Simians, Cyborgs, and Women  

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"I want to do something very important. Like fly into the past and make it come out right." --Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy, epigraph to chapter 1 of Simians, Cyborgs, and Women

"The idea that nature is constructed, not discovered - that truth is made, not found - is the keynote of recent scholarship in the history of science. Tracing the gendered roots of science in culture, Donna Haraway's writings about scientific research on monkeys and apes is arguably the finest scholarship in this tradition." --Simians, Cyborgs, and Women (1991) by Donna Haraway, preface

"As Hurtado (1989, p. 841) noted, in the nineteenth century prominent white feminists were married to white men, while black feminists were owned by white men. In a racist patriarchy, white men's 'need' for racially pure offspring positioned free and unfree women in incompatible, asymmetrical symbolic and social spaces." --Simians, Cyborgs, and Women (1991) by Donna Haraway

Related e



Simians, cyborgs and women : the reinvention of nature (1991) is a book by Donna Haraway.

It featured the 1985 essay "A Cyborg Manifesto".


Table of contents

  • Animal sociology and a natural economy of the body politic: a political physiology of dominance --
  • The past is the contested zone: human nature and theories of production and reproduction in primate behaviour studies --
  • The biological enterprise: sex, mind, and profit from human engineering to sociobiology --
  • In the beginning was the word: the genesis of biological theory --
  • The contest for primate nature: daughters of man-the-hunter in the field, 1960-80 --
  • Reading Buchi Emecheta: contests for 'women's experience' in women's studies --
  • 'Gender' for a Marxist dictionary: the sexual politics of a word --
  • A cyborg manifesto: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century --
  • Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective --
  • The biopolitics of postmodern bodies: constitutions of self in immune system discourse.

See also

Bibliography notes

Full bibliography

A Aberle, Sophie and Comer, George W. (1953) Twenty-frve Yean of Sex Research: History o/Ihe National Restarch Council CommilJee for Research on Probltms of Sex, lC)22-47. Philadelphia: Saunders. Allee, W.e. (1938) The Sodal Lift 0/ Animals. New York: Norton. Allen, Paula Gunn (1986) The Sacred Hoop: Recoven'ng the Ftminine inAmmcan Indian Traditions. Boston: Beacon. Altmann,jeanne (1980) BaboonMolhm and Infants. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Alnnann, S.A., ed. (1967) Social Communication among Pn'males. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Amos, Valerie, Lewis, Gail, Mama, Amina, and Pannar, Pratibha, eds (1984)Mmry Voices, One Chant: Black Ftminist PerspedWes, Fmrinist Rt!Vjav 17, 118 pp. Angyai, Andras (1941) Foundations of a Scimce of Personality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ann Arbor Science for the People (1977) Biology as a Sodal Weapon. Minneapolis: Burgess. Anzaldua, Gloria (1987) Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute. Apmeker, Betina (1982) Woman s Legmy: Essays on Race, Sex, and Class in American Hislory. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Ardrey, Robert (lg66) Territorial Imperative. New York: Atheneum. -- (1970) The Social Contract. New York: Atheneum. Aristode (1979) Gmeralion o/Animals, A.L. Ped, trans. Loeb Classical Library, XIII. London: Heinemann. Ashby, W. Ross (1961) An Introdudion to Cybernetics. London: Chapman and Hall. Athanasiou, Tom (1987) 'High-tech politics: the case of artificial intelligence', Socialist Review 92 : 7-35· B Bacon, Francis (1893) Novum Organum,j. Spedding, trans. London: G. Routledge. -- (lg42) Essays and NavAtlantis. London: Walter J. Black. Bambara, Toni Cade (1981) The Salt Eaters. New York: VintagelRandom House. Barash, D.P. (1977) Sodobiology and Behavior. New York: Elsevier North Holland. -- (1979) The Whisp~ringI Wilhin: Evolution and Ih( Origin of Human Nature. New York: Harper & Row. Baritz, Leon (1960) Servants of Power. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. Barnes, Deborah M. (lg86) 'Nervous and immune system disorders linked in a variety of diseases', Science 232: 160-1. -- (1987) 'Neuroimmunology sits on broad research base', Sdmc( 237: IS68-g. Barrett, Michele (1980) Women's Oppression Today. London: Verso. Barthes, Roland (1982) 'The photographic message', in Susan Sontag, ed. A Bar/hes Reader. New York: Hill & Wang. 254 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women 10 II systematically fonn the objects of which they speak' (Foucault, 1972, p. 49). The family relation between structuralism and rationalism is something I will avoid for now. Emily Martin has begun a three-year fieldwork project on networks of immunological discourse in laboratories, the media, and among people wim and without AIDS. Mice and 'men' are constantly associated in immune discourse because these sibling animal bodies have been best characterized in the immunological laboratory. For example, the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), a complex of genes that encodes a critical array of surface markers involved in almost all of the key immune response recognition events, is well characterized for each species. The complex is called the H2 locus in me mouse and the HLA locus in humans. The MHC codes for what wiD be recognized as 'self. The locus is criticalJy involved in 'restriction' of specificities. Highly polygenic and polyallelic, the MHC may be the main system allowing discrimination between self and non-self. 'Non-self must be presented to an immune system cell 'in me context of self; that is, associated with the surface markers coded by the ¥HC. Comparative studies of the antigens of the MHC with the molecular structures of other key actors in the immune response (antibodies, T cell differentiation antigens) have led to lhe concept of the 'immunoglobulin superfamily', characterized by its extensive sequence homologies that suggest an evolutionary elaboration from a common genic ancestor (Golub, Ig87, pp. 202-33). The conceptual and laboratory tools developed to construct knowledge of the MHC are a microcosm for understanding the apparatus of production of the bodies of the immune system. Various antigens coded by the MHC confer 'public' or 'private' specificities, terms which designate degrees of shared versus differentiating antigens against a background of dose genetic similarity, but not identity. Immunology could be approached as the science constructing such language-like 'distinguishing features' of the organic communications system. Current research on 'tolerance' and the ways thymic cells (T cells) 'educate' other cells about what is and is not 'selr led the biologist, Scott Gilben, to ask if that is immunology's equivalent of the injunction to know 'thy*self' (personal communication). Reading immunologicnllanguage requires both extreme literal-mindedness and a taste for troping. jennifer Terry examined AIDS as a 'trop(olog)icnl pandemic' (unpublished paper, uesC). It is not just imagers of the immune system who learn from military cultures; military cultures draw symbiotically on immune system discourse, just as strategic planners draw directly from and contribute [0 video game practices and science fiction. For example, in Mililary Rt!Viav Colonel Frederick Timmerman argued for an elite corps of special strike force soldiers in the army of the future in mese teons: The most appropriate example to describe how lhis system would work is the most complex biological model we know - the body's immune system. Within the body there exists a remarkably complex corps of internal bodyguards. In absolute numbers they are small - only about one percent of the body's cells. Yet they consist of reconnaissance specialists, killers, reconstitution specialists, and communicators that can seek out invaders, sound the alarm, reproduce rapidly, and swann to the attack to repel the enemy ... In this regard, the june Ig86 issue of National Geographic contains a detailed account of how the body's immune system functions. (Timmerman, Ig87, p. 52) Bibliography A Aberle, Sophie and Comer, George W. (1953) Twenty-frve Yean of Sex Research: History o/Ihe National Restarch Council CommilJee for Research on Probltms of Sex, lC)22-47. Philadelphia: Saunders. Allee, W.e. (1938) The Sodal Lift 0/ Animals. New York: Norton. Allen, Paula Gunn (1986) The Sacred Hoop: Recoven'ng the Ftminine inAmmcan Indian Traditions. Boston: Beacon. Altmann,jeanne (1980) BaboonMolhm and Infants. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Alnnann, S.A., ed. (1967) Social Communication among Pn'males. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Amos, Valerie, Lewis, Gail, Mama, Amina, and Pannar, Pratibha, eds (1984)Mmry Voices, One Chant: Black Ftminist PerspedWes, Fmrinist Rt!Vjav 17, 118 pp. Angyai, Andras (1941) Foundations of a Scimce of Personality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ann Arbor Science for the People (1977) Biology as a Sodal Weapon. Minneapolis: Burgess. Anzaldua, Gloria (1987) Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute. Apmeker, Betina (1982) Woman s Legmy: Essays on Race, Sex, and Class in American Hislory. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Ardrey, Robert (lg66) Territorial Imperative. New York: Atheneum. -- (1970) The Social Contract. New York: Atheneum. Aristode (1979) Gmeralion o/Animals, A.L. Ped, trans. Loeb Classical Library, XIII. London: Heinemann. Ashby, W. Ross (1961) An Introdudion to Cybernetics. London: Chapman and Hall. Athanasiou, Tom (1987) 'High-tech politics: the case of artificial intelligence', Socialist Review 92 : 7-35· B Bacon, Francis (1893) Novum Organum,j. Spedding, trans. London: G. Routledge. -- (lg42) Essays and NavAtlantis. London: Walter J. Black. Bambara, Toni Cade (1981) The Salt Eaters. New York: VintagelRandom House. Barash, D.P. (1977) Sodobiology and Behavior. New York: Elsevier North Holland. -- (1979) The Whisp~ringI Wilhin: Evolution and Ih( Origin of Human Nature. New York: Harper & Row. Baritz, Leon (1960) Servants of Power. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. Barnes, Deborah M. (lg86) 'Nervous and immune system disorders linked in a variety of diseases', Science 232: 160-1. -- (1987) 'Neuroimmunology sits on broad research base', Sdmc( 237: IS68-g. Barrett, Michele (1980) Women's Oppression Today. London: Verso. Barthes, Roland (1982) 'The photographic message', in Susan Sontag, ed. A Bar/hes Reader. New York: Hill & Wang. 256 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Baudrillard, Jean (1983) Simulations, P. Foss, P. Panon, P. Beitchman, trans. New York: Semiotext[eJ. Bebel, August (1883) Woman under Socialism, D. De Leon, trans. New York: Shocken, 1971; (orig. Women in the Past, Present and Future, 1878). Berger, Stewart (1985) Dr. Berger's Immune Power Diet. New York: New American Library. Bethel, Lorraine and Smith, Barbara, eds (1979) The Black Women's Issue, Conditions 5. Bhavnani, Kum-Kum and Coulson, Margaret (1986) 'Transforming socialist-feminism: the challenge of racism', Feminist Review 23: 81-92. Bijker, Wiebe E., Hughes, Thomas, P., and Pinch, Trevor, eds (1987) The Social Construction of Technological Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Bingham, Harold C (1928) 'Sex Development in Apes', Comparative Psychology Monographs 5: 1-165· Bird, Elizabeth (1984) 'Green Revolution imperialism, I & II', papers delivered at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Blalock, J. Edwin (1984) 'The immune system as a sensory organ', Journal cif Immunology 132{.J): 1067-70. Bleier, Ruth (1984) Science and Gender: A Critique of Biology andIts Tlumes on Women. New York: Pergamon. --, ed. (1986) Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Pergamon. Blumberg, Rae Lessor (198 I) Stratification: Socioeconomic and Sextlal Inequality. Boston: Brown. -- (1983) 'A general theory of sex stratification and its application to the positions of women in today's world economy', paper delivered to Sociology Board, University of California at Santa Cruz. Bogess,Jane (1976) 'The social behavior of the Himalayan Iangur (Presbylis enleJ/us) in eastern Nepal', University of California, Berkeley, PhD thesis. -- (1979) 'Troop male membership changes and infant killing in langurs (Presby/is enuJ/w)', Folia Primal%gica 32: 65-107. -- (1980) 'Imennale relations and troop male membership changes in langurs (Presby tis enldlus) in Nepal', IntemaJionalJollrnal of Prima to logy 1(2): 233-74. Braverman, Harry (1974) Labor and Monopo/;' Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Cmtmy. New York: Monthly Review. Brewer, Maria Minich (1987) 'Surviving fictions: gender and difference in postmodern and postnuclear narrative', Discourse 9: 37-52. Brighton Women and Science Group (1980) Alice through the Microscope. London: Virago. Brown, Beverley and Adams, Parveen (J 979) 'The feminine body and feminist politics', m113: 35-57· Brown, Lloyd, ed. (1981) Women Writers ofB/ackAfrica. