If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him  

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The Birth of Venus (detail), a 1486 painting by Sandro Botticelli
The Birth of Venus (detail), a 1486 painting by Sandro Botticelli

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"Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer" (English: "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him") is an aphorism by Voltaire, contained in the verse epistle "Letter to the author of The Three Impostors" from 1768, addressed to the anonymous author of a controversial work, The Three Impostors. But far from being the cynical remark it is often taken for, it was meant as a retort to the atheistic clique of Baron d'Holbach, Baron von Grimm, and others.

See also

Criticism of atheism, existence of God

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