Captain Cook's death xi. 713 Nankaido , Kempfer's deſcription of vii . 667 of a voyagefor the diſ Nan -kang -fu vii. 245 covery of Southern Lands xi. 739 -, temples there vii. ibid. of Condamine's travels Nankin city deſcribed vii . 247 in America xiv. walls vii. ibid. Narrohigganſet Indians xiii . 238 4 Narſipore v. 22 V. - > > x. 214. 228 > great confufion 396 vii. 637 iv . ZII INDE X. ( 291 ) FAGE VOL . PAGE X. 655 vii . X111 . > viii. I 22 XV. X. ji . х. iv. ix . X, V. V. vi. xvi. V. VOL. Narfipore viii . 398 Naumachium of Teos Narts, deſcription of 343 Naunton's account of the Marquis Narva, battle of vi . 489.710 Wincheſter ii . 330 , town and ſuburbs 710 Nauſe Indians 63 trade of vi . ibid . Nava, Marquis de xi . 748 Narvaez , Pamphilio xii . 339 Navaputty 719 Nafar Khoja ix . 358 Navareen town iv . Nafava, the ancient 539 Navarre kingdom , towns of 553 Nalbe village 8 Naviglio Grande iv . 566. v.992 Nafe, the i . Navigation, the great Staffordſhire 369 Naſer, Schiech 127 ftate of, in France 351 Naſirabad fortreſs 308 in England iv. 353 Naſlee town 673 at Lipari 251 Naſs village vi . 371 on modern improvements Naſſau town, Providence iſland xii, 361 in 271 Naſſau , Prince William of i . 136. 139 inland , of the Griſons 972 Naſſau bay, New York xii . 349 of the Danube 61 Naſſau fort, Guinea 361 of the Rhine vi . ibid . Naſſau hall, America xiii . 734 at Cologne vi . 276 Naſſau Siegen , Prince of 491 of the Rhine vi . 277 Naſſau Strait i . 86 inland, at Kiel vi. 345 Naſure, Don Blas, on the Spaniſh at Stecknitz vi. 347 theatre 522 of the Moſkwa vi . 617. Nata city , Panama xiv. 383 of the Don vi . 889 Natal, coaſt from the Cape of Good of the Dnieper vi . 890 Hope to viii . 264 - , extent of the Ruſſian in. Natholma forge vi. 549 land vi . 896 Nations of the North , Kerguelen's of China in the ninth obſervations on them i . 770 century vii . 185 their origin to be diſcovered of the Indians viii . 225 by language vii . 670 to Amboyna xi. 286 Nativity , the colony planted by Pigafetta's treatiſe on 385 Colon xii . 45.63 ſtate of ancient 19 Nativity city ,St. Domingo xiv. 140 of the American rivers xii . 374 Natolia, Chriſtians in 159 of Hudſon's bay xii. 375 Natrix of the ancients of the river St. Lawrence xii . 420 Natron of Bir - el -Malha III xiii. 271. 278. 291 Nattanee town vii. of the French to New Natural hiſtory, reflections on 915 France xii. 641.670 Natural hiſtories of England ii . 465 Solomon's, to America xiv . 133 Naturaliſte cape, New Holland xi . 773 of the river Amazon xiv. 154. 213. 220 Naturaliſte, Le, ſhip, her voyage of Ulloa's obſervations on diſcovery xi . 742 from Callao to Paita xiv. 645 Nature does nothing in vain i . 362 from Lima to Juan Fer ſtronger than man i . 363 pandez xiv . 654 impreſſions from i . 629 obſervations on the South her beauty in the baſalts of Sea xiv. 656.664 Staffa i . 700 of the Guinea Negroes xvi . 391 her works require great Navigation act, foundation of it 293 care in examining i . 719 Navigators of Spain, ancient and her three modes of operation i. 729 modern 450 - , vagaries of ii . 674 Greek , of the Gulf of ſports of ii . 727 Arabia 17 beauties of her works 305 Navy of France, Kerguelen's obſer terrible in efforts ( note) 277 vations on it i . 763 Nature, Sur la ii. of Denmark i . Naucratis, the ancient -, Young's obfervations on a Nauders village 911 Royal iv. Naughin province vii . 150 ancient Spaniſh 450 Naugrokot mountains vii . 595 modern ditto 452 Naumachiæ of Saguntum 610 departments ibid. [oo 2 ] Navy xi. xü . x. XV. 629 XV. 299 > xiv . 325. 392 xii. > X. V. - 916 768 176 XV. 528 v. [ 292 ] INDEX. VOL. PAGE V. xi. 528 XV. > in 1775 iii . X. I 21 604 X. 9 > XY. 202 XV. 596 - 8. 15 VOL. L'AGE Navy of Morocco 461 Necker, M.on the ſpecie of France iv. 404 of Algiers ibid. Necklaces, Indian of Holland vi . 283 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 734 of Denmark, Coxe's account vi. 312 of the Mandingoes xvi. 888 liſt of vi . 354 Necoſt Indians xiii . 157 - , ſtate of the Swediſh , in 1766 vi . 378 Necropolis gate , Alexandria 167 vi . ibid . Neetar, the food of the humming table of bird xili . 445 its expences vi . 379 Nedeen, wild road to jii . 838 riſe and progreſs of the Ruſſian vi. 688 town ibid . of Ruſſia, obſervations on it vi. 867 Nedsjed province 81 , lift of the Ruſſian , in 1778 vi. 903 deſcribed value of goods exported by the Nedsjeran principality deſcribed 98 Britiſh , from Ruſſia vi . 905 Needle, curiouſly wrought one i . of Korea vii . 538 Needle, magnetic, its variation xi. 440. 443 the Turkiſh , deſcribed 250 ſee Magnet. of Britain, Elizabeth's care Needles, the ï . 301.672 of it xii . 166. 214 Needles, demand for, in Cochin Royal, projected xiii . 247 China ix . 796 of the Portugueſe in Brazil xiv. 749.793 Needles of Pharaoh xv. 807. 827 of Barbary 492 Negapatnam fort (note ) xi , of Algiers 678 Negarree, Sultan of xi . III . 125 of Morocco xv . 749. 754 Negarree, Prince of xi . 126 Navy -miniſter of Spain 356 Negociations of Bourgoanne with Nawfit Indians xiii . 237 Spain Naxuam city vii . 90 of M. de Lange at the Naya's voyages of diſcovery xvi. 676.680 court of Pekin vii. 457–484 Nayer of Tellichery viii . 370 of Sir Thomas Roe Nayers of Calecut viii. 375 with the Great Mogul viii . Nazarbar fortreſs viii. 601 of Symes at the Birman Nazarenes of Malabar, Buchanan's court deſcription of them reſpecting St. Lucia Nazarenos, their proceſſions in and St. Vincent xii . 432 St.Jago xiv. 180 with the Iroqueſe xiii . 274 Nazareny village in Malabar viii . 733 between the Portu. Nazareth , Maundrell's deſcription gueſe and Dutch in Brazil xiv . 770 church of ibid . of Mr. C. Stewart in Pococke's account 454 Barbary xv. 446.479 Nazaretb hill , Brazil xiv. 803 Negombo fort viii . 385 Nazir of Perſia ix . 215 Negrais, Bar of ix . Ncaſſu tree of Congo xvi . 222 Negrais iſland viii . Ndounnmangus, on the Niger xvi . 630 Negrillos of the Philippines xi , 72 Nealee, Mungo Park's anecdotes Negrilos ſhoals xiv. 646 of her xvi . 900 Negril Point, Jamaica xii . 315 Neamone convent 624 Negro of Tercera i . 845 Neapolis, in Tunis 569 Negro cape 557 Neardy tribe 548 Negro, Rio , America xiv. 236 Neas King of Timor xi . 809 its connection with Neath abbey ii . 593 the Oronooco xiv. 236. 499.502 Neau , Mr. Elias, the catechiſt xii. 407 Negroes, treaty of Spain for the Nebbek tree of Dar- Für 144 ſupply of Nebuchadnezzar xv. 809.834 in the Britiſh colonies, on Neceres people deſcribed 311. 573 their converſion xii, Necker, M. iv . 172 perpetual excluſion of, from his ſpeech to the States iv. ibid . Georgia xii. 444 conduct their conſpiracy in Carolina xii . 461.484 on the extent of France iv. 301 in America xiii. 500 on the population of prices of xiii. 501 France iv . anecdotes of, in Virginia Young's obſervations on ( note ) xiii . 719 his Memoir (note) iv. 327 remarks on the American xü . 751 Negroes ix . 538—547 viii. 733.735 X. 362 X. 416 418 X. XV. XV. XV. XV. 488 X 406 iv . 199. 225 318 1 INDE X. [293] PAGE Xy. ix . XV. X. X. X111 . XV. 366 vii. 558 iv . 388 > 9 478 326 538 xv. X. 745 Neſs river IOI VOL . VOL. PAGE Negroes in Mexico deſcribed xiii . 845 Nemours iv. 288 of Carthagena xiv. 333 Nengos of Japan vii . 721 of Lima xiv . 579 Neola Koba branch of the Gambia xvi. 909 in Brazil xiv. 871 Neophitus's letter 392 - , manners and cuſ. Neoundah town ix . 474.555 toms of xiv. ibid. Neoungbenzeik town 463 in Morocco 711.762 Nepean river, New South Wales xi. 973.928 of Angola xvi . 297 Nephtali city 465 their manners Nephte village 516 and cuſtoms xvi . 298.307 Nepicerinis lake 324 of Elmina xvi. 357 Nequade town 238 of Fantyn xvi . 362 Neret's Voyage to the Holy Land of Aquamboe xvi . ( note) of Dinkira xvi . 370, Neri, Signore 265 their mode of traffic xvi . 376 Nericia, road to Stockholm through vi. of Guinea, character, man mines of vi . 389 ners, and cuſtoms xvi. 386–431 Nerico river xvi. 909 of Coto xvi . 473 Nerinja -petta viii . 719 Fidafian xvi. trade viii . 720 of Rio de Gabon xvi. 508 Neronha iſland xiv . 701 of Cape Lopez Gonſalvez xvi . 513 Nero's pipe ni. of Benin xvi . 521 Nertſhinſk , province and diſtricts vi . 761 of the Ivory Coaſt xvi. Lilver mines of vi . 893 of the Grain Coaſt xvi. 539. 541 Neſcher's, Mr., collection of por of Druwin xvi . 544 traits vi. 424 in Loango xvi . 577 Neſhin town vii . 501 of Senegal xvi.607.611.616 Nelle country and village 214. 219 dances xvi. 624.667 Neſo valley 391 of Madagaſcar xvi. iii. 80. 124.807 of Jinbala xvi. 852 Neſte river iv. of Bammakvo xvi. 861 Nefti city vii . 592 of Africa, Mungo Park's Netton pariſh iii . deſcription xvi . 871.895 Neſtor the hiſtorian , account of him vi . 848 Negroland, Adanſon's deſcription xvi. 609, et ſeq. Neftorians vii1. . Negropont iſland ix . 5. x . 746 their ceremonies vii . Negros iſland 74 Polo's account of them vii . 117 Negro -trade of Jamaica xii. 322 Neſts of the Eider-birds i . 666 in Portugueſe Brazil xiv. 750 of birds on Sverholts Klub rock i. 430 Nehhm principality deſcribed 99 of the ſea - ſwallows of Siam, Neiknam -Kan, anecdote of him 119 trade in them ix . Neil Beaton of Skie 637 of Ton Neip of Nefton 790 quin ix. Nekbal kingdom vii. 592 of Cochin Nekrokis iſland, deſcribed by Ben China ix . 778 jamin of Tudela vii . I 2 of the humming-bird xiii . 446 Nellaganatitu iſland of the American ſquirrel xiji. 476.480 Nellaway town viii . 733 of waſps xiji. 547 Nelſon fort, Hudſon's bay xii . 363 of finches at the Cape xvi . 19 Nelſon, Lord, anecdotesof him xi. 747 of birds in Congo xvi . 250 Nelſon, Mr. , the botaniſt xi. - , enormous, in a calabaſh -tree xvi. 640 Nelſon's, Captain, voyage to Vir. Netherby manſion 205 ginia xiii . -, antiquities near 208 ſettlement in Hud Nether hall 199 ſon's bay xiii. 340 Netherlands, Rieſbeck's deſcription vi . 287 Nelſon's river, America xii. 275. 363 ſoldiers of 288 Nemaboo village xvi . 854 Nether- Lorn pariſh 363 Nemacoo village xvi. 866 Nether.moor, ancient ditch on 404 Nemattanow the Indian xiii , 145 Netley abbey ii . 305 Nememſhah Arabs XV. 595 Nets for catching foxes i . 103 Nemiroff, congreſs at vii . 500 , deſcription of Lapland 369 deſcription of the town vii. 502 fishing, of Finmark 440 6 Nets, 778 64. 73 xi. X. 603 661.727 713 814 56. 59 vi. FISIE .-- [ 294] INDE X. VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGE V. 706 116 xiii . xi, xiii . covery of 158 XV. 5 201 xii. 560 536 iv . 9 346 V. V. xi. 64 V. V. V. V, - Nets, coral 228 Newcaſtle upon Delaware, Burnaby's for catching wild geeſe on the deſcription xiii . 727 Oby vii . 428 Newchurch, Iſle of Wight ii . for the coc-limoge vii . 429 New College Oxford fiſhing, of Siam ix . 632 . New -England's Trial 234 of Tonquin ix . 737 New foreſt, in Hampſhire ii . 5 of Tongataboo 683 Newfoundland, John Cabot's dif of the Virginians 36 xii . magical Barbary 642 Hore's voyage and of San Salvador, Brazil xvi . diſtreſſes there 162 of Loango xvi . deſcribed xii . 174 Nettlebed village, Moritz's account Sir H. Gilbert's of ii . taking poffefſion of xii . 177 church ii . 537 Cartier's voyage Nettleſtone priory ii . 696 to xii . 629.641.670 Neuburg cloiſter vi . 67. ſtorms on the Neucuran iſland xi . 402 bank of xiii . 258 Neufchatel, cattle of 477 cod xiii . ibid. lake v. 813. 827 Lahontan's account xiii . town 814 Newgate, deſcription of the gate ii . 42 population of ibid. New Haven, New England xii . 254 M.Pury's benefactions New-Holland to 815 New Hollanders, Dampier's account -, government of 818 of them xi . ilid . privileges 820 -anecdotes route from Pontarlier to 822 of them xi . 473 Neuf-Moutier iv . 189 Peron's account of vineyards of iv . 447 them xi. 781 Nenilé, bridge of iv. 141 experiments on their Neuneck village 847 ſtrength xi . 940.945. 948 hermitage ibid . New- Inn Hall Oxford 11 . 123 Neu- rouz feſtival in Perſia ix . 30. 57. 120 New iſland 26 Neuſiedler lake vi . 118 New-lights of Philadelphia xiii . 389 Neuville town 825 Newly abbey 221 Neuville en Haye foreſt ii. 151 Neuville, La, ſee Baillet. Newman, Dr. , on tin 276 Neva river vi . 662 Newnham town ii . its extraordinary riſe and view from the church-yard ii . 578 inundation of Peterſburgh vi . 664 Newport town ii . ice on it vi . 668 Newport, Ile of Wight ži . 307 diverſions and winter Haſſel's ac ſcenes on vi . 670 ii . 663 annual market on 671 Newport Pagnell, priory ii . 454 Bell's deſcription vii. 273 Newport, Rhode iñand xiii . 739 Nevers, view of iv . 288 Newport's, Captain, voyage to Nevil's croſs ili . 507 Virginia xii . 231. xiii . 46.56. 59. 73 Nevis, Weſt Indies, fettlement in xii. 391. 302 Newry, Young's account of . 823 Newark, America 734 Newfiok, Virginia xii . 569. xiii . 7 Newbottle manſion iïi . 33 Newſki, Alexander, account of him 587 Newburn town -, ceremony of his Newbury, hiftory of ii . 31 anniverſary vi . ibid. cloth manufacture ii . ibid. Newſpapers, London ii . 569 Newby manfion ii . 424 want of them in France iv . Newcaſtle town and country of Spain 392 coal ii . ibid . of Berlin vi. 173 Pennant's account of 18.497 Newſtead priory ii . 443 hiſtory of iii . 497 Newton bay 665 Newcaſtle, Duke of ii . 448 New - Town iii. 852 Newcaſtle on Tivey ii . 604 Newtown Ile of Man 794 Newcaſtle upon Delaware xii . 382. xiii . 385 Newtown on Severn ii . 638 Newvied V. V. 111 522 Newmarket 232 > 590 > count of vi. 111. X111. vi . 111 496 201 18 v. 1 INDEX. [ 295] PAGE VOL . PAGE X. X. X. V. 281 * I 30 58 278 XIV . 316 X. 308 697 vi. viii. 881 XV. Adanſon's voyage V. 563 covery of it 843 VOL . Newvied town vi . 270 Nicoſia city deſcribed 277 New -year's -day, ceremonies of the churches of 278 Tartars thereon vii . 133 Pococke's deſcription 582 feaſt in China vii . 251. 399 Nicotera celebration of it in Nid river ii . 421 Japan vii . 733 Nidduck cape, garriſon in xii. 399 feſtival at the court Nidy Cavil viii . 717 of the Great Mogul viii . 7 NIEBUHR's travels in Arabia feait of the Ton. Nieda river, ſalmon in i. 444 quineſe ix . 673. 725 Niemi mountain i . 238. 288 Javaneſe mode of Niemiby, fignal- Itation at i . 239 celebrating it at the Cape xvi . 13 village i . 292 New Yorkers, deſcription of them xii. 738 Nieper river i . New Zealanders xi. 442. 537 Niera, Morro de xiv . deſcription of them xi . 541.570 Nieſs mountain v . 875.879 599. 645.648 Nieva mountain i . Neyba, coyba inſect of 487 Nieva, Santa Maria de Neytane river 496 NIEUHOFF's travels in China vii . 231 Neyva town ( note ) xiv. voyages and travels into Nguiago, Griel iſland xvi. 653 Brazil xiv . Niadis tribe, their manners and cuf Niezabad, Ruſſian trade to 879 toms 738 deſcribed vi . Niagara, voyage from , to Miſlilima Bell's account vii. 286 kinac xij . 295 Niger river, Moors' trade to the falls xiii. 296 banks of 667 Nicander, M. vi , 403 deſcribed xvi . 606 Nicaragua lake, projected improve ment of 498 up xvi. 613.617.626 . 633 Nice, Young's deſcription of iv . 231 Mungo Park's dif -, irrigation in iv. xvi. ſheep of iv. 586 courſe of it xvi . 843. 850 filk culture 600 Park's travels along xvi. 856 figs 609 Niger's deſcription of the bouquetin (note) 795 manures in iv. 617 Night, the pleaſure of i . 620 prices of various things in iv. 650 » polar i . 757 Pococke's defcription 718 - , the general time for travelling Niceffes, fruit of Brazil xvi. 154. 203. 226 in Perfia ix . 176 Nichabourg, turquoiſe mines near 251 Night-birds of Siam 628 Nicholas iſland ii . 268 Night- fly, beautiful, of Japan vii. 705 Nicholſon, Captain Nieholas xiv . 822. 827 Nightingales of New Zealand xi, 538 Nicholſon , Colonel 281 of Canada xiii . 354 Nicholſon fort, Canada xiii . 596 Night-Ihade, American xii . 408.419 Nicholſon, General, anecdotes of him xiii . 599 Night-foil, French manure iv . 544 Nicholſon's, Mr. , inſtances of ſecond Nigretti pile of wool 335 ſight iji . 680 Nigua, the infect xiii. 149 Nichols's account of Leiceſter ii . 361 of Carthagena xiv. 349 Nicirini , a preſervative from the bite of Quito xiv. 455 of the crocodile xvi. 700 of Brazil xvi. 153. 206 Nickel iſle vi, 546 Nikkum mount 67 Nicko, mauſoleum at 612 Nikpha, the ſea vii. 14 Nic - kowſe, Algiers XV. 547 Nile river, its overflow deſcribed by Nicobar iſlands viii . 431 Benjamin of Tudela vii. 16 Nicolay, M. ir. 291 its mouths account of him vi . Bernier's account of its Nicolofi village 66 fource viii . Nicols on the Canary iſlands xvi. of its Nicomedia, the ancient increaſe viii. 230 Nicon the Partriarch, biography of vi . of its his chronicle courſe viii. ibid . Nicopolis ruins 171 comparedwith the Ganges viii . 232 > iv . iv. vines 613 ---- viji . ix . xii . X. yii. vii . 17. X. 244 202 III X. 825 697 605 vi . 849 XV. Nile [ 296] INDEX. VOL . X. iv. XV. XV. > Xv. 7 tion on XV. iv, XV. 378 > V. 216 9 > - xi , 107. 112 vi . XV . vi. XV. 376 v . X. 508 25 V111 Ning iſland 508 738 348 vii. 617 PAGE VOL . PAGE Nile river 235 Nobillty of England ii . 143 ii . Lobo's deſcription of it of Scotland XV. 41. 66. 68 162 Poncet on 83.88 of Paris 170 Pococke's account of Venice iv. 175. 330 260 its cataracts 266 French effects of the Revolu. hiſtory of its riſe 372 iv. 422 tables of its riſe their demands 432 Merolla's account of it xvi . of Spain 347 horrible famine cauſed of Germany vi . 17 xvi . of Bavaria by its not riſing deſcribed 7,17 vi . 34 Nile of New Holland 930 of Saltzburg vi , 54 Nileſwara viii . 746 of Auſtria , incomes of vi. 93 vili . Nilgaru cait, manners and cuſtoms 648 vi . , their luxury 93. 100 viii . Nilgaux , hunting them 204 vi . - , Hungarian Nilometer 187. 375 of Dreſden 147 obſervations on it the Saxon 156 Nilſen , Mr. ( note ) Sileſian vi . 324 176 Nimble -Peter of Carthagena xiv . 367 of Mecklenburg vi , 210 vi . Nimeguen, country round 280 of Franckfort vi . 242 Nimrod's Sepulchre at Mentz vi . 253. 263 xii . Nina, La, Colon's ſhip vi . of Copenhagen 299 Nine Ladies of Hartlemoor ii . 380 of Denmark vi . 303 432 of Sweden 499 Ningpoo city, Hamilton's account viii . of Moſcow vi. 588 Nineteen, Dutch council of xiv . of Peterſburgh vi . 680 Niobe , ftatue of iv . 270 of Courland vi. 721 Niouronda river i . of Ruſſia vi . 813 Niponiſland, its geographical diviſions vii . 661 of Korea vii. 537 ſee Japan . of Japan, Caron's account Nirgunty, his office viii . 647 of them Nirva mountain 234 their revenues vii. 617. 622 Niſbon mountains vii. place of exile vii . 627 Niſbor, ſee Niſbon . badge of, in Ava ix . 495 Niſcle, defile of iv. 712 Siameſe 591 Nilhnei-Novogorod, government and of Canıboya ix . diftricts vi. 754 account of the Arabian Bell's account of Virginia xii. of vii . 276 of the Indians in Chili xiv . II2 Niſmes iv. 116 among the Negroes of the amphitheatre iv. ibid . Gold Coait xvi. 392 manufactures of iv. 373 of Benin xvi. 522 , vineyards of iv. 444 the Canarian xvi . 817 Niſſa, Blount's account 228 Canarian mode of conferring xvi . ibid . Niſua ruins 567 Nobleſſe at Lamballe 154 Niſus mount 758 Nocetti, Signors 7 Nith river 221 Nocueran iſland vii . 161 Niton village i . 681 Nodales, Captain xiv. Nitta trees of Africa xvi . 902 Noddy-birds of New Holland xi. 471 food made of xvi. 902.909 Nodin , M. 613 Nivernois, foil of iv . 308 Nodways Indians xii . 363 Tiers Etat of, on the French Noć, vineyards of iv. 443 revolution 422 Noel's, Jaques, letter to M. Growte Nizib, church' of 383 on Canada xii. 669 Noaaide-Gadze, the Lapland i , 461 Noeriene, bird of Siam ix . 625 Noah in Erivan ix . 153 Nomapana river xii . 568. xiii . 7 mountain of his ark ix. ibid . Nomi of Egypt xv. 163. 396 Noah's ark reſted on Maffis moun. Nonant- le - Fuzelier iv. 88 tain vii. 91 Nonſuch in Virginia food, Chineſe account vii . ii . 404 Noailles Chateau 92 Noordkaper fiſh of the Gold Coaft xvi. Nobility of London ii . ibid . of Rio Gabon xvi. 510 Nooles > 10 ix . X. 768 146 566 > X. > iv. XV. V. iii. 124 V. iv . 1 xiii. IOI 394 Nooe river iv. 451 INDEX. [297] PAGE VOL. PAGE V. 938 > jii . xiii . 825 478 X. - ..... ::::: $. 336 9 > 348 VOL . Nooſes for catching wild bulls xiv. 523 Norman Kings of Naples and Sicily -- , dexterity of the South genealogical table v. 940 Americans with xiv. 668 Normans, their trade to Canada xiii . 361 Nootka Sound, policy of Spain Normarck mountain, minerals of vi. 389 reſpecting 633 Norris, Rev. Mr., ofGeorgia xii. 459 Nopals, plantation of, at Sant Juan Norris's, Doctor, houſe 822 del Re 820 Norris's, Sir J. , march to Liſbon i . in Guaxaca xiž . 824. 826. 836 Norry's account of Pompey's pillar Nopal- tree, Ulloa's deſcription xiv. ( note) XV. 808 Nopeia river 601 Nortes, winds in the South Sea xiv . 657 Norberg, minerals at vi. 458 North, on its inhabitants vi. 228 Norchie city , Congo xvi. 280 barbariſm of the vi . ibid . Nordberg on the death of Charles Banian doctrine of its po the Twelfth 514 pulation viii . 530 Norden's account of Otterley Houſe ii . 182 North, John Van xiv. 743 of Hefton 183 North America xii. of Harefield ibid . diſcoveries made Norderhug,church of vi. 369 by the Engliſh in xii . 156 Norderoe, the Ferro iſland i . 777 Memoirs of xiii. deſcription of i . ibid . Kalm's travels in xiii. 374 Nordin's, Mr., collection vi. 417 -, Burnaby's travels in xiii . 701.750 Nordkoping i. 331 Northampton town 451 Nordland, Ehrenmalm's travels into a Roman ſtation ji . ibid . Weſtern 337 caſtle ibid . , agriculture of i . 341 trade of ii . 452 Kerguelen's account 769 croſs ii. 453 its ſituation i . ibid . Northampton, Earl inhabitants 770 Northamptonſhire county I 2 Nordlanders, i . 337 produce ü . ibid . their character i . 341 North bay , Van Diemen's Land xi . 852 theirpractice ofagriculture i. ibid . Northbern i . 62 Nordlian pariſh i . 355 North Berwick town iii . 27 Nore river i. 543.iii. 817 North Bridge, Montroſe 428 Norfolk county 13 North Cape, Lapland i . 52.615 its various foils ii . ibid . doubling it i . 78 - produce ibid. ſtorm at i . 615 Norfolk, Duke of 440 i . ibid . Norfolk ifle, Cook's diſcovery of xi: 635 North Cape, New Zealand xi . Norimon -men of Japan vii . 786 North Cape, South America xiv, 252 Norimons of Japan vii . 764 North - eaſt Land i. 557 of Batavia xi. 196 North -eaſt paſſage, on its diſcovery i . 68 Normahall, Queen, anecdotes of her viii. 41 Pet and Jackman's Normandy iv. 147 account i . 70 -, agriculture of iv. 393 firft attempt of filk culture in iv. 463 the Dutch at i . 81 cattle of iv. 477 ſecond ditto i . 85 horſes of iv. 482 third ditto i . 90 - , culture of cabbages in iv. 485 diſſertation of of furze iv, 490 Pontanus on i . 127 of orchards is. 495 Hudſon's attempt of turnips 503 i . 539 wafte lands of 509 Poole's attempt i . ibid . woods Baffin and Fo. price of wood and char therby's ditto i . 540 coal in iv. 524 benefits of at building in iv . 530 tempting xii. 165 fences 531 Northern nations i . 337 tillage and laying of North -ferry quarries 35 lands in iv . 537 North - Foreland i . 617 implements of huſbandry iv. 541 North Harbour i . 552 manures and manuring in iv. 544, 545 North - Inch 413 [ P.P ] North > ice near 536 iv . at a Iv. iv . 522 > iv . 111 > VOL. XVII. [298] INDEX. PAGE VOL . ä. > xiv. ji. 12 X. vi. on it XY . * ► produce of xii. > on it xii . V. VOL. PAGE North Kyne i . 492 Norwich, worſted manufacture of 33 North -Pole, appearance of the ſky Norwood's account of the Bermudas xiii . 179. 190 towards it i . 501 Norwood's Seaman's Practice i . 563 Phipps's voyage to Noſe -jewels of Quito 545 wards the i . 538 Noſs-holm of Braſla in Shetland iii . 694.696.791 North -riding of Yorkſhire 16 Noftre's, M. le, cabinet iv . North river , Van Diemen's Land xi. 846 Noftrum , a philtric 413 North Sea i . 281 Noitrums of the Arabians 169 North ftar, Colon's obſervations Noteborg fortrels, hiſtory of it 702 xii . 98 Notes, royal, of Spain 429 North Stoneham ii . 306 Notes on Abd Allatif's relation re Northumberland county ii . 18 fpecting Egypt 819 its various ſoil ii . ibid . Nothing, Cochin -Chineſe doctrine of ix. 821 inhabitants ii . ibid. Notium , the ancient X. 626 coal ii . ibid . Noto province of Japan vii . 664 agriculture of iii . 486 NotreDame de Halle i . 132 Northumberland's, Duke of, curious Nottingham town ii . 447 antiques ii. 494 caſtle ibid . North Vift ille iii . 591 Moritz's account of ii . 565 North - weſt paſſage, Cabot's voyage Nottinghamſhire county 14 for diſcovering it xii . 159 ii . ibid . benefits ale ibid . of the attempt 165 Nour- Jehan - Begum viii. 164 Davis's voyage Nonſlanivel Point xi . 251 for diſcovering xü . 185 Noutland caſtle iii . 752 obſervations Nouvion's, General, entry into Bienne 376 (note) 710 Frobiſher's Nova Britannia, Dampier's deſcrip voyages for the diſcovery xii. 490.494.504.511 tion xi . 493 North -weſt winds, hot , of New Novara iv. 240 South Wales xi. 917.926 Gilk culture at iv . 601 Northwich town, Pennant's account culture of rice at iv, 612 of iii. 3 Nova Scotia, Britiſh recovery of xii , Norton iii . 17 Şir William Phipps's Norton, Captain , anecdotes of him xiii . 152 conqueft Norway, coaft of i.51.80 . 759 Lahontan's deſcrip its trade 766 tion xiii . 344 , government i . 767 Nova -Zembla i . 58 72.83 - , religion i. ibid . account of 525 manufactures i. i . towns in i . 769 , hypothefis reſpecting i . 606 inhabitants of i . ibid. -, Kerguelen's account i . 771 Coxe's travels in 356 colonies at ibid . hiftory of vi. ibid. mines of i . ibid . geography vi . ibid. Novelty, man's deſire i . 153 population vi . ibid . Noviciate of the Japaneſe Jammabos vii. 747 - , peaſants 358 Novogorod i . 16. 34. 42. vi . 653 climate vi. 359 -, Coxe's deſcription Norwegians, their witchcraft 471 its former grandeur vi. 654 in Iceland i . 647 - , preſent ſtate vi. 655 their regiſter of vol kremlin of 656 canoes in Iceland i . 