Art of Noise  

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Art of Noise was an avant-garde synthpop group formed in 1983 by producer Trevor Horn, music journalist Paul Morley, and session musicians/studio hands Anne Dudley, J.J. Jeczalik, and Gary Langan. The group's mostly instrumental compositions were novel and often clever melodic sound collages based on digital sampler technology, which was new at the time. Inspired by turn-of-the-century revolutions in music, the Art of Noise was initially packaged as a faceless anti- or non-group, blurring the distinction between the art and its creators. The band is noted for their innovative use of electronics and computers in pop music and particularly for innovative use of sampling. The name of the group alludes to The Art of Noises, an essay by the Italian futurist Luigi Russolo.

From the earliest releases on ZTT, the band referred to themselves as both Art of Noise and The Art of Noise. The version with the article "the" was often preferred by third parties. To add to the confusion both official and unofficial releases and press material from the same releases use both versions, but Art of Noise is preferred.

See also

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