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Brown, Norman O. (1966) Lave's Body. New York: Random House. Bruner, Charlone H., ed. (1983) Unwinding Threads: Writing by Women in Africa. London and Ibadan: Heinemann. Bryan, CD.B. (1987) The National Geographic Sodety: 100 Yean of Adventllre and Discavtry. New York: Abrams. Buckley, Walter, ed. (1968) Modern Systems Researchjor the Behavioral Sdentist. Chicago: Aldine. Bulkin, Elly, Pratt, Minnie Bruce, and Smith, Barbara (1984) YOUIl in Struggle: Three Feminist Pmpectives on Racism alldAIJ1i-Semitism. New York: Long Haul. Burke, Carolyn (1981) 'higamy through the looking glass', Feminist Studies 7(2): 288--306. Burr, Sara G. (1982) 'Women and work', in Barbara K. Haber, ed. The Womro's Anntlal, 19& Boston: G.K. Hall. Burtt, E.A. (1952) The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science. New York: Humanities. Busch, Lawrence and Lacy, William (1983) Science, Agriculture, and the Polilia of Research. R""lrf" .. rn· Ul .. """,;",,, Bibliography 257 Buss, Leo (1987) The Eyolution o/Individuality. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Butler, Judith (1989) Gender Trouble: Feminism and Ihe Sulromiotl of Identity. New York: Routledge. Butler, Octavia (1984) Clay's Ark. New York: St Martin's. -- (1987) Dawn. New York: Warner. Butler-Evans, Elliott (1987) 'Race, gender and desire: narrative strategies and the production of ideology in the fiction of Toni Cade Bambara, Toni Morrison and Alice Walker', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. C Caplan, Arthur L. (1978) The Sociobiology Debate. New York: Harper & Row. Carby, Hazel (1987) Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-Amm"can Woman Nave/isl. New York: Oxford Universiry Press. Caron,Joseph (1977) 'Animal cooperation in the ecology ofW.C Allee', paper delivered at the Joint Atlantic Seminar iq the History of Biology, Montreal. Carpenter, Clarence R. (1945) 'Concepts and problems of primate sociometry', Sociometry 8: 5(i...QI. -- (1964) Naturalistic Behavior of Nonlmman Primates. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. -- (1972) 'The applications of less complex instructional technologies', in W. Schramm, ed. Quality Instructioltal Television. Honolulu: East-West Center, pp. 191-205. Chasin, Barbara (1977) 'Sociobiology: a sexist synthesis', Sciencejor the People 9: 27-31. Chevalier-Skolnikoff, Suzanne (1971) 'The female sexual response in srumptail monkeys (Macaca speciosa), and its broad implications for female mammalian sexuality'. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, New York City. -- (1974) 'Male-female, female-female, and male-male sexual behavior in the srumptail monkey, with special attention to the female orgasm' ,Archives o/Sexual Behavior 3: 9~I 16. -- and Poirier, F.E., eds (1977) Primate Bio-Social Development. New York: Garland Press. Clu'canas en ~I ambietlle nacional (1980) Frontim 5(2). Child, Charl~s Manning (1928) 'Biological foundations of social integration', Publications of the American Sodological Society 22: 26-42. Chodorow, Nancy (1978) The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis alld Ihe Sociology of Gender. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Christian, Barbara (1985) Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writm. New York: Pergamon. ClifTord, James (1985) 'On ethnographic allegory', in James Clifford and George Marcus, eds Writing Culttlre: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press. -- (1988) The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Clyne, N. and Klynes, M. (1961) Drugs, Space and Cybernetics. Evolution to Cyborg. New York: Columbia University Press. Cohen, Stanley (1976) 'Foundation officials and fellowships: innovation in the patronage of science', Minerva 14: 225-40. Cohn, Carol (1987a) 'Nuclear language and how we learned to pat the bomb', Btilletin of Atomic Scientists, pp. 17-24. -- (1987b) 'Sex and death in the rational world of defense intellectuals', Signs 12(4): hR'7-·71R. 256 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Baudrillard, Jean (1983) Simulations, P. Foss, P. Panon, P. Beitchman, trans. New York: Semiotext[eJ. Bebel, August (1883) Woman under Socialism, D. De Leon, trans. New York: Shocken, 1971; (orig. Women in the Past, Present and Future, 1878). Berger, Stewart (1985) Dr. Berger's Immune Power Diet. New York: New American Library. Bethel, Lorraine and Smith, Barbara, eds (1979) The Black Women's Issue, Conditions 5. Bhavnani, Kum-Kum and Coulson, Margaret (1986) 'Transforming socialist-feminism: the challenge of racism', Feminist Review 23: 81-92. Bijker, Wiebe E., Hughes, Thomas, P., and Pinch, Trevor, eds (1987) The Social Construction of Technological Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Bingham, Harold C (1928) 'Sex Development in Apes', Comparative Psychology Monographs 5: 1-165· Bird, Elizabeth (1984) 'Green Revolution imperialism, I & II', papers delivered at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Blalock, J. Edwin (1984) 'The immune system as a sensory organ', Journal cif Immunology 132{.J): 1067-70. Bleier, Ruth (1984) Science and Gender: A Critique of Biology andIts Tlumes on Women. New York: Pergamon. --, ed. (1986) Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Pergamon. Blumberg, Rae Lessor (198 I) Stratification: Socioeconomic and Sextlal Inequality. Boston: Brown. -- (1983) 'A general theory of sex stratification and its application to the positions of women in today's world economy', paper delivered to Sociology Board, University of California at Santa Cruz. Bogess,Jane (1976) 'The social behavior of the Himalayan Iangur (Presbylis enleJ/us) in eastern Nepal', University of California, Berkeley, PhD thesis. -- (1979) 'Troop male membership changes and infant killing in langurs (Presby/is enuJ/w)', Folia Primal%gica 32: 65-107. -- (1980) 'Imennale relations and troop male membership changes in langurs (Presby tis enldlus) in Nepal', IntemaJionalJollrnal of Prima to logy 1(2): 233-74. Braverman, Harry (1974) Labor and Monopo/;' Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Cmtmy. New York: Monthly Review. Brewer, Maria Minich (1987) 'Surviving fictions: gender and difference in postmodern and postnuclear narrative', Discourse 9: 37-52. Brighton Women and Science Group (1980) Alice through the Microscope. London: Virago. Brown, Beverley and Adams, Parveen (J 979) 'The feminine body and feminist politics', m113: 35-57· Brown, Lloyd, ed. (1981) Women Writers ofB/ackAfrica. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Brown, Norman O. (1966) Lave's Body. New York: Random House. Bruner, Charlone H., ed. (1983) Unwinding Threads: Writing by Women in Africa. London and Ibadan: Heinemann. Bryan, CD.B. (1987) The National Geographic Sodety: 100 Yean of Adventllre and Discavtry. New York: Abrams. Buckley, Walter, ed. (1968) Modern Systems Researchjor the Behavioral Sdentist. Chicago: Aldine. Bulkin, Elly, Pratt, Minnie Bruce, and Smith, Barbara (1984) YOUIl in Struggle: Three Feminist Pmpectives on Racism alldAIJ1i-Semitism. New York: Long Haul. Burke, Carolyn (1981) 'higamy through the looking glass', Feminist Studies 7(2): 288--306. Burr, Sara G. (1982) 'Women and work', in Barbara K. Haber, ed. The Womro's Anntlal, 19& Boston: G.K. Hall. Burtt, E.A. (1952) The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science. New York: Humanities. Busch, Lawrence and Lacy, William (1983) Science, Agriculture, and the Polilia of Research. R""lrf" .. rn· Ul .. """,;",,, Bibliography 257 Buss, Leo (1987) The Eyolution o/Individuality. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Butler, Judith (1989) Gender Trouble: Feminism and Ihe Sulromiotl of Identity. New York: Routledge. Butler, Octavia (1984) Clay's Ark. New York: St Martin's. -- (1987) Dawn. New York: Warner. Butler-Evans, Elliott (1987) 'Race, gender and desire: narrative strategies and the production of ideology in the fiction of Toni Cade Bambara, Toni Morrison and Alice Walker', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. C Caplan, Arthur L. (1978) The Sociobiology Debate. New York: Harper & Row. Carby, Hazel (1987) Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-Amm"can Woman Nave/isl. New York: Oxford Universiry Press. Caron,Joseph (1977) 'Animal cooperation in the ecology ofW.C Allee', paper delivered at the Joint Atlantic Seminar iq the History of Biology, Montreal. Carpenter, Clarence R. (1945) 'Concepts and problems of primate sociometry', Sociometry 8: 5(i...QI. -- (1964) Naturalistic Behavior of Nonlmman Primates. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. -- (1972) 'The applications of less complex instructional technologies', in W. Schramm, ed. Quality Instructioltal Television. Honolulu: East-West Center, pp. 191-205. Chasin, Barbara (1977) 'Sociobiology: a sexist synthesis', Sciencejor the People 9: 27-31. Chevalier-Skolnikoff, Suzanne (1971) 'The female sexual response in srumptail monkeys (Macaca speciosa), and its broad implications for female mammalian sexuality'. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, New York City. -- (1974) 'Male-female, female-female, and male-male sexual behavior in the srumptail monkey, with special attention to the female orgasm' ,Archives o/Sexual Behavior 3: 9~I 16. -- and Poirier, F.E., eds (1977) Primate Bio-Social Development. New York: Garland Press. Clu'canas en ~I ambietlle nacional (1980) Frontim 5(2). Child, Charl~s Manning (1928) 'Biological foundations of social integration', Publications of the American Sodological Society 22: 26-42. Chodorow, Nancy (1978) The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis alld Ihe Sociology of Gender. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Christian, Barbara (1985) Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writm. New York: Pergamon. ClifTord, James (1985) 'On ethnographic allegory', in James Clifford and George Marcus, eds Writing Culttlre: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press. -- (1988) The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Clyne, N. and Klynes, M. (1961) Drugs, Space and Cybernetics. Evolution to Cyborg. New York: Columbia University Press. Cohen, Stanley (1976) 'Foundation officials and fellowships: innovation in the patronage of science', Minerva 14: 225-40. Cohn, Carol (1987a) 'Nuclear language and how we learned to pat the bomb', Btilletin of Atomic Scientists, pp. 17-24. -- (1987b) 'Sex and death in the rational world of defense intellectuals', Signs 12(4): hR'7-·71R. 258 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Collingwood, R.G. (1945) The ltka of Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 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New York: Harper & Raw. Dolhinow, Phyllis (1972) 'The North Indian langur', in Dolhinow (1972), pp. 181-238. __ , ed. (1972) Primate Patterns. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. D'Onofrio-Flares, Pamela and Pfaffiin, Sheila M., eds (1982) Scitntijic-Technological Change and the Role of Women in Development. Boulder: Westview. Douglas, Mary (1966) Pun'ty and Danger. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. --(1970) Natural Symbols. Landon: Cresset Press. --(1973) Rules and Meanings. Hannondsworth: Penguin. __ (1989) 'A gentle deconstruction', London Review o/Books, 4 May, pp. 17-18. DuBois, Page (198z) Centaurs and Amazons. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Duchen, Claire (1986) Feminism in France from May '68 to Mitlerrand. Landon: Roudedge & Kegan Paul. Du Plessis, Rachel Blau (I985) Wn·ting beyoIJd the Ending: Narrative Strategies of Twentieth Century Women Wn'tm. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. E Eastman, David (1958) A Systems Analysis of Political Lift. New York: Wiley. Eco, Umberto (1980) II nome della rosa. Milano: Bompiani. --(1983) The Name of the Rose, William Weaver, trans. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Editors of QuestjonsFeministes (1980) 'Variations an same common themes', Fminist/ssues r(I): 3-22. Edwards, Paul (1985) lBorder wars: the science and politics of artificial intelligence', Radical Amen'ca 19(6): 39-52. Eimerl, Sa'rel and DeVore, Irven (1965) The Pn·mates. New York: Time-Life Nature Library. Eisenstein, Zillah, ed. (1979) Capitalist Patn'archy and the Cmefor Socialist Fminism. New York~ Monthly Review. Ellis, P.E., ed. (1965) 'Social organization of animal communities', Symposium of the Zoological Society of London 14. Emecheta, Buchi (1972) In the Ditch. London: Allison & Busby, 1979 --(1975) Second Class Citizen. New York: BrazUler. (1976) The Bride Price. New York: Braziller. (1977) Th, Slav, Girl. New York: Braziller. (1979) TheJoys of Motherhood. New York: BraziUer. (198z) Destination Bia[ra. Landon: Allison & Bushy, 1982; Glasgow: William Collins & Sons, Fontana African Fiction, 1983. -- (1983a) Double Yoke. New York: Braziller; Landon and Ibuza: Ogwugwu Afor. -- (1983h) The Rape of Shav;. Landon and Ibuza: Ogwugwu Afor, 1983; New York: BraziUer, 1985. Emerson, A.E. (1954) 'Dynamic homeostasis, a uniljoing principle in organic, social, and ethical evolution', Sdentijic Monthly 78: 67-85. 