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Jazz/Eletronica/Soul/Avant-Garde/Mellow/Groovie/Brazilian/Folk/Bossa Nova by JOÃO GUILHERME

John Martyn - Solid Air

John Martyn - Glory Box

'HEAVEN' Rolling Stones

Ian Brown - Corpses In Their Mouths

Stealers Wheel - Next To Me - 1972

Terry Callier - You're Goin' Miss Your Candyman (Cinematic Orchestra Late Night Tales)

Nick Drake - Three Hours (Cinematic Orchestra Late Night Tales)

Shuggie Otis - Aht Uh Mi Hed

US 69 - 2069: A Spaced Oddity

Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - Scarborough Fair

Gil Scott-Heron: Angola, Louisiana (1980)

Art Department Presents Martina Topley-Bird featuring Mark Lanegan - Crystalised

Broadcast - Come On Let's Go

Massive Attack - Teardrop with Liz Fraser


Nightmares on Wax - night's introlude

Kruder & Dorfmeister - High Noon

Azymuth 'Last Summer In Rio' Boiler Room LIVE Show

Astrud Gilberto - Daybreak (Walking Out On Yesterday)

Carlos Augusto Strazzer - Errare Humanum Est

BADBADNOTGOOD - Time Moves Slow feat. Sam Herring

I MONSTER - Daydream In Blue

Another world - Chemical Brothers

Austin Peralta - Mmhmmm

Summer in the City - Quincy Jones - Long version

roy ayers - i am your mind pt2

Kool and the Gang- Summer Madness (1974) (Long Version)

Skyscrapers - Eumir Deodato

Super Furry Animals - Slow Life

Machine learning porn by Gabriel Goh sourced here[1].

"After the Alexandrian war the library in Alexandria was reconstructed, replenished with books and it survived until the Arab conquest. What happened then is preserved in a well-known story told by the Syriac author Bar-Haebreus. The Arab general Amr ibn al-As confronted with a big library in Alexandria sends a letter to the Rightly-Guided Caliph Omar asking what to with it. And Omar answers "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if they are opposed to the Quran, destroy them!""

Destruction of the Library of Alexandria

Machine learning porn

"A convolutional neural network (shown thousands of images to teach itself to classify) has been trained using Yahoo’s explicit content model for finding pornography in their search engines, which is then back engineered to generate pornography from scratch (inspiration from Gabriel Goh)."[2]

Time Magazine called Henry Morgenthau, a Jewish man, a "fanatical Naziphobe" in 1944. The term is first found in print in 1939 in Scribner's Commentator:

"... right way about it. Film Survey's highest praise seems reserved for "The Confessions of a Nazi Spy." We didn't see the picture. It may be perfectly grand. But with all respect to the good professor, and although we are a firm Naziphobe ourself .."

Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists (2017), Nature Human Behaviour. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0151


Setting of the sun in the Quran

Arabic works also played an important role in the transmission of mathematics to Europe during the 10th to 12th centuries.

"The Islamic mathematicians exercised a prolific influence on the development of science in Europe, enriched as much by their own discoveries as those they had inherited by the Greeks, the Indians, the Syrians, the Babylonians, etc."

Adolph P. Yushkevich Golden age of the Moor, Volume 11

Le château de Louppy-sur-Loison

Me in Marville reading Aristote au mont Saint-Michel[3].

In Aristote au mont Saint-Michel[4] (2008) Sylvain Gouguenheim claims that it was not so much the Islamic Golden Age which transmitted our Greek heritage, but Nestorian Christians such as Hunayn ibn Ishaq and translators such as James of Venice.

In a telling passage (above) Gouguenheim says:

"Des chrétiens ont ainsi forgé, de A à Z, le vocabulaire scientifique arabe. Telle fut notamment l'oeuvre de Hunayn ibn Ishaq (809-873), le véritable créateur de la terminologie médicale arabe, dont le génie consista non seulement à décalquer des mots grecs et à les «arabiser» en leur donnant une sonorité arabe (philosophia devenant falsafa) ...".
"Thus Christians have forged the Arab scientific vocabulary from A to Z. That was the nature of the work of Hunayn ibn Ishaq (809-873), the true creator of Arab medical terminology, whose genius not only consisted in the calquing of Greek words and to "arabize" them by giving them an Arabic sound (philosophia becoming falsafa) ... "

And elsewhere:

"La conclusion est claire : l’Orient musulman doit presque tout à l’Orient chrétien. Et c’est cette dette que l’on passe souvent sous silence de nos jours, tant dans le monde musulman que dans le monde occidental."
"The conclusion is clear: the Muslim East owes almost everything to the Christian East, and it is this debt that is often overlooked today, both in the Muslim world and in the Western world."

