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"The discovery in the 1480s of the Domus Aurea and the frescoes it was decorated with, have become the blueprint for the grotesque sensibility in the visual arts."--Sholem Stein

"The idea that nature is constructed, not discovered - that truth is made, not found - is the keynote of recent scholarship in the history of science. Tracing the gendered roots of science in culture, Donna Haraway's writings about scientific research on monkeys and apes is arguably the finest scholarship in this tradition." --Simians, Cyborgs, and Women (1991) by Donna Haraway, preface

"Practically everything has been discovered on many occasions — or rather an infinity of occasions — in the course of ages; for necessity may be supposed to have taught men the inventions which were absolutely required, and when these were provided, it was natural that other things which would adorn and enrich life should grow up by degrees."-- Politics (Aristotle)

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