'Emery, F.E., ed. (1969) Systems Thinking. New York: Penguin. Engels, Frederick (1884) The Odgins of the Family, Privale Property and the Slate, Eleanor B. 260 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Leacock, trans. New York: International, 1972. --(1940) Dialectics of Nature, Clemens Dutt, trans. and ed. New York: International. Enloe, Cynthia (198341) 'Women textile workers in the militarization of Southeast Asia', in Nash and Fernandez-Kelly (1983), pp. 407-25. -- (1983b) Does Khaki Become You? The Militarization o/Women s Lives. Boston: South End. Epstein, Barbara (forthcoming) PolitiCllI Pro/est and Cultural Revolutiiln: Nonviolent Direct Action in the Sevenlies and Eighties. Berkeley: University of California Press. Escoffier, jeffrey (1985) 'Sexual revolution and the politics of gay identity', Socialist Review 8,/83: 119-53. Evans, Marl, ed. (1984) Black Women Writm: A Cn'tiCllI EvalUlltion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday/Anchor. F Farley, Michael (1977) 'Formations et transformations de la synthese ecologique aux EtatsUnis, 1949-1971" L'Institut d'Histoire et de Sociopolitique des Sciences, Universite de Montreal, Master's thesis. Fausto-Sterling, Anne (1985) Myths ofGenda-: Biological Theories about Women and Men. New York: Basic. Fedigan, Linda Marie (1982) Primate Paradigms: Sex Roles and Social Bonds. Montreal: Eden Press. Fee, Elizabeth (1986) 'Critiques of modem science: the relationship of feminism to other radical epistemologies', in Ruth Bleier, ed. Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Pergamon, pp. 42-56. Fcminisms in the Notl-Western World (1983) Frontiers 7. Fernandez-Kelly, Maria Patricia (1983) For We Are Sold, I and My People. Albany: State University of New York Press. Firestone, Shulamith (1970) Dialectic of Sex. New York: Morrow. Fisher, Dexter, ed. (1980) The Third Woman: Minority Women Wn'ters 0/ the United States. Boston: Houghton Mimin. Flax, jane (1983) 'Political philosophy and the patriarchaJ unconscious: a psychoanalytic perspective on epistemology and metaphysics', in Harding and Hintikka (1983), pp. 245-82. --(1987) 'Posttnodernism and gender relations in feminist theory', Signs 12(4): 621-43. Ford, Barbara (1976, May) 'Murder and mothering among the sacred monkeys', Science Digest, pp. 23-3 2. Fosdick, Raymond (1952) The Story 0/ the Rockefeller Foundation. New York: Harper & Row. Foucault, Michel (1963) The Birth o/tlu Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception, A.M. Smith, trans. New York: Vintage, 1975. --(1970) The Order of Things, New York: Random House. --(1972) The Archaeology of Knowledge, Alan Sheridan, trans. New York: Pantheon. -- (1975) Discipline and Punish: The Birth o/the Prison, Alan Sheridan, trans. New York: Vintage, 1979. --(1976) The History 0/ Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction, Robert Hurley, trans. New York: Pantheon, 1978. Fox, Robin (1967) 'In the beginning', Man 2: 415-33. Frankenberg, Ruth (1988) 'The social construction of whileness', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. Fraser, Kathleen (1984) Something. Even Human Voices. In the Foreground, a Lake. Berkeley, CA: Kelsey St Press. French Feminism, special issue (Autumn 1981) Signs 7(1). Bibliography 26, Freud, Sigmund (1930) Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: Norton, 1962. Frisch,].E. (1959) 'Research on primate behavior injapan',AmericanAnlhrop%gist61: 584-96. Fuentes, Annette and Ehrenreich, Barbara (1983) Women in the Global Factory. Boston: South End. G Gallop, Jane (1982) The Daughter's Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysis. New York: Macmillan. Gates, Henry Louis (1985) 'Writing "race" and the difference it makes', in 'Race', Writillg, atld Difference, special issue, Critical Illquiry 12(1): 1-20. Ghiselin, Michael T. (1974) The Ecotlo"ry o/Nature and the Evo/ution of Sex. Berkeley: University of California Press. Giddings, Paula (1985) When and Where I Enter: The Impact 0/ Black Women on Race and Sex in Amerim. Toronto: Bantam. Gilbert, Sandra M. and Gubar, Susan (1979) The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer atld Ihe Nineteenth-Century Literary ImaginaJion. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Gilligan, Carol (1982) In a Differenl Voice. Cambridge, MA: Hanrard University Press. Goldman, Emma (1931) Living"!y Lifo. New York: Knopf. Goleman, Daniel (1987) 'The mind over the body', New York Times Sunday Magazille, 27 September, pp. 36-7, 59-i>0. Golub, Edward S. (1987) Immunology: A Synthesis. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates. Goodall, jane (1971) In the Shadow of Man. Boston: Houghton Mimin. Gordon, Linda (1976) Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control inAmalca. New York: Viking. __ (1988) Heroes 0/ Their Oum Lives. The Politics and History of Family Violence, Boston 1880-1960. New York: Viking Penguin. Gordon, Richard (1983) 'The computerization of daily life, dle SCl!:ual division of labor, and the homework economy', Silicon Valley Workshop conference, University of Cali fomi a at Santa Cruz. __ and Kimball, Linda (1985) 'High-technology, employment and the chaJlenges of education', Silicon Valley Research Project, Working Paper, no. I. Gould, Stephen J. (1981) Mismeo.sure of Mati. New York: Norton. Gray, ].s. (1963) 'A physiologist looks at engineering', Science 140: 461-4. Gregory, judith and Nussbaum, Karen (1982) 'Race against time: automation of the office', Office: Technology and People I: 197-236 Gregory, Michael, Silver, Anita, and Sutch, Diane, eds (1978) Sociobiology and Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Critique and Difense. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Gresham, Jewell Handy (1989) 'The scapegoating of the black family in America', The Nation, 24-31 july, pp. 116-22. Griffin, Susan (1978) Woman alld Nature: The Roaring Imide Her. New York: Harper & Row. Grossman, Rachel (1980) 'Women's place in the integrated circuit', RadiCllI America 14(1): 21}-50 . H Haas, Violet and Perucci, Carolyn, eds (1984) Women in Scientific and Engintering Professions. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Habennas,]iirgen (1970) Toward a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics. Boston: Beacon. 260 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Leacock, trans. New York: International, 1972. --(1940) Dialectics of Nature, Clemens Dutt, trans. and ed. New York: International. Enloe, Cynthia (198341) 'Women textile workers in the militarization of Southeast Asia', in Nash and Fernandez-Kelly (1983), pp. 407-25. -- (1983b) Does Khaki Become You? The Militarization o/Women s Lives. Boston: South End. Epstein, Barbara (forthcoming) PolitiCllI Pro/est and Cultural Revolutiiln: Nonviolent Direct Action in the Sevenlies and Eighties. Berkeley: University of California Press. Escoffier, jeffrey (1985) 'Sexual revolution and the politics of gay identity', Socialist Review 8,/83: 119-53. Evans, Marl, ed. (1984) Black Women Writm: A Cn'tiCllI EvalUlltion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday/Anchor. F Farley, Michael (1977) 'Formations et transformations de la synthese ecologique aux EtatsUnis, 1949-1971" L'Institut d'Histoire et de Sociopolitique des Sciences, Universite de Montreal, Master's thesis. Fausto-Sterling, Anne (1985) Myths ofGenda-: Biological Theories about Women and Men. New York: Basic. Fedigan, Linda Marie (1982) Primate Paradigms: Sex Roles and Social Bonds. Montreal: Eden Press. Fee, Elizabeth (1986) 'Critiques of modem science: the relationship of feminism to other radical epistemologies', in Ruth Bleier, ed. Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Pergamon, pp. 42-56. Fcminisms in the Notl-Western World (1983) Frontiers 7. Fernandez-Kelly, Maria Patricia (1983) For We Are Sold, I and My People. Albany: State University of New York Press. Firestone, Shulamith (1970) Dialectic of Sex. New York: Morrow. Fisher, Dexter, ed. (1980) The Third Woman: Minority Women Wn'ters 0/ the United States. Boston: Houghton Mimin. Flax, jane (1983) 'Political philosophy and the patriarchaJ unconscious: a psychoanalytic perspective on epistemology and metaphysics', in Harding and Hintikka (1983), pp. 245-82. --(1987) 'Posttnodernism and gender relations in feminist theory', Signs 12(4): 621-43. Ford, Barbara (1976, May) 'Murder and mothering among the sacred monkeys', Science Digest, pp. 23-3 2. Fosdick, Raymond (1952) The Story 0/ the Rockefeller Foundation. New York: Harper & Row. Foucault, Michel (1963) The Birth o/tlu Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception, A.M. Smith, trans. New York: Vintage, 1975. --(1970) The Order of Things, New York: Random House. --(1972) The Archaeology of Knowledge, Alan Sheridan, trans. New York: Pantheon. -- (1975) Discipline and Punish: The Birth o/the Prison, Alan Sheridan, trans. New York: Vintage, 1979. --(1976) The History 0/ Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction, Robert Hurley, trans. New York: Pantheon, 1978. Fox, Robin (1967) 'In the beginning', Man 2: 415-33. Frankenberg, Ruth (1988) 'The social construction of whileness', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. Fraser, Kathleen (1984) Something. Even Human Voices. In the Foreground, a Lake. Berkeley, CA: Kelsey St Press. French Feminism, special issue (Autumn 1981) Signs 7(1). Bibliography 26, Freud, Sigmund (1930) Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: Norton, 1962. Frisch,].E. (1959) 'Research on primate behavior injapan',AmericanAnlhrop%gist61: 584-96. Fuentes, Annette and Ehrenreich, Barbara (1983) Women in the Global Factory. Boston: South End. G Gallop, Jane (1982) The Daughter's Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysis. New York: Macmillan. Gates, Henry Louis (1985) 'Writing "race" and the difference it makes', in 'Race', Writillg, atld Difference, special issue, Critical Illquiry 12(1): 1-20. Ghiselin, Michael T. (1974) The Ecotlo"ry o/Nature and the Evo/ution of Sex. Berkeley: University of California Press. Giddings, Paula (1985) When and Where I Enter: The Impact 0/ Black Women on Race and Sex in Amerim. Toronto: Bantam. Gilbert, Sandra M. and Gubar, Susan (1979) The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer atld Ihe Nineteenth-Century Literary ImaginaJion. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Gilligan, Carol (1982) In a Differenl Voice. Cambridge, MA: Hanrard University Press. Goldman, Emma (1931) Living"!y Lifo. New York: Knopf. Goleman, Daniel (1987) 'The mind over the body', New York Times Sunday Magazille, 27 September, pp. 36-7, 59-i>0. Golub, Edward S. (1987) Immunology: A Synthesis. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates. Goodall, jane (1971) In the Shadow of Man. Boston: Houghton Mimin. Gordon, Linda (1976) Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control inAmalca. New York: Viking. __ (1988) Heroes 0/ Their Oum Lives. The Politics and History of Family Violence, Boston 1880-1960. New York: Viking Penguin. 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Daniel (lg88) 'Intelligence as an emergent behavior; or, the songs of Eden', Daedalus, winter, pp. 175-89. Hogness, E. Rusten (1983) 'Why stress? A look at the making of stress, 1936-56', unpublished paper available from the author, 4437 Mill Creek Rd, Healdsburg, CA 95448. hooks, bell (lg81) Ain 'J I a Woman. Boston: South End. -- (1984) Feminisl Theory: From Margin to Center. Boston: South End. Hooton, E.A. (I931) Upfrom the Ape. New York: MacmiUan. -- (1942) Man's Poor Relations. New York: Doubleday. Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer (1975) 'Male and female strategies of reproduction among the Jangurs of Abu', Harvard University, PhD thesis. -- (1977) The Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Sirategies of Reproduction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- (lg81) The Woman ThaI Never Evolved. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- and Williams, George C. (1983) 'Behavioral biology and the double standard', in Sam Wasser, ed. Female Social Behavior. New York: Academic Press, pp. 3-17. Hubbard, Ruth and Lowe, Marian, eds (1979) Genes and Gender, vol. 2, Pitfolls in Research 011 Sex and Gender. Staten Island: Gordian Press. Hubbard, Ruth, Henifin, Mary Sue, and Fried, Barbara, eds (1979) Women Look aJ Biology Looking at Women: A Collection of Feminist Critiques. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman. --, eds (1982) Biological Woman, the Convenienl Myth. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman. Hull, Gloria, Scott, Patricia Bell, and Smith, Barbara, eds (1982) All the Women Are While, All 264 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women the Mro Are Black, But Some of Us Are Brat'e. Old Westbury: The Feminist Press. Hurtado, Aida (1989) 'Relating to privilege: seduction and rejection in lhe subordination of white women and women of color', Signs 14(4): 833-55' Hutchinson, G. Evelyn (1978) An Introduction to population Ecology. New Haven: Yale Univesity Press. I lIIich, Ivan (1982) Groder. New York: Pantheon. International Fund for Agricultural Development (1985) IFAD Experiroce Relating to Rural Womro, 19rr-84. Rome: IFAD, 37. Irigaray, Luce (1977) Ce sae qui n'ro est pas un. Paris: Minuit. --(1979) Et J'une ne bouge pas sans J'autre. Paris: Minuit. J Jacob, Francrois (1974) Logic of Lifo, Betty Spillman, trans. New York: Pantheon. Jaggar, Alison (1983) Feminist Politics attd Human Nature. Totowa, NJ: Roman & Allenheld. Jameson, Fredric (1984) 'Post-modernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism', Nw Left Review 146: 53-92. -- (1986) 'Third World literature in the era of multinational capitalism', Social Text 15: 65-88. Jaret, Peter (1986) 'Our immune system: the wars within', National Geographic 169(6): 701-35. -- and Mizel, Steven B. (1985) In Self-Difense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Jay, Phyllis (1962) 'Aspects of maternal behavior among langurs', Annals of the Nw York Academy ofSciroces 102: 468-76. --(1963a) 'The social behavior of the langur monkey', University of Chicago, PhD thesis. -- (1963b) 'The Indian langur monkey (Presbylis roltllus)', in C.H. Southwick, ed. Primate Social Behavior. Princeron: Van Nostrand, pp. 114-23. --(1965) 'The common langur of north India', in DeVore (1965), pp. 197-249. Jerne, Niels K. (1985) 'The generative grammar of the immune system', Sciroce 229: 1057-9. Jordanova, Ludmilla, ed. (1987) Languages of Nature. London: Free Association Books. Joseph, Gloria and Lewis, Jill (1981) Commott Differroces. New York: Anchor. Judson, Horace Freeland (1979) The Eighth Day o/Creatiott. New York: Simon & Schuster. K Kahn, Douglas and Neumaier, Diane, eds (1985) Cultures itt Canlrolion. Searue: Real Comet. Kanigel, Robert (1986) 'Where mind and body meet', Mosaic 17(2): 52-60. -- (1987) 'The genome project', Nw York Times Sunday Magazine 13 December, pp. 44, 98-101, 106. 