Action Française  

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The Action Française is a French Monarchist (Orléanist) counter-revolutionary movement and periodical founded by Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois and whose principal ideologist was Charles Maurras. Although it supported the Orleanist branch, according to historian René Rémond's categorization of French right-wing families, it would be closer to the legitimist branch, characterized by rejection of the 1789 French Revolution's ideals (while the Orleanist branch is, according to Rémond, a movement which supports economic liberalism).

It was founded in 1898 during the Dreyfus affair, partly in reaction to the left wing revitalization materializing in defence of the army captain, famously launched by Emile Zola's J'accuse. Originally a nationalist organization, which attracted figures such as Maurice Barrès, it became monarchist under the influence of Maurras, following the earlier ideas of counter-revolutionary theorist Joseph de Maistre. Until its dissolution at the end of the Second World War, the Action Française was a prominent proponent of far right integral nationalism, which regarded the nation as an organic entity of blood and soil.

See also

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