Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade  

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 This page Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade is part of the Marquis de Sade series  Illustration: Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade (1866) by H. Biberstein
This page Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade is part of the Marquis de Sade series
Illustration: Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade (1866) by H. Biberstein

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Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade (English Imaginary portrait of the Marquis de Sade)[1] is an imaginary portrait of the Marquis de Sade by H. Biberstein.

It was made after the reproduction published on the frontispiece of la Correspondance de M""* Gourdan (Edition of 1866) and can most readily be found in Guillaume Apollinaire's L'Œuvre du Marquis de Sade[2].

A modern subtitle reads "Sade soumis aux quatre vents des suggestions diaboliques."

See also

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