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A Clearing in the Woods (1865) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
A Clearing in the Woods (1865) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

"From the labyrinth beyond time and space, seeks his way out to a clearing" --"The Creative Act" (1957) by Marcel Duchamp

"In the midst of being as a whole an open place occurs. There is a clearing, a lighting. Thought of in reference to what is, to beings, this clearing is in a greater degree than are beings. This open center is therefore not surrounded by what is; rather, the lighting center itself encircles all that is, like the Nothing which we scarcely know. That which is can only be, as a being, if it stands within and stands out within what is lighted in this clearing. Only this clearing grants and guarantees to us humans a passage to those beings that we ourselves are not, and access to the being that we ourselves are."--The Origin of the Work of Art (1950) by Martin Heidegger

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