687 cathedral ilid, Norwich city, hiftory of ii . 31 , government and diftri & te vi . 748 its fituation 32 Bell's deſcription vii . 274 trade ibid. Novogorod, Archbiſhop, anecdote wall ji. ibid . of him vi. 605 cathedral ii . ibid . Novogorod Severſkoi, government churches in ii . ibid . and districts vi . 256 buildings of ii . ibid . Nowblehuckum village ix . 305 government 33 Nowgrote coin, its valus i . 40 Noya, > 279 xii . 396 1 . 768 vapours of 526 > > > Vl. 653 vi . vi. 9 9 INDEX. [299] VOL, V. xvi. viii. FIS.S.S.- II2 9 vii. xiii. 218 570 xi. XV. V. XV . 604 694 358 196 PAGE VOL. PAGE Noya, La, river 619 Nupal country vii. 595 Noyelar diftrie viii . 726 Nupors-newes, Virginia xiii. 141 Noyes, Captain xii. 395 Nuptials of the Laplanders ( ſee Nſámbi inſtrument of Congo 245 Marriages) 451 Nuga river 709 Nuremberg city 238 Nugodar, account of him vii . manufactures vi . ibid . Nukſhee Roftum's tomb, near Per government vi. ibid . ſepolis ix . 271 ancient globes in xi. 404 Nu-kyang river 544 Nur Mahamet Soltan, hiſtory of ix , 348 Numan Sangiang mountain vi . 524 Nurſery of plants in Paris iv. 67 Numbers of the Chineſe 416 Nuſe, Captain, anecdotes of him xiii. 152. 156 of the Mantzurs vii . ibid . Nuſkoucus, New England of the Mongalls vii. 417 Nut of Molucca, its virtues iii. 587 of the Tonguts vii . ibid . Nutmegs of Mindanao xi . 7 of Indoftan ibid . wild, of Pulo Condore xi. 40 Numbi ſeet viii . 667 of the Banda iſlands xi . 198. 257 Numerals of the Jallonkas xvi. goz Nutmeg -tree deſcribed ( note) xi . 257.366 Numeration of the Loangele xvi. of the Ife of France 767 Numidia, the ancient 511 of Madagaſcar xvi. 800 Nuncio of the Pope at Lucern 724 Nuts of Barbary Nunderbar city viii. 5 Nut- trees of Japan vii . Nuneaton town ii . of Canada xiii. 359 Nuneham manſion ii . of America xiii. 442 village ii . 198 Nuys town iv. 206 Moritz's deſcriptionof ü. 539 -, vineyards of iv. 453 Nunez, Vaſco de, anecdotes of him xiv. 142 Nyamce town xvi. 848 854 diſcovers the Nyara town xvi. 848.854 South Sea xiv . 143 Nyborg town, Coxe's account vi. 339 Nunjinagodu viii . 710 Nybygghes colonies 354 Nunkolo Atream xvi. 902 Nyendael, David Van, his deſcription Nunneries, at Nuneaton ii , of Benin xvi. 518-536 of Sopwell 461 Nyon town 802 in the Iſle of Man ii . 791 Nymphenburg vi. in Jona 296 caſtle vi. ibid , at Richmond iii . 515 Nyſia in Caria 673 near Sondrio 933 of Prague vi. 142 of Acra x. 333 0. of St. Anne 360 of Sydonaia 512 Oaiti-piha bay, Otaheite xi. X. 580 of St. John 616 Oak at Welbeck abbey ii . 444 in Scio 623 Oak -circle, a charm 383 at Montreal 626 Oakley, Mr. 631 of Quebec xiii. 644.650 Oakley woods ii . 239 of the Urſulines xiii. 658 Oaks of Japan vii. 694 of Lima xiv. 162 of Virginia xji. 602, xiii. 13. 29 of St.Jago xiv. 179 of America, obſervations on in Quito xiv. 443 them 411.435 in Popayan xiv. 483 of North America xiii . 524 in Lima xiv. Canadian xiii. 470 663 in Cuſco xiv . 616 of Chili xiv, 87 Nuno of Otaheite xi . 610 Oamo of Otaheite Nuns of Cologne 272 Oars of the Canadians xii. 270 of the Kremlin 596 Oaſes of Egypt vi. of Japan, Kempfer's deſcrip Oat -cake of Norway 358 tion vii. 788 Oath -draught of the Negroes on of Goa ix. xvi. 234 the Gold Coaft of Acre, anecdotes of them x . 333. 446 Oaths, various, of banditti iii , of Quebec xi. 64 6so. 6s+ of St. Jago xiv . -, puniſhment for xiii. 179 Nuoecman city ix . of the Galles in Africa [" ? 2] Oathi, 358 V. 21 X. X xiii. 9 xi. 512.514 XV . I10. 233 398 348 258 1 - , Turkiſh 76 804 [300] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. XV. XV. X. covery XV. I 22 jii. jii. XV. X. X. X. XV. XV. PAGE Oaths, mode of adminiſtering, in Occaby mountain X. 307 Barbary 425 Occam river xii . 567. xiii . 6 - , Bolungo, of Congo xvi. 220 Occoquan river xiii . 719 of ordeal xvi . 226 Occuba, Algiers 554 of the Negroes on the Gold Occult ſciences of the Arabians 171 Coaſt xvi . 397 Occupations of the Mandingoes xvi . 879 in Benin xvi . 529 Ocean, the Pacific xiv. 69 of ordeal in Loango xvi . 582 -, Spaniards' dif in Sofala xvi . 690 of it xiv . 143. 146 ratification of public, in Ochil hills iii . 38.444 Madagaſcar xvi . 775 Ochotyn , M., anecdotes of him xvi . 782 Oats of the Cape xvi. 18 Ochozk, Benyowſki's adventures at xvi . 781 Oaur's, Kenneah , prophecy iii . 333 Ochre found with baſaltes iii . 904. 908 Oaxaca, ſee Guaxaca . of Gajina Guta viii . 692 Ob river, voyage of diſcovery to Ockſeir, Jibel 224 wards i . 51 Ocoloro iſland of women xi . 377 Oba valley , Timor xi . 809 Oconas Indians xii . 448. 463 Obadee of Otaheite xi . 507 O'Connor family 828 Obamma hot- bath of Japan vii . 686 Ocoughtanamnis of Virginia xiii . 30 Obando, Nicholas de xii . Ocrubeus, fruit at Torneo i . 305 Obeliſks at Ruthwell 213 Octagon chapel, Bath ii . 251 of the Orkneys 756 Oetodurum , the ancient 771 of Shetland 793 Oculiſts of the Friendly illes xi . 669 of Alexandria X. 235. xv. 168 Odas of the Janizaries 304 of Belh - Talh 720 Oddena city 56 at Conftantinople 725 Oddena town, Guinea xvi. .357 erected by the aſtronomers Oddington ii . 203 in Quito xiv. 648 Odels-men of Norway 358 of Heliopolis 182 Oden-mine ii . 481 of Bijige 213 Odenſee, great antiquity of vi . 339 of Thebes 242. 246 Odes, Scaldic, of Iceland • 315 of Luxerein 253 of Lomonozof vi. Egyptian mode of building xv. 344 of Sumorokof 858 ofAin -Shems, Egypt 807. 827 Odia city ( fee Siam) viii . 419 Oberea, Queen of Otaheite xixi.. 506. 515. 584.611 Odiam borough ii . Oberriede 652 caſtle ii , ibid . Oberurſel, proſpects from vi . 250 Odin, the reviver of magic i . 470 Oberwalden 736 worſhip of i . 753 Obeyed Khan, hiſtory of ix . 343. 383 on his ſimilitude to the Bir Obin of the Gold Coaſt xvi , 415 man Boodh ix . 491 Objendiu, colony at i . 524 Odiquas nation xvi . 72 O'Brien, Sir Lucius iii . 831 Odiſhi principality ix . 134 Obſervantines of Perth iii . 397 Odoard Barboſa xi . 346 Obſervations, aſtronomical i . 242. 280 Economiſtes of France 410 aſtronomical, in Peru xiv. 274 their plan of taxation iv. for meaſuring a de Oeder, Chriſtian , biography of vi . 319 gree at the equator xiv .429. 647.694 Oenius mount 759 Obſervatoire Royal, in Paris 17 Oenothera, the Canadian biennial 698 Obſervatory at Copenhagen i . 141 Oers of Sweden vi . 535 in Lapland i . 241 Eurebro town vi . of Tycho Brahe at Eufterby eſtate vi . Huen vi . 331 forges vi . 551 of Stockholm vi , 403 Ofarrai from the temple of Tenſio at Pekin vii . 407 Dai Sin vii. 742 in Owhyhee xi , 701 Offa's dike - ii . 319.623 Oby river, Bell's voyage down vii . 426 Offerings of the Laplanders i . 174 obſervations on it vii . 429 under green trees by the Oca root , of Quito xiv, 459 Banians viii . 542 Ocana town 559 to the King of Ava ix. 544 Occa river 31 to the devil, in Borneo xi. 133 Offerings 5: 33." XV. XV. 854 > XV. 316 v , V. iv . 632 iv . xiii . 388 550 INDEX. [301 ] PAGE X. XV. XV. - > 432 V. V. vi. > X. XV. XV. XV. XV. XV. 102 VOL. VOL. PAGE Offerings in Amboyna xi. 267 Oil of Girgili ix. 605 to Captain Cook in Arabian uſe of anointing 169 Owhyee xi.700.702.737 of Virginia xii . 593 of the Virginians xili. 41 of Serena, Chili xiv . 187 at weddings in Barbary 430 the holy, of the Coptis 309 to idols in Guinea xvi . 399. 426 of the palm, in Guinea xvi. 453 human , at funerals xvi . 430 Oil-cakes of Fida, Guinea xvi, 504 on ſickneſs xvi . 482 Oil-makers' cait in India viii . 641 to the fuake of Fida xvi . 494 Oil -mills of Pagahm ix . 476 to trees in Fida xvi . 500 Oil- feeds of Japan vii . 696 to the ſea xvi. ibid . Oil - wolves of Juan Fernandes xiv. 661 of twins to the devil in Ointments of the Hottentots Xvi, 139 Benin xvi . 526.530 tradition of goats being of the Mandingoes xvi. 876 anointed with xvi . Office , Holy, of Spain , ſee Inquiſition . of the Negroes of Rio Officers of Spain, military 444 de Gabon xvi. 510 naval 452 Ojeda, Alonzo de, anecdotes of the Pruſſian army 195 of him xii. u16. xiv . 328 of Denmark, military vi . 30 Ojibar river xiv . 4 : 4 naval vi. 313 Ojingawa river vii . 767 of the Swediſh navy vi . 380 Ojiva river xiv . 283.414 public, of Perſia ix . 214 Ojos de Aqua, Los xiv. 51 - , of Tonquin ix . 689.748 Oka river vii. 276 in the court of Okaning's oration to Captain Smith xiii . 93 Sana 106. Oke river ii . 287 of the Bey of Tunis 388. Oke meaſure of Egypt 311 of the court of Morocco 752 Okee, the Virginian devil xiii . 39 Offices in the government of Poland i. 216 Okeepenauk root of Virginia xii . 598 Off - Iſlands of Scilly ii . 746 Okelas of Cairo 194 Offra, wars in xvi. 474 Okels of Judda country deſcribed xvi. 507 Okehampton caſtle ii . 287 Ofmundſberg, mine vi. borough ibid . Ofwer Torneo i . 301 Okemeidan near Conftantinople 729 Ogara province 95 Oker, cannon foundry at vi. 542 Oghli - Hafran 70 Okerfair, Maurice ii . 827 Ogiac of the janizaries 305 Okey Hole ii . 255 Ogle family ii . 445 Oki inand vii . 665 Oglethorpe’s, General, ſettlement Okindgier of Virginia xii . 595 of Georgia xii. 446 Okilko, King of Weapomiok xii. 584. xiii . 11 letter to Okoros Indiaus Carolina xii . 471 Okotzk, province and diſtricts 701 congratu Okra plant of Philadelphia 401 lations of the American gover Okujelo, Kempfer's deſcription vii . nors to him xii. 481.489 Olabes, Don Joſeph de xiv . 274 Ognedoc bay xii . 672 Olafsen's account of a flaſh of Ogouli, Chriſtians of viii . 124 lightning i . 688 Ogurza province ix . 324 voyage to Iceland i . 715 Ohanoak , Virginia xii. 577. xiii. 8 Olafsen's and Povelſen's hiſtory of Ohiteroa iſland xi . 525 Iceland i . 621 Oia Sennerai, Hamilton's account Olaüs Graan , account of i . of him viii . 472 Olaus Magnus 393 Oil of the Laplauders i . 397 Olaus Triguefon i . 469 of beavers i . 419 Olave, King of Man ii . 823.825 from pilchards ii . 281 Olave's, Mr., account of foffil -wood i . 747 of Catalonia 664 of Lichen 550 Iſlandicus i . 748 of Valercia 602 Olavidé, Don Pablo, his adventures V. 409. 631. lamp, of Canara viii . 754 637 of Siam ix . 605 Olchon iſlands vii. 350 of cocoa ix . ibid. Oldenburg deſtroyed by lightning i . 139 of wood ix . ibid . Oldenburg, duchy vi, 225 Older 468 X. XV . XV. XV. Xili . 310 - vi . xiii. 657 202 iv . of Arragon V. V. IO [302] INDE X. PAGE . XV. XV . XV. 260.402 XVI. I 2 xiv . XV. 546 viii . 137.139 598 199 > ix. 819 iv . iv . iv . V. xi. VOL. VOL, PAGE Odenburgh, Mr. iv . 25 Omar Ghazi Soltan ix . 343 Old Dimple- mine at Matlock ii . 478 Omar, Muley 727.761 Oldfield banks ii . 359 Omar, Sultan XV. 158 Oldfield ſpa ii . 424 Omaria city vii . 7 Old ſtyle, calculation of time at Omar's, Caliph, deſtruction of the Moſcow by it vi . 584 Alexandrian Library XV . 809.831 Old - Town, St.Mary's ii . 740 Omafcuyo , Lake Titicaca xiv. 631 buildings in ii . ibid. Omaſuyos juriſdiction xiv. 630 Olees of the Barbary houſes 651 Omba iſland xi . 62. 476 Oleron iſland ii . 126 Ombiaſſes of Madagaſcar xvi. 744 Oli of Madagaſcar xvi. 755 Ombos, the ancient Olibatte river 513 Omens on a journey iii . 383 Olinda city , Brazil xiv . 712 -preceding the nativity of deſcribed xvi. 153 Zertooft viii . 559 Oliphant, Mr. iii . 402 Om -er -ridg -lein Oliveira's, Franciſco d' , examina Omnitree, his court viji . 369 tion 765 Omoe, the chief xi. 514 Olive - climate of France iv . 311. 314. 316 Om -oley - Sinaab Olive-mills of Arragon 550 Omrahs of Hindoftan Olive- plantations of Lima xiv. their tents Oliver, Mr. , ſchoolmaſter among in the Great Mogul's camp viii . the Mohocks xii . 412 Omſaiis of Cochin -China ix. 799 Oliver, Mr., of Caſtle- Oliver 850 converſion of them Oliver's fort, Inverneſs mi. 79 Omuſka town vü. 330 Olives, culture of, in France 496 Onawmanient Indians xiii. 27. 64. 160 of Venice iv. 611 Oncia, of Milan (note) 559 of Florence iv. ibid . the Breſcian (note) 595 on the culture of iv. 664 Ondeves of Madagaſcar xvi. 746 of Majorca iv . 675 Onecko, account of i . 529 of Terra Nova ( note) 289 Onecheow iſland 728 of Malaga 593 Ongear Point xij . 672 of Valencia 602 Ong-Ja-Tu- Lea, anecdotes of him of Coquimbo, Chili xiv . 684 Ongleby river, Madagaſcar xvi. 798 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 47 Ongofſchio , Emperor of Japan, Olives, Mount, deſcribed hiftory of him vii. 616 Olivet, Mount, antiquities there 358 Onias town in Egypt 181 Ollachea Gilver -mines xiv. 18 Onions of Paris iv. 48 Olla-podrida of Spain 520 wild, of Virginia xiii. 31 deſcribed xvi. 187 uſed by the French in Ollerton town ii . 446 Canada xiii. 682 Olmedo v: 320, 321 Oniſcion town ix. Olmutz deſcribed i . 227 Onke, ſpecies ofmonkey, of Siam ix. Olof of Hiardarhult i . 669 Onnantagues of Canada xiii. 273 Olonetz, government and diſtricts vi. 747 Onnontio of Canada xiii , 276 obſervations on the mines in vi. 894, 895 Onnoyoutes xüi. 276 Olot town 623 Onoar, port of 362 Oluchenche ordeal of Congo xvi . 226 Onontages Indians xii. 414 Olympic games (note ). 652 Onruft iſland xi . 213 Olympus, Mount vii. 509. X. 280. 575.580.717 Dutch warehouſes at xi. 214 firs of 717 ibid . Olympus, Mount, of Theffaly i . 270 Omagua language xiv. 222 Ontampaſſemaca of Madagaſcar xvi. 745 Omaguas, South Americans xiv. 225. 229. 510 Ontzatli of Madagaſcar xvi. 745 Omai of Ulietea, account of him xi. 585.639 Ontzoa of Madagaſcar xvi. 746 Oman , ancient trade there vii. 185 Onydans caftle xii. 414 province ix . 237. x. 81 Ooahaouragee bay xi, 533 - , deſcription and Ooegwa, Engliſh fort at xvi. 359 produce of 116 Oolites of Solfatara 28 hiſtory 117 Oomi province of Japan 663 Oman, Imam of, his territories ibid . river Omar Alketab 376 Oon food in Skie 639 Oo -oorou , ix. 691.749 X. 426 X. XV. - 21 622 v. XV. X. piers of xi, 742 Onſka . X. X. 684 XV. II INDE X. [303] VOL . PAGE X. iv . . iv. iv . iv . ix . ix. 531 399 X. XV. 378 X. ix. at VOL. PAGL Oo-oorou , the chief xi . 587.614 Orange, Prince of, anecdote of the i , Ooratooa of Otaheite 135 xi . 513 his hiſtory i. ibid . Oofumi province vii. 666 family i . 136 Opals ofHungary viii . 251 Orange -gardens of Nice iv. 232 Oparree in Otaheite xi . 582.607.611 of Emir Faccardine 325 Opechankanough, King of Pamaun Orange-marmalade of Paris iv. 50 kee xiii. 52. 58.67. 120. 145 Orangery of St. Cloud iv. 62 anecdotes of him xiii. 159 of Verſailles 64 Openauk root of Virginia xii. 598 Oranges in London ü . 513 Opera, Italian, in Dublin iii. 812 culture of, in France 497 of Paris 54. 137 of Majorca iv . 675 at Milan iv. 240 of Lar ix . I 20 at Padua iv. 250 of Siam 608 at Venice 258 of Torquin 717 -, Italian, at Madrid of Cochin - China ix . 775 of Stockholm of Arabia | 194 of Havanna xiii. 760 of Bermudas xii . 267 Opher, the grandſon of Abraham , of Georgia xii . 489 gives his name to Africa xvi. 677 of Congo xvi. 250 ' Ophila height of the Nile of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 454.504 Ophir, ſuppoſedto be Peru xiv, 131 Orange-tree of Barbary XV. 604 Ophthalmia of Morocco 689 Orangin people vii. 68 Opicahapam xiii. 54. Oranienbaum palace vi. 697 Opien's Flalieuticon i . 790 fortreſs vi. 699 Oigielguoviran, the cemi xii. 88 gardens vi. 700 Opinions , effe&t of climate on jii . 914 Oranienburgh , impriſonment of Ivan Opium uſed by the Perſians 115 vi. 783 -, mode of making ix. 181 Oran-outang of Java, Hamilton's de - , its intoxicating effect ix . 203 ſcription viii. 453 - , bewitching dreams cauſed Oranſa iſle iii. 290.626.653 by ix. 613 Oran's chapel in Jona 298 uſed by the Banjareens xi . 123 Orapakes palace Opium trade of Calecut viii . 377 Smith's adventures at xiii . 52 ſociety of Batavia 187 Orations, funeral, in Sweden Opoſſum of Van Diemen's Land xi . 642 of an Indian to Sir of Virginia xiii . 31 William Keith xü . 380 Oppblazers of the Cape xvi. 18 of the Creek Indians xii . 448 Oppido town, effects of an earth of the Virginians xiii . 38. 33.91 quake at ( note ) 276 of Okaning xili . 93 account of its deftruc of Capt . Smith xiii . tion 290 of Lord de la War xiii . 108 Oppreſſion of the poor in Ireland iii . 866 of Powhatan xiii . 115 of the people in France iv. 419 of M. de la Barre xiii. 274 in the Valteline 935 of the Iroqueſe Grangula xiii. 275 Opfloe town vi . 364 Browne's , to Melek Optics, phenomenon in i. 366 Miſellim 115 deceptive phenomenon of, in of Dian -Manangue in the Arabian deſart Madagaſcar xvi . 753 Opuchiſco, the Indian xüi. 113 of the Malegaches in their Opuntia, ſee Fig. grand aſſemblies xvi . Oracles in the Weſtern iſes iii . 610 Orator of Oxford ii . 104 Oræki the Jew 69 Orators of the Weſtern illes iii , Oran, ſurrender of, tó Algiers 462 of the Iriſh parliament city deſcribed 517 of Arabia 166 fortreſs xyi. 186 of Otaheite ui, 609 Orange town of Madagaſcar xvi . 773 Orange cape, Guyana xii. 291 Orbe river Su Orange fort, Brazil xiv . 723. 826. 837 town ibid . Orange fort, Guinea xvi. 345 Venel's infirmary at 812 Orange ifland xi. 45 government ibid. i , 83. 113 Orbita, ancient city 592 Orbitello iii. xiii. 42 xi, 200 > 95 V. XV . 12 773 612 813 XV. iv. 220 Orange iſles XV. [304] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL . V. - IO V. > 448 9 V. 7 > II X111 . 271 ix . 488 12 ix . 51 PAGE Orbitello lake Ore of Canada xii 670.690 eels of ibid . Oreaſaval, Triſtan d' xiv . 260.268 Orbulites of New Holland xi. 775 Orebi goat xvi . 95 Orcades iſlands, Kerguelen's account i . 778 Oree, King of Huaheine xi . 522.584.613 their ſituation i . ibid. O'Reilly, Count, his hiſtory - , government i . ibid . his eſtabliſhments inhabitants i . ibid . at Cadiz 570 - , currents aniong i . ibid . Orejas, coaſt de las xii . 127 coaſts of i . 779 Orel, government and diſtricts vi. 750 Bellin's account of i . ibid. Orel family 663 harbours at i . ibid. Orellana, Francis, anecdotes of him xii . 200 anchorages at i . 786 his diſcovery of the river Orchards of England ii . Amazons xiv . 153.212.506 culture of, in France iv. 495 Orellana river, ſee Amazons. of Philadelphia xiii . 400 Orenburgh, province and diſtricts vi. 759 of Chili xiv . 41 - Pugatchef's fiege of vi . 800 Orcheſtras of Vienna vi . 94 Oreo, the chief xi. 586.614 of Prague vi . 140 Oreouahe, the Indian 329 Ord mountain iii . 810 · Orevoteau iv. 107 Ord promontory 85 cultivation at iv. 658 Ordaca , Diego de, anecdotes of xii. 203 Ore -weed ii. Ordeals in China vii . 194 in the Scilly ifles ii . 736 in Japan vii . 608 Orfa, Fitch's account 425 in Pegu viii . 428 Orford cape xi . among the Brahmans viii . 654 Orfordnelle i . of water, the Birman 570 Organ , a curious one i . 347 in Siam by fire ix . 595 the favourite inſtrument of by water ix . ibid . the Siameſe ix. 597 by vomits ix. ibid . Organum , country of vii . in Congo xvi . 220. 226. 334 Organzine alk ix . 210. xii . 486 of the Negroes on the Orgel-Boght i . 756 Gold Coaſt xvi . 397 Orgonnes, Rodrigo, his paſſage of in Benin xvi . 529 the Cordilleras xiv. 165 in Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi. 582 Oriel College, Oxford ü . 115 in Sofala xvi . 690 Orielton ſmoky, of Lancerota xvi. 811 Orient, L' , Young's account of iv. Order of battle of the Perſians ix . 95 commerce of iv . 342. 393 Orders of knighthood in Sweden vi. 435 Origin of the Lapland nation i . 376 obfervations on vi. 438 of the Icelanders i . 644 in Ruſſia (note) vi . 675 of nations, Kempfer's obfer. religious, in Japan vii. 743. 747 vations on vii . 670 Ordeſa, Val d' 719 of the Japaneſe vii. 671 Ordinances iſſued by the miſſionaries of the South Sea iſlanders xi . 730 in Congo xvi. of the Americans xiv. 106 Ordnance office in the Tower ii . 45 of the Canary iſlanders xvi. 822-826 Ordonance of Puſtoſer i . 530 Originals of Canada xiii . 284. 472 Ordonnances reſpecting Swediſh coin vi. 534 Oriol, L' iv. 219 Ordonnes de Salvos on volcanoes xiv. 48 Orioncio ordeal of Congo xvi. 226 Ordulf of Devon ii. 285 Oriſſava city deſcribed xiii . 800 Ore, on burning i . 328 Oriſſava mountain mode of working, in Derby volcano xiii. 8oo . 840 fhire ii . 484 Orixa, Hamilton's deſcription vüi, 401 of Kopparberg mine, proceſs Fitch's deſcription 414 with vi. 464 Orixa, Nabob of viii . 405 proceſs with, at Sudersfors vi . 471 Orkenj, Prince of ix . 369 diſcovered in Ruſſia vi . 826 Orkney iſlands ii . 160 of Doray Guda viii . 689 Martin's deſcription iii . 686 of Mota Betta viii . deſcribed by Brand iii. 731. 740 of Cudera Canavay viii . 767 hiſtory of ibid . of Kemodu mine viii . 770 their inhabitants 741 Orkney ii . 596 156 > iv. 238 xüü . 772.774 ix. > 708 1 INDEX. *[305] VOL. PAGE PAGE is. iv . 368 > Orleans cape xii. v. V. vi. 590 > 202 V. VOL. Orkney iſlands, Settle's deſcription xii. 494.515 Orogne 303 Orkney, Patrick Earl of, anecdote Orompello, the Indian chief xiv. 208 of iii . 777 Orongoy river vii. 353 Orleans city , Young's account of 88 Orono, Captain Cook's name in manufactures of Owhyhee xi . 700.737 vineyards iv. 441 Oronocoponi people xii . 203 cattle of iv. 472 Oronooco river, Spaniſh expedition Orleans, Duc d' iv. 171 to xii . 203 his paintings iv. 295 its connection with 634 the Rio Negro xiv. 236 Orleans, New 485 Orontes river 307.556 Orleans ille, St. Lawrence ix . 767. xii . 763. 675. Oropeſa caſtle 612 xiii . 262. 663 Orphan- chamber of Batavia xi. 187 Orlof, Count, his entertainments at Orphan -Hoſpital, Edinburgh iii . 473 Moſcow vi. 588 Orphans, aſylum for free-maſons', in his ftud Stockholm vi. 430 Orlof, Prince, biographical anecdotes grand aſylum for vi . ibid . of him ( note) vi . 781 Orphans' court, London ii . 72 his rules for the Econo Orfica, Pedro de xiv. 498 mical Society vi. 833 Orfini, Father Gregory ix . 133 Orme, Captain xii. 424. 428 Orſua, Peter de xii. Ormel, Don Ferdinando xvi. 813 Ortelius on Chili xiv. 34 Ormes, Les iv. 127 Orthography of the Cacongo Ormus city, Polo's deſcription vii. 113 language xvi . 590 Ormus gulf, pearl fiſheries there viii. 252 Orthofia, ſee Tortoſa . Ormus iſland , expulſion of the Por Ortijofa ſcouring place 335 tugueſe from viii . 299 Ortiz , Don Joſe xiii . 827 immenſe booty found Ortiz, Don Laureano, his cloth manu there viii. ibid . facture 334 attacked by the Bal. Ortolans of Canada xiii . 355 lowches viii. 302 Oruro filver-mines xiv. 18 deſcribed ix . 177 province xiv. 626 Fitch's voyage to ix. 406 Orville's, M. d' , account of the deſcription ix . 407 crater of Etna ( note) 79.86 Nieubuhr's account 125 account of Vol. Ornaments of the Lapland women i . 193 150 of the Tartar women vii . 32 Orvilliers, M. d' xiv. 255 of the Japaneſe houſes vii. i . in the Friendly ifles xi. 594. 694 Orwell Wanns i . 51 in Mallicollo iſland xi . 619 Oryctography of Derbyſhire by M. of the Sandwich iſlanders xi. 733 Ferber ii . 465 of the Virginians xii. 34 Ofab diſtrict 110 for the ear in South Olacca harbour vii . 769 America xiv. 229. 512 Oſages river xiii. 319 of the churches in Lima xiv. 571 Oſborne, Isle of Wight ii . 701 of the ladies in Lima xiv. 580 Oſborne, Sir William ui. 851 of the Tapoyers of Brazil xiv . 877 Oſburne, Captain viii . 743 of the Egyptian women 324 Ofervaul chace ni. 577 of the Barbary women 660.669 Oſiris, ancient Egyptian ftatue of 341. 342 of the Emperor of Mo - Egyptian mythology 350 rocco's harem 789 Oſman -Bey's houſe in Cairo 194 of the ladies in the harem xv. 793 his letter 394 of the Hottentot women xvi . 33 Oſman Bey Merlue's letter 394 of the Caffrés xvi. 37. 103. 140 Ofmine, an i . 41 of the Count of Sogno xvi. 245 Ofnaburgh iſland 579 of the Mandingo women xvi . 888 Oſſa, animal of Canada xiii . 351 Ornithon city 472 Offa mount 742 Ornæs, concealment of Guftavus Offenberg, Mr. -162 Vaſa at 460 Orfuary at Morat, its hiſtory 828 Oro , river Del 67 Oſſuna city 595 Oroch's hill 840 Oſſuna, M. le Duc d' 338 VOL . XVII. [ee] Oitan cano 779 Orwell I 2 X. xv. XV. XV. XV . XY. XV. XV. XV. xi . xi. vi. V [ 306] INDEX. VOL. PAGE iii, 624 9 -, ſiege of > 9 XV. > xy. of Egypt XV. vii. I 2 X. VOL. PAGE Oſtan Baſſa , ceremony of a viſit to Otters, mode of catching i . 420 him 8 . 320 - , fuperftitions reſpecting them iii. 373 Ofteacks on the Oby, Bell's deſcrip in Skie 625 tion of them vii. 425, 426 of Siam ix. Oftein , Count, his palace vi . 261 of Virginia xii. 594. xiii. 3i Oftend town 793 - , mode of taking Canadian xili . 287 entrance into the road i . ibid . of North America xiij . 522 on its name i . 795 Otters' fleſh i . 454 i . ibid . Otteroo, the chief xi. 654 hiſtory i . ibid . Ouabach river xiii . 320 ſea -monfter taken at i . ibid . Oualo kingdom xvi. 609 trade of 287 Oualofe Negroes xvi. 609 Oftenders at Bankebankſal 413 Ouarden 177 Oſterley houſe ii. 181 torrent XV. 281 Ofterwald's, M., account of Daniel Quaſoul marigot xvi. 627 John Richard the mechaniſt 817 Ouchach province vii . 118 Oftracites of the Alps 874 Ouches pariſh iv. 694 Oftriches of Arabia X. 187 Ouckal village ix. 283 of Chili xiv. 79 Queekachumpa, the Creek Indian, Lobo's deſcription of his ſpeech xü. 448 them 12 Ouiſconſinc river xiii. 309 339 Oulam , inhabitants deſcribed by - eggs of theCape xvi. 70.78.93 Benjamin of Tudela of the Cape deſcribed xvi . 124 Oumamis xiii. 303. 321 of Brazil xvi. 205 Ouran -outang of Borneo xi. 108 Adanſon's deſcription xvi. 618 Ourâ Qurâ of Diemen's Land, Oftroe the Ferro iſland i . 777 anecdotes of her xi. 840 deſcription of i . ibid. Ourcaſo town iv. 104 Oſtrogue, meaning of the word vii . 338 Ourfa city, the ancient Edeſſa 533 Oſwald, King of Northumberland, Ours, Bay de 1 xiii. 321 a ſaint at Zug 722 Ou-ſan -guei, the Chineſe general vii. 173. 175 Oſwego, lake Ontario 585 Ouſſine, Muley 769 Olwer Torneo anecdotes of him 770 Oſweſtry town ii . 621 Outagamis fort xiii , 309 Ofwy, King of Northumberland iii . 15 Indians xiii. 312 Olymanduas's fepulchre 253 Outala -Saphire hills 516 ftatue 254 Outaouas river xiji. 280. 298. 303. 309. 324 library 255. 