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Portrait of an American Girl in the Nude (1915) by Francis Picabia (in the public domain this year)
Portrait of an American Girl in the Nude (1915) by Francis Picabia (in the public domain this year)

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2024 is the 24th year of the 4th millennium, the 24th year of the 21st century, and the 5th year of the 2020s decade.



Arts and culture

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 70 years






See also

Countries with life + 70 years

When a work's copyright expires, it enters the public domain. The following is a list of works that enter the public domain in 2024. Since laws vary globally, the copyright status of some works are not uniform.

Names Country Birth Death Occupation Notable work
Hilaire Belloc Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Writer Hilaire Belloc bibliography
Elsa Beskow Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Writer, illustrator
Ugo Betti Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Playwright, judge The Fugitive
Ruth Crawford Seeger Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Composer String Quartet 1931
Raoul Dufy Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter
Edmund Dulac Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Illustrator
Jean Epstein Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Film director The Fall of the House of Usher
Georges Le Faure Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Writer
Emil Filla Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter
Albert Gleizes Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter, writer List of works by Albert Gleizes
Milt Gross Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Cartoonist
Herman J. Mankiewicz Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Screenwriter Citizen Kane
John Marin Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter
Erich Mendelsohn Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Architect List of works by Erich Mendelsohn
Eugene O'Neill Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Playwright Long Day's Journey into Night
Francis Picabia Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter List of works by Francis Picabia
Alice Prin Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Model, painter, writer Kiki's Memoirs
Sergei Prokofiev Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Composer, conductor List of compositions by Sergei Prokofiev
Vsevolod Pudovkin Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Film director, screenwriter
Rachilde Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Writer Monsieur Vénus
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Author The Yearling
Django Reinhardt Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Composer, musician
Everett Shinn Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter
Joseph Stalin Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Politician Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR
Vladimir Tatlin Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Painter, architect Tatlin's Tower
Dylan Thomas Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Poet List of works by Dylan Thomas
Ben Ames Williams Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Writer The Unconquered
Hank Williams Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Singer-songwriter List of songs written by Hank Williams
John Stepan Zamecnik Template:Flag Template:Dts Template:Dts Composer

United States

One of the most notable works entering the public domain in 2024 is Mickey Mouse. The Walt Disney Company had previously lobbied for the extension of copyright length in the United States in order to prevent Mickey Mouse and other characters from entering the public domain, resulting in the Copyright Term Extension Act. Unpublished works whose authors died in 1953 enter the public domain.

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "2024" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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