Charles Webster Leadbeater  

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C.W. Leadbeater (Feb 16, 1854 Stockport, Cheshire, England - March 1, 1934 Perth, Western Australia), English clergyman and theosophical author, contributed to world thought mostly through his work as an alleged clairvoyant.

Selected writings

  • Dreams (What they are and how they are caused) (1893)
  • Theosophical Manual Nº5: The Astral Plane (Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena) (1896)
  • Theosophical Manual Nº6: The Devachanic Plane or The Heaven World Its Characteristics and Inhabitants (1896)
  • Invisible Helpers (1896)
  • Reincarnation (1898)
  • Our Relation to Our Children (1898)
  • Clairvoyance (1899)
  • An Outline of Theosophy (1902)
  • Man Visible and Invisible (1902)
  • Some Glimpses of Occultism, Ancient and Modern (1903)
  • The Christian Creed (1904)
  • Thought Forms (with Annie Besant) (1905)
  • Occult Chemistry (with Annie Besant) (1908)
  • The Inner Life (1911)
  • The Perfume of Egypt and Other Weird Stories (1911)
  • The Power and Use of Thought (1911)
  • The Life After Death and How Theosophy Unveils It (1912)
  • A Textbook of Theosophy (1912)
  • Man: Whence, How and Whither (with Annie Besant) (1913)
  • Vegetarianism and Occultism (1913)
  • The Hidden Side of Things (1913)
  • Australia & New Zealand: Home of a new sub-race (1916)
  • The Monad and Other Essays Upon the Higher Consciousness (1920)
  • The Inner Side of Christian Festivals (1920)
  • The Science of the Sacraments (1920)
  • The Lives of Alcyone (with Annie Besant) (1924)
  • The Liturgy According to the Use of the Liberal Catholic Church (with J.I. Wedgwood) (Second Edition) (1924)
  • The Masters and the Path (1925)
  • Talks on the Path of Occultism (1926)
  • Glimpses of Masonic History (1926) (later pub 1986 as Ancient Mystic Rites)
  • The Hidden Life in Freemasonry (1926)
  • The Chakras (1927) (published by the Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, USA)
  • Spiritualism and Theosophy Scientifically Examined and Carefully Described (1928)
  • The Noble Eightfold Path (1955)
  • Messages from the Unseen (1931)

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