Frustration (film)  

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"Frustration is what would seem to be José Bénazéraf's most acclaimed film (I cannot back that up yet as it's only the second film of his that I've had the opportunity to see, however), and it's a bizarre film indeed. Following the same equation as Polanski's Repulsion more or less does (a woman's sister is married/in love and the woman, being alone, goes insane), Frustration is a uniquely euro-cult take on the narrative, and it ends up being a fairly unique experience."--esotika

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Frustration (1971) is a French film by José Bénazéraf starring Janine Reynaud and Michel Lemoine.


This film tells of the erotic fantasies of a young woman who languishes in a provincial manor alongside her sister and brother-in-law. A homosexual inclination has always drawn her to her sister, and inevitably she comes to desire her brother-in-law. Her daydreams take her from the most stereotypical erotic attributes (prostitute imagery) to sadistic, exhibitionist, homosexual fantasies... The diverted realization of repressed desire leads her from perversion to death.

Fiche technique


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