346 Indian nations on xüi. 349 Otabalo juriſdiction , Quito xiv. 466 Outchipones xiii. Otaha iſland 523 Outhier's journal of a voyage to Otaheitans xi. 509 the north i . 259 - , their burying -places xi . 515 Outhoorn, Cornelius Van vii. 759 deſcription ofthem 518 Out -houſes of the Laplanders 392 their dances xi. 520 Outrages committed by the White xi. 588 Boys jii . 818 war -dreſs 608 Ouueri, hiſtory of the miſſions to xvi. 302 Otaheite, Cook's firſt voyage to 502 Ouzel of Finmark i . 425 -, ſecond arrival at xi. 580. 588.607 of Cumberland 121. Otahourou in Otaheite xi. 515 Ouzoun-Kupri town 734 Otentas village 318 Ovalle's Hiſtorical Relation of Otervaul hill 704 Chili xiv. 30 Otley town ii . 437 Ovens, Norwegian i . 393 Otmoor evil ii. 203 of Curdiſtan and Perfia 16 Otontagang xili : 301 of the Arabs 155 Otoo of Otaheite xi. 582. 607.611 at Bethlehem X, 437 Otrar city 376 for hatching chickens in OtrepiefGriſka , , hiſtory and adven Egypt 381 vi. 626.741 Overflow of the Volga vii. 278 Ottamkoff, Jeremias i . 596 Overton town ü. 323 Otter river ii . 290 Oviary of a ſhark xili. 865 Otters of Finmark 420 Ovid's baniſhment to Babbadach 507 I Oviedo, XII XV. 238 XV. XV. X. XV. XV. 301 xi. women xi. jii. x. ix . X. IX. XV. C tures of INDE X. [307] PAGE VOL. xii. 381 xiii . XV. XV. 346 633 XV. VOL. PAGE Oviedo, Gonzalo de, remarks on his Oyſters, an Arab's account of pearl vii. 223 hiſtory xii. 16 , pearl, of Japan vii. 689 Ovingham village iii. 496 of Japan vii . 710 Oving manſion 340 -, pearl, Tavernier's deſcrip Owari province of Japan vii. 661 tion viii . 255 Owharree harbour xi . 584.612 divers for viii . 256 Owhaw of Otaheite xi. 503 Hamilton on viii. 287 Owen , Captain, his adventures viii. 431 of Siam ix. 634 Owhyhee, Captain Cook's return to xi. 698 of Bernier iſle, New Hol. his death in xi. 713 land xi , 792 deſcribed xi. 729 of Virginia 601 Owlar - Torr, Great 414 of Penſylvania xiii . 432 Owls, white, of Finmark i . 423 of New York 453 ſhort -eared 7 of Chili xiv. 73 of Siam , ſuperſtitions concern pearl, of Panama xiv . cerning them ix . 628 of Guayaquil siv. 400 of North America 565 of Barbary 636 of Barbary 629 growing on trees in Guinea xvi. Owres light-houſe ii. 312 gathered from trees in the Owſeecheys Indians xii. 448.463 Gambia xvi. Ox, the muſk , of America xii. 275 in the Niger xvi. 650 Ox-bird of Barbary 629 bank of their ſhells xvi . 658 Oxen of England ii. 155 of Madagaſcar xvi. 797 annual conſumption of, at Oyſter- fhells, ftratum , in Virginia xiii . 409 Paris iv. 325 in Carolina xiii. 467 on ploughing with iv. 538 Oziers of Nordland 365 -, training iv. 539 Ozinies Indians xili 28 uſe of, for riding and drawing Ozinies, King of xiii. 120 coaches iv. ibid . of Italy iv. 576 on yoking, in Switzerland 678 P. of Hungary 117 - , lingular,of Tangut 54. 125 Paan -dreſs of the Negroes ofGuinea xvi. 387.482 of Siberia, the wild 335 of the Negroes of Benin xvi. 524 in the Birman empire ix . 469 in Senegal xvi. 608.615.650 of Arabia x . 179. 185 Paardeberg mountain xvi. 122. 137 wild, of America xiii. 443.468 Paarl mount, Cape of Good Hope xvi. of Canada xiii. 622 Pabbay iland iii . of Cuyo xiv. 104 Pacaes fruit of Quito xiv. of Abyſſinia 23 Pacages juriſdiction 630 mode of travelling with xvi . 29 Pacamoros, fee Bracamoros. Oxford city ii. IC2 Pacanat Jogies caft, manners and ji . ibid . cuſtoms vili . 668 univerſity 103 Pacaſſesof Congo xvi . 160 Shaw's account of ii . 196 Paccard's, Dr. , aſcent of Mont Moritz's account ii . 541 Blanc iv . 688. v . 787 Oxford town, Penſylvania 382 Pacentia bay xiii . 347 Oxfordſhire county ii . 9 town ibid . mountains of ( note ) ii . 467 Pace's diſcovery of the Virginians' Oxſhahar 686 plots xjli . Ox - italls of Milan iy. 576 Pachahunta, the Indian princeſs xii . 237 Oxus river ix. 389.391 Pachegoia lake xii . Ox-worſhip viii . 716 Pachon gold-mines xiv . 541 Oyambarofignal -ſtation xiv. 430 Pachynum , the ancient 770 Oyapoc river xiv . 233. 251 Pacific Ocean, Magellan's voyages to xi . 322. xiv . 69 Oyſter bay, Maria iſland xi. 859. 861 Spaniards' diſcovery Oyſter -bed of Batavia xi . of it xiv . 143. 146 Oyſtermouth caſtle ii . 593 Pack , Alderman ii . 450 Oyfter river xi. 533 Packanoki, New England 238 Oyſter river town, Indian attack on xii . 400 Packenham hall [ eg 2] Packet. 9. 121 $90. 626 458 XV. xiv. 9 -, hiftory of xii. xili. X. 148 368 X. 180 xiii. 815 [308 ] INDE X. VOL . PAGE VOL. ix. xi. PAGE 736 V. 588 ibid . vi . 657 vi. ii . ii . ii. ii . xi. xi. 54236 843 ii . ii . ii . ii . ii . ii . ii . ii. ii . 643 409 179 182 190 193 197 20 217 243 261 350 372 388 440 443 445 446 503 653 706 716 30 33 34 38 62 66 ibid . ſheep of Packet-boats of Corunna 469 Painters , Tonquineſe of Algefiras of the Sandwich iſlands from Sydney to Para Painting, introduction of the art matta xi . 924 into Ruſſia Packets from Waterford to Milford Painting, Academy of, at Stock Haven iii . 857 holm Packington hall ii . 616 Paintings in Wanſtead houſe Pack - ſaddles of Japan vii . 761 in Oſterley houſe Pactyes mountains 663 at Stowe Pacudo bay, Chili xiv . 71 in Blenheim palace Padang, Dutch fort at vili . 447 at Nuneham factory (note) xi . 206 at Dicheley Padbury village ii . 340 at Holme Paddee of Java 167 at Berkeley caſtle Paddles of the New Zealanders at Enmore caſtle of the Virginians xiii . in Warwick caſtle Paderborne biſhopric vi. 278 at Kedleſton Padilhe, Don Pedro de i . at Hardwick hall Padma Shalay caſt, manners and the Earl of Arundel's cuftonis viii . at Welbeck abbey Padſtow town ii . 26 at Clumber park its trade ii . ibid . at Rufford phraſe at ii . ibid . at Vauxhall Padſtow - road , Cornwall xii . 531 at Havod Padua, Young's account of iv. 250 at Appuldurcombe - , rent and price of land at iv . 560 at Swanſton houſe irrigation in iv. 575 at Holyrood palace iv. 587 at Newbottle courſe of crops in iv. 590 at Dalkeith houſe feed and produce iv, at Dupplin its filk culture iv. 607 at Aberdeen clover Earl of Finlater's vines iv. at Duff houſe taxation in iv . 632 at Cullen houſe tithe and church -lands 635 at Caſtle Gordon - , prices of various things in iv . 650 at Dunrobin caſtle Padun cataract vii . 422 at Hamilton houſe Paes, Gaſpard 40 at Haigh Paeſk , the Lapland i . 384 at Holker Pæfus, ancient city 710 at Corbie caſtle Pagahm city at Drumlanrig 213 at Inverary caſtle Pagan gods came from Sweden i . 207 at Taymouth Pagatour of Virginia xii . 595 at Panmure Page, Sir Gregory . 180. xi . 96 at Glanies Pages of the King of Perſia 62 at Melvil Paget's tribe, Bermudas 191 at Alloa Pagoda, the Indian coin , deſcribed viii. 247 at Lumley caſtle Pagodas, temples of Japan vii. 623.629 at Aukland cattle Pagods of Dogon at Bolton houſe Pahairede of Ota! leite xi . 513 at Skipton caſtle Pahaung river, gold of 461 at Kirkwall produce of viii . ibid . at Dunkettle Painpont, Martin de xii . 668 Mr. Quin's Pains cauſed by froſt i . 513 at Caſtle Oliver Painters, Spaniſh v. 376.385 M. Viviers's anecdotes of Chineſe vii . 203 -, the Luxembourg anecdotes of, at the Great at the Louvre Mogul's court viii . Pere Hochereau's Birman ix . 512 at the Royal Academy, Siameſe ixo 549. 600 Paris 596 - iv . 609 > 613 > iv. xv. 67 70 84 II2 179 185 204 225 X. ix . 474. 555 Pagan, Count xii. iii . 364 376 420 ili , 438 ix. X111 . iji . ix . 400, 419 V111 . nii . 445 460 504 514 517 519 687 835 850 85112 13 14 42 iv . iv . iv . 10. 14 iv. iv. 139 Paintings INDEX. [309 ] v. V. 262. 277 551 V. V. 315 V. 366 326 346 V. Y. vi . V. V : 621 V vi. 146 382 VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE Paintings at Dijon iv. 203 Palaces, Royal, near Paris iv. 61 at Turin iv . 239 of Meſſina deſtroyed by an at Milan iv. 243 earthquake 259 at Venice iv. 252 of Madrid , paintings, &c . in v. 374 at Ferrara iv. 261 of Buen Retiro 376 at Bologna iv. on the canal of Arragon at Florence iv . 266 of Aranjuez 555 at Parma iv . 278 , epiſcopal, of Porentra 701 of the Duke of Orleans iv. 295 of Sion 769 at Burgos 311 of Schonbrunn vi. 97 at Fuenſaldagne electoral, of Dreſden vi. 147 at St. Ildefonſo 360 of Cronborg vi. 294 at the Eſcurial of Copenhagen 298 in the palace of Madrid 374 of Hirſholm vi . 325 at Buen Retiro 376 of Fredericſborg ibid . in the churches of Madrid v. 384 of Friedenſberg vi . in Toledo cathedral 541 of Eutin vi. at Loeches 543 Royal caſtle, Stockholm vi. 395 at Aranjuez 559 of Droitingholm 440 at Seville 566 of Gripſholm vi . 539 at Barcelona 618 of Moſcow vi . 583 at Balle 692 ancient, of the Czars vi. 595 at Soleure 711 of Bretofshina vi . of Ligario the artiſt 932 of Troitſkoi Kloſter ibid. at Dreſden vi . marble, on the Neva vi. 662 at Copenhagen vi , 298 , Imperial , of Peterſburgh vi . 677 at Fredericiborg palace vi . 325 of Tzarikoe -Zelo vi. 697 in Gottenburg vi . of Oranienbaum vi . ibid . in the Royal caſtle at of Peterhof vi . 700 Stockholm vi . 395 of Mittau 714 at Drottingholm caſtle vi. 442 of Mangu -Khan vii . 71 at Gripſholm vi. 540 of Kublai- Khan of theVirgin Mary vi. 603 of King Fanfur at Quinſai vii. 155 in the Imperial palace, of Pekin, Bell's deſcription vii. 397 Peterſburgh vi. 677 of the Emperor of Japan on the Japaneſe houſes vii. - 776.779 at Jedo vii.610.801.807 in Iſpahan ix . 26 of the King of Birma at of the Aſſumption of the Ava viii . 423 Virgin xiii . 801 of Bangalore viii . 591 anecdotes of xiii . 842 the Sultan's, at Seringa on the Egyptian mum viü. 601 mies 357 of LaulBaug viii. 604 Paints of the Arabian women 157 of the King of Perſia in of the ladies of Morocco XV. 452 Iſpahan uſed by the Barbary ladies 793 at Eſcrief Paiſley, Pennant's account of iii . 244 at Caſbin ix . 73 Paita, voyage from Callao to xiv . at Ardebil town deſcribed xiv. of Shiraz ix. Paitſhin town of Lar ix . 120 Pajaro Nino of Chili xiv, 676 of Darius at Perſepolis ix . 102. 193. 267 Pakang - yay ix . 473 Royal , in Iſpahan ix . 189 Palabres of the Malegaches of Ma of Sari ix , 316 dagaſcar xvi. 773 of the King ofSiam ix. 577 Palaces of the Emperor of Ruſſia i , 17 of Siameſe elephants ix. ibid . , Royal, of England 151 of Kacho ix . 7 ! 4 of Wincheſter 327 of the Chova ix . 749 of Dumfermline 457 in Sana 67 of Linlithgow of Emir Faccardine 324 of Holyrood 470 of Pilate 359. 416 built by the Archbiſhop of the King of Borneo xi. 352 of Armagh iii. 823 of the Emperor of China xi. 378 5 Palaces vii . 126. 130 - > patam XV. X. ix . 26. 40 XV. 661 . ix . 62.67 645 ix. 84 647 669 IIO X. X. 466 X. 111 . [ 310] INDEX. XV. X. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE Palaces of Quebec xiii. 634 Pallas's, Profeffor, account of the ibex v . 799 of the Incas xiv. 419 -, experiments on of the audience in Quito xiv. 442.547 the heat of animals vi . 696 of the Incas in Canar xiv. 548 account of the of the Emperor of Ethiopia foffil-bones found in Siberia ( note ) vi, 825. 826 in Gondar XV. 80 biography of himvi. 836 in Arringon XV. 85 travels vi. 839 in LakeDembea XV. 89 works vi. 840 of Alexandria XV. 166 Palliwanlu caſt, manners and in the Labyrinth 215 cuſtoms viii . 646 of the Emperor of Mo Pallis, the ancient ix . 509 rocco xv. 465.467. 485 Palliſer cape xi. 539. 599 - of Muley Abſulem , near Palma, Chili xiv. 23 Tarudant xv. 715 Palma, Gulph of 278 of Morocco XV. 738 Palma iſland xvi , 200 of the King of Benin xvi . 534 Palmaiſland , Canaries xvi . 822 Palacio, Don Fernan xiii . 773 Palmairas, Brazil xiv. 707 Palachy town viii . 729 Palma-real xiv. 342 Palaiopetre of Mont Blanc iv . 702.705 Palmas cape, Guinea xvi . 317.544 Palaiopolis 639 Palma's, Don Diego de, recep Palais Royal gardens iv. 58 tion in Barbary xv. 409 -, meetings at iv. 183 Palm -cabbage of the Gold Coaſt, Palameca, Don Diego xii. 289 Guinea xvi. 454 Palanfu city, Marco Polo's de Palme, Ulric de 687 ſcription vii. 147 Palmeira iſland viii . 406 Palanquin of the Governor of Palmeo duty 471 Bombay x. 213 Palmer, Moritz's account of ii . 514 Palanquin -bearers cait, manners Palmer, Colonel, in Florida xii. 473 andcuſtoms viii. 648 Palmer, Mr., of New South Wales xi. 908 Palanquins of the Siameſe ix. 580 - , his farm xi. 920 of Brazil xvi. 201 Palmer, Mr. ü . 290 Palar river viii . 579 Palmerſton iſland xi . 615.659 valley viii. 580.583.718 Cook's ſecond Palatinate of Bavaria vi. 26 voyage to xi . 660 its fruitfulneſs vi. 264 Palmer-tree, its manifold produce ix . -, cuſtoms in the vi . 265 Palmer -worms of Japan vii. 702 -, onits government vi . ibid. Palmettoes of Bermudas 267 religion vi. 266 of the Gold Coaſt 454 Palatinates, the Poliſh i . 211 of Senegal deſcribed xvi. 629 Palatine of Cracow 226 of Krampfane foreſt xvi . 641 Palatines of Limerick 849 Palm -gardens of Madana Mada viii , 691 Palazzo of Bormio 916 of Chica Nayakana Palembang, Dutch factory (note) 206 Hully viii. 693 Palencia province 313 Palmi town v. 280 town ibid. Palmira - tree of the Carnatic viii . 575 Palermo) , Blount's account 245 Palm -nuts of Guinea 453 Paleſtine, Bedouin Arabs in 139 Palm-oil of the Gold Coaſt xvi. ibid. Maundrell's deſcription X. 328 Palms, country of ix . 117 Pococke's account 406 Palms of the Cape xvi. Pal-hully, Buchanan's deſcription 702 Palm - Sunday, ceremonies of the Pali -ghat fort 732 Latins on x 418 Paligonda, Buchanan's deſcription viii. 581 Palm - trees of Perſia ix . 114 Palinſburne -hall 487 of Chili xiv . 87 Paliocaftro ruins 615 of Peru xiv. 276 Palke, Sir Robert ü . 266 of Carthagena xiv. -342 Palactanga gold and ſilver mines xiv . 541 of Brazil xiv . 866 Palladio's works at Vicenza iv . 250 of Egypt XV. 336 Palla hill viii. 720 the Thebaic xv. 337 Pallamboan , ſee Ballamboang . of Barbary, mode of Pallas, temple of, at Eſne XV . 258 culture XV. 601 Palm 408 xii. xvi. xi. V. v. X. xvi. 98 INDEX. (311 ) VOL. of Fida V. XV. IIO X. XV. - 9 X. V. 528 768 X. X. 699 XV. X. VOL. PAGE PAGE Palm -trees, Reynier's deſcription XV. 838 Panchalas caſt, their manners and of Congo xvi. 248. 325 cuſtoms viii . 640 of the Gold Coaſt, Pancham Banijigaru people viii . 630.632 Guinea xvi. 453 Panchangas caſt of the Hindoos viii. 632. 660. 62 xvi . 504 Panchum -Bundum of the Carnatic viii. 581 of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 552 Pancorvo, rocks of of Krampfane foreft xvi. 310 641 Pandon gate 497 -, curious ſpecies deſcribed Panecillo hill, Quito xiv. by Rochon 442 xvi. 807 Pane's account of theWeſt- Indians xii. 80 Palm -wine vii. 185. xii. 138 Pangaſinau province of Barbary xi. 77 602 Pangue, Inca -yn xiv. of Congo xvi . 166. 248 Panikin tribe viii . of Fantyn, Guinea xvi. 739 362 Panin, Count Peter vi. 591 Crifia xvi . 383.416 Panionium , the ancient 662 four ſorts on the Gold Panium hill Coaſt 167 xvi. 453 Panlang town ix . 456. 563 of Loango xvi. 553 Pan -lo -chi, Prince of Lu-ku vii. Adanſon's deſcription 575 Panmure manfion iii . 420 of the mode of making xvi. 640 Panopolis in Egypt 227 Palmyra leaf- paper ix . 510 Panormo town Paloaon iſland 714 xi. 349 Panque herb of Chili xiv. 672 Palo de Luz plant xiv. 531 Pante river xiv. Palomas iſland 587 Pantelera iſland Palong-miou ix. 478 Panten - Bruck 656 Palos, port xii. 25.53 Pantheon of the Eſcurial Palow country 367 vii. 117 Panther of Barbary Paltos XV . 623 566 Pantik town X. Palus Tritonis 593 Pantocratori convent Pamacaeack 738 xiii. 27 Pantomimes, Auſtrian vi . Pamas lake i . 93 286 Pantucket river, fall of xiii. 744 Pamaunkee Indians, Smith's ad. Panfanguitima conquered by the ventures among them King of Congo xvi. 241 Pamaunkee, King of xii . 233 Panyani viii. 740 Pambamarca mountain xiv. 290 Panza, Calle di 54 -, phenome. -, fingular feld -ſpar of v. ibid . xiv. 290. 423. 427 Paolo, Marco , ſee Polo. ſignal Paoletti, Signore, his villa iv . 270 ftation on xiv , 430 on farms iv. 556.623 Pambouk -Kaleſi the ancient Hie . anecdote of iv. 636 rapolis , on regulations Pamer plain vii. 117 in the corn trade iv. 648 Pamiers town iv. 119 Paous, cultivation at iv . 656 Pampanganprovince xi. 77 , irrigation at iv . 667 Pampas of Chili xiv. 61 Paowang of Tanna xi. Pampas Indians deſcribed xiv. 127. 636 Papa, fruit of Siam ix . Pampeluna town 553 Papagentes of Africa xvi. 209 Pamphlets, political, in Paris 169 Papa -goa iſland Pampre fiſh of Siam ix . S12 634 Paparcuri, on foretelling the winds Pamunky Indian town xiii. 718 at Vulcano Panaia Cheque 151 convent 585 Paparra diſtrict of Otaheite xi. Panaiea convent 514 700 Papas of Quito xiv. Panama iſthmus, on cutting through v . 459 497 lumps of filver xiv . Ovalle's deſcription of 627 xiv . 151 Papa- Stour iſle , Ulloa's deſcription xiv . 373 Papa-tree of the Iſle of France xi. 768 pearl-fiſhery of the Gulf of xiv. 381 Papaurco mountain province xiv, 383 Papa Weftra iſland i . 781. iii. 691. 752 Panamasiſland xi. 74 St. Tredwell's chapel Pananich waters jji. 59 in iii. 761 Panaria, Spallanzani's account of 129 Papayas fruit of Carthagena xiv. Panay iland 355 xi. 36 Papay -tree of Brazil xiv. 862 xiii . 87.159 V. non on 679 624 609 iv . X. 9 iſ . 695.779 xiv . 432. 437 . Papaya (312] INDE X. PAGE PAGE 596 256 V. - 526 377 X. XV. ix . X. xiii . 374 papyrus Nilotica 311 928 416 76 698 558 iv. 643 V. vi . vi. xi. 614 X. iv. I VOL. VOL Papay -tree of the Gold Coaſt, Paralytics of South America xiv. Guinea xvi . 455 Paramaribo, Condamine's deſcrip Papcaſtle, antiquities at ji. 195 tion xiv, Papehillo's, the Torreador, treatiſe Paramatta, New South Wales xi. 905. 909. 910. on bull -fighting 535 924. 932 Papeifiord i . 777 Paramorbo fort, Guiana xii . 292 Paper made of vegetables nii . 566 Paramos of the Andes in Quito xiv. vegetable, in Calecut Viit. Paran city 401 mode of making falſe gilded viii . 604 Parana, Paraguay xiv. 640 of the Birmans ix . 510 Parapets of houſes in Barbary 648 Siameſe gold ix. 600 Paraſols in Arabia an emblem of trade of Tonquin 741 royalty 69 indeſtructible 474 Pardelas birds xiv, 655 of Madagaſcar, from the Pardo , royal palace xvi . 744 Pardons of criminals in the Valte Paper-currency of Denmark vi . line , ſale of of Canada xiii . 625 Pardon -wine of Guinea xvi. 453.504 Paper-manufacture of England 9 Parecala province xi . of China vii . Pareea of Owhyhee xi . Paper-mills at Freefolk ii. 323 Parejas of Aranjuez of Limoges 369 Parentalia in China vii. 392 Paper-money, Young's obſerva Pargos, poiſonous fiſh xi . 620 tions on iv. 405 Parhelions in Iceland i . of Spain 430 Paria Gulf, Colon's diſcovery xii . 99. TOI of Saxony 151 Paria province xiv. 161.626 of Ruſſia 865 Parian in Manilla xi. 79 Paper -mulberry , cloth made of, in Parima lake xiv. 238 Tongataboo 677 Parina - Cocha juriſdiction xiv . Paphlagonia, the ancient 694 Parings, manure in France 544 Paphos, Pococke's deſcription 586 Paris, Liſter's journey to iv. Papouches of Egypt 323 Young's deſcription of iv. 136. 168 Pappa Indians xii . 408 -, its population iv. 317 Pappenheim , Major xiv . 821 conſumption 324 Paps of Jura iii, 280 Pariſhes of Iceland i . 650 Para city, South America xiv . 243. 249 of London ii . Paracels iſlands viii . 482 of Weſtminſter Paradiſberg vi. 366 of Orkney mi, 748 Paradiſe, Caſhmere called the Indian viii . of Shetland 773 a Mahometan 248 Pariſh -prieſts of Ruffia vi. mode of entering 286 Parifians, their food iv . of the Moors 472 drink iv . 50 of the Negroes of the Gold diverſions iv . 53 Coaſt xvi. 401 Paris- mountain of Angleſea ii , of the Benin Negroes xvi . 531 Parium , the ancient 710 Paradiſe-birds, Siameſe ix . 625. xi. 370 Parjutte, the Lapland god i . 179 Paradiſe -grains of Guinea xvi . 461 Park , St.James's 76 Paradiſes, twenty - ſeven, of the of Holy- Rood Caffres xvi . 687 of Berlin vi . 203 Paragoa iſland xi. 74. 349 royal, near Copenhagen vi . 301 Paraguari on the Amazons xiv. 232 of Stockholm vi. 444 Paragua -tree xiv. vi. 445 Paraguay, miſſions of the Jeſuits in xiv. 633 Park , Governor xii . 347 , government of xiv. 635 Park - Croſs, Iſle of Wight ii . 715 Ulloa's deſcription xiy. 635 Parker, George, Eſq. ü . Paraguay -tea in Quito xiv. 451 Parker, William, of Virginia xiii. 115 Para -hi lake xiv. 238 Parke's, Captain, expedition againſt Paraiba captainſhip, Brazil xiv , 725 the Spaniards xii . 218 city 822. 828 Parkhurſt on the Newfoundland Parallels, on meaſuring 314 fiſhery xii. 174 of New England xiii. 214 Parkinſon's Muſeum 796 PARK's XV. iv . 76 84 2 1 2 X. X. 815 46 XV. > > 627 x. - 30 > 87 camp in 788 xiv . 725. INDEX. [313] VOL. PAGE VOL . PAGL X. 694 ix . 157. 173 iv . iv . 81 X. xiii . 355 462 118 - , its ſoil iv. of Egypt XV. iv . 552 631 553 iv . 558 561 9 V. 598 > v. 281 > iv . ji. X. Park's, Mungo, travels in Africa xvi. 839–917 Parthenius river Parkyns family ii . 450 Parthia , Chardin's deſcription Parliament of England ji . 128. 506 Parties, ſtate of, in Paris 171 of Paris 171 in Vienna vi. of Rennes, on the cham Partition of Poland vi. IGO ber of vacation in iv . 292 Partridge iſland 653 on forming one (note) iv. 429 Partridges, white i . 500 . analogy of the Griſon Icelandic i . 749 Diet to the British 962 of Paris iy , 50 Parliament -houſe of Stirling of Hudſon's bay xii . 273. 277 Edinburgh iii . 469 red , of Canada xili . 354 Dublin black xiii. 355 Parliaments, provincial, of France iv. 420 of America xiii . 444. 519. 621 Parma, Young's account of iv. 278 of Valparaiſo, Chili xiv. 691 551 340 climate of Barbary XV. inclofures iv . of the Cape xvi. 124 farms and tenantry in of the Gold Coaſt xvi , 443 - , rent and price of land in iv. ſuperſtition in Loango irrigation in iv. 575 reſpecting xvi . 595 cattle and dairies of iv. 585 of Sor illand xvi. 609 Theep iv, 588 Parvam town vii . 580 courſe of crops in iv . 592 Paryhilia, granite quarry ( note) 280 ſeed and produce in iv. , induſtry of the inha its rice iv. 612 bitants vines iv . 615 Paſaic Falls deſcribed xili. 734 tillage and implements in iv. 617 Paſcatir, on the land of vii . 48 ' , government of 624 Paſch, Mr., his portraits vi . 421 tithe in iv. 637 Paſchal's account of Crichton 138 manufactures and commerce iv. 642 Paſha of Balbeck, account of hm 494 prohibitions in iv. 650 Paſha of Tripoli, audience of him 487 -,prices in iv . ibid. Palhar town 727 Parma, Prince of i . 133 Paſhas of Egypt 300 Parmentier, M. iv . 143 anecdotes of them 315 Parmeſan cheeſe iv . 577.579 Paſpahegh, King of xüi. 92 Paromiſades people ix. 97 Paſpaheghes, the Indians xiii. 26 Parquet, M. du xii. 424 Paſs of the Pyrenees, tremendous 104 Parret river ii . 260 through the Col de Tende iv. 234 Parriars of the Carnatic viii . 581 of Lueg vi . 46 Parris, the Spaniſh pilot xij . 480 dangerous, of Kantel moun Parroquets of Siam tains of Mexico xüi. 845 of the mountains in Tibet vii . 597 of Dar - Fûr 142 of Harras 73 of Guinea xvi . 446 of Gouanacas xiv, 295 Parrots, funeral ceremonies of one of Manzeriche xiv. 501 in Siam ix . 590 of a mountain in Morocco 703 of Siam ix . 625 Paſſado cape xiv. 275. 388 of Canada xiii . 354 Paſſage, town and port 305 of Campeachy xiii.. 859 Paſſagarda, the ancient ix . 112 of Chili xiv. 77 Paſſage from Waterford to Milford of the Amazons xiv. 248 Haven iii . 857 of Peru xiv. 278 of Mont Cenis iv . 283 of Brazil xiv. 719 of Echelles iv. 285 beautiful ſpecies in Guinea xvi. 444. 446 of the Belts over the ice vi. 487 Parſi religion in Perſia viii . 303 ſubterraneous, at Perſepolis ix . 268 Parſley, Scotch iii . 330 Paſſage-boats from Venice to Parſnips, culture of, in France iv. 484 Bologna iv. 258 of Canada xiii . 624 to Vienna vi . 64 Partaſmal, King of Nekbal vij . 592 of the Rhine vi. 268 • Parthenon of Athens 750 Paſſages in the great pyramid XV.359. 805.824 [ R R ] Paflalon, > X. vill . XV. XV. iv . 9 ix . 625 vii . , 543. 597 XV. X. XV. NO 7 VOL. XVII . [ 314 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE YOL. PAGE xij . xii . 175 Paffaro cape X. 230 560 > XV. 389 149 IU 879 X. V. 914 512 279 X. 233 X. 645 Pallir por: xi . 413 529 224 240 545 762 154 287. 378 x. Xv. 9.58 XV. 367 504 603 149 XV . Paſſalon, the ancient XV. 226 Patents of Sir H. Gilbert for colo . Paſlamayo, Peru xiv. 564 niſing 770 of the Virginia companies Paſſataquack harbour xiji . 218 granted toSir Walter Ra. Paſſau town vi . 59 leigh for Virginia xii . clergy of vi . ibid . of Mahomet to the monks cathedral vi, ibid . of Mount Sinai Paſſeer city xi . for Father Angelo's miſſion xvi. Paſſes of the Pyrenees iv. 719 Paterſon bay of Cilicia 546 Paterſon, Mr. , on the Blue moun of the Andes xiv. 416 tains xi. of the Cordilleras ( ſee Paſs) xiv . 46.51.63. Patience of the Spaniards 164. 284. 295. 307 Patimo lake i . Paſſe - Varek of Lapland i . 464 Patmos, Blount's deſcription in the bay of Varanger i . ibid . Pococke's deſcription in Porſanger bay i . 465 Patna, Fitch's deſcription ix . Paſſion - flower of Quito xiv . 459 Patoo -patoo of the Society ifles xi . Paſſions, cauſe of human i . 152 Patown, Mr. John ii. 232 Patowmack river xii . Paſſports at Lintz vi . 63 Patrakene river neceſſary for travellers in Patras city deſcribed China vii . 192 Patriarch of Armenia ix . from the King of Tibet to of the Maronites Friar Horace vii . 601 of Abyſſinia in Perfia ix . 293 Copti, of Alexandria to Mexico xiii . 768.786 Patriarchate of Antioch and letters in the Eaſtern Patriarchs of Ruſſia, tombs and ſtyle XV . 391–394 characters of vi . for vefſels trading to Patriotiſm of the Saxons vi . Morocco 498 Patrixfiord bay i . Paftaca river xiv. 223. 499 Patronage of the church of Scotland ii. Paftene, Gen. Juan Baptiſte xiv. 185. 189 Patrone town Paſto, mopa-mopa reſin of xiv . 488 Patronymics in Ruſſia vi . Paſturage round Viatka vii . 320 Patta, Hamilton's deſcription viii . Paftures of the Pyrenees iv. 672 Pattapan town viji . of Gruyeres 846 Patuxen river xiii . of Upper Engadina 905 Patuxent river of Bohemia vi. 138 Patuxet river, New England xii . of Norway vi . 