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"Be that as it may, Spain, first civilized by the Phoenicians, and long possessed by the Moors, has indelibly retained many of the original impressions. Test her, therefore, and her natives by an Oriental standard, decypher her by that key,-how analogous will much appear, that seems strange and repugnant, when compared with European usages!"--A Handbook for Travellers in Spain (1845) by Richard Ford

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The description Moors has referred to several historic and modern populations of Muslim (and earlier non-Muslim) people of Berber, Black African and Arab descent from North Africa, some of whom came to conquer and occupy the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 800 years. The North Africans termed it Al Andalus, comprising most of what is now Spain and Portugal. Moors are not distinct or self-defined people, but the appellation was applied by medieval and early modern Europeans primarily to Berbers, but also Arabs, and Muslim Iberians.

See also

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