God in Abrahamic religions  

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The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are sometimes called "Abrahamic religions", because they all accept the tradition of the Torah that God revealed himself to the patriarch Abraham.

The theological traditions of all three religions are thus to some extent influenced by the depiction of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible, and the historical development of monotheism in the history of Judaism.

The "Abrahamic God" in this sense is the conception of God that remains a common attribute of all three traditions. In all of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God is conceived of as eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and as the creator of the universe. God is further held to have the properties of holiness, justice omni-benevolence, omnipresence.

As creator, he is also imagined transcendent, meaning that he is outside space and outside time, and therefore not subject to anything within his creation, but at the same time as personal and involved, susceptible to prayer and reacting to the actions of his creatures with punishments or rewards.

See also

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