360 - , Englim of the Tartars vii . ſettlement on xiii . in the Hungry Deſert vij . 369 Pau caſtle of Media ix . 156 town of Independent Tartary ix . 331 manufactures of iv. of New South Wales xi . 919 Paucar Colla juriſdi&tion xiv. of the Cordilleras xiv. 62 Paucartambo province xiv. Pata iſland xvi . 723 Paucton on the extent of France Pata, prince of xvi. 734 on the Milaneſe pertica ( note ) iv. Patagonians deſcribed on the Tuſcan fiora ( note ) iv. Patagons iſland xiv. 97. 123 Paughin city Patana town viii . 414 Pau - ing city vii . Patanagoh village 471.559 Paul , Mr. , his letter to Ferdinand Patans nation 135 Martinez xii. Patany, trade there viii . 463 to Chriſtopher Patara 595 Colon xij . Patavirca town xiv . 563 Paul, Sir George ii . Patawomek river xiii . 27.64 Paular, El, monaſtery Crohaw's adventures at xiii . 155.177 Paular pile of wool Pataz juriſdiction 612 Pau - lin - lhi, plain and temple vii. Pate, Zanguebar 6 Paulinus of York ä . Patentees of Virginia xiii : 108 Paullo Topo, Inca xiv. 743 529 321.483 681 X. 267 V. V. xii . 450 727 307 255 28 iv. 237 121 ibid . 373 632 617 301 559 597 150 251 iv. xi . 314. 321 vii . jx . vul. II X. 13 XIV. 239 363 335 24916 161 Paulovo xv. INDEX. [315] PAGE VOL. V. xi. xi. > XV, xi. V. crops round iv. iv. iv. 9 XV. viii. VOL. PAGE Paulovoperevoz village vii. 276 Peace, Prince of the, addreſs to him 638 Paul's, M., thermometer iv . 681 Peaches of New South Wales 927 Paumankee river, Smith's account xiii. of Philadelphia xiii . 401 - , his adven Peacock -coal ii . 22 tures at xiii . 36 Peacock's- tails in Siam ix. 604.624 Paunches, dainties made of 49 Peak of Derbyſhire ii . 14. 152. 468 Pauntchoo's excurſion in the Birman its natural caves üi . 474 empire ix. 469 hot and inter Pauſanias on the ſtatue of Memnon 250 mitting ſprings ii . 475 Pauxis on the Amazon xiv. 240.502 Peak of Mont Perdu iv. 715 Pavaoſa city, St. Thomas xiv, 703 Peak of Teneriffe 744 . xvi. 601. 603 Pavement, moſaic, at Avenche 832 Peak - cavern ii . 399 of Stockholm vi , 391 deſcribed by Moritz 557 of Havanna xiii . 761 Peak iſland i . 834 Pavia, on the irrigation of iv. 571 Pean, Captain, anecdotes of him viii . 342 courſe of iv. 589 Pearl, the fineſt in the world viii. 253 clover 609 Pearl- fiſhery of Perth 40 rice 612 of Loch- Dochart iii . 371 vines iv . 615 deſcribed by Benjamin implements and tillage in 616 of Tudela vii. 12 tithe and church lands in iv. 635 Tavernier's deſcription viii. 252 - , prices of articles in iv. 650 of Bahren viii . ibid . furnaces at 130 near Catifa ibid . Pavilion of Fine Air, Cairo 803. 820 of Ceylon viii . 253 Pavilions of Kublai Khan vii . 135 of Japan viii . ibid . of the Great Mogul viii . 7 in the Gulf of Mexico viï . ibid . at Agra 172 of Cubagua ibid . - , the Mogodore, of Morocco xv. 739 of Marguerite viii. 254 Pawcorances of the Virginians xiii . 40 of Comogate ibid . Pawmet Indians xiii. 219 of Rio de la Hacha ibid . Paw's, M. de, account of Pigafetta xi. 298 of St. Martha viii. ibid . Pawtuxent river xili. remarks on viii. 254. 287 Paxarete, wines of 595 of Katif Paxaros, Rio de los xiv. 61 of Green ibid . Pay of the troops of Hindoftan viii. 142 of Tarargui xiv, 146 Payala, village of i . 252 of the Gulf of Panama xiv. 381 Payankatunke river xiii . 27.65.71 of Guayaquil xiy, 400 Payen, M. iv. 192 Pearl manufacture of Paris iv. . 45 Payerne town 882 Pearl oyſters of Malabar ( ſee Oyſters) vii. 162 Payefle's filk manufactory 607 Pearls, an Arab's ſoliloquy on and Payjan town xiv, 560 deſcription of vii. 223 Payment of taxes, obſervations on is, his account of Payne Knight, Richard, Eſq. ii . their formation ibid . Pays d'Auge iv. 149 of Japan, mode ofgetting vii. 689 cattle of iv. 477 - , account of the prolific vii, 690 Pays de Caux iv. 393 -, manner of engendering in Pays de Vaud 801 oyſters 255 -, on its population (note) v. 803 divers for, deſcribed 256. 287 Payta village xiv. Shuddery's diſcovery of viji. 529 Payva, Admiral xiv , 786. 794.824 Fitch on 425 Paz, La, city deſcribed xiv . boiled by an Arab 133 juriſdictions in the dioceſe xiv. 630 of the King of Borneo xi. 355 Peace of Balle 431 of Virginia xii. 594. xiii. 9 of Aland yii. 432 Pearls, Ide of xiv. 146 account of its cele Pears, culture of them , in France iv . 495 bration at Moſcow 485 prickly, of Barbary xv. 603 - ſymbol of, in Otaheite 503 Pear- trees of Japan vii . reaſoning of an Indian on xiii. 83 Peas of Virginia xii. 595. xiii. 32 articles between England and of America xiii . 433 Morocco xv. 494 worms in xü. 433.581 Peace, Prince of the v, 356 of Congo xvi, [ R R 2 ] Pealants 27.08 9 X. I21 X. V. V 408 218 vii. I 5 - 629 X. 694 336 (316] INDEX. PAGE VOL . Y. 849 ix. V. V. VI . viii. V111 . > ix . 416 ix. > 436 vi. 418 ix . 446.572 VOL . PAGL Peaſants of Poland i . 213 Peeing-ghee town ix . 460.562 , learning of the Iceland i . 673 Peel town, Ile of Man ii . 804 of Sardinia iv . 281 caſtle ii . ibid . of England iv. 323 cathedral ii . ibid . of Stromboli 99 Peera Zun mountain ix . 239 of Bern, honourable cha Pegahm , Prince of ix . 518 racter his court of the valley of Pregalia 529 of the Valteline 897 Pegge, Mr. ii . 372 935 his account of the Roman of Bavaria vi . 35. 37 roads in Derbyſhire ïi . of Saltzburg 403 vi . 46.53 Pegouans, colony in Siam ix . 574 of Hungary vi . 104 Pegu , rubies of viii . of Auſtria 250 119 Hamilton's deſcription 418 of the Tyrol vi . I 21 river ibid . Bohemian 138 city 419 Saxon vi. 155 - , hiſtory of ibid . Pruſſian 1771 , clergy in viii . 425 of Caſſel vi . 233 Balbi's voyage to ix. of Mentz 395 vi . 246. 256 deſcription of ix . 402 of Darmſtadt 248 Fitch's deſcription of the Rhinegau vi. 262 - , Symes's deſcription of Denmark 429 vi. 300 ancient ix. of Norway vi . 358 new town ix . 437 Ruſſian, dreſs and cottages vi . 576. 650. Pegu, King of, his war with the 708 King of Siam viii. of Courland 419 vi . 722 Balbi's audience of of Ruſſia, the crown vi. 819 him ix . 402 belonging to in. Fitch's account of dividuals ibid . him ix. uſes made of them Pegue river by the owners vi . ibid . Peils -groves, America xiii. 489 Peat of the Orkney ifles iii . 745 Peipus lake vi. Peat-alhes, manure in France iv. 711 Pea 543 Peiruun, King vii . 736 - tree of Cacongo xvi . 554 Pekin, hiſtory of vii. Pechicolorados birds of Chili 170 xiv. 79 canal vii . 171 Pechora river i . 57 Nieuhoff's journey from dangerous bar of Canton to vii. land of i . 73 vii . 259 Pecklin, General, account of him vi . 506 --, reception at vii. ibid . his addreſs to the Bell's journey from the Great King of Sweden vi . ibid . vii . Peckſnot, the Indian, anecdotes of 375 - , ambaſſador's entry at vii . him 379 xiii . 243 Pectinites journal of oc of Canada xiii . 610.673 currences there vii . 379–407 Pedeſtal to the ſtatue of Peter the route from , to Moſcow vii . 418-432 Great, its conveyance to Peterſ -, itinerary from Peterſburgh burgh vi , 667 to vii. Pedeſtals, ancient monumental, in 432 , journal of the reſidence of Perſia ix . 107. 193 M. de Lange at vii . Pedeſtrians in England 437 ii . Korean trade to vii . of Morocco 450 769 its trade with India vii . Pedinoſo valley, iron -mine 452 915 Pedlars with Bucharia vii . of London ibid . ii . 95 Hamilton's account viii . 509 , Spaniſh, in Peru xiv . 4 Pek -kin - fe city mode of trading in Chili xiv. vii. 243 Pelée mountain xiv. Spaniſh, in Chili xiv. 686 Pelengon hamlet ix. Pedra Blanca rock xi. 70 Pelevar river 115 ix . 102 Pedrarias, Governor xiv , 145 Pelicans of Perſia ix . 185 Pedreades, the cuſtom 511 of Siam Pedro Point 629 viii . 388 of Vera Cruz Pedro of New Zealand xiii . 781 xi . 637.646 of Congo xvi. 250. 334 Pelicans > ibid. , 238 - entry of Wall to * ) 528 XV. V. > 21 > 295 ix. INDEX. [317] PAGE > ini . V. I xvi . 733 : 724 ji . X111 . 496 VOL. VOL. PAGE Pelicans deſcribed by Adanſon xvi. 653 Penitents of India vii . 219 Pelim, baniſhment of Marſhal Munic in Vera Cruz xiii . 778 to vi . 796 Penjeab country viii . 206 his condu & t there vi , 797 Penmanmawr paſs, North Wales ii . 626 Pelion mount X. 742 Penmorfa village ii . 629 Peliſſes of Spitzbergen i . 605 Penn, Admiral 185 Pellecoy, vineyards of iv . 442 Penn, General, account of him xii . 310. 377 Pellegrino caſtle 449 Penn, Mr. , his grant of Pen Pelletier on the zeolite of Ferro 207 ſylvania xii . 377 Pelletier garden iv. 60 treaties with the Indians xii . 380 Pellika, account of i . 252 building of Philadelphia xiii . 387 Pell-mell, Perſian game of ix . 73 PENNANT's tour in Scotland i . 699.707. iii . I Pello , mode of fiſhing at i . 199 account of Skipton Pellon Pyta i . 287 caſtle ii . 435 PelsArt's voyage to Auſtralaſia xi. 428 tour in Scotland iii . remarks on xi . 4.36 ſecond tour in Scot Peluſiac branch of the Nile XV. 177. 398 land , and voyage to the Hebrides iii . 171 Pelufium xv . 178. 398.401 viſion iii . 357 Pemba ifland deYcription of himſelf ii. 485 Pemblyco bird xiii . 173 -, on the bouquetin 800 Pembroke town 596 Pennant's David, Eſq ., letter on caftle ii. ibid . Switzerland 986 Pembroke and Montgomery, Coun Pennany town viii. 379 teſs, Coxe's dedication to 640 Pennar river viii . 589 Pembroke College, Oxford ii , 121 Pennington's, Captain , voyage with Pembroke's tribe, Bermudas 191 Sir Walter Raleigh xii. 287 Pemiſapan , Indian King xii. 579 Penniſts of Batavia xi. 188 his conſpiracy againſt the Pennis Neck, America xiii , Virginian ſettlers xii. 584.587. xiii. 10 Penny-lands of Cannay iii . 311 Pemmaquid fort xii . 395: 399. 401. xiii . 218 Penny-royal plant ofAmerica xiii . 439 Penance, Engliſh puniſhment of ii . 139 Penobſcot, New England xin . 212. 217 Penances of the Indians of Ceylon vii . 194 Penpont park 587 of the Japaneſe, Kempfer's Penrice manſion ii . 594 deſcription vii . 788 Penrith , Pennant's account of lii . 119 of the Faquirs in India viii. 180 Penrhyn's, Lord, Nate- quarries 655 of the Jougies viji . 318 Pens , bamboo, of Madagaſcar xvi. 744 of the Birmans ix. 477 Penſbury manor houſe, Penſylvania xii , 382 in Congo xvi . 169 Penſioners of the Great Mogul viii . in Brazil xvi. 186 Penſylvania, Penn's grant of xii . 377 Penaranda town 317 • , deſcription of xii . 381 Penca- mawr, view from ii . 582 its trade xii . 384 Penco city, ſee Conception . importance to Britain xii . 385 Pendets of India viii . 183 Kalm's deſcription xili , 386 the chief of them viii. 189. 191 Burnaby's account xiii . 729 Pendulum , experiments with one 300 Penſylvanians, Burnaby's deſcrip deſcribed i . 301 tion of them xiii. 731 of Mr. Graham 542 Pentan iſland xi. 402 Pendulums, Condamine's experi Pentare iſland xi. 62 ments with xiv , 249. 253 Pentateuch of Moſes kuown to the Penedos village xiv. 851 Mahometan Negroes in Manding xvi . 892 Penegent hill 432 Pentecoſt harbour xii . 229. xiii . 22 Peneus river 742 Pentland Firth iii . 689 · Peng -ſe -hyen vii . 245 deſcribed by Brand Soo Pengue fruit of Chili xiv. Pentland, ſtrait of i . 781 Penguin iſland xi . 153. 313.888. xii . 162 Pentre Briwnant ii . 647 Penguin iſland, ſtrait of Magellan xiv. 96 Penza, government and districts 755 Penguins, Sir Thomas Roe's de. Pepehillo , the Torreador 314 ſcription viii . 2. xi . 153 Peperino - Itone Penide, port, its elevation iv. 711 Pepper, black, of Bangalore viii . 628 Peninnis rocks ii . 738 of Cochin ix. 424 Peninſula of Spain 300 of India ix , 425 V. 138 > js. X. iii. 88 iii . 904: 909 v. Pepper [318 ] INDEX. PAGX 462 760 6412 707 152 816 829 131 xi. viii . 739 429 II2 191 viii . 411 X111 278 X. V. 13 898 389 868 109 141 111 . vi . > XV. 799 338 69 8 . 13.20 VOL . PAGE VOL. Pepper of Siam ix. 610 Perkel-Gadze i . of the Banjareens xi . 141 Perm , government, provinces and of Java xi. 167 diſtries vi . of Brazil xiv . 862 Permians deſcribed i . of Congo xvi. 250 Permouth i . of Guinea xvi . 461 Pernambuco captainſhip , Brazil xiv. of the Gambia xvi. 635 -, Carli's account xvi . Pepper harbour, Magellan ſtrait xiv . 96 Peroeſi Ethiopians xvi . Pepper-trade of Bencoolen viii . 448 Peron peninſula of Pullambam viji . 449 Peronne deſcribed i. of Borneo xi . 116. 124. 138 Peron's narrative of a voyage for Pepper-trees deſcribed by Benjamin the diſcovery of ſouthern lands xi . of Tudela vii . 13 Perperies iſlands of Jamaica xii . 319 Perpignan iv. Pepper- vine of Tellicherry ix . 233 deſcribed by Carli xvi . Pera , Jews at vii . 5 Perrin , Captain, anecdote of him view of Conſtantinople from vii . 509 Perrot, Governor o ? Montreal - Pococke's deſcription 728 Perry of Worceſterſhire ii . - Hamilton's deſcription viii . 433 Perry's ſtate of Ruſſia vi. Peraladas town 626 Perſberg mount , minerals of vi . Peraza'sexpedition to the Canaries xvi. 808 Perſecutions in Ireland Perch of the lakes of Finmark i . 440 religious, in Hungary of the Shannon iii . 859 at Prague vi. large, of the Gulf of Mexico xiii . 860 of the Cochin.Chineſe fiſh of Barbary 636 Chriſtians ix . Percée, L'Ille xiii . of the Jews in Yemen Perciato, Il, in Felicuda 214 Perſees deſcribed by Benjamin of Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Tudela vii. King of Man ii . 828 Hamilton's account of Percy's Croſs iii . 489 them viii . Perdeliſe valley ix . 92 Lord's diſcovery of them Perdu, Mont, Ramond's journey to their doctrine of God and the ſummit iv. 711 the creation peak iv. 715 - , commandments viii . Pere village 453 ceremonies and worſhip of Peregrine's mount, Cheſapeak xiii . 67 fire viii . Pereira, Gaſpar xiv. 762 remains of them ix . Perenne deſcribed i . 260 in Bombay ix. Peretti, Bartholomeo at Surat Pereyra , Senor Thoma 420 , manners, cuſtoms and reli Perez, Father, his aſſiſtance to gion Colon xii. 23 Perſepolis, account of its ruins vili. Perfection , definition of ii . 209 --, Della Valle's defcrip Perfumes, culture of plants for, tion of its ruins ix . at Graſſe iv . 506 Francklin's account ix. uſed by the ladies in Persfield ii . Lima xiv . 582 Persfield -gardens ü . Perfume- trees of Arabia 195 Perſhore monaſtery ii . Perges vale iv. 94 Perſia, travels of Benjamin of Perian cultom in Perſia Tudela in vii . Perico harbour, Panama xiv. 376 Polo's deſcription vii , - , voyage to Guaya , embaſſy from Ruſſia to vii . ancient and modern names of Pericotes of Chili xiv. 83 the provinces in of Guayaquil xiv. 397 Bernier's obſervations on viii . Perignon, General Hamilton's deſcription of Perillus's brazen bull ii. 752 the coaſts Perinduru diſtrict 726 its extent viii . Periphrafis of the Icelandic i . 680 hiſtory viii , Periwinkles, the northern i . 501 revolution in viii. 319 > viii . 523. 555 VIII 557 565 X. 568 229 236 V. 922 X. 214 viii. 220 298 102. 193 266 229 581 205 X. - is . I 20 7 II2 273 quil from xiv . 387-390 vii. 309 146 V. 624 viii . viii. 9 295 299 300 301 Perſia, 8 INDEX. [ 319 ] PAGE PAGE 354 734 380 ibid . 629 ibid . 111 7 559 447 > xü. 160 9 I > 131 155 270 555 ix . 607 is . X. 574 725 361 110 773 714 946 374 283 ibid . 658 515 VOL. VOL. Perſia, religion in viii. 303 Perth Amboy, New Jerſey xii. table of weights, meaſure - Burnaby's deſcription xiii. and coins in viii . 519 Perthſhire, manufactures of iii . extracts from Pietro Della diſeaſes in Valle's travels in ix . I -123 Perthus town Sir John Chardin's travels into ix. 139–167 Perthus, Col de V. a deſcription of ix. 169 Pertica, contents of the Milaneſe - , etymology of ix . ibid . ( note) iv. provinces in ix . 170 Pertinacity of the Chineſe vii . its climate ix . 175 Pert's, Sir Thomas, voyage of dif rivers ix. 176 covery mountains ix . 178 Peru , Betagh's account of xiv, cultivation in ix . ibid . , etymology of . xiv. trees, plants and flowers of ix . 180 Pizarro's diſcovery of xiv. animals of ix , 182 Bouguer's voyage to xiv. birds of ix . 185 Ulloa's deſcription xiv. metals and minerals of 186 extent of the viceroyalty xiv. its ancient and preſent itate Peru, Viceroy of, his public entrance compared ix . 196 at Lima xiv. , reflections on ix. 197 Peruru , temple at viii . its trade and manufactures 205. 210 Peruffe wood of America xiii. - , government, laws and con Peruvians, their invaſion of Chili xiv. ftitution ix. 213 Peryn's, Abbot, ſurrender ii . army ix . 218 Percenius Niger Francklin's tour from Ben. Peſcherais ofTerra del Fuego xi. gal to ix . 231 Peſoe gold weight of Guinea xvi . extracts from Forſter's Peffa cataract i . travels in ix . 279 lake i . deſcription of the northern Peſtilence in Canada xü . ix . 308. 311 Peſtles of the American Indians xiii . Arabs in Sr.1. 124 Pet, Arthur, his diſcoveries towards Perſia, Sophy of, grandeur of his the north -eaſt paſſage i . court vii . 301 Peter the Great, on his election vi . audience of the his conduct to his Ruſſian ambaſſador vii . 302 fifter Sophia vi . lift of his pub tomb and character vi . lic officers vii. 315 his firit efforts in deſcribed ix. the Ruſſian navy vi. Della Valle's hut in which he deſcription of him 63 lived vi . - , audience and court ix . 64 his houſe at Peter Perſian ambaſſador to the Great hof vi . Mogul at the battle of to Aureng -Zebe viii . 114 Narva vi . Perſian chronicles, extracts from ix . 244. 269 his juſtification for Perſians, their war with the Copheral excluding Alexy from the throne Turks vii. waxen figure of him vi. Della Valle's deſcription of Bell's account of his them ix . expedition to Derbent vii . their dreſs ix . 41. 201 anecdotes of him ancient and modern com Peter the Second , tomb and cha pared ix . 196. 200. 257 racter of vi. -, their marriages 250 Peter the Third, Coxe's account -, religion ix . 263. 286 of him vi. their ſciences 832 his amuſements vi. Perfimon apples of Philadelphia 398 418 policy on aſcend of New Jerſey xiii. ing the throne vi . Perth, Pennant's account of 39. 395 - , rage for refor . hiſtory of mation vi. caſtle enthufiaftic ad , antiquities near 560 miration of the King of Pruſſia vi. parts of X. 70 635 640 683 > 26. 51 689 > ix . 690 701 20 710 vi. 732 TO 831 18. 27 485 495 VII . 600 1x. 767 XV. 9 768 X111 . 486 769 39 770 ibid. 771 Peter [320] INDEX VOL. VOL . PAGE iü . > vi. 798 XV . 874 xi. 306 196 greſs of vi, XV. XV. XV. PAGE Peter the Third, his conduct towards Petreius's account of the Czar his wife vi . 771.776 Demetrius vi . 743 his abdication vi . 779 Petrels of the Hebrides 331 death 780 Kalm's deſcription xiii . 384 conference with Petrifactions of fiſh i . 255 Ivan vi . 785 of a man i . 328 impoſtors who at Matlock 376.400 aſſumed his name vi . at Buxton ii. 411 Peter Leon , anecdotes of him 35 in the Ille of Wight ii , 670 Peter, the nimble xiv . 367 at Meſſina 9 Peter de Natalibus xvi . 737 of the Alps Peterels , antarctic xi . 600 of wood, leaves , &c. in Peron on 833 the Birman Empire ix. 472. 558 Peterhof palace and gardens vi . 700 in Candia 617 Monplaiſir vi . 701 in America xiii . 413 Peters, Father xü . of ſhells in the Blue Peterſburgh, projects of the court of vi. Mountains xiii . 420 -, on transferring the found in Canada xii. 610. 673 ſeat of empire from Moſcow to vi , 659 of the river Plata xiv . 147 foundation and pro in Quito xiv. 551 661 of a town and its in fortreſs vi . ibid. habitants, & c . ( note ) 95 - its preſent ſtate vi. 662 of Ras Sem in the population vi . 663 Cyrenaica 611 court of vi. 672 in amber xvi. 702 cathedral 682 river remarkable for xvi . 707 - , government and diſ. Petroflk fortreſs vi . 887 tricts of vi . 747 Petroleum of the Birman Empire ix . 472. 558 Imperial Academy of vi . 821 Petronius on the riſe of the Nile 374 its library si . 823 Petroſilex of Mont Blanc iv . 702.705 muſeum vi . of porphyry 122 cabinets of Vulcano 144 and curiofitics vi. of Monte della Caſtagno 181 origin and progreſs of of Lipari 202 the Engliſh trade at vi. 873 of Alicuda 224 Bell's deſcription vi. 273 Petroſky town vii . 317 , journey from , to Caſan vii . ibid. Petrovitch, Alexey, ſee Alexey Petrovitch . , route from , to Tobolſky vii . 318 Petticoats, origin and uſe of Birman viii. 425 Bell's itinerary from , of the Cochin -Chineſe to Pekin vii . 785 Bell's journey from , of the ladies in Quito xiy . 449 to Conſtantinople vii . 500 of Lima xiv. 580 itinerary to vii . 514 Petty, Sir William , on the popula. on its climate ( note ) хіі . 680 tion of Britain xii . 299 Petersfield town ii. 313 Petty -treaſon, Engliſh puniſhment Peterſen's account of the elephan for ü . tialis i . 715 Peuque bird of Chili xiv . Peterſon, Andrew , anecdote of i . 482 Pevas on the Amazon xiv. 228.501 Peterſon, Nicholas, anecdote of him i . 412 Peverell, William ii . Peterſon , Peter, anecdote of i . 481 Peverel Point ii . Peterftowe, Man of Roſs at ii . 221. Pew, old , in Wenſley Church . Petherton, North ii. 261 Pezaron's, Pere, works iv . 31 Petiguaves of Brazil xiv. iv. 115 Petit, Mr., villainy of General Child Pfeffers, baths of 959 333 Pfiffer's, General, model of Switzer. Petite Careenage, St. Lucia xii . 434 land 725 Petite - Riviere, St. Lawrence xiii . 665.672 Phacuſa, the ancient Petition from the iſland of Scilly ii . 777 Phaia-Thae, account of him ix. 652 Petiviers , vineyards of 445 Phalangium of Barbary 635 Petrarch and Laura iv. Phalſbourg town iv . 196 Petrazzo river 279 Phanar of Conftantinople 725 Phara 824 827 V. V. 432 women ix. 9 138 78 398 296 428 724 Pezenas v. to viii . V. XV. 181.400 iv. XV. 221 INDEX. [321 ] VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE X. XV. I X. xi . 68.71 XV . 281.297 XV. XV. 336 XV. X. lan to 97 X. XV. XV. 211. 220 X. X. xi . X, X1 . 713 XV . 111 . 916 822 for it X. XV. 614 Pharæ 762 Philippine iſlands, Dampier's ac Pharan deſert 275 count xi. Pharan torrent XV. 283. 296. 297 Guignes' obſer Pharao , baths of 403 vations on them Pharaoh's Bath mountain Magellan's dif Pharaoh's caſtle in Morocco 463 covery xi . 327 Pharaoh's fruit on the trade Pharaoh's pyramid 206 through the Straits of Magel Pharoah's rats 185 xiv. Pharos of Alexandria vii . 18. x . 235. xv. 164 Philippopolis 229 light. houſe 164.809 Philipps port xi . 880 Pharouk grain of Barbary 405 Philips's Cyder ii . Pharous of Latichea 565 Philipſtadt town vi . 390 Pharphar 514 Phillips , Commodore, on New South Pharfalia plain 744 Wales 903 battle of ibid. Phillips, Mr., anecdotes of him in Phaſis river ix . 148 Owhyhee Phatnicus foſſe 398 Philoſophers, French Pheaſants of Tongut vii . 125 of Japan, doctrines of vii . 755 of the river Phaſis ix . 148 of Hindoitan viii . 187 beautiful, of Guinea xvi. 443 Cochin-Chineſe ix . Phenomena in the North i . 232 their opinion on Ame - , aerial, of Iceland i . 643. 746 rica xix. 130 at Lyme 293 Philoſophers-elixir in China vii, 244 at Scarborough iii . 14 Philoſophers-ſtone, Arabian ftudy of Veſuvius 13 173. 199 of Stromboli 107. 109 diſcovered in of the earthquakes in Barbary 610 Calabria 286 Philofophical Magazine i . in the river Luen vii . 254 Philofophical Tranſactions i . 242. ii . 68. 783 of the ſpring of Send. Philoſophy of Greece and Rome Brary viii . 216 of Gothe vi . of ſome fiſh in the in Germany vi. 291 Ganges viii . of Confucius, the ſub . obſerved on the Cordil. ſtance of it leras xiv. 47 Philoſtratus on the ſtatue of Memnon xv. 250 of two ſuns in Peru xiv . 275 Philpot -lane, meetings of the Vir on the mountain Pam ginia company in xiii . 170 bamarca xiv . 290 Philtre, a fingular 413 on the Andes xiv . 535 Phinopolis 731 of rain in Peru xiv. Phipps's voyage towards the North Philadelphia city deſcribed xii . Pole i. Kalm's deſcription Journal, Appendix to it i . Burnaby's account xiii . 728 Phipps's, Sir William , conqueft of Philä iſland 265 Nova Scotia xii. Philaretes, the Patriarch, account expedition of him vi . 604 to Canada xii . 396. xiii. 332 Philco-mayo river xiv, 622 Phirmaund, ſee Firman. Philea, the ancient 731 Phittiplace's account of the Virgi Philip the Fifth of Spain 338 nian colony xiii. 73.91 Philipeaux fort 277 Phlebotomiſts, bats of Carthagena Philippine Company of Spain 435 expert xiv. 347 its hiſtory of Zanguebar 8 and proceedings 492 - , Mandingo xvi. Philippine ilands, their productions 490 Phlebotomy of the Tonquineſe ix . 678 , commerce ibid . in Chili xiv. 116 -, proceedings of exceſſive, of the Por. the Spaniſh government towards 491 tugueſe in St. Thomas xvi. 513 Hamilton's de Phlegrean Fields V. 4. 24. 32. 43. paffim ſcription of them viji . Phlox glaberrima of America xiii. 573 VOL . XVII . [ Ss] Phlogiſton , vi. 84 163 228 ix. 704. 734 X. 585 382 XI11 . 386 538 563 9 XV. 396 X. Xll. * V. XV. V. 877 > [ 322 ] INDEX. VOL . PAGE VOL . iv . X. vili . iv . 102 V. v . 496 V. > 570 iv . 476 591 X. iv . > X. X. manures iv . vi . X. X. 748 X. 248 XV. iv . XV. PAGE Phlogiſton, controverſy on 203 Phytographia Sacra Generalis et Phænicia, Pococke's deſcription 469 Specialis 671 Phænicians trade to the Scilly iſles ii . 732 Phytolacca-decandra of America xiii . 440 Phænix, her ſhipwreck ii . 762 Piacenza iv. 283 Phænix, fhip , her action with San . Pianfu city vii . 139 ganian pirates 310 Piafs, porte of Phenix park, Dublin iii . 813 Piaſtre, the Spaniſh 298 Pholades 33. 56 Piaſtres, on their exportation 433 Phoſphoreſcence of the ſea, Peron on xi . 756 coined in Mexico of the pyroſoma xi . 950 Picada, Spaniſh ſheep at iv. 671 of the ſea xiii. 385. xvi . 605.637 Picadores at bull fights 533 of fiſh , ſhells, &c. Picaflores, fee Humming Bird. at Goree xvi. 639 Picardet , Madame iv . 204 Phoſphorus, anecdotes of xi . 807 Picardy, canal of iv . 144 Phraſes, obſervations on i . 711 manufa & ures of iv . « 367.381 - , English ji . cattle in the Cacongo language xvi. culture of hemp and fax in iv. 490 Phrurium cape 588 tillage and laying of lands 533 Phrygia, Great 679 implements of huſbandry in iv . 539 Phrygia Parorius 685 and manuring in 5+2 Phyl, Mr. 455 Picard's aſtronomical obſervations i . 