André Gide  

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"S'il est vrai , comme certains l'assurent , que lorsque Proust dit Albertine, il faille entendre Albert, c'est regrettable, car ce n'est rien de moins ..."--Corydon (1924) by André Gide

"Il n'y a pas d'oeuvre d'art sans collaboration du démon."

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André Gide (1869 – 1951) was a French author known for such novels as Corydon (1924) and The Counterfeiters (1925).

He also wrote Return from the USSR (1936).

His contemporaries include Gabriele D'Annunzio, Edvard Munch, H. G. Wells, Erik Satie, Luigi Pirandello, Frank Lloyd Wright, Magnus Hirschfeld, Gaston Leroux, Pierre Louÿs, Adolf Loos, Marcel Proust, Aubrey Beardsley, Louis Feuillade and Alfred Jarry.

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