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Kingston, Maxine Hong (1976) The Woman Wam·or. New York: Knopf. -- (1977) China Mro. New York: Knopf. Klein, Hilary (1989) 'Marxism, psychoanalysis, and mother nature', Feminist Studies 15(2): 255-78. Klein, Jan (1982) Immunology: The Sciroct of Non-Self Discrimination. New York: WileyInterscience. Knorr-Cetina, Karin (1981) The Mattufactim of Knowledge. Oxford: Pergamon. -- and Mulkay, Michael, eds (1983) Sciroce Obseroed: Perspectives on the Social Study 0/ Science. Beverly Hills: Sage. KoWer, Robert (1976) 'The management of science: the experience of Warren Weaver and the Rockefeller Foundation Programme in Molecular Biology', Mineroa 14: 279-306. Kolata, Gina (1988a) 'New treatments may aid women who have miscarriages', The NfflJ York Times 5 January, p. C3· --(1988b) 'New research yields clues in fight against autoimmune disease', The Nw York Times, 19 January, p. c3. Kollontai, Alexandra (1977) Selected Writings. London: Allison & Busby. KoshJand, D.E., Jr, ed. (1986) Biotechnology; The Renwable Frontier. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Kramarae, Cheris and Treichler, Paula (1985) A Femi"ist Dictionary. Boston: Pandora. Kroeber, A.L. (1917) 'The super-organic',AmericanAnthropologist 19: 163-213. Kropotkin, Peter (1902) Mutual Aid. London: Heinemann. Kuhn, Annette (1978) 'Structures ofpaniarchy and capital in the family', in Kuhn and Wolpe (1978), pp. 42-67. -- (1982) Women's Pictures: Feminism and Cinema. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. -- and Wolpe, AnnMarie, eds (1978) Femittism and Materialism. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 264 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women the Mro Are Black, But Some of Us Are Brat'e. Old Westbury: The Feminist Press. Hurtado, Aida (1989) 'Relating to privilege: seduction and rejection in lhe subordination of white women and women of color', Signs 14(4): 833-55' Hutchinson, G. Evelyn (1978) An Introduction to population Ecology. New Haven: Yale Univesity Press. I lIIich, Ivan (1982) Groder. New York: Pantheon. International Fund for Agricultural Development (1985) IFAD Experiroce Relating to Rural Womro, 19rr-84. Rome: IFAD, 37. Irigaray, Luce (1977) Ce sae qui n'ro est pas un. Paris: Minuit. --(1979) Et J'une ne bouge pas sans J'autre. Paris: Minuit. J Jacob, Francrois (1974) Logic of Lifo, Betty Spillman, trans. New York: Pantheon. Jaggar, Alison (1983) Feminist Politics attd Human Nature. Totowa, NJ: Roman & Allenheld. Jameson, Fredric (1984) 'Post-modernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism', Nw Left Review 146: 53-92. -- (1986) 'Third World literature in the era of multinational capitalism', Social Text 15: 65-88. Jaret, Peter (1986) 'Our immune system: the wars within', National Geographic 169(6): 701-35. -- and Mizel, Steven B. (1985) In Self-Difense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Jay, Phyllis (1962) 'Aspects of maternal behavior among langurs', Annals of the Nw York Academy ofSciroces 102: 468-76. --(1963a) 'The social behavior of the langur monkey', University of Chicago, PhD thesis. -- (1963b) 'The Indian langur monkey (Presbylis roltllus)', in C.H. Southwick, ed. Primate Social Behavior. Princeron: Van Nostrand, pp. 114-23. --(1965) 'The common langur of north India', in DeVore (1965), pp. 197-249. Jerne, Niels K. (1985) 'The generative grammar of the immune system', Sciroce 229: 1057-9. Jordanova, Ludmilla, ed. (1987) Languages of Nature. London: Free Association Books. Joseph, Gloria and Lewis, Jill (1981) Commott Differroces. New York: Anchor. Judson, Horace Freeland (1979) The Eighth Day o/Creatiott. New York: Simon & Schuster. K Kahn, Douglas and Neumaier, Diane, eds (1985) Cultures itt Canlrolion. Searue: Real Comet. Kanigel, Robert (1986) 'Where mind and body meet', Mosaic 17(2): 52-60. -- (1987) 'The genome project', Nw York Times Sunday Magazine 13 December, pp. 44, 98-101, 106. Kaplan, Caren (I98~7) 'The politics of displacement in Buenos Aires'; Discoune 8: 84-100. -- (1987a) 'The poetics of displacement: exile, immigration, and travel in contemporary autobiographical writing', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. --(J987b) 'Deterritorializations: the rewriting of home and exile in Western feminist discourse', Cultural Critique 6: 187-98. Keller, Evelyn Fox (1983) A Feeling for the Organism. San Francisco: Freeman. -- (1985) Refl,edjons on Gender and Sciroce. New Haven: Yale University Press. -_ (1987) 'The gender/science system: or, is sex to gender as nature is to science?', Hypatia 2(3): 37-49' Bibliography 265 --(1990) 'From secrets of life to secrets of death', in M. Jacobus, E.F. Keller, and S. Shuttleworth, eds Body/Politics: Womro and Ihe Discounes of Sciroce. New York: Routledge, pp. 177-91. -- and Grontkowski, Christine (1983) 'The mind's eye', in Harding and Hintikka (1983), pp. 2°7-24. Kessler, Suzanne and McKenna, Wendy (1978) Gender: An Etlmomethodological ApprolJ(h. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kevles, Daniel (1968) 'Testing the army's intelligence: psychologists and the military in World War I',Journal of Americatt History 55: 565-81. King, Katie (1984) 'The pleasure of repetition and the limits of identification in feminist science fiction: reimaginations of the body after the cyborg', paper delivered at the California American Srudies Association, Pomona. -- (1986) 'The siruation oflesbianism as feminism's magical sign: contests for meaning and the U.S. women's movement, 1968-72', Communication 9(1): 65-92. --(1987a) 'Canons without innocence', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD thesis. -- (I987b) The Passing Dreams of Choice ..• Once Brfort and After: Audre Lorde and the Apparalus of Literary Produdion, book prospectus, University of Maryland at College Park. -- (1987C) 'Prospectus for research on feminism and writing technologies', University of Maryland at College Park. --(1988) 'Audre Lorde's lacquered layerings: the lesbian bar as a site of literary production', Cultural Studies 2(J): 321-42. --(forthcoming) 'Producing sex, theory, and culture: gay/straight remappings in contemporary feminism', in Marianne Hirsch and Evelyn Keller, eds, Conflicts in Feminism. 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Marshall, Eliot (1986) 'Immune system theories on trial', Science 234: 1490-2. Marx, Eleanor and Aveling, E. (188S-6) nu Woman Question. London: Swann & Sonnenschein. Marx, Karl (1964a) Capilal vol. I. New York: International. --(I964b) The Economic and Philosophic Manuscn'pls 0/18+1. New York: International. --(1972) The Ethnological Notehooks 0/ Karl Man', Laurence Krader, trans. and ed. Assen: Van Gorcum. 268 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women -- and Engels, Frederick (1970) The Germatt Ideology. London: Lawrence & Wishart. Marxist-Feminist Literature Collective (1978) 'Women's writing', Ideology and Consciousness 1 (J): 17-48. May, Mark A. and Doab, Leonard W. (1937) Competition and Cooperation. New York: Social Science Research Council. Mayo, Elton (1933) The Human Problems 0/ Industrial Civilization. New York: Macmillan. Mead, Margaret (1935) Sex and Temperammt in Thru Pn'mitive Societies. New York: Morrow. --(1937) Cooperation and Competition among Primitive Peoples. 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London: Chapman and Hall. N Nash, June and Fernandez-Kelly, Maria Paaicia, eds (1983) Women and Men and the International Divuion 0/ Labor. AJbany: State University of New York Press. Nash, Roderick (1979) 'The exporting and importing of narure: narure-appreciation as a commodity, 1850-1980" Pmpediva in American History 3: 517-60. National Science Foundation (1988) Womro and Minorities in Science and Engineering. Washington: NSF. Nicholas, Robin (1985) Immunology: An Infonnation Profile. London: Mansell. Nilsson, Lennart (1977) A Child Is Born. New York: Dell. Bibliography 269 -- (1987) Tlu Body Vidorious: Tile IIIus/rated Story 0/ our Immune System and Other Dr/roses oj Ihe Human Body. New YQrk: Delacorte. Noble, David F. (1977)Ammca by Design: Saroce, Ttclmology and the Rueo/Corporate Capita/um. New York: Knopf. o O'Brien, Mary (1981) The Politics 0/ Reproduction. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul Odurn.., E.P. (1955, 1959, 1971) Fundnmentals o/Ecology, 3 edns. Philadelphia: Saunders. --(1977) 'The emergence of ecology as a new integrative discipline', Sciroce '95: 1289-93. Ogunyemi. Chickwenye Okonjo (1983) 'The shaping of a self: a study of Buchi Emecheta's novels', Komparalutische Hefie 8: 65-77. --(1985) 'Womanism: the dynamics of the contemporary Black female novel in English' Signs 1l(1): 63-80. ' On Technology (1987) Ducourse 9, special issue on Cybernetics, Ecology and the Posbttodem Imagination. Ong, Aihwa (1987) Spiril.I of Resistance and Capitalu/ Ducipline: Factory Worken in Mal'V'sia. AJbany: State University of New York Press. -- (1988) 'Colonialism and modernity: feminist representations of women in non-western societies', Inscriptions 314: 79-93. Ong, Walter (1982) Orality and Literaq: The Technologizingo/the Word. New York: Methuen. Opmer, Stanford L., ed. (1973) Systems Analysis. Baltimore: Penguin. Ortner, Sherry B. (1974) 'Is female to male as narure is to culrure?', in Rosaldo and Lamphere (1974), pp. 67-87· -- and Wh~tehead, Harriet, eds (1981) Srxual Meanings: The Culwral Construction o/Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p Park, Katherine and Daston, Lorraine J. (1981) 'Unnarural conceptions: the study of monsters in sixteenth- and sevemeenth-cenrury France and England', Past and Present 92: 20-54. Parsons, Talcott (1970) 'On building social !>),stem theory: a personal history', Daedalus 99(4): 826-81. Perloff, Marjorie (1984) 'Dirty language and scramble systems', Sulfur 1 I: 178-83. Petchesky, Rosalind Pollack (1981) 'Abortion, anti-feminism and the rise of the New Right' Feminist Studies 7(2): 206-46. ' --(1987) 'Fetal images: the power of visual culrure in the politics of reproduction' Feminist Studies 13(2): 263-92. ' Peterfreund, Emanuel and Schwartz, J. T, (1966) Infonnation, Systems, and Psychomtalysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. Piercy, Marge (1976) Woman on the Edge o/Time. New York: Knopf. Piven, Frances Fox and Coward, Richard (1982) The New Class War: Reaga,,'s Attack on tlte Welfare State and Its Consequences. New York: Pantheon. Playfair, J.H.L. (1984) Immunology at a Glance, 3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell. Porush, David (1985) Th~ Soft Machine: Cyberndic Fiction. New York: Methuen. -- (1987) tReading in the servo-mechanical loop', Discours~ 9: 53-62. Potter, Van Rensselaer (1971) Bioethics, Bridge to the Future. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Preston, Douglas (1984) 'Shooting in paradise', Natural History 93(12): 14-19. Pugh, D.S., ed. (1971) Organization Thtory. New York: Penguin. Pynchon, Thomas (1974) Gravity's Rainbow. New York: Bamam. 268 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women -- and Engels, Frederick (1970) The Germatt Ideology. London: Lawrence & Wishart. Marxist-Feminist Literature Collective (1978) 'Women's writing', Ideology and Consciousness 1 (J): 17-48. May, Mark A. and Doab, Leonard W. (1937) Competition and Cooperation. New York: Social Science Research Council. Mayo, Elton (1933) The Human Problems 0/ Industrial Civilization. New York: Macmillan. Mead, Margaret (1935) Sex and Temperammt in Thru Pn'mitive Societies. New York: Morrow. --(1937) Cooperation and Competition among Primitive Peoples. New York: McGraw-Hill. Merchant, Carolyn (1980) The Dellth 0/ Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific RaJolulion. New York: Harper & Row. Mesarovic, M.D., ed. (1968) Systems Theory and Biology. New York: Springer-Verlag. Microelectronics Group (1980) Microeledronics: Capitalut Technology and the Working Class. London: CSE. Miles, C.c. and Terman, Lewis (1929) 'Sex difference in association ofideas',AmmCllnJoumal o/Psychology .41: 165-206. Mitchell, Juliet (1966) 'Women: the longest revolution', New Left Rroiew 40: 11-37. -- (1971) Women's Estate. New York: Pantheon. -- and Oakley, Ann, eds (1986) What Is Feminum? A Re-examination. New York: Pantheon. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (1984) 'Under western eyes: feminist scholarship and colonial discourse', Boundary 2, 3 (l2lt3): 333-58. -- (1988) 'Feminist encounters: locating the politics of experience', Copyright I: 30-44. Moi, Toril (1985) So:unl/Texlual Politics. New York: Methuen. Money, John and Ehrhardt, Anke (19TZ) Man and Woman, Boy and Girl. New York: New American Library, 1974. Moraga, Cherne (1983) Loving in Ihe War Yean: 10 que nunro paso por sus labios. Boston: South End. -- and Anzaldua, Gloria, eds (1981) Thu Bridge Ca/JedMy Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. Watenown: Persephone. Morawski,J.G. (1987) 'The troubled quest for masculinity, femininity and androgyny', Rroiew o/Personality and Social Psychology 7: 44~. Morgan, Elaine (1972) The Desmll o/Woman. New York: Stein & Day. Morgan, Robin, ed. (1984) Sisterhood Is Global. Garden City, NY: AnchorlDoubleday. Morris, C.W. (1938) Foundation o/the Theory 0/ Signs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Moss, Cynthia (1975) Portrail.I in the Wild. Boston: Houghton Mimin. Mouffe, Chantal (1983) 'The sex-gender system and the discursive construction of women's subordination', Retltillking Ideology. Berlin: Argument Sonderband 84. Murrell, K.F.H. (1965) Ergonomics: Man in His Working Environment. London: Chapman and Hall. N Nash, June and Fernandez-Kelly, Maria Paaicia, eds (1983) Women and Men and the International Divuion 0/ Labor. AJbany: State University of New York Press. Nash, Roderick (1979) 'The exporting and importing of narure: narure-appreciation as a commodity, 1850-1980" Pmpediva in American History 3: 517-60. National Science Foundation (1988) Womro and Minorities in Science and Engineering. Washington: NSF. Nicholas, Robin (1985) Immunology: An Infonnation Profile. London: Mansell. Nilsson, Lennart (1977) A Child Is Born. New York: Dell. Bibliography 269 -- (1987) Tlu Body Vidorious: Tile IIIus/rated Story 0/ our Immune System and Other Dr/roses oj Ihe Human Body. New YQrk: Delacorte. Noble, David F. (1977)Ammca by Design: Saroce, Ttclmology and the Rueo/Corporate Capita/um. New York: Knopf. o O'Brien, Mary (1981) The Politics 0/ Reproduction. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul Odurn.., E.P. (1955, 1959, 1971) Fundnmentals o/Ecology, 3 edns. Philadelphia: Saunders. --(1977) 'The emergence of ecology as a new integrative discipline', Sciroce '95: 1289-93. Ogunyemi. Chickwenye Okonjo (1983) 'The shaping of a self: a study of Buchi Emecheta's novels', Komparalutische Hefie 8: 65-77. --(1985) 'Womanism: the dynamics of the contemporary Black female novel in English' Signs 1l(1): 63-80. ' On Technology (1987) Ducourse 9, special issue on Cybernetics, Ecology and the Posbttodem Imagination. Ong, Aihwa (1987) Spiril.I of Resistance and Capitalu/ Ducipline: Factory Worken in Mal'V'sia. AJbany: State University of New York Press. -- (1988) 'Colonialism and modernity: feminist representations of women in non-western societies', Inscriptions 314: 79-93. Ong, Walter (1982) Orality and Literaq: The Technologizingo/the Word. New York: Methuen. Opmer, Stanford L., ed. (1973) Systems Analysis. Baltimore: Penguin. Ortner, Sherry B. (1974) 'Is female to male as narure is to culrure?', in Rosaldo and Lamphere (1974), pp. 67-87· -- and Wh~tehead, Harriet, eds (1981) Srxual Meanings: The Culwral Construction o/Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p Park, Katherine and Daston, Lorraine J. (1981) 'Unnarural conceptions: the study of monsters in sixteenth- and sevemeenth-cenrury France and England', Past and Present 92: 20-54. Parsons, Talcott (1970) 'On building social !>),stem theory: a personal history', Daedalus 99(4): 826-81. Perloff, Marjorie (1984) 'Dirty language and scramble systems', Sulfur 1 I: 178-83. Petchesky, Rosalind Pollack (1981) 'Abortion, anti-feminism and the rise of the New Right' Feminist Studies 7(2): 206-46. 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Stoller, Robert (1964) 'A contribution to the study of gender identity', International Journal 0/ Psychoanalysis 45: 220-6. -- (1968 and 1976) Sex and Gender, vol. 1, New York: Science House; vol. II, New York: Jason Aronson. Strathem, Marilyn (1987a) 'Out of context: the persuasive fictions of anthropology', Current Anthropology 28{J): 25.-81. -- (I987b) 'Partial connections', University of Edinburgh, Munro Lecture. -- (1988) 17" Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and ProbltmS wilh Society in Melanesia. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sturgeon, Noel (1986) 'Feminism, anarchism, and non-violent direct action politics', University of California at Santa Cruz, PhD qualifying essay. Sugiyama, Yukimaru (1967) 'Social Organization ofHanuman langurs', in Altmann (1967), pp. 221-36. Sussman, Vic (1986) 'Personal tech. Technology lends a hand', The Washington Post Magazine, 9 November, pp. 45-56. T Taiwo, Oladele (1984) Female Nuvelirts 0/ Modern Africa. New York: St Martin's. Tanner, Nancy (1981) On Becoming Human. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- and Zihlman, Adrienne (1976) 'Women in evolution. Part I: innovation and selection in human origins', Signs 1{]): 585-608. The Woman Question: Selected Writing! 0/ Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin (1951) New York: International. Thome, Barrie and Henley, Nancy, eds (1975) Langunge and Sa: Difference and Dominance. Rowley, MA: Newbury. Timmerman, Colonel Frederick W., Jr (1987, September) 'Future warriors', Military Review, PP·44-55· Toulmin, Stephen (1982) The Retum o/Cosmology: Postmodern Science and the Theology o/Nature. Berkeley: University of California Press. Toumier, Michel (1967) Vetldredi. Paris: Gallimard. Traweek, Sharon (1988) Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World o/High Energy Physics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Treichler, Paula (1987) 'AIDS, homophobia, and biomedical discourse: an epidemic of signification', October 43: 31-7°. Trinh T. Minh-ha (1986-7) 'Introduction', and 'Difference: "a special third world women issue, Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture 8: 3-38. --, ed. ('986-7) She, Ihe inappropnaldd Olher, Discou", 8. __ (1988) 'Not youllike you: post-colonial women and the interlocking questions of identity and difference" Inscriptions 3/4: 71-6. Bibliography 273 --(1989) Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Trivers, R.L. (1971) 'The evolution of reciprocal altruism', Quarterly Rroiffl' o/Biology 46: 35-']. -- (1972) 'Parental investment and sexual selection', in Bernard Campbell, ed. Saua! Seleaion and Ihe Descent o/Man. Chicago: Aldine, pp. 136-]9. Turner, Bryan S. (1984) The Body and Society. New York: Blackwell. V Varley, John (1978) 'The persistence of vision', in The Pmistenu o/Vision. New York: Dell, pp. 263-3.6. --(1986) 'Blue champagne', in Blue Champagne. New York: Berkeley. pp. 17-79. von Bertaianay, Ludwig (1968) General Systems Theory. New York: Braziller. W Waddington, C.H. (1957) 17ft Strategy o/the Gene. London: Allen & Unwin. Walker, Alice (1983) I" Search qfOur Mothm' Gardetu. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch. Ware, Celestine (1970) Woman Power. New York: Tower. Washburn, Sherwood L. (1951a) 'The new physical anthropology', Transactions o/the New York Academy o/Sciences, series 2,13(7): 298-304. --(195 Ib) 'The analysis of primate evolution with particular reference to man', Cold Spn'ng Harbor Symposium a/Quantitative Biology 15: 67-78. -- (1963) 'The study of race', American Anthropologist 65: 521-32. -- (1978) 'Human behavior and the behavior of other animals', Amen'can Psychologist 33: 40 5-.8. -- and Avis, Virginia (1958) 'The evolution of human behavior', in Anne Roe and George Gaylord Simpson, eds Behavior and Evolution. 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A abundance 68 accountability 109, II J Achebe, Chinua 116 adaptations 37 gathering 39,4°-1,102 hunting 25,27,29-3°,34,38-9,86,88, gO-I,98 tool-using 22,25,30,36,37,40,.P 'adaptivity' 48-9, 64 adrenal-stimulating hormones 33 agency,conceptofI35-6,198-g aggression 34-7, 39, 64 competitive 18 AIDS 164, 203-4, 224, 251-2 alienation 158, 159 A1per.Joseph 76 'alpha males' 16, 18 Althusser, L. 196 aJtruism 47,59-60 American Anthropological Association (AM) 9°,91 American Association ofPhysicai Anthropology 89 American Society ofPrimatologists 89 Angeli,James Rowland 50 animal rights movement 152 animal so~iology 11-12 and aggression 34-5 and dominance 13-14, 16-18,25-6, 52-3.95 and gender differences 54 an,d infanticide 97-8, 99, 101-3, 104-5 and intelligence 48-<) and mother/infant groups 40,41, 95-7 and sexuality 13-14, 21-2, 23-4, 28-9, 52, 107-8 and stress 31-3, 104-5 se~ also primateslprimatology anthropology 41,143 physical 37 see abo human evolution apes se~ primateslprimatology appropriation, sexualI37-B, 159 Ardrey, Raben 37 Aristotle BI, 197,220 Auslralopitltet:us 37 authoritarian personality 17-18 auto-immune disease 223 autonomy, reproductive ga, 146 Avis, Virginia 3B B B cells 1I7-IB baboons 27-B, 38, 40,88, 91, 94-5, 96, 237 Bacon, Francis 81 'bad science' 77-B, 134 Barash, David 72-4,75, 234-5 Beach, Frank 75 Beauvoir, Simone de 131, 133,231 Bebel, August 132 behaviour and sociobiology 62-3 animal see animal sociology as tracking device 62-3 evolution of see human evolution plasticity in 102 Berger, Stewan 225 Berghe, Pierre L. van den 75 biobehaviouraVbiosocial science B, 10, I I, 19, 42; seea/so primateslprimatology; sociobiology biological determinism 10,30,72,74,134, 136,152,197,199,238 biomedical language 203-4 biotechnology 163-5 companies 206 bipedal behaviour 40 black women see 'women of colour' Blad~ Runn" (Scott) J 78 Blalock, Edwin 252 276 Simians, Cyborgs, and Women Zimmerman, Jan, ed. (1983) Th~ Technological Woman: Inlnfodng with Tomorrow. New York: Praeger. Zuckerman, Solly (1932) TIl( Social Lift of Monkeys and Apes. New York: Har~oun Brace: __ (1933) Functional Affinilies of Man, Monkey!", and Apa: A Study oflhe B~annf) of PhysIology and &havior all lh~ Ta.ronomy and Phylogmcy of Ldnurs, Monk.rys, Apes and Mm. New York: Harcourt Brace. __ (1972) Beyond Ih~ /t'Oty Tow": Tlu Fronlim of Public and Private Science. New York: Tl·lninger. __ (197~) From Apes to Warlords: Th~ Autobiography of Solly Zuckerman. New York: Harper & Row. Index A abundance 68 accountability 109, II J Achebe, Chinua 116 adaptations 37 gathering 39,4°-1,102 hunting 25,27,29-3°,34,38-9,86,88, gO-I,98 tool-using 22,25,30,36,37,40,.P 'adaptivity' 48-9, 64 adrenal-stimulating hormones 33 agency,conceptofI35-6,198-g aggression 34-7, 39, 64 competitive 18 AIDS 164, 203-4, 224, 251-2 alienation 158, 159 A1per.Joseph 76 'alpha males' 16, 18 Althusser, L. 196 aJtruism 47,59-60 American Anthropological Association (AM) 9°,91 American Association ofPhysicai Anthropology 89 American Society ofPrimatologists 89 Angeli,James Rowland 50 animal rights movement 152 animal so~iology 11-12 and aggression 34-5 and dominance 13-14, 16-18,25-6, 52-3.95 and gender differences 54 an,d infanticide 97-8, 99, 101-3, 104-5 and intelligence 48-<) and mother/infant groups 40,41, 95-7 and sexuality 13-14, 21-2, 23-4, 28-9, 52, 107-8 and stress 31-3, 104-5 se~ also primateslprimatology anthropology 41,143 physical 37 see abo human evolution apes se~ primateslprimatology appropriation, sexualI37-B, 159 Ardrey, Raben 37 Aristotle BI, 197,220 Auslralopitltet:us 37 authoritarian personality 17-18 auto-immune disease 223 autonomy, reproductive ga, 146 Avis, Virginia 3B B B cells 1I7-IB baboons 27-B, 38, 40,88, 91, 94-5, 96, 237 Bacon, Francis 81 'bad science' 77-B, 134 Barash, David 72-4,75, 234-5 Beach, Frank 75 Beauvoir, Simone de 131, 133,231 Bebel, August 132 behaviour and sociobiology 62-3 animal see animal sociology as tracking device 62-3 evolution of see human evolution plasticity in 102 Berger, Stewan 225 Berghe, Pierre L. van den 75 biobehaviouraVbiosocial science B, 10, I I, 19, 42; seea/so primateslprimatology; sociobiology biological determinism 10,30,72,74,134, 136,152,197,199,238 biomedical language 203-4 biotechnology 163-5 companies 206 bipedal behaviour 40 black women see 'women of colour' Blad~ Runn" (Scott) J 78 Blalock, Edwin 252 278 Simians, Cyborgs and Women blasphemy 149 Bleier, Ruth 235 Blumberg, Rae Lessor 168 bodily production, apparatus of 200, 208-12 body as agent v. resource 199-200 as coded text 206, 211 as strategic system 211 'marked' 210 relation with language 185 body politic concept of 7, 8, 9 socialist-feminist theory oflO Bogess,jane 85, 88, 93, 94,104-5,108 bonds, social 95 boundaries 200-1 between human and animal151-z, 200 between organism and machine 152-3 between physical and non-physical 153 bodily 169. 253 of individuals 212 brain 62 Bravennan, Harry 23 I Brewer, Maria Minich 226 Bride Price, Tlte (Emechetn) 117 Brown, Norman O. 9-10 'bush of women's consciousness' I I 1-13 Buss, Leo 219, 220 Butler,ludith 135 Butler, Octavia 121, 179,225-30 c calmness v. sensitivity 33 canine teeth 36, 41 capitalism 45, 56, 58, 59, 139 advancedllate 160, 162, 172, 174, 245 Carby, Hazel 145, 241 Carpenter, Clarence Ray 12-13,14-18,36, 23 I Carroll, Lewis 7 J Cayo Santiago 12, 16 Chevalier, Suzanne 91 Chicanas 175 chimpanzees 13-1.1-,40-1,46,47,50,52-5, 237 Chodorow, Nancy 142, 143 Chomsl..)" N. 253 Christian, Barbara 117, 119-21 Christian creationism 152 class, sodall29, 130, 139 C/<!), s A .. (Buder) 226 Clifford, james 221 coding, world as problem in 164 cognition 2 I 3 collective experience 113 Collins, Patricia Hill 140 coloniaVanti-colonial discourse 110, III, 113,156,223 'command-control-communiclltionintelligence' (CJI) 164, 1'75 Committee for Research on Problems of Sex (CRPS) '4. 49-50. 53 Committee on Scientific Aspects of Human Migration (CSAHM) 49. 