249 Phyle 749 Picault's privilege of trade to Mada Phylibee city 230 gaſcar xvi . Phyſale, the zoophyte, deſcribed xi . 758.833 Pichincha mountain, Quito xiv . 287. 291. 296. Phyſcus, the ancient 667 423.427 Phyſeter of Lipari ſignal-Itatiori on xiv . 430 Phyſgeah city 550 ancient volcano xiv. 442.527 Phyſic, ſtate of, at Paris 75 Pichoux du Sud xiii . 689 -, mode of getting, in China vii. 193 Pickers, law reſpecting, in Ruſſia i . 21. 36 Mahometan's practice 128 Pickles of the Siameſe ix . 612 Phyfic garden of Paris iv. 57 Pick-pockets of England ii . 525 Phyſicians unknown in Lapland i . 168 Pico iſland, Azores 671 of London ii . 94 Picos de Papagayos xiv . 74 of the Scilly illes ii . 758 Picquemian Indians xii. 661 of Murray fire iii . 137 Picquet, M., anecdotes of him xi . 814 of Paris iv . 75 Picquet -berg mountain xvi. 122 of Vienna vi . 87 Picquet Point, New Holland xi. 773 modern philoſophical vi . 163 Picquigny iv . 83 of China vii . 415 Pietet Turretini, M. 886 of Hindoftan , ſtudy and Picton caſtle ii . 597 viji . 188 Picts in the north of Scotland iii . 147 of Tibet viii . their origin ii . 442 Siameſe ix . 599 kingdom ni. 443 Tonquineſe ix .677 729.736 cuſtoms ibid . of the Cochin - Chineſe ix . 788 in Orkney Arabian 168 in Shetland 698 in Java xi . 173 Picts Cairnley. mi. 437 of the Weſt Indians xii . 85 Picts' houſes in Shetland 781 of Barbary 639 Picts' wall iii . 490 of Morocco 689 Pi&ture of modern Spain 300 Negro, of Guinea xvi . 426 Pictures worſhipped in Ruflia i . 21.36 of Benin xviq 527 aſtoniſhment of an Indian at xii . 523 of Loango, their muſical fee Paintings. preferiptions xvi . 572 Piddleton ii . 299 of Madagaſcar xvi . 747 Pieche -kanes of the Great Mogul viii . 196 Phyſicians' College, London ii . 65 Pie de Burro ſhell of Chili 675 Phyſics, Society of, at Zuric 671 Piedigaut Tiek of Ummerapoora ix . 529 Phyſiology, Haller's works on 864 Piedmont vale 235 Phyſiognomy, on the ſcience ftate 239 Phyffophores, zoophytes, deſcribed xi. 759 cauſe of its proſperity iv . 395 Piedmont, xvi . practice 230 689.740 X. 111 . XV XV. V. xiv. V. V. iv. V. 669 iv . INDEX. (323] PAGE vol . 9 iv . V. iv. XV. 588 9 > XV. 627 635 9 iv . 637 iv . 645 786 , prices in XV. 756 726 VOL. PAGE Piedmont, ſoil of iv. 550 Pigeons of Madagaſcar xvi . 800 its climate iv. 551 Pigeon's, General, attack on Friburg incloſures in 552 (note) 845 farms and tenantry in 553 Pigeons-dung 600 rent and price of land in iv. 558 Pigg's folly iii . 19 irrigation in iv. 563.575 Pightland -Firth, ſee Pentland - Firth . its cattle iv . 576 Pigs, mode of carrying, in Pertia ix. 45 ſheep iv . Pigmies with monſtrous ears xi . 375 courſe of crops iv. ibid . of the Strait of Magellan xiv . 125 feed and product iv . 592 the Matimbas xvi. 334 wheat iv . 593 of Madagaſcar deſcribed culture of ſilk in iv . 600 by Conimerſon xvi . 762 its clover iv. 609 Modave's hemp and flax iv . ibid . deſcription xvi . 764 maize iv. 610 Pigmies, iſland of jii . 580 rice iv . 611 Pignatelli , Don Ramon v. 551. 632 vine : iv. 613 Pignut Ridge xiii . 721 tillage and implements in iv . 615 Pig-nuts of Congo xvi. 169 - , government of iv. 624 Pihahiroth 294 taxation in iv. Pike, curious manner of catching 160 tithe and church lands in iv. abundant in Lapland i . 198 manufactures and com in the lakes of Finmark 439 merce of > geeſe fiſhing for 571 - , population of of the Shannon 859 - prohibitions in iv. 646 of Guinea xvi . 450 iv. 650 Pike-bearers in Japan vii . Piem province vii . 118 Pike-meaſure of Egypt 311 Piemacum, King xii . 569. xiii. 7 Pikhol bay i . Pier at Lyme ii . 292 Pijan, vineyards of iv. 443 Pierce bridge jii . 514 Pilate mount Piercy, Governor of Virginia xiii . Dominic's ſtatue in 727.730 Piercy, Mr., of Virginia xii . 236. xiii . 95. 104 Pilate's palace 359. 416 Piereſc's, M., cabinet 39 Pilati on the King of Pruſſia vi . 175 Pieria mount ( note) 547 , on literature in Berlin vi. 199 Seleucia of 553 Pilau of the Arabs 154 Pieropan, Sig ., on the culture offilk iv . 606 of Weſt Barbary xv. 416.663 Pierropan, Abbate iv . 249 Pilau, Mr., the artiſt vi . 422 Pierre-Pertuis, paſs of 706 Pilaya juriſdiction xiv . 626 Pierre - ronde iv , 680 Pilchards of Cornwall ii . 281 Piery, vines of 447 oil of ibid . Pieſka mount i . 283 mode of catching xii. 138 Piefly animal deſcribed vii, 338 Pile houſe 320 Pieters's, Admiral, naval battle 800 Piles, funeral, Indian women burn Pietiſts, ſect, of Lower Engadina 900 ing themſelves on 177 Pietra Langa 188 funeral, in Canara viii. 363 Pietra Mala iv. 275 Pilgrimages in Scotland iii . 383 PIGAFETTA's voyage round the to Mariazell world xi. 288. 307 -, Japaneſe much addicted - , anecdotes of him xi. 297 to vii. 238 dedication xi. 306 to Isje vii. 739 treatiſe on navigation xi. 382 of the Faquirs in India viii. 180 viii . 755 of the Banians viii, 543 Dampier's account xi. 481 of the Muſſulmans to Pigeon iſland , Algiers 521 Mecca 90 Pigeon iſland bay xii. 424 of the Hadgees to Pigeons, wild , in Hindoftan viii. 692 Mecca 369 of Perſia ix. 185 to Mecca 320 red, of Siam ix . 625 proceffion de wild , of Canada xiii. 601 fcribed xv. 382-386 wild , of New England xiii. 744 route from Cairo to of Egypt 340 Mecca ibid . [ s s 27 Pilgrimages 104. 108 X. iv. X. X. X. iv . V. 3 vi . I 22 Pigeon i land 9 XV. X. X. XV. . XV. XV. ( 324] INDE X. VOL . PAGE PAGI XV. vi. xi. 281 V. X. X. xv . jii . 9 498 811 jii. VOL. Pilgrimages from Fez to Mecca 490 Pinçon river xiv . 253 from Morocco to Mecca xv. 778 Pinda town, Congo xvi. 218. 291. 329 to the ſnake -houſe of Pindar on Etna V. 82 Fida xvi. 495 Pinda Una, Brazil xiv. 726 Pilgrims, a family of Spaniſh 614 Pindava tree of Brazil xiv. 867 at the tomb of Nicholas Pine-apples of Malacca viii . 435 de Flue 737 of Siam ix . 610 German 58 of Java 170 of Japan vii . 787 of Buru iſland xi . 373 in Orixa viii . 403 of Carthagena xiv. 353 to Muſchid ix. of the Cape xvi. 64 to Mecca, their dreſs 20 Pine- apple- water хіі . 798 to the Holy Land 139 Pineda town 622 at Jeruſalem 340. 343 Pineda's diſcovery of Quixos xiv. 491.505 - , ceremony of waſhing their Pineda's commentaries on Job xiv, 133 feet 415.419 Pine- foreſts of Scotland ii. 103 to the river Jordan 430 Mr. Farquharſon's ac to Mount Sinai 292 count of iii . 124. 347 Pillachiquir fignal - ſtation xiv. 435 Pines of Dalmore ili . 55 Pillars , natural, in the iſland of of Bræ-mar 111 . 57 Staffa i. 632 their uſes ibid . ancient, at Brough, Derby culture of them, in France iv. Thire ii . 403 of Norway vi. 365 hiſtorical, in the Iſle of of Mytilene X. 633 Man ii. ſpecies of, in Norfolk ille xi. 635 baſaltic, of Staffa iii . 306 of Carolina xii. 344. xiii . 466 of Skie 319 of Virginia xii . 593 ancient , of Scotland iii. 436.439 of Canada xiii . 361 on the field of battle of the of New Jerſey xiii . 483 Boyne 822 white, of America xiii . 749 baſaltic iii . 897 Pines, iſe of, Cuba xii. 622. xiii . 755 natural, near Prague vi . 143 Pine-woods of Thuytz iv . 215 -, ancient, near Sidon 328 Pinguedas birds of Chili xiv . 79 of Balbeck 374. 490 Pini , Padro iv. 243 of Abſalom 422 Pinjean, mulberries of 461 -, ancient , at Conftantinople 725 iv. 475 ancient, found in America xiii . 642 PINKERTON's preface to Moritz's of Alexandria 168 travels in England ii . 489 of Heliopolis 182 remarks of Bijige 213 travels of Benjamin of Tudela vii . of Thebes XV. 242 on the travels Egyptian mode of building xv. 344 of Rubruquis vii. 23. 94 of Pompey on Marco Pillars , hall of, at Perſepolis ix . 270 Polo's voyages and travels vii . 102. 166 Pillo deſcribed i. 237 Pinkie, battle of 28 Pillow, a Chineſe ix. 548 Pin -manufacture ii . Pilot - fith of the ſhark 277 xiii . 864 Pinnacles iſland iii , Pilots on the coaſt of Norway i . 760 Pinnas ſilver of Peru xiv . of Scilly ii. 760 Pinnenberg i . 140 on the canal of Viſhnei. Pinos de la Puente Voloſhok 563 vi . 897 Pinta , La, one of Colon's ſhips directions to them 25 xi . 390 Pintado birds of the Cape of Good of Senegal 606 Hope Pimble-Meer ii . 634 Pinxenton, the Mandarin 151 vii . Pimeni, defile iv. 239 711 Pinzon, Captain, his voyage with Pimenta, Nicholas vii . 577 Colon Pimento of Jamaica xii . 319 diſcoveries xiy. of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 141 462 on the Maranon xiv . 503.505 of Loango xvi. 554 Piper, Captain, of Paramatta xi . Pina, Father de ix. 910 803 Piper, Count xiii . 374 Pinarus river 548 Pipers of Skie 325 Piper's X. X. iv . X. ~, cattle XV. XV. on the XV. 2. 19 9 XV. 808. 829 111 . 22 14. 16 XII. XVI . xi. xii . 26. 40.46 > INDEX. [325] PAGE V. iv . vii, 458 xii . 344. 390 xvi. 693.720 , new i . 272.324 > C 69 X. X, 205 Pitt, Mr. X. iv . VOL . VOL. PAGE Piper's Hole, Scilly illes ii. 739 Piſque river xiv . 529 Piper's Inn ii . 258 Piſſe - Vache, cataract 771 Pipes, muſical, of Mount Atlas XV. 732 Pifliſſack Indians xiii. 69 Pipes, tobacco, ancient Indian xiii. 516 Piſtachio -nuts of Loango xvi . 551 of the Brazilians xiv. 869 Piſtachio -trees of Perſia ix . 101 of the Caffrés and Pistill- Rhaidr, North Wales ii . 636 Hottentots xvi. 34. 38 Piftoor, Major xiv. 838 of Guinea xvi. 462 Piſuerga river 312 Pipinerie of St. Honorie 67 Pit , Governor viii . 395 Pipin's account of Marco Polo 166 Pitahiaba.tree deſcribed xili . 811 Pipli town ix . 578 Pitcairn , Rev. Mr., anecdote of iii . 777 Piply, Hamilton's account viii , 407 Pitcairn's, Abbot, epitaph Pique infect of Carthagena xiv. 349 Pitch and tar of Louiſiana 484 Pique of Artois iv. 540 - , boiling fountain of it ix , 395. 407 Piqueno Ponto ix . 414 of America xiii . 466 Piquet trading - place, Senegal xvi. 667 Pitch -trade of America Piraſenunga river xiv, 705 Pit- coal of Derbyſhire ii . 472 Pirates, their attacks on Felicuda Pit- falls for elephants, &c. and Alicuda 256 Pithea , anciert i . 272 Chriftian, in the bay of Bengal viii. 123. 126 bridge i . 324 at Madagaſcar viii. 269. xvi . 759 ſtreets of i . ibid . of the Red Sea viii . 273 Pitinga root xiv. 861 of Muſkat viii . 285 Pitracha, King of Siam ix . 635 of Sangania viii . 310.315 Pitrebot mount xi . of the Arabic Gulf 16 Pits of Montroſe iii. 427 on the coaſt of Malabar ii. 569 of Celebes xi. 224 Pittacus of Mytilene 632 on the Bahama iſlands xii. 360 Pitti , Palazzo 271 encountered by Captain Pitt Water, New South Wales xi. 927 Smith xiii. 227 Piura, ſee Plurs. - , engagement with two Piura, Peru xiv. 3 Turkiſh xiv. 699 Pizarro's ſettlement at xiv. 157 of Sallee 449. 696 city, Ulloa's deſcription xiv . 556 of Guinea, anecdotes xvi . 515 Anſon's capture of xiv, 649 of Ula xvi. 519 Piuſſart garden 58 - , anecdotes of them xvi . 767 Pizarro, Gonzalo, anecdotes of him xii. introduce the ſlave -trade in his expedition Madagaſcar xvi. 770 on the Maranon xiv. 505 Pirene fountain 760 Pizarro's diſcoveries xiv. 146. 155 Pirepenjale mountain, accident with defeat xiv. 188 elephants on viii . Pizzo town 282 Pirogues of Borneo 351 Placemen of Auſtria vi. 108 of Senegal xvi . 620. 636. 647 Place -Victoire, Paris iv. 9 Pir - Panjel mountain vii . 596 Placket and Plato mines ii. 479 Piſa, Bernard de xii . 65 Plague, the black 745 Piſa, Don Antonio xiii. 825 at Wincheſter ii . 325 Piſacack town 69 at Penrith 120 Piſang - tree of the Gold Coaſt, at Calbin in Perfia vii. 310 Guinea xvi. 455 at Bender vii . 504 Pifania , Mungo Park's adventures at Conſtantinople 508 at xvi. 911 on the Nile viii. 231 Pifans, Caſtle of X 356 obſervations on it 171 Piſcadores iſlands viii . 514 in Barbadoes xii. 294 Piſcataqua river xiii . 749 in Canada xii , 658 Piſcataway river xi . 255 in Upper Egypt 67 Piſcatoria iſlands xvi. in Barbary 440.641 Piſciarelli, lavas of 29 Plagues, cauſe of their decreaſe i , 716 Pifie -pampher fiſh of Guinea xvi. the three Ethiopian xvi, 717 Pilmires of Brazil xiv. 716, 867 in Egypt xvi. of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 449 Plaice of Guinea xvi. 450 XV. iv . 198 214 V. xi. X111 . vii. X. XV. 783 XV. 450 - 718 Plaid [326] INDEX PAGB VOL. 675 xii . 242. 245 Y. * V. X. X. X. xiii . 820 X. 332 X. X. X. X. X. Xii. 617 XV. XV. VOL. PAGE Plaid, the Highland iii . 92 Plantations of Sir J. Banks in Ota of the Iſle of Skie iii . 640 heite xi . 516 Plains of Flanders iv. 303 in Tongataboo xi. of the Garonne iv . 304 in Middleburgh xi. 690 of Alſace iv . 305 of tobacco in Virginia of Calabria 278 of maize in New England xii . 258 its wonderful fer of ſugar in Barbadoes xii . 296 tility 280 in Jamaica xii. 315. 318 dreadful effects of -, importance of Britiſh xii. 325.387 the earthquake in 294 mode of making, in of Tirano 931 Virginia xiii . 32.718 of Chitteldroog viii . 763 in New England 234 of Potarzecke 229 of Canada xiji . 261 of Kefteen 306 of nopals at St.Juan del of Junia 3-7 Re of Acra of Guaxaca xiii. 824 of Efdraelon 334 of the ſugar -cane deſcribed of Jericho 345 by Rochon xvi. 761 of Zabulon X. 364.453 Planters, Britiſh , in America xii . 233 of Scio 622 obſervations on Britiſh beautiful, of Bithynia 696 Weſt India xii . 333 of Troy 705 of Georgia 444 of Virginia xiji . 25 liſt of the Virginian, in of Tecuacan xiii . 806. 812 1585 xii. 574 of Chili xiv. 104. 127 Virginian, in 1587 xii. of Quito xiv. 441.526 in Virginia, in 1607 xiii . 48.60.79 : 103 of Abyffinia 18 maſſacre of them xiii . 145 of Marmora xv. 463.690 inducements for, in New of Zeidoure 525 England xiii. 223 of Health , Madagaſcar xvi . of New Plymouth xiii . 252 Plaiſter of Paris, Derbyſhire quarry Plantinus, John, account of i. 200 of ii . 476 Plants, their growth and generation i . 362 Plampin , Captain iv . 94 of Spitzbergen i . 583 Plancius, Peter, his plan for a north medicinal, of Scotland iii . 382 eaſt paſſage to China i . 85 of the Ine of Skie iii . 621 Plane-trees of Jedo vii . 802 in the nurſery at Paris iv. 67 Planets, on their motions iii . 918 in the King's garden , Paris iv. 173 Planiani, battle of vi. 132 cultivated in France iv. 483.505 Planks of Chriſtiana vi . culture of, in Italy iv. 599 Planoſa ille in the meadows of Lodi iv. 572 Planta , Mr. , on the Council and of Mont Perdu iy, Senate of Bern (note) 852 of Switzerland , Haller's Planta family v.902.909 . 933 works on 861 Plantain-trees of Mindanao xi. 4 Wyttenbach's collection their fruit xi. 5 of Saltzburgh vi . 56 liquor 6 of Laſſa vii . 552 cloth of ibid . of Japan, Kempfer's de broad, of Penſylvania xiii . 415 ſcription vii. 692 Canadian ſea - ſide xiii. 669 on the mountains of Caſh . of Carthagena xiv. 354 viii. 214 Plantations, obſervations on ii . 388 of Perſia ix . 180 at Havod ii . 659 of the Birman Empire ix . 475 of Lord Kinnoul iii . peculiar to Siam ix . 606 at Athol houſe jii . 389 Tonquineſe ix . 717 of the King of France 66 of Arabia 191 in France iv. 521 of Amboyna xi , 254 of Aranjuez 556 of New Holland xi. 465 of Kublai-Khan vii. 137 left by Sir Joſeph Banks of cloves, extirpated by in Otaheite xi. the Dutch ( note ) xi. 256. 280, 282 of New Zealand xi. 541 Plants 789 1 365 766 718 873 xi. xi . mere 38 iv. X 516 INDEX [327] PAGE VOL. PAGE XIll . 89 xili , > 22 487 ix . 670 is . 672.725 XV. 679 xui VOL. Plants of Savu iſland xi . 561 Plates, engraved , of monumental of Duſky bay xi . 573 ftone, & c. at Glaſgow ' iii . 241 of Balade xi . 633 in Nieuhoff's travels in of Botany ille xi. 635 China vii. 232 of Bernier ille , New Hol. Platſcotez de Chiens Indians xii . 275. 368 land xi . 789 Players of England, Moritz's ob. of the Bermudas xii. 267. xiii . 172 ſervations on ii. 515 of New England xiii . 219 of Germany vi. 25 of Canada 358 of Auſtria vi. of Philadelphia xiii . 397.411 . 423 of Berlin vi. 204 uſed by the Indians 533. 573 of Stockholm vi . 399 of America xiii . 581. 594 at Drottingholm caſtle vi. 443 Canadian xiii . 611. 623. 640.653 of Ruſſia vi . 855 in Chili .xiv . 38. 86 Play-houſes, London ii . 513 on the river Amazon xiv. 226 , Spanish 527 in Peru xiv . 277 : 300 of Stockholm vi 399 in Carthagena xiv . 342. 353 Plays of Spain, ancient and modern 522 in Quito xiv . 420. 457 of Germany vi . the nopal xiv . 478 of Auſtria vi . 89 Cucu of Popayan xiv. of the Birmans ix. 434 of the Andes xiv . 531 of the Siameſe 597 Conception, Chili xiv, of the Tonquineſe of Dar- Für 144 of Otaheite xi. 583 of the Cape of Good Hope xvi. 3. 16. 21 of Ulietea xi . 587.613 on Table Mountain xvi. 43. 65. 112. 143 of Huahcine xi . 613 of Congo xvi. 247 of Tongataboo xi , of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 454 of the Virginians 74 of Fida xvi. 504 Plaza Mayor al Madrid 382 of Benin xvi . 532 Pleaſant View ii . 229 of Loango, Cacongo, &c . xvi. 551. Pleaſkin cape iii . 898 of Teneriffe xvi. 604 Pleniftere, Governor xvi. 781 of Senegal xvi . 616 Pleraville iv. 118 of Goree xvi . 622 Pleſco i . of Magdalen iſland xvi. 625 Plettenberg, Baron xvi . 2. 116 of Podor xvi . 632 Pleuran, Mr. Van xi . 240 of the Gambia xvi. 635.643. 668 on Macaſſer xi. 242 of Fayal 672 ceremonies of his departure of Madagaſcar xvi , 739 from Macaſſer xi . 244 table of thoſe carried from Pleuriſy'in America xiii . 496 Madagaſcar to the Iſle of France xvi . 800-807 in Canada xiii . Plaſter, building, of Barbary 645 treatment in Barbary 639 of Morocco XV. 710 Pliniana villa 892 Plaſter- quarries of Montmartre iv. 46 remarkable fountain of ibid. Plata city , Peru , deſcribed xiv . 312. 622 Pliny on the diſcovery of the Cape , jariſdictions in the arch of Good Hope i . 128 biſhopric of xiv . 623 his account of the navigation Plata , Rio de la , diſcovery of it xiv. 147. 642 of the North i . ibid . Battel's voyage to xvi . on the mines of Italy i . 148 Plata - blanca of Peru xiv. 17 his account of ſtatuary metal ii . 254 Plata fruit of Quito xiv. 458 account of the Scilly iſles ii . 732 Platæa mention of the Hebrides 273 Plate of the Emperor of Ruflia i . account of the fountain at Plate river of Algiers Pliniana Plate-glaſs manufacture at St. Gobin iv . 375 -- on Egypt Xv 202, et ſeg. at Cherbourg iv . 377 on the pyramids 822 manufactory at St. Ilde on the Fortunate iſlands xvi , 816.822 fonſo 361 Ploea lake vi , 346 Platerie , M. le 287 vi . ibid. Plates made in Lapland i . 448 Plomo-ronco of Peru xiv. 17 - , fingular uſes of them in Ton Plot, powder, anecdotes of one xi . 105. 156 gataboo xi . 687 Plots in Paris iv . 291 , 293, 294 Plots 16. 35 XVI. > 613 XV . XV. V. V. . 318 - > X. mi. 757 32 528 XV. V. 892 XV. - iv. town [ 328] INDEX. PAGE PAGE iv . > > X. > 326 698 718 11 . 782 360 455 21 111 . iii. VOL. VOL. Plots of the Indians in New York xii . 408 Podrida , olla , deſcribed xvi . 187 of the Negroes in Carolina xii . 460 Poeblar, culture and irrigation at iv . 666 Poelembankeen xi . of Pemiſapan againſt the Vir 234 ginian ſettlers xii 584. xiii . 11 Poem of Regnard i. 159 422 Icelandic i . Plough, knights of the ( note ) 681 Plough viii . -lands of the Myſore 608 - , Rugman's Icelandic i . 684 iv. Ploughs in France Poer, William Le ii . 533 769 on the uſe of horſes or oxen Poetry of Iceland i . 669 iv . 538.540 with i , -, its antiquity 679 of Piedmont iv . 615 , ſpecimen of Icelandic i . 680 of the Milaneſe iv . 616 - , nature of the Icelandic i . 683 of Bologna iv. 617 Pope's moral eſſays ii . 175 of Tuſcany iv . ibid . , Gray's Long Story 184 of Parma iv. ibid . Warton's ode ii . 198 of Arabia 175 on Lady Lift-hill 214 of Paleſtine 361 deſcription of Bollitree ii . 221 uſed in Canada xiii . 609 ſcenery of the Wye ii . 224 African xvi. 84 , Maſon's Engliſh Garden i . 228 Plovers of Fladda- Chuan iii . 628 on Chepſtow ii . 230 Plow i . , volcano at 688 Warton's ſonnets ii . Ployer Point, Cheſapeak xiii . 62 Keate's ii . Plumier's cabinet iv. 23 Lee ii . Plums of Canada xiii . to the Earl Godolphin of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. Spenſer's Beadſman Plumpton ii . 422 , the Apology 76 Plumpton park 119 on the battle of Bannock Plum - trees, wild , of Canada xiii . 624.694 burn iii . 114 Plunders of the Negroes in battle xvi. 413 - Barnaby on the Garitang cattle iii . Plurs town, its deſtruction by the 124 fall of a mountain 895 Crichton's iii . 143 Plutarch on the Fortunate illands xvi . 822 deſcription of Caerlaveroc 219 Plymouth town ii . 27 , ſoliloquy of Jonas in the ii . ibid. whale's belly port iii . 240 caſtle ii . ibid. Robert Bruce's arrival at trade of ii . 27. 267 Arran 258 Plymouth, New England xii . 249. xiii . 238 Maſon's Livy 323 its preſent Spenſer's Fairy Queen 374 ftate 252 Duncan Laider 375 Plymouth Virginia Company xii . 247 Pope's Homer 393 Pneumodermes, new order of xi , 760 battle of Loncarty 394 Po river iv . 259 Butler 399 Poangue river, Chili xiv. 54 on Fifeſhire 456 Pobla, La, town iv . 104 Hakluyt on Scotland 477 Pocahontas, Smith's anecdotes of Gallic 533 her xiii . 54. 74.85.111 Sappho's ode iii . ibid . her marriage with on the Ducheſs of Athol Mr. Rolfe xiii . 113. 121 and Lady Wright iii. 557 Poço, Father Juan del xiv. 102 Scylla and Charybdis 263 PocockE's account of the Giant's of the Spaniards 525 Cauſeway iii . 895 on the fiege of Gibraltar travels in the East 406 ( note ) travels in Egypt xv . 163--402 on Haller's 859 Pocomoac river xii . 307 the Minſtrel 936 Pocones root of Virginia 30 Thomſon on the avalanches 939 Pocqueſoe village, Brandenburghers of Ruſſia , obſervations on the vi . 853 near xvi . 342 genius of the Perſians for ix. 224. 259 Pode, the Ruſſian i . 41 of the Birmans ix . 508 Podeſta of Pregalia 897 of Bartholomew Colon xii . of Bormio 913 effufions of xiii. 16. 21. 29. 39. 48.76 . of Morbegno 933 106. 142. 203 Podor, Adanſon's expedition to xvi. 617.632.669 of the Moors 773 9 > xiii. > v . X , 588 v. V. X01. - 21 XV. Poetry INDE X. [329] VOL. PAGE js . , epic 2 12 X. - iv . Ruſſian part > XV . 9 vi. 210 VIII. VOL . PAGE Poetry of the Mandingoes xvi. 878 Poitou , culture of walnuts in 504 Poets, ancient, of Iceland i . 669 gathering leaves in iv . 532 of the ancients i . 679 Poivre, M., anecdotes of him xvi . 762 iv. 261 his treaty with the of Ruffia vi. 853.859 Malegaches xvi. 775 - , Indian , celebrating the beauties his remarks on Ben of Caſhmere viii. yowſki xvi. 786.793 Arabian 165 Pojuka, revolt of the Portugueſe Poets' corner in Weſtminſter abbey ii. 523 at xiv . 761.766 Poets- laureat of the north i . 713 Poke plant of America xüü . 440 Pogeis family ii . 184 Pokkoe bird of Guinea xvi. 445 Poggio Imperiale palace iv. 271 Poland, journey to i . 207. 210 Pogrebiſha town vii. 502 - , government of i. 216 Poictiers town 127 dięts of i. 216. vi. 720 Poiky Torneo i . 239 offices in the government i . 216 Point Brederwick 740 court of i. 217 Pointed Cape xii. 632 -, etymology of i . ibid . Pointer, Mr. ii . 524 Auftrian Thare of 126 Point de Galle, Francklin's ac vi. ibid . count is . 231 on its partition vi. 190 Poiret's remarks on travelling in canal 197 Barbary (note) 699 its limits and account of Poiſon, remedies for iii. 625 the Ruffian province of 570 miraculouſly counteracted Bell's journey through vii. 502 by a Malay doctor 438 Poland, King of i . in the iſland of Flores 456 Poland, Queen of 220 in Cambodia viii . 478 Polar -ftar, order of the 437 anecdotes of xi . 102. 171. xiv . 39 Polder St.Catherine at Oftend i. 794 of Mallicollo illand xi . 619 Pole, Reginald de 300 fith xi. 620. 631 Pole-cat of Siam ix. 621 of New Holland xi . 822 of America xiii. 464 -weed of the Bermudas xii. 267. xiii . 172 Polecat-root of North America xiii. 531 of the American citron 360 Poledenga coin , its value i . 40 tree of America xiii. 402. 434. 484 Poles, their character i . 219 myſterious, known to the manners and cuſtoms ibid . Negroes xiii . 503 -, language i . 223 of the hellebore xiii. 531 Poles of the earth, ſhape of i . 231 experiments on , and anti Polgonth mine ii . 273 dotes for xiv. 255 Policat town 397 of the coyba of Popayan xiv. 487 Dutch fort vili . ibid . of the nations on the Police of Glaſgow 235 Amazons xiv. 513 of corn in France iv. 326 of the Gekko xiv. 713 of Madrid 401 of Abyſſinian ſerpents, 48 of the Spaniſh theatre 529 in Weit Barbary XV. 440 of Vienna vi , 74.77 antidotes for xvi. 11. 20. 38 of Cologne 270 of Congo xvi. 279 of Holland 281 and antidotes found grow of Stockholm 391 ing together xvi . 700 in Moſcow in caſes of riot of the Mandingoes ( note ) xvi. 618 Poiſon - fiſh , obſervations on xi. 620.631. xiii. 499 of Shiraz ix . 253 of Madagaſcar xvi. 743 of the city of Ummerapoora ix. 494 Poiſon - plants, Hottentot xvi . 131 of Tonquin ix . 756 Poiſon -trees of Perfia ix . 180 Spaniſh , in Mexico xi. 838.843 Poil river of xiv. 239 of St.Jago, Chili xiv, 173 Poiſſonel, Dr. 507 of Egypt 302. 307 Poiffonnier's, M., ftill for procur of the towns in Morocco 704 ing freſh water from the ſea i. of the markets in Morocco 709 Poitou province iv. 127 Policy of Queen Elizabeth xii . 167. 214. 222 foil of iv, of the Egyptians 314 cattle of iv . 475 Polignac caftle iv. 214 VOL. XVII . [ TR] Polignac xiii. > 9 v. XV. .vi Vi. vi . 879 or fire vi . XV. xv, XV. 586 XV. 306 XV. [330] INDEX. PAGE V. 498 ix. 258 158 X. XV. iv . Vi . iii . 687. 747 XV. 91.481 XV. X111 . V. iii . X. xiii . iv . xii. XV. viii. his great XV. VOL. VOL . PAGE Polignac family iv. 214 Pomallacta, antiquities at xiv, 549 Poliſtena, on the earthquake at ( note ) v. 275 Pombé drink of the Caffrés xvi. 695 - , account of its deſtruction 287 Pomberos of Congo xvi . 297 Politeneſs of the Japaneſe vii , 797 Pomegranates of France iv . of the Perſians of Hadjiabad ix . 304 of the Arabs of Barbary 603 of the Loangeſe xvi . 566 of the Gold Coaſt xvi . 456 Politicians of Paris 137. 140 Pomeiock town, Virginia xii. 568. 573. xill . 7 Politics of Paris iv. 169 , et ſeq . 289 Pomerania, currency of Swediſh vi . 534 of Berlin 174. 196 Pomona iſland deſcribed i . - 779 of the Tonquineſe ix . 685.691 Pomona in Orkney of the Virginians xiii . 