Translations are mine.

Notes after reading Aristote au mont Saint-Michel:

Cardan Viète chuquet


Les Noces de Philologie et de Mercure by Martianus Capella

Jean Irigoin

Lupus Servatus

Hunayn ibn Ishaq and Jacques de Venise

Lorenzo Minio-Paluello

RIP Jeanne Moreau (1928 – 2017)

Above: Jeanne in a shoe fetishism scene in Diary of a Chambermaid.

Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited: The History of a Controversy (2012) by Emmet Scott

Justin Todd's cover illustration of A Month of Sundays, showing a myriad of arcimboldesque nude females.

Al-Ghazali's invloed op de islamitische wetenschappen

I normally don't do politics ...

But recently I've been investigating the book Aristote au mont Saint-Michel.


Because I'm interested in a perceived clash of civilizations.

History of Islam in southern Italy

Kenneth Setton Harry W. Hazard; Robert Lee Wolff; Marshall W. Baldwin; Norman P. Zacour (1955–1990), A History of the Crusades, five volumes, University of Wisconsin Press, ISBN 978-0-299-04834-1, as editor in chief with Harry W. Hazard, Robert Lee Wolff, Marshall W. Baldwin and Norman P. Zacour as coauthors

A history of the Crusades / Vol. 1: The first hundred years, edited by Marshall W. Baldwin; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1958.

Quote: pp. 40-1

Long before pope Urban II made his impassioned plea at Clermont, the Italian cities were fighting the Saracens on land and sea. During the four centuries preceding 1095 they suffered from seemingly endless raids and plunderings; sometimes they allied themselves with the enemy to attack other cities; on occasion they they met him with force, and these occasions increased in number and gained in success. ... Finally, in the eleventh century the Pisans and Genoese raided the African coast itself, and forced terms of peace upon the Saracen leader, among them the promise to refrain from further piracy. With this victory and peace, made in 1087, control over the western Mediterranean passed from the Arabs to the Italian cities.
The first period of Italo-Arab relations ran from 652 to 827. During these years the Arabs attacked and plundered the south Italian cities almost at will, because the Byzantines and Italians were unable to maintain garrisons everywhere. The attackers shifted their raids in accordance with the Italian defense and preparedness. But they remained mere pirates, since their mainland and maritime forces were occupied elsewhere. ... Not until the Arabs were stopped in 732 and driven from Gaul in 769, did they direct their main attacks upon mid-Europe, upon Italy and its neighboring islands.[5]

"Ten eerste gaan christendom, jodendom en ook bijvoorbeeld het hindoeïsme uit van wat je gelooft en de Koran schrijft met name voor wat je níet moet geloven: ‘Word niet zoals de hypocrieten, word niet zoals de christenen, word niet zoals hen die god boos gemaakt hebben!’ Over wat je wél moet geloven hebben ze pas veel later nagedacht, dat vind je niet zo veel terug in de Koran. De Koran is met name de aanval op de Ander." [6] --Sonja Dahlmans

I'm currently watching all* film adaptations of Bartleby the Scrivener.

Arguably the best version, music by Roger Webb is a bonus. A Mr. Hulot-ish attack on modern life

Very well received, but actually quite silly. The wall facing the window of the lawyer is kafkaesque.

The funniest interpretation. The one I enjoyed the most. The wall of the French version has been replaced by a man throwing rubbish in a container.

These are available on YouTube channel 'Bartleby' [7]

Above are two screenshots from the 2001 American version. The first showing an imaginary landscape with offices in areas "completely inaccessible to pedestrians." The second the classified ad for Bartleby's job. "Lo pay, No bnfts. Dull Job. Vibrating workplace. Apply in person."

