Albert Robida  

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Albert Robida (1848 – 1926) was a French illustrator, etcher, lithographer, caricaturist, and novelist. He edited and published La Caricature magazine for 12 years. Through the 1880s he wrote an acclaimed trilogy of futuristic novels. In the 1900s he created 520 illustrations for Pierre Giffard's weekly serial La Guerre Infernale.

He was born in Compiègne, France, the son of a carpenter. He studied to become a notary, but was more interested in caricature. In 1866 he joined Journal Amusant as an illustrator. In 1880, with Georges Decaux, he founded his own magazine La Caricature, which he edited for 12 years. He illustrated tourist guides, works of popular history, and literary classics. His fame disappeared after World War I.

Albert Robida was rediscovered thanks to his futuristic works:

These works made him another Jules Verne, often more daring. Unlike Verne, he proposed inventions integrated into everyday life, not creations of mad scientists, and he imagined the social developments that arose from them, often with accuracy: social advancement of women, mass tourism, pollution, etc. His La Guerre au vingtième siècle describes modern warfare, with robotic missiles and poison gas. His Téléphonoscope was a flat screen that delivered the latest news 24-hours a day, the latest plays, courses, and teleconferences.


Other work

Pages linking in as of 2022

Before 1900s in comics, Biological warfare in popular culture, Brian Stableford, Cândido de Faria, Casuistry, Compiègne, Croissy-sur-Seine, Exposition Universelle (1900), Fantastic art, Ferdinand Bac, Fougères, French science fiction, Future, Grandville (comics), Grandville (graphic novel), Hayao Miyazaki, Henri Béraldi, History of science fiction, History of videotelephony, Horizons (Epcot), Howl's Moving Castle (film), Jesus Insulted by the Soldiers, Journal amusant, Jules Lermina, La Caricature (1880–1904), L'Assiette au Beurre, Le avventure straordinarissime di Saturnino Farandola, Le Chat Noir, Le Petit Français illustré, Le Vingtième siècle. La vie électrique, Les Cent Contes drolatiques, List of existing technologies predicted in science fiction, List of fictional feral children, List of illustrators, List of predictions, List of steampunk works, Louis Lemercier de Neuville, Marcel Perez, Marzolino Tarantola, Metz Cathedral, Octave Uzanne, One Thousand and One Nights, Phileas Fogg, Pier Lorenzo De Vita, Pierre Giffard, Robida, Scientific romance, Shadow play, Steampunk, Tales of the Shadowmen, Telephonoscope, The Conquest of the Pole, The Sacred Grove, Beloved of the Arts and Muses, Yellow Peril

Notable illustrations

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