Blason and contreblason du couillon  

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Friar John and  Panurge give the Blason and contreblason du couillon  by  Rabelais
Friar John and Panurge give the Blason and contreblason du couillon by Rabelais

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The blason and contreblason du couillon (Eng blason and counterblason of the bollock) are two blasons of the couillons (English: bollocks) which are featured in Rabelais's Third Book of Gargantua and Pantagruel. First, there is Panurge's blason[1] in "How Panurge consulteth with Friar John of the Funnels", then Frère Jean's counterblason[2] in "How Friar John comforteth Panurge in the doubtful matter of cuckoldry".

The number of epithets seems to vary from translation to translation. Bakhtin in Rabelais and His World only counts 153 for the praise (blason) and 150 for the abuse (counterblason).

Most sources speak of 166 for the blason and 168 for the counterblason:

La liste de Panurge continue jusqu'au cent soixante-sixième couillon. Tandis que les adjectifs de Panurge sont plutôt positifs, Frère Jean répond par cent soixante-huit couillons plutôt négatifs.[3]

Madness, Masks, and Laughter: An Essay on Comedy (1995) by Rupert D. V. Glasgow speaks of 166 for the blason and 169 for the counterblason.

The English version by [4] Urquhart and Motteux features 275 epithets for the blason and 432 for the counterblason.


Blason du couillon

The following blason du couillon comes from the chapter How Panurge consulteth with Friar John of the Funnels of the Third Book.

English translation from the Urquhart and Motteux translation (275 epithets)

Mellow C. Varnished C. Resolute C. Lead-coloured C. Renowned C. Cabbage-like C. Knurled C. Matted C. Courteous C. Suborned C. Genitive C. Fertile C. Desired C. Gigantal C. Whizzing C. Stuffed C. Oval C. Neat C. Speckled C. Claustral C. Common C. Finely metalled C. Virile C. Brisk C. Arabian-like C. Stayed C. Quick C. Trussed-up Greyhound-like C. Massive C. Bearlike C. Manual C. Partitional C. Mounted C. Absolute C. Patronymic C. Sleeked C. Well-set C. Cockney C. Diapered C. Gemel C. Auromercuriated C. Spotted C. Turkish C. Robust C. Master C. Burning C. Appetizing C. Seeded C. Thwacking C. Succourable C. Lusty C. Urgent C. Redoubtable C. Jupped C. Handsome C. Affable C. Milked C. Prompt C. Memorable C. Calfeted C. Fortunate C. Palpable C. Raised C. Boxwood C. Barbable C. Odd C. Latten C. Tragical C. Steeled C. Unbridled C. Transpontine C. Stale C. Hooked C. Digestive C. Orange-tawny C. Researched C. Active C. Embroidered C. Encompassed C. Vital C. Glazed C. Strouting out C. Magistral C. Interlarded C. Jolly C. Monachal C. Burgher-like C. Lively C. Subtle C. Empowdered C. Gerundive C. Hammering C. Ebonized C. Franked C. Clashing C. Brasiliated C. Polished C. Tingling C. Organized C. Powdered Beef C. Usual C. Passable C. Positive C. Exquisite C. Trunkified C. Spared C. Trim C. Furious C. Bold C. Succulent C. Packed C. Lascivious C. Factious C. Hooded C. Gluttonous C. Clammy C. Fat C. Boulting C. New-vamped C. High-prized C. Snorting C. Improved C. Requisite C. Pilfering C. Malling C. Laycod C. Shaking C. Sounding C. Hand-filling C. Bobbing C. Battled C. Insuperable C. Chiveted C. Burly C. Agreeable C. Fumbling C. Seditious C. Formidable C. Topsyturvying C. Wardian C. Profitable C. Raging C. Protective C. Notable C. Piled up C. Twinkling C. Musculous C. Filled up C. Able C. Subsidiary C. Manly C. Algoristical C. Satiric C. Idle C. Odoriferous C. Repercussive C. Membrous C. Pranked C. Convulsive C. Strong C. Jocund C. Restorative C. Twin C. Routing C. Masculinating C. Belabouring C. Purloining C. Incarnative C. Gentle C. Frolic C. Sigillative C. Stirring C. Wagging C. Sallying C. Confident C. Ruffling C. Plump C. Nimble C. Jumbling C. Thundering C. Roundheaded C. Rumbling C. Lechering C. Figging C. Thumping C. Fulminating C. Helpful C. Bumping C. Sparkling C. Spruce C. Cringeling C. Ramming C. Plucking C. Berumpling C. Lusty C. Ramage C. Jogging C. Household C. Fine C. Nobbing C. Pretty C. Fierce C. Touzing C. Astrolabian C. Brawny C. Tumbling C. Algebraical C. Compt C. Fambling C. Venust C. Repaired C. Overturning C. Aromatizing C. Soft C. Shooting C. Tricksy C. Wild C. Culeting C. Paillard C. Renewed C. Jagged C. Gaillard C. Quaint C. Pinked C. Broaching C. Starting C. Arsiversing C. Addle C. Fleshy C. Polished C. Syndicated C. Auxiliary C. Slashed C. Hamed C. Stuffed C. Clashing C. Leisurely C. Well-fed C. Wagging C. Cut C. Flourished C. Scriplike C. Smooth C. Fallow C. Encremastered C. Depending C. Sudden C. Bouncing C. Independent C. Graspful C. Levelling C. Lingering C. Swillpow C. Fly-flap C. Rapping C. Crushing C. Perinae-tegminal C. Reverend C. Creaking C. Squat-couching C. Nodding C. Dilting C. Short-hung C. Disseminating C. Ready C. The hypogastrian C. Affecting C. Vigorous C. Witness-bearing C. Affected C. Skulking C. Testigerous C. Grappled C. Superlative C. Instrumental C.