*I'd previously seen the Encyclopædia Britannica version of 1969

Richard Dawkins deplatformed at a book talk in Berkeley for “abusive speech” about Islam on Twitter:

"KPFA is a liberal radio station in Berkeley. When I lived there, they were the good guys and I listened to their station almost every day. They were scrupulous in their fact-checking in those days – how sad that they have come to this: if they had done any fact-checking at all, they couldn’t possibly have come to the conclusion that I used “abusive speech” against Islam. The only only one of my tweets I can find this year, which could possibly be called abusive, is nothing to do with Islam." [8]

Cover of Roland Topor's collection of absurdist short stories, La plus belle paire de seins du monde. The illustration, by Topor himself, was also used on the film poster of Fruits of Passion.

The title story was made into a [rather silly] short film in Germany in as "Der schönste Busen der Welt" (1990), and is now online[9]. Alas, no subtitles.

Queen bees and alpha males.

RIP Anne Golon, 95, French author, creator of Angelique.

Since the 2000s right-wingers are pro-gay because they are anti-Muslim: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. See political recuperation

RIP Elsa Martinelli (1935 – 2017)

Above Martinell on the cover of Midi Minuit Fantastique issue 1 15/16 (1966) in a publicity shot of The 10th Victim.

L'art du nu au XIXe siècle: Le photographe et son modèle

Jayne Mansfield's dead dog

Today, in the Antwerp used book store In 't Profijtelijk Boeksken, I browsed through a copy of Hollywood Babylon for the first time. In the back of the book, there is a section titled Hollywoodämmerung (referring to dämmerung as in gotterdämmerung). This is the section with all the gore. In that section, a photo of Jayne Mansfield's dead dog (above) taken in the aftermath of the traffic accident which killed Jayne Mansfield.

RIP Pierre Henry, pioneer of French electronic music.

Above: seven inch sleeve to "Psyché Rock" (1967), Henry's best-known release

Return of the Plagues - Mosquitos

Sylvain Gouguenheim stelt:

"Op het gebied van de filosofie hebben twee moslims, de Pers Avicenna (Ibn Sina) en de Spaanse Averroës (Ibn Rushd) met de joodse geleerde uit moslim-Spanje Maimonides inderdaad een grote invloed gehad op ons eigen denken. Maar dan moet er wel duidelijk bij vermeld worden dat deze drie geleerden in hun eigen milieu door de overheersende strekkingen van de islam, die nog steeds de overhand hebben, als ketters vervolgd werden en de vlucht moesten nemen naar veiliger oorden.”[10]

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.

I bought a copy of The Embarrassment of Riches (Simon Schama, 1987) on a flea market.

It is an illustrated history book on wealth and its discomforts in the Dutch Golden Age.

Above: Wine Is a Mocker, an engraving by Hendrik Bary after a Frans van Mieris the Elder drawing of 1664. The title is taken from Proverbs 20:1.

Sophia Loren nude as an odalisque in [11] the French version of Era lui... sì! sì!.

Publicity still from the film[12]

erotic film

Black Lives Matter vs gangsta rap

Science in the Modern World is a work by Whitehead in which he coined the term prehension as "uncognitive apprehension." The term embodied is also featured four times in the work.

I'm looking forward to seeing L'Amant double by cult director François Ozon. It appears to be a Brian de Palma-esque update to Dead Ringers (1988) by David Cronenberg.

Watch out for the opening scene.

"Towards a History of Sound-Symbolic Theories" [13]

Robin Allott is the author of The Natural Origin of Language.

"On Assimilation and Adaptation in Congeneric Classes of Words"[14]

Stanley S. Newman, "Further Experiments in Phonetic Symbolism", The American Journal of Psychology 45(1):53–75 (1933)

"A History of Sound Symbolism" by Margaret Magnus in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics (2013)

"For example [in Suitbert Ertel's study Sinnvolle Artikulation: Statistische Untersuchungen zur Lautbedeutsamkeit mit 37 Sprachen ], gargling is expressed predominantly with voiced velar sounds, spitting with labials and unvoiced plosives, and so on and so forth." --Margaret Magnus

"Keepers of the Flame: The Romance Novel and Its Fans", Clover Williams, 1998. Lore and Language 16.1-2: 115-138.

Meredith Wild


Dictionnaire des onomatopées françaises, 1808 Charles Nodier

John Wallis published a list of English phonesthemes in his Grammatica linguae anglicanae

Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf

Marta Minujín's The Parthenon of Books (1983)

Walter Scheidel's The Great Leveler (2017) reminds me of The Accursed Share by Georges Bataille.

