Religious terrorism  

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Religious terrorism is terrorism carried out based on motivations and goals that have a predominantly religious character or influence.

In the modern age, after the decline of ideas such as the divine right of kings and with the rise of nationalism, terrorism has more often been based on anarchism, and revolutionary politics. Since 1980, however, there has been an increase in terrorist activity motivated by religion. Not all terrorism is because of religion although a lot of attackers claim to be doing it for their god. An example of this is the Islamic State. They claim to be doing what they do in the name of Allah but in the religion of Islam, Allah views all religions as equal and he believes in peace, which these groups defiantly do not believe. Their attacks defy their god and religion.

Former United States Secretary of State Warren Christopher has said that terrorist acts in the name of religion and ethnic identity have become "one of the most important security challenges we face in the wake of the Cold War." However, the political scientists Robert Pape and Terry Nardin, and the sociologist and religious studies scholar Mark Juergensmeyer have all argued that religion should only be considered one incidental factor and that such terrorism is primarily geopolitical.

See also

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