50 communication, and power 164 communications technologies 58, 163-5, 166, 168 communications theory 63-4, 65, 68 and sociobiology 63-4 community, limits of 180 competition 28, 29, 34, 59 aggressive 18 sexual 60-1 computer software 252 connection,conceptof21 9 consciousness, theory of I 59 consciousness-rnising, feminist 240 consumption work, women's 170 control strategies 162-3 co-operntion 18, 19, 28, 41, 48, 52, 84 core identity 135 Coyote myth 199, 20 I, 209 culrure v. nature 8-9, 10, I I, 26, 30, 133-4, 151 cybernetic systems 45, 59, 62, 164 L")'borgs 149-5', 152, 153, 163, 173, 180-1, 212, 21 3 writing on 175-80 D daily life, sustaining of 180 Darwin, Charles 7, 28, 59, 73, 77 Das Argument 127 Dawkins, Richard 43, 60,62, 216-217, 220 Dawn (Butler) 179, 226-30 deconstruction 185, 186 Delany, Samuel R. 178 delayed response 52 Delphy, Christine 243 depression 84 deskilling 166 determinism see biological determinism DeVore, Irven 37, 38, 39, 88, 90, 94. 95, 96-7,99,100 dialectics 173 diasporn, African 115, 118,120,122 dichotomieslbinaries II 1,136,163,194, Ig8 of modern v. pOstmodern societies J61-2, 209-10 difference, politics of 109, 12g. '38---9. 147, 162,211 Dillard, Annie 67 Dinnerstein, Dorothy 25 disability" 178. 249 disease 203-4, 212, 223 extraterrestria1226 dispersion, issue of I 70-2 diversification, biological 61 division oflabour in family 53 international 165 seAlIal 131, 132, 136, 137. 139, 140, 142, 158,17 1,249 Dobzhansky, Theodosius 88 Dolhinow, Phyllis seeJaylDolhinow, Phyllis dominance/domination 7-20,236 and gender differences 53-5 and hunting hypothesis 91 and 'leadership' 53, 55 and sexuality 13-14, 16,21-2, 25-6, z8, 29-30,52-3 and social order 16, 18,95 and SOciobiology 64-5, 66-7, 74 as excuse for sexism 16, 25-6, 28, 29-30, 38.39 'gradients' of 17 hierarchies of 17-19, 38, 40, 52, 91, 95-7.99 informatics of 161-5. 170-z justification of, through animal sociology 11-12,13-14,17-19,21-2,23 justification of, through biobehaviournl sciences 8, 9, 10 'latent' 17,32 male9 I,95.97, 105 Index 279 of nature 9-10, 47, 234 shakiness ofhypotbeses on 32, 33, 96, 97 Double Yoke, Tne (Emechetn) 117, IIg, 121-3 Douglas, Mary 173 drive expression 53, 54 dualism 152, 154, 177; see also dichotomies! binaries E Eco, Umberto 185 ecofeminists 199 Ehrhardt. Anke 133 electronics 166; see also machinery, modem embodiment 195,196,199 Emecheta, Buchi I 15-24 endocrinology 25 Engels, Friedrich 131-2, 136, 139 epistemolOgies 157, 195 anarchism in 79-80 see also knowledge 'equality', as 'narural' social position 56 ergonomics 45, 64-5 Escoffier,jeffrey 141 evolutionary theory 7, 24-5,34.36,37-9,41, 21 <)-20; see also human evolution experience, politics of 109, 110, I '3, 142, 149,159 extraterrestrials 227-9 eyes 190, 192; see also vision F family forms of 167 right-wing ideolOgies on 168 women-headed 167 fatherhood 135 FemaleMan, The(Russ) 178 females as leaders of human evolution 40-1 constant sexual 'receptivity' of 22,28,30, 4' control of infanticide 102 groupings of, as central social units 40, 4' .95-7 in current behavioural accounts 199-200 seAl.Ialchoice by 41,107-8 278 Simians, Cyborgs and Women blasphemy 149 Bleier, Ruth 235 Blumberg, Rae Lessor 168 bodily production, apparatus of 200, 208-12 body as agent v. resource 199-200 as coded text 206, 211 as strategic system 211 'marked' 210 relation with language 185 body politic concept of 7, 8, 9 socialist-feminist theory oflO Bogess,jane 85, 88, 93, 94,104-5,108 bonds, social 95 boundaries 200-1 between human and animal151-z, 200 between organism and machine 152-3 between physical and non-physical 153 bodily 169. 253 of individuals 212 brain 62 Bravennan, Harry 23 I Brewer, Maria Minich 226 Bride Price, Tlte (Emechetn) 117 Brown, Norman O. 9-10 'bush of women's consciousness' I I 1-13 Buss, Leo 219, 220 Butler,ludith 135 Butler, Octavia 121, 179,225-30 c calmness v. sensitivity 33 canine teeth 36, 41 capitalism 45, 56, 58, 59, 139 advancedllate 160, 162, 172, 174, 245 Carby, Hazel 145, 241 Carpenter, Clarence Ray 12-13,14-18,36, 23 I Carroll, Lewis 7 J Cayo Santiago 12, 16 Chevalier, Suzanne 91 Chicanas 175 chimpanzees 13-1.1-,40-1,46,47,50,52-5, 237 Chodorow, Nancy 142, 143 Chomsl..)" N. 253 Christian, Barbara 117, 119-21 Christian creationism 152 class, sodall29, 130, 139 C/<!), s A .. (Buder) 226 Clifford, james 221 coding, world as problem in 164 cognition 2 I 3 collective experience 113 Collins, Patricia Hill 140 coloniaVanti-colonial discourse 110, III, 113,156,223 'command-control-communiclltionintelligence' (CJI) 164, 1'75 Committee for Research on Problems of Sex (CRPS) '4. 49-50. 53 Committee on Scientific Aspects of Human Migration (CSAHM) 49. 50 communication, and power 164 communications technologies 58, 163-5, 166, 168 communications theory 63-4, 65, 68 and sociobiology 63-4 community, limits of 180 competition 28, 29, 34, 59 aggressive 18 sexual 60-1 computer software 252 connection,conceptof21 9 consciousness, theory of I 59 consciousness-rnising, feminist 240 consumption work, women's 170 control strategies 162-3 co-operntion 18, 19, 28, 41, 48, 52, 84 core identity 135 Coyote myth 199, 20 I, 209 culrure v. nature 8-9, 10, I I, 26, 30, 133-4, 151 cybernetic systems 45, 59, 62, 164 L")'borgs 149-5', 152, 153, 163, 173, 180-1, 212, 21 3 writing on 175-80 D daily life, sustaining of 180 Darwin, Charles 7, 28, 59, 73, 77 Das Argument 127 Dawkins, Richard 43, 60,62, 216-217, 220 Dawn (Butler) 179, 226-30 deconstruction 185, 186 Delany, Samuel R. 178 delayed response 52 Delphy, Christine 243 depression 84 deskilling 166 determinism see biological determinism DeVore, Irven 37, 38, 39, 88, 90, 94. 95, 96-7,99,100 dialectics 173 diasporn, African 115, 118,120,122 dichotomieslbinaries II 1,136,163,194, Ig8 of modern v. pOstmodern societies J61-2, 209-10 difference, politics of 109, 12g. '38---9. 147, 162,211 Dillard, Annie 67 Dinnerstein, Dorothy 25 disability" 178. 249 disease 203-4, 212, 223 extraterrestria1226 dispersion, issue of I 70-2 diversification, biological 61 division oflabour in family 53 international 165 seAlIal 131, 132, 136, 137. 139, 140, 142, 158,17 1,249 Dobzhansky, Theodosius 88 Dolhinow, Phyllis seeJaylDolhinow, Phyllis dominance/domination 7-20,236 and gender differences 53-5 and hunting hypothesis 91 and 'leadership' 53, 55 and sexuality 13-14, 16,21-2, 25-6, z8, 29-30,52-3 and social order 16, 18,95 and SOciobiology 64-5, 66-7, 74 as excuse for sexism 16, 25-6, 28, 29-30, 38.39 'gradients' of 17 hierarchies of 17-19, 38, 40, 52, 91, 95-7.99 informatics of 161-5. 170-z justification of, through animal sociology 11-12,13-14,17-19,21-2,23 justification of, through biobehaviournl sciences 8, 9, 10 'latent' 17,32 male9 I,95.97, 105 Index 279 of nature 9-10, 47, 234 shakiness ofhypotbeses on 32, 33, 96, 97 Double Yoke, Tne (Emechetn) 117, IIg, 121-3 Douglas, Mary 173 drive expression 53, 54 dualism 152, 154, 177; see also dichotomies! binaries E Eco, Umberto 185 ecofeminists 199 Ehrhardt. Anke 133 electronics 166; see also machinery, modem embodiment 195,196,199 Emecheta, Buchi I 15-24 endocrinology 25 Engels, Friedrich 131-2, 136, 139 epistemolOgies 157, 195 anarchism in 79-80 see also knowledge 'equality', as 'narural' social position 56 ergonomics 45, 64-5 Escoffier,jeffrey 141 evolutionary theory 7, 24-5,34.36,37-9,41, 21 <)-20; see also human evolution experience, politics of 109, 110, I '3, 142, 149,159 extraterrestrials 227-9 eyes 190, 192; see also vision F family forms of 167 right-wing ideolOgies on 168 women-headed 167 fatherhood 135 FemaleMan, The(Russ) 178 females as leaders of human evolution 40-1 constant sexual 'receptivity' of 22,28,30, 4' control of infanticide 102 groupings of, as central social units 40, 4' .95-7 in current behavioural accounts 199-200 seAl.Ialchoice by 41,107-8 280 Simians, Cyborgs and Women feminism American 239 and andtropology 143 and gender 131,134-6,137-48 and nature 134-5 and 'objectivity' 183-8, 189-96, 197-201 and sexuality 141 and subjectivity 147 as myth 82 cyborg 157 'feminist empiricism' 186-7 in science fiction 178-80 Marxist 140,242 materialist 243 perspectives in science 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42,68,71- 2,77-80,81-2, 105-8.186-96 radical15S--60, 174 repudiation of, under guise of'womanism' 118-19,120 socialist 10, 42, 45, 68,157-60,163,169, 172,173,186,242 taxonomies of 156-60 feminization ofworklpoverty 166,167, 168, 171 fiction, reading I 13-23 fighting anatomy 36, 41 Firestone, ShuJamidt 9,10 First World War 49 Flores, Fernando 213-14, 219 food production 168 Ford Foundation 88 Foucault, Michel 133, 142, 150,236,245, 253 Freud, Sigmund 9, 10,26,27 Frisch,john 90 Fulton,john 50 functionalism 15-16, 24, 33, 42 evolutionary 38,39 G in equilibrium social models 18 social 15,38 systems 32 Galileo 77 game parks, African 223 gathering adapll1tion 39, 40-1, 102 gay movements 141,210 gender and language 127-30 concept of J 27-48 cyborg 180 differences 53-5, 76-7, 13 1 'genderidentity' 133-5, 142 'sexlgendersystem' 128-9,13°, 137-47, 198,199-200 symbolism of 249 generalists, species as 102, 103 Generator of Diversity (G.O.D.) 206-7 genes 60, 62, 73, 74 genetic fitness maximization strategies lOS new genotypes 61 genetics, as linguistic science 46 genomes 215-216, 218 German Social Democratic Party 132 Gershon, Richard K. 205-6 gibbons 15 Gilbert, Sandra 72 Gilbert, Scott 252 Gilligan, Carol 143 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 81 'god-tricks' 189, 191, 193, 195 Golub, Edward S. 203, 205-6, 218,219, 222 Goodall,lane 24 Gordon, Richard 166 Green Revolution technologies 168 Gregory, Michael 74 Grene, Marjorie 75 Griffin, Susan 174 Grossman, Rachel J65 Gubar, Susan 72 H Haeckel, Ernst 75 Hamburg, David 33, 3 4-6, 39, 40, 88 Hamilton, W.O. 73 handicapped people stedisability Haraway, Donna). 141 Hardin, Garrett 76 Harding, Sandra 80,140,187,188,192,194, 236,249 Harlow, Harry 88 Hartmann, Heidi 139 Hartsock, Nancy 80, 140, 142, 186 Hayles, Katherine 207 healdt care 171-2 Henderson, LJ. 32 Henry, AJice 238 'hero-scientist' 205 heterosexuality as 'natural' 13 I compulsory 137-8, 229 hierarchies 29, 32-3,38, 40, 52, 9 1 , 95, 96, 97.99 Hillis, W. Daniel 252-3 Hinde, Robert 24 historical materialism IO-I If 139. 140 Hobbes, Thomas 28, 83, 98 holism ISO-I, 175-7 Holton, Gerald 75 'homework economy' 166-7, 169. 171 homosexuality 14, 16 hooks, bell 148, 239 Hooton, E.A. 236 households ste family howler monkeys IS Hrdy, Sarah BiafTer6 1,85,88,94,98-101, 103,104,1°7.108,238 Hubbard, Rudt 76, 78-g, 80, 235 Hull, David 75. 78 human engineering I 1,13,22,45,47,48,56, 23 1 human evolution 25, 29-30, 35-6, 37, 38- 42,79,86 humanism 74, 75, 78, 79,198,199 feminist 234 ~ancistlo, 140,186 human evolution 25, 29-30,35-6, 37, 38-42 .79. 86 Hurston, Zora Neale 120 Hurtado, Aida 145 Huxley,Julian 216 I identification 156 identity 135, 192, 193 fractured 155-6 Set also gender, 'gender identity' ideology of science 8, 22-3,42,78 illusion 158 'imaging'/'visualization' self-help therapies >25 immune systemlimmunology 204-7, 20g, Index 28, 211-12,214-15,217-21,222-6,251-2, 253,154 In the Dilch (Emecheta) I J 7 'inclusive fitness' 60, 220 individuality and women 253 dangers to 223 problem OhIl, 216 industrial revolution 7 infanticide 83, 97-8, 99.101-3,104-5 human 102, 103 infants, primate 96 information and body systems 206, 207 genes as 62 nature of 164 ste also communications theory innocence/non-innocence lSI, 157, 191 innovation, genetic 61 insects, social 61, 63-4 instrumental power 164 intelligence 13 - as problem-solving behaviour 48-9 tests for 13, 49 International Primarological Society 89 interpretation 195, 213-14 investment strategies, dangerous 61 invulnerability/immunity 224, 225 Irigaray, Luce 174 irony 149 'irrationalities' 48 J Jameson, Fredric 244 jllylDolhinow, Phyllis 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93-8,99,IOO,IOl, 104, I05,108,23i jerne, Niels K. 218-19, 253 Joys of Motherhood, The (Emechell1) I 16, J 19, 120 K Kaplan, Caren 240 Keller, Evelyn 143, 187,250 King, Katie 114, J 56, 178,200 Kinsey studies i 4 kinship 22, 6o, 144-5 Klein, Hilary 151 280 Simians, Cyborgs and Women feminism American 239 and andtropology 143 and gender 131,134-6,137-48 and nature 134-5 and 'objectivity' 183-8, 189-96, 197-201 and sexuality 141 and subjectivity 147 as myth 82 cyborg 157 'feminist empiricism' 186-7 in science fiction 178-80 Marxist 140,242 materialist 243 perspectives in science 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42,68,71- 2,77-80,81-2, 105-8.186-96 radical15S--60, 174 repudiation of, under guise of'womanism' 118-19,120 socialist 10, 42, 45, 68,157-60,163,169, 172,173,186,242 taxonomies of 156-60 feminization ofworklpoverty 166,167, 168, 171 fiction, reading I 13-23 fighting anatomy 36, 41 Firestone, ShuJamidt 9,10 First World War 49 Flores, Fernando 213-14, 219 food production 168 Ford Foundation 88 Foucault, Michel 133, 142, 150,236,245, 253 Freud, Sigmund 9, 10,26,27 Frisch,john 90 Fulton,john 50 functionalism 15-16, 24, 33, 42 evolutionary 38,39 G in equilibrium social models 18 social 15,38 systems 32 Galileo 77 game parks, African 223 gathering adapll1tion 39, 40-1, 102 gay movements 141,210 gender and language 127-30 concept of J 27-48 cyborg 180 differences 53-5, 76-7, 13 1 'genderidentity' 133-5, 142 'sexlgendersystem' 128-9,13°, 137-47, 198,199-200 symbolism of 249 generalists, species as 102, 103 Generator of Diversity (G.O.D.) 206-7 genes 60, 62, 73, 74 genetic fitness maximization strategies lOS new genotypes 61 genetics, as linguistic science 46 genomes 215-216, 218 German Social Democratic Party 132 Gershon, Richard K. 205-6 gibbons 15 Gilbert, Sandra 72 Gilbert, Scott 252 Gilligan, Carol 143 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 81 'god-tricks' 189, 191, 193, 195 Golub, Edward S. 203, 205-6, 218,219, 222 Goodall,lane 24 Gordon, Richard 166 Green Revolution technologies 168 Gregory, Michael 74 Grene, Marjorie 75 Griffin, Susan 174 Grossman, Rachel J65 Gubar, Susan 72 H Haeckel, Ernst 75 Hamburg, David 33, 3 4-6, 39, 40, 88 Hamilton, W.O. 73 handicapped people stedisability Haraway, Donna). 