715 Pomouick , Virginia xii . 569.573 . xiii . 7 of Muley Iſhmael, Emperor Pompadour, King of France's of Morocco 711 ftud at iv. of Sidi Mahomet 712.747 Pompadour, Ducheſs of 785 Poll, Mr. , anecdotes of xvi . 499 Pompeii, houſes of, built of lava 31 Pollacks of the Hebrides 309 Pompey at the battle of Pharſalia 744 Pollard, Mr. , on Bermudas 192 Pompey's pillar in Alexandria xv. 168. 808. 829 Pollards of Verona iv. 595 Pompone, M. 195 Pollard's lands iii . 513 Ponce de Leon, John 339 Pollera, Spaniſh dreſs xiv. 334 PONCET's journey to Abyffinia 61 Pollet coin vi . 457 Poncho dreſs of Conception, Chili xiv. 668 Poll- tax in Denmark vi . 309 Pondicherry, Hamilton's account 391 on the free Ruſſian pea Ponds for fiſh in France iv. 531 ſants (note ) vi . 818 Ponea, Cacique xiv. 143 of Ruſſia vi. 862 Pongo, paſs of the Amazon xiv. 215. 219. 498 of China in the ninth Pongo, the ape-monſter, deſcribed xvi . 332 century vii . 191.193 in Egypt 309 reſemblance to a man xvi. ibid . Polo, Marco, his voyages and Pongo de Manzeriche xiv . 501 travels in Aſia vii. Poniard of Spain 510 his introduction vii . 105 Ponjelly village viii . Polotſk government vi . 570 Ponni village, Guinea xvi. 366. 471 population and produce of vi . ibid . Pons, Abbé 31 government and diſtricts vi . 749 on the Eſcurial 371 Polybius's account of Vulcano 153. 155 Pont, M. du, his anſwer to the Polygamy, female, in Tibet vii . 551. 606 Chambre du Commerce iv. 358 female, in the Samorin's Pont village country viii . 374 Pont-Aberglaſsllyn ii . 630 in Tonquin ix . 669. 722 Pont- a - de- Mer, leather manufacture the ſtumbling -block to iv . 377 eaſtern converts ix . 813 cattle of iv. 477 of the Defart Arabs 16 Pont -Alta 905 among the Arabs 149 Pontameas port ix . 767 in Borneo xi . 123 Pont- a -Mouſſon town iv. 193 in Java 171 Pontanus, John Iſaac, on the north in New Zealand xi . 648 eaft paſſage i . 127 of the Chilians xiv . Pontardillas ii . 594 in Dar. Fûr 153 Pontarion's , M., obſervations on the in Weſt Barbary 431 climate of Montreal xiii. 627 of the Negroes of the Pontarlier, route from , to Neuchatel Gold Coaſt xvi. 420 Pont au Mouſſon , vineyards of iv. 451 of the Fidaſians xvi. 479. 501 Pont-Beauvoiſin iv. 285 in Benin xvi . 525 Pontchartrain, M. de xiii . in Loango xvi. 568 Pont-de-Rodez, view from iv. 93 in Sofala xvi . 697 Pont du Gard, aqueduct 117 of the Negroes in Africa xvi . 873 Ponteamas town viii. 477 Polyneſia xi . Ponte-Tremolo 986 Polypi of Meffina 9 Pont l'Eveque town iv. 149 experiments on xiv . 256 cattle of iv . 477 Polyrrhenia city (note) 602 Pont-neuf, Friburg 834 10 Ponto 102 408 V. 811 at X. X. xi, I 22 XV . XV. 822 256 iv. X. v. INDE X. (331 ) PAGE 664 396 426 450 456 457 v. - X. X. 356 X. X. iv . 7 9 849 > France iv . iv . VOL. VOL. PAGE Ponto de Galle viii. 386 Population of Gair -pariſh iji . 342 Pontoons, bridge of, at Peterſburgh vi. of Perth iii . Pont Orfin iv . 153 of Montroſe Pont -y -pair ii . 625 of St. Andrews Pont- y- pool ii. 589 of Fife iii . Pont-y -pryda ii. ibid . of Dumfermline Ponza, globes of vitrifactions at 180 of Linlithgow 465 Poole, the interpreter xiii . 157 of Scotland 477 Poole's Hole ii. 411. 475 of Kelſo iii . 484 Poole's voyage towards the north of the Hebrides and eaſt paſſage i . 539 Weſtern Highlands iii . 553 Pool-Ewe iii . 341 of the Shetland illes iii . 697 Pooloococket iſland xi . 114 of St. Kilda 719 Pools near Bethlehem 350 of Rachlin iſland iii. 880 Bathſheba's of France iv. 317 of Siloam 357 table of, in each of Betheſda 360 department iv. 379 on Mount Sion 413 of the towns in France Pooneno, Indian chief xii. 568 and England iv. 320 Poor of Ruſſia i . 21 Young's obſervations on 321 their ſtate in Kerry 847 Sir James Stuart on iv. ibid . in Limerick iii . M. Herenſchwandt on iv. ibid . oppreſſion of, in Ireland 866 cauſes of the exceſſive, of of the Milaneſe iv. 645 iv . 322 of Venice iv . 646 of Spain iv. 323. v . 382 Pootoo ille xi . 672 of Lombardy iv. 643 Popayan, mines of xiv, 298 of the Milaneſe ibid . government xiv. 482 of the ſtate of Venice iv. ibid . city xiv, 483 of Tuſcany 644 juriſdiction xiv. 485 of Modena iv. ibid . gold mines in xiv. 539 of Piedmont iv . 645 Pope, the, Dandini's audience of him x. 273 244 Pope, Mr. , anecdote of ii 175 of Stromboli 252 his Timon's Villa ii . 176 of Felicuda and Alicuda 256 his Man of Roſs 221 of Catalonia 619 Popeda of ſago xi . 260 of Schaffhauſen 642 Popery in Tibet, King's edict re of Appenzel 650 commending vii. 602 of Zuric privilege of the Grand of Balle 696 Lama for vii . 603 of Switzerland 719 Pope's account of Caithneſs, Strath of Lucern 725 naver and Sutherland iii . 147 of Uri and Schweitz 735 Popham , Lord Chief Juſtice xiii . 206 of Neuchatel Popham -beacons ii . 328 of Friburg 836 Popham's, Captain , ſettlement in of Upper Engadina 905 New England xiii . 206 of the Valteline 934 Poplar, SirThomas Pert of xii. 160 of the Grifons - 971 Poplar, the water, of America xiii . 582 of Wirtemberg vi . 9 Poplars, Lombardy iv . 608 of Suabia II . 20 Popo, Great, Guinea deſcribed xvi. 475 of Augſburg 19 Popo, Little , Guinea xvi . 367.473 of Bavaria 37 Popoguſſu, the Virginian hell xii. 605. xiii. 13 of Saltſburg 48 Poppies, culture of ,in France 499 of Vienna vi. 69 of Perſia ix 181 of Auſtria vi. 120. 123 Poppy- feed , decoction of 203 of the Tyrol Poppy-water of Dreſden 145 Population, obſervations on of Saxony 154 of the Iſle of Man ( note ) ii. 833 obſervations on , in of Jona iii . 294 Pruffia vi . 185. 196 of Cannay 311 of Denmark of the Ine of Rum 312 of Hanover vi. 226 [ T T 2 ] Population > of Lipari V. 662.665 v . > V. V. V. 814 V V. V. vi , iv . is . I 20 viii. IOO - i . 345. 375 vi. 220. 309 [332] INDEX. 850 20. 114 446 468 . viii. 492 644 Vill . 667 xiv . VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE Population of Caffel vi. 233 Population of New Hampſhire xiii . 749 of Francfort vi. 240 of Havanna and Cuba xili . 764 of Cologne vi . 270.276 of Guaxaca xiii . 822 of Germany in general vi . 290 of Mexico xili. of Copenhagen vi. 297 of Campeachy xiii . 858 of Norway vi. 356 of Chili xiv. of Sweden vi . 523 of St. Jago xiv. 177 of Moſcow vi . 580 of Conception xiv. 192 of Twer 645 of Carthagena xiv. 332 of Peterſburgh 663 of Porto Bello xiv. 366 of the Ruſſian empire 861 of Guayaquil xiv. 395 of Nankin vii. 248 of Quito xiv . of Iſpahan vii. 307 of Latacunga xiv. of Conftantinople vii . 509. X. 727 of Riobamba xiv. 470 of Japan 617 of Popayan xiv . 484 of Jedo vii. 800 of Atacames xiv. 490 of Delhi 167 of Quixos xiv . of Diu viii . 313 of Macas xiv . 493 of Surat viii .316. x . 212 of Piura xiv . 557 of Malabar viii . 366 of Lambayeque xiv . 559 of Madras viii . 397 of Lima xiv, 578 Engliſh, of Bengal viii . 413 of Arequipa xiv. 619 of Canton viii . 492 of La Plata xiv. 622 Banian doctrine of the of Spaniſh and Portugueſe firſt viii. 526.529.530.533 America xiv. of Seringapatam 605 of Conception, Chili · xiv. of Ferhabad ix. 51 of Santiago 678 of Calbin ix . 158 of Paraiba, Brazil xiv. 726 of Agra and Fatepore ix. 410 of Dar- Fûr XV. 132.150 of Rangoon ix . 451 of Grand Cairo XV. 194 of the Birman empire ix. 498 of Weſt Barbary 408 of Siam ix. 575 of Tetuan 450 of Tonquin ix. 713.718 of Algiers of Bombay 202 of Tunis 565 former, ofPaleſtine X. 338 of Morocco 711. 762 of Retimo 614 of Loanda of Candia 618 of Mina, Guinea xvi . 357 of Scio 628 of Fida, Guinea xvi. 477. 481 of the Morea 763 of Benin xvi. 520 of Manilla xi . 81 of Santa Cruz xvi . 602 of Paramatta xi . 910 of Senegal xvi. 607 of Virginia xii. 243. xiii.33.711 of Fayal iſland xvi . of New England 261 of Madagaſcar xvi . 742. 745 of the Bermudas xii. 269 of Gran Canaria xvi . 817 of Barbadoes xii . 296. 298 of the Canary iſlands, of Nevis xii. 303 xvi . 822-826 inquiry into its origin of Montſerrat xii. ibid . of Sego, Bambarra xvi . of Barbuda 304 of theinterior of Africa xvi . 871 of Maryland xii. 309. xiii. 725 Porcelain of China, origin and hiſ of Jamaica 321 vii . 228 of New Jerſeys xii. 354. xiii. 735 -, tower of Nankin vii . 249 of Penſylvania xii . 384. xiii . 729 of Borneo 355 of the Britiſh colonies xii . 391 Porcelain -manufacture at Worcelter ii . 208 of Georgia xii. 469. 485 in Derby ü , 487 of Canada 337 near Florence ir . 270 of Philadelphia xiii . 396 of Limoges iv. 369 of New York xiii . 463. 737 at Stockholm vi. 433 anecdotes of American Porcelon city ix . 579 increaſe in 504.511. Porco juriſdiction xiv. 625 its effect on climate (note) xiii. 681 Porcupine-hunt of Canada xiii. 287 of Maſſachuſets 745 Porcupines of Lingen iſland viii . 450 11 Porcupines XV. XV. XV. 531 X. XV. X. xvi. 157.295 X. X. 672 xij . 843 xii, X11 . tory of Xi . Xlll. xiii . INDEX. [333] VOL. PAGE PAGE XV. race X. V. V11 V. V. - 30 V. 161. 199 V. X. VOL . Porcupines of Siam ix . 624 Portland cape , Diemen's Land xi . 875. 894 of Barbary 625 Portland caſtle ii . 295 of the Cape xvi . 64 ii . 296 of the Gold Coaſt xvi. 437 Portland iſland ii. 291 -, anecdotes of xvi. 464 Portland iſland, South Sea, Cook's Pordoſelena iſle 634 adventures at xi. 527 Poremain town viii. 311 Port Montague, Dampier's adven Porentru town 701 tures at xi. 490 palace ibid. Port-na -Spania iii . 891 roads ibid . Porto - Bello, galleons to 470 Poreo of Otaheite xi. 584 Colon's diſcovery of xii. 132 Pores of pumices 219 Parker's conqueſt xii . 218 Porkah, principality 383 - , diſcovery of xiv, 141 Pororoca, the tide called xiv. 252 Ulloa's deſcription xiv. 361 Poro mountain 281 Portocarrero's, Cardinal, epitaph 541 Poros, Los, iſlands xii. 125 Porto Novo, Hamilton's deſcription viii. 390 Porphyry of Stromboli 112.115 Port-Paſſage 305 - , experiments on 121 Portrait-painters of Stockholm 421 of Baſiluzzo 127 Portraits in Holy- Rood palace ü . of Lipari at Newbottle 33 of Alicuda 223 at Dalkeith Houſe iii. 34 of the iſlands of Lipari 231 fee Paintings. analyzation of Egyp Port Real, Cadiz 574 tian 232 Port-Royal, Carolina xii . 343 Porphyry -pillars, ancient, at Con Port - Royal , Jamaica xii. 315 ftantinople vii . 511 Port-Royal, Nova Scotia xii. 279. 281 in St. Sophia 724 Portruth' village iii . 897 Porphyry -quarries of Elfdal vi . 467 Portry cave iii. 622 manufacture vi . 468 Ports of Iceland i. 756.776 Porpites, azure xi . 760 of the Orcades i . 780 Porpoiſes xi . 635 of Shetland iſlands i. 783 white, of Canada xiii . 357 of Cadiz, improvement 573 Kalm's deſcription xiii . 382 of Chili ( fee Harbours) xiv. 71 mode of catching, in the Portſdown hill ii . 312 St. Lawrence xiii. 672 Portſey iſland ii . 29. 309 in the Gulf of Mexico 770 Portſmouth town ii . 29 deſcription of a female hiſtory of ibid . Adanlon's remarks on xvi. 601 harbour ii . ibid . Porquera town xiv . 310 docks 30 Porras, Francis de, his mutiny trade of ii . 31. 309 againſt Colon xi. 146. 152 Portſmouth , New Hampſhire xiii. 749 Porſanger bay, aderfugle in i. 427 Portſoken ward 48 -, fiſhery of i . iii . Port Sonnachan 444 364 Pafle .Varek in i . 465 Portfoy town iii . 67 Port -Admiral of Batavia marble of ibid . Porta Celi, Chartreuſe 609 Port St. Mary town 570 Porta Ferrea, paſſage by Rubruquis vii. 89 bar ibid . Portals, ancient, at Perſepolis ix . 266 Portudal, Adanſon's deſcription ' xvi . 622 Port -au - Prince xiii. 753 Portugal, London trade with ii . 99 Porters of Sicily and Genoa vi. 228 Portugal, John King of xii . in the Great Mogul's camp viii. 209 Portugal, King of, audience of him xvi. 309 their reſting places in Ma Portugueſe, their oppoſition to the dras viii. 573 Dutch in China vii. 235 Port -Glaſgow iii . 243 -, hiſtory of their trade Porth - hellic bay ii . 760 in Japan vii. 637 Porthynllyn Head ii . 629 miffionaries in India viii. 92. 124 Porti, the Lapland i . 298 their expulſion from - Porti Calvo, Brazil xiv .: 705.821 Muskat viii . 284 Portici, on the baſaltes of 240 their expulſion from Portimo lake 282 Ormuz vüi. 299 Port- Jackſon, New South Wales Settlement at Diu vii. 312 Portugueſe V. > xiii. xiii . 863 xi , 188 V. 20. 53 xi. 546.903 [ 334] INDE X. PAGE 9 136 viii, ix . V. on > xi. xiii . X. 500 XV. 32. 82 VOL. VOL. PAGE Portugueſe, their battle with the Poſt-houſes of Ruſſia vi . 571 Engliſh at Surat viii . 322 in the country of Kublai their poſſeſſions in India viii . 327 Khan vii. at Goa viii . 353. ix . 234 Bell's account of the their tranſactions in Chineſe vii . 376 Pegu 420 in Japan, Kempfer's at Malacca viii . 434. ix . 422 deſcription vii . 777. 795 of Timor viii.456 . xi.803 Poftilions, Swediſh i . 268 at Ningpoo or Limpoa viii . 508 at Dartford ü . 494 in Perfia ix . 114 of Ruſſia vi. 577 at Ceylon ix . 423 Poſting in England ü . 290 colony in Siam 575 in France iv. 85 in Camboya ix . 768 in Spain 559 in Cochin -China ix . 796 Poſtmaſters of Germany 335 anecdotes of them in India x . 210. 216 Poſt -office, general, of London 54 their diſcoveries xi . 405.416 Poſts, origin of 289 obſervations them in England ii . 290 (note) 803 Poft-waggon, ſpeculations in a vi . 230 their miffionary ſettle Potapaco 27 mients in South America xiv. 229.511 Potarzeeke, route from Sophia to 229 in Brazil xiv. 733. xvi. 152 Potaſh of Valencia 602 hiſtory of their Potatoes, culture of, in France iv. revolt xiv . 743—858. 870 Virginian xiii . 30 their adventures in Ethi Bermudian, of America xüïi . 435 opia of Quito xiv. 459 in Congo xvi. 171 of Loango xvi . 552 wars in Congo xvi . 230. 284.335 of the Gold Coaft, gold trade of Guinea xvi. 375 Guinea xvi . 459 in the iſland of St. of Fida xvi. 504 Thomas xvi. 513 Pot-breaker, Prince ofMorocco XV. 486 in Annabon xvi . 514 Potemkin, Prince, anecdotes of him vi. 763 in Rio Formoſa xvi . 519 his dignities vi. ibid . their diſcoveries xvi. 675 vi, 764 conqueſt of Sofala xvi . 679 extravagance vi , ibid . of Macorongo xvi. 703 death vi. ibid. their conduct in Melinda xvi . 724 his perſon vi. 765 conqueſt of Mombaza xvi. 731 habits and manners vi. ibid . conduct to the King of Potentiana, Donna, anecdotes of her xvi. 288 Lamo xvi. 733 Pot- herbs of Arabia 191 pillage Mandia iſland xvi . 735 Potigi captainſhip , ſee Riu -Grande. wars with the Arabs xvi , 744 Potiguaras nation xiv. 875 Portugueſe-bird of Guinea xvi. 445 Potofi, filver -mines of i . 149. xiv. 18 Portway at Aynho ii . 345 Ulloa's de Portway mines ii . 479 ſcription xiv. 623 Pory's account of Virginia xili , 142 town xiv . Pofidium , the ancient 563 Potowmac river, ſettlement on xii . 305 Pofieux , rebels at 840 deſcribed xiii . 709 Poſilipo, grotto of falls of xiii . 720 tufa of ibid , Pots, earthen , of the Indians xiui . 481 Pofitus of Spain 465 Pots, Mr., anecdotes of him viii . 467 Poſſeſſion, Cartier's ceremony of Pot's account of the Virginian taking, of New France xii . 637 colony xiii. 91. 104 Poſſeſſion iſland xi . 554 Potſdam city vi . 175 Poffolſky monaſtery vii . 420 Pot- ſtone of Cada -Hully 696 Poſt, mode of conducting, in India viii . of Maru -Hully viii . 710 Poſtage, mode of, in Perſia ix. 204 of Jamagullu viii . 771 Poftell, William, on Martin Behaim xi . 412 Indian kettles made of xiii . 516 Pofteſora i . tobacco -pipes ibid . Poft horſes, cheapneſs in Ruſſia vi . 570 Pottagerie of Verlailles iv. 64 --, difficulties in procuring vi . 620 Potteries of St. Cloud iv. 44 Poft- houſes of Sweden vi. 375 of France iv. 357. 360 Potteries > > revenues > 7 X. 624 X. V. 22 > V. 316 16.42 xiii. INDEX. [335] 3 PAGE PAGE > X. . 664 XV. 664 674 536 at ſea XV. Vill . 100 new moon 875 ji. VOL. VOL. Potteries of China, origin and hiſtory vii. 228 Prague, road from Vienna to vi. 132 Potters, Hindoo, manners and battle of vi, 134 cuſtoms of viii. 649 defcription of the city vi . 139 of Loango, Cacongo, &c. xvi. 574 Prairie de la Magdalene, Canada xiii . 619 Potters' Field 356.424 Pran, Indian chief xiv. 208 Potty, Peter xiv . 828 Praſlin, Duc de i . 735 Pot village ix . 552 Pratama Vaiſhnavam , caſt viii . Pouangue mountain xiv. 169 Prater of Vienna vi . 95 Pouce, Le, mountain xi. 69 Prato cape xii . 636 Pouk powder for painting the eyes 661 Pratt cape xii . Poulaho, King ofTongataboo xi. 670. 673.688 Praya port, St. Jago xi . 101.564 Poulet, John xii . 661 Prayer, the Lord's, in Icelandic i . Pouliches tribe, in the Samorin's Prayer-book , Engliſh ii . dominions viii . 375 Prayer -days in Lapland 321 Poultry, price of, in Italy iv. 653 Prayers uſed by the Weſtern Icelanders Pound weight, its ſubdiviſions in iii . 615 Ruſſia i . 41 of the Banians viii . 543 the Wardhouſe i . ibid . hours of Perſian xi. 263 Pouoodang temple ix . 463 of the Mahometans ix . 301 Pourous and Parcoutee, the Banian of the Turks 256. 278 Adam and Eve viji . 525 of the Egyptians 316 Pous town iv. 105 of the Moors in Barbary xv. 420. 423. 455. Pouft, the drink 663. 774 Pouteouatamis bay xiii . 306 of the Mandingoes on the Povelſen's and Olafsen's account of xvi . Iceland i. 621 Preacher bird of Peru xiv. 278 Poverty bay, Cook's adventures in xi . 526 of Carthagena xiv . 345 Powdei -mills of Spain 447 Precedency in Batavia xi . 189 of General Clauſſen vi . 327 Predeſtination, anecdotes of Turkiſh x . 255 Powder -plot, anecdotes of one 105. 156 Predictions by ſecond fight 670 Powder -works of Barbary 606 Precautions to travellers in Sweden vi . 374 Powell, Captain , his murder xiii . 146. 156 Precipices, clambering ii . 560 anecdotes of him xiii . 189. 199 obſervations on paffing iv. 700 Powell, Mr. ii . 602 houſes built on xi. 48 Powell's account of the Virginian Precipitation i . 730 colony xiii. 66. 73. 120 Precipitation mountain x . 364. 455 Power, Young's obſervations on iv. 431 Preface, Martin's, to his account of obſervations on naval ix . 207 the Weſtern illes iii . 572 Powerſcourt manſion 820 to Martin's voyage to St. park 821 Kilda iii . 700 waterfall iii. ibid . to Brand's defeription of the Powhataa, King xii. 231. 235. xiii . 42 Orkneys and Shetland iii . 733 his court 57. 75 to Young's travels in France iv. 77 ſpeeches of xiii . 83. 112. 115.125 to Dolomieu's account of the Powhatan river xii. 231 earthquakes in Calabria 273 -, Engliſh ſettlement - to Bourgoanne's travels in xii . 233. 240 Spain 298 ( ſee James river) xiii . to Coxe's travels in Switzer Indians xiii . 37 land 640 town ( ſee James -town) to Fortia's travels in Swe. Powick ii . 209 den vi. 373 Powis caſtle ii. 637 to Bell's travels in Alia vii . 271 Powlet family ii . 330 to the journal of M. de Powny, Captain, anecdotes of him ix , 648 vii. 435 Poyamba of China vii, 478 to Sir Thomas Roe's journal viii . Pozuelos river xiv. 559 to Hamilton's new account Praams at the fiege of Gibraltar 590 of the Eaſt Indies viii . 259 Pracel, hoals of xi , 38 to Pietro Della Valle's tra Pradelles iv . 215 vels in Perſia Prado of Madrid 378 to Borri's account of Cochin Präſes of the Synod 527 China ix . 772 Preface XV. > > > > xiii. on - V. 26 v. xiii .. 47 Lange js , [336] INDEX. VOL. PAGE PAGE PAGE 302 870 267 402 759 2 20 33 viii. 44.50.55 114 163 rouz ix . 57 9 64 XV. I XV. ix. 76 515 542 ix , XV. 318 > 136 XV. 148 XV. VOL. Preface to Pigafetta's treatiſe on Preſentations to the Sophy of Perſia vii . Navigation xi. 380 Preſentments for roadsin Ireland ii. to the life and a&ions of Preſents of the Emperor of China vii . Colon хіі . from the Emperor of China to Heriot's account of Vir to His Czariſh Majeſty vii. ginia xii . 590 for the Emperor of Japan vii. of Four Points, Smith's xiii . of the Perſian ambaſſador to to Lahontan's travels in the Great Mogul viii. Canada xiii. 254 of Sir Thomas Roe to to Kalm's travels in North him viii. America xiii . 374. 545 fit for India to Burnaby's travels in of the Perſian ambaſſador to North America xiii. 701 Aureng -Zebe viii. to Ovalle's hiſtorical rela. of the Omrahs to the Great tion of Chili xiv. 30, 31 Mogul viii. to Ulloa’s voyage to South to the King of Perſia on Neu America xiv. 313 to Lobo's voyage to Abyſſi oriental cuſtoms in ix . nia of the Spaniſh ambaſſador to to Poncet's journey to Shah Abas ix . Abyflinia 61 for the King of Ava to Windhus's journey to from him Mequinez 443 oriental cuſtom of, on viſiting ix. to Shaw's travels in Bar neceſſity of, in Borneo xi. bary 501 mode of making, in the to Angelo and Carli's voyage Friendly ifles xi. to Congo xvi. to the Sultan of Dar- Für to Merolla's voyage to cuftom of, in Rio de Gabon xvi . Congo xvi. 195 Preſervation iſland , New Holland xi. to Boſman's Guinea xvi. 337 Preſervatives from cold vii . of the tranſlator to Adan Preferves of peaches in Philadelphia xiii. ſon's voyage to Senegal xvi. Preſidencies of Africa Prefetto of Egypt 386 Prefident of the League of God's Pregalia valley 896 Houſe - > government of 897 Preſidents of the Council of Caftile Premiums for the encouragement of Preſs, printing, Mr. Johnes's ii. French trade iv. 354 of Madrid to the Dutch ſailors from licenſers in Vienna India xi . 210 Preſs.gangs of London ii . Prerogative -court ii . 136 of Cochin- China ix. Prerogatives of the King of England ii . 127 Preflick , Mr. xiv. granted to Colon on his Prefter John vii, diſcoveries xii. 54 his kingdom of the Emperor of - , origin of the title xvi . Ethiopia 83 bis dominions xvi. Preſburg, Eſterhazy's caſtle near vi . 117 Preſton, Pennant's account of iii . Preſbyterian churches, Philadelphia xiii. 389 Preſton, Captain Amias xii. Preſbyterians of England ii . 142 Preſton , Richard of Scotland iii . Preſton Pans Prefbyteries of Scotland ii . 165 Pretender, the Preſbytery of Scotland iii . 525 Pretigau, valley of Preſcience in animals of earthquakes Price , Dr., his calculations iv. (notc ) 274 Price, Mr., of Foxley ii. Preſcriptions for the gout xiii. 855 Prices of various articles at Limerick iïi . of the phyſicians of at Cork iii . Loango xvi . 572 high, at Killarney Preſentations at the court of Sweden vi. 393 general, of Ireland to the Empreſs of Ruſſia vi. 672 of proviſions in France iv . to the Emperor of at Cherbourg iv. China vii. 265 at Rennes iv. 665 156 509 895 317 401 598 461 950 v. 398 V. vi. XV. Xv . 660 38584 498 794 3 43.9720 721 ibid . 181 205 123 28 78 957 324 214 832 836 847 873 123 152 154 Prices 222 INDE X. [ 337 ] VOL . PAGE iv . 9 viii . 352.354 iv . vill . in Pegu iv . of corn 480 Vili . iv . viji . 514.517 653 on > iv. iv. 664 674 766 X. is . XV. PAGE VOL . Prices of various articles at Luneville iv. 195 Prieſts of Japan vii . 629 of eſtates 209 ſecular, of Japan , Kempfer's of articles at Aix iv . 224 deſcription of them vii . 728 at Milan iv. 241 of Goa at Venice iv . 253 in the Samorin's country 374 at Bologna iv . 263 of Ceylon viii . 387 of corn , obſervations on 331 , 332 of Vizagapatam 400 of labour in France iv . 388 of Jagarynat 402 of wood and charcoal in France iv. 524.527 viii. 426. ix. 420 in Italy of proviſions 650 in Siam viii. 465. 475 iv . 651 of Cambodia viii . of wine, fuel , hay , of Macao 485 and ſtraw ibid . of China viii . 503 of labour iv . 652 of Japan ofpoultry iv . of Mingrelia ix . 145 the riſe of iv. ibid . of Georgia ix . 150 of proviſions at Paris iv. 657 of Erivan ix . 153 at Barcelona iv. 659 account of the Birman ix . 449.467 at Gerona iv. 661 of the Siameſe ix , 582 iu Catalonia of Arracan ix . 762 in Madrid of Laos ix . in Switzerland 758 of Camboya ix . 768 of Negroes in America xiii. 501 Egyptian, Blount's account x. 241 of various articles in Canada xiii , 697 of the Maronites 291.293 in Manding xvi . 889 Latin, in Jeruſalem 341 Pricket's, Mr., account of Hudſon's of Otaheite xi . 522 voyage xii . 271 of Owhyhee xi. 702.715.719.722 Prickley- pear of the Bermudas xiii. 172 of the Virginians X111. 40 of Barbary 603 of Montreal xiii. 279. 695 Pride of the Spaniards 501 of Canada deſcribed xiii. 365.626. 648 of all Eaſtern courts ix . in the Paraguay Miſſions xiv. 640 Pridiox, M., in Virginia xii . 585. xiii . U of the Brazilians xiv. 875.878 Prieſteſſes, the Birman ix. 450 of the Abyflinians xv . 30.81.91 of Fida, Guinea xvi. 501 of St. Catherine's, Mount Prieſthood, progreſs of philoſophy on v. 404 Sinai 291 Prieſts, Rullian i . of the Coptis XV. of Samoeda i. 63 i of Weft Barbary XV. of the Laplanders i . 163. 468 Negro, of the Gold Coaſt, facrificial Guinea xvi. 399. 413. 426 dreſs of i . ibid. of Fida 496.500 anecdote of iii . 607 of Annabon xvi . 515 of Felicuda of Benin of Alicuda Primavera garden of Aranjuez 557 in Spain , influence 401 Prima Viſta, Cabot's diſcovery xii . their riches 404 Prince, on the Spaniſh title of ſuperftitiouſly venerated in Princes of Guinea, their education xvi . 417.481.491 Spain 508 Princes' college at Ratiſbon vi . 43 at the Spaniſh theatre 528 Prince's iſland viii . 452. xi. 159 of Bormio Behaim's obſervations of the Valteline of Bavaria vi. 38 Prince's iſand , Guinea xvi . 507 Greek , in Hungary vi . Prince's iſland, Rio Gabon xvi . anecdote of Daniſh vi. 219 Prince's iſlands 699 Ruſſian vi. 648 Prince's port, Cuba xii. 39 of the Eaſt, impofitions Princeffes of Guinea, their education xvi . 417.480 practiſed by them vii . - in Loango, their fingular - , deſcription of the Saracen vii . 52 privileges xvi . 570 of the Jugures vii . ibid . Prince - town, America 449 of Sachion vii. 119 - , Burnaby's deſcription xiii. 733 fimilarity of the Romiſh , to Principal-Place, St. Jago xiv. 170 thoſe of Tibet vii. 555.560 Principe, Fort del, Havanna xiii . 762 VOL . XVII . [ uu] Pringle, ___ 486 XV. - 22 368 418 XVI . V. 220 xvi. 527.530 V. 221 V. 158 346 * V, V. V. V. 916 930 on xi. 396 IJO 508 X. 14 xiii. [ 338] INDEX. VOL. PAGE VOL. PAGE 716 ix . ix . xiii . 462 X. XV. II2 V. 578 xi. 576 236 V. Pringle, Sir J. , on the diſeaſes of Priſons of Ruſſia, queries anſwered an army i . by the Empreſs reſpecting vi. 808 Pring's, Captain, voyage to Vir -, new regulations of vi . 809 ginia xii . 