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Quince, Cabbage, Melon and Cucumber (1602) by Juan Sánchez Cotán
Quince, Cabbage, Melon and Cucumber (1602) by Juan Sánchez Cotán

Related e



  1. biology: pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body
  2. chemistry: relating to the compounds of carbon, relating to natural products
  3. of food or food products, grown in an environment free from artificial agro-chemicals, and possibly certified organic by a regulatory body.
  4. sociology: a form of social solidarity theorized by Emile Durkheim that is characterized by voluntary engagements in complex interdepencies for mutual benefit (such as business agreements), rather than mechanical solidarity, which depends on ascribed relations between people (as in a family or tribe).

See also

biomorphism, zoomorphism


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