Jean Renoir  

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Jean Renoir (September 15, 1894February 12, 1979), born in the Montmartre district of Paris, France, was a film director, actor and author. He was the second son of Aline Charigot and the French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

In 1939, now able to finance his own films, Renoir made La Règle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game), a satire on contemporary French society with an ensemble cast. Renoir himself played the character Octave, a sort of master of ceremonies in the film. The film was greeted with derision by Parisian audiences upon its premiere and was extensively reedited by Renoir, but without success. It was his greatest commercial failure. The Vichy government later banned the film as demoralizing, and during the war the original negative of the film was lost. It was not until the 1950s that two French film enthusiasts, with Renoir's cooperation, were able to reconstruct a complete print of the film. Today The Rules of the Game appears frequently near the top of critic's polls as one of the best films ever made.


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