Dutch translation

partial translation JWG

Malse kloot geverniste k. resolute k. loodkleurige k. vermaarde k., koolachtige k. kartelmoeren k., matte k., hoffelijke k. omgekochte k., genitieve k., vruchtbare k. gewenste k., gigantische k., suizende k. gevulde k., ovale k., propere k. gespikkelde k., ingesloten k., gewone k., from De geschiedenis van de erotiek: van holbewoner tot Markies de Sade

Vermeer-Pardoen translation

"Lulletje lampenkatoen, lulletje kitskadin, lulletje ruigpoot, oetlul, looienlul, druiplul, lulletje langhaar, opgekalefaterd lulletje, bontelul, lulletje loeres, lulletje stuuk, lulletje krulletje, lulletje arabesk, lulletje lebbes, lulletje knijn-aan’-t-spit, lulletje hangklok, lulletje van stavast lulletje klaprood, …" p144, Vermeer-Pardoen vertaling, Derde en vierde boek, Pantagruel

French original (169 epithets)

Couillon moignon c. de renom.

c. paté. c. naté

c. plombé c. laicté.

c. feutré c. calfaté.

c. madré c. relevé.

c. de stuc. c. de crotesque.

c. Arabesque. c. asseré.

c. troussé à la levresque. c. antiquaire.

c. asceuré. c. guarancé.

c. calandré. c. requamé.

c. diapré. c. estamé.

c. martelé. c. entrelardé.

c. iuré. c. bourgeois.

c. grené. c. d'esmorche.

c. endesvé. c. goildronné.

c. palletoqué. c. aposté.

c. lyripipié. c. desiré.

c. vernissé. c. d'Ebène.

c. de Bresil. c. de Bouys.

c. organizé. c. Latin.

c. de passe. c. à croc.

c. d'estoc. c. effrené.

c. forcené. c. affecté.

c. entassé. c. compassé.

c. farcy. c. bouffy.

c. polly. c. iolly.

c. poudrebif. c. brandif.

c. positif. c. gerondif.

c. genitif. c. actif

c. gigantal. c. vital.

c. oval. c. magistral.

c. claustral. c. monachal.

c. viril. c. subtil.

c. de respect. c. de relés.

c. de seiour. c. d'audace.

c. massif. c. lascif.

c. manuel. c. guoulu.

c. absolu. c. resolu.

c. membru. c. cabus.

c. gemeau. c. courtoys.

c. turquoys. c. second.

