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This is the labyrinth built by Dedalus of Crete
all who entered therein were lost
save Theseus, thanks to Ariadne's thread

--Labyrinth carved on a pillar of the portico of Lucca Cathedral, Tuscany, Italy

"In the illusory babels of language, an artist might advance specifically to get lost, and to intoxicate himself in dizzying syntaxes, seeking odd intersections of meaning, strange corridors of history, unexpected echoes, unknown humors, or voids of knowledge… but this quest is risky, full of bottomless fictions and endless architectures and counter-architectures… at the end, if there is an end, are perhaps only meaningless reverberations."--"A Museum of Language in the Vicinity of Art" (1968) by Robert Smithson

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In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth (Gk. λαβύρινθος labyrinthos) was an elaborate structure constructed for King Minos of Crete and designed by the legendary artificer Daedalus to hold the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull and which was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus.

In popular culture

See also

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