226. xiii . 21 Siameſe 593 Printers in Philadelphia xiii . 395 of Tonquis 758 in New York of Dorebat 54 Printing, Heydegger on 673 Privateers encouraged by Elizabeth xii . 214 its aid to the Reformation vi . 166 Weſt Indian xii . 437 in Cochin China ix . 791 of St. Malo xiv. 25 in Conftantinople 727 of Salee 449. 696 Printing - offices in Iceland i. 637.675 Privet-hedges of Penſylvania xili . 405.430 -'at Oxford ii . Privileges granted by the Emperor at Havod ii . 660 of Ruſſia to Engliſh merchants i . 47 in Glaſgow iii . 112. 240 of parliament ii . 130 in France iv. 169 of foreigners at Cadiz at Parma iv. 279 of the Duke of Courland vi . 720 at Madrid 385 of the nobility of Courland vi. 721 in Korea vii . 535 granted to Colon on his Prints at Inns 551 diſcoveries xii . 54 Prior of St. Nicholas's protection ii . 772 Privy -council of Denmark vi. 322 Prioreſs of Douglaſs ii . 792 Prizes of the Virginian lottery xiii . 117 Prior Park ii . 252 Prize-theſes of the Univerſity of Prior's Sound xii. 492 Lima xiv . Priory at Warwick ii . 351 Proas of Bera at Coventry ii . 355 Probi of the Valteline 929 at Hinckley ii . 359 Probie's, Mr. , letter on an operation at Derby 372 for the itone iv . 13 Workfop ii . 442 Proceedings of the National Affem Newſtead 443 bly iv. 176, et ſeq. 290 Dunſtable ii . 458 Proceſs with the aſſaſſins of Guſtavus at Burlington 9 the Third vi. 511 at Giſborough 16 Proceſſions of the Chineſe vii . 202 of Port-moak iii . 37 at Conſtantinople vii . 512 in Loch - Tay ii. 45 in Japan , Kempfer's de. of Pluiſcardin 73.133 ſcription vii, at Shap iii . - , religious, at Paligonda viji . 581 at Urquhart 133 in Perſia in honour of Kingufie 134 ix . 33 - , Holland 180 repreſentation of one, at Carliſle Perſepolis ix . 104. 193 Cannonſby 209 -, wedding, of the Per at Blantyre 234 ſians ix. 250 of Ardchattan 353 of Mohurrum in Perfia 273. 295 St. Andrew's iii . 447 Indians fond of them ix, 296 of Chamounie iv. 689 at Pegu ix . Priſms of lava in Vulcano 144 Birmans fond of ix . of zeolites 205 of the embaſſy to Ava ix . in lava of Felicuda 213 funereal, of the Chova of Priſoners, mode of trying, in Eng Tonquin ix. 701 land ii . 133 of the Tonquineſe ix . 731 ,, treatment in the Valteline v. 927 of the Imam from the , proceſs with them among Moſque 69 the Griſons 967 of the Greeks and Arme. treatment of, in Guinea xvi . 413.506 nians at Jeruſalem 353 made Naves in Africa xvi. 882. 884 of pilgrims from Damaſcus Priſons in the Scilly iſles ii . 752 to Mecca 370 of Soleure 711 in Mindanao 18 850 at the Havannah of Chriftian the Second 341 at Vera Cruz xiii. 778.853 of Stockholın vi. 427 in St. Jago 178 Proceſlions 111 786 I 22 Ali 111 202 ix . 9 V. 430 449 516 . X. X. V. xi, ar Bern xiii. 764 vi . xiv. INDE X. [339] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE iii . • ܟܪ XV . XV. V. 46 V. viii . XIV. X. 93. 100 Proceſſions in the Holy Week at St.Jago xiv. 179 in Quilo xiv , 445 in Lima xiv . 575 in the Paraguay miſſions xiv . 639 of the King of Sennar 70 of the Emperor of Ethi opia to receive the ſacrament of the pilgrims to Mecca xv. 32 1 , deſcription of the order of it xv. 382 --- 386 of the Canarians xvi . 819 of Mungo Park's caravan xvi. 898 Procida, Rock of Burnt Stones near pumice , enamels and lavas ibid . Proclamation - caſes in Japan vii. 774 Ploclamations of the Dutch council of Brazil xiv.761.768. 769. 781 of the Portugueſe 801.824 Proconneſus 711 Proctor, Mrs., of Virginia xiii . 151 Proctors of Oxford ii . 104 of Cambridge ü . 125 Prodigality of the Engliſh in the Iſle of Man ii . 790 of the Auſtrian nobility vi . of the Hungarian no bility vi . 107. 112. 116 Produce of lands, obſervations on iv. of ſeed in Piedmont - 592 in the Milaneſe iv . 593 in Venice 597 in Bologna iv. ibid . in Tuſcany ibid . in Modena iv . 598 in Parma iv . ibid . iv. ibid . of wheat in Egypt and Arabia 174 Produ ions of Jura iii. 279 of Ila iii . 287 of Oranſay 292 of Colonſay iii . ibid . of Jopa 294 of Cannay 310 of Rum iii . 312 of Skie iii . 327.619 of Strath-Tay of Selkirkſhire iii . 479 of the Iſle of Lewis ili . 575 of the Ile of Herries iii . of Bernera of North - Vift iſle iii . 591 of Lingay ille 597 of South - Vift 602 of Arran ini , 644 of St. Kilda iii . 705 of the Orkney illes 528 Productions of the Shetland illes iii . 693.769 of Caithners iii . 8 : 6 round Belfaſt iii . 825 of Rachlin iland 880 of France, obfervations on ( note) 333 of the kingdom of Valencia iv. 673 of Majorca iv. 676 of thenorth and ſouth contraſted vi . 230 of Arabia Petrea viii . 287 of Baflora 290 of Coinera 291 of Gombroon 297 of Tatta 307 of Cambay 314 of Surat viii . 320 of the Sundah Rajah's country viii . 357 of Canara viii . 365 of Malabar viii . 367 of the Samorin's country viii . 374 of Couchin viii . 382 of Ceylon viii . 387 of the Maldives viii . 389 of Tranquebar viii . 391 of Pondicherry vili . ibid . of Madras viii . of Ganjam 401 of Orixa viji . 403 of Ballaſore viii . 406 of Arracan viii . 417. ix. 760 of Barma or thc Bir. man empire viii . 421. ix . 502 of Quedah 433 of Malacca 435 of Acheen , Sumatra 445 of Timor viii. 457. xi. 375 of Trangano viii . 463 of Siam viii . 475. ix . 603 of Cambodia 478 of Tonquin 483 of Canton 492 of China 510 of Formoſa 513 of Japan viii . 516 of Ava ix . of Jangoma ix . 763 of Laos ix . 764 of Camboya ix. 766 of Cochin-China of Hedias 86 of Hadramant 114 of Oman 116 of Lachſa I20 of Cyprus of Mount Libanus 289 [v v 2] Productions 396 iv . viji. iv . iv . in Savoy vili, viii . viji . X 378 762 585 588 ix . 769.777 X. 281 jj . 688. 742 [ 340 ] INDE X. VOL . PAGE PAGE 88.333 v. 96 xi. xi . xiv . 303.591 XI . 438 xi . 561 - iv. xi. iv . xi. 642 687 vi . 120 638 xi, xii , viü. - V. VOL. Productions of Tpfara 631 Prognoſtications of the weather iii . 384 im of the Philippines xi . of the Perſian aſtro . of the Iſle of France xi . GI 767 logers ix . 227 of Borneo xi. 108.354 Prognoſtics from the ſmoke of of Java xi , 167 Stromboli of Amboyna xi . 254 from the fumes of of Butuan xi . 349 Vulcano V. 151 of Paloaon xi . 350 on the weather xiii. 379. 474. 481 . of the Molucca iſlands xi . 372 498.513.535 of Mallua xi . 375 of earthquakes, vol. of Maurice iſland 440 canoes, &c. of New Holland 453 Progreſs of French commerce from of Otaheite xi . 517 1716 to 1790 iv. 353 of New Zealand 541 Progreſſes, the Queen's ii . 333 of New South Wales xi . 555 Prohibitions of export, their effects iv. of Savu iſland in Piedmont iv. 646 of the Friendly illes xi . 592 in the Milaneſe iv. 647 of Eaſter iſland xi. 603 in Venice ibid . of the Marqueſas 606 in Bologna ibid . of Tanna iſland 628 in Tuſcany iv. 648 of Van Diemen's Land xi . in Modena iv. 649 of Tongataboo xi , in Parma iv. 650 of the Sandwich iſlands xi . 729 in Auſtria of the Canary Iſlands xi. 746 of the Japaneſe trade of Bernier ille, New in China vii . Holland 789 on the American colo of Hiſpaniola xii. 78 nies xiü . 461 of Newfoundland 174 Projectors in the Eaſt Indies 42. 51 of Virginia xü. 182. 236. 240. Projects for the improvement of 595. xii . 29.708 Spaniſh America of New England xii 255. xiii . 215 for peopling the Britiſh of the Bermudas xii. 267. xiii. 172 colonies xii. 391 of Barbadoes xii . 295 of Captain Smith for the of Jamaica xii. 317 conqueſt of Virginia iii . 153 of Carolina xii . 343 Prokopovitch, Theophanes, the of Penſylvania xii . 383 historian 850 of Canada xij . 667. xiii . 350 Prome city, deſcription of it ix . 462 of Vera Cruz xiii . 780 analogy of its origin to of Chili xiv . 42 Carthage ix. 463. 561 of Quito xiv. 286 Prome , Prince of ix . 527 of Paraiba, Brazil xiv. 726 his palace and court ix . of Brazil xiv. 730.858 Promenade of Madrid of Barbary XV. 404 of Aranjuez of Algiers and Tunis 600 of Vienna vi. of Morocco 706 of Iſpahan ix . 190 of Senegal xvi . 665 Prometheus, the Egyptian 351 of Madagaſcar xvi. 739. 799. Promocaes, Chili xiy, 55 800-807 Promocaes Indians, their battle with Proes of Dennis ille xi . 485 the Peruvians xiv. 111. 191 of Cave's ille xi. 486 Promontorium Pulchrum 559 Profeſſion, difficulty in chooſing a Promontory of Miſeno i . 152 Pronis' ſettlement in Madagaſcar Profeſſion of faith of the Maro. Pronouns of the Cacongo language xvi. 591 nites 296 Pronunciation of the Laplanders i. 452 Profeſſions , civil , in the Ines 551 of the Icelanders 674 Profeſſors in Vienna vi. 86 of Latin 5 : 6 of Gottingen vi . 232 of Engliſh ü , 570 Profeſſorſhips at Oxford ii. 107 at St. Kilda 713 at Cambridge 125 at the Shetland illes 767 in Spain 394 of Arabic 163 Pronun 498 vi . 7 V. 528 378 558 95 XV . XV. XV. XV. V. 46 fit one xvi . 748.750 X. INDEX. [341 ] PAGE PAGE 746 906 larly hred V. 9 V. > 49 vi . VI . xiii . - 220 iv . 697 iv . > 468 X. 480 > iv. iv . > iv . > iv . iv . iv . iv . 498 XV . X. VOL. VOL . Pronunciation in South America xiv. 377 Proſtitutes of the Canary iſlands xi. of the Hottentots xvi . 100. 141 Peron's remarks on xi . Proof of gold in Guinea xvi . 374 on the Gold Coaſt, regu Propertius on Indian wives burning xvi. 424. 510 themſelves viii . 546 Proſtitution in Spain 515 Property in Ruſſia at the mercy a general eaſtern cuſtom xi . 41 of the Emperor i . 19. 34 Proteſtants in the Hebrides and the -, effects of the French Weſtern Highlands iii . 553 revolution on iv. 423 maſſacred in the Valteline 921 - , on inveſting, in agricul emigration from Saltſburg vi . ture iv. 439 perfecuted in Hungary vi. 109 on the poffeffion of ſmall at Prague 141 landed iv. 461 -, on their ignorance 169 in Hindoftan, all veſted - , Georgia an aſylum for xii . 483 in the Great Mogul 143 on the French 368 conſequences viii . ibid. Provence iv. 224 ſtate of, in Perſia ix . province deſcribed iv. 307 uncertain tenure , in its climate 314 Sofala xvi. vineyards 455 Property -tax, obſervations on iv . 409.413 filk culture in iv. Prophecies of Scheich Schädeli 75 cattle iv. Turkiſh 253 almonds of 483 of the Chriſtians gaining culture of chicory in 489 poffeffion of the Holy Land xv. 673. 776 its hemp and fax 493 Prophecy, fulfilment of an Arabian viii. 284 olives 496 fulfilled at Carwar viii . 362 - , oranges 497 Prophets, modern iii . 333 , pomegranates of Barbary 672 - pines 499 Prophets' Sepulchres x . 358.427 , capers iv. 506 Propontis illands 710 various plants of iv. ibid . Proprietors of Skie iii , 642 waſte lands of 514 of Bute 643 woods iv. 524 of the Orkney illes iii . 746 - , feeding ſheep in iv . 532 Proſe written pofterior to verſe i . 679 mode of threſhing in iv . 533 Profody, Icelandic i . - , manures and manuring in Proſpects of London ii . Proverbs on Eflex ii . 494 8 from Weſtminſter bridge ii. 495 Leiceſterſhire ii . 13 from the dome of St. Paul ii . 522 Gallic iii . 532. xii . 18. 19 from Arreton Downs ii , Providence of God i . 703 411 from Alhey ſea-mark ii . 704 -, remarkable, in Orkney iii . 759 from Knighton ii . 705 exemplified xiii . 106 from Newchurch ii . 706 Providence iſland, West Indies xi. 483 from the Alps iv . 685 Eng from the ſumınit of Mont liſh ſettlement in xii. 358 Blanc 691 Providence town , Rhode iſland xiii . 743 from Mont Perdu 716 Providential channel xi . 554 from the ſummit of Mount Provinces of Scotland ii . 158 Etna > geographical diviſion of on the river St. Law. Ruflia into vi. 747. 762 xiii . 662 of Perſia ix . 170 from the Cordilleras xiv. 47 of Karaſm ix . 324 - , fingular, from Table of Arabia 81 Mountain xvi . 58 of Madagaſcar xvi . Proſtitutes, licenſed, in China vii . 201 Proviſions, on the want of i . 508 cuſtoms of, in India vij. 219 of London ii . in China, Bell's account vii . 413 price of, at Edinburgh 32 in Japan vii. 634 at Aberdeen 62 Kempfer's account of the in Limerick ili, 832 Japaneſe vii . 791 in Cork iii . 836 -, village of ix . 452 in France iv . 123 Proviſions, iv . > 681 iv . 546 9 iv . iv . 84 rence 61.299 738 88. 145 > (342) INDEX. VOL. FAGE VOL . iv . XV. X. 121 xiv. 418 202 vii . 508 xiv. 274. 393 ili, XV. his army vi. 804 PAGE Proviſions, price of, in Italy 650 Ptolemais in Egypt 231 in Spain iv . 657.659. 661.664 Ptolemy of Crete (notes ) 602. 606 in Switzerland 758 Ptolemy Philadelphus on Siam ix . 600 in Vienna vi . 100 Ptolemy's account of the Hebrides ini , 274 in Gratz vi . ſyſtem of the world xi. 385 in Bohemia vi. 134 Puante river, St. Lawrence, Lahon in Dreſden vi. 147 tan's excurfion on xiii . 308.632 in Pruſſia 184 Puba of Brazil xiv, 860 at Novogorod vi. 658 Pucaguaico fignal- ſtation 431.526 at Peterſburgh vi. 671 Pucara on the Andes xiv. - , neceflity of carrying, in Puchan town vii . 583 Sweden vi . 375 Puchecalco, Cacique xiv. allowed to ambaſſadors Puchugchu vegetable xiv. 531 in Pekin 269 Pudding - ſtone of the Pyrenees iv . 721 in Tobolſk vii. 329 Pudſey , Hugh ili . allowance of, to M. de Puelches nation xiv . 20 Lange at Pekin . vii. 438 Puerti Bueno, Jamaica xii . 144 - , prices of, in Japan vii . 797 Puerti Santo, Cuba xii. 40 allowance of, to Della Puerto Tome harbour xiv. 673 Valle in Perſia ix . 59 Puerto Viejo, Peru at Shiraz ix. 256 Puffin bird, in the Iſle of Wight ii . 673 in Philadelphia xiii . 396 of the Calf of Man ii . 798 prices in Canada xiii . 697 of St. Kilda 711 in Barbary 662 Puffs of the Engliſh ii . 519 in Brazil xvi. 202 Pugatchef the impoſtor, origin and Proviſion -trade of Chili xiv. 673. 684.686 hiſtory of vi. 798 Prow of Bouton iſland xi. 60 800 PROYART's hiſtory of Loango, &c . xvi . 548–597 - , barbarity vi. 801 Prudel eſtate iv. 218 betrayed vi. 802 Prujean, Dr., letter on the ſprings execution of vi. of Bath to ii . 248 Pugilifm in Pegu ix. 431 Pruſa on the Hippias 696 in the Friendly ifles xi. 666 Pruſa, the ancient 717 in Tongataboo xi. 680 Pruſs, Col de 234 in the Sandwich illes xi . 705 Pruſſia, on the ſpecie of iv . 405 Pugnalic mountains xiv . 303 " , government of vi. 176 Pujar-petta village finances of 177 Pulea , deſcription of the i . 156 taxes in ibid . Puli, New ix . 101.265 its armies 191 Pulilangan river vii. 139 -, population of 196 Pulizones in Carthagena xiv. 335 its extent ibid . Pulke, the Lapland 408 Pruſſia , King of vi . 58 Pulkas, Lapland 311 at the battle of Kolin vi. 132 - , fee Sledges. , deſcription of him vi. 175. 182 Pullamban, Dutch factory at viii. 449 his improvements -, diſcovery of tin at 450 in agriculture vi . 183. 189 290 Pullingi mountain i. 236. 285 enthufiaftic admi. covered with fies i. ibid . ration of Peter the Third for him vi. 771 Puloo town ix. 561 Pruſſia , Prince of, his character 205 Pulluchiampello harbour ix . 796 Pruth , peace of 726 Pulo - capaſs viii. Prymneſia , the ancient 685 Pulo.condore, factory 480 Prálmody, Moritz's obſervations on ji , 537 Pulocoudur iſland 767 Pſalms of David , Arabic verſion of - , Dampier's account xi . 39 the Mahomedan Negroes xvi . 892 Pulo- lout harbour 458 Píkof, government and diſtricts vi, 748 Pulo -ouby iſland vüi. ibid . Pfyra Band 630 Pulo Sabuda 478 Ptarmigans of Finmark i. 424 Puio -ſecca de Mare 482 about Loch Tay jii . Pulo - ſecca de Terra viii . 482 of Canada xiii. 621 Pulo - Verera 451 Pteheingues nation xiv. 21 Pulo wey iſland Pthonthis village 260 Pulperos of Carthagena xiv . 336 Pulpit X. X. iv . viii. 728 > vi . vi . 463 X. ix. viii, - 43 viii. 446.457 XY. INDE X. ( 343 ] VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE > 803 ::: > France II V. in Japan V. V. 48 50 V. II 300 Y. v. > v. v. Pulpit of tortoiſe - lhell and mother Puniſhments in Ruſſia i . 21. 36. vi. 805 of pearl 355 abolition of Pulſe; kill of the Chineſe in feeling capital vi . 805 it ix . 678 of England 137 Pụltawa , battle of vi . 490 {piritual 139 Pulucambi, narrative of the miffio in the Scilly ines ii. 752 naries at ix . 812 at Halifax 524 Pulucambi, Governor of ix. in the Weſtern illes 546 his enter for ſmugglers of falt in tainment of the miſſionaries ix . ibid . iv. 417 death ix , 806 among the Griſons 967 Puly Shah ix . 16 in Suabia vi. Pumice of Iceland i , 690 in Auſtria vi . 130 , analyzation of i . 724. iii. 904.908 . v. 171 in Sweden vi. 521 of Solfatara 28 among the Tartars vii . 124 of Monte-Nuovo 44 in China vii . 195. 201. 212. viii.505 of Miſeno 46 in Korea vii . 539 of the Rock of Burnt Stones y, ibid. vii . 624.774. viii. 517 of Procida 47 - , peculiarity in of Iſchia capital vii. 627 of Arſo of nobles in Japan vii . 628 of Rotaro 51 by the Great Mogul viii . of Metelona 59 of a baker in Perſia of Stromboli IT1 , 115 royal , in Perſia viii . 301 of Vulcano 139. 143 at Cannanore viii , 369 of Lipari deſcribed 159. 167 at Madras viii . 394 white 164 in the Birman empire viii. 422. ix.494 controverſy on ibid . in Acheen, Sumatra viii . 446 obſervations on 165. 167 in Siam viii . 472. ix . 594 varieties in Campo Bianco 168 for rapes in Perſia ix . 95 uſes of ibid , in Perſia ix. 254 its origin 170 in Tonquin ix . 758 its tranſition into glaſſes or in Cochin - China ix. 792 enamels 177. 236 of the Egyptians 242 of Valle di Muria 186 377 of Felicuda 218 in Mindarao xi . 24. 29 of Santorine 234 at Batavia xi . 185 of Ternate 235 in Boni xi . 225 naturally black ibid . -, barbarous, of Virginia xiii . 43 of Peruvian volcanoes xiv. 301 in the Bermuda iſlands xiii . 197. 202 of Teneriffe xvi . 604 in Abyſſinia 25. 37 Pumice-lavas of Monte Nuovo 44 in Sennar Pumpions of Virgivia xiii . 33 in Dar- Fûr 126 uſed by the French in in Barbary XV.426 . 453. 677 Canada xiii. in Morocco 756 Indian mode of prepar at the Cape of Good ing xiri. 686 Hope xvi. 62. 118 Pumpkins of Canada xiii . 686 on the Gold Coaſt, Pumps, Spaniſh xi. 55 Guinea Pun, an old one ii . 374 in Fida xvi . 480.485 Puna illand xiv, 389 in Benin xvi. 525.528 lieutenancy xiv . 401 in Loango xvi , 581 Puna town 205 in Sofala xvi. 690 Puna-puram fort viii . in Gran Canaria xvi . 820 Punch of Guayaquil xiv. 399 in Africa xvi . 885 in Guinea, deſcribed by Boſ. Puno town 632 xvi . ii . 374.542 PunAilios of the court of Ava ix . 487.515 Punta, Rio de la 796. 843 of Chineſe viſitors ix . 488 Punta del Segno Nero 185 of the Cochin -Chineſe ix . 785 Puntael cape xiv . Pungal-cotay fort viii. 747 Puntal del Arenal xii . 99 Puntales V. V. of impaling X. V. v. V. XV. XV. 70.86 XV. 683 XV. xvi. 406.420 X. 728 XIV . man 359 Puns xill . v. 803 [ 344] INDE X. VOL . PAGE VOL . PAGE 202 118 Xy. 200 XV 614 XV. 358 XV. iv . IOO 102. 309 220 > xvi. 671 X. X. on V. X. XV. 200 V. V111 . X. Puntales bay v. 574 Pyramids near Cairo, Blount's deſcrip Puntiana fort ( note) xi . tion X. 239. XV. 197 Puppet- ſhew theatre of Prince Eiter meaſurement of hazy vi , their interior (note ) Puppet-ſhows of the Siameſe ix . 597 of Saccara 205 Paralakti harbour i . 322 Mallet's account of the Puranas of the Brahmans interior of the great Purane, ſtudy of, at Benares 187 of Egypt, Abd Allatif's Purba, Prince, account of him xi. 116 deſcription 802 Purbeck iſland ii . 296 Pyrenees, diſtant view of the 93 Purbeck village ii . 312 ſcenery and neighbour Purchas , his account reſpecting the hood of iv. north - eaſt paſſage i . 539 view from the ſummit of iv. Purchas, Mris. xii . woods on iv. 521 Purchas's collection 317 Spaniſh flocks on the iv . Purchas's pilgrims vii . 578 Ramond's journey among Puren lake, Chili xiv. 57.67. 193 the iv. 711 Purgatory , church revenues from vi. 170 road from Barcelona to v. 621. 628. 630 of the Turks 256 Pyrites found in volcanoes i . 722 Purge for the Tonquineſe devils ix . 696.746 near Matlock ii . 383 Purifications in Japan vii . 740 in the earth iii. 910 Birman ceremony of ix . 435 of Mont- Blanc iv. 702 of the Arabs 161 obſervations 24 of the Hindoos 2 : 9 -, decompoſition oflava by 30 of the Moors 420.454 in the Stoves of Lipari Purkiparer lake vi . 480 of Penſylvania xili, 404 Purmerend iſle xi . 214 Pyrometer of Wedgwood 5 Purnea of Seringapatam , account of Pyrofoma, a new genus, deſcribed xi. 950 him viii . 597. Pyrofomes, pelagic xi. 760 Puróhita, office of 632 Pyrrha, the ancient 636 Purple of Tyre 471 Pythais's obſervations on the earth Purple-dye of the murex 236 ( note) 919 Purple -dye -fith of Guayaquil xiv. 400 Purry's, Colonel, account of Caro. lina xii . 343 Q. Purſeram Bhow's army viii . 694 Purſglove, Robert ii . 396 Quabs, mode of catching vii. 336 Purſlain of America xiii . 432 Quachecho garriſon xii. 395 Puruayes Indians xiv . 470 Quadaquina the Indian xiii . 237 Purus river xiv. 235.499 Quadrant , deſcription of one i . 240 Pury's, M. David , benefactions to Quadrol iſland viii. 480. ix. 767 Neuchatel 815 Quahoe, Guinea, deſcribed xvi . 471 Puſhaleaus Bramins viii . 548 Quail- fighting among the Chineſe vii. Puftoſer, ordonnance of the chan Quails of the Iſraelites in the Wilder. cellary of i . 529 neſs x . 189.336 town i , 531 of North America 519 Putala mountain 550 -of Barbary xv. 631.634 Putchamins of Virginia xili . 30 Quaker - fith of Senegal xvi . 652 Putoma, Cacique xii . 212 Quaker palm -wine xvi. 362. 453 Puto - mayo river xiv. 499 Quakers of England ii, 142 Putta Dévaru of the Shaynagas viii . 638 ſettlement in Penſylvania xii . 377. xii . 731 Puy en Velay , Le iv. 214 of Philadelphia 390.395 mountains iv. ibid . an Indian's deſcription of the town iv. 215 firſt xii. 409. 428 Puzzolana of Felicuda 219 Qualm fish of Japan vii. 709 Puzzolane earth 909 Quam- Chew vii. 250 Pwlhelly town ii. 629 Quamoy iſland, anecdotes of the chun Pygela 662 , tock of viii . 495 Pyle village ii . 592 Quanacos of the Cordilleras xiv. Pylſtaart iſland xi . 444 Quan fo- Lew, court of Tonquin ix . 684 Pyræum of Athens S6 Quang -tong Province vii . 239 9 Quanheim jx . jii. V. 376 X111 . vii. X111 . 1 45.84 INDEX. (345) PAGE VOL . PAGE 111 . X. xii . 200 vii . on 436 V111 > X. > XV. > XV. . VOL . Quanheim the goddeſs viii . 502 Queen of Heaven, her defence of Quans of Tonquin ix . 755 the city of Imperial xiv. 203 Quanſa, Battel's adventures at xvi. 319 Queenſbury, Duke of 111 . 227. Quanſi, Hamilton's account viii . 484 Queen's College, Oxford ii . 115 Quantico river xili . 719 Queen's County, Young's account Quanwon beggars of Japan vii. 790 of 863 Quanzu city vii . 148 Queen's Ferry, ride from Stirling to iii. 117 Quaqua Coaft , Guinea xvi. 516.546 Queen's Foreland, Frobiſher's Strait xii . 495.505. Quarantania mountain 345.429 512.525.536.542 Quareca, Cacique xiv, 143 Queen's fort 414 Quarendon ii . 188 Queen's Progreſſes, extract from ii . Quarndon , fox hunt at ii . 368 Quelinfu city 157 Quarr abbey ii . 698 Quelpaert iſland , Hamel's ſhipwreek Quarrels of the Chineſe vili . 508 vii . 519 Quarries of Derbyſhire ii . 475 deſcription vii. 523 at Gurnet bay ii . 717 Quenche town, Quito xiv. in the Iſle ofMan ii . Soi Quendale bay i . 783 of porphyry of Elfdal 467 Quenfanfu city vii . 140 near Seringapatam 610 Quercy province iv. 92 rear Magadi 620 nobility of, on taxation iv. 414 of black - Itone at Cada -hully viii . 696 -, vineyards of iv . 442 at Chica Mally Betta viii . 701 mulberries of iv . 461 at Arlina Caray viii . 709 cattle of iv . 474 ancient, of Crete 608 culture of hemp and fax of Quito xiv. 550 in iv. 490 of granite in Egypt 262 walnuts of iv. 504 of Barbary 609 various plants iv. 505 for building the pyramids XV. 806 tillage and laying of land Quartell Point xii . 473 in iv . 534 Quarterones of Carthagena xiv. 332 implements of huſbandry iv. 540 Quarter -feffions of England ii . 132 Querken iſlands i . 203 Quartz of Mont- Blanc 701 Querkineſs iſlands 583 of granite 131 Quern , a Scotch iii . of Felicuda 216. 219 Queſac, mulberries of iv. 461 of the Appenines 279 Queſango the idol xvi . 324 of Foſſum vi . 368 Queſtions put to the Dutch by the Quay at Waterford iii . 855 Emperor of Japan vii .809.814.818 of Barcelona iv. IC9 on Virginia xili . 167 of Bourdeaux iv . 124 put to the dead in of Cologne vi , 276 Guinea xvi. of Philadelphia xii . and anſwers in the Man Quebec, Sir William Phipps's attack dingo language xvi . xii. 396 Quian river vii . 141 Sir Hovendon Walker's expe its great extent vii . 150 dition againſt xii. 419 Quibio, King Kalm's voyage from Mont Quicatlan, Menonville's deſcrip real to xiii . 627 tion xiii. 815.835 Lahontan's deſcription xiii, 262 Quickjock church vi. 481 Phipps's expedition againſt xiii. 332 Quickſilver, its powers on metals i . 149 deſcription of xiii . 634 on its congelation vi . 690 etymology of xiii. 638 its freezing point aſcer meteorology 680 tained vi . Quebrantahueſſas birds xiv. 657 uſed in Peru xiv . 16 Quecquehatch of North America xii. 366 mines of Chili 50 Quedah kingdom viii . 432 of Guanca Belica xiv. Quedam ille iii . 591 uſed in the Potofi mines xiv. Queen Charlotte's Sound xi. 539. 575.636: 644 Quilando inftrument xvi . Queenhithe ward 66 Quillin mountain ii . 619. 629 Queen of Heaven , feaſts in her Quillota gold -mines xiv. 184. 186 honour xiv . 182 juriſdiction xiv , 682 Quills iv. XV. V. IO2 V. V. 428 382 916 on xii . 136. 139 > > 9 xiii. 693 xiv. 613 624 245 11 . VOL . XVII . [ 346] INDEX, VOL . PAGE VOL . XV . ix . XV. X11. 296 V. X. V. 12 xiii. 444. 522 vi . 290 458 PAGE Quills of gold -duft worn by the Rabble of Morocco 762 African women xvi . 888 Rabdaris in Perſia 116 Quiloa, Hamilton's deſcription viii . 267 Rabe a Clow 686 Quimos, ſee Kimos. Rabefin , the Malegache orator xvi. 773. 776 Quimper, biſhoprick iv. 156 Rabel, Point Jean xili. 874 Quin, Mrs., of Adair iii . 849 Rabida monaſtery xii , 23 Quinchamali plant of Chili xiv . 39 Rabo de junco , fea- bird xii . 30 Quinoa grain of Quito xiv, 460 Rabogh , Arabs of X. 20 Quinoaloma deſert xiv. 439 Rabudos, Rio de los xiv. 61 Quinquina of Loxa xiv . 216 Racan, King of viii . 1οΙ of Loja, Quito xiv, 477 Racconis town iv, 236 Quin's, Mr., ſaying ii . 685 - , irrigation in iv. 563 Quinſai city vii . 149 Raccoon, New Jerſey, journey from Marco Polo's deſcription Philadelphia to xii. 482.497.504.567 of it vii . 