Revolutionary terror  

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"Negative liberty was a society deliberately without ideals, other than individuals desires and the freedom to indulge them. [...] By counterposing negative liberty to positive liberty with its inevitable horrors, Berlin was saying, that this [of negative liberty] kind of society was the only safe alternative for the West in the Cold War." --The Trap (2007) by Adam Curtis

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Revolutionary terror (also referred to as revolutionary terrorism, or a reign of terror) refers to the institutionalized application of force to counterrevolutionaries, particularly during the French Revolution from the years 1793 to 1795 (see the Reign of Terror). The term "Communist terrorism" has also been used to describe the revolutionary terror, from the Red Terror in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) to the reign of the Khmer Rouge and others. In contrast, "reactionary terror", such as White Terror, has been used to subdue revolutions.

See also

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