c. brislant. c. sifflant.

c. estrillant. c. gent.

c. urgent. c. banier.

c. duisant. c. brusquer.

c. prompt. c. prinsaultier.

c. fortuné. c. clabault.

c. coyrault. c. usual.

c. de haulte lisse. c. c. exquis.

c. requis. c. fallot.

c. cullot. c. picardent.

c. de raphe. c. Guelphe.

c. ursin. c. de triage.

c. de paraige. c. de mesnage.

c. patronymicque. c. pouppin.

c. guespin. c. d'alidada.

c. d'algamala. c. d'algebra.

c. robuste. c. venuste.

c. d'appetit. c. insuperable.

c. secourable. c. agreable.

c. redoubtable. c. espovantable.

c. affable. c. profitable.

c. memorable. c. notable.

c. palpable. c. musculeux.

c. bardable. c. subsidiaire.

c. Tragicque. c. Satyricque.

c. transpontin. c. repercussif.

c. digestif. c. convulsif.

c. incarnatif. c. restauratif.

c. sigillatif. c. masculinant.

c. ronssinant. c. baudouinant.

c. refaict. c. fulminant.

c. tonnant. c. estincelant.

c. martelant. c. arietant.

c. strident. c. aromatisant.

c. timpant. c. diaspermatisant.

c. pimpant. c. ronflant.

c. paillard. c. pillard.

c. guaillard. c. hochant.

c. brochant. c. talochant.

c. avorté. c. eschalloté.

c. syndicqué. c. farfouillant.

c. belutant. c. culbutant.

Couillon hacquebutant, couillon culletant

Contreblason du couillon

This part features Rabelais's contreblason du couillon, see blason and contreblason du couillon.

Frère Jean's disparagement of the bollocks (440 adjectives) in the Tiers Livre, in the chapter "How Friar John comforteth Panurge in the doubtful matter of cuckoldry":

English translation Urquhart and Motteux translation (432 epithets)

