A Child at Gunpoint  

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A Child at Gunpoint (1943) from the Stroop Report
A Child at Gunpoint (1943) from the Stroop Report

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A Child at Gunpoint is the informal title for a photo [1] of the Stroop Report[2]. It is one of the most iconic photos of the history of photography.

The photograph is said to capture the essence of the horrors of the Holocaust. The scene is Warsaw, 1943, a little Jewish boy, dressed in short trousers and a cap, raises his arms in surrender with downcast eyes, as the Nazi soldier Josef Blösche trains his machine gun on him.

The original German caption reads "Mit Gewalt aus Bunkern hervorgeholt" ("Forcibly pulled out of dug-outs").

"Widely regarded as the most haunting image we have of the Holocaust, the photo of a young boy with his hands up being driven from the Warsaw ghetto has served as a touchstone for everyone from the Nuremberg prosecutors to Elie Wiesel, and from Susan Sontag to revisionist ranters on the web." --Richard Raskin

The photo is a moment in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising during World War II.

People identified

People identified in the picture:

  • Boy in the front was not recognized, some possible identities: Artur Dab Siemiatek, Levi Zelinwarger (next to his mother Chana Zelinwarger) and Tsvi Nussbaum.
  • Hanka Lamet - small girl on the left
  • Matylda Lamet Goldfinger - Hanka's mother next to her (second from the left)
  • Leo Kartuziński - far back with white bag on his shoulder
  • Golda Stavarowski - also in the back, first woman from the right, with one hand raised
  • Josef Blösche - SS man with the gun

See also

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