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  1. Having a small distance from one end or edge to another, either horizontally or vertically.
  2. Of comparatively little height.
  3. Having little duration; opposite of long.
    Our meeting was a short six minutes today. Every day for the past month it's been at least twenty minutes long.
  4. Of a word or phrase, constituting an abbreviation (for another) or shortened form (of another).
    “Phone” is short for “telephone” and "asap" short for "as soon as possible".
  5. that bounced relatively far from the batsman
  6. relatively close to the batsman
  7. brittle (of pastry); see also shortening, shortcrust
  8. missing, deficient
    The cashier came up short ten dollars on his morning shift.
  9. Any financial investment position that is structured to be profitable if the price of the underlying security declines in the future.
    I'm short General Motors because I think their sales are plunging.

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