African art  

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L’art nègre, nous le regardons comme s’il trouvait sa raison d’être dans le plaisir qu’il nous donne. Les intentions du nègre qui le créée, les émotions du nègre qui le regarde tout cela nous échappe. Parce qu’elles sont écrites dans le bois nous prenons leurs pensées pour des statues et nous trouvons du pittoresque là où un membre de la communauté noire voie le visage d’une culture.”--voice-over 2:53 Statues Also Die (1953) by Alain Resnais

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African art or material culture that originates from the continent of Africa. This article discusses primarily visual art; for information on African music, see Music of Africa.

Africa is of great variety. The arts of Africa constitute one of the most diverse legacies on earth. Though many casual observers tend to generalize "traditional" African art, the continent is full of peoples, societies, and civilizations, each with a unique visual culture.

Despite this diversity, there are some unifying artistic themes when considering the totality of visual culture from the continent of Africa.

See also

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "African art" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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