Men's rights  

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The term men's rights refers to freedoms and entitlements of the male of the human species. This term describes rights specifically related to men and males, and should not be confused with general human rights applicable to all. Men's rights relates to the male role in society. This role has been largely influenced by the physical and mental attributes of the male in his ability to provide protection and sustenance to his partner and offspring. This role, and the rights relating to it, has changed over time due to social, legal and religious influences. In the recent past, with the emancipation of women and the changes in technology and the reduced need for violent and aggressive physical protection, the role and subsequently, the rights of men have become vague, and various groups and movements have emerged in an effort to clearly define the rights of men. Included in the rights of men would be rights relating to their gender and purpose, such as the right to marry, the right to access to their offspring, the right to claim leadership, amongst others.

Related areas of the men's rights include:

  • Fathers' rights focus on the relationship between fathers and their children and in particular family law.
  • Masculism provides a counterpart to feminism and argues against legal constructs, reforms, or entitlements which deny men equal rights under the law on the basis of gender.

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