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  1. A stone or post used to indicate position and guide travellers.
  2. A target for shooting at with a projectile.
    • 1786, To give them an accurate eye and strength of arm, none under twenty-four years of age might shoot at any standing mark, except it was for a rover, and then he was to change his mark at every shot; and no person above that age might shoot at any mark whose distance was less than eleven score yards. — Francis Grose, A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page 37.
  3. A marker indicating the finishing-point of a race; any goal or objective.
  4. A characteristic feature.
    A good sense of manners is the mark of a true gentleman.
  5. A written character or sign.
  6. A stamp or other indication of provenance, quality etc.

Bible-New Testament

  • Mark the Evangelist (5–68), traditionally ascribed author of the Gospel of Mark
  • Gospel of Mark, one of the four canonical gospels and one of the three synoptic gospels

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