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"By the damned, I mean the excluded ... Battalions of the accursed . . . will march . .. some of them livid and some of them fiery and some of them rotten. Some of them corpses, skeletons, mummies, twitching, tottering. . . . Here and there will flit little harlots. Many are clowns . . . some are assassins. There are pale stenches and gaunt superstitions and mere shadows." --The Book of the Damned (1919) by Charles Fort

"The victim is a surplus taken from the mass of useful wealth. And he can only be withdrawn from it in order to be consumed profitlessly, and therefore utterly destroyed. Once chosen, he is the accursed share, destined for violent consumption. But the curse tears him away from the order of things; it gives him a recognizable figure, which now radiates intimacy, anguish, the profundity of living beings."--The Accursed Share (1949) by Georges Bataille

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  1. Hateful; detestable.
  2. Doomed to destruction or misery; cursed; anathematized.


See also

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