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"Amongst the curious myths of the Middle Ages none were more extravagant and persistent than that of the "Vegetable Lamb of Tartary," known also as the "Scythian Lamb," and the "Borametz," or "Barometz," the latter title being derived from a Tartar word signifying "a lamb." This "lamb" was described as being at the same time both a true animal and a living plant. According to some writers this composite "plant-animal" was the fruit of a tree which sprang from a seed like that of a melon, or gourd; and when the fruit or seed-pod of this tree was fully ripe it burst open and disclosed to view within it a little lamb, perfect in form, and in every way resembling an ordinary lamb naturally born." --The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (1887) by Henry Lee

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  1. A young sheep, of up to one year of age.
  2. The flesh of a lamb used as food.
  3. A person who is meek, docile and easily led.

See also

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