TAKETE and MALUMA (with minor modifications) possess phonetic symbolism which can be assessed by using line drawings representing spiky angularity and rounded smoothness and this phonetic symbolism is found in English and ...

"Thus, when the sceptic Zeno [it was Pyrrho, not Zeno] took up the study of scepticism by trying, in existing, to remain unaffected by whatever he encountered, so that when having once got out of the way of a mad dog he confessed, shamefacedly, that even a sceptical philosopher is sometimes also a human being, I find nothing ridiculous in that." UCP

Unidentified artwork by Argentine artist Alberto Castro Couso. The geometrical work by Couso is reminiscent of that of Italian artist Alberto Savinio.

A Cure for Wellness (2017) and Youth and are both set in sanatoria.

Above screenshot of A Cure for Wellness. B-film. Beautifully shot. Some nudity. Beautiful locations (Hohenzollern Castle, Beelitz-Heilstätten, Landwasser Viaduct) I liked the film. Above woman man is pleasuring himself to while he's supposed to watch over the protagonist.

Googling "Arthur Forgeais" and "sexual" brings up the "enseignes érotiques" collected in Priapées

"In his major work on philosophical hermeneutics, Truth and Method, Hans-Georg Gadamer mentions Soren Kierkegaard only a few times. Although those passages are significant, it would be an overstatement to suggest that Gadamer's debt to Kierkegaard is anything like that of his primary philosophical mentors: Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Husserl and Heidegger. "

Rhombicuboctahedron half-filled with water, a detail from Portrait of Luca Pacioli.

I have the rhombicuboctahedron by Leonardo da Vinci tattooed on my forearm.

The words in Rainer Maria Rilke's poem "As long as you catch what you yourself have thrown",(found as an epigraph to Hans-Georg Gadamer's Truth and Method) are reminiscent of René Descartes's hubris-filled dictum that we would become the “masters and possessors of nature” by deploying the scientific method and reading the "Book of Nature".

The poem by Rilke is perhaps best illustrated by French illustrator Grandville's "Juggler of Universes" (above).

"Duty! Wondrous thought, that workest neither by fond insinuation, flattery, nor by any threat, but merely by holding up thy naked law in the soul, and so extorting for thyself always reverence, if not always obedience; before whom all appetites are dumb, however secretly they rebel; whence thy original?" --Immanuel Kant (from Metaphysics of Ethics) , cited in in The Descent of Man

"Alles vorauszusetzende in der Hermeneutik ist nur Sprache" --Friedrich Schleiermacher

adaequatio rei et intellectus

La Danse, vandalized version, with black ink thrown over the statue.

I forgot where I found this image, but it was on

Martin Heidegger (right) and Hans-Georg Gadamer in 1923, cutting wood in Heidegger's remote mountain hut, outside the Black Forest village of Todtnauberg.

I'm trying to write a paper on existentieel-hermeneutische ethiek (existential-hermeneutic ethics). This means Gadamer (who, according to professor Johan Taels, bases his ethics on Kierkegaard's. We are also reading Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments.

I stumbled upon Kant's notion of the "Hang zum Böse" (propensity or proneness to evil), a concept put forward by Immanuel Kant in Die Religion and elsewhere.

It reminds me of the notion of the "imp of the perverse".

"Imp of the Perverse", so it seems, is is also the title of a 1927 painting (above) by René Magritte. It belongs to a series of five paintings the Belgian artist devoted to Edgar Allan Poe including The Fall of the House of Usher (1949) and three different paintings all entitled The Domain of Arnheim.

J'ai encore rêvé d'elle

‘Misschien is niets geheel waar, en zelfs dát niet’ zo luidt Idee 1 uit de zeven bundels Ideën die Multatuli schreef.

User:Jahsonic/Allereerste versie van Een geschiedenis van de erotiek

Grensgeval Tekst: Elfriede Jelinek Vertaling: Tom Kleijn Regie: Guy Cassiers Choreografie: Maud Le Pladec Dramaturgie: Dina Dooreman, Erwin Jans Spel: Katelijne Damen, Abke Haring, Han Kerckhoffs, Lukas Smolders Scenografie & kostuumontwerp: Tim Van Steenbergen Lichtontwerp: Fabiana Piccioli Video-ontwerp: Frederik Jassogne Geluidsontwerp: Diederik De Cock Productiebeeld: Berlinde De Bruyckere, Jan Pauwels

I'm currently reading Art & Pornography: Philosophical Essays (2012)

On the cover is André Masson's Terre érotique [15]

I'm currently reading Art/Porn, in which I first expressed an interest in 2013[16].