Faded C. Louting C. Appellant C. Mouldy C. Discouraged C. Swagging C. Musty C. Surfeited C. Withered C. Paltry C. Peevish C. Broken-reined C. Senseless C. Translated C. Defective C. Foundered C. Forlorn C. Crestfallen C. Distempered C. Unsavoury C. Felled C. Bewrayed C. Worm-eaten C. Fleeted C. Inveigled C. Overtoiled C. Cloyed C. Dangling C. Miserable C. Squeezed C. Stupid C. Steeped C. Resty C. Seedless C. Kneaded-with-cold- Pounded C. Soaked C. water C. Loose C. Coldish C. Hacked C. Fruitless C. Pickled C. Flaggy C. Riven C. Churned C. Scrubby C. Pursy C. Filliped C. Drained C. Fusty C. Singlefied C. Haled C. Jadish C. Begrimed C. Lolling C. Fistulous C. Wrinkled C. Drenched C. Languishing C. Fainted C. Burst C. Maleficiated C. Extenuated C. Stirred up C. Hectic C. Grim C. Mitred C. Worn out C. Wasted C. Peddlingly furnished Ill-favoured C. Inflamed C. C. Duncified C. Unhinged C. Rusty C. Macerated C. Scurfy C. Exhausted C. Paralytic C. Straddling C. Perplexed C. Degraded C. Putrefied C. Unhelved C. Benumbed C. Maimed C. Fizzled C. Bat-like C. Overlechered C. Leprous C. Fart-shotten C. Druggely C. Bruised C. Sunburnt C. Mitified C. Spadonic C. Pacified C. Goat-ridden C. Boughty C. Blunted C. Weakened C. Mealy C. Rankling tasted C. Ass-ridden C. Wrangling C. Rooted out C. Puff-pasted C. Gangrened C. Costive C. St. Anthonified C. Crust-risen C. Hailed on C. Untriped C. Ragged C. Cuffed C. Blasted C. Quelled C. Buffeted C. Cut off C. Braggadocio C. Whirreted C. Beveraged C. Beggarly C. Robbed C. Scarified C. Trepanned C. Neglected C. Dashed C. Bedusked C. Lame C. Slashed C. Emasculated C. Confused C. Enfeebled C. Corked C. Unsavoury C. Whore-hunting C. Transparent C. Overthrown C. Deteriorated C. Vile C. Boulted C. Chill C. Antedated C. Trod under C. Scrupulous C. Chopped C. Desolate C. Crazed C. Pinked C. Declining C. Tasteless C. Cup-glassified C. Stinking C. Sorrowful C. Harsh C. Crooked C. Murdered C. Beaten C. Brabbling C. Matachin-like C. Barred C. Rotten C. Besotted C. Abandoned C. Anxious C. Customerless C. Confounded C. Clouted C. Minced C. Loutish C. Tired C. Exulcerated C. Borne down C. Proud C. Patched C. Sparred C. Fractured C. Stupified C. Abashed C. Melancholy C. Annihilated C. Unseasonable C. Coxcombly C. Spent C. Oppressed C. Base C. Foiled C. Grated C. Bleaked C. Anguished C. Falling away C. Detested C. Disfigured C. Smallcut C. Diaphanous C. Disabled C. Disordered C. Unworthy C. Forceless C. Latticed C. Checked C. Censured C. Ruined C. Mangled C. Cut C. Exasperated C. Turned over C. Rifled C. Rejected C. Harried C. Undone C. Belammed C. Flawed C. Corrected C. Fabricitant C. Froward C. Slit C. Perused C. Ugly C. Skittish C. Emasculated C. Drawn C. Spongy C. Roughly handled C. Riven C. Botched C. Examined C. Distasteful C. Dejected C. Cracked C. Hanging C. Jagged C. Wayward C. Broken C. Pining C. Haggled C. Limber C. Deformed C. Gleaning C. Effeminate C. Mischieved C. Ill-favoured C. Kindled C. Cobbled C. Pulled C. Evacuated C. Embased C. Drooping C. Grieved C. Ransacked C. Faint C. Carking C. Despised C. Parched C. Disorderly C. Mangy C. Paltry C. Empty C. Abased C. Cankered C. Disquieted C. Supine C. Void C. Besysted C. Mended C. Vexed C. Confounded C. Dismayed C. Bestunk C. Hooked C. Divorous C. Winnowed C. Unlucky C. Wearied C. Decayed C. Sterile C. Sad C. Disastrous C. Beshitten C. Cross C. Unhandsome C. Appeased C. Vain-glorious C. Stummed C. Caitiff C. Poor C. Barren C. Woeful C. Brown C. Wretched C. Unseemly C. Shrunken C. Feeble C. Heavy C. Abhorred C. Cast down C. Weak C. Troubled C. Stopped C. Prostrated C. Scornful C. Kept under C. Uncomely C. Dishonest C. Stubborn C. Naughty C. Reproved C. Ground C. Laid flat C. Cocketed C. Retchless C. Suffocated C. Filthy C. Weather-beaten C. Held down C. Shred C. Flayed C. Barked C. Chawned C. Bald C. Hairless C. Short-winded C. Tossed C. Flamping C. Branchless C. Flapping C. Hooded C. Chapped C. Cleft C. Wormy C. Failing C. Meagre C. Besysted C. Deficient C. Dumpified C. Faulty C. Lean C. Suppressed C. Bemealed C. Consumed C. Hagged C. Mortified C. Used C. Jawped C. Scurvy C. Puzzled C. Havocked C. Bescabbed C. Allayed C. Astonished C. Torn C. Spoiled C. Dulled C. Subdued C. Clagged C. Slow C. Sneaking C. Palsy-stricken C. Plucked up C. Bare C. Amazed C. Constipated C. Swart C. Bedunsed C. Blown C. Smutched C. Extirpated C. Blockified C. Raised up C. Banged C. Pommelled C. Chopped C. Stripped C. All-to-bemauled C. Flirted C. Hoary C. Fallen away C. Blained C. Blotted C. Stale C. Rensy C. Sunk in C. Corrupted C. Frowning C. Ghastly C. Beflowered C. Limping C. Unpointed C. Amated C. Ravelled C. Beblistered C. Blackish C. Rammish C. Wizened C. Underlaid C. Gaunt C. Beggar-plated C. Loathing C. Beskimmered C. Douf C. Ill-filled C. Scraggy C. Clarty C. Bobbed C. Lank C. Lumpish C. Mated C. Swashering C. Abject C. Tawny C. Moiling C. Side C. Whealed C. Swinking C. Choked up C. Besmeared C. Harried C. Backward C. Hollow C. Tugged C. Prolix C. Pantless C. Towed C. Spotted C. Guizened C. Misused C. Crumpled C. Demiss C. Adamitical C. Frumpled C. Refractory C. </pre>

