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  1. A step on a set of stairs; the rung of a ladder.
  2. An individual step, or stage, in any process or scale of values. # A stage of rank or privilege; social standing. #* 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Luke XX:
    • Master, we knowe that thou sayest, and teachest ryght, nether considerest thou eny mannes degre, but techest the waye of god truely.
  3. A ‘step’ in genealogical descent.
  4. One's relative state or experience; way, manner.
    • 1851, Herman Melville, Moby-Dick:
      If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.
  5. The amount that an entity possesses a certain property; relative intensity, extent.
    To what degree do the two accounts of the accident concur?
  6. A stage of proficiency or qualification in a course of study, now especially an award bestowed by a university or, in some countries, a college, as a certification of academic achievement. (In the United States, can include secondary schools.)
    She has two bachelor's degrees and is studying towards a master's degree.
  7. A unit of measurement of angle equal to 1/360 of a circle's circumference.
    A right angle is a ninety degree angle.
    Most humans have a field of vision of almost 180 degrees.
  8. A unit of measurement of temperature on any of several scales, such as Celsius or Fahrenheit.
    90 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 32.2 degrees Celsius.
    Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  9. The sum of the exponents of a term; the order of a polynomial. Template:Defdate
  10. Template:Graph theory The number of edges that a vertex takes part in; a valency.
  11. Template:Surveying The curvature of a circular arc, expressed as the angle subtended by a fixed length of arc or chord.

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