152 Race cape , Newfoundland 178 Quintas of Spain 443 Race of Portland ii . Quintero harbour, Chili xiv. 71 Racehorſe, Phipps’s veſſel i . 541 Quinterones of Carthagena xiv. 332 Races at Kelſo 484 Quinua grain of Quito xiv. 531 at Aranjuez 558 Quipoes of the Chilians xiv . 118 Rachel's tombº 349. 435 Quiriquina iſland xiv . 72. 674 Rachlin iſland ii. 877. 879 Quiriviri iland xii . 128 Racine, Spaniards' opinion of him 524 Quiros, De, on New Holland xi. 454 Racine de Diſette of France iv . 501 Quiros, Ferdinand de xiv. Rackets for hunting in Canada xii. 284 Quiſay city xii. ibid . Racoons of America xiii . 408 Quiſpicanchi juriſdi&tion xiv . 616 tame Quill's, M., claflification of precious Radcliffe family iii . 193 ftones vi . 423 Radicina town deſtroyed by an cabinet ibid . earthquake Quiteva, King of xvi. 679. 682. 687 Radien, the Lapland god his titles xvi . 689 Radiſh, an enormous American xiii. 435 - , conquered by the Radiſon , M. , anecdotes of him xii . 361 Portugueſe xvi . 703 Radkol bay i . Quito , Condamine on xiv. 215 Radnagur, manufactures of viii . 408 city, Bouguer's deſcription xiv. 284. 299 Radnor, Old and New ii . 609 Ulloa's account xiv. 440 foreſt ji . ibid . province xiv. 462 waterfall ii. ibid . juriſdiction xiv. 467 Radnor city, Penſylvania xii . Quitoa iſland captured by Muzimbas xvi. 713.723 Radway- houſe ii . 348 Quixos government xiv. 490 Rafts, South American xiv . 217 Quixote , Don, Madrid edition of 385 on the Guayaquil xiv. 407 Quiyougcohanocke river xiii. on the river Morbeya 800 Indians of xiii. 96 Rage-Mehalle viii . Quiyough river xiii . 64 Raghery, ſee Rachlin . Quiyoughcohanocks of Virginia 41 Ragland cattle Quiza, the ancient 518 Ragouts of the Ethiopians 79 Quonahafit, New England xiii. 219 Raguel, the angel 268 Quulteu birds of Chili xiv. 8o Raguelle ille 672 Raha vale 286 Raid of Ruthven iii . R. 412 Raido- Kierres, the, deſcribed i. Raigah Arabs Rabaſt cape 545 xii. 642 Rail- roads in Northumberland iii . 496 Rabat town, Morocco 698 Rain , mode of catching, at ſea i . 815 Rabbi, Jacob xiv. 826.835 ſtorm of, at Starbottom ii . Rabbits of Bafiluzzo 433 128 in Ireland iii ,. 866 of Lipari 248 in France iv. 133. 312 mode of hunting ibid . on Mount Etna 89 of Stromboli 253 mode of catching, at Cadiz of Tartary vii , 572 31 - , average, in Ruſſia ( note) vi. 667 of Chili xiv, 84 periodical , in India vii . 218 9 Rain, 9 756 382 26. 65 XV. 92 xiii . ii . 226.583 XV. XV. X. XV . 408 XV. XV. v. > INDEX. ( 347 ) PAGE VOL . PAGE 9 his attempt xii. X. > grant , of X. 408.444 8. 45 699 > vill . XV. X. XV. XV. ix . 617 X. once > VOL.. Rain , periodical, in Hindoftan viii . 223 RALEIGH, SIR Walter, his obfer Bernier's obſervations on viii. 224 vations on the herring fiſhery ii. 334 in Ethiopia viii . 230 periodical, of Tonquin ix. 709 to ſettle Virginia 180 ſecret for obtaining, in expedition Arabia 99 to Guiana xii . 197. 221. 282. 287 in Arabia 182 his death xii . 290 in Mindanao xi. 26 in the Iſle of France xi . 762 Virginia to xii. 565 in New South Wales xi . 929 Smith's in the Weſt Indies xii . 69. 133 account of him xiii. 4 in Jamaica xii. 316.317 Ralemo river xiv. 57 in Quito xiv . 454 Ram, Banian account of him viii . 553 in Peru xiv. 560 Rama, Pococke's deſcription , phenomenon of, in Peru xiv. 585 Rama, Prince viii . 6.8 in Abyſſinia xv. 28. 45. 83 a deſcendant of Porus viii . in Barbary XV. 405 Rama Anuja, anecdotes of him viii . table of the quantity that fell Rama Anuja Acharya 614 in Algiers 596 Ramadan of the Arabs 40 -, proceſſion and invocation for 792 celebration of the Moreſco xv. 436. 472 on the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi. 384 of the Moors 774 in Loango and Cacongo xvi. 550 Negro mode of keeping xvi . 896 in the Niger xvi . 619 Ramadhan, annual proceſſion at, in in Senegal xvi . 621 Perſia 33 in Fayal xvi , 673 Rama- giri town viü . Rainbows, appearance of three, at Ramathiam -Zophim 442 i . 284 Ramauſtan fruit of Siam ix . 609 lunar, at Bengal viii . 229 Ramazan , ſaft of, obſerved in Perfia ix . 254 ' s appearance from the Rambang, fort viii . 453 Cordilleras xiv. 47 Rambo, Mr. xiii . 400. 483. 489 Rainier, Admiral (note ) xi . 198 Rambouillet, Spaniſh ſheep of 323 Rainſter rock ii . 381 Rambout's, Admiral, naval actions i . 799 Raio - ftorm called the elephant viii . 13 Rameſes 183 Rain -water, fiſh formed by xvi. 660 Ram Head, New Holland xi . 544.892 Rainy's, Mr. , account of the fafting Rami, King, his dominions in the woman of Roſs- ſhire 535 vii . 188 Raiftormal caſtle ii . 282 Ramle, occult ſcience 173 Raitho, ſee Tor. Ramler, the poet vi . Rajahmal town viii. 414 Ramni iland vii . 183 Rajahs of Hindoftan viii . 136, 137 Ramo, torrent their tents in Ramon fountain , Chili xiv. 65 the Great Mogul's camp viii . 199 RAMOND's journey to the ſummit Rajapore harbour viii , 350 of Mont Perdu iv. - , baths at viii . 351 Ramras, King viii . 130 Rajipous of Agra viii . 74 Ramſay, Ife of Man 810 Rakan, Bernier's account of tranſ. Ramſden's megameter i . 566 actions at viii . 123 manometer i . 571 Chah - heft - kan's enterprizes Ramſeigne Routlé viii . 79 against viii . 125 Ramtrut temple viii , 363 Rakbaye, harbour of i. 756 Ramus cape viii. Rakiock trees of Virginia xii . 602. xiii. 13 Ramuſhan village 93 Rakufs, the idol 534 Ramulio's account of Marco Polo vii. 102 Raleigh city, Virginia xii . account of Pigafetta xi. 299 Raleigh mount xii . 189 Rancagua baths xiv. 65 Raleigh, Captain Walter 287 juriſdi&tion xiv. 682 his death xii. 289 Rancherias in Panama xiv. 384 Raleigh , Sir Walter , privateers in Terra Firma xiv. 386 belonging to him i . 819 Ranchos of Guaxaca xiii. 794 Rands- Sion lake vi . 370 of an engagement near the Azores i , 824 Ranelagh 504 [ x x 2 ] Ranft, V. XV. ninth century X. 202 912 711 356 is. ix. 184 1 xii, his report [ 348 ] INDEX. VOL , PAGE PAGE V. ix . 428 451 II vi . 441 vi , ſon's bay > roes of 48 7 586 iv . 256 of Japan Raoul cape 451 518 VOL. Ranft, Nicholas de Flue's hermitage Raſpouts of Guzerat viii . 311 at 737 Raſtadt caſtle vi. 4 Rangoon, reception of merchants at is . 426 Raftofsin, Count, Suwarof's recep - , voyage from , to Pegu tion of him ( note ) vi . 803 deſcribed ix . 446 Rat, the Huron chief, anecdotes -, an aſylum for debtors ix . of him xiii . 325 river ix . 452 Ratafia of Paris iv . 52 fhips built at ix . 452. 566 Ratcliffe Rank , tax on ( note ) vi . 310 Ratcliffe, Captain, of Virginia xiii . 50. 73. 101 mode of obtaining, in Ruſſia vi. 814 Ratification of a treaty between the pun & tilio of the Birmans in ix . 464 French and Malegaches xvi. 775 - , precedency of, in Batavia xi . i89 Ratiſbon , Rieſbeck's deſcription 42 Ranks, military , in Spain diet ibid . in Japan 718 Ratiſſon's, M., fettlement in Hud Rannoch 47 xiii . 340 ibid. Rats, account of the Lapland moun. fiſh of lake tain i . 196 Ranſoms ſet on priſoners by the on ſhip -board i . 520 Negroes xvi. 413 charms for expelling ( note ) ii. 85 Ranſonnet cape xi . 826 in the Ife of Rona 582 Ranulph , Earl of Cheſter ii . 366 in the Ile of Harries Ranunculuſes of M.Vaillant 70 great prognoſticators iii . 787 Ranza village iii . vii . 701 Raolconda diamond mine, Taver the bamboo, food made of nier's deſcription viii . 235 them ix . 612 Raoudah, ſee Roida. deſtroy the ſtores of the Vir. xi. 854 ginian colory xiii . 94 Rapaapo, North America xiii. 557 de traction cauſed by them Rapacity of the Haye fiſh of in the Bermudas xui. 188 Guinea xvi. of North America xii. Rapahanock river xiii . 28. 65. 68 of Chili xiv. 83 Indians xiii . of Guayaquil xiv. 397 Rapel river, Chili xiv. 55 in Mequinez 469 lake xiv. 67 , the Barbary 626 Rapes, puniſhment for, in China vii . 195 of Morocco 736 - , puniſhment for, in Perfia ix . 95 at the Cape of Good Hope xvi . 57 Raphanack river xii . 240 of Guinea xvi . 433 Rapid river xii. 276 wild xvi . Rapids of the river St. Lawrence 278 of Coto xvi . 475 Rappahannoc river xiii . 709 of Fida xvi . 499 falls 718 Rattas mountains 281 Rappee fnuff, Spaniſh duties on 420 Rattles, muſical, of the Virginians xiii . 38.52 Rapperſchwyl town v. 659.676 Rattle- fnake of Canada 356 Rarabe tree of Madagaſcar xvi . & co anecdotes of it xiii . 724 Rarefaction of the air at Quito xiv. 287 of Carthagena 347 Rareton river, New Jerſey xiii . 450 of Brazil xiv. 713 Rarion plain X. 757 Rattvick pariſh, minerals there Raritan river xii . 354 Ratzeburgh town vi. 347 hills xiii . 734 lake vi . ilid. Rarities in Amoy vili . 494 Rauchenara- Begum , her character viii. 64.85.105 in China viii . 508 108 Rarities, chamber of, in Peterſburgh vi . 827 Raudo filh i . 439 Ras village 517 Raulins of Arracan ix . 761 Raſa ille iii. 318.626 Ravages committed by the White Raſaddar 568 Boys ini . 818 Raſcades of Loango xvi , 575 Ravend -ſara tree of Madagaſcar xvi. 800 xii . 664. xiii . 258 Ravens, means of diſcovering land by i . 645 Raſpberries of Canada xiii . 650 the two, of North - Viſt ii. Raffela Chriftos 44 in the Bermudas XVI. Raffelgat cape viii . 284 Ravenſdale, agriculture at ii. Ras Sem , the petrified village XY , 611 Raven tree of Madagaſcar xvi . 797 70 XV. XV. XV . 438 xiii . xiii. V. Xull . xiv. vi. 468 her amours VIII . X. XV. Raſe cape XV. 594 182 823 Raves, INDEX. (349] PAGE 768 279. 285 vi . 633 XV. xiii . of Egypt XV. 388 > Vi . iii . Razo cape - viii. X. VOL . VOL . PAGE Raves, culture of, in Italy iv. 599 Record - court, London ü . 72 Ravinal tree xi . 768 Records relative to the Scilly iſlands ii . Ravines in Calabria V. ancient , in Jona iii . 302 in Guaxaca xiii . 796 relating to the election of in Peru xiv. 300 Peter the Great vi. 635 Raviſaldee, Rajah, anecdotes of him viii . 549 Recreations of the Engliſh ü . 145 Ravilhers in Ireland ii. 875 Recruiting in Spain 442 Rawdikes ii . 365 Recruits in Pruſſia vi . 193 Rawranoke of America xiii . 64 raiſing, in Sweden 450 Raye cape xili . 259, 344 in the Birman empire ix . 499 Ray -fiſh, Siameſe ix . ſent to Canada xiii . 699 - , poiſonous, of Cheſapeak -, Barbary mode of raiſing 675 bay 65 Recueil des Voyages, &c. ( note ) i . 81. I130. 609 838 Redang iſlands viii . 463 Raynal , Abbé, Young's account of Redbank, battle of iii . 178 him iv. 225 Red -beak of the Cape of Good his ſtatement of the Hope xvi . 74 trade of Marſeilles iv. 342 Red - bird of North America xiii . 525 prize queſtion iv . 394. v. Redburn town ii . 459 on Pruſſia 188 Red caſtle 425 Raypore, Hamilton's account viii . 404 Red -Croſs river in America xii . 207 хіі .. 630 Reddle of Gajina Guta viii. 692 Razomouſki Hetman, Count, his Red -dog of the Myſore 625 villa vi . 592 Rede, Heer Van, his liſt of the Razors of the Friendly iſles xi . 669 Malabar provinces viii . 366 of the Virginians xiii . 34 account of the Ré, Sant Juan del xiii. 819.830 Jews of Cranganore viii . 379 Readers, the Engliſh great ii . 503 Redemption Troop on the Rio Reading, univerſal in Saxony vi. 155 Negro xiv. 236 Reah village 523 Red -Horſe at Edgehill ii . 347 Realp town iv . 103 Red iſland, St. Lawrence xiii . 260 cultivation about iv . 655. v. 750 Redondo, Major- Gen . Antonio de xii . 477 Reaping machines i . 295. 344 Red- pepper of Brazil xiv. 862 Reaumur, M. de xvi . 600 Red Sea, pirates of the viii . 278. x . 388 Reay family ini . 148 Lobo's account Reay pariſh iii . 152 etymology of 12. 58 Reb river 86 cauſeway from it to the Rebebb muſical inſtrument 643 pyramids XV. 198 Rebellion in Auſtria vi . 107 Pococke's account 276. 285 of Baichu vii . 199 Iſraelites paſſage of 294 punishment for, in China ix . 684 Reduction of livres at ten - pence in Hiſpaniola xii . 104-116 halfpenny each iv . 79 of the Portugueſe in Red -weed of the Bermudas 172 Brazil xiv. 761—858 Redwood -berry of the Bermudas 267 in Congo, hiſtory of it xvi . 263 Reeds of Arabia 193 Rebello, M. de xiv. 260. 267 ſea , Peron's deſcription xi . 860 Rebi of the Sintos in Japan vii. 731 of Rio Formoſa xvi . 519 Recapitulation, Smith's, of his Reeky Linn caſcade adventures xiii . 165 Reeve, Mr. , of Liancourt iv. Receif city , Brazil xiv. 708 Refinement of the Birmans in pride ix. - , hiſtory of xiv . $ 14 Refineries, ſugar, in Gottenburg famine in xiv. ofcopper at Aveſtad Rechlan, Madam vi . 203 for filver in Peru xiv . 15 Reckonings in circumnavigating Reflections of Mungo Park on being the globe xi. 33 ftripped and robbed xvi. 863 Reeloma, anecdotes of her xiv, 58. 194 Reform , neceſſary iv . 429 Recluſes of Mount Athos 738 of Parliament, inexpedient Recolets of Canada deſcribed xiii . 649 ( note) 963 Recollet , Saut au , Canada 693 Reformation, its effects on literature i . 672 Recommendation, copies of Arabie of the church of Scot. letters of 393 land iii . 529 8 Reformation > XV. * 10 > XV. XV. XV . 9 XV. XV. xui, xii. - 111 . 560 vi . 548 470 382 456 843 vi . X. V. xiii. XV . [350] INDEX. VOL. VOL. V. V. V. 15. 26 vi . , ſpeed 9 vi. > V. 46 468 370 461 V PAGE PAGE Reformation in Switzerland 661 Reichenau town 947 at Geneva 883 bridges ibid. in Engadina 907 Reichenbach , fall of the 759 in the Valteline 920 Reija. Laut, account of him xi. in the Griſons 969 Reilig Ourain , in Jona iii . 297 in Bohemia vi. 137 Reikavik , woollen manufactory at i . 668 in Saxony vi . 165 Reikum, hot ſpring at i . 631 its origin ibid. Rein- deer of the Samoides i . 88 retarded etymology of the word i . 169 knowledge and cultivation vi . 169 natural hiſtory of i . ibid . of Virginia, commil. its qualities i . 170 ſioners for xiii . 164 - , utility to the Laps i . ibid , Reformers in Scotland iii . 447 i . 171. 401 Refraction, obſervations for deter food i . 171.402 mining i . 572 uſed in ſacrifice i . 179 of the air diſcovered by flock of i . 186 Tycho Brahe 333 eagles deftroy their young i . 187 phenomenon of, in New mode of weaning the Holland xi . 774 young i . ibid. aſtronomical xiv . 275 , mode of killing i . 190.405 Refreſcos of Spain 519 fleth of i . 190 Refrigeration, effects of i . 730 - , journey with i . 245 Refuge cape , New Holland xi. 826 deſcribed i . 256 Regalia in the Tower of London ii . -, the bleſſing of the North i . 312 of Scotland iii . of Afehle i . Regencies, Barbary their management by the Regeneration of France iv. 422 Laplanders i . 400 Regenfuſs's collection of ſhells vi . 320 " > young i . ibid . Regenſberg town 678 males i . 401 government ibid their horns i . ibid . Regent of Sweden vi . 503 diſeaſes i . ibid . Reggio iv. 278 -, their mode of ſwimming i . 402 irrigation at iv . 575 domeſtic i . ibid . vines of iv. 615 attacked by wolves i . 403 prices of articles at iv. 651 milking 405 Dolomieu's account of 282 , caftrating i , ibid. its appearance after the earth wild i . 406 quakes (note) 287 harneſs of i. ibid , Regidors of Spain 400 hunting the wild i . 413 Reginald, King of Man, ftory of of Spitzbergen 597 him ii. 797.826 Rein -deer-moſs of Canada xiii . 646 Regiomontanus, anecdotes of him xi. 409 Rein-deer's blood a cure for ſcurvy i . 601 Regis on the lamas of Tibet vii. 561 Keifengeberge mountain vi . 143 Regiſters of Japan vii. 617 Reifimah 282 REGNARD's journey through Flan Rejoicings, public, in St.Jago xiv. 182 ders, Holland, &c. i . 131. 159 Relatores of Spain 401 Regnier's dynanometer xi , 939 Relics, religious, in Japan vii . 727 Regulations of the trade of Spain 472 in Erivan ix , 153 of trade at Cadiz 580 of St. Catharine 400 military, in Pruſſia vi . 191 of Gama 36 for aſſemblies at Peterſ Religion of Ruflia i . 21 . 36 burgh in 1719 vi. 681 of the Laplanders i . 164. 381 of Catharine the Second vi. 811 of the Samoiedes i . 531 Magellan's xi. 307 in Iceland of Frobiſher's feet xii. 534 in Norway i . 767 Rehumut mountains, ruins of Per in Denmark i . 765: 767. vi . 313 ſepolis at ix . 266 of the English ii . 139 Reicity, ſacked by the Copheral at St. Kilda Turks vii . in Switzerland 735 Reichenau, Iſle of 645 of Haller 866 Religion V. XV. V. V. V. X. XV. i . 648.753 iii . 666.715 10 v. INDE X. [351 ] PAGE V. 481 vili. viii . 578 vi. on vi. 218 378 > vii . ix . 765 768 98 138 9 341 346 X. VOL. VOL . PAGE Religion among the Griſons 968 Religion in Java viii . 455 -, effects of the Roman Ca. in Cochin -China viii. tholic vi . 13 in Tonquin viii . 484 at Augſburg vi . 19 in Manilla 512 in Saltzburg vi . 49 in Formoſa viii. 514 in Hungary vi . 109 Lord's account of the at Prague vi . 141 Banian viii . 524 in Saxony vi . 152 of the Shafter 537 ftate of, previous to the re . of the Perfees viii . 559. X. 220 formation, in Germany vi . 166 in the Carnatic viii. in Italy vi . ibid . of the Hindoos viii. 614.632.678 . in France 167 X. 219 effects of the reformation of the Brahmans viit. 653.666 169 of the Guebres ix . 32 in Berlin vi . 198 of the Georgians ix. 134 in Hamburg vi. of the Colchians or Min in Francfort vi . 242 grelians ix . 145 at Mentz vi. 254 hiſtory of the Mahometan ix. 287 in the Palatinate vi. 266 of the Bukhars ix. in Cologne 271 of the Birmans ix . 490 in Sweden vi . 521 of the Tonquineſe ix . 704 ceremonies of the Greek vi. 704 fects of the Tonquineſe ix . 732 in Courland vi. 723 in Jangoma ix . 763 of the Jugures 53 in Laos ix . - , conferences on, in Tartary vii . 79 in Camboya of the Tartars vii . in Campa ix. 769 Marco in Cochin-China ix . 770 Polo's account vii. fects of the Cochin of the Tongufians vii. Chineſe ix . 821 of Buraty vii. of Lachſa of the Chineſe vii . 414. viii . 503 new, of Nedsjed I 22 of the Oſteacks vii. 427 of Abd ul Wahheb 123 in Dagheftan vii. 494 of the Arabs 139 of theKoreans vii. in Bombay in Tibet vii. in Surat ſimilarity of the Romiſh , of the Turks 252. 285 to that of Tibet vii . 553 of the Jews 269 extent of the Lama's vii. 560 of the Maronites X. 295 Defideri's' s account of, in Cyprus 592 in Tibet vii. 597 in Candia 620 in Japan vii. 629. viii. 517 of the Mindanayans xi. 16 Kempfer's hiſtory of the Banjareens xi . 134 of vii . 723 of the Javaneſe xi . 172 in the Mogul's dominions viü . of the Alforeſe xi. 264 of the Great Mogul vili . of the Amboyneſe xi . of the Beths in India viii 184 of the Oraheitans xi. 521.588 of the Ethiopian Cophts viii . 272 of the New Zealanders xi. 543 at Mocha viii . * 280 of the Friendly iſlanders xi . 697 at Muſkat 286 of the Sandwich iſlanders xi . 737 in Perſia viii. 303. ix. 27. 263. 274 of the Indians of Hiſpa niola xii. 79 at Surat viii . in New England xii. 259 at Goa 352 of the Britiſh colonies at Tellichery viii . 371 in America xii. 405 in the Samorin's country vii of the Virginians xii . 604. xiii . 13. 39 in Ceylon viii . of the New Englanders xiii . 244 in the Maldives 389 in Philadelphia xiii . 390. 396 in Calcutta viii . 411 of the American Indians xiii . 539 in Bengal in Virginia xiii . 712 in Pegu viii . in Maryland 726 Religion I 20 X. X. X. 536 X. 202 548 X. 2II X. X. > X. 45, 46 136 266 vill . in Sindy viii. - 308 316 VIII 376 388 415 426 xiii. [ 352 ] INDEX. PAGE VOL . PAGE iv . 738 iv. iv . 423 558 . iv. XV. 26.91 XV. XV. iv. XV. iv . XV. 416.472 v. 221 178 XV. VOL. Religion in Penſylvania xiii . 730 Rennes, Young's account of 153 in New Jerſey xui. 735 linen trade of iv. 377 in New York xili . cattle of iv . 479 in Rhode island xili . 742 horſes of 482 in Maſſachuſets xii. 746 Rents in France in St Jago, Chili xiv. 178 and price of land in Piedmont iv. in Quito xiv. 445 in the Mila of the Indians in Quito xiv. 520 neſe iv. 559 in Brazil xiv. 732. 874 in the Vene. of the Galles 21 tian State 560 of the Abyffinians XV. in the Eccle. of the Greek church 291 fiaftical State iv . 561 in Egypt 311 in Tuſcany iv. ibid . -, ancient Egyptian XV. 348 in Modena ibid. of the Coptis 367 in Parma ibid. in Weſt Barbary in Savoy iv. ibid . of the Moors in Morocco xv. 774 general and provincial, of of the Hottentots xvi. 141 Spain 418. 221 of the Negroes on the of land in Perſia ix . Gold Coaſt xvi . 396 at Batavia xi . of the Fidaſians xvi. 493 in Canada xiii . 695 in Rio de Gabon xvi . 510 of the Grand Signior in in Benin xvi . 530 Egypt 308 on the Grain Coaſt, Renz- des- vaches, Swiſs air 755 Guinea xvi . 539 its effects on the of Loango and Cacongo xvi. 593 Swiſs 814 of the Caffrés xvi. 687 Reole, La, cattle of iv. 475 of the Moors of the iſlands Repaſts of the Spaniards 520 off Melinda xvi. 723 Repentance, Tower of iii . 217 of the Arabs of Mada Rephaim valley X. 349. 411.424 gaſcar xvi . 745 Rephidim of the Canarians xvi . 819 Rephidim vale 285 of the Mandingo Ne Report, Braithwaite's, on St. Vin groes xvi . 876 cent's illand xii . 427 Rema, country of Repoſe the true enjoyment of life i . 152 Remains of antiquity in Iceland ( ſee Repoſitory of aſhes at Coupar Grange iii . 558 Antiquities) i . 676 of royal machines at Paris iv. 173 Rembla deſart 279 Repreſentation of the people ( note) 429 Rembrandi, ſome account of ii : in Remedics, natural , of Scotland ili . 381 America ( note ) iv . 430 fingular, for coftiveneſs jii . 634 in xiii . 495 France iv . ibid , for the tooth - ache xiii . 513 Repreſentatives, on the election of uſed in Guinea xvi . 427.483 the Griſon in Benin xvi . 527 Repriſalias, Junta de Remiſe, coaches de, of Paris iv . 5 Reptiles of Japan vii. 701 Remle plain xv. 191 of Siam ix . 629 Remouzai's account of the pigmies in Amboyna xi . 263 of Madagaſcar xvi . 765 in Van Diemen's Land xi. Rempart of Vienna 96 ſea, of New Holland xi . 785 Remus caſtle ୨୦୨ in Bernier ile 791 Renapoak Indians xii. 583 in Rottneſt iſland xi . 823 Renaudot, Abbé, account of him vii. 180 in New South Wales xi. 92 I Rencontres iſland xiii . 317 of Virginia xiii . 710 Rendſburgh town vi . 344 of Peru xiv, 278 Renegadves in Turkey 266 of Carthagena xiv . 347 Moreſco admiſſion of of Porto Bello xiv . them 433. 777 ot Brazil xiv . 713 Renfrew town iii . 248 of Egypt Renfrewſhire iii . 243 of Barbary 627 Rengo, the Indian xiv. 203 of the Gold Coaſt, Guinea xvi . 447 Republics, X. 396 XV. X. III XV. 654 > for the ague 962 V. 578 643 vi . V. xi . X. 368 XV. XV. 338 XV. INDEX. [353 ] PAGE VOL. XY. X. 398 XV. iv . 426 iv . X. v. X. V. v. V ix . 47 V. iii. VOL . PAGE Republice, obſervations on iv. 619 Revengeof the Arabs 144 on their government 963 Mahometan doctrine of 427 in Arabia 85 of the Negroes, anecdotes xvi. 884 of Negroes on the Gold Revenge, fhip , Raleigh's report of Coaſt xvi . 405 her action with the Spaniſh Armada i . 825 Requien fiſh of Guinea deſcribed xvi . 451 Revenues of France iv. Rerringſton manſion ü . 297 detail of iv. 400 Reſan government and diſtricts vi. 751 effects of the Refars , Jibbel 566 Revolution on Reſborg town i . 334 of the King of Sardinia iv . 627 Reſen, Paul i . 487 of Tuſcany iv. 634 Reſervoirs of Edinburgh iii . 29 of Modena ibid. at Conſtantinople vii , SIT of Parma iv . ibid . - > public , in Yemen 45 of Spain 418.424 of the Sabæans of Mareb TOO of Bern (note) 853 Relhd town vi. 882 of Geneva 890 deſcribed vii . 311 of Bormio 915 Reſidents, placemen in Spain 449 of the Valteline 930 Refilla i . 352 of the Griſons 970 Refimon , Captain xvi . 749 of Wirtemberg vi. 9 Relins of Amazonia xiv . 227.513 of Bavaria 31.37 Reſkme town 44 of Saltzburg vi, Reſolution, Cook's voyage in the of Paſſau vi. 59 ſhip xi . 564 of the Prince of Lichten ſecond voyage xi . 639 ſtein vi . 93 Reſpiration, difficult on Mont- Blanc of Auſtria vi . 120. 125 (note) 789 of Saxony vi. 151 Reſpite of a priſoner, an ancient 235 of Pruſſia vi . 177.187 Reftalrig manfion 475 of Hamburgh vi , 217 Reſtenot priory 438 of Hanover vi . 226 Reſtinga iſland xiv . 725 of Denmark 310 Reſting -places for porters in Madras viïi . 573 of Sweden 522 Reftonn village 520 of Ruſſia vi . 863 Reſtrictions on the American colo of the Grand Khan vji . 156 nies xii. 461 of China in the ninth cen Reſurrection of two Virginians xii . 605. xlii . 14 tury 191 Retaliation , anecdotes of the law of xiii . 748 of the King of Korea vii. law in Barbary 427 of Japan vii . 610.616.622.668 Retimo city , Pococke's deſcription 614 of the Great Mogul viii .45 142. 233 Retink province vii. 591 of Surat viii. 316 Retinues of travellers in Japan vii. 785 of the India Company in Retiro , Buen, palace 376 Bengal viii . 413 Retreat of the King of Pruffia vi . 133 of Canton viii. 492 of ſwallows in winter (note ) xiii. 548 of the Emperor of China viïi. 511 Retreats of Perlians like Parthians ix. 219 of the Prince of Mingrelia ix , 144 Retrete port, Colon's diſcovery xii. 132 of the Shah of Perfia ix . 223 Retuſari iſland vi. 865 of the King of Bokhara ix. 374 Retzuns caftle 946 of the Birman empire ix . 498 antiquity of ibid. of Tonquin barony 947 of the Imam of Sana 107 Retzuns, Baron 946 of the governor of Ma Reus town 615 caffer xi . 239 manufactures ibid . of Amboyna xi . 270 Reuſs river 745 of the Dutch government its ſource 747 of Amboyna xi. 281 Revel government and diſtricts vi. 748 of the clergy of Canada xiii. 648.695 Revelation, pretended , at St. Kilda of Dar- Für 155 to Zertooſt the lawgiver of the Grand Signior in of the Perſees viii . Egypt 307 Revenge of an elephant on a taylor viii . of Barbary 675 VOL. XVII . Revenues X. vii, 538 XV. X. .v ix. 686. 754 V. X. V. V. V. V. jii. 726 Xv. 562 XV. 446 Xy. [ 354] INDE X. VOL . PAGE VOL. PAGE X. rocco XV . xi. xiii. IX . 158 382 838 708 X. XV . XV. XV. XV. X. 946 631 effects on 625 on XV . on > on 425 Rheinfelden on V. on y , iv . Revenues of the Emperor of Mo Revolutions in Surat 214 753 in Boni 223 of the Negro kings of Rewards, military, in Spain 449 Guinea xvi . 416.487 of the Virginian lottery 118 of the King of Benin xvi . 533 Rey city , its ancient grandeur Reve-pull, an ancient Saxon ii . 296 Reynard's hall ii . Reverences of the Turks 278 Reynier's deſcription ofth {{GFDL}}

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