141 Hardin, Garrett 76 Harding, Sandra 80,140,187,188,192,194, 236,249 Harlow, Harry 88 Hartmann, Heidi 139 Hartsock, Nancy 80, 140, 142, 186 Hayles, Katherine 207 healdt care 171-2 Henderson, LJ. 32 Henry, AJice 238 'hero-scientist' 205 heterosexuality as 'natural' 13 I compulsory 137-8, 229 hierarchies 29, 32-3,38, 40, 52, 9 1 , 95, 96, 97.99 Hillis, W. Daniel 252-3 Hinde, Robert 24 historical materialism IO-I If 139. 140 Hobbes, Thomas 28, 83, 98 holism ISO-I, 175-7 Holton, Gerald 75 'homework economy' 166-7, 169. 171 homosexuality 14, 16 hooks, bell 148, 239 Hooton, E.A. 236 households ste family howler monkeys IS Hrdy, Sarah BiafTer6 1,85,88,94,98-101, 103,104,1°7.108,238 Hubbard, Rudt 76, 78-g, 80, 235 Hull, David 75. 78 human engineering I 1,13,22,45,47,48,56, 23 1 human evolution 25, 29-30, 35-6, 37, 38- 42,79,86 humanism 74, 75, 78, 79,198,199 feminist 234 ~ancistlo, 140,186 human evolution 25, 29-30,35-6, 37, 38-42 .79. 86 Hurston, Zora Neale 120 Hurtado, Aida 145 Huxley,Julian 216 I identification 156 identity 135, 192, 193 fractured 155-6 Set also gender, 'gender identity' ideology of science 8, 22-3,42,78 illusion 158 'imaging'/'visualization' self-help therapies >25 immune systemlimmunology 204-7, 20g, Index 28, 211-12,214-15,217-21,222-6,251-2, 253,154 In the Dilch (Emecheta) I J 7 'inclusive fitness' 60, 220 individuality and women 253 dangers to 223 problem OhIl, 216 industrial revolution 7 infanticide 83, 97-8, 99.101-3,104-5 human 102, 103 infants, primate 96 information and body systems 206, 207 genes as 62 nature of 164 ste also communications theory innocence/non-innocence lSI, 157, 191 innovation, genetic 61 insects, social 61, 63-4 instrumental power 164 intelligence 13 - as problem-solving behaviour 48-9 tests for 13, 49 International Primarological Society 89 interpretation 195, 213-14 investment strategies, dangerous 61 invulnerability/immunity 224, 225 Irigaray, Luce 174 irony 149 'irrationalities' 48 J Jameson, Fredric 244 jllylDolhinow, Phyllis 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93-8,99,IOO,IOl, 104, I05,108,23i jerne, Niels K. 218-19, 253 Joys of Motherhood, The (Emechell1) I 16, J 19, 120 K Kaplan, Caren 240 Keller, Evelyn 143, 187,250 King, Katie 114, J 56, 178,200 Kinsey studies i 4 kinship 22, 6o, 144-5 Klein, Hilary 151 282 Simians, Cyborgs and Women Klein,Jan 223-4 knowledge irresponsible claims to J 9 J local J94 objects of 197-201, 20B 'situated' I I I, IBB, 198 social constructionist interpretation of ,84, ,85 Koertge, Noretta 235 Kohlberg, Lawrence 142-3 KoUontai, Alexandra 132 Kristeva,Julia 160 L labour as category 158 migration 120 process 10,22,39,140 see also division oflabour Lacan,Jacques 137, 142 Lancaster,Jane 91,108,235,238 language and interpretation 214 and reality 71-2, 78, 81 biomedical 203-4, 207-8 difficulties with 127-30 phallic 234 phylogeny of 52 politics of 175 relationship with bodies 185 langurs 83, 92,93, 95-101,104,236,237 Latour, Bruno 235, 248 Laurentis, Teresa de 142,249 Leacock, Eleanor 25 'leadership' 53, 55 learning 48 Leibowitz, Lila 235 lesbianism 120, 137, 138-9 Levi-Strauss, Claude 137 liberal ideology 8, 30 Lindberg, Donald 107-8 Linnaeus, Carolus 81 literacy 174-5 Loeb,Jacques 75 Lorde, Audre 114,138-9,142,174 Lovejoy, Owen 238 Lowe, Marian 76, 235 Lucretius 75 'lumpy discourses' 203-8 lymphocytes 20'6, 217 M machinery, modem 152, 153-4, 178 McCaffrey, Anne 178 Mcintyre, Vonda 180 MacKinnon, Catherine 141, 145, 15B-9 MacroGene Workstation 215 'male social instability', concept of 104, 105 males see dominance/domination; hunting hypothesis; sexism/misogyny Malinche 175, 176 Malinowski, Bronislaw 15, 26, 27, 30, 32 Malthus, Thomas 7, 59 management sciences I I, 48, 50 Mani, Lata 114 man-the-hunter hypothesis see hunting hypothesis market, concept of 59 marriage and gender antagonisms 138 images of 118-19 Marx, Karl 9. 45, 59, 68,128,13 1- 2,136, 139, 163 Marxism 10, 12,37,80. 130, 131-2, 137, 140, lSI, 158, 172, 186 masculinity/femininity 54, 55; see also gender mathematics, genetic differences in 136 matrilineal rradition 119 Mayo, Elton 19 Mayr, Ernst 88 medicalization ofmoraVpoliticai issues 235 of sexual 'deviance' 14 Melanesians 135 menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4, 28, 107 Merchant, Carolyn 234 Meridian (Walker) Il9, 120 metaphor 185, 195 militarism 154, 168,205,211,254 Miller, G.S. 27 Milton,John 72, 73 Minh-hat Trinh T. 239-40 miniaturization 153 misogyny see sexism/misogyny Mitchell,Juliet 139 molecular biology 106, 207 Money,John 77,133 monogamy, 'overt' 29-30 mononuclear phagocyte system 21B monotheism 193 monsters lBo, 226 Moraga, Cherne 175-6 motherhoodlmothering85, 119-20, 135, '42 Movement pour la Liberation des Femmes (MLF) '37-8 multinational companies 166 N National Geographic Society 189, 222, 224, 225 National Research Council (NRC) 49 National Science Foundation 88 'naturalization' 210-11 nature as communications/control machine 61-4 as fetish 9-10 as passive objectv. active subject 198-201 as series of cybernetic systems 59 definitions of I 52-3 domination/control of 9-10,47,234 in feminist debate 134-5 v. culture 8-9, 10, 11,26,30, 133-4, 151 network theory 218-19 networking 170 Newton, Isaac 75 Nigeria 1I6-17, 1I9 Nilsson, Lennart 222 nineteenth-century medical advice literature 210 o object relations theory 143. 186,246 objectification 138, 141, 159 'obiecth.·;ty' 78,183-8,189-96,197-201, 208,248 Off Our Backs 238 Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo 117, 118-19, 120 Dog, Aihwa 122, 177.240 oppression of women 144 and Marxism 131, 132 and obligatory heterosexuality J 37-8 ue also sexism/misogyny optimization 46, 64-5 orangutans 49 organic form 4S organisms, as constructs 208 Ortner, Sherry B. 143, 231 'outer space'l'inner space' 221-3 ownership of one's body 98, 146 p Paln, Achola I J 8 parental investment 60, 61, 234 Parsons, Frank 43 Parsons, Talcott 32 part/whole reJation 220 particularism 3 I 'passionate detachment' 192 pathology, conceptualization of 214.220 patriarchy 139. 142,146, 159 and domination 9, 10,68 and repression 9-10 racist 145-6 sociobiology as 74 patrilines in science 85-'7, 88-93 'pecking orders' 18 Peirce, Charles 142 'personality differences' 54-5 personnel research 56, 57 perspective,partial 190,191-2 Petchesky, Ros 16B phaJIogocentrism 148. 175, 176, 196 phenotypes 2 J 7 pheromones 63-4 photography 190, 221-2 Piercy, Marge 7.19-20,73 Pius XII. Pope 73 planets, photographs of 22 1-2 Plato 245 Playfair,J.H.L. 203 pleasure calculus 34 poetry 200 political aspects of science 83-5, 98 political unity 157 polygamy lIB, Il9 polymorphism of genotypes 103 population and SOciobiology 62 control of 45 282 Simians, Cyborgs and Women Klein,Jan 223-4 knowledge irresponsible claims to J 9 J local J94 objects of 197-201, 20B 'situated' I I I, IBB, 198 social constructionist interpretation of ,84, ,85 Koertge, Noretta 235 Kohlberg, Lawrence 142-3 KoUontai, Alexandra 132 Kristeva,Julia 160 L labour as category 158 migration 120 process 10,22,39,140 see also division oflabour Lacan,Jacques 137, 142 Lancaster,Jane 91,108,235,238 language and interpretation 214 and reality 71-2, 78, 81 biomedical 203-4, 207-8 difficulties with 127-30 phallic 234 phylogeny of 52 politics of 175 relationship with bodies 185 langurs 83, 92,93, 95-101,104,236,237 Latour, Bruno 235, 248 Laurentis, Teresa de 142,249 Leacock, Eleanor 25 'leadership' 53, 55 learning 48 Leibowitz, Lila 235 lesbianism 120, 137, 138-9 Levi-Strauss, Claude 137 liberal ideology 8, 30 Lindberg, Donald 107-8 Linnaeus, Carolus 81 literacy 174-5 Loeb,Jacques 75 Lorde, Audre 114,138-9,142,174 Lovejoy, Owen 238 Lowe, Marian 76, 235 Lucretius 75 'lumpy discourses' 203-8 lymphocytes 20'6, 217 M machinery, modem 152, 153-4, 178 McCaffrey, Anne 178 Mcintyre, Vonda 180 MacKinnon, Catherine 141, 145, 15B-9 MacroGene Workstation 215 'male social instability', concept of 104, 105 males see dominance/domination; hunting hypothesis; sexism/misogyny Malinche 175, 176 Malinowski, Bronislaw 15, 26, 27, 30, 32 Malthus, Thomas 7, 59 management sciences I I, 48, 50 Mani, Lata 114 man-the-hunter hypothesis see hunting hypothesis market, concept of 59 marriage and gender antagonisms 138 images of 118-19 Marx, Karl 9. 45, 59, 68,128,13 1- 2,136, 139, 163 Marxism 10, 12,37,80. 130, 131-2, 137, 140, lSI, 158, 172, 186 masculinity/femininity 54, 55; see also gender mathematics, genetic differences in 136 matrilineal rradition 119 Mayo, Elton 19 Mayr, Ernst 88 medicalization ofmoraVpoliticai issues 235 of sexual 'deviance' 14 Melanesians 135 menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4, 28, 107 Merchant, Carolyn 234 Meridian (Walker) Il9, 120 metaphor 185, 195 militarism 154, 168,205,211,254 Miller, G.S. 27 Milton,John 72, 73 Minh-hat Trinh T. 239-40 miniaturization 153 misogyny see sexism/misogyny Mitchell,Juliet 139 molecular biology 106, 207 Money,John 77,133 monogamy, 'overt' 29-30 mononuclear phagocyte system 21B monotheism 193 monsters lBo, 226 Moraga, Cherne 175-6 motherhoodlmothering85, 119-20, 135, '42 Movement pour la Liberation des Femmes (MLF) '37-8 multinational companies 166 N National Geographic Society 189, 222, 224, 225 National Research Council (NRC) 49 National Science Foundation 88 'naturalization' 210-11 nature as communications/control machine 61-4 as fetish 9-10 as passive objectv. active subject 198-201 as series of cybernetic systems 59 definitions of I 52-3 domination/control of 9-10,47,234 in feminist debate 134-5 v. culture 8-9, 10, 11,26,30, 133-4, 151 network theory 218-19 networking 170 Newton, Isaac 75 Nigeria 1I6-17, 1I9 Nilsson, Lennart 222 nineteenth-century medical advice literature 210 o object relations theory 143. 186,246 objectification 138, 141, 159 'obiecth.·;ty' 78,183-8,189-96,197-201, 208,248 Off Our Backs 238 Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo 117, 118-19, 120 Dog, Aihwa 122, 177.240 oppression of women 144 and Marxism 131, 132 and obligatory heterosexuality J 37-8 ue also sexism/misogyny optimization 46, 64-5 orangutans 49 organic form 4S organisms, as constructs 208 Ortner, Sherry B. 143, 231 'outer space'l'inner space' 221-3 ownership of one's body 98, 146 p Paln, Achola I J 8 parental investment 60, 61, 234 Parsons, Frank 43 Parsons, Talcott 32 part/whole reJation 220 particularism 3 I 'passionate detachment' 192 pathology, conceptualization of 214.220 patriarchy 139. 142,146, 159 and domination 9, 10,68 and repression 9-10 racist 145-6 sociobiology as 74 patrilines in science 85-'7, 88-93 'pecking orders' 18 Peirce, Charles 142 'personality differences' 54-5 personnel research 56, 57 perspective,partial 190,191-2 Petchesky, Ros 16B phaJIogocentrism 148. 175, 176, 196 phenotypes 2 J 7 pheromones 63-4 photography 190, 221-2 Piercy, Marge 7.19-20,73 Pius XII. Pope 73 planets, photographs of 22 1-2 Plato 245 Playfair,J.H.L. 203 pleasure calculus 34 poetry 200 political aspects of science 83-5, 98 political unity 157 polygamy lIB, Il9 polymorphism of genotypes 103 population and SOciobiology 62 control of 45 284 Simians, Cyborgs and Women dilemmas about 102, 103 pornography 141 positioning 191,192-6 postmodernism 152, 185, 186, 188,207-8, 220,244-5,248 pregnancy 253 primateslprimatology 13-18, 21-41, 46-50, 52-5,82-108, 199,236-8; see /lho animal sociology; baboons; chimpanzees; langurs 'privatization' 168 production 21, 22, 59 profit and competitive struggles 59 genetic 60, 61,62, 101 propagules 217 property system, sexual 137 proslhesis 249 psychoanalysis 151, 186,246 psychobiology 45-'7 psychoses, in monkeys 84 'public' v. 'private' domains 168, 170 R race 129, 160, 162, 241-2 racism 49, 67, 87,134,137,145-6,162,236 Ramus, Peter II 1 Riithzel, Nora 127 rationality 192, 193, 194, 196 Raymond,Janice 235 reading of fiction 113-23 Reaganism 183 rebirth, metaphors oflBI recognition, self v. non-self 224 reductionism 187-8 bioiogicallo,42 sexual 14- regeneration 18 I relativism 191 religion, tendencies in 172 Renaissance I I I replicators 2 I 6; see aho genes representation doctrine ohl3 photographic 190, 221-2 process of 52 repression 9-10 reproduction, sexuaVsocial 10,21-2,23-4, 25-6,27-3 1,33-4,59,60,159-60,238 ideologies of 212 strategies of 98,99, 100-1, 102-3, 162 women's rights in 98, 146 'resourcing' Ig8 rhesus monkeys 12, I6~18 Rich, Adrienne 137, 174 right-wing family ideologies 168 Ripley, Suzanne 85, 91, 93,101-4,108 robotics 167 Rockefeller Foundation 50, 58 Rosaldo, Michelle 143 Rose, Wendy 1 13, 115 Rossi, Alice 235 Rowell, Thelma 24, 30-4 Rubin, Gayk ! 