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"In poems such as "What is Our Life" and "The Lie", Walter Raleigh expresses a contemptus mundi (contempt of the world) attitude more characteristic of the Middle Ages than of the dawning era of humanistic optimism."--Sholem Stein

This page Contempt is part of the queer series.Illustration: Toulouse-Lautrec wearing Jane Avril's Feathered Hat and Boa (ca. 1892), photo Maurice Guibert.
This page Contempt is part of the queer series.
Illustration: Toulouse-Lautrec wearing Jane Avril's Feathered Hat and Boa (ca. 1892), photo Maurice Guibert.

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Contempt is an intense feeling of disrespect and dislike. It is similar to hate, but implies feelings of superiority. A person who has contempt for another individual looks down on that person. The recipient of contempt is deemed unworthy, beneath redemption. Contempt may be related to feelings of disgust and bitterness.

The old adage, "familiarity breeds contempt" means that we get sick of people and places that we see every day. In fact, however, familiarity generally produces attraction. This is documented as the mere exposure effect in psychology.

In a legal sense, contempt means disrespect for the authority of the court. A contempt of court charge may be brought against those who are unruly or disobedient.

Other usage

See also

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