Dutch translation (excerpt, translation JWG)

Verschoten kloot., lompe k., smekende k. beschimmelde k. ontmoedigde k., buitgemaakte k. met koud water ingewreven k., onverzadigde k., zielige k. gemelijke k., overwerkte k., hangende k., from De geschiedenis van de erotiek: van holbewoner tot Markies de Sade

French original (169 epithets)

Couillon flatry

C. moisy.

c. rouy. c. chaumeny.

c. poitry d'eaue froyde. c. pendillant.

c. transy. c. appellant.

c. avallé. c. guavasche.

c. fené. c. esgrené.

c. esrené. c. incongru.

c. de saillance. c. forbeu.

c. hallebrené. c. lanterné.

c. prosterné. c. embrené.

c. engroué. c. amadoué.

c. ecremé. c. exprimé.

c. supprimé. c. chetif.

c. retif. c. putatif.

c. moulu. c. vermoulu.

c. dissolu. c. courbatu.

c. morfondu. c. malautru.

c. dyscrasié. c. biscarié.

c. disgratié. c. liegé.

c. flacque. c. diaphane.

c. esgoutté. c. desgousté.

c. acravanté. c. chippoté.

c. escharbotté. c. halleboté.

c. mitré. c. chapitré.

c. baratté. c. chicquané.

c. bimbelotté. c. eschaubouillé.

c. entouillé. c. barbouillé.

c. vuidé. c. riddé.

c. chagrin. c. have.

c. demanché. c. morné.

c. vereux. c. pesneux.

c. vesneux. c. forbeu.

c. malandré. c. meshaigné.

c. thlasié. c. thlibié.

c. spadonicque. c. sphacelé.

c. bistorié. c. deshinguandé.

c. farineux. c. farcineux.

c. hergneux. c. varicqueux.

c. gangreneux; c. vereux.

c. croustelevé. c. esclopé.

c. depenaillé. c. fanfreluché.

c. matté. c. frelatté.

c. guoguelu. c. farfelu.

c. trepelu. c. mitonné.

c. trepané. c. boucané.

c. basané. c. effilé.

c. eviré. c. vietdazé.

c. feueilleté. c. mariné.

c. estiomené. c. extirpé.

c. etrippé. c. constippé.

c. nieblé. c. greslé.

c. syncopé. c. soufleté.

c. ripoppé. c. busseté.

c. dechicqueté. c. corneté.

c. ventousé. c. talemousé.

c. effructé. c. balafré.

c. gersé. c. eruyté.

c. pantois. c. putois.

c. fusté. c. poulsé.

c. de godalle. c. frilleux.

c. fistuleux. c. scrupuleux.

c. languoureux. c. fellé.

c. maleficié. c. rance.

c. hectique. c. diminutif.

c. usé. c. tintalorisé.

c. quinault. c. marpault.

c. matagrabolisé. c. rouillé.

c. maceré. c. indague.

c. paralyticque. c. antidaté.

c. degradé. c. manchot.

c. perclus. c. confus.

c. de Ratepenade. c. Maussade.

c. de petarrade. c. acablé.

c. hallé. c. affablé.

c. dessiré. c. desolé.

c. hebeté. c. decadent.

c. cornant. c. soloecisant.

c. appellant. c. mince.

c. barré. c. ulceré.

c. assassiné. c. bobeliné.

c. devalizé. c. engourdely.

c. anonchaly. c. aneanty.

c. de matafain. c. de zero.

c. badelorié. c. frippé.

c. deschalandé. c. febricitant.

Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Blason and contreblason du couillon" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic. See Art and Popular Culture's copyright notice.

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