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Words and Things (1959) by Ernest Gellner

Five Shells on a Slab of Stone (1696) by Adriaen Coorte
Five Shells on a Slab of Stone (1696) by Adriaen Coorte

Related e



Thing may refer to:

In philosophy:

In fiction:


From Middle English thing, from Old English þing, from Proto-West Germanic *þing, from Proto-Germanic *þingą.

Compare West Frisian ding, Low German Ding, Dutch ding, German Ding, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian ting, Finnish tinki.

The word originally meant "assembly", then came to mean a specific issue discussed at such an assembly, and ultimately came to mean most broadly "an object". Compare Latin rēs, also meaning "legal matter", and same transition from Latin causa (“legal matter”) to "thing" in Romance languages. Modern use to refer to a Germanic assembly is likely influenced by cognates (from the same Proto-Germanic root) like Old Norse þing (“thing”), Danish ting, Swedish ting, and Old High German ding with this meaning.

See also

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