28, 137, 139, 140, 142 Russ,joanna 178 S Salzman, Freda 235 Sandoval, Chela 155-6, 174 scarcity 59, 68 Schipper, Mineke 116 Schjelderup-Ebbe, Thorlief 18 schools, tendencies in 171 science and further human evolution 55-7 and gender 143 and knowledge/power 43 as heroic quest 205 as justification for political authoritarianism 19 as justification for sexist attitudes to sexuality 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61,107, 23B as liberntingv. oppressive force 8,19-20 'badscience'77-8,134 changes in 44-7, 51, 57-9 definition of 'equality' as 'natural' social position 56 exclusion of women from 8-9 feminist perspectives in 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42,68,71-2,77-80,81-2, ,0S-B, .B6-96 ideology of8, 22-3, 42, 78 medicalization of sexual 'deviance' 14 patrilines in 85-7, 88-93 political aspects of83-5, 98 research on gender differences 76-7 sexist bias in 25, 29-30, 39,.54, 96, 234 social constructionist argument for 184-8 standards of 92 science fiction 178-80, 226-30, 249 Science-Humanities Convergence Program (NEXA)74 'scientific method', doctrine of 184-5 Scott, joan 242 Second Glass Citizen (Emecheta) I 17 Second World War 58 selection, natural 37, 41, 59-60,65 self and vision 192-3 definition of 223-4 identity of 192, 193i see also gender, 'gender identity' ownershipof98, 135, 146 self-expression, ideology of 57 semiology/semiosis 142, 185 sensory physiology 48 serial monogamy, heterosexual 166 sex see gender; sexuality sexism/misogyny dominance as excuse for 25-6, 28, 29-30,38,39 in science 25, 29-30, 39, 54, 96, 234 in 'scientific' accounts of sexuality 16, 22, 28,29-30,61,107,238 SOciobiology as 39, 42, 61,67 see also oppression of women sexuality and conSlant female 'receptivity' 22, 28, 30 ,41 and domimmce/domination 13-14, 21-2, 28,29-30,5 2-3 and female sexual choice 41,107-8 and feminism 14 I and menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4. 28, 107 controlofg, 22, 30 periodicity/seasonality in 28, 52 research on 14, 49-50 'science' as justification of sexist attitudes to 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61, 107,238 Shannon, Claude 207 Silip Who Sang, The (McCaffrey) 178 Shirek,judith 91 Signs: Journal o/Women in Culture and Society JIB silicon chip 153 Index 285 Silicon Valley 166, 169 Simpson, George Gaylord 88 SisterOutsider(Lorde) 174, 175 'situated knowledges' ttl, 188, 198 Slave Girl, The (Emecheta) 117 slavery 145-6 Smith, Adam 7 sociability, development of 41 social constructionism 134, 184-8, Ig7 social control 35, 54 social order and aggression 34-5 and dominance/domination 16. 18, 95 and stress 3 1-3 breakdown of 95 see 0'10 troop organization social revolution movements 194 socialism 10, 158; see also feminism, socialist sociobiology 46, 57-67 and behaviour 62-3 and capimlism 58. 59 and communications theory 63-4 and dominance/domination 64-5. 66-7. 74 and evolutionary theory 219-20 and new technologies 168-9 and optimization 64-5 and reproductive strategies 99,100-1, 102-3 as science of groups 59-60 inflated rhetoric of73-6 non-sexist interpretations of 39-41 sexist tendencies of 39,42,61,67 sociology of knowledge 184. 18S Sofoulis, Zoe ISO, 163, 179-80, J89, 198, 24B-9 space exploration 221-2 'special interest groups' 183 Spillers, Hortense 145 'splitting' 192-3 Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 34 Star, Susan Leigh 76-'7, 235 SlarTrekseries 180, 205 state, tendencies in 171 status, hunger for 53 Steward,Julian 236 Stoller, Robert 133 Strathern, Marilyn 135-6, 248 284 Simians, Cyborgs and Women dilemmas about 102, 103 pornography 141 positioning 191,192-6 postmodernism 152, 185, 186, 188,207-8, 220,244-5,248 pregnancy 253 primateslprimatology 13-18, 21-41, 46-50, 52-5,82-108, 199,236-8; see /lho animal sociology; baboons; chimpanzees; langurs 'privatization' 168 production 21, 22, 59 profit and competitive struggles 59 genetic 60, 61,62, 101 propagules 217 property system, sexual 137 proslhesis 249 psychoanalysis 151, 186,246 psychobiology 45-'7 psychoses, in monkeys 84 'public' v. 'private' domains 168, 170 R race 129, 160, 162, 241-2 racism 49, 67, 87,134,137,145-6,162,236 Ramus, Peter II 1 Riithzel, Nora 127 rationality 192, 193, 194, 196 Raymond,Janice 235 reading of fiction 113-23 Reaganism 183 rebirth, metaphors oflBI recognition, self v. non-self 224 reductionism 187-8 bioiogicallo,42 sexual 14- regeneration 18 I relativism 191 religion, tendencies in 172 Renaissance I I I replicators 2 I 6; see aho genes representation doctrine ohl3 photographic 190, 221-2 process of 52 repression 9-10 reproduction, sexuaVsocial 10,21-2,23-4, 25-6,27-3 1,33-4,59,60,159-60,238 ideologies of 212 strategies of 98,99, 100-1, 102-3, 162 women's rights in 98, 146 'resourcing' Ig8 rhesus monkeys 12, I6~18 Rich, Adrienne 137, 174 right-wing family ideologies 168 Ripley, Suzanne 85, 91, 93,101-4,108 robotics 167 Rockefeller Foundation 50, 58 Rosaldo, Michelle 143 Rose, Wendy 1 13, 115 Rossi, Alice 235 Rowell, Thelma 24, 30-4 Rubin, Gayk ! 28, 137, 139, 140, 142 Russ,joanna 178 S Salzman, Freda 235 Sandoval, Chela 155-6, 174 scarcity 59, 68 Schipper, Mineke 116 Schjelderup-Ebbe, Thorlief 18 schools, tendencies in 171 science and further human evolution 55-7 and gender 143 and knowledge/power 43 as heroic quest 205 as justification for political authoritarianism 19 as justification for sexist attitudes to sexuality 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61,107, 23B as liberntingv. oppressive force 8,19-20 'badscience'77-8,134 changes in 44-7, 51, 57-9 definition of 'equality' as 'natural' social position 56 exclusion of women from 8-9 feminist perspectives in 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42,68,71-2,77-80,81-2, ,0S-B, .B6-96 ideology of8, 22-3, 42, 78 medicalization of sexual 'deviance' 14 patrilines in 85-7, 88-93 political aspects of83-5, 98 research on gender differences 76-7 sexist bias in 25, 29-30, 39,.54, 96, 234 social constructionist argument for 184-8 standards of 92 science fiction 178-80, 226-30, 249 Science-Humanities Convergence Program (NEXA)74 'scientific method', doctrine of 184-5 Scott, joan 242 Second Glass Citizen (Emecheta) I 17 Second World War 58 selection, natural 37, 41, 59-60,65 self and vision 192-3 definition of 223-4 identity of 192, 193i see also gender, 'gender identity' ownershipof98, 135, 146 self-expression, ideology of 57 semiology/semiosis 142, 185 sensory physiology 48 serial monogamy, heterosexual 166 sex see gender; sexuality sexism/misogyny dominance as excuse for 25-6, 28, 29-30,38,39 in science 25, 29-30, 39, 54, 96, 234 in 'scientific' accounts of sexuality 16, 22, 28,29-30,61,107,238 SOciobiology as 39, 42, 61,67 see also oppression of women sexuality and conSlant female 'receptivity' 22, 28, 30 ,41 and domimmce/domination 13-14, 21-2, 28,29-30,5 2-3 and female sexual choice 41,107-8 and feminism 14 I and menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4. 28, 107 controlofg, 22, 30 periodicity/seasonality in 28, 52 research on 14, 49-50 'science' as justification of sexist attitudes to 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61, 107,238 Shannon, Claude 207 Silip Who Sang, The (McCaffrey) 178 Shirek,judith 91 Signs: Journal o/Women in Culture and Society JIB silicon chip 153 Index 285 Silicon Valley 166, 169 Simpson, George Gaylord 88 SisterOutsider(Lorde) 174, 175 'situated knowledges' ttl, 188, 198 Slave Girl, The (Emecheta) 117 slavery 145-6 Smith, Adam 7 sociability, development of 41 social constructionism 134, 184-8, Ig7 social control 35, 54 social order and aggression 34-5 and dominance/domination 16. 18, 95 and stress 3 1-3 breakdown of 95 see 0'10 troop organization social revolution movements 194 socialism 10, 158; see also feminism, socialist sociobiology 46, 57-67 and behaviour 62-3 and capimlism 58. 59 and communications theory 63-4 and dominance/domination 64-5. 66-7. 74 and evolutionary theory 219-20 and new technologies 168-9 and optimization 64-5 and reproductive strategies 99,100-1, 102-3 as science of groups 59-60 inflated rhetoric of73-6 non-sexist interpretations of 39-41 sexist tendencies of 39,42,61,67 sociology of knowledge 184. 18S Sofoulis, Zoe ISO, 163, 179-80, J89, 198, 24B-9 space exploration 221-2 'special interest groups' 183 Spillers, Hortense 145 'splitting' 192-3 Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 34 Star, Susan Leigh 76-'7, 235 SlarTrekseries 180, 205 state, tendencies in 171 status, hunger for 53 Steward,Julian 236 Stoller, Robert 133 Strathern, Marilyn 135-6, 248 286 Simians, Cyborgs and Women Slress 31-3. 95. 97-8, 101-4. 164 subjectivity, sociall47j s~e also agency, concept of 'subjugated' standpoints 190-1, 193 subordination hierarchies 32-3 Sugiyama, Yukimaru 97 Superluminai (Mcintyre) '79-80 superorganisms 60 symbolic communication 41 systems design 64 systems theory 31-2, 45. 58-9 T T cells 206-'7. 217-18, 220, 222 Tales ofNtVirjon (Delany) 178 Tanner, Nancy 24. 2S, 39-'P. 42, 91 taxonomies offeminism 156-60 Taylorite scientific management 45, 64. ISO territoriality 64 testing of people, scientific 49. 56 therapeutic action 2. I 5 Time magazine 224 Tinbergen, Niko 24 Tiptree,lames,}r 178 tool-using adaptation 22, 25. 30, 36, 37. 40, 4' totalization 191 'tourism of the soul' 113. 115 tracking systems 62-3 translation, as feminist science 195. 196 Treichler, Paula 203-4 Trivers, Robert 39.73,99. 100,234 troop organization 40. 95, 96. 97.104,105 Truth. Sojourner 148 U unemployment 166,167-8 University ofCalabar, Nigeria 122 Unviversity of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) '33 University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) 110, '43-4 University of Hawaii 110 upright stance 79 v 'value-free truth' 8; see also 'objectivity' Varley,John '78-9, '49 victimization 177 video games 168 Vietnam war 84 virginity, obsession with 122-3 'virus' computer programs 252 vision 188-96 visualization, technologies of 169. 188-9 vocational counseUing 56 Voyag" spaceships 221-2 W Wald. George 76 Walker, Alice uB, 119, 120 Washburn, Sherwood IS, 24. 25, 30, 33. 34-9.75,85-91,94. 235,236,237 Weaver, Warren 58 webs 194, 228 Weisstein, Naomi 78 welfare state, dismantling of 167, 171 Western culture ISO-I. 157. lbo, 163, 176, 177. 192,197,198,223 wholeness see holism Wilson, Edward O. +h 45, 57, 58, 60,62-5. 67.75.77,98,99,100, 21 9,235 Winograd, Terry 2I3-J.t, 219 Wittig, Monique 137-8, 174, 243 'womanism' Il8-19, 120 women and reproductive autonomy 98 and sexual property system 137 as a historical group 160 as heads of households 167 as leaders in social evolution 40-1 as Third World labour force 166, 167, '74 category of 145-6, ISS, 156, 157i sttalso gender exclusion from science 8-9 experience of 109. 110, Ill, II3, 149, '4° household labour of 158 in integrated circuit 169-73 individuality of 253 oppression of Stt oppression of women; sexism!misogyny Stt also females; feminism; sexism! misogyny; sexuality 'women of colour' 114-15. 144, 145-7, 155-6, 167,174-5. 176 Women's Movement 87. 110. 131; see also feminism women's studies 109-23 Woolgar, Steve 235 workplace, tendencies in 171 world, as object of knowledge 198-9, 201 y Yale Laboratories of Primate Biology 50, 5 I Yerkes, Robert Mearns 13. 15.44,45-57,64, 65, B4, 106.231.232 Young, Iris 139-40 Z Zed Press 240 Zetkin, Clara 132 Zihlman, Adrienne 24. 25,37,39-'P, 42, 91, 101,107,238 Zuckennan, SirSoUy 23-4. 25-31, 83,106. 107,232 Index 287 286 Simians, Cyborgs and Women Slress 31-3. 95. 97-8, 101-4. 164 subjectivity, sociall47j s~e also agency, concept of 'subjugated' standpoints 190-1, 193 subordination hierarchies 32-3 Sugiyama, Yukimaru 97 Superluminai (Mcintyre) '79-80 superorganisms 60 symbolic communication 41 systems design 64 systems theory 31-2, 45. 58-9 T T cells 206-'7. 217-18, 220, 222 Tales ofNtVirjon (Delany) 178 Tanner, Nancy 24. 2S, 39-'P. 42, 91 taxonomies offeminism 156-60 Taylorite scientific management 45, 64. ISO territoriality 64 testing of people, scientific 49. 56 therapeutic action 2. I 5 Time magazine 224 Tinbergen, Niko 24 Tiptree,lames,}r 178 tool-using adaptation 22, 25. 30, 36, 37. 40, 4' totalization 191 'tourism of the soul' 113. 115 tracking systems 62-3 translation, as feminist science 195. 196 Treichler, Paula 203-4 Trivers, Robert 39.73,99. 100,234 troop organization 40. 95, 96. 97.104,105 Truth. Sojourner 148 U unemployment 166,167-8 University ofCalabar, Nigeria 122 Unviversity of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) '33 University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) 110, '43-4 University of Hawaii 110 upright stance 79 v 'value-free truth' 8; see also 'objectivity' Varley,John '78-9, '49 victimization 177 video games 168 Vietnam war 84 virginity, obsession with 122-3 'virus' computer programs 252 vision 188-96 visualization, technologies of 169. 188-9 vocational counseUing 56 Voyag" spaceships 221-2 W Wald. George 76 Walker, Alice uB, 119, 120 Washburn, Sherwood IS, 24. 25, 30, 33. 34-9.75,85-91,94. 235,236,237 Weaver, Warren 58 webs 194, 228 Weisstein, Naomi 78 welfare state, dismantling of 167, 171 Western culture ISO-I. 157. lbo, 163, 176, 177. 192,197,198,223 wholeness see holism Wilson, Edward O. +h 45, 57, 58, 60,62-5. 67.75.77,98,99,100, 21 9,235 Winograd, Terry 2I3-J.t, 219 Wittig, Monique 137-8, 174, 243 'womanism' Il8-19, 120 women and reproductive autonomy 98 and sexual property system 137 as a historical group 160 as heads of households 167 as leaders in social evolution 40-1 as Third World labour force 166, 167, '74 category of 145-6, ISS, 156, 157i sttalso gender exclusion from science 8-9 experience of 109. 110, Ill, II3, 149, '4° household labour of 158 in integrated circuit 169-73 individuality of 253 oppression of Stt oppression of women; sexism!misogyny Stt also females; feminism; sexism! misogyny; sexuality 'women of colour' 114-15. 144, 145-7, 155-6, 167,174-5. 176 Women's Movement 87. 110. 131; see also feminism women's studies 109-23 Woolgar, Steve 235 workplace, tendencies in 171 world, as object of knowledge 198-9, 201 y Yale Laboratories of Primate Biology 50, 5 I Yerkes, Robert Mearns 13. 15.44,45-57,64, 65, B4, 106.231.232 Young, Iris 139-40 Z Zed Press 240 Zetkin, Clara 132 Zihlman, Adrienne 24. 25,37,39-'P, 42, 91, 101,107,238 Zuckennan, SirSoUy 23-4. 25-31, 83,106. 107,232 Index 287

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