Platon Kerzhentsev  

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Platon Mikhailovich Kerzhentsev (Template:Lang-ru), real name Lebedev (Ле́бедев) (4 August 1881 – 2 June 1940) was a Russian state and party official, journalist, playwright and arts theorist who was involved with the Proletkult movement. From 29 December 1930 – 23 March 1933 he was he was appointed Executive Officer of the Soviet Union, the second person to fill that post.

Kerzhentsev became a Bolshevik in 1904 and gained experience of mass theatre in Europe and anglophone countries during a period of exile. He was influenced by Percy MacKaye, Richard Wagner and Alexandr Bogdanov. He had articles published in Vestnik Teatra, the Journal of the Theatre Department of Narkompros based in Moscow.




  • Tvorcheskii teatr (Creative Theatre), Various publishers, 1918–23 (5 editions)


  • 'Proletkul't'—organizatsiia proletarskoi samodeiatel'nosti, Proletarskaia kul'tura, no. 1 (1918), pp. 7–8;
  • 'Organizatsiia literaturnogo tvorchestva', Proletarskaia kul'tura, no. 5 (1918), pp. 23–26.
  • 'Posle prazdnika' Iskusstvo, no.6 (1918): 3-5.
  • 'Repertuar proletarskogo teatra', Iskusstvo, no. 1 [5] (1918), pp. 5–7.
  • Revoliutsiia i teatr, Moscow: Dennitsa, 1918.
  • 'Kollektivnoe tcorchestvo v teatre', Proletarskaia kul'tura, no. 7–8 (1919), pp. 37–41.
  • 'Mozhno li iskazhat' p'esy postanovkoi?' Vestnik teatra, no. 1 (1919), p. 2.
  • 'O professionalizme', Gorn, no. 4 (1919), pp. 69–71.
  • 'Peredelyvaite p'esy!', Vestnik teatra, no. 36 (1919), pp. 6–8.
  • Pervoe maia i mirovaia revoliutsiia, Tver: Tsentropechat', 1919.
  • 'Rozn' iskusstva', Vestnik teatra, no. 19 (1919), p. 2.
  • 'Burzhuaznoe nasledie', Vestnik teatra, no. 51 (1920), pp. 2–3.
  • 'Teatral'nyi muzei', Vestnik teatra, no. 48 (1920), pp. 4–5.
  • 'Pis'mo v redaktsiiu', Vestnik teatra, no. 53 (1920), p. 5.

See also

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