My first impression?

I'm mildly interested by Pliny's mention of youngsters trying to copulate with the Aphrodite of Knidos, leaving a stain on it, which reminded me of the sex with buildings scenes in Hypnerotomachia Poliphili[17].

"Hegel, as we remarked in the first chapter, pronounced the Greeks "not mistaken" in representing only the heroic male nude and in not depicting the inherently sexed female nude." p.62
"It is in this way that photographic pornography plays an unacknowledged role in the debate between painting and photography in the nineteenth century." p.62, see beaver shot
Elizabeth Anne McCauley's book Industrial Madness
Nudes ez 14 (1999) [18] is a work of art by Thomas Ruff.

RIP Daliah Lavi (1942 – 2017)

She belonged to a generation of actresses dubbed the 'Euro girls' [19].

"ekelhaften Mischmasch" "praktische Weltweisheit" --Gadamer citing Kant in “On the Possibility of a Philosophical Ethics, " in Hermeneutics, Religion, and Ethics, 20–21. 77.

“On the Possibility of a Philosophical Ethics," which has probably provoked the greatest reaction, Gadamer plays Aristotle off against Kant.5 It would be a trivial misunderstanding, however, to read this essay ...

Men wordt tegenwoordig schrijver door te lezen, niet meer door zijn originaliteit. En mens wordt men door anderen na te apen. Men is net als al die anderen en ergo is men mens! --Kierkegaard

"far easier and safer to be like the others, to become a copy, a number, a mass man" (SUD 34).

RIP Vito Acconci (1940 – 2017)

Photo: Following Piece (1969)

RIP Jonathan Demme (1944 – 2017)

To me, he will always be a filmmaker from the Roger Corman school.

Above: Melanie Griffith in Something Wild (1986), a Demme film I saw when I was 21 and was thrilled about.

Terrorism in Europe is at a lower level now then in the 1970s and 80s, when Europe faced repeated bombings from The IRA, ETA, Red Brigade, Japanese Red Army, Baader-Meinhof Group.[20]

"Woman leaning against a chair on which another woman is smoking a cigarette"

I'm currently reading Hard Core: Power, Pleasure (1989). What a remarkable study. Linda Williams single-handedly started the whole trend of the an academic study of pornography. The publication is pretty audacious, using the loaded word hardcore in its title. The cover itself looks like a lurid sex novel, with the eighties Miami Beach art deco lettering popular in many porn films that this book reviews.

H. Montgomery Hyde 1964 History of Pornography

"The German poet Morgenstern once said of seagulls: "Die Mowen sehen die aus, als ob sie Emma hiessen. ... The sound of "Emma" as a name and the visual appearance of the bird appear to me similar. Another example is of my own construction: when asked to match the nonsense words "takete" and "maluma" with the two patterns shown as Figs. 18 and 19 ..." --Gestalt Psychology - Pagina 133 Wolfgang Köhler
"Köhler's own contribution to the intimacy of sound and meaning consisted of an experiment in which subjects were asked to match the pseudowords “maluma” and “takete” to the visual forms depicted" --The Unity of the Senses: Interrelations Among the Modalities

Drawing the line: Art versus Pornography[21] (2011) is a text by Hans Maes.

Hans Bellmer

Robert Mapplethorpe

Jeff Koons, Made in Heaven

Thomas Ruff, John Currin, Lisa Yuskavage

kinderen vinden sex vies!

Un canto a Galicia van Julio Iglesias wil laten vertalen. Maar hij houdt het been stijf en neemt op tekst van Fred Bekky In een droom zag ik je staan

I never knew Auguste Rodin illustrated[22] Octave Mirbeau's The Torture Garden!

He did it for the 1902 Ambroise Vollard edition.

See Eros and Rodin

This post inspired by "Pornographic Art" (2001)

Contra el bien general[23] (Against the common good) is plate 71 from Goya's The Disasters of War

"When you hit a wrong note, it's the next note that makes it good or bad" is a dictum attributed to Miles Davis.

