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"In The Monk, Ambrosio is an extremely devout monk about 30 years old. He was found left at the Abbey doorstep when he was too young to tell his tale. The monks consider him a present from the Virgin and they educate him at the monastery. According to Don Lorenzo, he has “never been known to transgress a single rule of his order.”" --Sholem Stein

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A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism, the conditioning of mind and body in favor of the spirit. The concept is ancient and can be seen in many religions. Although ascetics existed in various religions prior to Christianity, the term “monk” is of Christian invention. The female equivalent is a nun. Famous monks include Saint Anthony and Ambrosio, the fictional monk of The Monk.



The term monk comes from the Greek monachos (μοναχός), commonly translated as solitary, one living alone. In the Greek language, the term can apply to men or women, but in English, it usually applies only to men, while nun is more commonly used to refer to female monastics.

Related terms

Other terms such as hesychast, solitary, hermit, anchorite, ascetic are usually interchangeable with monk.

See also


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