Laconic phrase  

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"The connoisseur might be defined as a laconic art historian, and the art historian as a loquacious connoisseur." --Meaning in the Visual Arts (1955) by Erwin Panofsky

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The word laconic is most frequently found in the term laconic phrase which means uttering something using as few words as possible; pithy and concise.


Laconic phrase

A laconic phrase is a very concise or terse statement, named after Laconia (a.k.a. Lacedaemon [Greek Λακεδαίμων]), a polis of ancient Greece (and region of modern Greece) surrounding the city of Sparta proper. In common usage, Sparta referred both to Lacedaemon and Sparta. Similarly, a laconism is a figure of speech in which someone uses very few words to express an idea, in keeping with the Spartan reputation for austerity.


From Latin. Laconia was the region surrounding and ruled by the Spartans, who were known for their brevity in speech.


Using as few words as possible to communicate much information; pithy and concise.



See also

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