Interview with Herbie Hancock[24]

"Night Walk" is a track from Dirty Beaches's 2013 album, Drifters/Love is the Devil

William Powell (1949 - 2016), author of The Anarchist Cookbook (1971) has died over the summer.

Antecedents to The Anarchist Cookbook include:

The full text of The Anarchist Cookbook can be read here.

Tsuen Wan Chinese Permanent Cemetery is the Ghost in the Shell cemetery in the 2017 film.

Silent Stories (2017) is a exhibition of work by Jan Lauwers accompanied by work of Dirk Braeckman.

Mercedes Sosa Alfonsina y el mar (Félix Luna - Ariel Ramírez)

This is a Lamp (2001) by Tobi Wong

Tip of the hat to Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography, where the lamp is mentioned in a passage on classificatory dispute between art and pornography.

Currently reading Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography edited by Hans Maes.

On the cover (above) Purple Hyacinth, desiccated state by Michael Petry.

RIP Radley Metzger (1929 - 2017)

The last surviving director of the porno chic era is now Tinto Brass.

I wished him happy birthday when he turned 80[25].

Above: still from The Lickerish Quartet, sourced here[26].

Hans Maes University of Kent

Art or Porn: Clear Division or False Dilemma?

Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography (2013)[27]

Art and Pornography (2015) Edited by Hans Maes and Jerrold Levinson

Petra van Brabandt

Alors, aux soirs de lassitude Tout en peuplant sa sollitude Des fantômes… Als in Brassens’ "Les Passantes", ontvouwt zich in de laat-kapitalistische beleving van de pornografie een nostalgische inertie. De 15-minuten "achter gesloten deuren en verduisterende vensters" als symptoom van een aanhoudende psyche van zonde en schaamte geratificeerd door een veralgemeende, winst-maximaliserende consuming desire. Daarbij gaat de utopie van de pornografie als onuitputtelijke speeltuin van generositeit, verkwisting, en rollenspel volledig aan ons voorbij en worden de kritieken van de pornografie bevestigd en herhaald in haar gebruik. Wordt deze utopie gered in de artistieke verbeelding van de pornografie?

Jesse Prins ?

Academic study of pornography

Skinny (band)

Skinny were an English electronica band which released two albums over a course of four years. Their most successful song, "Failure", was included on both ..

Georges Bataille, “Le Secret de Sade,” Critique 15/16 (August-September 1947): 147-60,

Photo from William Seabrook's Click magazine. The text references Zener cards.

According to several sources, the image is from the 1942 issue of Click magazine.

The mask is reminiscent of Boiffard's photos for "Le Caput Mortuum ou la Femme de l'Alchimiste" and this unidentified photo.

Tip of the hat to Charles Lieurance.

... and sit down on my face ...

I watched The Piano Teacher (2001) by Michael Haneke.

Walter Klemmer: [reading the teacher's letter] "On the contrary, if I beg, tighten my bonds, please. Adjust the belt by at least two or three holes. The tighter the better. Then, gag me with some stockings I will have ready. Stuff them in so hard that I'm incapable of making any sound. Next, take off the blindfold, please, and sit down on my face and punch me in the stomach to force me to thrust my tongue in your behind."

I watched The White Ribbon (2009) by Michael Haneke. A very powerful movie. Just like Caché (2005), it has more than an open ending, you feel like you are not being told half the story. You also feel that the director know all and tells you nothing.

The film suggests that children can be cruel (Lord of the Flies) but it is certainly not just another devil-child film.

Above is one of the more cruel scenes of the film, in which the doctor tells the midwife he no longer wants her.

The whole scene is here[28].

During the summer of 1910, Schoenberg wrote his Harmonielehre (Theory of Harmony, Schoenberg 1922), which remains one of the most influential music-theory books.

Let The Music Play - Charles Earland

"Tonight's the Night" is a song by Neil Young from Tonight's the Night

Paglia's new book Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, and Feminism was published by Pantheon in 2017.

Saw Dennis Tyfus and Thurston Moore and Cameron Jamie and did not see Miaux on Tuesday and Thursday 16/3/17 Onschuld by De Roovers by Dea Loher (1964)

Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages Robert Mills - 2015 - ‎Art

See Camille, “Dr. Witkowski's Anus,” 31–38. The Bourges hell also features, to the left, a man with a moneybag tied around his neck being tormented by a ..

See also

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