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"The Dalai Lama is the highest religious leader of Tibetan Buddhism and, until the Peoples Republic of China instituted direct control in 1959, was Tibet's most powerful political leader."--Sholem Stein

Related e



  1. A plateau region in Central Asia, where the Tibetan people traditionally live, encompassing what is now Tibet Autonomous Region (also called Xizang), most of Qinghai, the western half of Sichuan, a small part of Yunnan and a small part of Gansu in the People's Republic of China, and also the country of Bhutan, and the Indian regions of Sikkim and Ladakh.
  2. A independent kingdom formerly existed in Central Asia where Tibet Autonomous region is.
  3. A common shorthand name for Tibet Autonomous Region, previously mostly coterminous with the independent portion of Tibet until 1950.

See also

  • Larung Gar]]

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