Gallia Belgica  

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"Luxembourg (a part of Belgian Luxembourg, and also the Duchy) occupies the centre of the Ardennes, which reaches to Spa and Liège on the north, and to the French frontier on the south. This Ardennes was once an enormous forest, and is said to take its name from two Celtic words, Ard and Duen, signifying height and depth, the height of its level above surrounding countries and the depth of its forests. This famous forest is mentioned by Cæsar, Tacitus, Strabo, and other ancients, and contained the greater part of Belgian Gaul. Little by little trees have been cut down, lands cultivated, and towns built, but still the forest character remains ; and in looking back on the Ardennes, one calls up a picture of lofty hills either wooded or broomclothed, winding brawling streams, with dense tracts of forest, fringed by heathery wastes." --In the Ardennes (1881) by Katharine Sarah Macquoid

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Gallia Belgica (sometimes given as Belgica Prima) was a Roman province located in what is now the southern part of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, northeastern France, and western Germany. The indigenous population of Gallia Belgica consisted of a mixture of Celtic and Germanic tribes, often described as the Belgae. According to Julius Caesar, the border between Gallia and Belgica was formed by the Marne and the Seine and that with Germania by the Rhine The area is the historical heart of the Low Countries, a region corresponding roughly to the current Benelux group of states, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg as well as the French Flanders and some part of the Rhineland.

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