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The figure to the left is angular. Illustration: Bouba/kiki effect (1929)
The figure to the left is angular.
Illustration: Bouba/kiki effect (1929)

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  1. A figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle).
    the angle between lines A and B
  2. The measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere.
    The angle between lines A and B is π/4 radians, or 45 degrees.
  3. A corner where two walls intersect.
    an angle of a building
  4. A change in direction.
    The horse took off at an angle.
  5. A viewpoint.
    Look at it from this angle.
  6. The focus of a news story, either in print or broadcasting.
  7. A storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud.
  8. A scheme; a means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, possibly illegal.
    His angle is that he gets a percentage, but mostly in trade.

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Angle" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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