Roscoe Arbuckle  

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"That Arbuckle's predicament became fodder for the yellow journalism of the Hearst newspaper empire was also a harbinger of things to come."--Crimes and Trials of the Century (2007) Steven M. Chermak, ‎Frankie Y. Bailey

“This Arbuckle party was a beastly, disgusting thing and things like it should be stamped out. But I didn’t see any such things in Hollywood, and if there are dope parties there, they must be very small.”--Elinor Glyn cited in Hollywood Babylon (1959)

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Roscoe Arbuckle (1887 – 1933) was an American actor best remembered for a heavily publicized criminal prosecution that halted his screen career. Although he was acquitted by a jury with a written apology, the trial's scandal ruined the actor, who would not appear on screen again for another 10 years. The scandal is mentioned in Hollywood Babylon.

See also

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